All-night vigil and liturgy with explanations. Explanation of the All-Night Vigil and Divine Liturgy. The concept of the All-night service

Mother of Emperor Alexander Severus, he visited her in Antioch and gave her initial instruction in Christianity. In the city he was called to Greece on church affairs and, while passing through Palestine, received ordination as a presbyter in Caesarea from Bishops Alexander and Theoctistus. Offended by this, the Alexandrian bishop condemned Origen at two local councils and declared him unworthy of the title of teacher, expelled from the Alexandrian church and deprived of his presbyterate rank ().

Having communicated this verdict through a district letter to the other churches, he received the consent of all except the Palestinian, Phoenician, Arabian and Achaian. The acts of the Egyptian councils that condemned Origen have not been preserved; according to existing evidence, the grounds for the verdict, in addition to the previous guilt of “preaching a layman in the presence of bishops” and the dubious fact of self-mutilation, were the acceptance of ordination from outside hierarchs and some non-Orthodox opinions.

Origen transferred his scientific and teaching activities to Caesarea Palestine, where he attracted many students, traveled on church affairs to Athens, then to Bostra (in Arabia), where he managed to convert the local bishop Beryllus, who incorrectly taught about the face of Jesus Christ, to the true path. The Decius persecution found Origen in Tyre, where, after a heavy imprisonment that destroyed his health, he died in the city.

Origen's life was completely absorbed in religious and intellectual interests; for his tirelessness in work he was nicknamed adamantine; he reduced the material side of life to the bare minimum: for his personal maintenance he used 4 obols a day; slept little and fasted often; He combined charity with asceticism, especially caring for those who suffered during persecution and their families.

Works of Origen

The works of Origen, according to Epiphanius, consisted of 6 thousand books (in the ancient meaning of the word); those that have come down to us cover 9 volumes in the edition of Migne (Migne, PG, t. 9-17). Origen's main merit in the history of Christian enlightenment belongs, however, to his colossal preparatory work - the so-called. hexaple [έξαπλα̃, i.e. βιβλία].

It was a list he made of the entire Old Testament, divided into six columns (hence the name): in the first column the Hebrew text was placed in Hebrew letters, in the second - the same text in Greek transcription, in the third - the translation of Aquila, in the fourth - Symmachus, in fifth - so-called seventy interpreters, in the sixth - Theodotion.

Origen's exegetical works embrace scholia (σχόλια) - brief explanations of difficult passages or individual words, homilies (όμιλίαι) - liturgical discourses on sections of sacred books, and commentaries (τόμοι) - systematic interpretations of entire books of the Bible or their significant parts, which also differ from homilies and greater depth of content.

Origen's commentary on the Pentateuch, book. Joshua (model homily). Song of Songs, book of Jeremiah (Greek 19th homily).

According to Jerome, Origen, who conquered everyone in other books, surpassed himself in the book about the Song of Songs. Of the interpretations of the New Testament, significant parts of the commentaries on the Gospel of Matthew and especially John, in the Latin translation of the 39 homilies on the Gospel of Luke, ten books of commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, etc., have been preserved in the original.

From the apologetic works, “Against Celsus” has come down to us in its entirety in 8 books. Systematic theology is represented by the treatise “On the Principles” (Περὶ ὰρχω̃ν). The treatise was preserved in the Latin translation of Rufinus, who, wishing to present Origen as more orthodox than he was, changed many things. Among the edifying works are “On Prayer” [Περι εύχη̃ζ and “Exhortation to Martyrdom” [Λόγοζ προτρεπτικὸζ ειζ μαρτύριον].

Origen's teachings

The source of true knowledge is the revelation of Jesus Christ, who spoke as the Word of God both before his personal appearance - through Moses and the prophets, and after - through the apostles. This revelation is contained in the Holy Scriptures and in the tradition of the churches that received it successively from the apostles.

In the apostolic and ecclesiastical teachings, some points are expressed with completeness and clarity, not allowing for any dispute, while in others it is only stated that something exists, without any explanation of how or from where; Such explanations are provided by the Word of God to minds capable and prepared for the investigation of true wisdom.

Origen notes 9 indisputable points of doctrine:

  1. One God, creator and organizer of everything that exists, Father of Jesus Christ, one and the same in goodness and justice, in the New and Old Testaments;
  2. Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father, born before all creation, served the Father at the creation of the world and in the last days became man, without ceasing to be God, took on a real material body, and not a ghostly one, truly born of the Virgin and the Holy Spirit, truly suffered, died and the resurrected one, who spoke to his disciples and ascended before them from the earth;
  3. The Holy Spirit, in honor and dignity attached to the Father and the Son, is one and the same in all the saints of both the New and Old Testaments; The apostles left the rest about the Holy Spirit to the careful study of the wise;
  4. the human soul as having its own hypostasis and life and on the day of resurrection having to receive an incorruptible body - but there is nothing definitive in church teaching about the origin of the soul or the method of reproduction of human souls;
  5. free will, which belongs to every rational soul in its struggle against evil forces and makes it responsible both in this life and after death for everything it has done;
  6. the existence of the devil and his servants - but the apostles were silent about their nature and method of action;
  7. the limitations of the present visible world as having its beginning and its end in time - but there is no clear definition in church teaching about what happened before this world and what will happen after it, as well as about other worlds;
  8. Holy Scripture as inspired by the Spirit of God and having, in addition to the visible and literal meaning, another, hidden and spiritual;
  9. the existence and influence of good angels serving God in His accomplishment of our salvation - but there are no clear regulations in church teaching about their nature, origin and way of being, as well as about everything relating to the sun, moon and stars.

In his doctrine of God, Origen especially insists on the incorporeality of the Divine, arguing (against the anthropomorphites) that God is “light” not for the eyes, but only for the mind enlightened by Him.

When presenting his thoughts, Origen relies mainly on the evidence of Holy Scripture (in his most free philosophical work, Περὶ ὰρχω̃ν, there are 517 quotations from various books of the Old and New Testaments, and in the work “Against Celsus” - 1531 quotations).

Recognizing all Holy Scripture as divinely inspired, Origen finds it possible to understand it only in a sense that would not contradict divine dignity. Most of the Bible, in his opinion, allows both a literal or historical meaning and an allegorical, spiritual meaning, relating to the Divinity and the future destinies of humanity; but some sacred places books have only a spiritual meaning, since in a literal sense they represent something either inappropriate for higher inspiration, or even completely unthinkable.

In addition to the letter and spirit, Origen also recognizes the “soul” of Scripture, i.e. its moral or edifying meaning. In all this, Origen shares the view that prevailed before him, and has survived to this day in Christianity, where he moved from Jewish teachers, who even distinguished four meanings in Scripture. Actually, Origen is characterized only by the extreme harshness with which he attacks the literal understanding of some passages of both the Old and New Testaments.

For a general assessment of Origen’s teachings, it should be noted that while there is a real coincidence in certain points between his ideas and the positive dogmas of Christianity and with his sincere confidence in their complete agreement, this agreement and mutual penetration of religious faith and philosophical thinking exists in Origen only partially: positive truth Christianity in its entirety is not covered by the philosophical convictions of Origen, who, at least half, remains a Hellenic who found in the Hellenized religion of the Jews (the strongest influence of Philo of Alexandria) some solid support for his views, but was internally unable to understand the special, specific essence of the new revelation at its very a strong desire to accept it.

For the thinking Hellene, the opposition of being, material and spiritual, sensory and intelligible, remained without real reconciliation, both theoretical and practical. In the flourishing era of Hellenism there was some aesthetic reconciliation, in the form of beauty, but the sense of beauty weakened significantly in the Alexandrian era, and the dualism of spirit and matter received full force, further exacerbated by influences from the pagan East.

The goal of God's work on earth is, from Origen's point of view, the reunification of all minds with the Logos, and through him with God the Father or God Himself (Αὺτόθεοζ).

But carnal minds and hardened in sensuality are incapable of coming to this reunion through thinking and mental insight and need sensory impressions and visual instructions, which they received thanks to the earthly life of Christ.

Since there have always been people capable of purely mental communication with the Logos, it means that the incarnation of Christ was necessary only for people at a low level of spiritual development. Origen also has another feature associated with this misunderstanding of Christianity in its main point: the exaltation of the abstract spiritual meaning of the Bible and disdain for its historical meaning.

Further, Origen's one-sided idealistic individualism made it impossible for him to understand the Christian dogma of original sin or the real solidarity of all humanity in its earthly destinies.

In the same way, in his view of the meaning of death, Origen radically diverges from Christianity; For the Platonist idealist, death is a completely normal end to bodily existence as unnecessary and meaningless. The apostle’s statement, incompatible with this view: “the last enemy to be destroyed is death,” Origen avoids too easily, through the arbitrary identification of death with the devil.

Origen’s teaching about the inevitable fatal reunification of all spiritual beings with God, which is difficult to reconcile with Holy Scripture and church tradition and has no solid rational foundations, is in logical contradiction with the principle of free will, dear to Origen, for this freedom presupposes: 1) the possibility of constant and the final decision to resist God and 2) the possibility of new falls for beings already saved.

Although Origen was both a believing Christian and a philosophically educated thinker, he was not a Christian thinker or a philosopher of Christianity; For him, faith and thinking were connected to a large extent only externally, without penetrating each other. This split was necessarily reflected in the attitude of the Christian world towards Origen.

His important services in the study of the Bible and in the defense of Christianity against pagan writers, his sincere faith and devotion to religious interests attracted even the most zealous zealots of the new faith to him, while the antagonism, unconscious to himself, between his Hellenic ideas and the deepest essence of Christianity aroused in other representatives of this faith, instinctive fears and antipathies, sometimes reaching the point of bitter hostility.

Soon after his death, two of his disciples, who became pillars of the church - St. Martyr Pamphilus and St. Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neocaesarea - ardently defended their teacher in special writings against the attack on his ideas by Saint Methodius of Patara.

Since in his teaching about the eternal or supertemporal birth of the divine Logos, Origen actually came closer to Orthodox dogma than most other ante-Nicene teachers, St. referred to his authority with great respect. Athanasius the Great in his disputes against the Arians. In the second half of the century. some of Origen's ideas influenced two famous Gregori - Nyssa and (Nazianzu Theologian), of whom the first, in his essay “On the Resurrection,” argued that everyone will be saved, and the second, in passing and with great caution, expressed both this view and another thought of Origen , that by the leather garments of Adam and Eve one should understand the material body in which the human spirit is clothed as a result of its fall.

Through his writings, some of Origen’s ideas are combined with the ideas of the so-called. Dionysius the Areopagite, were transferred to Western soil by John Scotus Eriugena, who read Greek, and entered as an element into his unique and grandiose system.

In modern times, the theory of the “soul of Christ”, probably borrowed by Origen. from his “Jewish teacher”, was resumed by the French kabbalist Guillaume Postel (16th century). The influence of Ohbutyf is seen among the Theosophists of the 18th century. - Poiret, Martinez Pascalis and Saint Martin, and in the 19th century. – from Franz Baader and Julius Hamberger, who mistakenly accepted Origen’s thought about the final salvation of all as a general dogma of the Greek-Eastern Church.

Origen is the most important theologian-thinker of the Eastern Church, who left an indelible stamp on all subsequent dogmatic development. He was the first to create a system of Christian doctrine. From him came all the major church thinkers of the East throughout the early Middle Ages.

When evaluating Origen, many researchers choose an inappropriate point of view. He is hailed as a philosopher and accused of piling up uncoordinated assumptions. Meanwhile, Origen is only a religious thinker.

He knew Greek philosophy well and borrowed a lot from it; but in his system it plays a decorative role and serves the paramount interests of soteriology. She gives him not principles or even a method, but a mood, noble boldness, holy freedom, which allowed him not to be a servant of a simplified understanding of Christianity, which grew out of the lack of culture of the main mass of believers. His constructions sometimes show traces of striking coincidence with the departments of the Ennead; but, taken from the general treasury of the era, they serve a different service in Origen than in Plotinus.

Despite, however, the fact that the manager of Origen's thoughts is religion, his system can just as little be called scholasticism as the philosophemes of Philo and Plotinus.

Inner freedom saves her from the position of a slavishly reasoning ancillae theologiae (slave of theology). More precisely, Origen's system can be defined as a corrected, almost ocatholized gnosis.

Origen follows the same path that the Gnostics followed - this is the main key to understanding his doctrine. When reading the treatise “On Elements”, it is striking that Marcion, Valentinus, Basilides and others are the main opponents with whom Origen is considered, and that all the particular themes of his reasoning are dictated to him

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In the Holy Scripture, which is for us who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God and who confess the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Revelation and the word of God, the holy commandments are given about love for God and man as the image of God. One of the commandments reads: Remember the Sabbath day(seventh), to sanctify it; six days you shall work and do all your work, and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God(Ex. 20, 8-10). In the New Testament, the seventh day for us is resurrection. For Orthodox Christians, resurrection is a holiday, for on this day our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead. The Resurrection gave the content of Sabbath rest: peace with God, restoration in man of the image and likeness of God, communion with God and peace in the Holy Spirit. Saturday was a prophecy of peace, a prophecy of the Resurrection, in this sense - an image of eternity. Resurrection is the beginning of eternal life on earth. The Old Testament Passover became the New Testament Passover, and Saturday became the Sunday.

By honoring and sanctifying this seventh day, we fulfill God’s commandment given in the Old Testament, and receive God’s blessing and help from above for the coming week. The time that we spend in worship on Sundays and holidays is for us the tithe that we bring to God for the entire yearly circle of time (see: Mal., Chapter 3).

Sunday begins for us on Saturday evening with the service of Great Vespers and the singing of the 103rd Psalm, which symbolizes the creation of the world.

The royal doors open, the priest and deacon cense the altar. This means the action of the Holy Spirit, who imparted life to primordial matter. The Creator of the world created the entire Universe from it.

Then the deacon goes to the pulpit and invites everyone present in the church to prayer. “Arise,” he proclaims, and the choir on behalf of the believers sings: “Lord, bless.” The priest, glorifying the Holy Trinity, proclaims: “Glory to the Holy One, Consubstantial, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.” The choir answers: “Amen” and sings the 103rd Psalm: “Bless the Lord, my soul... Alleluia” 1.

The priest and the deacon perform incense for the entire church and all believers. A prayer is read for the consecration of the censer: “We offer the censer to You, Christ our God, for a spiritual fragrance, which You accepted into Your Heavenly altar and sent down to us the grace of Your All-Holy Spirit.” The symbolism of the incense of the temple and the people means the following: just as at the creation of the world the Spirit of God imparted life to the primordial world, so now believers are renewed by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

The priests enter the altar, the royal doors are closed, just as the gates of heaven were closed behind a person who sinned before God.

The deacon, proclaiming a peaceful litany on the pulpit, symbolizes the fallen Adam, expelled from Eden and standing before the closed gates of heaven with a prayer of repentance. This is how the fall of the first people is remembered, and the 1st Kathisma of the Psalter is sung: “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,” where the reasons for the Fall are revealed (after all, it was on the “advice” of the wicked serpent that the tragedy of the Fall occurred) and the ways of life and piety are preached.

The hymn “Lord, I have called to You, hear me” is reminiscent of the Old Testament sacrifices that depicted the future Redemptive Sacrifice - Christ the Savior. At this time, believers read to themselves the 50th Psalm, which talks about humility, and, in particular: The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit: a contrite and humble heart God will not despise(Ps. 50:19). The entire temple is censed again, which marks the gospel of Christ Jesus, the True God and the True Man. The choir sings stichera that reveal the meaning of the currently celebrated event. To sing: “And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen,” the stichera of the holiday is sung and the entrance with the censer is made from the northern doors of the altar. The priest symbolizes the light of the Old Testament prophets, the deacon symbolizes John the Baptist, and the priest symbolizes Christ the Savior. The deacon makes the sign of the cross with a censer at the royal doors, this means that through the suffering of the Savior on the cross, the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven, closed by the fall of the first people, was again opened to believers. This is followed by the song “Quiet Light,” which tells of the appearance on the Jordan of Christ the Savior, who was baptized by John, and at that time the voice of God the Father was heard and the Holy Spirit was seen in the form of a dove descending on the Son of God.

Next, hymns are proclaimed and sung, which are called prokeimnas, paremias are read in the middle of the temple, two litanies are proclaimed - the august and the petitionary, where earthly and heavenly mercies are asked from God. The stichera of the temple or holiday are sung, the clergy go out into the vestibule, where the litia is performed - a prayer of a repentant nature, four petitions are pronounced by the deacon and the fifth, final one, by the primate. Those praying can offer petitions to God for the health of the living and the repose of deceased Orthodox Christians 2. The clergy return to the center of the temple, the stichera of the holiday are sung, and the prayer of the righteous Simeon the God-Receiver is performed on behalf of the rector, “Now you let your servant go, O Master, according to your word in peace...”. This prayer reminds us of the end of each person’s earthly life and encourages pious reflection on people’s responsibility before God for their deeds, words and thoughts. The Trisagion after the “Our Father” is read, and the troparion is sung three times. During this holiday, three times incense is performed around a table with five loaves, which are blessed by the priest in memory of the miraculous multiplication of five loaves by the Lord Jesus Christ for five thousand people in the desert. The 33rd Psalm is sung, “I will bless the Lord at all times,” which talks about how David, filled with grateful feelings towards the Lord God, expresses his intention to glorify the Lord throughout his life. He invites other believers to do the same, with fatherly love, teaching them the fear of God and trying to convince them that pious people always enjoy the special favor of God, while the wicked will face severe punishment from God. The evening service ends with the cry of the primate: “The blessing of the Lord is upon you,” which continues into the morning service.


Matins begins with the reading of six psalms, a small doxology is sung or read, which symbolizes the night of the Nativity of Christ, so the lights and candles are extinguished. The psalms are of a penitential nature: “He stands before Christ God himself, invisibly and praying for his sins.” Believers listen carefully: in the middle of the reading, when praising the name of God, they must cross themselves three times, without bowing 3 . In the middle of the Six Psalms, the priest comes out to the pulpit and reads special prayers. It symbolizes Moses, who prayed in the desert

God for the sinned people. The last Psalm 142 recalls the last days of this world. The Coming of the Lord and the Last Judgment are the last words of the Six Psalms: Do not enter into judgment with Your servant... and Your Good Spirit will guide me to rightness on earth(Ps. 142, 2, 10). The Spirit of God elevates believers in Christ to the Heavenly Kingdom of the Father: If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, then He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His(Rom. 8, 9, 11). At the end of the Six Psalms, believers must cross themselves three times with a bow from the waist. The deacon replaces the priest on the sole and proclaims a peaceful litany - a prayer request - and then says: “God is the Lord ...” with verses, and the choir sings the troparia of the holiday. This means the appearance of God the Word, the Son of God, in the flesh on earth. The reader reads kathismas.

The next part of Matins is the polyeleos. The priesthood enters the middle of the temple through the royal doors to glorify the holiday. Greatness is sung, on resurrection - glorification of the Risen Christ. Incensing of the entire temple is performed. This means that the joy of the holiday is communicated to all those who pray. The Gospel corresponding to the day is read. On Sunday, the Gospel is raised to the pulpit and the song “Having seen the Resurrection of Christ...” is sung.

Then the worshipers venerate the Gospel or the icon of the holiday and approach the primate, who anoints them with consecrated oil. The holiday canon, consisting of nine songs, is sung and read. The canon is compiled according to the sacred events of the Old Testament and New Testament history. The first hymn is a song of praise and thanksgiving by the prophet Moses, commemorating the passage of the people of God through the Red Sea. The second song was also composed in honor of the prophet Moses; it has a repentant and accusatory character and is sung only during Great Lent. The third song is in honor of the prophetess Anna, the mother of the prophet Samuel. The Lord heard and fulfilled her fiery heartfelt prayer. The fourth song is the song of the prophet Habakkuk, who heard the voice of God about the coming of the Savior to the world. The fifth song is the song of the prophet Isaiah, who saw the Everlasting Light, signifying the appearance of Christ into the world. The sixth song is the song of the prophet Jonah, who prefigured the three-day burial and Resurrection of Christ the Savior. The seventh song is the song of the three youths in the Babylonian furnace, who, like the burning bush under Moses, prefigured the incorruptible Nativity of Christ. The eighth song is the song of the righteous Nehemiah, who received a sign during the restoration of the second temple in Jerusalem - the lighting of a sacred fire on the altar. The ninth hymn glorifies the Most Holy Theotokos, it is sung: “The most honorable is the Cherub and the most glorious without comparison is the Seraphim.” According to the ninth song, the luminary is read - a short chant that reflects the meaning of the holiday, and stichera on “praise” are sung. The priest proclaims: "Glory

You, who showed us the light." The choir sings a great doxology, after which the troparion of the holiday is performed. Two litanies are proclaimed by the deacon: intense and supplicative. Matins ends with the dismissal of the priest. The reader reads the first hour, which is dedicated to the last hours of the Savior’s life, when He was led into the praetorium from the high priest Caiaphas to Pilate and there he was unjustly condemned.

Divine Liturgy

The Divine Liturgy, or Eucharist, occupies a central place in the life of a Christian because it connects a person with God, the Source of Eternal Life. The purpose of our life is spiritual transformation and renewal. It occurs not only through our efforts, but especially through our mysterious unions with the God-man, Jesus Christ. The sacrament in which this connection is carried out is called Communion, and it occurs during the Divine Liturgy, where bread and wine become the true Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, those who approach the Eucharist must prepare themselves with dignity. It is necessary to attend the evening service, confess to the priest, and read the Rule for Holy Communion. It is necessary to fast before Communion and the day before, after midnight, not to eat or drink anything.

The Divine Liturgy begins with the reading of the third and sixth hours, during which the priest performs proskomedia - the preparation of the Honest Gifts for the Eucharist. At the same time, notes are read about the health of the living and the repose of the dead.

During the third hour, we reverently, with tenderness of heart, diligently reflect on how our Savior, judged by Pilate and bound at a marble pillar, accepted countless insults, strangulations and was crowned with a crown of thorns in order to free us from the torment of the devil. The events recalled during the reading of the third hour include the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles in the form of tongues of fire, with which the Lord enlightened His disciples to preach the Gospel.

During the sixth hour, we reverently, with tenderness of heart, diligently reflect on how the Lord carried His Cross to Calvary and was crucified on it among two thieves, how the soldiers divided His vestments and there was darkness throughout the whole earth.

The liturgy begins with the exclamation of the priest “Blessed is the Kingdom...”. The Primate proclaims the presence of God, glorified in the Trinity in His Kingdom in the earthly Church. We come to church to fully participate in the Holy Mysteries, and also to offer God our gifts, spiritual and physical. In other words, we enter the Kingdom of God not only to receive something, but also to give something - to give ourselves and our prayer offering, praise and thanksgiving.

When we pronounce the words “Blessed is the Kingdom,” we reverently make the sign of the cross in the name of the Holy, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity and, in doing this, we commit our bodies, hearts and souls to God to allow Him to reign over us.

The deacon proclaims a peaceful litany, calling on believers to pray in peace with their conscience, with God and with their neighbors. The Great Litany, that is, petition or prayer, reveals to us God’s creation. Saint John Chrysostom, who set out the rite of the Divine Liturgy in writing, wanted us not to be indifferent to what God has created, and at the same time to make prayers, talents and personal sacrifices in order to preserve and rejoice in everything that God has created for us in His Kingdom.

According to the petitions of the litanies, we are called, on the one hand, to be with the sick, with the traveler, with a friend, etc. and, on the other hand, say from the bottom of your heart the prayer “Lord, have mercy!”, as did the woman caught in adultery, and the blind and paralytic.

We need the mercy of the Lord, we must be ready to meet Him, therefore the most frequently repeated words in the liturgy are “Lord, have mercy.”

At daily and great holiday services, three antiphons with special choruses are sung. In the first antiphon the Mother of God is glorified, in the second - saints, prophets, apostles, martyrs, in the third - the Son of God Himself, marvelous in His Providence and in His saints. By singing the first antiphon, “Through the prayers of the Mother of God, Savior, save us,” we are reminded that through the Mother of God salvation comes into the world. The closest person who can intercede for us is the Mother of God. All generations call Her Blessed.

Remembering our Heavenly Mother, we constantly learn from Her humility, obedience, and holiness of life. In the singing of the second antiphon we hear the voices of prophets and saints who foretold and preached the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We prepare to receive Him with great joy as He enters the royal doors. The introduction of the Gospel during the small entrance during the singing of the third antiphon symbolizes His coming. By singing the third antiphon we glorify the Lord, who came into the world and took upon himself human sins. On holidays, for the most part, figurative antiphons with the beatitudes are sung:

1) “Bless the Lord, my soul, and all that is within me, His holy name.”

2) “Praise the Lord, my soul; I will praise the Lord in my life.”

3) “In Your Kingdom, remember us, O Lord.”

The first antiphon - Psalm 102 - calls believers to the heartfelt, inner glorification of God according to the word of the Apostle Paul, that with our hearts we believe in the truth, and with our lips we confess God for salvation. This is also sung in the second antiphon, which calls on believers to confess God with their lips for the salvation of their souls. The chant “Only Begotten Son and Word of God! You, being immortal, wanted for the sake of our salvation to be incarnate from the Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary...”, performed after the second antiphon, reminds us of the Lord’s incarnation. The Word becomes flesh and dwells with us in the Kingdom of God - in the Holy Church.

The small litany “Let us pray again and again in peace to the Lord” calls for attention to what is happening during the liturgy. Jesus Christ promised: Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them(Matt. 18:20). And one more thing: And if you ask the Father anything in My name, I will do it, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it(John 14:13–14).

The litany ends with an expression of God's love for the entire human race: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life(John 3:16). We glorify the Holy Trinity: “For God is good and a lover of mankind, and to You we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (from the sanctuary prayers, prayer three).

During the singing of the third antiphon - the Beatitudes - a small entrance with the Gospel is performed, which symbolizes the appearance of Christ the Savior to preach His Divine teaching, announced in the Sermon on the Mount, in the parables of the Kingdom

God, in the manifestation of the power of God - signs and wonders, healing of the sick and casting out demons. Two thousand years ago the world heard the Good News, and now we hear it again. Just as Christ entered the world, proclaiming salvation, the primate leaves the sanctuary and goes out in procession to the middle of the temple, saying: “Wisdom! Sorry! These words mean: “Let’s stand up straight!” To hear Christ and touch Him, people came from all over the earth. Now at the liturgy we are asked to come and do the same - to come to hear Jesus Christ, touch Him and receive healing. Christ entered the world, and during the liturgy we are in His presence, we hear Him through the voice of the prophets.

A candle bearer with a candle signifies the light of New Testament grace. The Gospel carried by the deacon means Christ the Savior, the priests mean the holy apostles. The deacon makes the sign of the Cross with the Gospel and enters the altar, this implies that through the Savior’s suffering on the cross, the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven is opened for believers. All the clergy enter the altar. During the bishop's service, censing of the altar, iconostasis and people is performed. The troparia of the holiday and the Trisagion are sung, during which the clergy moves to a higher place, which means the salvation of the entire human race by Christ the Savior, His Resurrection and Ascension to the Heavenly Kingdom to the Heavenly Father.

Through the Trisagion we offer our sacrifices of praise, as it is said: Through Him let us continually offer to God the sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips glorifying His name.(Heb. 13, 15). In the priestly prayer of the Trisagion there is a call to join the angelic forces, the Cherubim and Seraphim in the Trisagion hymn, to all the disembodied Heavenly forces for the glorification of God, so that through touching and approaching Him, His holiness becomes our holiness.

The deacon leaves the altar to read the Apostolic Epistles - this symbolizes the preaching of the Savior’s disciples, the holy apostles. At the end, "Alleluia" is sung - the Angel's song. At this time, everything earthly falls silent and the heavenly angelic song “Alleluia” is sung, which translated means: “praise the Existing One - Yahweh.” Here we unite with the heavenly liturgy, when the direct manifestation of God and His power occurs, and we praise Him in especially solemn moments: at the small entrance with the Gospel, before the reading of the Gospel, at the great entrance with the Honest Gifts, when they are placed on the throne, after an exclamation “Holy to Holies”, after the Communion of the Holy Gifts of the Body and Blood of the Lord and transferring them to the altar.

Reading the Gospel is a symbol of the fact that the Lord Himself reveals His Divine teaching to us. We need to heed the Good News and be careful not to act like Judas, who betrayed Christ. Do not let doubt into your heart like Thomas and do not renounce Christ like Peter. Each of us must take the Good News into our hearts and repent. And, undoubtedly, Christ will not leave us.

Then two litanies are performed - about health and about the catechumens who are preparing for Baptism. The first prayer is a prayer of intense petition. This prayer reminds us of those people who heard Christ during His public ministry and received Him in Jerusalem, Jericho, or on the road to Emmaus. They followed Christ with special zeal and freely accepted death in His name because He became their Lord and Savior. Over the past two thousand years, millions of souls have been converted, baptized into Christ and clothed with Him (see: Gal. 3:27). The rebirth of the soul takes place in the house of God, in the Kingdom of God during the liturgy. Here, once again, we have the opportunity to hear Christ and pray more earnestly, remembering our own repentance and baptism.

Prayer for the catechumens is an instruction for us. This is the time to think about your own Baptism and renewal of life in Christ Jesus. This is the time to put off the robe of corruption and put on the robe of incorruptibility, as the Apostle Paul writes.

A serious mistake is the opinion that we do not need any teaching. As Orthodox Christians, we believe that for this reason we already have faith and knowledge. This is a misconception. We are like little children and constantly need to be taught, admonished and trained in the faith through the Church. Once we think we know it all, we move away from the power and grace of God, which actually sets us down a path of darkness and personal destruction. Each of us who belong to the Kingdom of God needs to open our hearts, minds and souls to the word of God and, like those proclaimed in the early Church, ask Almighty God to look favorably on each of us, forgive us and unite us with His Holy Church .

The following prayer is called the prayer of the faithful. Knowing human weakness—the ability to easily fall—God offered us another opportunity to pray. We often fall, seeking prosperity and stability in life, for, indeed, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Jesus Christ took His beloved disciples Peter, James and John with Him to the Mount of Olives, to a place called Gethsemane, and told them to wait while He prayed. These people, so faithful and so close to Christ, fell asleep. Three times Jesus found them sleeping. When we are in the Kingdom of God, we are close to God, we love God, we are faithful to Him in our prayer promises, but sometimes in our labors we find ourselves falling asleep, just like His disciples.

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All-night vigil

The first opening of the royal doors and the censing of the altar depict the appearance of the glory of God in the creation of the world and man and the blissful state of the first parents in the paradise of God after their creation.

The singing of the 103rd Psalm (initial) “Bless the Lord, O my soul,” depicts a majestic picture of the creation of the world. The priest’s movement during the singing of this psalm depicts the action of the Spirit of God, which hovered over the waters during the creation of the world. The lit lamp, presented by the deacon during the incense, signifies the light that, according to the Creative Voice, appeared after the first evening of existence.

The closing of the royal gates after the singing of the psalm and incense means that soon after the creation of the world and man, the gates of paradise were closed (closed) as a result of the crime of the forefather Adam. The reading by the priest of the lamp (evening) prayers before the royal doors marks the repentance of the forefather Adam and his descendants, who, in the person of the priest, before the closed royal doors, as before the closed doors of heaven, pray to their Creator for mercy.

The singing of the psalm “Blessed is the man” with verses from the first three psalms and the reading of the 1st kathisma partly depicts the blessed state of the first parents in paradise, partly the repentance of those who sinned and their hope in the Redeemer promised by God.

The singing of “Lord, I have cried” with verses signifies the sorrow of the fallen forefather and his prayerful sighs before the closed gates of heaven, and at the same time the firm hope that the Lord, through faith in the promised Redeemer, will cleanse and deliver the human race from the falls of sin. This singing also depicts praise to God for His great mercies to us.

The opening of the royal doors during the singing of the dogmatist (Theotokos) means that through the incarnation of the Son of God from the Blessed Virgin Mary and His descent to earth, the doors of heaven were opened for us.

The descent of the priest from the altar to the sole and his secret prayer marks the descent of the Son of God to earth for our redemption. The deacon, preceding the priest, represents the image of St. John the Baptist, who prepared people to receive the Savior of the world. The censing performed by the deacon indicates that along with the coming to earth of the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world, the Holy Spirit filled the whole world with His grace. The entry of the priest into the altar marks the ascension of the Savior into Heaven, and the approach of the priest to the high place signifies the sitting of the Son of God at the right hand of the Father and intercession before His Father for the human race. With the deacon’s exclamation “Wisdom, forgive me!” The Holy Church teaches us to listen with reverence to the evening entrance. The chant “Quiet Light” contains the glorification of Christ the Savior for His descent to earth and the completion of our redemption.

Litiya (common procession and common prayer) contains special prayers for our bodily and spiritual needs, and above all - for the forgiveness of our sins by God's mercy.

The prayer “Now you let go” (see page 45) tells of the meeting (meeting) of the Lord Jesus Christ by the righteous elder Simeon in the Temple of Jerusalem and indicates the need for constant remembrance of the hour of death.

The prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” (see page 44) recalls the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The blessing of loaves, wheat, wine and oil, fulfilling their various gifts of grace, recalls those five loaves with which Christ, miraculously multiplying them, fed five thousand people.

The Six Psalms is the cry of a repentant sinner before Christ the Savior who came to earth. Incomplete lighting in the temple during the reading of the Six Psalms recalls the state of the soul in sin. The flickering of the lamps depicts the night of the Nativity of Christ, which was announced by the joyful praise of the Angels: “Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will to men.” The reading of the first half of the Six Psalms expresses the sorrow of a soul that has moved away from God and is seeking Him. The priest, during the reading of the Six Psalms, reading the Matins prayers before the royal doors, recalls the eternal Intercessor of the New Testament before God the Father - the Lord Jesus Christ. Reading the second half of the Six Psalms reveals the state of a repentant soul reconciled with God.

The singing of “God is the Lord and appears to us” recalls the salvation accomplished by the Savior who appeared in the world.

The singing of the Sunday troparion depicts the glory and majesty of the risen Christ.

Reading kathismas reminds us of the great sorrows of the Lord Jesus Christ.

By singing the verses “Praise the name of the Lord,” the Holy Church glorifies the Lord for His many benefits and mercies to the human race.

The troparion "Council of Angels" recalls the Angel's gospel to the myrrh-bearing women about the Resurrection of the Savior.

During the Sunday all-night vigil, the Holy Gospel is read, announcing the appearance of the risen Lord to the myrrh-bearing women or apostles.

At the end of the Gospel reading, the deacon ascends with the Gospel to the pulpit, stands facing the people, raising the Gospel above his head. Those praying look at him with special reverence, as at the risen Lord Himself, worshiping and crying out: “Having seen the Resurrection of Christ...” (see p. 44). This singing should be nationwide. The Gospel is then carried to the middle of the temple for worship and kissing by the faithful.

The canons of Matins glorify the Resurrection of Christ (or other sacred events from the life of the Lord), the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy Angels and saints of God honored on this day.

Between the 8th and 9th songs of the canon, the hymn of the Mother of God is sung (see page 45), composed of the songs of the Most Holy Theotokos and the righteous Zechariah (Gospel of Luke, chapter 1, verses 46-55, 68-79). The charter assigned this song a particularly reverent performance. The Song of the Theotokos has its own refrain, the same for all its six verses: “The most honorable Cherub and the most Glorious without comparison, the Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.” In this song, the Blessed Virgin is confessed to be the true Mother of God and, with the great boldness of faith, is placed above the highest ranks of angels. The song of the Theotokos stands out from a number of others by the special exclamation of the deacon before it, inviting the glorification of the Mother of God: “Let us exalt the Mother of God and the Mother of Light with songs,” which notes the need for special attention to the song. When singing “The Most Honest”, the Church Charter prescribes bowing at each verse, calling on them to express their special respect to the Mother of God.

In praising stichera and in great doxology, special thanksgiving and glorification of the Lord Jesus Christ is offered.

Divine Liturgy

At the Divine Liturgy, or Eucharist, the entire earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ is remembered. The liturgy is conventionally divided into three parts - the proskomedia, the liturgy of the catechumens and the liturgy of the faithful.

At the proskomedia, usually performed during the reading of the 3rd and 6th hours, the Nativity of the Savior is remembered. At the same time, the Old Testament prophecies about His suffering and death are also remembered. At the proskomedia, substances are prepared for the celebration of the Eucharist and living and deceased members of the Church are commemorated. The souls of the departed experience great joy from their commemoration at the Divine Liturgy. Therefore, hurry to the temple of God to attend the proskomedia, remembering the health and repose of your relatives, those you know, and all Orthodox Christians. You can pray for the departed like this: “Remember, Lord, the souls of your departed servants (names) and forgive their sins, voluntary and involuntary, granting them the Kingdom and communion of Your eternal blessings and Your endless and blissful life of pleasure.”

At the Liturgy of the Catechumens, the song “Only Begotten Son” depicts the coming to earth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

During the small entrance with the Gospel, depicting the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ to preach, while singing the verse “Come, let us worship and fall to Christ,” a bow is made from the waist. When singing the Trisagion, make three bows from the waist.

When reading the Apostle, the deacon's censing must be responded to by bowing the head. Reading the Apostle and censing means the preaching of the apostles to the whole world.

While reading the Gospel, as if listening to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, you should stand with your head bowed.

At the Liturgy of the Faithful, the great entrance symbolizes the exit of the Lord Jesus Christ to free suffering for the salvation of the world.

The singing of the Cherubic song with the royal doors open is performed in imitation of the Angels, who constantly glorify the Heavenly King and invisibly solemnly accompany Him in the prepared and transferred Holy Gifts.

The placing of the Holy Gifts on the throne, the closing of the royal doors and the drawing of the curtain signify the burial of the Lord Jesus Christ, the rolling of the stone and the application of a seal to His tomb.

At the end of the first half of the Cherubic Song, a bow is required. During the commemoration of His Holiness the Patriarch, the local bishop and others, it is necessary to stand reverently, with a bowed head and at the words “And all of you, Orthodox Christians,” say to yourself: “May the Lord God remember your bishopric in His Kingdom.” This is what is said during the ministry of a bishop. When serving other clergy, one should say to oneself: “May the Lord God remember your priesthood in His Kingdom.” At the end of the commemoration, you should say to yourself: “Remember me, Lord, when (when) you come in Your Kingdom.”

The words “Doors, doors” before the singing of the Creed (see page 43) in ancient times referred to the gatekeepers, so that they would not allow catechumens or pagans into the temple during the celebration of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Now these words remind the faithful not to allow thoughts of sin to enter the doors of their hearts. The words “Let us listen to wisdom” (let us listen) call the attention of believers to the saving teaching of the Orthodox Church, set out in the Creed. The singing of the Creed is performed by all the people. At the beginning of the Creed, the sign of the cross should be made.

When the priest exclaims “Take, eat...”, “Drink everything from her...” one should bow from the waist. At this time, the Last Supper of the Lord Jesus Christ with the apostles is remembered.

During the celebration of the very sacrament of the Holy Eucharist - the transformation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ and the offering of the Bloodless Sacrifice for the living and the dead, one must pray with special attention and at the end of singing “We sing to You...” with the words “and we pray to Thee (we pray You), our God,” must bow to the ground to the Body and Blood of Christ. The importance of this minute is so great that not a single minute of our life can compare with it. In this sacred moment lies all our salvation and God’s love for the human race, for God appeared in the flesh.

While singing “It is Worthy to Eat” (see page 44) (or another sacred song in honor of the Mother of God - the worthy one), the priest prays for the living and the dead, remembering them by name, especially those for whom the Divine Liturgy is performed. And those present in the temple should at this time remember by name their loved ones, living and dead.

After “It is worthy to eat” or the deserving person replacing it, a bow is required. At the words “And everyone and everything,” a bow is made from the waist.

At the beginning of the nationwide singing of the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” (see page 43), one should make the sign of the cross and bow.

When the priest shouts “Holy to Holies,” prostration is required for the sake of lifting up the Holy Lamb before His fragmentation. At this time, the Last Supper and the last conversation of the Lord Jesus Christ with the disciples, His suffering on the cross, death and burial are remembered.

After the opening of the royal doors and the presentation of the Holy Gifts, which means the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ after His Resurrection, a bow to the ground is required when proclaiming “Come with the fear of God and faith.”

Or all-night vigil, is a service that is performed in the evening on the eve of especially revered holidays.

It consists of the combination of Vespers with Matins and the first hour, and both Vespers and Matins are performed more solemnly and with greater illumination of the temple than on other days.

This service is called all-night vigil because in ancient times it began late in the evening and continued all night until dawn.

Then, out of condescension for the infirmities of the believers, they began to start this service a little earlier and make cuts in reading and singing, and therefore it now ends not so late. The former name of its all-night vigil has been preserved.


Vespers in its composition recalls and depicts the times of the Old Testament: the creation of the world, the fall of the first people, their expulsion from paradise, their repentance and prayer for salvation, then, people’s hope, according to God’s promise, in the Savior and, finally, the fulfillment of this promise.

Vespers, during the all-night vigil, begins with the opening of the royal doors. The priest and deacon silently incense the altar and the entire altar, and clouds of incense smoke fill the depths of the altar. This silent censing marks the beginning of the creation of the world. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The earth was formless and empty. And the Spirit of God hovered over the primeval matter of the earth, breathing life-giving power into it. But the creative word of God had not yet been heard.

But now, the priest, standing before the throne, with the first exclamation glorifies the Creator and Creator of the world - the Most Holy Trinity: “Glory to the Holy and Consubstantial, and Life-Giving, and Indivisible Trinity, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.” Then he calls on the believers three times: “Come, let us worship our King God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Him.” For “all things came into being through Him (that is, to exist, to live), and without Him nothing came into being that was made” (John 1:3).

In response to this call, the choir solemnly sings the 103rd Psalm about the creation of the world, glorifying the wisdom of God: “Bless my soul the Lord! Blessed are you, Lord! Lord, my God, you have greatly exalted yourself (i.e., greatly) ... you have created all things with wisdom. Wonderful are Your works, O Lord! Glory to You, Lord, who created everything!

During this singing, the priest leaves the altar, walks among the people and censes the entire church and those praying, and the deacon precedes him with a candle in his hand.


This sacred rite reminds those praying not only of the creation of the world, but also of the initial, blissful, paradise life of the first people, when God Himself walked among people in paradise. The open royal doors signify that the doors of heaven were then open to all people.

But people, seduced by the devil, violated the will of God and sinned. to his the fall from grace people lost their blissful heavenly life. They were expelled from paradise - and the doors of heaven were closed to them. As a sign of this, after censing is performed in the temple and at the end of the singing of the psalm, the royal doors are closed.

The deacon leaves the altar and stands in front of the closed royal doors, like Adam once before the closed gates of heaven, and proclaims great litany:

After the great litany and the exclamation of the priest, selected verses from the first three psalms are sung:

Then the deacon exclaims small litany: “Packs and packs(more and more) Let us pray to the Lord in peace...

After the small litany, the choir cries out in verses from psalms:

While singing these verses, the deacon censes the church.

This moment of worship, starting from the closing of the royal doors, in the petitions of the great litany and in the singing of psalms, depicts the plight to which the human race was subjected after the fall of the ancestors, when along with sinfulness all kinds of needs, illnesses and suffering appeared. We cry to God: “Lord, have mercy!” We ask for peace and salvation of our souls. We lament that we listened to the wicked advice of the devil. We ask God for forgiveness of sins and deliverance from troubles, and we place all our hope in the mercy of God. The deacon's censing at this time signifies those sacrifices that were offered in the Old Testament, as well as our prayers offered to God.

They join in singing the Old Testament verses: “The Lord cried:” stichera, i.e. New Testament hymns, in honor of the holiday.

The last stichera is called theotokos or dogmatist, since this stichera is sung in honor of the Mother of God and it sets out the dogma (the main teaching of the faith) about the incarnation of the Son of God from the Virgin Mary. On the twelfth holidays, instead of the Mother of God dogmatics, a special stichera is sung in honor of the holiday.

When singing the Mother of God (dogmatics), the royal doors open and evening entrance: a candle bearer comes out of the altar through the northern doors, followed by a deacon with a censer, and then a priest. The priest stands on the pulpit facing the royal doors, blesses the entrance in a cross shape, and, after the deacon pronounces the words: “wisdom forgive me!”(means: listen to the wisdom of the Lord, stand straight, stay awake), he enters, together with the deacon, through the royal doors into the altar and stands in the high place.

Evening entrance

At this time, the choir sings a song to the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ: “Quiet light, holy glory of the Immortal Father, Heavenly, Holy, Blessed, Jesus Christ! Having come to the west of the sun, having seen the evening light, we sing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God. You are worthy at all times to be a holy voice. Son of God, give life, so the world glorifies You. (The quiet light of the holy glory, the Immortal Father in heaven, Jesus Christ! Having reached the sunset of the sun, having seen the evening light, we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of God. You, the Son of God, the giver of life, are worthy to be sung at all times by the voices of the saints. Therefore the world glorifies You).

In this song-hymn, the Son of God is called a quiet light from the Heavenly Father, for He came to earth not in full Divine glory, but as a quiet light of this glory. This hymn says that only through the voices of the saints (and not our sinful lips) can a song worthy of Him be offered to Him and due glorification be performed.

The evening entrance reminds believers of how the Old Testament righteous, according to the promises of God, types and prophecies, expected the coming of the Savior of the world and how He appeared in the world for the salvation of the human race.

The censer with incense at the evening entrance means that our prayers, at the intercession of the Lord Savior, ascend like incense to God, and also signifies the presence of the Holy Spirit in the temple.

The cruciform blessing of the entrance means that through the cross of the Lord the doors of heaven are again opened to us.

After the song: “Quiet Light...” is sung prokeimenon, i.e. a short verse from the Holy Scriptures. At Sunday Vespers it is sung: “The Lord reigned, having clothed himself with beauty”, and on other days other verses are sung.

At the end of the singing of the prokeimna, on major holidays they read proverbs. Proverbs are selected passages of Holy Scripture that contain prophecies or indicate prototypes related to celebrated events, or teach instructions that seem to come from the person of those holy saints whose memory we commemorate.

After the prokemna and paremia, the deacon pronounces strictly(i.e. reinforced) litany: “Let’s say, let’s say, let’s talk, start praying) with all our hearts and with all our thoughts, with all our hearts...”

Then the prayer is read: “Grant, Lord, that this evening we may be preserved without sin...”

After this prayer, the deacon pronounces a petitionary litany: “Let us fulfill (let us complete, offer in its entirety) our evening prayer to the Lord (Lord)…”

On major holidays, after a special and petitionary litany, lithium And blessing of the loaves.

Lithium, a Greek word, means general prayer. Litiya is performed in the western part of the temple, near the western entrance doors. This prayer in the ancient church was performed in the narthex, with the purpose of giving the catechumens and penitents standing here the opportunity to take part in the general prayer on the occasion of the great holiday.


Following lithium happens blessing and consecration of the five loaves, wheat, wine and oil, also in memory of the ancient custom of distributing food to worshipers, who sometimes came from afar, so that they could refresh themselves during a long service. The five loaves are blessed in remembrance of the Savior's feeding of the five thousand with five loaves. Sanctified oil(with olive oil) the priest then, during Matins, after kissing the festive icon, anoints the worshipers.

After the litia, and if it is not performed, then after the litany of petition, “stichera on verse” are sung. This is the name given to special poems written in memory of a remembered event.

Vespers ends with the reading of the prayer of St. Simeon the God-Receiver: “Now dost thou dismiss Thy servant, O Master, according to Thy word in peace: for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people, light for the revelation of tongues, and the glory of Thy people Israel,” then by reading the Trisagion and the Lord’s Prayer : “Our Father...”, singing the Angelic greeting to the Mother of God: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...” or the troparion of the holiday and, finally, singing the prayer of righteous Job three times: “Blessed be the name of the Lord from now on and forever,” the final blessing of the priest: “Blessing The Lord’s grace and love for mankind be upon you always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.”

The end of Vespers is the prayer of St. Simeon the God-Receiver and the Angelic greeting to the Theotokos (Theotokos, Virgin, Rejoice) - indicate the fulfillment of God’s promise about the Savior.

Immediately after the end of Vespers, at the All-Night Vigil, the Matins reading six psalms.


The second part of the all-night vigil - Matins reminds us of the times of the New Testament: the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ into the world for our salvation, and His glorious Resurrection.

The beginning of Matins directly points us to the Nativity of Christ. It begins with a doxology of the angels who appeared to the Bethlehem shepherds: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Then it reads six psalms, that is, six selected psalms of King David (3, 37, 62, 87, 102 and 142), which depict the sinful state of people, full of troubles and misfortunes, and fervently express the only hope people expect for God’s mercy. Worshipers listen to the Six Psalms with special concentrated reverence.

After the Six Psalms, the deacon says great litany.

Then a short song with verses is sung loudly and joyfully about the appearance of Jesus Christ in the world to people: “God is the Lord and has appeared to us, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” i.e. God is Lord, and has appeared to us, and is worthy of glorification, going to the glory of the Lord.

After this it is sung troparion, i.e. a song in honor of a holiday or celebrated saint, and are read kathismas, i.e. separate parts of the Psalter, consisting of several consecutive psalms. The reading of kathismas, as well as the reading of the Six Psalms, calls us to think about our disastrous sinful state and place all hope in the mercy and help of God. Kathisma means sitting, since one can sit while reading kathisma.

At the end of the kathismas, the deacon says small litany, and then it is done polyeleos. Polyeleos is a Greek word that means “much mercy” or “much illumination.”


The polyeleos is the most solemn part of the all-night vigil and expresses the glorification of God’s mercy shown to us in the coming of the Son of God to earth and His accomplishment of the work of our salvation from the power of the devil and death.

Polyeleos begins with the solemn singing of verses of praise:

Praise the name of the Lord, praise the servants of the Lord. Hallelujah!

Blessed be the Lord of Zion, who dwelleth in Jerusalem. Hallelujah!

Confess to the Lord that He is good, for His mercy endures forever. Hallelujah!

that is, glorify the Lord, because He is good, because His mercy (towards people) endures forever.

When these verses are chanted, all the lamps in the temple are lit, the royal doors are opened, and the priest, preceded by a deacon with a candle, leaves the altar and burns incense throughout the entire temple, as a sign of reverence for God and His saints.

After singing these verses, special Sunday troparia are sung on Sundays; that is, joyful songs in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, which tell how angels appeared to the myrrh-bearers who came to the tomb of the Savior and told them about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On other great holidays, instead of Sunday troparions, it is sung before the icon of the holiday grandeur, i.e. a short verse of praise in honor of a holiday or saint.

(We magnify you, Father Nicholas, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us, Christ our God)

After the Sunday troparions, or after the magnification, the deacon recites the small litany, then the prokeimenon, and the priest reads the Gospel.

At the Sunday service the Gospel is read about the Resurrection of Christ and about the appearances of the risen Christ to His disciples, and on other holidays the Gospel is read relating to the event being celebrated or the glorification of a saint.

After reading the Gospel, a solemn hymn is sung in the Sunday service in honor of the risen Lord:

“Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one. We worship Your Cross, O Christ, and we sing and glorify Your holy resurrection: for You are our God; Do we not know anything else (except for) You, we call Your name. Come, all the faithful, let us worship the Holy Resurrection of Christ. Behold, for joy has come to the whole world through the cross, always blessing the Lord, we sing His resurrection: having endured crucifixion, destroy death by death.”

The Gospel is brought to the middle of the temple, and the believers venerate it. On other holidays, believers venerate the holiday icon. The priest anoints them with blessed oil and distributes consecrated bread.

After singing: “The Resurrection of Christ: a few more short prayers are sung. Then the deacon reads the prayer: “Save, O God, Thy people”... and after the priest’s exclamation: “By mercy and bounty”... the canon begins to be sung.

Canon At Matins, a meeting of songs composed according to a certain rule is called. “Canon” is a Greek word that means “rule.”

Reading the canon

The canon is divided into nine parts (songs). The first verse of each song that is sung is called irmos, which means connection. These irmos seem to bind the entire composition of the canon into one whole. The remaining verses of each part (song) are mostly read and called troparia. The second hymn of the canon, as a penitential hymn, is performed only during Lent.

Particular efforts were made in composing these songs: St. John of Damascus, Cosmas of Mayum, Andrew of Crete (the great canon of repentance) and many others. At the same time, they were invariably guided by certain chants and prayers of sacred persons, namely: the prophet Moses (for 1 and 2 irmos), the prophetess Anna, the mother of Samuel (for the 3rd irmos), the prophet Habakkuk (for 4 irmos), the prophet Isaiah (for 5 Irmos), the prophet Jonah (for the 6th Irmos), the three youths (for the 7th and 8th Irmos) and the priest Zechariah, father of John the Baptist (for the 9th Irmos).

Before the ninth Irmos, the deacon exclaims: “Let us exalt the Theotokos and Mother of Light in song!” and burns incense at the temple.

At this time, the choir sings the song of the Virgin Mary:

“My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior... Each verse is joined by the refrain: “The most honorable cherub and the most glorious without comparison seraphim, who without corruption gave birth to God the Word, the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.”

At the end of the song of the Mother of God, the choir continues singing the canon (9th song).

The following can be said about the general content of the canon. Irmoses remind believers of Old Testament times and events from the history of our salvation and gradually bring our thoughts closer to the event of the Nativity of Christ. The troparia of the canon are dedicated to New Testament events and represent a series of poems or chants in honor of the Lord and the Mother of God, as well as in honor of the event being celebrated, or the saint glorified on this day.

After the canon, psalms of praise are sung - stichera on praisetech- in which all God’s creatures are called to glorify the Lord: “Let every breath praise the Lord...”

After the singing of psalms of praise there follows a great doxology. The royal doors open during the singing of the last stichera (on the Resurrection of the Theotokos) and the priest proclaims: “Glory to Thee, who showed us the light!” (In ancient times, this exclamation preceded the appearance of the solar dawn).

The choir sings a great doxology, which begins with the words:

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we bow down, we praise Thee, we thank Thee, great for the sake of Thy glory...”

In the “great doxology” we thank God for the light of day and for the gift of spiritual Light, that is, Christ the Savior, who enlightened people with His teaching - the light of truth.

The “Great Doxology” ends with the singing of the Trisagion: “Holy God...” and the troparion of the holiday.

After this, the deacon recites two litanies in a row: strictly And pleading.

Matins at the All-Night Vigil ends release- the priest, turning to those praying, says: “Christ our true God (and in Sunday service: Risen from the dead, Christ our true God...), through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the glorious Apostle saints... and all the saints, will have mercy and save us, for good and a lover of humanity.”

In conclusion, the choir sings a prayer that the Lord will preserve for many years the Orthodox Bishopric, the ruling bishop and all Orthodox Christians.

Immediately after this, the last part of the all-night vigil begins - first hour.

The service of the first hour consists of reading psalms and prayers, in which we ask God to “hear our voice in the morning” and correct the works of our hands throughout the day. The service of the 1st hour ends with a victorious song in honor of the Mother of God:

To the chosen victorious Voivode, for having been delivered from the evil ones, let us sing thanksgiving to Thy servants, the Mother of God. But as you have an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call You: Rejoice, unbrided Bride.”

In this song we call the Mother of God “the victorious leader against evil.” Then the priest pronounces the dismissal of the 1st hour. This ends the all-night vigil.

“The Law of God”, Rev. Seraphim Slobodsky

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As Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said through the mouth of Masha in the play “Three Sisters,” a person must be a believer or seek faith, otherwise everything is empty and makes no sense. If thirty years ago for many the word “faith” was associated with “opium for the people”, now there are practically no people who have not encountered Christianity in one way or another, who have not gone to church and have not heard such words as liturgy, all-night vigil vigil, communion, confession, and so on.

This article will examine the concept of all-night vigil, or all-night vigil. This is a combination of three services: Vespers, Matins and the first hour. This service lasts on the eve of Sunday or before a church holiday.

Ancient Christians

The tradition of holding all-night vigils was introduced by the Lord Jesus Christ himself, who loved to dedicate the hours. He was followed by the apostles and then by Christian communities. It became especially important to gather at night and pray in the catacombs during the years of persecution of Christians. Saint Basil the Great called all-night services “agripnias,” that is, sleepless ones, and they spread throughout the East. These agripnias were then performed all year round before Sunday, on the eve of Easter, on the feast of Epiphany (Epiphany) and on the days of honoring the holy martyrs.

Then the All-Night Vigil was a special service, on the creation of which great prayer books worked, such as St. John Chrysostom, St. John of Damascus, and Savva the Sanctified. The sequence of Vespers, Matins and the first hour has been almost completely preserved to this day.

The concept of the All-night service

Clergymen are often asked the question: “Is it obligatory to go to all-night vigils?” Believers feel that this service is more difficult to endure than the liturgy. And this happens because the All-Night Vigil is a person’s gift to God. At it, everyone present sacrifices something: their time, some life circumstances, and the liturgy is God’s sacrifice to us, so it is easier to withstand, but often the degree of acceptance of the Divine sacrifice depends on how much a person is ready to give, sacrifice something God.

The Russian Orthodox Church has preserved in its entirety the very complex, beautiful, spiritual all-night vigil. The liturgy, celebrated on Sunday morning, completes the weekly cycle. In Russian churches, the evening service is combined with the morning one, and all this happens in the evening. This was introduced by the church fathers, and this rule allows us to remain faithful to the apostolic tradition.

How they serve outside Russia

For example, in Greece there is no all-night vigil, there is no vespers; matins begins in the morning and, together with the liturgy, takes only two hours. This happens because modern people are less prepared physically and spiritually for service. Many do not understand what is read and sung in the choir; Unlike their ancestors, contemporaries know little about the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.

In a word, everyone decides for himself whether he will go to the all-night service or not. There are no strict rules; clergy do not impose “unbearable burdens” on people, that is, what is beyond their strength.

Sometimes events in the life of a believer do not allow him to attend the all-night vigil (urgent work, a jealous husband (wife), illness, children, etc.), but if the reason for absence is not valid, then such a person better think carefully before proceeding to accept Christ’s Tain.

Follow-up of the All-Night Vigil

The temple is a place of prayer for Christians. In it, the ministers pronounce various types of prayers: both petitionary and repentant, but the number of thanksgiving ones exceeds the rest. The Greek word for thanksgiving is Eucharist. This is what Orthodox Christians call the most important sacrament present in their lives - this is the sacrament of communion, which is performed at the liturgy, and before that everyone must prepare for communion. You need to fast (fast) for at least three days, think about your own life, correct it by confessing to the priest, read the prescribed prayers, eat or drink nothing from midnight until communion. And all this is just the minimum of what a believer should do. In addition, it is advisable to go to the all-night vigil service, which begins with the striking of the bells.

In an Orthodox church, the central place is occupied by the iconostasis - a wall decorated with icons. In its center there are double doors, also with icons, otherwise called the Royal or Great Gates. During the evening service (at first), they are opened, and an altar with a seven-branched candlestick on the throne (the table on which the most sacred and mysterious actions are performed) appears before the believers.

Beginning of the evening service

The all-night service begins with Psalm 103, which remembers the six days created by God. While the singers sing, the priest censes the entire temple, and the solemn chant, the calm, majestic movements of the clergy - all this recalls the comfortable life of Adam and Eve in paradise before their fall. Then the priest enters the altar, closes the doors, the choir falls silent, the lamps go out, the chandelier (chandelier in the center of the temple) - and here one cannot help but remember the fall of the first people and the fall of each of us.

Since ancient times, people have longed to pray at night, especially in the East. The summer heat and the exhausting heat of the day did not encourage prayer. Another thing is the night, during which it is pleasant to turn to the Almighty: no one interferes, and there is no blinding sun.

Only with the arrival of Christians did the all-night service become a form of public service. The Romans divided the night time into four watches, that is, into four shifts of military guard. The third watch began at midnight, and the fourth at rooster crow. Christians prayed all four watches only on special occasions, for example, before Easter, but usually they prayed until midnight.

All-night hymn

An all-night vigil without psalms is unthinkable; they permeate the entire service. The singers read or sing psalms in whole or in fragments. In a word, the psalms are the skeleton of the all-night vigil; without them it would not exist.

The hymns are interrupted by litanies, that is, petitions, when the deacon, standing in front of the altar, asks God for forgiveness of our sins, for peace in the whole world, for the unification of all Christians, for all Orthodox Christians, for travelers, the sick, for deliverance from sorrow, troubles and so on. In conclusion, the Mother of God and all the saints are remembered, and the deacon asks that we all “devour our whole belly,” our lives, to Christ God.

During Vespers, many prayers and psalms are sung, but at the end of each stichera a dogmatism is always sung, which tells that the Mother of God was a Virgin both before the birth of Christ and then. And Her birth is joy and salvation for the whole world.

Does God need an all-night vigil?

The All-Night Vigil is a service during which blessings to God are often pronounced. Why do we say these words, because God does not need either our kind words or our songs? And indeed, the Lord has everything, all the fullness of life, but we need these kind words.

There is one comparison that was made by a Christian writer. A beautiful painting does not need praise, it is already beautiful. And if a person does not notice it, does not pay tribute to the artist’s skill, then he is thereby robbing himself. The same thing happens when we don’t notice God, we don’t give thanks for our lives, for the created world around us. This is how we rob ourselves.

Remembering the Creator, a person becomes kinder, more humane, and forgetting about Him, he becomes more like a humanoid animal, living by instincts and the struggle for survival.

During the evening service, one prayer is always read, personifying the Gospel event. These are “Now you let go...” - the words spoken by Simeon the God-Receiver, who met the baby Jesus in the temple and told the Mother of God about the meaning and mission of her Son. Thus, the all-night vigil (“meeting”, meeting) glorifies the meeting of the Old Testament and New Testament worlds.

Six Psalms

After this, the candles (lamp) in the temple are extinguished, and the reading of the Six Psalms begins. The temple plunges into darkness, and this is also symbolic, as it recalls the darkness in which the Old Testament people lived who did not know the Savior. And on this night the Lord came, as once on Christmas night, and the angels began to praise Him by singing “Glory to God in the highest.”

This period during the service is so important that, according to the Church Charter, during the Six Psalms they do not even bow or make the sign of the cross.

Then the Great Litany (petition) is pronounced again, and then the choir sings “God is the Lord and appeared to us...”. These words recall how the Lord, at the age of thirty, entered His Service, for the sake of which He came into this world.


After some time, the candles are lit and the polyeleos begins, with the choir singing “Hallelujah.” The priest goes to the middle of the temple and, together with the deacon, censes the temple with fragrant incense. Excerpts from the psalms are then sung, but the culmination of the all-night vigil is the reading of the Gospel by the priest.

The Gospel is taken out of the altar, as if from the Holy Sepulcher, and placed in the middle of the temple. The words spoken by the priest are the words of the Lord himself, therefore, after reading, the deacon holds the Holy Book, like an Angel proclaiming the news of Christ, the Savior of the world. The parishioners bow to the Gospel, like disciples, and kiss it, like the myrrh-bearing women, and the choir (ideally the whole people) sings “Having seen the Resurrection of Christ...”.

After this, the 50th repentant psalm is read, and the clergy anoint the forehead of each person with consecrated oil (oil) in a cross shape. This is followed by reading and singing of the canon.

The attitude of contemporaries to the church

Modern people have begun to treat the church as something good, useful, but which has already had its say. They don’t see anything new in it; they often ask idle questions. Why go to church so often? How long does the all-night vigil last? Church life is incomprehensible to those who rarely go to church. And it’s not a matter of where the service is conducted. The church's position itself is unacceptable to many people.

The Russian Orthodox Church reminds the world of the meaning of existence, of family, marriage, morality, chastity, of everything that people forget about when they sit comfortably in front of the TV. The church is not clergy or beautiful walls. The Church is a people bearing the name of Christ who gather together to glorify God. This is an important message to a world that lies in lies.

All-night vigil, liturgy, reception of the Holy Mysteries, confession—these are services that people need, and those who understand this strive to enter the “ark of the Lord.”


After the canon, at the all-night vigil, the stichera on the Praiseworthy are read, and then the Great Doxology. This is the majestic singing of a Christian hymn. It begins with the words “Glory to God in the Highest and on earth Peace...”, and ends with the trisagion: “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us,” pronounced three times.

This is followed by litanies, Many Years, and at the end the “First Hour” is read. Many people leave the temple at this time, but in vain. In the prayers of the first hour, we ask God to hear our voice and help us continue the day.

It is desirable that the temple becomes for everyone a place where they want to return. So that you can live the rest of the week in anticipation of a meeting, a meeting with the Lord.