Are turundas always inserted during rhinoplasty? The best way to treat a deviated nasal septum. Possible problems that may arise

Updated 08/07/2019 12:26

The most common pathology of the ENT organs is a deviated nasal septum. No one thinks that even the slightest curvature can cause serious diseases such as,. Why is this happening? When the ENT organs are healthy, only clean and warm air enters the lower respiratory tract, since it is warmed and disinfected in the nasal cavity. With a deviated nasal septum, these functions are disrupted due to the fact that the air stream hits the curvature of the septum.

The nose is called septoplasty. This operation helps the patient return to normal and natural breathing. But, unfortunately, many patients try to avoid it and continue to live with a deviated septum, which leads to complications in the future. What worries people before surgery:

  • How to breathe through your nose after surgery?
  • will tampons be placed in the nose?
  • How long will I need to stay in bed after surgery?

These questions stop the patient from making the decision to undergo surgery.

How is rehabilitation after septoplasty?

With the development of technology, septoplasty has ceased to be uncomfortable. The operation begins with the patient being given anesthesia, then the doctor uses an endoscope, through a small incision, to enter between the layers of the mucous membrane and straighten the septum.

During the rehabilitation period, technologies were also created that allow the patient to avoid unpleasant sensations and breathe through the nose. Intranasal septal splints according to Reiter or splints were created. They are made of soft silicone, as it does not cause any harm to the nasal cavity and is painlessly removed from it. The splints have a seven-sided shape, which completely follows the shape of the nasal septum at the site of the operation. The essence of splints is that they keep the septum in the midline. After the operation, while the patient is under anesthesia, a silicone splint is sewn on.

Splints come in different modifications. According to the shape of the nose, they can be both large and small. A tube can also be inserted between the silicone of the splint, through which the patient can breathe immediately after the operation. The septal splint stays in the nose for about 5-7 days, during which time the nasal septum takes its position.

Septal splints

Recently, septal splints or intranasal splints have become an integral part of operations on the nasal septum. For septoplasty, rhinoseptoplasty and closure of perforations of the nasal septum, the final stage of the operation is the installation of septal splints on both sides of the nasal septum.

The reason splints are so popular among surgeons is a number of advantages that improve the outcome of the operation, reduce the risks of postoperative complications and speed up the patient’s recovery.

The advantages of septal splints are reflected in the table

Traditional septoplasty method Septoplasty using septal splints
Nasal discharge After the operation, the mucous discharge in the nose and the remaining blood dry up. Crusts form in the nasal cavity, which adhere to the mucous membrane of the nasal septum and are difficult to remove. They also impair breathing and cause severe discomfort in the patient in the postoperative period. Septal splints cover the entire mucous membrane of the nasal septum and prevent the formation of crusts on the mucous membrane of the nasal septum. And due to the fact that they are made of silicone, all the pathological contents in the nose do not find adhesion and are easily washed off with a nasal shower.
Swelling of the mucous membrane After surgery, the nasal mucosa begins to swell and close the nasal passages due to surgical exposure. Because of this, the patient cannot breathe through his nose, he has to breathe through his mouth, and thus develops dry mouth, etc. Silicone splints prevent the nasal mucosa from swelling and closing, as they are very flexible and quite elastic. And thanks to special channels, the patient does not have breathing problems after the operation.
Adhesions in the nose Often, upon a second visit to the doctor, the patient is informed about the formation of adhesions in the nose (synechia). The reason for adhesions in the nose is that the mucous membrane of the nasal septum, due to swelling, begins to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the lateral (opposite) wall of the nose, as a result of which they stick together, and the patient faces additional surgery. Being a barrier between mucous membranes, splints help to avoid this complication.
Re-displacement of the septum after surgery High risk of displacement. Splints, like a plaster cast, applied to a broken limb, keep the nasal septum strictly along the midline and give it additional support. Thus, splints help to avoid such complications as a secondary displaced nasal septum.
Frequent nosebleeds. By holding the nasal septum tightly in the midline, the splints compress the vessels and blood does not accumulate between the layers of the nasal septum mucosa. Thus, frequent complications such as nosebleeds or hematoma of the nasal septum do not occur with installed splints.
Tamponation Mandatory packing. Tampons in the nose create additional discomfort. It is possible to avoid packing of the nasal cavity. Due to this, the rehabilitation period for the patient is easier. But it should still be remembered that only the surgeon decides whether to pack the nasal cavity or not, depending on the circumstances after installing the splints.

Postoperative period

Nose pain

Often in the postoperative period, patients experience pain in the nose. This is due both to the surgical procedure itself and to the presence of tampons in the nose. If the pain is severe, the doctor may prescribe opioid-containing narcotic painkillers such as tramadol, promedol. Most often, patients themselves refuse opioid analgesics. In this case, doctors use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ketorol, diclofenac, analgin. However, a contraindication to these drugs is the deterioration of blood clotting and an increased risk of postoperative bleeding, so doctors do not recommend using these drugs frequently, especially in the first days after surgery.

To reduce pain after septoplasty, it is recommended to raise the head of the bed if the patient is undergoing rehabilitation in a hospital. At home, you need to lie with your head elevated, using 2-3 pillows. It is also recommended to apply ice for 5-10 minutes to the bridge of the nose and forehead 2-3 times a day.

In the postoperative period, you should not touch your nose, especially avoid pressing on the tip of the nose. This can cause severe pain and will cause poor tissue healing in the surgical area. Also, trauma to the nose after septoplasty often causes a shift of the nasal septum to the side.


During the rehabilitation period, antibiotics are prescribed to reduce the risk of infection. Usually these are penicillin antibiotics. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the duration and dose of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.

Vasoconstrictors and nasal douche

The next day after removing the tampons, you will need to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops, for example, xylometazoline, Nazivin and saline solutions for the nose (Aqua-Lor, Dolphin). Vasoconstrictors are prescribed to reduce swelling in the nose and widen the nasal passages. This improves nasal patency during nasal shower with saline solutions. Saline solutions wash away mucus, congealed blood, and crusts from the nose, speeding up recovery. On average, vasoconstrictor drops and nasal douche are prescribed for 5-7 days.

General recommendations for the patient during the postoperative period

The postoperative period lasts for 3 weeks after surgery. At this time, the main thing is to speed up the metabolism in the body, which will speed up recovery. To do this, the patient is prescribed to drink plenty of fluids - up to 3 liters of fluid per day, and moderate walking - 3-4 hours during the day. However, you should not engage in physical exercises or strain yourself - physical activity is contraindicated during the entire rehabilitation period.

Septoplasty at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic

The doctors at our clinic have extensive experience in performing septoplasty operations. The modern techniques that our doctors possess allow us not only to perform an operation using the latest advances in medicine, but also to ensure the client’s comfort in the postoperative period: significantly reduce pain and allow breathing immediately after surgery.

Frequently asked questions about septoplasty

Why is it necessary to insert tampons into the nose after surgery?

At the end of the operation, the doctor places tampons in the nasal cavity to prevent bleeding. For this reason, you need to breathe through your mouth for the first day after surgery.

Why does my nose bleed after surgery?

In the postoperative period, bloody nasal discharge is considered normal during the first 12 hours after surgery.

Why does my mouth feel dry after surgery?

After surgery, you will experience a feeling of dry mouth. This is due to the medications used during anesthesia.

Why should you not blow your nose or sneeze during the rehabilitation period?

This can cause damage to the healing tissues undergoing surgery and lead to complications. If you want to sneeze, you need to sneeze with your mouth open, this will reduce the tension in the nasal cavity.

Why do bruises occur in the cheeks and eyelids after surgery?

Rarely, but still there are such postoperative phenomena as slight swelling or traces of bruising in the area of ​​the cheeks and eyelids. This occurs more often if, in addition to the nasal septum, surgery was performed on the paranasal sinuses. Typically, swelling increases on the second day and begins to subside over the next 5-6 days. Postoperative swelling and bruising do not indicate the quality of the operation and do not affect the postoperative outcome.

For how long are splints installed?

After removing the tampons from the nasal cavity, silicone splints will remain in the nose. They are usually placed for a period of 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on the goals set by the surgeon. Carefully read the doctor's instructions on how to clean the splints if they become dirty.

How many times after surgery should you visit the doctor?

On average, 3-4 visits are required during the rehabilitation period. In the postoperative period, it is important to come to the doctor for an examination and toilet of the nasal cavity. This helps speed up the recovery of the respiratory function of the nose.

Why does a pinkish liquid, similar to blood, flow from the throat and nose after septoplasty?

For several days after the operation, pinkish-reddish fluid may drain from the nose and throat - this is bloody discharge. Over time, the amount of such discharge will decrease until it stops completely. But this discharge should not be confused with bleeding, which often appears after surgery. If it is present for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What should you do if your nose hurts very much after packing?

After surgery, patients complain of discomfort caused by tampons in the nose. In case of pain, you must take painkillers as prescribed by your doctor.

What should you do if the crusts that form in your nose cause pain or bother you?

You can gently clean the crusts around the nostrils without going inside. This is done with cotton swabs soaked in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

After the operation, my ears and head hurt a lot, what is the reason for this?

Feeling discomfort in the ears and head is normal postoperatively. In this case, you need to ask your doctor to prescribe a pain reliever.

What is the risk of infection in the nasal cavity after septoplasty?

After septoplasty, the risk of postoperative wound infection is very low. However, if you experience nasal pain, swelling, redness in the nasal area and a body temperature that rises to 38 degrees Celsius, this could be a sign of infection. You must inform your doctor about this and come for an examination.

Why does my throat hurt after septoplasty?

One of the common complaints after surgery is. This is due to the fact that during anesthesia a special tube is inserted into the throat. After its removal, discomfort in the throat may remain. The sensations usually go away within a few days.

After septoplasty, lips and teeth become numb. What is this connected with?

A feeling of numbness in the area of ​​the teeth and upper lip often worries the patient. This is due to swelling of the nerve endings. This is not something to be afraid of. Sensitivity usually returns within a few weeks.

What should you avoid during the rehabilitation period?

After surgery, it is necessary to limit physical activity for 2-3 weeks, avoid bending your head down, do not lift heavy objects, and do not push. Avoid hot water procedures (baths, saunas, etc.).

Is it possible to smoke during the rehabilitation period?

Smoking in the postoperative period is also contraindicated, as is being in rooms with tobacco smoke, as this causes swelling and impairs the healing of operated tissues.

How much does it cost to abstain from alcohol after surgery?

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages during the first 10 days after surgery - when drinking alcohol, the risk of bleeding from the operated surfaces increases significantly!

After surgical correction of the nose, special tampons are inserted into the nostrils. Many patients are very afraid to take them out because they believe that the procedure will be painful. However, this is not always the case.

After any surgical intervention, the body needs time to recover. As for rhinoplasty itself, it involves damage to the soft tissues, as well as the cartilage and bone frame of the nose as a result of corrective manipulations. All this inevitably affects its appearance and main function. Gradually the condition returns to normal. The final result of the operation largely depends on how “smooth” the rehabilitation is.

First stage of rehabilitation
The healing process takes place in several stages. The first, the most difficult, lasts about a week. The patient experiences discomfort: it is difficult to breathe, it is inconvenient to wash and brush your teeth, your slightly open mouth constantly dries out. In addition, bruises, hemorrhages, and swelling appear on the face. For many, a problem is also the fact that immediately after surgery, turundas are inserted into the nostrils.
I have had to deal with people who were more afraid of the procedure of removing them than of the operation.
Functions of the turund
To begin with, I want to draw your attention to the fact that turundas do not provoke unpleasant sensations, but minimize them. It is special tampons that prevent blood from flowing directly into the patient’s throat on the first night. They are the ones who hold back the swollen tissues, preventing them from completely closing the nasal passages.
And modern turundas smell good. They are impregnated with a special oil that moisturizes the nasal mucosa and promotes regeneration. The oil softens the seams, so that blood and ichor do not accumulate on them.

Unfortunately, you cannot keep turundas in your nose for a long time and you have to fight blood crusts in other ways. One or two days is the period during which you will need to endure a little discomfort.
The sensation depends on the quality of the tampons

It is noteworthy that turundas come in different varieties: from the simplest and cheapest, made directly in the operating room, to high-quality and expensive ones. Perhaps this is what explains the variety of stories about rehabilitation after rhinoplasty. In some of them, turundas are given more space than the operation itself, while in others these devices are not even remembered. I care about my patients and therefore I use only high-quality turundas. It doesn't hurt to take them out at all.

To speed up the recovery of your nose after rhinoplasty, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations, and also know what you can and cannot do during this period.

The first days, month, year, life after rhinoplasty

Of course, after such a surgical intervention as rhinoplasty, life in general changes. This is explained by the fact that a person loses complexes regarding his appearance, he becomes more self-confident and remains satisfied when looking at himself in the mirror.

However, to achieve beautiful noses after rhinoplasty, patients must go a long way towards an ideal appearance.

Because the operation is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and has a long recovery period. Frequent questions after or before surgery include: does the tip of the nose droop after rhinoplasty, does it hurt, how long does rehabilitation last, and much more.

  • The first day after rhinoplasty is determined by quite striking symptoms, at this time there is severe swelling, soreness of the nose, and difficulty breathing as a result of the introduction of cotton wool into the nasal cavities. In addition, in the first days after rhinoplasty, bruises and bruises are often present on the face, which gradually subside over time.
  • The demand for rhinoplasty is determined by the positive final result; complications arise in rare cases. In addition to modeling the nose itself, during the procedure they can correct the deformation of the septum and change the tip and wings of the nose.
  • Scarring of tissue after rhinoplasty of the nose occurs, as a rule, during rehabilitation or at the end of it. It all depends on the care of the operated area and the regenerative abilities of the body.

From everything described, we can conclude that the life of a person who decides to undergo surgery changes greatly for the better.

What symptoms and complications are observed in the patient during the rehabilitation period?

As a result of rhinoplasty of the nose, patients often experience symptoms of complications, which are determined by various conditions and can be short or long-lasting, that is, not correctable on their own.

  • Swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty

Swelling of the nose, including the tip, very often occurs after surgical intervention, since the operation causes damage to soft tissues and blood vessels. For some people, minor swelling after rhinoplasty may persist for a year.

  1. To eliminate swelling after rhinoplasty, the patient may be prescribed diprospan or other medications.
  2. The duration of swelling after surgery can vary; generally, this symptom begins to subside after the first week of the rehabilitation period or at a later date.
  • Callus after rhinoplasty

Often, as a result of surgery, patients can
detect a callus on the nasal area, which occurs due to swelling and is a bulging of cartilage tissue.

  • No breathing and stuffy nose after rhinoplasty

The main and most common complication after rhinoplasty nose is a violation of respiratory activity, which is associated with high swelling, pain and the presence of nasal turundas.

The respiratory function of the nose is restored after the operation, as a rule, after swelling is reduced and cotton wool is removed. In terms of time, this can be 1-2 or more weeks from the moment of rhinoplasty.

  • After rhinoplasty, a hump appeared on the bridge of the nose

The appearance of a hump after surgery appears rare, but possible. This condition is determined by the incorrect actions of a medical specialist. Most often, such a defect will need to be corrected only after at least 6 months with a second operation.

If, after the swelling has gone down, a hump has formed on the nose, you should contact your attending surgeon.

  • Subcutaneous scar after rhinoplasty

If the surgeon incorrectly applies cosmetic sutures, a subcutaneous scar may form on the soft tissue areas, which can be easily felt during palpation and can cause some inconvenience.

  • Temperature after rhinoplasty

An increase in temperature after surgery occurs rarely and may be accompanied by individual characteristics of the body or an infectious lesion.

  • Hard nasal tip after rhinoplasty

Due to a violation of the integrity of the cartilage and soft tissues, in addition to swelling, a phenomenon such as a hard tip of the nose may be observed. Basically, this condition is not long-lasting and goes away towards the end of rehabilitation.

  • Crooked nose tip after rhinoplasty

The development of a crooked tip is a fairly common complication of rhinoplasty and cannot be eliminated on its own. This will require a second operation in most cases.

  • Lump on nose after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a lump in the nasal area after surgery can be attributed to tissue swelling and after its reduction, the lump, as a rule, decreases.

  • Unpleasant smell in the nose after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a specific odor after nasal surgery may be associated with the use of medications and the healing processes of soft tissues.

  • After removing the rhinoplasty turunda, my nose did not breathe

As a rule, the respiratory function of the nose after rhinoplasty resumes when swelling decreases and the turunda is removed. If after such actions the condition does not change, you should consult a doctor.

  • Different nostrils after rhinoplasty

A complication such as different shapes of the nostrils does not occur often and depends on the surgeon’s incorrect calculations and surgical planning. To eliminate the defect, revision rhinoplasty is prescribed.

  • Bruises after rhinoplasty

Bruises after surgery are common and last for quite a long time, so patients are often interested in: how to get rid of bruises after rhinoplasty? To do this, it is necessary to use local agents that have blood thinning properties.

  • After rhinoplasty, the nose will turn up strongly

If the doctor did not plan the operation correctly, then the final result of rhinoplasty may be an upturned nose.

  • Headaches after rhinoplasty

Due to pain as a result of the operation, it can radiate to neighboring areas, so the patient also often complains of headaches.

  • Asymmetry after rhinoplasty

If facial asymmetry occurs, you should consult a doctor. The appearance of this complication should be judged only when the swelling has completely disappeared.

  • Eye problems after rhinoplasty

Visual impairment and other eye problems resulting from rhinoplasty are very rare and are characterized by infection, severe swelling, or surgical error. Bloody eyes can occur due to a violation of the integrity of blood vessels and disappear after a few days.

  • Nose droops after rhinoplasty

If during the operation the surgeon incorrectly fixed the tip of the nose, after complete healing there will be a very dark drooping of the tip. To correct this defect, a repeat operation will be required.

What is not allowed and what is possible after rhinoplasty?

What you can and cannot do after rhinoplasty during the recovery and rehabilitation period.

To quickly recover after surgery, you must know certain rules, and know what is possible and what is not allowed after surgery.

  • Why you can't sleep on your side after rhinoplasty

It is believed that after this type of plastic surgery, doctors recommend sleeping on your back, since this normalizes breathing and reduces pressure on the nose, which allows you to avoid spoiling the new shape.

  • Alcohol after rhinoplasty

It is believed that alcohol after surgery is harmful because it causes vasodilation, which can lead to opening of the stitches and bleeding.

It is best to abstain from alcohol after surgery for the entire rehabilitation period.

  • Pregnancy after rhinoplasty

How long after rhinoplasty can you get pregnant? This issue should be approached only after a full recovery, and this is not earlier than 6 months or a year.

  • Is it possible to fly on an airplane after rhinoplasty?

When taking off on an airplane, a person’s blood pressure changes greatly and bleeding may occur, so flying on this type of vehicle is contraindicated after surgery.

  • Sex after rhinoplasty

Is it possible to masturbate during rhinoplasty? This question can be answered in the negative, since tension is contraindicated for the patient during the postoperative period. You should abstain from intimate life for about 3 weeks.

  • Solarium after rhinoplasty

Visiting a solarium after surgery is strictly contraindicated as it can cause bleeding.

  • Glasses after rhinoplasty

In order not to further injure your nose or disturb its shape, you should refrain from wearing glasses for at least 1-2 weeks. If the quality of vision is poor, it is recommended to use lenses.

  • Is it possible to sunbathe after rhinoplasty?

Both direct and artificial sunlight in a solarium are contraindicated for a person who has had nose surgery. Because high temperatures cause overheating and increase pressure.

  • Is it possible to smoke after rhinoplasty?

Hookah after noplasty or a regular cigarette are contraindicated because they impair blood circulation, increase blood pressure and lower the immune status. You should abstain from this habit for about a month.

  • Can I drink coffee after rhinoplasty?

For about a month after surgery, it is advisable to give up coffee, strong hot tea and hot spicy foods.

  • Why you shouldn't blow your nose after rhinoplasty

Since after rhinoplasty the nasal mucosa is very delicate and is just beginning to tighten, various damage and external influences are extremely contraindicated for it, therefore it is recommended not to blow your nose during the rehabilitation period.

  • Sports after rhinoplasty

For approximately 1-2 months, the patient is prescribed complete rest and no tension. Therefore, sports are contraindicated at this time.

  • Is it possible to pick your nose after rhinoplasty?

You should not blow your nose or pick your nose, so as not to disturb the mucous membrane and cause bleeding.

The patient’s recovery period after rhinoplasty can be accelerated by following medical recommendations and proper nose care.

  • Plaster after rhinoplasty

To fix the nose after surgery, a plaster splint is applied and worn for at least 2 weeks. Removal of plaster after rhinoplasty takes place in a hospital setting by the attending physician. It is not uncommon for the patient to experience swelling after the cast is removed following rhinoplasty. This occurs due to compression of the soft tissues and after a few days it decreases.

  • Nasal tampons after rhinoplasty

To stop bleeding, after surgery, tampons soaked in the drug are inserted into the patient's nasal passages.

  • Plaster after rhinoplasty

Why put a patch on your nose after rhinoplasty? This is done in order to protect the operated areas from infections and other external influences and to promote faster tissue healing.

  • Correction of keloid scars after rhinoplasty

To eliminate keloid scars after plastic surgery, medications are used - glucocorticosteroids, which are injected into the sites of scar formation.

  • Strips after rhinoplasty

To eliminate swelling and fix the correct shape of the nose, strips are used, which are something like an adhesive plaster.

  • Suture after rhinoplasty

On what day are the sutures removed after rhinoplasty and when do the sutures dissolve after rhinoplasty?

As a rule, this is done on the 4th day, they are removed on soft tissues, and on the mucous surface they resolve on their own after 2-3 weeks.

  • How to sneeze after rhinoplasty

To avoid damaging your nose after surgery, you should sneeze with your mouth and nose open.

  • Treatment with chlorhexidine after rhinoplasty percentage

In order to prevent infectious infection of the mucous membrane after surgery, it should be regularly lubricated with Chlorhexidine solution or another antiseptic 2-3 times a day.

Effective remedies after rhinoplasty

  • How to properly massage after rhinoplasty

To improve blood circulation and metabolic reactions, after rhinoplasty, doctors recommend massage, which can be performed at home.

When performing it, it is worth remembering that the procedure is done slowly and with light circular movements.

  • Diprospan injection for swelling after rhinoplasty of the nose

The medicine Diprospan has a large number of pharmacological properties and most importantly - helps in reducing swelling. The drug is injected into the area of ​​edema or intramuscularly.

The drug Diprospan contains many active components, so it effectively eliminates swelling after surgery.

  • Dimexide after rhinoplasty

Like Diprospan, Dimexide is determined by a pronounced
has an anti-edematous effect and is widely used to relieve complications during nasal surgery.

  • How to properly rinse your nose after rhinoplasty?

Regular nasal rinsing can help reduce swelling, normalize breathing, and speed up healing. After the operation, it is allowed to use medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, calendula, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The duration and frequency of rinsing is determined by the doctor.

  • Lyoton after rhinoplasty

To reduce swelling and improve blood circulation
After surgery, the patient is recommended to use Lyoton 1000 gel. It is advisable to use it daily until the swelling completely decreases, 2-3 times a day.

  • Peach oil in the nose after surgery

To remove nasal crusts, soften the mucous membrane and reduce swelling, After surgery, peach oil is prescribed, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The cost of the medicine is reasonable.

  • Dolobene after rhinoplasty

To avoid complications of the operation in the form of swelling, you should smear your nose with Dolobene gel every day. In addition to this property, such a medicine effectively accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes.

  • Self-absorbing turundas after rhinoplasty

Currently, ordinary cotton pads are often replaced with self-absorbable ones, which do not require such careful care and are more convenient to use.

  • Physiotherapy after rhinoplasty

To speed up the process of tissue restoration and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used after surgery. They are used only as prescribed by the attending physician, and if the patient has no contraindications for this.

Physiotherapy may include electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, light therapy and darsonvalization.

The dynamics of recovery processes, and with it the aesthetic and functional results of rhinoplasty, largely depend on the patient’s behavior during the recovery period. Immediately after the operation, a plaster cast or a special retainer is applied to the middle third of the face, which protects the nose from accidental mechanical damage and holds the elements of the nasal skeleton in the correct position. Removing, adjusting or wetting the plaster is strictly prohibited! It is removed by a plastic surgeon after 7-14 days.

After rhinoplasty and septoplasty, you can sleep only on your back, otherwise there is a high risk of injuring vulnerable structures. The head of the bed should be high, you can sleep on high pillows; this simple measure will help reduce the severity of swelling.

Wearing glasses is strictly prohibited, as even light frames can disrupt the integration of the bony structures and lead to a complication known as saddleback deformity. In the early rehabilitation period, it is advisable to limit the activity of the facial and masticatory muscles. You should not laugh, cry, or violently express emotions through facial expressions.

Do not expose the body to high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation. You should take a break from sports, do not take hot baths, or go to the solarium or sauna. Women should not use cosmetics during the early postoperative period (3 weeks). You should abstain from intimacy for the same period of time.

It is necessary to give up alcohol, since ethanol blocks enzyme systems, disrupts metabolism and slows down regenerative processes. In addition, alcohol promotes fluid retention in the intercellular substance and increases swelling. It is also advisable to quit smoking.

After rhinoplasty and septoplasty, you should not sneeze with your mouth closed or blow your nose. A stream of air, which passes through the nasal passages under pressure, can deform the elements of the nasal skeleton. If you need to sneeze, do it only with your mouth open. To cleanse the nasal passages of clots, dust, microorganisms, crusts and mucus, use saline irrigation (nasal douche) and soft cotton pads.

You can resume your usual social, sexual and work activities three weeks after rhinoplasty. You can return to sports by the end of the first month, but only light exercise is allowed at this time. Full physical activity is allowed no earlier than three months after aesthetic or functional rhinoplasty.

The final result of rhinoplasty can be assessed after 12 months. The aesthetic and functional outcome of surgical correction largely depends on the patient’s disciplined attitude to the rules of the rehabilitation period.

Do not neglect the instructions, ask your doctor all the questions that concern you, and seek advice if the slightest cause for concern appears. The consolidated efforts of the doctor and the patient are an essential condition for successful rhinocorrection!