A fun scenario for March 8 in a women's group

Every year, on the eve of everyone’s favorite holiday, March 8, the same question arises: how to congratulate women in such an unusual, humorous, cheerful way that everyone would like it, and at the same time, without wasting much time on preparing festive events.

And so that the program does not drag on: they congratulate, give gifts, and - we ask you to come to the table... And there, after a good snack - competitions, fun, laughter!

What to think of? What to surprise?

Don't rack your brains! We thought of everything for you: we offer 9 cool skits for corporate parties on March 8th! Suitable for a mini-performance at the workplace, and for a holiday organized on a grand scale.

All that remains is to choose good gifts, a few competitions for the feast (or buffet), and that’s all - International Women’s Day can be considered a success!

Scene No. 1

"Gift Lottery"

The performance involves 7 men, but the number of participants can be reduced.
Five men come out with a rose in their teeth and perform a short free dance to S. Mikhailov’s song “Everything for you.”
Then the women are presented with flowers and tokens with a serial number according to the number of women.

Man 1: Dear women, gifts are waiting for everyone today! But we have 5 super prizes, and we are ready to give them to those who are lucky today!

Man 2: It’s simple, my lucky hand will look for one number here, and whoever comes up will take the super prize!

He spins the drum and pulls out one number.

Man 1: Hooray! Please come out to us! We are announcing a super prize, here it is!

A man enters the hall to the music; a large poster is attached to his chest, on which is written “I’m not working today! He does everything for me!”
Amid applause and laughter, the woman whose number was drawn by the presenter is given a poster.

Man 2 pulls out the next number. A man comes out to the music, also with a poster that says “Ready to discuss this!”

Man 1 (giving poster to winning woman): Oh yes, he is ready to discuss anything with you! Right down to discounts on tights in the store and a new manicure for the secretary!

Man 1: We invite our incomparable, courageous and wonderful chef (name) to get the next number! He has a lucky hand!

As soon as the number is drawn, a man comes out, wearing a poster with the inscription “5 compliments from the boss!” The manager compliments the woman whose number was drawn from the drum.

Man 2: I'm getting the next number! Hurray, (name of winning woman)! Come out please! He will perform his famous song “Oops!” for you. world-famous star Britney Spears, whom we invited especially for this performance!

Three men come out, one of them plays Britney (brightly painted lips, a short fluffy skirt over trousers), the rest are dressed as backup dancers (for example, in tights). The group performs the song “Oops!” to the soundtrack, the funnier the better, for example, standing motionless, folding their hands on their stomachs, looking at one point on the ceiling, and only opening their mouths wide.

Man 1: And, the last number in our holiday lottery!

The man diligently spins the drum, then, as if accidentally, pours out all the numbers on the floor, at this time all the other men take out firecrackers, explode them and shout: “This prize is for all of you!” Our declaration of love! We simply adore you!”
To the music of the song that opened the holiday (S. Mikhailov “Everything for you”), pre-prepared gifts are presented to the women, and everyone is invited to the table.

Scene No. 2

"Serious Test"

Leading: Dear ladies! Let us join you for a while, feel what it’s like to be a woman?! Our bravest volunteers, to amuse you, agreed today to become women in order to get into the most terrible female situations! Help them cope with this, dear ladies!

A dressed-up Man 1 comes out with shoes on his feet. He stumbles as if he breaks his heel. He freezes, raising his hands to his face in theatrical horror.

Leading: So, option 1: I'll go barefoot! What do you say?

The women shout: “No!”, Man 1 also shakes his head negatively.

Leading: Option 2: I’ll call my relatives and friends, let them bring me other Louboutins! Will it work?

Women shout “No!” (or “Yes!”), but Man 1 shakes his head anyway.

Leading: Should I go up to that cute stranger over there and ask for a ride?

Man 1 happily nods his head, runs up to any of the men, shakes a shoe in front of his nose, and, making eyes, says: “Save the lady, please!”

Leading: Ewww...We successfully completed one task, let's move on!

To the music, Man 2, dressed as a lady, comes out into the hall, and a normally dressed man walks towards him.

Man 2: Darling, give me 5 thousand!

Man: Where are you going with all the money?! I just gave it to you yesterday!

Man 2 sadly dulls his eyes, The man looks at him menacingly.

Leading: We are looking for options for the correct answer: “Okay, don’t give it up! But know that I spent all the money on charity!” - will it go?

The women shout “No!”, Man 2 also shakes his head.

Leading: And like this: “Don’t you want your wife to look beautiful?! Marigolds, hair, eyebrows, eyelashes - all this beauty, do you know how much money it costs?!!

The women shout out their answer and Man 2 shakes his head.

Leading: The option is: “You! Me! Not! Love you!”

Regardless of the women’s promptings, Man 2 agrees with this option, vigorously shaking his head and moaning “He doesn’t like it!” He doesn’t love me!” To which the Man, in fright, shouts: “Of course I love you!” Adore! Sorry! I agree to everything!” The men of the team join them to the music to congratulate the women

Man 1:

It is not possible for us to understand how you
So tender
Do you know how to be strong?
A hundred times stronger than us!

Man 2:

On a wonderful spring day, we
Ready to give you gifts
Flowers, compliments,
And do everything for you!


Please, please
May you never be sad
And also an insult, and an extra-kilogram-gainer
Won't meet you!

You are dear, beloved,
You are the most beautiful
So allow us today

To the music, men present gifts, after which women are invited to the table.

Mini-scene No. 3

Oh! What will we give?!

The participants in the scene are sitting at tables or simply standing in a group, expressing complete perplexity.

Man 1 (runs frantically back and forth, screams): Colleagues! Colleagues! Well, what are we going to decide? Give us suggestions for gifts!! What will we give to our ladies?!

All: Candies!

Man 1: Trite!

All: Postcard!

Man 1: Actually it sucks!

All: Diaries!

Man 1: It already happened!

All: Shaving foam!

They look questioningly at the speaker and talk among themselves: “No, so what! They need it too!”

Man 1: I won’t even comment!

All: Shower gels!

Man 1: It happened too!

Solemn music sounds (you can march), a man dressed in white clothes enters the hall, with wings behind his back.

Male angel: I am a beautiful angel who flew to you from heaven, because I see that without me things are going hard here! But your prayers have been heard, and here are gifts for your lovely women!

The angel places a basket in front of the men - it contains bouquets of flowers and gifts. The men shout “Hurray!”, break into a dance in joy, then give the ladies flowers and gifts and invite them to the table.

Scene No. 4

Beauty and intelligence

Suitable for a team of 15 to 30 people.
Women are asked for a moment of attention and invited to the “Beauty and Intelligence” program.

The presenter introduces the “heroines of the holiday”: 2-3 men dressed as women, and the outfit can be quite conventional: a hat, an apron, a paper fan, large beads - the more ridiculous, the better.

1. Ivanova Daria Mikhailovna- honored (profession of choice).
2. Petrushkina Agrafena Muratovna- People's Artist of Cinema Lovers.
3. Listopadova Mirabella Izmailovna- Honored consultant on any issues.

The presenter tells that today, in honor of the March 8th holiday, these women will participate in the “Beauty and Brains” competition, and the one who becomes the winner may receive an early pension.

Competition program:

1. Leading offers assignments on the topic "Who knows more".
For example, the topic is “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “jewelry”.
Participants' task: name words in random order related to this topic.
The participant who says the last word gets one point.

2. Leading offers tasks for testing ability to think logically. Names several objects. “Women” must name the item that is superfluous on this list and explain why. The more serious the questions and the more ridiculous, inappropriate answers, the funnier it will be to watch.
Examples of tasks:
Hair coloring with basma, Vella dye, henna. (The extra one is Vella paint).
Vanilla crackers, breadcrumbs, raisin crackers (extra breadcrumbs).
Viscose, cotton, polyester (polyester is unnecessary).
Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume (extra lotion).
Basting, machine stitching, overlock (basting is extra).
In order for the competition to maintain a completely “beyond logic” style, the presenter awards victory and one point to the participant who, in his opinion, is “the prettiest of all.”

3. Competition task on the topic “Cosmetics bag”.
Leading“scatters” cosmetics items (nail polish, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, bright lipstick, lip pencil, eye pencil, eye cream contour, nail polish remover, eyelash brush, cosmetic milk, foundation, powder compact, facial toner).
The presenter gives each participant a task, according to which she must choose the correct item “from the cosmetic bag”. Time is limited.
Suggested tasks:
wash off your makeup,
tint lips for a business meeting,
hide your freckles,
paint your nails,
paint your eyes,
wash off nail polish,
line your eyes, etc.
The presenter vividly comments on his actions and the actions of the participants.
For the correct answer, the participant receives a point.

4. The presenter offers non-standard situations to the participants. We need to find an original way out of them.
For example:
Let's say that you meet an extraordinary man. It seems to you that he is “head over heels” in love with you and is about to propose marriage. You come to your friend to tell her your joy. But then you see a photo of your lover on her desk. What are your actions?
Before an important date for you, you visited the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed green. What will you do?
You came to a business buffet meeting in a knitted dress. You are communicating with your partner and suddenly notice that one of the visitors has caught his jacket button on a thread of your dress. Moving further and further away from you, he unravels your dress. What will you do in such a situation?
The winner in the opinion of the presenter receives one point.

Based on the results, having counted the points, the presenter announces the winner of the competition. And gives a prize: the right to turn into a man again and congratulate the real heroes of the occasion on March 8th!
The “woman” transforms into a man, congratulates the female team with beautiful words, the losing participants remain women and are used “at their beck and call” - they hand out gifts.
The host invites everyone to the festive table.

Scene No. 5


Suitable for a team of 10-15 people.

1. Men should ask the employees in advance for their childhood photographs. Each one should be framed and hung as an exhibition.
2. At the appointed time, the men gather the women and invite everyone to the opening day.
3. Slow music plays and those gathered must guess their colleagues in childhood photos.
4. After guessing, the photo is given to the women. There are numbers on the back of each photo.
5. They hold a cool holiday lottery.

Examples of raffle prizes:
Room for personal archive (photo album).
Without her photo, the desktop is empty. (photo frame).
Disposable cosmetics (set of napkins).
A necessary part for a mink coat (hanger).
A tool for keeping your figure in the right tone (spoon).
Love potion (spices).
A universal gel from the past (laundry soap).
A washcloth for my husband (brush).
Incense (insect repellent).
3D gloves (rubber gloves).

It will be necessary to draw all the numbers so that each woman receives her own gift.
At the end, the men give flowers and invite everyone to the table to celebrate the holiday.

Short scene No. 6

flying ship

1. Women are invited into the room for congratulations to the melody from the cartoon “The Flying Ship.”

2. If this is not possible, then men change clothes in a secluded place and appear at the workplace already in the required form of cheerful Grandmas Yozhek: sundresses, scarves, brooms (brooms). In hands are toy accordions.

3. A congratulation song is performed to the soundtrack of the song Babok Yozhiek from the cartoon “The Flying Ship.”


* * *
Stretch your furs, accordion,
Eh, play and play!
Congratulations to the women,
And don't talk!

* * *
I walked along the forest side,
The holiday followed me!
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil!

* * *
I tell him: Pour it!
You are a holiday, not a villain,
Even though I don’t believe it myself,
I'm into these superstitions!

* * *
Stretch the fur accordion,
Eh, play hard!
Our women are beautiful
Dazh, don’t persuade me!

* * *
We have known them for many years
This is the secret of beauty!
Everyone will always be twenty -
Even at eighty years old!

* * *
I was walking back home
The holiday is still following me!
What is the reason for this?
Is this the devil?!

* * *
Stretch the fur accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
We congratulate all women!
Persuade me to sit at the table!

Men escort women to the festive table, make toasts, congratulate them, and present gifts.

Congratulations sketch No. 7

Self-assembled tablecloth

Men prepare a large gift box in advance and decorate it colorfully.
When the women appear, each is given a flower.

The men take turns speaking:

1. Congratulations, congratulations!
2. Tomorrow came quickly.
3. We have gathered you today
4. To congratulate you on March 8th!
5. And our gift is in a box,
6. So that you can guess,
7. What took a long time to pick up
8. What we will give!
9. He is undoubtedly very cute!
10. We’ll even give you a hint:
11. He will definitely make you happy!
12. Because it’s... a fairy tale?
13. No, you didn’t guess!
14. This is home decoration!
15. And it will come in handy today!
16. Is this the right... bench?
17. We didn’t hit, well, it happens!
18. Where is your ingenuity?
19. To receive and respect guests
20. Would a miracle (pauses) rolling pin come in handy?
21.Missing, even very passing
23.You need it
24. Drink coffee, meet guests
25. Set a beautiful table
26.Treat your neighbor with tea
24. Super - we’re giving you a tablecloth!
25.All together (or one congratulating): after presenting gifts, we invite you to the festive table!

They give gifts and invite you to the table.
The first toast is to the festive mood, to the best housewives, to the laid tables and to women's hands, which can even create a miracle!

Scene No. 8


The men are talking to each other.

Man 1: Hello everyone, well, March 8 is just around the corner. Our women need to chip in for gifts.

Man 2: What’s the point of chipping in, let’s read them poems and sing different songs. Creative gifts are the most desirable and inexpensive!

Man 3: Come on, let's buy flowers. All women love flowers! We'll give you a flower and that's enough. They didn’t bother us with gifts. Foam and socks again!

Man 4: What kind of mercalistic guys you are? After all, we are so lucky with the girls. And they are beautiful and smart, and they bake pies, and they always treat you, they say a kind word, they lift your spirits. You look at any one and immediately want to sing.

Man 1: Yes, yes I agree with (name of Man 4). Our girls deserve to be given unusual gifts. But what to give as a gift?!

Man 4: Let's think! We need something beautiful and romantic!

Man 1: How about a movie ticket for each?

Man 3: Why should everyone, let’s take them to an evening session. Very romantic!

Man 2: Yeah, what will the wives say? I can’t even imagine how I’ll get home after watching it together in the evening!

Man 1: Yes, and husbands won’t be too happy. They'll also hit you in the head!

Man 4: It is necessary that the evening be connected, and that everyone be delighted!

Man 1(thoughtfully): I'll give you a star!

Man 2: Exactly! Stars must be given! And cheap and beautiful and romantic!

Man 4(dreamy): Each of our girls is a star! Or maybe even a constellation! Let's give them a night shower of stars! Each girl is comparable to a constellation!

Man 1: It's decided! Speak!

Man 4(clears throat): Our dear girls! For us, you are like celestial stars united in constellations! On the eve of International Women's Day on March 8, allow us to identify you with the beautiful celestial bodies and present each of us with our modest gift, forming a shower of stars!

They name the girls' names and the constellation that matches their name.


Irina - Polar Star (praise and compliments);
Anna - Andromeda (praises, compliments);
Mary - Ursa Major,
Ella - Chapel,
Bella - Betelgeuse and so on.

After the entire list has been announced and gifts have been presented, women are invited to the table.

Game mini-scene No. 9

Long live women!

Suitable for a team of 15-20 people.

1. Men prepare balloons of different shapes in advance.

2. Women are invited to the room where the congratulations will take place (or they do this at their workplaces).

3. The presenter announces that men are capable of anything for their female colleagues! And as proof, exact copies of the employees will be made immediately, immediately!

4. Now the men will have to create female figures from balloons using tape within a strictly defined time. The funnier and more absurd the “creations” turn out to be, the better.

5. Women count out loud in chorus and help with advice. Or the music turns on for the right time.

6. As soon as the time is up, the men take turns demonstrating their “masterpieces,” telling the best about the woman whose “copy” is presented, and presenting a gift.

The host invites everyone to the table (or a small buffet). Where games and giveaways can continue.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when preparing for the holiday, especially in small groups, attention should be paid to each woman, using humor, ingenuity, but in no case offending or insulting!

Try to joke and say congratulations with ease. Use skits, a pre-prepared program of table and outdoor games. Let small souvenirs be present in your congratulations.
The funnier the scenes, the greater the impression you will make on the female half of the team.

How to hold a corporate party in a women's team on March 8, 2019, in order to create a fun atmosphere at the holiday, and none of those present get bored? The organizers of such celebrations diversify them with fun competitions, comic skits, and funny games. At the same time, they try to take into account the age of all participants.

It is important that all ladies participating in the event feel comfortable. We offer one of the possible options for how you can organize a March 8 holiday in a team, including interesting tasks that will appeal to the majority of those present.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8 in a women's team

Decorate the room where the holiday will take place with garlands and balloons. You can draw 1-2 congratulatory posters or prepare a wall newspaper for this day.

– Hello, our dear guests! An amazing holiday is coming again, when the sun shines brighter, and there are more smiles, and the drops are louder. We are pleased to welcome you to this hall, which looks like a flowering meadow. It is you, our dear ladies, who filled it today with the light of your beauty!

The most beautiful and most beloved
Beautiful, unique women
Congratulations on Women's Day now,
We wish you the best in life!
Be always loved and desired,
They are very affectionate and long-awaited.
In life - wonderful and bright emotions!
Happy holiday, women! Happy March 8th!

Next, at the festive corporate party in honor of March 8, according to the script, congratulations from the company’s management will be heard. At the same time, it is important to mention each employee, thanking her for her contribution to the common cause. You can give them awards: “For the best report”, “The most punctual”, “Golden hands”, etc.

Then the presenters will take the floor:
- The March prankster will melt the snow,
Hearts will thaw from winter.
Let's celebrate Women's Day
The way only we can!

– How unflatteringly men speak about the so-called female logic! At the same time, many representatives of the fair sex not only keep up with them in this regard, but can also give them a head start. Let's test your abilities and conduct a fun quiz.

Several participants are invited to the stage to answer questions. Each sentence contains an extra word that is not connected with the rest in meaning. Girls and women must define it.

For example, in the list of “cotton, polyester and linen” the extra one is polyester, since it is an artificial material. In the phrase “henna, supra and basma” the word “supra” is superfluous, since this is a chemical composition made in the laboratory, and henna and basma are natural dyes. Then the results of the competition are summed up and the winners are awarded.

– Well, you coped with this task brilliantly! And so that you don't get bored, I suggest you take a fun test.

At least once in your life...

  • Have you ever gotten behind the wheel of a car?
  • hammered a nail?
  • lifted luggage heavier than a handbag?
  • Have you changed a car tire?
  • argued with salespeople in the store?
  • Did you buy your own jewelry?
  • do you know what the word “pliers” means?

The presenter will summarize:

  • for those who have never answered “yes”, men are simply necessary for survival in this complex world;
  • Those who answer yes to half of the questions still have a chance to become independent and independent;
  • If you answered “yes” to most of the questions, don’t be upset: you are real Russian women who will stop a galloping horse and walk into a burning hut!

The corporate event on the occasion of the celebration of March 8 in the women's group will continue with the sketch “Bad Advice”.

– They say that there is no such thing as female friendship, and there are jokes about how quarrelsome a female team can be. Everything is different in our company, so I want to give you some bad advice.

Tip 1:
– If your colleagues
They gave me a big bonus
And they completely forgot about you
And they didn’t give any
Instead of paint
Pour into the printer
Strawberry jam,
And about you in the institution
They will never forget.

Tip 2:
– If at the workplace
Everything is littered with paper
And find there what they ask for,
There is no hope -
Quickly dump everything on the floor,
Stomp your feet on top
And get out of this job
Where there is no one to clean the table.

Tip 3:
– If everyone is in the office at once
Sick of a terrible flu
And work immediately stopped,
And customers call
You with some piece of paper
Approach the patient to them.
Let them get sick too
There will be no one to call!

The corporate party scenario for March 8 may include various fun competitions.

In the Hostesses competition, participants will need:

  • prepare a delicious dish, such as a salad, in the allotted time;
  • identify by touch, with your eyes closed, the types of cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, semolina, etc.);
  • answer the questions: “How much does a liter of milk, a kilogram of doctor’s sausage, a loaf of bread, a pack of washing powder, children’s tights cost?”
  • sew on a button, etc. as quickly as possible.

The next competition at the corporate celebration on March 8 will involve teams consisting of two participants.

One participant will take out cards from the box with the words “car”, “flowers”, “child”, “iron”, “cat”, “candy”, “dress”, “bracelet”, “vase”, “chicken carcass”, etc. Another lady will randomly take out cards from another box with the phrases: “I’ll cook it for lunch,” “I’ll get it as a gift,” “I’ll send it to kindergarten,” “I’ll wear it in the evening,” “I’ll wear this to a restaurant,” etc.

If the words match in meaning, the team will receive bonus points. The winner will be the team with the maximum number of points.

At this holiday you can also talk about the achievements of your employees at work and beyond. After all, many people have hobbies that everyone would be interested in learning about. Surely one of your colleagues writes poetry, sews and knits beautifully, grows rare flowers at home or in their garden.

Organize a lottery with humorous gifts at the holiday: it could be a compliment from your boss or a prize in the form of a few free hours for shopping.

– Once again, Happy Women’s Day to all of you! Let's wish each other happiness, spring, love, goodness!

– My dear colleagues,
Congratulations on Women's Day!
I wish you a lot of love,
I wish you a lot of happiness!

Lots of joy and mood
Many new, wonderful ideas,
I also wish you luck,
And health, and memorable days!

I wish you flowers and gifts,
And the attention of the best men,
From the bottom of my heart, friends, I congratulate you!
Let your worries melt away like smoke!

A portrait of a celebrity, modified in Photoshop, is shown on the video screen for each participant. Among celebrities, you can insert photographs of their superiors. After the participants’ answers, the portraits return to their original appearance.

He. You have successfully completed the first task. Second stage - “Transport inspection”.
During the next competition we will name parts from a mechanism. Try to guess what kind of car we are talking about.
He. Steering wheel, trunk, bell, pedals, frame... (Bicycle.)
She. Keel, periscope, kingstons, propeller, porthole... (Submarine.)
He. Steering wheel, carburetor, brake, shock absorbers, headlights... (Car.)
She. Steering wheel, wings, fuselage, propeller, autopilot... (Airplane.)
He. Turret, barrel, tracks, tanks, hatch... (Tank.)
She. Body, axle, wheel, shafts, goats... (Cart.)

He. Now name the car brand based on its emblem. Julia, did you draw the emblems? Bring it!
She brings out sheets with emblems drawn on them. There should be two more units than the number of participants. Participants take one emblem at random and name the make of the car.
She. So our participants shot...

He. Julia, you forgot that the “Almost Professional” competition takes place in three stages. The third stage - “Sharp Eyes”. Carry a machine gun.
She. Or maybe we'll end here?
He. Julia, we are working according to the script. Bring it!
She takes out a fake gun.
He. What is this? Where is Kalashnikov or TT? Or at least gas?
She (almost crying). The medical commission did not give me permission to carry weapons...
He. Julia, don't cry! So! Take it backstage and bring...well, I don't know what. Now let's figure it out.
She takes out airplanes made of colored paper and distributes them to the participants.

He. Madams, due to circumstances beyond my control, we have minor changes in the script. Now the task will be this: launch airplanes into the hall so as to hit the target. Julia, we forgot to indicate the goal!
She. For women, there is only one goal - men.
He. Understood! If the plane reaches the jury - and there are only men there - you will receive 5 points.
launching airplanes one by one.
Competitive game moment

He. Madams, thank you. You can go backstage. (The participants leave.) Julia, get ready, now we need to advertise the competition and we’ll continue...
A cell phone ringing is heard. He takes his phone out of his pocket.
He. Hello! (To her.) This is for you!
She. If it’s Vitya, Yura or Pasha, I’m gone. And if it’s Zhora or Misha, then I’ll take it!
He. This is (name). He asks when is her exit.
She. Now!
Concert number.
He comes out from behind the scenes alone, looking into the opposite curtains.
He. Julia, stop sulking. Let's go.
She (offended). I won't even think about it.
He (goes to Her). Julia! The audience is waiting.
She. Don't want. And I can’t...
He brings Her onto the stage.
Where will I go so upset? Who needs a sad presenter on stage? The presenter should smile, but I want to cry...
He. Did someone offend you? (Pictorially.) Where is he, scoundrel?
She (pokes him in the chest). Here it is! Here it is!
He. I?!
She (with boundless surprise). Don't you even understand? You men are so thick-skinned. In all the time we've been standing on stage, you've never given me a compliment.
He. Sorry, sorry, darling!
She. Look at me carefully (spins in front of Him)... And so, don’t you notice anything?
He. No, what?
She. Everyone says that I have become a real beauty.
He. It is what it is. But they didn’t tell you the main thing, Yulechka, you’re not only beautiful, you’re also smart!
She (thoughtfully, under her breath). They just say that something else needs to be done... with the face.
He. Well, if only a little.
She. Yes, a little bit. Then that's it. Imagine, Andrey, I’m walking down the street, and the men are all with their mouths open. Those towards you stumble. Those behind are already lying down. This is beauty.
He. Yes... terrible power. Julia, Julia, don't get distracted. By the way, our next competition is called “Both smart and beautiful.”
Maybe, Julia, you will invite the participants to the stage? She goes towards the backstage.
He (after her). On the microphone! (To the audience.) In my opinion, I got carried away with the “clever girl”.
She (comes back). A woman's mind is to hide it. Our dear participants, we ask you to take the stage
Exit of the participants.

He. Competition “Both smart and beautiful” will take place in two stages. The first stage is “Clever girl”.
Each participant is given a marker and a piece of whatman paper.
He. I ask the participants to remember and write words starting with the letter A. The first word consists of two letters, the second of three, the third of four, and so on. Each subsequent word has one more letter than the previous one. One minute is allotted to complete the task.
She. The jury gives 1 point for each word.
On the sheets of paper, participants write words in a column from top to bottom. But at the end of the competition, the presenters read out the words written by the participants.

She. We continue the competition. Stage two - “Beauty”
Men, don't be afraid of beautiful women! From a physical point of view, we are a torso on which a head is placed, two arms are attached to the sides, and two legs are attached below. But since our brain is enriched with additional stubs... empty... dance...
He. Julia, no need to be smart anymore!
She (playfully). Well, coquetry! That's why we take care of the shell. Hence the outfits, the lipstick on the lips and the fluttering of the eyelashes... You have to be in shape! (To the participants.) Really, girls?
He. By the way, the jury evaluates the “form” using a five-point system. She. Girls, let's start!
The presenter calls the action, the participants imitate it. In the final, all actions are performed simultaneously.

She. To keep your waist thin, we hula hoop (circular movements with your hips) in the morning.
So as not to be ashamed to go out in public, we sew our own outfits (with our right hand it’s like we’re turning the handle of a sewing machine). Have you sewn it? We hope.
We do our own styling - we combed our hair, straightened our hair (we straighten our hair with our left hand, comb it with an imaginary comb).
We ran to the shops, bought ourselves some chic shoes, and stiletto heels - and already ran in them... (running in place).
Don't forget to look around - head left and right and shoot with your eyes.

He. How much effort is spent on maintaining beauty - our women spin like a squirrel in a wheel.
And now we all do it together - hula hoop, twist the machine, fix our hair, go shopping in stiletto heels and around... around - so many men around!

Participants perform all movements simultaneously.
He. Yes... If a man is made in the image and likeness of God, then a woman is incomparable! Really, Julia?
She is silent.
He. Julia!
She doesn't respond.
He. Folk sign: if a woman suddenly becomes silent, it means she wants to say something. While Yulia is thinking, the participants can go backstage.

The participants leave. He goes to Her.
Julia, if a thought doesn’t come to mind, then it doesn’t come anywhere at all. How long can you remain silent?
She. Don't bother me, Andrey, I think.
He. I found the time and place! About what?
She. I'm thinking about what to give my mom for March 8th. Maybe you can recommend something?
He. Nooo! Maybe the viewers can recommend something? Wow, how many are there? Dear viewers, do you have any ideas for a gift for a woman on March 8th?
Game moment with the audience.

He. Most often, flowers are given as gifts. But men’s imagination does not go further than mimosas, roses and tulips. And here the women themselves come to the rescue.
She. I wonder how it is?
He. The choice of flowers depends on the profession of your loved one.
She. Okay, let’s say my favorite dressmaker...
He. You can give marigolds to a dressmaker.
She. What if it's a manicurist?
He. Marigold.
She. An ophthalmologist?
He. Pansies.
She. Trainer?
He. Snapdragon.
She. Hairdresser?
He. Cactus…
Julia, I have an idea! Try writing poetry to your mother.
She. I've already tried
He. So how? It turns out?
She. Half. I can write, but I can’t write poetry.
He. Maybe you can sing then? Her favorite song... What is mom's favorite song?
She. The one that will now be performed for everyone...
Concert number.
She (at the end of the number). She sings very well. I definitely won't be able to do that. What should I give my mother?
He. Maybe you'll dance? A gypsy girl coming out... Or will you depict some kind of scene? You understand that a creative approach is needed here. She! You and I are chatting! Attention! We are announcing the last competition - creative.

She. Present your homework first...
Creative competition.
He. The competition “Your Majesty the Woman!” is over. The jury retires to deliberate.
The jury leaves.
She (after him). Dear jury! Gentlemen, should I help you or not interfere?
He. Julia, you are much more needed here. Moreover, while the jury is summing up the results, it is necessary to somehow entertain the audience. Do you have any thoughts on this?
She. You won't believe it. Eat! On the eve of Women's Day, I propose to think together about how and with what we can also congratulate women.
He. Song! I feel like my voice has returned.
She. So maybe you can sing something soulful then?
He. Eat. (Sings to the tune of “Oh, frost, frost...”) Oh, wife, wife, kiss me, kiss me - your horse...
She. Andrey, I'm serious, but you're joking.
He. And I'm serious. ABOUT! Eat! I can perform an old Russian ritual - procreation... Although it’s not worth showing, the ritual has already spread widely.
She. So what to do?
He. Call...
Concert numbers.

You can hold a people's choice competition. Viewers vote for the participants. The presenters count the votes and record the results.
The jury returns.

She. Dear participants of the competition, we ask you to take the stage.
Exit of the participants, formation for the award ceremony.
She. Andrey, say something good to our participants!
He. Women are the same as men, only better!
She. That's all?
He. Any nonsense for your sake
Our ancestors did it easily.
Because of your beautiful eyes
Madness is still not uncommon.
You are women! And your glory
She submits to you...
Oh delightful right -
Captivate and drive everyone crazy.

Now we will find out to what extent the competition participants managed to captivate the jury. Word to the chairman. Please use the microphone.
Summing up- rewarding the participants.

He. We congratulate the winners!
She. No! We congratulate all participants of the competition. We admire you! Good luck to you!
He. We congratulate the participants and all the women in the hall on the upcoming holiday!
Against the background of V. Meladze’s song “I liked you.”
Dear women, we wish you that you always have many reasons to be proud of yourself...
She. Even if someone doesn’t appreciate you, even if it seems like the world around you is unfair. If you yourself sincerely believe that you have something to be proud of, this is already happiness!
He. And we say goodbye to you!
She. All the best!
Together. See you again!
Music. Curtain.
Authors: M. Tyzova, Zh. Khmeleva. When preparing the script, materials from the programs of A. Zaitsev, A. Fomintsev, and the magazines “How to Entertain Guests” and “Around Laughter” were used.

There is nothing complicated in organizing a holiday for the gentlest half of humanity - just a clear plan, competent budget allocation, the main entertainer and assistants with sparkling eyes. And now you are dancing on the table to “Dancing Queen”.

In the meantime, while you are choosing a spring dress, we will tell you how to make this plan, what to include in it and how not to miss a single detail.

First, find an organizer, perhaps it will be you or your most proactive colleagues who already called the host last week. Ask your employees where and how they would like to spend the holiday. Ask in a meeting or create a poll to let everyone have their say.

To avoid surprises, you need to budget wisely. Which usually consists of 7-8 points: venue, room decoration, script, entertainment program, host, menu and gifts. Don't forget to check if the girls will need transportation to get home.


The place you choose to stay depends on your budget and wishes. Stay in the office and start a party there or change the atmosphere - it's up to you.

  • Inside. In this case, think over an entertainment program or invite a presenter with your own script.
  • Outside. Organize a trip to a beauty salon, paintball, bowling, sauna, restaurant, quest or.

Program and script

Program. Even in the office, the scenario on March 8 can be unusual: organize a culinary master class for your beauties or right at your workplace - the girls will receive both makeup and impressions. Invite Elvis Presley and musicians - and now men have infiltrated your women's group.

Scenario. First, find creative people in your team. Maybe the accountant does dancing or singing, and the administrator does carving from old invoices? It doesn't hurt to have someone with humor, and you have a scene ready for the evening. For holiday festivities, you can adapt a ready-made script from the Internet, or contact a holiday agency.

The buffet will be diluted with games, competitions, congratulations and toasts. And, of course, conversations and a fun atmosphere that can be easily created by the host, DJ or animators. Agree with them in advance on all the details of the event, music and competitions.


Just decorating an office, teacher's room, studio or banquet hall fills you with a festive mood, and how happy the ladies will be when they see all the beauty. This is how the holiday becomes different from others. Here are some simple ideas to implement:

  • Helium. Tie small notes with compliments or congratulations to the ribbons for the girls.
  • Flowers. Even small bouquets will create the mood: roses, tulips or a bouquet of lilies of the valley. Place them on each employee's keyboard or place them in a vase before the start of the working day.
  • Stickers. Write congratulations on March 8th on them and stick them on your computer monitor, on tables or on mirrors in the ladies' room.
  • Garlands. If your employees like to meditate while being creative during a break, invite them to glue pennant garlands, paper or decorative ring garlands and stretch them under the ceiling.
  • Number 8. In order not to waste time, ready-made eights made of balls, paper pompoms or flowers can be ordered from design companies.
  • Photo zone. Call a decorator or decorate a small corner yourself. Hang bright shots on stands, they will lift your spirits for a long time!


Depending on your budget and time, you can serve a small buffet and order dishes for delivery: ready-made salads, pizza, tartlets, canapés, sushi. A beautiful and most often win-win option is to organize a candy bar. Let's see what to put on it:

  • Chocolate fountain with sweets with fruits, berries, marshmallows, pieces of biscuit.
  • Cakes, macarons and cupcakes in bright or soft colors.
  • Festive cakes from March 8th with wishes, congratulations, decorated in a spring theme.
  • Drinks Juices, wine, champagne - it depends on preferences.


You can please the girls in an all-female team with cute and pleasant little things. The main thing here is attention and the mood itself:

  • Symbolic gifts: spring flowers, personalized ones, cookies (the same pasta in a beautiful package), neck scarves, a gift certificate to a cosmetics or accessories store.
  • Impression gifts: theater or cinema tickets for a romantic film, a certificate for a beauty salon, a massage, a photo shoot, a creative or culinary master class. Short working hours are also a good idea.

If, after all, several men work in the company, then give a gift on March 8 that will be useful to all the ladies: a floor mirror, a new coffee maker or a blender for making smoothies.

Now all that remains is to choose a spring dress and enjoy the beauty of the holiday!

There is a perceptible aroma of spring in the air, and girls wear shorter skirts. This means that March 8 is just around the corner. This is International Women's Day, on which men strive to give their girlfriends and employees happiness and a sea of ​​gifts.

Carrying out March 8th in a team: scenario

If the team is mixed and consists of men and women, then the representatives of the stronger sex should take upon themselves the organization of the festive corporate party. It's best if it's a surprise.

Instructions for holding the celebration:

  • Buy roses, their number should be equal to the number of workers. Tie short predictions to each stem using a satin ribbon. These are good lines. For example, your financial situation will improve in the near future, or you will meet your soulmate (if the women are unmarried)
  • Find out women's birth dates and prepare a desk calendar. Each month is a symbol of the woman who is born in it. You can order such a calendar from a printing house and give it to each employee.
  • Prepare some fun competitions. They may be accompanied by a cheerful melody
  • Prepare a small buffet with snacks and low-alcohol drinks
  • Give gifts to the ladies

Of course, no celebration is complete without fun competitions. On this day they should be purely female. That is, about cosmetics, diets and body care.

Options for women's competitions for the celebration of March 8

  • Women's logic. This is a fun quiz where women are asked questions. There is an extra word in the sentence that is not connected with the rest in meaning. The participant must identify the extra item. For example, cotton, polyester and linen. The extra one is polyester, since it is an artificial material. Or, henna, supra and basma. The extra word supra is a chemical composition made in a laboratory, henna and basma are natural dyes
  • Makeup. For this competition, decorative cosmetics are laid out on the table. The facilitator asks questions describing each tool. The woman’s task is to quickly find the hidden object. For example, apply eyeliner (eyeliner), do a manicure (varnish)
  • Vase. A fun competition for men and women. Teams are divided into opposite-sex pairs. Women hold plastic bottles under their armpits, and men must insert a flower into them without using their hands.

Carrying out March 8 in a women's group: scenario

If the team is female, don’t be upset. In this case, the ladies themselves will have to draw up the festive program. It is best to choose a presenter and presenter.

  • Presenters: “We invite our beloved boss (name and patronymic) to the stage.” The leader calls the women and gives them gifts and a bouquet of flowers. If the team is small and relations between colleagues are warm and friendly, you can hand out medals for various achievements. For example, “the longest legs”, “golden arms”.
  • When all the gifts have been distributed, the women sit down at the tables. You can have a little drink while listening to some quiet music. After this it is time for competitions.
  • After the competitions, the head of the department, the general manager, is called onto the stage. 2-3 people are enough, they don’t have to be men. Leaders say beautiful toasts. They must be prepared in advance. The heroes of the occasion drink champagne.
  • Presenter: “Let’s determine who their employees are the best hostess.” Participants need to complete some task. For example, prepare a salad, put a drunken husband to bed, apply lipstick with your left hand.
  • Women drink champagne and eat. Nice music sounds.
  • Presenter: “Let’s invite all women on stage. It is necessary to prepare two baskets with inscriptions in advance for the competition.” In the first container we put leaves with the inscriptions: chicken, car, child, telephone. The second basket will contain inscriptions with the following text: I will make soup, I will go to work, I will take you to kindergarten. Those who have the same answers receive prizes.
  • The women are resting again. Can we dance a little
  • Presenter: “The time has come to compete with those with whom it is difficult to find a common language.” All participants are divided into several teams. The pins are arranged in a wave in the hall. The teams are blindfolded. Participants must go through the obstacles with their eyes closed and avoid hitting the pins.
  • The holiday ends with a disco.

Funny scenario for March 8

A day through the eyes of a woman:

  • I woke up, there were flowers on the table and a note telling me not to go into the kitchen.
  • My husband made the pancakes himself. Then he surprised me. He put a VIP card in the envelope. I ran out of joy to go shopping. I was so tired, I spent 5 hours in the fitting rooms.
  • I came home, he prepared vegetables with meat and dessert. He gave me a night of love.
  • What a great guy he is, he tried his best.

A day through the eyes of a man:

  • I woke up early in the morning and bought flowers. I thought that on the 7th they would sell for a very high price, but that was just the beginning.
  • Made pancakes. There was a lot of smoke pouring out, I swore not to go into the kitchen again. I brought my wife breakfast in bed.
  • I transferred 20 bucks to the card, but I confused it with mine. Instead of 20 bucks on the card, it turned out to be six months’ salary. He sent me shopping and told me not to deny myself anything. After 20 SMS messages, I blocked the card because I thought I would get a heart attack from spending.
  • In the evening I was going to a restaurant. After 20 SMS I realized there wasn’t enough money for dinner. I called the nearest cafe and ordered some shaky crap and vegetable mash for 20 bucks (the ones that were left on the card that I was supposed to give to my wife).
  • My wife came happy, had dinner, and praised me (I was the one who cooked). He asked if she had a headache or something else. Nothing hurt, unfortunately. I was falling off my feet. But I had to fulfill my marital duty until 4 am.
  • She rode off to work in the morning, happy. I called the boss and asked for time off, he gave it without question. Apparently it was a hard day too. I won't survive the next March 8th.

After the skit, you can hold several competitions and don’t forget about prizes and flowers.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8 in a team of employees

The celebration begins with a speech from management. The leaders give the ladies flowers and gifts. Next, the boss makes a toast.


Eastern wisdom says:

  • “If you want to know the strength of steel, rub it against a touchstone;
  • if you want to know the horse's strength, load it;
  • if you want to know a man’s mind, listen to his speeches;
  • want to understand the heart of a woman -
  • you will never comprehend!
  • Women drink, music plays.

Fairy tale

  • Sea- Don't worry!
  • Seine- I work here alone.
  • Fisherman- The first guy in the village.
  • Fish- I will fulfill any three wishes!
  • Young woman- All women are like women, but I am a Goddess!
  • Trough– Samsung is resting.
  • Grass- And I dream about grass, grass near the house!
  • Apartment- Come in - don’t be afraid, come out - don’t cry.

It is necessary that when an actor is mentioned, he pronounces his words.

Fairy tale script:

There lived a fisherman by the sea. Every day he came to the blue sea to fish. He threw the net into the sea and pulled out only grass. Again the fisherman threw a blue net into the sea. And again there is only grass in the net. The third time the fisherman was lucky, and the Goldfish ended up in the net along with the grass. The fish turned into a beautiful girl. The fisherman married a girl, and they repaired the trough that washed them. We bought an apartment where it was always satisfying and cozy. And they lived in their apartment, making good money. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and those who listened can take a smoke break.

After a smoke break, the employees gather and have a drink. Competition times:

  • Cinderella. The women take off their shoes and put them in a box. The men's task is to find the owners of the shoes. Whoever does this will win
  • Body parts. A fun competition for which you need to print letters on A4 sheets. The participants' task is to hold the letter on the part of the body from which it begins. Whoever holds the most cards wins a prize
  • Rolls. Rolls or apples are hung from the ceiling. The task of each couple is to eat baked goods without using their hands as soon as possible

Scenario and cognitive courses for celebrating March 8th for youth

A host is needed to host the event. You can play around with a fairy tale theme. For example, a presenter with a presenter - Goblin And Baba Yaga. The holiday begins with the words:

Goblin: “The air smells like spring, it’s time to get up, I fell asleep for some reason. I’ll go and look for my friend, Baba Yaga.” Returns with the heroine. They come back and congratulate everyone on the holiday. Fun competitions are announced:

  • Forehead. The essence of the competition is the need to hold the apple in the forehead area. That is, the fruit must be held by the foreheads of the participants. Whoever holds the apple the longest wins.
  • Songs. For this competition, participants are divided into two teams. You need to sing a couple of lines from a song about spring. Whoever runs out of lines sooner is the loser
  • Fanta. An old and familiar competition. You need to prepare a box or hat. Place leaves with wishes in it. For example, sing a song, crow, talk in the voice of a parrot
  • Pump. 2 participants are selected for the competition. It is necessary to place pumps on chairs and inflate the balloons by pressing the pump with your butt. Whoever can do it faster wins

Organize a sweet table if it is schoolchildren or a buffet for students. Be sure to end the holiday with dancing.

A corporate event on March 8 is an opportunity to get to know colleagues better and build relationships. In addition, a good mood and fun are guaranteed.

VIDEO: Corporate party scenario for March 8