Yellowish discharge after. Yellow discharge in women: causes and treatment, with or without odor

For both women and girls of reproductive age, vaginal discharge is a natural physiological process. However, leucorrhoea can indicate not only health, but also the development of pathological processes in the body. In order to take timely measures and prevent the development of complications, a woman needs to understand where the norm ends and the disease begins. It should be borne in mind that even in the absence of disease, the condition of leucorrhoea is influenced by many factors, and primarily by the periods of the menstrual cycle. Various conditions can significantly change the appearance of vaginal secretions and their color - which is what women may pay attention to first. Let's consider when and under the influence of what factors yellow discharge appears, evaluate how common the causes are, and the treatment that can be used to eliminate the problem.

What is the norm and what are the reasons for the changes?

Natural vaginal secretion is transparent, sometimes white. However, given that the vaginal microflora mostly consists of lactobacilli, leucorrhoea with a sour odor is also not considered a pathology unless accompanied by other suspicious symptoms. In terms of consistency, they are considered natural without the inclusion of clots, the volume of which should not exceed 5 ml per day.

It should be remembered that both the volume and color of vaginal secretion can change before menstruation, against the background of sexual contact. It is not uncommon to discharge mucus with yellow or cream shades.

A woman may experience yellow, odorless discharge before her period, since, in accordance with physiological characteristics, during the period of ovulation the amount of leucorrhoea increases significantly against the background of an increase in progesterone levels. This hormone not only helps to increase the volume of mucus, but is also capable of provoking the formation of yellowish discharge in women, which under normal conditions is not accompanied by additional symptoms and disappears after two or three days. Everything becomes more complicated when problems arise in the genitourinary system - the body notifies women about them with yellow discharge after menstruation. If they occur after menstruation, this is usually a sign of exposure to infectious pathogens. There are many reasons for their appearance in women and girls, including:

  • Disturbed hormonal levels - in the presence of this problem, additional symptoms appear, in particular, a disruption in the interval between menstruation, a change in their duration and abundance.
  • Use of hormonal pharmaceuticals – with prolonged use, a woman may experience changes in the functionality of the reproductive system.
  • Stressful conditions, emotional overstrain - due to experiences, the production of adrenaline increases, as a result, the synthesis of hormones is suppressed and the level of concentration decreases, hence the disrupted menstrual cycle.

  • The presence of sexually transmitted infections - at the very beginning of the development of pathology, yellowish discharge becomes the first symptom of exposure to an infectious pathogen, which multiplies and begins to displace the normal vaginal microflora. The activity of pathogenic microorganisms is accompanied not only by yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor, but also by itching, burning sensation, swelling of the genitals and vulva.

It would not hurt to consider the pathological reasons why odorless yellow-green leucorrhoea is released in women carrying a child - usually this is a symptom of an infected abortion, as a result of which the fetus dies. Associated symptoms in this case include chills, increased temperature, and signs of an inflammatory process, as indicated by blood tests.

Yellowish discharge can also be observed after childbirth, although a common occurrence during this period is lochia, which is a bloody discharge that resembles normal menstruation. A yellowish tint may indicate an additional infection, although one should also take into account the fact that over time, the lochia themselves change color:

  • For about a week after birth, there is liquid red lochia, in which blood clots are observed.
  • During the second, often the third week, the lochia becomes dark red, brown or brown.
  • In the third or fourth week, lochia is bloody, and this period may also be accompanied by white-yellow discharge or whitish leucorrhoea.

The yellow color of the secretion in itself should not always alarm a woman, but it is imperative to see a gynecologist when the following are observed:

  • yellow mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor - it can be sour, fishy, ​​putrid or onion;
  • vaginal itching appears;
  • pain is felt in the lower abdomen;
  • a burning sensation is felt when urinating;
  • the color becomes more intense or with shades - yellow-green, dark yellow, very bright;
  • During intercourse there is noticeable discomfort.

There is no point in being afraid of periodically occurring light yellow discharge if there are no side symptoms, but it must be remembered that the normal parameters for each girl or woman are individual.

What could this indicate?

If odorless yellow discharge is not accompanied by additional symptoms such as itching or burning, redness or swelling of the genitals, in most cases it can be perceived as a natural passing phenomenon. However, yellow discharge after the appearance of menstruation, observed for more than four days, accompanied by discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms, is a good reason to consult a gynecologist. The following conditions that accompany yellow discharge in women require special attention:

  • Adnexitis, which is an inflammatory process, the place of development of which is the uterine appendages. The disease provokes yellow discharge in women, the volume of which quite often becomes too abundant. With adnexitis, the leucorrhoea may contain a fair amount of pus, but when the pathology becomes chronic, the abundant discharge transforms into a daub, which can be secreted by the female vagina. Other symptoms gradually appear - lumbar and spinal pain, discomfort in the groin area during intercourse, frequent trips to the toilet for minor needs.
  • With bacterial vaginitis, when the vaginal walls are damaged by pathogenic microorganisms, yellow vaginal discharge is not accompanied by unpleasant odors, but it is accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen and a burning sensation in the vaginal area.
  • Salpingitis is a lesion of the fallopian tubes, and exacerbations may be accompanied by dark yellow discharge and pain in the side on which the inflammatory process is localized.
  • Allergic reactions can hardly be called a full-fledged pathology, but they can be accompanied by bright yellow discharge in women, irritation and redness of the genital organs, and their swelling. Typically, such situations arise when using synthetic underwear or pads with various impregnations.

If yellow, thick, odorless discharge appears, accompanied by the listed symptoms, it is necessary to undergo examination without self-medication in order to avoid various complications.

With scent and various shades

Yellow is a much more dangerous symptom than without it. Typically, this phenomenon indicates the presence of infectious processes in the reproductive system. The list of pathological signs includes vaginal itching and swelling of the pubic area. Most often diagnosed:

  • Trichomoniasis, in which foamy skin appears. Green discharge accompanies hyperemia of the labia, itching occurs, and during intercourse - severe pain attacks.
  • Penetration of chlamydia into the body causes abundant yellow discharge mixed with pus; during urination, a significant burning sensation occurs as the pathological process flows onto the mucous layer of the urinary ducts.
  • Colpitis is accompanied by thick yellow discharge with a greenish tint, sometimes mixed with blood.
  • With oophoritis, hormonal synthesis is disrupted and cycle disruptions are observed, the result is a delay in menstruation and an increase in the cycle; yellow leucorrhoea can be too scanty or excessively abundant.
  • The presence of gonorrhea may be indicated by whitish, very light yellow discharge and itching, an admixture of pus and mucus in the leucorrhea, a burning sensation, soreness of the genitals, and too frequent urination accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Erosion of the uterine cervix is ​​the reason why yellow-brown leucorrhoea may appear. A brown tint indicates an admixture of blood, since erosion is accompanied by ulcers. Leucorrhoea indicates the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

It should be mentioned that yellow discharge after menopause can occur without pathology, although this is more of an exception to the rule. If menopause has occurred, but the discharge continues, has a yellowish tint and an unpleasant odor, a lack of estrogen can be suspected. Typically, this situation develops together with vaginitis or vaginosis against the background of disturbed vaginal microflora.

The presence of itching as evidence of candidiasis

Abundant yellow discharge with a cheesy consistency can be caused by the Candida fungus. The appearance of a rich sour odor combined with a yellow tint is a clear sign of a fungal pathology, which is called candidiasis. This fungus is found even in the vagina of a completely healthy woman in 5% of all cases. It is able to penetrate there from the intestines when personal hygiene measures are insufficient or there has been accidental sexual intercourse.

But even having penetrated the vaginal microflora, the fungus does not in all cases cause color changes with an odor in the mucous secretion and itching; usually symptoms appear with a decrease in immunity or hormonal changes, disruptions in metabolic processes, and often developing adnexitis or cystitis. Pathological mucous discharge in women as a symptom of candidiasis may appear after long-term use of antibiotics or contraceptives. Statistics show that most often candidiasis causes leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor in women carrying a child, which is closely related to the hormonal changes in the body that occur during this period.

With this pathology, curdled liquid leucorrhoea of ​​a yellowish color is usually observed in women; if the disease is advanced and in a severe stage, the consistency of the secreted mucus becomes thick, pasty, and color shades of the green spectrum are possible. Such discharge smells extremely unpleasant. As for itching, it can occur periodically or be present constantly; with prolonged physical exertion or during menstruation, it often noticeably intensifies.

Treatment methods and preventive measures

If yellowish, odorless discharge in women does not accompany pathological symptoms, and leucorrhoea itself of this shade appears periodically, there is no particular need to visit a specialist - except for your own peace of mind. But it won’t hurt to adjust your own habits in this case:

  • odorless discharge in women requires careful hygiene;
  • when choosing hygiene products, it is advisable to do without a large number of dyes and allergens, but in case of pregnancy, it is better to avoid using soap altogether, giving preference to warm water twice a day;
  • synthetic underwear should be abandoned in favor of breathable natural materials;
  • if during sexual intercourse various lubricants were used as experiments, it is better to return to earlier methods of protection;
  • Panty liners can also cause irritation and leucorrhoea; they should be chosen carefully; such products should not contain fragrances or dyes.

It should be understood that every person has his own individual concepts regarding shades and their intensity; accordingly, it is quite difficult to determine the pathology, relying solely on the external signs of vaginal secretion; even an experienced specialist cannot always make a diagnosis without scrupulous research. Therefore, if the discharge clearly differs from the norm in its color, consistency, smell and volume, tests and examination are necessary, on the basis of which the treatment will be based. The examination, in turn, involves the selection of smears from the genital tract, vagina, ultrasound of the pelvis and organs located in it, and hysteroscopy. After receiving the results, a therapeutic regimen is developed that takes into account:

  • patient's age;
  • general health;
  • the severity of the disease that caused the appearance of leucorrhoea;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • hormonal background;
  • individual drug intolerance.

Antimicrobial treatment is usually prescribed, douching is performed, and the vaginal microflora is normalized. In the presence of menopause, treatment requires the use of replacement therapy, which allows you to adjust hormonal levels and restore the functionality of the mucous layer of the genital tract. If there is a pathology transmitted through sexual contact, it is necessary to treat the partner of the affected woman. Therapy also includes the use of immunomodulators, probiotics, desensitization of the body, and the administration of antimycotic substances. General strengthening and physiotherapeutic treatment is required.

There is no specific prevention in this case. General recommendations include the need to visit the gynecological office every six months, avoid hypothermia, and constantly maintain hygiene. Partners should be changed as rarely as possible and condoms should be used during sex.


Often, when leucorrhoea appears, victims use traditional medicine recipes for douching, preparing medicinal baths, tampons and suppositories. Doctors are not always skeptical, but they recommend resorting to the use of such drugs if certain conditions are met:

  • Traditional medicine should not be used as an independent treatment, but only as an additional way to enhance the effectiveness of traditional therapy.
  • Before using any prescription, you must first consult with your doctor.
  • The possibility of individual intolerance to plant components should be taken into account, as well as contraindications to the ingredients.
  • When preparing herbal preparations at home, you should strictly adhere to the recipe - dosage and preparation steps.

As for recipes, here are the most popular ones used for vaginal douching for yellow discharge:

  • It is necessary to grind the oak bark, pour a large spoon of the ingredient into a liter of boiling liquid and simmer over low heat for another 20 minutes. Douching is carried out after filtering and cooling the composition.
  • You can use eucalyptus by brewing two large spoons of crushed leaves in half a liter of boiling water. Then the product is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered.
  • A small spoon of crushed meadowsweet is poured into 200 ml of liquid brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for another 20 minutes, the product is cooled and filtered.
  • An excellent remedy for diseases affecting the vaginal mucosa is the color of calendula. To prepare the product, brew a large spoonful of the plant’s flowers in a cup of boiling water and leave it covered for half an hour, wrapping the container in a warm cloth. Then the product is filtered and used for douching.

To get rid of leucorrhoea, medicinal baths with extracts of pine or other coniferous trees are also well suited. It’s easy to prepare such a bath - add 150 grams of dry needles to three liters of liquid and cook the product over low heat for 40 minutes. Also, if you have profuse leucorrhoea, it is recommended to drink a dessert spoon of fresh nettle juice three times a day.

The main thing to remember when treating any pathology is the inadmissibility of self-medication.

A woman who monitors her health and records any changes usually knows what is normal for her. Transparent discharge of uniform consistency, as a rule, is not considered a sign of abnormalities, as is odorless yellow discharge. In women, they can occur at different stages of the menstrual cycle. Such discharge is regular and does not cause discomfort, and its intensity depends on the phase of the cycle, the characteristics of the body and past diseases. Any changes that cause concern should not be ignored. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor to determine the cause of the deviations.


Causes of natural discharge

Beneficial bacteria are always present in the vaginal environment of a healthy woman. This prevents pathogenic bacteria and viruses from penetrating the internal organs of the genitourinary system. Like other organs, the vagina contains a small number of fungal microorganisms. A slightly acidic environment prevents them from reproducing. Protective mucus is formed, and natural vaginal discharge appears.

Usually the mucus has a homogeneous composition and is transparent. When exposed to air, it acquires a yellowish tint. The intensity of the color may change during the menstrual cycle and is individual for each woman.

Normal discharge, yellow and odorless, does not cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa and skin in the area of ​​the external genitalia and perineum. There is no need for treatment. All that is required is compliance with basic hygiene rules. Natural discharge occurs for the following reasons:

  • increased mucus volume before menstruation, during pregnancy or after childbirth;
  • age-related hormonal changes;
  • breast diseases;
  • changes in the hormonal composition of the blood due to diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • mental stress.

Normal yellow discharge without an unpleasant odor consists of mucus draining from the body and cervix, as well as fluid penetrating from the lymphatic and small blood vessels.

Video: Discharge between periods

Yellow discharge after abortion

After an artificial termination of pregnancy, thick leucorrhoea can bother a woman for 2-3 months. Due to damage to small vessels, blood impurities appear. It is necessary to carefully monitor changes in their color and smell so as not to miss the moment of the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

The decrease in immunity that occurs after an abortion contributes to the penetration of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections into the internal genital organs. This also causes diseases of the intestines and urinary organs.

Yellowish discharge during pregnancy

Yellow, thick, odorless discharge with a creamy tint appears in the first trimester of pregnancy. Their appearance is caused by changes in hormonal levels in the body and is not dangerous. Sometimes the color is affected by the use of certain hygiene products or wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics.

In the 2nd trimester, during normal pregnancy, clear discharge becomes even more abundant. You should pay serious attention to them if they acquire an unpleasant odor and turn yellow. This may already indicate pathology. The cause is an inflammatory disease in the fallopian tubes or ovaries. In this case, the discharge becomes bright yellow in color.

Yellow discharge in inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

When an infection enters the genitals, a woman may experience copious yellow discharge of varying shades and intensity. The causes are the following diseases:

  1. Salpingitis(inflammation of the fallopian tubes). In some cases, they contain blood impurities. Painful urination occurs as the infection spreads to the bladder.
  2. Adnexit(inflammation of the uterine appendages). The appearance of pus in yellow discharge is characteristic. There is irritation in the external genital area, frequent urination, pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse.
  3. Bacterial vaginitis(inflammatory disease of the vagina). In this case, women experience profuse yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  4. Venereal diseases(gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis). They are characterized by the appearance of copious yellow discharge mixed with pus, with a strong unpleasant odor. Irritation of the genital organs causes swelling, itching, and burning.

Video: Normal and pathological discharge in women

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Yellow discharge should not alarm a woman if it does not cause itching, burning, increased urination, pain, and does not have an odor. Normally they are not too abundant. A slight increase in volume occurs before menstruation. The yellow color of the discharge should not be too bright - from light yellow to yellowish with a creamy tint.

Normal discharge is homogeneous in composition and does not have lumps. Curdled white discharge, as well as liquid, abundant, foamy mucus are deviations from the norm and are a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. First of all, a smear of the vaginal contents is taken to examine the microflora. Bacterial culture is also done to determine the type of bacteria and their sensitivity to drugs.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

The appearance of vaginal secretions that differ in appearance from the norm causes natural anxiety among the fairer sex. This article will discuss in what cases yellow discharge appears in women, what it means, and what to do when a symptom appears.

Cause for concern or normal?

Such a symptom is not always a sign of exposure to abnormal factors. Often the yellow tint of leucorrhoea is explained by the course of physiological processes provoked by objective reasons. The color and consistency of female sexual secretion is influenced by many factors: fluctuations in hormone levels, the composition of natural microflora, taking medications and other reasons.

In some cases, the appearance of abnormal leucorrhoea cannot be explained by natural factors. If, in addition to suspicious marks on the underwear, a woman notices an unpleasant odor, the appearance of discomfort and pain in the intimate area, or malaise, then we are talking about a pathological condition that requires the help of a specialist.

Possible causes of yellow discharge in women with photos

Variant of the norm

Sometimes this shade is explained by the peculiarities of the reproductive system and the ratio of hormone levels. Natural leucorrhoea, which has such a color and viscous character, should not be intense and cause discomfort.

Abundant, odorless, transparent yellow secretion can occur in the middle of the cycle, when a woman is ovulating. Often at such times it has a thick mucous character ().

If a woman has recently started taking oral contraceptives, then this shade occurs due to hormonal changes. Often OK is accompanied by the appearance of scanty yellow vaginal discharge.

Often the cause of mucous secretion of this color is also unprotected sexual intercourse, when the partner’s seminal fluid enters the woman’s vagina. In this case, the appearance of the described secretion in the form of pale clots is natural. The situation returns to normal 8-10 hours after sexual contact.

A change in sexual partner can also explain specific secretion. Thus, the vaginal flora adapts to the unfamiliar microflora of the man.

Pathological causes of odorless yellow discharge

A change in the color of the secretion of the sex glands, which is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor, sometimes indicates the action of unfavorable factors. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Colpitis often causes the described discharge. There may be no specific aroma. Inflammation of the mucous membrane is accompanied by itching, hyperemia, swelling of the vulva, and burning during urination. Both an adult woman and a teenager can suffer from inflammation.
  2. Andexitis is also often accompanied by a yellowish discharge that is odorless and itchy. Additionally, accompanying symptoms appear: pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, rise in body temperature, general malaise.
  3. Cervical erosion is another reason why this phenomenon occurs. Explains its presence in the physiological secretion of a small amount of blood or the onset of the inflammatory process. After the cauterization procedure for erosion, transparent ichor is considered normal. If the marks on the underwear do not stop, but look like pus, then we are talking about the addition of an infection.
  4. Some types of STDs are also accompanied by a similar symptom. Pathogenic pathogens can irritate the mucous membrane and cause severe itching and swelling of the labia. Examples of such diseases are ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, which in some cases are asymptomatic.

Leucorrhoea yellowish in color with odor

If there is not only the appearance of such a secretion, but also the addition of a specific aroma and other symptoms of trouble, then there is no longer any need to talk about a variant of the norm. All the signs of a pathological process are present. However, there are also quite a lot of reasons that cause this manifestation. Let's talk about them in more detail and look at the corresponding photos.


A common cause of the appearance of profuse yellow and watery character. The disease is an inflammation of the mucous layer of the endometrium, which occurs due to an imbalance of microflora. The prerequisite for this is various factors: antibiotic treatment, hormonal changes, poor intimate hygiene.


A disease caused by hormonal imbalances. Its essence lies in the pathological growth of the endometrium. An additional symptom is the appearance of copious dark yellow and brown secretions that resemble water and have a pungent, unpleasant aroma.

Neoplasms of the reproductive system of a benign nature are accompanied by saturated yellow.


Cancer of the genital organs is characterized by the appearance of bleeding, as well as secretions that have a red-yellow color (this often indicates the presence of a purulent component). There is a disgusting aroma of rot, pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum, weakness, apathy, and weight loss.


The recovery period after an abortion, gynecological curettage (removal of a polyp, cleaning during a miscarriage) is often accompanied by the presence of secretion with a characteristic tint. An iron aroma may be felt, indicating the presence of blood in the leucorrhoea. When the amount of discharge or surgery increases, it begins to smell bad, is accompanied by malaise, painful sensations, then this condition indicates the addition of a bacterial infection.


This symptom with an unpleasant odor may appear as a result of the development of Candidiasis. Most often, at the initial stage of the disease, women notice itching of the labia and a secretion resembling white curdled grains. Each such small lump is easily detached from the mucous membrane. But as the disease progresses, the color of the secretion becomes yellow and even greenish, and ulcerations appear in place of the separated particles. At the same time, the appearance of a strong sourish fragrance, reminiscent of the aroma of sour milk, is noted. Some representatives of the fairer sex experience.

Endocrine disorders

Diabetes mellitus often provokes this symptom, but then the mucus smells like acetone and is accompanied by itching of the vulva.
STDs are distinguished by leucorrhoea of ​​a pronounced yellow color, which is a priori unnatural.

Gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, gardenellosis, acute form of chlamydia or mycoplasmosis

Sexually transmitted diseases, which are accompanied not only by abnormal secretion, but also by severe discomfort in the intimate area. We are talking about swelling, redness, burning in the urethra when emptying the bladder. Additionally, the presence of a repulsive fragrance (onions, spoiled herring) is noted. Oh, read the link.

It is not possible to independently identify the presence of a particular sexually transmitted infection due to the similarity of symptoms, so it is extremely important not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to seek help from a doctor who will prescribe tests and subsequent therapy.

Normal and pathological secretion during pregnancy and after childbirth

It is especially important to see a doctor as soon as possible if symptoms appear during pregnancy. Sexual infections are dangerous in the first trimester, because the formation of organs and systems of the fetus occurs in the early stages. And throughout the entire gestation period, the presence of an STI is a potential threat to the safe bearing of the baby.

If yellowish or brownish mucus appears due to a delay in menstruation, then the reason may be due to the onset of pregnancy.

Changes in the color of leucorrhoea occur at different stages of gestation, as well as during the period of breastfeeding. The reason for this phenomenon is a temporary change in hormonal levels.

Yellow water from the genital tract in the last weeks of pregnancy indicates.

According to reviews of expectant mothers undergoing treatment with hormonal drugs, the bright lemon color of the secretion is provoked by taking certain medications (Duphaston, Terzhinan) and vitamins containing riboflavin.


The described symptom during menopause is a variant of the norm. The color and consistency of leucorrhoea changes under the influence of hormonal factors (due to a decrease in the production of progesterone and estrogen). They also become thicker in texture. If yellow, odorless discharge in menopausal women does not cause any inconvenience, then there is no need to worry.

An increase in such secretion during menopause, complemented by unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the external genitalia, indicates the development of vaginosis. This disease often worries women during menopause, when there is a sharp reduction in estrogen production and an inevitable deterioration in the protective function of the mucous membrane associated with this process.

Treatment of pathological discharge

Diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are usually treated with antibiotics or antiviral agents. At the same time, a course of vitamins and medications is prescribed to help prevent vaginal dysbiosis.

Thrush is treated with antifungal agents for both internal (capsules) and local use (suppositories and suppositories). During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the doctor will prescribe topical medications so as not to harm the baby’s well-being. Taking complexes that restore the natural balance of microflora can help prevent periodic relapses characteristic of this disease. This is the only way to get rid of this unpleasant disease.

They will disappear after eliminating the manifestations of the disease with hormonal therapy, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, enzymes and sedatives.

If this symptom appeared during menopause, then taking plant estrogens, and in difficult cases, hormone replacement therapy will help restore the balance of hormones. Any medications should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.


Prevention is much preferable to drug treatment. To prevent the appearance of pathological secretion, it is important to follow simple rules:

  • adequate hygiene;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet with limited sugar;
  • a reasonable attitude towards sexual intercourse, the use of barrier methods of contraception;
  • maintaining the balance of vaginal flora during antibiotic treatment with the help of special preparations;
  • and careful attention to health, expressed in immediate consultation with a doctor (in case of problems) and annual scheduled examination for preventive purposes.

The female body produces secretions in order to clean and moisturize the vagina. This process is natural and necessary. Along with the discharge, various bacteria, dead cells, mucus and menstrual blood leave.

If the mucous membrane were dry, then the likelihood of developing vaginal infections would increase many times over. Therefore, it is not the presence of discharge that should worry a woman, but its quantity, color, smell, structure.

Yellow, odorless discharge is normal

Yellow vaginal secretion consists of fluid that penetrates from the blood vessels and mucus that drains from the cervix and its body. Such discharge does not smell of anything, does not cause discomfort and disappears in a couple of days.

When a woman notices their appearance, she should, as usual, keep her intimate places clean. Then the yellow secretion will not cause problems and will not cause irritation to the vaginal and perineal mucosa.

Such discharge may occur because:

  • the volume of mucus increases before menstruation, immediately before or after childbirth;
  • inevitable hormonal changes associated with age occur;
  • contraceptives containing hormones are actively used;
  • a woman has to experience various kinds of stressful situations.

The color of the discharge may turn yellow when a woman uses new hygiene products, pads or tampons, or condoms. The reason is an allergy to the materials from which they are made. The body can react similarly to synthetic underwear.

Yellow discharge appears due to diseases of the mammary gland, as well as as a result of changes in hormone levels in the blood.

Copious yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor: causes

Some diseases are accompanied by abundant vaginal secretion of a yellowish tint with an unpleasant odor. Possible reasons for this annoying phenomenon are the following:

  • Vaginosis– the disease is infectious, but not inflammatory in nature. The lactoflora of the vagina, which protects the internal genital organs, is reduced or completely absent. It is gradually being replaced by polymicrobial associations of pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria multiply unhindered, fill the vagina and contribute to the appearance of yellow discharge with the smell of fish or onions.

    This bacterial disease is especially dangerous for women who are pregnant. It can easily provoke premature birth or miscarriage even in the later stages. Pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina easily move into the uterus and cause endometritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane. The uterus is especially defenseless after childbirth.

  • Colpitis. This disease is infectious and inflammatory in nature and also affects the vaginal mucosa. Its causative agent is opportunistic microflora: staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungi of the genus Candida, Escherichia coli, Proteus.

    The disease is more typical for women of childbearing age, but can occur in children and in advanced years.

    With colpitis, the discharge is foamy, yellow and greenish, with an unpleasant odor. In addition, the labia and vaginal mucosa swell, and a burning sensation is felt in the perineum.

  • Inflammation of the ovaries(adnexitis) and fallopian tubes(salpingitis). Diseases most often develop in pairs and rarely go away alone. In the acute form of the disease, the discharge is abundant and thick. The chronic form is characterized by a meager amount of yellow secretion, pain during sex and a frequent urge to urinate. Such inflammatory processes can most often develop after a difficult birth or artificial termination of pregnancy. Illnesses require serious treatment as they increase the likelihood of infertility.

Yellow thick discharge

The discharge becomes thick in consistency, mainly due to the presence of a specific purulent infection. A direct relationship has been established between the amount and density of vaginal secretions and the duration of the disease. The longer the inflammatory process lasts, the thicker the discharge. This applies to the following urogenital infections:

  • Trichomoniasis. Abundant and thick discharge is observed during its development more often than with other diseases. The disease affects the genitourinary system. The cause of its appearance is Trichomonas vaginalis, a single-celled pathogenic microorganism.

    Trichomoniasis causes the discharge to become yellow-green and foamy. There is an unpleasant smell, but it is moderate. The woman suffers from burning, intense itching and irritation of the genitals.

  • Gonorrhea– anthropogenic venereal infection. At the beginning of the disease, the discharge may also be yellow, with a mild odor. But they quickly become purulent and smelly.
  • Chlamydia. The causative agent of the disease is chlamydia. Discharge flows from the cervical canal, it is abundant and contains clots. The disease can spread to the rectum and urethra.
  • Ureaplasmosis- an infection that is transmitted by tiny bacteria that live on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract and genital organs.

Thick vaginal discharge can bother a woman after an abortion. This happens within two or three months. It is important to monitor changes in the color and consistency of vaginal secretions to prevent the development of an inflammatory process.

You should be wary when blood clots begin to appear in the yellowish discharge. Then the vaginal secretion becomes brown and its smell becomes especially unpleasant. Such symptoms may signal the development of a tumor in the genital organs.

It is impossible to determine the disease or its presence by the color of the discharge. One can only assume that something in the body is not working quite normally. Therefore, if you notice that the discharge has increasingly begun to acquire a yellow color and has an unpleasant odor, you simply need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

An unscheduled appointment with a doctor is necessary when a woman:

  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • diseases of the mammary glands were detected. They are often associated with hormonal imbalances and therefore do not bypass other genital organs;
  • during sexual intercourse and after it, pain appears in the perineum;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • burning and itching occurs in the external genitalia.

In a healthy woman, the color of vaginal discharge should not have a noticeable, intense color.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

The gynecologist examines the patient and takes material from the vagina for laboratory testing for flora and the content of pathogenic microorganisms. Also assigned:

  • tests for the presence of hidden infections;
  • STD tests;
  • ultrasonography.

Most diseases can be treated without leaving your home, but only by following the recommendations of a gynecologist.

He attributes medication therapy and special gynecological procedures. A variety of vaginal suppositories and creams are used to help restore the balance of microflora and remove infection.

Medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets and capsules, which are necessary to boost immunity and eliminate the source of inflammation.

As a rule, it does not come to surgical intervention.

If sexually transmitted infections are detected in a woman, her partner must also undergo treatment.

When heavy discharge causes concern during menopause, the doctor may prescribe replacement therapy that will correct hormonal levels. This will help normalize the condition of the vagina and internal genital organs.


The periodic appearance of yellow discharge and the absence of unpleasant symptoms is unlikely to require treatment. But for preventive purposes, you need to take care of your body:

  • tirelessly monitoring its cleanliness;
  • wearing loose underwear made of natural fabric;
  • taking a bath instead of a shower;
  • using pads more often than tampons;
  • using high-quality hygiene products;
  • not using perfumes to treat the skin in intimate places;
  • being careful in relationships with sexual partners;
  • taking antibiotics, following only the doctor's recommendations.

It is useful to rinse the external genitalia in cool water. You can sit in it for a quarter of an hour.

Warm baths with pine extract won’t hurt either. To prepare it, you need to boil 150 grams of dry pine needles in three liters of water (about forty minutes over low heat). Before pouring the extract into the bath, it should be filtered through several layers of gauze.

It is useful to drink a dessert spoon of nettle juice three times a day. This is especially true when the discharge is abundant and thick.

Nutrition is also important. It needs to be slightly adjusted:

  • stop loving fatty foods, canned food, seeds;
  • The diet should include blueberries, viburnum berries and strawberries;
  • It’s a good idea to stock up on barberries in the summer;
  • prepare juices from carrots with herbs: celery, spinach, parsley, sorrel;
  • Add lemon slices to plain water.

If you experience the slightest pain, itching or burning sensation, you should consult a gynecologist. Self-medication is unlikely to help here. Infections and inflammations in the genitals without proper therapy become chronic. Illnesses can cause infertility, miscarriages, premature birth, and ectopic pregnancy. Malignant neoplasms cannot be excluded.

If you start the disease at an early stage, you will most likely have to spend years restoring your health.

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Yellow discharge in women

The content of the article:

Yellow vaginal discharge in women is an alarming symptom that accompanies a number of serious diseases.

When else can there be yellow secretion?

A girl's yellow discharge on her panties may be due to improper hygiene. The fact is that urine contains coloring pigments, and if a few drops get on your underwear after urinating, a yellow stripe will remain.

If discharge comes from the vagina, consultation with a pediatric gynecologist is necessary. This may be a sign of inflammation (what kind will be clear after the examination) or the result of a foreign object in the vagina.

Bright yellow vaginal discharge may occur after using certain medications, for example, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

Yellowish discharge may occur against the background of cervical erosion or after its treatment. If after 3 - 4 weeks the condition after cauterization does not return to normal, a second consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.
What examinations should a woman undergo if she has vaginal discharge:

Physical examination by a gynecologist;
vaginal smear for microflora;
PCR diagnostics for STIs;
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
colposcopy, etc.

Additional examinations are possible if indicated.


Before starting therapy, it is necessary to establish the cause that led to the pathological process.

STIs are treated with antibacterial drugs taking into account sensitivity. In the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, it is considered important to restore the normal biocenosis of the vagina; local therapy, probiotics and prebiotics, multivitamins, etc. are used. The treatment regimen for cervicitis also depends on the factor that triggered the inflammation.

Endometritis after childbirth requires elimination of the provoking cause (for example, an abandoned piece of the placenta) followed by antibacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy.
Gynecologists often prescribe Terzhinan for vaginal discharge.

This is a drug for local treatment, contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic (neomycin), a hormone (prednisolone) and antimycotic components (nystatin and ternidazole).

Important! When using vaginal tablets as the only remedy without examination, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other infections can become latent.

Indications for use:

Bacterial vaginosis;
trichomonas infection;
as a preventive measure before medical gynecological interventions;
before childbirth.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of Terzhinan is prohibited.

Release form: tablets for insertion into the vagina.

The frequency and duration are determined individually.