Liquid blood. Liquid blood causes and treatment

How to be treated if doctors have diagnosed thrombocytopenia (thin blood)?

Thrombocytopenia is characterized not only by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, but also by increased bleeding. Thrombocytopenia can develop either independently (isolated disorder) or in combination with anemia and leukopenia.


Olga VERSHININA, hematologist, Moscow inpatient clinic:

- In principle, every person should know not only the name of his disease, but also the causes of its occurrence. And even more so - the prognosis for the future, its treatment. For example, the doctor told you that, according to the analysis, your blood is thin. Despite the apparent harmlessness of the formulation, this is a very serious disease.

Symptoms. In clinical practice, autoimmune thrombocytopenia is the most common. Patients complain that, without any reason, many bruises and hemorrhages of various sizes and shapes appear on the body. Then, as a rule, increased bleeding appears and begins to develop. Most often, bleeding comes from the nose, but it is worse if gastrointestinal, uterine or renal bleeding develops. Sometimes abundant. Bleeding occurs after bruises and even without any reason. Fortunately, brain hemorrhages are quite rare.

But in the abdominal cavity, ultrasound examination often reveals an enlarged spleen. In this case, patients are worried about weakness, tinnitus, and decreased blood pressure. And very often against this background, chronic iron deficiency anemia of varying severity occurs. This is already a complication of thrombocytopenia due to liquid blood.

Reasons. It is not always possible to detect a clear cause of the disease. Doctors say that idiopathic thrombocytopenia has developed. It occurs most often in children and young people. Again, a deviation in the functioning of the spleen is simultaneously diagnosed. Doctors may even suggest removing the spleen, which in principle will help normalize platelet levels. The cause of thrombocytopenia, especially its rare forms, as researchers confirm, in our time can be blood cancer, or damage to the bone marrow as a result of exposure to radiation, or strong medications.

Diagnostics. The hematologist must examine the patient very carefully, inquire about his lifestyle, find out about his living conditions and about his other diseases. What medications did the patient take, since some medications can lead to a decrease in platelet levels in the blood. And prescribe special tests, including a general blood and urine test, as well as a bone marrow test (bone marrow puncture from the sternum).

Treatment. If the disease is advanced and the patient is in serious condition, he should be hospitalized so that a specialist can prescribe treatment and monitor the condition. The patient also requires adequate nutrition. Vitamin therapy (for example, ascorbic acid in injections), etc. will also help you get rid of the disease faster. This is necessary to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall.

And to normalize the number of platelets, glucocorticoid hormones will be required, in particular, prednisolone at the rate of 1 mg/kg, followed by a dose reduction and discontinuation of the drug after their normalization. If the patient loses a lot of blood, a transfusion is necessary. But in severe cases, the spleen is still removed, after which the platelet count in the blood increases significantly and bleeding decreases. It happens that these treatments do not provide relief or have any effect, then immunosuppressants are prescribed.

Forecast and prevention.

“But in any case,” Olga Nikolaevna concludes, “it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate all causes, all possible influences that can provoke or increase bleeding. With this disease, you should absolutely not drink alcohol. The diet also needs adjustment: it is advisable to exclude foods containing vinegar from the diet. Peanuts are good for you. Vitamins A, C and P are required.

When treating concomitant diseases, drugs that somehow affect platelet function should be avoided. Salicylates, indirect anticoagulants, and fibrinolytics are especially dangerous. If you are bleeding from the nose, you should not plug it with tampons for a long time, as the bleeding may only intensify afterwards. At this time, operations associated with blood loss are also undesirable.

Many people are interested in what causes thin blood. If a person has thin blood, this is a serious deviation in the clotting process. Under such conditions, damaged vessels become poorly clogged. If a person does not have any health problems, then during an injury the blood thickens, resulting in the formation of a natural plug. Thanks to this phenomenon, a person is able to survive. If there are problems with blood clotting, this can lead to heavy bleeding and large blood loss. The danger of the pathology is that it is not always possible to determine blood clotting by external signs. In frequent cases, hemorrhage occurs under the skin or even in the brain.

Main reasons

A person has problems with clotting due to the fact that the level of those substances that are responsible for this process decreases. Their main part is protein. With a deficiency of protein in plasma, disturbances occur in the process of blood clotting. Protein is a building material that “repairs” damaged areas of the vessel. When many diseases occur, protein levels may decrease. In rare cases, it may disappear from the blood completely.

As medical practice shows, these diseases are distinguished by genetic predisposition, that is, they are transmitted from generation to generation. A hereditary disease is not the only reason that can provoke this pathology. Among the main causes of thin blood are:

  1. Hemophilia.
  2. Vitamin K deficiency.
  3. Kidney diseases.
  4. Liver diseases.
  5. Long-term use of potent medications that have a destructive effect on blood clots.
  6. Low level of platelets in the blood.
  7. Anemia.
  8. Impaired functioning of internal organs.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause that provoked the development of the pathology after a complete examination of the patient.

Common causes of pathology

Most often, liquid blood is a hereditary pathology. In rare cases, heavy bleeding occurs inside the body due to mechanical damage. In addition, severe and unusual bleeding can occur due to a critical deficiency of the protein required in the plasma.

von Willebrand syndrome

If a patient is diagnosed with this genetic disorder, then the body experiences a deficiency of the established protein, which “crumples” platelets and attaches them to the walls of blood vessels. Von Willebrand syndrome is a common cause of thin blood in humans.

Symptoms of pathology

Heavy bleeding is one of the most important and common signs of a bleeding disorder. Even small cuts can cause heavy blood loss.

The main symptoms include:

  1. The appearance of bruises. A person who has thin blood occasionally develops hematomas, provided there is no mechanical damage. A bruise can be of any color or size.
  2. Heavy menstruation. If during critical days heavy bleeding occurs that exceeds the norm, then this should be a cause for concern and immediate consultation with a doctor. In this case, it is important to visit a gynecologist and therapist. Systematic discharge of blood from the nose often occurs due to high or low blood pressure. But if such a phenomenon happens systematically, then it is necessary to seek help from a specialist and carry out a medical examination. Since the presence of one of the signs may indicate that a serious pathology is developing in the body.
  3. Prolonged bleeding after minor injury. Even small scratches can bleed like wounds.

If there are problems with blood, it is important not to waste time and seek help from medical personnel. People who have liquid blood risk their lives every day, since any injury can cause death due to significant blood loss. The cause of liquid blood in a person will be determined by the doctor after a detailed examination of the patient.

Patient Research

If one of the symptoms of the pathology is present, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and undergo a thorough medical examination. If you have had similar problems in your family, it is important to visit your doctor regularly. To diagnose blood clotting problems, it is necessary to study the complete clinical picture and overall health of the patient. The causes and treatment of thin blood is a topic that worries many, but not everyone knows that this is a purely individual process. Only after examining the patient does the doctor find out the cause and prescribe treatment.

First of all, you need to pass the following tests:

  • thoroughly examine the blood;
  • check the amount of blood loss due to mechanical damage;
  • determine the level of white and red blood cells in plasma;
  • study platelet aggregation;
  • measure bleeding time.

Based on the results of the study, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment process

During the treatment process, it is necessary to build an individual scheme and find out the cause of very thin blood. It is equally important to examine the functioning of the liver and find out whether cancerous tumors are present. During therapy, it is necessary to prescribe the patient injections with vitamin K. The doctor prescribes a medicine that improves the functioning of the protein. In case of significant blood loss, donor blood should be used. It is imperative to include in the treatment process medications that restore platelet function.

Many patients are concerned about the question of why blood is liquid. There are several reasons. Only after examining the patient can this question be answered. The entire process of research and treatment of the patient must be supervised by a doctor. Medicines should be taken only as prescribed.

During treatment, it is important to take medications that contain iron. Thanks to this substance, you can replenish the volume of lost blood. If not treated promptly, anemia may occur. As a result, the patient experiences lethargy, headaches and respiratory problems. Blood transfusions are performed in emergency situations. To avoid complications, it is important to choose the right type of blood to be transfused.

Which medicine is effective?

The causes of thin blood in women and men can be very diverse - from genetic predisposition to a serious illness that provoked a decrease in protein in the blood. The doctor prescribes specific medications depending on the individual characteristics of each patient. It is important to take into account the general state of health, the presence of other pathologies and the person’s age.

Note to patients

Self-medication is prohibited, since this is a very serious pathology that directly affects the patient’s life expectancy. To avoid serious complications, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. A minor injury can lead to death (this is the whole danger of the disease). Traditional methods of therapy are not recommended to be used without consulting a doctor, as this can lead to the death of the patient. The cause of thin blood in a child will be determined by the pediatrician after a thorough examination of the patient.


If there are signs of non-coagulation of blood, frequent nosebleeds, uterine bleeding, consult a hematologist. He will offer to do a blood and urine test, and, if necessary, a bone marrow puncture. The quantitative content of platelets is 150-400 thousand in 1 μl. A reading below 140 thousand is a sign of thrombocytopathy.

For massive uterine and nasal bleeding, a 5% solution of aminocaproic acid is prescribed. To normalize platelets, Adroxon and adenosine triphosphate are administered. Other medications are also used - “Ditsinon”, “Pamba”, tranexamic, “Emosint”, etc.

When treating this disease, you should avoid using drugs that affect platelet function and reduce their number. These include salicylates, indirect anticoagulants and fibrinolytics. These are Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Butadione, papaverine, furosemide, penicillin antibiotics, antidepressants.

In addition to drug treatment, organize proper nutrition, rich in A, C and P. To increase blood clotting, include nuts in your daily diet, especially almonds and peanuts, green tea, and parsley.

Use a rich arsenal of medicinal plants that help improve blood clotting. The leader is nettle. Also useful are lingonberry and grape leaves, cinquefoil, oak bark, linden blossom, horsetail, shepherd's purse, burnet root, etc.

Please note

Regular bleeding leads to anemia and hemorrhagic shock.

Useful advice

Avoid traumatic sports such as alpine skiing or motorcycle racing.

Constantly monitor your hematologist and therapist, regularly monitor your blood counts.

Fake blood, oddly enough, is a big hit, especially at costume parties. If you are preparing for Halloween, or want to prank someone on April Fool's Day, or maybe you are making a horror movie at home, you cannot do without a blood substitute. Fortunately, you can either buy it or make it yourself from available ingredients.

You will need

  • - corn starch
  • - beet
  • - water
  • - thick syrup
  • - food coloring
  • - fabric paint
  • - wallpaper glue


If you are making blood that you will not put into your mouth, the liquid may consist of inedible components, e.g. However, ordinary watercolor is too liquid and can only be useful when simulating dried stains on clothes or paper. If you need a lot of blood, take it (it is sold in art stores) and mix it with wallpaper glue. Take the proportions by eye, dilute to the consistency you need.

Artificial blood, which is put into the mouth, is made from food ingredients. For example, from beet juice. To make such blood, boil beets in water, add starch to the resulting liquid until it thickens. If the blood you create is not enough or scarlet, you can fix it by adding food coloring to it on the tip of a knife.

Another option for edible imitation blood is thick strawberry syrup, sold in the confectionery department of any supermarket. If necessary, add a little cornstarch to it. If you don't have strawberry syrup, you can take chocolate syrup and mix it with dry paint for Easter eggs.

Please note

As a rule, artificial blood is difficult to wash off from clothing.

Useful advice

Prop blood is sometimes sold in theatrical props stores. You can also look for it in joke and prank stores.


  • how to get blood

Want to make your blood thinner? Review your diet. Follow some rules. Increase the content of foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. These are primarily vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet peppers, cabbage, onions, zucchini, eggplant, and fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, apples, pineapple. Of the berries, the most rich in vitamin C are cranberries, sea buckthorn and currants, to a lesser extent - red currants, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and lingonberries. Don't forget about greenery. Dill, parsley, cilantro, celery, and lettuce also make the blood less viscous.

It is very useful to include vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil in your diet. After all, olive oil also has the ability to thin the blood, and in combination with vegetables it will be enhanced.

Low-fat dairy products are also good: milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir. Some types of low-fat fish rich in unsaturated acids (hake, macrorus, cod) have the same effect. Also eat nuts, such as walnuts.

Some flavorings - ginger, thyme, cinnamon, oregano, curry, cayenne pepper - also make the blood more fluid.

In what form should blood thinning products be consumed?

Those foods that can be eaten raw (fruits, berries, herbs, some vegetables) are better not to be cooked, as the beneficial substances disappear. The remaining products should be boiled or stewed.

In addition, to thin the blood, it is necessary to increase fluid intake. It is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. However, this requirement does not apply (to avoid the appearance of ).

Also, you should not overuse water if you have kidney disease.

If for some reason it is not possible to introduce a sufficient amount of the above products into your diet, you need synthetic vitamin complexes containing vitamin C. But for this you need to contact a specialist, since he can select the required dosage, based on the characteristics of your body .

Eyebrows not only protect your eyes from dust, moisture and sweat, they can be used to express a range of feelings. They are able to emphasize the attractiveness of a woman's face. But, unfortunately, few representatives of the fair sex can boast of thick and beautiful eyebrows. Give your eyebrows the right care and make them thicker with simple tips.

You will need

  • - eyebrow brush;
  • - burdock or castor oil;
  • - cosmetic discs;
  • - peach oil;
  • - parchment paper;
  • - marigold flowers;
  • - vodka;
  • - lanolin cream;
  • - vitamin A;
  • - vitamin E.


Eyebrows need daily combing with a special brush (can be purchased in the cosmetics department). First comb it against the hair growth, then in the direction of growth. Thanks to this simple procedure, blood flow to the hairs and follicles improves. Massage your eyebrows daily, press them pointwise with your fingertips, make vibrating movements and pinch along the hair growth line.

You can make your eyebrows thicker with oils. To do this, take a brush and soak it in burdock or castor oil, comb your eyebrows in different directions for five minutes. You can use oil compresses for eyebrows, soak cosmetic pads in warm peach oil and apply to eyebrows, cover with parchment paper on top and leave for fifteen minutes. You can also make compresses with almond oil. After the time has passed, remove any remaining oil with cotton swabs. It is recommended to pamper your eyebrows with such compresses two to three times a week.

Herbal formulations are great for good eyebrow growth. You can make your own marigold tincture with vodka. Pour one part of dried flowers with ten parts of vodka, close tightly and leave for a week. Before use, you must dilute the tincture in half with water. Soak cosmetic discs or gauze folded in several layers in it and apply to the eyebrows for one hour. It is advisable to carry out this procedure daily; you will soon see a positive result.

The concept of “liquid blood” has, according to medical terminology, another name – thrombocytopenia, which means a disease caused by a reduced number of platelets (colorless blood platelets) in the blood. With this pathology, the blood thins and its clotting is impaired. The causes of thrombocytopenia can be either hereditary or acquired. Treatment of pathology should be carried out only by a hematologist.


The most common cause of the disease is hereditary predisposition. It is this factor that accounts for a third of all diagnoses in patients with the presence of liquid blood. The disease can develop due to problems in the immune system, in which antibodies act on platelets in a negative way, causing them to die. In other words, the body’s own blood platelets are perceived as foreign.

Blood thinning is also possible due to other diseases. Among them it is necessary to highlight:

  • Preeclampsia. This disease occurs in pregnant women and is manifested by a strong increase in blood pressure. In this case, there is a significant threat to the life of both the patient and her unborn child.
  • Severe nephropathy. Pathology manifested by impaired renal function.
  • APS (antiphospholipid syndrome). This disease is caused by the body's own production of antibodies that attack phospholipids (components of living cells). This manifestation leads to the formation of blood clots and thrombosis in the vessels.
  • Blood clotting disorders and blood loss during childbirth.
  • Anemia.
  • Long-term use of some medicines, for example, drugs that break up blood clots or antibiotics.
  • Folic acid deficiency in the blood.

Sometimes blood thinning occurs due to allergic reactions or viral infections.


At the very beginning of the development of pathology, when the number of platelets is still slightly reduced, the course of treatment can be carried out at home. In this case, the patient is recommended to have a proper diet with three full meals. With this disease, you must stop drinking alcohol, marinades, and spices. We need to eat more vitamins. Doctors recommend eating carrots, bell peppers, peanuts, potatoes, spinach and parsley more often.

To confirm or refute the presence of thin blood, the doctor prescribes blood tests for the patient. In this case, after taking it from the finger, the medical worker measures the time after which the vessel will become clogged. A study is also being carried out to find out with what force platelets are attached.

Based on the factors that influenced the development of the disease, the doctor builds a treatment regimen. Treatment begins with eliminating the root cause of the pathology. It will be individual for each patient. However, there are general principles for the treatment of thrombocytopenia, these include:

  1. Vitamin K injections.
  2. Prescribing medications that improve the functioning of proteins.
  3. The use of drugs that have a positive effect on the interaction of blood platelets, as well as on their attachment to the vascular walls.
  4. In case of exacerbation of the disease, a blood transfusion is performed (donor blood is used).

The consequences of the disease are always eliminated with the help of drugs with a high iron content. This element allows you to replenish the blood lost during the disease. If you do not take such medications, iron deficiency anemia may occur. Most often, Hematogen is used for thrombocytopenia.

In case of severe blood loss, a transfusion is required. The doctor carefully selects the type of donor plasma to avoid unpleasant complications. This procedure is performed only in a hospital under the supervision of several specialists.

The causes of thin blood can be either hereditary or acquired, in both cases it is associated with dysfunction of the white blood platelets (platelets) contained in the plasma (this is the liquid part of the blood). Their defects and, as a consequence, disruption (the main function of platelets is to prevent blood loss in the event of vascular injury) lead to blood thinning and disruption of its clotting process.

For women during pregnancy, this poses a particular danger, since large blood loss can cause the most disastrous consequences for both the mother and the fetus, including death.

If the analysis revealed that a person’s blood is liquid, he is diagnosed with thrombocytopenia (a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets and their qualitative inferiority, which leads to increased bleeding that is difficult to stop). Various types of bleeding appear, most often:

  • nasal,
  • menstrual of unknown origin,
  • from the gums, prolonged bleeding after tooth extraction,
  • due to cuts,
  • during pregnancy.

The most dangerous bleedings are gastrointestinal, renal, retinal, brain and its membranes. This is often accompanied by symptoms such as an enlarged spleen and low blood pressure, and the causes of bleeding are usually completely unclear.

Against this background, chronic iron deficiency anemia can develop (a group of clinical syndromes caused by a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood), which is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy, so its treatment should be immediate.
People with thin blood should consult a doctor for any injury, even a seemingly minor one. But if you have such a problem, it is best to avoid injuries altogether, as well as enemas, rectal examinations and intramuscular injections. When choosing a toothbrush, you should make sure that its bristles are not too hard. As for dental floss and straight razors, they should be completely eliminated from everyday use. You should not use medications that suppress platelet function. For example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Acetylsalicylic acid and other drugs based on it, which pose a particular danger to women during pregnancy.

Symptoms and causes.

Liquid blood may have hereditary causes. They lead in frequency, occupying 36% of the total number of patients.
This may also be a consequence of decreased platelet production and their increased destruction in peripheral arteries and veins.
The reasons may also lie in problems with the immune system, when platelets die under the influence of antibodies. In other words, in the patient’s body, the patient’s own platelets are perceived as foreign, the body refuses to recognize them, and then the active immune system instantly produces antiplatelet antibodies against its unrecognized platelets, which is a disease that occurs in people who were previously completely healthy.
Blood thinning can be caused by:

  1. preeclampsia (a pathology that occurs during pregnancy, when blood pressure rises so high that there is a threat to life for the mother and child);
  2. severe form of nephropathy (a disease manifested in impaired kidney function);
  3. disorders of the blood clotting mechanism; bleeding during childbirth;
  4. antiphospholipid syndrome (a disease with many manifestations, characterized by a large number of produced antibodies to phospholipids - the elements that make up the parts of the cell);
  5. systemic lupus erythematosus (a connective tissue disease with vascular damage);
  6. folate deficiency (lack of folic acid in the blood serum);
  7. taking blood thinning medications; allergic reaction, viral infection.

Liquid blood in a patient manifests itself through symptoms in the form of minor hemorrhages and bruises. Hemorrhagic syndrome (bleeding due to changes in hemostasis) is much more pronounced in children, adolescents and women. For the latter, the biggest problem is prolonged uterine bleeding, which results in the loss of a very large volume of blood (which is especially dangerous during pregnancy) and, as a consequence, severe anemia and hemorrhagic collapse (an acute drop in vascular tone and a decrease in circulating blood volume due to massive blood loss).

Liquid blood in pregnant women.

During pregnancy, a woman repeatedly has to donate blood for analysis, which reports the slightest problems in the body. If your health is not strong, you have to take it much more often, determining the level of red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, etc., as well as their quality.
In the processes of blood coagulation, the main role is played by its formed elements, platelets, and they are also responsible for the reactions of nonspecific resistance of the body. Platelet formation occurs in the bone marrow, and they are determined by taking a general blood test.
Often during pregnancy, the level of platelets in a woman’s body changes ambiguously and is largely influenced by individual characteristics. In a healthy woman during pregnancy, the number of platelets may decrease slightly, which is caused by their low life expectancy and increased consumption in the peripheral circulation. This is caused by the fact that during pregnancy the liquid part of the blood in the body increases in volume.
A severe decrease in the number of platelets produced, their increased destruction or consumption cause blood thinning. Characteristic symptoms are bleeding and the appearance of small bruises.
Insufficient platelet production in a woman during pregnancy may be a consequence of her poor diet. In addition, low platelet levels can be caused by chronic bleeding or immune system disorders. In these cases, platelets are either produced in insufficient quantities or have a defective structure.
To identify bleeding disorders during pregnancy, the patient is prescribed a coagulogram (a test showing the effectiveness of the system responsible for blood clotting) and, if necessary, appropriate treatment is provided.
Low platelet levels during pregnancy increase the risk of bleeding during labor. However, it should be mentioned that it only exists if the platelet count at the time of birth does not exceed 50,000. With spontaneous birth, the risk of internal bleeding in a child with immune thrombocytopenia increases sharply. Of particular concern is the risk of cerebral hemorrhage. In such cases, a caesarean section is performed to be on the safe side. But it also carries the risk of causing bleeding in the mother.


If the analysis shows liquid blood, such a patient is treated by a hematologist. He prescribes blood and urine tests, and, if necessary, a bone marrow puncture from the sternum.
For heavy uterine bleeding, nosebleeds, etc., a five percent solution of aminocaproic acid is prescribed intravenously. The drugs Adroxon and adenosine triphosphate are injected intramuscularly, normalizing platelets. Medicines such as Pamba, Emosint, Dicynon and tranexamic acid are also used.
Treatment with glucocorticosteroids is one of the main methods. These hormones prevent the destruction of platelets by weakening the effect of antibodies on them. In addition, glucocorticosteroids inhibit the process of destruction of platelets in the spleen, thereby increasing their number in the blood. After it has increased to the normal level, the prescribed dose is gradually reduced. The duration of the course of glucocorticosteroid therapy is from 4 to 6 weeks.
If treatment with hormones is ineffective, therapy with non-hormonal immunosuppressants is carried out. At the same time, the body’s production of antibodies hostile to its own platelets is inhibited, as a result of which the degree of platelet destruction decreases and their lifespan increases. Drugs used: Azathioprine, Vincristine, Azathioprine and Cyclophosphamide. They are used for several weeks, accompanied by regular monitoring of blood tests.
Treatment with Danazol is very effective when taken for a long time, gradually increasing the presence of platelets in the blood. This treatment is most effective for patients over 45 years of age.
Severe cases require platelet transfusion, as well as treatment using new modern technologies in the form of bone marrow and stem cell transplantation.
Treatment should not contain drugs that affect platelet activity and help reduce their number. The group of such medications includes: fibrinolytics, indirect anticoagulants and salicylates. These are: aspirin, Butadione, furosemide, antidepressants, Indomethacin, penicillin antibiotics.

Drug treatment must certainly be accompanied by proper nutrition, rich in vitamins C, A and P. To increase blood clotting, nuts (especially peanuts and almonds), parsley and green tea should be included in the daily diet.
Effective treatment can also be provided by medicinal plants, a wide range of which helps improve blood clotting. Nettle has proven itself best for this purpose. No less effective treatment is provided by lingonberry and grape leaves, cinquefoil, linden blossom, horsetail, burnet root, oak bark, water pepper, shepherd's purse, etc.

Liquid blood is an alarming sign that requires mandatory treatment, especially in women during pregnancy, since in this case not one life, but two, are at risk. However, with a variety of therapy methods, a positive effect is guaranteed.

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