Types of electricity losses in electrical networks. Structure and analysis of the problem of electrical energy losses in electrical networks of various countries. Climatic power losses

In the last issue of the magazine, we published an article by Yuri Zhelezko on the regulation of technological losses of electricity in low and medium voltage networks. The author outlined his methodology for determining the standard. Today we present a different view on the same topic by Valery Eduardovich Vorotnitsky.

An analysis of foreign experience shows that the increase in electricity losses in networks is an objective process for countries with a crisis economy and a reformed energy sector, a sign of existing gaps between the solvency of consumers and electricity tariffs, an indicator of insufficient investment in the network infrastructure and electricity metering system, and the lack of full-scale automated information systems. systems for collecting and transmitting data on the useful supply of electricity, the structure of electricity flows by voltage levels, electricity balances in electrical networks.
In countries where the above factors occur, electricity losses in electrical networks are usually high and tend to increase. The dynamics of losses in domestic electrical networks over the past 10-12 years shows that Russia is no exception in this sense.
The cost of losses is part of the costs of transmitting and distributing electricity through electrical networks. The greater the losses, the higher these costs and, accordingly, electricity tariffs for end consumers. It is known that part of the losses is the technological consumption of electricity necessary to overcome the resistance of the network and deliver the electricity generated at power plants to consumers. This technologically necessary electricity consumption must be paid by the consumer. This, in essence, is the loss standard.
Losses caused by non-optimal operating modes of the electrical network, errors in the electricity metering system, and shortcomings in energy sales activities are direct losses for energy supply organizations and, of course, should be reduced. That is why the Federal Energy Commission of Russia, as the main state executive body designed to curb the growth of electricity tariffs, sets standards for electricity losses in electrical networks and methods for calculating them. There are currently quite heated discussions around these methods, both scientific and purely practical. There are, in particular, proposals for a methodology for taking into account some additional components of the loss standard.
The purpose of this article is to outline one of the approaches to rationing losses, which was voiced by the author in November 2002 at the International Scientific and Technical Seminar “Rating, Analysis and Reduction of Electricity Losses in Electric Networks - 2002” and received support both at the seminar itself and and in some publications by experts on electricity losses, in particular in.

Loss standard structure
The loss standard is based on technical losses of electricity in electrical networks, caused by the physical processes of transmission and distribution of electricity, determined by calculation and including “variable” and conditionally constant losses, as well as the standard consumption of electricity for the own needs of substations.
In accordance with Articles 247, 252, 253 and 254 of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the standard for electricity losses in electrical networks can be defined as an economically justified and documented technological consumption of electricity during its transportation, provided that this consumption was incurred to carry out activities aimed at receiving income.
According to clause 58 and table clause 1.3 of the Resolution of the Federal Economic Commission of the Russian Federation N 37-E/1 dated May 14, 2003, the loss standard should include:

  • no-load losses in transformers, banks of static capacitors and static compensators, shunt reactors, synchronous compensators (SC) and generators operating in SC mode;
  • losses to the crown in the lines;
  • electricity consumption for substations’ own needs;
  • other justified and documented semi-permanent losses;
  • load variable losses in electrical networks;
  • losses due to errors in electricity metering devices.

What losses do we have?
To date, a fairly large number of methods for calculating technical losses of electricity have been developed. These methods are the result of many years of work by a large army of specialists who, over the years, have devoted themselves to refining the calculations of losses in networks. A large number of candidate and doctoral dissertations have been defended on this topic, but the issue still remains relevant and has not been fully studied. This is due to the fact that there is no complete and reliable information about the loads of electrical networks of all voltage levels. Moreover, the lower the rated network voltage, the less complete and reliable information about the loads is available.
The differences in the methods proposed by individual specialists mainly consist in attempts to either fill in the missing information or increase its accuracy through generalization, the use of statistical data for similar past periods, etc. The beginning of the unification of methods for calculating technical losses and establishing loss standards coincides approximately with the beginning of the active introduction of computer technology into the practice of calculating the modes of electrical networks in the mid-60s of the 20th century.
The first loss standards were established in the Temporary Standards for the Operation of Urban and Rural Electric Networks, approved by Order of the Ministry of Public Utilities of the RSFSR No. 334 dated November 30, 1964.
Over the past thirty years, a number of industry guidelines have been issued on methods for calculating electricity losses in electrical networks of all voltage levels. Thus, in 1976, the Temporary Instructions for the calculation and analysis of electricity losses in electrical networks of power systems, developed by Uraltechenergo, were put into effect; in 1987, the Instructions for the calculation and analysis of the technological consumption of electrical energy for transmission through the electrical networks of power systems and energy associations , developed by VNIIE and Uraltechenergo, and in 2001 - Methodological recommendations for determining electrical energy losses in urban electrical networks with a voltage of 10(6) - 0.4 kV, developed by Roskommunenergo and JSC ASU Mosoblelektro.
The listed regulatory documents played a positive role. In accordance with these documents, a fairly large number of computer programs were developed. The programs are based on almost the same methods for calculating losses. The differences between the programs consist mainly in their service capabilities, the number of loss components taken into account, the volume and number of tasks to be solved.
Most power systems and utility electrical networks, using one or another calculation program, can now relatively accurately calculate variable and semi-constant electricity losses in electrical networks of 6 - 750 kV. It is still a significant difficulty to calculate losses in 0.38 kV networks due to the large volumes of these networks and the small amount of information or its absence about the loads of these networks and their parameters (circuits, wire brands, etc.). The results of calculations for these programs almost universally show that the total technical losses in 0.38-750 kV networks do not exceed 10-12% of the electricity supplied to the network. Moreover, the higher the voltage level of the network, the lower, obviously, the relative losses of electricity in it. A level of 10-12% is considered the maximum possible for electricity losses in the electrical networks of most developed economies. Optimal losses are in the range of 4-6%. These figures are confirmed by the pre-crisis level of losses in the electrical networks of the energy systems of the former USSR in the mid-late 80s of the last century.
What should energy systems do in this case, whose actual losses have reached 20-25%? As a rule, in such power systems, a significant share of the total useful supply (up to 40%) is made up of household and small-engine consumers. There are two main paths here. The first path is difficult, but correct - development, coordination with regional energy commissions, approval and practical implementation of programs to reduce technical and commercial losses of electricity. Using these programs to first slow down growth and then reduce losses in networks.
The second, easier way is to search for objective reasons for the increase in losses, justify and lobby the REC for an increase in the loss standard to the level of the actual level. The above is illustrated by a table on loss standards in the networks of some energy systems according to the data of OJSC Engineering Center UES, a branch of the ORGRES Firm.
These two paths fully correspond to the well-known expression: “Those who want to work look for ways to get the work done, those who don’t want or can’t look for reasons why the work can’t be done.”
Obviously, the first way is beneficial to absolutely everyone: energy supply organizations, consumers, local administrations. REC and Gosenergonadzor are also interested in this, since by reducing losses in networks, energy supply organizations increase the profitability of their work, and consumers, by reducing the cost of services for the transmission and distribution of electricity, receive a corresponding reduction in electricity tariffs. At the same time, it is clear that the practical implementation of this path requires significant organizational, technical, physical and financial efforts. Our calculations show that to reduce losses in networks by 1 million kWh per year, you need to spend about 1 million rubles. for the implementation of relevant measures. The second way is a dead end, since the more losses are included in the tariff, the higher the electricity tariff for the end consumer will be, the more incentives this consumer will have to steal electricity and the greater the likelihood of increased losses and the next increase in the standard, etc. .
The task, as we know, is facing exactly the opposite – to stop the growth of losses and achieve their reduction. At the same time, as energy surveys of power systems show, there are reserves for reducing losses both in networks with losses of 20-25% and in networks with losses of 6-8%. In order to do this practically, you need:

  1. carry out a fairly in-depth calculation and analysis of losses, their structure and dynamics;
  2. determine reasonable levels of regulatory losses;
  3. develop, coordinate, approve, provide financial, material, human resources and implement measures to reduce losses.

Reasonable loss standard
The excess of actual losses in networks over technical ones by a factor of two or more forces, as mentioned above, both the developers of loss standardization methods and the power systems themselves to look for additional components of the loss standard.
According to the general opinion, such a component, which, in addition to technical losses, can be taken into account in the standard, is the component caused by errors in electricity metering devices. This is reflected in the Resolution of the Federal Economic Commission of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2003 N37-E/1. However, it does not say what errors we are talking about. And there are at least three of them:

  1. permissible error of the measuring complex (MC), generally consisting of a current transformer, voltage transformer and meter under normal operating conditions;
  2. systematic error of IR (both negative and positive), due to non-standardized operating conditions for using IR;
  3. systematic negative error of old induction meters that have exhausted their service life, and meters with overdue verification dates.
Taking into account the above definition of the loss standard, which follows from the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and based on Resolution of the Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation N 37-E/1 dated May 14, 2003, by the standard for losses of electricity in electrical networks we mean the algebraic sum of technical losses of electricity (DWt), standard electricity consumption for the own needs of substations and the module of the value of the permissible imbalance of electricity in the electrical network (NBD), determined in accordance with the formula:
D W norm = D W t + |NB D |,
Eight years of experience in using power plants and networks in operation has confirmed the stimulating orientation of the main methodological provisions of the Standard Instructions for increasing the reliability of electricity metering systems. At the same time, the permissible imbalance of electricity in and in the above formula is considered in the practice of operating power plants and networks not as a zero mathematical expectation, but as a value that should not exceed the actual imbalance. We believe that the electrical network in this case is no exception. A legitimate way to determine systematic IR errors is through instrumental examinations in accordance with duly certified measurement techniques. Attempts to average IC errors for the country as a whole, and even without taking into account very significant factors, can lead to obvious errors. In particular, adopting a “typical value cosj = 0.85” may lead to overestimated or underestimated values ​​of negative systematic errors. It is known that at night in electric networks of 6-10 kV cosj often decreases to 0.4-0.6 due to their low load and the predominant nature of the no-load reactive current of distribution transformers. At low cosj, the negative systematic error of transformers associated with their current underload can be compensated by a positive angular error. Thus, the “new methodology” for calculating the permissible under-metering of electricity at a minimum requires clarification, and in fact, can harm the work to reduce losses in networks, since it artificially increases the loss standard.
In our opinion, the underestimation of electricity associated with non-standardized operating conditions for the use of IR and the physical wear and tear of induction meters cannot be acceptable and be considered as a standard. In this case, all consumers will pay for this “standard” and the situation, as noted above, will only get worse, since the owners of accounting systems will not be interested in improving it. But since the current electricity metering system in Russia does not meet modern requirements and under-metering of electricity occurs, the task of reducing it should be solved differently.
The under-metering of electricity in monetary terms, adjusted taking into account various influencing factors, should be the basis for including the costs of improving electricity metering in the investment component of the electricity tariff. In this case, the REC, simultaneously with the assessment of damage to the energy supply organization from the imperfection of the electricity metering system (negative systematic errors), must submit a detailed, well-founded program for reducing losses in networks by reducing under-metering of electricity.
In this case, consumers do not simply pay for the inflated “technologically justified electricity consumption”, but, as it were, credit the work of energy supply organizations to bring the electricity metering system to regulatory requirements.

Measures to comply with the standard
For power systems in whose networks actual electricity losses amount to 20-25%, the discussion about what errors of electricity metering devices will be included in the standard, acceptable or systematic, is scholastic. Whether 0.5 or 2.5% is added to the estimated technical losses of 8-12% will not make the problem any less acute. All the same, the difference between the standard and the actual losses will be from 10 to 12%, which in monetary terms can amount to tens and hundreds of millions of rubles of direct losses per month.
To reduce these losses and bring actual losses to the standard level, a long-term loss reduction program agreed with the Regional Energy Commission is necessary, since it is practically impossible to reduce actual losses by 2 times in one or two years. 90-95% of this reduction will need to be achieved by reducing the commercial component of losses. The structure of commercial losses and measures to reduce them are discussed in.
The strategic way to reduce commercial losses is the introduction of ASKUE not only at power facilities and energy-intensive consumers, but also among household consumers, improving energy sales activities and the electricity metering system in general. Taking into account the “human factor” is very important in reducing losses. The experience of advanced power systems shows that investments in personnel training, equipping them with appropriate power theft detection devices, vehicles, computer equipment and modern communications equipment pay off by reducing losses, as a rule, faster than investments in meters or the installation of compensating devices in networks.
A very big danger for effective work to reduce losses is the separation of the electric grid and energy sales businesses in the context of energy restructuring. The planned and in some places ongoing separation of independent sales companies (NSCs) from JSC-energos may disrupt long-term connections between energy sales companies and electric grid enterprises, if at the same time mutual responsibility for losses is not ensured between future distribution grid companies (DSCs) and NSCs. Placing all responsibility for technical and commercial losses on DGC without allocating appropriate material, financial and human resources for this can sharply increase the losses of DGC and lead to an even greater increase in losses in networks. But this is a topic for another article.


  1. Bokhmat I.S., Vorotnitsky V.E., Tatarinov E.P. Reducing commercial losses of electricity in electric power systems // Electric stations. –1998. – N 9. – P.53-59.
  2. Resolution of the Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2000 N 14/10 “On approval of standards for technological consumption of electrical energy (power) for its transmission, adopted for the purposes of calculating and regulating tariffs for electrical energy (amount of payment for services for its transmission)” // Economics and electricity finance. – 2000. – N 8. – P.132-143.
  3. Guidelines for calculating regulated tariffs and prices for electric (heat) energy in the retail (consumer) market. Approved Resolution of the Federal Economic Commission of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2002 N 49-E/8.
  4. Resolution of the Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2003 N 37-E/1 “On introducing amendments and additions to the Guidelines for calculating regulated tariffs and prices for electric (thermal) energy in the retail (consumer) market, approved by Resolution of the Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2002 N 49-E/8".
  5. Zhelezko Yu. Rationing of technological losses of electricity in networks. New calculation methodology // Electrical engineering news. – 2003. – N 5 (23). – pp. 23-27.
  6. Vorotnitsky V.E. Measurement, standardization and reduction of electricity losses in electrical networks. Problems and solutions // Collection of information materials of the international scientific and technical seminar “Rationing, analysis and reduction of electricity losses in electrical networks - 2002”. – M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2002.
  7. Broerskaya N.A., Steinbukh G.L. On the regulation of electricity losses in electrical networks // Electric stations. – 2003. – N 4.
  8. And 34-70-030-87. Instructions for calculating and analyzing the technological consumption of electrical energy for transmission through electrical networks of power systems and energy associations. – M.: SPO “Soyuztekhenergo”, 1987.
  9. Instructions for rationing electricity consumption for auxiliary needs of 35-500 kV substations. – M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1981.
  10. RD 34.09.101-94. Standard instructions for metering electricity during its production, transmission and distribution. – M: SPO ORGRES, 1995.
  11. Vorotnitsky V., Apryatkin V. Commercial losses of electricity in electrical networks. Structure and measures to reduce // Electrical Engineering News. – 2002. – N 4 (16).

Electricity losses in electrical networks are inevitable, so it is important that they do not exceed an economically justified level. Exceeding technological consumption standards indicates problems that have arisen. To correct the situation, it is necessary to establish the causes of non-target costs and choose ways to reduce them. The information collected in this article describes many aspects of this difficult task.

Types and structure of losses

Losses mean the difference between the electricity supplied to consumers and the energy actually received by them. To normalize losses and calculate their actual value, the following classification was adopted:

  • Technological factor. It directly depends on characteristic physical processes, and can change under the influence of the load component, semi-fixed costs, as well as climatic conditions.
  • Costs spent on operating auxiliary equipment and providing the necessary conditions for the work of technical personnel.
  • Commercial component. This category includes errors in metering devices, as well as other factors causing under-metering of electricity.

Below is an average graph of losses for a typical electric company.

As can be seen from the graph, the highest costs are associated with transmission via overhead lines (power lines), this accounts for about 64% of the total losses. In second place is the corona effect (ionization of air near the overhead line wires and, as a consequence, the occurrence of discharge currents between them) – 17%.

Based on the presented graph, it can be stated that the largest percentage of non-targeted expenses falls on the technological factor.

Main causes of electricity losses

Having understood the structure, let's move on to the reasons that cause inappropriate expenditure in each of the categories listed above. Let's start with the components of the technological factor:

  1. Load losses occur in power lines, equipment and various elements of electrical networks. Such costs directly depend on the total load. This component includes:
  • Losses in power lines are directly related to current strength. That is why, when transmitting electricity over long distances, the principle of increasing it several times is used, which contributes to a proportional reduction in current and, accordingly, costs.
  • Consumption in transformers of magnetic and electrical nature (). As an example, below is a table that shows cost data for substation voltage transformers in 10 kV networks.

Non-target consumption in other elements is not included in this category due to the complexity of such calculations and the insignificant amount of costs. For this, the following component is provided.

  1. Category of semi-fixed expenses. It includes costs associated with the normal operation of electrical equipment, these include:
  • Idle operation of power plants.
  • Costs in equipment providing reactive load compensation.
  • Other types of costs in various devices, the characteristics of which do not depend on the load. Examples include power insulation, metering devices in 0.38 kV networks, measuring current transformers, surge limiters, etc.

Taking into account the last factor, the energy costs for melting ice should be taken into account.

Costs for supporting the operation of substations

This category includes the cost of electrical energy for the operation of auxiliary devices. Such equipment is necessary for the normal operation of the main units responsible for the conversion of electricity and its distribution. Costs are recorded using metering devices. Here is a list of the main consumers belonging to this category:

  • ventilation and cooling systems for transformer equipment;
  • heating and ventilation of the technological room, as well as internal lighting fixtures;
  • lighting of areas adjacent to substations;
  • battery charging equipment;
  • operational circuits and monitoring and control systems;
  • outdoor equipment heating systems, such as air circuit breaker control modules;
  • various types of compressor equipment;
  • auxiliary mechanisms;
  • equipment for repair work, communication equipment, as well as other devices.

Commercial component

These costs mean the balance between absolute (actual) and technical losses. Ideally, such a difference should tend to zero, but in practice this is not realistic. This is primarily due to the characteristics of electricity meters and electricity meters installed at end consumers. It's about error. There are a number of specific measures to reduce losses of this type.

This component also includes errors in bills issued to consumers and theft of electricity. In the first case, a similar situation may arise for the following reasons:

  • the contract for the supply of electricity contains incomplete or incorrect information about the consumer;
  • incorrectly indicated tariff;
  • lack of control over meter data;
  • errors related to previously adjusted accounts, etc.

As for theft, this problem occurs in all countries. As a rule, such illegal actions are carried out by unscrupulous household consumers. Note that sometimes incidents occur with enterprises, but such cases are quite rare, and therefore are not decisive. It is typical that the peak of thefts occurs in the cold season, and in those regions where there are problems with heat supply.

There are three methods of theft (understating meter readings):

  1. Mechanical. This means appropriate intervention in the operation of the device. This can be slowing down the rotation of the disk by direct mechanical action, changing the position of the electric meter by tilting it by 45° (for the same purpose). Sometimes a more barbaric method is used, namely, the seals are broken and the mechanism is unbalanced. An experienced specialist will instantly detect mechanical interference.
  2. Electric. This can be an illegal connection to an overhead line by “throwing”, a method of investing a phase of the load current, as well as the use of special devices for its full or partial compensation. In addition, there are options with shunting the current circuit of the meter or switching phase and zero.
  3. Magnetic. With this method, a neodymium magnet is brought to the body of the induction meter.

Almost all modern metering devices cannot be “deceived” using the methods described above. Moreover, such attempts to interfere can be recorded by the device and stored in memory, which will lead to dire consequences.

The concept of loss standard

This term means the establishment of economically sound criteria for non-target expenditure for a certain period. When standardizing, all components are taken into account. Each of them is carefully analyzed separately. As a result, calculations are made taking into account the actual (absolute) level of costs for the past period and an analysis of various opportunities that make it possible to realize the identified reserves to reduce losses. That is, the standards are not static, but are regularly revised.

The absolute level of costs in this case means the balance between the transferred electricity and technical (relative) losses. Technological loss standards are determined by appropriate calculations.

Who pays for lost electricity?

It all depends on the defining criteria. If we are talking about technological factors and costs of supporting the operation of related equipment, then payment for losses is included in the tariffs for consumers.

The situation is completely different with the commercial component; if the established loss rate is exceeded, the entire economic load is considered an expense for the company that supplies electricity to consumers.

Ways to reduce losses in electrical networks

Costs can be reduced by optimizing the technical and commercial components. In the first case, the following measures should be taken:

  • Optimization of the circuit and operating mode of the electrical network.
  • Study of static stability and identification of powerful load nodes.
  • Reduction of total power due to the reactive component. As a result, the share of active power will increase, which will have a positive impact on the fight against losses.
  • Transformer load optimization.
  • Equipment modernization.
  • Various load balancing methods. For example, this can be done by introducing a multi-tariff payment system, in which during peak load hours the cost of kW/h is increased. This will significantly reduce the consumption of electricity during certain periods of the day; as a result, the actual voltage will not “sag” below acceptable standards.

You can reduce your business costs by:

  • regular search for unauthorized connections;
  • creation or expansion of units exercising control;
  • checking readings;
  • automation of data collection and processing.

Methodology and example for calculating electricity losses

In practice, the following methods are used to determine losses:

  • carrying out operational calculations;
  • daily criterion;
  • calculation of average loads;
  • analysis of the greatest losses of transmitted power by day and hour;
  • access to generalized data.

Full information on each of the methods presented above can be found in regulatory documents.

In conclusion, we give an example of calculating costs in a TM 630-6-0.4 power transformer. The calculation formula and its description are given below; it is suitable for most types of similar devices.

Calculation of losses in a power transformer

To understand the process, you should familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of TM 630-6-0.4.

Now let's move on to the calculation.

Electricity losses in electrical networks occur quite often and there are reasons for this. Losses in electrical networks are considered to be the differences between the transmitted electrical energy on power lines and the recorded energy consumed by the consumer. Let's consider what measures are available to reduce losses.

Power loss in power lines: distance from power plant

Accounting and payment of all types of losses are regulated by law. When transporting energy over long distances from the producer to the consumer, some of the electricity is lost. This happens for various reasons, one of which is the voltage level that a typical consumer consumes (220 or 380 V). If you transport such electrical voltage directly from station generators, then you need to lay electrical networks with a diameter of electrical wire that will provide everyone with the required electrical current. Electrical wires will have a very large cross-section.

It will not be possible to place them on power lines, due to the unimaginable weight, laying them in the ground over long distances will be very expensive.

In order to eliminate this factor, high-voltage power transmission lines are used in power grids. Transferring energy with such electrical voltage, it is wasted many times over due to poor-quality contact of electrical conductors, which increase their resistance over the years. Losses increase with increasing air humidity - the leakage current on the insulators and on the corona increases. Losses in cables also increase when the insulation parameters of electrical wires are reduced. The electricity supplier sent the electricity to the supplying organization.

Accordingly, it must bring the parameters into the required parameters during transmission:

  1. Convert the products that were received into an electrical voltage of 6-10 kV.
  2. Distribute cables to receiving points.
  3. Then convert it back into electrical voltage in 0.4 kV wires.

Again losses, transformation during the operation of 6-10 kV and 0.4 kV electrical transformers. The average consumer is supplied with energy at the required voltage - 380-220 V. Transformers have their own efficiency and are designed for a specific load. If you overdo it with power or, on the contrary, if it is less than calculated, losses in the power grid will increase, regardless of the wishes of the supplier.

Another point is the discrepancy between the power of the transformer, which converts 6-10 kV into 220 V. If consumers take more energy than the power specified in the transformer’s passport, it either breaks down or cannot provide the required output parameters. As a result of a decrease in the electrical voltage of the electrical network, electrical appliances operate in violation of the passport regime and, therefore, consumption increases.

What determines the voltage loss in wires?

The consumer took his 220 or 380 V at the electric meter. Now the energy that will be lost can be transferred to the end consumer.

Consists of:

  1. Heating losses of electrical wires when increased consumption due to calculations.
  2. Poor electrical contact in electrical switching devices.
  3. Capacitive and inductive nature of electrical load.

This also includes the use of old lighting fixtures, refrigeration equipment and other outdated technical devices.

Comprehensive measures to reduce electricity losses

Let's consider measures to reduce electrical energy losses in a cottage and apartment building.


  1. To fight it, you need to use electrical conductors that match the load. Today in electrical networks it is necessary to monitor the compliance of the parameters of electrical wires and the power that is consumed. In a situation where it is impossible to adjust these parameters and bring them back to normal values, you will have to put up with the fact that electricity is wasted on heating the conductors, so their insulation parameters change and the risk of fire in the room increases.
  2. Poor electrical contact: in switches, this is the use of innovative designs with good non-oxidizing electrical contacts. Any oxide increases resistance. The same technique is used in starters. Switches – on/off system should use metal that is moisture-resistant and resistant to high temperatures. Contact depends on high-quality pressing of the pole to the positive.
  3. Reactive load. All electrical appliances that are not incandescent light bulbs or old-style electric stoves have a reactive component of energy consumption. Any inductance, when current is applied to it, resists the flow of energy through it due to the developing magnetic induction. After a certain period, a phenomenon such as magnetic induction, which prevented the current from flowing, helps its flow and adds some electricity to the electrical network, which is harmful to the general electrical networks. A special process called eddy currents develops; they distort the normal meter readings and make negative changes to the parameters of the energy that is supplied. The same thing happens with a capacitive electrical load. Currents spoil the parameters of the energy supplied to the consumer. The struggle lies in the use of modern compensators, depending on the parameters of the electrical load.
  4. Use of old lighting systems (incandescent lamps). Their efficiency has a maximum of 3-5%. The remaining 95% goes to heating the filament and, as a result, to heating the environment and radiation that a person does not perceive. Therefore, it is not rational to improve here. Other types of light supply have appeared - fluorescent light bulbs, LEDs, which have become actively used today. The efficiency of fluorescent light bulbs reaches 7%, and for LEDs the percentage is close to 20. The use of LEDs allows you to save money right now and during operation due to durability - compensation for up to 50,000 hours.

It is also impossible not to say that you can reduce electricity losses in your home by installing a voltage stabilizer. According to the town hall, it can be found in specialized companies.

How to calculate electricity losses: conditions

The easiest way to calculate losses is in an electrical network where only one type of electrical wire with one cross-section is used, for example, if only aluminum electrical cables with a cross-section of 35 mm are installed at home. In life, systems with one type of electrical cable are almost never encountered; usually different electrical cables are used to supply buildings and structures. In such a situation, to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to separately count for individual sections and lines of the electrical system with a variety of electrical cables.

Losses in the electrical network at the transformer and before it are usually not taken into account, since individual electrical devices for metering consumed electricity are placed in the electrical circuit after such special equipment.


  1. Calculation of energy losses in a transformer is carried out on the basis of technical documents of such a device, which will indicate all the parameters you require.
  2. It must be said that any calculations are performed in order to determine the value of the maximum losses during current transmission.
  3. When making calculations, it must be taken into account that the power of the electrical network of a warehouse, manufacturing plant or other facility is sufficient to supply all energy consumers connected to it, that is, the system can function without overvoltage even at maximum load, at each facility that is turned on.

The amount of allocated electrical power can be found out from the agreement concluded with the energy supplier. The amount of losses always depends on the power of the electrical network and its consumption through the potter. The more electrical voltage consumed by objects, the higher the losses.

Technical losses of electricity in networks

Technical energy losses - losses that are caused by the physical processes of transportation, distribution and transformation of electricity are identified through calculations. The formula used for the calculation is: P=I*U.

  1. Power is equal to current multiplied by voltage.
  2. By increasing the voltage when transmitting energy in electrical networks, the current can be reduced significantly, which will make it possible to use electrical wires with a much smaller cross-section.
  3. The pitfall is that there are losses in the transformer that someone must compensate for.

Technological losses are divided into conditionally constant and variable (depending on the electrical load).

What are commercial power losses?

Commercial energy losses are electrical losses, which are defined as the difference between absolute and technological losses.

Need to know:

  1. Ideally, commercial electrical energy losses in the power grid should be zero.
  2. It is obvious, however, that in reality the supply to the power grid, useful supply and technical losses are determined with errors.
  3. Their differences are in fact the structural elements of commercial electrical losses.

They should, if possible, be reduced to a minimum value through the implementation of certain measures. If this is not possible, you need to make amendments to the meter readings; they compensate for systematic errors in electrical energy measurements.

Possible losses of electricity in electrical networks (video)

Losses of electrical energy in power grids lead to additional costs. Therefore, it is important to control them.

The division of losses into components can be carried out according to different criteria: the nature of losses (constant, variable), voltage classes, groups of elements, production departments, etc. For the purpose of normalizing losses, it is advisable to use enlarged structure of electricity losses, in which losses are divided into components based on their physical nature and the specific methods for determining their quantitative values. Based on this criterion, actual losses can be divided into four components:

1) technical losses of electricity, caused by physical processes occurring during the transmission of electricity through electrical networks and expressed in the conversion of part of the electricity into heat in network elements. Technical losses cannot be measured. Their values ​​are obtained by calculation based on the known laws of electrical engineering;

2) electricity consumption for substations’ own needs, necessary to ensure the operation of the technological equipment of substations and the life of maintenance personnel. Electricity consumption for auxiliary needs of substations is recorded by meters installed on auxiliary transformers;

3) losses of electricity caused by instrumental errors in its measurement (instrumental losses). These losses are obtained by calculation based on data on the metrological characteristics and operating modes of the instruments used;

4) commercial losses, caused by theft of electricity, discrepancy between meter readings and payments for electricity by household consumers and other reasons in the area of ​​organizing control over energy consumption. Commercial losses do not have an independent mathematical description and, as a result, cannot be calculated autonomously. Their value is determined as the difference between actual (reported) losses and the sum of the first three components.

Currently, electricity consumption for the own needs of substations is reflected in the reporting as part of technical losses, and losses due to errors in the electricity metering system are included in commercial losses. This is a drawback of the existing reporting system, since it does not provide a clear idea of ​​the structure of losses and appropriate areas of work to reduce them.

The first three components of the enlarged structure of losses are determined by the technological needs of the process of transmitting electricity through networks and instrumental accounting of its receipt and supply. The sum of these components is well described by the term technological losses. The fourth component - commercial losses - represents the impact of the “human factor” and includes all its manifestations: deliberate theft of electricity by some subscribers by changing meter readings, energy consumption bypassing meters, non-payment or incomplete payment of meter readings, determining the receipt and supply of electricity by to some metering points by calculation (if the boundaries of the balance sheet of the networks and the installation locations of metering devices do not coincide), etc.

Technical losses can be divided into element-by-element components, electricity consumption for the auxiliary needs of substations includes 24 types of electrical receivers, metering errors include components caused by current and voltage measuring transformers and electric meters, commercial losses can also be divided into numerous components, differing in the reasons for their occurrence . Let's call this loss structure detailed structure of electricity losses(Fig. 1.1). The structure presented in the figure is complete for all components of process losses. It is incomplete only for commercial losses, for which only groups of determining factors are indicated, and not specific components. Currently, more than 40 methods of theft have been described and it is impossible to hope that this is the final number.

The criteria for classifying part of the electricity as losses can be physical And economic character. Some experts believe that electricity consumption for the own needs of substations should be classified as useful supply, and the remaining components as losses. In terms of the nature of the use of electricity, the consumption of substations for their own needs is really no different from its use by consumers. However, this is not a reason to consider it useful supply, which refers to electricity supplied to consumers, and electricity consumption for the substations’ own needs is the internal consumption of the facility. In addition, with this justification it is tacitly assumed that the consumption of part of the energy in network elements to deliver another part of it to consumers, in contrast to consumption for the own needs of substations, is not useful.

Solving the problem of electricity losses that occur on power lines and power transformers as a result of poor-quality insulation of conductive parts, the use of equipment with reactive loads, and energy theft is relevant all over the world.

Energy experts are constantly striving to correct the situation and are developing measures to minimize the difference between the indicators of electricity produced and that recorded by consumers.

Reasons for losses of electrical energy during its transportation

Regulation and accounting of all types of electricity losses is carried out at the state level with the help of adopted legislative acts. The difference in voltage, varying between 220 V and 380 V, is one of the reasons for this situation. To ensure such indicators during transportation directly from power plant generators to the end consumer, energy service employees need to lay networks with large diameter wires.

Such a task is impossible. Thick wires, the cross-section of which will correspond to the voltage parameters of electrical energy corresponding to the wishes of consumers, cannot be mounted on power lines.

Laying highways underground is an economically unprofitable and irrational activity. The large weight of the wires does not allow electrical installation work to be carried out without the risk of emergency situations and threat to the lives of workers.

To prevent losses of electricity for this reason, it was decided to use high-voltage power lines capable of transporting small electric current against the background of increased voltage, reaching values ​​of up to 10,000 Volts. In such a situation, there is no need to install wires with a large cross-section.

You can easily find detailed information on legislative acts on the Internet.

The next reason causing the loss of energy resources during their transportation to the consumer is the insufficiently efficient operation of transformers. Their installation is caused by the need to convert high voltage and bring it to the values ​​​​used in distribution networks.

Poor contact of conductors and an increase in their resistance over time aggravate the situation and also become factors that cause losses of electrical energy. Their list also needs to include increased air humidity, which causes current leakage to the corona, as well as wire insulation that does not meet the requirements of regulatory documentation.

After the energy producer delivers it to the organization that distributes it among consumers, the resulting high voltage is converted to values ​​of 6-10 kV. But this is not the final result.

Again, a stepwise voltage transformation is required to 0.4 kV, and then to the values ​​​​needed by ordinary consumers. They vary between 220 V -380 V. At this stage of operation of the transformers, energy leakage occurs again. Each model of units differs in efficiency and permissible load on it.

If the consumption power is greater or less than its calculated values, suppliers will again not be able to avoid energy losses.

Another negative point when transporting energy is the discrepancy between the operational characteristics of the transformer model used, designed to reduce the voltage in the network, with a value of 6-10 kV to 220 V, and the power consumed by consumers.

This situation leads to failure of the converting device and the inability to obtain the necessary parameters of the electric current at the output. A decrease in voltage leads to malfunction of household appliances and increased energy consumption. And then her losses are recorded again.

Developing measures to eliminate such causes will help correct this situation. It will be possible to reduce losses during its transportation to the end consumer to a minimum.

Electrical leakage at home

The reasons for energy losses after passing through the end-user metering device include:

  • excessive current consumption when heating conductors, which occurs when the calculated parameters of electricity consumption are exceeded;
  • lack of high-quality contacts in sockets, switches, switches, sockets for installing lamps that provide artificial illumination of rooms and other switching devices;
  • capacitive and inductive nature of the load on the end-user distribution network;
  • use of outdated models of household appliances that consume large amounts of electricity.

Measures to reduce energy losses at home

The list of measures to eliminate energy losses in houses and apartments includes:

Useful video

You can get detailed information about methods for reducing energy losses from the video below.