Enlarged lymph node in the armpit on one side. The axillary lymph node is inflamed - what does this mean and what to do? When to see a doctor

The formation of lumps or small swelling in some parts of the body may be a manifestation of lymphadenitis. The nodes react to infectious agents and increase in size, suppressing bacteria and viruses. If the body's strength is not enough to fight the disease, symptoms of inflammation appear. Enlarged axillary lymph nodes indicate that a pathological process is developing in nearby organs.

Anatomy and localization of axillary lymph nodes

The axillary lymph nodes do not exceed a centimeter in diameter, are elastic, and are not fused to the surrounding tissues. During palpation, the fingers are deepened into the axillary fossa, where it is easiest to palpate the nodes when they are inflamed. The complex of lymph nodes under the arm includes the following groups:

  • apical (located in the axillary fossa);
  • central (2-12 nodes in the center of the axillary fossa);
  • lateral (localized outside the fossa);
  • thoracic (localized inside the axillary fossa);
  • subscapular (located behind the axillary fossa).

It is also worth noting the intramammary lymph nodes in women, to which the lymph converges from the mammary glands. They also belong to the axillary group and can increase during pathological processes in the chest.

How to understand that axillary lymph nodes are enlarged

In the event of an infectious process, pathogens are sent with the lymph to nearby lymph nodes. This leads to the development of lymphadenitis, which manifests itself with symptoms characteristic of inflammation. The clinical picture of enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit appears as:

  • local swelling and hyperemia;
  • an enlarged node is painful when palpated and when trying to move the hand;
  • increase in local and general temperature;
  • changes in the consistency of the lymph node (hardness, fluctuation);
  • adhesion of the node to the surrounding tissues;
  • deterioration of general condition.

Secondary symptoms of lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy include manifestations of the underlying cause of the disease. There is general weakness, depression, chills. From the cardiovascular system, disturbances in the rhythm and pulse rate may occur. It is axillary lymphadenitis that differs from other types by limited hand movements due to pain.

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes under the arms

Enlarged lymph nodes under the arms in most cases occur during the circulation of infection in the body. Playing the role of unique filters, the nodes instantly react to pathological processes in the body. The reasons why a lymph node may become enlarged include a number of pathologies:

  • skin diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • pathologies of the shoulder joint;
  • wounds, bruises;
  • chronic infections;
  • nearby purulent inflammations;
  • bacterial, viral and fungal diseases;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • oncology.

In a woman, the lymph node under the armpit may become inflamed due to pathology of the mammary glands. Mastopathy, lactostasis, breast cancer become a common cause of enlargement of the nearby lymph node. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases that can cause enlarged axillary lymph nodes

The organs of the lymphatic system respond to nearby pathologies. Therefore, groups of nodes scattered throughout the body help determine the organ in which the pathological process occurs. Lymph nodes under the arms are enlarged in a number of diseases:

  • bacterial infection (tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • fungal diseases (actinomycosis);
  • viral diseases (infectious mononucleosis);
  • skin lesions (eczema, dermatitis, abscess, boil);
  • diseases of the shoulder joints (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • oncology (lymphoma);
  • respiratory pathologies (pneumonia);
  • pathology of the mammary glands (mastitis, mastopathy);
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • cat scratch disease.

Enlarged lymph nodes are also observed with metabolic disorders and general intoxication of the body. If the node is enlarged on one side, but does not hurt, both tuberculosis and tumor processes may be to blame.

Important! Enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes during pneumonia is considered a normal reaction of the body

Which doctor should you contact if you have enlarged axillary lymph nodes?

The choice of the attending physician depends on the disease that became the root cause of lymphadenitis. It is the elimination of the etiological factor that promotes healing, returning the lymph nodes to a normal state. After the examination, the therapist refers you to a highly specialized specialist who prescribes appropriate treatment. If the lymph node is enlarged, you should consult the following doctors:

  • infectious disease specialist (if there is an infectious agent in the body);
  • hematologist (to identify viruses and bacteria in the blood);
  • surgeon (for purulent inflammation or nearby abscesses);
  • orthopedist (for shoulder joint disease);
  • mammologist (for pathology of the mammary glands);
  • oncologist (if the cause of lymphadenitis is a tumor).

When making a diagnosis, doctors use various methods. Palpation of enlarged lymph nodes is necessary to determine the form of inflammation and localization. Further additional diagnostics may be required. It makes it possible to find out why the pathology occurred and choose the right treatment.

What examinations will you have to undergo if the lymph node under the arms is enlarged?

Before prescribing additional research methods, the patient must undergo an initial examination. The doctor collects anamnesis, studying the patient’s complaints, and examines pathological areas. When examining inflamed lymph nodes under the armpit, the palpation method is used. After the examination, the specialist may prescribe additional research using:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • computer and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • lymphoscintigraphy;
  • clinical and biochemical blood analysis;
  • node biopsy;
  • test for tumor markers.

During the examination, the underlying disease is not only diagnosed. Additional research methods make it possible to assess the structure and extent of lymph node damage. The knowledge gained plays an important role in drawing up a course of treatment.

Basic principles of treatment of axillary lymphadenopathy

If the lymph node is enlarged in the armpit, conservative treatment is more suitable. The action of the drugs used is aimed both at eliminating the cause of lymphadenopathy and at combating the symptoms. The therapy is based on the use of the following groups of drugs:

Group of drugs

Purpose of application

Antibiotics and antibacterial agents

To combat infectious factors of a bacterial, viral or fungal nature

Amoxiclav internally, 1 tablet every 8 hours 3 times a day


To eliminate pain in the armpit

Ketolong 1 tablet 1-3 times a day


To eliminate signs of the inflammatory process (fever, soreness, redness, swelling)

Dexamethasone for adults: 1 tablet 2 times a day

Antiallergic drugs

If the cause of lymphadenitis is an allergic reaction

Cetrin for adults: 1 tablet once a day

The use of physiotherapeutic agents is also indicated for enlarged lymph nodes. The use of electrophoresis and UHF showed good results. Surgical intervention is necessary in the presence of nearby abscesses and a purulent form of inflammation. Timely provision of assistance makes it possible to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. Also, timely therapy helps to relieve possible complications and speed up recovery.

Lymph nodes are located in different places in our body; there are about 150 of them. Their greatest accumulation is in places that are most often attacked by germs and bacteria: in the groin, near the armpits, on the neck.

Human lymphatic system

Of these, the lymph nodes located in the armpit area are the most susceptible to attack, so they most often become inflamed. At the same time, it is important to know how to treat the pathology so as not to harm the body.

The human lymphatic and immune systems are closely related. Therefore, any even slight enlargement of the lymph nodes may indicate the presence of a disease that requires urgent treatment. But in order to prescribe the correct therapy, it is necessary to find out what is causing the inflammation.

The reasons may be different:

  1. Colds and viral diseases. Most often, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits is associated with throat diseases, such as sore throat, ARVI, influenza and other viral infections. Before treating lymphadenitis, it is first necessary to eliminate the underlying disease, and the lymph nodes themselves will then recover;
  2. Viruses and bacteria. The most common causative agents of inflammation in the lymph nodes are staphylococci and streptococci;
  3. Oncological diseases. Here, special attention should be paid to breast cancer. But the body can also react in a similar way to tumors in the lungs or throat. In rare cases, the cause may be a malignant tumor of the lymph nodes;
  4. Thrombophlebitis. If the blood is very thick, blockage of the veins may occur, which contributes to inflammation of the lymph nodes located nearby;
  5. Toxin poisoning. In case of poisoning, the body tries to remove poisons, including through the sweat glands, the largest number of which are located in the armpits. Because of this, the lymph nodes in this area may become enlarged;
  6. Allergy. The same principle applies as with toxin poisoning. The most common culprit is deodorant that prevents sweating;
  7. Increased sweating. When you sweat very heavily, the sweat glands are attacked by many bacteria. The lymph nodes that guard order sometimes fail to cope with their task, and their inflammation may occur;
  8. Furunculosis. Inflammation of the hair follicles can also lead to enlarged lymph nodes.

Pay attention! With oncology of the lymph nodes, not only those where the tumor is located often become inflamed, but also others: in the groin, near the ears.

When the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, only a qualified doctor can tell you how to treat it. He will determine the cause of the inflammation and prescribe the correct treatment aimed at eliminating the disease that caused the enlargement of the lymph nodes.

If the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, an experienced doctor will tell you how to treat it

If the lymph nodes are enlarged and painful, doctors recommend following the following measures to treat inflammation:

  • Do not overload diseased lymph nodes, especially in the early stages;
  • Apply an integrated approach to treatment - physiotherapy, compresses, ointments, etc.;
  • Take antibiotics only under the supervision of your doctor;
  • Increase immunity.

Be careful! If the lymph nodes in the armpits become systematically inflamed, this may indicate a serious illness. Therefore, before treating them, you need to make sure that the chosen drugs will help cope with the pathology.

Antibiotic therapy for inflammation of the lymph nodes

If the disease of the lymph nodes is associated with a viral infection, then for successful treatment the doctor must prescribe antibiotics that help slow down the inflammatory process. They are most often used at the early stage of the disease.


If the inflammation is not specific, penicillin antibiotics will be sufficient:

  • Benzylpenicillin;
  • Oxacillin;
  • Amoxicillin.

Antibiotic therapy usually lasts from 10 to 14 days, during which time the lymph nodes shrink or their inflammation subsides altogether. If enlarged lymph nodes occur as a result of tuberculosis, treatment must be carried out in a hospital.

Local treatment with anti-inflammatory ointments

Since there are many causes of inflammation, different medications are also used to eliminate these causes. As a rule, after the underlying disease is cured, inflammation in the area of ​​the lymph nodes subsides on its own. But if the treatment is comprehensive, then the result will come much faster. So, in addition to injections and tablets, local treatment is also used - compresses and ointments that relieve inflammation.

Most often, the following anti-inflammatory ointments are used to treat an enlarged lymph node:

  • Boric Vaseline;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Heparin ointment.

The use of Chlorethyl to relieve inflammation in the lymph nodes

Not everyone knows what to do and how to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes. Doctors often recommend the use of Chlorethyl. This drug not only eliminates the inflammatory process well, but also anesthetizes the area around the affected area.

It is used topically, just spray the area of ​​the inflamed lymph node, and the skin around it will become numb. To completely prevent inflammation, several sessions are sufficient.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of lymph nodes in the armpit

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, so doctors very often prescribe them as an addition to the treatment of the underlying viral disease.

Basically, this is electrophoresis with the use of drugs and ultrasound therapy in the area of ​​​​the affected lymph node, which not only help relieve inflammation, but also reduce pain.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes

In some cases, folk remedies help well with inflammation of the lymph nodes. Among traditional medicines aimed at treating the inflammatory process in the lymphatic system, the main ones are anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agents.

Herbal tinctures are an effective remedy against inflammation of the lymph nodes
Name of folk medicine Medicine prescription What is the drug aimed at?
Echinacea tinctureThe tincture should be taken three times a day after meals, 0.5 tsp, diluted in ¼ tbsp. waterPrevents not only inflammation of the lymph node in the armpit, but also promotes the treatment and elimination of certain viral diseases that caused the inflammation
Aloe juiceAloe juice, honey and red wine are mixed in equal proportions and left for a week. You should take 1 tbsp. l. before mealsGood antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent
Beet juiceSqueeze the juice from the beets, refrigerate for 5 hours, and only then can you drink 0.5 tbsp. on an empty stomach for 7 daysAntiviral and immunostimulating effect
CalendulaIt is brewed like tea and taken 50 ml 4 times a day, but not more than 10 daysRemoves pathogenic microorganisms from lymph
TansyBrew like tea, leave for 4 hours, drink 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. You can mix tansy with calendula flowersAnti-inflammatory effect
Garlic tinctureInfuse 2 heads of garlic in 1 liter of water for 3 days. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.Strong antiviral agent
Vitamin CIt is recommended to take 200 ml three times a day. There are more products that contain this vitamin - citrus fruits, cabbage and others.It is especially prescribed if inflammation occurs as a result of a sore throat, flu or acute respiratory viral infection, since in this case immunity increases
A decoction of calendula flowers, elderberry, lavender, wormwood and currant leavesTwo tablespoons of a mixture of dry plants are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left overnight. Then taken throughout the day. The course of treatment is up to two months.General strengthening, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory

Important to remember! You can't let the disease take its course. Disease of the lymph nodes is dangerous because, without the necessary treatment, it can become chronic, and this will lead to constant exacerbations.

Surgery as a way to treat inflamed lymph nodes

In general, treatment of inflamed lymph nodes is carried out conservatively. Surgical intervention should be resorted to only in cases of purulent lymphadenitis. The operation is performed urgently to eliminate accumulated pus.

Surgical treatment is also used for malignant tumors of the lymph nodes. In this case, the affected lymph node is completely removed, and special anti-cancer drugs are prescribed.

Inflammation of the lymph node in the armpit area. How to treat and which doctor should I contact?

If the lymph node in the armpit is inflamed, it is better to consult a doctor than to try to treat it yourself.

First of all, you should come to see your family doctor - therapist. He will order tests to determine whether the inflammation is due to an infectious disease or whether it may be something more serious. To identify more serious diseases, mammography and ultrasound are prescribed, as well as tests for cancer markers.

The next doctor you should visit is a surgeon. He will examine the inflammation and make a conclusion regarding the need for surgical intervention.

If inflammation of the lymph node is accompanied by increased fatigue and poor appetite, then you should definitely visit an oncologist in order to promptly identify or refute the appearance of a malignant tumor.

In case of lymph node cancer, in addition to weakness, a characteristic sign is shortness of breath and pale skin.

Since the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes are different, the treatment will be specific in each case. In one case, doctors recommend immunostimulants and vitamins, in the other, antibiotics cannot be avoided.

But under any circumstances, increasing immunity, which is directly related to the human lymphatic system, will significantly help.

Take care of yourself and your health, because health is the most important thing!

How to treat inflammation of the lymph node under the arm. Causes of inflammation

What to do if the lymph node under the armpit, on the neck or in other places is inflamed. Tips on how to treat the disease:

An excerpt from a TV show that talks about lymph nodes, the causes of their inflammation, and treatment methods:

What causes inflammation of the lymph nodes:

About the cervical and axillary lymph nodes from the doctor:

If the lymph node in the armpit is inflamed, this indicates problems and malfunctions in the human body. Lymph nodes are localized in parts of the human body; there are 150 locations. Common ones are in the armpits and neck. The lymph nodes under the armpit are the most susceptible to inflammation.

To identify the root cause, a consultation with a therapist is necessary. If inflammation occurs in a child, go to the pediatrician. Causes of pathology:

  1. Viruses and colds. Inflammation can occur due to infection with an acute respiratory viral infection, sore throat or influenza. To relieve the symptoms of lymphadenitis, the disease that caused the inflammatory process must be cured.
  2. Direct penetration of foreign agents into the lymph node. Bacterial infection with staphylococci or streptococci directly in the lymph node can cause inflammatory processes.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. Impaired blood circulation in the vessels also leads to lymphadenitis. When blood thickens, associated with excessive consumption of sweets, the veins become clogged and circulation is impaired.
  4. Toxic poisoning. Lymph nodes are a link in cleansing the body; in case of poisoning, toxins will try to be eliminated through sweat, leading to inflammation of the axillary nodes.
  5. Allergy. It may occur in response to deodorant, and again the lymph nodes will try to remove foreign agents through the armpits.
  6. Excessive sweating. Sweat is a favorable environment for the development of diseases and bacteria. If there is an excess of sweat secretion, the lymph nodes may not have time to cope with the amount of bacteria. The germ slips through, causing inflammation.
  7. Furunculosis. It is an independent disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the hair follicles. Inflammation can gradually spread to the lymph nodes. An enlarged lymph node is possible due to shaving.
  8. Malignant neoplasms. Oncology. Cancer can affect the human body, the symptom will be inflammation in the axillary, intramammary and para-aortic lymph nodes. The tumor can form in the chest, larynx, lungs or throat.


If the lymph node in the armpit is inflamed, a course of treatment will be prescribed by a general practitioner. The doctor, using numerous diagnostics, will determine the cause of the inflammation and make a diagnosis. After treatment of the disease, the lymph nodes will decrease in size on their own.

To relieve symptoms, eliminate pain and swelling, you will need to follow a number of medical recommendations:

  • In case of inflammation, you need to give rest to the nodes, therefore, you should not load the protective elements. You need to stop using deodorants and try to stay in a ventilated area so as not to sweat.
  • Treatment must be comprehensive, using medications and physiotherapy, compresses, ointments, etc.
  • When prescribing a course of antibiotics, they must be taken in consultation with a physician, since the body’s reaction must be under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Take vitamin supplements to boost immunity. The selection of vitamin supplements will have to be done by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition.

Antibiotic therapy for inflammation

To stop the spread of a bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. The doctor prescribes medications to solve problems with infection; the early stage of the disease is amenable to the specified treatment.

If tuberculosis is excluded, therapy is prescribed for a period of 7 to 14 days. The allotted time is enough to relieve or reduce the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes. With tuberculosis, treatment becomes more complicated, complex and inpatient.

Local treatment with anti-inflammatory ointments

To speed up the relief of symptoms, ointments are used that accelerate the relief of inflammation. They do not treat the disease, but eliminate external effects. Compresses and other methods will help. The methods help improve blood circulation and accelerate the process of resorption of stagnation.

Application of chloroethyl

Prescribing chlorethyl is necessary if the patient's lymph node hurts. Due to the content of an anesthetic in the composition, the drug relieves inflammation, shrinks the lymph node, reduces the sensitivity of this area of ​​​​the skin, which will help relieve pain. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a spray applied to the area. The skin will darken after application, this is normal. To completely eliminate the inflammatory process, the course consists of 5-6 sessions.


To strengthen the immune system and influence the lymph nodes, physiotherapy is often prescribed for inflammation. As an addition to the course of treatment, it performs a strengthening function.

The procedures consist of electrophoresis with medications and ultrasound therapy in the axillary area. The effect is elimination of the inflammatory process and reduction of pain.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are responsible for cleansing the body; medicines and folk methods can help. The focus of folk remedies is the treatment of inflammation, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agents.

Surgical intervention

In the absence of pathology, treatment does not require surgical intervention, but if a purulent infection spreads, it is necessary. Pus can cause side problems, including rotting of the flesh. Urgent surgical intervention will be required to clean out the cavities.

Also necessary for oncology. If the lymph node is already affected by malignant neoplasms, it is removed and courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are prescribed.

Inflammation of the intramammary node in women

For women on the planet, an additional danger is inflammation of the lymph node located in the mammary gland or armpit.

Intramammary lymph nodes

They are localized in the upper outer quadrant of the mammary gland. Present on both sides in the armpit area. Absent in men, only in women. The location of the lymph nodes is designed so that the infection does not spread.


The lymphatic system will perform the function of a filter due to immune reactions occurring in the thymus and bursa-dependent areas. In the lymph nodes, distribution occurs into lymph and other foreign bodies; lymph flows from adjacent organs and tissues. If there is an excess of antigens in the inflowing lymph, inflammation of the nodes occurs and their size increases.

When to worry

A lymph node tumor is considered a consequence of the disease, and not a pathology. You should be concerned if the lymph node is enlarged, which indicates abnormalities in the human body. During an X-ray or mammographic examination, the lymph nodes should not be visible, but during inflammatory processes the elements are enlarged and compacted, appearing as a white spot on the pictures.

Lymphadenopathy is the so-called enlargement of intramammary nodes, which is a consequence of inflammatory and infectious or bacterial diseases. Although this is a consequence, the symptom cannot be ignored; the inflammation will go away after treatment of the disease. If you notice the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Possible diseases

Lymph nodes do not become enlarged without a reason. A doctor should diagnose the disease; there are many possible causes. And the degree of threat of diseases ranges from mild to difficult to treat and even fatal.


Most common during breastfeeding, after childbirth. Without safety or hygiene precautions during breastfeeding, pathogenic organisms can enter the mammary glands, and inflammation will occur. Also, during lactation periods, bacterial infections can develop if milk is not fully expressed. Stale milk becomes a favorable substrate for the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

Symptoms: an increase in basal body temperature up to 40 degrees, chest pain, an increase in breast size or redness of the skin in the area of ​​pain, headaches may be present, as well as pus discharged from the nipple.


It refers to a benign tumor that can develop in the breast. The cause is a disruption in the production of hormones. When palpated, hardening is detected on the nodule, and with light pressure, drops of liquid may be released from the nipple.

Silicone implant

After surgery to install a silicone implant, it is necessary to monitor your breast health. Possible enlarged lymph nodes. If installed incorrectly, swelling or increase in breast size may occur. For two months, you will have to carefully monitor the shape and size of your breasts to identify pathologies. There is a low probability of silicone leakage. The situation is not dangerous for the woman. But the need to contact a plastic surgeon remains.

Oncological neoplasm

Not every tumor fits the description of cancer. It is necessary to take into account a number of signs in which it is necessary to consult a doctor - oncologist. Alarming signs include: disturbance in appearance, change in volume, discharge from the nipples, changes in the structure of the epidermis, weight gain.


Tuberculosis produces symptoms throughout the body, including in the axillary nodes, which can begin an inflammatory process in the nodes near the bronchi and trachea. The nodes are considered the center of lymph maturation, which influences the correct response that the body gives to foreign agents. It is necessary to track the dynamics of changes.


Inflammation or swelling in the armpit is normal during pregnancy or before menstruation.


If the symptoms described above are identified, you should urgently consult a therapist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination, collect anamnesis, make a preliminary diagnosis and refer you to a specialist for further treatment.

Doctors involved in diagnosis: mammologist, gynecologist, surgeon and oncologist.


After palpation of the mammary glands and the area of ​​the armpits, compactions may be revealed. Referrals for additional examinations are issued. During a routine visit, symptoms of a serious illness are sometimes identified.


An imbalance of sex hormones and the presence of sexually transmitted infections can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes. A gynecologist can identify these problems and prescribe a course. Treatment consists of hormonal pills for failures in hormone production. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in case of infection.


Takes part in the treatment of mastitis (purulent form). Treatment consists of surgery. Local anesthesia is administered, then a skin incision is made, pus is removed and the cavity is cleaned. After suturing the wound, the lymph node will return to normal within one to two weeks, without additional stimulation.


The first step is to confirm the presence of a malignant tumor. There are two stages of oncology, and two methods of fight. In the initial stages, treatment is minimal. It will be necessary to remove the tumor regionally without affecting other tissues. In advanced stages, a complete mastectomy is necessary. Treatment is not limited to this; during the rehabilitation period you will have to undergo procedures aimed at improving your health. Medical gymnastics and health-improving exercises are used.

Diagnostic methods

For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo clinical examinations and find out the results, which include blood and urine tests, as well as special clinical studies for a range of diseases.


The basis of health is self-examination. At home, it is possible to detect symptoms: malaise, pain in the chest area or enlargement. For a correct and competent inspection, a number of rules must be taken into account. It is best to perform the procedure on the 10th day of the cycle, including visual examination and palpation of the mammary glands. Palpate on both sides, carefully palpating the chest in a circular motion. If the lymph node continues to enlarge, the disease develops. If any lumps or clots are detected, immediately contact a mammologist.


This method is a non-invasive method for identifying compactions. An x-ray is taken separately from the breast. The detail determines the location, shape and density of the tumor.

To avoid radiation exposure that can lead to mutations, it is possible to use MRI mammography. But the price of this method is higher, and the image resolution is lower, therefore the diagnostic benefit is less.

Ultrasound examination

The difference with mammography is that it produces dynamic images. Purpose – used to detail the pathological process or clarify the diagnosis. The analysis will show tissue differentiation, breast structure and the status of the lymph nodes.


The area with pathological processes has a different temperature compared to the body. These areas heat up the tissue due to inflammatory processes. In the picture, this area is distinguished by the presence of red shades, and a healthy one will be light. Thermography allows you to obtain such a temperature analysis of the body on film.


If malignancy is suspected, a biopsy is prescribed. The method is invasive. A section of tissue is grabbed and examined using a special device. Within 1-3 weeks, a result will come that will show the type of tumor - benign or malignant, or its absence as such.


If results are obtained that indirectly indicate oncology, additional analysis is carried out. Axillography reveals metastases. The mechanism is an x-ray of the tissues of the axillary region.

Computed tomography

Indicated to exclude or monitor a pathological process. The analysis mechanism helps to assess the course of the pathological process, the size of the lesion, and detect metastases. The computer calculation is based on information from x-rays.

Treatment for various diseases

Timely treatment and passing a number of clinical studies allow the doctor to prescribe a course of treatment. Self-medication must be avoided so as not to aggravate the situation. To familiarize yourself with the procedures, possible treatment options are presented below.

Two approaches to treatment are used: conservative and surgical. Eliminating pain in the chest area without relying on a diagnosis - using topical ointments. They help relieve pain, improve blood circulation, which helps reduce the inflammatory process and resolve the seal.

For mastitis

An infectious disease is treated with antibacterial agents. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to reduce body temperature and chest pain. Surgery is necessary if there is pus in the chest; the affected areas will be cleaned and washed.

Women who are breastfeeding need a product to suppress lactation. Excess retained milk can cause bacterial infection.

If the inflammation has become chronic, physical therapy should be added to drug treatment: electrophoresis and ultrasound.

For mastopathy

Treatment depends on the diagnosis:

  • Nodal form. Not amenable to drug treatment. Subject to surgical cutting. A dangerous form that poses a threat to human life.
  • Cystic fibrous form. After conducting examinations for hormones, the endocrinologist will prescribe hormonal therapy in the form of tablets or hormonal contraceptives.
  • Fibrous-diffuse form. Therapy consists of a course of medications and a complex integrative approach to treatment. It includes a change in lifestyle, a change in diet, and the right choice of underwear that does not restrict blood circulation. A course of treatment with hormonal and non-hormonal medications is forthcoming.

When implanted

An urgent consultation with a plastic surgeon is required. Preferably, the same specialist who performed the operation and knows about the patient and the installed implant. After collecting information, a decision will be made on the need to remove the implant and subsequent treatment. The reasons may be a change in the shape of the implant, its rupture, which requires urgent surgery, and threatens the patient’s life!

For malignant tumors

After diagnosis, a suspicion of cancer is likely. The course of treatment will be planned and prescribed by a doctor. Includes points of surgical intervention, the use of radiation, radio and chemotherapy. Molecular targeted therapy, which consists of drug treatment, is possible.

Such procedures help eliminate or destroy malignant cells. To eliminate the risk of developing metastases, it is necessary to remove the lymph nodes of the affected area. Treatment is selected based on tests that will help the patient eliminate the consequences of therapy. You will need to visit your therapist annually to avoid periods of remission.

For tuberculosis

These diseases - inflammation of the lymph node and tuberculosis - can occur in parallel. There are two stages of the disease. Depending on the course of the disease, appropriate treatment is selected.

In the initial stages, surgery should not be performed, as it is possible to cause a re-infection from the remaining bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to take anti-TB pills and other medications. In this case, the lymph nodes will retain function.

During the second stage, tissue destruction occurs and combination therapy will be required. In addition to the course of pills, this includes operational activities. The procedure involves cutting out lymph nodes that cannot be treated. If nearby tissue is also damaged, according to medical instructions, it also has the right to be removed. In the latter case, the tissues may become encapsulated and then heal. Then the capsule is impregnated with calcium and its salts, forming a dense lump.

Things to remember

Enlarged lymph nodes in any organ or tissue are a symptom of an inflammatory process and disorders in the human body. To exclude a possible danger to life, consultation with a therapist is necessary to make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor; with timely tests and all treatment measures, the recovery rate is 90%. After treatment, the breasts will return to normal outside and inside.

Para-aortic lymph nodes

These lymph nodes include organs located on the periphery of the lymphatic system. Localized in the space between the stomach and spine. They receive lymph from the abdominal organs; the armpits also have an outlet here.

The location of the lymph nodes is designed so that the infection does not spread. Para-aortic nodes prevent infections from spreading from the area of ​​the iliac node, male and female genital organs, and the pelvic region to the overlying tissues, for example, in the armpit. Location – in front of the spine, near the psoas muscle, close to the lower leg of the diaphragm.


Like the lymphatic system, its normal function is filtration, it is achieved through immune reactions. The response occurs in the thymus and bursa dependent areas. In the area of ​​the nodes, inflowing lymph from nearby tissues and organs is divided into pure lymph and foreign agents. When there are a lot of foreign agents and antigens, the nodes do not have time to cope with the work and inflammation occurs.


The normal size of lymph nodes should not exceed 1.5 cm; with age or after illness, the size changes. But an increase in excess of 2 cm most likely carries pathology. The person should see a therapist.

Seeing a doctor

It is difficult to feel the lymph nodes in a healthy person; he cannot feel them. At the first signs of swelling or tenderness in the area, you should consult a doctor; infections and pathologies are likely.


Common causes of inflammation:

  • Disturbances in the organs of the urinary system.
  • The appearance of abscesses in the lumbar region.
  • Skin lesions in the area of ​​inflammation, dermatitis or other eczema.
  • Aortic aneurysm.
  • Penetration of metastases from other lesions into the lymph node. The source can be the kidneys, stomach, intestines, uterus in a woman or prostate gland in a man.


A painful sensation indicates positive signs that the lymph nodes are inflamed. And with oncological processes, pain is not an accompanying symptom. In addition, weakness, fever, excessive sweating, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea are possible. In addition, the patient will be bothered by the characteristic symptoms of the disease that caused the inflammation.


Diagnostics is complicated by the impossibility of direct inspection of the node due to its location. The diagnosis is made from indirect reasons, such as examination, tests and medical history. Lists of required clinical examinations include: general blood tests, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray examination of the pelvis, histological examination - lymph node puncture.


The inflammatory process in the lymph nodes is not a disease; treatment is prescribed according to the diagnosis. And the lymph nodes will decrease in size on their own a week or two after recovery.

As mentioned above, the nature of the treatment will depend on the disease: for an acute respiratory viral infection, you will have to take antipyretics. If there is a bacterial infection, you will need to take a course of antibiotics. For malignant neoplasms (cancer), the therapist will prescribe complex therapy, which will include chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as surgery in the later stages.

The operation takes place in stages. The skin over the lymph nodes is cut, excess blood and lymph are pumped out. Pus and nearby soft tissues, as well as tissues susceptible to necrosis, are removed. A sponge with an antimicrobial or antiseptic drug is inserted into the open wound to avoid infection. It is then removed and the patient is sutured. After the operation, dressings are made for 7-10 days. Antibiotics are prescribed to exclude secondary infection. The tissues that were excised are sent for histological examination to exclude malignant neoplasms.

If, when inflammation is detected, a person neglects therapeutic measures, lymphatic drainage is impaired. This threatens the development of lymphostasis, which can provoke a decrease in the amplitude of movement of the limbs. With timely initiation of drug therapy, the prognosis of the disease is favorable.

The cause of inflammation of the lymph node under the arm can be any infection lurking in your body. Another option is more serious disturbances occurring in the functioning of internal organs.

We will talk about the reasons a little later, but I would like to note one important detail that can answer the question of why you should immediately consult a doctor. An inflamed lymph node under the arm, photos of which we can see in the article below, in women can indicate a very unpleasant and serious disease. In this case, we may be talking about breast cancer, which, unfortunately, is extremely common. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit a specialist. He will conduct an examination, take the necessary tests that will help identify the causes of this phenomenon, and prescribe competent therapy.

Lymphatic system

Before we move directly to the lymph nodes under the arm, we suggest getting acquainted with the entire human lymphatic system. What is this? Not everyone knows that along with the venous, arterial and other systems, the lymphatic system also operates uninterruptedly. How? There are a lot of lymph nodes in the human body, which ensure good functioning of the immune system. Of course, such a system performs its functions almost unnoticeably, unlike others.

We said that there are quite a lot of lymph nodes in the body. But how many are there anyway? About 460, which are located in different parts of the human body. These groups do not stop their work for a minute, and they are located near the veins and arteries. Why exactly does a person have such a number of nodes? It’s quite simple to explain - that’s exactly how much is needed to maintain immunity. In other words, it is with this amount that the human body feels healthy.

Liquid, lymph, constantly circulates through the lymphatic vessels. It received this name due to the high concentration of leukocytes, which have one important feature - the absorption of harmful microorganisms. That is, lymph moves through lymphatic vessels, neutralizes all pathogenic bacteria and removes them from the body.

How much of this colorless liquid does an adult need? About two liters of lymph constantly circulates in the system. The pressure of this biological fluid is relatively low, therefore it moves slowly. The direction of movement is from bottom (toes) to top (thoracic lymphatic flow). Only with this movement is it possible to neutralize and remove toxins (poisons).

Axillary lymph nodes

In a healthy and calm state, the lymph nodes under the arm should not be felt at all. That is, there is no pain or discomfort. It is worth sounding the alarm if they have increased in size and painful signals have appeared. When the lymph nodes under the arm are inflamed (photos can be seen in this section), swelling, inflammation and compaction sometimes occur. If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital for advice from an experienced doctor.

Let’s make a reservation right away: you shouldn’t self-medicate or live in anticipation of a miracle. It won't go away on its own. In addition, over time the situation may worsen. Now let's figure out why the lymph nodes become enlarged and painful. The thing is that the lymph nodes contain connective tissues, in which viruses and bacteria are retained. The lymph node becomes inflamed if a lot of microorganisms have accumulated. Please also note that the lymphatic system strengthens its work at this moment. This is what causes inflammation. When you press on such lymph nodes, pain occurs.


Why do the lymph nodes under the arm become inflamed? The reasons may be numerous. As mentioned earlier, such a process arises as a result of more active work of the entire system. It increases the production of lymphocytes that try to cope with pathogens in our body. The initiators are often:

  • ARVI. The abbreviation stands for acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Many other infections have entered our body.
  • The presence of a tumor located near the inflamed lymph node. It is important to note here that an inflamed lymph node under the armpit in women may indicate the presence of breast cancer.
  • Boils.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Inflammation.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Caries.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Angina.
  • Inflamed gums and so on.

Understanding that a lymph node is inflamed is quite simple. Try to feel it under your arm. Small balls with inflammation significantly increase in size upon palpation, painful as the viral infection progresses.

A very common cause of this phenomenon is sore throat. The thing is that to fight harmful bacteria, the body requires a very large number of lymphocytes. Please note that in this case there is no need to treat the lymph node itself directly. After recovery, he will return to normal. Its inflammation is the body's signal about health problems.

If the initiator of such a pathological process is inflammation of the hair follicle, then this can be seen by the characteristic features:

  • severe pain;
  • redness;
  • joint pain;
  • fatigue;
  • nausea.

Women need to be more careful. If, together with inflammation of the lymph node, you notice that the mammary glands have become denser, then urgently seek advice from a mammologist. For what? Make sure you don't have breast cancer.

In addition to the above, there are other reasons:


Now, very briefly about the symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes under the armpit. These include:

  • enlargement of the lymph node in size;
  • pain during palpation;
  • redness of the skin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • general weakness.

The development of axillary lymphadenitis is very slow. But if no therapeutic measures are taken, a person may feel the lymph node under the armpit pulsating. At the same time, body temperature rises significantly.

What to do if the inflamed lymph node hurts?

What to do if it’s under your arm? First, contact a specialist immediately. With the help of certain analyses, he will be able to establish many significant parameters. These include:

  • size;
  • symptoms of inflammation;
  • character;
  • consistency;
  • mobility.

Based on this data, the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct treatment.

If the lymph node under the arm hurts, then after consultation you can use several traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Alcohol tincture of Echinacea is diluted 10 drops with water and taken 4 times a day before meals.
  2. Unrefined sunflower oil: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, take one tablespoon of oil into your mouth and suck it like candy for fifteen minutes, then spit it out. This method helps cleanse the lymph and reduce pain.


If the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, then the doctor needs to find out the cause of this pathology. To do this, he prescribes a general blood test. What does he need to see there? Of course, the level of leukocytes. If it is elevated, then the body is fighting an infection, and then you need to figure out which one it is.

If tuberculosis is suspected, then it is necessary to do fluorography, give sputum from the throat, and also look at the Mantoux reaction.


The lymph node under the arm is inflamed, what should I do? Of course, go to the hospital, where they will not only help you determine the source of the problem, but also prescribe treatment.

There are only 2 solutions:

  • conservative treatment;
  • surgical intervention.


If the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, then it is necessary to take into account that now you need rest (no physical activity). In addition, it is necessary to help the body overcome the infection.

After several tests and an ultrasound examination, the doctor will advise you to take a course of antibiotics (Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, and so on). In addition, in this case, Troxevasin or Heparin ointment will be a good helper.

Your doctor may advise you:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • compresses with "Dimexide";
  • chlorethyl blockade.


If the inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm has reached the purulent stage, then surgical intervention is necessary. The doctor will definitely wash the wound and install drainage. It is necessary for the drainage of pus. After a week, the drainage is removed, and the wound gradually heals. This takes place under the supervision of the attending physician.

After the operation the following are prescribed:

  • painkillers;
  • sulfonamides;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • warming and anti-inflammatory compresses;
  • low carbohydrate diet.

If the patient is in a serious condition, a blood transfusion is performed.

Folk recipes

If the lymph nodes under the arm are inflamed, you can, after consulting with your doctor, use several folk recipes. You will learn about them in this section.

To treat inflammation of the lymph node in the axillary area, the following folk recipes are used:


Enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arm occurs for many reasons. To prevent this problem, you should boost your immunity. This will help not overstrain the body's lymphatic system.

  • proper nutrition;
  • light sports;
  • careful attention to wounds;
  • disinfection of cuts and abrasions.

These simple rules will help you forget about this problem for a long time.

Lymph node cancer or lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. At its core, it is a disease that affects the cells of the body, like other types of oncology.

Among all cancer patients, lymphoma is quite common and accounts for about 4% of all cancers.

Lymph nodes are located in different parts of our body. The disease can begin in almost any organ. Quite often, damage to organs such as lungs, bones, and liver is observed. But the most common type of lymphoma is damage to the lymph nodes in the neck.

The disease can also affect the lymph nodes of the chest cavity, abdominal, axillary, and inguinal in adults.

  1. Clogging of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Hidradenitis.
  3. Inflammation or cancer of the lymph nodes.

Let's look at each factor in more detail.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands

Such a round-shaped lump tends to move, but does not cause pain. Without signs of inflammation, it does not pose a threat. It is enough to improve personal hygiene and not overuse cosmetics of dubious quality. If the lump begins to grow or turns red, seek professional help.

Hidradenitis of the armpits

The lump is caused by staphylococci or streptococci entering the sweat gland. The problem is aggravated by a lack of personal hygiene, increased sweating, injuries, and inappropriate use of various cosmetic and hygiene products. Hidradenitis is easily recognized by the following signs:

  • body temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • a small formation appears, hardening and turning blue after a few days;
  • after 2 days, a yellow or white purulent discharge is observed on the surface of the cone.

Under no circumstances should you remove a purulent lesion yourself. With this course of events, there will be a high probability of infection entering the body.

Treatment of the disease depends on the stage of progression and extent. Doctors generally prescribe an antibiotic, a local antiseptic, as well as immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Lymph node enlargement

Such inflammation can be provoked by various infections occurring in the body, chronic diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis and others), cancer tumors, and diseases of the circulatory system.

Depending on the factor of formation, the lump may or may not hurt, but it can always be easily felt. Treatment is carried out taking into account the cause of inflammation. Surgical intervention or conservative therapy is possible.

Causes of pain in the axillary lymph nodes

There are a large number of theories that explain the appearance of cancer. A large number of researchers put forward different versions.

Regarding the general reasons, the following factors can be identified:

  • Age factor. There are two peak ages when the risk of lymphoma is higher - fifteen to thirty years and after fifty;
  • Race. Caucasians are more likely to develop cancer of the lymphatic system. People with fair skin are at greater risk of getting the disease;
  • Immune system disorders;
  • First pregnancy after age thirty-five;
  • Predisposition to cancer;
  • Certain bacterial infections and viruses;
  • Different types of radiation.

People who have at least two of these factors should understand the symptoms of cancer of the lymphatic system. Timely and competent diagnosis will allow cancer to be detected at an early stage.

The sooner treatment is started, the greater the patient's chances of recovery. Thanks to complex therapy, the treatment outcome is positive.

Lymphadenopathy is a condition characterized by enlarged lymph nodes and is only a preliminary diagnosis. This means that the real cause of changes in the lymph nodes remains to be determined.

Typically, the number of lymph nodes in the axillary (axillary) region ranges from 15 to 45. Their normal sizes range from 5 mm to 1 cm. Healthy lymph nodes should be painless, mobile and not fused to each other and the skin.

Pathological changes in the axillary region in most cases develop during infectious processes. Treatment helps to reduce the size of lymph nodes. The inflammatory process can be provoked by fungi, bacterial and viral infections, protozoan microorganisms, and cancer cells.

Factors that can cause pathology are inaccurate shaving of the armpit (infection penetrates into the cut), the use of antiperspirants and deodorants with poor skin hygiene. The products help close pores in which pathogenic microorganisms continue to multiply, which leads to inflammation of the hair follicle and reaction of regional lymph nodes. Also, the cause of the pathology can be furunculosis and benign lymphoreticulosis.

In the first days of the menstrual cycle, some women experience enlargement of the lymph nodes under the armpit, caused by changes in hormonal balance. Goes away on its own within 2-3 days. If, in addition to this symptom, there are no other health abnormalities, then there is no cause for concern.

Unilateral enlargement of the immune glands in the armpit is a typical phenomenon in respiratory infections and ENT diseases. This is caused by the immune system's normal protective reaction to viruses and bacteria entering the body.

Soft tissue bruises, injuries, lipomas, cysts and allergic reactions can also cause pathological changes. Enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes in women, which occurs in parallel with compaction in the mammary gland, indicates inflammation of the latter. To rule out cancer, you must immediately go to the hospital.

The cause of unilateral enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpits in women can be not only infections, but also diseases of the lungs, connective tissue, joints, and kidneys. The side of localization of the enlarged node corresponds to the location of the diseased organ.

Immune diseases are often the cause of the change:

  1. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  2. Serum sickness.
  3. Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy.
  4. Dermatomyositis.
  5. Rheumatoid arthritis.

If the lymph nodes under the armpit on one side in women are enlarged and do not go away for a long period of time, this is already a serious signal. Thus, there may be severe infections, for example, listeriosis, brucellosis, mononucleosis or HIV disease.

The axillary area becomes inflamed due to infection of the body, bacteria, and the occurrence of purulent abscesses of low-quality tumors. There are many infectious and bacterial diseases; there is no point in listing them.

Under these circumstances, all lymph glands can become inflamed. But more often those that are close to the source of the disease become inflamed. So, the axillary lymph nodes become inflamed if there is a problem in the mammary glands, chest and upper limbs.

How much the node initially enlarged depends on the degree of the inflammatory process. If the process progresses, the gland may become larger, leading to the disease lymphadenitis. If the nodes become inflamed and the process turns into a disease, then such glands are called lymphadenitis.

Boils often appear in the axillary fossa. Their inflammation is very dangerous. If the inflammation spreads under the pectoral muscle, subpectoral phlegmon will develop.

Air embolism occurs when arterial bleeding occurs due to damage to large vessels due to injury to the fossa.

The lymph node in the armpit has enlarged in women in the absence of visible causes (infection, bacterial contamination, abscesses, etc.). This should be alarming. Breast cancer may be developing.

During pregnancy, the nodes in the axillary fossa increased due to a decrease in immunity during this period due to changes in the body, development of the mammary glands, hormonal changes and other changes. After a few days it returns to normal.

However, the possibility of developing a cold or infection due to the weakening of the general condition cannot be ruled out.

During pregnancy, a woman's sensitivity to household appliances and cosmetics may increase, which will lead to inflammation of the nodes.

The cause of inflammation of the axillary glands is injury from shaving the hair. An infection or bacteria can get into a cut.

The reason for the increase in the size of the node in the axillary region in a child is teething. At this moment, his immunity decreases. Your temperature may rise. But the node itself is painless. There is no pain on palpation.

The main causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm are infections of a bacterial, viral or other nature. In the vast majority of cases, these are ARVI, influenza and other colds. Lymphadenitis often begins against the background of or after a sore throat.

However, the pathogen can be more formidable. For example, lymphadenitis is a symptom of brucellosis. With this disease, as a rule, several lymph nodes become inflamed (generalized form), pain in muscles and joints, and increased body temperature are observed.

  • Often the lymph nodes under the armpit react to the development of pulmonary tuberculosis.

However, the chest lymphoid formations also increase, but since they are located quite deep, they cannot be noticed. In a child, inflammation of the lymph nodes under the armpit and in the neck is the most typical sign of tuberculosis.

However, everything is not always so tragic. Lymphadenitis in children can appear against the background of previous or developing colds, pathologies of the ENT organs, or due to hypothermia.

Don’t forget about the so-called “cat scratch disease.” It is caused by a bacterium called Bartonella. Entering the child’s body through a scratch on the hand, it begins to multiply, causing the wound to fester and migrating further with the lymph flow.

In addition, there may be cases where the pathogen enters the mammary glands from foci of infection: carious teeth, inflamed tonsils or maxillary sinuses. This is how infectious mastitis develops. Inflammation of the lymph node under the arm during breastfeeding requires careful attention.

It is important to promptly eliminate congestion in the mammary gland by putting the baby to it more often or expressing the remaining milk. Otherwise, a non-infectious process may be complicated by the addition of an infection.

If there is no mastitis, but one or more lumps appear in the chest, and also the axillary lymph nodes seem to have enlarged for no apparent reason, you should consult a therapist as soon as possible. He will prescribe examinations with a mammologist and oncologist to exclude oncopathology.

The fact is that when malignant tumors develop in the mammary gland or lungs, the degenerated cells migrate with the blood and lymph flow. When they settle in the lymph nodes, they cause inflammation and enlargement.

  • However, degeneration of the lymph node itself is also possible, but this is a rather rare pathology.

Local lymphadenitis can be caused by allergens. They are also antigens and trigger an immune response in the body. A reaction may occur to a component of the deodorant. If you stop using it, the symptoms will quickly disappear.

In addition, low-quality deodorants are also dangerous because they cause blockage of the sweat glands, and the lack of oxygen creates optimal conditions for the proliferation of many bacteria. Against this background, a serious inflammatory process – furunculosis – can develop.

Each organism is individual, and the immune system does not have a single behavioral algorithm. Some people suffering from severe infections such as pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia or chronic bronchitis do not experience problems with the lymph nodes in the armpits.

Others, on the contrary, observe the development of an inflammatory process after regular hair removal, when microscopic damage to the skin occurs. In general, based on medical statistics and practical experience in the treatment of diseases associated with the human lymphatic system, the following main causes of inflammation are identified.

  1. Cold. People with weak immunity are susceptible to diseases associated with hypothermia. Accordingly, the lymph nodes in the armpit are as sensitive as all cells of the immune system of a person in poor health. In most cases, the inflammatory process stops immediately after the cold symptoms disappear.
  2. Oncological process. Cancerous lesions of the lungs, chest bones, spine, pleural tissue, mammary gland - provoke enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpits. Therefore, it is important to always remember that if there are no obvious signs of an infectious or cold-related disease, and increasing discomfort is felt in the armpit over a long period of time, then you need to visit your family doctor.
  3. Chronic infection. With a sluggish inflammatory process in the body, there is a constant release of harmful microorganisms into the blood. As the disease worsens, the lymphatic system reacts accordingly. In order to avoid periodic increases in the volume of axillary lymph nodes, you need to monitor the health of your teeth, gums, throat and upper respiratory tract.
  • skin redness;
  • increased temperature at the site of inflammation;
  • pain when moving your arms;
  • weakness and fatigue when working with the hands;
  • a gag reflex is observed less frequently.
  • lymphatic (bacteria that cause diseases penetrated through the lymph from a direct source of infection);
  • hematogenous (infection through the blood);
  • contact (infection directly of the lymph node).


The following factors can cause inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arm:

  • heavy intoxication of the body which arose as a consequence of a serious illness;
  • lymphosarcoma;
  • Hodgkin's disease– this pathology is characterized by the formation of a malignant granuloma. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can achieve a complete recovery;
  • cat scratch fever- This is the most common reason that the axillary lymph node is significantly enlarged in children. Despite the fact that this condition is caused by a rather banal factor - scratches or bites from a pet, such a disorder poses a threat.
  • systemic lupus erythematosus– there is a violation of the structure of capillaries and connective tissue;
  • angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy;
  • rheumatoid arthritis– this is the most common joint disease;
  • dermatomyositis;
  • boils or purulent wounds on the upper extremities, in the chest or shoulder area;

This manifestation occurs due to the formation of compactions in the mammary glands. In addition, representatives of the fairer sex may experience a similar symptom while carrying a child or while breastfeeding a baby. In such cases, treatment is not required.

  • a previous illness of an infectious or cold nature;
  • inflammatory process in hair follicles located in this anatomical zone;
  • severe intoxication of the body, which arose as a result of a serious illness;
  • increased sweating - this condition causes an increase in the number of pathogenic agents that can enter the body through skin cuts in the armpit;
  • allergic reaction - often this body response is a reaction to a deodorant used to prevent sweating;
  • damage to regional lymph nodes by an oncological process. It is worth noting that in the early stages of cancer, the lymph nodes will not be enlarged and painful;
  • lymphosarcoma;
  • Hodgkin's disease - this pathology is characterized by the formation of a malignant granuloma. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can achieve a complete recovery;
  • Cat scratch fever is the most common cause of a significantly enlarged axillary lymph node in children. Despite the fact that this condition is caused by a rather banal factor - scratches or bites from a pet, such a disorder poses a threat.

Similar sources of the main symptom are the most common, but there is a group of rare causes of enlarged lymph nodes. This category should include:

  • systemic lupus erythematosus - the structure of capillaries and connective tissue is disrupted;
  • angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy;
  • rheumatoid arthritis is the most common joint disease;
  • dermatomyositis;
  • serum sickness, which is a reaction of the immune system to foreign proteins;
  • boils or purulent wounds on the upper extremities, in the chest or shoulder area;
  • side effects from taking certain groups of medications.

All of the above predisposing factors are characteristic of both sexes, but there are several reasons that are unique to women. We are talking about enlarged axillary lymph nodes during mastopathy.

This manifestation occurs due to the formation of compactions in the mammary glands. In addition, representatives of the fairer sex may experience a similar symptom while carrying a child or while breastfeeding a baby. In such cases, treatment is not required.

In the vast majority of cases, the causative agents of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes are staphylococci. Infection occurs in several ways - through blood or lymph, as well as through contact of the microorganism with the affected skin in the armpit area.

Types of lipomas that can form in the armpit

Changes in lymph nodes in the axillary area can be:

  • acute – most often acts as a complication of an infectious or inflammatory disease;
  • chronic - often this type is observed during the occurrence of malignant processes in the body.

In addition, an increase in the volume of lymph nodes is divided into:

  • inflammatory;
  • non-inflammatory.

The need for such a classification lies in the fact that the tactics of their treatment will be radically different.

In addition, either one or several lymph nodes can be involved in the pathological process.

Popularly, wen is considered a fairly safe disease and is often eliminated on its own. However, such a frivolous attitude towards the anomaly is the height of carelessness - under this harmless name lies nothing more than a real oncological lump.

It is a mistaken belief that oncology is only about cancer diagnoses. Absolutely all neoplasms, regardless of the nature of their appearance, require observation and timely treatment, since the risk of their cellular degeneration is quite high.

  • acute – most often acts as a complication of an infectious or inflammatory disease;
  • chronic - often this type is observed during the occurrence of malignant processes in the body.
  • specific - diagnosed quite rarely, because the source of the increase is the causative agents of diseases such as syphilis, plague, tuberculosis and actinomycosis;
  • nonspecific - the causative agents are staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and other bacteria.

Forms and stages of the disease

The name lymphoma includes about thirty types of tumors.

Main types:

  1. Hodgkin's lymphoma. Takes approx. thirty percent of all lymphomas. This type of cancer of the lymphatic system is determined by Ridge-Berezovsky-Strenberg giant cells;
  2. Other species are non-Hodgkin's. They occupy 70% of all lymphomas, respectively.

A final diagnosis can be made only after histology. Lymph node cancer can also be a complication of other types of cancer.

Hodgkin's lymphoma is treatable and quite favorable. This type of cancer can be overcome completely or the patient’s quality of life can be maintained for a long time.

Tumor in the armpit in women

It is no secret that a tumor in the armpit in women is often associated with the onset of the menstrual cycle. Also, enlarged lymph nodes under the arms can “signal” about a disease of the mammary glands. The most dangerous of them is cancer.

To establish a diagnosis and prescribe therapy, the specialist conducts a visual examination, palpation of the woman’s enlarged nodes, and evaluates the examination results. Most often, symptomatic treatment is sufficient.

At the onset of the disease, the affected lymph nodes must be kept at rest. At this stage, physiotherapy (ultrasound, electrophoresis), local procedures (compresses and ointments) provide a good therapeutic effect. Treatment of the inflammation site with Chlorethyl eliminates pain and inflammation in just a few applications. Additionally, the patient is prescribed applications of Troxevasin or Heparin ointment.

For a nonspecific infection, a woman is prescribed penicillin antibiotics (Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Flemoxin). The duration of treatment is up to 14 days. If the inflammation is caused by specific infections (for example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis), then the therapy is long-term and carried out in a hospital setting.

In severe cases, in order to find out the reason for the enlargement of the lymph node under the armpit on one side, a biopsy is performed in women, with which the presence of cancer cells can be determined. If the doctor confirms lymphoma, chemotherapy is prescribed.

For benign lymphoreticulosis (felinosis), macrolides (Telithromycin, Lincomycin or Clindamycin) are used. The patient's serious condition requires the prescription of other broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, intravenous infusion detoxification, and the administration of desensitizing agents. In case of purulent processes, surgical excision of the affected tissue is performed.

Lymph nodes are important organs of the human immune system. This is a kind of filter, a barrier to harmful viruses and bacteria; they do not participate in the formation of cells. In normal conditions, the location of such nodes is barely noticeable.

A person may not even know that they exist. But if the lymph node under the armpit suddenly becomes inflamed, this may indicate the presence of a disease in nearby organs. With sudden movements and pressure, a person will experience acute pain. This means it's time to see a doctor.

It is no secret that a tumor in the armpit in women is often associated with the onset of the menstrual cycle. Also, enlarged lymph nodes under the arms can “signal” about a disease of the mammary glands. The most dangerous of them is cancer.

Malignant tumor cells entering the lymph nodes lead to their enlargement. Often it is inflammation of the lymph nodes that is the first symptom of breast cancer (even when the breasts themselves look great).

Women over forty need to be especially scrupulous in monitoring their mammary glands and armpits. Women should be especially wary of dense and large tumors in the axillary areas. The sooner a patient is examined by a doctor, the more opportunities she has to overcome the disease.

In women whose worst fears (cancer) are confirmed by tests, surgery necessarily includes removal of the axillary lymph nodes. This procedure is necessary to prevent metastasis.

Tumors in the axillary area do not only appear in women. Similar problems affect men too. Moreover, the appearance of a tumor in them is often not associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes. Inflammatory diseases such as hidradenitis and furunculosis can also cause considerable harm to health.

If the cases of swelling described above occur equally in both sexes, then often swelling can be the result of some purely female affairs:

  • Breast metastases are a cause specific only to women; Every woman over 40 years of age is especially susceptible to it; damage to the lymph nodes is one of the early symptoms;
  • The reaction during menstruation is a consequence of hormonal activity in the body of women;
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands - as a rule, occurs during lactation and breastfeeding;
  • Destructive changes in tissue in the breast - mastitis, mastopathy and other diseases also associated with lactation;

Especially in the case of women, the tumor must be detected and eliminated in time. To do this, the fair sex has many tools, the main one of which is self-examination of the breasts and adjacent areas of the skin.

This method can not only detect breast cancer, but also prevent swelling. But do not forget that self-medication in no case can completely replace professional help.

Finally, it is extremely important to try your best to prevent mild colds and flu, since these ailments always lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of immune activity in the body. Lumps or swelling in the armpits are only a small part of the possible complications.

Lump in the armpit as a sign of cancer

The axillary lymph nodes gradually enlarge, causing a characteristic pain syndrome. A person experiences discomfort when walking and while putting on things. Sometimes it hurts to raise your arm up; it can pull the tendons along the entire upper limb.

  1. Extensive redness of the skin under the armpit. It can cover part of the arm and chest from the ribs.
  2. Pain on palpation.
  3. Increase in body temperature from 37 to 39 degrees.
  4. Nausea, weakness and dizziness.
  5. Formation of purulent abscesses in the tissues surrounding the lymph node.

The last sign indicates that the patient’s health situation is critical, and the infection that caused the enlargement of the axillary lymph node was able to overcome the protective barrier of the immune system, penetrated the lymphatic channels, and affected the node itself.

In such situations, the treatment of primary inflammation fades into the background, and the primary task becomes surgical removal of the affected lymph node so that the purulent fluid, overflowing with dangerous microorganisms, does not spread further throughout the body along with lymph and blood.

This is due to the direction of lymph circulation through the channels.

The appearance of lumps in the armpit is not uncommon. They come in various shapes and bring a lot of discomfort and pain to their owner.

A lump in the armpit is a serious reason to see a doctor. In addition to unpleasant sensations, such a formation can be life-threatening and even be a sign of the early stages of cancer.

A formation in the armpit can signal metastases in the mammary gland in women. Representatives of the fairer sex after 40 years should be especially careful. This age is at risk for developing a malignant tumor in the breast. The lump formed due to a cancer tumor is often painless.

The inflammatory process of the axillary lymph nodes occurs in isolation, has a catarrhal and purulent stage of the course, manifesting itself in an acute or chronic form.

Acute catarrhal inflammation

This process occurs quite often, but is mild. There is pain, enlargement and thickening of the nodes. They do not lose mobility upon palpation. There may be redness and swelling of adjacent tissues. The patient's condition worsens, there is mild low-grade fever and discomfort when moving his arm.

A mild course of the disease can pass without any signs at all, the body can easily cope with the pathology on its own, but there is a high risk of axillary inflammation of the nodes becoming chronic.

Purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes

Purulent inflammation poses the greatest danger. A pustular abscess or even several are maturing in the structural tissue of the node. The node itself is painful and immobile. Adjacent tissues are hyperemic, subject to alteration and melting. It is possible to solder the nodes to the skin.

In this condition, the nodes are unable to provide protective filtration - they themselves create a threat of spreading infection, as they become a source of infection. A serious condition is manifested by fever, fever and signs of intoxication.

After a while, under the influence of melting of the purulent capsule, fistula tracts are formed, through which rotted tissue and purulent mass are released. But an independent breakthrough of pus does not mean that it will leak out completely.

If you do not urgently begin treatment for inflammation of the lymph node under the arm, the process of suppuration may continue, and next time it will open inside and provoke sepsis. Necrosis of the node itself occurs rarely - with possible infection with bubonic plague.

Often, various chronic sluggish infectious pathologies in the body contribute to the manifestation of chronic inflammatory reactions in the lymph nodes of the axillary zone. This sign is sometimes a kind of marker of tuberculosis or syphilis. The symptoms are mild, the nodes are mobile, although they are enlarged and the pain is insignificant.

Although enlarged lymph nodes may be a physiological feature in some patients, nodes that never return to normal are a sure sign of a chronic inflammatory process. Only a thorough examination can assess the condition.

Early symptoms, how to recognize?

It is extremely important to diagnose the first symptoms of axillary lymph node cancer. Further treatment and the course of the disease will depend on this.

Symptoms to watch out for:

  • During independent palpation of the skin, a tubercle is felt. The area of ​​swelling is painless and isolated from other tissues;
  • the site of inflammation itches and itches;
  • there is a prolonged temperature not exceeding 37.5 degrees;
  • sweat production actively increases, especially at night;

The larger the tumor grows, the brighter the signs of the disease become.

  • frequent shortness of breath, suffocating cough begins, breathing becomes difficult;
  • digestive processes are disrupted, constipation or disorders are likely to occur;
  • there is a sharp weight gain or, conversely, rapid weight loss is noticed;
  • abnormal weakness develops, you may notice an increase in migraine attacks;
  • The level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases significantly, resulting in anemia, weakness and fatigue progressing.

Specific symptoms of lymphadenopathy

Symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes, especially in the inguinal, cervical and axillary ones. This is the first and main symptom that you should pay attention to.

Patients with this diagnosis also feel pressure in the neck and face. Itchy skin may also occur. Body temperature often rises. Heavy sweating may occur at night, and fever may often occur.

These symptoms can be identified in the early stages of the disease. And it is not recommended to ignore all the listed signs.

As the tumor grows, the symptoms worsen:

  • breathing may be difficult;
  • digestion will be disrupted;
  • weakness appears;
  • the patient loses weight and appetite;
  • anemia develops;
  • fungal and viral infections are added;
  • depression and apathy begin.

If the lymph node is enlarged, as in the photo above, you cannot postpone a visit to the doctor.

Delaying diagnosis until the third and fourth stages is very dangerous. The chances of recovery for such patients are much lower than for those who consulted a doctor in a timely manner and underwent all the necessary tests. Therefore, the first rule is timely diagnosis!

At the beginning, the axillary nodes in women may change on one side and become painful on palpation. The skin over them is hyperemic and swollen. This condition can persist for a long time without changes.

If there are foci of pus in the axillary nodes, the symptoms worsen. The temperature may rise sharply, the patient may feel chills, and the general condition gradually worsens. In the area of ​​the armpit, pain is felt, which is pulsating in nature, the lymph nodes are enlarged and fused with the surrounding tissues. With mechanical impact, a woman feels severe discomfort on one side in the armpit.

Depending on what caused the development of the disease, other symptoms are sometimes observed:

  • hyperemia of the skin in the armpit;
  • hepato- or splenomegaly;
  • chills, fever;
  • night sweats;
  • pale face, general weakness;
  • sudden weight loss for no apparent reason.

Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit are accompanied by characteristic clinical symptoms, including:

  • constant nausea;
  • physical weakness of the hands;
  • increase in body temperature.

All of the above signs are associated only with changes in the volume of the lymph nodes, but they may be accompanied by other manifestations characteristic of the disease that caused the main symptom.

Similar symptoms of enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit can be seen in both adults and children. However, it must be taken into account that in a child any pathological process develops faster and is more severe.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is accompanied by similar symptoms for nodes in any area, including in the armpits:

  • Increase in size;
  • Painful palpation;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Temperature;
  • Nausea is possible, especially in babies when they are teething;
  • Babies can be capricious and have headaches;
  • Nausea and vomiting may occur;
  • If the lymph glands are inflamed due to allergies, then symptoms may include swelling of the face, vomiting, and hives;
  • Sweating profusely.

Quite often, inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis) under the armpit does not cause significant discomfort and goes away on its own as the infection subsides. The patient may not even notice this condition.

The following situation is also possible: the lymph nodes are enlarged, but there is no painful sensation when palpated. This condition indicates increased functioning of the immune system. If she copes with the antigen, the nodes will decrease in size over time.

Severe inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes is accompanied by a pronounced increase in body temperature and symptoms of intoxication:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • weakness.

In this condition, the skin under the armpit turns red and the affected area becomes noticeably swollen. When pus begins to form in the lymph nodes, the fever intensifies. In this case, body temperature can approach 40˚C and reach critical values.

With the development of lymphadenopathy, there are a number of signs that indicate the presence of problems with the lymph nodes.

The first signs of cancer in the lymph nodes include an increase in their size, which is detected by palpation or visual examination.

Additional symptoms include:

  • Attacks of pain in the head
  • Increased body temperature
  • Weight loss
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Liver problems
  • Redness on the skin
  • Deviations in the nervous system

Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of metastases, based on the location of the lymph node.

The symptoms of this form of the disease, concentrated in the armpit, are characterized by scarcity and blurred manifestations. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose it, since most of the symptoms are identical to more serious pathologies that have a malignant nature of formation.

The following may indicate that the tumor is a lipoma:

  • nature of behavior - the anomaly can quickly progress in growth, and having reached a certain size, resolve spontaneously, which cannot be said about other diseases;
  • mobility - although this sign does not provide a 100% diagnosis, almost all axillary lipomas are mobile, and this can be easily felt by palpation;
  • location – zone of localization of compactions – closer to the surface of the skin, the capsule protrudes significantly, forming a visible tubercle ranging in size from several mm to 5 – 6 cm in diameter.
  • the skin under which the inflamed lymph node is located becomes red;
  • the formation of a specific tubercle under the armpit, which indicates the location of the affected lymph node;
  • discomfort during palpation of the armpit;
  • the appearance of a pronounced pain syndrome, which indicates an advanced stage of the disease. It is noteworthy that pain under the arms does not appear in mastopathy and oncology;
  • constant nausea;
  • feeling of pulsation of enlarged lymph nodes;
  • physical weakness of the hands;
  • increase in body temperature.

The development of the disease can be determined by the following signs (see photo):

  • First of all, redness of the skin covering the lymph node is observed;
  • palpation of the affected area is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort;
  • with severe inflammation, pain occurs;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • severe weakness when working with your hands;
  • nausea;
  • Gradually, when palpating the lymph nodes, their pulsation is observed.

The most obvious signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm are at the purulent stage. At first the temperature rises slightly. Then, as the lymph nodes enlarge, an increase in temperature, chills and fever occur. The danger in this case is that purulent foci may appear in other organs.


Modern medicine provides every opportunity for accurate and timely diagnosis of lymph node cancer. Basically, several methods are used.

The main methods for diagnosing lymph node cancer are:

The prognosis for recovery and further treatment of the patient will depend on the results obtained.

In order to find out the sources of enlarged axillary lymph nodes in women and men, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory and instrumental examination of the patient. However, a primary diagnosis is initially carried out, which includes:

  • a detailed survey of the patient, which is aimed at determining the time of lymph node enlargement, as well as the presence and severity of additional symptoms;
  • studying the medical history and life history of the patient;
  • a thorough objective examination, which consists of assessing the condition of the skin and palpation of the armpit area.

The second stage of diagnosis involves laboratory tests, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • general and biochemical blood test - to identify signs of inflammation;
  • clinical urine analysis;
  • Mantoux test - if tuberculosis infection is suspected;
  • blood test to determine tumor markers.

Instrumental examinations include:

  • Ultrasound of lymph nodes in men and women;
  • radiography;
  • mammography - for women;
  • biopsy – to confirm or refute the presence of cancer.

An examination for inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes is aimed at identifying the source of infection or other irritants of the immune system that have led to an increase in nodal formations in the armpit. To do this, the following medical procedures are performed.

  1. Initial examination of the patient by a general practitioner. Palpation of the skin to identify spherical seals.
  2. The extent of inflammation in the surrounding soft tissues is visually determined, and what the skin looks like, whether there is any cyanosis.
  3. The patient undergoes an ultrasound to determine whether the cellular structure of the nodular formations has changed, how enlarged they are, and in what form the inflammation occurs - acute or chronic.
  4. For testing, blood and urine are collected. In laboratory conditions, doctors must detect the type of bacteria, virus or fungus that has caused complete or partial damage to the lymph node.
  5. Based on the test results, the patient is given a final diagnosis and appropriate drug therapy is prescribed.

Quite often, pathologies such as lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy become the culprits of the disease. Also, a malfunction in the functioning of the lymphatic system can occur due to the presence of particularly dangerous infectious pathogens in the human blood: tuberculosis bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus, HIV infection, microorganisms that cause syphilis.

If a sign of lymph node enlargement is detected, especially in the presence of concomitant symptoms, diagnosis is mandatory.

In order to detect metastasis, different methods are used. When the lymph node is accessible from the surface, a puncture is taken from it. Then samples of the biomaterial are sent for histological analysis. When a node is placed inside, it can only be examined using a non-contact method. The most commonly used are MRI, ultrasound, and positron emission tomography.

During the diagnostic process, the degree of metastasis is classified according to several important parameters that affect the prescribed treatment, prognosis and life of the patient:

  • A mild degree is considered when there is pathology in 1-3 lymph nodes
  • Average from 4 to 9
  • With metastases in more than 10 nodes, extensive damage is diagnosed

Only a specialist from a medical institution professionally diagnoses oncological tumors. The doctor carefully feels the affected lymph node, identifying its parameters.

Additional tests using modern medical devices help make a more accurate diagnosis.

  • Progressive ultrasound examination determines the structure of the tissue and the degree of cell mutation. This is the most relevant research method in determining the stage of an existing tumor;
  • more detailed information is provided by computed tomography and MRI. The device scans the damaged area of ​​tissue, outlines the boundaries of the lesion, examines the atypical neoplasm layer by layer and clearly visualizes it;
  • A biopsy will help to make an accurate diagnosis. A piece of the tumor is removed from the patient and sent to the laboratory for histological examination.

The main way to identify a disease, allowing it to be distinguished from a number of other diagnoses, is a differentiated diagnostic method. It is based on the principles of exclusion.

Such studies are carried out using special optical instruments, as well as through careful palpation of the axillary area. An experienced dermatologist, based on the consistency, the patient’s sensations, and external manifestations, is able to rule out all other diagnoses and confirm or refute the presence of a lipoma.

Treatment of enlarged lymph nodes under the armpit in women

Modern methods of treating lymph node cancer are effective and successful. Eighty percent of patients manage to achieve a 5-year remission. Relapses are about 30 - 35%.

The development of lymph node cancer depends on the location of the tumor, size, stage, and the presence of metastases. To treat cancer, one or several techniques can be used, depending on the course of the disease.

The main methods of treatment for lymph node cancer:

If there is an enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arms, then patients are strictly prohibited from making independent attempts to eliminate such a symptom.

Treatment is based on eliminating as soon as possible the inflammation or infection that caused the development of such a symptom. To do this you need:

  • take a course of taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • apply compresses based on Dimexide;
  • undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • take homeopathic medicines and immunomodulators.

In cases where the presence of a malignant process is confirmed, chemotherapy or surgery is indicated.

As part of complex therapy for enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, it is not prohibited to use traditional medicine recipes that involve the use of:

  • tinctures based on echinacea;
  • calendula and mint;
  • tansy and young pine shoots;
  • hawthorn and capsicum;
  • a mixture of oats and milk.

The axillary region is the anatomical zone of the armpit cavity. The walls of the cavity formed groups of muscles. In the cavity, lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, and blood vessels are recessed into the fatty tissue.

In the axillary region:

  • The condition of the lymph nodes under the arm is examined using ultrasound.
  • Diagnosis using breast ultrasound to detect cancer.
  • Injections with butolotoxin preparations are performed to treat hyperhidrosis.

Viral diseases are treated with immunomodulatory therapy (drugs that restore effective immune defense):

  • Immunal - tablets;
  • Eleutherococcus tincture;
  • Sunflower oil 1 tablespoon 1 time per day;
  • Echinacea tincture.

If the inflammation is purulent, surgical opening of the abscess is required.

If cancer is detected, chemotherapy is used.

For redness of the skin, various ointments are prescribed, such as troxevasin, heparin and others as prescribed by the doctor.

To reduce the size of the inflamed gland, doctors recommend physiotherapy, herbal medicine with sage and chamomile.

Many people try to independently relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm using folk remedies, without resorting to the help of a doctor. But this is not always correct. After all, until the source of infection is eliminated in the body, lymphadenitis will return again and again.

Do not neglect going to a therapist or pediatrician if a child develops a disease. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe urine and blood tests.

If the development of a tuberculosis process is suspected, it is necessary to undergo a fluorographic or x-ray examination; the Mantoux test and sputum analysis are also indicated.

To exclude a tumor process, a puncture is performed - a piece of tissue is taken from the lymph node to be examined for the presence of degenerated cells. In controversial cases, an ultrasound is prescribed.

In the treatment of lymphadenitis caused by infections, antibiotics are required - in the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes, drugs from the penicillin group are most often prescribed. If the inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm is caused by tuberculosis, the patient is treated with special anti-mycobacterial agents exclusively in a hospital setting.

In the case of a tumor process, the treatment tactics are developed by an oncologist: chemotherapy or surgical removal of the node along with the source of pathology may be prescribed (for example, for breast cancer).

In less severe cases, against the background of appropriate treatment of the disease that caused lymphadenitis, physiotherapy may be recommended: ultrasound, electrophoresis.

You can apply compresses with alcohol to the affected area or lubricate it with ointments based on viferon, streptocide or salicylic acid. The latter are effective for infectious skin lesions.

  • Natural immunomodulators: calendula and echinacea help increase the body's defenses. Tinctures based on these plants can be taken orally or used to prepare compresses.

In addition, a decoction of walnut, St. John's wort, mistletoe and yarrow leaves, taken in equal parts, or prepared from mint leaves is used topically.


Inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes, as a rule, is not an independent disease. They only signal that there is an infectious or tumor process in the body.

It is worth remembering this and not delaying a visit to the doctor, especially if lymphadenitis does not go away for a long time or occurs for no apparent reason.

Therapy for inflamed areas of the armpit consists of not just curing the affected lymph nodes, but eliminating the source of infection, which causes deterioration in overall health. To do this, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics that can suppress the activity of harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi.

On average, antibacterial therapy lasts at least 10 - 14 days. All this time the patient is under the supervision of the attending physician. The armpit is examined daily to prevent purulent formations in the nodes.

At the same time, therapeutic manipulations are carried out on the armpit itself. Compresses of Heparin ointment or Troxivazin are applied to the site of the inflamed lymph nodes. Physiotherapeutic procedures in the form of heating with electrophoresis are prescribed.

Within 5 minutes, the pain decreases and the inflammation becomes less pronounced. If all of the above methods of treating the lymph nodes do not bring the desired result, and the inflammatory process only worsens, then they are opened and removed along with the purulent contents.

As soon as all the necessary diagnostic procedures (examination, tests) have been carried out and the appropriate diagnosis has been made, it is necessary to begin treatment. It directly depends on the cause of the change in the lymph nodes:

  • In case of an infectious process - antibacterial or treatment aimed at combating viruses;
  • If you have oncology, a course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the appropriate medical department of oncology or hematology.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes begins with identifying the cause of the development of the pathological process. If there is a purulent process, surgical intervention is prescribed to clear the inflammation from the infection.

Antibacterial treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits takes a long time. If viral pathologies appear against the background of lymphadenitis, immunomodulatory therapy is used:

To treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits, procedures such as electrophoresis, ultrasound, compresses and creams with an anti-inflammatory effect are used (although they often cause numbness of the skin). To eliminate redness from the surface of the skin in the armpit area, use troxevasin and heparin ointments.

Inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes caused by cancer are treated with courses of chemical therapy, but this method brings only a temporary improvement effect.

Unfortunately, there is no prevention of diseases associated with enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes. However, we should not forget the universal advice: take care of your health, monitor changes in the body, seek medical help in a timely manner, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

To treat lymphatic metastases, the same techniques are used during cancer therapy in other parts of the body:

  1. surgery
  2. chemotherapy
  3. radiotherapy

The combination and choice of methods depends on the stage of development of the disease in the lymph node and the primary focus. Typically, when the primary tumor is removed, regional lymph nodes are excised. They could potentially contain metastases that have not yet been detected and have not declared themselves.

More distant nodes without signs of pathology are not removed, but are treated with radiation. A cyber knife is used to treat and remove distant metastases.

Depending on the state of the anomaly, its tendency to grow, the type of formation, as well as the possible risk of malignant degeneration, certain methods of influencing armpit lipoma are used.

  • observation is justified when the formation remains latent, practically does not grow and does not bother the patient. To control the situation, a course of drug therapy may be prescribed. The main requirement is regular visits to a specialist to monitor the condition of the anomaly;
  • surgery - a surgical solution to the problem is justified in cases where the tumor is too large and causes discomfort due to the risk of developing concomitant ailments. It is carried out using a small incision with a scalpel, through which the capsule is removed. Then stitches are applied.
  1. 10 drops four times a day – tinctures of echinacea and eleutherococcus;
  2. 1 large spoon – purified sunflower oil;
  3. Immunal in tablets (according to instructions).
  • Echinacea is a natural antiseptic. It helps relieve inflammation in the armpit area. The course of treatment is from 10 days, take a solution diluted in water (half a teaspoon per quarter glass of boiled water).
  • Syrup made from echinacea is made as follows: put half of the dried root in 300 ml of boiling water and keep on fire for about 20 minutes. Immediately after the broth has cooled, it is ready for use: 1 teaspoon three times a day after meals.
  • In combination with medical treatment, you can use herbal decoctions of sage, St. John's wort or chamomile. In addition, eating citrus fruits and fresh kale helps the body fight inflammation faster, as these foods are very high in vitamin C.

Folk remedies

Here are some folk recipes that you can use at home.

  1. Echinacea is a good antiseptic. You can effectively relieve inflammatory changes in the armpits by taking ½ teaspoon per ¼ glass of water.
  2. Vitamin C is found in large quantities in citrus fruits and cabbage. This chemical compound is necessary to increase the rate of biochemical reactions of the body, since they are a cofactor for many diseases.

Treatment in each individual case is individual and depends on the cause of the disease. The following can be used: antibiotics, immunostimulants, vitamins.


The most common consequences of untimely treatment of diseases in which the lymph nodes in the armpit are enlarged are:

  • chronic lymphostasis;
  • sepsis;

In the vast majority of cases, this diagnosis does not cause serious health complications, provided that the pathology is constantly monitored and, if necessary, quality medical care is provided.

The probability of cancerous degeneration of a tumor in the armpit is no more than 10%. However, located in this zone, it is fraught with the following complications:

  • constant discomfort during friction;
  • at advanced stages of the disease - inconvenience, and in some cases - constant pain;
  • the development of axillary lymphedema, as a concomitant diagnosis, is a consequence of constant pressure on nearby lymph nodes.

This article discusses methods for removing lipomas on the face.

If a person ignores the signs of cancer and does not seek help from specialists, the cancer will progress, gradually killing the human body. The result of such events, of course, will be death.

Axillary lymph node cancer

  • chronic lymphostasis;
  • abscess formation of an infected lymph node;
  • sepsis;
  • spread of inflammation to neighboring internal organs and tissues.


Lymph node cancer is one of the most common cancers. In terms of cure rates, this type of cancer has fairly high rates.

The last stages of cancer are quite dangerous and the survival prognosis is low.

Every person who has discovered at least two symptoms should consult a doctor in a timely manner. Today there are several effective treatment methods, so lymph node cancer is not a death sentence!

To prevent enlarged lymph nodes in adults and children, it is necessary to adhere to general preventive rules:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • eat properly and balanced;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stop using topical deodorants and creams that cause allergic reactions;
  • control how the child plays with pets;
  • treat wounds and abrasions with antiseptic substances;
  • promptly seek medical help for the treatment of infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • undergo a full medical examination regularly.

The prognosis of enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits directly depends on what was the source of the formation of such a sign. However, often early diagnosis and adequately selected treatment tactics provide a favorable outcome, i.e., complete recovery.

The main preventive measures to minimize the risk of developing the disease are proper nutrition and careful hygiene in the axillary area, as a place that is especially vulnerable to the development of pathologies.

These rules mainly apply to people who sweat profusely, as well as those whose skin is classified as oily. Their diet should be filled with vitamins found in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Forecast and what to expect?

Survival prognosis for lymph node cancer:

  • Cancer at the first stage is completely curable, the prognosis for recovery is more than optimistic;
  • For the second and third stages, the survival prognosis is 40-60%;
  • When cancer is detected in the last stages, the prognosis is only 10% survival.

It is very difficult to say how long a person will live if there are metastases in the lymph nodes. Too many additional factors are critical, most notably the primary lesion, its stage, and whether it is even defined.

If there is metastasis only near the main tumor, the prognosis is more positive, since this indicates a low extent of the oncological process:

  • With secondary tumors under the armpits, there is a high probability of damage to the mammary glands, therefore axillary metastases are more common in women. Often, after treatment, a relapse occurs; in this case, the patient’s life expectancy will be 1.5-2 years. If there is no relapse, then the five-year survival rate, which is an analogue of recovery, is 2/3.
  • At metastases on the neck We are probably talking about melanoma, which is prone to aggressive development. With the most positive therapy, only every second person has a life expectancy of more than five years. If time is lost, then people live 6-12 months.
  • Malignant inflammation of the abdominal nodes indicates damage to the internal organs. The prognosis will depend on the degree of suppression of the original pathology.

In the later stages, when multiple metastases form in the lymph nodes, treatment is not aimed at the recovery of a hopeless patient, but only at improving his condition and well-being.

In general, the prognosis is quite favorable. But it all depends on the type and prevalence of oncology. With a slowly growing tumor, patients can live 7-10 years. With a rapidly progressing disease, the likelihood of cure is also high, but high-dose chemotherapy is required.

In the case of secondary pathology, when metastases have spread from the mammary gland, the prognosis is much worse. No more than 50% of patients live here for 5 years. If armpit cancer develops as a result of lung carcinoma, therapy is practically powerless. Approximately only 16% of patients manage to live at least another 5 years.

A lump in the armpit occurs for various reasons and also has different symptoms. With inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is one of the factors in the appearance of dense formations in the armpit, the development of oncology is quite possible.

This often leads to a sad outcome. In case of timely diagnosis and treatment, positive dynamics are possible. Selecting a good clinic with experienced oncologists increases the patient’s chances of recovery. This issue should also be approached responsibly.