Dog tail tongue. What does a dog's tail say? What does a mouse's tail mean to an animal?

Antipin Nikita

The presentation can be used in lessons about the surrounding world in 2nd grade when covering the topic “About cats and dogs.” The work was awarded at the school research conference and took 2nd place.



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Why does a dog need a tail? Work of 3rd grade student of MBOU Secondary School No. 2 Antipin Nikita Supervisor: Bogdanova Galina Aleksandrovna

find out why a dog needs a tail? Purpose of the study:

1. Find out from whom dogs originated? 2. Find out who tamed dogs and when? 3. Find out whether it is possible to determine a dog’s mood by the position of its tail? Research objectives:

find and study materials on the topic; o ask classmates; analyze your own observations; submit your work in the form of an abstract. My research plan:

Where did dogs come from? All members of the dog family descend from an animal that resembled a wolf. This ancient wolf-like creature roamed the forests approximately 15,000,000 years ago. It, in turn, descended from a small weasel-type animal that lived about 40,000,000 years ago and was the distant ancestor of not only dogs, but also bears and raccoons. These are the closest relatives of the dog living today. weasel wolf dog

When were dogs domesticated? Hundreds of thousands of years ago, huge mammoths roamed the land covered with dense forests. People at that time lived in caves and dressed in the skins of wild animals. It was then that the dog became man's friend. But this did not happen right away. At first, the dog followed the man during the hunt, picking up the remains of his prey. Then the man became the leader for her, since the pack instinct was very strong in dogs. Soon the dog became a man's assistant in hunting and in the home. But all this happened long before the very first chronicles. Therefore, we can judge when this happened only by the remains of dogs and people found in Stone Age caves.

The Pharaoh Hound is the oldest dog breed in human history. The dog, especially a hunting dog, was a constant companion of the pharaohs and nobility in Ancient Egypt. Images of these dogs are found on many sarcophagi.

What is a tail? We are so accustomed to the fact that a variety of animals have it that we somehow don’t particularly think about the meaning of this appendage attached to the back of the body. The tail is an integral part of the spinal column. Tail structure: bones, tendons, muscles.

The tail plays an important role in the life of animals. It performs mechanical, physiological and communicative functions. Animals use it as resistance when jumping, sitting, moving, as a rudder when swimming and in flight, as an additional paw when moving through trees, as a way to attract a creature of a different sex. The dog, frightened, tucks its tail. But, angry, man's friend holds his tail like a carrot. But if a dog is happy, then it wags its tail. When two dogs meet: if one of them has a tail raised high and moves from side to side, this means that the dog does not wish harm, but at the same time considers himself stronger.

To prove that a dog's tail, which is located on the midline of the body, is capable of exhibiting emotional asymmetry, Italian neuroscientists placed dogs in cages equipped with cameras that accurately recorded the angle of deviation of the tail from the midline of the body. The four-legged animals were shown an owner, a stranger, a cat and an unknown dog. When they saw their owners, the dogs vigorously waved their tails with a shift to the right side; when they saw a stranger and a cat, the movements also shifted to the right, but were no longer as frequent. If an aggressive unfamiliar dog appeared nearby, the tails immediately reacted by moving to the left. Thanks to these experiments, scientists suggested that the muscles of the right side of the tail are responsible for the expression of positive emotions, and the left - negative.

Conclusion: And the research, which at first glance was at most a candidate for the Ig Nobel Prize, revealed some secrets of the evolution of the animal world. And in this case, the dog’s tail not only showed scientists what a dog’s mood is, but also, perhaps, prompted new research, because no one has yet proven that dogs do not have their own language.

Yulia Lesnaya Why does a dog need a tail? The answer, of course, is very simple: To wag them enthusiastically, To proudly walk with him everywhere. To greet friends and show fear. It’s easier for a dog to live with a tail, to be friends with a harmful neighbor. It makes it easier to run around in the yard and sleep more comfortably in the kennel. Know that cats also respect angry dogs’ tails! Why does a dog need a tail? The answer is undoubtedly very simple! I could find a hundred reasons, But a funny puppy is waiting for me. His tail wags at the door - Calling me into the yard quickly!

Internet resources: Yulia Lesnaya’s poem “Why does a dog need a tail” - Photos of dogs -

Well, it’s not for nothing that pets are called “Tailed Friends,” because it’s impossible to imagine a cat or dog without a tail. Why does a dog need a tail is a question from the “why” section, and many will shrug it off and say: “I don’t know why, but it’s definitely needed.” Let’s not dwell on the vague formulation and take the risk of giving a complete answer to the seemingly rhetorical question.

Humanity has always tried to impose its own vision of things on nature. There are no tailless dogs in nature, and the work of breeders has been frustrated more than once by this fact. From a scientific point of view, the tail is an important part of the spine. Responsible for the timely transmission of nerve impulses, regulates muscle balance and maintains normal cerebrospinal fluid pressure. Researchers, from their point of view, answered why dogs wave their tail. The reasons may be a desire to cheer yourself up, a signal of nervous tension, an attempt to relieve pain, itching, fear. Dogs born with a bent or shortened tail are considered physiologically inferior and should not be allowed to be bred.

From a physiological point of view, it is explained why dogs chase their tail. Unfortunately, this funny behavior almost always indicates trouble. There may be several reasons:

  • Interest– puppies exploring their bodies can run after the tail just like that.
  • Behavioral syndrome– a pet deprived of attention is ready to bite its tail for the sake of praise/scolding of the owner.
  • Nervous breakdown– against the background of neural disorders, the dog may perceive its tail as an enemy. If a dog tries to catch up and bite the tail, “drives” it away from food, while behaving seriously and aggressively, this is a reason for close observation and a visit to the doctor.
  • – if in combination with chases there is a deterioration in the condition, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Panic attacks– Pets that have experienced severe stress may spin around in place or chase their tail when they are nervous. With frequent relapses, the tailed friend needs support, attention and preventive examination by a veterinarian.

Read also: Why does a woman dream about a puppy: interpretation from dream books

A healthy and balanced dog rarely engages in such chases; after several trials, the pet understands that dizziness brings discomfort. An exception is choleric dogs - the process is important to them, not the result.

Tail docking, a necessity or a “bad” habit?

In general, docking tails and ears is a precautionary measure and a way to protect the dog. As you know, dog fighting is prohibited and punished by law in all civilized countries, so docking for this purpose can be considered inappropriate. Some herding breeds that guard herds alone or in pairs run the risk of encountering wolves, so their ears and sometimes their tails are cropped for safety reasons.

The remaining “excuses” are nothing more than following breed standards. Of course, the standard is important, but animal rights activists have exerted positive pressure in this area as well. Almost all international kennel clubs condemn tail docking if it is not due to the pet’s lifestyle and “work”.

This is interesting! England, in recent times, became famous for its law on a tax on the length of a dog's tail. Fleeing from extortion, for many years the British docked the tails of their pets up to the second vertebra. This explains the standards of many breeds registered in the UK.

Tail as a communication tool

Studies of dogs' communication with other animals and people have explained why a dog wags its tail. For experienced breeders this is not a discovery, but for the scientific world it is a significant contribution. The first and most obvious function of the tail is to express emotions and mood. There is a whole “tail alphabet” that helps to accurately determine a dog’s emotions, for example.

You will learn from this article what significance a tail has for an animal.

What is the significance of the tail?

Almost all animals have a tail, which plays an important role in their lives. It performs many different functions - physiological, communicative and mechanical. Animals use it as resistance when moving, jumping, sitting, as a rudder in flight and when swimming, as an additional paw for moving the floor of trees, to attract the opposite sex. What are the functions of the tail in mammals? You will learn below.

Why does a horse have a tail?

Horses have a long and beautiful tail, which they use as a fan, driving away gadflies, flies and horse flies.

How does a squirrel use its tail?

The squirrel has a gorgeous tail. She uses it as a parachute, for balancing and as a rudder. When she jumps from branch to branch or jumps down to the ground, the tail helps maintain balance in the air and land softly without getting hurt.

What is the significance of a cow's tail?

Cows have a long tail and a tassel on the tail. She, like the horse, uses it to drive away annoying flies and gadflies.

Why does a parrot have a tail?

In parrots, the tail acts as a brake. Without it, they would simply fly and could not stop. Thanks to its tail, the parrot controls its speed and reduces it if necessary. The tail also helps the bird land successfully.

What is the significance of a dog's tail?

A dog's tail is in constant motion. If he wags happily, it means that the dog is happy to see you. However, a wagging tail does not always mean a friendly attitude, but rather an excited one. In a fight, he holds it vertically, showing the enemy that he is ready to defend his territory. The tail is also used by the dog as a steering wheel. It helps the animal during sharp turns, when moving on uneven surfaces or along a log. Also, when swimming, the tail helps the dog not to drown and swim in the right direction.

At the base of the tail the animal has paraanal glands with a special odor of their own. The dog attracts the opposite sex to them and marks the territory, showing that strangers do not belong here.

What is the significance of the tail for a fish?

The tail and caudal fin of fish perform a number of important functions. It helps coordinate the animal's movement and acts as a rudder. Depending on the type of fish, the tail can perform other functions. For example, in the stingray it is very long and acts as a weapon to attack its victims or to protect itself from enemies. But the seahorse uses its tail to attach to plants in the water.

What is the significance of a cat's tail?

Cats actively use their tails in life. This is not only a means of communication, but also a balancer that allows the animal to climb to heights and survive in difficult, extreme situations. Also, thanks to the tail, cats cool or warm up depending on weather conditions. It even helps you move in the dark.

The role of a cat's tail is quite important. It helps to understand what mood the animal is in. In a calm state, the tail does not move; the animal sometimes waves the tip slightly. While in a friendly state, the tail is in a vertical state. When the cat is interested in something, he twitches it slightly. When an animal is irritated, its fur stands on end and its tail jerks in different directions.

In addition to the mood indicator, the meaning of a cat’s tail has other features. The tail is a balancer that allows the animal to always remain in balance, whether jumping, falling or climbing trees. When an animal hunts, the tail helps to make turns and rotate intensively in motion. It happens that this part of the body plays the same role as the mustache. It is riddled with nerve endings connected to the CNS (central nervous system). These endings help cats feel better. With this the animal seems to probe the space.

We hope that from this article you learned the importance of the tail for animals.

Almost every third family has a four-legged barking pet, and some have more than one. However, adult dog owners rarely wonder about the anatomical features of their pet. But children are often interested in why a dog needs a tail, big ears, or fur? Why do some dogs have a tail, while others have it intact? So why do dogs need this body part?

Any researcher will agree that everything that is created on Earth has a certain meaning, and there may be no talk of unnecessary things. And even a tiny part of the body is of great importance to its owner, the same can be said about a dog’s tail. It is very important for the animal and performs a number of functions.

The tail is in a mobile state almost all the time. It is a clear indicator of the dog’s mood; it can be used to determine what the dog is going to do in the near future. Almost all people know that if a dog wags its tail, then it is in a positive mood and is very happy, and if the tail is located between the hind legs, the pet is scared or very ashamed.

But these are not all the “tailed” gestures that the animal uses in communication with people, its relatives and other animals, and they are not always interpreted unambiguously. A wagging tail can also be a sign of aggression, but a dog whose tail is in a calm state may be friendlier than it might seem at first glance. The alphabet of the “tailed” language says the following:

  • In a relaxed animal, the tail is positioned naturally - the position depends on the breed - in pugs it lies on the back, in Labradors it hangs down, in huskies it forms a ring.
  • Careful wagging from side to side, a sort of waving, speaks of the dog’s joyful mood.
  • Intense waving, and even accelerated movement around its axis, like a propeller, is unbridled joy and happiness; the pet is immensely glad that its owner has returned.
  • A tail drooping or tucked between the hind legs is a sign that the dog is nervous or submissive. In this mood, the dog may try to quickly wag it. But this does not apply to Italian Greyhound dogs - such a tail position is normal for them.
  • The tail is pressed tightly to the stomach - the animal is very frightened or is trying to demonstrate exceptional submission.
  • A high tail, which stands straight and rigid, resembling a pipe - something alerted the dog.
  • The tail is raised high, and its end sways from side to side - usually in this position the dog stands in one place, showing aggression, threatening people or other animals. From the outside it may seem that the dog is happy, but all other body movements indicate the opposite.
  • A vertically raised tail, which seems to be shaking, means the dog is ready for a fight or an attack.
  • The dog is carrying something in its teeth and at the same time the tail is raised slightly above the body - this pose indicates that the animal is confident in itself and will not just give up its prey.

Tail steering

Looking at a dog that is moving, it is noticeable that the tail is actively involved in this process. It helps the animal balance when the dog walks on logs or uneven surfaces. Also, thanks to the tail, dogs can abruptly change trajectories, this is especially important for dogs that develop enormous speeds - greyhounds, hounds.

In addition, the tail helps dogs swim, because it is not without reason that all water breeds - Labradors, Newfoundlands, Irish Water Spaniels, Portuguese Water Dogs and others - have a rather long and thick tail. It helps the dog swim long distances, dive and swim to the surface.

Tail - flavoring

Not all dog owners know about them, which are located at the base of the tail. They secrete a special secretory fluid that has an individual aroma. When a dog feels confident, it actively wags its tail, spreading its own scent, notifying the entire area of ​​its presence.

In addition, the secret is an information carrier and can tell a lot about its owner. It attracts the opposite sex and warns rivals. And if the dog is not so self-confident and does not want to attract everyone’s attention, he tries to press his tail to his stomach, covering the anal glands.


Tail - decoration

For some breeds, the tail is a chic addition to the look. With long hair - in lapdogs, Pekingese, ringlets in huskies, dense in German shepherds - this is not the entire list of situations when the tail is a real decoration.

It’s not for nothing that one of the points in the standard is dedicated to this particular part of the body. In a German Shepherd it should be as long as possible, in a Labrador it should be shorter, in a Japanese Chin and Pekingese it should be straight and lie on its back, and in a funny way it curls.

Each breed has its own requirements, and for some this means docking. Yes, today this procedure is viewed ambiguously, but dogs of some breeds really look more impressive without this, albeit important, detail. Fortunately, modern owners have the right to resolve this issue in one favor or another.

A dog's tail is a fan, a mood indicator, a rudder and a fin. An important organ that should not be underestimated. It is not known whether the dogs themselves are proud of having a gorgeous tail, but the owners are proud - and that’s for sure!

Before surgery, be sure to conduct a medical examination and make sure that the animal is completely healthy.

The dog should not be fed for 12 hours before the procedure. You can give water.

If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, alcohol chloroform is administered by inhalation. An injection is given for local anesthesia.

The dog is fixed on the table in an extended position. In older puppies and adult dogs, the jaw is also fixed.

The fur is shaved off at the site of the future cut. The skin in this area is shifted as far as possible towards the base of the tail, sometimes additionally secured with a tourniquet. The tail is cut off with one movement of a scalpel or scissors, after which the wound is immediately clamped to stop the bleeding.

Tail docking in puppies is sometimes done using the second method. They tie their tail with a tight rubber band to cut off the blood supply. After some time it falls off.

Some veterinarians make house calls. It costs more than surgery in a clinic.

Independent surgical intervention is extremely risky and fraught with consequences for the dog’s health!

The length to which the dog is trimmed is determined by the breed standard. So, in Dobermans and Rottweilers only a couple of vertebrae are left. Toy poodles and Kerry blue terriers have half their tail cut off. In wire-haired pointers and spaniels, a third of the original length is left.

If the dog tends to lick the tail, a veterinary collar is put on it. If the tail remains painful for a long time or has purulent inflammation, contact a veterinarian.

After ear trimming surgery, the dog can be fed a small portion of liquid food. If the puppy is in severe pain, give a painkiller based on its weight.

To avoid scratching the cut, the animal is put on a veterinary collar. The dog will be able to eat and sleep freely in it at home.

Ear care comes down to treating the cut with a solution of chlorhexidine or dioxidine. Treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day for a week. To do this, the solution is applied using a pipette or a cotton swab from top to bottom. In this case, the movements should be pressing so as not to cause pain.

If crusts form on the incision, they are treated with Levosin ointment (blotting movements). This ointment relieves pain, relieves itching and speeds up the healing process.

You can go outside after 2-3 days if the weather is dry. After the walk, the ears are treated.

You can remove crusts using hydrogen peroxide. A gauze cloth is generously moistened with peroxide and applied to the ear for 5 minutes. Soaked crusts are carefully removed.

The sutures disintegrate after two weeks. The remaining threads are carefully removed using sterile scissors.

The ears of some dog breeds (eg Doberman, Boxer) require additional support to support them in a standing position. To do this, a rigid frame is made that supports the ear membrane in a taut vertical position.

The frame is installed one day after surgery and worn continuously for 3-4 weeks. Every 4 days, the adhesive plaster is replaced with a new one, and the ear is secured to the frame. The subtleties of gluing and setting the ears will be learned from the puppy's breeder.

Breeds that have their ears and tails docked:

  • Pinschers and miniature pinschers;
  • Doberman;
  • Schnauzers;
  • German boxer;
  • Great Dane;
  • Cane Corso;
  • Dogo Argentino;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier (ears only);
  • American Pit Bull Terrier and pit bull (ears only);
  • Beauceron;
  • Briard;
  • Bouvier des Flandres;
  • Black Russian Terrier;
  • Central Asian Shepherd Dog;
  • Caucasian Shepherd;
  • Dogo Canario;
  • Mastino Neapolitan;
  • English Bulldog;
  • French Bulldog;
  • Schipperke;
  • Welsh Corgi;
  • Bobtail;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Australian Shepherd;
  • Some breeds of toy terriers

Some hunters dock the tails of their hunting terriers, pointers and spaniels. Other owners leave their tails natural.

Ear and tail docking is a cosmetic operation that is often more aesthetic than practical. Many dogs of previously docked breeds are left with natural ears and tails, which is not a hindrance to a comfortable adult life.

If done on time, the puppies will experience minimal discomfort. Tail cutting sounds terrible in words, but in reality it's different. The veterinarian takes the baby out of the box, quickly processes the tail and cuts it off with special scissors. A short squeak is heard and the puppy returns to his brothers.

Once the puppies reach ten days of age, the operation is performed under local anesthesia. If the animal is more than three weeks old, then general anesthesia is used and a tourniquet is applied to the base of the tail.

There are many historical documents confirming the antiquity of the practice of tail docking. In his notes on agriculture, De re rustica, the ancient Roman writer Lucius Junius M. Columella describes the practice of removing part of the tail from herding dogs. The peasants believed that such a measure would save the animal from rabies.

The tails of hunting dogs were cut off so that they would not be injured when meeting a predator on the undergrowth while chasing prey. For burrowing dogs, the tail is removed so that it does not interfere with movement in a narrow hole, etc. The reasons are clear. But is the practice of docking limited only to these considerations?

It turns out that in addition to the safety of hunting dogs, the motive for docking was a financial issue. In Old England in the 18th century, a tax was introduced on all dogs, with the exception of service dogs. A short tail was a sign that the owner of the animal was exempt from tax. To save money, the tails of dogs of other “professions” were also cut off.

Shepherds docked the bushy tails of their shepherds so that they would not be injured during fights with wolves, but another reason was the reluctance to clear the tail of the fierce defenders of the flock of debris and thorns. A dog without a tail was considered a shepherd, and its owner was also exempt from tax. This is evidenced by D.D.

Cosmetic tail docking in dogs is currently prohibited in some European countries. The permit only applies to dogs that serve in:

  • law enforcement agencies;
  • armed forces;
  • emergency services;
  • deratization services (extermination of rodents, in particular rats).

The Animal Welfare Act (2006) stipulates that tail docking must be carried out by specialists and must be carried out within 5 days of the puppy's birth.

Why do dogs have their tail docked - the history of the procedure

There is a lot of documentary evidence indicating that tail docking of dogs was carried out in ancient times. For example, in ancient Rome, pets herding livestock had part of their tail removed, because they believed that this would protect the animal from rabies. These data can be found in the works on agriculture “De re rustica” by the ancient Roman writer Lucius Junius M. Columella.

Hunters cut off the tails of their dogs so that they could not get hurt in the forest when chasing their prey in a battle with wild animals. For the same reasons, the tails of burrowing breeds of dogs were also cut off.

In addition to such goals, people who deprived their dogs of their tails also pursued monetary gain. In the 18th century, a law was introduced in Old England imposing taxes on all dog owners. This rule did not apply only to owners of service breeds. The absence of a tail or part of it indicated that the animal belonged to this particular class, and in order to save money on a pet, the tails of all dogs were cut off.

Poachers also stripped their dogs of their tails to avoid punishment if caught. A long tail was considered a sign of hunting breeds, and its absence could be to the advantage of a wicked owner.

Shepherd dogs had their tails removed, since these dogs protected livestock and could often encounter wolves and other strong predators. In fights with wild animals, the tail is easily damaged, and such injuries are very serious and difficult to treat. To eliminate the possibility of this situation, the dogs were simply deprived of this part of the body.

In addition, shepherd dogs are the owners of lush, fluffy tails, onto which grass, thorns, and other debris can easily cling while the dog is in a field or other place where the flock is grazed. And it’s very difficult to cleanse an animal of all this. Therefore, the owners solved two potential problems at once by depriving the pet of its tail. D. D. Wood covers this topic in his Illustrated Natural History.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with removing the tail. The simplest operation, after which you only need to treat the wound for a couple of days. In fact, experiments conducted on rats show that nerve injury negatively affects the sensitivity of the stump. Some experts argue that removing the tail vertebrae weakens the animal's motor skills.

1 way

If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, then alcohol-chloroform - ether anesthesia and a neuropleptic vagolytic - are administered by inhalation. A vagolytic is typically used for short-nosed dogs to reduce salivation and normalize the cardiac response when anesthesia is inhaled. Also, animals with a short muzzle are intubated to avoid tongue retraction and to ensure free circulation of oxygen and anesthesia.

The length of the tip removed, as a rule, depends on the breed and exterior. The hair is removed from the tail, the skin is pulled as far as possible to the base of the tail, and amputation is performed using bone scissors or a scalpel, making an incision between the vertebrae. The skin is stretched over the stump and sutured with a skin suture. The wound is treated with an antibiotic, and the surrounding skin is treated with an antiseptic. A sterile dressing is applied.

Method 2

The second docking method is to tie the tail with an elastic band for a period of 2 to 7 days. At the same time, blood access to the tip of the tail is blocked and, after a certain time, it falls off. This technique is considered more humane than surgical removal, but in the absence of objective data about the dog’s sensations, it is difficult to agree with this statement.

Although it is believed that a puppy's undeveloped nervous system protects it from pain, research shows that the animal does experience pain. After amputation, the puppy whines heavily for another 15-20 minutes and only then calms down. The older the dog, the more difficult it is for the procedure. The owner should think about whether it is worth exposing the animal to such trauma.

The healing process takes a long period. During this time, the stump must be treated with antiseptics. When treated in a veterinary hospital, postoperative complications rarely occur. Opponents of cupping argue against the procedure.

The process of trimming a puppy's tail at home

Tail trimming is carried out before the age of 10 days. The most painless option is 2-5 days. At this age, the bones have a cartilaginous shape, and the nervous system is at the stage of formation.

Cupping is carried out at home. The operation is ordered from a veterinarian or the breeder performs it independently. Circumcision is carried out in two ways.


To do this, the tail is pulled with an elastic band, leaving the desired length. After some time, the part of the tail left without blood flow dies and is removed.

The disadvantage of this method is the inaccuracy of the result. The length of the remainder may be slightly shorter or longer than required. For a large dog with medium-length hair, this is not important. In dogs with short hair, the length of the tail becomes noticeable.

Surgical method

The skin of the tail is pulled towards the tip and cut with surgical scissors to the required length. The tip is treated with an antiseptic. Puppies under 5 days of age do not require sutures for docking.

To avoid infection, puppies' bedding is kept clean.


The decision to dock a dog's tail is made by the owner of the animal or (in case of medical indications) by a veterinarian.

The veterinarian may decide to amputate the tail regardless of the breed of the animal. Indications for such an operation are serious injury, extensive burns, frostbite, malignant neoplasm, and other damage to the tail. Such situations are quite rare.

In the vast majority of cases, the tail is docked to meet standards. This procedure is carried out for fighting, hunting, and some decorative breeds. These include:

  • alabai;
  • Dobermans;
  • poodles;
  • Rottweilers;
  • Yorkshire Terriers;
  • spaniels;
  • kurtshaars;
  • Giant Schnauzers;
  • miniature schnauzers and others.

Both supporters and opponents of docking have their own compelling arguments.