Smell from a woman's navel. Pathologies of the genitourinary system

The basis of everything

Every person has a navel. Many people do not attach much importance to his condition. But it is a part of the body like any other, and it requires special care. It can be affected by various types of infections. Therefore, if there is discharge from the navel, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. A possible cause is omphalitis or fistula. But only a doctor can determine this; you won’t achieve anything at home, since you need tests, at least a bacterial culture.


Most often, navel discharge is the result of bacteria or fungus. In this case, the affected area becomes red, swollen and itchy. An unpleasant odor may appear. Then fluid mixed with blood and pus begins to accumulate in the umbilical fossa. This whole thing smells bad. Despite its apparent harmlessness, the disease is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. The whole point is that purulent inflammation will go further into the body and spread to other tissues. At the first symptoms, it is very important to consult a doctor immediately. Omphalitis is easy to treat. In the early stages, it is sufficient to use an antiseptic or cauterize the wound with silver nitrate. The procedure is painful, but gives good results. In severe cases, surgery is required. The doctor will insert a special probe into the wound and clean it of pus. Then it is enough to use special ointments and gels. An important aspect of treatment is the use of antibacterial therapy. Discharge from the navel can occur in both a child and an adult.

Weeping navel

If fluid is released from the navel, then it is not necessary to suspect that you have a terrible disease. Sometimes it's quite simple. Thus, small serous crusts appear in the moisture zone, sometimes with purulent discharge. In rare cases, excessive granulation can lead to growth in the form of a mushroom-shaped tumor, but this is not life-threatening. Treatment is very simple - just use antiseptics and powder. Also, do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene.


But in some cases, a weeping belly button can mean a serious illness. In this case, discharge from the navel is not the only symptom. So, phlegmon can spread to other tissues. The area of ​​inflammation increases not only in breadth, but also in depth. On palpation, pain is observed, body temperature rises sharply. If no action is taken at this stage, the necrotic stage will begin. Sepsis spreads to nearby vessels. This is a rather dangerous process.

Navel fistula

Most often, a fistula is a congenital pathology. It occurs as a result of non-closure of the vitelline or urinary duct. Inflammation most often begins with non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, as sebaceous secretions accumulate in the umbilical fossa. The result is infection and inflammation. Discharge from the navel begins. Also, piercing can provoke the development of a fistula.


In the early stages, navel inflammation is easily treated. It is enough to wipe it with a swab moistened with an antiseptic. Don't forget about the rules of personal hygiene. It would be a good idea to consult a surgeon.

With advanced diseases, the navel can not only become wet, but also leak. If it flows from the navel, then one can only assume complications from inflammatory diseases, that is, almost emergency cases.
Serous fluid, pus, and even blood can flow from the navel. Let's consider cases and diseases that pose a danger to life.

Why does it flow from the navel?

So, after all, why does it flow from the navel? The cause of copious discharge from the navel is already “advanced” cases of omphalitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and skin around the navel), as well as umbilical fistula.
There are three forms of omphalitis: catarrhal, phlegmonous and gangrenous.
In the catarrhal form, the symptoms are not clearly expressed - the patient is “accompanied” by mild pain in the form of tingling, a little itching appears, and the navel becomes wet. At this stage, small curdled discharge with a putrid odor appears.

If the patient ignores the “alarm bells” of his body, and timely treatment was not carried out, the second stage of the disease begins - phlegmonous. Symptoms of phlegmonous omphalitis: fever up to 39 degrees, noticeable inflammation of surrounding tissues, pain on palpation, and a general deterioration in the patient’s condition in general. If the patient is not treated in a hospital, a gangrenous (necrotic) form of omphalitis will soon develop.
The gangrenous (necrotic) form of omphalitis involves the spread of infection to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, necrosis (death) of the subcutaneous tissue and detachment of the skin around the navel, and, as a consequence, the development of sepsis (blood poisoning). In this case, the question of life and death of the patient is already on the clock.
Umbilical fistula is, in most cases, a congenital disease characterized by the absence of occlusion of the intestinal or urinary duct. In the first case, liquid contents from the intestines are released from the navel; in the second, urine is released.
There is also a fistula acquired, already in adulthood, which is observed during inflammation of the anterior wall of the peritoneum or opening of abscesses through the navel.

When blood flows from the belly button...

In the event that blood is flowing from the navel, you should immediately consult a doctor, even if the accompanying symptoms do not bother you.
So, blood from the navel is characteristic of the following diseases:

1. Piercing the navel with a ring (piercing);
2. If granulation tissue has grown;
3. Endometriosis of the navel has occurred;
4. Advanced forms of omphalitis;
5. In rare cases, the presence of fistulas in the navel.

The once fashionable trend of young people to pierce their navels and other parts of the body, called piercing, is one of the main reasons for the presence of bloody discharge from the navel. The reason for this is the incompetence of the master, cheap materials, and later, negligent or improper care after the puncture. If the navel has been bleeding for a long time (more than six months), and if pus has also been added to the blood, you should quickly go for an examination to a surgeon, who will prescribe adequate treatment and, most likely, force you to remove the earring from the navel.
Overgrowth of granulation tissue (umbilical fungus) is a common occurrence in large newborns and manifests itself in the form of tissue growth over the navel, shaped like a raspberry. It may cause bleeding, but it is extremely rare to become inflamed. Navel fungus is treated by cauterization using a lapis pencil, which must be used immediately after the usual treatment of a child’s navel.
In an adult, umbilical fungus can be observed in case of damage to granulation tissue after omphalitis has healed.
Navel endometriosis is the growth of endometrioid tissue into the cavity of the anterior abdominal wall. As a result, bloody discharge appears. The disease occurs only in women, and no doctor has yet found a clear explanation for this pathology.
Before the transition of catarrhal omphalitis to phlegmonous omphalitis, the discharge from the navel is also bloody. The whole point is that the blood vessels become infected, which contributes to even greater “ejections” of blood from the navel to the outside.
In rare cases, umbilical fistulas may also bleed. With this pathology, blood is mixed with pus.

When pus flows from the navel...

Pus flows from the navel if fistulas are observed, as well as forms of catarrhal or phlegmonous omphalitis, and, in the first case, it is mixed with serous fluid, in the second - with blood. Treatment in this situation is strictly under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital so that the disease does not progress to the next stage.
It is worth noting that purulent contents are almost never “independent”. Typically, pus flows from the navel either along with clear liquid in mild cases of the disease, or with blood in advanced cases.

Irregular hygiene

  • navel smell,
  • navel discharge,
  • inflammation of this area

Umbilical fistula

Characteristic signs of a fistula:

  • irritation of the umbilical ring,
  • purulent discharge,

How to properly wash your belly button?

Why does my belly button stink?

Irregular hygiene

Why does an unpleasant odor appear from the umbilical fossa? Very often the reason lies in a simple lack of personal hygiene, especially if a person has a deep navel.

Dirt, dust, particles of skin and hair, lint from clothes accumulate in it - all this leads to the appearance of umbilical pellets - small balls of hair, which, if you do not wash and remove them from the navel, can transform into a foul-smelling mud plug.

Diseases accompanied by navel odor

Urachal cyst (bladder cyst)

This disease is an abnormal development of the urinary duct, urachus. It may appear during embryonic development and not make itself felt for a long time.

A person can live with this cyst for a long time and not suspect it, but at some point (this often happens in adulthood) it will still reveal itself. An infection that has entered the body will lead to suppuration of the cyst and require urgent treatment.

Urachal cysts are usually diagnosed in men, but sometimes occur in women. It requires surgery.

This is an inflammation of the skin that is located in the umbilical fossa. Most often, this disease develops in children, but it can also appear in adults. The disease occurs due to damage to the skin inside the navel, which then becomes infected. For example, this can happen as a result of an unsuccessful navel piercing or an injury to the abdominal area.

Characteristic signs of omphalitis:

  • navel smell,
  • navel discharge,
  • inflammation of this area
  • if you press on the umbilical fossa, pus is released,
  • Sometimes the temperature may rise.

What should you do if these symptoms appear? See a doctor as soon as possible! He will prescribe treatment or, if necessary, refer you to the hospital.

Umbilical fistula

This disease is usually observed in children, but can also occur in adults (both women and men).

Characteristic signs of a fistula:

  • the skin in the umbilical fossa area is red and irritated,
  • the navel is wet and stinks, there is purulent discharge from the navel (with a complete fistula, urine or intestinal contents may also be released),
  • a person has an elevated temperature.

If you notice the symptoms listed above, you should immediately seek help from a doctor! In some cases, surgery may be required.

Candidiasis and other fungal infections

Because of them, the navel sometimes also stinks, and the skin around it itches and turns red. Candida fungus loves warm and moist places, so it can develop not only on the genitals, intestines and mouth, but also in skin folds, including the umbilical fossa.

Navel candidiasis can occur due to hormonal imbalance, including during pregnancy, improper or insufficient hygiene, taking antibiotics or hormonal contraceptives, diabetes and other diseases.

In addition to the unpleasant odor, white cheesy discharge, redness of the skin and itching may appear in the umbilical fossa area. To treat this disease you will need the help of a doctor.

Why might there be an odor from a newborn's belly button?

The most common causes of unpleasant odor from the navel of babies are complications during the healing of the umbilical wound and the formation of fistulas. Both cases require medical intervention.

Why are there difficulties in healing the umbilical ring? In most cases, this is due to improper hygiene: parents do not properly treat the wound, use stale towels, or touch the umbilical ring with dirty hands.

Umbilical fistulas in infants are accompanied by the same symptoms as in adults:

  • irritation of the umbilical ring,
  • redness of the skin around and inside the navel,
  • purulent discharge,
  • Sometimes the temperature may rise.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor from the umbilical fossa?

What to do to get rid of belly button odor? It's quite simple: you need to maintain regular and proper hygiene in this area.

How to properly wash your belly button?

It is necessary to wash every day, preferably using a liquid product (shower gel, soap), which will help clean all the folds in the umbilical fossa - it is not always possible to wash them thoroughly with bar soap.

What to do if the smell does not go away?

Remember, ignoring such symptoms can lead to complications, prolongation of treatment, unscheduled hospitalization and even death (in case of strangulated umbilical hernia). The same applies to self-medication.

What should you do if your baby smells from the navel?

What else can you advise young parents?

Discharge from the navel in children and adults

We pay very little attention to the navel: this kind of reminder of the intrauterine period of life is not of particular interest to an adult, and even children at kindergarten age get tired of looking at their own navel.

Causes of navel discharge in young children

If the problem is not solved promptly, general symptoms appear - the body temperature rises, the child becomes capricious or lethargic, loses appetite, and regurgitates. It is important to prevent the generalization of the inflammatory process, so parents are advised to be vigilant and at the first signs of omphalitis, not to give up on “trifling” inflammation, but to consult a doctor.

If the immune system is impaired, the disease can develop into a necrotic (gangrenous) form, which poses a serious danger to the health and life of the baby: spreading deeper into the abdominal wall and internal organs, the infection leads to the development of peritonitis and sepsis.

Causes of navel discharge with an unpleasant odor in adults

Omphalitis can occur not only in infants - both older children and adults can become victims of infection, mainly due to neglect of hygiene procedures.

And in fact, think: we scrupulously take care of observing the rules of personal hygiene in relation to the oral cavity, ear canals and other parts of the body, but for some reason we forget about the navel.

The tissues become irritated and infected, at first a slight itching may appear, then purulent discharge from the navel: even in adults, the flow of pus from such an unexpected place causes bewilderment and fear.

When immunity decreases, a fungal infection sometimes occurs, most often candidiasis: the yeast Candida albicans thrives in a humid environment, actively multiplying and spreading throughout the body.

Curdled white discharge from the navel is a possible sign of candidiasis.

You may be faced with an infection, so do not let the situation take its course and visit a doctor: he will assess the degree of inflammation and prescribe tests to determine its cause. And before going to the clinic, follow basic hygiene rules: take a shower with soap at least once a day, wipe the umbilical cavity with a napkin to remove excess moisture, and carefully clean it with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide or any other liquid antiseptic.

If you wear a belly button earring, remove it during pregnancy to prevent injury to the soft tissue.

Discharge from the navel is a pathology, since in normal condition the retracted scar covering the umbilical ring at the site of the fallen umbilical cord should be completely dry and not cause any discomfort.

Despite the fact that there is only muscle tissue and skin in the navel area, unpleasant discharge from the navel indicates the presence of inflammation.

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Causes of navel discharge

Surgeons name the following causes of discharge from the navel: inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the umbilical cavity (omphalitis), thrombophlebitis of the umbilical vein, navel fistula, endometriosis of the navel, inflammation of the urachal cyst.

Discharge from the navel in a newborn in the first month of life in most clinical cases is a symptom of omphalitis - simple, phlegmonous or, very rarely, necrotic. The causative agent of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the umbilical wound of infants is staphylococcus or streptococcus.

Thrombophlebitis of the umbilical vein and associated with it in a newborn can be diagnosed in the case when the baby, during resuscitation procedures for asphyxia, underwent catheterization of the umbilical vessels. Thrombophlebitis of the umbilical vein is one of the complications of this manipulation.

Infectious inflammation of the navel skin (omphalitis) in adults also has a bacterial or fungal etiology. And discharge from the navel during pregnancy can occur precisely because of omphalitis. Discharge from the navel in women and men is possible as a result of an acquired peri-umbilical fistula, which forms at the site of opened suppuration when an umbilical hernia is strangulated.

One of the reasons for such discharge is a urachus cyst - a congenital anomaly that occurs during intrauterine development. This pathology is associated with the fact that the fetal urinary duct (urachus) does not completely close, but doctors have not yet figured out why this happens. Moreover, this developmental defect may not show itself for a long time and only appear with age.

In addition, navel discharge in women may occur due to navel endometriosis, when the inner mucous membrane of the uterine body (endometrium) grows into the peritoneal tissue in the umbilical area.

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Symptoms of navel discharge

Symptoms of navel discharge depend on the cause of the pathology. Characteristic signs of simple omphalitis (also called a weeping navel) are serous discharge and odor from the navel, as well as hyperemia and swelling of the skin surrounding the navel. Phlegmonous omphalitis is characterized not only by purulent discharge from the navel, but also by an increase in temperature - locally and throughout the body. In this case, a scab forms above the source of inflammation, under which pus accumulates, and when palpating the area adjacent to the inflammation, patients complain of pain.

The necrotic form of this disease, according to surgeons, is a rare but extremely dangerous phenomenon. With necrotizing omphalitis, the skin around the navel becomes purple or bluish, and open ulcerations may appear. Body temperature rises to +39.5°C. The inflammatory process goes deep, that is, it involves the peritoneum and can cause acute purulent inflammation of the abdominal wall (phlegmon). It can also reach internal organs, which can lead to blood poisoning (sepsis).

When the umbilical wound is inflamed in newborns, serous-purulent or purulent discharge is possible, and dilated vessels are visible on the abdominal wall. In case of general intoxication, the baby may become restless or lethargic, have difficulty sucking at the breast and burp frequently.

With thrombophlebitis of the umbilical vein in newborns, the skin around the navel turns red, a fibrous cord appears above the navel, the abdominal wall is constantly tense, and when stroking the abdomen, bloody discharge from the navel appears.

First, transparent and then white discharge from the navel is observed with a fistula. The skin near the navel may also become inflamed, and blood may appear in the discharge. The anterior abdominal wall is tense and painful.

With endometriosis of the navel in women, bloody discharge from the navel and nagging pain appear before, during or immediately after the end of menstruation.

Diagnosis of navel discharge

Today, the diagnosis of discharge from the navel is carried out mainly on the basis of examination of the patient, determination of the causative agent of inflammation through bacteriological examination of the discharge (navel smear) and a general blood test.

If discharge from the navel is not associated with omphalitis, a urine test, x-ray or ultrasound examination of the abdominal and pelvic organs is prescribed.

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Treatment of navel discharge

Treatment for navel discharge depends on its cause. In local therapy of simple omphalitis (in both newborns and adults), the navel is treated with antiseptic drugs such as an alcohol solution of iodine (10%), an alcohol solution of brilliant green (2%), a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), a solution of potassium permanganate (5%), silver nitrate solution (2%).

  • Synthomycin liniment (Synthomycin emulsion) - applied to the navel area, a regular bandage is applied on top (possibly with compress paper) - 3-4 times a day.
  • Polymyxin-m sulfate - applied in a thin layer to the affected area after removing the pus - 1-2 times a day.
  • Baneocin (Bacitracin + Neomycin) - applied 2-4 times during the day. Redness, dry skin, skin rashes and itching may occur at the site of application of the drug. Pregnant women are not recommended to use.
  • Bactroban ointment and cream (Mupiprocin) - applied three times during the day, the course of treatment is 7-10 days. The ointment is not used to treat children under 2 months old, and the cream is not used for children under one year of age.

Treatment in the case of phlegmonous or necrotizing omphalitis is carried out in a hospital setting - with injections of antibiotics. In severe situations, they resort to surgical intervention with the installation of drainage to remove pus.

Discharge from the navel with an odor

Unfortunately, few people realize that the navel also needs to be looked after as carefully as the rest of the body. Many people don't think about hygiene until they experience smelly discharge from their belly button. And this smell is very unpleasant.
Unfortunately, an unpleasant odor from the navel can occur not only in adults, but also in very young children. And this can be either a lack of hygiene (the mother does not take good care of the child’s navel) or the peculiarities of its structure (for example, a navel fistula).
The fact is that our navel is like a “garbage collector”; through dust and dirt, pathogenic bacteria that live and multiply easily get there. This is why the unpleasant smell appears. Alas, unfortunately, not everyone thinks about such dire consequences of lack of navel hygiene as omphalitis, and even, possibly, umbilical fistula.

Why does my belly button stink?

If suddenly one day a completely healthy person begins to notice an odor from his navel, then this is a serious reason to contact a specialist. If the navel stinks, and in addition there is itching, redness and suspicious discharge, then most likely we can talk about omphalitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and skin around the navel). This happens to people who do not follow basic rules of personal hygiene, as well as to those who have had their navel pierced (piercing).
Thank God, the main fashion for piercing has passed, therefore, according to statistics, people’s complaints about the condition of the navel after a piercing have become much less in the last couple of years.
However, the problem of navel odor remains relevant. One such problem is a disease called omphalitis, which is characterized not only by an odor from the navel, but also by other symptoms, such as itching, discharge of pus with serous fluid, or pus with blood. Advanced stages of the disease are accompanied by high fever (up to 39-40 degrees) and extremely severe abdominal pain on palpation.
In women, the navel may smell for two other reasons - endometriosis and candidiasis. In the first case, the woman is dealing with the growth of the endometrium into the abdominal cavity, and in the second, with the Candida fungus, which also gives an unpleasant odor from the navel. In addition, a cheesy discharge may come from it. This is not a terrible pathology, but if it bothers you greatly, you should, of course, consult a gynecologist and subsequently a surgeon.
Fungal infections can also “settle” in the navel, which, in turn, will also give an “effect” in the form of a foul odor from the navel, as well as discharge with an unpleasant odor.
An umbilical fistula, observed most often in newborns, may also cause an unpleasant odor from the navel. With this pathology, unfortunately, the smell from the navel is not the only unpleasant symptom. The smell is also accompanied by discharge from the intestines or bladder, depending on the area in which the infection is present. This pathology can only be corrected surgically.
And finally, ordinary garbage in the navel can cause the stench from the navel. Dust, sand, fabrics from clothes (this also happens) cause an odor in the navel. This problem especially affects obese people with a deep navel, which is an excellent “residence” for tissues from clothing, dust, dirt and other waste. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to maintain navel hygiene - at least once or twice a week, clean the navel with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of Chlogexidine, Miramistin, and if there is an unpleasant odor in the navel, you need to use hydrogen peroxide or fucorcin.
However, following all the rules for caring for your navel, you see that the problem remains, and it is accompanied by pain of an incomprehensible nature, itching and strange discharge - immediately contact a specialist. Perhaps the reason is not in the navel itself, but in diseases of the abdominal cavity or in the field of gynecology (in women).
Be healthy and never forget about the hygiene of those places that you think do not need hygiene.