Vacuum mini abortion. Timing of abortion. Vacuum abortion (mini abortion): how it is performed, possible complications, prices Until what week can a vacuum be performed

Vacuum mini abortion is a medical procedure for terminating pregnancy in the early stages using a vacuum aspirator. This type of abortion is also called vacuum aspiration or mini abortion. This procedure is the most preferred due to its safety, gentle technique and high efficiency. At what stages of pregnancy can a mini-abortion procedure (vacuum aspiration) be performed? How to perform a vacuum abortion? What is the technique for performing a vacuum abortion?

Vacuum mini abortion: advantages of the procedure, indications, contraindications

Vacuum mini abortion is a procedure for terminating pregnancy in the early stages, widely used due to its advantages. Unlike traditional surgical abortion (dilatation and curettage (curettage) or dilation (dilation of the cervix) and evacuation), a vacuum mini-abortion is performed according to a different scheme using pressure, which avoids mechanical damage to the tissues of the uterine cavity and cervix. The main advantages of the procedure include:

  • The duration of a mini abortion (vacuum abortion) does not exceed 10 minutes. In rare cases, if complications arise during an abortion, the duration of the procedure may increase to 30 minutes. Complications of this kind include instability of the patient’s condition, sudden deterioration in condition, severe bleeding;
  • Carrying out the procedure with ultrasound monitoring, which eliminates doctors’ mistakes and significantly increases efficiency;
  • In the absence of contraindications, a vacuum mini-abortion can be performed under medically induced sleep (general anesthesia);
  • If a woman has already given birth, then cervical dilatation is not required for the procedure. When performing a mini-abortion, a nulliparous woman may require dilatation, however, in this case, the cervix is ​​not injured in the same way as occurs when the cervical canal is dilated during a traditional surgical abortion;
  • Fast healing and recovery process;
  • Minimal risks to women's health;
  • Low likelihood of complications;
  • High efficiency.

There are a number of medical indications for performing a vacuum mini abortion, which include:

It should be noted that in many cases the indications for abortion are negotiable. In a situation where pregnancy exposes a woman’s body and life to danger, it is always necessary to weigh the risks. Many diseases are indirect indications for abortion. However, it is worth remembering that many malformations caused by certain disorders in the mother’s body can appear in the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy, when termination is impossible.

Contraindications to performing a vacuum mini-abortion are:

  • The presence of acute infections, which increases the risk of infection spreading to the genital tract and the development of complications after the procedure. If you contact a gynecologist in a timely manner for a mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration), the patient undergoes a course of treatment for an infectious disease before the procedure;
  • Ectopic pregnancy - localization of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity, which will not allow the aspirator to reach the implantation site and perform abruption and suction of the fetus;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Labor during the last 6 months;
  • Unconfirmed pregnancy (pregnancy determined by a home test);
  • Duration of more than 6 weeks - WHO allows vacuum abortions to be carried out for periods of up to 12 weeks with proper qualifications of doctors, however, after 6 weeks of gestation, a strong connection between the chorion and the walls of the uterus is formed, which complicates the process of detachment of the fertilized egg and its removal from the uterine cavity.

Abortion technique

To conduct a vacuum mini-abortion, the patient must undergo an initial examination by a gynecologist to confirm the presence of pregnancy and its location. A woman must undergo a series of tests to determine her health status and to exclude contraindications for the procedure (general blood test, urine test, blood clotting test, hCG, smear to determine vaginal flora, tests to detect diseases of the genitourinary system, HIV, hepatitis).

A vacuum mini-abortion is performed in a hospital setting. Depending on the woman’s condition, both local anesthesia and general anesthesia are used for the procedure. A special tube (cannula) is inserted into the uterine cavity, and with the help of an aspirator, uniform negative pressure is created in the cavity, which promotes detachment and suction of the fertilized egg. The procedure is carried out under ultrasound control, which allows for precise localization of the fetus. A vacuum mini-abortion does not injure the endometrium and vessels of the uterine cavity, which promotes rapid recovery and also reduces the risk of developing other complications. Performing a vacuum abortion is much safer than terminating a pregnancy with traditional curettage. The absence of the need for cervical dilatation reduces the risk of developing isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is one of the main causes of miscarriage.

Vacuum abortion: terms, guarantees, consequences

To perform a vacuum abortion, the pregnancy period should not exceed 6 weeks, until strong connections between the fertilized egg and the uterine wall are formed. With a vacuum abortion, the timing of the procedure also increases the guarantee of complete termination of pregnancy. According to statistics, up to 5% of vacuum mini-abortions end in incomplete termination, which requires additional curettage.

Before having a vacuum abortion, a woman should understand what the consequences of such a procedure may be:

  • Habitual miscarriage, infertility;
  • Inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity;
  • Infection during the procedure;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Incomplete abortion or live pregnancy (developing).

A mini-vacuum abortion is positioned as the least dangerous abortion in the early stages, but do not forget that such an abortion is a full-fledged surgical intervention that disrupts the natural process of a woman’s life cycle and the development of a new life in her womb. No doctor can provide a 100% guarantee that the procedure will be successful and that the woman’s physiological ability to subsequently conceive will be preserved.

History knows a variety of views on the problem of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. There were times when there were categorical prohibitions on termination; there was a period of broad indications for termination of pregnancy even after the fetus began to move.

Finding the golden mean is not easy. Abortion bans are fraught with an increase in criminal abortions and an increase in the mortality rate of women. Wide permission to carry out really resembles legalized infanticide.

Advertising and the availability of a variety of contraceptives, unfortunately, do not help reduce their number. In Russia, abortions claim 5 human lives every 2 minutes. For every 1,000 births, 1,022 abortions continue to be performed.


The word “abortion” refers to any termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks. Recently, in Russia, termination of pregnancy at more than 22 weeks is considered premature birth. Fetuses born during these periods must be nursed in equipped Perinatal Centers.

Any interruption means an operation not only at the request of the woman (artificial), but also spontaneous fetal loss, better known as miscarriage.

There is also a group of criminal miscarriages - often performed by persons without medical education outside the walls of a medical institution. Death from hemorrhage and sepsis are common consequences of this action.

Induced abortions are also divided into:

  • Medication.
  • Vacuum mini-abortion.
  • Surgical.

Let us briefly describe each of them and take a closer look at what a vacuum abortion is.


The softest, most gentle, “velvet” abortion has been known in our country for more than 40 years. In the beginning, it was assumed that taking prostaglandins would be a miracle cure for ending an unplanned pregnancy. The antigestagens that replaced them turned out to be more effective (Mifepristone, Pencrofton). But the best effect was achieved by combining antigestagens with uterine contractions.

There are some disadvantages - high cost, as well as limited time for implementation (can be done up to 7 weeks).


Surgical abortion is recognized as a severe neurohormonal and mechanical injury. It also has several types:

  1. Artificial - at the request of the woman without specifying the reasons, made before 12 weeks. It is performed with preliminary expansion of the cervical canal and removal of the fertilized egg using a vacuum aspirator and a special round sharp knife - a curette.

  2. Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons. Can be completed at any time. The list of indications for termination is set out in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and implies that the woman has diseases that threaten her health and life during pregnancy prolongation or serious abnormalities in the child (developmental defects, hereditary, chromosomal abnormalities).
  3. Artificial abortion up to 22 weeks for social reasons. As a rule, they are sent if a girl became pregnant as a result of forced sexual intercourse, and a court decision was made to deprive her of parental rights. Indications for the operation are also imprisonment, disability, and even the death of the husband.

Many girls assume that by terminating a pregnancy, they can get rid of many problems. But some of them then cannot get pregnant for a long time (and sometimes their entire lives). And psychological trauma certainly remains.

Such a decision should be made consciously, when all the “positive” and “negative” aspects of the event are considered.

Vacuum aspiration

Vacuum termination of pregnancy is performed in 2 options. In the first case, a vacuum abortion can be performed up to 21 days of missed period, that is, within a period of no more than 5 weeks. The second option is vacuum abortion up to 12 weeks with preliminary dilation of the cervical canal.

It’s worth talking about vacuum aspiration in more detail, because many girls undergo this operation.

Mini abortion

This type of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy is considered more gentle. It received the name “mini-abortion” because the size of the embryo at this stage is minimal.

A woman who wants to terminate a pregnancy in this way goes to a gynecologist, where she undergoes an examination. In addition to general blood and urine tests, bacteroscopy of vaginal smears and cervical smears, the following is determined:

  1. Group and Rh affiliation.
  2. HIV and RV.
  3. Presence of hepatitis C virus.
  4. Coagulation indicators.

The girl must be sent for an ultrasound before undergoing a vacuum mini-abortion. The goal is to ensure that the embryo is inside the uterus and its size corresponds to the diameter of the special tip for vacuum aspiration.

In the absence of contraindications in the form of inflammatory changes in smears or any other organs, a referral for a vacuum mini-abortion is given.

Many large medical centers have created special Centers for medical and social support for pregnant women who find themselves in difficult life situations. Psychologists will try to find out the true reasons for termination of pregnancy and will try to find motives for saving the life of the child.

When confirming the desire to terminate the pregnancy, the woman signs a document confirming her good will to carry out the intervention. If a mini-abortion is planned for a minor, then one of the teenager’s parents or guardians must sign the consent.

How is it carried out?

Women are always interested in whether vacuum abortion up to 21 days of delay is painful, whether it is subject to pain relief, and how long it lasts. To answer this question, you need to clarify how the operation is performed:

  1. The pregnant woman comes to the medical facility at the appointed time. Moreover, he must have a License for this type of medical activity.
  2. The woman lies down on the gynecological chair, as during a routine examination. The doctor treats the entrance to the vagina with an antiseptic drug and removes the cervix with special gynecological speculums.
  3. After treating the vagina and cervix with an antiseptic, he fixes it with bullet forceps.
  4. A solution of novocaine is injected paracervically for pain relief.
  5. Then a thin tip connected to an aspirator is inserted into the cervical canal. When negative pressure is created in the cavity, the embryo is torn away from the attachment site and sucked into a special receiver. The operation is completed.

Duration about 5 minutes. There is a slight soreness in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of menstrual pain. There is some slight bleeding.

The woman remains under observation for several hours, the rules of conduct and possible complications after a mini-abortion are explained to her, and she is asked to undergo a control ultrasound in 10–15 days. The purpose of the examination this time is to make sure that all elements of the fertilized egg are completely removed.

Up to 12 weeks

As for the examination, signing the consent, the work of a psychologist and the availability of a License - everything is similar to the first option. The preferred analgesia is intravenous anesthesia. The duration of the operation is within 10 minutes.

How to perform a vacuum abortion up to 12 weeks:

  1. The fundamental difference from the previous operation is that after treating the vagina, it is necessary to expand the cervical canal, since a tip of a much larger diameter will have to be inserted.
  2. Through the tip, under negative pressure, water, membranes, parts of the fetus, and fertilized egg enter the container.
  3. Then a rounded, sharp curette is inserted into the cavity, with which the doctor “bypasses” all the walls of the uterus to ensure that the intervention is complete. Ideally, this operation should be performed under hysteroscopy guidance.

If an artificial vacuum abortion up to 12 weeks is performed on a woman without a burdened obstetric-gynecological status, then her period of stay in the day hospital is 4 hours.

In women with a scar on the uterus, a history of ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroids or endometriosis, artificial vacuum abortion is performed in a hospital setting. Moreover, the patient herself remains under observation for at least a day. The same precautions are necessary if there are chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs or abnormalities of their development.

After any termination of pregnancy, a short course of antibiotics is prescribed for prophylactic purposes.

It must be emphasized that in the Russian Federation, induced abortions beyond 12 weeks at the request of a woman are prohibited by law.

The question arises: when can we expect our next menstruation after a vacuum abortion? Typically, menstruation begins after about a month. But you should plan the next, already desired pregnancy no earlier than after 3, and preferably 6, menstrual cycles.

You can minimize harm by cyclically taking vitamins according to the phases of the cycle. The vitamin and mineral complex Cyclovit solves this problem in the best possible way.


During a vacuum abortion, injury to the uterine wall with sharp metal instruments may occur - perforation of the uterus. A dilator, vacuum tip, or curette can perforate the uterus. In case of damage to internal organs and blood vessels, immediate entry into the abdominal cavity is required. Depending on the nature of the damage, the scope of surgical intervention is determined.

In the case of uncomplicated perforation without damage to organs and blood vessels, the woman remains under the supervision of a hospital doctor. She is prescribed antibiotics, acronyms, and local hypothermia.

Early complications after a vacuum mini-abortion:

  1. Hematometra.
  2. Progressive pregnancy.
  3. Incomplete abortion.

A hematometra is formed due to the fact that the cervical canal closes early. Blood with clots accumulates in the uterine cavity, it increases in size and takes on a spherical shape. This is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. The expansion of the canal and emptying of the cavity are indicated.

Progressive pregnancy can be confirmed with a control ultrasound. The danger of this complication is more often observed with a mini abortion.

Incomplete abortion means that during a vacuum abortion, parts of the fetus remain in the uterine cavity. They prevent the uterus from contracting to normal size, causing bleeding and cramping pain. Infection quickly sets in and endometritis occurs. Under the guise of antibiotics and detoxification therapy, it is necessary to remove everything that remains in the uterus.

Late complications:

  • Placental polyp.
  • Inflammatory diseases.

A placental polyp is formed when elements of the fertilized egg grow into the uterus and is manifested by bleeding from the genital tract. Treatment is surgical (curettage of the uterine cavity).

The danger of any abortion is the possibility of long-term complications. Expected consequences of mini-abortion:

  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Miscarriage due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • Cervical dysplasia.
  • Atresia (fusion) of the cervical canal.
  • Secondary infertility.
  • Uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • During subsequent pregnancy, pathology of the placenta (previa, placental abruption).
  • Rh conflict (when a pregnant woman’s blood is Rh negative).

Many women are left with psycho-emotional trauma for a long time after an abortion.

The Orthodox Church considers abortion to be murder and therefore a sin.

The only real way to reduce the number of abortions is sex education, which should begin in school and in the family from adolescence in both sexes. Knowledge about physiology, sexual hygiene, and contraception is no less necessary than school curriculum subjects.

Married couples have every opportunity to plan a pregnancy.

Vacuum abortion is a procedure to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. It differs from surgical abortion in a safer and more gentle approach to surgery. The main indications for a vacuum abortion are unsuccessful abortion, abnormal development of the embryo, chronic diseases incompatible with pregnancy, and the desire of the patient herself to terminate the pregnancy.

If a woman has decided to have an abortion, she should choose the least traumatic method of ending the pregnancy. But any abortion performed in the early stages of gestation is dangerous for the female body and has its consequences. Therefore, before terminating a pregnancy, every woman should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

This is an early termination of pregnancy (usually up to 5 weeks) using a special device - a vacuum pump. Such an abortion is considered less dangerous for a woman, since it qualitatively reduces the risk of post-abortion complications: uterine injuries, infection and bleeding.

It must be taken into account that the longer the pregnancy, the higher the likelihood of complications after an abortion. The size of the uterus and fertilized egg before 5 weeks of pregnancy are still too small, and if the pregnancy is terminated by vacuum aspiration, the vascular network and walls of the reproductive organ will suffer minimal damage, and the body will quickly recover.


The procedure lasts no longer than 10 minutes. Therefore, on the same day, the woman goes home and continues to lead her usual lifestyle: she goes to work or study, and goes about her daily routine.

During a surgical abortion, the doctor scrapes the walls of the uterus, manually separating the fertilized egg from them, which increases the risk of damaging the integrity of the uterus.

With vacuum aspiration, the fertilized egg detaches from the wall on its own, and this ends the abortion procedure. The cervix also suffers minimally, since it does not have to be dilated for the insertion of a catheter, and therefore injured.

The manipulation is performed under local or general anesthesia, so most women tolerate it without pain. Only the cervical dilatation procedure can cause pain. However, the pain will not be much stronger than menstrual pain and can be relieved with antispasmodic drugs.

Healthy women tolerate this procedure with minor losses.

The body recovers faster after a vacuum abortion, since the termination is carried out in the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is still too small and not tightly connected to the mother’s body.


Planning your next pregnancy will have to be postponed for at least six months. This is exactly the amount of time the body needs to fully recover. It is recommended to use after an abortion.

If conception occurs earlier than this period, such a pregnancy will become a serious test for the body, and it is often accompanied by deviations from the norm.

Risk of incomplete abortion. Sometimes the pregnancy continues to develop or the destroyed fertilized egg remains in the uterus, decomposing and infecting the woman’s body. This occurs due to incomplete separation of the egg during vacuum aspiration.

Any abortion, including a vacuum one, has the main important drawback - psychological discomfort, but it is impossible to avoid it.

Until what period is vacuum abortion performed?

You can terminate a pregnancy using vacuum aspiration quite early - from the second day of a missed period. According to WHO, vacuum abortion is not limited to up to 5 weeks; the most qualified specialists, with the necessary equipment, perform this procedure up to 15 weeks of pregnancy.

In any case, vacuum aspiration performed after 10 weeks has no less consequences than surgical abortion. And many specialists will not undertake this manipulation at this time.

The optimal period is 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the fertilized egg is still weakly attached to the walls of the uterus, and it can be removed without complications.

Indications for vacuum abortion

The main indications for mini-abortion are:

Most indications for vacuum abortion are not exceptional. In any case, the problem will be considered by several specialists, and they will decide whether the health and life of the woman and the unborn child are in danger, as well as what this risk will be.

Most pathologies are indirect indications for abortion and are subject to discussion. But we must remember that some developmental defects are not immediately detected in the fetus, and if they are detected late in pregnancy, it will no longer be possible to terminate it.

How is a vacuum abortion performed?

The operation is carried out using an electric vacuum pump, which extracts all its contents from the cavity of the reproductive organ.

The procedure is absolutely painless if it is performed under general anesthesia. If local anesthesia is chosen, the woman may feel tolerable nagging pain in the lower abdomen. The pump creates negative pressure or vacuum in the uterus, causing the fertilized egg to peel off and be expelled.

The vascular network of the uterus is practically not damaged during vacuum aspiration. Also, special dilators are not used for the cervix, which allows maintaining its integrity.

That is, a mini-abortion significantly reduces the risk of developing cervical insufficiency, which prevents pregnancy in the future.

Preparatory stage

Before having an abortion, a woman should consult a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor determines the duration of pregnancy and prescribes the necessary examination. Typically it includes:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • microflora smear;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • blood tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.

The tests listed are mandatory and, first of all, they show whether the patient has any contraindications to abortion.

Carrying out the operation

After completing the preparatory stage, the day of the operation is set. Abortion should only be carried out within the walls of a medical institution under the guidance of qualified specialists.

To perform aspiration, the patient sits in a gynecological chair, her legs are fixed in stirrups. The external genitalia are treated with an antiseptic. If a woman has never given birth, the doctor dilates the cervix with a special instrument.

For women who have given birth, this point is skipped. For local anesthesia, an injection of the drug is given into the cervix. During general anesthesia, a woman receives medicine into a vein and falls asleep for a short time. After the end of the anesthesia stage, the procedure itself begins.

The doctor inserts the tip of an electric vacuum pump - a cannula - into the uterus and turns on the device. Negative pressure is created in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The gynecologist carefully moves the cannula along the walls of the uterus, trying to achieve precise contact with the mucous membrane.

At this moment, the fertilized egg peels off and exits through a tube into a special container. After all the fruiting tissue is removed from the uterine cavity, it begins to actively contract. Once the tip of the pump is removed from the uterus, contractions will no longer be felt.

Some women complain of nausea, weakness and sweating during an abortion. For such a procedure, all this is a variant of the norm.

Final stage

Typically, the vacuum aspiration procedure does not exceed 5 minutes. After the end of the manipulation, the patient is asked to rest for an hour in the same medical institution. After this, the doctor gives her recommendations on taking antibiotics to prevent possible infection, as well as analgesics and antispasmodics if pain and spasms occur.

The next day the woman can return to her usual activities. Two weeks later, she should visit the antenatal clinic again for an ultrasound and tests that will confirm that the termination of pregnancy was successful.


There is the following list of contraindications for performing a vacuum abortion:

  • acute infections in the body, which increases the likelihood of infection of the genital tract and related complications associated with it;
  • ectopic pregnancy that cannot be terminated using a vacuum abortion;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • unconfirmed pregnancy;
  • if 6 months have not passed since the last birth;
  • a period of more than 6 weeks, which significantly complicates the procedure for detachment of the fetus and its removal from the uterus.

Sex life after abortion

After a vacuum abortion, you cannot enter into intimate relationships for 3 weeks. Then it is important to use condoms, which protect the woman from infection and new unwanted pregnancies.

If after a vacuum abortion the symptoms of toxicosis do not go away and the test still shows a positive result, this means that the pregnancy continues to develop. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnancy after abortion

6 months after the abortion, a woman can plan a new pregnancy if she wants. But before that, it is important for her to visit a gynecologist and make sure that the vacuum abortion performed did not have any consequences on the body.

Many women successfully become pregnant and give birth to healthy children after a mini-abortion, thanks to its gentle effect on the body.

Vacuum abortion is considered to be the least dangerous procedure for terminating an unwanted pregnancy, but we should not forget that this is an intervention in the body that destroys a woman’s physiological cycle. No specialist can guarantee 100% the success of an abortion and the preservation of the health of his patient.

Useful video about abortion and its consequences

The vacuum exercise is known to almost every person. It is very often done by women in order to get a beautiful waist, remove a slightly protruding tummy, pump up and strengthen the abdominal muscles. But when a woman is preparing to become a mother, a completely logical question arises: can she do the vacuum exercise during pregnancy to keep herself in shape?

Those who are just starting to get their body in order, on the recommendation of many fitness instructors, begin to do the vacuum exercise. This does not mean that it is not suitable for those people who have been involved in sports for a long time or who perform certain exercises to stay in shape. Many may think that to have a beautiful waist you only need to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Actually this is not true. The fat layer will remain in place, and the size of the abdomen and, accordingly, the waist will increase even more. First of all, you need to get rid of the layer of fat in the abdominal area. It is for this purpose that a special technique was invented - a vacuum. Even thin people who have skin problems in the form of sagging can do this exercise. But if you are expecting a baby, then you should first find out whether you can do the vacuum exercise during pregnancy or not.

This exercise is several techniques combined into one that must be performed in a certain way. The vacuum exercise is done in fitness, yoga, and bodyflex. The exercise can also be performed at home. But you can’t do the vacuum exercise during pregnancy. The essence of this abdominal muscle training is that the stomach is pulled in as much as possible and held in the most tense state for about 30 seconds, provided that the correct breathing technique is followed.

The results from regular exercise will not take long to arrive. In addition, it can be used to strengthen the transverse abdominal muscles, which are responsible for the flatness of the abdomen. After a few weeks, he will not stick out as much as at the beginning of classes. Through regular exercise, you can remove visceral fat. Vacuum exercise is an excellent prevention of prolapse of the abdominal organs. It also significantly improves metabolic processes and digestion. The intestines begin to work more actively and, most importantly, correctly. The waist gradually forms, the abs become flat, and posture improves. If the vacuum exercise is performed correctly, absolutely all organs begin to receive more oxygen, which has a positive effect on their work. You can do this before conception and after childbirth. The vacuum exercise should not be done during pregnancy.

Correct execution of the exercise while lying down

Not every person can do this exercise correctly, especially if he is new to this matter. It is advisable to train in front of a mirror so that you can monitor the correct execution of all necessary actions. When your body adapts and you can easily do a vacuum while lying down, you can change your position and perform the exercise on your knees.

So, step-by-step instructions for the correct, effective implementation of a vacuum in a lying position.

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Hands should be along the body. If it’s uncomfortable, spread them a little to the sides.
  2. The back must be straight.
  3. Try to relax as much as possible and begin to slowly exhale all the air.
  4. When there is no more air left, pull in your abdominal muscles as much as possible and stop breathing.
  5. Imagine that you need to touch your spine with your navel.
  6. Maintain this position for about 20 seconds, then inhale a little air, hold the muscles for another 20 seconds.
  7. Now you can begin to breathe and restore your breathing.

This type of training causes severe tension in the abdominal area, so you should not do the vacuum exercise during pregnancy.

Performing the exercise in a sitting position

Doing the exercise while sitting is much more difficult. In this case, in addition to the abdominal muscles, the back muscles also begin to work. First of all, you need to sit down on a fairly hard surface. You can also do a vacuum on a fitball.

  1. Press your palms against your knees as hard as you can.
  2. Legs should be placed at an angle of 90 degrees.
  3. Make sure your feet touch the floor completely.
  4. Exhale all the air and pull your navel as close to your spine as possible.
  5. Keep your muscles tense for at least 30 seconds.
  6. Exhale and immediately repeat the exercise. Do this three times.
  7. If you feel even slightly dizzy during training, you can no longer hold your breath. You can also reduce the voltage holding time.

Standing workout

The best results can be achieved if you do the vacuum while standing. There are two different options for performing the exercise. A person can stand upright with their arms down and their feet shoulder-width apart. You can also lean on something or tilt your entire body a little forward. Bodybuilders often train in the last pose. Then proceed according to the instructions.

  1. Take the position of your choice.
  2. Exhale completely all the air through your mouth.
  3. Relax your lips so they don't pout.
  4. Draw in your stomach as much as possible after there is no air left in your lungs.
  5. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds. With each new workout, increase the time to a minute.

This option is very complicated. The load applies to almost all muscle groups, so under no circumstances do this vacuum exercise during pregnancy.

Gymnastics for the abdominal muscles: safe or not

This type of gymnastics is very useful, especially for women, but only if they do not intend to become mothers. It is better to do a vacuum after childbirth, because it allows you to get back into shape, strengthen your abs, make your waist smaller and lose weight. The only condition is that you need to do the exercise regularly, otherwise there will be no effect.

Vacuum exercise: contraindications

The main contraindications include the following:

  • You cannot do the vacuum exercise during pregnancy.
  • If you have diseases of the cardiovascular system or lungs.
  • If there is an ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
  • During critical days, especially if they are accompanied by painful sensations.

You should not perform the vacuum exercise during pregnancy, because you will not achieve a positive result, but will only harm yourself and the baby. Due to strong tension, uterine hypertonicity may occur, which will lead to spontaneous abortion.

Women decide to have an abortion for medical or social reasons. Sometimes there come times when this is the only way out. If you choose between all types of abortions, vacuum abortion is considered safe and non-traumatic. It is also called a mini-abortion, since it is performed in the early stages, when the fetus is still undeveloped, and its removal from the uterus will not lead to severe damage.

What is vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion (vacuum aspiration) is a method of removing the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity using special suction without dilating the cervical canal and scraping the mucous membrane. Although such termination of pregnancy is considered gentle, it is considered a surgical procedure, since an instrument (vacuum aspirator tube) is inserted into the uterine cavity.

When pregnancy is planned everything is decided. Ideally, the procedure is performed between 4 and 6 weeks of pregnancy. Before 4 weeks, medical termination of pregnancy is preferable, and later than 6 weeks, curettage. Not every gynecologist will agree to perform a mini-abortion for periods longer than 7 weeks (although this is acceptable), since the risk of incomplete removal of the fertilized egg and the development of complications increases.

Advantages and disadvantages of mini-abortion, contraindications

Vacuum abortion is preferable to other types due to a number of advantages:

  • During the operation, the cervix does not dilate, which reduces discomfort and minimizes the consequences in the form of the development of cervical (cervical) insufficiency;
  • the uterine mucosa is minimally injured and quickly (within 3 weeks) restored;
  • the vessels of the uterine wall are slightly damaged, which reduces the risk of bleeding;
  • with a mini-abortion there are almost no serious complications, such as perforation of the uterine wall during curettage;
  • the duration of the procedure is 5–10 minutes and observation in the ward is 2–3 hours (observation can be longer, depending on how long and how difficult it is for the patient to recover from anesthesia);
  • it is possible to perform a mini-abortion without anesthesia (if a woman has allergies or intolerance to anesthetics, severe chronic diseases), under local or general anesthesia;
  • in the early stages, the hormonal changes in the body have not yet been completed, so the consequences of a vacuum abortion will not be clearly expressed, and the hormonal levels will quickly return to normal and the menstrual cycle will be restored;
  • emotional stress for the woman is reduced, since the fetus is not yet formed.

No matter how safe vacuum abortion is, this medical intervention also has disadvantages:

  • you need to have time to carry out a mini-abortion in the optimal time frame, and their range is small - from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • incomplete abortion occurs, when the fertilized egg cannot be completely removed, you have to either repeat the procedure or resort to curettage;
  • Emotional stress is present with any termination of pregnancy, vacuum abortion is no exception.

In addition, there is a possibility of developing complications:

  • the most common consequences are incomplete removal of the fertilized egg;
  • the second most common is infection;
  • sometimes there is bleeding;
  • rare, but there may be severe hormonal imbalances, impaired follicle maturation and ovulation; in severe cases – consequences – infertility or miscarriage;
  • Perforation of the uterus is practically excluded with this method, but it is also worth remembering.

Every surgical intervention has contraindications. Vacuum abortion is not indicated when the recommended gestational age is exceeded (more than 7 weeks), in the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute phase, or in cases of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Blood clotting disorders are not an absolute contraindication, but require an individual decision on the issue of carrying out the procedure in a hospital and longer observation after it.

Procedure for carrying out an abortion

Before a mini-abortion, a series of tests and an ultrasound are required to prevent negative health consequences. A complete blood count, coagulation tests, a urine test, a smear for microflora from the vagina, a test for human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG), tests for sexually transmitted infections, HIV and hepatitis are checked.

Vacuum abortion is carried out both without anesthesia (some women, for one reason or another, go for it), and with local or general anesthesia.

Women who have not given birth are often given the drug misoprostol to relax the muscles of the cervix so that the suction tube can be inserted more easily.

Beforehand, it is better for a woman to find out how a vacuum abortion is performed. The procedure is carried out in a chair, similar to an obstetrician, and takes only a few minutes. A suction tube is inserted through the cervical canal into the cavity, and the fertilized egg is vacuum removed. At the end of the mini-abortion, the doctor examines the extracted contents of the uterus to ensure that the entire embryo has been removed. Ultrasound is performed for control. For 2–4 hours (it is impossible to say exactly how long, it all depends on the woman’s condition), the patient is observed by a doctor. If there are no complications and she feels good, she is sent home.

Reviews from most women say that the mini-abortion procedure is unpleasant, but tolerable, and the consequences are minimal. Someone endured it without anesthesia and experienced only abdominal cramps or discomfort when passing the aspirator tube through the neck. If anesthesia is administered, pain and discomfort are reduced to zero. The recovery period is not as difficult as after curettage.

Recovery period after abortion

The recovery period is relatively easy, the consequences of the intervention are noticeable only on the first day. Discharge may be normal for up to two weeks. Usually this is a light spotting discharge. But if the blood flows profusely, with clots, often or constantly throughout the day, this is a reason to consult a doctor for help. Women sometimes feel discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation.

It is recommended to take antispasmodics and painkillers. To avoid infection after a vacuum abortion, a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics is prescribed. To monitor the patient’s condition and make sure that the pregnancy is completely terminated, the doctor prescribes a repeat examination and ultrasound 2 weeks after the procedure.

After a mini-abortion, there is no need for long-term bed rest. The very next day you can return to your normal life, just avoid physical activity and heavy lifting. It is also recommended to abstain from sexual activity for 3 weeks after a vacuum abortion. It is not recommended to plan a pregnancy for the next six months; during this period, the uterus has not yet recovered, so it is important to take contraceptive measures.

Where is abortion performed and how much does it cost?

There is a large selection of paid multidisciplinary or highly specialized clinics and private medical offices that offer this service. Vacuum abortion is also performed in city clinics. On the Internet you can find reviews about a particular clinic, hospital, doctor, and find out how much it costs to perform the procedure in the place you are interested in. The choice of place for a mini-abortion is limited by financial capabilities and personal preferences.

The procedure costs differently, depending on the location of the procedure, the desired anesthesia, and the qualifications and experience of the doctor. A comprehensive examination before terminating a pregnancy costs additional money. The price varies greatly.

In a general city hospital network, this is 5–7 thousand rubles, plus paid tests and ultrasound, if they are not done for free.

It is difficult to say how much the amount will be in private medical centers; it reaches tens of thousands of rubles, depending on the reputation of the clinic, the range of additional services, and the volume of examinations.

Before deciding to have an abortion, you need to think a hundred times whether it is 100 percent necessary. If yes, then it is better to act quickly in order to have time to carry out it in the early stages, because a vacuum abortion is the least traumatic, and its consequences are not so threatening in the distant future. You must be very careful when choosing the location of the procedure and the doctor, and follow the recommendations during the recovery period. In order not to terminate a pregnancy, and not to jeopardize your health and future motherhood, it is easier to take precautions and prevent unwanted pregnancies.