Herpes simplex - symptoms, infection, diagnosis and treatment. Herpes is a disease forever

As a rule, herpes is popularly referred to as rashes on the lips, the so-called “cold.” But in fact, there are 8 types of herpes, which have their own characteristics of the course, distinctive clinical signs and treatment methods.

The cause of herpes is a highly contagious virus that is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. Regardless of what type of herpes is present in the human body, this disease is characterized by a period of latent course - the symptoms of the disease in question appear only at a time when the person’s immunity is sufficiently weakened.

Herpes viruses are common not only among people, but also in nature. This is due to the high level of survival of the virus outside mucous membranes or biomaterial - even indoors at room temperature, the herpes virus lives for another 24 hours.

Table of contents:

Herpes type 1 (simple)

In the specialized literature, this type of disease in question is referred to as HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type 1) and may be called oral or labial herpes. The typical location for this type of herpes is the lips and nasolabial triangle, and infection can occur in the first years of a child’s life.

If a person is diagnosed, then the herpes virus affects:

  • the skin of the fingers on the upper and lower extremities - more often doctors observe damage to the nail fold;
  • mucous membrane of the oral cavity, internal organs, eyes and nasal cavity;
  • tissues of the nervous system.

The characteristic features of herpes simplex virus type 1 are:

  • development of diseases of the nervous system;
  • suppression;
  • damage to cells of the nervous system.

Symptoms of herpes simplex type 1

The most characteristic sign of this type of herpes is a rash on the lips - small bubbles with liquid contents appear inside, they grow and eventually either “fade out” on their own or burst. In addition to this sign, doctors note general signs of intoxication:

  • pain in muscle tissue;
  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • short-term in nature.

Please note:if infection with herpes simplex type 1 occurred through oral-genital contact, then the rash, as the most pronounced symptom, will be noted on the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Diagnostic measures

The type of herpes in question is diagnosed either by patient complaints and a characteristic symptom (rash on the lips or mucous membranes of the genital organs), or by examining the body for some other reason. As part of diagnostic procedures, the doctor is obliged to:

  • determine the type of pathogen that provoked the development of herpes simplex type 1;
  • differentiate the pathogen;
  • determine at what stage of the disease the patient sought medical help.

Treatment of herpes simplex type 1

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In general, therapy against herpes viruses has some features:

  • There are no preventive medications;
  • herpes viruses are absolutely not sensitive to antibacterial drugs (antibiotics);
  • complete destruction of the virus is impossible;
  • If the course of the herpes simplex virus type 1 is short-lived, then the use of any medications is inappropriate.

One of the medicines that can have a truly therapeutic effect is Acyclovir. It is sold in pharmacies in various pharmacological forms - tablets, ointments, solutions. If you use this drug strictly according to the instructions, this will reduce the number of relapses of herpes simplex type 1 manifestations and shorten the treatment time for already visible signs.

Please note:if a person has characteristic rashes on the lips, then it is necessary to exclude close contacts with other people - we are talking about kissing. Otherwise, the herpes simplex virus type 1 will definitely be transmitted to the body of a healthy person.

Herpes virus type 2

In the specialized literature, this type of disease in question is classified as genital herpes. Both men and women suffer from it, the cause of infection is unprotected sexual contact, however, the herpes virus type 2 can “settle” in the human body even with full caution during sex.

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Treatment of this type of herpes should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and after a full examination by specialists. In addition to Acyclovir, for patients diagnosed with type 2 herpes, doctors prescribe a whole range of therapeutic measures - independent choice of drugs is inappropriate.

Herpes type 3 (varicella zoster virus)

The same disease in medicine is called both the chickenpox virus and the herpes zoster virus. It enters the human body through airborne droplets, and if it is a child, then he will develop chickenpox. A person who has recovered from the disease remains a carrier of the virus for life, with its localization in the cells of the nervous tissue.

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In some cases, the “quiescent” herpes virus type 3 in a child may reappear at an older age, and the clinical picture in this case will be of the nature of herpes zoster.

If a child’s body is infected with the type of herpes in question, then the following symptoms will be identified:

  • high body temperature, chills;
  • rashes on the skin in the form of vesicles;
  • severe, unbearable itching of the skin.

As a rule, in childhood, type 3 herpes virus quickly becomes inactive and is localized in the cells of nerve tissue. Usually the virus in question does not manifest itself in any way, but in some cases (decreased immunity, too long a course of chronic diseases, and so on) the herpes virus type 3 manifests itself herpes zoster. And in this case, the following symptoms will occur:

As a rule, after 2-3 weeks, all signs of shingles disappear, and small scars remain at the site of the rash - depressions/pits with smoothed edges.

Treatment of herpes virus type 3

There is no specific treatment for the type 3 disease in question - doctors examine the patient and prescribe symptomatic therapy. In childhood, these are antipyretics and drugs that reduce itching of the skin. For herpes zoster - painkillers, antipyretics, and if concomitant inflammatory diseases are detected - antibacterial drugs.

Herpes type 4 (Epstein-Barr virus)

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This type of herpes is referred to in medical literature as the Epstein-Barr virus. It provokes the development of infectious disease, which is typical for people with diagnosed immunodeficiencies.

Symptoms of herpes virus type 4 and treatment

Infectious mononucleosis is a lesion of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and lymph nodes, most often characteristic of young people. The main signs of this disease are high body temperature, morphological changes in the structure of the blood, pathological changes in the spleen, liver and other internal organs.

The most common symptoms of herpes type 4:

  • body temperature rises suddenly, without any apparent reason and immediately to critical levels;
  • there are complaints of pain in muscles, joints, throat and head;
  • the oral mucosa swells and swells - doctors can differentially diagnose pharyngitis and/or;
  • a feeling of constant fatigue, rapid fatigue, drowsiness - these symptoms may persist even after treatment for the disease for several months;
  • small papular-type rashes appear on the skin and mucous surface, which disappear without a trace after 3 days;
  • lymph nodes increase significantly in size.

Diagnostic measures consist of conducting a full examination of the patient and laboratory testing of his biomaterial - specialists identify the DNA of the Epstein-Barr virus.

Please note:It is this virus that can provoke the development of cancer - Burkitt's lymphoma. Therefore, treatment should only take place in a medical institution, under constant supervision by medical workers .

Herpes type 5 (cytomegalovirus)

Herpes virus type 5 causes the disease cytomegalovirus. It is noteworthy that the symptoms of this disease are vague, the pathology occurs in a latent form, and the clinical picture begins to develop only when the immune system is weakened.

Symptoms of herpes virus type 5 and treatment

The manifestation of cytomegalovirus is identical to the course of a cold:

  • headache;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • when swallowing, talking and at rest.

Cytomegalovirus can manifest as damage to the central nervous system, eyes, spleen and pancreas.

Herpes virus type 5 is especially dangerous during pregnancy - it has an active negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus. This may cause:

Please note:Treatment of herpes virus type 5 is considered only during pregnancy. The advisability of preserving the fetus is determined by the doctor - if the infection occurred after conception, then this is an absolute medical indication for artificial termination of pregnancy. In case of infection with herpes virus type 5, long before pregnancy, doctors prescribe antiviral, symptomatic therapy and a course of treatment with immunomodulators.

Herpes virus type 6

This type of disease in question is present in the etiopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. The disease manifests itself in people aged 20 years and older; multiple sclerosis has not been diagnosed at an earlier age.


Signs of multiple sclerosis include:

  • constant fatigue;
  • often recurrent;
  • disturbance of sensitivity in various manifestations - tactile, temperature and others.

These are the early symptoms of multiple sclerosis caused by herpes virus type 6, but as the disease develops, more serious signs of pathological damage to the patient’s organs and systems appear. These include:

  • rapid changes in mood, disturbances in the psycho-emotional background;
  • decreased visual acuity, double vision of any object;
  • slow-witted;
  • complete absence of pain reaction;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • muscle spasms, cramps;
  • unusual pronunciation of words;
  • violation of the swallowing instinct.

Please note:The clinical picture of herpes virus type 6 can be variable - it all depends on which parts of the central nervous system are affected by the virus. This process is unpredictable, so doctors are careful in determining the symptoms of the type of herpes in question.

Treatment of herpes type 6

In the process of carrying out therapeutic measures, doctors use a whole range of medications:

  • antioxidants;
  • angioprotectors;
  • corticosteroids;
  • drugs with immunomodulatory effects;
  • production stimulating agents;
  • immunoglobulins.

But this list is far from complete - medications are selected on a strictly individual basis and only by specialists.

Herpes virus type 7

Most often, this herpes virus is combined with herpes type 6. This combination provokes the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, which is actually not a dangerous disease, and cancer of the lymphoid tissue.

This type of disease in question is characterized by the following manifestations:

Diagnostic measures and treatment

Diagnosis of herpes virus type 7 is carried out only in laboratory conditions - the patient’s blood is examined. The following methods are used:

  • immunogram.

Treatment of this type of herpes consists of antiviral therapy, which is aimed at strengthening the immune system.

Please note:preventive measures have not yet been developed.

Herpes type 8

Herpes virus type 8 affects lymphocytes, but can remain in the body of absolutely healthy people for a long time. Routes of transmission of herpes virus type 8: through the placenta from mother to child during pregnancy, during organ transplantation, and can be activated during radiation therapy.

Symptoms and treatment

Herpes virus type 8 causes several cancers:

  • Kaposi's sarcoma– formation of multiple malignant neoplasms;
  • primary– oncology with damage to the serous membranes;
  • Castleman disease.

Treatment of such serious cancers is carried out through the use of radiation therapy or surgery.

All types of herpes virus must be treated - the general state of human health will depend on this. There are no safe diseases, especially those of viral etiology - the lack of therapy can lead to irreversible pathological processes in organs and systems.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of herpes

Important:You cannot rely solely on traditional medicine - remedies from this category can only strengthen the immune system, but cannot in any way get rid of the virus. Even completely official medications cannot cope with this task! But you shouldn’t give up traditional medicine either - some remedies will actually effectively curb the appearance of signs of various diseases caused by herpes viruses.

Pour 3 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 6-8 hours (it is better to prepare the product overnight). The resulting infusion can be taken orally, 1 tablespoon immediately after meals - this will help quickly relieve inflammation in the upper respiratory tract and restore immunity during a cold.

If symptoms of herpes simplex type 1 appear, namely a rash on the lips, then you need to moisten a gauze pad in the resulting infusion of chamomile and make lotions. This will speed up the healing process of a “cold” on the lips, and if there is purulent inflammation, then chamomile will “draw out” all the liquid.

This plant is brewed in the same proportions as chamomile. But both traditional healers and trained doctors warn: you should not drink too much of this tea. The maximum permissible dosage is 500 ml per day, and not in one gulp, but in several doses.

Please note:Licorice root can cause severe poisoning, therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use a medicine based on it during pregnancy, with diagnosed hypertension and renal failure.

This plant acts on the herpes virus from the inside, so the effect is quite impressive. Some healers recommend eating 2 flowers of this plant every day and treating in this way for 2 weeks, and then taking a break for 10-15 days.

You can prepare a decoction from the stems and leaves of tansy - 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water, cook the decoction for 10 minutes at low boil. Take 1 teaspoon of tansy decoction once a day after meals.

You can use the same decoction for external use - lubricate the affected areas of the skin, make lotions.

Oils in the treatment of herpes

To treat herpes rashes, it will be effective to use various oils - tea tree, fir, camphor. During the period when such manifestations of herpes of any type appear, simply lubricate the affected areas of the skin 3-4 times a day.

Please note:
Any remedies prepared according to prescriptions from the category of traditional medicine cannot be used in the treatment of herpes without first consulting a doctor. Firstly, it is necessary to exclude banal hypersensitivity and/or individual intolerance. Secondly, the above medicinal plants have quite a powerful healing effect and in some cases can provoke a deterioration in health. Thirdly, it is necessary to exclude/confirm the presence of diseases concomitant with herpes in order to outline the direction of the therapeutic course.

Herpes is often an almost harmless disease, but there are types of this virus that can become really dangerous not only to the health, but also to the life of the patient. Only a doctor’s consultation and competent, timely medical care will help patients.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

Herpes(from the ancient Greek word "herpain" - crawl) is a group of viral diseases that is accompanied by rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

Treatment of herpes is carried out according to a certain scheme and is aimed at getting rid of the infection in several stages.

So, initially it is necessary to direct efforts to reduce the severity and duration of itching, pain, and fever. It is further important to reduce the time required for complete healing of lesions resulting from the disease. Subsequent treatment of herpes is aimed at reducing the severity and frequency of relapses of the disease. The next stage of treatment is eliminating the infection in order to eliminate the recurrence of herpes.

Most often, in the process of drug treatment of herpes, local ones are used. They directly eliminate the cause of the disease, that is, the herpes simplex virus. To increase the effectiveness of the effects of such products, they are recommended to be used immediately after the onset of rashes.

There is also , which is used to prevent herpes.

involves the use of a number of different methods proven by traditional medicine. It is important to take into account that such treatment involves not only the use of medications externally, but also the use of vitamin decoctions, as well as herbs with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.

So, it is advisable to treat herpes on the lips using traditional methods immediately after its first manifestations. At the first symptoms of herpes, you can apply an ice cube made from natural coffee to the area. This will help prevent further spread of the disease.

An effective remedy for treating herpes on the lips is the following mixture: half a cup of sugar-free yogurt should be mixed with one teaspoon of instant coffee. Add one tablespoon of flour and honey to the mixture, as well as two chopped garlic cloves. The mixture should be mixed and lubricated with it on the affected area once a day. You need to hold the mass until it falls off on its own. After this, the procedure can be repeated again.

In addition, traditional medicine suggests that you can get rid of herpes symptoms faster by consuming certain foods that help fight the infection. The diet should include as much milk and fermented milk products, potatoes, meat and fish dishes, as well as beans and eggs. At the same time, an exacerbation of herpes can occur after eating nuts (peanuts have a particularly negative effect in this case), seeds, and grain products. You should regularly eat garlic, which activates the body's defenses.

Another piece of traditional medicine advice is to use earwax, which is removed from the ears with a cotton swab, to treat herpes. It is also recommended to use folk remedies as a treatment for herpes. to lubricate the manifestations of herpes on the lips.

There are also more original folk remedies that effectively affect the condition of a patient with herpes. After preparing hot tea, you need to dip a spoon into it and wait until it is completely warmed up. A heated spoon is applied to the sore spot. This action must be performed several times a day. It is important that the spoon used for such treatment is made of silver or stainless steel. A heated spoon should be applied to the affected area at least ten to fifteen times in one “session”.

To treat herpes on the lips, you can use a cotton swab moistened with cologne, 70% alcohol or valocordin. This cotton wool is applied to the affected area. This causes pain, but the herpes dries out perfectly as a result of this procedure.

Herpes ulcers can also be lubricated with egg white. This procedure can even be performed several times a day, because it helps dry out the affected areas.

An ointment prepared by mixing one tablespoon of ash, half a tablespoon of honey and three crushed cloves of garlic is also effective. By the way, treatment of genital herpes, as well as herpes on the lips, can be done by lubricating the affected areas with ash without additives.

Garlic without additives is an equally effective remedy for herpes. You just need to cut one clove of garlic and rub it on the affected area. It is best to do this procedure immediately before bed. After applying garlic, you can apply a mixture of equal parts honey and apple cider vinegar to the rash.

If manifestations of herpes occur after severe hypothermia, it can be treated with simple table salt. Several grains of it should be applied to areas with rashes; this procedure should be done several times a day.

A compress for the treatment of herpes can also be prepared from grated garlic, apples and potatoes.

Like the juice of the previously mentioned Kalanchoe, it is an excellent remedy for the treatment of herpes. You can simply tear off a fresh leaf from the plant and periodically lubricate the sore spot with its juice. In addition, for the prevention and treatment of herpes, it is recommended to take one teaspoon of aloe juice before each meal. To make its bitter taste more palatable, this juice can be diluted with honey.

When using folk remedies to treat herpes, it is necessary to take into account the fact that all of them must be combined with traditional treatment of the disease and must be approved by the attending physician.

Treatment of herpes with herbs

Some medicinal herbs can also restore tissue and prevent the progression of secondary infection. In this case we are talking about the treatment of genital herpes and herpes on the lips.

So, viburnum infusion is well suited for this. To prepare it, you need to grind four tablespoons of ripe viburnum berries and pour them with one glass of water. After four hours, you can drink the infusion several times a day, half a glass.

To effectively fight the herpes virus, choleretic plants are also suitable - immortelle, tansy, celandine. And the juice of tricolor violet is useful for treating herpes on the lips: you just need to lubricate the rash with the juice of the plant.

Another recipe suitable for both the treatment of genital herpes and the elimination of herpes on the lips is a self-prepared calendula ointment. To do this, take one part of calendula flowers and mix them with ten parts of olive oil. With this product you need to thoroughly lubricate all areas affected by herpes several times a day. It is also allowed to lubricate such places with ordinary pure calendula juice.

Places where herpes rashes are present can also be lubricated with juice squeezed from aspen leaves. Another remedy suitable for treating herpes on the lips can be made from two tablespoons of crushed ash leaves, four tablespoons of pre-crushed garlic and six tablespoons of honey. This ointment should be applied to the affected points three times a day and kept there for at least two hours.

To moisten the affected areas, you can prepare a decoction of peppermint: just pour one tablespoon of mint with a glass of water and cook for 15 minutes. After straining, the decoction can be used.

Herpes can also be treated by drinking lemon balm infusion. You need to drink it regularly for several weeks. To prepare such an infusion, you need to take two tablespoons of the herb and pour two glasses of boiling water over them. The tincture is prepared for two hours, after which it is filtered.

Two tablespoons of arnica flowers are poured with half a liter of boiling water. After two hours of infusion, the product is filtered and used as compresses.

People who suffer from frequent herpes can prepare celandine juice in canned form. In May and June, when the juice of this herb is most healing, the herb is passed through a meat grinder along with the roots. After this, the juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp and poured into bottles so that two centimeters remain to the top of the bottle. The container must be hermetically sealed, and after a week begin to open it regularly to release the gases that appear during fermentation. Celandine juice is used to lubricate affected areas several times a day. There is no need to apply bandages to the lubricated area.

Crushed raspberry branches can also be applied to the sore spot. The branches are first washed, cut into pieces and crushed. This gruel effectively treats herpes, because raspberries contain a lot polyphenolic substances , which suppress the herpes virus.

Fresh juices are also indispensable in the process of treating herpes with folk remedies, which have a huge positive effect on the defenses of the human body. A mixture of juice from fresh beet tops, carrots, apples and parsley has a good effect in the process of complex therapy of herpes. You need to drink it all day in small portions.

An herbal mixture to increase immunity can be prepared from the root of Rhodiola rosea and rosea, St. John's wort, rose hips and hawthorn, and nettle herb. All these components need to be mixed in equal parts, take a tablespoon of this mixture and pour boiling water over it. After infusing the mixture for half an hour, you should drink it before meals three times a day.



Prevention of herpes

Prevention of herpes includes following a special diet aimed at strengthening the immune system, which includes sufficient amounts of vitamins A, C, E, as well as the microelement zinc. Hardening and vitamin therapy are also of great importance for the prevention of the disease. It is also important to maintain personal hygiene, treat chronic diseases and strengthen the body's immune system. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, not to be in direct sunlight for a long time, not to get carried away with coffee and alcohol, in particular beer, as well as fizzy sweet drinks.

According to most, herpes is a characteristic, but not dangerous, rash on the lips, which is accompanied by mild itching. This is only partly true, and experts present the herpes problem as more complex.

In fact, it is a viral disease with a characteristic rash of blisters on the mucous membranes and skin. This virus, like any other, infects a human cell and integrates into its genetic apparatus. And with each cell division, the virus is transmitted to others along with hereditary information.

Now, according to the World Health Organization, almost every person on Earth suffers from the herpes simplex virus. But this does not mean that everyone is sick. In some people it appears once a month, in others once a year, and in others the virus does not bother them at all. But when immunity sharply decreases, the infection can become more active.

Herpes can be spread through kissing, airborne transmission, sharing a cup, or unwashed hands. And once it enters, the virus remains in the nerve plexuses of the spine for life.

When infected with the herpes virus, the pain, body aches and fever characteristic of a cold appear. And in the infected area, the lymph nodes become enlarged. But fever on the lip is the final stage of infection. When the blisters heal, the affected area is no longer contagious.

What is herpes? Herpes symptoms and treatment methods

The one described above is the first type of virus. The second one appears during sexual contact with an infected person. And he, too, does not appear for the time being. Scientists say that this genital herpes virus is asymptomatic in the majority.

To prevent herpes, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, physical and mental stress and include foods rich in proteins and vitamins in the menu.

How to cure herpes?

Now, unfortunately, there are no drugs that can cure herpes. But its manifestations can be dealt with. You can treat herpes at home with drugs called nucleosides. For many years, the most popular drug has been Acyclovir.

However, the infection can be treated with folk remedies. To treat herpes at home, look in your supplies for a piece of uncoated white paper. Roll it into a cone, place it on a clean plate with its base and lower it into a bathtub or enamel sink - this is necessary for the fire safety of the procedure, since the cone must be burned. Light the paper from the top of the cone and when halfway burned, tip it off the plate into the sink.

You will see gum resin on the surface of the plate. This is a balm that you need to quickly remove with your finger and spread only on the affected area of ​​the skin. The medicine will help reduce the treatment period and the frequency of herpes outbreaks several times. Now, if this procedure is carried out at the initial phase of the disease, then the bubbles may not appear at all.

Another effective method to treat herpes on the lips. Soak the virus with Valocordin several times a day and notice how the herpes will subside.

Boost your immunity to treat herpes

Herpes on the lip can be treated even before its active phase. To do this, it is recommended to lubricate the affected area with earwax 2-3 times a day. Moreover, it must be thoroughly rubbed into sore spots. Herpes can be treated in this way on the body and even in the nose. After 2-3 such procedures, the disease begins to recede.

How to cure herpes on the lips during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, herpes can be treated with the same folk remedies. Sufferers can relieve the disease with raspberry branches. Rinse the cut branches with boiled water, cut into 2-centimeter pieces and chew in the mouth to a pulp. Apply the resulting porridge to the affected area of ​​the skin. Raspberry bushes contain polyphenolic substances that suppress the herpes virus.

As soon as a “cold” begins to appear on your lip, you need to take a head of garlic, crush it, put the pulp in gauze, roll it up and rub the sores. There should be no burning sensation. After this, dilute apple cider vinegar and honey in a ratio of one to one, mix and smear the bubbles twice a day.

The body's protective functions are stimulated by beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, ascorbic acid, and zinc, which are contained in beets. You can make the following medicine. Squeeze the juice from beet tops, two carrots, an apple and a bunch of parsley. And drink the resulting liquid in small portions throughout the day. This will help increase immunity and the body's resistance to viruses.

How to treat herpes on the lips?

The herpes virus can be passed from parent to child. And after that, just doze in a small body for the time being. Rashes may occasionally bother you, but it is worth remembering that the infection not only appears on the surface of the body, but also affects the body from the inside. Therefore, it is important to constantly increase and maintain the baby’s immunity in every possible way. How and how to treat herpes in children is best known by the doctor. In this case, it is better not to self-medicate.

How to treat genital herpes

Genital herpes is a more serious disease, for the treatment of which you should first consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and receive a full course of treatment. Nowadays there is no doctor who deals only with genital herpes. Such patients are treated by urologists, gynecologists and venereologists. You can choose anyone.

For the local treatment of genital herpes, the drug Acyclovir is used. They should be lubricated on the affected areas of the skin 5 times a day for 10 days in a row. In addition, Valacyclovir is used. They are smeared with it 2 times a day for 10 days. Foscarnet or Fascavir are also used locally in the form of applications to the affected areas.

Among other things, patients with genital herpes are given a vaccine that contains killed herpes viruses, but during remission. 5 injections of 0.2 ml of vaccine should be given. This procedure should be carried out twice a year.

Genital herpes in men

It is worth noting that herpes does not need to be treated with pills. All procedures can be limited to frequent lubrication with ointments. And under no circumstances should you squeeze out herpes blisters. Otherwise, you can get an infection.

The editors of the site wish you good health and strong immunity, so that no diseases can break you.
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Good day, dear visitors of the project “Good IS!” ", section " "!

In today's article we will get to know you better about a disease such as herpes. So...

Herpes(Greek “herpes” - creeping, spreading skin disease) is a viral disease with a characteristic rash of grouped blisters on the skin and mucous membranes.

Herpes- This is the most common viral disease, the causative agent of which is HSV, that is, the herpes simplex virus. About 90% of the world's population have the herpes simplex virus, but only 5% of these people show symptoms of the disease; in the rest, herpes disease occurs without clinical consequences.

Virus family "Herpesviridae" can cause life-threatening diseases, infections, recurrent diseases, transplacental infections, which can cause congenital deformities in children.

The virus most often affects:

Recurrences can occur on the red border of the lips, the porches of the nose, eyelids, cheeks, ears, forehead, gums, inner surface of the lips and cheeks. The most common place for relapses is in the corners of the mouth, but unfortunately there are cases when inflammation occurs in almost all of the above places.

Types of herpes

There are 8 types of herpes viruses found in humans.

1. Herpes simplex type I- most often causes blisters on the lips.
2. Herpes simplex type II- in most cases causes genital problems.
3. Varicella zoster virus: childhood chickenpox and herpes zoster virus type III.
4. Epstein-Barr virus - type IV virus- causes the disease infectious mononucleosis.
5. Cytomegalovirus- V type.

The meaning of types VI, VII and VIII is not entirely clear. They are believed to play a role in chronic fatigue syndrome, the sudden onset of rashes. There are even suggestions about the role of herpes in the development of schizophrenia.

Simple herpes type I (English: Herpes simplex). Herpes simplex virus type 1, whose visible symptoms are called “”, infects the face and mouth and is the most common form of infection.

Herpes simplex type II. The second most common infection is herpes simplex virus type 2, which causes diseases of the genital organs. Genital herpes is often asymptomatic while transmission of the virus continues. After primary infection, viruses migrate to sensory nerves, where they remain in latent form for life. Relapses of the disease are not defined in time, although some triggers of the disease have been identified. Over time, periods of active infection become shorter.

Herpes simplex- a group of crowded bubbles with transparent contents on an inflamed base. Herpes is preceded by itching, burning of the skin, and sometimes malaise.

Herpes zoster- characterized by pain along the nerve, headache. After a few days, rashes appear in the form of grouped blisters on the skin along the nerve, first with transparent and then purulent bloody contents. , the general condition is disturbed. Neuralgic pain can last up to several months.

More photos of herpes can be seen on the forum.

Stages of development of herpes simplex

In its development, the disease passes through stage IV:

Stage I- tingling. This is when most people feel like they are getting sick. Before a “cold” appears, the skin in the corners of the mouth or the inner surface of the lips, or on the tongue, or elsewhere on the face begins to itch.

In the place where a relapse of herpes will soon develop, harbingers of the disease appear: pain, tingling, tingling, itching. The skin over the site of future relapse turns red.

The development of the disease can be prevented if acyclovir-based drugs are used at this stage. If you are suffering from severe itching, you can take an Aspirin tablet or a tablet.

Stage II- stage of inflammation. It starts with a small, painful blister that gradually increases in size. The bubble is tense and filled with a clear liquid, which later becomes cloudy.

III stage- stage of ulceration. The bubble bursts and a colorless liquid oozes out, filled with billions of viral particles. An ulcer forms in its place. At this moment, the sick person is very contagious, as he releases a huge amount of viral particles into the environment. Due to the soreness and sores on the face, this stage is the most annoying for people.

IV stage- scab formation. A crust forms over the ulcers, and if damaged, pain and bleeding may occur.

Important! If the “cold” does not go away within 10 days, be sure to consult a dermatologist, since a “cold” on the lips can be a symptom of other serious diseases that require specialized treatment.

A prolonged course of colds on the lips (more than 30 days) may be a sign of a sharp decrease in immunity, benign tumors and oncological diseases, and lymphoproliferative diseases.

In people with reduced immunity (immunosuppression, HIV infection), necrotic forms of the course with the formation of scars on the skin are possible.

Stages of development of genital herpes

Depending on the time of infection of the patient with the herpes simplex virus, genital herpes can be primary (the first time in the patient’s life) or recurrent (two or more times). Accordingly, the symptoms and signs of genital herpes will be slightly different.

Primary genital herpes, as a rule, is asymptomatic, subsequently leading to latent virus carriage or the development of recurrent herpes.

From the point of view of the spread of the herpes simplex virus, this asymptomatic form is considered the most dangerous, since without finding symptoms of herpes and not knowing about it, a person continues to have an active sex life, infecting partners. It should also be noted that it is during the period of primary development of infection that herpes is especially contagious.

Primary genital herpes usually manifests itself after 1-10 days of the incubation period and differs from subsequent exacerbations in its more severe and prolonged course.

So, places of rashes. Recurrences can occur not only outside the genitals, but also inside the urethra or vagina, as well as on the thighs and legs. In women, genital herpes often appears on the buttocks and is associated with the approach of menstruation. A blistering rash in and inside the rectum is also a symptom of genital herpes.

The symptoms of genital herpes themselves are similar to the symptoms of herpes on the lips.

The effect of herpes on humans

The herpes virus is transmitted by direct contact, as well as through household items. Airborne transmission of infection is also possible. Herpes penetrates through the mucous membranes of the mouth, upper respiratory tract and genitals. Having overcome tissue barriers, the virus enters the blood and lymph. Then it enters various internal organs.

The virus penetrates sensitive nerve endings and integrates into the genetic apparatus of nerve cells. After this, it is impossible to remove the virus from the body; it will remain with the person for life. The immune system responds to the penetration of herpes by producing specific antibodies that block viral particles circulating in the blood. The awakening of infection is typical in the cold season, with colds, with. Reproduction of herpes in epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes leads to the development of dystrophy and cell death.

According to research by Columbia University scientists, herpes is a stimulating factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease. These data were later independently confirmed by researchers from the University of Manchester. Previously, the same group of researchers led by Ruth Itzhaki proved that the herpes simplex virus is found in the brains of almost 70% of patients with Alzheimer's disease. In addition, they confirmed that when a brain cell culture is infected with a virus, there is a significant increase in the level of beta-amyloid, from which plaques are formed. In a recent study, scientists were able to find that 90% of plaques in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease contain DNA from herpes simplex - HSV-1.

Complications of herpes

Complications of herpes can cause very bad consequences. First of all, this is intrauterine infection of the fetus. Herpes in the cervix can cause infertility. There are also cases of the development of herpes viruses in the nervous structures of the pelvis, which lead to persistent pain syndromes, ganglionitis, and pelvic sympathalgia.

Causes of herpes

Herpes simplex viruses are very easily transmitted through direct contact with lesions or biological fluids of an infected patient. Transmission can also occur through skin-to-skin contact during periods of asymptomatic illness.

Risk factors for HSV-1 infection in childhood include poor hygiene practices, overcrowding, low socioeconomic status, and birth in undeveloped countries.

In the external environment at room temperature and normal humidity, the herpes simplex virus persists for 24 hours, at a temperature of 50-52°C it is inactivated after 30 minutes, and at low temperatures (−70°C) the virus is able to remain viable for 5 days. On metal surfaces (coins, door handles, water taps) the virus survives for 2 hours, on damp sterile medical cotton wool and gauze - during the entire drying time (up to 6 hours).

Herpes can also be transmitted in the following cases:

Currently, no guaranteed cure for herpes has been found. There are, however, drugs that, when taken regularly, can effectively suppress the symptoms of virus infection, its reproduction and development (that is, improve the patient’s quality of life):

Acyclovir (Zovirax, Zovirax and numerous generics). An antiviral drug that prevents the virus from multiplying in cells. Dosage form - tablets, cream and injection solution. Relatively cheap, effective for most patients.

Valacyclovir (Valtrex, Valtrex). It differs from acyclovir only in the delivery method, but is more effective. In most cases, it completely suppresses the symptoms of the virus and its biological activity, blocks its reproduction and is highly likely to prevent transmission of the virus to other partners during contact. Currently, in the West, this drug is the main treatment for herpes.

Famciclovir (Famvir, Famvir). Oral form of penciclovir. Effective against strains of the Herpes zoster and Herpes simplex virus (including those resistant to acyclovir and those with altered DNA polymerase). The principle of action is similar to acyclovir and Valtrex. It is highly effective.

Panavir. Plant biologically active polysaccharide, belongs to the class of hexose glycosides. Shows polyvalent antiviral activity. For about 2 days it relieves pain, itching and burning. Systemic and local forms for complex therapy have been developed: solution for intravenous administration, rectal suppositories and gel. Non-toxic, increases the remission period by more than 3 times.

In the USA, the drug is used to treat herpes Docosanol (in Russia - Erazaban). It is also included in many creams as a skin softener.

Proteflazid (Drops). Drops are intended for the treatment of herpes simplex.

Flavoside (Syrup). The syrup is intended for the treatment of herpes simplex.

- eliminated with lotions with urine evaporated to ¼. Perform procedures 4 times a day. After each When using the lotion, lubricate the sore spots with the raw white of a fresh chicken egg. Allow to dry until a film forms on the rash. The herpes will heal in 3-4 days.

- You can be treated with lotions with freshly squeezed juice. Apply them 2-3 times a day.

- take lemon balm infusion for 2-3 weeks. You need 2 tbsp. crushed herb, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals.

- compresses with grated garlic, apple or potato, it is very good to treat rashes with freshly squeezed juice from alder or aspen leaves, lubricate with the juices of onions, milkweed, figs or.

— take a piece of ice from the freezer, wrap it in a thin cloth and apply it to the painful area for 10 minutes. Do the procedure three times a day, and the next day there will be no herpes.

- brush the rashes with beaten egg white as often as possible.

- dissolve in 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 5 drops of geranium and eucalyptus juice, and then lubricate the area of ​​the rash with this solution 4-5 times a day.

- Moisten the cold sore and gently rub it with salt. Do this as often as possible. Get rid of it in a day

- lubricate the painful areas of herpes and around them with pharmaceutical propolis tincture

- every day, 4-6 times a day after meals, it is necessary to lubricate the painful area with the Fukortsin solution (Castellani liquid), which is sold in pharmacies. You also need to buy pharmaceutical ointment “Celestoderm B with Garamycin” and after lubricating the ulcer with “Fukorcin”, apply a tampon with ointment to it.

- 1 tbsp. crushed fresh celandine herb, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, and then soak sterile cotton wool in the infusion and wipe the rash areas with it every hour. The pain will pass, the rash will dry out, and the herpes will leave you.

- Lubricate the protruding herpes with vegetable oil (preferably fir) and sprinkle with salt. Do this 3-4 times a day until recovery.

- before bed, take a small spoon (which is used to scoop up mustard) of hellebore mixed with a teaspoon of honey.

- Sprinkle the wounds with Streptocide. The next day the herpes will dry out, and after a few days it will disappear altogether.

- 2 tsp. meadowsweet flowers and 1 tsp. Place the flowers in a liter jar and fill with ½ liter of vodka. Cover with a plastic lid and leave to infuse for a month in a dark place. Shake occasionally. After steeping, strain. At the initial rash of herpes, apply a cotton wool moistened with tincture to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes. If the herpes has gained strength, additionally take the tincture orally: 1 tsp. per 100 g of boiled water 2 times a day. At the same dose, the tincture also helps well with.

- if you have herpes in your blood, you can drink Colloidal Silver with liquid Chlorophyll.

- herpes on the lips can be cured by frequently lubricating the sore with sea buckthorn oil.

- as soon as you notice that herpes begins to rash, you should immediately anoint the affected areas with toothpaste. Everything goes by quickly. You can also smear a bruise or cut.

- take a peeled clove of garlic, chop it and rub it on the rash. Do not lubricate, but rather rub so that the garlic juice penetrates inside. It is advisable to rub garlic at night so that the rashes do not have contact with liquid. You can also use onion instead of garlic.

- getting rid of herpes in the initial stage. Grind and mix by weight 2 parts of sage and linden flowers, 1 part of woodruff, 3 parts of samosil (Dubrovnik), then 1 tsp. Pour the mixture into an enamel pan with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute over low heat. After this, turn off the heat, wrap the pan warmly and leave to steep until the broth cools. Drink it warm, 2 tbsp. 4-5 times a day. Apply the same decoction to the areas of herpes.

Myths about herpes infection

With the onset of cold weather, more and more people with characteristic rashes on the lips appear. It would seem that this is a common and not at all mysterious disease, but the average patient knows nothing about herpes - except that “it’s a fever on the lips.”

Herodotus wrote about herpes a hundred years BC: it was the “father of history” who gave herpes its modern name (from the Greek “herpein” - to crawl) - due to the ability of herpetic ulcers to “spread” in different directions from the primary vesicle on the skin. Over many centuries of “communication” with herpes, this disease has become overgrown with myths.

Let's try to deal with the most common of them.

Myth 1. Herpes is not contagious. Quite the opposite. Herpes is transmitted by airborne droplets (coughing, sneezing, talking), contact (kissing, sharing utensils, lipstick) and sexual contact. It is also possible that the child is infected from the mother while passing through the birth canal. Typically, this happens if the mother becomes infected with genital herpes during the third trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, her body does not have time to produce antibodies, which she passes on to the child. And if there is damage to the placenta, the child can become infected in the uterine period - this is called congenital herpes.

Myth 2. Herpes is a manifestation of a “cold”. In fact, herpes is an independent disease that is caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is usually activated by hypothermia, overwork, exacerbation of chronic diseases or a decrease in general immunity.

Myth 3. If rashes appear on the lips, the cold has subsided. The popular view, however, has nothing to do with reality. In reality, rashes mean that a previous respiratory infection has weakened the immune system, and this has given the herpes virus the opportunity to act actively.

Myth 4. If the rash goes away, herpes is cured. This would be very cool, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to remove the virus from the body. It stays with a person for life, and you can only force it to be in a “sleeping” state. Therefore, 95% of people have the herpes virus, and the majority acquire it at the age of 3-4 years, but its manifestation is only in about 20% of people.

Myth 5. You can only get herpes if you have a rash. Indeed, in the active phase of the disease, a larger number of viral particles are released and the likelihood of infection is higher. But infection can be transmitted at any time through invisible microtraumas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Myth 6. Herpes on the lips (labial) and on the genitals (genital) are two completely different diseases; infection does not occur during oral sex. This is only partially correct. Indeed, labial herpes is usually caused by the first type of herpes simplex virus (HSV-1), and genital herpes by the second (HSV-2). However, both types of the virus can cause a rash on both the lips and genitals. Especially often, such a change in “place of residence” occurs during oral sex.

Myth 7. A condom completely protects against infection with genital herpes. A condom does reduce the risk of infection, but, unfortunately, it does not provide a 100% guarantee. Transmission of the virus can occur through areas of the body not covered by a condom, or through certain defects in the “rubber friend” (for example, poor quality or excessively porous).

Myth 8. The best treatment is cauterization with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green.. Cauterization does not affect the herpes virus and its activity, but it is very easy to burn damaged skin and mucous membranes in this way. It is better to carefully lubricate the rash with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol, so that a purulent infection does not occur. Namely, exacerbations of herpes are treated with special antiviral drugs, for example, acyclovir, which prevents the multiplication of the virus. For frequent exacerbations, medications that stimulate the immune system and restoratives are used.

Myth 9. Herpes is a harmless disease and only affects the skin.. In fact, herpes ranks second in mortality from viral infections, second only to. The herpes simplex virus is integrated into the genome of nerve cells, so the rash occurs at the sites of nerve endings and is accompanied by severe pain. Theoretically, herpes can appear anywhere there is nervous tissue, which means in almost any organ. With a decrease in general and local immunity, herpetic inflammation can develop in the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx, cornea and conjunctiva of the eye, lymph nodes, internal genital organs, intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs and central nervous system. When the brain is damaged, most patients die or remain disabled.

Are you wondering what herpes is? In short, herpes is a virus that develops a viral infection in the human body, causing a number of diseases. There are more than two hundred strains of herpes that are very poorly studied, but eight of them have been found in specific diseases, so we can study them and try to fight them. The herpes virus is incurable, but it can be suppressed. Below we will look in detail at what the herpes virus is, what symptoms it causes and how it is treated in the modern world.

Herpes is a viral infection that got its name for the symptoms of a blistering rash, similar to a creeping substance and affecting the skin. In Greek, herpes means “creeping,” or a disease that spreads across the skin.

Herpes viruses can live in both humans and animals. Strains that exclusively treat humans as a carrier are called human herpes viruses. Any strain of herpes, entering the body, goes into a latent form and cannot be cured completely. It is located in the nerve ganglia and constantly multiplies. During this time, the immune system produces antibodies to maintain balance in the body. If the immune system weakens, a relapse of the disease will occur and the herpes virus cells will begin to crawl out.

Almost all people living in the civilized world become infected with herpes in early childhood. The most common way a herpes infection enters the human body is through airborne droplets or infection through saliva, usually from mother to child. After this, infection occurs with the herpes simplex virus, which first causes and then becomes chronic. Frequent infection also occurs through the placenta from the pregnant woman to the fetus or during childbirth, when the child passes through the birth canal.

If a person has never had a herpes infection as a child or adult, this does not mean that herpes is not present in the body. People with a good immune system may never encounter herpes symptoms at all in their lives. To make sure that the herpes virus is present in most people, laboratory testing should be done, and almost always, even if a person has not had symptoms, tests will show the presence of viral DNA in the blood.

About the types of herpesvirus

The human herpes virus (HHV) has eight strains that have been more or less studied, let's talk about them in more detail.

  1. HSV type 1. Herpes simplex virus type 1 is the most common in the form of manifestations. It gives symptoms in different areas of the skin - it causes, manifests itself in the form of ophthalmoherpes () and in other areas of the body. Often HSV type 1 breaks out on the hands or face in different parts, affecting the facial nerve.
  2. HSV type 2. Herpes simplex virus type 2 usually manifests itself in the groin or genital area, but genital herpes is not always caused by the presence of HSV type 2 in the blood, since HSV type 1 can also be triggered. And the herpes simplex virus type 2, in turn, can affect absolutely any area of ​​the skin, but more often it appears on the genitals.
  3. Varicella zoster. This is the third type of herpes virus. This strain causes two diseases. During primary infection, as a rule, in childhood, it is the cause of chickenpox, which is usually called “chickenpox”. And when the disease relapses, after the chronic course of the disease worsens in adulthood, Varicella zoster calls out, it is also called “herpes zoster”.
  4. Epstein-barr virus. The fourth type of herpes virus. Causes many diseases, the most common of which is.
  5. Cytomegalovirus. This is the fifth type of herpes virus. Causes cytomegalovirus infection, and the vast majority of people on the planet are carriers of this virus. In severe cases, the disease affects internal organs and can be fatal.
  6. Human herpes viruses type six. There are two of them - 6A and 6B. 6A often causes multiple sclerosis, and 6B is the causative agent of roseola infantile. These are the most common manifestations, but they also cause other diseases.
  7. Herpes virus type 7. It was discovered not so long ago compared to the above strains. Often works in conjunction with the sixth type. It has been found in a number of diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), pityriasis rosea, pneumonia and other diseases.
  8. Herpes virus type 8. This virus is associated with a disease such as Kaposi's sarcoma. But, in addition to Kaposi's sarcoma, it can cause primary lymphomas and Castleman's disease.

This is a brief description of viruses; they have their own symptoms and treatment methods. We described the types of herpesvirus in more detail in the article - types of herpes.

Herpes symptoms

There are various general symptoms when a herpetic infection manifests itself. With some strains of the herpes virus, general health may be stable, while with some, on the contrary, there may be no external signs. Let's touch only on the most striking and common signs of the herpes virus.

In most cases, the manifestation of symptoms is expressed in the form of the following signs:

  • there is itching and burning, pain in some places;
  • after, small vesicles appear;
  • then the vesicles burst and form a large bubble;
  • then they begin to dry out and gradually heal.

This is what the symptoms of HSV types 1 and 2 look like. Chickenpox also develops a rash that is easy to overcome, but with shingles there are also symptoms of a neuralgic nature. And it does not give symptoms of a skin rash at all, but with infantile roseola the child can be covered almost entirely with rashes.

If we talk about the symptoms of herpes, you need to understand that different strains of the virus can give symptoms that are completely different from each other. To study in detail the symptoms of a particular strain of herpes virus or the disease caused by it, you need to refer to the appropriate sources.

Treatment of herpes

We have already found out that it is completely impossible to cure the virus due to the specific nature of its camouflage in hard-to-reach places. All that can be done is to constantly control the reproduction of the virus with the help of immunity. But when the body’s protective functions are weakened, it is possible to influence the herpesvirus with the help of antiviral agents.

There are several drugs that contain active substances to combat herpesvirus. Let's list them below:

  1. Acyclovir. This is the most famous drug that was not discovered as an antiviral agent, namely as an antiherpetic agent. There are many analogues that are called differently, but contain the same acyclovir, for example, Zovirax. There are three forms of this medicine - ointment, tablets and injections.
  2. Famciclovir. It fights quite well against the herpes zoster virus strain and both types of HSV. In some people, the virus is resistant to Acyclovir, and the drug no longer fights herpes. In this case, it makes sense to use Famciclovir.
  3. Valaciclovir. More effective than Acyclovir. It very quickly suppresses the activity of the virus and eliminates the patient’s symptoms. Prevents herpes from being transmitted through contact and household contacts to other people.

These are the most well-known and frequently used drugs to combat herpes infection. But there are many more of them. In addition to antiviral drugs, support for the immune system is also necessary in the form of taking immunomodulatory drugs, for example, Cycloferon.

Some strains cause diseases that can be treated without the use of these drugs, since the treatment becomes the responsibility of a completely different environment of the affected areas. For example, with infectious mononucleosis, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms of the disease, which manifest themselves in the form of fever, enlarged liver or spleen, and sore throat.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the symptoms and treatment of herpes differ not only from its types, but also from the form of the disease. With primary infection, symptoms may be more aggressive, and with frequent relapses, more moderate symptoms are possible, but difficult treatment. Most people suffer from the herpes simplex virus, and when diseases occur that are associated with other strains of this virus, people, even after treatment, do not suspect that their disease was caused by a herpes virus.