Conspiracy from adenoma. Recipes for the treatment of prostate adenoma. Witchcraft recipes: Prostate adenoma

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. This process quickly turns into a chronic form of the disease.

To quickly get rid of prostatitis and cure it forever, at the first symptoms you should go to the hospital. If you completely cannot trust doctors, also try to help yourself by reading a conspiracy to get rid of prostatitis. Only your actions should be an addition, and not the basis of treatment, which should be prescribed by a specialist, as well as observing the course of the disease.

Conspiracy No. 1

Read on the waning moon before bed:

“Mother Lady, where did you sleep and spend the night? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? - I saw a wonderful dream, I will keep silent about it and will not tell it to anyone. Be silent, too, my lips when I sleep. Close my mouth, O Mother of God, with a golden lock and Your holy key. The word of the Mother of God is the first, the guardian angel is the second, mine is silent and nothing. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy No. 2

On the waxing moon, at sunrise, in a place hidden from prying eyes, split the log of a woman’s tree with an ax into six logs.

Alder, pine, fir, birch are suitable as a tree, but not aspen.

From the six pieces, place two triangles on the ground at a distance of the width of your shoulders.

Place each bare foot on the figure, place your left hand on the solar plexus, and with your right hand hold a round piece of oak wood at heart level.

Turn to the east and say:

“God’s luminary, share your power with the vein of God’s servant (name). You are on the rise, and so is she, you are at the zenith, and lived it up the mountain. When you roll towards sunset, the servant of God (name) will have a feast in his hut, will run a vein into the hollow female place, the course of the sun will end, an intimate affair will be accomplished with the servant of God (name of the woman). Let it be so, and not otherwise. Forever and ever. Amen".

Having finished communicating with the sun, light a fire from logs. When the wood is burned and the coals have cooled, draw a cross on the ashes with an oak block, saying:

“It’s time for God’s servant (name) to follow the sun. His vein is working. Amen".

A healing method that works for almost everyone

Silently go home, taking with you a block of oak, which you should put under your pillow at sunset, and then indulge in copulation with your wife.

Conspiracy No. 3

Take 3 yolks (from eggs that the chicken laid no more than three days ago), juice of 3 lemons, 200 ml of cognac, 200 g of honey. Mix all ingredients and take 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon 20–30 minutes before meals.

But before the potion is ready for use, it must be spoken three times:

“A monk was walking, carrying a staff. Take your belt and give me health. Give the disease to the devil. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy No. 4

This procedure is carried out at least 12 times.

During this time, do not give anything from home to anyone, under any pretext!

The ritual begins on the waning moon. Speak to the water in the bathroom and sit in it. First, read the prayer for healing, and then the conspiracy:

“Lord, Almighty, Holy King, punishing and unmortifying, strengthening those who fall and raising up the overthrown, correcting the bodily sorrows of man, we pray to You, our God, bless Your weak servant (name) with Your mercy, forgive him all sins, voluntary and involuntary. Reveal, O Lord, Your healing skills, tame passion and any lurking infirmity, becoming the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, from the bed of bitterness whole and all perfect, grant him to Your Church, pleasing and doing Your will. For You are, our merciful and saving God, and to You we offer glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

“Three monks are walking, they are carrying three schemas. Take the staff and belt. Hang the disease on your belt and take it to the devil. Give me health. 3 monks, 3 schemas. 3 monasteries, 3 Bibles. 3 steps, Lord God, heal me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Such methods should be carried out in combination with other treatment methods.

Conspiracy No. 5

On any of the men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), chant water, holding a glass of liquid in your left hand:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Apostolic Cathedral stands firmly on four legs. Let me attach my male flesh just as tightly. For a long life, for an ardent desire. May this water be blessed by God. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Twelve sips are drunk from the mug, and the male flesh is washed with the remaining water.

Conspiracy No. 6

When you get up at 5 a.m., inspect your bed for foreign objects. Then go and urinate on a tree limb, no later than 6 am. Take a handful of earth from under the tree, squeeze it into your fist and go home. The soil should be left near the gate or entrance. In the evening, before going to bed, read the Lord’s Prayer once and the spell three times:

“From Christ and the hand of Spasova, the Mother of God has a castle, the key is in Jerusalem. Water in the river, water in the well, dust stands like a pillar on the path, male power sits like a core in me. Don't interrupt her, don't break her, don't speak. The braid is braided, my lock is locked. The key will be lost, the lock will not be opened, the hex will not be broken. The oak is strong, my trunk is damask steel. As long as the twig lives, no one will turn my silushka down. Amen".

The ritual is performed on a waxing or full moon and is repeated 9 days in a row, at the same time.

Conspiracy No. 7

“Lord! Heavenly Father! Heal me!
God, you are ours, I firmly believe in you.
You are great God, I believe in you, loving you.
Your name is strong, the adversary has no strength,
My prostate is being treated.
Strong is the name of God, holy on earth.
He is treated in decoctions, the servant of God (name), who is sick.
I am healing, cleansing the flesh from disease,
My God, you are the Savior, my strong raft.
God you are my God you are my salvation
Herbal potions are your blessing.
Remove the evil disease, thousands of shackles,
Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Let me remind you that conspiracies are used as an auxiliary treatment along with medication, and not instead of it.

Prostatitis is an unpleasant male disease. Most often, when it occurs, the patient consults a doctor for treatment. In addition, as an auxiliary therapy, you can use not only pills, but also prayers and spells for prostatitis. One of such effective methods of healing is a ritual performed on water.

– a male disease manifested by an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. In this situation, the prostate gland, which is responsible for the normal excretion of seminal fluid, is susceptible to inflammation. In most cases, problems in men with prostate adenoma arise closer to 50 years of age.

The problem is identified by the following symptoms:

  1. Unusual discharge in the urine with the presence of pus or streaks of blood.
  2. Severe pain when touching the male genital organ.
  3. Pain in the scrotum, as well as when trying to defecate in the intestines.
  4. Disorders in intimate life - problems with erection, early ejaculation.
  5. Retention of urination.

In addition, the possibility of abscessation of the prostate, as well as inflammatory processes in the appendages and testicles, is revealed. The current situation may contribute to male infertility.

Prolonged lack of treatment stimulates the rise of inflammation to other organs, which leads to the formation of pyelonephritis or cystitis.

But the younger generation should not forget about the reasons leading to unpleasant sensations. First of all, the disease is provoked by hypothermia; the cause may be a sedentary lifestyle or persistent intestinal obstruction. If sexual activity is unstable or after previous diseases of the reproductive system, a complication in the form of prostatitis is also possible.

Carefully! The results of lack of treatment are abscesses of various origins - the perineum, urinary system and anal area, as well as blood poisoning and impotence.

If any signs of inflammation are detected, you should not wait for self-healing, you should consult a doctor for treatment. In addition, you can use prayers and conspiracies for prostatitis. You won’t be able to heal using folk methods alone, but it’s worth trying all possible methods of therapy.

Spells and prayers for prostatitis

Traditional treatment helps to heal from various diseases. First you need to find out if there is a conspiracy for prostatitis. There are many recipes for treating illness using the methods of healers. To do this, you need to believe in the power of words, prayers and conspiracies.

Attention! Prayer is a complement to drug treatment for male problems. But a man who decides to undertake such a ritual must let every word and phrase pass through himself, fully realizing the importance of faith and trust in healing the disease.

First you need to tune in. Believe in higher powers that control all processes on earth.

If the patient does not believe in God, he has his own faith to which he will turn. You cannot doubt the ritual; you need to believe in your own recovery.

Treatment of prostatitis with prayer is carried out at the time of the waning moon. For astrologers, this period speaks of a complete cleansing of the entire body, restructuring of internal systems and reassessment of further actions. Therefore, prayers said at the chosen time have a special impact.

An effective spell for prostatitis using water. To do this, pour water into a container in such an amount that the man for whom the ceremony is being performed can fit into it. The water should be heated to such an extent that you can comfortably sit in it and sit for up to 30 minutes without freezing.

Before carrying out a spell on the water, you should write certain words on paper. They can be memorized or simply sight read. The main thing is to repeat the rules and perform all actions according to the recommendations.

Important! The first thing on the night of the waning moon is to ask for blessings from the Almighty to begin the process. You need to prepare a church candle in advance and light it after the ceremony begins.

The next step is to read a prayer for healing. The reader should be next to a container of water and pronounce each word clearly directly into the water. After reading the text, the patient should immediately sit in the tub and lean so close to the water that his breath disperses ripples in the water column. The duration of stay in the water should not be less than 30 minutes.

This ritual should be carried out for 12 days while the moon is waning. Prayer should not be performed during the daytime - only evening or late night is suitable for the procedure.

The course of treatment for prostatitis with prayer should be completed for 3 months, namely 36 sessions.

After completing the procedure, you should thank God in random words. If you can’t say words of gratitude, then you should use the Prayer Book.

In addition, there is a conspiracy for water, only it is held on men's days - Thursday, Monday and Tuesday. Water is specifically charmed for this purpose. For this purpose, take exactly 1 liter of plain running water, preferably from a non-chlorinated source.

A prayer is said, after which the sick man takes 12 sips from a jar of enchanted water. Rinse the penis well with the remaining water. The ritual must be performed 3 times.

Attention! For prostatitis, the patient is prescribed a lot of fluids. Drinking water during spells is only beneficial.

What are its consequences?

What causes prostatitis in men?


Thus, you can be cured not only by using medications, which do not always have an effect, but with the help of simple prayers and miraculous spells. Before the procedure, you should believe in what is happening and in the power of the cure, only in this case there will be an effective effect and a speedy recovery.

Let us immediately note that jokes about prostatitis are bad. When the first signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Conspiracies are only a secondary method of treating an illness.

Let's look at the main conspiracies and prayers from the healer Stepanova, and other folk recipes for curing an illness.

Stepanova's conspiracies and recipes for prostatitis

The first conspiracy for prostatitis should be read on the outgoing moon:

“Where did you spend the night and sleep, Mother Lady? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? “I saw a wonderful dream, I won’t beg about it to anyone, and I won’t tell it.” My lips, be silent when I sleep.

Close my mouth with a golden lock, Mother of God, and lock it with Your key. The first word of the Mother of God, the second of the guardian angel, the third of mine is empty and silent. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The following spell prayer for prostatitis is read in the morning, during sunrise, during the waxing moon. You need to find peace in a quiet place, hidden from all prying eyes.

Many men will really like this prayer, as it has a rather pleasant ending. What to do:

  • Using an ax, split the female tree into six equal parts (for example, fir, pine, alder, birch are suitable, but not aspen).
  • At a shoulder-width distance, you need to lay out two triangles from these logs.
  • Take off your shoes and put both nights in triangles.
  • Press your left hand to the solar plexus area.
  • On the right, take a round piece of the same wood and hold it near the heart.

Turning to the east, say:

“Light of God, give part of your power to the servant of God (name). You are on the rise, and so is she, you are at the zenith, and he lived uphill. When you roll towards sunset, the servant of God (name) will arrange a feast in his house, and will run his vein into the hollow female place.

The course of the sun will slow down, and an intimate matter will happen with the servant of God (wife’s name). And it will be so, and no other way. And forever and ever. Amen".

After this prayer has been said, it is necessary to light a fire from the chopped wood. After the tree burns out and the coals have cooled, you need to draw a cross on the ashes using an oak branch and say:

“It’s time for God’s servant (name) to get into the sun. His vein is working. Amen".

Then you need to silently leave, taking this branch with you, at sunset you need to put it under your pillow, and then have intercourse with your wife.

Grandmother's conspiracy of prostatitis

This “grandmother’s” drink has several beneficial properties, and even has a healing effect.

  • Take three chicken eggs that were laid no more than three days ago, squeeze the juice from three lemons, take 200 grams of honey and cognac;
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly;
  • The resulting mixture should be taken daily, 1 tablespoon three times, half an hour before meals.

But, before consuming the mixture, you need to perform a conspiracy ritual:

“The monk carried the staff. He’ll take the belt for himself and give me my health. The disease will bring the devil back. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

An effective conspiracy for prostatitis

This ritual must be performed at least twelve times. During this entire time, you cannot give anything to anyone from home.

There is a conspiracy for the waning moon. You need to speak to the water in the bathroom and sit in it. First, a prayer for healing is read, and then the conspiracy itself.

Important! The first time the plot is read on the waning moon, and all the other 11 - day after day, sequentially.

Prostatitis spell for the waning moon

“All the holder, the Lord, the Holy King, not killing and punishing, the statements that fall and raise not erupted, correcting the sorrows of man’s body, we cry to You, our God.

Bless your weak servant (name), give him your mercy, forgive the sinner, voluntary and involuntary.

Lord, show Your healing skills, tame passion and all stagnant infirmities, becoming Your servant (name) a healer. Raise him sickly from his knees and the bed of bitterness, make him perfect and whole.

So You are, our saving and merciful Lord, and we give glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

After this, you need to pronounce the conspiracy itself:

“Three monks are walking, they are carrying three schemas. Take the staff and belt. Put the disease on your belt and bring back the line.

Give me health. 3 trails, 3 monks, 3 schemas. 3 monasteries, 3 Bibles.

Lord, heal me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy against prostatitis from Natalia Stepanova

This prayer against prostatitis should be said only on men's days of the week - Thursday, Monday and Tuesday.

You need to chant the water, which you then drink 12 times. The remaining water should be used to rinse the male flesh.

What needs to be said:

“How firmly he stands on four legs
Holy Apostolic Council,
So tightly
I attach all my male flesh

For an ardent desire, for a long life,
And may God's blessing be on this water
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

And here is a recipe for a special infusion for the disease from Stepanova.


Prostatitis is a disease that affects many men over the age of 50, but recently the disease has also affected very young people. The diagnosis refers to inflammation of the prostate gland due to infections, colds, prolonged sexual abstinence, or, conversely, excessive abstinence due to alcohol abuse. The disease can be treated, but often becomes chronic and constantly accompanies men throughout life. To avoid unpleasant moments and suffering, you need to consult a doctor in time. Prayers and conspiracies for prostatitis will help in recovery. But of course, they cannot replace therapeutic treatment. Only together with it to enhance the effect and quick recovery.

Prayers for prostatitis

With prostatitis, as in general with problems in men’s health, you can turn to the Lord, to higher powers and to your beloved Saint, whom you trust more. This is Nicholas the Wonderworker and Panteleimon and the Mother of God and Matrona of Moscow.

Prayer for prostatitis and other male ailments to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of those who cry, physician of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, nourisher of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all,May we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven, and with them to unceasingly sing the praises of the one worshiped God in the Trinity forever and ever.Amen.

Prayer for prostatitis Cosmas and Damian ( Kuzma and Demyan)

These are unmercenary saints who treated people for free and saved many seriously ill people.

O miracle workers of glory, physician of mercilessness, Cosmo and Damian!You have loved Christ God from your youth and kept His commandment with all your heart, even if you give yourself medical teaching,

but for the sake of a virtuous life and purity of soul, by the power of Christ God, not only the art of healing, but moreover the abundant grace of healing all kinds of incurable ailments received from God by nature.Because of your love and mercy for those who are sick, you give healing of illnesses not only to people, but also to cattle, you fill the whole world with your countless miracles, and you heal not only bodily ailments,but with the faith of Christ you enlighten souls, strengthen them in the endurance of illnesses, admonish them in serious illnesses about correcting their lives, and draw them to Christ through repentance.In the same way, now you will soon hear us, who fall before you before your honorable icon.

Young children, asking for your help in the teaching of the book, instruct them with your prayers, so that they will zealously, not just earthly, acquire teaching in your life, but, moreover, may they continually advance in piety and right faith.To those who are lying on their sick beds, desperate for human help, but to those who come running to you with warmth with faith and fervent prayer, grant healing of illnesses through your merciful, miraculous visit.Those who have often fallen into illness and from severe illnesses into despondency, cowardice and murmuring, strengthen and instruct you with the grace given from God in patience,may they understand God’s holy and perfect will for them, and may they commend themselves and their lives to the will of Christ God.

Crush the existing ills, but about correcting the lives of those who are careless, who do not repent of their sins, who are hardened in heart, for salvation and call to repentance,may those who are weak in body remain healthy in soul, and may become partakers of God's saving grace.

Save the brethren of this holy temple, entrusted to your holy intercession by God, and all those who diligently come running to you unharmed from long illness, from severe and incurable diseases,

from weakening of the body, from frenzy of the mind, from a deadly ulcer, from sudden death,and through your powerful intercession to God, keep those who are firm in the right faith, those who advance in piety, those who are diligent in good deeds, those who are diligent in prayer to God,May you and I together in the future be honored to ever sing and glorify the all-holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Ask for healing from other Saints, in your own words with faith and a thirst for recovery.

Another prayer for prostatitis

Before reading the prayer for prostatitis, be sure to read the most common Orthodox Christian prayers. And further:

“O Heavenly King, Almighty, do not punish, but bless your sinful servant (name), forgive him his voluntary and involuntary sins, grant him Your mercy. Lord our God, show your miracle, your healing ability, tame passions and heal infirmities, become your servant (name) a healer, raise him from his knees and from the bed of sorrow, make him healthy and strong.

For you, our Lord, are Holy and Saving, delivering from all sorrow and illness, and we give glory to you. Amen".

After this, a hot bath is taken. To enhance the effect, you can add a decoction of herbs to it: chamomile, elecampane, yarrow.

Conspiracies for prostatitis

All conspiracies for prostatitis are easy to perform. The main thing here, as always, is faith in their strength and a passionate desire to get well.

Conspiracy for prostatitis on water

Water holds information very well; holy water also has the power of healing. You can speak to the water yourself at home. The spoken water for a man should be drunk on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, on the waning moon). And the man himself can make a conspiracy and any woman can speak for him.

You will need 1 liter of water, better than holy water. Light a candle, first read l in front of the icon, and then the words:

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Apostolic Council stands firmly on four legs, so firmly I attach all my male flesh: For a long life, for ardent desire, and may God’s blessing be on this water. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. (3 times)

The water is ready to be received. You need to take exactly 12 full sips. After this, wet the napkin and apply it to the prostate area. Leave for 10-15 minutes. use for washing the genitals.

Repeat the ritual on men's days while the moon wanes. Take a break when the moon is waxing and continue again when it is waning until complete recovery.

Conspiracy for prostatitis from Natalia Stepanova - a Siberian healer

Read the words regardless of the day of the week on the waning moon:

“Where did you spend the night and sleep, Mother Lady? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? “I saw a wonderful dream, I won’t beg about it to anyone, and I won’t tell it.” My lips, be silent when I sleep. Close my mouth with a golden lock, Mother of God, and lock it with Your key. The first word of the Mother of God, the second of the guardian angel, the third of mine is empty and silent. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Apostolic Council stands firmly on four legs, so firmly I attach all my male flesh: For a long life, for ardent desire, and may God’s blessing be on this water. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. (3 times)

Another conspiracy:

Three monks are walking, carrying three schemas. You're wearing a staff. You're wearing a belt. Hang it on your belt. I'm healthy. Damn the disease. Three monks, three schemas. Three monasteries, three Bibles. Three Troparions. Lord, heal me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

“Grandma’s plot” for prostatitis

You need to prepare the following healing drink:

  • three eggs, fresh, laid no more than 3 days ago;
  • three lemons;
  • 200 gr. cognac;
  • 200 gr. honey

Squeeze the juice out of the lemons and mix all the ingredients. Before drinking the drug, you need to read the words:

“The monk carried the staff. He’ll take the belt for himself and give me my health. The disease will bring the devil back. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

Religious reading: prayer for the treatment of prostate adenoma to help our readers.

How often those who despair of finding recovery in official medicine, or who do not trust it, or who want to deal a double blow to the disease, turn to magic.

When it comes to a disease such as prostatitis, many men, who categorically rejected any treatment methods other than medications, hope for miracles using spells and prayers for prostatitis. After all, this insidious disease is known not only for causing terrible pain, but also for serious complications.

Conspiracies and prayers

Prostatitis and its consequences

The medical interpretation of this disease is as follows: a nonspecific inflammatory process of the prostate gland. It can occur after hypothermia (who in childhood or adolescence did not sit on the cold ground, steps or concrete parapets surrounded by a cheerful company?), after urological examinations using instruments or a catheter.

Complications as a result of this disease are severe:

  • Abscess of the anal area.
  • Abscess of the urinary system.
  • Blood poisoning.
  • Perineal abscess.

And the worst problem of any man is impotence.

Of course, treatment for prostatitis with prayers alone is categorically unacceptable. But conspiracies will provide great moral support to the patient. Faith in healing works miracles stronger than even the most miraculous drugs. Why not give it to someone who is trying with all his might to be cured.

Our regular reader got rid of PROSTATITIS using an effective method. He tested it on himself - the result was 100% - complete relief from prostatitis. This is a natural remedy based on honey. We tested the method and decided to recommend it to you. The result is fast. EFFECTIVE METHOD.

Preparation for the conspiracy procedure

Any magical ritual should be performed by a person with pure thoughts and a bright aura, that is, not smoothed over, not bewitched. To read a conspiracy against prostatitis, you need to fulfill several conditions:

  • wait for the moon to wane;
  • light a pre-prepared church candle;
  • ask the Lord for blessings on your undertaking;
  • read a prayer for the healing of the sick.

Conspiracy session for prostatitis

The spell given below is read over water poured into a container, where you can then sit. The water should be such that it can be tolerated, but not burn. You need to bend low over the water, so that your breath ripples the water surface. Conspiracies are carried out 12 evenings, all the time while the moon is waning, for 3 months. There will be 36 sessions in total. After reading the spell on water, you need to immerse yourself in it and sit for 30 minutes.

Any magical ritual must be performed by a person with pure thoughts and a bright aura.

Prostatitis spell text

You can recite the plot on paper, the main thing is that it is done in close proximity to water:

“There were 3 monks walking, carrying 3 schemas. Here's your staff. Here's your belt. Here you go, hang it on your belt. Grant me health, and grant the demon illness. 3 monks, 3 schemas. In three monasteries there are 3 Bibles, 3 troparions. Almighty God, heal the slave (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After finishing the water procedure, you must definitely thank the Lord. You can ask for blessings and offer gratitude arbitrarily, but if you cannot find the necessary phrases, you should turn to the Prayer Book, there are the necessary prayers, including the prayer “Prayer for the healing of the sick.”

Other conspiracies for illness

The main thing is to remember that any actions of magical medicine are an addition to treatment, and not its basis. The medication course is prescribed by the doctor, who also monitors the course of the disease. Prayer for prostatitis or influencing it with a spell is only an auxiliary tool for combating pathology.

Conspiracy one

The plot is read at the time of the waning of the Moon before going to bed:

“Mother Lady, where did you spend the night, where did you sleep? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? - I had a wonderful dream, which I will keep silent about and won’t tell anyone. shut up too, you lips, when I fall asleep. Close, Mother, my lips with a golden lock and a holy key. The word of the Mother of God is, yes, firstly, a guardian angel - it is, yes, secondly, my word is nothing, dumb. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen (3 times).”

Conspiracy two

This magical session is carried out during the waxing Moon, early in the morning, when the Sun begins to rise. The venue should be secluded, inaccessible to prying eyes. Prepare a feminine wooden block ahead of time (aspen is not allowed!):

The plot is read at the time of the waning of the moon

  • alder;
  • fir;
  • birch;
  • pine.

The order of the session will be as follows:

  • Use an ax to cut the deck into 6 pieces.
  • Fold them into 2 triangles on the ground, shoulder distance apart.
  • Stand barefoot inside the triangles to the east.
  • With your left hand press against the solar plexus, with your right hand hold a round oak block in the area of ​​the heart.
  • Read the plot:

“God’s luminary, share your mighty power with God’s servant (name). The sun is rising, and the vein is too, the sun is up, and the vein is also living. As long as you bow into the sunset, the servant of God (name) will arrange a feast in his house, let a vein into a hidden place, the path of the sun will end, and a love affair will take place with the servant of God (name of wife). And it will be this way and not otherwise! Forever and ever. Amen".

  • Make a fire from logs, wait until it burns out and ash appears.
  • Draw a cross on the ash heap with an oak tree saying:

“It is time for the Servant of God (name) to follow the sun. His worker lived. Amen".

Then return home without saying a word. He hides an oak block under his pillow at sunset and is sure to have sexual intercourse with his wife that same night.

Conspiracy three

This spell is based on the use of a charmed mixture:

  • 3 egg yolks (from eggs not older than 3 days);
  • Juice of 3 lemons;
  • 1 glass of cognac;
  • 1 glass of honey.

Mix everything and eat 1 tablespoon half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner, until it’s gone. Before using the composition, speak three times:

“A monk is walking, carrying a staff in his hands. Take your belt, give away your health. Give the pain to the devil. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

An effective spell for the prostate gland, which must be performed on men’s days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Speak to the prostate on “masculine” days

An effective spell for the prostate gland, which must be performed on men's days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. You need to pour water into the container. It could be a jar, mug, bowl, etc. Speak magic words to her:

“In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Just as the holy Apostolic Council stands firmly on four legs, so firmly and firmly do I anchor my manly flesh: for many years to come, for a fierce desire, and may God’s blessing descend upon this water. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen (3 times).”

You need to take 12 sips of the charmed water, and wash the rest of the male genital organ.

Prayer for the treatment of prostatitis

You can spend years visiting doctors' offices, you can drink liters of infusions and decoctions according to traditional medicine recipes, you can even surrender to the hands of a surgeon, but you will never get rid of the problem until the end of your days. Hope in a doctor, healer or grandmother is hope in an ordinary mortal person. His intervention does not always bring healing, giving only temporary relief.

And then, in calls for help, a person turns to God with a prayer. You need to read the prayer, clearing your head of extraneous thoughts, thinking only about recovery and sacredly believing:

“Almighty! Heavenly Father! Grant healing to me!

Our Father, I believe holy in you.

Great God, I believe in you, loving.

Your name is powerful, the adversary will have no strength,

My prostate will heal.

Holy is the name of God in my land.

He is being treated with decoctions, the servant of God (name), who is sick.

I’m healing, saving sick flesh,

My God, Savior, a strong stronghold.

My God, my God, my salvation,

Herbal potions are your blessing.

Deliver me from evil illness, from hundreds of shackles,

Treatment of prostatitis is a long process, even when combining spells and prayers with drug therapy. To avoid having to suffer from this disease, it is best to take care of men’s health from childhood. But, if, nevertheless, the illness has settled in the body, do not rely on prayers alone. The main assistant is modern medicine. And only then – conspiracies.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis.

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    The materials on the site are not a guide to action and are of a recommendatory nature. Only a specialist can prescribe treatment and make an accurate diagnosis. oblivki

    Prostatitis - treatment with folk remedies

    Several years ago, I myself began to experience unpleasant symptoms of this disease. Doctors confirmed the initial stage. As a believer, I first of all turned to God in prayer. Scripture says that every illness is not from God, but only a consequence of our wrong state of mind, that is, deviation from the Divine path (the Bible calls this sin). Our Creator put in us an ideal mechanism of self-regulation, in other words, he created us perfect. But due to an incorrect lifestyle, we ourselves are the cause of our diseases. Prostate adenoma , or prostatitis is no exception.

    You can go to doctors for years, spend treatment various folk remedies, in desperation, subject yourself to surgery, but remain with your own problem for the rest of your life. Hope in doctors and healers is, ultimately, hope in a person who is as mortal as the rest of us. The operation, at best, will provide only temporary relief, and at worst, additional complications. Man cannot save man, but God is our Healer. This is what the Word of God says as written in the Bible. Our hope in human help is unfounded due to simple ignorance of Divine truth.

    Written: “For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

    Whenever any illness invaded my life, first of all I raised my eyes to my Healer - Jesus Christ. Same time when the symptoms appeared prostatitis , I did not consult with people, I did not try get treatment any folk remedies, did not place his trust in doctors, but placed his trust in the Word of God, which said: “But He took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our sorrows (Isa. 53:4).

    I declared to God: “Lord, you have healed me many times from various diseases according to my faith in Your Word.” Now, deliver me from every cause of illness. prostate gland. After all, You already took away all my weaknesses and illnesses 2000 years ago and nailed them to the cross with Your body. By Your stripes I am already healed. I see Your light penetrate the area prostate gland and restores complete balance to my entire immune system. You have already taken upon yourself every cause of this disease - prostatitis. I see my prostate gland as young, strong, healthy. Your Divine oil fills it, renews it, heals it. Rivers of living water flow through mine prostatic, nourish her, she blossoms like a palm tree in the desert, like a rose in the garden. I proclaim youth, strength, health to my prostate gland and complete balance and harmony. Thank you for the healing from prostatitis, dear Heavenly Father. Praise and glory be to You forever. Amen.

    This is the kind of prayer I prayed every day for about two to three months. And my prayer of faith was answered. Symptoms of the disease prostate gland gone, like streams of muddy water go away after a rainstorm.

    Also, for preventive purposes, I daily proclaim youth, strength, and health to the prostate gland. The Lord is my Healer. He created me, His hands formed all my organs, and He knows perfectly well how to deliver His children from their ailments. Thank Him for everything that He has done, is doing and will do in my life.

    The Lord also put it on my heart to pray for the healing of all those men who are still bound by the disease prostate adenomas.

    Dear friend, do not rush to despair, do not rush to subject yourself to surgical intervention. Know, Lord, that our Healer wants to touch you with love and free you from a painful illness. All you have to do is believe Him. Look at the Cross of Calvary, see there the Son of God, crucified for our iniquities. Study carefully His wounded body, and you will see on Him all your illnesses and all your infirmities, which Jesus took upon himself. In return, he clothed you with the shining robes of health, holiness and righteousness. Just believe His Word and you'll be healed.

    By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I have prepared for you an audio recording of a prayer for healing from prostatitis . Listen and heal. God bless you.

    Here is an audio recording of a healing prayer

    Audio: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download the latest version here. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

    I also invite you to visit my virtual office to listen to a general prayer for healing

    Witchcraft recipes: Prostate adenoma

    IN 1/2 l of water, add 1 cup of onion peels, which you first rinse in a colander. Boil the husks in an enamel saucepan for 7 minutes. Make sure that the water does not boil too much.

    Then let it brew for 40 minutes, strain and add 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.

    Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 5 days. Then take a five-day break, and then take it for another 5 days.

    In between, do salt wraps. Prepare a linen diaper of such a size that you can use it to make diapers for yourself. Soak the diaper in the solution, wring it out and wrap it around for 2-3 hours. Prepare a solution at the rate of 2 liters of water per 200 g of salt.

    Prayer for the treatment of prostate adenoma

    Conspiracies for prostatitis

    Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. This process quickly turns into a chronic form of the disease.

    To quickly get rid of prostatitis and cure it forever, at the first symptoms you should go to the hospital. If you completely cannot trust doctors, also try to help yourself by reading a conspiracy to get rid of prostatitis. Only your actions should be an addition, and not the basis of treatment, which should be prescribed by a specialist, as well as observing the course of the disease.

    A conspiracy or magical ritual.

    If you cannot cope with the disease.

    Conspiracy No. 1

    Read on the waning moon before bed:

    “Mother Lady, where did you sleep and spend the night? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? - I saw a wonderful dream, I will keep silent about it and will not tell it to anyone. Be silent, too, my lips when I sleep. Close my mouth, O Mother of God, with a golden lock and Your holy key. The word of the Mother of God is the first, the guardian angel is the second, mine is silent and nothing. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Conspiracy No. 2

    On the waxing moon, at sunrise, in a place hidden from prying eyes, split the log of a woman’s tree with an ax into six logs.

    From the six pieces, place two triangles on the ground at a distance of the width of your shoulders.

    Place each bare foot on the figure, place your left hand on the solar plexus, and with your right hand hold a round piece of oak wood at heart level.

    Turn to the east and say:

    “God’s luminary, share your power with the vein of God’s servant (name). You are on the rise, and so is she, you are at the zenith, and lived it up the mountain. When you roll towards sunset, the servant of God (name) will have a feast in his hut, will run a vein into the hollow female place, the course of the sun will end, an intimate affair will be accomplished with the servant of God (name of the woman). Let it be so, and not otherwise. Forever and ever. Amen".

    Having finished communicating with the sun, light a fire from logs. When the wood is burned and the coals have cooled, draw a cross on the ashes with an oak block, saying:

    “It’s time for God’s servant (name) to follow the sun. His vein is working. Amen".

    A healing method that works for almost everyone

    Silently go home, taking with you a block of oak, which you should put under your pillow at sunset, and then indulge in copulation with your wife.

    Conspiracy No. 3

    Take 3 yolks (from eggs that the chicken laid no more than three days ago), juice of 3 lemons, 200 ml of cognac, 200 g of honey. Mix all ingredients and take 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon 20–30 minutes before meals.

    But before the potion is ready for use, it must be spoken three times:

    “A monk was walking, carrying a staff. Take your belt and give me health. Give the disease to the devil. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Conspiracy No. 4

    This procedure is carried out at least 12 times.

    The ritual begins on the waning moon. Speak to the water in the bathroom and sit in it. First, read the prayer for healing, and then the conspiracy:

    “Lord, Almighty, Holy King, punishing and unmortifying, strengthening those who fall and raising up the overthrown, correcting the bodily sorrows of man, we pray to You, our God, bless Your weak servant (name) with Your mercy, forgive him all sins, voluntary and involuntary. Reveal, O Lord, Your healing skills, tame passion and any lurking infirmity, becoming the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, from the bed of bitterness whole and all perfect, grant him to Your Church, pleasing and doing Your will. For You are, our merciful and saving God, and to You we offer glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    “Three monks are walking, they are carrying three schemas. Take the staff and belt. Hang the disease on your belt and take it to the devil. Give me health. 3 monks, 3 schemas. 3 monasteries, 3 Bibles. 3 steps, Lord God, heal me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Such methods should be carried out in combination with other treatment methods.

    Conspiracy No. 5

    On any of the men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), chant water, holding a glass of liquid in your left hand:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Apostolic Cathedral stands firmly on four legs. Let me attach my male flesh just as tightly. For a long life, for an ardent desire. May this water be blessed by God. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Twelve sips are drunk from the mug, and the male flesh is washed with the remaining water.

    Conspiracy No. 6

    When you get up at 5 a.m., inspect your bed for foreign objects. Then go and urinate on a tree limb, no later than 6 am. Take a handful of earth from under the tree, squeeze it into your fist and go home. The soil should be left near the gate or entrance. In the evening, before going to bed, read the Lord’s Prayer once and the spell three times:

    “From Christ and the hand of Spasova, the Mother of God has a castle, the key is in Jerusalem. Water in the river, water in the well, dust stands like a pillar on the path, male power sits like a core in me. Don't interrupt her, don't break her, don't speak. The braid is braided, my lock is locked. The key will be lost, the lock will not be opened, the hex will not be broken. The oak is strong, my trunk is damask steel. As long as the twig lives, no one will turn my silushka down. Amen".

    The ritual is performed on a waxing or full moon and is repeated 9 days in a row, at the same time.

    Conspiracy No. 7

    “Lord! Heavenly Father! Heal me!

    God, you are ours, I firmly believe in you.

    You are great God, I believe in you, loving you.

    Your name is strong, the adversary has no strength,

    My prostate is being treated.

    Strong is the name of God, holy on earth.

    He is treated in decoctions, the servant of God (name), who is sick.

    I am healing, cleansing the flesh from disease,

    My God, you are the Savior, my strong raft.

    God you are my God you are my salvation

    Herbal potions are your blessing.

    Remove the evil disease, thousands of shackles,

    Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

    Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    Let me remind you that conspiracies are used as an auxiliary treatment along with medication, and not instead of it.