Sample contract for the provision of services. Service agreement (general form)

For the provision of services serves as the basis for agreements for the performance of various types of services. Our article will tell you what rules to consider when drawing upstandard contract for the provision of servicesand what laws govern this.

What is a service agreement according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation? How is it different from contract and subcontract agreements?

As part of a service agreement, one party undertakes to perform certain actions (services), and the other party undertakes to pay for them. The most important feature of this agreement is its personal nature, that is, the service, as a general rule, must be provided by the person to whom the contract assigns such an obligation. This shows the similarities between a service agreement and an employment contract.

The Civil Code regulates a standard contract for the provision of services, although there are a large number of different types of services (legal, medical, advertising, etc.), the procedure for the provision of which (for example, postal) in addition to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is regulated by special laws. In other cases, all points not provided for by the Civil Code are determined by mutual agreement of the parties.

A contract for the performance of services has much in common with a contract under which various works are carried out. But when providing services, unlike a contract, no material result appears (for example, the construction of a house is carried out on the basis of a contract, and the activity of a realtor in finding suitable real estate for a client is carried out under a service contract). The contractor, by virtue of law, has the right to involve another person in performing the work by concluding a subcontract agreement with him. As for services, on the contrary, they must be provided personally, unless the opposite is specified in the contract itself.

Parties and form of agreement for the provision of services. Where can I download the agreement form?

The parties to the service agreement are:

  • performer - a person who undertakes to perform services;
  • customer - the party who is responsible for paying for services.

The law does not impose any special requirements on these entities; any of them can be either an individual or a legal entity. In a situation where the contractor is an individual entrepreneur or a commercial organization, and the customer is a citizen (who needs the service for non-commercial purposes), the services are called household. The rights and obligations of the parties in the provision of consumer services are regulated by the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as the rules of consumer services for the population.

In most cases, an agreement for the provision of services is drawn up in writing, although an oral agreement is also allowed between citizens if the cost of services does not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

As for household services, the contract for their implementation can be drawn up either in a standard form or by filling out a receipt. At the same time, it must reflect all the essential terms of the contract. If a household service is performed directly in the presence of the customer, then it is enough for the contractor to issue a cash receipt or other document confirming payment.

The form of a standard contract for the provision of services can be found on our website.

Essential terms of the contract for paid services, additional requirements

The essential, that is, necessary, conditions of such an agreement include:

  1. The subject of the contract is the specific actions that the contractor must perform, or the activities that he must perform. The essence of the service provided must be stated in the contract very clearly.
  2. Start and completion dates for services.

Any sample standard contract for the provision of services must include these provisions.

In addition to the above, it is advisable to include the following additional conditions in the text of a standard contract for the provision of services:

  • cost of services (if this condition is not specified in the contract, the customer must pay the amount usually charged for similar services);
  • requirements for the quality of the service provided;
  • place of performance of services;
  • liability of the parties for failure to fulfill their obligations (for example, the amount of the penalty for failure to meet payment deadlines);
  • other conditions depending on the type of service.

In addition, the contract may include:

  • condition for full or partial prepayment;
  • the right of the contractor to attract third parties to perform services.

Why is an additional agreement drawn up to the contract for the provision of construction, transport and other services?

It happens that during the implementation of a service agreement, the parties draw up an additional agreement to it. It is drawn up if there is a need to change one or more terms of the transaction or to agree on a new condition that was not previously specified in the text of the contract. Such an agreement is concluded in the same form as the main contract.

Most often, the need for an additional agreement appears when the contract is concluded for a long period. For example, in the course of providing educational services, an additional annual increase in tuition fees for contract students is issued. agreement to the contract with the university. In addition, additional an agreement can be concluded to extend the term of the contract, change the amount of the penalty, establish or cancel a mandatory pre-trial procedure for resolving disagreements, introduce a prepayment condition and many other cases.

real estate rental

"____"____________ G.

Open Joint Stock Company "Steel" represented by General Director Petrov Petrovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor", and
Limited Liability Company "Sapphire" represented by director Ekaterina Ivanovna Ivanova, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Tenant", on the other hand,
collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into an Agreement as follows:

1. Subject and term of the agreement

1.1. The Lessor undertakes to provide the Tenant for temporary possession and use of the following real estate for a fee - non-residential premises No. _____ with a total area of ​​24 sq. m on the first floor of the building located at the address: 660006, st. 60 Let Oktyabrya, 30 (hereinafter referred to as the Property), for the placement of a beauty salon.
1.2. The transfer of the Property for temporary paid use to the Tenant is formalized by a transfer and acceptance certificate (Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement).
1.3. The validity period of the Agreement is from ________________ to _____________.

2. Rights and obligations of the parties

2.1. The Lessor undertakes:
2.1.1 Transfer the Property for temporary paid use to the Tenant according to the transfer and acceptance certificate.
2.1.2. Within five working days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement, enter into an agreement with the Tenant to pay for utilities, maintenance, etc. services (hereinafter referred to as the contract for payment of services).
2.1.3. In the event of accidents that occurred through no fault of the Tenant, provide him with the necessary assistance in eliminating their consequences.
2.1.4. Notify the Tenant in writing at least one month in advance of the need to vacate and return the Property due to the emergency condition of the structures of the Property (part of it) or the need for its demolition for urban planning reasons (reasons).
2.1.5. Within thirty days, consider written requests from the Tenant regarding the use of the leased Property, its repair, re-equipment, redevelopment, reconstruction, etc.
2.1.6. When the Tenant vacates the Property, both in connection with the expiration of the Agreement or its early termination, accept the Property under the acceptance certificate in the condition in which it was provided to the Tenant, taking into account normal wear and tear and all improvements inseparable without harm to Property.

2.1.2. The lessor has the right: Freely enter the rented Property for the purpose of periodically inspecting it for safety and compliance with the terms of use in accordance with the Agreement and current legislation. Monitor the Tenant’s fulfillment of the obligations assumed under the Agreement.

2.2. The tenant undertakes:
2.2.1. Accept property for temporary paid use under a transfer and acceptance certificate. Use the Property exclusively for its intended purpose specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement.
2.2.2. Within ten days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement, enter into an agreement with the Lessor to pay for services for the period specified in clause 1.4. Agreement.
2.2.3. Pay rent within the period established by the Agreement.
2.2.4. Monitor the normal functioning and technical condition of engineering communications, security, fire alarms, telephone networks, and ensure their safety.
2.2.5. Comply with fire and safety regulations, as well as industry rules and regulations applicable to the type of activity of the Tenant and the Property.
2.2.6. Avoid littering courtyards, adjacent areas and common areas with household and construction waste.
2.2.7. Immediately notify the Lessor of any damage, accident or other event as a result of which the Property could be or has been lost (damaged), and immediately take all possible measures to prevent the threat or further destruction (damage) of the Property.
2.2.8. Do not carry out hidden or open wiring and laying of communications, redevelopment, re-equipment, reconstruction, etc. Property caused by the needs of the Tenant, without the written permission of the Landlord.
If the Lessor discovers unauthorized alterations, violation of the integrity of walls, partitions or ceilings, alterations or laying of networks that distort the original appearance of the Property, these must be liquidated by the Lessee, and the Property restored to its original form at the expense of the Lessee within a period determined by the unilateral order of the Lessor.
2.2.9. As necessary, carry out current repairs of the Property at your own expense with the prior written consent of the Lessor, as well as take an equity participation (in proportion to the area of ​​the occupied premises) in the repair of the building facade, engineering and technical communications carried out by the Lessor. Carry out measures to improve the area surrounding the building, including cleaning the roofs, roofs of buildings and structures from snow and ice. In this case, these costs are not subject to reimbursement or offset against the rent.
2.2.10. Without the written consent of the Lessor, do not transfer the leased Property for sublease (sublease), do not transfer your rights and obligations under the Agreement to another person (release), do not provide the leased Property for free use, and also do not pledge rental rights or pledge them as contributions to the authorized capital of business partnerships and companies.
2.2.11. If you change the name, address or bank details, or change the manager, inform the Lessor about this by sending a written notice with return receipt no later than five calendar days from the date of the corresponding changes or change of manager.
2.2.12. Provide representatives of the Lessor with the opportunity to freely enter the rented Property in cases of inspection of its use in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, as well as all necessary documentation related to the subject of inspection.
2.2.13. Notify the Lessor in writing about the upcoming release of the leased Property, both in connection with the expiration of the Agreement and its early termination, no less than thirty calendar days before the expected date of release of the Property.
2.2.14. Upon termination of the Agreement, release the leased Property and return it according to the acceptance certificate to the Lessor in the condition in which it was provided to the Lessee, taking into account normal wear and tear and all improvements inseparable without harm to the Property.
2.2.15. Release and return the Property to the Lessor due to the emergency condition of the structures of the Property (part of it) or the need for its demolition for urban planning reasons (grounds) within the time limits established by the authorized bodies. In this case, the Agreement is considered terminated from the date of return of the Property.
2.2.16. Within two months from the date of conclusion of the agreement, carry out at your own expense the state registration of the Agreement with the body that carries out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it (if the agreement is concluded for a period of at least a year).

2.3. The tenant has the right:
2.3.1. The Tenant's income received from the use of the Property is the property of the Tenant.

3. Payments and settlements under the agreement

3.1. The tenant transfers the rent, including VAT, for each month in advance until the 10th day of the current month in the amount of ___________ rubles per month to the current account _____________________________________, indicating the following data in the payment documents: “Rent under the agreement dated _________ No. _____ “.
3.2. The first rental payment is made within ten days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement until the end of the current month.
3.3. The Tenant's costs for operational maintenance and maintenance of the property are not included in the rental amount established by clause 3.2 of the Agreement and are paid by the Tenant on the basis of the relevant agreements.
3.4. The amount of rent may be revised unilaterally without the consent of the Tenant no more than once a year. In addition, the rent cannot be revised downwards. In this case, the Lessor is obliged to notify the Lessee of a change in the amount of rent by sending him a written notice with return receipt no later than five calendar days from the date of receipt of the report of an independent appraiser on the assessment of the market rental potential of the Property. The new rent amount is considered established from the moment specified by the Lessor in the notice to the Tenant.
The tenant is considered to have been properly notified if:
— The Lessor has information about the Tenant receiving a notice of a change in the amount of rent;
— The tenant refused to receive notice of a change in the amount of rent and this refusal was recorded;
- a notice of change in the amount of rent, sent to the Tenant’s last location known to the Lessor, was not served due to the Tenant’s absence at the specified address, about which the communications authority informed the Lessor.

4. Responsibility of the parties

4.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations arising under the Agreement, the Parties are obliged to compensate the losses caused in full, including lost profits.
4.2 Payment of penalties and fines established by the Agreement does not relieve the Tenant from fulfilling the obligations assumed under the Agreement and eliminating violations.
4.3. If the Tenant fails to make payments within the terms established by the Agreement, the Tenant shall pay a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the entire overdue amount of rental payments for each day of delay. The fine is transferred to the current account specified in clause 3.2 of the Agreement.
4.4. If the Tenant does not return the leased Property or returns it untimely, he is obliged to pay the rent to the bank account specified in clause 3.2 of the Agreement for the entire period of delay. The Tenant is also obliged to pay a penalty in the amount of 0.2% of the monthly rent for each day of delay in returning the Property.
4.5. In case of misuse of the Property or failure to fulfill the obligations established by clause 2.2.10 and (or) clause 2.2.11 of the Agreement, the Tenant is obliged to pay a fine in the amount of 3 times the monthly rent. The fine must be transferred to the bank account specified in clause 3.2 of the Agreement.

5. Procedure for changing (adding) and terminating the contract

5.1. Changes (additions) to the Agreement, with the exception of the conditions established by clause 3.5 of the Agreement, as well as its termination are possible by agreement of the Parties, which must be in writing and signed by the Parties, or in court.
A proposal to terminate or amend (add) the terms of the Agreement is sent to the other Party in writing no later than thirty calendar days before the expected date of termination or amend (add) the terms of the Agreement.
5.2. The Lessor has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement by notifying the Tenant thereof at least thirty calendar days before termination of the Agreement, in the following cases:
a) in case of intentional or careless deterioration by the Tenant of the condition of the Property, engineering equipment and adjacent territory or failure to fulfill the obligations provided for in clauses 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.5, 2.2.7, 2.2.8, 2.2.9, 2.2.10, 2.2.11 Agreement;
b) in case of non-payment or late payment of rent within the terms established by clauses 3.2, 3.3 of the Agreement for two consecutive months, regardless of its subsequent payment;
c) when using the Property (in whole or in part) not in accordance with the purposes specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement.
d) the emergency condition of the structures of the Property (its part) or the need for its demolition for urban planning reasons (reasons), which must be confirmed by an appropriate expert opinion.
5.3. If the Agreement is classified as an agreement concluded for an indefinite period, the Lessor has the right to cancel the Agreement at any time by notifying the Tenant in writing one month before termination of the Agreement.
5.4. Termination of the Agreement does not relieve the Tenant from the need to repay rent arrears and pay penalties.

6. Other conditions

6.1. The current legislation applies to relations between the Parties that are not regulated by the Agreement.
6.2. The terms of this Agreement apply to relations that arose before the conclusion of this Agreement from the date of actual use of the property by the Tenant.
6.3. The Tenant has no right to place advertising on the outside of the building without the consent of the Landlord. In turn, the Lessor has the right to place such advertising without the consent of the Lessee.
6.4. Disputes or disagreements arising between the Parties under the Agreement or in connection with it that are not resolved through negotiations are subject to judicial review in accordance with the jurisdiction established by current legislation.
6.5. The appendices to the Agreement are signed by the Parties and are an integral part of it.
6.6. The Agreement is drawn up in 2 (two) copies having equal legal force, one for the Lessor, one for the Lessee.

Addresses and signatures of the Parties:


Location: _____________________________________
INN _____________/KPP _____________ OKPO __________ OKATO __________

____________ ____________________________________ ______________



_________________________ _________________________________ ______________

The document form “Sample contract for the provision of services” belongs to the heading “Agreement for the provision of services, outstaffing”. Save the link to the document on social networks or download it to your computer.

for the provision of services

Moscow "___"__________ ___

Limited Liability Company "______________", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director _________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and _____________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", concluded this Agreement as follows.


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with services for __________________________.
1.2. The Customer undertakes to pay for the Contractor’s services in the manner, within the terms and on the conditions specified in this Agreement.
1.3. The types of services provided, the procedure and other conditions for provision are determined by the Parties in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, which is an integral part thereof.


2.1. The performer is obliged:
2.1.1. Provide the services specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement in full and within the time frame agreed by the Parties.
2.1.2. Provide the Customer with information on the progress of execution of this Agreement upon the relevant requests of the Customer.
2.1.3. Maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by the Customer in accordance with Section 5 of this Agreement.
2.2. The performer has the right:
2.2.1. Request from the Customer the necessary information and documents, make copies of the documents provided by the Customer in order to fulfill the obligations under this Agreement.
2.2.2. Require the Customer to provide the necessary conditions for the provision of services under this Agreement.
2.2.3. Suspend the provision of services under this Agreement in the event that the Customer violates the terms of payment for services until funds are received in the Contractor's current account, as well as in the event of the Customer's failure to fulfill the obligation to provide conditions for the provision of services.
2.3. The customer is obliged:
2.3.1. Provide the Contractor with the necessary conditions for the provision of services.
2.3.2. Provide the Contractor with the information, documents, powers necessary for him to fulfill his obligations under this Agreement, in accordance with written and oral requests from the authorized representatives of the Contractor.
2.3.3. Pay for the Contractor's services in the manner, within the terms and in the amount established by this Agreement.
2.4. The customer has the right:
2.4.1. Require the Contractor to provide information on the progress of execution of the Agreement.


3.1. The price of services provided by the Contractor under this Agreement is _______________________
3.2. Payment for the cost of the Contractor's services is made by the Customer within ____________ days from the date of signing by the Parties of this Agreement.
3.3. Payment is made by the Customer by transferring funds to the Contractor's bank account using the details specified in Section 10 of this Agreement or by depositing funds into the Contractor's cash desk.


4.1. The Contractor begins to provide services under this Agreement no later than __________ days from the date of signing this Agreement.
4.2. If by the time specified in clause 4.1 of this Agreement, the Customer has not provided all the necessary conditions for the Contractor to provide services under this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to suspend the provision of services until the Customer fulfills this obligation.
4.3. No later than ___________ days from the end of the calendar month, the Contractor draws up and submits to the Customer a Certificate of Services Rendered in two copies.
Within _____________ days from the date of receipt of the Certificate of Services Rendered, the Customer is obliged to review it and, if there are no comments on the services provided, sign it.
4.4. If the services under this Agreement are provided by the Contractor with deviations from the terms of this Agreement or with other shortcomings, the Customer has the right, at his choice, to demand from the Contractor:
4.4.1. Free elimination of deficiencies within a reasonable time.
4.4.2. Reducing the price of services established by this Agreement.


5.1. The Parties hereby confirm that the information they exchange in the framework of preparation, as well as in the process of execution of this Agreement, is confidential, being valuable for the Parties and not subject to disclosure.
5.2. From the moment this Agreement comes into force, the Parties undertake to keep secret any information and data received by each of the Parties as part of the implementation of this Agreement.
5.3. The obligation to maintain confidentiality does not affect cases of providing information to authorities in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of signing and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations under the Agreement.
6.2. The validity period of this Agreement may be extended by agreement of the Parties, drawn up in writing and signed by both Parties to this Agreement.
6.3. The provisions of this Agreement may be changed or supplemented only on the basis of an agreement drawn up in writing and signed by both Parties.
6.4. Early termination of this Agreement is permitted by mutual written agreement of the Parties or in other cases established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement.
6.5. The Customer has the right to refuse to fulfill the Agreement by notifying the Contractor about this at least _______ days before the date of termination and paying the Contractor the cost of services in proportion to the period and volume of services provided by the Contractor.
6.6. The Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under this Agreement by notifying the Customer at least ______ days before the date of termination, subject to full compensation for losses to the Customer.


7.1. If the Customer violates the deadline for payment for the Contractor's services established by clause 3.2 of this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to demand from the Customer payment of a penalty in the amount of ___% of the amount not paid on time.
7.2. The Contractor is not responsible for decisions made on the basis of the services provided by the Customer and their economic consequences (including possible losses).
7.3. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures.
7.4. Force majeure circumstances include events that the Parties cannot influence and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible, such as natural disasters, fires, emergency events of a social nature (war, riots, etc.), government regulations or orders government bodies making it impossible to fulfill the obligations of the Parties under this Agreement.


8.1. All disputes and disagreements arising during the execution of this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.
8.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement on controversial issues, the disputes are referred to the court in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


9.1. In matters not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.2. This Agreement is concluded in two copies, one for each of the Parties.

Appendix No. 1. List of services provided under this Agreement.


Performer: ______________________________________________

Customer: _________________________________________________


Executor: Customer:

Appendix No. 1
to the Service Agreement
N ____ from "___"______ ____



Executor: Customer:

________________________ __________________________

  • It is no secret that office work has a negative impact on both the physical and mental state of the employee. There are quite a lot of facts confirming both.

What is a standard service agreement? A contract is a legally formalized agreement between the parties for the performance and payment of various services. With the help of our research, you will be able to get a clear picture of what nuances must be taken into account when drawing up an agreement for the provision of services, what rules can be taken more lightly, and on the basis of what legislative framework standard agreements are drawn up.

We will consider the following points: the form of a standard agreement, what it is and how the official parties entering into an agreement behave, and for what purpose an additional agreement is drawn up. Agreement to the contract and what the standard form of the contract should be.

What is a standard service agreement?

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates contractual obligations, brings clarity to the question of what it is and how it differs service agreement from contract agreements.

Briefly, the essence of the contract is this: two parties participate in the contract, they agree that one party undertakes the obligation to perform the service in the form of any actions, and the second party undertakes the obligation to pay for the work performed on time in the amount of services provided. What is important in this type of contract is its personal nature, which gives this type of contract a resemblance to that is, it is the person who is specified in the contract as the contractor who must provide the specified services. If we were dealing with a work contract, then the contractor, on the contrary, has the right to hire another contractor to fulfill contractual obligations. Relations with this contractor will be regulated by a subcontract agreement.

In addition to the employment contract, service agreement has many similarities with a contract. However, a significant difference between these contracts is the result: if in a work contract the result of the execution of the contract is the resulting material value, for example, a bridge or house built by the contractor, then in a service contract there is no need for this. For example, the search and registration of the purchase of this house by a real estate agency is regulated precisely by the service agreement.

It is worth noting that in addition to ordinary services, the execution of which is regulated by a service contract in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there are many complex services, the execution of which is also controlled by special legislation. Such services include medical, advertising and legal services, to determine all the nuances of which a simple agreement of the parties will clearly not be enough.

Form of a standard contract for the provision of services, parties to the contract and a standard agreement form

A service agreement, as the name suggests, must involve two parties:

  • The customer of the service is the party that undertakes to accept the work and pay for it.
  • Contractor – that is, a person who undertakes to perform the ordered service or set of services.

In this type of contract, both the customer and the contractor can be an individual or a legal entity. There are no special requirements for the parties to the contract in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In a situation where the customer is an individual. person, and the executor is an entrepreneur without legal education. persons or organizations whose services are usually called household services. In this case, the regulation of relations between the parties to this agreement includes the rules of consumer services for the population and

For agreements the amount of which does not exceed 10 thousand rubles, a written agreement is not required, although in most cases of provision of services, an agreement is nevertheless drawn up.

For household services performed in the presence of the customer, the relationship is formalized by transferring a paid cash receipt; in other cases, registration can occur either in the form of a signed contract or in the form of a completed receipt. The receipt must list all important and necessary conditions.

Essential conditions and additional requirements of the contract for the provision of paid services

Each contract for the provision of services for a fee must contain the following necessary conditions (they are also called essential):

  • The first is the subject of the contract, that is, a description of the essence of the service down to the listing of necessary and very specific actions that must be performed by the contractor in order for the service to be considered completed. The service must be spelled out in the contract with complete clarity, excluding any ambiguous interpretations.
  • The second essential condition is the timing of the start of the provision of services and their completion, when the service must be performed.

These are necessary conditions. In addition to them, the contract may reflect additional conditions that it is advisable to include there to avoid different interpretations. Additional conditions include:

  1. Place of performance of the agreed service
  2. Service quality requirements
  3. Cost of services provided. In the absence of such a provision in the contract, it is usually considered that the price of the service for the customer is equal to the average amount that is usually charged for a similar service.
  4. Responsibility of the parties for failure to comply with the terms of the contract. For example, paying a fine for poor quality of work.
  5. Other conditions included in the text of the contract at the request of the parties, depending on the type of work.

In addition to these conditions, you can add to your contract for paid services also additional a condition for prepayment, both full and partial, and, if necessary, to formalize the contractor’s right to involve any third parties in performing work to provide the service.

Additional agreement when concluding a standard contract for the provision of services

A common practice is to draw up additional agreements to the contract during the execution of work.

This condition is realized when, in the course of work to fulfill the terms of the contract, previously unobvious conditions arise that are important for the implementation of the transaction or when there is a need that is obvious to both parties to make changes to the already formalized terms of the transaction.

The additional agreement is drawn up as an annex to the main agreement and its integral part.

The parties resort to such additional agreement most often in the case of a long term of the contract, during the implementation of which conditions arise for price adjustments. For example: if an educational contract is concluded for the entire period of study, which is several years, then the annual increase in the price of training is formalized by just such an additional fee. agreement to the contract. The second example is additional. the agreement is drawn up to change the procedure for considering disagreements between the parties, to extend the term of the contract, to introduce new conditions for prepayment, etc.

The contractor, on the one hand, and the customer, on the other, have entered into this agreement for the provision of services.

for the provision of services

Moscow "___"__________ ___

Limited Liability Company "______________", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director _________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and _____________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", concluded this Agreement as follows.


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with services for __________________________.
1.2. The Customer undertakes to pay for the Contractor’s services in the manner, within the terms and on the conditions specified in this Agreement.
1.3. The types of services provided, the procedure and other conditions for provision are determined by the Parties in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, which is an integral part thereof.


2.1. The performer is obliged:
2.1.1. Provide the services specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement in full and within the time frame agreed by the Parties.
2.1.2. Provide the Customer with information on the progress of execution of this Agreement upon the relevant requests of the Customer.
2.1.3. Maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by the Customer in accordance with Section 5 of this Agreement.
2.2. The performer has the right:
2.2.1. Request from the Customer the necessary information and documents, make copies of the documents provided by the Customer in order to fulfill the obligations under this Agreement.
2.2.2. Require the Customer to provide the necessary conditions for the provision of services under this Agreement.
2.2.3. Suspend the provision of services under this Agreement in the event that the Customer violates the terms of payment for services until funds are received in the Contractor's current account, as well as in the event of the Customer's failure to fulfill the obligation to provide conditions for the provision of services.
2.3. The customer is obliged:
2.3.1. Provide the Contractor with the necessary conditions for the provision of services.
2.3.2. Provide the Contractor with the information, documents, powers necessary for him to fulfill his obligations under this Agreement, in accordance with written and oral requests from the authorized representatives of the Contractor.
2.3.3. Pay for the Contractor's services in the manner, within the terms and in the amount established by this Agreement.
2.4. The customer has the right:
2.4.1. Require the Contractor to provide information on the progress of execution of the Agreement.


3.1. The price of services provided by the Contractor under this Agreement is _______________________
3.2. Payment for the cost of the Contractor's services is made by the Customer within ____________ days from the date of signing by the Parties of this Agreement.
3.3. Payment is made by the Customer by transferring funds to the Contractor's bank account using the details specified in Section 10 of this Agreement or by depositing funds into the Contractor's cash desk.


4.1. The Contractor begins to provide services under this Agreement no later than __________ days from the date of signing this Agreement.
4.2. If by the time specified in clause 4.1 of this Agreement, the Customer has not provided all the necessary conditions for the Contractor to provide services under this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to suspend the provision of services until the Customer fulfills this obligation.
4.3. No later than ___________ days from the end of the calendar month, the Contractor draws up and submits to the Customer a Certificate of Services Rendered in two copies.
Within _____________ days from the date of receipt of the Certificate of Services Rendered, the Customer is obliged to review it and, if there are no comments on the services provided, sign it.
4.4. If the services under this Agreement are provided by the Contractor with deviations from the terms of this Agreement or with other shortcomings, the Customer has the right, at his choice, to demand from the Contractor:
4.4.1. Free elimination of deficiencies within a reasonable time.
4.4.2. Reducing the price of services established by this Agreement.


5.1. The Parties hereby confirm that the information they exchange in the framework of preparation, as well as in the process of execution of this Agreement, is confidential, being valuable for the Parties and not subject to disclosure.
5.2. From the moment this Agreement comes into force, the Parties undertake to keep secret any information and data received by each of the Parties as part of the implementation of this Agreement.
5.3. The obligation to maintain confidentiality does not affect cases of providing information to authorities in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of signing and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations under the Agreement.
6.2. The validity period of this Agreement may be extended by agreement of the Parties, drawn up in writing and signed by both Parties to this Agreement.
6.3. The provisions of this Agreement may be changed or supplemented only on the basis of an agreement drawn up in writing and signed by both Parties.
6.4. Early termination of this Agreement is permitted by mutual written agreement of the Parties or in other cases established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement.
6.5. The Customer has the right to refuse to fulfill the Agreement by notifying the Contractor about this at least _______ days before the date of termination and paying the Contractor the cost of services in proportion to the period and volume of services provided by the Contractor.
6.6. The Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under this Agreement by notifying the Customer at least ______ days before the date of termination, subject to full compensation for losses to the Customer.


7.1. If the Customer violates the deadline for payment for the Contractor's services established by clause 3.2 of this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to demand from the Customer payment of a penalty in the amount of ___% of the amount not paid on time.
7.2. The Contractor is not responsible for decisions made on the basis of the services provided by the Customer and their economic consequences (including possible losses).
7.3. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures.
7.4. Force majeure circumstances include events that the Parties cannot influence and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible, such as natural disasters, fires, emergency events of a social nature (war, riots, etc.), government regulations or orders government bodies making it impossible to fulfill the obligations of the Parties under this Agreement.


8.1. All disputes and disagreements arising during the execution of this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.
8.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement on controversial issues, the disputes are referred to the court in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


9.1. In matters not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.2. This Agreement is concluded in two copies, one for each of the Parties.

Appendix No. 1. List of services provided under this Agreement.


Performer: ______________________________________________

Customer: _________________________________________________


Executor: Customer:

Appendix No. 1
to the Service Agreement
N ____ from "___"______ ____



Executor: Customer:

________________________ __________________________