Types of pins in dentistry for dental prosthetics: fiberglass, anchor, metal and others. A pin in a tooth: what it is, how it is placed, types, cost Installing a pin and restoring a tooth

A tooth pin is a special rod that is installed in the dental canal and helps strengthen the structure of a significantly damaged tooth.
If the damage is severe, then a rod is often the only option for restoring the tooth. After such restoration, the teeth are called pinned.

There are two types of materials for making rods:

  • metal;
  • metal-free.

Non-metallic materials are usually:

  • ceramics;
  • carbon fiber;
  • fiberglass.

A pin is a dental element in the form of a spoke, it is used for fastening a completely or partially destroyed tooth in the canals. The use of this element allows you to restore a tooth or prepare it for further installation of a crown.

Metal materials include:

  • stainless steel;
  • titanium;
  • palladium;
  • brass;
  • gold.

Types of pins

Dentists use different types of structures, depending on each specific case. They differ in their shape, composition, as well as installation features:

  • Standard dental pin of cylindrical or conical shape. Typically, such products are used for small scale destruction.
  • Fiberglass products.

    Attention! The fiberglass pin is elastic and also resistant to saliva and does not affect existing prostheses. Such pins are invisible; they do not show through tooth tissue, fillings or crowns.

    Fiberglass rods are an alternative to metal rods.

  • Metal pins. They are used in case of severe tooth decay and make it possible to reliably strengthen the part to be restored.
  • Carbon fiber structures. Rods made from this material are considered the most modern. They are the most durable and have the ability to distribute the load on the tooth well. Such products have maximum therapeutic benefits and provide excellent results.
  • Anchor pins. Such rods are made of titanium alloy. This type of restoration is also very reliable and is one of the best options for tooth restoration.
  • Individual rods. Such products are made for a specific patient, taking into account the characteristics of his teeth. This pin is reliable, perfectly fixed at the root.

The pin in the tooth is used as a basis for tooth restoration using composite materials. Its use makes it possible to speed up and facilitate restoration work. The use of a pin removes restrictions on the load on the restored tooth.

The pins are divided depending on their shape into:

  • conical;
  • cylindrical;
  • screw;
  • cylindrical-conical.

Types of rods according to the fixation method:

  • passive;
  • active.

A passive dental pin is fixed in the canal using a special material. This system is used to strengthen the tooth after treatment.

Attention! Active pins are fixed in dentin tissues. The rod is threaded and literally screws into the bone tissue. This method of installation is very reliable and allows you to restore even a tooth after severe damage.

The disadvantage of such a rod is the stress it creates, which can cause cracks and splits.

Pin selection

In dental practice, rods are used to restore a badly damaged tooth, as well as to attach a prosthetic structure to the root.

Important! The choice of pin is made taking into account the degree of tooth decay, as well as in accordance with the financial capabilities and desires of the patient. The dentist will help you make the final decision.

The specialist gives preference to one or another product, taking into account the following points:

  • Condition of the root and its walls. These parameters determine the depth of the rod placement.
  • Estimated load after treatment. The tooth may be chewable, stand alone, or be part of a denture. All these factors must be taken into account.
  • The patient's health status and possible allergic reactions. These aspects determine the material of the product as well as the appropriate installation technique.
  • The level of destruction of the tooth crown relative to the gums and root.

Recently, there has been a trend towards the preferred choice of rods made of non-metallic material. They are more convenient to use and have a wide range of medicinal properties. For example, fiberglass products are ideally fixed, tightly filling the root canals. Also, fiberglass has good aesthetic characteristics and can be used to restore a tooth with filling material without installing a prosthesis. Such a pin does not shine through the filling and does not react with it.

One of the most unpleasant sensations is toothache. Most often, it occurs in the absence of proper oral care, which leads to the destruction of the crown and the entire tooth. A pin is necessary when the damaged tooth was not provided with medical assistance in time, and the process of crown destruction began, which makes it impossible to restore it without additional support.

Dental pin concept

A dental post is a special structure that is made from an impression and then installed in a pre-processed root canal. The rod serves as a support for a fixed bridge prosthesis. The pins vary in shape and method of insertion. There are several types of rods:

The shapes of the pins may differ due to the characteristics of the root canal, they are:

  • cylindrical;
  • screw;
  • conical;
  • cylindrical-conical.

Fixation of rods is divided into two types:

  • Active pin. It is fixed in dentin and is used mainly when treatment of a heavily infected tooth is required.
  • Passive pin. It is fixed in the cavity of the root canal. It is used to strengthen the tooth after treatment.

Indications and contraindications for installation

It is necessary to install a rod when more than half of the crown is destroyed. Its installation will help strengthen the thin walls of the area where it is located. The use of a rod is recommended for building up stumps for an artificial crown.

  • the periodontium is mobile and unstable;
  • the root is too small;
  • root caries is present;
  • canal perforation (we recommend reading: dental canal perforation: symptoms, consequences);
  • root cyst;
  • blood diseases;
  • the length of the root is less than the height of the tooth crown;
  • small thickness of the walls of the tooth root.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

The advantages of a dental rod include a number of positive factors:

The disadvantages of dental posts are:

  • the pin can affect tooth decay;
  • promotes the development of caries in case of poor-quality insertion of the rod;
  • pins made of metal can corrode when in contact with the root canal or saliva;
  • metal pins do not connect well to the tooth root;
  • the possibility of an allergic or local reaction that rejects the pin;
  • Over time, the walls of the tooth become thinner, resulting in further destruction and the impossibility of restoration;
  • The cost of dental posts is quite high and varies depending on the material of construction.

Complications after pin installation

There are often cases when, after the pin is placed, the patient experiences pain, and the reasons are different. When a dentist works unprofessionally, problems may arise such as:

Pain after implantation of the pin may also occur due to an allergic reaction to the material from which the structure is made. Secondary signs of an allergy to the pin material are the appearance of stomatitis, weakness and fever. Complications appear if you do not follow the rules of hygiene for caring for the oral cavity, which causes inflammation of the dental tissues.

Pain when pressing on a tooth

When pressing on a tooth, a sensation of pain may occur due to the complex treatment process - this occurs due to the installation of an artificial upper part of the hard formation. This problem goes away with time.

The cause of pain when pressing can be a high-installed filling, which results in a violation of the normal closure of the jaw. This pain mainly occurs during chewing. To avoid this, you need to stay in the hospital after installing the filling and root canal treatment to observe the sensations in the oral cavity.

Other causes of pain and consequences

How to get rid of pain?

The first thing you need to do if your tooth hurts during pressure is to immediately seek help from a doctor (we recommend reading: what should you do if your tooth hurts badly?). To solve the problem of pain, the doctor may prescribe fluoridation of tooth enamel or its extension using filling material.

If the pin is placed efficiently, but pain occurs on a tooth without a nerve, then the reason may be congenital sensitivity. You can get rid of it yourself using a paste that contains fluoride and calcium. Irritation in the tooth may be due to the remains of food particles, which can be carefully removed.

When the dental rod has been placed, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with a teaspoon of soda. It is forbidden to disturb the tooth for three days; try not to touch it when eating. It is necessary to use painkillers and apply cold to the cheek at the site where the rod is installed. Analgin is perfect for dulling pain.

Using a filling on a pin allows you to restore chewing function if more than half of the enamel is destroyed. Using such a filling avoids the need to install an expensive crown or implant. Many people do not know how doctors insert a pin into a tooth and often wonder if it hurts to place a metal pin in a damaged tooth.

Purpose of the seal on the pin

Restoring a damaged tooth with a pin will not only make your smile beautiful and dazzling, but will also significantly improve your quality of life by restoring chewing function.

The use of this restoration technique is advisable in cases where the nerve has already been removed, but there is at least one intact wall on which a filling can be applied.

In this case, a pin is placed in the channel. It is a screw made of a special material onto which a polymer filling material is applied. The screw is inserted into the dental canal and acts as a basis for the filling, making the structure durable.

Indications for the use of screw sealing:

  • restoration of damage in which the enamel is severely damaged;
  • missing tooth;
  • to ensure the necessary rigidity for prosthetics.

Complete restoration of a tooth mounted on a pin is not painful at all and takes just one visit to the doctor.

Types of structures

In modern dentistry, several types of screws are used to restore the chewing functions of the incisor. They differ in the material of manufacture:

  • anchor structures are made of gold alloys, titanium or brass;
  • carbon fiber structures are made from special alloys whose properties replicate the structure of dentin;
  • fiberglass structures are made from epoxy and fiberglass;
  • Parapulp-type structures differ in structure and installation method.

There are two types of anchor structures - active screws and passive types. Active ones are screwed directly into the channel using a threaded method, and passive structures are attached by connecting to cement.

Carbon fiber structures are preferred to be installed when it is necessary to ensure maximum structural strength. They are highly elastic and cope with the stress that occurs when chewing solid food.

A modern fiberglass pin is installed mainly on the front teeth, which are not involved in the chewing process. This is due to the insufficient strength of such screws, which is compensated by their aesthetic appearance and ability to withstand any load.

Parapulp type pins are installed in hard tissue. This implantation method minimizes the risk of infection getting into the inside of the tooth.

The doctor will decide which pin should be placed - titanium or a non-metallic alloy - after a detailed examination.

If at least one tooth wall is present, a pin-based filling is used. In case of complete loss of an incisor, it is practiced to install a metal-ceramic crown on a pin. A crown on a damaged tooth with a pin ensures normal functioning and an aesthetic appearance. A dental crown mounted on a pin has a long service life.

Pin selection

The choice of design for restoration is made by the doctor, having previously assessed the clinical picture. When choosing, the dentist takes into account:

An important role is played by the presence of adjacent crowns or bridges. Also, when choosing a construction material, the doctor must eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction in the patient.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other surgical intervention, such filling has its contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases and central nervous system problems;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • periodontal disease;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • insufficient root thickness;
  • carious lesions of enamel;
  • formation of a jaw cyst.

The advantages of this restoration method are obvious - such fillings are much cheaper than crowns, and in addition they are aesthetically attractive. At the same time, this design completely restores the chewing functions of the tooth and preserves the root. Modern fillings on pins have a long service life - up to 10 years.

The disadvantages of the method are:

  • possible development of caries;
  • corrosion of metal pins;
  • Over time, tooth enamel may be worn away and the walls of the restored tooth may become thinner.

Before installation, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. In rare cases, there is individual intolerance, in which the structure does not take root and the tooth has to be removed.

The implantation is not painful at all and takes little time. A titanium or fiberglass pin in a tooth does not cause any discomfort at all.

Construction installation process

A tooth on a pin is not painful, but how it is done depends on whether the nerve was previously removed.

To the question of whether it hurts to put a pin in a tooth, the answer will be unequivocal - no, it doesn’t hurt and doesn’t take much time.

Installation of the structure requires removal of the nerve and is only possible if at least one wall is preserved.

So, how do you insert teeth on pins? The procedure consists of several stages.

The procedure does not last long, and it is absolutely painless if the nerve has been previously removed. A correctly installed pin will provide the necessary rigidity, thanks to which the filling will last up to 10 years.

If it is necessary to remove the nerve, so that it does not hurt, the doctor will give an injection of anesthesia. When a metal pin is placed in a damaged tooth, no pain is observed.

What to do after installation?

After restoring a damaged tooth, the doctor may prescribe medications. It is also recommended to stick to a diet for the first week, giving preference to simple foods that are easy to chew.

After installing the structure, it is important to prevent the development of inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene. This will require regular brushing of the entire oral cavity and the use of mouthwash and dental floss.

Insufficient hygiene can cause inflammation of the gums around the restored tooth.

Sometimes patients complain of pain in the area of ​​the restored tooth. The reason for this phenomenon is trauma to the tissue around the screw during its installation. Also, the cause of such pain can be too deep insertion of the structure into the tooth canal.

If the procedure was accompanied by nerve removal, pain may persist for several days.

If, a few days after installing the filling, the pain has not decreased, this may indicate an allergic reaction to the material from which the structure is made. In cases where pain persists for a long time, it is recommended to visit the dental office as soon as possible for consultation.

Teeth extensions may be required at almost any age, since tooth decay can occur for many different reasons. One of the fairly common and reliable methods of teeth extension is the use of a pin.

General description of the technique

It is not always worth removing a badly damaged tooth. Dentists agree that removal is a last resort, and if any part can be saved, then that is what should be done. The rest can be restored using various materials.

However, this will require strengthening the structure. Otherwise, the artificial crown simply will not stand for a long time.

For strengthening with preserved roots, use a pin, which is a small rod that is placed directly in the root canal. Essentially, it is a support tool for the entire structure.

Types of structures

  • Anchor. They are manufactured in a factory and selected depending on the shape and size of the channel. They can be cylindrical, conical or a combination of both shapes. The surface also differs - smooth, serrated or grooved.
  • Fiberglass. Completely hypoallergenic and also completely safe. They are quite elastic, which does not reduce the reliability of the final structure. Additionally, this gives greater accuracy during installation and subsequently reduces the load on the root.

    Among the properties and advantages of these pins, it should be noted that they do not change color and are not subject to corrosion, since the material does not react with surrounding tissues.

  • Carbon fiber. The properties of the material make it possible to achieve almost complete compliance with the elasticity of natural dental dentin, which makes the structure very reliable and durable, and also prevents possible root fracture.
  • Gutta-percha. A less reliable method, but quite often used due to its low price. These structures are manufactured in factories and come in various sizes.

There are also parapulp pins, in which, in addition to the main material - a medical metal alloy, an additional polymer coating is added. They are used primarily to provide additional support.

Additionally pins can also differ in the type of their fixation, of which there are two – passive and active:

  • Passive– usually used in cases where installation is required after endodontic treatment. To fix it after installation, various specific materials are used.
  • Active– is a solid rod installed in dentin, which is fixed in the hard tissues of the tooth using threads. It is used in case of very severe damage, otherwise the crown may split due to the creation of additional tension in the tissues.


Like any other extension technique, the use of the pin has a number of indications.

  • complete destruction of the visible part of the tooth, that is, its crown;
  • partial, but quite serious loss of the enamel itself, as well as dentin, when one filling will not hold firmly;
  • the need to create a supporting structure for the subsequent installation of various orthopedic structures (prostheses) of removable and non-removable types.

Wherein destruction usually exceeds 50%. They can occur either as a result of dental diseases, for example, caries, which was not cured in time, or after mechanical injury from a blow.

These indications should be considered as a possible, but not obligatory choice of pin extension. In each case, an experienced specialist will definitely offer the patient several possible techniques.

Photo: installed pins for tooth extension


Also the procedure has contraindications:

  • It is necessary to restore the frontal tooth, whose crown part is completely destroyed.
  • Inflammatory periodontal diseases.
  • The patient has blood diseases.
  • Diagnosis of granulomas or cysts.
  • The thickness of the root walls is too small (less than 2 mm).

Additionally, advanced caries can be included here, however, after its treatment, the use of the technique is possible.


  • First of all, it is necessary prepare the root for installing the rod. This is done using special tools, gradually expanding the diameter of the hole being created.
  • The pin is inserted very carefully so as not to damage the root. In this case, it is partially inserted into the bone in order to make the structure as reliable as possible.
  • Then the canal must be carefully sealed, paying special attention to the apical region, that is, the root tip.
  • Already on top of the fixed pin composite material is applied, so that there is a basis for further recovery.
  • The last stage is either installation of a finished artificial crown, or layer-by-layer application of light-curing material to create it.

When using the latter method, the doctor simultaneously forms the required anatomical shape, and after curing, grinds and polishes the surface to achieve a natural look.

For more information about the process of tooth restoration and its extension, watch the video:


One of the most frequently asked questions by patients, after the question of whether it hurts, is cost calculation.

Following this list, You can independently calculate the cost of the service in each specific case and various clinical situations. Prices start from 5 thousand.

It should be added that if the patient initially carefully monitors his teeth and the entire oral cavity as a whole, and extensions are required after a tooth injury, then he will probably need fewer additional procedures.

The total amount a patient will pay for such a procedure consists of many components. Moreover, not only their quantity can change, but also the price within each item.

What is included in the cost of tooth extension with installation of a pin?

  1. Initial examination and consultation. The approximate price is about 250–350 rubles, but it can reach up to 600 rubles. However, in most clinics this service is either included in the total cost or is free for further treatment there.
  2. X-ray. The cost of an x-ray can vary depending on the technology used. A classic x-ray of one tooth costs about 250–300 rubles.

    However, you may need to use an orthopantomograph or radiovisiograph (service price is about 400–500 rubles) or an orthopantomogram (about 1000 rubles).

  3. Computer modelling future crown of a destroyed tooth. The cost of this service may be included in the general list or paid separately. Then its price ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles.
  4. Cleaning and preparation of coronal remains. It is performed before processing the channel, so both services (points 4 and 5) are paid together. However, the moving parts of the destroyed crown can additionally be removed, which costs about 300 rubles.
  5. Root canal preparation: cleaning, unsealing or depulping if necessary. The cost of this stage starts from 1500 rubles. However, it depends on the complexity of processing, the number of tools and duration. Therefore, the price can increase to 2.5–3 thousand.

    Unsealing, carried out for previously treated teeth, costs about 1.5 thousand, and depulpation - from 2 thousand rubles.

  6. Antiseptic treatment prepared hole. The price of this stage is usually included in the payment for the previous one, but sometimes a specific amount is agreed upon - 200–250 rubles.
  7. Manufacturing the pin and its direct installation. It all depends on what type of pin is chosen for installation. For example, the price for an anchor starts from 400 rubles, metal (titanium) – from 600–700, fiberglass – 800–1000 rubles.
  8. His strong fixation. It is performed using various filling materials. This can cost from 300 to 800 rubles.
  9. Restoring the upper part, that is direct extension. The amount paid for this stage depends on which extension method will be used.

    If the doctor recommends installing a crown, then restoration under the crown using a microfilled light-curing composite costs from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles depending on the tooth (single-rooted or multi-rooted), and when using a virtremer - from 1.3 to 1.6 thousand.

    Additionally, you will need to buy the crown itself, the price of which, depending on the materials used, ranges from 4–15 thousand rubles. If a tooth is restored only with the help of light-curing composites, then such a service costs about 5–6 thousand rubles.

  10. Final processing of the extended surface, if composite materials were used.
  11. Checking the installation strength of the entire structure, taking place the next day.
  12. Possible additional processing or adjustment if the restored tooth causes discomfort to the patient. This stage, like the previous two, is not paid separately, but is included in the cost of the extension.
  13. Additional procedures performed during extensions. Usually this only includes mandatory professional teeth cleaning to remove various deposits, since the quality and reliability of the extensions performed depend on this.

    The cost of teeth cleaning using professional methods is about 2–3 thousand rubles.

What else can the price depend on?

It should be added that some other factors will also influence the amount of payment. These are the ones that can be used in most cases if the patient wants to save money by performing extensions.

First of all, this choosing a clinic. Each dental clinic or medical center has its own pricing policy. The larger, more famous and reliable the institution, the more expensive the services they provide.

According to reviews, the difference can be up to 25%. However, it should be added that it is precisely these centers that provide a guarantee for their services. After all, they use only high-quality dental materials and have high-level specialists on staff.

The choice of the region where the patient will undergo treatment is also important. In the capital and many other large cities it will be more expensive, on average by about 5–15%.

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  • Natalia

    March 16, 2016 at 8:14 am

    I recently came across this problem. Because my teeth deteriorated during pregnancy. I had to turn to specialists for help. The front tooth was destroyed in half, I thought I would have to remove it, but the dentist told me about the procedure of attaching a tooth to a pin. Painless reconstruction of the old tooth, and smile again like a Hollywood star. Modern nanotechnology and treatment methods work wonders.

  • Anna

    March 16, 2016 at 8:18 am

    When I lost a tooth, I thought for a long time what to do - a bridge or a pin. Some dentists advised installing a bridge, but this is more expensive and will damage neighboring healthy teeth. In the end, I decided to install a pin. Fortunately, there were no contraindications. The procedure itself was not scary, everything was done in one go. But it all depends on the skill of the dentist. Everything was almost painless for me, so you need to choose a dental clinic carefully and not spare money.

  • Elizabeth

    April 1, 2016 at 0:12

    Last year I had problems with my teeth - my upper measles tooth hurt. I endured, endured, pulled and pulled to such an extent that it was impossible to restore the tooth. I had to delete it. It’s bad to be without a tooth, of course. The dentist advised to build up a new tooth using a pin. And you know, I decided to do it. And now a year has passed, and everything seems to be fine, the tooth is holding on.

  • Marianne

    December 26, 2016 at 6:24 am

    Like many, I have always been afraid of dentists, and therefore tried to avoid going to them until a certain point. It got to the point where the front teeth were no longer just caries, but full-blown pulpitis. I didn’t want to remove it and use prosthetics, so the dentist suggested attaching the tooth to a pin. As a result, 15 years have already passed, and everything is holding up well, only of course there are some nuances, you won’t be able to chew the carrot.

  • Faith

    March 30, 2017 at 10:04 pm

    About thirteen years ago they brought me a niece from the village for the summer holidays. The girl was 12 years old. Parents are busy with agricultural work and have no time for their children. And I see that her upper parts are almost half eaten away by caries. I took her to the dentist. The doctor said that you can’t get crowns at this age, let’s try to build them up. I was worried how the girl would cope with the procedure, but everything went well. Now the niece is already an adult, she has become a mother, and the extended teeth continue to serve her.

  • Catherine

    November 27, 2017 at 01:43 pm

    Even in childhood, a small spot appeared on the tooth. Well, at our free clinic, during a routine examination, they drilled everything out to the size of the crater and put in a hefty filling. As a result, the tooth collapsed. And he was in front. It was a disaster. Of course, the doctors did not want to restore anything and wanted to build a bridge. Somehow, at 23, I didn’t really want this. It’s necessary to spoil the healthy ones next door. In the end, I found a doctor who extended it onto the pin. I've been going for 4 years now. It is indistinguishable from the real thing, it holds up perfectly.

What is a pin in a tooth? Every person who encounters such a medical term for the first time will probably ask this question. The main goal of any dental procedure is to preserve the tooth. A dental pin is the most effective way to restore a damaged bone element.

Many visitors to dental clinics are very afraid to install it. This fear is due to the fact that patients do not know how to insert a pin into a tooth. If you are also preparing to install a structure or want to support someone close to you, then this information will be useful to you.

Dental pins are reinforcement structures in the form of spokes that are used for insertion into the canals of a tooth that is completely or partially destroyed. The use of such restoration technology is possible only when at least ⅕ of its outer part has been preserved.

Thus, you can insert a tooth on a pin if the following circumstances exist:

  • destroyed outer crown of a molar;
  • stopping the process of further destruction after treatment of the carious process in the oral cavity;
  • the need to create a support for installing a bridge.

Severe destruction of the crown is one of the reasons for installation

There are also certain contraindications:

  • lack of a crown in the front of the affected tooth;
  • carious processes;
  • the thickness of the walls of the roots of the affected molar is less than 2 mm;
  • insufficient root length to provide the required height;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory process in periodontal tissues.

Installation of a pin into a tooth is quite often used as a basis at the time of its restoration using composite materials. Implantation of the structure can significantly speed up restoration work. Along with this, pinning eliminates the presence of restrictions regarding the load on the restored tooth.

The video explains what a tooth pin is:

Types of structures

To understand which pins are best for teeth, you need to know everything about their varieties. Dentists distinguish the following types:

  • standard, which is used for minor tooth decay;
  • metal, used in cases of significant destruction of a molar;
  • fiberglass, which is highly elastic;
  • carbon fiber, which is the most durable;
  • anchors made of titanium alloys;
  • individual, taking into account the relief features of the patient’s specific root.

Metal Fiberglass Carbon Fiber Metal Inlay

Anna Losyakova


If we take the shape of the root canal as the basis for the classification, we can distinguish conical, cylindrical, cylindrical and screw dental posts. According to the method of fixation, active and passive ones are distinguished: the former are fixed in dentin, and the latter in the cavity of the root canal.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of treatment technology using a dental pin is the ability to restore even a severely damaged molar. These devices allow you to preserve the base of the tooth. When using this method, there is no need to replace it with an implant; the design makes it possible to avoid the need to remove a destroyed molar.

The pin allows you to stop tooth decay at any stage

In addition, dental pins for teeth do not destroy the root system of the anterior bone elements. This makes it possible to ensure that foreign objects will not irritate the mucous membrane, as happens when using removable dentures. This point is very important for patients with high sensitivity and allergic reactions to certain materials used by the dentist during treatment.

Anna Losyakova


The next indisputable advantage of pin connections is their long service life. A significant number of devices have a 10-year warranty. Often this useful service life reaches up to 20 years. However, it is worth remembering that this is only possible if certain rules are followed.

Among the disadvantages of this design are usually:

  1. The likelihood of developing a carious process around an element implanted into the gum.
  2. Possible displacement of teeth due to the high strength of the structure, which sometimes leads to damage to the prosthesis and molar roots. In order to eliminate this problem, the implanted element must be removed along with the tooth.
  3. The need to remove the tooth after the pin is completely worn out, since by the end of its useful life the spoke will have worn through the walls.
  4. High cost of the method.

Since the pin becomes part of the tooth, after the structure wears out, the tooth must be completely removed

Is it painful to place a pin?

Modern dentistry has a rich range of tools to provide high-quality anesthesia during the procedure. To install the pin, local anesthesia is used, since there is no need for general anesthesia.

Anna Losyakova


The attending physician, when administering an injection, achieves a high degree of pain relief. This allows the patient not to feel any pain. Even if discomfort occurs during the procedure, it will be minor and tolerable.

Installation procedure

The procedure consists of several stages.

Preparation period

Before the procedure begins, the doctor carefully examines the patient. If during the examination any diseases of the oral cavity are discovered that may complicate the operation, they are first fully treated.

The dentist is required to check the thickness of the gums and assess their general condition. Depending on this, materials and type of fastening are selected. Before starting the procedure, the doctor prescribes professional cleaning. This is necessary to get rid of plaque and reduce the number of bacteria that can enter the affected area during manipulation.

Before installing the pin, be sure to have it professionally cleaned.

The patient is not recommended to eat food several hours before the procedure.


  1. At the very beginning of the manipulations, anesthesia is performed; all other manipulations begin only after the anesthetic substance has fully taken effect.
  2. The patient's dental canal is expanded and cleaned, after which the working surface is treated with an anesthetic.
  3. If a passive dental structure is being implanted, the doctor uses a cementing mixture.
  4. Afterwards, a rod is implanted into the canal, which is either immersed inside or secured with twisting movements.
  5. The cementing mixture is dried using a special lamp.
  6. If the prosthesis is not yet ready, then at this stage the necessary information for its manufacture is collected.
  7. The finished prosthesis will be installed on a temporary surface to check the likelihood of material rejection. The duration of the process is at least a week. If the rejection process has not developed, then the crown or prosthesis is attached on a permanent basis.

Pin installation procedure

The video simulates the process of placing a pin:


Some time after the procedure, the patient will need to undergo a preventive examination with the attending physician. The specialist will check how the design has taken root and whether it causes inconvenience to its owner. If the need arises, the prosthesis will be sent for modification, but the pin will not have to be reinserted.

To ensure successful recovery after installation of the structure, it is necessary to follow all the instructions of the attending physician:

  • take medications and follow dietary guidelines;
  • eat soft, pureed or liquid food, which will avoid injury to the oral mucosa;
  • provide careful hygienic care to prevent inflammation.

Thus, pinning is an excellent way to restore a damaged tooth. The method has many advantages and some disadvantages. But the main thing is that this remedy will help restore a person to a healthy and beautiful smile without much pain.