What to do if your body itches? External remedies for relieving itching after mosquito bites

Perhaps the most common symptom of the disease (apart from pain) is itching. Itching is usually called the desire to scratch a certain area of ​​the skin or the entire body at once; The reasons for this unusual type of irritation can be very different. Itching can be caused by allergic reactions, skin diseases, insect bites, skin irritation from chemicals, excessive dryness or hypersensitivity. Frequent itching is common in pregnant women and the elderly.

As a rule, itching indicates that there is some kind of problem in the body, something is wrong in it. If your body itches, there are definitely reasons for it. Most often, this means that there is some kind of inflammation or skin irritation in the body. So you definitely need to respond to frequent itching. Itching may be a symptom of a serious illness (such as diabetes).

So, why does the body itch?

This condition can be triggered by stressful situations, neurosis or an allergic reaction. It happens that the body itches due to mechanical damage to the skin by rough fabric or tight clothing. A person may experience itching due to an insect bite, as well as at the burn site. Itching can be a symptom of a very specific disease. For example, the body itches if a person suffers from scabies. The essence of this disease is that the scabies mite gets under the skin. are as follows: small pimples and blisters appear on the skin, as well as thin stripes on the skin of a grayish color, which show the passages of the mite. It is necessary to be treated for scabies under the supervision of specialists; there are special ointments, creams, and medications. The sooner you see a doctor for scabies, the easier it is to cure it. Therefore, it is better not to hesitate if you experience a symptom such as itching.

If not the whole body itches, but only certain areas, this is similar to the main symptom of urticaria. With urticaria, a person experiences itching of the feet and palms of the hands. Also symptoms of urticaria are swelling of the respiratory tract, headache, nausea. In some cases, during pregnancy the body itches.

If you have an allergic reaction to something, your whole body will itch. The most important thing in this case is to correctly determine the cause of the allergic reaction and eliminate it. An allergist can best handle this.

People with diabetes often itch their body or certain areas of their skin. After starting treatment, the itching usually disappears. Jaundice is also a very common cause of itching. Moreover, often jaundice may hardly appear externally, that is, the skin does not change color, and the main symptom remains itching; the disease in such cases can be recognized only after a biochemical blood test.

What to do if your body itches?

If you experience itching constantly or very often, you should be examined by a dermatologist, who will help determine whether your itching is a symptom of a disease and determine its cause. There are also practical tips, for example, eliminating spicy, salty, spices, coffee and strong tea from your diet. The use of valerian, motherwort infusion, and other sedatives helps reduce itching. In addition, itching decreases if you take calcium-containing medications. Baths with the addition of infusion of string and oak bark can help. They should be taken before going to bed, for 20-30 minutes; the temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. The most important thing is that you do not need to scratch your body: this will not reduce the itching, but will only aggravate the irritation, cause an even greater desire to scratch the skin, and can lead to infection if you scratch until it bleeds. For hygienic purposes, use mild soap or cleanser; Even if they irritate the skin, wash simply with softened water.

To get rid of itching after mosquito bites, the wound can be treated with ointments from the pharmacy or some improvised means that you almost always have in the house. Let's find out which of these options is preferable and why, consider the most effective pharmaceutical and homemade products.

A mosquito (or midge) bite is accompanied by slight pain, but after it, an unpleasant itch remains in the wound area for several hours, and sometimes even days. The wounds begin to itch more at night, interfering with sleep, and especially bother children and people with thin, sensitive skin.

Itching is a manifestation of an allergic reaction to microtrauma of the skin, insect saliva and anticoagulants contained in this saliva. In addition, mosquito legs almost always contain microbes that can worsen the effect of the bite. And scratching the wounds can cause infection and cause dermatitis.

What is better, medicines or folk remedies?

As for adults, there are many external remedies for them that quickly relieve itching and midges. Gel or ointment for mosquito bites can be purchased at any pharmacy.

However, some of these products, in addition to the high price, have another significant drawback - the hormonal basis, due to which the instructions contain a considerable list of side effects and restrictions. For this reason, such ointments are not a universal remedy for people of all health groups and are not suitable for children.

Folk remedies, in turn, have no age restrictions, but some of them are not fast-acting and easy to use. What remedy is better to choose and what is the best way to anoint the bite area so that it does not itch?

Pharmaceutical external products for adults

External ones are available in the form of ointments, creams and gels. Ointments are more viscous and absorb more slowly, but they have a longer-lasting effect and do not require frequent applications. The gels have a light texture, are absorbed faster, without leaving greasy marks on the skin and clothes. Creams, in addition to eliminating itching, additionally moisturize the skin. Their texture occupies an intermediate position between ointments and gels.

The following pharmaceutical preparations will quickly relieve itching:

  • Fenistil. It soothes the skin well, even if the bite wounds are already severely scratched. There are practically no contraindications due to the safety of the substances included in the composition. It should be applied 2-4 times a day.
  • Psilo-balm. Relieves itching, redness and swelling, cools the skin. You need to smear mosquito bites with this balm 3-4 times a day. The gel is quickly absorbed without leaving any marks on the skin or clothes.
  • Zinc ointment. An excellent antiseptic, it quickly heals wounds, just lubricate them 2-3 times a day.
  • Bepanten. The active ingredient is dexpanthenol. The product acts after the first application, quickly reducing itching and providing an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.
  • Rescuer. Another product containing dexpanthenol. The anti-itch and wound-healing effect is enhanced with sea buckthorn oil, zinc oxide and beeswax.
  • Soventol. The active ingredient is baminip. Cools, quickly relieves itching and heals wounds. This product should be applied pointwise, always on clean skin, in a thin layer. When treating a large area of ​​skin, negative side effects may occur. Contraindications: pregnancy.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. Quickly eliminates itching, swelling at the site of the bite and other allergic reactions, but is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, because it belongs to the group of hormonal drugs.
  • Advantan. It quickly relieves itching, but it also has a hormonal basis, so it should be used with caution, preferably after consultation with a doctor. Contraindicated in pregnancy, kidney and liver diseases.
  • Gistan (not to be confused with Gistan-N). The main active ingredients are dimethicone and betulin, auxiliary ingredients are plant extracts. It has a pronounced antipruritic and anti-inflammatory property; after treatment, the wounds almost immediately stop itching.
  • Vitaon. Contains camphor, mint, string and chamomile extracts. An excellent antipruritic remedy without restrictions on age and health status.

On the shelves of pharmacies and hypermarkets you can still find:

  • Moskitol. Available in foam and gel form. Contains silver ions, dexpanthenol, chamomile extract, menthol. It relieves itching and inflammation well and has almost no restrictions in use.
  • Gardex. Almost instantly relieves itching, cools and soothes the skin. Its composition is similar to Mosquitol, and also has almost no restrictions on age and health.

In addition, you can also wipe the wounds:

  • alcohol tincture of calendula,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • brilliant green or iodine;
  • ammonia or boric alcohol.

A balm popularly called “star” (that is, Vietnamese “golden star” balm) will also help. It must be applied in a thin layer. In the first seconds, tingling and coldness may appear - this is how menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, cloves and mint, which are part of the drug, act. The balm quickly neutralizes itching and destroys pathogenic flora, after which the wound will quickly heal.

Pharmacy products for children

From the above remedies, mosquito bites on children's skin can be treated:

  • Fenistil gel. Suitable for children over one year old.
  • Gistan. For children from two years old.
  • Vitaon baby. From the first days of life.
  • Children's Mosquitall. From three years old.
  • Children's Gardex Naturin. From one and a half years.

If a child has received many bites, you need to contact your pediatrician so that he can examine the baby and recommend a drug based on his condition. The child's body is more sensitive to insect bites; severe allergic reactions, fever and a pronounced deterioration in well-being are possible.

Folk remedies

A universal folk remedy for relieving itching after any insect bites at home is soda. It is suitable for treating the skin of people of any age and health status, including infants and allergy sufferers. Baking soda quickly relieves itching and disinfects the wound. It is safe even when inhaled and swallowed, which is especially important for very young children.

Soda can be used in the form of:

  • compresses,
  • lotions,
  • rinse solution.

In the first case, a tablespoon of soda is diluted with a small amount of water so that a cake can be formed from the soda mass. This cake is applied to the bite site for 20-40 minutes and secured with a bandage on top. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after some time.

For lotions, use cotton wool (or a bandage, a clean cloth) soaked in a soda solution. You can get by with just one solution - simply periodically treating the wounds with it until the itching completely disappears. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons per glass of boiled water. If there is no soda in the house, you can replace it with salt by preparing a water-salt solution in the same proportions.

You can also treat bite wounds:

  • decoction of chamomile or calendula;
  • mint toothpaste;
  • lemon or lime juice;
  • grated raw potatoes (make a compress for 20-40 minutes);
  • gruel from ground birch leaves;
  • a weak solution of vinegar (a teaspoon of vinegar essence per glass of water). Apple cider vinegar will also work.

Some proponents of folk remedies also recommend using essential oils - tea tree or eucalyptus extracts. It is important to remember that such essential oils should not be applied to the skin during pure form, otherwise you can provoke a chemical burn and severe allergies. Before use, 5-6 drops of essential oil should be mixed with a carrier oil (for example, shea butter or grape seed oil), and then precisely applied to the bite areas.

When to see a doctor

Mosquitoes can not only leave itchy marks on the skin after bites. They can also cause the development of a severe allergic reaction, including anaphylaxis (in allergy sufferers) or infect their victims with malaria - cases of the disease in Russia are very rare, but the danger still remains.

In case of severe malaise, fever, nausea and the development of massive swelling at the bite sites, you should consult a doctor. It is especially dangerous to ignore this if you are prone to allergies and have a lot of bites, or if the body is in a weakened state by some disease.

We all love early autumn, but only until insects attack our skin. No repellent guarantees 100% protection from them...

But the next time you find an itchy, red bite on your skin, don't rush to the pharmacy. At home, right at your fingertips, there are 17 remedies that will relieve discomfort just as well as over-the-counter medications.

Using both ice and hot water can help relieve itching. The method you choose will largely depend on what water temperature you feel most comfortable with and is best for your skin!
1.Take a relaxing hot bath. To relieve itching, you can also add strong tea leaves, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 cups of dry oatmeal to the water.

2. If you are near the sea, take a dip in sea water. You can also add sea salt to your bath.

3. Soak a towel in hot water, being careful not to burn your skin. Press the wet part onto the bite and hold until you feel a tingling sensation. Repeat 1-2 times. Your nerves will be confused and the itching will stop for a few hours.

There is also a very simple method that will help you eliminate all itching from bites within a few minutes.

All you have to do is heat a metal spoon in hot water for a minute or so, then place it over the immediate bite and apply pressure. The spoon should be held firmly against the skin for a few minutes, and when you remove it, the itching should disappear forever.

Essential oils
Tea tree, lavender and coconut oils have properties that relieve itching, pain and swelling. In addition, tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect, which will prevent infection from entering the wound when scratching it with unclean hands. But not all oils are created equal—some brands may be more acidic, so check their concentrations ahead of time. If the oil is too “powerful”, it can be diluted with water.

If you don't mind the stickiness of honey, you can apply it to the bite to avoid inflammation and relieve itching.

Milk and water
Mix milk and water in equal parts, wet a napkin or handkerchief with the mixture and blot the bitten area with it.

Kefir and sour cream
Kefir or sour cream soothes the skin and relieves itching.

Soda lotions help a lot: make a solution (1-2 teaspoons per glass of water), apply it to a bandage or gauze and apply it to the bite site or simply lubricate the affected areas with it.
2 homemade ointments based on baking soda are especially effective.
1. Mix baking soda with warm water:

  • Proportions: one tablespoon of soda per 0.5 liters of water
  • Gently apply to affected area with clean hands, cotton pad or ear swab.
  • Leave on for a couple of minutes, then rinse with warm water.

2. Mix soda with ammonia:

  • Mix a couple of drops of ammonia with baking soda to form a paste.
  • Apply gently to the damaged area and let dry. This should relieve the itching.
  • Rinse with warm water
    Note that ammonia itself will combat itching when applied to the bite.

Lemon or lime juice
These citrus fruits quickly relieve itching and have antibacterial properties. If you choose this method, stay home, because in the sun their juice can cause a burn on the skin.
Cut a lemon or lime into pieces and gently wipe the infected area, or squeeze some juice onto it. Citrus acid has properties that help relieve itching.

Most toothpastes contain menthol for a refreshing minty flavor, and this ingredient can leave a pleasant, soothing cooling sensation on the skin. In addition, the viscosity inherent in toothpastes will prevent swelling.

Basil and aloe
This herb will come in handy not only in the kitchen. Basil leaves contain camphor, which creates a cooling sensation, similar to menthol in toothpaste. Crush a few leaves and apply the resulting pieces to the bite.

Rub aloe gel or a broken aloe plant leaf onto the sting.

Use plantain leaves. You can either squeeze the leaf between your fingers to squeeze out the juice, or rub the juice into the bite. The itching will go away in less than a minute

Just one ice cube will constrict blood vessels and reduce the natural release of histamines in the body. Simply put: the bite won't itch as much.
Apply an ice pack or ice cubes to the bite. Leave for 20 minutes.

Tea bags
Surprising but true! Chilled tea bags relieve itching and swelling because the tannin in the tea is an astringent, drawing excess fluid from the bite.

This is an excellent home remedy for relieving itching, thanks to its low level of acidity. A weak vinegar solution will help relieve obsessive itching from mosquito and midge bites: dilute 9% vinegar with water in a ratio of one to three and wipe the bite areas with it.
If the itching persists, blot the bites with a cloth soaked in vinegar. If your feet have become a real banquet for mosquitoes or other insects, add a little bite to the foot bath with warm water.

Apple cider vinegar works even better than regular cider vinegar.
Make vinegar paste:

  • Make a thick paste from flour and apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply gently to damaged area.
  • Let dry. The itching will go away as it dries.
  • Rinse off with warm water. You can also wrap a bandage over the top to make the paste last longer.

Boric or salicylic alcohol, tinctures of calendula, Corvalol or Valocardine also help relieve itching - but such methods are more suitable for adults.

Wet an aspirin tablet and rub the affected area. Do not use this method if you are allergic to aspirin.

Manual methods
1. Apply pressure with your fingernail to the bite. This is a good method if the bite is bulging.
2. Using your fingernail to press down on the bite to make an "X". This will help stop the itching for a while.
3. Slobber on the bite so that it “drowns” in saliva :o)


Bites in babies can fester

Children have very thin skin compared to adults, and marks from mosquito bites, and especially midges, can remain in some children for 3 months and even fester! Therefore, it is best to immediately lubricate fresh bite sites with brilliant green, says pediatrician Evgeniy Timakov. - There are also special lotions containing calamine and zinc oxide. They soothe baby's skin well, relieve irritation, and dry it out.


What repellents are not harmful to babies?

How to choose products that will repel mosquitoes from your beloved child, and at the same time will not harm his health, advises pediatrician Evgeniy Timakov:

Select a repellent only according to the age of the child and use it only according to the instructions.

For infants, the safest protection against insects is mosquito nets - on the crib, on the stroller, on the windows in the nursery.

An excellent option is mosquito repellent bracelets, which are made of elastic polymer fabric and impregnated with natural hypoallergenic plant compounds that repel mosquitoes, but do not contain toxic substances, and therefore are safe even for infants, pregnant and lactating women. For children over one year old, put them on the handle, and for those younger, attach them to the stroller, from the outside, one on each side - their smell will drive away insects.

Indoors, you can use fumigators with baby liquids or mosquito plates. If the child is over a year old, leave them on for a couple of hours and then unplug them from the socket; if the child is older than three, the fumigator can be safely left on all night. But it’s better not to keep the device turned on in the baby’s room. About three hours before going to bed, turn it on, destroy insects, then turn it off. And after an hour you can put the baby to bed.

For children over one year old, it is best to use repellents in the form of cream, milk, gel or balm - they are easily applied to the skin, leaving a protective layer on it. In addition, many children's repellent creams and gels (and especially milk) not only repel insects, but also protect from the sun and care for the baby's skin.

Your child may have a local allergy to some repellents, so before using any new product, be sure to try it on a small area of ​​skin.

When using any children's repellents, make sure that the child does not put his hands in his mouth or lick the ointment from other parts of the body.

You should not use repellents in the form of sprays, as they can cause asthmatic attacks in some children when inhaled. If it so happens that there are no other means at hand, use the spray gun with caution. Spray the product from afar, avoiding getting into the face, and it is better to apply it not to the skin, but to the child’s clothes.

There is a good folk remedy for midges; it can even be used for infants, advises the pediatrician. - Baby cream should be mixed with vanilla or vanilla sugar and lubricated on exposed areas of the body. But keep in mind, this method does not protect against mosquitoes.

And one more thing:

    When traveling outside the city, it is advisable to carry with you not only repellents that save you from insect bites, but also “just in case” means in case you do get bitten by harmful insects. In particular, ointments, and definitely antihistamines, which will help cope with unwanted reactions from insect bites.

Synthetic mosquito repellents are more popular due to their ease of use. Skin creams provide protection for 2-3 hours, and aerosols that are applied to clothing, protective nets, and tents can last for a month if items treated with repellent are not washed.
But when using synthetic products, it is important to remember that they are less safe. The toxic substances contained in repellents are not harmless to humans or pets. According to doctors, 12% of people suffer from an allergic reaction to insecticides.

Protective “chemistry” in the form of a cream is applied to the skin in a thin layer; you cannot rub it in or apply such cream to damaged skin, wounds, abrasions, or scratches. Mosquito nets installed on windows, which in turn can be treated with an aerosol, will also help protect you from mosquitoes.

But you should not abuse “chemical” protection. It is better to apply aerosols only to clothing, and creams only to open areas of the body. If the anti-mosquito agent gets into your eyes, mouth or nose, rinse them immediately with plenty of cool water.

  • It’s good if your “anti-mosquito” first aid kit contains some cosmeceuticals (therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics): “Rescuer”, “Boro Plus” and others. “There are no substances in cosmeceuticals that may be contraindicated for infants or pregnant women. But they contain thermal water and microelements, such as zinc, cuprum and others, which relieve itching, prevent infection and promote healing,” comments the dermatologist, deputy chief physician of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the Moscow Department of Health. Natalya Zatorskaya

  • If you have sensitive skin and mosquito and midge bites cause you severe and long-lasting irritation, you need to choose a local hormonal remedy in advance of your trip to nature: experts will recommend what is right for you, depending on your skin type and your typical allergic reactions.
    There is no need to be afraid to use hormonal creams! All such products are certified - they will not cause any harm to the body when used locally for a short time (from 2 to 10 days)! - Natalya Zagorskaya assures. - Today, there are even products that are approved for pregnant women and infants. The only condition is that you must choose a hormonal drug together with your doctor!

Remember that IT IS FORBIDDEN rubbing the bite site until it bleeds - an infection may occur and purulent inflammation may develop.

Itchy skin in itself is not a disease; the causes of its occurrence are varied, and treatment depends on the type of pathogen. An irresistible urge to scratch accompanies most skin disorders, as well as some diseases of the internal organs.

Causes of generalized skin itching:

  • Dry skin;
  • Weight gain - the skin stretches and itches;
  • Cholestasis (stagnation of bile) and other diseases that cause liver failure;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Endocrine diseases - diabetes, thyrotoxicosis and others;
  • Intestinal infections;
  • External stimuli;
  • Mental disorders.

Localized most often begins on the hairy parts of the body (intimate areas) and manifests itself in the form of attacks. Mostly local itching appears due to skin diseases:

  • Neurodermatitis;
  • Hives;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Pediculosis;
  • Chickenpox;
  • Scabies;
  • Lichen;
  • Contact and atopic dermatitis.

Even for a professional, it is not easy to understand why the skin itches, how to eliminate irritation and avoid the recurrence of itching. You should not try to diagnose yourself, much less buy unknown medications. Before contacting a doctor, to relieve symptoms, you should refrain from overheating the skin when visiting a bathhouse, taking a hot bath, and it is also advisable to avoid spicy foods and alcohol. You can take antihistamines and use ointments with a cooling effect.

What to do if your skin itches all over your body

It is difficult to ignore the condition when the skin itches all over the body, painfully when only a patch of skin itches, and a dermatologist will tell you what to do. The scratching reflex, as a rule, affects the upper layers of the epidermis, less often the mucous membranes.

To determine the exact cause of irritation, various studies will be required - medical history, visual examination, clinical blood and urine tests, glucose levels, liver tests, determination of creatinine, cholesterol, urea, iron, protein levels, stool analysis, x-rays and others.

Such an extensive medical examination is justified by the fact that the mechanism of formation of itching on the skin is not fully understood. Scientists agree that when the skin itches, the nerve endings react to external and internal stimuli. Unlike pain, a person’s reflex of satisfaction of tingling sensations is triggered.

Currently, there is a theory that itching and pain have different neural pathways. Moreover, they are closely related, since having satisfied the desire to scratch, we give birth to a pain syndrome, which simply distracts attention from the initial problem.

Although the urge to itch can be completely natural and go away without any intervention, it is still recommended to visit a medical facility. Treatment is advisable if the irritation does not go away for several weeks, interferes with normal life activities, affects a large part of the body, and is accompanied by other manifestations - rash, burning, bleeding, weight loss, drowsiness, and so on.

What causes itchy skin without rashes?

The causes of skin itching without rashes can be of various types, and diagnosis is often difficult, because such manifestations cannot be recorded in the photo. Skin dermatitis very often accompanies systemic diseases, while external signs - crusts, plaques, blisters - may or may not be present.

    1. With cholestatic liver disease, the first symptom, and for a long time the only one, is itching. For treatment, medications containing Cholestyramine (Cholestyramine, Vasozan, Kwantalan, Lipokol) are used, which cleanse bile flows, thereby reducing the manifestations of irritation;
    2. Diabetes mellitus affects the processes of removing toxins from the body. Lipid-fat metabolism is also disrupted, which leads to dehydration of the skin. Sometimes there are no rashes, but more often, from the type of diabetic dermatitis, yellowish plaques, red spots, and blisters of gray or red shades appear on the body. Treatment in this case is aimed at reducing blood sugar, which greatly reduces the desire to scratch;

3. Psychosomatic and mental disorders are also characterized by the scratching reflex. How to treat skin itching without external manifestations in this case depends on the form of the disease. In mild cases, the patient is prescribed sedatives, often of plant origin - valerian, motherwort, passionflower extract. In more severe cases, antidepressants and psychotherapy are used;

4. Blood diseases are often accompanied by skin irritation. Hodgkin's lymphoma causes itching in the lower extremities. Irritation increases as the disease progresses. Treatment involves radiation therapy. With Vaquez's disease, in addition to the desire to scratch, the spleen enlarges, angina pectoris is observed, and bleeding occurs. Favorable prognoses are observed in patients treated with imifos. Itching sensations are no less common in anemia. Symptoms go away as soon as iron deficiency is corrected.

Local itching and peeling of the skin

    • Itching and flaking of the skin are inherent in a disease such as psoriasis. This is a chronic inflammation, the causes of which are not fully known. The skin becomes covered with spots with whitish scales. Characteristic rashes occur on the elbows, knees, and at the edge of the scalp. When scratching the plaques, a pink film is discovered on the surface, which, when peeled off, can provoke the symptom of blood dew. Today, ointments based on solidol (Magnipsor, Cytopsor, Antipsor) are widely used against psoriasis, diet, sanatorium treatment (climate change has a beneficial effect in most cases), phototherapy and other methods are prescribed;

    • Itchy skin is characteristic of scabies, which is caused by the scabies mite. With this disorder, itching occurs between the fingers, on the wrists, on the surface of the abdomen and groin area. Unpleasant sensations increase at night, spreading to new areas. The disease is contagious, it is very important to disinfect the premises. To eliminate symptoms, sulfur-based ointments, benzyl benzonate, Spregal spray, Permethrin (ointment, spray, lotion) and other medications are used. Traditional medicine suggests fighting the disease with the help of turpentine, celandine juice, bay leaf and other mixtures of herbs and products of animal origin;

Why does severe itching spread throughout the body?

We have already examined the possible circumstances under which severe itching appears throughout the body. Naturally, this is not the entire list of disorders in which itching is observed. There are also hormonal changes (pregnancy), age-related changes, reactions to medications (for example, hemodialysis concentrate), and so on.

It is a mistake to believe that irritation manifests itself only on the outer skin. According to statistics, there are no fewer cases of mucous membranes of the body itching.

  • Wish . This includes pinworms, hemorrhoids, rectal diseases, fistulas, prostatitis and others;
  • Genital itching - thrush, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, vaginosis, colpitis and so on;
  • Irritation - stomatitis, reaction to the prosthesis, allergies.

The causes of subcutaneous itching may coincide with dermatitis of the external skin. In most cases, it is characteristic of systemic ailments and requires close attention from qualified personnel of a medical institution.

Be healthy!

Mosquitoes accompany us throughout our lives. They bother us on vacation and at home. Although these insects do not pose a serious danger, the frequency of their attacks and the consequences cause discomfort that you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. They itch unbearably, the skin at the site of the bite becomes inflamed and changes color, and the affected area can swell greatly.

Most people who have been bitten try to take any measures to prevent itching and pain. And that's right. After all, mechanical damage to the bite site can lead to infection and disease. Usually the inflammation goes away after a few days, but if the swelling does not go away for a longer period of time, then you should seek advice and provide the necessary assistance from a specialist. This may be a symptom of an allergy or an infection. What to do to deal with the problem as efficiently as possible?

Why does the affected area itch?

The bloodsucking insect bites through the skin, injecting an anticoagulant underneath it, which prevents it from clotting. This is the substance that causes itching. The degree of human reaction is determined by its individual tolerance. Some people have little to no reaction to the bites or experience only minor discomfort. Other individuals suffer from mosquito bites for several days.

Prevention has not been canceled

When going on a hike or to the country, be sure to have medications in your first aid kit that can be used to quickly treat bite sites. If bloodsuckers are bothering you at home, keep a reliable repellent on hand. Those who have particularly delicate skin, children and allergy sufferers should definitely know what to do in case of emergency.

Most drugs that soothe itching and relieve swelling, effective and tested by pharmacologists, are available in pharmacies. There you can always get qualified advice when choosing a product. They will tell you what to apply to the wound to get a quick and guaranteed result.

Pharmacological drugs

There are different forms of medications available to help relieve the condition of being bitten by mosquitoes:

  • gels, ointments, including hormonal ones;
  • Calendula tincture will additionally disinfect;
  • boric acid solution;
  • antihistamines internally and externally;
  • Corvalol and Valocordin as a rub;
  • activated carbon in solution.

Pharmaceutical products should always be available in your home medicine cabinet, especially if you have small children. A large selection and affordable price allow you to choose the option that suits you best.

Grandmother's funds

You can lubricate the disturbing area with home remedies. They have long taken root among the people and have been used for years. These are budget options for solving the issue, quite successful and popular. Many of them are suitable for use by children and allergy sufferers. Here are the top best remedies to relieve the condition after a bite:

  1. Rub the bite area with a slice of lemon several times a day.
  2. Spread the parsley paste for a few minutes.
  3. Add a fresh cabbage leaf.
  4. A lotion of saline solution (one tsp, two hundred and fifty ml/water) several times a day.
  5. A slice of raw potato/onion to go with the bite.
  6. Treat with vinegar or perfume.

The time of exposure to the bitten area is no more than twenty minutes. After applying the listed products, you must wash your skin with gentle soap. The procedures can be repeated until the disturbing signs disappear completely.

Each person selects a method of relieving itching and a remedy based on personal tolerance to its components. The frequency of application is also individual. If one of the proposed options does not suit you, use another. Experimentally, you can find an effective way to minimize the consequences of insect bites.

There are many more tools in the arsenal of the people:

  • aloe vera juice;
  • pressing the bite site with a fingernail;
  • lubrication with toothpaste and tea;
  • applying ice to relieve itching.

When choosing a method, be guided by the desire not only to get rid of symptoms, but also not to do harm. Prepare early for mosquito season. You can take vitamin B-1. Taking it throughout the summer will significantly reduce the risk of mosquito attacks. According to scientists, it is able to change the smell of a person to an aroma rejected by insects. If you are nevertheless bitten by bloodsuckers, take effective measures immediately without expecting undesirable consequences.