Cervical prolapse during pregnancy: what to do. Is it possible to get pregnant with prolapsed uterus? Prolapse of the uterus during pregnancy and the rules of behavior for the mother in this case

When the uterus prolapses, it gradually moves from its normal physiological position outward through the walls of the vagina. The extreme degree of prolapse is considered to be uterine prolapse, which is a very painful condition and can only be treated surgically. Theoretically, mild uterine prolapse and pregnancy are compatible, however, women with this pathology most often have to remain in hospital for a long time. Folk remedies that can be used during pregnancy can serve as auxiliary therapy.

Causes and manifestations of the disease

Uterine prolapse can be caused by the following factors:

  • muscle injuries in the pelvic area;
  • multiple natural births;
  • numerous ruptures of the perineum (they are especially dangerous if the sutures are applied incorrectly);
  • congenital malformations of the internal genital organs;
  • neurological disorders that affect the innervation of organs in the pelvic area.

Concomitant reasons for the development of uterine prolapse are middle and old age of a woman, chronic constipation and frequent carrying of heavy objects. Complicated labor (eg, breech position, use of a vacuum) can also cause the cervix to weaken and prolapse.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse can be different - it all depends on the stage of the disease (there are 4 stages in total). At the first stage, the entire uterus or only its cervix descends, but the descended part is not visible from the vagina even with significant muscle tension. At the second stage of the development of the disease, the uterus drops lower, which is why it can be seen from the vagina when a woman pushes. During the third and fourth stages, the uterus may partially or completely fall out of the vagina.

How dangerous is the disease when carrying a child?

When the uterus prolapses, it is theoretically possible to become pregnant only in the initial stages of the disease, since with its complete prolapse, as a rule, there is no question of sexual intercourse. Pregnancy also becomes impossible in situations where the uterus is too stretched or constantly inflamed.

The danger of carrying a child with this pathology is that the normal tone of the uterine muscles is disrupted and there is a high probability of premature birth or involuntary miscarriage. In the second half of pregnancy, symptoms of prolapse intensify as pressure on the pelvic organs increases due to the increase in size and weight of the uterus.

A woman may feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen, bloating and increased pressure. If you follow medical recommendations, use a bandage and folk remedies, and perform special gymnastics, pregnancy can usually be maintained. However, it is better to prevent this pathological condition before conception, since it makes the pregnancy process very difficult, and the woman often needs round-the-clock medical supervision.

Traditional treatment options

Decoctions and infusions for internal use can slightly improve the tone of the muscles of the uterus and prevent its further prolapse. Their use during pregnancy must be coordinated with a doctor, because many herbs can lead to miscarriage and other undesirable consequences. The following traditional medicines are considered safe for pregnant women:

  1. Quince infusion. It normalizes the muscle tone of the uterus and rectum, so it is a good remedy not only for prolapse of the uterus, but also for hemorrhoids. To prepare it you need 2 tbsp. l. dry fruits of the plant, pour 300 ml of cold water and leave for 10 hours. Then the infusion should be brought to a boil and kept in a water bath for 10 minutes. After cooling, you need to take 100 ml three times a day.
  2. Plantain decoction. 1 tbsp. l. Leaves of the plant need to be poured into 1 liter of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. The product should be infused for 2 hours under a closed lid, after which it should be strained and a little liquid honey should be added to improve the taste. It is recommended to drink the decoction 50 ml 2 times a day between meals.
  3. Melissa infusion. In addition to strengthening the muscles of the vagina and uterus, this remedy calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep. In 200 ml of boiling water you need to add 2 tbsp. l. dry lemon balm herb, leave for 30 minutes. You need to drink herbal tea in a strained glass before going to bed.

Sitz baths

With some medicinal herbs, you can carry out local water procedures that improve blood supply to the pelvic organs and restore muscle tone. The temperature of local baths during pregnancy should not exceed 38-40 °C. Ideally, the solution should be warm, but not hot. Cold water is also not suitable for this purpose, as it can cause cystitis or inflammation of the uterine appendages. Here are recipes for solutions that can be prepared at home:

  1. Oak bark decoction. Add ¼ cup of vegetable raw materials to 2 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. After filtering and cooling, the solution must be mixed with boiled water. You should take a bath twice a day. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
  2. Infusion of yarrow. A glass of dry plant material should be filled with 3 liters of boiling water and left for 30 minutes under a closed lid. After cooling and filtering, the solution must be used for local water procedures before bed and in the morning.
  3. Decoction of calendula flowers. 5 tbsp. l. dry flowers, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. After straining, you need to mix it with warm boiled water and take a sitz bath for 15 minutes. It is advisable to do the procedure several times a day.

Gymnastics for pregnant women

If strict bed rest is not recommended for the patient, then you can discuss with your doctor the possibility of strengthening the pelvic floor muscles with simple exercises. The most important thing when doing them is to listen to your body. If during gymnastics a pregnant woman experiences pain, it becomes too difficult for her, the training should be stopped immediately. Here are some simple physical exercises:

  1. Knee-elbow pose. This is one of the most common exercises recommended for pregnant women. It not only improves the tone and blood supply of the uterus, but also helps prevent cramps in the calf muscles. This pose also helps the child take the correct position (upside down). To correctly take the knee-elbow position, you need to get on all fours and transfer your body weight to your hands, shifting the center of gravity forward.
  2. Kegel exercises. Pregnant women are recommended to rhythmically squeeze and relax the intimate muscles of the vagina for 5 seconds. The total duration of Kegel exercises should be 15 minutes per day.
  3. Prolonged contractions of intimate muscles. The meaning of the exercise is the same as with Kegel gymnastics, but you need to relax and tense your muscles not for 5, but for 15-20 seconds. In total, such contractions should be performed for 10-20 minutes per day.
  4. Bike. Lying on your stomach, you need to smoothly make rhythmic movements with your legs, imitating riding a bicycle. The duration of such gymnastics is usually about 10 minutes.
  5. Raising the pelvis. Lying on your back, you need to raise and lower your pelvis for 5 minutes. At this time, your knees need to be bent and your abdominal muscles should be tense.


Uterine prolapse is one of the diseases that is much easier to prevent than to treat. Considering the consequences of the disease, its prevention should be carried out from a young age, that is, long before childbirth. Girls need to engage in light sports and strengthen their abdominal muscles. Kegel exercises (relaxation and tension of intimate muscles) are considered useful. They not only help keep the uterus in good shape, but also reduce the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth.

Other ways to prevent uterine prolapse include:

  • adequate management of the birth process;
  • compliance with the protective regime after childbirth;
  • timely treatment of all inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • performing exercises for correct posture;
  • moderate constant physical activity.

Women are not recommended to lift weights weighing more than 10 kg, as this significantly affects the stretching of the muscles in the pelvic area and can cause a weakening of their normal tone. It is important to monitor your diet - the body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Particular attention should be paid to preventive measures in the first year after childbirth, during menopause and in case of hormonal disorders.

Often diagnosing uterine prolapse in women becomes a serious obstacle to pregnancy and its successful gestation. There are situations when pregnancy with such a diagnosis is simply impossible. That is why it is important to know how women with such an unpleasant diagnosis should behave during pregnancy and possible methods of treating such a pathology.

Pregnancy with uterine prolapse: all the pros and cons

One of the common gynecological pathologies that can be diagnosed in women of any age and often during pregnancy is uterine prolapse. This pathology can become a serious obstacle to conceiving a child and carrying a pregnancy to term.

It is for this reason that expectant mothers diagnosed with uterine prolapse should be under the close attention of their gynecologist. To the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant if the uterus has prolapsed, experts most often answer in the affirmative, however, difficulties may arise with bearing the fetus.

Uterus during pregnancy

If a woman is diagnosed with uterine prolapse, then the subsequent rapid growth of the fetus can negatively affect her condition. This pathological process causes a lot of unpleasant consequences and complications in women, so it is recommended to undergo thorough preparation before pregnancy. However, today experts do not see any problem in a woman with uterine prolapse carrying a child.

There are cases when pregnancy encounters a lot of obstacles:

  • Hormonal imbalance in the female body often causes the development of a disease such as uterine prolapse. In such a situation, serious problems may arise with the onset of pregnancy, since the success of reproductive function is completely under the control of sex hormones.
  • Another serious obstacle to pregnancy during uterine prolapse is considered to be the severe stage of development of the pathology, when sexual contact is no longer possible in principle. Most often this is observed at the last stage of progression of the pathology, when prolapse of the reproductive organ occurs.
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to get pregnant and give birth to a child if the prolapsed uterus has acquired increased tone. In addition, a strong inflammatory process can develop in it, the consequence of which is the development of severe edema and closure of the cervix.

Symptoms of the disease

If pregnancy does occur in a woman with uterine prolapse, she may notice the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of pain in the abdomen, vagina and lower back;
  • The occurrence of severe discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • The appearance of discharge from the vagina of various colors;
  • Development of involuntary urination or, conversely, difficulties with the outflow of fluid from the body;
  • Problems with bowel movements.

The same symptoms can appear in women not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. In different women, the symptoms of pathology can be expressed individually, and this depends on the anatomical features of the body. In any case, a woman should definitely consult a doctor if she notices symptoms characteristic of uterine prolapse.

Features of treatment

Uterine prolapse is a serious obstacle to the normal development of pregnancy, and in order to bear a child, a woman will have to follow all the recommendations of her doctor. With this pathology, the likelihood of pregnancy fading at any stage of fetal development, as well as intrauterine death, increases.

Medical practice shows that most pregnancies often end in premature birth. In addition, during pregnancy, prolapse of the uterine wall and its cervix in the early stages is dangerous, and the prognosis for such a pathological condition is very disappointing.

Uterine ring during pregnancy

When diagnosing uterine prolapse during pregnancy and to prevent miscarriage, many gynecologists prescribe a woman to wear a special device called a uterine ring. This ring allows you to reduce the pressure of the growing fetus on the cervical area and prevent premature dilatation. Only a specialist determines at what time this ring should be put on, taking into account the woman’s condition and the degree of development of uterine prolapse.

Typically, such a ring is installed by a gynecologist and the process is completely painless. However, despite all the positive aspects of such a medical device, it cannot guarantee a positive pregnancy outcome. This ring increases the likelihood of bearing a child and reduces the pressure of the amniotic sac on the cervical area.

Expectant mothers who have such a ring installed fall into a certain risk group and are under the close attention of specialists.

However, the outcome of a future pregnancy largely depends on the woman herself, because to give birth to a healthy child you will have to give up:

  • Any type of physical activity on the pregnant woman’s body;
  • Try to create a calm atmosphere around you;
  • Follow your doctor's recommendations strictly.

If during pregnancy the uterine ring does not reduce the likelihood of premature birth, then the woman needs to have the uterus sutured.

Other medical procedures

When a slight prolapse of the uterus is diagnosed during pregnancy, a woman is recommended to constantly wear a bandage. In the event that there is a pronounced displacement of the uterus itself and its cervix downward from its normal position, then the main method of treatment in this situation is bed rest.

It is necessary to carefully monitor your weight, since eating large amounts of food can provoke both the appearance of extra pounds on the body of the expectant mother and the rapid growth of the fetus. The large size of the baby can put increased pressure on the uterus and thereby cause premature dilation of the cervix.

Special Kegel exercises that help strengthen the pelvic muscles have proven themselves well. During pregnancy, before doing such exercises, you must consult a specialist to avoid the development of undesirable consequences.

Pregnancy is accompanied by changes in the hormonal levels of a woman’s body, which is why in some cases doctors recommend special suppositories. This medicine contains a certain amount of hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the woman’s body. Such suppositories are intended for vaginal use and are inserted directly into the vagina.

During pregnancy, one of the most common and dangerous conditions for the fetus is uterine prolapse. This trouble can happen to a woman at any time, but getting pregnant with such a pathology is very difficult. While waiting for a child, such a complication can cause fetal loss, which is why prevention and timely detection of pathology are so important.

What is uterine prolapse?

Uterine prolapse is a condition in which this organ is displaced from its natural place. The holding muscles are weakened and the ligaments are injured. If prolapse occurs in the early stages, it threatens miscarriage.

When the uterus drops significantly, even the vagina itself shifts, which causes constant discomfort. When moving, you feel pressure and tension in the lower abdomen. With such complaints you should contact a gynecologist. Prolapse during pregnancy creates a great danger for the woman and the fetus.

On examination, the fact that the uterus has prolapsed is revealed quite simply by the gynecologist. With mild prolapse, preventive measures help: bandage, gymnastics. Treatment depends on the degree of the disease; you can limit yourself to conservative methods. In difficult cases, surgical intervention is required.

Symptoms of prolapse

In women, when the uterus prolapses, pain appears in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. Unpleasant sensations increase during movement, lifting loads and during physical activity. The pain intensifies to unbearable during intimacy.

The patient constantly feels fullness in the lower peritoneum, distension in the vagina. Discharge appears outside the menstrual cycle, problems with urination, and urinary incontinence. Pain is also felt during defecation. The situation may worsen and lead to uterine prolapse.

Causes of uterine prolapse during pregnancy

Uterine prolapse in women occurs due to muscle injury caused by excessive physical stress, frequent carrying of heavy objects, and genetic predisposition. If a woman has given birth a lot and often, this is a serious risk factor. Prolapse can be caused by frequent and severe constipation and diseases of the respiratory system.

Difficult childbirth is one of the common causes of this problem. During childbirth with ruptures due to numerous sutures, the ligamentous apparatus in the pelvic area weakens. Disturbances in the central nervous system caused by trauma can lead to prolapse, requiring neurological treatment. In some cases, congenital malposition of the uterus and other internal pelvic organs is possible.

What to do?

To eliminate uterine prolapse, it is necessary to check the hormonal balance, normalize weight, adjust the daily routine and eliminate excessive stress. Since prolapse can be caused by problems with the respiratory system, appropriate therapy must be carried out.

As means to alleviate the patient’s condition, we can recommend:

  • a special bandage that helps keep internal organs in their proper place (especially important during pregnancy or excess weight);
  • therapeutic exercises, including the Kegel complex (good for prevention);
  • installation of a pessary (a special ring in the vagina to maintain the uterus at a level convenient for the fetus);
  • in particularly difficult cases, suturing of the cervix is ​​performed.

Preventive measures

Uterine prolapse can be prevented. If there is a hereditary predisposition to this disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor in advance, even before pregnancy. It is necessary to keep your weight under control and engage in general strengthening physical education. The second and very common remedy is Kegel exercises, which must be done regularly.

In order to avoid uterine prolapse in the future, during the next pregnancy, you must try to ensure that the birth takes place without injury. Pregnant women are recommended to attend special courses to learn proper breathing techniques and behavior during childbirth. Good preparation and the assistance of a professional and experienced obstetrician are very important in this process. After childbirth, it is necessary to take care of the sutures, following all the doctor’s instructions - this promotes healing.

you hear such a diagnosis as cervical prolapse.

If the disease is detected early, it does not pose a threat to women's health.

But, unfortunately, this pathology is quite often diagnosed at the later stages of its development.

This, in turn, complicates the treatment and recovery process.

Pregnancy with uterine prolapse was previously considered impossible. However, today it is possible to carry and give birth to a healthy child with such a diagnosis!

All that is required for this is to carefully monitor your health, find a good doctor who will manage the pregnancy and at the same time follow all his recommendations.

A prolapsed uterus is an unpleasant disease in which the organ is not in the correct position. In this case, there is a violation of the placement of the cervix and fundus (the permissible normal limit at this moment does not correspond to standard indicators). A pathology of this nature causes a sharp weakening of the pelvic muscles and uterine ligaments in the body.

In a large number of patients, prolapse can be supplemented by a shift in the level of the vagina itself. At this moment, a woman may feel strong pressure from within and a feeling of discomfort during movement and at rest.

It is possible to detect uterine prolapse during a gynecological examination, which every woman must undergo annually. Depending on the degree and severity of the disease, specialists decide on further treatment. It can be both surgical and conservative in nature.

The causes of uterine prolapse can be very diverse. The most common among them is the weakening and loss of elasticity of the muscles that are located in the female pelvis.

Due to the loss of their functional abilities, the muscles gradually lose the ability to hold all the genitourinary organs in the position necessary for development and functioning.

What is important to know

Prolapse of the cervix during pregnancy greatly complicates the entire process of bearing a baby. With this diagnosis, childbirth and the pregnancy itself are more difficult, which in turn can cause health risks for the expectant mother.

When the disease is diagnosed during pregnancy, its treatment may be delayed. Such cases are quite rare and are allowed only when a pathology of this nature does not threaten the life of the baby and mother.

In the absence of treatment for prolapse, a woman needs to lead a quiet lifestyle. First of all, you will have to avoid heavy physical activity and stressful situations.

Due to the fact that the disease is not diagnosed in a timely manner in all cases, there are cases when experts still do not recommend and prohibit a woman from becoming pregnant and bearing a baby. These include the following:

  • When the uterus prolapses as a result of hormonal imbalances, it will not be easy for a woman to conceive a child. Indeed, in this case, reproductive function will largely depend on the production of female hormones.
  • Pregnancy is not recommended in cases where the possibility of intimacy becomes impossible due to severe complications of the disease or, much worse, complete prolapse of the uterus.
  • It will be quite difficult to get pregnant even when the uterus is severely inflamed, as a result of which strong tone is concentrated in its muscles and swelling appears.

In the presence of such complications, the question is not whether a woman can get pregnant and carry a baby, but whether she really needs to do this!

Complications of pregnancy with uterine prolapse

If a woman decides to become pregnant, she needs to be aware and informed about all the possible problems and complications that she may encounter over the course of 9 months:

  • When the uterus prolapses, the likelihood of miscarriage, fetal death and early labor increases. Due to the fact that it grows and develops every day, the uterus also begins to stretch and enlarge. As a result, the elasticity and firmness of her muscles is significantly reduced. In healthy women, the uterus can withstand similar loads during pregnancy, but in the case of subsidence, the body does not always succeed. Because of this, quite often women experience premature birth or miscarriages in the early stages of gestation.
  • Premature pregnancy failure and loss of the uterus. When the uterus is prolapsed and the disease is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process and swelling, the chance of the formation of a pathological abscess increases. In order to save a woman's life, doctors recommend performing a hysterectomy.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and the entire body. As the baby grows and increases in size, the woman becomes more and more aware of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. She is often disturbed by aching and nagging pains; urinary incontinence and constipation are rare. With the appearance of such symptoms, it begins to develop doubly more intensely.
  • Wearing special bandages and pessaries. In order to maintain a pregnancy and be able to carry a child to term, experts may recommend that a woman use a device called a pessary. It is a rubber ring that is placed inside the vagina. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain the uterus at the desired level and position, which in turn ensures the correct course of pregnancy. The duration of use of such a ring should not exceed 1 month. During this time period, the patient will need to pay special attention to genital hygiene (chamomile decoction is excellent for this).
  • Hospitalization in a medical institution. For a woman diagnosed with uterine prolapse or prolapse, it is mandatory to seek medical help at the final stages of pregnancy. Most often, doctors recommend hospitalizing the expectant mother in the last trimester in order to be able to monitor her health condition and, if necessary, perform an emergency section.

Recommendations during pregnancy with a diagnosis of uterine prolapse

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman with uterine prolapse to think not only about the health of the unborn baby, but also to take care of her own well-being.

All that is required for this is to follow certain recommendations that will significantly simplify and facilitate the entire 9 months of waiting.

Today there are enough options for maintaining your own health.

Here, each woman, depending on her personal preferences, chooses the one that is more acceptable and simpler for her.

These include the following:

  • The most effective, simple and affordable remedy for a woman is a support bandage. Wearing it during pregnancy allows you to maintain all internal organs in the required position. As a result, the load on the spine and urinary system is significantly reduced.
  • Kegel exercises have become popular recently. They are aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles. If this is not the woman’s first pregnancy and she has previously resorted to using this technique, but did not achieve the desired result, she will definitely need to consult a doctor. Only a qualified specialist can advise on other exercises that can be performed during pregnancy.
  • When gymnastic exercises and the use of a bandage do not bring the desired effect, experts may recommend that the expectant mother use a special device called a pessary. It is installed in the vaginal cavity and supports the uterus in the desired position. It is important to install the ring correctly so as not to harm the fetus.

If the uterus prolapses in the early stages of the disease, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes. In no case should we forget that not all herbs can be used during pregnancy.

If a woman decides to use this particular treatment option, she must first consult with her doctor.

Avoiding heavy physical activity (heavy lifting, bending, squatting). Nervous strain and stress will not bring any benefit.

First degree of uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse, like any disease, occurs in various stages and degrees. Moreover, each stage of the disease manifests itself differently.

Pregnancy with 1st degree uterine prolapse is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The occurrence of frequent nagging and aching pain.
  • Unpleasant pain, which in most cases is localized in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.
  • A prolapsed uterus can cause a woman to experience severe pain and discomfort during intercourse.
  • Severe vaginal dryness.
  • With improper treatment, the chances of developing infertility and neoplasms increase.

First degree uterine prolapse is not a complete contraindication to bearing a child. However, in such a situation, a woman needs to be as careful and attentive as possible to her own health.

Throughout the entire period, the expectant mother will have to undergo regular medical examinations, visit various specialists, wear a support bandage and, if necessary, undergo treatment in a hospital.

Second degree of uterine prolapse

Pregnancy with stage 2 uterine prolapse is more dangerous. At this stage of the disease, the symptoms are more pronounced, which in turn causes a lot of discomfort to the pregnant woman.

So, in the second stage of prolapse the following signs appear:

  • Frequent constipation and diarrhea.
  • Bedwetting, which can also occur during the daytime.
  • Development of cystitis.
  • Pyelonephritis (inflammatory process in the kidneys and organs of the urinary system).
  • The development of urolithiasis (in this case, the woman feels a constant urge to urinate, although in fact the bladder remains empty).
  • They often begin to disturb, which are concentrated in the anal sphincter.
  • Tenesmus develops (false need for bowel movements).
  • A feeling that there is a large foreign object in the vagina.

With 2nd degree prolapse, not all gymnastic exercises can allow the uterus to be placed in the right place. It is in such situations that doctors recommend their patients to resort to surgery.

Additionally, therapeutic treatment may be prescribed, which will be aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and reducing the manifestation of pain syndromes.

Preventive measures

Uterine prolapse is one of the common diseases.

It is for this reason that it is very important to adhere to all the rules and preventive measures, which, if performed regularly, will help avoid encountering unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Women whose age has crossed the 40-year mark and those who have given birth more than once should be especially attentive.

Preventive measures to prevent the development of subsidence include the following:

  • Regular exercise (exercises that are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles will be especially useful).
  • During pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum period, a woman will need to pay attention to special exercises that will help keep the ligaments and muscles of the peritoneum in the desired tone and tension.
  • After the birth of a baby, it is important for a woman to give up heavy physical work, sudden bending and movements for a while. There is no need to carry heavy weights and overexert yourself throughout the day.
  • Every woman must undergo a medical examination by a gynecologist every 12 months. An examination by a specialist will help to identify the problem in a timely manner and take certain measures to eliminate it and maintain women’s health.

By following simple rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing uterine prolapse and maintain normal health!

Future Predictions

Cervical prolapse will not pose any danger if the disease is diagnosed on time. At the initial stages of the disease, in the absence of a threat to the health of the mother and her unborn baby, no therapeutic, let alone surgical treatment is carried out.

In some cases, physical exercises and methods can support health

The uterus is the hollow muscular reproductive organ of a woman in the pelvis. With each pregnancy and childbirth, the ligaments that hold the uterus in its normal position weaken. Women who have given birth multiple times are often diagnosed with uterine prolapse during pregnancy.

Uterine prolapse during pregnancy symptoms

A pregnant woman with a prolapsed uterus experiences:

  • pain in the abdomen, lower back, vagina;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • feeling of fullness in the vagina;
  • various discharge (from colorless to bloody);
  • difficulty in the flow of urine or involuntary urination;
  • difficulty defecating or fecal incontinence.

Uterine prolapse and pregnancy

If the uterus is lower than it should be during pregnancy, this can have serious consequences. The risk of miscarriage increases 10-20 times. With a prolapsed uterus, pregnancy fading and intrauterine fetal death often occur. Almost every such pregnancy ends in premature birth. Prolapse of the uterine wall or cervical prolapse in early pregnancy has a worse prognosis than its onset in the last trimester. Visits to the gynecologist should not be neglected; it is important to follow all his instructions.

Childbirth with a prolapsed uterus

Childbirth with cervical prolapse is possible, but the postpartum period is often accompanied by complications. A woman is often hospitalized for a long period of time in order to maintain pregnancy during uterine prolapse and to determine management tactics.

Due to improper blood supply and location, the risk of endometritis and abscess formation increases. If the prolapsed uterus becomes infected, it will have to be amputated or extirpated.


With a slight prolapse, the birth of a baby is possible, but the woman will have to wear a bandage all the time. If there is a pronounced downward displacement of the uterus, starting from 3-4 months of pregnancy, strict bed rest must be observed.

A woman should not gain much weight during pregnancy. It is necessary to limit the amount of food taken, otherwise the weight of the fetus may go beyond the normal range.

To make pregnancy easier and strengthen the pelvic muscles, you need to do special gymnastics. The most commonly recommended exercises are Kegel exercises.

Kegel system:

  1. Vaginal relaxation and tension. You need to do it as long and often as possible.
  2. Lying on your back, “pedal a bicycle.”
  3. Lying on your side, raise your legs. Change side.

Obstetricians-gynecologists recommend using a special pessary for uterine prolapse during pregnancy. An obstetric pessary is a device consisting of a hypoallergenic material in the shape of a ring. It must be inserted into the vagina so that the opening of the cervix is ​​located in the middle of the hole.

While using the pessary, sexual activity must be avoided. There is a risk of infection during sexual intercourse. The gynecologist also prescribes daily vaginal douching. The doctor should examine the patient every week during the month of wearing because pessaries can cause bedsores.

After childbirth, if exercises and wearing a bandage are ineffective, surgical treatment is recommended.


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