Wilma I forgive myself. I forgive myself (Luule Viilma). Book I Soul Light

Discontent destroys the will to live. The weakening of the will to live contributes to the occurrence of diseases.

Every person has a need to forgive, a need to free themselves from bad things. This need is as old as humanity. Know that the only perfect savior of life is freedom, aka love. Instead of trying to save your marriage from collapse, start releasing your fear of “I’m not loved” and you won’t need to change your partner.

Luule Viilma: Learn to forgive yourself

If family life is not going well, think about your mistakes. Don't blame yourself - on the contrary, release the fear of being guilty. Otherwise, you will become like a scale that becomes too heavy - materially or too light - spiritually. The heavy outweighs the light, and the light is forced to flutter up like a butterfly and fly in search of a new flower. This is how divorces arise, in which the one who fled and left the other in trouble turns out to be guilty. In fact, the situation is the opposite.

Why? Why do we make life difficult for ourselves?

The reason is that for civilized humanity, that is, for the Western world, the family has ceased to be a shrine. Wealth has become and is becoming increasingly sacred.

We are victims of civilization, in other words, victims of our own acquisitiveness. When a woman-mother becomes too material and ceases to fulfill the role of a woman, then children become victims of maternal non-maternity. What does it mean?

This means that the mother of the 20th century does not know how to teach her child unity in spiritual love. The mothers of our time are masculine business people who relegate femininity and motherhood to the background. They nervously grab the child in their arms and begin to lull him to sleep, but the child does not calm down, because the emotional anguish is expressed in the child. After all, a mother is the soul of a child.

Mothers lull, read, sing, rock, care, wash, clean, feed. What mothers don't do. They spin like a squirrel in a wheel. They hold the child in their arms and talk over the child, swear over the child, make plans over the child, think their good and bad thoughts over the child.

However, the child cannot wait for the mother, at least once in her life, if there is not enough time for more, to press him tenderly to her chest so that no one and nothing distracts her, and to feel how the child’s heart merges with the mother’s heart and how the child's body merges with the mother's body. So what if the mind says that this is physically impossible, but the child wants to feel that it is possible. And it is possible. We should forgive our mothers for failing to do this. We should forgive our fathers for failing to show their inner masculine determination and become the proper support for their wife.

If you know your grandparents, you can understand why your mother and father are the way they are. Forgive your grandparents for failing to fulfill their gender-assigned role and thereby making life difficult for themselves and their future generations. I realized: pain is cruelty

Since childhood, all of us - some to a greater, some to a lesser extent - suffer from cruelty, domestic or foreign. Fear of cruelty invites cruelty. The more fear increases, the more cruelty increases.Cruelty, with its humiliation and ridicule, takes away the hope of being loved.

Out of fear that they don’t like me, a person absorbs the cruelty directed at him, as well as all similar expressions of cruelty addressed to anyone else, and does not realize that all this cruelty becomes his own. A person does not even notice that he has become cruel.When a critical point is reached, a disease with pain arises, which, like a teacher, indicates an undiagnosed problem.

Cruelty starts in the family. Parents who are bitter towards each other, or towards life, with their quarrels, imperceptibly, as if by the way, wound the child’s soul, and the child gets sick so that the parents can calm down at least for a while. Caring for a sick child will take you and turn your thoughts to something else. The child becomes ill more often and more severely. A child’s illnesses are not perceived as a mirror reflection of family life. Moreover, very often the child becomes a new target for cruelty. The child seems to be teasing his parents with his illness. The vicious circle turns into a breeding ground for stress.

The child begins to be afraid of any word. At first he is afraid of angry remarks, and later any sharply spoken word is perceived by him as cruelty, since unfair words cause great pain. A child is born to improve the life of his parents, but if they do not provide such an opportunity, then the child, feeling guilty, becomes easily vulnerable. After all, a bitter person in one fell swoop splashes out his bile on the bleeding spiritual wound of another person, which he himself inflicted.

We need to understand for ourselves what it means to be human. You need to learn to see yourself in another person. He who gets irritated at the sight of another is afraid of becoming the same and does not know that he is the same, only he does not show it openly. He wants to destroy the negativity of the other and does not understand that he is actually destroying himself.

During such a struggle, the poles visible to outside observers imperceptibly change places. This means that a good person who begins to fight a bad person becomes visibly bad, and a bad person reveals his good side.

The poison of cruelty is given, among others, the following names: criticism, satire, sarcasm, irony, farce. This poison aims to ridicule, humiliate, defame and destroy, and this is called the driving force. People don't understand that someone who runs away from criticism is not necessarily running forward.

It is pointless to fight against this poison, because it is impossible. To learn the lessons of this poison, a person must turn into a sieve that passes the poison through itself with the dirt adhering to it so that a grain remains at the bottom - wisdom, which is learned only through learning the lesson of cruelty.

To become such a Sith, you need to free your fears. He who has no fear of not being loved, has no fear of humiliation, cruelty, or ridicule.. Such a person jokes and tells funny anecdotes that make his heart feel light. Such a person is able to laugh at his own shortcomings. He feels good - and others feel good around him.


Endless discontent is the lot of a frightened person. Discontent destroys the will to live.The weakening of the will to live contributes to the occurrence of diseases.

Dissatisfaction comes in many different guises. For example, capriciousness, disgust, touchiness, pickiness, anger, vindictiveness, ill will, as well as grumbling, grumbling, grumpiness, criticism, indiscriminate swearing, etc.

He who fears discontent attracts it to himself. Grumps, grumblers, loudmouths, scolders, picky people, vindictive people who criticize everyone and everything - they all invade a person’s information field, if they do not literally attack him. Out of fear, a person absorbs the corresponding dissatisfaction, and it becomes his personal.

The dissatisfaction that appears in a person’s information field becomes his own. And the person himself becomes dissatisfied.

Dissatisfaction destroys the desire to work. A person who, since childhood, has experienced adults’ dissatisfaction with his affairs and actions, grows up to be a slacker.

The substance on which life is built is the energy of love. Metabolism must be an exchange of this energy, i.e., giving according to the need. When a relationship is based on love, the giver's need to give is equal to the receiver's need to receive.

He who is afraid of anger absorbs the anger of others and becomes evil himself. At first just a little, then more and more. As long as anger does not spill out on others, a person is angry with himself. He may not be angry, but the poison of anger does its destructive work, like a spark under a layer of ash. The accumulating poison forces a person to act in order not to remain with himself. The fear of being bad forces you to run.

The poison of anger, having reached a certain concentration in the brain and heart, causes paralysis. Poisoning of the heart, that is, poisonous ridicule of the ability to love, paralyzes the heart and causes it to stop. Such paralysis is called death.

The desire to be better than others

All stress comes from the fear “they don’t like me” and is summed up in a shock force called “the desire to be better than others.” It is realized most honestly in a fist fight, most understandably in a word, most unkindly in a thought.Any stress affects the entire body.

Humanity is not able to understand that no one person as a whole is either better or worse than others. The inability to see the whole forces one to accept the visible external side as the truth. We evaluate it - either positively or negatively. This creates a misunderstanding from which we ourselves suffer.

Those who lack courage have a desire to be better than others.

A small desire quickly grows into a large one, and the larger it becomes, the closer the critical line is. On the other side of the line, the desire to rise even higher, to become even stronger, even better, increases. But the limit is the limit. Further, only relative growth is possible. And then there is a desire to elevate oneself by humiliating another person in order to be relatively better.


An inevitable consequence of wanting to be better than others is envy - stress that leads to ruthless destruction. There is not a single good thing that envious people would not try to destroy. The material blessings of life are easy to steal, destroy, and burn. A frightened person is defenseless against envious people even with the most advanced security system.

The only type of values ​​that are inaccessible to envious people are spiritual values. A worthy person retains his dignity even when an envious person wants to destroy his dignity. Dignity is the courage to be yourself. The need to gain dignity grows every day, because it is a vital need. This is the law of development.

The most destructive is the envy of spiritually close people, because the greatest love and understanding is expected from them. Therefore, modern people are characterized by a constant increase in mental isolation. Many smart women have already learned to keep their mouths shut. However, by their behavior they show their thoughts. Even primitive people have learned to lie quite reliably. The feeling that he is not understood forces a person to shun his old society and look for new like-minded people. But the fear of envy remains and grows. Just like isolation. The fear that the information received from him could be used for evil closes his mouth better than any lock. A person realizes that one must be wary of friends, that a loved one cannot be privy to one’s affairs, that one’s parents cannot be trusted. And so on.

An envious person cannot help but be envious if another has something better and more valuable than him. It can’t, that’s all. Try to understand this, then you will understand it too.

The spiritual or physical wealth of strangers is not displayed, but is kept behind a closed door. However, envy can also seek out what is not there. The wealth of loved ones is clearly visible. They are easy to envy and their values ​​easy to appropriate. The motto of envy: if I don’t get it, then let no one get it.

Only spiritual values ​​are not subject to appropriation. But they can be destroyed. Envy is counting on this.

Envy that is not considered envy is jealousy. An envious person who wants to appropriate the highest value in the world - love - and use it for his own benefit, becomes jealous. The most terrible envy is jealousy.

Jealousy can acquire such proportions and such a degree of recklessness that it goes beyond all limits.

Every person needs to free his jealousy in its infancy. Whoever claims that there is no jealousy in him does not know himself and cultivates jealousy. The fear of not being loved in itself already contains jealousy.

The desire to be better than others is the most insidious stress, which the mind refuses to call stress.

The desire to be better than others makes a person a slave to goals and money, turns intellect into arrogance, and work into a dull occupation. Spiritual development stops.

He who is not afraid of being stupid does not emphasize his intelligence in order to highlight the stupidity of others. He who does not emphasize his superiority does not rise by humiliating others.

Mental purity, aka sincerity, which is given to animals and children from God, is hidden behind an external gloss among adults. The game of hide and seek, if the player is diligent, can become so serious that sincerity can disappear completely.

The motionless energy of love is not love, but anger.

Love is increasingly turning into work, which is why the proportion of diseases of the digestive tract is growing.The digestive tract reflects the quality of thoughts that accompany the performance of work.The obligation to start causes stomach ailments.Duty to finish - diseases of the rectum.

The obligation to do little things when one would like to do big things is diseases of the small intestine.

The obligation to do big things, when you would like to do little things, is a disease of the colon.

The greater the responsibility, the more serious the illness. In other words, the more a person forces himself to be above an unpleasant duty, the greater the internal resistance, guilt and forced position become. And the body cannot remain healthy.

You can somehow evade obligations imposed by others. The obligations that a person takes on himself are much worse: I must, because there is no other way. Must go, come, bring, be, give, take, otherwise disaster will happen. A person is on good terms with me, which means I have to love him. He is my husband (she is my wife) - that means I am obliged (obliged) to have sex with him (her). And so on. Even the most beautiful duty is coercion and causes hostility.

With their desires, overly demanding parents tear the child’s soul into pieces, and when the child’s body comes to his aid in the form of forgetfulness, the parents begin to blame him, shame him, and appeal to his conscience.

A person who says to himself: “I must!” will soon certainly declare: “I don’t want to!” It doesn't matter whether it is said quietly or loudly. A person who says to another: “You must!” sooner or later encounters resistance: “I don’t want to!” Coercion is always followed by protest. And then the person says that the protester is bad. This is how injustice is born.

The habitual “should” means that a person acts out of a sense of duty. This is a forced situation that makes us prisoners of a sense of duty. We need freedom. The feeling of need is freedom. A person can know and be aware, because he understands that knowledge is a wonderful thing, but this is not enough. We need sensations. Sensation is the recognition of knowledge in your heart.

Desire in itself is bad. The stronger the desire to give becomes, the more you come across people’s reluctance to accept the good things you offer. Do not forget that excessive zeal is a service to love. Everything must have a limit, it must be felt. Your desire turns into an obligation for the taker to accept what you give.

He who wants to do good automatically wants to get rid of his responsibility as quickly as possible, and for this he begins to urgently realize his goal. Fear makes him rush, because a person is afraid of not getting what he wanted. He who feels the need to do good to others is in no hurry. For him, the goal does not matter, but the path itself and the progress along this path matter. He feels that someday he will still get what he needs. Human needs are never too great. But desires do exist.

The man who wants a million puts all his intelligence and knowledge into developing a plan of action to fulfill his commitment as quickly as possible. A person is captured by one single goal and does not see anything around him. And if the plan does not work, the person feels unhappy. And if it works, then the person immediately begins to think about the second million - he does not know how to rejoice in his happiness. He pushes love as a need until better times.

Any desire is a problem of thirst for profit. A completely balanced person does not want anything - he feels a need. Since most people are more or less unbalanced, we only know how to desire or not desire. He who desires, demands.

Many people ask: “Why did I feel worse when I began to practice forgiveness?” Or: “Before I was healthy, but I started practicing forgiveness and got sick. Why?”

Because you said to yourself: “I must forgive, otherwise something will happen.” Your mind reminded you of your duty, and forgiveness placed an additional burden on your demanding shoulders. Responsibility steals your valuable time, which you could use much better.

A person doesn't HAVE to forgive. A person himself needs to forgive.

If prudence comes to a person in time and says that everyone has their own life and their own burdens that they need, then the mind says: the less you know about others, the easier it is for you.

Therefore, everyone who experiences stress, for the sake of peace of mind, begins to avoid new information, new information that appeals to a sense of duty. He refuses radio, television, and newspapers, preferring to communicate with nature.

Every time you say “should,” your mind turns on and begins to rationally, intelligently correct a specific situation. And when you say “need,” feelings come in and lighten the burden of responsibilities on your heart a little. The heart begins to work better, blood circulation increases, and blood is love, and you feel better.

These words cannot simply be replaced with one another to avoid mistakes. Try it, and you will see that nothing comes of it either in consonance or in meaning. If you change your way of thinking, then the words will be arranged in a new sequence. Just as the direction of steps is determined by the soul, the order of words is also determined by it.After all, the word is the same body, expressing the soul, the meaning of life of the body.

A person is physically healthy as long as he is able to control stress. And if he is no longer able to, then he no longer wants to curb it and begins to throw out stress in the form of emotions.

There are also some parents and grandmothers who teach children, in the spirit of primordial female irrationality, to feel nature, animals, clouds, fairy tales and spiritual love and to store these images in their hearts so that, finding themselves between the millstones of material life, they have a place to draw spiritual strength from. . However, smart people do not take them seriously.

Forced teaching of music is a phenomenon that has set people's teeth on edge. Almost every child would love to draw, sing, dance, or play a musical instrument for himself, because he feels the need for it. But if, having noticed a child’s talent, adults enthusiastically encourage him to work tirelessly and eventually become a celebrity, then they are forcing the child to become better than others, and internal resistance arises.

The world knows child prodigies whose parents force them to sing, dance, and play music from morning to evening. Such children have a short life. They would have followed their hearts and achieved much more if they had not been forced. Free creativity gives birth to miracles.

No one has to love, but everyone needs love.

Whoever considers sex to be love, his genitals are so affected that sexual life becomes impossible. Whoever considers work to be a manifestation of love is deprived of his ability to work. Whoever considers money as love loses money.

When greed and love collide, the physical body suffers so that the spirit can gain freedom.

Whoever considers love to be love retains all his human abilities throughout his long life.

It's good if someone teaches this.It’s good if someone needs this teaching.

If you are trying to understand your need, but this is not possible, then remove the feeling of duty from yourself, set it before yourself and start talking with it. All those moments will pass before you in a long line when you did something out of a sense of duty. Release them one by one, and the cumulative sense of debt will diminish. Now it will be easier for an urgent need to manifest itself, which you previously did not understand and therefore could not feel. Feeling helped to realize, awareness helped to feel. Thus, you are doing the best thing of all things - admitting your mistake.

The cause of the disease - a bad thought - lies in the person himself. It is like a magnet - the longer a thought spins in the soul, the more intense the situation is when someone should appear and cause harm to the thinker.

An invisible bad thought creates an invisible enemy, against which a person weighs: to forgive or not? The logical mind often says that this should not be forgiven and even impossible, otherwise a feeling of impunity will arise and evil will only increase. Thus, a fighter for justice throughout his entire life carries in his soul the image of a sworn enemy and does not understand why he himself is sick.

Logically, the sworn enemy should have gotten sick, because it was he who caused the evil. This is scientific, or materialistic, logic. Invisibility cannot be proven scientifically; it proves itself and, as usual, in such a way that from a scientific point of view one can say: “No, this is impossible.”

Clinging to your positivity eliminates the possibility of learning to think with your heart. This, in turn, excludes seeing our own mistakes and the desire to admit that we see ourselves in people.

Every person has a need to forgive, a need to free themselves from bad things. This need is as old as humanity. “I forgive you for the harm done to me,” this is how the essence of forgiveness is usually understood. Such forgiveness lightens the heart of a child and a primitive person, for they subconsciously forgive with all their hearts.

With an increase in the level of development, the subconscious increasingly breaks through from under the yoke of the mind, letting the owner know that the laws of development are from God and must be observed. The course of development teaches us to look for cause and effect within ourselves.

As you release stress, you little by little begin to understand the difference between a good deed and a good deed. True good deeds are quickly forgotten. And the good done with the expectation that someday, when I find myself in trouble, they will help me too, is remembered and over time requires more and more payment for the service.

Trouble has not yet struck, and a good person complains that he has always done good to everyone, but no one does good to him. This is how a good giver turns into a bad bribe taker, constantly reminding everyone that they are in debt to him. And it’s even worse if, for the sake of his good name, he keeps claims to himself. Forgiveness from the heart turns an unhappy past into a happy future. published

©Luule Viilma, from the book “I forgive myself. Bright source of love"

Illustrations ©Dovile Norkute

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Forgiveness is the only liberating force in the universe. Forgiveness of the true cause frees a person from illness, life difficulties and other bad things.

How to forgive? Is it harder than you thought? Never mind, let's learn!

1. If someone did something bad to me, then I forgive him for doing it, and I forgive myself for absorbing this bad thing.

2. If I myself have done something bad to someone, then I ask him for forgiveness for what I did, and forgive myself for doing it.

3. Since I have caused my body suffering by doing bad things to others or allowing others to do bad things to myself, then in any case I always apologize to my body for thereby harming it.

All this can be sentenced or pronounced mentally. The main thing is that it comes from the heart. This is the simplest forgiveness.

People usually understand such forgiveness without difficulty, although asking for forgiveness from oneself is an insurmountable problem for some. Asking forgiveness from a specific part of the body, say the hand, seems completely eccentric. “It’s my own business, whether I did something bad to myself or not,”- others object, although they wear his the body is the source of the disease.

If it seems acceptable to you only to forgive another and ask for forgiveness from the other, then ask yourself: "Who am I and who is he?"

I belong to myself equally to the same extent as I belong to the Divine All-Unity. Just like anyone else. Thus, my body is both me and him. I have no right to destroy it. Although my body is mine, I am not its owner.

Try to free your spirit from materialistic thinking. To do this, ask forgiveness from your thinking for collecting dogmas. Sometimes it can be very difficult to forgive another, sometimes even impossible, because he caused a lot of pain.

Although Christ’s teaching about salvation is not new, its deep understanding is new and therefore requires additional clarification.

The doctrine of forgiveness should be approached in light of the following principles:

  • Everything that makes me feel bad is connected to me through an invisible energetic connection. If I want to free myself from the bad, then I myself must free both ends of the connection. This is done by forgiveness.
  • A person attracts to himself what is already in him.
  • If there is good, someone must come to do good. If there is bad, someone must come to do bad.
  • The one who appears will teach me a life lesson. He is like a performer of work to order. I want it and he will come.
  • All the negativity that a person has and which he managed to free in a smart way - with the help of forgiveness, is an unlearned life lesson. Therefore, it will have to be learned through suffering. To do this, someone must appear and cause suffering.
  • Forgiveness comes with awareness. Awareness is wisdom.
  • A person remains stupid as long as he sees the cause of bad things in another person.

In a brief, schematic form, the formula for forgiveness is as follows:

1. I forgive a bad thought for entering into me.

2. I apologize to the bad thought for not understanding that it came to teach me wisdom, and for not realizing to free it. I captured it within myself and nurtured it.

3. I apologize to my body for causing harm to it by cultivating a bad thought.

Current page: 1 (book has 75 pages total) [available reading passage: 42 pages]


Based on the experience of a practicing physician, L. Viilma offers a teaching on spiritual development that will help not only to recover from a specific illness, but also to restore mental balance and find inner peace.

This work is the fruit of many years of medical practice, the author’s need to convince a person that he can heal himself, can be happy, remaining a Human in any situation.

Translation: Irina Ryudya

Luule Viilma

Book III The Bright Source of Love

About merging in spiritual love

How to become happy

About pain syndrome



Find yourself

About slavery and freedom, about a dog and a cat

The desire to be better than others

Unity of opposites

Do good to the past

“Ego” and selfishness – two faces of fear

About conscience

Conflict with yourself

About teaching and learning

Instead of a conclusion

Book IV Pain in your heart. Textbook of the language of stress

To the reader

Textbook of the language of stress

About preventative medicine

The body is a mirror of spiritual development

Faith is the basis of everything

Turning content into form

About strength and powerlessness

Health is cleanliness

About the desire to be someone

About prisoners and guards of fear

Life and Digestion

Once again about digestion

In conclusion

Book V In agreement with yourself. Forgiveness, real and imaginary

The Book of Pride and Shame

Forgiveness, real and imaginary

Luule Viilma

I forgive myself. Volume 2

Book III The Bright Source of Love

Who wants to collect the fruits that grow

in the local garden of learning,

he must turn his whole life

into incessant exercise.

Bo In Ra

Dedicated to those who want to understand


Cosmic Book Protection Sign

“I take your hand and look into your eyes, where

Soul light is reflected - this is Your truth,

which you currently carry within yourself.

Only You and only You are able

recognize the greatness of truth in yourself, which is the measure of Your Soulful light.

But who is given the power to see his own Soulful light,

he was given the ability through

talk to him - communicate with yourself

and with the All-Unity.

Please, reveal your truth to the All-Unity

and to yourself, in order to strengthen the Spiritual light,

whose clarity and radiance depend from Your awareness of love.

Through awareness and comprehension of love Redemption is granted to the soul.

Redemption is the recognition of truth

on the path of error that has been traversed so far.

Discover the truth of love within yourself,

and from the All-Unity you will redemption has been sent down.

Seek the truth and you will find redemption through the Light of love."

What matters is not who caused me suffering,

and what is the reason my suffering.

About merging in spiritual love

Life has two sides: life and death.

Life is balance, it is also courage. Death is imbalance, it is also fear.

Don't be afraid man they don't love me we would be brave and live with the same body at least three times longer than now, since our body would allow it. Unfortunately, we constantly destroy our bodies with the anger we hold within ourselves. After all, the force required for the struggle of life is the energy of anger.

If we didn’t have fears, we wouldn’t get sick in this world and would know how to die. On the eve of death we would go to bed like any other evening. They would take off their clothes and crawl under the covers. In the morning, as if at the dawn of a new life, they would get up, get dressed and go to live. Every day we practice dying in order to learn it, but we never learn it. We do not realize that during sleep the spirit separates from the body and makes good use of the time when the body rests from physical fatigue. After all, the spirit does not sleep. The spirit wanders in the past, future, and also in the present and supplies you with the necessary information in the form of symbolic dreams. He shows you those faces and pictures that would pass you by unnoticed.

Sleep is a mini-death which teaches us to treat death correctly. However, a frightened person, as always, does exactly the opposite. He cultivates his fear they don't like me to the point of mortal fear and the older he gets, the more afraid he is to fall asleep. He does not call sleep disturbances a mortal fear, but if someone does, he gets angry and says that he is not afraid, but on the contrary, he himself wishes to die. In words he speaks the truth, but his thoughts are the typical denial of a frightened person.

With death, the spirit and soul leave the body. He who is not afraid does not experience pain at the moment of death, and it is truly good for him. This is known to those who have been in a state of clinical death. I visited and remember. Everyone has the experience of many deaths stored in their souls and spirits. Therefore, when a person feels very bad and wants to stop suffering, he prays for death. In difficulties, people ask for an easier outcome.

Most of us don't remember this. The experience of death cannot be touched with the hand, and since there is no movie about the death of one’s own body, the Western world is very skeptical about the fact that a person is born again and again. Life doesn’t change because of this, but you have to suffer a lot.

The fear of dying, the fear of dying before all the tasks are completed, the fear of falling asleep without completing an important task, the fear of oversleeping something important, the fear of falling asleep when things are full, etc. - all this is actually the fear of dying, i.e. . i.e. mortal fear that causes sleep disorders. A person hopes that while he is awake he will not be taken by surprise by surprises. Think about your sleep disturbances and become aware of the specifics of your fears. When you free them, at that very moment the sleep disturbances will stop. For many people, insomnia stopped only because I explained to them the essence of insomnia. Among them were those who for a number of years slept no more than one or two hours a day. Exhaustion from insomnia is a serious illness that even children suffer from. They tried to treat them with sedatives, sleeping pills, hypnosis, anesthesia, etc. to no avail. fully The cause becomes clear and the disease goes away.

For a balanced person, death is simply a transition from one state to another and then returning again. There is no time dimension in the spiritual world. The period between two revivals is timeless. I once watched the end of one of my lives and dying, identifying myself now with myself then. The feeling of complete freedom that I experienced in my current life during my clinical deaths, but from ignorance I did not fully understand, turned out to be very familiar. I understood why the human soul strives for freedom as an ideal. So, I died, freed myself, began to float in a world of bright colors and fresh smells, and then suddenly fell down heavily. It seemed that I had not yet completed my first deep and free breath before I found myself back on the ground. Between my two lives there was a gap of only 200 years! It was a little bad, but also a little good.

This is how the human soul returns from the world of relative balance, as if having been on a study tour in order to get a clear example, to the world of imbalance, in order to gain balance in a human way and so that what has been achieved becomes the dignity of his spirit.

Equilibrium is the equal weight of two scales. The scales in each of us are father and mother. If they are not balanced and we recognize that we ourselves, of our own free will, chose them for ourselves in order to learn about life, then we can also bring these scales into a state of balance. This requires nothing more than a desire to understand your parents. He who has no fear understands they don't love me when released, a vision arises parent as a whole and them coexistence as a whole.

According to his parents, a person can be internally balanced or unbalanced. When whole people marry or unite in some other way, then in this unity they constitute half. They are halves that complement each other and form a single whole. The more balanced one of them is, the more balanced the other. The more negative a certain character trait is in one, the more positive the same character trait is in another, so that in the aggregate everything is normal. The difference in character expresses the need of these people to comprehend, through the negativity of the other, their own similar negativity, which is hidden.

The soul is a teacher. She knows what exactly a person in his integrity needs to learn in this life, and she directs his steps along the path along which the one we need is walking - the only representative of the opposite sex we need, our teacher. The teacher is negativity. We come to live - to turn the bad into good or, in other words, being married, to see the good side in the bad that is characteristic of our life partner. Unfortunately, an increasing number of people cannot cope with this task - they do not balance their marital scales. When entering into marriage, a person should not give up his integrity, should not sacrifice himself in the name of another, as often happens in marriage. Nor should he force another to sacrifice himself in his name. Whoever does this destroys the marriage union.

What to do when a marriage breaks down?

Know that the only perfect savior of life is freedom, aka love. Instead of saving your marriage from failure, start freeing it. mine fear they don't love me and you won't need to change your partner. The marriage as a whole will be balanced thanks to you, thanks to the fact that you, being one of the parties to the marriage, will begin to gain balance. Getting rid of your own fear will allow you to see your spouse in the right light. Don't say your spouse doesn't change. He will change if you change. Your attitude towards him will change, and you will again feel the feeling that once brought you together.

It can be very difficult to forgive another person if you feel that he is to blame. In reality, with such thoughts, forgiveness is impossible. Forgiveness out of politeness is hypocrisy, an empty and worthless exercise. Before you forgive another, free your fears, then anger will be freed, and you will understand that you yourself are the provocateur whose bait he took and turned out to be guilty. Look at your spouse with your own eyes, feel him with your heart. Do not measure it by the yardstick of your parents, relatives, or envious people. If you don’t know how to do it yourself, take a closer look at your spouse’s friends. They choose people like themselves as friends. If he has no friends, then he is a closed person who does not want to open his soul yet. Or he no longer wants to open his soul, because he was badly burned. Consequently, in you he found the only one to whom he would like to open up, but is in no hurry because of fear. Try to understand and respect the desire of the other, even if it is the isolation of a frightened person. Patient love is like the sun, under whose rays a flower emerges from the frozen ground at the appropriate time. Haste is akin to calcining the soil in order to speed up the appearance of a flower. If it is too hot, the flower will bake before it has time to germinate.

When you are married, you should know your place in life and play the role prescribed by your gender. Not like women do, who at the very beginning of marriage begin to protest: why should I cook food, why should I give birth to children? Etc. And who should? Husband, or what? Then you had to marry someone who would do everything for you. A man who voluntarily entered into marriage, fortunately, does not have such conversations. He begins to protest later when the marital noose is too tight on his neck. For some, this misfortune happens very quickly, in accordance with the fear the man experiences. They don’t love me, they don’t take me into account. If your family life is not going well, think about their misses. Don't blame yourself - on the contrary, release the fear of being guilty. Otherwise, you will become like a scale that becomes too heavy - material - or too light - spiritual. The heavy outweighs the light, and the light is forced to flutter up like a butterfly and fly in search of a new flower. This is how divorces arise, in which the one who fled and left the other in trouble turns out to be guilty. In fact, the situation is the opposite.

If one becomes too material, and the other, in the name of love and preservation of the family, wants to walk in step with him, then this other sacrifices himself, and they both do not notice that in their apparent balance the weight has become so heavy that it is pressed into the ground. He who sacrifices himself, who fails to remain himself, leaves this world, leaving his physical body in the ground, because he could not withstand the stress.

If one becomes too light, i.e. spiritual, i.e. emotional, and the other, in the name of preserving the family, wants to please him, then this is unlikely to succeed. It succeeds if both are able and willing, because they consider it right to renounce earthly goods. And it works even better if their children also want to live without earthly goods. Usually material life with its problems brings them back from heaven closer to earth, and they may somehow cope. This is how young married couples start. They live by air and freedom, that is, freedom and love, until they slowly descend from heaven to earth. Remembering the beautiful love of the first time, they heal the wounds inflicted by time. When sometimes bad things happen, such people do not forget about the good – their own and others’. The material body inevitably needs to satisfy material needs as well, but such people are able to resist the race of acquisitiveness, and they easily maintain balance. Unfortunately, there are very few such marriages.

Why? Why do we make life difficult for ourselves?

The reason is that for civilized humanity, that is, for the Western world, the family has ceased to be a shrine. Wealth has become and is becoming increasingly sacred.

We are victims of civilization, in other words, victims of our own acquisitiveness. When a woman-mother becomes too material and ceases to fulfill the role of a woman, then children become victims of maternal non-maternity. What does it mean?

This means that a mother of the 20th century does not know how to teach her child unity in spiritual love. The mothers of our time are masculine business people who relegate femininity and motherhood to the background. They nervously grab the child in their arms and begin to lull him to sleep, but the child does not calm down, because the emotional anguish is expressed in the child. After all, a mother is the soul of a child. Mothers lull, read, sing, rock, take care of, wash, clean, feed. What mothers don't do. They spin like a squirrel in a wheel. They hold the child in their arms and talk over the child, swear over the child, make plans over the child, think their good and bad thoughts over the child.

However, the child cannot wait for the mother, at least once in her life, if there is not enough time for more, to press him with tenderness to her chest, so that no one and nothing distracts her, and to feel how the child’s heart merges with the heart mother and how the child's body merges with the mother's body. So what if the mind says that this is physically impossible, but the child wants to feel that it is possible. And it is possible.

We should forgive our mothers for failing to do this. It is advisable for every person to know about such an important thing and, if the mother does not know how, to teach her. Nobody forbids us to do this, while general inability is fraught with suffering.

We should forgive our fathers for failing to show their inner masculine determination and become the proper support for their wife. If you know your grandparents, you can understand why your mother and father are the way they are. Forgive your grandparents for failing to fulfill their gender-assigned role and thereby making life difficult for themselves and their future generations. You understand that humanity learns this way.

Look at your mother or conjure up her image and imagine that you are going to your mother in your thoughts. You go and become smaller and smaller until you appear before her very small - the size of her heart. Plunge into your mother’s heart and feel how good it is to love her there. The barrier of fear has moved away from both and does not interfere.

Now imagine that your mother, becoming smaller and smaller, comes to you and, becoming the size of your heart, plunges into your heart. How good it is to hold your mother in your heart and love her. The interfering wall of fear is somewhere far away and cannot interrupt your unity. If you feel happy, then your mental effort was not in vain. No matter what kind of mother you are and no matter how much grief she gives you, spiritual unity with your mother is only for the benefit of both of you.

He who learns to unite with his mother in spiritual love is able to achieve unity with everyone and everything. He finds unity with his father, with sisters and brothers, with grandparents, with relatives, with friends, with everyone. He is capable of unity with life. He is not afraid to place anyone in his heart in order to do him good with his love, no matter how bad he may be considered. He knows how to love, understand and free. And when the time comes, his heart finds the only true one with whom it will unite mentally, and then physically. Such a person does not cling to another as an owner and does not make either himself or the other unhappy. Only possessive love causes pain if the one caught in it wants to breathe just a little more freely.

Courageous love sets you free. Frightened love binds.

Release your fear they don't like me And they don't need my love and you will become a true lover who lives and lets others live.

How to become happy

I am often asked: how to become happy? I answer: “To do this you need to become human.”

What does it mean to become human? After all, we are people anyway.

To be human means to adhere to one's gender role. We are born a man or a woman - at our discretion. Don't forget that this is our own voluntary choice.

Whoever was a man in a previous life and ended his life as a man came to this life as a woman. But if he did not do something masculine or, succumbing to female influence, became too infatuated, then in this life he is an effeminate man in order to become a real man through suffering. If in his present life he lives as a half-woman under the power of women, then in the future life he will appear as a man in order to comprehend the demands of a man’s life through even more severe suffering.

Anyone who was a woman in a previous life, but believed that it was better to be a man and wanted to live like a man, has to suffer in an unpleasant role in his current life. And if she continues to believe that men have a better life, and refuses to love the noble goal of a woman’s life, then in her next life she will appear as a woman and will suffer even more. I have never met such stubborn subverters of nature who would learn same-sex existence for longer than three lives in a row. In principle, they probably exist.

So, it is as if we are walking along the ladder of life, which makes it possible to walk in the middle of the ladder, swaying as much as is required when walking. Or we lose our balance and begin to sway from side to side until we fall over the edge into the otherworldly, so that in the next life we ​​can climb back onto the ladder in the very place where we interrupted our path the previous time. The desire to become a superman or superwoman is natural for frightened man. Striving for his goal at any cost, a person crushes the laws of nature under himself, like grass in a meadow, and selfishly complains that life is unfair. In small talk, the conversation invariably turns to the fact that women have a difficult life, and men have an easy one. Although men protest in their hearts, women have a sure trump card in their hands - they have to give birth - and there is no way to argue against this fact.

Men do have an easier life, but not because they don’t give birth, but because they see the invisible. Even if a man does not recognize the invisible world, he still sees it, but it is called differently. What does it mean to make plans, to make plans, to plan? This is seeing the invisible. A man can mentally plan every step in detail, right down to the goal, and then put the plan into action. Then he will examine with his own eyes what has been done.

Seeing the invisible is so natural for male nature, that he can’t imagine how it could be otherwise. And if another man, who has become overwhelmed under the pressure of women, does not know how to do this, then they say about him that he is not a man at all. Just right to put on a skirt. The reasoning does not go further than this. Intergender understanding is still an insurmountable barrier. Most misunderstandings arise in connection with simple work, since in this case a woman and a man try to outdo each other in knowledge and skill. Let's take one simple job as an example.

Everyone can hammer nails. Take a closer look how a woman hammers a nail. To perform this operation you need three things: a nail, a hammer and a place where the nail will be driven. There are many women who say, “I won’t beg my husband on my knees, but I’ll beat him myself, otherwise a quarrel will still break out.” And she's right. There are women who proudly emphasize that they do men's jobs better than men themselves. Right. There was a time when tractor drivers had medals hung on their chests just because they were women. The current level of technology creates different conditions. You just need to ask what men such a woman compares herself to and whether she also knows how to do women’s work. Every woman can claim that she has the right to do what she likes, even if it is a man's job. Maybe, of course, maybe, and this is constantly being done, because there are a lot of women who are single, divorced, and widowed. Who will do this work for them? However, it is important that a woman, while doing a man’s work, still remains a woman in her thoughts. If a woman boasts of her endurance out of pride, then she brings suffering upon herself. Whoever fearlessly chooses solitude for himself, but while performing men's work denigrates the masculine gender in his heart, is destined to get sick.

Now look how a man hammers a nail. A restless woman is unable to understand why a man thinks for so long - after all, it’s a trivial matter - and why on earth he asks what exactly will hang on this nail. Is it really not possible otherwise, since the nail will be driven in anyway? How stupid men are! The woman is unable to see that the nail and the wall are fitting together, since they must correspond to each other, and also, in turn, correspond to the thing that will be hung on this nail. A man is able to see deep into walls. He knows or suspects that, for example, there is an electric wire running through the wall in this place, and he understands what will happen if he drives a nail there.

A man sees spatially and thinks in depth. A woman sees in one plane and thinks superficially.

The man doesn't shy away from work, but he wants the nail to last a long time. And if the wife changes her mind, then she wouldn’t have to tear out this nail and drive in a new one and thereby spoil the wall. The man knows how difficult it is to build a wall. Give a woman a nail for a momentary whim. Women love change. This means that women, as those who direct the development of life, want to move on as quickly as possible, often without taking into account objective reality. A man wants to create the eternal, which is also unrealistic. Desire is fear of not getting what I want.

If a henpecked man fulfills a woman’s desire without thinking with his own head, then the nail will certainly bend, hitting an obstacle, or it really happens that a loud crash is heard and the lights go out in the house. Who's to blame? A man, of course. This is what the wife thinks, and this is how it really is, because a man is obliged to plan his work himself. Now he has to cut a hole in the wall and repair the wire. There is a popular saying about this: “Whoever’s head doesn’t work, his legs should work.” So, the man thinks through a plan of action and gets to work. The man needs to see the work done by the evening. In the evening he looks at it and evaluates himself by it. If you like the work, then the man hits himself in the chest with his fist and says: “Well done man!” He twists his hat back and goes to dinner. And if the work is unsightly, then the man spits in his hearts and, pulling his cap over his eyes, goes home. In self-justification, he begins to look for those responsible. First the blame falls on the small boss, then on the larger boss, then on the state. But no matter how much he searches, he eventually gets to the root cause - and it turns out to be his wife. A man who is dissatisfied with himself is also dissatisfied with his wife. A man feels the need to see the results of his work.

A man sees the invisible and creates the visible. A woman sees the visible, but must create the invisible.

How to create what you can't see? This is precisely the difficulty of the female lot, which increases as the female sex becomes smarter, since One-sided assimilation of school wisdom destroys the primordial woman in a woman, destroys a woman’s faith in her emotions, sensations and the power of love. After all, everything has to be done rationally, smartly, sensibly, tangibly and visibly. A woman who wants to be good and to please smart men begins to become like a man. She dresses like a man, studies technical sciences and works her way into male positions, but all her efforts do not bring the desired result. Then she declares that women are discriminated against, and does not realize that, no matter how much they want, women cannot see the world the way men see it.

The problem of the female gender in general has worsened since women joined education en masse. Why does education, which moves humanity forward, have such an impact on women? Education represents masculine energy. Along with education, the female sex should also receive a spiritual education of a new level - philosophy, which would be a counterbalance to the education received. But this did not happen, since the church, which had previously exalted man, fell into decay, but did not let go of power.

The Church also submits to the sinusoidal development of life, that is, it experiences its ups and downs, which should be accompanied by the emergence of a new quality corresponding to a new level of wiser reason. However, the church to this day does not recognize this and therefore has become a factor inhibiting development. The Church absolutizes the spirit and dooms the body created by God to eternal suffering. But developing man recognized this error and therefore rejected dogmatics.

Any self-respecting woman should understand that even if she had a diploma of the highest education in the world, she still would not be able to keep up with God's gift to men. If she wants to prove her superiority to men, she can do this in some narrow area and with great effort. One can admire her, but her feminine nature is infringed. This is fraught with conflicts.

Men are able to be patient with an intelligent and brave woman for a very long time, but if this woman, in her growing arrogance, does not notice that men have to restore the missing links in her logic, then one fine day the men's patience will burst, because the interference begins to interfere too much, and they say their weighty word. For if a smart woman does a man's work, then a stupid man has no choice but to take on a woman's work. But this does not mean that an intelligent woman is superior in intelligence to a stupid man. Man's responsibility for creating the physical world does not allow him to retreat without a fight. The materialist - whether man or woman - considers the physical world to be true, and therefore he is interested in the logical and rational male world. In this world, everything is done quickly and tangible, which is very important for a materialist, because his self-esteem depends on it.

I am a woman and have the ability to see the world through the eyes of another person. It is truly very interesting to observe the male world. For example, a man decides to design something. His plan is improving step by step. All these gears, transmission links, connecting rods, pistons, ball bearings, etc. are linked into a single system and work in the man’s head as if they were real. And if a certain gear slips, then the man will think about everything and come up with a new contraption.

Now imagine that during such mental work, his wife bursts into the room and begins to reproach him for not doing anything and that everything lies on her shoulders. The man gets angry, and his whole wonderful plan collapses. Or the thought process is interrupted halfway. Covered with rust and outdated before he has time to redo the things imposed by his wife. However, without the strong supporting structure of a man, a woman's affairs are doomed to failure. I realized this as a child, watching my parents. I try to explain this to women, but I often run into a blank wall. A stubborn woman is blind and deaf to everything that does not concern her rights. And she has incredible rights. Even to the detriment of yourself. She'll find someone to blame later. I know a little how to see the invisible and therefore I entrust men’s affairs to my husband, without emphasizing my intelligence. To respect your husband. So as not to humiliate him. I know that he also knows how to do a woman’s work and, if he finds himself alone, will not save from anything, but he does not humiliate me by challenging me. Just as everyone has their own handwriting, so everyone has a working style unique to them. Work is done well when a person is free to choose his own style. This freedom must be respected.

Male prudence is the ability to see the invisible.

A woman is not allowed to see the invisible. Does it mean she lacks judgment? They often think so, and women only strengthen this opinion with their thoughtless bustle, inappropriate desires and advice.

Women's prudence is the ability to sense the invisible.

A man is like a spotlight in the darkness of the night. At close range he sees well, but if he needs to see a point on the horizon, he must focus the beam of his searchlight. This requires time, effort and skill, and all this comes with age. In other words, in order to make a good plan for the future, it takes time, effort, and skill. If it is necessary to simultaneously look in another direction, then the same thing is repeated. The man still has enough energy to carry out the third order, but the fourth is too much. A man who has to fulfill the will of over-demanding women is forced to spin on a tower like a centrifuge. The faster it rotates, the shorter the beam of light becomes, until eventually it begins to illuminate only itself. Excessive obedience makes a man an egoist who thinks only about himself. He becomes a sloth, whose ability to work is destroyed by excessive demands. What makes him this way is the fear of exorbitant demands. When raising a son, you should know that a person is born to learn. Every work is a lesson that begins with reflection. A good thought is followed by good work, after which it takes time to reach a conclusion. Work structured in this way brings up an intelligent, intelligent and hardworking man whose work is beneficial. And if a boy is forced to do ten things at once, then complete chaos reigns in his head. He is knocked off his feet, but is not satisfied with himself, and this destroys the man in him. He is angry that women manage everything, but this stems from a misunderstanding that men are not women.

Forgiveness - the only liberating force in the universe. P The growth of the true cause frees a person from illnesses, life difficulties and other bad things.

How to forgive? Is it harder than you thought? Never mind, let's learn!

1. If someone did me bad, then I forgive him for doing this, and I forgive myself for absorbing this bad thing.

2. If I myself did something bad to someone, then I ask him for forgiveness for what I did and forgive myself for doing it.

3. Since I have caused my body suffering by doing bad things to others, or by allowing bad things to happen to myself, then in any case I always I apologize to my body for thereby causing him harm.

All this can be sentenced or pronounced mentally. The main thing is that it comes from the heart. This is the simplest forgiveness.

This forgiveness people usually understand without difficulty, although asking for forgiveness from oneself is an insurmountable problem for some. I belong to myself equally to the same extent as I belong to the Divine All-Unity. Just like anyone else. Thus, my body is both me and him. I have no right to destroy it. Although my body is mine, I am not its owner.

Try to free your spirit from materialistic thinking. To do this, ask forgiveness from your thinking for collecting dogmas. Sometimes it can be very difficult to forgive another, sometimes even impossible, because he caused a lot of pain.

Although Christ’s teaching about salvation is not new, its deep understanding is new and therefore requires additional clarification.

Principles of Forgiveness

Everything that makes me feel bad is connected to me through an invisible energetic connection. If I want to free myself from the bad, then I myself must free both ends of the connection. This is done by forgiveness.

A person attracts to himself what is already in him.

If there is good, someone must come to do good. If there is bad, someone must come to do bad.

The one who appears will teach me a life lesson. He is like a performer of work to order. I want it and he will come. All the negativity that a person has and which he managed to free in a smart way - with the help of forgiveness, is an unlearned life lesson. Therefore, it will have to be learned through suffering. To do this, someone must appear and cause suffering.

Forgiveness comes with awareness. Awareness is wisdom.

A person remains stupid as long as he sees the cause of bad things in another person.

Forgiveness formula

1.I forgive a bad thought for entering into me.

2. I apologize to the bad thought for not understanding that it came to teach me wisdom, and for not realizing to free it. I captured it within myself and nurtured it.

3. I apologize to my body for causing harm to it by cultivating a bad thought.

Luule Viilma

I forgive myself

The Teaching of Survival A Handbook for the Independent Thinker

Translation from Estonian by Irina Ryudja

Medical and spiritual practices, talks about

The doctrine she developed. Its essence is that,

Having learned to think correctly and forgive yourself in the most

In a broad sense, a person gains health, happiness and

Peace of mind.

In the human world, a miracle happens when

Most people feel the need to go deeper into themselves.

For the purpose of self-knowledge.

To the question:

What are you looking for?

a person often answers:

looking for myself .

But in reality the heart is looking for love and

peace of mind.

But the lips are silent, so as not to desecrate the holy things.

What is a person?

Spiritual creation.

What is spiritual creation?


Have you ever been surprised


It turns out that I am love?

When you came to your senses from confusion, did you think

with reverence:

Good God, I am Love.

I am LOVE .

I EAT Love.

I there is Love.

Incredible, but it's true, you realize,

calming down.

Are you happy.

At least for a moment.

About the arrival of the next similar moment you have already

you can take better care.

A man walks and thinks:

I am Love.

Why didn't I know this before?

Because I didn't feel it.

Why didn't you feel it?

Because there was NO TIME.

Time was spent searching for myself.

Strength too.

Then I stopped, because I was exhausted

the person cannot move.

Standing still, I realized that I didn’t give myself Time love yourself


share your love .

I wanted to share my joys and worries,

but not love.

She seemed too precious to me

to give.



I am grateful to Time

for the increasingly complex lessons Life presents.

If you are unable

Solve the problem

Give her a chance


That is, release it.


This book continues to develop the topic of self-healing, begun and covered in previous editions. In some ways, the presentation here is more complex, and in others, simpler than in previous books.

Illness is like being imprisoned in a prison cell, the door of which simultaneously symbolizes both the entrance and the exit. Anyone who once walked inside in the dark, mistaking the door for the entrance, can go outside through it if he realizes that it is also the exit. The one who seeks the light guesses. Having found the light in himself, a person himself becomes a source of light - he becomes enlightened and capable of enlightening. It is no coincidence that they sometimes say: enlighten me on this issue, please. The more thoroughly a person understands a particular issue for himself, the more thoroughly he is able to enlighten others.

EXIT a person finds a way out of life's impasse if he manages to understand himself. This is difficult if a person is driven by desire, and easy if he is driven by need. Anyone can cope with this.

Those who are unable to do so themselves can be helped by like-minded and like-minded people. You can even help a person who is in an unconscious state, because as long as a person is alive, he is able to perceive everything that comes from love. There are no hopeless situations.

CONTINUING THE TOPIC I will add that the title of this book should be like this: CHILDREN UNDER 16 YEARS OLD ARE PROHIBITED AND RECOMMENDED.

There is something of a teenager in all of us - to the extent that our thoughts are characterized by immaturity, the inability to understand the essence of life. We have been kept in darkness for thousands of years, and we have become accustomed to a childish attitude towards life, although the soul protests more and more energetically. The truth brought to light from the recesses of human souls is no exception. We think we value the truth and strive for it, but when it suddenly surfaces, we are shocked and begin to deny it.

Young people are least afraid of the truth, since young people’s souls are still pure enough to perceive it. At the same time, young people have always been prohibited from knowing the truth.

The meaning of thinking No one doubts the existence of life. And at the same time, to the question “What is life?” no one can answer. Regardless of religion, we are children of materialism, and it will take a lot of time before the word “life” is directly identified in our consciousness with spiritual life. While we, with our eyes bulging, stare at matter as a primary substance, it will be forced to forcefully turn our head - well, if it doesn’t break our neck - to where, upon careful examination, we can see the meaning of life. This is how matter teaches us how to relate to life correctly. He teaches harshly. Maybe we will understand that life is something more than our body, but by then the vital forces will completely dry up, and the body will become decrepit. And then, perhaps, the question will arise: what is this force that set my body in motion, and where did it go? Having turned in the last mental anguish to this nameless beginning and with all our hearts praying for its return, we may well feel that prayer turned out to be the most effective means of allowing the body to regain strength. And, probably, we will understand that it was not someone who helped us, but ourselves.

There is no more reliable support than lending a shoulder to yourself, but these days helping yourself is an unpopular activity. Those who consider it natural may not know how unnatural others consider such an activity. I am one of those normal abnormal people who would never even think of rushing for help when it comes to emotional distress or everyday ailments. Back in school, I was interested in first aid in order to provide it to myself. Later, this craving led me to the Faculty of Medicine. And this is understandable - after all, knowing the causes of the disease and its development, the disease can be prevented. True, this is not always possible, but that’s not what we’re talking about now.

On my way, minding my own business, I constantly came across people who thought completely differently than me. At the slightest injury or slight ailment, their first thought is to immediately obtain the best medical care. It often happens that in the whole world there is no such high-quality medicine that would suit them.

Such people immediately accept the wonderful idea of ​​“help yourself,” however, as life shows, this happens only in words. From my observations, the person who praises any theory of self-help, including the one I propose, does not actually use it. And if you tell him the truth, he will be offended, because, in his opinion, knowledge is use. For most, interest in helping oneself quickly evaporates; if the desired result does not come immediately, a person loses faith and hope. People without faith must know that you can only fall quickly, while it takes time to rise. But faith will not return to them from this knowledge.

Whatever one may say, there is nothing more difficult than helping yourself. Besides, this work never ends. From realizing this, a person comes to the conclusion that others should help him. There are a great many reasons why a person entrusts his life to others. The most banal thing is that he himself doesn’t know how to do something. There is an excuse for inability: I’m not an expert. And the person does not think or does not want to think about the fact that an outsider, perhaps, also cannot do it. The other one obliged be able to. If he doesn’t know how, it’s time to call him to account. However, no helper is able to penetrate the soul of a person in need of help. That is, he is not able to live his spiritual life for him, which is real life. Earthly life is only a mirror reflection of spiritual life.

To help yourself, you need to know your own feelings.

To help others, you need to know strangers suffering. More the better. The more accumulated experience, the more likely a person is to say with a smart, self-confident look: “ Believe me, I will get you back on your feet. I've done this thousands of times with success.". It seems that what has been said should give a guarantee. This is what doctors say, as well as traditional healers. Both are mistaken.

Life shows that the self-confidence of even the highest-class professional most often leads to sad consequences, because even the best shoemaker in the world will not be able to update a pair of boots that there was no care. The shoemaker risks his promise tarnish one's own reputation. And he will fight for her if they start accusing him of not keeping his word. And they will certainly blame him. Now is the time - the time of accusations.

In fact, time has nothing to do with it. It's all about the people. Time teaches people a life lesson, that is, it gives them a chance to learn how to be human, but people instead cram their rights in order to achieve what they want. Using these rights, a person can appropriate almost all the material benefits of the world, but this will not give him peace of mind.

Knowing this, you should not despair. Life gives you a free choice - whether to live in peace of mind or in mental torment. If you are convinced - and conviction comes from the heart - that life begins with the person himself, then you make a choice in favor of love. If you don’t know how yet, then learn. It doesn’t matter how deeply you are stuck in the quagmire of life. Once you begin to help your soul spiritually, you will begin to help those who are trying to help your body to the best of their strength and abilities. In this way, the two facets of your life will be reunited. You will be grateful to yourself and those around you. After going through terrible trials, you will make an important discovery: you are surrounded by people. What happiness!

Correction of corrected errors Each of my next books is addressed to those who were unable to find help in the previous ones. Those who know how to complicate their lives, but are no longer able to simplify it, do not find help. Everyone has hope of learning this. Those who have lost it are not ready for the new. He still needs to wallow in his own suffering.

There are people who desperately try to correct their mistakes, but nothing works. They make more mistakes and add to their own suffering. Why? Because they do not think about the essence of their thinking. After all, it makes no sense to repeat empty words to yourself while thinking about something else. Who is unable to say to himself: " STOP RUSHING!", it is better for him to stop thinking and do something. If work calms you down, let it be work. There will be fewer problems.

What is the problem?

Is a situation, person, job, or activity the problem? If it is for you, then imagine a person who knows how to do his business without creating problems for himself. Such a person will probably be found in your circle of friends. In a similar situation, you would rush around like crazy, but he wouldn’t. It may seem to you that he does not do much, but he does it thoroughly. On top of that, he doesn’t get sick or worry because of his business, because he doesn’t make a problem out of it for himself.

The problem is what we make the problem out of. The problem is nothing more than an unresolved issue. A person asks about something he doesn’t know. Unfortunately, they answer him the best they can. Usually the answer is not exhaustive. If you don't rush, you can find the answer yourself. If we need to figure something out, we give ourselves time to think, and the answer is found. The answer always comes from the heart, but under one condition - if there is God in the soul. If God appears to a person as an old man perched on a cloud, then there is no God in the soul. If the one in the heavenly heights, to whom the prayers of believers are addressed, were God, then all believers would be healthy and happy.

There are many people whose affairs and very existence pose a problem for those around them that they cannot handle. So is this a problem or not? Ask yourself. You may realize that you have been prying too hard into someone else's life, thereby creating problems for that person. Whether he turned your interference into a problem for himself or not depends on him. If he hasn’t, then he is either a balanced person or an insensitive person. One way or another, you should take more care of yourself, because otherwise he may become unbalanced or even more insensitive towards you.

If you yourself are the person who is a problem for others, then think about why this happens. If you arrange your life yourself, you will understand them. If you have already become insensitive, then you are in danger, since no living person is so insensitive as not to react to the source of irritation. A moment will come when you will no longer be able to resist an attack from the outside. Your insensitivity, also a form of self-defense, spills out like an unusually active volcano that defends its rights in the same way as the attackers did a minute earlier. The consequences are disastrous for both sides.

Development through trials We live in a material world, society, family. All of us and our common home - the Earth - need develop together. If we did not have fears, we would realize that, being ourselves, we automatically form a single whole with everyone, despite the fact that spiritually each of us still lives his own life. As we develop together, we individually learn what we need. Activities are joint, and life lessons are individual. Understanding this depends on the student's developmental level. As the level of development increases, subconscious understanding becomes conscious. How soon? Sooner or later. No one knows how many lives a person struggles with the same problem in order to comprehend its essence step by step.

Every adult has moments of comprehending the essence of someone or something. Throughout life, the same phenomenon reveals itself to a person with ever new facets, until he understands that a thorough knowledge of someone or something is an endless process. This is how human development occurs, which in itself is an awareness of existence.

We are born in order to develop (grow) in the hypostasis of a person, and not in order to become one.

Who does not know how to develop first of all spiritually,

this requires earthly obstacles,

hardships, hardships,

suffering, illness,

in order to develop spiritually through them.

How many times it will take to be reborn for this to happen is a personal matter for everyone. Who takes it personally negative judgments of others, his development is slowing down. Who is delighted by someone else's praise?, his spiritual development may even stop for a while. Only the personality develops at a measured pace, which always remains itself.

PROBLEMS that arise along the path of life, be they small or large, stem from desires, that is, from the inability to live according to needs. Desire is not usually called a PROBLEM, because they always want good, even if others consider it bad. It often happens that a person comes to see me because he has a PROBLEM, but when I call it his PROBLEM, he jumps up as if stung: " Why do you say this is a PROBLEM? This is not a PROBLEM. Why am I worse than others? Can't I have my own life? Why should I act as others think? It's their PROBLEM, not mine!“Representatives of sexual minorities and sectarians especially vehemently declare their rights. In their opinion, their problem is 100% a problem for others, because they themselves do not see a problem in it.

Such people usually come to defend their rights. They have no illnesses, since selfishness excludes physical illness. They are tormented by mental anguish, and in order to reduce it, they are ready to explain their rights to all dissenters in turn. But each time the mental anguish intensifies, and therefore these people become more and more active, intrusive and aggressive. However, you cannot change the laws of life. The interlocutors have no choice but to agree with their arguments - you won’t break spears in vain. From the looks of it, everything seemed to be settled. Well, the future will show whether it was necessary or not.

One day, a PROBLEM that wasn't called a PROBLEM becomes a PROBLEM. When it is no longer possible to pass off black as white, when it turns out that happiness was not happiness at all, when the feeling of helplessness gives rise to a feeling of hopelessness and meaninglessness - then the PROBLEM is right there. Some people would rather die than admit it. Unfortunately, death is not always ordered. If death knows that a person also needs to learn a lesson of shame, then a SHAMEFUL PROBLEM comes that will plague the person until he admits that he has sinned against the laws of life. This will be a similar SHAMEFUL PROBLEM for the one who previously, out of generosity, succumbed to persuasion, wanting to show his good side, to avoid a quarrel, to win human rights for representatives of minorities (whose secret goal is to become the majority), in a word, for the one who is reshaping the world , based on their fears and selfish interests.

PROBLEMS are UNREALIZED DESIRES, as well as UNDESIRE COMING FROM SUPERDIMENSIONAL DESIRE. As a rule, a person does not notice that the reason for all this is himself. Desiring something, a person desires something that is not really needed. After all, there is no need for someone to live his life for a person. Moreover, it is impossible to do this, although many try. Whoever does this does not understand that by doing so he is ruining the life of another. And also your own, for what you do to others, you do to yourself.

The habit of living the lives of others without allowing them to live theirs is such a widespread unwritten law that if anyone stands up for his own life, he will be attacked by public opinion, proving how bad he is. Whoever locks the door of his house to stop well-wishers is bad. Whoever locks his soul or closes his lips for the same purpose is again bad. Unhappy people cannot stand the happiness of their neighbor; they do everything to make the happy person like everyone else. That is, he became unhappy, just like them.

Only children and youth oppose this. Adults have gotten used to it. Moreover, they themselves have gotten used to the role of well-wishers to the core. Habit is the same addiction, and a person begins to look for a way out only when the situation gets worse. For a person who is good in all respects, there comes a time when life begins to beat him up. Blow follows blow - just have time to turn around. And this despite the fact that the man seemed positive to the core.

In reality he was bearer of evil, because he did good to people, which turned out to be evil. His neighbors, it seemed to them, also responded to him with good, which turned out to be evil for him. There are as many options for such a good deed as there are people. Let us give the most typical examples.

1. A powerful person.

The power is in his hands, because of which those around him have to carry out his will. The more he achieves his goal, the happier he should be, but in reality he becomes angrier. The greater the power he wields, the more his subordinates become like slaves, carrying out his orders out of fear. He is angry that his subordinates, as it seems to him, expect words of gratitude from him. The loyal slaves do not understand that in fact his anger is caused by the fact that no one had the courage to tell him directly and frankly - do it yourself, this is vitally important for you. But he doesn't realize it.

From a social point of view, such power is given to people human rights . From an early age, it is customary to demand that the state be at the service of a person, even if the person’s arms and legs are in place. Life looks at this farce and sends a person an illness from which his arms and legs cease to function, so that the person receives the full right to help from the state.

2. Rich man.

He has the opportunity hire people for money who would live his life for him. When they show by their appearance that they deserve gratitude, it angers him. After all, he paid the agreed amount. In fact, he is angry with those hired to live his own life because they do not say: live yourself, this is vital for you.

From the point of view of society, a person filled with awareness of his rights is essentially the same taxpayer , who knows that he has paid his taxes to the state and that the state is obliged to do whatever the citizen wishes. Particularly great obligations are imposed on welfare states. A citizen considers the state good as long as it fulfills his desires. The same state instantly becomes bad if a person is knocked down by an incurable disease, because medicine does not cure a disease that a person has brought upon himself.

3. The person everyone loves.

He does not have the opportunity to live the way he wants, because he admirers They race to serve him in everything. In reality, admirers want to prove to themselves that they are better than they really are. Sooner or later they have a desire to receive confirmation of this from their idol. Since there is no price higher than the price to be called the best, it is understandable why idols have so much hidden anger, which in crisis situations spills out on their admirers, causing them a lot of suffering. The hope of reciprocal kindness and love affects a person seeking to establish himself in his own positivity, like a drug, stimulating his activity. Subservient wives and especially mothers behave most unreasonably. From the very beginning, they accustom their husbands and children to the role of lazy, lordly consumers, and they are terribly angry at the obedient slave who, by serving them, deprived them of the opportunity to learn to cope with life themselves. The slave enslaved her household members - her slave-owners - by the fact that they could not manage without her. The longer slavery lasts, the stronger the anger towards the slave. It is not surprising that the number of potential killers of their own mothers continues to grow.

In the state sense, the same thing happens everywhere where a master, instead of a tedious learning process, simply does the work instead of a student. This way it is both faster and more accurate. As a result, we have overworked professionals who are constantly at war with fools and lazy people who don’t know how to do anything.

A good life achieved in this way is a manifestation for both parties fear of living your own life, fear of being responsible for your own life. He who does not know how to live his own life considers active intervention in the life of his neighbor a good deed. The neighbor, not knowing how or being lazy to live his own life, allows this to be done so that later there will be someone to blame. To the guilty person needed a scapegoat on whom to take out your anger. Live his life, he I would feel guilty. Living someone else's life, he doesn't feel guilty.

No good deed goes unpunished - says popular wisdom. In other words, the more a good person tries to live his life for others, the more he is hated, because in fact he ruins other people's lives. It doesn’t matter that those who allow their lives to be ruined want it themselves. A person who lives someone else’s life and is therefore mortally tired experiences complete despair. He struggles with the knowledge that it is impossible to live someone else’s life, and the knowledge that those around him expect exactly this from him and beg him to save them from troubles. Otherwise they will die. In the end, a person begins to have problems not only with his neighbors, but also with himself. If he had been able to concentrate in this state of crisis, he would have felt within himself hopeless despair from the inability to establish relationships with oneself.

This condition is expressed in snoring- weakening of the tissues of the soft palate and nasopharynx. Quiet purring in a dream means that the situation is still solvable. Snoring, which shakes the walls and interferes with the lives of others, is an alarming signal. Household members suffering from the snoring of a neighbor should begin to live their own lives and thereby remove the unnecessary burden from the snorer, even if he does not want to part with it yet. Snoring accompanied by cessation of breathing and progressive brain damage caused by oxygen deficiency, is typical for a person who is most afraid of being branded as selfish, which is why he tries his best to live life for others. The law of life says: what you fear is what you get.

In a hopeless situation, the will to live is of decisive importance. He who wants to live begins to fight, because the will to live is the energy of anger. Anyone who is ashamed of losing the will to live also loses the meaning of life. His thinking abilities atrophy and he quietly fades away. Stress from feeling the meaninglessness of life has a detrimental effect on the brain. Using the knowledge gained from this book will help the reader keep his brain healthy.

The Human Being as a Plant We are surrounded by people who either become role models for us or not. In the latter case we are not mistaken. Bad things are not disappointing. In the first case, we are almost always mistaken, since a person under stress tends to create idols for himself. Falling prostrate before the idol, we do not notice the plant near our feet reaching towards the sun, and certainly do not follow its example. But in vain. The idolater, alas, is blind and unable to distinguish God from an idol. And even more so incapable see yourself in the earthly sprout . Despite this, a person sees himself in everything.

The birth of a person, his existence, development and momentary state are similar to the emergence of life as such on Earth, its evolution and momentary state. According to the theory of evolution, living matter developed from nonliving matter. The transformation of elementary carbon molecules into carbohydrates, and carbohydrates into simple organic substances, is not usually called life. Before science had its say, it was believed that God created the heavens and the earth first. Not the other way around. Thus, religious scientists rejected religion, which hindered the development of science. The easiest way is to deny what is bothering you. In the same way, men - the creators of material sciences - deny woman, who is the last and therefore most perfect creation of God.

Science grew out of religion, but instead of spiritually supporting science, like a parent of a child, religion, on the contrary, began to create obstacles, and the child renounced the parent in his heart. In order to survive and develop. At the same time, science, for the same reason, has lost both the spiritual support of its parent and the experience accumulated by previous generations, and since then has been wandering its way as an orphan.

And simple organic substances, just as in time immemorial, are transformed into complex high-molecular protein compounds, because the energy that forms the basis for the development of the Earth acts independently of the emotions, desires and faith of an individual. He who feels the need for unity joins existence and experiences happiness. He who does not want to, restlessly stays aloof and suffers.

According to scientists, life on Earth began four billion years ago, when the development of proteins began, resulting in the emergence of the first living organisms - bacteria. In the beginning they were anaerobic because there was no oxygen in the atmosphere. When some bacteria evolved into oxygen-producing plants, aerobic bacteria, that is, those that absorb oxygen. This is how the simplest forms of life became more complex, but none of them didn't donate ourselves for the sake of the emergence of a new form of life. Therefore, life on Earth acquired a variety of forms.

At some point, an animal evolved from the plant diversity. The process of development of man from ape was also long, but it proceeded faster, and the result was not so perfect. What kind of person a person will develop into over time, we can only speculate about this for now.

Problems associated with time appeared with the emergence of man and are aggravated as he develops. The inability to recognize in oneself the natural processes that took place in nature even before man appeared, occurs because man is usually considered the crown of creation. The development of man has thus, as it were, reached its limit, and the further development of people seems to consist only in their interaction with the material world, in what benefit they derive from this and what position in society they achieve.

In fact, the process of evolution occurs continuously. To this day there are souls that incarnate in humans for the first time. The difference between, for example, black people and white people who have reincarnated many times is that black people have the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others. If they are considered human, they learn quickly. If they are not discriminated against or artificial barriers are put in their way, then they learn quickly and without difficulty. This can be seen by observing the development of black children in a white environment.

When I spoke many years ago about the fact that the first man was black and that with each new reincarnation a person's skin becomes lighter, I was given friendly advice to keep my mouth shut if I value my life. Such speeches are supposedly nothing more than racism. But racism is when a black person is considered bad and a white person is considered good. Soon a report appeared in the press that scientists had proven that Africa was the place of origin of the first man. Nowadays the theory of evolution is recognized even by the Vatican. This does not mean that now I can tell kind people the same thing, but from a slightly different perspective - from the perspective of stress.

Well, no matter what, good people don’t want to hear that bacteria, viruses, fungi and other creepy creatures are man’s friends. Of course, provided that he is human. And adults also do not want to admit that their wisdom and worldly experience do not give them the right to consider themselves better than a child, teenager or adult who is lagging behind in development. A good person is angry when I say that a microbe has more intelligence than a smart person. When I instruct him - have a heart-to-heart talk with your microbe - he either answers or thinks: I don’t need this mysticism. It seems to him that the microbe, firstly, is bad and, secondly, mute, blind and brainless, which makes it impossible to communicate with him.

The search for spiritual warmth in oneself for a well-intentioned person is the longest and most painful process, and this despite the fact that our creator, in his primordial essence, is precisely this warmth. As you probably know, life on Earth arose due to the warming of the climate, that is, the earth's atmosphere. People, knowing nothing about science, called this warmth Love. They called religion God.

We are the creation of the Creator and we create the Creator in your own likeness.

In my previous books, I talked about how a person grows, matures and is formed. And also about how he is raised, brought into condition and prepared for life. I will briefly repeat the main thing.

Each person comes into this world of his own free will, that is, out of love, and he needs to improve. The spiritual essence is currently at such a level of development that it is not yet able to develop outside the corporeal shell. Out of love, we choose for ourselves the appropriate historical moment, geographical place and parents. We choose what contributes to our development. Parents are especially important because they are supposed to personify everything human. If humanity is not lost by the parents, then the child has someone to rely on and someone to gain intelligence from. If parental humanity is suppressed to the point of hibernation, then the child will sooner or later seek refuge on the side, because spiritual violence from good parents will somehow become unbearable over time.

In order for a child to have a better life, good parents do not allow him to grow, but instead begin to raise him, not allowing him to grow up, scold him, do not allow him to form, and begin to prepare him for life. A person who considers himself smart does not know how or does not want to follow the example of nature when it comes to development. He disagrees with the statement that:

For growth,

growing up and


need to give time.

He needs everything as quickly as possible, and he justifies his desire by saying that someone somewhere has achieved a goal in an even shorter time. He doesn’t care that this “someone” is a completely different plant. Possibly a plant annual.

Each plant has its own period of growth, formation and maturation. Being ahead of the deadline turns into a disease not only for a child, but also for a person of any age. DISEASE IS A FORM OF CHILDREN'S SELF-DEFENSE, REFLECTING THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARENTS. This should make parents think and draw the right conclusions. Otherwise, misunderstandings between parents will inevitably develop into misunderstandings between the child and parents. In the end the physically weaker gets sick physically, and the physically stronger gets sick spiritually. Physical illness may appear immediately, while spiritual illness develops more slowly. The disease shows who is currently stronger and who is weaker.


Both child and adult they bring him up both good and bad, as long as he becomes better. Better than whom? Of course, better than the teacher himself. If the teacher did not have an inferiority complex, he would not find his own shortcomings in the child and would not strive to raise the child well. If a child can be educated, he becomes better, but the teacher automatically becomes worse. Can he be satisfied with the result of his labor, that is, a child? It can't. After all, in the child he sees his own vices, and intensified ones. The child is to blame for his growing dissatisfaction. And the teacher gets down to business with redoubled zeal. If previously the good was nurtured in the child, now they begin to destroy the bad in him, which is not there. This is how all educators, including school teachers, eradicate their own bad things in children. If a frightened child agrees with the critical remarks made about him by the educators, he instantly becomes like the educator. In the end, parents, educators and teachers turn out to be right: as they said, the child is simply an obnoxious stubborn person.

The smarter the teacher, the more inclined he is to educate in a good way. Smart people know that grain in the fields grows better if you treat it kindly. If such educators saw what happens to bread if they are treated too kindly, they would stop doing the same to children. Due to excessive fertilizers, grain grows like a tall wall, but to the detriment of the top - ear of corn. At best, they are suitable for silage. A child spoiled by excessive kindness or good promises, although the top, that is, the head, is present, is not in it. own thoughts . Such a child lacks initiative. At best, he will prove that he has it. If he does not resist everything good, then for the rest of his life he will fulfill someone else’s will - he will be a servant, a puppet, a household item. He may be very smart, but without orders his mind will not come into action. He becomes a laughing stock for fools who nevertheless keep the pot boiling.

Such a child is an outcast in children's and teenage companies. He is exploited, made into a doer of dirty work, a six. If he is drawn into any crime, his situation becomes hopeless, and for fear of prison he will be forced to remain in the company in the future. He will see no mercy either from his parents, or from the company, or from society. Everyone demands from him only that good thing that they regard as good.

And yet, why do uninitiated children fall so easily under the influence of companies? Because in the company they don’t grumble, itch or whine, unlike family. They don't eat away the soul. In the company, responsibilities are strictly distributed, and everyone must be responsible for their own area of ​​work. Anyone who shirks responsibility will face severe but fair punishment. This is not comparable to the constant nagging of parents and educators. A person, especially a child, needs specificity in the execution of a task. Not so: do this and it will be fine. Work is work. Her either need to do it, or have it in it need. In both cases, you cannot arrange things in such a way that someone will feel good from it or someone will become better from it. Whether someone will feel good or someone will become better depends on the person himself, and not on the actions of his neighbor.

Watch your children for a while.

Uninitiated child needs an order and is waiting for it . At the same time, an internal protest immediately arises in the child, because the order indirectly indicates his inferiority. As a rule, our shortcomings come with us from a previous life, which means the protest comes from there. Parents who want to be good, who live in the name of home peace and who try to do everything so that the child does not cry, are receiving increasingly fierce rebuff. They are overcome with confusion and disappointment when they try to give the child freedom of action, telling him: do what you think is right, which only makes the child irritated. "Do it!" sounds like an order to him, but he doesn’t know how to do it correctly. After all, he was always advised by his parents, educators and teachers. The problem gets worse for both sides.

For uninitiated parents, a uninitiated child causes a lot of trouble, because they cannot cope with themselves. There is no specificity in them - their desires are focused on vaguely good target. Since the child tests parental qualities, being a harsh examiner, they should not hope for anything good in their relationship with the child until they begin to work on themselves and understand themselves.

Many parents, who have devoted all their efforts to parenting, after visiting me, definitely decide to act differently. In response to the child’s question, they ask a counter question: what do you think? What can a child think, for whom his parents have decided everything until now? Previously, following orders, the child proved that he is good, and now suddenly this opportunity was taken away from him without any explanation. A frightened child immediately bristles or becomes more seriously ill than ever, and all because I did not give the parents the order: " All innovations will be introduced gradually. Let your child get used to new things. First of all, learn to think independently and only then teach this to your child". Parents - and their thinking ability is paralyzed by a sense of responsibility- do not realize that the child is an enlarged mirror image of themselves. A thoughtless executor of someone else's will, whose thinking ability is even more paralyzed by a sense of duty than theirs.

Whatever problems you have, this does not mean that the situation cannot be corrected. Releasing from yourself little by little your childhood and your child, whose childhood was even harsher, you get used to new types of energy and learn to give your child the opportunity to choose calmly and naturally. You will not lose your peace of mind even if your child makes the wrong choice, because you know that this step will only serve as a lesson. It would never even occur to you to gloat and emphasize your superiority over your child, since you will remember your own mistakes made at his age. This is how they learn to think with their own heads.


The child is raised until they are dismayed to discover that he is already big. When they see how stupid this big child is, they immediately rush to scold him. So hot flame of discontent They burn out what little is left. Because the child is compared to role models placed on a pedestal, dissatisfaction seems justified, and the good child also becomes dissatisfied with himself. If a child - an over-watered cereal plant - miraculously ripens individual grains in the head - in the ear - then they too will now be roasted on the fire. And the child is ready. Why? To be manipulated.

Someone will take a handful of grains and put them in their mouth, not suspecting that destroys a person. The victim's parents immediately attack him to hold him accountable for a mistake made by themselves. And well-meaning fellow citizens who do not understand what happened and who see only the external side of the matter are only adding fuel to the fire. A terrible scream and noise arises, but everything continues as before or even worse. And only when a critical mass of children stand up for themselves do people begin to think about it. The revolutionary situation has matured, and this can no longer be the case. It is possible that good parents will face severe retribution.



And the child himself “takes care” of not going overboard with upbringing and scolding.

It would be wise to prevent a revolution in your family, since revolutions aim destruction, scrapping of everything old. No matter how young the parents are, they are automatically classified as old people who have outlived their usefulness if they don't keep up with the times. The revolution does not have to destroy them - they die themselves, although they blame the revolutionaries. The more they devote themselves to raising their children, the less amenable to education on their part. Why? Because their ego doesn't allow it.

The more a person is educated, the less adapted he is to life. A person grows up unable to take responsibility. He suffers himself, but those around him suffer even more. If he does not have a family, then his relatives, friends, and acquaintances suffer with him, and at the same time they all strive to raise him. And if there is a family, then the members of the household are heroic martyrs who, out of good intentions, sacrifice themselves.

An example from life.

I once had a chance to observe a battle that broke out between two friends of retirement age. One of them was sick and was waiting for help. The second one was a doctor, and in her head, as is usual with doctors, there was only one thought: I obliged help. The first wanted others to live their lives for her. The second tried to do so until she herself got fed up. Now she wanted her sick friend to finally start doing something for her own good, but she didn’t take into account that her sick friend was not ready for this. The second began to attack the first with her emotional upbringing, and she turned into a cornered mouse that stopped thinking about anything. Her head will begin to work no earlier than her upbringing stops. Until they take into account what she is ready for.

A person who takes responsibility for the life of his neighbor becomes aggressive advisor, but in fact begins to make demands and no longer sees or hears anything else. His end justifies the means, and the sufferer ultimately becomes a victim of the one from whom he expected help. The higher the professional skills of the assistant, the better he supposedly understands the needs of the sufferer, and he does not have a shadow of doubt that he is right. And if the sufferer dares to speak out, the adviser puts him in his place with the question: “ What's the matter? Who is the expert here - you or me?" The specialist is always right, because the specialist knows.

Alas, neither rightness nor knowledge produces a healing effect. A person should be helped in ways that he is ready to receive. If he is ready to go under the surgeon’s knife, but is not ready to listen to advice that would save his soul and body, then he needs a knife and that’s it. If this infuriates someone, there is no use in being indignant - you will only harm yourself. No need to strive change circumstances, but you need to learn take circumstances into account.

Nowadays people are least prepared provide spiritual help to oneself. Therefore, there is no greater mistake than imposing spiritual help. And yet this happens at every step. Emotional moralizing, reproaches, sandbagging in the presence of strangers, pleas, appeals, threats to stop all help - all this is just shaming, which puts a person in his place more harshly than before. A mouse driven into a corner becomes completely dumb from this. And in self-defense, a person often becomes even more seriously ill. This comes from hope that patients are treated more gently. The assistant may seethe with anger, but will not stop helping. He doesn’t want to live someone else’s life anymore, but he lives anyway - you can’t let your neighbor die.

When a person does something against his will, he gets sick.

When a person does something against his will, he is guided by a sense of duty.

The greater the knowledge, the stronger the sense of duty.

Most often, violent upbringing in the family gradually undermines the relationship both between husband and wife, and between parents and children. As long as husbands think their wives are fools, they will strive to make them as smart as themselves. Whether the husband is smart in such desires is not the point now. At the same time, husbands do not want their wives to become smarter than them, because they are afraid of being under their thumb. After all, everyone sees himself in his neighbor and fears the violence to which he himself resorts to maintain power.

In fact, behind spiritual and physical violence lies the inability and inability to communicate. With whom? First of all, with yourself. He who does not understand himself does not understand his neighbor. Understanding requires only one thing: time. As a result, the stronger one tries to bend the weaker one to his own standards, and if the weak one turns out to be intractable, his will is broken. People who are skillful in communication earn their extra points by doing for the sake of a good purpose to their neighbors what their neighbors do not want, even if they need it.

Such one-sided communication indicates an inability to find approaches. Talkative people do not understand this; for them, communication and approach are one and the same thing. People who are skilled in communication can be absolutely ignorant where they should be silent in order to listen to their feelings. They are not interrupted out of politeness, although their eloquence can sometimes be painful for those around them. Especially if instead of ranting, urgent action is required.

He who is aware of this is able to understand his neighbor. Be aware and understand- two sides of a single whole. He who learns to live his own life becomes neither the educator nor the educated.

I must admit that the struggle between these two friends for dominance, which they did not call it that way, in the end angered me to no end. If I had not been assigned the role of arbitrator in advance, I would have remained silent, which would have caused harm to myself alone. By force of circumstances, I had to express everything that had accumulated in my soul, and do you think it was for my benefit? Of course not. A surge of anger always gives rise to a feeling of guilt, and I am hypersensitive to this. If, in a fit of anger, it splashes out angrily, it gives rise to fear, and fear entails a new chain of stress.

Those who in childhood had to act in the role of arbitrator in the parental struggle for supremacy are afraid of this role, but at the same time attract it to themselves. When patience runs out, he begins to get angry out of self-defense. As a result, it turns out even worse - both opposing sides attack him. They may come to an agreement among themselves, but the child will still have a thorn in his soul. Such is the fate of the arbitrator.

Excessive education leaves a person a child.

Excessive scolding makes a person unfit for anything. It is good for nothing, like bread burnt in the oven or useless overcooked grain.


The ripened product is ready for consumption. The beginning determines the end. If a child has been raised without measure, he remains a child. A child whose upbringing has clearly been overdone is like grain that has been burnt by excessive fertilizers and therefore does not germinate. Such a child does not have the seed to conceive offspring. This does not mean that there will be no offspring. It will be if the problem is resolved.

1. People from the category of mere children few, but their number grows with increasing prosperity, since the welfare society instills infantilism. The less time parents have, the more they rely in raising their children on ideals that are drummed into the child’s head for strict implementation. A lot of people don't consider this to be parenting. They perceive themselves as Cinderellas, whose upbringing no one was involved in. Therefore, it should be remembered that all stories with a “moral”, all events that carry noble ideas, all high literature serve educational purposes.

Judging a 13-14 year old girl for her behavior, people do not realize that this child is in a hurry to realize himself, since his subconscious feels that this is unlikely to succeed later. The subconscious knows how susceptible this girl is to the negative attitude of the environment. If there is not a single person in her environment who would try to understand her, then with the birth of a child, although she will get rid of one of her stresses, she will receive n+1 of them in return. Will this girl, under the burden of stress, be able to realize herself as a mother in the future? Life shows that she will be able to do this if the girl’s mother admits her mistakes in raising her daughter and therefore can provide her with support.

2. Hidden childishness is common. This comes from the fact that nowadays children are raised mainly by mothers who strive to prove their superiority over their fathers. As a result, we have this: daughters maturing too quickly who look down on young people, considering them youngsters and insulting them to their faces;

too slow maturing sons who remain boys. Wanting to overcome their shame, they achieve great success in school and work, but fail in relationships with women. Any manifestation of attention - oh, how young you look - is perceived by them as another shameful stigma, causing a feeling of shame: after all, they really want to finally become a man.

A man who is ashamed of the boy sitting in him: does not age with age. The more he is ashamed, the more his shame is noticeable to others;

He serves his wife like a faithful dog, fulfilling all the whims of his mistress, but with age he begins to protest. This does not mean that he does not do what his wife wants. He just doesn't understand what she wants;

He copes well with everything old and familiar, while everything new causes him fear, which increases with age;

In intimate relationships, he is hasty and extremely vulnerable, which is why impotence can develop at a relatively young age. The earlier the mother overdoes it with his upbringing, the more spermatogenesis - the formation of male germ cells - is disrupted. Immense shame for one's childishness causes azospermia - the absence of sperm. As shame decreases, sperm appear;

In stressful situations, he may suffer from memory impairment and a tendency to dementia, that is, dementia. Therefore, men in this category should release the boyishness and shame of their boyishness.

If a man is not ashamed of the boy sitting in him and is not afraid to be who he is, then the boy grows and matures in him. Let this happen with some delay and slower, but for real. This is possible if the wife helps her husband by not being ashamed of his boyishness and not considering herself wise from worldly experience. After all, they are both individuals in the process of development.

Those who behave naturally develop in the right direction.

He who hides his essence slows down his development.

If a wife is ashamed of her husband's boyishness, she thereby first of all kills her feelings for him. The husband feels this and falls apart out of despair - both spiritually and physically. A wife can help her husband by won't compare him to others. You need to be especially careful not to give in to temptation and not force your husband to imitate the cool, stupid guys who seem to be the standard of masculinity. Everything ostentatious is boasting, sticking out one’s positivity in order to hide a feeling of shame. If you fall for this deception, then you should be prepared for the fact that in a crisis situation your super cool husband will turn into a boy. At this moment, your husband may seem incredibly sweet to you. The question is whether he will then open up to you as his wife, or whether by then he will already have another woman.

Women are less likely to be ashamed of their immaturity. On the contrary, they are increasingly proud of it, since girls remain young and attractive longer. The more female girls there are, the more women there are who are ashamed of childishness, their own and that of others. The stronger a woman’s desire to gain worldly experience, the more effort she makes to become highly experienced, the more she hides her childishness, without knowing it. A woman who is completely convinced of her experience is equally childish. She herself doesn’t understand this, but those around her do. Self-deception is the biggest deception because the person himself does not understand it.

Duty to behave reasonably can be so exorbitant that it turns into a lifestyle in which a person does not allow himself to do anything undignified for a second. In fact, a person wants to prove to others his solidity or, in other words, your maturity. When I spoke about someone in this spirit, they said in response: " No. She doesn't want to prove anything. That's who she is". This means that a person know and are remembered this way, but life reveals the truth. The stronger a woman’s desire to prove that she is a respectable lady, the more likely it is that a child will be chosen as a means of self-affirmation, and the more unlikely it is that a child will be able to be born. The reason is simple: a child does not have children.

THE STRONGER A MAN'S DESIRE TO SELF-ASSERT AS A MAN, THE MORE STRONGLY HIS SPERMATOGENESIS IS DISRUGGED- formation and development of male reproductive cells. THE STRONGER A WOMAN’S DESIRE TO ASSEMBLE SELF AS A WOMAN, THE MORE UNABLE HER EGGS TO PUBERTY, despite the fact that women’s ovaries naturally contain millions of dormant oocytes-follicles.

Please note: the more they want a child, the more they do everything in material terms to ensure that the child have. Such is the childishness lurking in potential parents. This problem gets worse over time. If several decades ago physical problems were eliminated with vitamins, and over the past ten years hormones have been used en masse, now they no longer help. Now it's in progress artificial insemination. Whoever grasps the essence of the problem, the hair on his head stands on end with horror. This means that each subsequent generation increasinglydoomed to be born without love. Isn’t it sad: the child knows and sees that they are expecting his arrival in order to prove his worth to someone by his presence. So already at birth he is tormented by the knowledge that in reality he is not loved.

Knowledge sums up into wisdom, and wisdom into science. Modern science is so wise that it can clone a person. Think for a moment: science is about to begin to materialize a spiritual being, because someone wants to become happy by having one. The idea is great. But is this ethical? If someone wants to prove that he is smart and that everything is allowed to him, will this bring happiness to all humanity? Humanity is already painful from the knowledge that we have to pay an increasingly expensive price for everything. However, people inspired by a great idea do not think about the fact that money is the lowest price. Science to this day is silent about the whole truth about the cloned sheep Dolly, about her special aggressiveness that is not typical for sheep. What if the cloned child turns out to be that very charming creature familiar from science fiction films, devoid of all feelings, who indiscriminately destroys everything he sees fit?

Cloning should only be used to restore damaged or lost cells, tissues or organs. Unfortunately, there is no ideal medicine, since medicine is an earthly science, which often does not recognize the intangible side of life. As a result, the same thing happens that often happens with a donor organ: the patient does not accept it, although he wants it. With his attitude, the patient disables him, as well as his own. While medicine idealizes its goals, it is far from ideal. At the same time, by mobilizing all their strength, doctors are able to achieve the desired result. At what inhuman cost and with what consequences is a separate topic.

A hospital should be a sanctuary where people are treated humanely. Not good or bad, but humanly. Unfortunately, the height of the spirit turns out to be an obstacle to everyday grounding, even in such a holy place on earth as the church. Until now, medicine has done almost the same thing as the church - changed people. Cloning caused a quarrel between the church and medicine, since medicine unwittingly and unknowingly invaded the territory of the church. At the same time, both the church and medicine took upon themselves the rights of God. The only difference is that the church changes the spirit, and medicine changes the body. The Church has arrogated to itself the right to dispose of a person's soul, and medicine - the body. At the same time, it makes no sense to blame the church and medicine, since the person himself wanted it.

Religion slows down the development of humanity, which, however, also has its advantages: it prevents reckless haste in the name of selfish goals. The paradox, unfortunately, is that religion itself destroys the naturalness created by God (especially in women), condemning and stigmatizing human rationality (especially in men). By demanding a literal interpretation of the Bible, it instilled in the minds of reckless, intelligent people the idea of ​​virgin birth, that is, extrasexual conception. Cloned man- it is reproduced extrasexually flesh in which should(!) settle spirit and soul. If you think for a second about the laws of nature, it will become clear what will settle there selfish soul, aka the devil.

Egoism is strengthened by the strong final evaluative knowledge that is imposed from the cradle. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern children from birth behave like little tyrants who they want to be carried in their arms all the time. Moreover, they begin to resent it when their mothers are distracted from them by extraneous things. They want to be 100% present throughout their waking hours. spotlight mother (that is, life). You would want this too if you were a means of maximum self-affirmation for your parents, and maybe even a weapon. It’s too early to talk about what it’s like to be a cloned tyrant. If you feel that you too would like to speak out on this matter, imagine yourself as such a cloned person and try to catch his feelings. Then you will understand what to say and how.

The faster spiritual development stops, the sooner they take up arms.

The Most Dangerous of All Weapons Are Medicines, because people who use them destroy themselves of their own free will. Most people believe that medications work exclusively for good. If you call the extermination of bad things good, then so it is. Antibiotics honestly express their essence. They already tell by their name what they are. Anti in Greek means against, the opposite. Bios means life. Thus, antibiotics are substances that are opposite to life, that is, they kill life. However, this knowledge does not give anyone the right to claim that antibiotics are unnecessary and harmful.

Sometimes we cannot do without antibiotics because, having become hostile to the world to such an extent that it becomes life-threatening, we bring upon ourselves a bacterial disease that threatens our lives in the same way that we threaten the life of the world around us. It turns out that sometimes antibiotics are very necessary. Unfortunately, we increasingly feel the need for antibiotics because, without giving ourselves time to grow, we educate ourselves and others at an accelerating pace until there are no objects left to educate. Whoever rebels against education as the extermination of life is does not accept antibiotics.

There are different aspects to parenting. One of them is sex education, in which the child has no right to show interest in either members of his own sex or members of the opposite sex. Such a child becomes an adult, but he not ready create a family, conceive and give birth to a child. And, even worse, he is not ready for sexual intercourse with the opposite sex. He becomes homosexual- homosexual or lesbian. The worst thing happens when he is not ready for sexual intercourse with his peers or older people. He becomes pedophile- "a lover of children." Now we can still say that, fortunately, education does not always lead to such disastrous results. As for the future, you should be careful in your optimism.

Most victims of parenting don't even understand who they really are. If they have currently occupied their niche, they do not want to hear that something is wrong. The shame of admitting your shame is worse than death. Especially when there is hope that someone or something can help.