Japanese Akita Inu. All about the Japanese Akita Inu. Care for Akita Inu

More than a hundred years ago, Akita Inu service dogs became the signature property of Japan. These amazing animals have been recognized by the international dog community for their amazing appearance. Literally everything about this dog exudes sophistication and nobility. Even a slightly dense physique does not spoil the appearance of the animal. But the breed cannot be called decorative. Beneath its cute appearance lies a formidable animal, which during the times of the samurai took part in battles and guarded the emperor's palace.

The breed is not very popular in our country, so buying it is problematic, and its price is quite high.

History of the breed

Scientists have proven that Akita Inu dogs are to one of the 14 most ancient breeds in the world. This is evidenced by the remains found in Japan, which have been preserved since the second millennium BC. The Japanese samurai warriors considered these dogs their mascot and took them into battle.

The appearance of these beautiful animals has not changed since the 17th century. The breed was named after the province of the Japanese island of Honshu, where dogs of this breed with already formed appearance first appeared. In the 18th century, the Akita was declared a sacred animal, and only members of the imperial family could own one. A special collar was put on the animal, which could tell about the social status of its owner. Each dog was assigned a separate servant who fed and looked after it.

The breed is also interesting because it is the only one in the world that was bred without any admixture of other breeds. In the 30s of the 20th century, the Akita Inu community was created, the purpose of which was to ensure that dogs were not crossed with any other breeds.

During World War II, many dogs were sent to the front, where they performed various combat tasks. As a result, there are very few dogs of this breed left, but the Japanese still managed to preserve their purebred. Akita Inu is still popular in Japan, however, not everyone can afford to have a pet.

The breed first appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century, and immediately gained great love and popularity. Almost all representatives of the star elite wanted to get such a dog.

Akita Inu - description of the breed, photo

The Japanese dog can conquer with just one look. It seems that her slanted eyes are “imbued” with wisdom. Among many breeds, the Akita Inu is distinguished by:

For purebred Japanese Akita Inu Only three colors are allowed:

  1. White (there should not be a single spot on the fur).
  2. Brindle with white urajiro.
  3. The main color is red, where the muzzle mask, chest and inner surface of the paws should be white.

For the Japanese breed, the black mask that the American Akita has is not allowed.

The Akita Inu has practically no negative aspects of character. It combines all the positive qualities inherent in other breeds. Akita puppies are cheerful, mischievous and playful character. Changes in mood and outbursts of aggression are unusual for them.

The dog has a balanced temperament, and before defending its owner and rushing into battle, it will study the situation and evaluate the possible consequences. This dog breed is very smart and can become a true friend. In a large family, she will entertain the kids, and for a single owner she will become a real companion.

The only negative trait of the Akita Inu is its uncontrollable curiosity. She must always be aware of all events, so if she hears even a small noise, she will definitely come running to see what happened. In the house, the pet will examine every object and crevice, checking what is in them. But such curiosity is inherent only in young dogs. It goes away with age.

As soon as the Akita crosses the threshold of puppyhood, it shows composure and restraint. The dog's entire appearance indicates that it is independent and calm. However, silent and confident behavior is deceptive. In fact, it is a very sensitive, friendly and gentle animal.

Dogs of this breed are very obedient and not prone to willfulness and dirty tricks. They value good treatment and respect people who reciprocate their feelings. The Akita treats strangers with distrust. However, he does not show off his alertness and vigilance. But in relation to another Akita Inu dog will be aggressive. Having met a neighbor's dog on a walk, she may rush into battle, since the dog will see him as an enemy who has encroached on its territory. At this time, even the most beloved owner will not be able to stop her. Perhaps this negative trait is an innate sense of superiority over other animals.

In order for an Akita to show its intelligence and its natural qualities, it is necessary to educate it from the first months. By paying her due attention and satisfying her curiosity, the result can be a loyal and intelligent friend. A dog of this breed is considered a puppy until it is 2-2.5 years old.

The breed is not picky, and can be kept both indoors and outdoors. She has such thick fur that even in harsh winters she prevents the dog from getting cold. However, you still need to worry about the insulated booth.

The indoor Akita needs walks, which should be twice a day for at least two hours. During a walk, the dog will walk discreetly and proudly next to its owner. But to prevent your pet from gaining excess weight and becoming lazy and indifferent, he must receive physical activity. Therefore, during walks you should pay special attention to this.

It is often not recommended to completely bathe dogs of this breed, since regular water procedures can lead to various diseases. Therefore, bathing is carried out no more than two to three times a year. For this purpose they are used special shampoos for dogs. After water treatments, the coat should be dried with a hairdryer or simply dried well with a towel.

Your pet should be thoroughly brushed two days a week to remove tangles from its fur. Particular attention should be paid to the “fur coat” during molting. You can speed up the renewal process by using a special mitten or brush, combing out the old fur every other day.

Your pet should be fed carefully selected dry food, which can be combined with traditional food. Since dry food already contains all the minerals and vitamins, you can pamper your dog several times a week with vegetable broth, a lean piece of meat, kefir or cottage cheese. It is imperative to ensure that your dog always has a bowl of fresh water. During shedding, it is recommended to feed them with supplements specifically designed for wool.

Attention should also be paid to your pet's teeth.. You must not allow tartar to form on them, which can lead to pain and bleeding gums. You can avoid it by using a toothbrush and toothpaste that are specifically designed for dogs.

Education and training

When raising an Akita Inu, you need to stock up on free time and patience, since the independent and wayward dog has a difficult character. For those new to dog ownership, raising a breed can seem overwhelming.

When raising a pet, you need to be affectionate, but at the same time firm and flexible. A dog that feels rudeness and pressure may become offended, become withdrawn, and worry about the situation for a long time. The pet will not immediately follow commands. First he will think, and then he will either do it or simply leave. But You cannot shout or use brute force. This will be a very big mistake, since you will still not achieve results, and you will make an enemy. At the first possible opportunity, the pet can take revenge.

But Akita does not accept excessive tenderness. The dog loves children, but if a child begins to pull its tail, it may react aggressively. The breed of these dogs is a predator, so there is no need to arouse aggression in them once again. You should not set your pet on fire or allow fights with other dogs.

Even from puppyhood, the Akita Inu needs to be taught who is boss in the house and how to treat family members and guests. In the process of raising her, she must be encouraged with words and all sorts of goodies.

Choosing a puppy and the price of an Akita Inu

Japanese service dog standing from 20 to 70 thousand rubles. The price for it depends on its pedigree and purebred breed. The most expensive puppies are sold in nurseries. But you can visit dog shows and find a pet there to your liking. However, breeders do not sell Akita Inu at very low prices. The cost of the breed can be significantly lower if the puppy is reserved in advance. Also on the Internet you sometimes come across advertisements where you can buy a Japanese Akita at a lower price than in a nursery.

When buying a puppy, you need to focus on average parameters. If you purchase a dog from a breeder, then you The following recommendations will help:

By following these recommendations, you can buy a healthy, active and loyal friend for you and your family. But if you want your dog to become a producer or champion in the future, You should choose a pet with an expert of this breed or a dog handler.

Proper maintenance and care, as well as timely education and training of the Japanese Service Akita Inu will allow you to get a well-groomed adult animal with a level of intelligence that is loved and appreciated all over the world.

The Japanese big dog has become a symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun along with cherry blossoms, tanuki and Mount Fuji. The characteristics of the Akita Inu breed can be described as equanimity, harmony and samurai endurance. Despite their typical “oriental” appearance and character, the dogs are loved all over the world.

Akita Inu are strong, healthy dogs. This is the largest representative of the Asian Spitz breed. They appeared as a result of domestication (domestication), and not selection. Therefore, dogs are physically and mentally stable.

Akita is one of the 14 oldest breeds and is closely related to wolves.

Akita Inu owners describe them as dogs without faults. Naturally, this is not so. But they do have many advantages. They are reserved, balanced, extremely intelligent.

And under the external calm lies temperament. But animals only show it around close people.

It is impossible not to love Akita Inu. They are harmoniously built, reminiscent of a fox, a wolf, and a bear at the same time. And their loyalty is legendary.

The canine embodiment of the East: the history and origin of the Akita

From whom the Akita Inu originated there is no exact information. According to the most popular version, they have mixed blood of a Chinese Spitz dog and a mastiff.

The antiquity of the Akita Inu is confirmed by genetic studies, remains dating back to the 2nd millennium BC, and ancient drawings.

Akita is the name of a Japanese mountainous province. And the literal translation of the word “inu” is “dog”. Here, in the north of Honshu, the ancestors of the breed appeared.

The island was isolated for a long time, so only purebred dogs were bred, without admixtures of other blood.

The Akita's ancestors were called Matagi-ken. Translated: “large game hunter dog.”

The situation changed when the islanders brought their pets with them to the lands of modern China. At first, dogs were used for guarding and hunting. They went with them to hunt large animals: wild boars, bears, deer.

In the 18th century, the Akita Inu became an “elite” breed. Only those close to the imperial court were allowed to own one: family members and aristocrats. Each animal wore a distinctive collar, indicating its privilege, and had its own servant.

At the same time, a decree was issued. It stipulated that anyone who hurt or killed an Akita should be severely punished. Up to and including the death penalty.

The ancestors of the modern Akita Inu were small. The expansion of the breed began in 1868. Dogs were crossed with mastiffs and Tosa Inu to create strong animals for dog fighting. Violent games were banned 40 years later.

The decline of the breed began in 1939. Then all the dogs were killed for fur, which was used for military uniforms. An exception was made only for German shepherds, since they were used for official purposes. To circumvent the police order, Akita owners introduced them to the “Germans.”

Later, breeders managed to recreate the modern appearance of dogs, “eradicating” the traits of mastiffs and shepherds.

In the second half of the 20th century, dogs were brought to the United States. Local breeders have somewhat modified the Akita breed, making the representatives even larger.

Akita Inu and Shiba Inu: main differences

Those who have never seen an Akita Inu and a Shiba Inu in person may confuse the dogs. But these are two different breeds. Although from one section of Asian Spitz. However, animals have significant differences.

In the Russian language, two names for the breed have taken root: Shiba Inu and Shiba Inu. But from a linguistic point of view, the option with the letter “c” is more correct. There is no "sh" sound in Japanese.


Shiba Inu

This is the key difference between the two breeds. Akita Inu are large dogs, reaching 67 cm in height. Shiba Inu is one and a half times smaller - up to 40 cm.

The Shiba Inu is more suitable for apartment living due to its compact size. Akita can also be kept in a multi-storey building, but they feel better on a plot.


Akita was bred as a fighting, hunting, and guard dog. The main purpose of the Shiba is hunting. Representatives of the breed also cope with the role of guards.

But if an Akita Inu can silently attack a stranger, then a Shiba Inu only signals danger with a ringing bark.


Shiba Inu

Akita Inus are more independent. They love solitude and do not get along well with other animals. They are loyal to children, but are more suitable for children of middle and high school age. Toddlers' annoying behavior irritates them. Akita Inus are only playful when they are puppies. Adults can only occasionally frolic with other dogs.

Shiba Inus get along better with family members and pets. They are many times more sociable than an Akita. Pets are easy-going and playful, so they are often trained in agility.

Akita Inu breed standard

The FCI standard characterizes the Akita as a large, strong, well-built dog. The key requirements are harmonious features and clear gender differences.

Bitches are clearly smaller than males. They are graceful, light, maneuverable. Whereas boys are heavier and more confident.

Dimensions, body type

The height of males at the withers is 67 (+-3) cm, females – 61 (+-3) cm.

Clear weight parameters for the breed are not described. There are no body weight standards for puppies of different ages.

The body proportions of dogs are 10 to 11 - the ratio of height to body length. A longer back is allowed in females. The tail is long enough to form a ring. Curls towards the back.

Head, muzzle

The muzzle is slightly elongated, but not pointed, with a wide stop. There should be a clearly defined hollow on the forehead. Scissor bite.

The nose is deep black. A lighter shade is allowed only in white dogs.

The eyes are small, almond-shaped, brown in color.

Ears are a characteristic feature of the breed. Small, thick, erect, triangular, with slightly rounded ends.

Wool, colors

The coat is not long, thick. The undercoat is dense. The fur is hard, does not curl, and is somewhat longer at the withers, tail, and rump.

The standard provides 4 color variations:

  • red-fawn with black tips on the hairs;
  • ginger;
  • brindle;
  • pure white.

A characteristic feature of the Akita is its urajiro. These are whitish hairs on the side of the muzzle, on the neck, chest, inner surface of the abdomen, and paws. Only white dogs do not have it.

It is prohibited to breed representatives of the breed with:

  • erect ears;
  • a tail that is not curled into a ring;
  • excessively long hair;
  • black mask;
  • markings on urajiro or in white dogs.

Breed defects are considered to be defective dentition, pigmentation on the tongue, light eyes, short tail, cowardice, and timidity.

Eastern character of Akita: devotion and fidelity as the main features

Loyalty, moderation, fidelity, absence of anger, aggression, mood swings - this is how the standard describes the Akita Inu breed. These qualities are an integral part of the canine “Japanese”.

During puppyhood, pets are active and overly curious. They are constantly nearby. And they know about all the events at home.

Over time, this quality develops into calmness and thoughtfulness. Adult dogs prefer to walk leisurely next to the owner when walking. If they meet other relatives, they may play or run around a little. But usually they only need the company of their owner.

Focus on the owner, the “leader,” comes from devotion. Legends are made about the loyalty of the Akita Inu. The famous story about the dog Hachiko, who belonged to a Japanese professor, who waited for his deceased friend for almost 10 years, is direct evidence of a dog’s sincere love.

Many people know about the endlessly loyal dog of the Akita Inu breed from the film: “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend.” But 20 years before the American remake appeared, the original Japanese film “The Story of Hachiko” was released.

Akita Inus do not show aggression towards strangers. But they are wary of strangers. Outwardly they are calm, but they are ready to repel a threat at any moment.

But Akitas don’t like animals. They perceive dogs as potential invaders of territory. They treat other animals more loyally, but only if they have known them since childhood.

Caring for an Akita Inu is not difficult. The only problems may arise with nutrition.

The “traditional” diet of pets included fish, seafood, rice, and algae. This should be taken into account when planning your diet. Many pets are allergic to chicken, veal, corn, soy, and wheat.

Preference is given to rabbit, turkey, ocean and sea fish. Cereals include rice and buckwheat. Be sure to include vegetables, dairy products, raw eggs, and vitamin supplements containing iodine.

When caring for an Akita, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • bathe rarely, no more than 2–3 times a year;
  • brush once a week, when dogs shed - daily;
  • clean the ears 1 – 2 times a week with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution;
  • nails are trimmed as they grow, especially in puppies, as they can interfere with the development of the foot;
  • teeth are cleaned of plaque and food debris every 7-10 days with a special toothpaste and brush for dogs;
  • wipe the eyes as they sour with a special lotion or chamomile decoction.

Akita puppy

Akita Inu feels best on the site. But you shouldn’t keep her in an enclosure all the time. It is better if the dog periodically stays in the house with the family. You can keep a pet in an apartment if you walk with it at least 2 hours a day.

You need to walk your dog regardless of whether he is kept in an apartment or a house. The dog will not run around the area on its own: it will doze peacefully until the owner pays attention to it.

How to properly raise and train

Dog training begins as early as possible. Akita Inu is difficult to train. In order for her to obey, you need to earn her respect.

The ideal relationship with a dog is patriarchal. The owner must simultaneously become a friend and a leader.

Akita takes a long time to mature. The puppyhood period lasts up to 2 – 2.5 years. It is important to instill all the necessary qualities during this period. If this is not done, the pet will have its own opinion. And it will be impossible to convince him.

Like most dogs, the Akita Inu mistakes intemperance and cruelty for weakness. And he never forgives. If you hit her once, the trust will be gone forever.

Therefore, the pet is trained based on a reward system. Parenting must be strict, focused and flexible.

What diseases are they susceptible to, how long do they live?

Akita Inu is a genetically healthy breed of dog. They rarely get sick, but sometimes it happens:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • eye pathologies: entropion (entropy), glaucoma, cataracts, retinal atrophy;
  • gastric volvulus due to overfeeding or an unbalanced diet.

Dogs are prone to autoimmune diseases. It is also necessary to ensure that the animal is in a calm environment: although outwardly they are calm, internally they have a hard time experiencing stressful situations.

Akitas live on average 10 – 12 years. Sometimes there are long-livers whose age reaches 15 years.

Let's sum it up

Akita Inu is the living embodiment of the East. The purity of the breed is carefully monitored, so large nurseries are supervised by Japanese breeders. This is a strong, loyal, self-confident dog. Education plays a big role. The inexperience of owners often leads to isolation and aggression.

Having a dog in the house is always a great happiness for both children and adults. The Akita Inu breed is considered one of the calmest and most loyal dogs. It combines all the harmony and tranquility of Japanese culture.

Breed characteristics

Origin story

This dog breed dates back to ancient times and has existed for more than eight thousand years. It was bred in the Akita province on the Japanese island of Honshu. The ancestors of the Akita Inu are considered to be the Chinese Spitz breed, which was crossed with mastiffs. The Akita Inu's original calling was hunting.
The breed standard was approved on July 17, 1982 in America.

Description of the Akita Inu breed

The Akita Inu is far from a miniature breed of dog; it is quite powerful, but at the same time very
beautiful, you just can’t take your eyes off her. The coat is thick and dense, the tail is often thrown behind the back. The Akita Inu has an Asian-type muzzle, large with a long forehead and small erect ears.

Breed standards:

  1. Weight adult females from 32 to 45 kg, males from 40 to 45 kg.
  2. Height at the withers of a female 58-64 cm, a male 64-70 cm.
  3. Six double with a thick undercoat, the top hair is longer and coarser. The undercoat is very soft, like down. The fur is 5 cm long, but it can be longer on the belly and tail.
  4. Forehead wide and has a hollow in the middle. Muzzle medium length with a thick base. Lips black, very dense.
  5. Eyes Akita Inu's are small, triangular in shape, with a brown outline.
  6. Ears not very large, triangular in shape, erect, slightly inclined forward.
  7. Neck huge and muscular, the fur on it forms a kind of collar.
  8. Back straight, strong, wide chest.
  9. Tail twisted to the top.
  10. Lifespan Akita Inu from 10 to 12 years old.


The color of Akita Inu can be very different, ranging from red to brindle. The color of the coat should be clear and bright. Stains are possible, but they must also stand out clearly.
The most popular coloring is:

  1. Brindle – available red, black and white colors.
  2. Red - the dog is completely red, only there are white spots on the paws, belly, and face.
  3. White - except for the tip of the nose.

Akita Inu character

Akita Inu have the most beautiful character. Dogs of this breed will easily become your best friends. After all, they are quiet, calm, affectionate, and bark only when necessary. This breed is very clean, always clean and without an unpleasant odor. Such dogs are very patient and get along well with children, and have a tendency to protect their owner.

Since the Akita Inu has long been used for hunting and has possessive instincts, it must be accustomed to other animals at an early age. Without this, dogs may behave aggressively towards others, especially dogs of the same sex. But if they grow up, for example, with a cat, they will get along wonderfully with it.
They are also excellent guard dogs and very strong protectors. An extremely intelligent, balanced dog, but at the same time independent, stubborn and assertive, but this is only if it does not receive enough stress.

Training or how to raise an Akita Inu

This is not a mini dog that you can put clothes on and just play, but the process of training an Akita Inu requires a lot of patience and endurance. The upbringing of this large dog is slow; each representative of this breed requires a certain approach and attention. It is not recommended to raise it as a guard dog. The dog develops very slowly and finally matures only at two years of age.
Her laziness can easily give way to a playful attitude. The character of each individual of this breed must be carefully studied and then it will bear fruit. Breeders begin training from an early age.

  1. Akita Inu is not a picky dog; keeping it at home is not difficult. But if she lives in an apartment, she definitely needs to be walked twice a day, because they are quite active. Every week you need to brush it several times, and when shedding occurs every other day.
  2. Oral care is also very important. At four months, teeth change begins. During this period, you need to make sure that dairy products do not linger for a long time in the dog’s mouth. This leads to an incorrect bite. You should also brush your teeth at least once a week.
  3. This is not the dog that will be happy with water procedures. 2-3 baths a year are absolutely enough for him. In this case, you need to use detergents for dogs. After bathing, the coat should be combed and dried with a hairdryer.


Akita Inu dogs generally have excellent health. However they don't
exception and are prone to certain diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • bloating;
  • diseases von ville brand;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • allergies.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget that after purchasing a dog you need to go to a veterinary clinic to get a passport and a full examination. The doctor will create a vaccination schedule for you against all infectious diseases. After all, every vaccination is very important so that your puppy always feels good.

What to feed

The Akita Inu's diet should be healthy and balanced. To the questions “what to feed the puppy?”, “what food is best to use?” This can be answered easily, because they are unpretentious to food, but you should not neglect vitamins for the coat and constantly monitor your weight. Akita Inus have a tendency to become obese. This breed also gets along well in an outdoor enclosure, but all vaccinations must be completed.


Akita Inu photo

A lot of books and films have been written/filmed about the devoted friendship between a dog and a person. But the most memorable and most touching of all was and remains the story of Hachiko. The same one who, after the death of the owner, came to the railway station every day for nine years, waiting for the deceased owner. In Japan, this dog has become a national treasure, and throughout the world - a symbol of boundless devotion to man. A description of the Akita Inu breed will allow you to understand whether an ancient dog with temper can become a friend for you and family members.

The breed is believed to be divided into two different types. The first includes the "Japanese", and the second - the "Americans". Adherents of the Japanese Akita “recognize” only a few colors. While their “opponents” are confident: the American Akita can wear a “fur coat” from snow-white to deep black. Even options are allowed in which the “Americans” have a dark, monochromatic “mask” on their face and a spotted fur coat. Externally, the two types of breed are also slightly different. Mainly based on the shape of the head. The Japanese Akita looks like a fox, its muzzle is slightly elongated. The American has a blunter skull shape, but is higher at the withers.

The Akita Inu is one of 14 ancient breeds, which also includes the “voiceless” Besenji, the Afghan Hound and the Alaskan Malamute.

Description of the Akita Inu breed

The first and most important characteristic of the Akita Inu breed is restraint in its maximum manifestation. You can immediately see from the dog that she is of eastern blood. The dog will not pull on the leash, get nervous over trifles, or test the strength of the owner’s nerves. In public, he behaves like an aristocrat. And only in the company of loved ones does he give free rein to his emotions, the unbridled inner strength that overflows, forcing the dog to chase a ball in the backyard for hours. Such animals are called companions. They are wary of strangers, but they are ready to “kiss their own to death.”

  • Weight . The average weight of an adult varies from 30 kg to 45 kg.
  • Height . The average height in females is 50 cm. In males, the height at the withers is significantly higher - up to 72 cm.
  • Color. The Akita Inu dog breed is represented not only by its red color. These furry beauties can be black, white, gray and even brindle.
  • Lifespan. With proper care and nutrition, the dog will live for a decade. The maximum lifespan of an Akita Inu was previously 15 years. However, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the breed's life cycle was shortened by a third. It is noteworthy that females usually die later than males.
  • Character . The breed's carriers have a difficult character. Despite their friendliness and tenderness towards their owners, they are quite stubborn. This becomes the main reason for the difficulties in raising and training a four-legged friend.
  • Intelligence. On a five-point scale, the animal's intelligence deserves a solid four. These are quite smart and understanding dogs that, having lived for a long time in the same family, remember the habits and habits of their owners. Therefore, sometimes it may seem that your pet understands you perfectly.
  • Security and guard potential. Feedback from owners about the Akita Inu confirms its high security and watchdog potential. True, if a thief enters your territory, the dog will not fight him to the death. He will block his path in every possible way and prevent him from getting into his home, but he will not lose his composure.

The Second World War was a real blow for the breed. The Akitas had the same hard time during this period as did the people. The breed was on the verge of extinction. Some of the dogs died of starvation. The other part was eaten by the starving population.

Height and weight chart

Representatives of the ancient Japanese breed grow extremely slowly. Only a dog that has reached the age of three can be called fully formed. The table will guide you in the approximate height and weight of the animal at different age periods.

Table - Akita Inu height and weight standards

Age, monthsHeight, cmWeight, kgNote
6 56 21 - The roundness characteristic of puppies disappears;
- the dog acquires forms that fully correspond to an adult individual
10 62 25 The dog gains from 4 kg to 7 kg per month
12 64 30 By this time, the bitches begin to come into heat, but the female cannot yet be considered an adult.
24 70 40 Physical development is much slower than before

A slowdown in physical development occurs when the pet gains a weight of 35 kg. However, the dog still continues to change. Over the next 12 months, her chest expands, she becomes fit, and gains a proud figure.

Origin history and interesting facts

The Japanese who inhabited the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido were born hunters. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was they who bred one of the oldest dog breeds on planet Earth - the Matagi Inu. Translated into Russian, this breed is called a hunting breed. It is believed that the history of the Akita Inu breed began with Matagi.

The latter got their name from the prefecture in which they were bred. Therefore, from time to time, some sources also contain other names for the breed. For example, Odate Inu - according to the name of the Odate district, in which the above-mentioned prefecture is located.

Born at the foot of Fuji

Mount Fuji is considered the highest point in Japan. It was here, at the foot of an active stratovolcano, in the north of the island of Honshu, that the oldest remains of dogs were discovered, which, according to the characteristics restored by scientists, resemble a modern Akita. "Inu" means "dog" in Japanese. And if you translate the name of the breed literally, you get “a dog from Akita.” It is noteworthy that there is no merit of breeders in the development of the breed. You can and should only thank Mother Nature for the cute “fluffies”.

Mixed blood

During the Second World War, a special law was in force in Japan, which - if it appeared today - would plunge into deep shock not only ardent animal defenders, but also the entire civilized society. The law stated that four-legged friends that were not fit to take part in the war must be destroyed.

It is worth recognizing that in those dark times, not only dogs, but also millions of human lives were at stake. To preserve the breed, the Japanese began to cross Akitas with foreign dogs. As a rule, these were German shepherds, mastiffs, Great Danes and St. Bernards. Very few pure Akitas survived after World War II. But it was thanks to them that the breed was restored.

Mating and pregnancy of Akitas is permissible from 15 months. Until this time, the bitch is considered a puppy. The optimal period for meeting a potential groom is from the tenth to the 14th day from the moment of estrus. If everything goes well, birth will take place in 56-72 days.

Did you know that...

The Akita Inu dog breed is, in fact, a living legend. It is enough to look at the smiling face to understand: it was these four-legged friends that became the prototype for the creation of the famous Internet meme - the smiling dog.

  • Hachiko means "eight". A professor at the University of Tokyo gave his pet an unusual numerical name for one simple reason: the dog was his eighth.
  • Monument during life. In April 1934, a monument was erected in Tokyo to the most faithful dog. The hero of the occasion was personally present at the event. During the war, the monument was melted down into metal, and in 1948 the monument was restored again. Today, the square at the railway station, dominated by a statue of a faithful dog, is a popular meeting place for lovers.
  • A dog for good luck. The ancient Japanese believed that the Akita Inu brought good luck into the home. Therefore, communication with four-legged favorites among emperors and nobility took place strictly according to ceremony. For a long time, in the land of the rising sun there was a law according to which a person who offended an Akita was punished with all severity.
  • Rescuers and bodyguards. In the United States of America, Akitas are used as bodyguards. The dogs prove their title as bodyguards at annual competitions. The Japanese train representatives of the breed to participate in rescue operations.


There are two varieties of Akita Inu - Japanese and American. The first is the result of the hard work of Japanese cynologists, who restored a breed that was virtually extinct during the Second World War. The American Akita is the merit of breeders who began working on the breed in the post-war years, when puppies began to be exported en masse to the United States.


The Japanese Akita is often called a triangular dog due to the characteristic structure of its head. The breed is identified by narrow, small eyes and a fox-like upturned nose. The table will tell you about the varieties and distinctive features of the Japanese Akita.

Table - Types of Japanese Akita Inu

From time to time, snow-white puppies are born in both forms. They are classified as a separate species - the white Akita. The main requirement is pure white fur and a black nose.

There is also a mini Akita, which differs from the usual “Japanese” only in size. The parameters of a miniature animal are half the size of a standard individual. All other characteristics are unchanged.


“Americans” are distinguished by their apparent stockiness. Individuals of this species are larger and taller at the withers. Several decades ago, the breed, bred by breeders from the USA, had a different name - the large Japanese dog. However, today the name of the breed sounds like American Akita Inu. It is noteworthy that American Akitas are especially popular in the Russian Federation. They have more pronounced qualities as fighters; if danger arises, they can protect not only property, but also the owner.

About 25% of Akita puppies are born with long hair. This is a genetic trait and not a breed standard for a particular species. Long-haired puppies can appear in both “American” and “Japanese” litters.

Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

The size of an adult Akita Inu, as well as the breed’s unpretentiousness in care, make it possible to keep a Ulybaka dog not only in a country house, but also in a city apartment. The main thing is not to neglect the basic rules, to be prepared for the fact that twice a year (usually in the off-season) the dog sheds heavily.

How to care

Even a schoolboy can take care of a representative of the oldest Japanese breed. “Sore spots” are teeth, ears and fur. Below - about everything in order.

  • Brushing schedule. Wool is the main advantage of the Akita. And at the same time - the main problem of the owner. In winter and summer, when the pet does not shed, it is enough to comb it with a special brush once every seven days. If the molting period has started, more effort will have to be made: at this time you need to scratch the dog three to four times a week. Otherwise, the wool will crumple, and you will find woolen “presents” on the carpet, armchairs and sofa every now and then. Your pet should be taught to groom from childhood. It is extremely difficult to force adults to cut their hair. But dogs, accustomed to the process from puppyhood, perceive grooming as something ordinary, a matter of course.
  • Brushing your teeth. Teeth are the calling card of the breed. The owner must closely monitor that they are healthy and not covered with stones and plaque. Proper feeding and regular brushing are the key to healthy teeth. To clean, you need to purchase a dog toothbrush. But if the animal refuses the hygiene procedure in every possible way, or the owner cannot, for certain reasons, carry it out regularly, you can get by with special sticks. This is a chewable product that, when consumed weekly, helps remove plaque from a dog's teeth and prevents the formation of stones.
  • Ear cleaning. This is another mandatory hygiene procedure that must be performed every seven days. A special feature of the breed is its erect ears, which are susceptible to various types of pollution. The ears should be cleaned weekly using an ordinary cotton swab, carrying out the procedure carefully so as not to injure the animal.

It is necessary to bathe the dog once every two to three months, with the obligatory drying of the fur. However, you are unlikely to be able to carry out bath procedures less often - the Akita loves to jump through puddles and roll around in the mud.

What to feed

The feeding rules that apply to Akitas are practically no different from similar rules for other breeds. First of all, this is a categorical refusal to feed from the table. Even if the pet really asks. But Akitas are cunning and can skillfully play on the owner’s feelings of compassion, which in this case turns out to be completely inappropriate.

  • Dry food. The best option is high-quality and balanced food for representatives of this particular breed. It is best to select food in the presence of a veterinarian or based on his recommendations.
  • Alternation of food and traditional food. If desired, dry food and traditional human food can be alternated in the Akita's diet. Three to four times a week, one meal of your four-legged friend can be replaced with vegetable or meat broth cooked with white meat (for example, based on chicken breast), cottage cheese, kefir or porridge with dietary meat and vegetables.
  • Clean water. Your dog's bowl should always be filled with clean drinking water. Even if the bowl is full, the water needs to be changed to fresh once every two days.

During the molting period, you need to feed your Akita Inu with a special fortified food that promotes the growth of a healthy coat.

Training issues

Training an Akita Inu is not an easy task. The dog handler, of course, can handle it. But a novice dog breeder is unlikely. It is highly discouraged to have a Japanese breed as a first-born child. Education should begin at an early age and not be delayed until later.

  • My home is my castle. An important rule that the Akita must understand from childhood. Remember, the breed was bred as a hunter and guard. But genes are stubborn things. Therefore, when you bring the puppy into the house, tell him every day and hourly that this is not a place for hunting, and be sure to back up your words with demonstrative actions. The dog must understand that home is a place where they love, wait and will never offend.
  • Early socialization. The dominant character trait of the Akita Inu is alertness. The understanding and ability to distinguish “good” from “bad” must also be acquired by the dog in puppyhood. The owner's task is to facilitate this. The dog should show family ties, tirelessly visualizing them in the form of hugs and kisses. An emotional reaction to those who find themselves in the house as an uninvited guest will also help.

Akitas are aggressive towards other dog breeds, especially those of the same sex. Bitches react aggressively to other people's bitches, and males react aggressively to their own kind.

Diseases and treatment

Each breed of dog has diseases to which representatives of a particular species are more predisposed than others. Akita Inu also has these. First on the list of breed ailments is hip dysplasia. If a dog is intended for selection and breeding, then before the age of 24 months it must be sent for an X-ray examination. The dog must receive a certificate denying the presence of dysplasia. Otherwise, the individual is not suitable for breeding. Unfortunately, this is not the only “sore” that Japanese dogs suffer from.

  • Hypothyroidism. Thyroid dysfunction often leads to skin diseases. When the animal is observed by a specialist and the treatment program is unconditionally followed, the function of the thyroid gland is restored, and skin ailments disappear without a trace. It has been scientifically proven that hypothyroidism in Japanese dogs is inherited - from mother to child.
  • Congenital eye diseases. Problems with vision and the organs that are responsible for it are also hereditary. Most often in dogs of this breed, entropion of the eyelid, cataracts, and retinal dysplasia occur. The result of improper treatment or owner's oversight (and, as a consequence, untimely contact with a veterinarian) can be blindness. For this reason, all Japanese dogs are recommended to visit an ophthalmologist once a year.
  • Red blood cell abnormalities. Dog breeders should also be aware of this feature of four-legged pets. Their blood contains increased amounts of K+ red blood cells, and this is normal. Ignorance of this feature leads to false diagnoses. For example, hyperkalemia is a condition in which an excessive amount of potassium is detected in the blood of a living being.
  • Gastric volvulus. This is a dangerous and common disease in Akita Inu. Prevention consists of frequent feeding in small portions, increased activity immediately after meals and pre-soaking dry food in a small amount of water.

Top nicknames

The pet's name should correspond to its character and be easy for the owner to pronounce. After all, subsequently for ten years you will have to pronounce it dozens of times a day. And since you have chosen a complex, but very beautiful name, come up with a simplified version in advance.

For the "boy"

Experienced dog breeders recommend that after purchasing a puppy, you should ignore the need to decide on its nickname. Watch the dog, don’t call him the first name you come across. Perhaps some habits or habits of the animal will become a hint or impetus for you. The table offers top nicknames for the Akita Inu “boy” in the Eastern and European versions.

Table - Top 20 nicknames for male Akita

European nameEastern nameTranslation
MarsNatsumiWonderful summer
HugoHarukoSpring child
CasperMachikoChild of beauty
WallyRokuroSixth son
LeicesterHoshikoStar child
HarryOkieOpen sea

For the "girl"

When choosing a name, it is worth considering the purpose of the dog. A service pet or a dog intended to perform a security function should not become the bearer of an overly “soft” name. Pronunciation and pronunciation of nicknames play an important role in character formation. And even when we are talking about a bitch. The table suggests the 20 most popular nicknames for Akita Inu “girls”. Perhaps one of these nicknames will become familiar to your family.

Table - Top 20 nicknames for Akita “girls”

European nameEastern nameTranslation
LuliUmekuBlooming plum
RubyAkikoAutumn child

Photo review

Many potential dog breeders are concerned about how Akitas relate to children and the elderly. With the second, there are no problems in principle. In Japan and the United States, these dogs are often used in hospices to maintain the proper psychological state of terminally ill elderly people. With children it is a little more difficult. If the child is part of the family, then the Akita will consider him family. The dog will be cautious with friends who come to visit.

Photos of Akita Inu puppies and dogs evoke sheer affection, but appearances can often be deceiving.

Cost and where to buy

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how much an Akita Inu puppy costs. The average price ranges from 40,000 to 70,000 rubles. Having plenty of free time, you can travel to exhibitions and fairs to find “that” puppy for your family. True, the cost of exhibition specimens is usually too high for the average buyer and can reach 170,000 rubles (data as of January 2018).

If you do not intend to win medals with your future pet, you can purchase a dog “without a passport.” In this case, no one guarantees 100% purity of the breed, but the savings on the family budget will be very noticeable.

How to choose a puppy

If you decide to choose an Akita Inu puppy on your own, without the help of specialists, you should pay attention to five main points.

  1. Relationship between muzzle and ears. Taking the puppy by the muzzle with both hands and lifting it slightly, evaluate how the ears look against this background. It is important that they are proportional. Too small or too large ears are not evidence in favor of the purity of the breed. The cartilage of the auricles should be quite dense, even thick.
  2. "Knocked down" to become. Feel the baby, using gentle pressure to feel the thickness of the bones. A distinctive feature of Akitas is their dense and large skeleton. The bones should feel very strong to the touch. Pay attention to the paws - they should be large and weighty.
  3. "Thigh" wool. A puppy's coat differs in quality from the "fur coat" of an adult. But there is one point: in both adult Akitas and babies, the fur in the hip area is somewhat rougher than on the rest of the body.
  4. Playfulness. Akita puppies are alive in every sense of the word. They jump around, fool around with their brothers and sisters, and can’t stand still for a second. If the baby you choose avoids his relatives, there is a risk of psychological problems later in life. Detachment is not at all characteristic of the Japanese dog.
  5. Health . A baby's activity is a litmus test for his health. A lethargic and inactive baby may be sick with something. Such things are difficult to hide. If visually everything is in order with the puppy, ask the breeder what vaccinations he has received and what vaccines were used for this. A competent breeder will give you a list of vaccines with empty bottles without any reminders so that you can continue the vaccination he started.


It cannot be said that Akita Inu nurseries are a rarity for the country. But there really aren’t that many of them on Russian territory. The largest ones are stationed in the capital, but Japanese dogs are also bred in other Russian cities:

  • Nursery Indigo-Smile in St. Petersburg- http://www.indigo-smile.com/;
  • Mai Hoshi nursery in Moscow- http://mai-hoshi.ru/;
  • Nursery Milana Light in Penza- http://milanalight.wixsite.com/akita;
  • Nursery MOOO Zoomir in Podolsk- http://www.zoomir-club.ru/;
  • Kennel Hangy’s Anet in Ramenskoye- http://www.anetdog.ru/.

When planning to make an Akita a member of your family, weigh all the pros and cons. There are many times more of the former. This is the animal’s aristocratic restraint, resistance to stress and cheerfulness. Japanese dogs are friendly to their owners and strict to their enemies. They are very loyal and have a high level of intelligence.

A disadvantage of a four-legged pet can be strength and agility: if the owner fails to curb these qualities, in the future they can lead to significant problems associated with damage to property and the socialization of the animal. Force training is not accepted by Akita puppies at all. And it doesn’t matter at all what name your Japanese Akita Inu dog gets, she will certainly become “Hachiko” for your family - the most faithful and most devoted.

Reviews: “Very curious, they stick their nose everywhere”

The Japanese Akita has been living with us for more than two years. The dog is kind, very beautiful, not difficult to care for, and clean. On the street, strangers calmly come up to pet him and react adequately. Treats all family members evenly, not hysterical, not intrusive. He likes to be with people, but he also calmly remains alone. Knows his place, gets along with the cat and protects him from strangers with whom he clashes. He can surprise you with his intelligence. I don’t recommend getting it for unbalanced people or those who demand blind obedience. Restrained in showing emotions. If he doesn’t like a person, he may try to protect the owner from contact with him. A very unique dog. We love you very much and are happy to communicate!

Elena, http://poisk-druga.ru/breeds/poroda-a/16-akita-inu.html

We have an American Akita, a wonderful dog, who lives outside. Our particular peculiarity is that he cannot stand other animals. But we have a place to walk through the fields. Extremely friendly to children, silent, does not bark without a reason at all. Until he was one and a half years old, he was a really stupid child, but now he’s easy to work with and generally obeys. But if there is a bitch in heat somewhere in the vicinity, she tries to run away.

JUNE BUG D, https://eva.ru/forum/topic/messages/3477649.htm?print=true

By the way, many people get turned on after the movie “Hachiko”. They make a big mistake, since the character of this breed is completely different. This breed of dog is for those who are faithfully and devotedly ready to engage with their dog. Daily training is the key to success. This is such a sweet breed, in order to get along together you need to have a lot of patience and love your pet. They are very curious, they stick their nose everywhere, but just like when going for a walk, you need so much strength to hold it. This breed has its own philosophy.

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