Libra and Gemini after 40. Sexual compatibility by zodiac signs. Fish. Who is suitable for an Aquarius man?

The constellation Pisces (lat. Pisces) consists entirely of faint stars. It is the point of the vernal equinox, where the Sun passes from the southern to the northern hemisphere of the sky. In mid-latitudes, Pisces can be seen in late summer, autumn, and also at the beginning of winter.

Pisces is the personification of various kinds of extremes at the same time. On the one hand, they are great proud people, but on the other hand they engage in self-flagellation.

Pisces is the last of the water signs. It completes the astrological zodiac circle. The character of people born under the sign of Pisces reflects the most contradictory and complex qualities of two other water signs - Cancer and Scorpio. This constellation is ruled by two planets at once - Jupiter and Neptune, which provides Pisces with duality of character from the moment of birth.

  • Element- Water.
  • Planet- Neptune, Jupiter.
  • Stone- chrysolite, moonstone.
  • Talismans- knot, daffodil.
  • Colors- green, white.
  • The most vulnerable organs, systems, parts of the body- heart, circulatory system, lymphatic and digestive systems, tendons, ligaments, fingers, ankles.
  • Characteristic diseases- neuroses, neurasthenia, neuralgia, psychopathy, alcoholism, drug addiction, nervous and mental disorders, infectious diseases, colds, as well as diseases of vulnerable areas of the body.
  • Favorable climate- warm, humid.
  • Optimal place to live- next to a pond.
  • Typical appearance- short legs with small feet, graceful hands, smooth, unsweeping movements, a face with small pearly teeth and beautiful light eyes and a dreamy look.
  • The most suitable specialties of the sign based on the subject of work:“man is a man”, “man is an artistic image”, “man is technology”, “man is a sign system”.
  • Gemini - celebrities— Michelangelo, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Sergei Rachmaninov, Modest Mussorgsky, Victor Hugo, George Washington, Enrico Caruso, Marius Petipa, Daniel Craig, Daniil Strakhov, Alexey Yagudin, Anatoly Zhuravlev, Drew Barrymore, Natalia Vodianova, Anna Semenovich, Tatyana and Olga Arntgolts, Olga Budina.

By nature, Pisces are mysterious, have subtle intuition, spiritualistic inclinations, and are capable of self-sacrifice, deep empathy and sympathy. Pisces are not ambitious, do not seek to rule, are not materialistic, and are often unsure of themselves. They are not interested in the opinions of others. But Pisces cannot be called completely spineless. If you anger them, they can show their teeth. They just go with the flow and prefer to keep a low profile. The shortcomings in their character appear not from immorality, but from the painful perception of the surrounding reality. If living conditions are favorable and the right course in life is chosen, the life of Pisces can be quite successful. They can become rich in the event of an inheritance or a successful marriage in this regard. They have a more than positive attitude towards finances, but do not strive due to the awareness of their transitory nature and the complete lack of greed. And Pisces don’t think much about tomorrow. Among the representatives of this sign there are a huge number of truly talented people. They have excellent memory and developed intuition, real aesthetes. Their refined natures find application in the field of art. There are many famous singers, musicians, writers, and artists among Pisces.

According to the love horoscope, Pisces are much more calculating and seek benefits in relationships. They are suspicious and jealous, constantly expecting tricks from their other half and testing their partners, demanding proof of love. Sometimes Pisces fall in love for real. They always behave at their best with their loved ones: with trepidation, generosity and care. Unfortunately, it is difficult for them to confess their love and make a choice; it is better when they are chosen. It is not easier for Pisces to break off a relationship if it has exhausted itself.

A man born under this sign is very sensual, with a rich and contradictory inner world. His sensuality attracts women to him. He is romantic and attentive. But entry into his soul is prohibited; he gently but decisively suppresses the slightest attempts. If they do not take action, Pisces men simply leave their partner. In general, in such relationships he acts according to the principle “a woman loves with her ears”, and is very successful in this sense. He hides his intimate relationships even from close friends. He enters into marriage on his own initiative, realizing the necessity of this step. Pisces men become quite reliable and devoted husbands, determined to enhance the positivity in the relationship, although in some cases the wife will lack his sincerity. Even if there are problems in a marriage, Pisces men rarely divorce.

Pisces women live in a world of illusions and expectation of a miracle, although they make no effort to turn their fantasies into reality. They enter the world of bohemia, are able to captivate a worthy man and have the opportunity to choose. Representatives of this sign can be both fatal beauties and soft, flexible cats. By nature, Pisces women are kind and sympathetic. They often remain alone because they are overly sentimental in love. Being married, they can commit infidelity, for which they are not able to explain.

At a young age, Pisces needs to look for a mate among Cancers and Scorpios. These are water signs and their relationships in youth can be emotional and passionate. After 30 years, there is good compatibility with the sign of Libra, who attracts with calmness and balance. Aquarius is also interesting to mature Pisces, expanding their horizons and neutralizing excessive emotionality. After 40, Pisces gain stability and are ready for a relationship with the sign of Virgo, in which they complement each other. It is worth noting that of all the signs of the zodiac system, Pisces finds it most difficult to find a partner.

Compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs:

PISCES + PISCES= a marriage where there is no use in being hypocritical or trying to find compromises.

PISCES + TAURUS= a harmonious union is quite possible.

PISCES + GEMINI= union is possible due to the great flexibility of signs.

PISCES + CANCER= friendship, cooperation and marriage are very favorable.

PISCES + LEO= although there is a strong attraction, marriage is not recommended.

PISCES + VIRGO= there is sympathy, but there is no sexual compatibility.

PISCES + LIBRA= in the presence of respect and friendship there are many problems in intimate life.

PISCES + SCORPIO= the union is harmonious and strong.

PISCES + SAGITTARIUS= cases of happy marriages are very rare.

PISCES + CAPRICORN= marriage can become happy, there are all the prerequisites for this.

PISCES + AQUARIUS= good relationships are almost impossible.

People of this sign are excited by novelty, so they are constantly in search of new experiences and people. Aquarians are very stimulated by diversity; for them this is not something immoral. People of the sign of Aquarius experience constant conflict and mental struggle - since they belong to the permanent sign of the Zodiac, on the one hand they want stability and constancy, but on the other hand they tirelessly crave change. Aquarians do not strive to get married and put it off for as long as possible, but if they do decide, then it is for life. People of this sign have strongly expressed rebellious and independent moods; they are constantly trying to free themselves from the oppression of public opinion and parental instructions.

In no case should you show disrespect for their intelligence and individuality - if Aquarius thinks that he is a simple tool for someone else’s pleasure, he will not tolerate it for a minute. Aquarius may be offended by a direct offer to just spend one night, most likely they will immediately refuse - they need to get to know their partner better before getting to know each other more closely. Aquarians believe that the main result of sex is making a new friend, so they often don't mind "friendly sex." Aquarians are naturally quite curious, and most will try most types of sex at least once out of curiosity.

Aquarians in marriage are quite straightforward in their demands for sex, but even dissatisfaction in bed will not force them to file for divorce. However, if they really are not getting the emotions they need, they can quite sharply indicate that they will look for satisfaction elsewhere if nothing changes.

The Aquarius woman easily becomes a lover-friend, she is very direct and quite free when it comes to sex. There is a considerable danger that she will be treated simply as a sex object, without noticing her sensitivity and without taking into account her inner world. Women of this sign try their best to look more intelligent and well-read than they really are, until they are completely sure that they have won their man.

There are always many guests in the house of an Aquarius woman - her intelligence, charm and sociability bear fruit, but anyone who thinks that she will behave just as cordially in intimate relationships is mistaken. She carries her passion for order and certainty into the bedroom. A man who is seduced by her expects new sensations, but often after intimacy he remains perplexed. Women of this sign are not too prone to violent eroticism, but they are not at all burdened by this - the joy of life is fully given to them by the company of cheerful people and interesting communication. Although Aquarius women are flirts and want to please everyone, making their partner jealous, he need not worry - despite her behavior, she will remain faithful to him. Women of this zodiac sign are excellent partners for those men who are looking not so much for sex, but for interesting communication and attention.

Men of this sign, alas, are not a gift for a temperamental woman; their erotic aspirations are not very expressed, and they are quite satisfied with rare relationships. Often they are attracted not by physical pleasure, but by the fact of owning an attractive woman, and they are indifferent to her temperament or experience. During sex, Aquarius men willingly submit, and this role is not a burden to them at all. In marriage they are faithful, distracted by work and family affairs, but even despite this fact, their wives can hardly be called happy - they greatly lack sensual pleasure, although this may be quite enough for women with a low temperament.

An Aquarius man often lowers his demands when looking for a sexual partner; for him, sex often comes down to a simple physiological necessity, and without much hesitation, he will choose the most accessible one from all the available partners. He often unwittingly offends women who are in love with him, behaving somewhat indifferently. In sex, Aquarius is an altruist; he must be sure that he not only receives, but also gives, otherwise he will not achieve complete satisfaction.

Zodiac signs suitable for Aquarius (sexual compatibility):

Until the age of 25-30, the most suitable partners for Aquarius are Gemini and Libra. Geminis attract them with their intelligence and cheerful disposition, and Libras with their harmony and balance.

After 30 years, Aquarius becomes more practical and more interested in earthly life, at which time he is better compatible with people of the Virgo and Aries signs. Virgo's keen mind and incredible work ethic helps Aquarius better understand the art of practicality, while Aries can offer him burning ambitions and a good example to follow.

After 40 years, Aquarius gravitates more towards high society, while in his personal life and work he becomes calmer. During this period, Leo will be very suitable for him, who at the same time strives for the same thing. Mature Aquarians are more diplomatic and know what to expect from proud Leos, and this combination of signs can be quite successful, both personally and in business.

Aquarius Loyalty:

Aquarians are usually faithful, in all areas of relationships. This is a stable and constant sign, so they feel better when they are simply surrounded by good acquaintances and friends. From his youth, Aquarius is a very devoted and at the same time trusting friend, and if he is not deceived, this friendship will last until old age. It is very difficult to force an Aquarius to marry; if they still agree, they will be faithful to the end.

Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

Lovers of noisy companies and cheerful feasts, Aries, however, do not forget about their family responsibilities. The house of a person born under this sign is always clean, cozy and comfortable. Aries knows how to control passions in the same way as family life. And if the secret of their sexual exercises outside the marriage bed can be kept unsolved, they live in a happy marriage until old age.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - fiery Leos and restless Sagittarius.

After 30 years - practical Virgos and reasonable Capricorns.

After 40 years - sensitive Libra and intellectual Gemini.

Taurus (21.04 - 21.05)

Once having chosen a person with whom they can live happily ever after, Taurus rarely fails to fulfill their promises. Instead of exquisite compliments and poetic speeches, they give their lovers expensive gifts, their sincerity and fidelity. Only chronic sexual dissatisfaction can lead them to divorce. In this case, they will easily find a replacement - the woman (man) of their whole life No. 2.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - reliable Taurus, sensible Virgo.

After 30 years - smart Gemini and energetic Aries.

After 40 years - spiritually rich Scorpios.

Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)

The largest number of bigamists and bigamists are born under this sign. However, it is not a matter of lack of correct moral principles. It’s just that Geminis are so impulsive that, having fallen out of love with their next partner (which happens quite often), they don’t want to delve into the intricacies of the divorce process, much less wait for it to end. It's easier for them to disappear. And become free again.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - liberal Libra and fickle Aquarius.

After 30 years - calm Taurus and original Aries.

After 40 years - Sagittarius striving for self-improvement.

Cancer (22.06 - 23.07)

A typical example of Cancer is a guilty wife who, while her husband was on a business trip, managed to have fun with a handsome neighbor from the apartment opposite. Then she cleaned the rooms, prepared all sorts of goodies and greeted her husband at the door with hugs and kisses. Divorce? No way! Although those born under this sign find secret satisfaction in going to the left, home comfort, children and a significant other are everything for them.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - passionate Scorpios and emotional Pisces.

After 30 years - energetic Gemini and mercantile Virgo.

After 40 years - pedantic Capricorns.

Leo (24.07 - 23.08)

Despite the fact that Leos easily succumb to impulses of passion and treat sex as a favorite toy, they prefer a tender, long-term relationship to carnal pleasures. And even if their relationship with their spouse completely deteriorates, and a new partner is waiting for them on the side, they will go to the idea of ​​divorce for a long time and painfully. And it’s not a fact that they will come...

Ideal partners

After 20 years - independent Aries and selfless Sagittarius.

After 30 years - friendly Capricorns and courteous Geminis.

After 40 years - eager to please Libra and regal Scorpio.

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

As sad as it may be, most representatives of this sign remain lonely. Those who managed to entangle themselves with the bonds of Hymen become devoted, loving spouses. Their marriage is not built on passions and emotions, but on a reasonable approach to living together, raising children, and an intellectual union. In addition, before you become a Virgo's soul mate, you will have to undergo a thorough check. In a word, Virgos do not get divorced. Divorce Virgos.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - soft Taurus and Capricorn.

After 30 years - passionate Scorpios and life-loving Leos.

After 40 years - virtuous Sagittarius.

Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

One of Libra's life goals is to find an ideal spouse. And if there is one (rarely, but it happens), they tend to adapt to his requirements and fulfill all his desires. Naturally, against the backdrop of such an idyll, the very thought of divorce is absurd. And even after breaking up, they strive to maintain warm, friendly relations with their ex-husband.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - changeable Gemini and airy Aquarius.

After 30 years - ambitious Scorpios and restless Aries.

After 40 years - romantic Sagittarius and Pisces striving for the ideal.

Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

There are two types of Scorpios. Some people enter into arranged marriages and therefore do not seek divorce. Others are for love, and threaten to break up at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. At the same time, both the former and the latter easily enter into extramarital affairs and are sincerely surprised if rumors about this reach the spouses and they, in turn, file for divorce.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - emotional Cancers and Pisces, less often "down-to-earth" Virgos and Capricorns.

After 30 years - patient Taurus and balanced Libra.

After 40 years - charming Aquarians.

Sagittarius (11/23 - 12/21)

If anyone is not created for a family hearth, it’s Sagittarius. After a long and, alas, fruitless search for an ideal life partner, they agree to marry a man who can not only create a home, but also discuss the tenets of Kant’s philosophy. True, this will not protect Sagittarius from sexual affairs for long. So only wise calm will help save the marriage. And you won’t hear about any divorce.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - independent Leos, Aries, Taurus or Pisces.

After 30 years - educated Virgos and charming Geminis.

After 40 years - calm Libra.

Capricorn (22.12 - 20.01)

Restrained, always moping and sexually cold, Capricorn women, however, become wonderful housewives and excellent mothers, and men born under this sign provide for their families better than others. By marrying him before the age of 30, you will receive a faithful, loving spouse “till death do you part.” The only reason for divorce can be Capricorn's excessive stinginess.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - reserved Taurus and passive Virgo.

After 30 years - humane Aquarius and cunning Scorpio

After 40 years - spiritually rich Pisces.

Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02)

Those born under this sign are real rebels. They strive to throw off the shackles of public morality: for a long time they cannot find a suitable life partner, and having decided to marry, they soon get divorced violently and quickly. Moreover, the breakup of relationships turns into a reason for them to boast about their rich sexual experience and enjoy the bewilderment of others.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - harmonious Libra and changeable Gemini.

After 30 years - hardworking Virgos and ambitious Aries.

After 40 years - secular Leos.

Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

For Pisces, divorce is the worst thing that can happen to them. In their desire to dissolve in their partner, they cross the boundaries beyond which devotion turns into slavery, and love develops into painful jealousy and suspicion. Therefore, when incompatibility with a partner is discovered, they do not think about breaking up, but about better work on themselves.

Ideal partners

After 20 years - impractical Cancers and domineering Scorpios.

After 30 years - graceful Libra and sociable Aquarius.

After 40 years - peaceful Virgos.

But no matter what the stars promise you, you should never blindly follow their lead! Remember: love has its own, which act contrary to all the laws of the Universe. After all, love is an Element, and not something that can be cured and not a theorem that can be solved on a piece of paper. Listen to your heart and consult your own mind - and may your life be long and happy!

Key points

Libra is a classic vampire. To live, he needs to drink someone's blood. There is no need to be afraid; a good half of humanity has an overabundance of bad blood. For them, cooperation (or cohabitation) with Libra is just what the doctor ordered. Well, for those who already have little vital energy, it is better to refrain from such experiments.

It is believed that Libra is the sign of romantics who spend their entire lives looking for their soulmate. In fact, they spend their entire lives looking for donors. And woe to them if they don’t find it. The drama of the situation is added by the fact that Libra is not given many chances. This Scorpio can marry 6 times and each time more and more successfully. For Libra, the “divorced-drunk-drunk-died” option is more typical. In business, the picture is identical - the loss of a partner too often turns out to be fatal for Libra.

How Libra looks for someone to cuddle with is a separate story. They are not the type to chase prey or build cunning traps. Libra will dress up, put on perfume, put on their magical smile, turn on the charm - and wait. Their way of fighting for the benefits of the world is the hope that someone will appreciate them, love them and bring all these benefits on a silver platter. If you're, say, a Taurus or Capricorn, you might be shocked by this luxurious approach to life, but for a Libra it often works.

Uselessness. You just have to come to terms with this. In practical terms, Libras are most often useless creatures. They don’t like to exert themselves, they leave it to others to fight for their place in the Sun, they avoid difficulties, they don’t believe in the benefits of creative work. Libra is one of those people who is hard to carry and it’s a pity to leave, because they still decorate life.

Career. If there is even the slightest opportunity not to work, Libra will take advantage of it. If not, they will look for a job that is similar to a vacation: so that it is not boring, so that they can talk (preferably about high things) and so that there is zero personal responsibility: lawyers, consultants, art critics, stylists and other professions in which it is impossible to calculate the employee’s efficiency. Libra can start their own business only in partnership with someone; on their own they will fail even the most win-win business. Libra is not one of those who strain their belly button at work or stay late after six. Discipline, responsibility and corporate ethics are what Libra puts a big emphasis on. The bosses do not see Libra as a rival and do not interfere with his career growth - due to this, as well as due to their charm, lack of conflict and ability to seem like professionals, Libra sometimes makes a career to the envy of everyone. However, they are just as likely to end up among the chronically unemployed.

Money. They don’t know how to earn money purposefully, and they’re lazy. If Libra becomes rich, it always happens very unobtrusively, without effort on his part - pure luck. Could win at a casino, receive an inheritance, find a treasure, or become a partner with someone who knows how to work. But he spends beautifully, on a grand scale and to the last - strangers with the same ease as his own. He doesn’t make any nest eggs and doesn’t humiliate himself with calculations. From the very first salary, he hires a servant, buys expensive clothes and some elegant trinkets, which he then happily gives away to everyone. He doesn’t even remember that he has a rent debt in the process of wasting money. If there is no one nearby who will take money from Libra and hide it in the nightstand, he is doomed to periodically suck his paw.

Health. He doesn’t eat all sorts of rubbish, he avoids stress, he gets cold from physical exertion - why would he be sick? However, it happens. Usually this is either an attack of suspiciousness (I read the medical encyclopedia and found symptoms of all incurable diseases), or an inflammation of self-pity (it seemed that he was not loved enough). Like no one else, he is prone to simulation. However, there are also real illnesses: from overeating and drinking too much. When sick, he vampirizes with triple strength - he demands the most beautiful doctors, the most delicious pills, the most affectionate nurses, etc. and without this he doesn’t like being sick.


Up to 29 years old. Heaps of friends, bunches of chicks competing for the attention of Libra, parties and get-togethers without a break for rest. Many Libras at this age indulge in poetry or pretend to be artists, some turn to alcohol or indulge in extravagant, nonconformist antics. Study naturally moves on, and so does work, if it doesn’t fit into the entertainment schedule. Starting a business, immediately abandoning it and taking on another is in the order of things.

In a successful scenario, by the end of this period, Libra, despite their innate sloppiness and tendency to a dubious lifestyle, will have a family and friends who will support them for the rest of their lives, and some source of income.

29-35 years old. Time for a second chance. During this period, marriages often break up or business partnerships collapse, both of which are painful. But you can still fix everything: enter into a second marriage, trying to avoid the mistakes of the first, and try again to earn money. Fate will be favorable, there may be moments of luck, help from friends and even random people. But you just have to do everything up to the age of 35, because then there may be no more chances.

After 35 years. A time of stability, gluttony and hedonism. By this age, Libra already either lives on a percentage of what he earns (as an option, supported by his wife) or occupies a well-fed and dust-free leadership position. His life is organized, his social circle is outlined. He can start a hobby, start building a library, collecting paintings, or having themed parties on Thursdays at home. But for those Libra who were unable to acquire either money or a family, the prognosis is unfavorable. It will only get worse.

After 45-50 years. A disgusting age for Libra. The charm is gradually fading away. Idealism mimics into tediousness, pettiness and dissatisfaction with everything around. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Libras to find balance, and their already not very outstanding sexual potency suffers from this. If Libra does not find something to do outside the home (for example, social activities or teaching), his loved ones may hate him and it is difficult to blame them for this.

Lonely Libras are deeply unhappy people, their lot is regret about missed opportunities. But even in the most desperate situation, Libra can always count on the help and support of the weaker sex.

What to expect from him

Cold, fixated on the external - he does not fall in love, he selects a suitable picture. The selection is long and painful. He can’t stop at just one, so he shuffles the whole deck.

Shakespeare's passions with suffering and problems frighten him. He needs love that is beautiful and unburdensome. Women of the “I’m so sudden, contradictory...” format don’t attract him at all.

At the courtship stage, Libra is all charm. Gives gifts, writes poems and fulfills (small) wishes. But all this with dignity. No one has ever managed to turn him into an errand boy.

The transition from the bouquet to the bed period of the relationship may be delayed, and in some cases it may not take place at all - he is already having fun. Libra is a classic Don Juan. He loves love more than the object of love.

He never advertises his novels and is in no hurry to introduce his girls to his friends and parents. After all, among the girls with whom he is friends are his former, present and future lovers. And somehow he feels that it is better for these women not to cross paths.

Some people think that Libra is willing to put up with infidelity. This is not entirely true. He just doesn’t spend time on total control, so he often doesn’t notice the obvious. His loyalty depends on the circumstances, but on the wave of romantic love is very possible.

If you don’t make any special demands on Libra, don’t try to get into his soul and don’t put pressure on him, then the romance will be very pleasant. Long-term relationships are fraught with many more pitfalls.

By the way, the groom who does not show up for the wedding is most often a Libra. His inability to make decisions and fear of offending someone often lead to the fact that between the options “quietly sleep and be silent” and “explain yourself, humiliate yourself,” he chooses the first.

And in bed

Everything will be beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, slow and gentle, like in a movie. He will admire you, and then give you the opportunity to caress him. He himself, of course, will also do something (and very skillfully), but most likely he will try to throw the leading role onto you.

Libra is not particularly passionate, and if his partner without clothes turns out to be less attractive than he expected, he may become completely lazy.

But if nothing offends his aesthetic sense, he is very resilient and is able to make love for hours. Its quantitative capabilities under favorable conditions are simply amazing. He is gentle, creative, in no hurry and sincerely wants to please his partner. You will be the first to be exhausted, and he will still be ready to continue.

A woman with a “log” design does not excite him. He needs confirmation that you are happy and that he is doing everything right. You will make things easier for him if you give him hints on how to please you. Libra will not be offended, Libra will take note. And you will get an almost perfect lover. Just don’t try to rush him or order him in the bedroom - harmony, only harmony!

He will never try to force you to do anything you don't want or force you to use contraceptive methods that you don't like. You can always come to an agreement with him. But don’t demand the impossible from Libra; daily sex is not for him; he needs time to recuperate. And in general, relationships based only on sex quickly begin to weigh on Libra.

Pisces man Cancer woman reviews

Sexual compatibility according to zodiac signs. Fish

PISCES February 19. - March 20
General and psychosexual characteristics

The ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune, makes them eccentric, nervous and restless personalities, prone to pretense and deception. The negative influence of Neptune takes them into the world of illusions and empty dreams, while the positive influence leads them into the realm of higher understanding of the human psyche.

People of this sign are extremely emotional and passionate in their own way. Their feelings, when they are directed positively, are powerful creative instruments, but if they are uncontrolled, they are already instruments of destruction.
Pisces have many positive qualities, but their susceptibility to countering any, even reasonable, outside interference does not allow them to fully demonstrate their good traits.
They generally love nature and truly enjoy poetry and painting. The subconscious element is strong in them, and they reach the truth without fully comprehending it.
Pisces are conscientious at work, but they often lack organization and self-confidence. They understand other people and are sympathetic to their suffering. Medicine is an area in which they can successfully prove themselves.
Sexuality is a very complex aspect in the life of Pisces. High idealism and spirituality force them to look for virtuous partners, but, alas, there are almost none of them. Being perhaps the most religious sign of the zodiac, they are often at odds with themselves over the physical aspects of sex. They are constantly looking for spiritual harmony, and because of coldness in sex, they easily spoil relationships with partners.
In general, the 12th House of the horoscope, ruled by Pisces, deals with mental illness, sexual deviations, drug addiction and impotence, and also rules unforeseen tragedies, damage to the senses and solitude. And these troubles, of course, further interfere with the fullness of the erotic side of life.
The best medicine for Pisces is the confidence that fate will eventually have mercy on them and send them a faithful friend who will shelter them from troubles and worries in a calm family life. Their desire to be under someone's authority makes them look for energetic, strong-willed people.
However, many people of this sign behave normally in their sexual lives, get married and raise children. But, in any case, Pisces always needs a person who is patient with their sexual whims. For example, they may suddenly interrupt sexual intercourse for a long time, and this will be a mystery to everyone.
Pisces Woman lives in a world of dreams and hopes invented by her. She needs constant confirmation that she is loved. She has a cruel habit of making her loved ones feel guilty for not loving her as much.
Her style is not action, but dreams and spiritual aspirations. Even eroticism is most often realized in adoration, but not in physical intimacy. And although in her rich imagination she tries to make her chosen one a hero, still her weak temperament does not bring her complete satisfaction. This woman shows an uncanny ability to communicate with influential and important people. With her innocent and defenseless appearance, she provokes their desire to protect the weak. To gain the support of a man whose help she needs, she will not hesitate to seduce him. She is an actress by nature, and so skilled that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish her true face from the character she plays. She loves to tease a new acquaintance in order to arouse interest in herself. But if he is actively excited, she becomes afraid of him and tries to slip away.
As a rule, a Pisces woman marries a gentle and rather non-sexual man with whom she feels safe. But in his ardent fantasies he will strive for something else - with a romantic appearance and rude manners. However, she often makes mistakes in choosing partners, which sometimes leads to nervous breakdowns.
The Pisces woman is sexually liberated and can enjoy a variety of erotic games. Her natural penchant for theatricality helps her convincingly portray passion, whetting her partner's appetite. And if their fantasies coincide, then the intimacy will be very exciting.
Pisces Man endowed with great sensuality. His rich inner world is filled with the most contrasting experiences, and sexual motives occupy not the least place in it.
He is the type of person who prefers to think rather than act. He rarely offends people, although it is sometimes difficult to understand how he really feels about them. He can listen to his interlocutor with genuine interest, but at the same time think about something of his own. In general, he sees people not as they are, but as he wants to see them.
He is constantly tormented by contradictions with the outside world and often inexplicably changing moods, which he cannot get rid of either with the help of wine or drugs, to which he is addicted. This man is very attractive to sensitive women.
Despite his general indifference to the sexual side of life, the Pisces man sometimes strives to be a leader in love affairs and even gets irritated if he does not meet understanding in this. But much more often in intimate relationships he strives to realize his erotic fantasies and dreams. And they are associated, first of all, with the dominance of a woman who places too high demands on him. In general, the Pisces man is a sentimental toy, amenable to everything that can give him pleasure or provide release.
How to Satisfy Pisces
The individual characteristic of Pisces is illusory in any relationship. Therefore, when having sex with them, it is advisable to play pretend, to pretend that sexual intercourse is not really happening. For the sake of complete mutual understanding, it is better to allow them to treat sex with indifference.
When communicating with Pisces, you should constantly seek the opportunity to show them your best qualities: sympathy, generosity, hospitality.
Pisces love to receive gifts. For a woman, clothing in marine tones will suit her: pale green, gray-blue, aquamarine; a man will gladly accept a collection of poems or a book on religion and the occult.
The most sensitive area for Pisces is the legs. They respond well to a gentle massage of the heel and arch of the foot: starting from the ankle, using circular movements of the fingertips, to the top of the leg and then down to the toes.
Compatibility in love and marriage
Pisces' loyalty rating is high. In marriage they are faithful, as they are very demanding in choosing a spouse.
Pisces and Aries. By nature, soft and lazy Pisces have difficulty adapting to the ardent and passionate Aries. He needs to be tactful and attentive, and avoid harshness in dealing with his partner. If both learn to give in to each other, resolve conflicts and differences, then mutual understanding will come to them. An intimate relationship, which at first was already quite sensual, promises to develop into a stable marriage.
Pisces and Taurus. An intimate relationship between them can be temperamental due to the approximately equal sensuality of the partners. In addition, both love peace of mind, coziness and comfort. Some disharmony in their relationship is brought about by the fact that the prosaic Taurus cannot give the sentimental Pisces the fullness of intellectual communication. They will have to work hard to achieve true mutual understanding. If successful, these partners will have a completely satisfactory marriage.
Pisces and Gemini. Sensitive Pisces do not want to put up with the frivolity and frivolity of Gemini. And Gemini is irritated by the fantasies and excessive impressionability of Pisces. Moreover, both are so self-centered that they will not even think about adapting to each other. Everyone needs a stronger and stronger-willed partner. Therefore, their initial physical attraction will not develop. The marriage union between them is short-lived.
Pisces and Cancer. Their union is easy and happy, the partners enjoy each other not only in sex. They try to satisfy any needs of their chosen one, and are very attentive to his feelings and whims. The somewhat increased sexual demands of Cancer are met with understanding by sensitive Pisces. The marriage between them is considered to be not just successful, but even ideal.
Pisces and Leo. There is a complete difference in character, temperament and outlook on life. The strong but straightforward Leo is irritated by the narcissism of Pisces, even in sex, and they cannot stand his rudeness. They do not understand each other at all, and interest in living together is fading all the time. The connection between them is very complex, and the possible marriage quickly falls apart.
Pisces and Virgo. At first, the gentle and sensual Pisces does not receive much satisfaction from the cold, reserved Virgo. In addition, the practical Virgo does not welcome the sexual looseness and fantastic tastes of Pisces. However, after 40 years, when Pisces gain stability in life, they begin to gravitate towards Virgo, finding many common interests with her. This pair complements and stabilizes each other. It also becomes possible to enter into a marriage that promises to be long, since the weaker Pisces will be provided with material and moral support.
Pisces and Libra. Libras are attracted to Pisces by their calm grandiosity and sense of balance, but they are unwilling to take on the burden of leadership in this relationship. In addition, both love luxury, but are not very eager to work. Compatibility here can arise only in adulthood, when both partners have finally developed and look at life somewhat more practically. A satisfactory marriage is possible.
Pisces and Scorpio . Their intimate relationship is very emotional and sometimes stormy. They quickly heat up and completely satisfy each other. And although Pisces requires a lot of trouble, Scorpio goes for it without any doubt, providing them with strong support in life. They quickly agree with his immoderate possessive demands. This couple has complete mutual understanding and a successful marriage in the future.
Pisces and Sagittarius. Pisces is suppressed by Sagittarius' independence and his passion for seeking adventure. And he is burdened by her sentimentality, the lifelessness of her fantasies. The strong physical attraction at the beginning of their relationship quickly fades away, and the contradictions in character and life principles remain unresolved. The marriage cannot be successful.
Pisces and Capricorn. These partners complement each other perfectly. Hardworking Capricorn provides Pisces with the most important thing for them - material wealth and reliability, and they bring a spirit of romance into the somewhat monotonous existence of Capricorn. The physical attraction of partners is accompanied by spiritual similarity. This is a very successful connection, and the well-being of their marital relationship is beyond any doubt.
Pisces and Aquarius . At first, their communication, based solely on sexual attraction to each other, cannot be long-lasting. Self-centered Pisces have nothing in common with the open, sociable Aquarius, and he does not want to spend either time or effort satisfying their whims. However, in their mature years, when they somewhat reconsider their attitude towards life, Pisces begins to be attracted to the broad outlook of Aquarius. In addition, they begin to listen carefully to his logical arguments. There is an opportunity to create a satisfactory marriage union.
Pisces and Pisces . This couple will achieve little in life due to the same cautious characters. However, the ability to forgive and the desire to help each other allows them to maintain a relationship for a long time. In addition, they subtly sense the sexual desires of their partner. However, cracks constantly appear in both the emotional and everyday aspects of their relationship, explained by their mutual inability to lead. This connection may then seem touching, but a successful marriage is very problematic.