Read The Town Musicians of Bremen. Grimm brothers Jacob and Wilhelm. The plot of the tale The Town Musicians of Bremen

One owner had a donkey, and for many years in a row he tirelessly carried sacks to the mill, but in his old age he became weak and was not as fit for work as before.

The owner thought that it was probably not worth feeding him now; and the donkey, noticing that things were not going well, ran away from his owner and moved along the road to Bremen - he thought that there he would be able to become a street musician. So he walked a little, and he happened to meet a hunting dog on the way: she was lying there, breathing heavily, with her tongue hanging out, apparently tired of running.

What are you, Grab, breathing so hard? - the donkey asks her.

“Oh,” the dog answers, “I’ve gotten old, every day I’m getting weaker and weaker, I’m no longer able to go hunting; So the owner decided to kill me, but I ran away from him. How can I earn bread now?

You know what,” says the donkey, “I’m going to Bremen, I want to become a street musician there; come with me, you too become a musician. I will play the lute, and you will play the timpani.

The dog readily agreed to this, and they moved on. Soon they met a cat on the way; he sat by the road, gloomy and cheerless, like a rain cloud.

Well, old man, Kot Kotofeich, what kind of trouble happened to you? - the donkey asks him.

“How can I be cheerful when the matter of life is going on,” the cat answers, “I’ve become old, my teeth have dulled, I should now sit on the stove and purr, and not catch mice, - so the mistress decided to drown me, but I ran away in good health. Well, what good advice can you give me? Where should I go now, how can I feed myself?

Come with us to Bremen - you’re a master at organizing night concerts, so you’ll be a street musician there.

The cat liked this thing, and they went together. Our three fugitives had to pass by one yard, they saw a rooster sitting on the gate and crowing at the top of his lungs.

Why are you hurting your throat? - says the donkey. - What happened to you?

Yes it's me good weather I predict,” answered the rooster. - After all, today is the Mother of God’s Day: she washed the shirts of the Infant Christ and wants to dry them. But anyway, my mistress has no pity: tomorrow is Sunday, guests will arrive in the morning, and so she ordered the cook to boil me in soup, and they will cut off my head this evening. That’s why I scream as loud as I can, at the top of my lungs.

“Here it is, red-crested cockerel,” said the donkey, “hey, you’d better come with us, we’re going to Bremen, you won’t find anything worse than death anyway; You have a good voice, and if we start making music together, then things will go well.

The rooster liked this proposal, and the four of them moved on. But they failed to reach Bremen in one day; they ended up in the forest in the evening and decided to spend the night there.

The donkey and the dog lay down under a large tree, and the cat and the rooster climbed onto the branch; the rooster flew to the very top of the tree, where it was most reliable. But before falling asleep, he looked around, and it seemed to him that a light was flickering in the distance, and he shouted to his comrades that there was probably a house not far away, because the light was visible. And the donkey said:

If so, then we need to get up and move on, because the overnight stay here is not important.

And the dog thought that some bones and meat would be just right. And so they set off on their way, towards the light, and soon noticed that it was shining brighter and brighter, and had become quite large; and they came to a brightly lit robber den. The donkey, like the largest of them, came up to the window and began to look into it.

Well, donkey, what can you see? - asked the rooster.

“Why,” answered the donkey, “I see a table set, all sorts of delicious food and drinks are placed on it, and robbers are sitting at the table and eating for their pleasure.”

“Perhaps there would be something for us there too,” said the rooster.

Yes, yes, if only we could get there! - said the donkey.

And the animals began to judge among themselves and decide how to proceed with this matter in order to drive the robbers out of there; and finally they found a way. They decided that the donkey should put his front legs on the window, and the dog should jump on the donkey’s back; the cat will climb on the dog, and let the rooster fly up and sit on the cat’s head. So they did and, according to conventional sign, everyone began to play music together: the donkey screamed, the dog barked, the cat meowed, and the rooster sang and crowed. Then they burst through the window into the room, so that even the glass rattled.

Hearing a terrible scream, the robbers jumped up from the table and, deciding that some kind of ghost had come to them, rushed into the forest in great fear. Then four of our comrades sat down at the table, and each began to eat what he liked from the dishes on the table, and began to eat and fill up as if for a month in advance.

After dinner, the four musicians turned off the light and began to look for where they could sleep more comfortably, each according to their own custom and habit. The donkey lay down on a dung heap, the dog lay down outside the door, the cat on a pole near the hot ashes, and the rooster sat on a perch; and since they were tired from the long journey, they soon all fell asleep.

When midnight had already passed and the robbers noticed from a distance that the light was not on in the house, everything seemed calm, then the chieftain said:

There is no need for us to give in to fear,” and ordered one of his men to go into the house for reconnaissance.

The messenger found that everything was quiet and calm there; he went into the kitchen to turn on the light, and the cat’s sparkling eyes seemed to him like burning coals; he poked brimstone into them to make fire. But the cat didn’t like jokes, he rushed right into his face, began to hiss and scratch. Then the robber got scared and started running through the back door; and the dog was lying just outside the door, it jumped up and bit him on the leg. He started to run across the yard and past the dung heap, then the donkey kicked him with all his might with his hind hoof; The rooster woke up from the noise, perked up, and then screamed from the perch: “Crow!”

The robber ran as fast as he could back to his chieftain and said:

Oh, there’s a terrible witch in the house, how she’ll breathe on my face, how she’ll grab me with her long fingers; and at the door there is a man with a knife, and he slashes my leg; and there’s a black monster lying in the yard, when it hits me with its club; and on the roof, at the very top, the judge sits and shouts: “Drag the thief here!” Here I barely carried my feet away.

From then on, the robbers were afraid to return to the house, but the four Bremen musicians liked it there so much that they didn’t want to leave.

And whoever last told this tale saw it all with his own eyes.

Who among us as a child did not watch a cartoon or read a book about the Bremen Town Musicians? Almost everyone has at least once somehow come into contact with the wonderful story of traveling animals, but not everyone knows who the author of the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” is.

Meeting the main characters

The story begins with how four future friends met. First we talk about Donkey, who was very old and not suitable for ordinary work, so the owner decided to starve him to death. The donkey, being a smart animal, decided to run away in search of better fate. On the way, he meets the Dog, whom the owner wanted to kill, because he is no longer as nimble as before and is not suitable for hunting.

They decide to become musicians together and go to the city of Bremen. Along the way, they “pick up” two more comrades, whom the owners also wanted to get rid of: the Cat and the Rooster. This is how the Bremen musicians met. The author then sends a friendly company in search of a home.


At first, all the little animals were going to settle down right in the forest, but it was terribly uncomfortable there, and one of them noticed a house nearby, where they decided to go. It turned out that robbers lived in this forest hut, but this did not frighten the “musicians,” who immediately gathered and began to “play” their melodies. The cat meowed, the donkey brayed, the rooster crowed, and the dog barked loudly. The robbers were very scared and immediately ran away.

The “musicians” were not at a loss and settled down in a comfortable house for the night. Later, the main robber - the ataman - sent his henchman to see who drove them out of the house. The envoy, once in the house, was only subjected to new attack residents: The cat scratched him, the dog bit him, the donkey kicked, and the rooster began to crow loudly. The robber returned to the chieftain, told him about all his adventures, and it was decided that witches lived in the house, and entry there was ordered. After this, the only residents of the house in the forest were the Bremen musicians.

Who wrote the fairy tale

The authors of this not-quite-children's fairy tale were the brothers Jacob and They, known not only to every adult, but also to many children. They were born in the city of Hanau (Germany) in the family of an official, with a difference of one year, Jacob was born in 1785, and Wilhelm in 1786. Future writers grew up in a wealthy family, they were raised in an atmosphere of kindness and love.

Together they graduated from high school in just four years, instead of the required eight, and went to receive a legal education.

Both brothers worked as professors at the University of Berlin, jointly wrote “German Grammar”, and compiled a dictionary.


But to this day they remain famous for their unusual hobby, which I became interested in while still a student. They studied folk tales and adapted them in our own way. One of them was history, the main actors which were the Bremen musicians known to us. Who wrote this fairy tale? The answer is simple: they created their stories together. But this is far from the only thing famous work famous authors. They also wrote “Puss in Boots,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Cinderella,” “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” “Snow White” and many others, among which one of the most famous fairy tales is “The Town Musicians of Bremen.”

Who wrote these fairy tales, what lies behind them? This is the question that researchers asked, because some of them believe that the Brothers Grimm merely processed and retold already existing folk tales.

Now, after so many years, it is difficult to say how they wrote their own, but the fact is undeniable that now one of the most famous stories remains the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen”. Now you know who wrote this work.

Many years ago there lived a miller. And the miller had a donkey - a good donkey, smart and strong. The donkey worked at the mill for a long time, carrying sacks of flour on his back, and finally he grew old.

The owner saw that the donkey had become weak and was no longer fit for work, and he kicked him out of the house.

The donkey got scared: “Where will I go, where will I go!” I have become old and weak."

And then I thought: “I’ll go to german city Bremen and I will become a street musician there.”

So I did. I went to the German city of Bremen.

A donkey walks along the road and shouts like a donkey.

And suddenly he sees: lying on the road hunting dog, sticks out her tongue and breathes heavily.

“Why are you so out of breath, dog?” - asks the donkey. - What's wrong with you?

“I’m tired,” says the dog. “I ran for a long time, so I was out of breath.”

- Why were you running like that, dog? - asks the donkey.

“Oh, donkey,” says the dog, “have pity on me!” I lived with a hunter, I lived for a long time, running through fields and swamps after game. And now I’m old, and my master is planning to kill me. So I ran away from him, but I don’t know what to do next.

“Come with me to the city of Bremen,” the donkey answers her, “and we’ll become street musicians there.” You bark loudly, you have a good voice. You will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.

“Well,” says the dog, “let’s go.”

They went together.

The donkey walks and shouts like a donkey, the dog is walking- barks like a dog.

They walked and walked and suddenly they saw: a cat sitting on the road; sitting sadly, cheerless.

- Why are you so sad? - the donkey asks him.

- Why are you so sad? - asks the dog.

“Ah,” says the cat, “have pity on me, donkey and dog!” I lived with my landlady for a long time, catching rats and mice. And now I’m old and my teeth are dull. The landlady sees that I can’t catch mice anymore, and she plans to drown me in the river. I ran away from home. I don’t know what to do next, how to feed myself.

The donkey answers him:

“Come with us, cat, to the city of Bremen, let’s become street musicians there.” You have a good voice, you will sing and play the violin, the dog will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.

“Well,” says the cat, “let’s go.”

They went together.

The donkey walks and screams like a donkey, the dog walks and barks like a dog, the cat walks and meows like a cat.

They walked and walked and passed by one yard and saw a rooster sitting on the gate. He sits and shouts at the top of his lungs: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

- Are you crowing, cockerel? - the donkey asks him.

-What happened to you? - the dog asks him.

- Maybe someone offended you? - asks the cat.

“Ah,” says the rooster, “have pity on me, donkey, dog and cat!” Tomorrow guests will come to my owners - so the owners are going to slaughter me and make soup out of me. What should I do?

The donkey answers him:

“Come, cockerel, with us to the city of Bremen and become street musicians there.” You have a good voice, you will sing and play the balalaika, the cat will sing and play the violin, the dog will sing and beat the drum, and I will; sing and play the guitar.

“Well,” says the rooster, “let’s go.”

They went together.

The donkey walks and screams like a donkey, the dog walks and barks like a dog, the cat walks and meows like a cat, the rooster walks and crows.

They walked and walked, and then night came. The donkey and the dog lay down under a large oak tree, the cat sat on a branch, and the rooster flew to the very top of the tree and began to look around from there.

I looked and looked and saw a light glowing not far away.

- The light is glowing! - the rooster crows.

Donkey says:

“We need to find out what kind of light this is.” Maybe there is a house nearby.

The dog says: “Maybe there is meat in this house.” I would eat. Cat says:

- Maybe there is milk in this house. I'd like to drink.

And the rooster says:

- Maybe there is millet in this house. I would have bitten it.

They got up and went to the light.

We went out into a clearing, and in the clearing there was a house, and the window in it was glowing.

The donkey approached the house and looked out the window.

-What do you see there, donkey? - the rooster asks him. “I see,” the donkey answers, “robbers are sitting at the table, eating and drinking.”

- Oh, how hungry I am! - said the dog.

- Oh, how thirsty! - said the cat.

- How can we drive the robbers out of the house? - said the rooster.

They thought and thought and came up with an idea.

The donkey quietly placed his front legs on the windowsill, the dog climbed onto the donkey's back, the cat jumped onto the dog's back, and the rooster flew onto the cat's head.

And then they all shouted at once:

donkey - like a donkey,

dog - doggy style,

cat - like a cat,

and the rooster crowed.

They screamed and burst through the window into the room. The robbers got scared and ran into the forest.

And the donkey, the dog, the cat and the rooster sat around the table and began to eat.

They ate, ate, drank, drank - they ate, got drunk and went to bed.

The donkey stretched out on the hay in the yard, the dog lay down in front of the door, the cat curled up on the warm stove, and the rooster flew up to the gate.

They put out the fire in the house and fell asleep.

And the robbers sit in the forest and look from the forest thicket at their house.

They see that the fire in the window has gone out and it has become dark.

And they sent one rogue to see what was going on in the house. Maybe they shouldn't have been so scared.

The robber approached the house, opened the door, and went into the kitchen. Look, two lights are burning on the stove.

“Probably these are coals,” thought the robber. “Now I’ll light a splinter.”

He poked the coal with a splinter, and it was cat eye. The cat got angry, jumped up, snorted, bit the robber in the eye, and hissed.

The robber is at the door. And then the dog grabbed his leg.

The robber is in the yard. And then the donkey kicked him with its hoof.

The robber is at the gate. And the rooster crows from the gate:

- Cuckoo!

The robber rushed as fast as he could into the forest. He ran to his comrades and said:

- Trouble! Scary giants have settled in our house. One grabbed my face with his long fingers, another cut my leg with a knife, the third hit me on the back with a club, and the fourth shouted after me: “Stop the thief!”

“Oh,” said the robbers, “we need to leave here as soon as possible!”

And the robbers left this forest forever.

And the Bremen musicians - a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster - stayed to live in their house and live.

Many years ago there lived a miller. And the miller had a donkey - a good donkey, smart and strong. The donkey worked at the mill for a long time, carrying sacks of flour on his back, and finally he grew old.

The owner saw that the donkey had become weak and was no longer fit for work - and he kicked him out of the house.

The donkey got scared: “Where will I go, where will I go? I have become old and weak."

And then I thought: “I’ll go to Bremen and become a street musician there.”

So I did. I went to the city of Bremen.

A donkey walks along the road and shouts like a donkey. And suddenly he sees a hunting dog lying on the road, his tongue sticking out and breathing heavily.

Why are you so out of breath, dog? - asks the donkey. - What's wrong with you?

“I’m tired,” says the dog, “I ran for a long time, so I’m out of breath.”

Why were you running like that, dog? - asks the donkey.

Oh, donkey, says the dog, have pity on me! I lived with a hunter, I lived for a long time. I ran across the fields and swamps for game for him, but now I’m old, I’m no longer fit for hunting, and my master decided to kill me. So I ran away from him, but I don’t know what to do next.

“Come with me to the city of Bremen,” the donkey answers her, “let’s become street musicians there.” You bark loudly, you have a good voice. You will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.

Well, says the dog, let's go.

They went together.

The donkey walks and screams like a donkey, the dog walks and barks like a dog.

They walked and walked and suddenly they saw: a cat sitting on the road, sad and sad.

Why are you so sad? - asks the dog.

Ah, says the cat, have pity on me, donkey and dog! I lived with my mistress, lived for a long time, caught rats and mice. But now I’m old and my teeth are dull. The landlady sees: I can’t catch mice anymore - and she plans to drown me in the river. I ran away from home. I don’t know what to do next, how to feed myself.

The donkey answers him:

Come with us, cat, to the city of Bremen, let's become street musicians there. You have a good voice, you will sing and play the violin, the dog will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.

Well, says the cat, let's go.

They went together.

The donkey walks and shouts like a donkey, the dog walks and barks like a dog, the cat is coming- meows like a cat.

They walked and walked. They pass by one yard and see: a rooster sitting on the gate and screaming at the top of his lungs: “Ku-ka-re-ku.”

What are you, cockerel, crowing? - the donkey asks him.

What happened to you? - the dog asks him.

Maybe someone offended you? - asks the cat.

Ah, says the rooster, have pity on me, donkey, dog and cat! Tomorrow guests will come to my owners. So my owners are going to slaughter me and make soup out of me. What should I do?

The donkey answers him:

Come with us, cockerel, to the city of Bremen and become street musicians there. You have a good voice, you will sing and play the balalaika, the cat will sing and play the violin, the dog will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.

Well, says the rooster, let's go. They went together.

The donkey walks and screams like a donkey, the dog walks and barks like a dog, the cat walks and meows like a cat, the rooster walks and crows.

They walked and walked, and then night came. The donkey and the dog lay down under a large oak tree, the cat sat on a branch, and the rooster flew to the very top of the tree and began to look around from there.

I looked and looked and saw: a light was glowing not far away.

The light is glowing! - the rooster crows.

Donkey says:

We need to find out what kind of light this is. Maybe there is a house nearby.

The dog says:

Maybe there is meat in this house. I would eat.

Cat says:

Maybe there is milk in this house. I'd like to drink.

And the rooster says:

Maybe there is millet in this house. I would have bitten it.

They got up and went to the light.

We went out into a clearing, and in the clearing there was a house, and the window in it was glowing.

The donkey approached the house and looked out the window.

What do you see there, donkey? - asks the rooster.

“I see,” the donkey answers, “robbers are sitting at the table, eating and drinking.”

Oh, how hungry I am! - said the dog.

Oh, how thirsty I am! - said the cat.

How can we drive the robbers out of the house? - said the rooster.

They thought and thought and came up with an idea.

The donkey quietly placed his front legs on the windowsill, the dog climbed onto the donkey's back, the cat jumped onto the dog's back, and the rooster flew onto the cat's head.

And then they shouted at once:

donkey - like a donkey,
dog - doggy style,
cat - like a cat,
and the rooster crowed.

They screamed and burst through the window into the room.

The robbers got scared and ran into the forest.

And the donkey, the dog, the cat and the rooster sat around the table and began to eat.

They ate, ate, drank, drank - they ate, got drunk and went to bed.

The donkey stretched out on the hay in the yard, the dog lay down in front of the door, the cat curled up on the warm stove, and the rooster flew up to the gate.

They put out the fire in the house and fell asleep.

And the robbers sit in the forest and look from the thicket at their house.

They see: the fire in the window has gone out, it has become dark.

And they sent one robber to see what was happening in the house. Maybe they shouldn't have been so scared.

The robber approached the house, opened the door, and went into the kitchen. Lo and behold, two lights are burning on the stove.

“Probably coals,” thought the robber. “Now I’ll light a splinter.”

He poked the light with a splinter, and it was a cat's eye.

The cat got angry, jumped up, snorted, and how he grabbed the robber with his paw and how he hissed!

The robber is at the door. And then the dog grabbed him by the leg.

The robber is in the yard. And then the donkey kicked him with its hoof.

The robber is at the gate. And the rooster crows from the gate:


The robber rushed as fast as he could into the forest. He ran to his comrades and said:

Trouble! Terrible giants have settled in our house. One grabbed my face with his long fingers, another cut my leg with a knife, the third hit me on the back with a club, and the fourth shouted after me: “Stop the thief!”

“Oh,” said the robbers, “we need to leave here as quickly as possible!”

And the robbers left this forest forever.

And the Bremen musicians - a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster - remained to live in their house and get along.

Many years ago there lived a miller.

And the miller had a donkey - a good donkey, smart and strong. The donkey worked at the mill for a long time, carrying sacks of flour on his back, and finally he grew old.

The owner saw that the donkey had become weak and was no longer fit for work, and he kicked him out of the house.

The donkey got scared: “Where will I go, where will I go!” I have become old and weak."

And then I thought: “I’ll go to the German city of Bremen and become a street musician there.”

So I did. I went to the German city of Bremen.

A donkey walks along the road and shouts like a donkey. And suddenly he sees a hunting dog lying on the road, his tongue sticking out and breathing heavily.

“Why are you so out of breath, dog?” - asks the donkey. - What's wrong with you?

“I’m tired,” says the dog. “I ran for a long time, so I was out of breath.”

- Why were you running like that, dog? - asks the donkey.

“Oh, donkey,” says the dog, “have pity on me!” I lived with a hunter, I lived for a long time, running through fields and swamps after game. And now I’m old, and my master is planning to kill me. So I ran away from him, but I don’t know what to do next.

“Come with me to the city of Bremen,” the donkey answers her, “and we’ll become street musicians there.” You bark loudly, you have a good voice. You will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.

“Well,” says the dog, “let’s go.”

They went together.

The donkey walks and screams like a donkey, the dog walks and barks like a dog.

They walked and walked and suddenly they saw a cat sitting on the road - sitting sadly, not cheerful.

- Why are you so sad? - the donkey asks him.

- Why are you so sad? - asks the dog.

“Ah,” says the cat, “have pity on me, donkey and dog!” I lived with my landlady for a long time, catching rats and mice. And now I’m old and my teeth are dull. The landlady sees that I can’t catch mice anymore, and she plans to drown me in the river. I ran away from home. I don’t know what to do next, how to feed myself.

The donkey answers him:

- Come with us, cat, to the city of Bremen, let's become street musicians there. You have a good voice, you will sing and play the violin, the dog will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.

“Well,” says the cat, “let’s go.”

They went together.

The donkey walks and screams like a donkey, the dog walks and barks like a dog, the cat walks and meows like a cat.

They walked and walked and passed by one yard and saw a rooster sitting on the gate. He sits and shouts at the top of his lungs: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

- Are you crowing, cockerel? - the donkey asks him.

- What happened to you? - the dog asks him.

- Maybe someone offended you? - asks the cat.

“Ah,” says the rooster, “have pity on me, donkey, dog and cat!” Tomorrow guests will come to my owners - so the owners are going to slaughter me and make soup out of me. What should I do?

The donkey answers him:

- Come with us, cockerel, to the city of Bremen and become street musicians there. You have a good voice, you will sing and play the balalaika, the cat will sing and play the violin, the dog will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.

“Well,” says the rooster, “let’s go.”

They went together.

The donkey walks and screams like a donkey, the dog walks and barks like a dog, the cat walks and meows like a cat, the rooster walks and crows.

They walked and walked, and then night came. The donkey and the dog lay down under a large oak tree, the cat sat on a branch, and the rooster flew to the very top of the tree and began to look around from there.

I looked and looked and saw a light glowing not far away.

- The light is glowing! - the rooster crows. Donkey says:

“We need to find out what kind of light this is.” Maybe there is a house nearby. The dog says:

“Maybe there is meat in this house.” I would eat.

Cat says:

“Maybe there is milk in this house.” I'd like to drink.

And the rooster says:

- Maybe there is millet in this house. I would have bitten it.

They got up and went to the light.

We went out into a clearing, and in the clearing there was a house, and the window in it was glowing.

The donkey approached the house and looked out the window.

- What do you see there, donkey? - the rooster asks him.

“I see,” the donkey answers, “robbers are sitting at the table, eating and drinking.”

- Oh, how hungry I am! - said the dog.

- Oh, how thirsty! - said the cat.

- How can we drive the robbers out of the house? - said the rooster.

They thought and thought and came up with an idea.

The donkey quietly placed his front legs on the windowsill, the dog climbed onto the donkey's back, the cat jumped onto the dog's back, and the rooster flew up onto the cat's head.

And then they all shouted at once:

donkey - donkey-like,
dog - doggy style,
cat - like a cat,
and the rooster crowed.

They screamed and burst through the window into the room. The robbers got scared and ran into the forest. And the donkey, the dog, the cat and the rooster sat down around the table and began to eat.

They ate, ate, drank, drank - they ate, got drunk and went to bed.

The donkey stretched out on the hay in the yard, the dog lay down in front of the door, the cat curled up on the warm stove, and the rooster flew up to the gate.

They put out the fire in the house and fell asleep.

And the robbers sit in the forest and look from the forest thicket at their house.

They see that the fire in the window has gone out and it has become dark. And they sent one robber to see what was happening in the house. Maybe they shouldn't have been so scared.

The robber approached the house, opened the door, and went into the kitchen. Look, two lights are burning on the stove.

“These are probably coals,” thought the robber. “Now I’ll light a torch.”

He poked the light with a splinter, and it was a cat's eye. The cat got angry, jumped up, snorted, grabbed the robber with his paw, and hissed.

The robber is at the door. And then the dog grabbed his leg.

The robber is in the yard. And then the donkey kicked him with its hoof.

The robber is at the gate. And the rooster crows from the gate:

- Cuckoo!

The robber rushed as fast as he could into the forest. He ran to his comrades and said:

- Trouble! Scary giants have settled in our house. One grabbed my face with his long fingers, another cut my leg with a knife, the third hit me on the back with a club, and the fourth shouted after me: “Stop the thief!”

“Oh,” said the robbers, “we need to leave here as soon as possible!”

And the robbers left this forest forever. And the Bremen musicians - a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster - stayed to live in their house and get along.