VSD and neurosis: symptoms, treatment, panic attacks. Panic neurosis, treatment Hysterical neurosis panic attacks

Hello. Since childhood, she has been very suspicious and anxious; from about 8 years old she is diagnosed with VSD. At the age of 14, a relative died and I started having panic attacks. There were problems with appetite, as soon as I was about to eat, I immediately belched air, fear, tears. The first time I went to a psychiatrist in tears, she sent me to the regional psychiatric hospital for children, where they diagnosed adaptation disorder, stayed for three weeks, and prescribed Pantogam, Vinpocetine and Anafranil. Afterwards everything went away, although it sometimes came back, so I prescribed Anafranil in two more courses. Then everything calmed down, but the suspiciousness remained, the fear of dying, of illness. But I got used to it, finished school, passed the exams. Once the belching returned, but the adult psychiatrist sent her to a psychologist, after conversations with her everything went away on its own without pills. Sometimes I drank novopassit, homeostress, valerian and other sedatives. But a year and a half ago there was extreme stress, my mother was in the hospital, a kidney was removed, I was terribly worried, my father was drinking, for the first time I was alone at home for a long time, caring for my mother. A week after her discharge, her father hanged himself at work. I endured it for six months after that, but then panic attacks began, the fear of death returned with renewed vigor, tachycardia, and extrasystoles began. I was terribly scared, did a holter, ultrasound of the heart, everything was normal. I calmed down and felt better. I took half a tablet of atarax three times a day, at first it helped, but then it stopped. I didn’t believe that I was having panic attacks, although they started abruptly, I was shaking a little, my heart was beating quickly (up to 176 beats on the holter, but this is during physical activity or after very fast walking with panic, usually up to 160), I started calling an ambulance ten times during the week, they argue, they say you’re all panicked, we can’t help you, you’ll drive yourself crazy. There is no psychotherapist in the city, not even a paid one, so I had to cope on my own, sometimes there was less panic, sometimes more. But the other day my blood pressure jumped to 136 over 91, although my tonometer may be broken; every minute it usually shows different numbers. There was a little pounding in my head, when I went to measure it I was already panicking. I took anaprilin, called an ambulance, measured 110 over 70, the pulse was only 126, after anaprilin it was 90. They said that I was calling in vain and it was not the pressure, but all the panic. But I can’t get over it, it always seems like my blood pressure is high, I have a bad headache, although I’ve had this before since the spring, and my blood pressure is always 110 over 70 or 120 over 80, even at a doctor’s appointment when I’m very worried. I can’t measure it myself, I immediately panic. My head began to ache often, my hands were cold and sweaty, I couldn’t calm down, I kept thinking in my head that this was not panic or neurosis, but that I was sick with something and this jump did something. My tests a month ago were normal, only my hemoglobin was on the low side of normal. Reg was normal for a couple of months, another Holter and ultrasound too, only sinus tachycardia, the ambulance did an ECG in moments of panic, also only tachycardia. TSH is normal. There is cervical and thoracic spondylosis. I’ve already seen three therapists, two cardiologists, two neurologists, everyone says it’s nerves. True, the therapist prescribed anaprilin 3 times a day and papazole, but they told me that I don’t need to drink this at all, without panic and anxiety, there doesn’t seem to be any tachycardia, they say she’s nervous. I stopped atarax, took it for a year, it didn’t get any better. I bought homeostress, which seems to be a little easier, but I didn’t sleep well one night, I immediately felt nervous in the morning, no appetite, my head felt bad and ached, I cried ten times a day, I felt sick all the time. I don't know where to go anymore. Tell me, does this fit into neurosis or should we look for another reason? Do I really need to work with a therapist? Fears are constantly changing, but almost always bad, sometimes I’m afraid for my heart, sometimes about blood pressure, sometimes about cancer, they even change ten times a day, panic attacks, if that’s what they are, also twice a day, I immediately run around the apartment like I’m stung, I can’t calm down, I’m screaming that I’m dying, my heart is beating fast, I’m shaking, I’m crying.

Every neurosis has psychological roots. Most often, in 95% of cases, these roots lie deep in childhood. It was there that it began to emerge neurosis called panic attack.

To completely cure this disease, you need to correct the cause. How to do this, watch the video.

Stories of Panic Attacks

Maxim, neurosis

And for a long time I could not understand that this was a panic attack. I went to doctors for a long time (six months) for VSD. I thought that it was something like a pinched nerve somewhere, or a vertebra, or a vessel... I didn’t drink or smoke for six months (naturally I quit). Some time passed and I started drinking and smoking and after a while it all started again! A friend said that it was like a panic attack and her friend also has one (only a phobia - the fear of being left alone and the fact that no one can help her). I started looking on the Internet and now I think I have a problem. Alcohol has a very strong effect on these attacks, even in small quantities (better, for example, through hypnosis)! You walk all day and can’t relax, you can’t find a place for yourself, you start walking back and forth, your pulse and then your blood pressure increase. Thoughts that something will happen and fear! If you're on the street, you want to go home, if you're at home, you want to go outside! The conditions are simply such that you wouldn’t wish them on your enemy.

Dima, OCD

Without going into details, I’ll tell you a little about myself, although I’m sure that each of us deserves a whole book or a drama film with a happy ending starring each of us!)

I am 29 years old, I studied and subsequently work in a field where there are a lot of people and responsibility and I often had to be “conscious” (I pay attention to this word - it is key) which allowed me to stay afloat for a long time and get out of these terrible , unbearable conditions that we all know about. In general, as soon as there was a relaxation in my life in the form of a vacation or something similar in time period, I was immediately overwhelmed by “spikes”; there is no point in telling their contents because... This is an “evergreen tree” that will always find something to worry about.

I have managed to get out of this state several times over the past 15 years, several times within an interval of 3-4 years. so much so that I completely forgot that I had some kind of “malfunction” in the system. But a year ago I was so overwhelmed that life in a matter of days became hell, the glimmers of light in which were impossible to overlook... and with all this, I had to go to work every day and build a suddenly improved personal life, with a long-awaited beloved, fear of disappointment which is trying to attack me today)))) I saw it all, it was difficult to solve..

As usual, I tried to read the book “Me and My OCD Friend” by Jay Kruettner, which was always printed out in my folder with documents. But in my haste I was unable to apply the “universal truth” and I believed my mind, which said that the “universal truth” would not help in this case because... this case is special and now something is definitely wrong with you)). A month later, after visiting the sites of “suffering” (the usual scenario, whoever knows will understand))) listened to people and made a plan for the week, instilling in myself “Don’t lose your head!” “you are a fighter”, etc.

I drowned myself in sports, several workouts a day. By the evening, I simply had no energy left for sleep, and this suited me for a “satisfactory existence.” I understood that there was no longer that “spike” with which it all started, it was just that severe mental pain and suffering occurred several times during the day, which gave rise to depressive thoughts and fueled anxiety and others, to use the domestic term “obsessive states.” In the presence of a large With the amount of motivating information on the Internet, I became hooked on quotes from Eastern philosophies about overcoming fear, and by reading them I was able to reduce my level of anxiety. But the statement not to identify with the mind was difficult for me to understand. I constantly meditated, took up yoga, jumped into an abyss with a rope, climbed rocks as a climber, all this gave a slight euphoria due to crazy concentration and a dose of adrenaline) but all in vain.. And the reason is subconscious resistance to the mind and not accepting the information that it gave me "pours". After reading the experience of one girl on the OCD website, I and many there were inspired by her methods and tactics.

During the spike, concentrate on breathing, look at thoughts like clouds and run in the rain and enjoy life, but she did not voice the key point, which is described in one of the books she recommended (Book by Eckhard Tolle - The Power of Now, the power of now) describes there such a concept as the “body of pain”, which, regardless of your attitude towards unwanted thoughts, comes and begins to pile up very scary things in your head, feeding them with mental pain somewhere in the chest, it also gives rise to terrible thoughts in the prism of “psychological time” and under pressure This makes you remember that it was once good, but now it’s bad, and how can I continue to live when I have such conditions. And this is resistance, the same fear and guilt that fuels OCD. So this is something that is not under your control - it is a phantom generated by you and your experiences. But no longer subordinate to you!! He gives birth to thoughts, and thoughts feed him

Olga, my nerves gave way

My nerves apparently gave way... as a child, my father’s drinking and scandals made me shake at night. But after the death of my first husband, I had a fear of sleeping, of closing my eyes when I washed my hair... it seemed that I would open it and see him. Well, then, after a difficult birth, my son and I were in hospitals, there were so many fears for his life, then during pregnancy my second son was diagnosed with a pathology (bilateral cleft with gum removal) so many tears that made my day, so it all started one day , I got up in the morning and feel bad, I’m spinning, suffocating... and somehow neurosis () like a bolt from the blue. And my blood pressure jumped and even my sugar, my vision deteriorated, I felt suffocated all the time, I couldn’t sleep at night and didn’t understand what was wrong with me.

Nikolay, they gave me a pill for PA

I didn’t have much pain in my left chest for about 5 days, and before my next shift I decided to go to the first-aid post and ask what all this nonsense was. Grandma, the doctor, said that your lungs don’t hurt, but if your heart didn’t, you wouldn’t feel so cheerful and let’s take your blood pressure. It was about 140 and my grandmother gave me some kind of pill, and she began to fill out her journal. And then I caught my first onset of neurosis, and even my grandmother praised the panic attack - she began poking me in the eye with ammonia and called an ambulance) Well, in the hospital they checked me, they said that I was like Gagarin - it’s just all

Stas, repeating himself

Hello. To combat obsessions, I use defensive actions (compulsions). Activities are rituals designed to prevent or minimize fears. Actions such as repeatedly avoiding potential danger (endlessly checking electrical appliances, closing the door, closing the zipper on the fly), repeating words, counting. For example, in order to make sure that the door is closed, I need to pull the handle a certain number of times (while counting the times). After performing the ritual, I experience temporary relief, moving into an “ideal” post-ritual state. However, after some time, everything repeats itself again. I heard about - need advice on what to do?

Sergey, watch for a panic attack

You just need to observe these unpleasant emotions and relax and allow them to be, as one of the methods of being aware of your breathing. And then after some time it will lose its power and will not come, but of course this will not happen right away, because it, like all living things, wants to live and does not want to be discovered. By the way, this applies to all negative feelings, who are visited more often, fear, anger, etc. etc. and if you understand their nature, then you really begin to understand what the philosophy of Zen Buddhism and the calmness of all monks in general are.

And the OCD thoughts themselves are not fueled by the energy of pain, and, indeed, all thoughts are simply observed when you stop identifying yourself with the mind.

I won’t be clever further, but will send you to the original source - the book by Eckhard Tolle (The Power of the Present and the second book New Earth). I will say in advance, it says that by reading it a revolution of consciousness is already happening to you. So I read it, and the next day I was so overcome by the “body of pain” and I “floated” because... it was sooooo strong and at that moment, as I remember now, I lay down on the floor in the room and smiled from hopelessness, and this moment a “shift” occurred, I felt that this was not me, it was all in me, but not me, I managed to subconsciously accept This state is where the concept of what was said in the book came. There was an indescribable relaxation and calmness. Which is more valuable than any good on Earth when you know its price.

I will give an excerpt from the book, which can indicate the vector of the beginning of the correct movement, but again I strongly recommend everyone to carefully read this book in its entirety!

“By listening to this or that thought, you become aware not only of this thought itself, but also of yourself as its eyewitness. A new level of consciousness opens up for you. Listening to thoughts. You feel your conscious presence - your deep essence hiding behind this thought (or, if you prefer, according to it). As a result, the thought loses power over you and quickly fades away. After all, when you stop identifying yourself with your mind, you stop feeding it with energy. And this is the first step towards freedom from involuntary and obsessive thinking. At such moments, you will feel that the flow of thoughts has been interrupted and a gap of “no mind” has formed in it. At first these gaps will only last a few seconds, but gradually they will increase."

So good luck everyone. And if, with the help of OCD and through suffering, you come to enlightenment and help other people understand this, not necessarily those with OCD, today all of humanity is hostage to its mind and the religions and other forms of nationalism that flow from it. then OCD and suffering can be seen as a great gift - think about it!

Fear neurosis, also known as anxiety neurosis or phobic neurosis, can provide significant discomfort in life. The symptoms that accompany it are divided into different groups. This disorder can occur at any age. It is important to understand that this is a reversible condition; you just need to understand its causes and prescribe the correct treatment.

The essence of the disorder

Anxiety neurosis is a disorder of the nervous system that is characterized by causeless anxiety. From time to time, these manifestations can intensify to the point of panic attacks, that is, sudden panic. This disease develops in every 20th person, more women are susceptible to it, it is most common in young people, but it can also be found in children.

Neuroses in children

Childhood is quite often accompanied by various neuroses, the most common of which are depressive neurosis, severe anxiety neurosis and frequent panic attacks.

Young children are more susceptible to the development of these pathologies. They are usually characterized by attacks that are worse at night. With neurosis, hallucinations often occur, and children under 6 years of age may be afraid of the dark for various reasons.

A primary school student may be afraid of his strict teacher and bad grades in his diary. These phobias occur with a decrease in emotional background, and sometimes urinary incontinence may occur. Particularly severe cases are accompanied by the fact that the child simply runs away from home or from classes.

Adolescence can occur with symptoms of depression, which implies tearfulness, decreased self-esteem, and general depression. Such patients have quiet speech, a sad look, and their facial expressions are very poor. Associated symptoms are insomnia and a desire for loneliness.

Quite often other forms of neuroses can develop, such as neurasthenia, stuttering, anorexia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is important to detect the appearance of these psychological abnormalities in time, since they tend to progress, gradually worsening the child’s condition. When visiting a pediatrician, a consultation with a neurologist or psychotherapist should always be scheduled for such children.

Clinical picture

Phobic neurosis has several groups of symptoms - mental manifestations, autonomic disorders.

The group of mental manifestations includes a feeling of anxiety that occurs in periodic attacks. It should be noted that fear of something occurs for no apparent reason, and the patient feels the approach of trouble. Quite often this sensation is accompanied by trembling of the body and the appearance of weakness. The attack disappears as suddenly as it appears, and its duration is about half an hour.

Another variant of an attack of panic neurosis is a symptom of loss of reality of what is happening up to complete disorientation, as well as the development of a neurosis of fear of death. A sharp change in mood, persistent insomnia, decreased performance, severe hypochondria can also be included in the concept of anxiety neurosis, symptoms of a mental disorder.

The clinical picture usually increases over time, that is, at first, anxiety occurs in patients rarely, one might say sporadically. But, if treatment of anxiety neurosis does not occur, then it progresses noticeably, becoming chronic.

Autonomic and somatic disorders imply a very diverse clinical picture. Most often it includes the following manifestations:

  • Headaches without specific localization, accompanied by severe dizziness;
  • Lack of air, mixed shortness of breath;
  • Pain in the heart with tachycardia;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sometimes loose stools or constipation develop.

It is extremely important to carry out adequate diagnostic measures in order to establish the correct diagnosis. This is due to the fact that such symptoms may imply not only phobic neurosis, but also somatic pathologies that have absolutely no connection with the nervous system.

It should be borne in mind that fear neurosis is a disease that quickly becomes chronic. This moment is accompanied by the constant manifestation of psychosomatic symptoms. Chronicity of the pathology implies periodic periods of exacerbation of all clinical manifestations. In this case, the period of exacerbation occurs with symptoms of tearfulness, excessive irritability, vulnerability, and frequent occurrence of fears. Also, panic neurosis when chronic can become a trigger factor for the development of other mental problems, such as severe hypochondria or depression, obsessions, and conditions.


Experts say that fear neurosis has many triggers, which are usually divided into two large groups - psychological and physiological.

Psychological factors include:

  • Severe stressful situations with prolonged reasoning and worry;
  • Emotional drives that are activated against the backdrop of all kinds of life situations.

Physiological factors are:

  • Pathology of endocrine organs with the development of hormonal imbalance;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Long-term course of any pathological process in the body;
  • Genetic predisposition to the development of such a condition as fear neurosis.

Panic neurosis due to dysfunction of endocrine organs deserves special attention. The bottom line is that the adrenal glands, along with some brain structures, produce hormones and neurotransmitters that form the emotional background. They also regulate feelings of fear or anxiety. Violation of these systems can provoke pathology of the nervous system, lead to the development of phobias, anxieties and many other feelings that negatively or even destructively affect human consciousness.

Other reasons

Experts, along with the above triggers, identify several other reasons that can provoke panic neurosis. These include:

Heredity. Quite often, children with this disorder appear from parents who also suffered from the same illness. Therefore, diagnostic measures should include examination of parents:

  • Alcoholism;
  • Addiction.


Anxiety neurosis requires long-term treatment. Sometimes it can be done at home. It is important to understand that the symptoms and treatment of this condition are closely related. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • Psychotherapy. It can be carried out individually, even at home, or in groups. Its main task is to establish the reasons why such a problem arose, due to which panic attacks and neurosis are treated. A psychotherapist, having figured out the root of the problem, will tell you how to get rid of this condition and how to react correctly to stress.
  • The massage is aimed at relaxing the patients. The huge advantage of the technique is that, like psychotherapy, it can be performed at home by calling a massage therapist to your home.
  • Physiotherapy. Includes physical therapy and hardware techniques. The downside is that this cannot be done at home.
  • Psychohygiene. This is a large group of techniques that involve adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, self-relaxation, and rationalization of work and rest regimes. Some of these procedures can be planned at home or with the help of a specialist.

If it is impossible to correct the neurosis using the methods described above, it should be treated with medications. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants, such as Valdoxan, or tranquilizers, such as gidazepam. It is important that all medical recommendations are followed.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a common disease among children and adults, which has a paroxysmal nature. Its occurrence is triggered by abnormalities in the brain centers, so treatment requires consultation with a doctor and a course of therapy. VSD and neurosis are inseparable pathologies of the human body, because Both diseases are caused by a disorder of the central nervous system.

VSD disease and neurosis

VSD is a disease of the autonomic system, which is provoked by a disruption in the functioning of the central nervous system, which leads to an imbalance of the whole organism. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not included in the international classification of diseases; abroad this disorder is considered as a generalized anxiety state.

Neurosis occurs against the background of a malfunction in the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the central nervous system.

It is very common among the adult population: citizens over 20 years of age account for about 45% of those suffering from nervous system dysfunction.

Often the disease is accompanied by nervous conditions, which are divided into 4 forms.

  1. Asthenic (neurasthenia) - frequent surges in blood pressure, mood swings, and the appearance of tachycardia.
  2. The hysterical form of neurosis with VSD is accompanied by panic attacks. It is provoked by self-hypnosis and can lead to convulsions and hallucinations.
  3. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a strong fixation on negative thoughts that puts a person into a trance. The patient is able to perform many of the same actions, for example, combing his hair, moving his arms, or moving from foot to foot.
  4. Depressive – occurs due to the inability to cope with problems on one’s own. Apathy appears, a person in this state thinks about suicide.

Possible reasons

Constant stress contributes to the occurrence of VSD. Nervous breakdowns, everyday worries and poor nutrition are the main causes of exacerbation.

Various injuries and infections that affect the psychophysical state of a person also become provocateurs. The most common causes of exacerbation of VSD include:

  • trauma to the cervical spine;
  • protrusion of intervertebral discs;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • gastritis and enterocolitis;
  • allergies in an advanced stage;
  • hypertension;
  • stress and overwork;
  • head injuries.

The causes of vegetative-vascular neurosis can be various factors:

  • mental trauma;
  • exhaustion of the body, lack of vitamins;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • overload during mental activity;
  • alcohol, drug addiction;
  • caffeine abuse;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity due to an infectious disease.

The causes of neurosis in VSD can be various psycho-emotional shocks, most of which happened in childhood. If a child is often stressed due to quarrels in the family, he is offended by peers, the nervous system may not withstand the load and fail, which will inevitably lead to central nervous system dysfunction.

In adulthood, a common cause of the development of neurosis with VSD is:

  • death of someone close;
  • lack of financial fulfillment - if a person is not able to achieve success in his work, he becomes sad and depressed;
  • sociopathy - the inability to be in a crowd, fear of communication leads to constant nervous exhaustion;
  • poor rest or lack thereof;
  • pregnancy and childbirth - young mothers are very susceptible to stress; after childbirth, overprotection syndrome may develop, which leads to constant fear for the life of the child.

Symptomatic picture

The manifestation of neurosis in VSD is divided into two types - somatic and mental. Somatic symptoms are a deterioration in a person’s physical condition due to the effects of a disease:

  • headaches;
  • frequent visits to the toilet;
  • tightness in the chest;
  • continuous feeling of fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • sweating;
  • pressure surges.

Psychological symptoms:

  • constant anxiety;
  • oppression;
  • irritability and aggression;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • panic attacks;
  • sudden change of mood.

During attacks, a person develops a fear of a stroke. Often the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia resemble a stroke, so every time the patient is afraid of death or disability. The patient is able to cause these kinds of symptoms himself by focusing on negative emotions or memories from the past.

Signs can intensify either in a person with low self-esteem, or when character traits such as categoricalness and restraint are present.

Treatment methods

VSD neurosis should be treated by a qualified specialist. He prescribes a full diagnosis of the body, including:

  • detailed blood and urine analysis;
  • cardiogram;
  • encephalogram, which determines brain performance and predisposition to epilepsy;
  • determination of pressure.

After diagnosis, the doctor may refer you for consultation to a more specialized specialist: a cardiologist, neurologist or psychologist. Medical rehabilitation for VSD neurosis consists of complex treatment, consisting of psychological and drug therapy. Psychological is the main element in the treatment of neuroses.

Therapy includes lifestyle adjustments:

  • sleep at least 8 hours a night;
  • correct diet;
  • eliminating caffeine-containing products;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • exclusion of stressful situations.


Treatment of neurosis and VSD is carried out with the help of medications that serve as auxiliary therapy. Medicines suppress or increase excitation in the brain center, depending on the symptoms and progression of the disease.

They use 4 categories of medications with different effects. The most severe cases of neurosis with vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by panic attacks, obsessive states, numbness of the limbs, are treated with tranquilizers or antidepressants, which are dispensed strictly according to a doctor’s prescription.

Due to the fact that when taking antidepressants, dependence on the drug may occur, you should strictly follow the instructions. The category of strong drugs includes: Afobazol, Phenazepam, Zolpidem.

Lighter medications that have a sedative effect are also used. The recipe in this category contains herbal mixture. A sedative will help relieve tension and irritability, improve sleep: “Valerian”, “Barboval”, peony tincture.

In order to properly restore the body during intense mental activity or overstrain at work, you should use a nootropic category of drugs that will help restore the neurotransmitter connection and improve blood flow to the brain. Use: “Glycine”, “Phenibut”.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapeutic treatment method includes a number of procedures aimed at normalizing blood circulation and general muscle relaxation. Several directions are used simultaneously or separately after a doctor’s prescription:

  • massage with aromatic oils;
  • acupuncture;
  • swimming;
  • breathing exercises;
  • yoga.

Exercise therapy

Therapeutic exercise will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body and neutralize muscle spasms that prevent you from relaxing. Light physical activity will strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism.

For VSD neurosis, the following will help:

  • walking in the fresh air;
  • aerobics;
  • morning jogging;
  • light exercises.

To bring the cardiovascular system back to normal, overexertion should be avoided, so it is recommended to perform a set of light exercises, consisting of a warm-up for all muscle groups.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia and neurosis are diseases that complement each other and require complex treatment, consisting of psychological and drug therapy. Only an experienced specialist can diagnose VSD neurosis, relying on test results.

With the modern rhythm of life, people are increasingly worried about neurosis, panic attacks and other psychological problems. Constant stress leaves its mark on a person’s mental state; as a result, the nervous system simply cannot withstand the pressure, and causeless anxiety, inexplicable fear arise, and some situations are even characterized by an increase in aggression.

Before answering the question of what to do in order to cope with panic attacks, you need to understand what symptoms are inherent in the presented pathology.

Taking into account the clinical picture, a person can have two types of neurasthenia:

  • typical;
  • atypical.

Typical panic neurasthenia can be manifested by the presence of cardiovascular symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • interruptions in heart function;
  • painful sensations behind the sternum, which make patients think about the presence of pathologies associated with the functioning of the heart;
  • attacks of neurosis are characterized by a significant increase in blood pressure;
  • During the onset of the disease, there is a significant fear of developing a hypertensive crisis; as a result, people constantly measure their blood pressure.

And also typical panic neurosis is characterized by a number of symptoms:

  • each attack is accompanied by a feeling of suffocation;
  • there are flashes of cold and heat;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • fear of death;
  • derealization.

Atypical neuroses are characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • muscle cramps in the legs and arms;
  • deterioration of visual or hearing functions;
  • development of aphasia;
  • change in gait;
  • constant presence of a “lump in the throat”;
  • frequent loss of consciousness;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • pseudoparesis.

After the seizure ends, profuse urination may occur.

The occurrence of unreasonable anxiety, in most cases occurs when a person is awake, their appearance is always sudden. On average, the duration of a seizure is about 30 minutes.

The duration of the interictal period is individual for each person; for some, this period is several days, and for others, several years. As a rule, the interictal period is marked by the gradual development of depression, there are constant thoughts about an imminent attack, and fear arises regarding the formation of severe somatic diseases and hypochondria.

A number of symptoms inherent in neurasthenia are characteristic of many somatic diseases, so diagnosing the problem is significantly difficult.


Modern medicine is characterized by a variety of different techniques aimed at treating neurosis.

One of these methods is hypnosuggestive psychotherapy, which includes suggestion and hypnosis. During work, the psychotherapist creates new settings for the person, which give the latter the opportunity to look differently at the somatic manifestations of the crisis. During a hypnosis-induced trance, the patient’s artificially created defenses are turned off, therefore, thanks to the verbal and non-verbal influence of the psychologist, the patient receives the necessary information.

If panic attacks, anxiety, and neurosis are observed, then cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is recognized as the most effective treatment method. The peculiarity of this technique lies in the patient’s awareness of the real picture of reality, the correction of his thinking and habits that provoke the triggering of unreasonable anxiety is carried out.

During sessions with a psychotherapist, the patient’s subconscious produces and records information that if there is a crisis, nothing bad will happen. As a result of treatment, the patient is not so afraid, the anxiety that arises, the fear of death disappears, all the symptoms inherent in neurasthenia gradually disappear.

In addition, treatment of neurosis with VSD cannot be effective in the absence of drug therapy.

There are a number of medications that, when used during a seizure, can lead to its rapid relief. The use of medications is carried out only when the problem is severe, but without working with a psychologist, they will not contribute to complete relief from the disease.

To get rid of unreasonable anxiety, the following groups of medications are widely used:

  1. Tranquilizers included in the benzodiazepine series. The effect of their use appears within a period of half an hour to an hour. They can relieve almost all the symptoms inherent in attacks of unreasonable anxiety. In the presence of neurosis and panic attacks, such drugs are used very rarely, since they can be addictive. When taking such tranquilizers regularly and then abruptly stopping them, withdrawal symptoms are observed.
  2. Antidepressants. They do not have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. The effect of use is noticeable after 2-3 weeks. The duration of use varies from 3 to 6 months. The use of such funds is carried out regularly, even in the absence of critical moments.
  3. Vitamins included in group B. Have a strengthening effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

As for getting rid of unreasonable anxiety with the help of traditional medicine, they can be taken in combination with medications and only after prior consultation with your doctor.

What can cause panic?

The reasons for the development of unreasonable anxiety may be the following:

  • the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • experienced stressful situations;
  • the presence of diseases such as mitral valve prolapse (a heart pathology in which one of the valves does not close properly), hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism;
  • long-term use of stimulant drugs (including caffeine);
  • An anxiety attack occurs as a consequence of depression.


There is a certain group of patients who, even with neurasthenia, prefer to be treated with homeopathic medicines.

On the one hand, this method of therapy has a number of advantages:

  • the use of drugs of this type does not have a negative effect on the human body;
  • there are no contraindications;
  • the effect on internal organs is gentle.

But on the other hand, the effectiveness of this method of therapy has not been confirmed by official medicine, so there is no 100% chance that such drugs will give the desired effect.

Popular homeopathic remedies used for panic attacks include the following:

  • Arsenicum album - used by patients who experience a severe attack of suffocation during seizures;
  • Lithium mureaticum - used to relieve panic attacks, relieve confusion, fears and sleep problems, elevate mood and reduce the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of vegetative-vascular distance;
  • Aconite - reduces melancholy and feelings of fear, relieves the feeling of lack of air, increased heartbeat, excessive sweating, frequent urination;
  • Ignacy - used by women prone to hysterical behavior, the drug is effective in panic attacks, during which there is increased excitability, convulsions, respiratory arrest and loss of consciousness;
  • Castoreum - used for panic attacks, which are characterized by the presence of dysfunction of the abdominal organs, relieves feelings of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • Platinum - used for the treatment of women who have obsessions or fears related to sexual life or family relationships;
  • Hamommila - has a positive effect in mild stages of neurasthenia, and is a wonderful prophylactic agent.

How to cope with neurosis on your own?

To do this you will have to put in a huge amount of effort and perform several tasks:

  1. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the maximum amount of information related to panic attacks (data should be taken from authoritative sources): their inherent symptoms, causes and treatment features. When reading this information, a person should understand that the symptoms inherent in such attacks are present in many people and this in no case can be considered a sign of abnormality.
  2. If the cause of neurasthenia is the presence of vegetative-vascular distance, then it is imperative to give up such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. And you should also minimize the number of drinks that contain caffeine. You should be especially careful when using medications that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.
  3. You should learn a number of existing breathing exercises and relaxation techniques aimed at stopping a panic attack.
  4. It is required to maintain a rest and work schedule. It is recommended to avoid strong physical and mental stress. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

During the onset of a seizure, a person must constantly remind himself that such a condition cannot cause death, and the fear of death is just the work of the subconscious.

The main rule for stopping a seizure on your own is to mentally calm down, you don’t need to develop anxiety, but you should do the following:

  • wet your hands, neck and face with cold water;
  • It is recommended to dissolve two tablespoons of sugar in a glass of mineral water and then drink it;
  • you need to take a comfortable sitting position;
  • you need to take a plastic bag or plastic bottle and take ten deep breaths in and out;
  • it is advisable to smile or pretend to smile;
  • It is recommended to learn several positive statements in advance and during a seizure, clearly pronouncing each word, pronounce them out loud;
  • You should try to focus not on internal sensations, but on various external objects, then getting rid of panic on your own will not be difficult.

How to regain self-confidence again?

If you have neurosis, then you can regain self-confidence only by performing a whole range of actions:

  • it is necessary to regularly visit a psychologist who, using the therapeutic techniques presented above, will allow the patient to relate more easily to his condition, and in the future, to get rid of it altogether;
  • take antidepressants - this will reduce the patient’s excitability, as a result, the symptoms inherent in manifestations of panic will significantly decrease;
  • you should pay attention to self-hypnosis, constantly convincing yourself that the presented condition is not capable of causing serious negative consequences, it is advisable to engage in some calming activity, for example, swimming or yoga.

Neurasthenia and its inherent anxiety are a very common problem for modern people, especially careerists, but with timely diagnosis of the problem and initiation of treatment, getting rid of this kind of pathology will not be difficult. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and not worry about trifles.