Jacqueline Stallone before and after plastic surgery. Jacqueline Stallone: ​​what the mother of Hollywood actor predicted for Mikhail Gorbachev Failed plastic surgeries by Jacqueline Stallone

Old age did not force her to sit idle - the Hollywood star’s mother writes books, is involved in social activities, and compiles astrological horoscopes. She had a turbulent youth, and in old age Jackie Stallone is not going to lose ground.


She grew up in the family of a Washington lawyer, whose ancestors once emigrated to the United States from Odessa. Jackie Stallone's creative biography in her youth was connected with show business - she was a dancer on Broadway, sang on the stage of Billy Rose's Diamonds Horseshoe Club at night, and was a member of a group of tightrope walkers who performed in the circus.

Later, Jackie became involved in active social activities, became a writer and became seriously interested in astrology.

In this area, Jacqueline Stallone made a successful career - she organized an astrological school and acquired a wide range of famous clients.

“I started making a living through astrology,” says Jackie.

It is known that during the election campaign of Bush Jr., she predicted his victory, and during a trip to Russia she not only compiled a personal horoscope for Mikhail Gorbachev, but also met him personally.

Jackie Stalone has visited the homeland of her ancestors more than once and sincerely does not understand why her grandmother, her husband and sons left such a beautiful city as Odessa at the end of the nineteenth century.

Since the mid-nineties, Jackie's career has been connected with television - she has repeatedly taken part in various programs, and was also a participant in the reality show Celebrity Big Brothers.

Personal life

Her personal life cannot be called smooth - she was married more than once, Jackie had three official husbands. She first married Sicilian immigrant hairdresser Frank Stallone. Their marriage lasted about twelve years, and during this time they became the parents of two children - sons Sylvester and Frank.

According to Jackie, her first husband had a very violent temper and did not pay attention to his sons at all. Since Jackie herself worked a lot, performing in the circus and dancing on Broadway, she also had no time to take care of the children, and she sent them to a boarding school.

Jacqueline's second husband was Anthony Filiti, with whom her personal life was connected for only a few years - their family broke up immediately after the birth of their third child, Jackie, the daughter of Tony D'Alto. Jacqueline moved with him to Philadelphia.

In 1998, Jacqueline Stallone married neurosurgeon Steven Marcus Levine, who is twenty-three years younger than her and only two years older than her eldest son Sylvester. They are still together - next to Steven, Jackie feels more confident and calm.

Jackie Stallone's children

All three of Jackie's children connected their lives with show business. The elder Sylvester has long become a megastar; he not only continues to act, but also writes scripts and directs his own films.

Sly, who married three times, has five children - two sons and three daughters.

Jackie's youngest son Frank was very independent from childhood and even paid for his studies at the Abraham Lincoln School on his own, earning money by playing the guitar. He began his career by singing songs in the style of Frank Sinatra, then he began writing music himself and released several albums that enjoyed great success.

He appeared in cameo roles in the film Hudson Hawk and in the Rocky film series with his older brother.

Jackie Stallone's daughter Toni Ann, born in her second marriage, played in only one film. Unfortunately, her life was cut short very early - Toni died at the age of forty-eight from lung cancer, which she struggled with for the last few years of her life.

She was treated at a prestigious medical center, but, realizing that the treatment did not bring positive results, she moved from there to her mother. She is survived by her son Edmund, whom Tony gave birth to from her second husband, actor Luis D’Alto.

Plastic surgery of Jacqueline Stallone

Jackie's desire to look young and charming resulted in a series of plastic surgeries and beauty injections, which she had long since lost count of.

Unfortunately, all this led to the opposite effect - Jackie's appearance changed for the worse, and now she is called one of the ugliest victims of plastic surgery.

She redrew her nose and lips more than once, and did blepharoplasty, but all these manipulations only led to Jackie’s face becoming uglier, and the abuse of decorative cosmetics only aggravated the situation.

During one of the operations, Stallone even had a heart attack, but this did not stop Jackie.

However, we must give her credit - in order to be in shape, a woman not only goes under the surgeon’s knife, but also leads a healthy lifestyle - she follows a healthy diet and has been going to the gym for many years, doing weightlifting.

Under the supervision of experienced instructors, Jacqueline lifts weights and pumps up her leg muscles.

Despite her advanced age, Jacqueline Stallone continues to take care of herself, regularly visiting cosmetologists, but now she no longer does Botox injections, but limits herself to chemical peeling.

Jacqueline Stallone is an active American public figure, actress, astrologer, and also the mother of the famous actor Sylvester Stallone. An outstanding personality with a magnificent mind, but with the most artificial appearance. At 97 years old, this gorgeous woman wears high heels and short skirts. An extraordinary man who danced on a trapeze in the circus, met with Mikhail Gorbachev, wrote books and studied extrasensory perception. And, as many joke, her main hobby turned out to be plastic surgery of her face in pursuit of eternal youth. In the article you will find photos of Jacqueline Stallone before and after plastic surgery.

Childhood and youth

Jacqueline Frances (Jackie) Stallone (maiden name Leibofish) was born on November 29, 1921 in Washington, USA. She was born to an interesting couple - lawyer John Paul Leibofish and Breton woman Jeanne Victoria Anna Clerec. Her ancestors immigrated from Ukraine to the United States in 1888, so Jacqueline went in the mid-1980s in search of her relatives, where she had the honor of meeting Mikhail Gorbachev in person.

Jackie was always a restless and active child and never sat still. Already as a 15-year-old teenager, the girl left home and went on a trip to tour with the circus, as an aerialist with a traveling circus.

Personal life

Jacqueline was married three times. Her first husband was Frank Stallone, a hairdresser, they stayed together for 12 years and had two beautiful children - Frank and Sylvester. But no one wanted to raise children, so the sons were sent to a boarding school.

Second husband Anthony Filiti also stayed married to Jackie for only a few years and the result of their life together was a daughter, Tony D’Alto. Only the third marriage was successful and continues to this day; the lucky one was neurosurgeon Steven Marcus Levine.

The woman became famous only after her son Sylvester became famous throughout the world. Otherwise, she is known more for the way she constantly tries to rejuvenate, fearing old age, rather than making things worse.

Everyday life Jacqueline

Jackie leads an active life and has many talents. At the age of forty, she successfully received a bachelor's degree in chemistry. In the period 1989-1999, she wrote 3 books on astrology, which were published all over the world, including in the UK, Japan and Spain.

She had her own TV show dedicated to fitness and athletics, after which the woman released a set of exercises for the elderly. Jackie herself does weightlifting to maintain her figure and vitality.

Before and after plastic surgery

An endless number of operations put her at the top of the list of victims of plastic surgery. Jacqueline herself does not even dispute the fact that she clearly went too far with this hobby. The nose, which was once very aristocratic, has changed greatly.

Blepharoplasty was performed - a tightening of drooping eyelids, but it turned out to be not very unsuccessful, which made the face even more unnatural, however, Stallone's mother did not stop and did it constantly, which, one day, caused a heart attack. And even various kinds of severe allergic reactions to drugs could not stop her.

In addition, Jackie constantly applies vulgar makeup on top of all this, which only makes the image brighter. The star herself admitted that three sets of fifty injections gave her the effect of bee stings on her face. Due to a bunch of injections, the lower part of my face completely fell off and swollen.

Jacqueline also constantly resorts to chemical peeling of her face to make it sparkle like in her youth. And, of course, the woman couldn’t ignore plastic surgery on her lips either.

Sylvester himself declares that this is not his mother. Apparently, this is his comic protest against numerous surgical interventions. Mother and sons attend social events together, not everyone can boast of this at 97 years old.

The mother of Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone never looked like the heroine of the comedy “Stop!” Or my mother will shoot.” Even today, 97-year-old Jacqueline Stallone takes care of her appearance. But Jacqueline became famous not at all thanks to her numerous plastic surgeries and young husbands. She has been practicing astrology for more than half a century. At one time, she compiled a horoscope for Mikhail Gorbachev.

From hairdresser to astrologer

As a girl, Jacqueline (or Jackie) Stallone bore the surname Leibovich. Her grandparents fled Soviet Russia for the United States. But Jackie Stallone was convinced of this only many years later, when she became an astrologer and fate brought her together with Mikhail Gorbachev.

And in her youth she had the opportunity to perform in the circus arena, sing in nightclubs, and sometimes work as a hairdresser. However, even when the film “Rocky” was released on American screens in 1976, making Jacqueline Sylvester Stallone’s son a real star, she still remained in the shadows.

Fame came to Jackie Stallone only in the mid-1990s. By that time, Stallone had finally decided to devote her life to astrology. The woman took the matter seriously: she published several astrological books and even hosted a television program, during which she answered questions from viewers for a fee.

Not only that, but Jacqueline Stallone invented a new term, “rumpology,” which means fortune telling on the buttocks. The astrologer also confidently stated that dogs tell her about future events, the language of which Stallone allegedly understands perfectly.

Prediction for son

However, no matter how strange Jacqueline Stallone’s speeches may seem, according to her, she really predicted the fate of her son. True, Sylvester Stallone himself was not happy about his mother’s prophecy. The fact is that Jackie promised her son a writing career, and he always dreamed of being an actor. For some time, Jacqueline complained that this forecast, albeit her only one, was still a mistake. All other “forecasts” coincided 100%.

Although it is worth noting that in reality, Jackie Stallone did not miss. After all, everyone knows that her son not only acts in films, but also writes scripts. In particular, it was Sylvester Stallone who wrote the plot of the film “Rocky,” for which he received the prestigious Oscar award.

Horoscope for Gorbachev

However, not only her children or American housewives used the astrological services of Jacqueline Stallone. Jacqueline claims that during her half-century career she became friends with many world celebrities: Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela. For all the stars listed and not mentioned, Stallone compiled individual horoscopes and predicted the future.

For example, Jackie predicted victory in the elections for George W. Bush. She even named the exact number of votes that should have brought Bush to a happy ending. Back in the 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev also turned to Stallone. The astrologer told Gorbachev that he would soon become the first president of the USSR. In return, Jacqueline asked a Soviet politician to help her establish her Ukrainian roots. Gorbachev did not refuse and even involved KGB officers in the search. In the early 2000s, Sylvester Stallone's mother visited her historical homeland, Odessa, for the first time.

What tricks do people resort to when trying to find out the future! Jacqueline Stallone, the mother of a Hollywood star, invented her own, completely unexpected way of fortune telling.


Jacqueline Stallone was born on November 29, 1921 in Washington. Her grandparents were emigrants from Odessa, which her granddaughter is still proud of:
“In the early 1980s, I drew up a horoscope for Gorbachev,” recalls Jacqueline. - I predicted that he would become president of the USSR.

Then I asked him to help me make inquiries about my ancestry. He did not refuse help and kept his word. Employees of the then KGB confirmed that my family is directly connected with Odessa. Here my grandmother, Rosa Gitel-Labovich, was born and spent her youth. At the end of the 19th century, she and her family moved to the States, where I was born.

In 2008, Jacqueline’s dream came true - she visited her grandmother’s homeland. But decades passed before this event.

And in her youth, Jacqueline worked in the circus.
- I had a boyfriend. and he really wanted me to study astrology,” she says. - I’ve been studying this for 17 years. The subject was easy for me, but I continued to study because astrology interested me very much. I began to travel around the world, meet with the rulers of different countries and study people from the point of view of astrology. I always wanted to teach all people to be happy.

Now Jacqueline Stallone has her own astrological school. Famous politicians and businessmen consider it an honor to be her clients.


In parallel with her studies in astrology, Jacqueline Stallone created her own method of popology, finding the source of predictions, sorry, below the waist: she predicts fate... by the shape of the buttocks.

At the same time, Rambo’s mother cannot be accused of charlatanism. The science of popology is very ancient, and there is nothing shameful in it. Moreover, it is known that Michel Nostradamus himself was seriously interested in popology.

The technique of this type of fortune-telling is as follows: the necessary places are dusted with a special powder, the client is seated on a special fleecy paper, and then the imprint left on it is examined. The side of the buttocks is powdered with red powder, the central part with blue, and the bottom with yellow. The popologist carefully studies the impression and makes a forecast for the future based on it. What matters is the shape and convexity of the buttocks, their size, every wrinkle and fold.

According to Jacqueline Stallone, “the life lived leaves its mark on the left buttock, the pattern of its imprinted lines is a kind of encryption of intuition, knowledge and emotions. The right buttock is a window to the future. It illustrates a person's talents, goals, dreams and hopes.

A man with elastic, convex buttocks is active and very resilient. Asymmetry of the gluteal folds reveals people as greedy and arrogant, while symmetry indicates balanced people. A mole on the upper pole of the buttock speaks of a person’s courageous and principled character; in the middle of one of the buttocks - a serious illness that will manifest itself in the middle of life.”

According to Ms. Stallone, if a lot of hair grows on the buttocks, a person is secretive. The hair, thinning towards the middle, as if worn out, reveals the insidious character of the owner - he is restless and constantly fidgets, showing a readiness to run away at the slightest danger. The combination of red hair on the head with black hair on the buttocks is a sign of talent.

Hair on the upper part of the buttocks and growths above the sacrum are a sign of some kind of genetic failure. Children from such a father may be born with external deformities or a difficult character. Before giving birth to this person, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Jacqueline's predictions are especially popular among married couples. The popologist is sure: simultaneous withering and wrinkling of the buttocks of spouses, regardless of their age. indicates a deep connection at the physiological level. This suggests that their marriage is ideal. - Husband and wife are two inseparable halves. Like two halves of one butt. - says Jacqueline.


There were many women in the life of the famous actor Sylvester Stallone, who turns 66 in July, but only a few mattered to him. Despite her 90-something years, his mother remains his main woman. And let the yellow press call Jacqueline “a source of gossip and news,” sarcastically: “This old woman with bright silicone lips shocks the public with her eccentric antics.” Sylvester knows what he owes to his mother. After all, during childbirth, the obstetrician damaged the baby’s facial nerve with forceps, and he was forever left with an asymmetrical mouth, a drooping corner of the eyelid and a partially paralyzed tongue. His famous crooked smile is a consequence of a birth injury. And only the mother believed: her son would become a celebrity no matter what!

Once Jacqueline let slip:
- As an astrologer, I was mistaken only once, predicting Sylvester a career as a writer.
- My mother is an excellent astrologer. She also tells fortunes and even invented rumpology (rampology from the American slang word rump - “ass” and the Greek word logos - “science.” - Author’s note) says Sylvester. “We have a very close relationship, but I don’t allow her to guess by my buttocks: what if there are bad omens written there?” For me, it’s better not to know about it.

However, three decades ago, a loving mother persuaded her son to expose part of his body below his back to her and predicted fame for him. As we can see, the woman was not mistaken!

Then, despite the objections of his son. Jacqueline nevertheless had a session with him and discovered lattice-shaped lines on the butt of the intrepid Rambo. According to popology, such lines indicate that their owner will certainly become a celebrity.

Several decades ago, Mrs. Stallone announced her desire to find Sylvester a Slavic wife - this is what the stars advised her. As soon as a report about this appeared in Soviet newspapers, mothers with bags full of food allegedly prepared by their daughters flocked to the Moscow hotel room where Jacqueline stayed in 1988. But no one’s cooking impressed the future mother-in-law...

Sylvester Stallone, by the way, listens to the advice of his mother, an astrologer. Moreover, at one time he refused to marry the beautiful actress Cindy Crawford, because Jacqueline believed that the stars were against this marriage.


The brightest stars of Hollywood - Ben Affleck and Sarah Jessica Parker, Lindsay Lohan and Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - sign up for popology sessions with Jacqueline Stallone.

One of the most famous women in the world, Victoria Beckham, along with her husband David, is friends with Jacqueline Stallone and completely trusts her predictions.
“I have been practicing astrology professionally for five decades now. - says Jacqueline. - My predictions always came true. In the eighties, I predicted to Mikhail Gorbachev many events that would happen in his country. For example, I outlined to him a picture of what would happen in 1991 and said that he would become president of the USSR. Then I convinced him that Russia would be a very strong country. Within a year, he predicted NATO's war with Yugoslavia and the victory of Bush Jr. by a margin of two hundred votes.

Professor Victor Fersht, in an article presenting a psychological portrait of George W. Bush, notes “The record of prediction (in relation to George W. Bush Jr. - Author's note) was set by the mother of the famous actor and world-renowned astrologer Jacqueline Stallone. She predicted in advance that Bush would win the presidency by 200 votes.”

Regarding the Beckhams, Jacqueline Stallone opens up:
- They were interested in how strong their marriage was. I drew up a horoscope and reassured the star couple: it turned out that such unusual people as David and Victoria would be together all their lives, hand in hand.


Jacqueline Stallone uses modern technology during fortune telling. Anyone can send a photo of their “lower bust” to her personal website and transfer $125 to the fortune teller. The tariff is low, but, according to Jacqueline, your talent and higher knowledge cannot be sold, otherwise all this may disappear.

The 90-year-old lady is justifiably proud of herself:
- I took part in a musical on Broadway and starred in five films. I have been practicing astrology for 50 years. For drinks, I prefer vodka and drink a lot of orange juice. The main thing is that I have three children - actor Sylvester, musician Frank, daughter - model Toni Ann, and I take care of them.

Ella Furmanskaya

- (Italian Stallone) Italian surname. Famous bearers: Stallone, Jacqueline (born 1921) American public figure, astrologer and actress; mother of Sylvester Stallone. Stallone, Sage (1976 2012) American actor, director, screenwriter, ... ... Wikipedia

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Stallone, Sylvester- American actor, screenwriter and film director American actor, screenwriter and film director. Known for his roles in the films Rocky and Rambo. Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone (, , ) was born on July 6, 1946 in... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Jacqueline "Jackie" Stallone (born November 29, 1921, Washington, DC) is an American public figure, astrologer and actress. Mother... ... Wikipedia

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