What time does puberty occur according to law? Age of sexual consent in Russia – at what age can you have sex? Minimum age for marriage

At what age can a girl have sex?

    It depends on what you mean.

    According to the law, you can make love from the age of 16.

    If according to church concepts and beliefs, then it is impossible before marriage (theoretically, it is possible from 16, if you get married at that age).

    According to moral principles, it is better to start at 18 years old. That is, no longer at school, as often happens now.

    But physically it’s already possible from 12-13. But if you start having sex at that age, you can earn yourself a very bad reputation and make a lot of mistakes!

    Forgive me generously, but girls should play with dolls, not have sex. Of course, we now have acceleration and all that, but it’s still not worth starting sexual activity before the age of 16 (this is my personal opinion). The body must be fully formed to begin with, and this happens right around the age of 16.

    And the most important thing is that a girl should have sex out of her OWN WISH, and not because: - it’s so fashionable;

    all my girlfriends have already slept together, but if they haven’t, that means I suck;

    he tells me that if I don’t sleep with him, it means I suck (or something like that), etc.

    If a guy starts saying things like that, then he doesn’t need a girl (girl) as a person. It will sleep once or twice and throw it away as unnecessary.

    So there are no exact criteria, there are only personal brains, personal dignity and personal body.

    The girl herself must feel ready for the first sexual intercourse. In Arab countries, a girl is married off at the age of 11-13 and this is in the order of things. We have adopted no earlier than 18 as the norm. I saw on TV that a girl became pregnant at the age of 7, this is, of course, nonsense, but our world consists of a number of exceptions. Girls mature faster than boys, so the problem of first sexual intercourse should be raised in a boy, not a girl.

    The question is very interesting. Every girl begins to ask herself this question at different ages.

    I think that a girl can have sex from the age of 16. The main thing is that it is truly understanding and desire. You shouldn’t have sex with the first person you meet, just because all your girlfriends are no longer a virgin. You will regret it later.

    Nowadays teenagers are growing up very quickly and I have heard that some already at 12 are vigorously discussing their sex life. But a girl should have a childhood. You still have time to play at being an adult.

    After 18 years. When a girl is ready both mentally and physically. And most importantly, he can take responsibility for his actions, and does not hesitate to talk about means of protection against unwanted pregnancy and diseases. It is precisely at this age that not curiosity arises between boys and girls, but conscious tender feelings.

    From the height of the years I have lived, I would like to say that the later you start having sex, the better.

    After all, sex is not only pleasure, it is also responsibility for yourself, your body (health in terms of contracting diseases, even ordinary candidiasis), for an unexpected pregnancy.

    So you should think 10 times before deciding to have sex. In my opinion, sex should involve the presence of some kind of long-term relationship, and not be a one-time event, with frequent changes of partners. In addition, sex must be protected, preferably with a condom.

    And the desire to have sex should arise from the girl herself, and not be imposed from the outside - following fashion in this matter is, to say the least, stupid. Being pregnant due to your headlessness at 16 years old is not at all fashionable, and then none of your girlfriends and friends will be interested in communicating, much less having sex with a stray pregnant girlfriend.

    And it goes without saying that by deciding on adult entertainment, you step over the threshold of childhood, and don’t be surprised when you are already in demand like an adult.

    And I’ll say a few more words about criminal liability under Art. 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it occurs when entering into sexual intercourse with a person under 16 years of age, but only with a person who has already turned 18 years old. If both are under 16 years old, they are not subject to criminal liability. Moreover, persons of any gender, and not just men, can be held liable under this article; the criminal code does not make gender distinctions.

To better understand the essence of the issue, you should carefully read the legislation and find out what exactly is illegal.


This issue is being addressed Art. 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The crime here means sexual intercourse committed between an adult and a teenager, at the time of sexual intercourse with a person under 16 years of age.

Moreover, prosecution entails not only traditional, heterosexual sexual contact between a girl and a man, but also homosexual sexual intercourse with a person who has reached the age of sixteen and a teenager.

The moment of completion of this crime is always the beginning of the sexual act itself, and it does not matter whether it is completed physically.

Responsibility is established not just for a single sexual contact, but also for all subsequent ones with the same teenager.

Composition of the crime: objective and subjective side

Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation explains the objective side of the crime, such as sexual intercourse by a person over 16 years of age with teenagers. Moreover, the culprit of intimate intimacy here can be either an adult man (with a girl) or a woman (with a boy).

Part 2 of Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for a different objective side.

According to it, sexual intimacy between men (homosexual act), as well as between two girls, is a crime.

Moreover, what kind of contacts between people of the same sex can be considered sexual intercourse is not explained.

It is worth noting that non-traditional sexual actions are more often classified as Article number 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The subjective side is explained deliberately committing a crime.

Moreover, incorrect information from the subject regarding the age of the victim is not considered

The object of the crime is a citizen who reached the age of 14 years, but who has not yet turned 16.

The mental and moral well-being of the child are declared as connecting factors of the crime.

The subject of the crime is a completely healthy and sane citizen who is over 18 years old.

Criminal legal characteristics

The corpus delicti is described in Art. 134, and its main parts. And also Art. 131, 132 and 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Qualifying features

Regarding sexual intercourse with a person under 16 years of age who is forced to engage in it by force or under the influence of threats, this situation is regulated by Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

According to it, coercion of a minor or a minor into sexual intercourse, including sodomy and lesbianism, through threats, the use of blackmail, and the use of the victim’s dependence on the accused, is recognized as a qualifying feature.

The main object of the crime, in addition to sexual freedom, is indicated sexual integrity.

Distinction from other crimes

  • If the accused committed first sexual intercourse is forced, and then entered into regular intimate contacts with his victim, then his crime will be assessed in conjunction with Articles 131, 132, and also 134.
  • If sexual intercourse occurred with a teenager by mutual agreement, then the actions of the accused will be considered exclusively under Article 134.
  • When the accused forced his victim to intimacy or other actions of a sexual nature, then this falls under Articles 132, 133, 134.

Punishment and responsibility

The law also provides for punishment of up to six years in prison.

If the accused is charged part 1 art. 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation The punishment will be the maximum prison term he faces, which is four years.

Imprisonment can be replaced by correctional labor for up to 4 years with removal from office, or compulsory labor for up to 480 hours.

Part 2, Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for a maximum sentence of 6 years in prison for the accused with release from office.

This punishment can be replaced by forced labor for up to 4 years, or correctional labor for up to 480 hours.

If the crime boils down to forced sexual contact with a teenager, then such a criminal faces a prison term of up to 20 years, or.

According to it, the accused can be sentenced to correctional labor for up to five years, the maximum penalty is a prison term of 5 years.


Exists Addendum 1 to Article 134. It implies the release of the accused who committed depraved acts against a teenager from punishment if he was married to the victim.

The court also has the right to release from punishment a person who has not previously committed such crimes. This right remains within the competence of the court.

Also, if the accused committed an act that is provided for in Part 1 of Art. 134, then the court may release him in case

Also, if the age difference between the accused and the victim is less than 4 years, the accused is released from prison.

Examples from judicial practice

In 2007, a court in the Krasnoyarsk Territory released citizen E., born in 1984, from punishment. This citizen entered into illegal intimacy with a citizen born in 1992.

In this regard, he was charged with an offense under Article 134.

After the accused completely repentant in the crime, as well as based on the fact that the minor asked for leniency for him in connection with the wedding of the defendant with the victim, the court decided don't involve this citizen to responsibility.

Thus, before starting sexual activity with young citizens, you need to make sure that your sexual partner is already sixteen years old.

Only by observing all legal formalities can big problems and criminal proceedings be avoided.

The age of sexual consent is a legal boundary that designates the age period of a person when his consent begins to be taken into account when entering into an intimate relationship. All actions with persons under this age limit are qualified by law as crimes against minors. What you need to know about the age of sexual consent?

The exact age of sexual consent is defined as the concept of the age limit, upon which a person can independently decide whether to engage in sexual intercourse or not.

Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal punishment for sexual intercourse with a person under 16 years of age. The age limit from 16 to 18 years is protected by law only if there was provision of sexual services for promised or actual compensation by persons from 16 to 18 years of age.

Aggravating circumstances are taken into account when assigning punishment for crimes against sexual integrity of persons under 12 years of age, because before reaching this age a person, according to the law, does not understand and does not fully appreciate the actions that are performed on him.

This legal position is also called helpless. Crimes of a sexual nature involving persons under 12 years of age have consequences in the form of criminal liability under articles: clause “b”, part 4 of art. 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph “b”, part 4 of Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The code qualifies them as rape of a victim under the age of 14, as well as acts of a sexual nature with the use of violence against a minor.

Sometimes among the norms of criminal law you can find those where the age difference between partners is of great importance. Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states that when the age difference between the rapist and the victim is less than 4 years, punishment in the form of imprisonment is not applied in the following cases:

  • For sexual intercourse with a person under 14 years of age.
  • For committing acts of a depraved nature without the use of violence.

In modern legislation, the age of sexual consent and the bar for puberty are different. Since 2014, the mandatory specification of the onset or non-onset of puberty of the injured party has been excluded from the qualifying criteria.

At what age can you be held accountable?

When a person turns 16, he can independently consent to sexual relations or reject them. If one of the partners has reached above the specified age, and the other is over 18 years old, then the liability for the second does not arise.

When an adult citizen enters into a relationship with a person who has not reached the age of sexual consent, he may face liability, which is qualified by various articles of the Criminal Code. If the person selected for sexual intercourse is under 12 years of age, the act will be called rape. If the person with whom such actions were committed is between 12 and 14 years of age, then the crime will be classified in accordance with Art. 134 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. For persons aged 14 to 16 years, liability will arise under Articles 134 and 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The law also takes the side of the accused if the age of the injured person is difficult to visually determine. Many girls and boys at 14 years old can look like adults. Then such a crime will have mitigating circumstances. But it is quite difficult to prove the very fact of lack of information about the age of the sexual partner.

The note to Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains information that a person who has committed a crime against a minor for the first time may be released from liability if a marriage was concluded between the injured party and the person accused of the crime. Since in this case the person has ceased to be dangerous to his partner.

But it does not follow from this note that one can corrupt children and then marry them. This note applies to cases where the injured party has reached the age of 14 years.

There were precedents in judicial practice when this note removed responsibility from the perpetrator of the crime. If this person could prove that he really is not dangerous to the injured party. The court also considers such a fact as recognition of paternity to be a mitigating circumstance if children were born in a relationship with a person over 14 years of age.

When crimes of a sexual nature are committed against persons under the age of 14, no mitigating or special circumstances are recognized or considered significant by the court.

In Russia, you can now officially get married at the age of 14 - the State Duma adopted the corresponding amendments to the Family Code yesterday. This requires “special circumstances,” but there is no list of them in the law, which allows in many cases to interpret it at your own discretion. Parents' consent is not necessary for early marriage, although their opinion is taken into account.

Now, if there are “special circumstances,” you can get married at the age of 16. However, in a number of federal subjects, the minimum age for marriage for women has not been established at all, and the Committee on Women and Youth Affairs decided to unify legislation in this area and oblige the regions to bring their laws into line with federal ones. Now the minimum age for marriage /14 years/ is established in 21 subjects of the federation. Deputies supported the law unanimously: all 403 votes were cast in favor.

As an exception

“As an exception, in the presence of special circumstances, local government bodies at the place of residence of persons wishing to get married have the right to allow persons aged 14 to 16 years to marry at their request,” reads the text of the law. The opinions of parents and guardians will be taken into account, but their consent, in accordance with the bill, is not a mandatory condition for registering a marriage. If the parents are against it, they can only appeal the decision of the registry office in court. Special circumstances mean pregnancy or the birth of a child, as well as an actually established family - the so-called civil marriage.

According to the chairman of the Committee on Women and Youth Affairs, Svetlana Goryacheva, the demographic situation in Russia is complicated by the fact that pregnant women do not want to give birth out of wedlock. Since you cannot get married at 14 years old, but you can get pregnant, Goryacheva advocated lowering the age of consent to 14 years, “to avoid criminal abortions and broken destinies.”

"In national republics, puberty occurs before the age of 14"

But the deputies did not agree to lower the bar below this age, although there were such proposals. Deputy Andrei Vulf /SPS/ came up with an amendment on the possibility of marriage “upon reaching puberty.” “Let’s think about the national republics, where puberty begins before the age of 14,” the deputy urged his colleagues. “To get married, you need not only sexual maturity, but also psychological and civil maturity,” Goryacheva told Wulf sternly. “Well, then many people can’t get married even at 40,” the deputy hopelessly waved his hand. But he reminded that Romeo and Juliet were 13-14 years old and they would never have been able to get married according to our code.

"Depraved acts are not always associated with marriage"

At the same time, the chamber in the summer adopted in the first reading amendments to the Criminal Code regarding raising the “age of consent” for engaging in sexual relations from 14 to 16 years. This means that after this law comes into force, a young man who has a relationship with a fifteen-year-old girl can be prosecuted for child molestation. Let's say he comes to the registry office to formalize his marriage with her, and here he will be caught red-handed. So it is not clear in which cases one law will apply, and in which - the second. “I don’t see a contradiction in these two laws,” committee member, MP from the Union of Right Forces Alexander Barannikov explained to GAZETTE. “The amendments to the Criminal Code talk about committing indecent acts, and this is not always connected with marriage, but in any case, I was against raising the age of consent for sexual relations." /Gazeta.Ru, October 31/

Many people's parents never even thought about a physical relationship before, having platonic feelings. However, young people nowadays immediately begin to love each other “like adults.”

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The reason for such changes lies not only in different times and customs. This is due to the fact that the availability of information about sexual relations was previously prohibited.

Nowadays, sex issues are discussed everywhere. At the same time, citizens are interested not only in the medical aspect. They often don’t know at what age you can have sex in the Russian Federation in 2019. This is especially of interest to guys who are worried about liability for sexual relations with girls.

It is important to study information from all sides. In this case, you will not be able to encounter problems. And nothing will interfere with the relations between citizens.

What is the age of consent

Criminal law includes the concept of “age of consent”. It provides a date for each person when they have the right to agree to have sexual intercourse with another person.

Many countries set it between 14, 15, 16 years. However, the concept may be completely absent at the legislative level. Some states accept a person's twenties as this age.

According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Russians become legally ready to engage in sexual relations at the age of 16. From this point on, physical actions are not considered illegal.

If a person enters into an intimate relationship voluntarily, then this can be done before adulthood. Some states and cities give freedom at an earlier/later age.

For example, these are:

Why is this important

Legislative regulation of child sexuality is carried out in various countries. At the same time, controversial issues arise both in society, where ordinary citizens express their opinions, and among deputies. The latter introduce changes to legislative norms.

Currently, ideas about morality, moral value, and economic conditions are changing. Citizens also constantly debate about the age at which a person begins to bear responsibility for sexual intercourse. Questions about the measures taken are also regulated.

At different periods of time, the age of intimate life can be reduced or increased. But these changes do not happen without controversy. After all, every decision must have an official justification.

Until the twentieth century, the question of permission to have sex was adjacent to the period of onset of signs of puberty in boys and girls. Moreover, for the former it was set at the border for 14 years, and for the latter – 12.

Early marriages were common in various countries. But after the scientific, technological, and sexual revolutions took place, the question of starting sexual activity became not a moral and ethical one, but an economic one. This is due to the fact that girls often became pregnant.

As a result, the state had to support the children born. In this regard, decisions were made to increase the permissible age of consent.

Russia is no exception. The age of consent was constantly discussed. After negotiations and discussions, it was decided to exclude the concept of puberty from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Previously, it was considered as a basis for prosecution. In this way, it was possible to assess the presence or absence of signs of sexual abuse of a minor.

In August 2017, it was decided that under 16 years of age it is not allowed to express consent to engage in sexual relations. However, the punishment in this case will be borne only by an adult, an adult.

Medical aspects

Puberty in physical terms occurs before a person becomes psychologically and emotionally ready for it. The boys begin to experience their first wet dreams. They are involuntary ejaculations during sleep from 11–12 years of age.

The sperm released during the process can be used to fertilize the egg. However, they are not yet thinking about girls at this age.

These are hair growth in the area:

  • faces;
  • armpits;
  • scrotum

Changes begin at 13–14 years of age. In addition, young men's voices break and muscle mass increases. The body itself becomes large and strong.

These phenomena are associated with the production of the male sex hormone called testosterone. It influences guys to become bullies, bully girls, and also pay attention to them. The appearance of the fair sex becomes attractive.

According to statistics, most young men have their first sexual intercourse between the ages of 15 and 16. At the same time, they are proud of their experience, unlike girls. This is due to the fact that they have not matured enough to have sex emotionally. They believe that early sexual relations are prestigious and set them apart from other guys.

Not everyone remembers that early sexual intercourse brings not only pleasure. You may encounter a violation of the law if you choose the wrong partner.

Girls become medically mature at menarche. Doctors call this term the first menstruation. It usually begins between the ages of 9 and 15 years.

Despite this, not all girls can become pregnant during this period. When the cycle is established, ovulation may not occur. In addition, in order for the body to be ready for bearing a child and childbirth, not only menstruation is needed. Due to the influence of hormones, a woman’s figure changes. At this time, the hips expand and the mammary glands grow.

Despite early physiological development, psychologically boys and girls become ready for sexual contacts no earlier than 18 years of age. Therefore, the states that are part of the CIS have set the age limit for the onset of sexual activity at this level.

At what age can you

There is no legal age at which sexual relations are permitted. The regulations do not stipulate the number of years after which a person can be considered ready for intimate relations.

If both partners are already 18 years old at the time of sex, there are no obstacles to continuing the relationship. There are no legal restrictions on connections between these people by mutual consent.

When minors engage in sexual relations, liability may arise. For example, parents can submit an application to the prosecutor's office if one of the partners is under 16 years old.

An inspection will be carried out, and the person will be held accountable based on the statement. It is mandatory to initiate a criminal case, after which a punishment is imposed.

It is legally determined that sexual intercourse between citizens under 16 years of age can be classified as sexual acts or debauchery with minors. A citizen can be held accountable under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The issue regarding the relationship between minors under 16 years of age is very complex. However, these relationships cannot be classified as a crime. This happens until a complaint is filed regarding rape or forced physical intercourse.


Once a person turns 16, he has the right to initiate sexual relations or refuse to participate in them. If one of the partners is already 18 years old, and he has sex with a 16-year-old person, then he is not liable for such acts.

A different outcome is envisaged if one of the partners has reached the age of majority, and the other is under 16 years of age at the time of the relationship. Thus, the latter has no rights to express sexual consent. An adult citizen can be prosecuted in accordance with various articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In the case of intercourse with a person under the age of 12, we are talking about rape. In this case, a special article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation may be applied. At the age of 12 to 14 years, a crime is classified under the third part of Article 134 of the Code. If a person is more than 14 but less than 16 years old, then liability arises in accordance with Articles 134, 135 of the regulatory document.

The accused is legally supported if it is difficult to determine the age of the victim at the time of sexual intercourse.

Often girls and boys at 14 look much older than they actually are. Therefore, a person may think that they have already turned 18 years old. In this case, the court recognizes mitigating circumstances. However, proving the fact that the accused did not know his true age will not be easy.

Is it possible to avoid criminal prosecution?

The notes to Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation note that it is possible to avoid liability. This is provided if the accused enters into a marital relationship with the victim. In this case, the person ceases to pose a danger to the partner.

However, this norm gives the right to corrupt minors with subsequent marriage. The note applies only to cases where the victim is already 14 years old.

Judicial practice has precedents when responsibility was removed from the perpetrator. This was provided for if a person proved his own safety. It is also possible to indicate recognition of paternity as a mitigating circumstance in the event of the birth of a child to partners.

If a crime is committed against persons under 14 years of age, mitigating circumstances are not provided. Therefore, it is important to study the legal requirements before engaging in sexual activity.