That means 1st trimester. The first trimester of pregnancy – features of the baby’s development, the mother’s feelings and important recommendations. How to prepare for research


Early childhood

Poles always sincerely rejoice at the birth of a child. Even a poor woman who will never refuse him. Not only grandparents, but also uncles and aunts and other relatives participate in raising a child. From the moment the baby arrives in the family, the holidays begin. First, the father must celebrate the birth of the baby with his friends, then, when the baby is a little older, a christening is held - a large family celebration where all the relatives gather.

Preschool education for a child is chosen by parents themselves. They can raise him at home on their own, or send him to kindergarten for a full or short day. But at the age of 6, all children are required to undergo a “zero course” of education - preschool training in a kindergarten or preschool education group. They go to school already knowing how to read and write.


There are many pedagogical systems in Poland, and every parent can get acquainted with the methods of work of teachers in different schools. Primary school classes for little Poles last 6 years. There, children not only master various sciences, but also... Then, for 3 years, schoolchildren go to a gymnasium, after which they have to pass difficult final exams. Their grades influence where a Polish teenager will continue his education after high school: college, lyceum or vocational school.

You can move from the lyceum to a higher education institution without exams. The rest of the applicants will have to worry again: the first stage of exams is taken by “their” teachers, the second by unfamiliar teachers from other schools.

What can be adopted. Polish education is considered one of the best in Europe. One of its main achievements is the ability to choose from a large number of educational program options. It is also very important that children are taught communication skills from an early age. They are explained why people quarrel and how it can be done.

Relationships with adults

Children are always raised to respect their father, who is considered the main breadwinner and head of the family, even if his wife earns much more. In any family they are always obeyed. Not long ago, a law “On Combating Domestic Violence” was passed in Poland, prohibiting corporal punishment and causing mental suffering to a child.

Despite the fact that many parents said that they could not imagine parenting without spanking, the law is strictly enforced. Otherwise, law enforcement officials have the right to remove the child from the family. However, in most Polish families there is no aggression; all relatives work with the child. Even decisions such as, or choosing a kindergarten, are made at a large family council.

What can be adopted? Try not to humiliate your spouse. If the baby constantly hears that his dad is bad, then he will develop a certain idea about men and their role in the family, which can hinder him in later life.

Because they are patriots

Children hear all the time that Poland is the best place in the world. Despite the fact that Poles sometimes like to scold some features of national life, they sincerely love their country, are proud of their language and culture, and pass on this patriotism to their children. Every family keeps family heirlooms and portraits of their ancestors. Parents willingly tell their children about their great-great-grandparents, and other relatives are happy to complement the story by listening to Polish music and eating traditional Polish dishes - the Poles are also very proud of their cuisine.

What can be adopted? Teach children to separate the actions of politicians from. Tell them that you can’t be proud of all the actions of your compatriots, and that’s why you need to behave with dignity so that others treat representatives of your nationality with respect.

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A few decades ago, any woman knew about the gestational age only that it was approximately 9 months. But times are changing, and almost every expectant mother has the idea that the entire period of bearing a baby is conventionally divided into three components or three trimesters.

Each trimester has some features and distinctive features that should be taken into account so as not to harm the fetus. The most important and responsible is the first trimester of pregnancy, because it is at this time that a new life is born and all the systems and organs of the future person are laid down.

It is generally accepted that the duration of the first trimester of pregnancy is 13 weeks. However, some experts propose a different principle for dividing the trimesters and insist that the first trimester lasts not 13, but 12 weeks, since during this time the important organs of the fetus have time to form. However, in answer to the question, the first trimester - how many weeks is it, it is better to name the number 13, because this corresponds to 1/3 of the entire pregnancy period.

What happens in the first trimester

Strange as it may sound, the beginning of the so-called obstetric pregnancy period, the total duration of which is about 40 weeks, is considered not the moment of conception, that is, the meeting of the sperm and egg, but the first day of the last menstruation preceding conception. Thus, in the first and second weeks of pregnancy it is too early to talk about the accomplished fact of conception, because it is unknown whether fertilization will occur during this period.

And only in the third week of pregnancy, less often in the second or fourth, the direct process of fertilization and subsequent development of the embryo begins. Particularly sensitive women can notice changes in their well-being literally from the first days of conception, but most women are not even aware of the impending imminent motherhood.

Further development of the fetus proceeds at a rapid pace. The body of the expectant mother experiences significant changes both at the physiological and at the mental and emotional levels, because a lot of resources are needed to provide all the needs of the child.

Fetal development

During the first trimester, significant changes occur in the fetus's body. Actually, at the very beginning of this period, the fetus as such does not yet exist, because only at 2-3 weeks will the fusion of a mature egg with the most active sperm occur. Next, the process of cell division begins. It is at this stage that any negative factors can have an adverse effect on the body and disrupt the programmed process of formation of the baby’s body.

The first days and weeks of pregnancy are called embryos. Initially, three germ layers are formed in the embryo; these are the rudiments of the internal organs and tissues of the body. After some time, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. Every day the number of embryonic cells increases, these cells become more and more differentiated.



Towards the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, i.e. by the beginning of the 13th week, the body weight of the embryo, which by this time is already called the fetus, reaches 14-20 grams, and the body length is 6.5-7.8 cm. Despite small body size, all organs and systems of the fetus are practically formed at this stage, in the future they will develop and improve. When performing an ultrasound, a woman sees only the contours of the baby’s body in the photo, and only a specialist can understand all these pictures.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

For many women, the 1st trimester of pregnancy becomes a real test, because it is at this time that a sharp restructuring of the hormonal levels of the female body occurs, a restructuring of the functioning of all systems and organs. All this leaves a significant imprint on the well-being of the expectant mother.

In addition, some women experience all the manifestations and features of toxicosis in a rather acute form. In general, most expectant mothers report the following sensations and symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • aversion to food in general or to certain types of foods;
  • nausea, vomiting, especially in the morning;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands, a feeling of heaviness in them;
  • drowsiness, absent-mindedness;
  • decreased performance;
  • deterioration of mood and well-being, the appearance of some symptoms of depression;
  • excessive irritability and nervousness, behavior becomes more impulsive.

As a rule, the above manifestations partially or completely disappear by the 12th or 13th week, i.e. by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. By this time, the female body has successfully adapted to functioning in a new mode. The woman begins to feel calm and confident in her abilities. But all this is ahead, but for now we need to be patient and strong.

The belly of the expectant mother in the first trimester of pregnancy is still very small, because the uterus is not yet so enlarged. However, in some women, especially those who are quite thin, by the end of the first trimester the stomach is already protruding forward, so others can quite accurately determine that she is pregnant.



Unlike the abdomen, the breasts increase significantly in size almost from the first days of pregnancy. It would seem, why do such changes occur in the female body at such an early stage, since the birth and feeding of the baby is still more than six months away? However, the breasts will be enlarged throughout the nine months of pregnancy, so the expectant mother will have to buy a new, larger bra almost immediately after learning about her condition.

Tests and examinations in the first trimester

The expectant mother is recommended to visit an antenatal clinic two to three weeks after her missed period and see a specialist who will manage the pregnancy. You can register for pregnancy later, but not by much, because the main tests are prescribed at 10-13 obstetric weeks. The indicated periods are recommended in cases where the woman is relatively healthy.

If the expectant mother has previously had miscarriages, an ectopic pregnancy, or has serious chronic diseases, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible, even a few days after the delay, especially if pharmacy tests show the coveted “extra” line.

When registering, pregnant women are prescribed the following types of tests and examinations:

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood test to determine its group and Rh factor;
  • HIV and syphilis testing;
  • vaginal smear.

In addition, during each visit to a medical facility, a specialist will determine the woman’s weight and abdominal size in order to monitor the dynamics of body weight gain. The exact list of tests that pregnant women undergo when registering can be found at the antenatal clinic.

At 11-13 weeks, i.e. closer to the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman must undergo the first prenatal screening, which consists of an ultrasound examination of the fetus and determination of the level of certain hormones, primarily human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Based on the examination results, the doctor determines the degree of risk of congenital chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. If the test results are disappointing or questionable, the woman will be advised to visit a geneticist and undergo other, more in-depth types of research. Such an examination, such as a chorionic villus biopsy, will allow you to determine the sex of the baby with 100% accuracy and find out what is happening to the child at the chromosomal level.

Main hazards and risks

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the most serious risks for a woman are ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.

Ectopic pregnancy is one of the most serious dangers for a woman. In this case, the embryo begins to develop not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube. For the expectant mother, this poses a mortal danger, because a sudden pipe rupture can end very sadly. The main symptom of an ectopic pregnancy is sharp pain in the abdomen or side. But one should not expect such an outcome, because this pathology is very easy to detect during an ultrasound and prompt surgical intervention is carried out with minimal threat to the woman’s body.

The risk of miscarriage is higher in the first weeks of pregnancy. According to statistical studies, up to 60% of all cases of spontaneous abortion in the 1st trimester are caused by genetic abnormalities in the embryo (fetus), so the female body itself gets rid of the malformed embryo. However, other cases are caused by the fact that there are some disorders in the woman’s body that do not allow for a normal pregnancy, for example, too high or low levels of certain hormones, abnormal structure of the female genital organs, etc. In this case, it is necessary to take all measures for the safe preservation pregnancy, and for this purpose modern medicine has a number of effective methods. If you follow all the recommendations of the doctor who will manage the pregnancy, the likelihood of saving the child increases significantly.

The most important tips for expectant mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to get rid of all bad habits if the expectant mother previously smoked or drank alcoholic beverages. Any dangerous toxic substances during this period are very harmful to the fetus, so no imaginary pleasure from their use should outweigh the health of the unborn child.
  • Almost all medications are also prohibited, even those that can be purchased without a prescription. It is unacceptable to take any medications, even seemingly safe ones, without consulting a doctor, who should be informed about your pregnancy.
  • The developing fetus needs sufficient nutrients, so the expectant mother should regularly eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish. But sweets need to be limited, because almost all of them do not contain anything useful, only extra calories.
  • Since the first trimester is a rather critical period for the embryo (fetus) and at this time there is a possibility of miscarriage, you should refrain from intimate relationships at this time.
  • Excessive physical activity should be avoided and the level of usual physical activity should be somewhat limited in order to protect yourself from a possible miscarriage or any complications.
  • If possible, you should avoid visiting crowded places, as this can cause you to become infected with infectious diseases, which at this stage are especially dangerous for the developing fetus.
  • You can take vitamins as prescribed by your doctor, who will advise how much additional nutrients your baby needs.

An exact list of recommendations about what can and cannot be done in the first months of pregnancy can be obtained from an antenatal clinic specialist who can take into account the woman’s health condition and the available examination results. For more information, watch the video on the topic.

The first trimester of pregnancy begins with the desire to become pregnant and the actual moment of conception, and ends with the official meeting with the baby. This period of time lasts from 1st to 13th obstetric week of pregnancy and carries with it many emotions, restrictions, changes in the usual way of life, requires attention to oneself and the emergence of a new life within oneself.


A tiny sperm reaches the egg and the process of development of a new organism has already begun. At the beginning of the 1st trimester, these are just two cells that turn into a small man, reaching 9 cm in length and weighing about 20 grams. Perhaps his body is not yet so proportional, but this tiny organism already contains the building blocks of all organs and systems. The placenta begins to form.

The baby's heart is already beating. - he makes his first hesitant attempts to move his arms and legs. And with the help of ultrasonic devices it is already possible to record his breathing movements.

Mother's condition

As a rule, during pregnancy (the first week of missed menstruation), a woman has no idea about her situation. Her condition is comparable to the sensations before the onset of the expected menstruation. However, menstruation does not come, and unusual new symptoms keep appearing and growing:

  • Food cravings;
  • Aversion to certain aromas and smells;
  • Breast engorgement;
  • Drowsiness and mood lability.

The greatest discomfort in the first trimester of pregnancy can bring toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting in the morning are not very pleasant.

Information Sometimes data can occur more than 3-4 times a day. Then the woman is recommended to be under medical supervision to monitor the condition until recovery. Physiologically, toxicosis recedes by 12-13 weeks, when the placentation process ends.

Starting from the very beginning of the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the first events occur, preparing this organ for bearing a fetus. During the process of its growth, due to the thickening and lengthening of the uterine ligaments, a woman may feel a slight stretching on the sides of the lower abdomen. By the end of the first trimester, the uterus protrudes above the symphysis pubis. In some expectant mothers, if you look closely, you can see a rounded tummy.

Basic tests and examinations

Additionally When planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to prepare the woman’s body for the process of bearing a child. It is necessary to cure existing somatic diseases, if any, and take blood tests to determine blood type and Rh factor, coagulogram.

When registering with an antenatal clinic at 6-7-8 weeks of pregnancy, a woman receives a list required tests and a list of consultations with narrow specialists (ophthalmologist, ENT, dentist, therapist).

By the end of the 1st trimester, a pregnant woman should have passed. Typically, this study is prescribed at 12-13 weeks, and in combination with a double hormonal test (measurement of human chorionic gonadotropin and placental protein associated with pregnancy), it gives more informative results in determining possible chromosomal pathology of the fetus.

Also at this stage of pregnancy allows you to establish:

  • Exact gestational age;
  • The number of fetuses in the uterine cavity;
  • The presence of the most severe fetal malformations (absence of limbs, severe heart defects, etc.).

Threats and dangers

Throughout the first trimester, the fetal organs are at the stage of formation and development. Therefore, any negative factors (medicines) can affect full development. It is worth abandoning all manifestations of adverse effects on the fetus.

When pregnancy occurs, the woman’s body activates the process of suppressing cellular immunity in order to prevent rejection of the fertilized egg. But until this mechanism becomes fully operational, some period of time will pass, so in the early stages in the 1st trimester there is a high probability early miscarriage.

Important Symptoms of a miscarriage are bloody discharge and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. If this condition occurs, the woman should immediately seek medical help.


It happens that adequate nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is limited by increasing signs of toxicosis. A woman loses weight and does not receive essential vitamins and minerals. To avoid exhaustion of the body, she should eat small and often, take easily digestible food, and diversify her diet. This will help the body receive and absorb everything it needs.


You should refrain from intimate relationships in the first trimester, as there is a high probability of causing a threat of miscarriage. However, if this option is not satisfactory and there are no contraindications, then sexual relations are allowed, but their intensity should be reduced.

During the first six days after conception, the embryo “travels”, moving along the fallopian tube. Then it enters the uterine cavity and attaches to the mucous membrane of its walls (so-called implantation occurs). For the first six days of life, the embryo lives autonomously, like a chicken in an egg, feeds on its own reserves and is in no way connected with its mother; its heart will begin to work after 23 days. After implantation occurs, a connection arises between the child and the woman through the umbilical cord and the branched chorion, which is formed at the site of attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine mucosa. By the 16th week of pregnancy, the branched chorion turns into the placenta.

At the 5th week, the corpus luteum of the ovary, which produces the hormone progesterone to support pregnancy, reaches its peak, and a real hormonal explosion occurs in the woman’s body. Because of this, the expectant mother is often tearful, irritable, gets tired quickly, and swelling may appear on her face.

In addition, by the 5-6th week, nausea and vomiting often intensify, the breasts become more sensitive and even painful, and the skin around the nipples darkens. The uterus, which before the 9-month wait was the size of a tangerine, is actively growing, putting pressure on the bladder, forcing the expectant mother to run to the toilet more often, and on the rectum, which can cause constipation, and more secretions are released from the vagina.

Gynecologist in the 1st trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, you will meet an obstetrician-gynecologist from the antenatal clinic, who will assess the condition of your body, refer you for additional examinations and consultations, and advise you on how to cope with an anxious state. In addition, the doctor will give recommendations on lifestyle, behavior and nutrition.

First weeks of pregnancy

What health problems can arise in the first weeks of pregnancy?


What to do? Lay the expectant mother down so that her head is below the level of her heart, give her a drink of sweet, strong tea, and open the windows in the room. To avoid fainting, your doctor will advise you to walk more (especially before bed), avoid stuffy rooms and smoking companies.

Nausea, vomiting, weight loss

What to do? Consult a doctor, take a urine test for acetone, in the morning, without getting out of bed, eat something “small” (for example, cookies), eat frequently and in small portions throughout the day.

Bloody discharge

What to do? Lie down, calm down and dial “03”. It often happens that bleeding appears on the days of expected menstruation. This usually happens in women who, even before pregnancy, had problems with the menstrual cycle (ovulation did not occur in the middle of the cycle, but shortly before the “menstrual period”). In any case, the obstetrician-gynecologist must find out why the bleeding appeared and prescribe treatment.

If the reason lies in hormonal deficiency, you will need to undergo a special examination, and then the doctor will prescribe mini-doses of hormones that are necessary to maintain the pregnancy. If this occurs due to the incorrect location of the branched chorion, which can be determined by ultrasound examination, you will be recommended bed rest and a sedative.

Pain in the lower abdomen

What to do? Lie down, calm down, take a comfortable position, you can insert a suppository with papaverine into the rectum. If the pain does not go away or recurs frequently, consult a doctor.

Early pregnancy

In order for the child to be comfortable and to receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen (all this comes to him through the blood), try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Remember that you need to sleep at least 8-10 hours at night, spend more time in the fresh air, for example, take a walk with your husband before going to bed. If you feel sick in the morning due to low blood sugar, try eating a cookie or an apple before getting out of bed. Eat what you want, often and in small portions. Drink herbal tea (mint, ginger), which helps reduce nausea. Do not eat spicy and fatty foods, avoid strong odors, smoky and stuffy rooms. At the beginning of pregnancy, do not limit yourself in your choice of food: you can eat almost anything you want, just not too much.

Try to include more dairy products, meat, juices, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Don't forget about foods that contain fiber and help your intestines work. For the sake of your baby's health, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is known that alcohol can harm a child and cause alcohol syndrome, which will then cause mental retardation. Smoking leads to miscarriage; in addition, the baby may be born with a low birth weight.

Infections, working with chemicals or working with a computer in a large volume in the early stages of pregnancy can cause the child to stop developing. This is due to the fact that in the first eight weeks all the organs and systems of the small organism are formed, and any harmful effects can cause heart disease and a disturbance in the development of the central nervous system.

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