Dog Show World registration ends. Events calendar. Schedule of exhibitions and conferences. International exhibition of welding materials, equipment and technologies Weldex

All January February March April May June July August September October November December

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Handicraft formula

Organizer: Formula of Handicraft LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilions, 4.1 Date: September 29, 2016 – October 2, 2016 Official website:

This is a large-scale event in Russia dedicated to various types of handicrafts and creative hobbies. In two pavilions, on the territory 9000 sq. m will present their products 528 participants - large and small manufacturing companies, distributors, private craftsmen, training centers, creative studios, etc.

Orthodox exhibition-fair “According to the covenant of Prince Daniel”

Organizer: “Pokrovsky Exhibition Center” Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 1, 2016 – October 6, 2016 Official website: exhibitika.rf/pravoslavnie

Monasteries and temples take part in the exhibition, each of which is rich in its own history and traditions. Icons, candles, honey, Orthodox literature, jewelry and decorative arts, souvenirs, and products from monasteries and farms will be presented.


Organizer: Moscow School of Raw Food and Vegetarianism Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 1, 2016 – October 2, 2016 Official website:

The second exhibition of the achievements of the vegetarian movement this year will be held over two days, October 1 and 2. 80 participating companies. Organic vegetables and fruits, handmade and homemade products, street food, cafes and restaurants, clothing, snacks, sweets and cooking, vegan baked goods and much more.

8th International PLUS-Forum “Banking self-service, retail and NDO 2016”

Organizer: PLUS Magazine Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 5, 2016 – October 6, 2016 Official website:

The International PLUS-Forum “Banking Self-Service, Retail and NDO”, organized by the magazines “PLUS” and Retail & Loyalty, is the most attended event in the industry of retail banking, cash circulation and banking equipment.

Exhibitions and fairs “Belarus-Russia”, “Farmers’ Harvest”

Organizer: RBS Expo LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion 11.1 Date: October 7, 2016 – October 12, 2016 Official website:

Exhibition “Gem Collapse”

Organizer: Gemma Gallery Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 8, 2016 – October 9, 2016 Official website:

The exhibition-fair of colored stones and jewelry “Gem Collapse”, organized by the company “Gallery “Gemma””, is traditionally held three times a year: on GEOLOGIST’S Day (the first weekend of April), at the end of September - beginning of October and at the beginning of December. Participants from all over our country and from abroad offer you a wide selection of collectible minerals.

11.1 Date: October 8, 2016 – October 9, 2016 Official website:

The following events will be held as part of the exhibition: cat show, sale of kittens, snails, puppies, consultations with felinologists, sale of pet supplies.

RuBroniCon 2016. Annual all-Russian festival of fans of the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Organizer: ASEAN MEDIA LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 9, 2016 Official website:

RuBroniCon is an annual all-Russian meeting of fans of the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. As part of the event, several meetings are planned with voice actors and creative representatives of the community: artists, writers, musicians and so-called crafters.

International exhibition of welding materials, equipment and technologies Weldex

Organizer: ITE Moscow Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilions, 4.1 Date: October 11, 2016 – October 14, 2016 Official website:

Weldex is the largest exhibition of welding materials, equipment and technologies in Russia in terms of the number of participants and visitors. Exhibitorsare manufacturers and suppliers interested in the effective promotion of welding products.

Organizer: Slavyanka Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 13, 2016 – October 19, 2016 Official website:

The purpose of the fair is to consolidate church and public efforts to popularize the Orthodox worldview and way of life, preach love and good neighborliness, provide the opportunity for fraternal communication between Orthodox people from different parts of Russia and abroad, and encouragement to mercy and sacrifice.

Organizer: Sokolniki Convention and Exhibition Center Venue: Sokolniki Park, 4th Luchevoy Prosek Date: October 14, 2016 – October 16, 2016

International exhibition of equipment and technologies for water treatment, recycling and waste disposal Wasma

Organizer: ITE Moscow Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion 4.1 Date: October 18, 2016 – October 20, 2016 Official website:

Wasma is the only annual specialized exhibition in Russia that demonstrates equipment and technologies for water treatment, recycling and waste disposal.
Exhibition topics: waste management and recycling, water purification and water treatment.

International exhibition of gas cylinders, gas filling equipment and equipment using gas engine fuel GasSuf

Organizer: ITE Moscow Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 18, 2016 – October 20, 2016 Official website:

GasSuf is the largest international exhibition of gas cylinders, gas filling equipment and gas engine fuel equipment in Russia and neighboring countries.
Sections of the exhibition: gas equipment, gas filling equipment, equipment using gas engine fuel.

7th exhibition “EroExpo-2016”

Organizers: ANDREY Company, BIORHYTHM Laboratory, Fun Factory LLC, EroExpo Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 21, 2016 – October 23, 2016 Official website :

The EroExpo exhibition project is a closed meeting only for professionals in the adult industry goods market.

Orthodox exhibition-fair “Forty Forties”

Organizer: STAVROS LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 25, 2016 – October 31, 2016 Official website:

Monasteries and temples are invited to participate, each of which is rich in its own history and traditions. Icons, candles, honey, Orthodox literature, jewelry and decorative arts, souvenirs, and products from monasteries and farms will be on display.

International Horse Show "Equiros"

Organizer: Sokolniki Convention and Exhibition Center Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilions 4.1, 4.2, Date: October 27, 2016 – October 30, 2016 Official website:

Equiros 2016 is the 18th International Equestrian Exhibition Equiros.
The business program of the exhibition is traditionally full of the most relevant forums in horse breeding and brings together leading Russian and foreign industry specialists: veterinarians, livestock specialists, scientists, trainers, and athletes.

Festival of environmentally friendly products "GreenMarket"

Organizer: Sokolniki Convention and Exhibition Center Venue: Sokolniki Park, 4th Luchevoy Prosek Date: October 28, 2016 – October 30, 2016

The festival will feature both traditional farm products and innovative products from Russian manufacturers, the main difference of which is the production of high-quality products made from natural, environmentally friendly raw materials, without the addition of flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives.


Organizer: Music Trade LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 29, 2016 – October 30, 2016 Official website:

The fourth annual Russian and largest audio show dedicated to headphones, high-end players and portable audio.

Museum "Christmas Toy Factory"

Organizer: Museum "Christmas Tree Toy Factory" Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: November 1, 2016 - January 15, 2017 Official website: www.31-12.rf

The purpose of the event: to tell adults and children about one of the most interesting and truly fabulous technologies - the production of glass Christmas tree toys. And not only tell, but also show, and even give you a try :-) to become the magical creator of the most popular New Year's souvenir - a Christmas tree ball.

Exhibition “Blade - tradition and modernity”

Organizer: “Pokrovsky Exhibition Center” Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: November 3, 2016 – November 6, 2016 Official website:

The best manufacturers of knives, blade products, edged weapons from Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Zlatoust, Tula, Izhevsk, Kizlyar, Uglich will participate in the exhibition. Craftsmen from all over Russia will demonstrate highly artistic blade products.

Jewelry exhibition and sale “Jewelry Vernissage in Sokolniki”

Organizer: Jewelry Vernissage LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: November 3, 2016 – November 7, 2016 Official website:

The exhibition “Jewelry Vernissage” is a specialized jewelry exhibition and sale that has gained popularity among the discerning Moscow public and has become one of the landmark events for the capital’s jewelry market. The exhibition brings together the best representatives of the jewelry world, connoisseurs of the author's style, color and originality.

Robotics Expo – 2016


The event has a unique format and is aimed both at a business audience, people directly involved in the robotics market, and at end consumers who are passionate about modern technologies, robotics and open to everything new.

Smart Food & Geek Vegetable Garden 2016

Organizer: Smile-Expo LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion 4.1 Date: November 4, 2016 – November 6, 2016 Official website:

The first international exhibition of high technologies for growing and preparing food Smart Food & Geek Vegetable Garden. Representatives from leading companies in the nutrition and food growing industry will gather to showcase their innovative products.

Exhibition-fair “Belarus-Russia”

Organizer: RBS Expo LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: November 9, 2016 – November 14, 2016 Official website:

The exhibition-fair demonstratesmutually beneficial cooperation between two fraternal countries, which is based on centuries-old ties and thousands of cooperative ties between enterprises of our countries.

WANEXPO / Festival of Pregnant Women and Babies

Organizer: Sokolniki Convention and Exhibition Center Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: November 10, 2016 – November 13, 2016 Official website:

Festival of Pregnant Women and Babies / WANEXPOis the country's main event for expectant mothers, young parents and their babies. The festival includes exhibitions, conferences and consultations with the best industry specialists, permanent educational and entertainment venues, competitions, a show program, concerts with the participation of a choir of pregnant women, as well as a Stroller Festival.

International cat show “Star 2016”

Organizer: NP VFC "ASTRA" Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: November 12, 2016 - November 13, 2016 Official website:

The best cats from Russia and abroad will be presented at the exhibition. A variety of popular and rare breeds, for example: British, Exotic, Persian, Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight, Highland Fold, Highland Straight, Abyssinian, Somalia, Cornish Rex, Selkirk Rex, Siberian, Neva Masquerade, Siamese, Thai, Oriental, Bobtail, Sphynx , Bengals, Burmese, Russian Blues, Turkish Angoras, Sacred Burma, Norwegian Forest, Maine Coons and others.

3D Print Expo – 2016

Organizer: Smile-Expo LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: November 17, 2016 – November 18, 2016 Official website:

3D Print Expo - an exhibition and conference, which is taking place in Moscow for the fourth time, is the main event of the CIS countries and Eastern Europe, shedding light on the latest achievements in the field of 3D printing, scanning and the latest software developments.

Moscow international exhibition of equipment for active recreation "MOTO WINTER"

Organizer: D&R Events LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilions 4.1, Date: November 18, 2016 – November 20, 2016 Official website:

An exhibition of motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile equipment and services, as well as accessories, spare parts and equipment, timed to coincide with the end of the summer and the imminent onset of the winter season.

Festival of environmentally friendly products "GreenMarket"

Organizer: Sokolniki Convention and Exhibition Center Venue: Sokolniki Park, 4th Luchevoy Prosek Date: November 18, 2016 – November 20, 2016

The festival will feature both traditional farm products and innovative products from Russian manufacturers, the main difference of which is the production of high-quality products made from natural, environmentally friendly raw materials, without the addition of flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives.

Cat show "Autumn Alliance-2016"

Organizer: Felinological club Alliance (Moscow) Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion 11.1 Date: November 19, 2016 – November 20, 2016 Official website:

The following events will be held as part of the exhibition:
- cat show, sale of kittens, snails, puppies
- consultations with felinologists
- sale of pet supplies


Organizer: Game Expo Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: November 19, 2016 – November 20, 2016 Official website:

A unique event GAME & FILM EXPO, which will bring together all connoisseurs of computer games, films, TV series, advanced technologies, animation, comics, as well as books and board games.

“Underground construction. Foundations and foundations" - 2016

Organizers: International Association of Foundation Builders, Tunnel Association of Russia, Trend Expo Company Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: November 22, 2016 – November 24, 2016 Official website:

Exhibition “Underground Construction. Foundations and Foundations" is a unique event of its kind. This is an opportunity for 2,500 sq. m of area to get acquainted with all the latest trends in the development of underground space in megacities, innovative developments in the field of construction of foundations of buildings and structures.


Organizer: Grotek LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilions, 4.1 Date: November 23, 2016 – November 24, 2016 Official website:

The All-over-IP Forum provides exhibitors and visitors with the best return on their time and money invested in business events in Russia. The exposition is characterized not only by the traditionally strong composition of the main Russian and foreign brands and experts in the field of video surveillance, but also by a powerful pool of suppliers of network equipment and solutions for corporate communications.

Orthodox exhibition-fair “Ringing of Bells”

Organizer: Slavyanka Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion

All January February March April May June July August September October November December

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

International O2O Electronic Trade Fair Dongguan – Moscow

Organizer: O’SELL DINODIRECT (CHINA) Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: April 6, 2016 – December 31, 2016 Official website:

On two thousand square meters of the Sokolniki Convention and Exhibition Center, electronic goods from the Chinese provinces of Dongguan and Zhujiang will be presented.
The innovative electronic business platform OConnect presented at the fair allows you to avoid difficulties in conducting business and concluding purchase and sale transactions with Chinese representatives.

Handicraft formula

Organizer: Formula of Handicraft LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilions, 4.1 Date: September 29, 2016 – October 2, 2016 Official website:

This is a large-scale event in Russia dedicated to various types of handicrafts and creative hobbies. In two pavilions, on the territory 9000 sq. m will present their products 528 participants - large and small manufacturing companies, distributors, private craftsmen, training centers, creative studios, etc.

Orthodox exhibition-fair “According to the covenant of Prince Daniel”

Organizer: “Pokrovsky Exhibition Center” Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 1, 2016 – October 6, 2016 Official website: exhibitika.rf/pravoslavnie

Monasteries and temples take part in the exhibition, each of which is rich in its own history and traditions. Icons, candles, honey, Orthodox literature, jewelry and decorative arts, souvenirs, and products from monasteries and farms will be presented.


Organizer: Moscow School of Raw Food and Vegetarianism Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 1, 2016 – October 2, 2016 Official website:

The second exhibition of the achievements of the vegetarian movement this year will be held over two days, October 1 and 2. 80 participating companies. Organic vegetables and fruits, handmade and homemade products, street food, cafes and restaurants, clothing, snacks, sweets and cooking, vegan baked goods and much more.

8th International PLUS-Forum “Banking self-service, retail and NDO 2016”

Organizer: PLUS Magazine Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 5, 2016 – October 6, 2016 Official website:

The International PLUS-Forum “Banking Self-Service, Retail and NDO”, organized by the magazines “PLUS” and Retail & Loyalty, is the most attended event in the industry of retail banking, cash circulation and banking equipment.

Exhibitions and fairs “Belarus-Russia”, “Farmers’ Harvest”

Organizer: RBS Expo LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion 11.1 Date: October 7, 2016 – October 12, 2016 Official website:

The exhibition-fair demonstratesmutually beneficial cooperation between two fraternal countries, which is based on centuries-old ties and thousands of cooperative ties between enterprises of our countries.

Exhibition “Gem Collapse”

Organizer: Gemma Gallery Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 8, 2016 – October 9, 2016 Official website:

The exhibition-fair of colored stones and jewelry “Gem Collapse”, organized by the company “Gallery “Gemma””, is traditionally held three times a year: on GEOLOGIST’S Day (the first weekend of April), at the end of September - beginning of October and at the beginning of December. Participants from all over our country and from abroad offer you a wide selection of collectible minerals.

Cat show "Autumn Alliance-2016"

Organizer: Felinological club Alliance (Moscow) Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion 11.1 Date: October 8, 2016 – October 9, 2016 Official website:

The following events will be held as part of the exhibition: cat show, sale of kittens, snails, puppies, consultations with felinologists, sale of pet supplies.

RuBroniCon 2016. Annual all-Russian festival of fans of the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Organizer: ASEAN MEDIA LLC Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 9, 2016 Official website:

RuBroniCon is an annual all-Russian meeting of fans of the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. As part of the event, several meetings are planned with voice actors and creative representatives of the community: artists, writers, musicians and so-called crafters.

International exhibition of welding materials, equipment and technologies Weldex

Organizer: ITE Moscow Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilions, 4.1 Date: October 11, 2016 – October 14, 2016 Official website:

Weldex is the largest exhibition of welding materials, equipment and technologies in Russia in terms of the number of participants and visitors. Exhibitorsare manufacturers and suppliers interested in the effective promotion of welding products.

Orthodox exhibition-fair “Ringing of Bells”

Organizer: Slavyanka Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 13, 2016 – October 19, 2016 Official website:

The purpose of the fair is to consolidate church and public efforts to popularize the Orthodox worldview and way of life, preach love and good neighborliness, provide the opportunity for fraternal communication between Orthodox people from different parts of Russia and abroad, and encouragement to mercy and sacrifice.

Festival of environmentally friendly products "GreenMarket"

Organizer: Sokolniki Convention and Exhibition Center Venue: Sokolniki Park, 4th Luchevoy Prosek Date: October 14, 2016 – October 16, 2016

The festival will feature both traditional farm products and innovative products from Russian manufacturers, the main difference of which is the production of high-quality products made from natural, environmentally friendly raw materials, without the addition of flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives.

International exhibition of equipment and technologies for water treatment, recycling and waste disposal Wasma

Organizer: ITE Moscow Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion 4.1 Date: October 18, 2016 – October 20, 2016 Official website:

Wasma is the only annual specialized exhibition in Russia that demonstrates equipment and technologies for water treatment, recycling and waste disposal.
Exhibition topics: waste management and recycling, water purification and water treatment.

International exhibition of gas cylinders, gas filling equipment and equipment using gas engine fuel GasSuf

Organizer: ITE Moscow Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion Date: October 18, 2016 – October 20, 2016 Official website:

GasSuf is the largest international exhibition of gas cylinders, gas filling equipment and gas engine fuel equipment in Russia and neighboring countries.
Sections of the exhibition: gas equipment, gas filling equipment, equipment using gas engine fuel.

7th exhibition “EroExpo-2016”

Organizers: ANDREY Company, BIORHYTHM Laboratory, Fun Factory LLC, EroExpo Venue: Russia, Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, pavilion

Registration for the World Dog Show-2016

On this page you will find all the necessary instructions for creating and submitting an application, registering on the RKF portal and choosing a payment method:

Targeted contributions

On this page you will find the amounts of voluntary contributions for participation in the World Dog Show-2016 exhibition, and all exhibitions held within its framework:

World Dog Show 2016 Schedule

The RKF received the honorary right to host the largest exhibition in the world in July 2011 in Paris at the FCI General Assembly dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the federation. Timed to coincide with the 25th Anniversary of the RKF, the 2016 World Championship will become the most significant event in Russian cynology, with a unique style and grandiose scope!

The 2016 World Championship is preparing to host over 25,000 dogs of more than 300 breeds from 35 countries. Reputable judges, a rich competition program, spacious rings, an extensive exhibition of companies producing food, accessories and cosmetics for animals - all this at the main Dog Show in Russia!

The World Dog Show 2016 will include: the World Obedience Championship, the World Dog Dance Championship, the World Flyball Championship, and the Interra International Terrier Championship.
What if your pet becomes the best dog on the planet in 2016?!
Welcome to Moscow for the 2016 World Championships!

World Dog Show-2016 will be held at Crocus Expo IEC

The exhibition will take place in one of the largest exhibition centers in the world - the international exhibition center Crocus Expo. The total area of ​​the four exhibition halls in which the exhibition will be held is 400,000 sq.m.
The center is located next to a multi-lane highway exit. Nearby there is free parking for 26,000 cars and a Moscow metro station, which will make the movement of exhibition guests as convenient as possible.

On its anniversary, the RKF is pleased to invite the entire global canine community to Moscow for the 2016 World Championships!

Obedience World Championship

From June 30 to July 3, the World International Obedience Standards Championships will be held in Moscow.
About 100 dogs and their owners from around the world will take part in the competition!
The most obedient dogs will compete for the title of World Champions in individual and team competitions!

World Championship Judging Panel:
- Carina Savander-Ranne (Finland) – chief judge of the Championship;
- Elena Limonova (Russia)
- Jeannine Tschupp (Switzerland);
- Ralf Björklund (Finland);
- Vladislava Akimova (Latvia);

- Anna Vinogradova (Latvia);
- Daria Kashirina (Russia)

Team starts will take place over two days. On the last day, the final of the competition will take place, where one winner will be chosen from the 20 best athletes in the world!

World Dog Dance Championships

On June 23 - 26, the World Dog Dancing Championships will take place as part of the exhibition. The competition will be held in two
disciplines: “Moving side by side to music (HTM)” and “Freestyle”. Over 80 dogs and their owners from more than 10 countries will compete for the title of World Champions in individual and team competitions!

The panel of judges will include famous athletes and experienced judges from Great Britain, Switzerland, Finland and Holland. For the first time, one of the World Championship judges will be a representative from Russia.
Team starts will take place over two days. On the last day the final of the competition will take place, where the winners of the Championship in each discipline will be selected from the 10 best dance couples in the world.

Judges at the World Dog Dance Championships:
Debra Benard (France)
Karen Elizabeth Sykes (UK)
Milja Johanna Saariluoma (Finland)
Esther Suzanne Niemeijer (Netherlands)
Kuzina Olga (Russia)

International Terrier Championship "Interra"

On June 23, within the framework of WDS-2016, the largest International champion among terriers “Interra” will be held.
It is expected that over 1,500 dogs of 36 varieties of terrier breeds will take part in the championship.

Adrian Landarte (Uruguay)
Cathy Delmar (Ireland)
Chan Weng Woh (Malaysia)
Damir Skok (Croatia)
Dan Eriksson (Sweden)
Enrique Mate Duran (Spain)
Falk-Rudiger Siewert (Germany)
Sean Delmar (Ireland)
Horst Kliebenstein (Germany)
Johan Juslin (Finland)
Kari Jarvinen (Finland)
Monique Van Brempt (Belgium)

List of terrier breeds whose representatives can take part in the Championship:

Australian Terrier
Australian Silky Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier / American Staffordshire Terrier
English Toy Terrier (black & tan)
Bedlington Terrier
Border Terrier
Brazilian Terrier / Brasilian Terrier
Bull Terrier
Miniature Bull Terrier
Welsh Terrier
West Highland White Terrier
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Jack Russell Terrier / Jack Russell Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier
Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier / Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier
Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Irish Terrier
Cairn Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier
Lakeland Terrier
Manchester Terrier
Norwich Terrier / Norwich Terrier
Norfolk Terrier / Norfolk Terrier
Parson Russell Terrier / Parson Russell Terrier
Sealyham Terrier
Skye Terrier
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Fox Terrier (Wire)
Cesky Terrier
Scottish Terrier (Scottish Terrier)
Airedale Terrier
German Jagdterrier (German hunting terrier) / Deutscher Jagdterrier
Japanese Terrier (Nippon Terrier)


Flyball is a team relay race, the essence of which is that each dog from the team must
overcome 4 barriers as quickly as possible, press the installation lever, catch the ball, turn around and, having overcome all the same barriers, bring the ball to the finish line. Each round involves two teams of four dogs each. The competition is held on two parallel tracks. The height of the hurdles is set depending on the length of the front legs of the smallest dog in the team. The minimum height of the barriers is 17.5 cm, and the maximum is 35 cm. A dog of any breed can practice flyball. But there is less time for training and a greater chance of winning for dogs with developed persistent retrieving skills and impeccable execution of the recall command, that is, for dogs that have completed the usual general training course.

Veterinary requirements for exhibitors:

1. These requirements have been developed in accordance with the Unified Veterinary Requirements for goods subject to veterinary control (supervision), approved by the decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 No. 317 (as amended on February 2, 2016) “On the application of veterinary and sanitary measures in customs union" and all relevant regulations and orders of regulatory organizations
1.1. Clinically healthy dogs from territories free from contagious animal diseases are allowed to participate in the exhibition:
- anthrax;
- rabies, tuberculosis - during the last 6 months in the administrative territory.
1.2. No later than 20 days before shipment, animals are vaccinated if they have not been vaccinated within the last 12 months:
- against rabies. The import and movement of dogs not vaccinated against rabies is not allowed;
- against canine distemper, hepatitis, viral enteritis, parvo- and adenovirus infections, leptospirosis.

Dogs selected for participation in the exhibition are subject to diagnostic tests and preventive vaccination during a 30-day quarantine period.
Animals must have a veterinary certificate, Form No. 1, in accordance with current legislation.
Without veterinary accompanying documentation (form No. 1) or not completed in accordance with the procedure established by law, animals are not allowed to participate in the Exhibition.

You are coming to a region where there is a high risk of contracting babesiosis from tick bites. You need to treat your dogs before flying to Moscow. During the entire World Dog Show, inspect your dogs after walking them. In addition, we recommend treating dogs against mosquitoes, because there is a possibility of heartworm infection. We appreciate your understanding and hope that your dogs will not get sick during the exhibition.

This page is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer

You can also ask questions that interest you by clicking on the “Add a new comment” button under the article

The World Dog Show, which took place in Moscow at the Crocus Expo IEC from June 23 to 26, has come to an end. This grand event took place in Russia for the first time. 25 thousand dogs from thirty-five countries of the world took part in the exhibition, so there was a lot to see.

Experts from all continents attended the competition. They had to evaluate the best dogs of more than 300 breeds, 7 of which were Russian. The show included: the World Dog Dance Championship, the World Obedience Championship, the International Flyball Competition, the Interra International Terrier Championship, competitions for young handlers and much more interesting things.

Every day, the best puppies, the best juniors, the best sires, the best dogs and the best kennels were selected in the FCI groups. We will publish photos of the best dogs from the breeds we have selected, since it is simply impossible to publish all dog breeds. But most importantly, the best dog on the planet 2016 was chosen at the World Dog Show!

1st day

Competition “Best Dog of the 5th FCI Group”.



Of course, it is impossible to describe those feelings and emotions when your dog becomes World Champion and BOB, with so many dogs! And Roscoe’s son becomes Vice-World Champion! Yes, it's indescribable! I am very happy, but also very tired... but it was worth it :)

Thanks to everyone who was sick, believed and was there!!! A little time for rest and forward to new victories!

(Quote from Oksana Dombrovskaya)

Competition "Best Dog of the 6th FCI Group" /.



2nd day

Competition "Best Dog of the 1st FCI Group" /.



Competition "Best dog of the 3rd group FCI"/


Competition “Best Dog of the 4th FCI Group”/


3rd day

Competition "Best Dog of the 7th FCI Group"



Competition "Best Dog of the 8th FCI Group"


Competition "Best Dog of the 9th FCI Group"



Competition "Best Dog of the 10th FCI Group"


4th day

And finally, on the 4th day, the winner was determined, the best dog of the World Dog Show-2016. He became FINE LADY S ZOLOTOGO GRADA, owner - ZAYTSEVA E. E. We are happy for Ekaterina and her Fenya, we wish them and all the participants of the World Championship further victories!

We invite you to watch a short official video of the World Dog Show 2016, where the winner, the black terrier Fenya, is also involved.

My Doggy is a site about Shih Tzu and other dogs.
The RKF kennel "Only Me"s" (in English spelling - Only Me"s) is engaged in breeding dogs of the Shih Tzu breed and we are located in Moscow. The breed we deal with is Shih Tzu. This is one of the oldest dog breeds of Chinese origin. Its origin is truly fraught with many secrets and mysteries! After all, even scientists have already proven that this breed dates back several thousand years, but at the same time we know so little about it. For the most part, all we know are myths, mysteries and stories. What do we know about Shih Tzu? That, according to scientific research, the Shih Tzu is one of the oldest breeds in the world and that the Shih Tzu was once the favorite of Chinese emperors and the temple dog of Tibetan monks. The name "Shih Tzu" is translated from Chinese as "lion dog" due to the dog's resemblance to the sacred Buddhist lion. Shih Tzu dogs have an attractive appearance, a kind and positive disposition, and they get along well with all the inhabitants of the house where they live - adults, children, and other pets. A true Shih Tzu will never allow herself to offend anyone! This is beyond her dignity! With long, beautiful hair, these beautiful dogs are the decoration of any exhibition, soaring around the ring like a feather, carrying themselves so important and with such dignity, as if the Shih Tzu was no lower in rank than kings and queens, emperors and empresses. But even if you don't like your Shih Tzu's long hair or find it difficult to care for it, a neat haircut for your pet of this breed will also give your Shih Tzu a charming appearance, making caring for the dog easier. The My Doggy website is not only the site of the Only Mi's kennel, but also a blog about the small dog of the Shih Tzu breed and about dogs in general. On the pages of our My Doggy website you can find a lot of materials about the Shih Tzu breed, about the breed standard Shih-Tzu, about how to care for a dog in general and read articles on caring for representatives of the Shih-Tzu breed, find tips on raising puppies, find out what the proper coat care (grooming) of dogs of this breed is, find information about dog shows in Russia and abroad, including the results of Shih Tzu shows, as well as information about dog ring training. Read about feeding dogs, about dog diseases and their treatment, learn how and when to give preventive vaccinations to your pet, how to treat them. a dog from fleas and ticks, how to properly trim a dog's claws and care for a dog's ears, eyes, etc. The best way to feed your dog, what to prepare for it as a treat. Also on the pages of the My Doggy website you will find out where you can buy a Shih Tzu puppy in Moscow, you will find information about the Shih Tzu kennel in Moscow "Only Mi"s. There you will also find information about the documents and pedigrees of the RKF, the schedule of dog shows and much more. Although some of the information on our site is dedicated to a specific breed of decorative Shih Tzu dogs, here you can find an abundance of information about dogs in general and about other dog breeds as well. Come visit us. Our site is constantly updated with new and interesting ones! informative materials. And I really hope that you will like it and find it interesting on the pages of our site!
Shih Tzu puppies for sale in Moscow +7 962 9546390 (Svetlana). Documents of the RKF (FCI). Shih Tzu Kennel in Moscow.