Antipyretic drugs for children from birth. Antipyretic rectal suppositories for children against fever: a review of medications and use for infants and older children. Determining the cause of the temperature increase

The body of a newborn and infant is much weaker than that of an adult, so infection can cause more harm to him. The disease must be treated immediately. Many parents are afraid to give their baby medications, and for good reason, because if you violate the rules and recommendations on this matter, you can cause even more harm to the baby.

Features of antipyretic drugs

When an infection or virus enters the body, it immediately begins to fight it. This process can occur unnoticed, but most often an ongoing struggle is indicated by a sign such as an increase in body temperature. If an adult is able to cope with this problem and can control his condition, in the case of small children this phenomenon can be dangerous.

To correct the situation and alleviate the baby’s condition, you must first contact a pediatrician at the clinic. Based on the examination data, he will determine the direction of treatment and prescribe the necessary medications.

In almost every case, the list of medications includes an antipyretic for newborns. What kind of drugs are these?

The peculiarity of such drugs is their effect on the body: they interfere with the synthesis of prostaglandin E, which stimulates an increase in temperature to fight microbes. As soon as this process is stopped, the hypothalamus will immediately react and stop attacking the infection in such an aggressive manner. For young children, medications have a more gentle effect and are available in a form convenient to take.

When to give medications

Even an adult needs to take medications only after simple methods of fighting the disease become ineffective. For a child, the turning point is a temperature of 38-38.5 degrees. Until this point, you should not interfere with natural immune processes.

Antipyretics are usually given to infants at temperatures above 38.5 degrees. However, it is necessary to look at the condition of the baby in each specific case.

The fact is that human immunity allows for the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke various types of diseases and inflammation. In order to get rid of them, the body begins to produce antibodies, and also creates unfavorable conditions for the life of the infection. The thermoregulation center in the brain, that is, the hypothalamus, receives a signal aimed at increasing the temperature. It is at this moment that the most active phase of the fight against the disease begins. If the temperature is between 37-38 degrees, there is no need to worry too much. If the indicators become more serious, then the disease is not so simple. It is at this moment that it is necessary to give the baby prescribed medications to normalize the condition.

If you start treatment late, when the temperature rises above 39 degrees, it will be more difficult to cope with the disease. In addition, such heat is a sign of serious violations. If the fever suddenly drops, convulsions may occur.

Is it possible to do without medications?

Since children are more susceptible to the components of the drugs, extreme caution must be exercised during treatment. It is advisable to avoid taking antibiotics and potent drugs. Sometimes you can do without taking antipyretics. How do you know if this is possible in a particular case?

First of all, you should monitor the child’s condition and follow the doctor’s recommendations. If the temperature does not cause any particular discomfort to the baby and does not exceed 39 degrees, you can temporarily leave the body alone and not interfere with its ability to deal with the problem on its own. But as soon as you notice that the newborn’s condition is worsening, take appropriate measures immediately.

Instead of or together with antipyretics, auxiliary folk methods can be used. These include:

  • wiping with water;
  • compresses;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • nettle decoction;
  • tea made from raspberry, lingonberry and currant leaves;
  • Linden;
  • pear uzvar.

However, please note that not all components of the fees are suitable for newborns. Some ingredients may cause allergies.

If you choose an antipyretic for a newborn, keep in mind that at such an early age the baby cannot yet swallow a pill normally, so you need to select other means for him. For children under one year old, forms such as syrup or candles are most suitable. Special series of children's analogues of drugs to relieve fever and inflammation are being developed.

If we talk specifically about syrups, it is worth noting that they should be given if the baby can swallow the entire recommended dose. A huge plus is the pleasant taste of the syrup. It is most often sweet and has a pleasant smell, so there are no problems with taking it. But the negative point can be considered that the composition of such preparations includes dyes and flavors. In fact, they do not pose a threat to the child’s health, but can cause allergies if individual intolerance occurs.

The most successful antipyretic option for infants is suppositories.

A more suitable option for all newborn babies is candles. They contain oils and active ingredients. There cannot be any foreign impurities, like in syrup, in candles. Plus, they are even easier to apply.

As for the active ingredients and specific names of medications, the following are allowed among antipyretics:

  • paracetamol (acetaminophen) – calpol, panadol, efferalgan;
  • ibuprofen - nurofen.

Particular attention should be paid to drug compatibility and restrictions associated with congenital or secondary diseases.

How to give medications

To treat fever in a small child, suppositories are most often used. They may vary in the amount of active ingredient they contain, so read the instructions carefully. Using them is extremely simple: place the baby on his tummy, and then carefully insert the candle into the anus. To facilitate the process, it is recommended to additionally use baby cream or oil.

But with syrups things are different. To give it to an infant or newborn, it is best to use a special pipette. With its help, the required amount of the drug is collected and poured into the baby’s mouth. In any case, the reflexes will work and he will drink the medicine. If your child knows how to drink from a spoon, you can use it. Usually a special measuring spoon or cup is included, or the instructions indicate the recommended volume.

What not to do when you have a fever

Since young children do not take the same medications as adults, it is imperative to know what actions should never be performed. First of all, pay attention to the list of drugs and active ingredients that are strictly contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. First of all, this is:

  • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin);
  • metamizole sodium (analgin);
  • nimesulide (nimesil).

Please also note that it is not recommended to give tablets to children, but you can prepare a suspension. If you urgently need to lower your temperature, consult a doctor. If necessary, they can inject medication and provide proper treatment for fever.

Particular attention should be paid to children with congenital pathologies, as well as problems of the central nervous system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. If the child's condition is monitored, complications should not arise. The main thing is not to self-medicate, as this can lead to complications.

In young children, immunity is at the stage of its formation. Therefore, during infectious diseases the body temperature rises greatly. In rare cases, the body reacts this way. Doctors recommend not lowering the temperature below 38 degrees. At this time, there is an increased production of leukocytes, which are needed to overcome viruses and bacteria.

Some children should not be allowed to reach this temperature. Manufacturers offer many drugs that are available in the convenient form of syrups and suppositories.

Features of children's antipyretics

They are classified as non-steroidal. This group also includes those that relieve inflammation.

Some medications have clear age restrictions. For example, if the composition contains Nimesulide or a combination of several active ingredients, then it is better not to give them to children under 12 years of age.

The active ingredients contained in antipyretics block the production of COX. These are special enzymes responsible for increasing temperature. At the same time, the work of the nerve centers located in the medulla oblongata is inhibited. They are responsible for the occurrence of fever. The severity of the action is directly related to the temperature and dosage of the medicine.


An increase in body temperature is protective in nature, since it leads to a decrease in the rate of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. For most diseases, the maximum temperature for children that will not lead to deterioration in the functioning of other organs is 38.5 degrees. There are children at risk. Their use is justified at lower thermometer readings. This category of children includes those who have:

  • metabolic diseases,
  • history of febrile seizures.

An indication for taking antipyretics is fever, which is accompanied by muscle and. A strong increase in temperature should not be allowed in children in the first months of life.

The drugs are required for use in cases of severe weakness and delusional states. Additionally, bed rest, plenty of fluids and regular monitoring of bowel cleansing are provided.

Dr. Komarovsky about antipyretics for children:

Medicine forms for children

Antipyretics are available in different forms:

  • syrup,
  • candles,
  • soluble powder,
  • pills,
  • injections.

Children drink sweet syrups quite easily. They take effect in about 30-40 minutes. The duration of action depends on the active ingredient. The candles begin to act faster – after 20 minutes.

They are an excellent option if the child refuses treatment or vomits when eating. It is best to administer suppositories after cleansing the intestines. Then they will begin to act faster. Syrups and suppositories are the most popular forms of antipyretics.

Special chewable tablets are suitable for older children. Due to chemical additives, they can cause allergic reactions. Such drugs are prescribed to children over three years of age, since children still have the possibility of choking on the pill.

Medicines in powder form are rarely used for infants and preschool children. Such products dissolve in water and have a fairly pleasant taste. Modern manufacturers supplement such drugs with ascorbic acid and several antipyretic components at once.

The fastest way to relieve fever is injection. This is what doctors use when syrups, suppositories and other forms do not bring the desired result. Most often, if it is necessary to provide emergency assistance, a lytic injection is given. It combines three active ingredients: analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine. The effect of such an injection is observed after 15 minutes.

Review of the most popular tools


For infants from 6 months to one year, Efferalgan is approved for use. These are suppositories for rectal administration. Doctors allow it to be used when the child’s weight reaches more than 4 kg. The onset of action of the drug is approximately 40 minutes, and the effect lasts 4-6 hours.

The main active ingredient is 150 mg. Paracetamol. Auxiliary components are semi-synthetic glycerides.

Paracetamol is also found in:

  • Tsefikon D,
  • Baby.

These drugs can be used no more than 4 suppositories every 6 hours. The duration of treatment is about three days.

Suppositories containing the active component ibuprofen are represented by such drugs as:

  • Ibuflex,
  • for children.

Used for babies from the third month of life. The maximum daily dosage is calculated from the ratio of 30 mg of the active component per 1 kg of body weight. The effect lasts for 6-8 hours. It is recommended not to use more than 3 candles per day.

The previous drugs can be used for fever after vaccination, teething, and infectious diseases.

For inflammatory processes and teething, many parents prefer Viburkol. These are homeopathic suppositories, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect. They contain chamomile and other components of plant origin. They are used 4-6 times a day.

Popular antipyretic suppositories for children


Children over 3 years of age are more often prescribed syrups and powders for the preparation of oral solutions. They all contain sugar, so children drink them with pleasure. Issued in this form:

  • Efferalgan,
  • Calpole,
  • Panadol.

The average dose depends on age and starts from 10-15 mg/kg per day.

Ibuprofen-based syrups are prescribed for fever with a pronounced inflammatory component, for example, for sore throats. Recommended dosage is 5-10 mg/kg in children of the first years of life. Such drugs include:

  • Ibufen,
  • Bofen,
  • Nurofen.

Popular children's syrups with antipyretic effect

Capsules and tablets

They are mainly indicated from 6-7 years of age. This age limit is associated with an impressive dose of the active ingredient. Tablets may contain minor substances. Effervescent types begin to act in 1-15 minutes. These include Efferalgan. After 20-30 minutes, the following begin to act: Nurofen, Piaron, Panadol.

An increase in temperature in an infant is almost always a signal of trouble in a small organism, the cause of which can be either a disease or a reaction to vaccination or teething. Antipyretic drugs will help alleviate the child's condition at high temperatures.

Dosage forms of antipyretics for newborns

  1. Liquid form. Presented in syrups and suspensions. Using a measuring spoon or the included device with a piston, dose the drug.
  2. Solid form. Candles (suppositories). They are selected depending on the dosage of the antipyretic drug.

Candles and suppositories are inserted into the child's rectum. Syrups and suspensions are administered orally, according to the dosage recommended by the doctor.

List of antipyretics for children under one year of age

All modern antipyretics belong to a specific group based on the type of active substance. Good antipyretics include:

  • paracetamol-based products (Efferalgan, Panadol, Paracetamol). They can be produced in the form of rectal tablets or suppositories, suspensions. Contraindicated for patients with liver disease, kidney disease, viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus;
  • medications that contain ibuprofen (, Ibuprofen, Ibufen). Approved for use only from the third month of the baby’s life. They cannot be used for asthma, liver disease, kidney disease, hearing impairment, blood disease, ulcers, gastritis;
  • homeopathic group of antipyretic drugs (Viburkol). Presented in the form of rectal suppositories. They have no age restrictions. They cannot be used if the components are intolerant.

Important! An antipyretic for a newborn (up to 1 month) from birth is prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician. Self-administration of the drug is dangerous due to overdose and side effects.

Antipyretic suppositories for newborns up to 1 year

The main advantage of antipyretic suppositories is the lower number of side effects compared to the liquid form. Suppositories are absorbed through the rectal mucosa without affecting the digestive tract. Flavorings and dyes are added to syrups. This dosage form may cause an allergic reaction in infants prone to allergies.

Antipyretic suppositories based on paracetamol

Approved for use from 1 month of age.

  • children weighing 4 - 6 kg (child's age 1 - 3 months) - 1 suppository 50 mg;
  • infants weighing 7 - 12 kg (child's age 3 -12 months) - 1 suppository 100 mg .

Apply no more than 3 times per day. The interval between doses is 4 - 6 hours.

Panadol suppositories

For a child under one year of age, it is necessary to purchase suppositories with a dosage of 125 mg of paracetamol in one suppository. Allowed for children from 6 months in a dosage of one suppository. It is allowed to place no more than 4 candles per day with 4-hour breaks. You can use it for 5-7 days. Panadol has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Antipyretic suppositories based on ibuprofen

Nurofen suppositories

Used from three months of age. One suppository contains 60 mg of ibuprofen. It is allowed to use the drug after 6 hours.

  • children weighing 6 - 8 kg are prescribed 0.5 - 1 suppository no more than 3 times a day;
  • if the baby's weight is 8.5 - 12 kg, 1 suppository is prescribed no more than 4 times a day.

Suspensions and syrups for children from one month to 1 year

There is often confusion with the name of liquid antipyretic drugs for children in terms of classifying them as syrups or suspensions. The basis of syrups is a concentrated aqueous solution of sucrose and/or its substitutes, and suspensions are a liquid medium in which particles of the active substance are distributed in suspension. Over time, with prolonged standing, these particles can settle to the bottom, so the suspension must be shaken before using. Both taste sweet, but in syrups the sweetness is mostly due to sugar (most often sucrose), and in suspensions, sweeteners (for example maltitol) and/or sweeteners, much less often sucrose. Sweeteners are able to be absorbed by the body because they provide energy value, while sweeteners are substances that are not a source of energy, although they taste sweet. Therefore, if a child is prone to allergies, it is better to choose a product that does not contain sucrose.

Antipyretic suspensions based on ibuprofen

Used from three months of age. It is allowed to use the drug after 6 hours.

Suspension Nurofen

Analogues are Ibuprofen suspension, Ibufen suspension, Bofen suspension.

How to give:

  • infants 3–6 months old weighing at least 5 kg are prescribed 2.5 ml 1–3 times a day;
  • if the child's age is from 6 months to 1 year, use 2.5 ml 1 - 4 times a day.

Antipyretic suspensions and syrups based on paracetamol

Children from 3 months to one year can take 60-120 mg of paracetamol at a time. If the child has not yet reached three months, then the dose is calculated based on the child’s weight - 10 mg per kilogram. It cannot be used more than 4 times a day. Children under 3 months. used only after medical prescription.

Panadol suspension

How to give:

  • with a body weight of 6-8 kg, 4 ml of suspension is prescribed;
  • 8-10 kg - 5 ml of Panadol suspension.

Efferalgan syrup

The dosage is carried out with a measuring spoon, on which divisions are marked corresponding to the child’s body weight, starting from 4 kg and up to 16 kg at intervals of one kilogram. All even numbers are marked, and odd numbers are divisions without a number. Medicines must be taken as much as the child weighs. If the child has not reached 4 kg, it is not recommended to use the drug.

Calpol suspension

An analogue is a suspension of Paracetamol for children.

At the age of three months to one year, give the child from 2.5 ml (child’s body weight 4-8 kg) to 5 ml (child’s body weight 8-16 kg) of the suspension. Contraindicated for children under one month.

Video: Komarovsky about antipyretics

Antipyretic drugs prohibited for infants

  • Combined tablets containing ibuprofen and paracetamol (Ibuklin Junior tablets).
  • They can be used for children over 3 years of age. Analgin.
  • It is not used for children. It can be used as part of a lytic mixture if it is not possible to reduce the temperature for a long time by other methods. Used only in extreme cases, as prescribed by a doctor and in his presence. Aspirin.

It should absolutely not be used to lower the temperature of children under 12 years of age. The drug is dangerous due to complications and the development of dangerous pathologies.

Important! It is strictly not recommended to deviate from age restrictions when choosing an antipyretic drug. The components in the drug may act differently and cause side effects. For a developing organism, an inappropriately selected antipyretic can cause irreparable damage.

  • Additional methods for reducing fever
  • Drink plenty of fluids. The baby is often placed on the mother's breast.
  • Comfortable clothes. The child should not be wrapped up so as not to overheat further. However, there is no need to undress him completely.
  • The room temperature should be + 18 + 20 C;

If there is no vascular spasm, after consulting a doctor, the child can be wiped with warm water, but without vinegar in the composition!

With a slight increase in temperature of 37 - 37.5 C, you can do without antipyretic drugs. But an examination by a pediatrician is required. The doctor will determine the cause of the fever and the absence of concomitant diseases.

At what temperature should you give an antipyretic to a child under one year old?

  • Normal indicators of a child’s body temperature from the first days of life vary between 37.0 – 37.5 C. After a few days, the indicators drop to 36.1 – 37.0 C. The usual temperature of 36.6 degrees is established by the first year of the baby’s life. The following numbers are considered normal:
  • 36.0 – 37.3 C – in the armpit;
  • 36.6 – 37.2 C – oral body temperature;

If after vaccination or during teething the child’s temperature rises above 37.5 C, doctors recommend giving an antipyretic. This temperature after vaccination does not contribute to the development of immunity (as is the case with ARVI), and there is no positive effect from it. Therefore, you can give a safe antipyretic (according to age indications). In case of low-grade fever (about 37.0 C), instead of taking medication, it is better to take the additional measures described below to reduce the temperature. If after vaccination there is no increase in temperature, then there is no need to give the baby an antipyretic, just in case.

The temperature rises when the body is in danger, as a reaction of the immune system to infection. But how to knock it down for a newborn baby? Here's what modern experts write about it. An increase in a baby's temperature has always frightened parents. Especially if it is their first child. Moreover, it is quite difficult to choose an antipyretic for newborns from the first days of life. After all, what helps adults It is dangerous to give to infants. Here are some modern means that lower the temperature that can be given to newborn children.

It's best to do without them. However, if you have no alternative, you need to choose special drugs for infants based on or at the pharmacy. For infants, there are forms such as special suppositories and syrups for fever.

Becomes the most popular syrup for newborns. It is almost immediately absorbed into the blood and within 4 hours the temperature drops. The dispenser is very convenient and easy to use. The only drawback of syrups for temperature may be the allergens-dyes that they contain. Therefore, you need to carefully choose such a product for newborns. . Although paracetamol-based drugs for babies up to 1 month do not contain any additives and are well tolerated. The only drawback is that they are difficult to get at the pharmacy due to their lower cost than similar drugs.

Candles are less comfortable for a child to use. But they last longer than syrups. Moreover, the newborn may begin to burp or simply regurgitate the syrup and it will have almost no effect. Therefore, parents who are expecting the birth of a baby should also buy candles at the pharmacy. Candles can be used already in the first days of life and they are very good for reducing fever.

Important Note: Many medications are labeled as being suitable for use in children as young as 4 months of age. In fact, they are also given to infants in a reduced dosage. True, it is worth consulting with a specific pediatrician who, knowing the child’s condition, will tell you which medications are suitable for him. These antipyretics are worth looking at at the pharmacy for your child. But remember that many drugs can cause allergies, so they need to be given in doses, first for testing, then in full form.

And, of course, monitor the general condition of your baby. If the temperature drops well and does not reach a high level after 4 hours, then it is a common cold. If the temperature not only rises quickly, but also continues to rise, urgently need to call a doctor. He will determine the child’s diagnosis and prescribe special anti-infection medications.

Fearing illness, parents begin to give their infants various antipyretics. Yes, they bring down the temperature, but this is a way to fight the disease may negatively affect children's immunity. A high temperature during illness is a normal and natural reaction of a child’s immune system. When it increases, the baby’s body begins to produce interferon, a special protein that promotes natural immunity. Therefore, if the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, there's no point in knocking her down. Children's immunity will cope with the disease and will gradually strengthen.

But you also need to look at the general condition of the child, since different children tolerate the temperature differently. Some children are simply hot, but at the same time they do not have lethargy or increased anxiety. Others do not tolerate high temperatures well. And, if you notice increased drowsiness, anxiety, seizures and other symptoms, it is better not to self-medicate, but call an ambulance. Especially if, even after taking antipyretic drugs, the temperature does not drop for long and quickly rises even higher. Children's antipyretics can only temporarily alleviate the child's condition if the immune system itself cannot cope with the infection. At the hospital, doctors will give him special drugs , affecting the cause of the disease. They will help the baby recover and avoid dangerous diseases.

And simple antipyretic drugs for newborns help if the child’s condition is not severe. They facilitate the functioning of children's immunity and contribute to a speedy recovery from illness.

They are prescribed by a pediatrician for each individual child, since many drugs can cause allergies. Most often, these are rectal suppositories, syrups and solutions. Antipyretics for newborns up to 1 month are usually prescribed by a doctor, depending on the specific disease or early identified allergic reactions, if any.

Among the drugs that can already be given to a child per month, it is worth noting Panadol for children. Which is available in the form of suppositories and suspensions, paracetamol for children (syrup) and effelargan (syrup). Several antipyretic suppositories have also been noted, which are not only hypoallergenic, but also more effectively reduce fever. Especially if the baby cannot eat food and regurgitates it.

You can find quite a lot of them in pharmacies. However, not all children tolerate suppositories well, even for newborns; here you need to pay attention to the baby’s characteristics. Some people can take syrups, solutions against temperature, while others are suitable for suppositories. What kind of suppositories can be given to infants? All that are marked from 3 months to 6 years. There will be nothing terrible if the child is under 3 months old, since with this marking manufacturers are reinsured against various unforeseen cases. In fact, baby candles for very young children under one year old are completely safe. And only in very rare cases do they have any adverse consequences. And only if they were used for other purposes.

In pharmacies you can find suppositories for babies such as Nurofen, Tylenol, Panadol for children, and Effelargan. The best solution is to choose candles cefekon D. They are very convenient and safe to use, cause minimal inconvenience during insertion and are suitable for newborns of different weights.

This vaccine often causes the child anxiety and fever. If this happens, then you must have any baby product in the house that reduces the temperature. You can use either a regular candle or a solution or powder. It is best to take an antipyretic for newborns after vaccination, which you have already taken with your child and are convinced of its effectiveness. Or any other paracetamol-based drug developed specifically in a dosage for infants. However, if after vaccination the child develops a slight temperature is just above 37, 2 no need to worry. This is a completely predictable reaction to a vaccine that contains a pathogenic but weakened virus. The purpose of vaccination is to ensure that the child’s natural immunity copes with a weakened infection and the child develops antibodies.

In the first months, the newborn receives maternal immunity, but its effect is short-lived. Therefore, you should not lower the temperature if it is slightly elevated. The danger can only be dangerously high temperature above 38 degrees with general weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and severe signs of a cold. In this situation, it is better not to try to help him yourself, but to consult a doctor. Especially if the body temperature rapidly rises and the child’s condition clearly worsens.

Have you used the antipyretic for newborns from the first days of life mentioned in the article? Or any other? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

A rising temperature in a newborn is a serious cause for concern for parents. After all, a high temperature can be a harbinger of disease or infection. Antipyretics will help relieve fever and alleviate the child’s condition.

Important points when taking antipyretic drugs:

  1. Only the attending pediatrician can prescribe an antipyretic to a newborn child.
  2. It is recommended to lower the temperature if it is above 38°.
  3. Strictly follow the instructions and adhere to the dosage of medications.

On the topic of temperature in newborns:

  • What is the normal temperature for a newborn?
  • How to measure a newborn's temperature (which thermometer and where to measure it: in the mouth, under the arm, rectally)
  • Daleron. Suspension. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Do not take more than 4 times a day. The time between doses of the drug is 4 hours. The maximum duration of use is 3 days.
  • Dolomol. Suspension. Dosage: 1-3 months. - determined by a doctor, 3-12 months. - from 2.5 to 5 ml. Drink at least 1 hour after eating. Drink plenty of liquid. Take 4 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The maximum duration of use is 3 days.
    • Dolomol Candles. Dosage: 3-6 months. - 80 mg 5 times a day, 6-12 months. - 80 mg per day 2-3 times. The daily dose is a maximum of 4 grams.
  • Ibuprofen. Candles. Dosage: 5.5-8 kg - 1 sup. per day 3 times, 8-12.5 kg - 1 sup. a day 4 times. The interval between doses is 6 hours. Not recommended for children under 3 months. Duration of treatment: 3 days.
  • Ibufen. Suspension. Dosage: 7-9 kg - 2.5 ml (50 mg). Take after meals, no more than 3 times a day. The minimum time between doses is 6-8 hours. Shake the bottle before use. The drug is not recommended for children weighing up to 7 kg.
  • Ifimol. Solution. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Take at intervals of 4 hours, no more than 4 times a day. Duration of treatment: 3 days.
  • Calpol. Suspension. Dosage: 3-12 months. - from 2.5 to 5 ml. Newborns up to 1 month. It is not advisable to give. Drink after meals, at least 1 hour later. Drink plenty of water. The recommended dosage per day is 3-4 times at 4-hour intervals. Duration of use: 3 days.
  • Nurofen. Suspension. Dosage: 3-6 months. (not less than 5 kg) - 2.5 ml (1-3 times a day), 6-12 months. - 2.5 ml (1-4 times per day). To accurately calculate the dosage, use the instructions and a measuring spoon. Give maximum 4 times a day. Duration of treatment: 3 days. If children are 3-6 months old. After taking the drug there is no improvement within 24 hours, you should contact your pediatrician.
    • Nurofen Suppositories. Dosage: 6-8 kg - 0.5-1 sup. (maximum 3 times a day), 8-12.5 kg - 1 sup. (maximum 4 times a day). The interval between uses is 6 hours. It is not advisable to use it for children under 3 months. and body weight up to 6 kg. Duration of treatment: 3 days.
  • Panadol for children. Suspension. Dosage: 6-8 kg - 4 ml, 8-10 kg - 5 ml. It is not recommended to give more than 3-4 times a day. Children under 3 months. is prescribed only as prescribed by a doctor.
    • Panadol for children Candles. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Place a maximum of 4 times per day at 4-hour intervals. Can be used for 5-7 days.
  • Paracetamol for children. Syrup. Children 3-12 months. give 2.5 - 5 ml 3-4 times a day. Frequency of administration - 4-6 hours. Take the drug before meals. It can be added to water and given through a bottle. Children under 3 months. Give only as directed by a doctor. It is not advisable to use before 1 month.
    • Paracetamol for children Suspension. Babies 1-3 months old. - about 2 ml, and 3 -12 months. - 2.5-5 ml. Daily intake - 3-4 times. Give undiluted, always before meals. Drink with water. 4 hours is the minimum time between doses. Babies up to 1 month. Not recommended.
  • Tylenol. Suspension. Dosage: up to 3 months - determined by the doctor, 3-12 months. - 2.5-5 ml. Take no more than 4 times a day. Children up to 1 month. contraindicated. Duration of treatment: 3 days.
    • Tylenol Solution. Dosage: 3-6 months. (up to 7 kg) - 350 mg, 6-12 months. (over 10 kg) - 500 mg. Maximum 4 times a day, after meals. Children under 1 month. the drug is not advisable.
    • Tylenol Suppositories. Dosage: 3-6 months. - 160 mg in two doses, 6-12 months. - 80 mg 3 times a day. Use no more than 4 times a day. Babies up to 3 months. don't put it.
  • Tsefekon D. Candles. Dosage: 4-6 kg (1-3 months) - 1 sup. (50 mg), 7-12 kg (3-12 months) - 1 sup. (100 mg). Apply 2-3 times a day. Time between uses is 4-6 hours. Children under 1 month. Not recommended. Duration of treatment: 3 days.
  • Efferalgan. Syrup. The syrup comes with a measuring spoon, into which the amount of syrup that corresponds to the child’s weight is collected. Take no more than 3-4 times a day. The minimum time between doses is 4-6 hours. The maximum period of use is 3 days. Syrup is not recommended for newborns weighing up to 4 kg.
    • Efferalgan Solution. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Take no more than 4 times a day with a 4-hour break. Duration of treatment: 3 days.
    • Efferalgan Candles. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months - 60-120 mg. Use 4 times a day. 4 hours is the minimum interval between applications. Duration of treatment: 3 days.

Additional proven methods

You can try to bring down the temperature without the help of medications or simply alleviate the child’s condition. Several publicly available measures that have been tested over the years:

Drink plenty of fluids. The more fluid there is, the better the child will sweat, thereby lowering the temperature naturally. If your child cannot yet be given raspberry tea, then apply it to your breast more often.

Comfortable temperature. There is no need to dress your child “warmly”. It would be more correct to undress him and cover him with a diaper.

Wet wipe. The main thing is not to overdo it with the cold, so that there are no vascular spasms. And especially no vodka compresses, which can cause poisoning.

Prohibited drugs

Video about which antipyretics can be given to children and which ones cannot?

To relieve fever in newborns, it is prohibited to give medications that do not contain paracetamol or ibuprofen: phenacetin, analgin, amidopyrine, nimesulide, antipyrine, acetylsalicylic acid. These products are dangerous for the child’s life, because can cause severe damage to the liver and circulatory system.

And the best medicine for a newborn is mother’s breast milk, her love and care.

Read further on the topic of treating fever:

  • How to lower a newborn's temperature using folk methods?
  • How to treat fever in a baby?
  • List of first aid kits for newborns (full composition)

Video: “Antipyretics”

An increase in temperature in an infant is almost always a signal of trouble in a small organism, the cause of which can be either a disease or a reaction to vaccination or teething. Antipyretic drugs will help alleviate the child's condition at high temperatures.

Dosage forms of antipyretics for newborns

  1. Liquid form. Presented in syrups and suspensions. Using a measuring spoon or the included device with a piston, dose the drug.
  2. Solid form. Candles (suppositories). They are selected depending on the dosage of the antipyretic drug.

Candles and suppositories are inserted into the child's rectum. Syrups and suspensions are administered orally, according to the dosage recommended by the doctor.

List of antipyretics for children under one year of age

All modern antipyretics belong to a specific group based on the type of active substance. Good antipyretics include:

  • paracetamol-based products (Efferalgan, Panadol, Paracetamol). They can be produced in the form of rectal tablets or suppositories, suspensions. Contraindicated for patients with liver disease, kidney disease, viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus;
  • medications that contain ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ibufen). Approved for use only from the third month of the baby’s life. They cannot be used for asthma, liver disease, kidney disease, hearing impairment, blood disease, ulcers, gastritis;
  • homeopathic group of antipyretic drugs (Viburkol). Presented in the form of rectal suppositories. They have no age restrictions. They cannot be used if the components are intolerant.

Important! An antipyretic for a newborn (up to 1 month) from birth is prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician. Self-administration of the drug is dangerous due to overdose and side effects.

Antipyretic suppositories for newborns up to 1 year

The main advantage of antipyretic suppositories is the lower number of side effects compared to the liquid form. Suppositories are absorbed through the rectal mucosa without affecting the digestive tract. Flavorings and dyes are added to syrups. This dosage form may cause an allergic reaction in infants prone to allergies.

Antipyretic suppositories based on paracetamol

Candles Tsefekon D

Approved for use from 1 month of age.

  • for children weighing 4 - 6 kg (child's age 1 - 3 months) - 1 suppository 50 mg;
  • infants weighing 7 - 12 kg (child's age 3 -12 months) - 1 suppository 100 mg .

Apply no more than 3 times per day. The interval between doses is 4 - 6 hours.

Panadol suppositories

For a child under one year of age, it is necessary to purchase suppositories with a dosage of 125 mg of paracetamol in one suppository. Allowed for children from 6 months in a dosage of one suppository. It is allowed to place no more than 4 candles per day with 4-hour breaks. You can use it for 5-7 days. Panadol has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Antipyretic suppositories based on ibuprofen

Nurofen suppositories

Used from three months of age. One suppository contains 60 mg of ibuprofen. It is allowed to use the drug after 6 hours.

  • children weighing 6 - 8 kg are prescribed 0.5 - 1 suppository no more than 3 times a day;
  • if the baby's weight is 8.5 - 12 kg, 1 suppository is prescribed no more than 4 times a day.

Suspensions and syrups for children from one month to 1 year

There is often confusion with the name of liquid antipyretic drugs for children in terms of classifying them as syrups or suspensions. The basis of syrups is a concentrated aqueous solution of sucrose and/or its substitutes, and suspensions are a liquid medium in which particles of the active substance are distributed in suspension. Over time, with prolonged standing, these particles can settle to the bottom, so the suspension must be shaken before using. Both taste sweet, but in syrups the sweetness is mostly due to sugar (most often sucrose), and in suspensions, sweeteners (for example maltitol) and/or sweeteners, much less often sucrose. Sweeteners are able to be absorbed by the body because they provide energy value, while sweeteners are substances that are not a source of energy, although they taste sweet. Therefore, if a child is prone to allergies, it is better to choose a product that does not contain sucrose.

Antipyretic suspensions based on ibuprofen

Used from three months of age. It is allowed to use the drug after 6 hours.

Suspension Nurofen

Analogues are Ibuprofen suspension, Ibufen suspension, Bofen suspension.

How to give:

  • infants 3–6 months old weighing at least 5 kg are prescribed 2.5 ml 1–3 times a day;
  • if the child's age is from 6 months to 1 year, use 2.5 ml 1 - 4 times a day.

Antipyretic suspensions and syrups based on paracetamol

Children from 3 months to one year can take 60-120 mg of paracetamol at a time. If the child has not yet reached three months, then the dose is calculated based on the child’s weight - 10 mg per kilogram. It cannot be used more than 4 times a day. Children under 3 months. used only after medical prescription.

Panadol suspension

How to give:

  • with a body weight of 6-8 kg, 4 ml of suspension is prescribed;
  • 8-10 kg - 5 ml of Panadol suspension.

Efferalgan syrup

The dosage is carried out with a measuring spoon, on which divisions are marked corresponding to the child’s body weight, starting from 4 kg and up to 16 kg at intervals of one kilogram. All even numbers are marked, and odd numbers are divisions without a number. Medicines must be taken as much as the child weighs. If the child has not reached 4 kg, it is not recommended to use the drug.

Calpol suspension

An analogue is a suspension of Paracetamol for children.

At the age of three months to one year, give the child from 2.5 ml (child’s body weight 4-8 kg) to 5 ml (child’s body weight 8-16 kg) of the suspension. Contraindicated for children under one month.

Video: Komarovsky about antipyretics

Antipyretic drugs prohibited for infants

  • Combined tablets containing ibuprofen and paracetamol (Ibuklin Junior tablets).
  • They can be used for children over 3 years of age. Analgin.
  • It is not used for children. It can be used as part of a lytic mixture if it is not possible to reduce the temperature for a long time by other methods. Used only in extreme cases, as prescribed by a doctor and in his presence. Aspirin.

It should absolutely not be used to lower the temperature of children under 12 years of age. The drug is dangerous due to complications and the development of dangerous pathologies.

Additional methods for reducing fever

  • Additional methods for reducing fever
  • Drink plenty of fluids. The baby is often placed on the mother's breast.
  • Comfortable clothes. The child should not be wrapped up so as not to overheat further. However, there is no need to undress him completely.
  • The room temperature should be + 18 + 20 C;

If there is no vascular spasm, after consulting a doctor, the child can be wiped with warm water, but without vinegar in the composition!

At what temperature should you give an antipyretic to a child under one year old?

At what temperature should you give an antipyretic to a child under one year old?

  • Normal indicators of a child’s body temperature from the first days of life vary between 37.0 – 37.5 C. After a few days, the indicators drop to 36.1 – 37.0 C. The usual temperature of 36.6 degrees is established by the first year of the baby’s life. The following numbers are considered normal:
  • 36.0 – 37.3 C – in the armpit;
  • 36.6 – 37.2 C – oral body temperature;

If after vaccination or during teething the child’s temperature rises above 37.5 C, doctors recommend giving an antipyretic. This temperature after vaccination does not contribute to the development of immunity (as is the case with ARVI), and there is no positive effect from it. Therefore, you can give a safe antipyretic (according to age indications). In case of low-grade fever (about 37.0 C), instead of taking medication, it is better to take the additional measures described below to reduce the temperature. If after vaccination there is no increase in temperature, then there is no need to give the baby an antipyretic, just in case.

Read also: Lytic mixture for children in tablets and ampoules; features of use

Thermoregulation in the body of a newborn baby is weak, so it is very easy for the baby to become hypothermic or overheated. Tight swaddling does not help the child adapt to the natural environment; rather, on the contrary, it increases susceptibility to colds.

Ways to maintain normal temperature in infants

  1. The air temperature in the room should be within 20 - 24 C.
  2. In winter, dress a child one layer more than an adult. In summer – one less.
  3. Make sure your baby doesn't freeze at night. Cover with a blanket made of natural materials (sheepskin, wool, cotton) or use sleeping bag envelopes. They provide thermoregulation and retain heat well.
  4. Maintain the same temperature in the room at all times. To do this, use a wall thermometer.
  5. If a child is cold, the back of his head will also be cool. This is how they determine whether the baby is cold.

Signs of a high fever

Normally, a child's skin has a pinkish tint. As the temperature rises, the baby turns red or pale. Becomes lethargic, moody, irritable. When measured, body temperature readings will be higher than normal.

Antipyretic drugs are given to the child at high levels - from 38.5 C. If the child’s skin is pale and the body temperature is elevated, but below 38.5 C, drugs are given to reduce the temperature in order to prevent the occurrence of seizures.

A rise in temperature in a baby during the first months of life always causes concern among parents. Should you immediately run to the pharmacy for an antipyretic, what medications are allowed for such young children and what is important to know about their use?

When should you lower your temperature?

Parents should be aware that the temperature reaction of newborns differs from that of older children. In the first months of life, a baby’s temperature can rise very quickly and under the influence of various factors. The temperature of a baby of this age should be brought down when it rises above +38°C. You should also take into account the general condition of the baby.

It is very important not to act on your own, but to immediately call a doctor if the child has any congenital pathologies, especially if they concern the nervous system and heart.

Self-medication is especially dangerous in infancy; call a doctor. Why shouldn't you lower your temperature?

An increase in temperature is often the body’s response to the ingress of bacteria and pathogenic viruses. This reaction includes not only a rise in temperature, but also the production of protective proteins called interferons. In addition, high temperature prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. The result will be the formation of immunity and faster healing.

If the baby’s temperature does not exceed +38°C, and the baby’s condition has not deteriorated significantly, it is worth holding off on using antipyretics.

When can you do without an antipyretic?

Young children have an increased sensitivity to chemicals, so it is understandable that parents want to minimize the impact of various medications on the child’s body. To determine whether a fever-reducing medication can be avoided, closely monitor the infant and follow your pediatrician's instructions.

If the child tolerates the increase in temperature relatively calmly, the thermometer readings do not exceed 38-39 degrees, and there are no aggravating circumstances (heart defects, pathologies of the nervous system and others), nothing can be given. But as soon as any deterioration in the baby’s condition is noted, immediate action must be taken.

Temperatures above 39 degrees are dangerous and must be brought down with antipyretics Forms

All antipyretic drugs intended for children under one year of age are available in the following forms:

  1. Liquid. Suspensions are produced for babies 1-3 months old, and syrups can also be given to babies over 3 months old. They are easy to dose thanks to the measuring spoons included in the package. The dose of a liquid antipyretic is calculated based on the weight and age of the baby.
  2. Suppositories - candles. They differ in the dosage of the active substance, which is indicated on their packaging. Most antipyretic suppositories are prescribed from 3 months of age, however, there are drugs with a dosage of 50 mg intended for babies from 1 to 3 months.

Suspensions and syrups attract not only ease of use, but also the pleasant smell and taste of the product, however, precisely because of the flavoring and aromatic additives, such medicines are more dangerous for infants, as they have a risk of allergic reactions.

The main advantage of using suppositories is that there are fewer negative effects, because the suppository used is absorbed in the rectum, so it will not irritate the digestive tract. There are no allergy-causing additives in the suppositories, and the effect of this form of the drug is longer. However, as the baby grows, it becomes more difficult to use suppositories, as the baby begins to protest against such medications.

Up to 6 months of age, children are most often given antipyretic suppositories due to ease of use Popular drugs

A newborn baby can only be given drugs whose active ingredient is paracetamol. It should be noted that all of these drugs are approved for use in babies older than 1 month, so the decision to prescribe them to a newborn should only be made by a doctor.

Drug name

Release form

Dosage for a newborn


Children's paracetamol


10 mg per kg

Maximum 4 doses per day. No longer than 3 days.

Children's Panadol


Determined by the doctor

No more than 4 times a day.


10 mg per kg

Take up to 3 days up to 4 times a day.


Determined by the child’s weight (it is marked on the measuring spoon)

Allowed from 1 month if the child weighs more than 4 kg.


Determined by a doctor

Taken 1 hour after meals. No longer than 3 days.

Tsefekon D

1 suppository (50 mg)

Prescribed from 1 month onwards for no more than 3 days.

Paracetamol will help reduce fever and eliminate pain in cases of viral infections, but for diseases caused by bacteria, as well as serious health problems, this drug is ineffective. So if the temperature does not decrease after using such a medicine, there is a possibility that the newborn’s disease is much more serious than a common ARVI.

In some cases, paracetamol may not be effective. How are they given?

First of all, it is important to note that any medications for a newborn baby must be prescribed by a doctor. Only a pediatrician can determine why the baby’s temperature has risen and then choose the right treatment. It is also important to adhere to the dosages indicated on the packaging of the selected antipyretic drug.

The suspension or syrup is given to a child in the first months of life using a special pipette. Having collected the required amount of medicine, it is poured into the little one’s mouth. The medicine can also be given from a spoon, but for most infants this method of giving the medicine can be problematic.

As a rule, a special pipette is included with the medicine, making it easier to administer the medicine.

If you need to administer a suppository with an antipyretic effect to your baby, you should lay the baby down, raise his legs and carefully insert the suppository into the anus. To make insertion easier, you need to use oil or baby cream.

Additional Methods

To help relieve a feverish baby, you can:

  • Give your child more to drink. If we are talking about a baby, it should be applied more often to the mother’s breast.
  • Choose comfortable clothes for your baby. The child should not be bundled up to prevent the temperature from rising further due to overheating. Set the temperature in the children's room at +18+20 degrees.
  • If there is no spasm of skin blood vessels and after consultation with a pediatrician, wipe with warm water, but in no case with vodka or vinegar.

What drugs should not be given?

Babies under 3 months of age are usually prescribed only paracetamol, since it is the safest type of antipyretic. Even ibuprofen, which is approved in childhood, is not recommended for children under 3 months of age. However, there are medications that are not given to children at all. These are aspirin and analgin, as well as the already outdated drugs antipyrine and amidopyrine. Also, children under 12 years of age should not be given drugs based on nimesulide.

Paracetamol is the most popular drug for reducing fever in newborns, because... considered the safest drug Rules for use

  • Antipyretic drugs are not given on a specific schedule, such as antibiotics. They should only be given if the temperature rises.
  • Typically, drugs with antipyretic properties are not prescribed for periods longer than 3-5 days.
  • The maximum number of doses of an antipyretic drug per day is 4 doses.
  • Suppositories are administered no more than 2-3 times.
  • A minimum of 4 hours should pass between uses of the medication.

Elevated body temperature during the onset of the disease is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but necessary for the body to defeat the virus. Surprisingly, the same fighting mechanism will work in the body of seemingly helpless babies.

In recent years, pediatricians have increasingly said that the mother’s main task in such a situation is not to “bring down” the temperature, but to create the necessary conditions for destroying the virus. We get used to this idea with difficulty and continue to give antipyretics to improve the well-being of the children and our own peace of mind.

How to do this with the least harm, in what situations antipyretics are necessary, and how to choose the appropriate drug - you will learn from our article.

Antipyretics for newborns

In medicine, newborns are considered to be infants aged from birth to 4 weeks. As for older children, the rule here is not to lower the temperature until it is below 38 or 38.5 degrees. But if you have to do this, only the doctor should make the decision!

No pharmacy can sell an antipyretic drug approved for newborns up to 1 month (and even for infants 2 months). Until the doctor arrives, you need to make sure that the child is in a cool, damp room and is not dressed too warmly. It is necessary to give it water often and give breastfeeding as often as possible if the baby is breastfed. Additional measures may include wiping the body with warm water (about 37 degrees) and a wet compress on the forehead.

Antipyretic for children under one year of age

Most often, when parents say “antipyretic for newborns,” they mean drugs for infants up to six months of age. From 3 months, the child is allowed to be given antipyretics based on paracetamol.

The best option for such small children are antipyretic suppositories for a newborn or suppositories. They are best used after bowel movements and at night. Most suppositories begin to help within 40 minutes. Although syrups and suspensions are absorbed and act faster, they contain dyes, sweeteners and flavorings that improve the appearance and taste of the medicine for the convenience of the child, and they may cause allergies in some children.

Antipyretic suppositories for children under one year of age are inserted into the baby's anus when he lies on his stomach. The buttocks are squeezed a little so that the butt “swallows” the candle. Both syrups and baby suppositories are used no more than twice a day if absolutely necessary, when the baby’s body temperature is more than 38.5.

From 6 months, infants can be given antipyretics based on ibuprofen. This drug has a stronger effect, but it helps faster and its effect lasts longer. Its main disadvantage is its higher price.

Advice! An antipyretic in liquid form will work faster if you heat it before giving it to the child, for example, in your hands.

Both paracetamol and ibuprofen are not prohibited for self-prescription by parents when the temperature rises (for any disease), and if doses and standards are observed, they are relatively harmless to the child’s body. Relatively - since there are no absolutely harmless drugs, and therefore they must be used very carefully, especially at such a tender age. The option of simultaneous use of both drugs is practiced, but is too dangerous for infants.

Doctor speaking! Dr. Komarovsky teaches that it is incorrect to dose antipyretics according to age, since all children are of different weights; it is much more reasonable to give them based on the number of mg per kg of weight. Paracetamol is given at 10-15 mg per kg of weight, the period between doses is 4 hours (up to 90 mg per 1 kg per day), ibuprofen - 10 mg per 1 kg, after 6 hours (up to 40 mg per 1 kg per day).

Important! If an hour or two after using an antipyretic for infants, the temperature does not begin to decrease, this may mean:

  1. The child has an unusual acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection, which needs to be reported to the doctor urgently,
  2. The conditions are not met, and the child has nothing to sweat with or the room is too dry and hot.
  3. There is a possibility that you have come across a fake.

Antipyretic after vaccination

Many pediatricians advise giving an antipyretic immediately after vaccinations to prevent a possible increase in temperature. But recently, this approach has not been welcomed and it has already been proven that such actions have a bad effect on the development of immunity after vaccination. The use of the drug makes sense if the temperature has really risen and the baby is suffering.

Which antipyretic is best for a newborn?

So, the safest for young children, starting with infants, are antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. There are now a lot of such drugs with different names.

It is most reasonable to ask the pharmacy for the most inexpensive option for children's suppositories or syrup with paracetamol or ibuprofen, without overpaying for useless additives or a “promoted” name; the main active ingredient will still reduce the temperature. And yet the most popular today are:

Antipyretics for children list

  • based on paracetamol: Paracetamol (syrup, suspension), Tylenol (suspension, suppositories, solution), Panadol (suppositories, suspension), Efferalgan (syrup, suppositories, solution), Tsefekon (suppositories), Calpol (suspension), Dolomol (suppositories, suspension), Daleron (suspension), Ifimol (solution),
  • based on ibuprofen: Ibuprofen (suppositories), Ibufen (suspension) and children's Nurofen (suspension, suppositories) is especially popular among mothers.

Prohibited for children

  • aspirin,
  • analgin,
  • nimesil.

Urgent use of antipyretics

Parents should urgently give antipyretics if:

  1. temperature is more than 39 and a half degrees,
  2. the child has a fever,
  3. additional fluid loss occurs - vomiting, diarrhea,
  4. the baby has already had seizures due to fever,
  5. he doesn't tolerate high temperatures well and it shows
  6. Children with pathologies and developmental problems have fever.

Unfortunately, the availability of powerful drugs makes the medical commandment “do no harm!” relevant for caring parents. Knowing the basic rules of behavior when the baby’s body temperature rises, the mother will be able to maintain the health of the child and the nerves of herself and her entire family.

Do not self-medicate and give your baby medicine only when it is really necessary!

Komarovsky about antipyretics (video)

How to use antipyretic drugs? (video)

Antipyretics don’t help, what should I do? (video)