Why do you dream about pregnancy: what promises an interesting situation. Give birth to twins in a dream

Why do you dream about being pregnant with twins in a dream according to the dream book?

Felomena's dream book interprets pregnancy with twins as a feeling of calm and uniformity of life. For a girl, the dream promises good luck at work and in love; perhaps you will soon meet love for life.

For a man, expecting twins means a serious choice that he cannot make due to inner emptiness. Pregnancy with a boy and a girl is a good sign. Something incredibly pleasant will happen.

What happened in the dream?

In a dream, stroking your belly when pregnant with twins

If you dreamed that you were stroking your belly while you were pregnant with twins, it was a good sign. For a man, a dream is the result of thoughts about fatherhood and improving financial well-being. For a woman, a dream promises pregnancy.

Dreaming of pregnancy and childbirth of twins

The birth of twins in a dream foreshadows tender feelings and prosperity in reality. For a man, a dream speaks of greed and loneliness. It’s worth getting rid of this to prevent internal emptiness. It is not advisable to postpone current affairs; it is better to complete them as soon as possible.


Being pregnant according to the dream book

Pregnancy in a dream is interpreted in different ways by dream books. The meaning of such a dream depends on many factors. Firstly, are you currently carrying a child in reality. Secondly, perhaps your desire to be pregnant forced your subconscious to show this. Thirdly, a harbinger of events not related to this phenomenon - that’s what this is about in a dream.

Not only women of childbearing age can carry a baby while sleeping. In general, in dreams pregnancy has no gender. You need to interpret what you dreamed about in dream books depending on what stage of life you are at now.

The meaning of the dream - to be pregnant - is as follows: dream books promise a young girl mutual love, but it will soon be overshadowed by minor disagreements. If the woman is older, this may mean that she has health problems that are not known. After such a prompt from the brain, you should definitely visit a doctor.

A good profit, which can only be achieved by working hard - this is what a beautiful lady in labor dreams about. On the contrary, if she is ugly, then you should expect trouble and excitement. The man who dreamed about this doubts that he can have children. Sometimes this dream promises a lucrative contract.

An unhappy marriage, unattractive children - this is the interpretation of dreams - being pregnant, according to Miller’s dream book. Shame awaits the virgin who sees this dream. For a woman in this position, this predicts an easy birth with a successful outcome.

In a dream, being pregnant and giving birth predicts creative success, positive changes, and financial stability. If you yourself give birth, you will soon participate in events that will radically affect your affairs. Getting rid of problems in reality is what dreams of having an easy birth mean.

Prosperity, profit - this is how the dream book interprets the dream - to be pregnant with a belly. For a pregnant woman, this promises easy relief from the burden. Business people need to pay attention to financial issues. You may be being misled. The size of the deception can be determined by the size of the imaginary belly.

Pregnancy with a boy, girl, twins

Surprises and excellent news await you if you were pregnant with a girl in a dream. You will be given a present that you have been expecting for a long time - that’s another reason for dreaming about it. Businessmen and students will experience great success in their planned endeavors. For married people, this dream symbolizes receiving an inheritance and the support of sponsors. The birth of a daughter, according to the dream book, is interpreted as material well-being and a romantic adventure.

Being pregnant with a boy in a dream - for women who are pregnant, this promises the birth of a girl. For non-pregnant people, the dream promises that dreams will come true and things will go uphill. According to other dream books, a born boy predicts troubles, problems, and litigation. For males, this means enrichment.

Being pregnant with twins in a dream means that your plans will come true. You will have new perspectives, great ideas, and your luck will double. However, often such foresight symbolizes, as dream books say, your reluctance to have twins.

For a young girl, being pregnant or giving birth in a dream means preparing for her own marriage or serious relationship. This is a good sign that predicts family well-being and joy. Readiness for procreation is what dreams of the birth of a child mean.


The interpretation of a dream about twins, depending on many details, can have a wide range of interpretations. It is important to pay attention, for example, to the gender of the babies. The age of the children in the dream also matters.

As a rule, a vision of twins promises many happy moments, sweet family joys, if the dreamer felt joy when he saw the babies. Annoying babies, on the other hand, warn of trouble at work.

Who was born as a twin?

Why do you dream about twin girls?

When a woman dreams of twins, where both children are girls, the dreamer will be disappointed. Be patient, be strong, and troubles will pass. For a man, the plot about twin girls reflects inner emptiness and loneliness.

Dreaming of twin boys

If you dreamed of twin boys, this is a good sign for people who are immersed in solving professional difficulties. Hard work will bear fruit, and the sleeper will certainly receive great benefits.

Twins boy and girl in a dream

According to Felomena’s dream book, opposite-sex twins, a girl and a boy, symbolize harmony and a favorable development of events. The plot reports the imminent receipt of good news, as well as happy events in the family and personal life.


Dream Interpretation Pregnancy

pregnant Ex, Pregnant with a friend, Pregnant with a loved one, Pregnant with a rival, Pregnant with a girl, Pregnant with a boy, Pregnant with a friend, Pregnant grandma, Pregnant ex, Pregnant in a wedding dress, Pregnant granddaughter, Pregnant naked woman, Pregnant with twins, Pregnant girl, Pregnant girl, Pregnant daughter, Pregnant woman, Pregnant snake, Pregnant cow, Pregnant rat, Pregnant horse, Pregnant lover, Pregnant mother, Pregnant mouse, Pregnant bride, Pregnant daughter-in-law, Pregnant niece, Pregnant friend, Pregnant deceased, Pregnant relative, Pregnant fish, Pregnant mother-in-law, Pregnant pig, Pregnant sister, Pregnant daughter-in-law, Pregnant dog, Pregnant rival, Pregnant aunt, Pregnant gypsy, Pregnant belly, Pregnant cat, Pregnant husband, Pregnant man, Pregnant dead man, Pregnant child, Pregnant man, Stroking the pregnant belly, Knowing that you are pregnant, Unwanted pregnancy, Unexpected pregnancy, They said I'm pregnant, Find out I'm pregnant

If in a dream you dreamed of Pregnancy or saw your Pregnant Belly, Dream Interpretations offer separate interpretations for men and women. So, if a woman happened to find out that she was pregnant in a dream, perhaps the news of pregnancy awaits her in real life. For men, their own Pregnancy in a dream indicates the birth of new plans and ideas. In general, as the Dream Interpretations assure, pregnancy in a dream is a very good sign for everyone, which foreshadows either the growth of the family, or the strengthening of the financial situation and the emergence of new ideas.

They said that I was pregnant in a dream, Finding out in a dream that I was pregnant, I dreamed of my own pregnancy from a loved one (for girls and women) - to pregnancy; concerns about conception and pregnancy.

To know in a dream that you are pregnant for women of childbearing age can really foreshadow the onset of pregnancy in reality. Very often, the female body itself sends a signal about conception, and long before the exact confirmation of Pregnancy in real life. However, such dreams indicate, first of all, the extreme degree of your preoccupation with issues of conception and upcoming motherhood (pregnancy may frighten you, for some reason you really don’t want it, or, on the contrary, you are trying in every possible way, but cannot get pregnant).

I dreamed about my pregnancy and a big belly for a man- to the birth of new plans and ideas.

Your own Pregnancy in a symbolic interpretation means that in reality you will take up (you will “bear”) some new promising idea or plan, which will take up the maximum of your strength and almost all your free time. However, such dreams often appear in men whose wives are pregnant. The wife's pregnancy becomes so close to the man that he naturally “tryes on” this unusual state. Such dreams belong to the category of “empty”, provoked by real daytime fears and experiences.

Stroking a pregnant belly in a dream (for women)- to conception; (for men) - thoughts about fatherhood; to wealth.

Interpretation from the area will accept. Only a detailed decoding will help you understand exactly what you saw.

I dreamed about a pregnant girl or woman- to wealth.

In the traditional interpretation, Seeing a Pregnant Woman in a dream, you can count on well-being in all matters and financial prosperity.

I dreamed of a man's pregnant belly, I dreamed of a pregnant husband or a pregnant person in a dream, I dreamed of a pregnant man, the pregnancy of another person in a dream is the financial success of the person seen.

A Pregnant Man in a woman’s dream foreshadows only the most favorable life changes, especially if you dreamed of a Pregnant Husband. Symbolically, “Pregnancy” means the emergence of promising ideas and plans - your Husband will probably engage in some profitable business in reality. For men, the dream gives a different forecast. “Pregnant Man” for you is some familiar man who will soon surpass you in the number of plans and ideas. You can understand the dream more accurately if you remember exactly who was Pregnant in your dream. Perhaps this is a Man you really know, whose dexterity, ingenuity and enterprise you subconsciously envy in reality.

I dreamed that a friend was pregnant, I dreamed of a pregnant friend or daughter-in-law, a pregnant niece or daughter, I dreamed of a pregnant granddaughter or relative, I dreamed of a pregnant mother or sister, a pregnant aunt or daughter-in-law, the pregnancy of a daughter in a dream - to the pregnancy of the woman seen.

If in a dream you saw a woman close to you of childbearing age Pregnant, who is not Pregnant at the moment, the Dream can indeed foreshadow the woman you saw about imminent conception and pregnancy. There is an invisible relationship between close people, which allows one to receive information from a distance regarding events prepared for a loved one in reality.

I dreamed about the pregnancy of my beloved or my wife, I dreamed about my pregnant lover or bride, I saw a pregnant woman in a dream - to the pregnancy of the woman I saw; concerns about an upcoming pregnancy.

Such dreams may portend the pregnancy of the woman seen. However, First of all, this dream indicates your great fear of pregnancy in reality. This dream is a subconscious reproduction of a situation that frightens you.

I dreamed about a pregnant grandmother or mother-in-law- unexpected wealth.

Dreamed of a pregnant girl or a pregnant child- surprise, good news.

Pregnancy of a woman older than childbearing age portends unexpected profits for the one you saw in a dream. Pregnancy of a Child in a dream indicates your excessive concern about the girl’s too early development (if you saw your daughter or a very close relative). If you dreamed of a pregnant unknown girl (stranger child, non-existent character), the dream predicts surprise and receiving unexpected news.

I dreamed that a friend or rival was pregnant, Pregnant rival in a dream- envy; fear; thoughts about pregnancy.

The pregnancy of a woman for whom you do not have warm feelings indicates, first of all, envy on your part. Perhaps you dream of a child, but you cannot conceive one. Or, in a symbolic interpretation, greater success awaits your Rival. And at the same time, the Pregnancy of your Rival in a dream indicates your subconscious fear. You are afraid that this woman will actually become pregnant and thereby tie your man to her.

I dreamed that I was pregnant with a boy or girl- to pregnancy with a child of the same sex.

Such dreams can really tell you the gender (as well as height, weight and other parameters) of an unborn child. The mother can receive information about the baby she is carrying long before its birth.

I dreamed of a pregnant dead woman or a pregnant dead man- sad news; nostalgia and longing for the deceased.

If the deceased person was very close and dear to you during his lifetime, the dream does not require decoding, since it was provoked by your own feelings about the deceased and longing. If a stranger’s Corpse was pregnant in a dream, we may be talking about the need to return to the past. A corpse seen in a dream symbolizes something (or someone) from your past life. From this position, the Pregnancy of the Dead Man indicates to you that in order to find the answer to the question that worries you, you need to mentally go back.

I dreamed of pregnancy not from my husband, Pregnancy from an ex or from a friend in a dream- to treason; sexual dissatisfaction.

One way or another, the appearance in a dream of Pregnancy from strangers, with whom you do not have sexual contact in real life, indicates either your dissatisfaction with your intimate life in reality, or your subconscious readiness to cheat.

I dreamed about pregnancy and twins, I dreamed that you were pregnant with twins- to conceive twins; otherwise - doubly successful plans and projects.

For women of childbearing age, this dream can indeed foretell the conception of twins. However, most often such visions are provoked by one’s own desire (unwillingness) to conceive twins or twins. In a symbolic interpretation, Pregnancy with Twins in a dream foreshadows the emergence of doubly successful and promising plans and ideas.

Dreamed of a false pregnancy or a dead child- deception, disappointment; to illness.

In a symbolic interpretation, this dream predicts that what you have planned in reality is unlikely to come true. And at the same time, for women in pregnancy or just planning to conceive a child, the dream gives an alarming prognosis - your health is probably now under threat.

Dreamed of an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy- fear of conception; unexpected changes in life.

For young women, this dream indicates extreme concern about issues of conception and pregnancy. Pregnancy is probably not part of your plans. You think a lot about these issues, which naturally crept into your dream. For everyone else, what they see prophesies some major and unplanned changes in life.

I dreamed of a pregnant woman in a wedding dress- to an unsuccessful marriage; otherwise - favorable changes.

It is believed that the appearance of wedding paraphernalia in a dream is a very alarming sign for young people, which foretells that the wedding is not destined to take place. And at the same time, a Pregnant Woman in a dream is a favorable image, which carries a forecast of future happiness and wealth. In general, a favorable dream for people who do not plan to tie the knot.

Dreamed of a naked pregnant woman- astonishment; to the appearance of a rival; for men - sexual interest.

For women, this dream gives an alarming forecast - a powerful rival may indeed appear in your life. For men, what they see indicates sexual interest specifically in the Pregnant woman. Many men have a subconscious desire to enter into a position.

I dreamed about a pregnant gypsy- to joy; having fun; wealth.

A gypsy in a dream is deciphered in the meaning of “exotic character,” which in most cases foreshadows joy and a fun pastime.

I dreamed of a pregnant snake- wisdom, Experience; danger, The power of the unconscious.

I dreamed of a pregnant cow- to wealth.

Dreamed of a pregnant rat or mouse- minor household chores and problems.

I dreamed of a pregnant horse- the birth of a new creative thought or idea.

I dreamed of a pregnant fish- to pregnancy.

I dreamed of a pregnant pig- wealth.

I dreamed of a pregnant dog- adding a friend to the family.

I dreamed of a pregnant cat- unexpected news; your voluptuousness will not lead to good.

Having learned the interpretation of the animal that was Pregnant in a dream, you will be able to make a near-term forecast for yourself. However, such dreams for women of childbearing age may portend the onset of pregnancy in reality (Pregnant women, Animals, Children or baby animals appear in a dream on the eve of pregnancy). In general, such dreams are considered very favorable and foreshadow strengthening of financial well-being.


Today I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, and my belly was very big... Why is this???


I believe

If an innocent girl dreams of pregnancy, this is a shame.
If not virgin, this is a good dream - it means that your great desire, which you have been trying to fulfill for a long time, will soon come true

one like this

Dream book online
(according to Miller)

For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband and her children will be unattractive.
For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune. If the sleeping woman is really pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prognosis for her successful delivery of the burden and a speedy restoration of strength.

(by David Loff)

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

(according to Freud)

If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, it means that in real life this event will not be long in coming. For a man, dreaming of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child with his partner.

Nazim Muxtarov

Well, how can you have a small belly if you have twins?

Woman pregnant with twins

Dream Interpretation Woman Pregnant with Twins dreamed of why a woman pregnant with twins dreams? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a woman pregnant with twins in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant (see woman)

Profit, honor // troubles, gossip; to be pregnant - to have bold hopes, joy (for a woman), wealth or profit (for a man or only for a poor man) // losses, deception (for a girl), death (for an old woman), sadness and troubles (for a rich man), illness of a wife (for a married man).

Dream Interpretation - Twins

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its specific content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either gender or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection. One of the ARCHETYPES according to JUNG is the archetype of a parent with a prevailing instinct to preserve the family. Seeing yourself involved in an activity in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, ALARMS like “what if” may arise, which require comprehension and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to various events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Dreams about infidelity or the death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in appearance or the frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and defects in a child belong to the category of negative WILL-EXECUTION and are also a result of the anxiety experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual representation of these fears.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy for a pregnant woman

Safe and easy childbirth.


Find out you're pregnant with twins

Dream Interpretation Find out that you are pregnant with twins dreamed of why you dream about Finding out that you are pregnant with twins? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Find out that you are pregnant with twins by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Twins

If a woman dreams of twins, it means that she will soon have an addition to her family.

For a man, twins signify an unexpected profit.

The case you thought was hopeless is actually not so.

You will soon feel it if you put in a minimum of effort.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its specific content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either gender or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection. One of the ARCHETYPES according to JUNG is the archetype of a parent with a prevailing instinct to preserve the family. Seeing yourself involved in an activity in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, ALARMS like “what if” may arise, which require comprehension and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their PERSONALITY. Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to various events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams about infidelity or the death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in appearance or the frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and defects in a child belong to the category of negative WILL-EXECUTION and are also a result of the anxiety experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual representation of these fears.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

A dream about pregnancy foreshadows troublesome matters related to new plans.

A dream in which you see a beautiful pregnant woman and are surprised, portends you an unexpected profit, which will come in handy, although you will have to work hard to get it. If the pregnant woman in your dream is ugly and you were unpleasantly surprised, then a lot of trouble and worry awaits you. See interpretation: childbirth, midwife, nanny. For young women, a dream in which they see themselves pregnant predicts happiness in love, overshadowed by quarrels with their lover or spouse; For old women, such a dream threatens ill health; and for the sick - death. If in a dream a woman feels pregnant and gives birth to a son, then success awaits her in all matters. For the rest, especially the sick, such a dream predicts a lot of troubles, and for the seriously ill - a quick death. For people who have a lot of debt, such a dream can predict some relief in their situation. If you have secrets, then you should be careful that they do not become known, and if you yourself want to know something, then the dream predicts that you will have an opportunity to satisfy your curiosity. For girls, a dream about pregnancy predicts that shame and dishonor await them. If a young and pregnant woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, then the dream predicts a lot of troubles and worries for her. For everyone else, a dream about pregnancy promises that their life will be filled with excitement and bold plans. If in a dream you see your friend pregnant, then grief and sadness await you. If a man dreams that he is pregnant and is unpleasantly surprised in his dream, then many disappointments and failures await him. Under certain circumstances, such a dream may foretell to a married man that he will soon lose his wife or that she will no longer be able to bear children. For a single man, such a dream predicts a quick marriage if he is actually thinking about it. Seeing pregnant women in a dream is a harbinger of troubles, minor troubles, grief and disappointment. For a married man to dream that his wife is pregnant, such a dream predicts that if his wife actually turns out to be pregnant soon, he will have a healthy child.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

For a woman to see herself pregnant in a dream means a quarrel with her husband.

If she is really pregnant, then such a dream predicts a successful birth and a quick restoration of strength.

In addition, dreaming about pregnancy may mean that this event will happen in real life. Or maybe there is an opportunity to meet a new fan, the relationship with whom will be much more productive than with the previous partner.

If a man has such a dream, then paternal feelings clearly awaken in him. However, this dream may also mean that he will have troubles in relationships with women - a love union will be complicated by undesirable consequences.

D. Loff argued that anyone can become pregnant in a dream, regardless of age and gender. In his opinion, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

So, if such a dream is dreamed by a young woman who in real life has no intention of getting pregnant, then it may indicate the beginning of a new stage of introspection. For example, this could be the transition from the child stage to the adult level.

Women often dream of pregnancy during their monthly cycle. In connection with this dream, they have anxieties that require comprehension and resolution.

As for a man who sees himself pregnant in a dream, then, according to D. Loff’s theory, this most often happens in a situation where his masculinity is in question. He himself sees himself as less active sexually than he would like to be, and the dream of pregnancy acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative sides of his personality. In a dream, a man gives birth not necessarily to a child, but to something that could justify his mission in this world.

Real pregnancy can cause a wide variety of dreams with completely unimaginable events - both cruel and ridiculous. And this is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy causes a whole range of emotions - from anxiety to euphoria.

Pregnant women often have disturbing dreams, for example, infidelity or death of a spouse, health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the unborn child, etc. These dreams are associated with a feeling of insecurity, changes in the frequency and nature of sexual relations, as well as with anxiety caused by pregnancy. In addition, they are a consequence of a woman's fears about her ability to properly cope with the role of a mother.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Your efforts will be crowned with brilliant success. A pregnant woman sees in a dream how her pregnancy is progressing - foreshadows childbirth without complications, after which the woman’s body will quickly recover. Seeing a pregnant woman - a dream means a change in financial situation for the better. Along with wealth, honors will certainly come. Lying next to a pregnant woman in a dream - the dream promises good news that will be unexpected for you.

Imagine that the pregnancy is going perfectly, the pregnant woman feels great, you are having fun, you and everyone around you are happy with everything.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Seeing a pregnant woman means for a man changes, material well-being; lying next to a pregnant woman in labor means pleasant hopes.

Being pregnant means the realization of promising plans, profit, wealth.

Seeing a pregnant woman means success in the household, prosperity in the family, and being pregnant herself.

Being pregnant means deception for a girl.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Seeing yourself in a dream while pregnant: foretells wealth for the poor, ruin for the rich.

For a married man, this is a sign that he will lose his wife.

To a single person - that he will have a wife.

For a girl, such a dream is a deception, a shame.

For a woman - pride and joy.

For an elderly woman - death.

Frequent dreams about your own pregnancy - to illness, about childbirth - to liberation from debts, worries and sorrows, as well as to the fact that many secret affairs will become apparent.

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of unexpected profit.

The birth of a son is a quick profit.

Daughters are new events on the path to happiness.

If a woman who dreams about pregnancy is actually pregnant, this dream means a safe birth for her.

If a man sees his wife or mistress pregnant in a dream, it means that he loves her very much.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy dreams promise a better future for everyone.

For a young woman, this is a play of natural forces, a rehearsal that prepares her for real pregnancy and childbirth.

But in other cases, for people who are not concerned about this problem.

For men, such a dream foreshadows newness in work, acquisitions, and acquaintances.

Pregnancy in a dream symbolizes the development of some plans.

But the birth of a child indicates that the first step towards achieving the goal has already been taken, all you have to do is raise the child.

Bring your actions to their logical conclusion. Phenomena such as marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, death are natural for people.

But in dreams these events happen much more often than in life.

They are especially significant for the dreamer if they are not feasible or unlikely in real life.

For example, pregnancy and childbirth in a man or an elderly woman, the death of a healthy person, a wedding with a celebrity, etc.

Next to the symbol of pregnancy and childbirth there is, it would seem, their antipode - the symbol of death. Death in a dream is not the same as real death.

Dying in a dream only means getting rid of some aspect of your life, which for you is a thing of the past.

Therefore, death in a dream is also a rebirth to a new life.

And although death can be dreamed of by patients who are worried about their lives, it almost never foreshadows the end of life.

On the eve of real death, people see extremely optimistic dreams: moving to another country, flying into space, etc.

Of course, such exotic travel does not always foretell death.

Often they are followed only by significant changes or unusual life circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

Pregnancy (see also “woman”) - seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a nuisance; being pregnant means making bold plans. Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman it is joy, for an old woman it is death behind her.

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy

A lady sees herself pregnant in a dream - the marriage life of this lady cannot be called happy; the lady will always be suppressed by the idea that she was in a hurry, that she was cheap, that if she had been a little more experienced in her time, she could have made the best match and there were, after all, more worthy contenders! The lady doesn’t like everything in her life, even the kids don’t bring her joy, because they look like her husband and can’t be called child prodigies.

A young unmarried woman has a dream as if she is pregnant - this dream does not bode well for her; if a woman is careless and frivolous, she will find herself in a situation from which she can only get out of it with shame; in former times, for such deeds, the gates were smeared with tar; let this woman be more selective in her relationships.

If a pregnant lady sees herself pregnant in a dream, this is a good dream; it states that childbirth will occur on time and will proceed without complications; this lady will have healthy offspring. A man sees a pregnant lady in a dream - in real life - to little trouble.


Why do you dream about being pregnant with twins?


Only yours..

dreaming of pregnancy means troubles and unresolved matters, problems

Nadezhda Lomaeva

if a woman sees herself pregnant, it means health problems. . If the woman is really pregnant, the birth will take place without complications. Seeing twins means a repetition of what has happened will begin.



I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins. In the dream, my husband was happy and kissed my belly, but in the dream I was unhappy and wanted to have an abortion, I went to the clinic and signed up for an abortion, on the way home I saw my friends who were walking with their children and were very happy , put my hand on my stomach and stopped, later I woke up, what could this mean?


I dreamed about a pregnant classmate. I haven’t talked to her for 6 years, we don’t even meet in any way. I dreamed that I was visiting her, my belly was huge... I’m talking about... we decided to give birth to a second one (she and her husband already have one son) and she gives me the second and third at once... we have twins - a boy and a girl... that’s the dream)


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, I know about it, but there is no belly. I’m standing in a maternity hospital, in front of me are women in labor with huge bellies, and one unassembled bed. I call my husband and ask him to bring my things and put together a bed for me so that I can lie like everyone else. Then the husband, his mother and the doctor come in. His mother strokes my flat stomach and says: we have twins here and smiles. And the doctor says: what triplets! She would have been able to bear these two (although there had been no talk about triplets before). And the dream ends with me thinking: twins are great, I’ll give birth and they’ll give me maternity capital, we’ll pay off all our loans and go on living well.


I dreamed that I was pregnant, did an ultrasound, they said that there were two girls and one was much larger than the other. At first I was happy, and then I decided to have an abortion, but the timing no longer allowed.


I had a dream that I was pregnant with a boy and a girl, I felt them in my stomach, they were lying with their heads down, as they should be, opposite each other, I was scared that I was pregnant and I didn’t know how I would raise them alone and what to do with the children.


as if I’m walking into my home, but the house is the same as when I was a child, and in the room on the sofa there are two children, twins or twins, I don’t know, but they are very similar, and I don’t know who exactly are girls or boys.. and as if I know what it is. my children, and all the relatives, including my late father, say that they are raising them and will not give them to me, that supposedly someone there wrote a waiver for me and now they are the guardians.. I cry and say that this is not true and I I pick them up and understand that there is one boy and one girl, but when I take them in my arms, he is already older in age and these are two girls in panama hats and pink suits.. and for some reason I can’t remember where I was all this time, why not I remember how I gave birth to them... but at the end of the dream, I was all in tears, I took the children and left the house, I carried them in my arms, I looked at them and said that I would not give them to anyone, but their faces are so pretty...


Hello. Previously, I had dreams that I was pregnant. And I dreamed that another woman was carrying my child, and I was simply taking this child away from her, because... this is just my child. But in all my dreams the stomach was small, in the early stages. Today I had a dream that I was pregnant like this: I had sexual intercourse with a loved one as if a long time ago and now it’s been about 7 or 8 months. I feel this baby in my stomach, I stroked him. But then it was as if I had another sexual intercourse with him and I became pregnant again, that is, next to my singing baby a second, smaller one appeared. And when I looked at the belly it was clear that one was large, and next to it a smaller one was sticking out of the belly .


I took the documents and was driving somewhere, it was sunny, I didn’t have a big tummy, I knew that I was expecting a baby. Then I ended up in the hospital where they did an ultrasound and told me that there would be a girl and a boy, then I dreamed of my ex and his girlfriend.


I dreamed that they told me that I was pregnant with twins. There was no stomach. I was very afraid of losing my children, and I walked carefully.


I dreamed that I was pregnant, I had a big belly, and the doctor told me that I was pregnant with twins, she said that here is a boy, and on the other side is a girl. I actually touched my stomach and felt the babies move. It was a very real dream. I was very pleased to feel their movements. I was very surprised that I had twins and I was glad that the children were of different sexes


I dreamed that I was first pregnant, then gave birth to two boys. I named one after my ex-boyfriend, I was thinking about the name of the other


I dreamed that in the ultrasound room, they performed an ultrasound on me, they told me that I was pregnant with twins (two girls), the gestation period was 2-3 weeks


I dreamed that I went for an ultrasound and was told that I had twins (a boy and a girl), my husband even came up with a name for my son in a dream, the interpretation of the dream is important for me because I can’t get pregnant... I really want a baby


I dreamed that I was pregnant... but then they told me and my husband that we had twins, and my friend was with us, who was also told that she had twins. In the dream I knew her, but now I don’t remember. She’s still photographed me pregnant with my husband. Only I was not married. I'm 21


I’m pregnant, I dreamed that an ultrasound showed twins. I also dreamed about the Ob River, it was several times narrower and I swam across it easily (surprisingly, I’m not a good swimmer), and I swam a lot. It was evening.


I had a dream the day before yesterday in which I was pregnant with twins and my water broke. as soon as the insertions come out, I see a friend who is also pregnant. Moreover, the dream was very realistic. And last night I had a dream in which my brother’s wife was pregnant, although they cannot have a child.


This is the second time I have dreamed about being pregnant with twins. And in every dream my real age is 15 years old. In a dream, my belly appears just like that, out of nowhere... The children don’t have a father. I don’t see the pregnancy itself, I see how two boys are born to me... and one is older than the other.


Hello! I dreamed that I found out that I was pregnant, and saw on the screen and was shown to me by the doctor who was looking at me - two actively running spermatozoa. Moreover, I knew that I was pregnant from my ex-husband, who often had twins in his family. Thoughts came to mind about whether to leave it or not - most likely an abortion! since in reality I don’t want to have anything more in common with him, we already have one common daughter. and on the horizon flashes an older man who is married, but promises to divorce soon (there is no relationship with his wife)


I dreamed that the doctor showed me an ultrasound picture showing a twin pregnancy. I seem to be glad about this, but I remember that I am pregnant from a bad man and am afraid of bad heredity. That’s why I can’t decide to give birth. but another man wants to marry me, and I don’t want to burden him with other people’s children


I dream that I am pregnant with a boy (in my life I have a 6-year-old son), then as if he had already been born (as if there was no process), and I am pregnant again, this time with twins, and they tell me that it is a boy and a girl, a dream in white tones, all this time I’m standing and my son is next to me, I’m happy, and I’m completely sure that everything is fine)) thoughts about the child’s father are strange - it’s as if I don’t care who he is. In my life I am not married, I don’t have a man.


I was pregnant with twins, I gave birth to a boy that I didn’t notice at all, that is, there wasn’t even a process, he just popped up and showed up, and the girl only called everyone three days later, she wanted them to hold me, but no one came to me.

and yesterday I had a dream that I wanted to go to college, but they told me to pay the money 20 thousand and look down, I left and suddenly I find myself in some cemetery, on some beautiful and expensive grave, but not one person is buried there and there was a woman, I don’t know her and in the dream I knew she asked, she was very rich, asked her for money, but she said that she wouldn’t give it, she thought if it wasn’t her, then no one would give it, and she burst into tears and woke up crying in reality..


In a dream, I was pregnant with twins, I found out about it on the same day and could not walk for a long time, my lower back was very painful. and my husband drank, and I promised that I would have an abortion, although I really didn’t want to do it.


I dreamed that I came to the gynecologist. The ultrasound showed two twins, but both children were entwined several times with the umbilical cord. I was offered an abortion. I was shocked. I told my boyfriend... he replied that I need to go for an abortion, they will die inside me anyway. I cried for a long time. but I didn’t dare to sign up for an abortion.


I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins, and I needed to give birth to one child from where I needed it, and the other through anal. where I needed to give birth, and then woke up.


Hello. I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. Next to me is the man I love, but we are not together, stroking and kissing my belly.


a girl gave me an ultrasound, first a boy appeared, and then they said it was also a girl, everything was so bright, the main thing was the ultrasound was colored, cartoonish))


I dreamed that I was in the last week of pregnancy and labor began. I gave birth to a child, it seems like a girl, everything is fine, the doctor left, I rest, it’s night. And then I understand that now I’m going to give birth to another one, that it’s twins, because... I feel the baby’s movements very well. like this


Hello! I dreamed that I was having an ultrasound and they told me that I was having twins. I cry with joy, I ask, do the fetuses have heartbeats? They tell me, calm down, there is! My husband was present right there, but I don’t remember any of his reactions... My mom and dad were also present, they seemed to be on their own, they didn’t say anything to me, didn’t look at me... I was in some kind of bright state. whether in a robe, then
whether the dress, yellow and green colors predominated...


I dreamed that I didn’t even have a tummy yet, but I already knew for sure that there were twins there. And people I knew brought me a purple stroller for one child. My husband was happy about the pregnancy.


I was pregnant with twins (a boy and a girl). At the same time, I was surrounded by 2 men who were fighting for my attention.


Hello, I dream that my common-law husband and I came for an ultrasound, a doctor’s office, a bed... everything is as it should be. I lie down, he is next to me, we were supposedly going to find out the sex of the child, and they tell us that we will have twins and both are girls. This is very interesting, what is this for?


I dream that I am pregnant with a big belly, walking around the grocery store and thinking about how I will breastfeed.


Today, September 23, I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins. In the dream I was very worried, I saw the children’s dad, he was smiling.


I recently had an abortion for a month now, but last night I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins and I went to the doctors and they were all shocked that I was pregnant, it seemed like they had performed an abortion on me,
this is the dream I saw


Good afternoon I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. They were pushing very hard in the stomach. It's like my stomach is about to burst. Everyone was happy that it was twins, but in the end she gave birth to one. The second one was not there. Although the doctors and the ultrasound said it was twins, and I felt two


Hello! I had a dream that I came to the hospital for an abortion, and the uzologist said that I had twins and I did not decide to have an abortion.
I had a baby a month ago and my husband and I really dream about having a 3rd child, but a little later. Maybe this is somehow connected?


I dreamed that I take a glass, collect urine in it, take a pregnancy test, dip it in there, hold it for a few seconds and then it appears, and there are 4 stripes, I wonder why that is? what does it mean? And then someone tells me that this means there will be twins. And I begin to rejoice that there are already tears in my eyes, this happiness overwhelms me all over. And I think how great it is! I wanted a child so much, but here I have two at once.


I dreamed that I was pregnant, the dream was not colorful. It all started with cell division, two embryos (in my tummy). Then my belly grew, the fruits developed successfully, the doctors told me that I had a girl and a boy. I didn’t see the birth, but I had thoughts about a caesarean section... They placed two babies in both arms and the dream ended. But I still feel that unforgettable happiness.


A friend pregnant with twins in a dream. She already has children alive, also twins. field of what in a dream, after childbirth he dies


I found out a dream in which I was already 8 months pregnant in the hospital. And I see a big belly. Movements...they tell me that there will be twins, boys. The belly is not big.


I dreamed that I was pregnant, I had twins in my belly, because my belly was big and the babies were sticking out their heels and arms, and they were clearly visible. I really wanted everything to be fine with the babies. My husband was very happy about this. And my first daughter too.


hello, I had a dream that I was pregnant, I went for an ultrasound and twins were clearly visible there, it was summer, warm and 8 months due))) what is all this for?


I dreamed that I came for the first ultrasound to determine the sex of the child, and when I lay down on the couch, the child began to kick and I clearly saw the child’s mark on my stomach, and when they started doing the ultrasound, I saw my children as if they were lying on the table, the girl lifted her legs and the boy lies sucking a club


I started to dream about snakes, I started to kill one and two ran away and then I met people and it turned out to be those snakes, I asked them for a petition and one touched my belly and said that I had twins and then I gave birth


I dreamed that my sisters and I somehow incomprehensibly became pregnant, I had twin boys, and my sisters had twin girls. I'm still a virgin


Hello, last night I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins and in the dream I felt them kicking, and it was as if I was stroking my stomach with my hands and felt that one had a head on the left side of the stomach, the other on the right, and the kicking was so real, I woke up and I felt sorry for losing this feeling.


I was in the apartment where my family and I used to live, namely in my children’s room, only now grown up and married, as I am at the moment, my mother was with me, we were talking and I saw my belly, I realized that I was pregnant, but the term was short, and the belly was big and it was growing right before our eyes, and it was as if I knew that I had twins, then my husband appeared and I began to discuss with him what to do? What to do? After all, we already have a child, now two more are born, we need a bigger apartment, etc.


I dreamed that my menstruation was late and I went for an ultrasound and was told that I was pregnant and had two fertilized eggs.


I dreamed that I came for a friend to do an ultrasound, but she didn’t come and they did an ultrasound for me, it turned out that I was pregnant with two twin girls, in the dream I admired how pretty they were, but then there was confusion and anxiety, because at the moment I had my period


I dreamed that I was being kicked very hard by a child in my stomach. So that the skin was stretched. I looked at the stomach to see if any parts of the baby’s body were protruding, but I saw 4 protruding legs and 4 arms. And it became clear that there were twins in the belly


I dreamed that my belly quickly appeared and I started giving birth! from the beginning one, then again, my common-law husband held them (as if he were delivering a child)! then they took me to the hospital and said that there would be a third one...


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl (although in reality I was not married). A beautiful girl is born to me, I am filled with joy, I press her to my chest, feed her, sing a lullaby, in general, I am very happy. I tell the doctors, where is the boy, because I was supposed to have twins! They say wait another 10 minutes. I tell them what 10 minutes? Is this not dangerous for the child? They said no. I remember very well that the girl was very beautiful and I was glad that she was born to me, I was very happy. What does this mean?


I dreamed of sex with a former boyfriend, for whom I have mixed feelings. We broke up six months ago. He has another girlfriend, I have my own relationship, but sometimes we intersect, we remain good friends. After this casual sex, I dreamed that I was pregnant from him, and subsequently with twins.


At the beginning I dreamed of sex with my ex-lover, we broke up and remain friends, but everyone has their own life. Then the dream revealed that I was pregnant with twins, which we were both happy about, but I had doubts in the dream.


I dreamed that I was sitting in an apartment that my mother recently bought in another country, we were sitting in the kitchen. She asks me how many panties to buy for the children, she says two pieces. I tell her mom, well, no more Marina, only one. And I start crying a lot, realizing , that my child is not alive, as if she died due to poor health, something connected with a cough. And I tell her as if she had gone somewhere, and not died. That I myself don’t believe it. And I cry so much that I’m shaking and my mother calms me down. .that’s why I woke up. Moreover, according to the description of the location of the kitchen in my mother’s dream in the new apartment, the location of this kitchen coincided. At the same time, in the dream I saw myself pregnant. Help me decipher it, I’m very afraid. Because last year I had a dream that my daughter is 5 years old and we are standing in the cemetery in black bands. But I don’t see who was buried, we just walk there. Now my child is 5 years old, in April 2015 he will be 6 years old. It’s so scary. Now I’m pregnant with my second child in January already give birth.


I am 46 years old, divorced. Today I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins (a boy and a girl). I became pregnant as if from my first love, although we had never actually had an intimate relationship. In the dream, I was very happy about this pregnancy, I was at my real age, but beautiful, slim and looked younger. I remember exactly that in the dream I was also 46 years old - I thought that at that age women also gave birth in ancient times...


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, I had a very big belly. It’s hard for me to move with him, but I know for sure that there is a boy and a girl, and I even know their future names


Hello! My name is Yulia. Today I dreamed that I had twins, why would that be? Although at the same time I’m really pregnant!!!


Hello, my name is Lida. I dreamed that my sister called me and said with alarm that I was pregnant with twins. And I calmly answer her that it’s no big deal


I’m lying on the couch and I see that I’m in a position with a fairly large belly and the baby is moving - I again remember these sensations that I once experienced. The first thought that comes to mind is I’m pregnant and I’m about to give birth. Who’s the father and what’s happening now What’s happening in my life? I feel my stomach and feel that I have two fetuses. I’m talking to myself again - twins again! oh God I’ll have 4 children! They’re moving these babies in my stomach but I have anxiety and fear on my face. God how will I raise these children. I woke up.
in real life I’m divorced - I have 2 boys - twins of 8 years old. I don’t live with anyone. I don’t have a man and in general I’m going through difficult times now!!!


Hello! I dreamed that I was somewhere at a lecture with my classmates and that at that time I was pregnant with twins. I was very worried, I was thinking about having an abortion or not, the term was 5 weeks, I decided to leave.


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins and to confirm this I supposedly signed up for a repeat ultrasound. me and my husband went for an ultrasound. The ultrasound confirmed that I was really expecting twins, I’ve been pregnant for a month now. in real life I had two miscarriages in December 2010 and December 2013.


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. in a dream, I signed up for a repeat ultrasound to make sure that this was true. My husband and I went for an ultrasound. An ultrasound confirmed that I was pregnant with twins, one month into the pregnancy. in real life I had two miscarriages.


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, walking around calmly, and then suddenly I gave birth to one and the second remained in my stomach. And I’m in my arms with one and in my stomach the other.


Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I was pregnant and came to find out if this was true because I doubted it and the ultrasound showed that there were two or more fetuses


I'm pregnant, the action takes place in a large ward. The ultrasound showed twins. The doctor asked the man why his belly was very small. Mom prepared a lot of money to pay the doctor. He delivered my baby and that’s it.


I’m 67 years old and I saw myself pregnant in a dream, I know that these are twins, my husband is sitting next to him, he’s 74 years old, I tell the doctor about this and ask how this can be, because I haven’t had menstruation for a long time, and she says, do you live a sexual life? I say, yes, sometimes there is intimacy and she tells me remember Sarah and that’s when she woke up


Good afternoon, I’m married, I don’t have children yet, I went to sleep on another bed from my husband without any offense and I dreamed that I was pregnant with a belly and an ultrasound and the doctor reported that there was more than one child, but did not specify what exactly two were. There were pleasant sensations during dream. Sometimes there are long dreams with a beginning and an end) but here it’s just a fragment, but a pleasant one)


in a dream I was pregnant with twins, my husband and I were choosing cribs and strollers, I also saw and felt the children moving, I was at some kind of special event.


Good afternoon! I dreamed that I went into a hut where I live if I live on the ground. And they started to plait. This year I gave birth to twin girls. The colors were warm and cold. Mom was against it
vagusness. What does this mean?


Today I dreamed that at first I didn’t have my period and my boyfriend took me to the gynecologist, he conducted an examination and after I got dressed and asked what was there, he told me, congratulations, you will have my loved one, I was very happy and kissed my belly, talked to him


hello, I dreamed that my friend was saying to my mom; It turns out Lisa is also pregnant with twins, only I have girls and she has boys.


I saw that a psychic told me in a dream that I was pregnant with twins and that there would be girls, there was also a woman next to me, and she was also pregnant, and now I am 27 weeks pregnant


few details
I put my hand on my stomach and felt a slight movement, then stronger and more voluminous, the fetus was recognizable... although the stomach was of normal size...
I shared this news with someone...
“someone put their hand on my stomach and so did I, but then we felt that there were two children tossing and turning, they were located on both sides of the stomach - right and left... and they were tossing and turning very actively...


i dreamed that my parents went to the sea and a few days later my mother returned and it turned out that she was pregnant with twins, and I kept wondering how this could be, because after the operation she could not have children. She and I and my child walked on the street and everyone was thinking about how to tell dad about it, but they couldn’t come up with anything.

Victoria Fedyanina:

I dreamed about how I became pregnant, as a result I had 2 children, a boy and a girl, a large boy, a small girl, it was as if I was watching my own birth. During the dream, for some reason I dropped the children, but somehow managed to hold them.


I measure my BT every day, and today I dreamed that it started to rise and did not fall by the end of the cycle... in the dream I was sooooo happy that my dream came true..... I really want a baby


I supposedly went to the gynecologist with pain in the lower abdomen. The doctor does an ultrasound and says that I am 10 weeks pregnant with twins.


I dreamed that I was pregnant with one child and was already long term, and when the doctors did an ultrasound about a month before giving birth and it turned out that there were three children, of which either two or three were girls, and two of the children were very weak and might not survive, after which I went to call the children’s father with whom we broke up through a friend of his. Since he didn’t have a phone number, I asked him to tell him that there will be three children and two weak ones, that I’m scared for them and for my future life, how I’ll raise these children alone if I already have two and without a dad, I’m scared that I can’t cope with 5, to which she said that he drank and was sleeping. This is such a strange dream


I dreamed that I came for an ultrasound, they examined me and said that I was pregnant and I would have twins. At the same time, during the examination, I saw how interesting my stomach was (?) and saw two non-native organs, understanding for some reason that these were my twins...


The dream was like this, I felt bad, I don’t know what happened, but I ended up in the hospital. I was put on a drip and it was not placed successfully; the needles kept falling out of the veins, and then I looked at my stomach, but there was no belly like a pregnant woman’s! And four legs stand out there, and for some reason I decided in a dream and was sure that they were boys, but I didn’t give birth to them.


From Monday to Tuesday I dreamed that my wife was pregnant with twins (girls). What is this for?


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, but I wanted to have an abortion, although I had a reliable life partner (in a dream). I was overcome by fears that there were unresolved problems, and that I would not be able to bear more children, that it was not time yet.


I had a dream that I (I’m 26) and my aunt, who is 53, got pregnant, and my belly is glowing, one half is red, the other is blue on some new device, and they told me that I have twins, although my belly is not visible and the term is still short


I dreamed that I found out about my second pregnancy, and it was twins, everyone close to me said have an abortion, but I categorically said that I would give birth...


Hello, Tatyana. My name is Nadezhda. On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins and was in some building where there were still pregnant women (but this was not a hospital). Although everyone was well cared for, there was no negativity felt in the dream. The children moved, I felt their legs pushing.


Hello. On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins (I was informed about this in a dream). I was in some building where there were several other pregnant women. It was not a hospital, but we received good care. I felt the children’s movements clearly and distinctly. There was no negativity in the dream.


It turned out that I was pregnant with twins, and on the ultrasound they said that one child was a girl and then they said that two were girls. My belly was small


I had this dream from April 13th to 14th. and the most interesting thing is that back in the winter my husband had the idea that I was pregnant 2 times and my friend that I gave birth to a girl. But in real life we ​​don’t even try and don’t try and I don’t think I’m pregnant.. out of curiosity I took a test but it was negative. I dreamed that I was I came to the gnecologist and she told me that I have twins and that both boys then in a dream I go to my grandmother and tell her about it, the time of year was autumn in my opinion.. and then I told my mother that my sister thought she overtook me and I overtook her )) and laughed...


I'm 4 months pregnant with twins, my mother-in-law finds out and encourages my husband to leave me

Lb finds out and sets up my husband to leave me


We are recently married, so we don’t have children yet. The dream was such that we already have two children, but I don’t see them in the dream. And I was pregnant with twins, and I thought in my dream that it would be good if they were born of different sexes)) the dream was warm, pleasant, even happy, I told my husband that we would have twins. When I woke up, it felt like we were really going to have twins. That's all I remember about this dream. The dream occurred from Saturday to Sunday, or more precisely from April 18 to April 19, 2015.


I dreamed that I saw and stroked my pregnant belly and felt two heads moving under my hand - two babies, and next to my mother, I let her feel how they move and dad is nearby (he’s really no longer there). Sleep takes place in a calm, warm environment


I’m pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, the girl was born but the boy wasn’t yet and I remember walking and waiting for the contractions to start again at night, I feel that he is moving his leg


I'm pregnant with twins, scattering snow.


i dreamed that I was pregnant with twins from my daughter’s father, I see my belly as if from two halves, in each of which the outlines of a child are visible, my mother is next to me, I tell her about this, then I seem to see the image of my daughter’s father and say to my mother that I am pregnant again from him, but he is married (married in fact) and I tell my mother that I will have an abortion, because he will not be with me anyway. What does this mean? and I also had this dream today, on the night of May 8-9, 5 years ago, on the night of May 8-9, our daughter was conceived


My husband dreamed that he was pregnant, contented and happy, and an ultrasound showed that it was actually twins) I supported him in the dream and said that everything would be fine, you will give birth to children)


Dream: I’m walking outside, the sun is shining so warm, I’m happy, I already have 3 children and I’m still pregnant with twins. I’m talking on the phone with my grandmother (now she’s dead but in the dream she was alive), she asks what do I need? I answer nothing, I just need to think about where to buy a stroller.


I can’t describe it exactly, the room looked like a clinic, but at the same time like a store, more precisely like a cash register in a store, everything is clean, and I have bags and packages in my hands, and something like an ultrasound image, and I tell my husband that they told me that we were having twins, a boy and a girl.


I dreamed that I had just recently given birth to twins - a boy and a girl, they were only a few months old and I was again pregnant with my third child - a boy.


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, and one of the children was a girl, but they didn’t see the gender of the second child, I was happy and told everyone that I had two babies in my belly and told my husband, and in the dream it was as if we had talked in advance about the possibility of getting pregnant with twins , and as a result, we said together that it turned out just as we thought.


I dreamed that I didn’t initially know that I was pregnant, here I go to the doctor and they tell me you are pregnant and you will have twins... (in reality I am married, no children)


I’m in kindergarten and my daughter’s former teacher says: “Remember, you did an ultrasound,” I answer that I remember. She told me: “You will have twins, look,” and shows me an ultrasound image where two embryos are clearly visible.


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. I am at such a long time. I don’t know the gender of the children, and I don’t know the person from whom these children are, as if I will raise them alone. I also dreamed of a friend whom I had not seen for a very long time


which means. I’m pregnant and my belly is big and there are two people there, and it’s like my husband and I are returning from a doctor’s appointment


I dreamed that I was pregnant and an ultrasound showed that I had twins, a boy and a girl, and I saw a boy in blue and a girl in pink




Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. The dream was pleasant, joyful. I myself am married, but have no children. I am 34 years old.
Why would this be??))


She saw that I had a big tummy and felt movement in it. The feeling of the baby moving in my stomach was mega realistic. And then I found out that I was pregnant with twins. And I remember that in my family there was actually a case of twin pregnancy. Of course, I began to share such good news with my loved ones. Well, that’s essentially all


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, one child was in the uterus, but the other was not. I saw arms and legs clearly. What is this for?


Good day! I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins and they were boys and one of them was in danger and I was afraid that my pregnancy would be terminated, I was waiting for the result, and my husband was not entirely happy. [email protected]


I dreamed that I was pregnant and I was happy about it... I came and told my mother... then the man from whom I was pregnant came to visit... we talked, everyone smiled... and then in an instant I realized that he was married... that's it...


I dreamed that I was standing in a bright room, pregnant, a woman came up to me, as I understood the doctor, touched my stomach and said that I had twins, a boy and a girl.


On the night from Friday to Saturday, I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. Soon one child was born (I don’t remember the gender). There was no second one. I was going to do an ultrasound to make sure that I really should have twins. I didn’t have time - I woke up.
I am forty years old, married, two children, not pregnant.


I had a dream that I was giving birth and the woman also gave birth to a boy and a girl.
Then I dreamed of two bulls, then a large material, blue, brushed color. And then a child on a bed and a child in the dirt


I dreamed that it was like my friend, I couldn’t see her face and she had a cute little belly and was pregnant with twins, I asked to touch her and felt 2 babies inside! In fact, I have already gone through the pregnancy journey as a mother and in my dreams it was so pleasant to feel these cute creatures inside! what is all this for?


Hello, at the moment I am pregnant, I often dream about how I go for an ultrasound and it shows twins. I don’t remember the beginning of the dream, but after the ultrasound, everything basically ends.


I dreamed that I was lying on the sofa, my lower abdomen hurt a lot, I was crying, then a bright light came into the room, my good friend sat down next to me and put her hand on my stomach, I felt warmth, the pain went away and she looked at me, smiled and said that I was pregnant with twins and that’s all it will be good


Hello! Today I had a dream that I was pregnant and had a big belly. When I went for an ultrasound, the doctor said it looked like twins, but she couldn’t see it. And she began to press hard on her stomach. Then I left the hospital, there was a swamp everywhere from which it was difficult for me to get out, I hardly got out, I came home and met my cousins. and with that I woke up. Help me! What does this mean?


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, one of the fetuses was definitely a boy, which I really wanted, but I didn’t know what to do since I already have two daughters. and there were two more and no home of their own, I didn’t really know what to do


In a dream, I was pregnant, I saw and felt my stomach, I felt nagging pain in the lower abdomen, I walked along the road to the hospital, it was painful for me to walk, my stomach hurt, I stopped, held my stomach, moaned and walked on, and then I saw how I gave birth to twins (boys). And my husband saw the kids, of course he wanted a girl, but here there are two boys.


Today I had a dream with a series of very different events, but what I remember most of all was that my mother was carrying my children. I knew it was twins, because then I saw them, a boy and a girl, running. Time seemed to be constantly changing, past-present-future, no pregnancy-there are children. And I tell my mother, you understand that I don’t feel these children are mine, I’m already afraid of becoming a mother, and it will turn out that these are not my children and I have no connection with them.


I saw my pregnant woman with twins very clearly, I touched my stomach and felt them


It turned out that the ultrasound showed twins. I am currently pregnant.


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins and that I was moving and supposedly went to the doctor and something was wrong with them and they prescribed me pills. And everything is something like this.


I got pregnant from the guy I lost my virginity to. and he didn't want to accept me. He said that I only dream about him. and I really wanted to be with him. and even in reality I want this. but nothing works.


I saw my pregnancy that I had twins, I felt them moving, I’m pregnant in real life


I dreamed of a classmate of mine who gave birth to a daughter not long ago, but in this dream she gave birth to two girls. they were left in the hospital under observation and when asked “what were their names,” she answered that nothing at all. In the same dream, I also saw myself in a position and already with a big belly, knowing that I was carrying two girls, I very clearly felt them moving, I saw how they rested with their legs, heads, etc.
I dreamed of some man, a stranger. I tried to feed him, but in the refrigerator there were several pots with missing food, which I later threw away. I also dreamed that I was wearing high-heeled sandals, but I couldn’t even stand in them because the heels were breaking.


Good day. From Thursday to Friday I had a dream. I see myself pregnant with boys. I feel them moving in me, I see arms appearing on my stomach. Beside me is my beloved, he is like their father. In reality, everything is difficult for us to photograph.
Everything is heading towards a break in the relationship. We don’t communicate what day.


I was taken to the maternity ward to prepare for the birth. there were no contractions. no pain. I knew that there would be twins (different sexes) but I was afraid that they would have a caesarean section.


Hello! I dream that my twin sister says that I am pregnant with twin girls and I will go on maternity leave in the month of May 2016. I had a dream from December 16 to 17. We've been planning a pregnancy for 4 years now.


I dreamed that I became pregnant from another man (I am married, but I don’t see my husband in my dream), they said that it was twins and boys, but not identical and fraternal, that is, twins, not twins. I don’t want to give birth to them in the future, I want to have an abortion, why do I need 5 children? I already have 3. They tell me I can’t have an abortion, it’s a sin. Woke up


I dreamed that I was pregnant! The belly is already quite big and the doctor said that there are two children, two girls!!!


I dreamed that on an ultrasound I saw a rather large child, and then they told me that he was not alone, and I was pregnant with twins. I'm not actually pregnant.


Good afternoon The dream was like this: they are doing an ultrasound (but my stomach is still very small) and the doctor says somewhere to the side: “Congratulations, you have a daughter! Oh, and also a son.” But I don't feel pregnant. And in the photo you can clearly see that there are two children.


I dreamed that I was pregnant with twin boys, I stroked my belly, they moved.


Hello! From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that I was pregnant and had twins or twins. And although I say in a dream that I was told that I was not pregnant, but in the end I had twins. I felt them pushing, arms and legs, as if in reality. And I told everyone to try how they push. I was so happy that I couldn’t put it into words. And my belly was so big, she said I was 5 months pregnant. It was all as if it were real. What is this for? Tell me please!


Hello! I dreamed that I was pregnant and I knew that there were two children, but my belly was still small! I really felt the children!


I’m in the hospital, I look around and see that everyone in this room is with babies. I look at my belly because something is moving in it, and I understand that I’m about to give birth, but my belly is very huge, I think it’s twins!!! Then the doctor says that I will see my kids soon!!!


In a dream, I dreamed that someone called me and said that I was pregnant and expecting twins. But I didn’t believe it and thought about it. What could this mean?


I dreamed that while I was married, I was pregnant with twins from another man and I didn’t know how to tell my husband about it.


Hello. I dreamed that I came to the hospital to extend my sick leave and I began to feel bad. I went to the doctors for a long time, they did an X-ray or an ultrasound and they said that there was a problem with the kidneys, then the doctor came and said that I was pregnant and I would have twins, I was happy but my mother mine is not very good


In life I am not pregnant, but in a dream I saw myself as pregnant, that I had an ultrasound and when I asked whether we were having a boy or a girl, the doctor said that I would have twins and showed double on the monitor.


I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins, the period was about 6 months, from my husband, the babies were moving, one was calmer, the other, on the contrary, active, when they moved, their legs stood out through the stomach and I touched them and showed them to my friend and my husband. And in the dream my friend was present; in life she is pregnant with twins. The fact is that getting pregnant is not part of my plans at the moment, I already have a small child and now the peak of my career growth, and other global plans.


I had a dream that I was walking around the city with my girlfriend, and I told her that the doctor told me that I would have twins, but because... I now have two children, in a dream I went to the hospital to get an abortion, because I understood that I couldn’t raise four children, I went to the hospital for an appointment, took a line in the office, went to the reception for a card and woke up, and in the dream the weather It seemed like it was cloudy or it was already evening, I don’t remember, but there was definitely no sun

The birth of twins in a dream is a very favorable sign. The dream will bring you success and happiness in reality. This lucky sign promises the fulfillment of all desires. Also, such a dream will bring harmony and serenity into your life. The birth of twins is a symbol of prosperity, consolation, harmony in the family and mutual understanding with colleagues.

For girls, such a dream will bring prosperity in the future and happiness in love. The dream also warns that you should not let go of control over yourself, otherwise you risk going to extremes.

For a man who dreams that he is giving birth to twins, this is not a very favorable sign. A dream can speak of internal contradictions, loneliness, and also greed.

If a woman dreams that she gave birth to two people: why did she dream that she was giving birth to both a boy and a girl at once?

Twins are a symbol of material well-being and boundless luck. “If I dreamed that I was giving birth to a boy and a girl, does this mean that I will be happy?” ask women who have had an appointment with a specialist in the interpretation of night visions.

“If I give birth to a boy and a girl in a dream, does this mean that in reality I will have twins? Is this vision really very favorable?” - women who happened to observe this are interested.

In fact, the dream is considered very lucky. After all, the birth of twins portends joy and wealth. If such a vision comes to a man, he can be sure that his affairs will go uphill. It is quite possible that a new interesting project awaits him, which will bring some profit.

For a married woman, such a dream comes with a sudden improvement in her financial situation. The vision also portends harmony in family relationships. The dreamer's husband will love her and literally carry her in his arms.

It is worth noting that professional interpreters associate dreams in which boys are born with sudden enrichment. But the birth of twins makes the vision even more powerful and prophetic.

If a woman dreams that she is giving birth to a boy and a girl, but at the same time she already knows that she is expecting twins, the vision is completely empty. It comes as a reflection of what was seen in reality and carries with it certain emotions that the dreamer experiences in real life.

Psychologists believe that women very often have dreams in which they give birth to children, if in reality they cannot get pregnant or bear a baby. A vision in which twins are born reflects the dreamer’s desire to have a large family and many children. For an unmarried girl, such a dream may be a sign that she has long been ripe for marriage.

If a young lady dreams of giving birth to a boy and a girl, on her life’s path she will meet people who will condemn the dreamer for her excessively frivolous behavior.

Material wealth is foreshadowed by dreams in which children are born and almost immediately begin to talk. In your night vision, giving birth is long and difficult - to obstacles that may arise along the path of life. Perhaps everything will not work out as smoothly for the sleeping woman as was originally planned. To achieve certain goals you will have to work hard. Working on yourself and your own mistakes in this case can lead to the desired result.

If a woman sees in a dream how babies are born on their own, without outside interference, her life will be long and happy. Everything planned will happen easily and naturally.

To see blood on the hands of a midwife in a dream at the moment of giving birth to twins - in reality, good luck awaits the dreamer’s loved ones. Most likely, one of her blood relatives will soon receive the good news.

The size of newborn babies is also important. So, for example, for a woman to see how she gives birth to large and healthy babies, in reality she will find happiness, become richer and more independent. Giving birth to a premature and very small boy and girl in a dream means minor troubles and tears. The woman will be happy, but first she will have to go through some tests. A lot depends on how she can withstand all adversity.

Giving birth to a dark-skinned boy and girl in a dream means condemnation from relatives and friends, and the husband’s jealousy. It is quite possible that the spouse will begin to make claims to the dreamer based on doubts that he is the father of the children.

Giving birth to a boy and a girl in a dream means material well-being, happiness, and prosperity in reality. In some cases, a dream is only a reflection of the dreamer’s inner experiences and her desire to quickly become a mother and have a large and friendly family.

The interpretation of a dream about twins, depending on many details, can have a wide range of interpretations. It is important to pay attention, for example, to the gender of the babies. The age of the children in the dream also matters.

As a rule, a vision of twins promises many happy moments, sweet family joys, if the dreamer felt joy when he saw the babies. Annoying babies, on the other hand, warn of trouble at work.

Who was born as a twin?

Why do you dream about twin girls?

When a woman dreams of twins, where both children are girls, the dreamer will be disappointed. Be patient, be strong, and troubles will pass. For a man, the plot about twin girls reflects inner emptiness and loneliness.

Dreaming of twin boys

If you dreamed of twin boys, this is a good sign for people who are immersed in solving professional difficulties. Hard work will bear fruit, and the sleeper will certainly receive great benefits.

Twins boy and girl in a dream

According to Felomena’s dream book, opposite-sex twins, a girl and a boy, symbolize harmony and a favorable development of events. The plot reports the imminent receipt of good news, as well as happy events in the family and personal life.

If you dreamed of giving birth to twins, this means a discovery that will come to you suddenly and will help improve your well-being.

Why do you dream about being pregnant with twins?

Pregnancy with twins is usually a dream that a person will soon make a profit, and in double the amount. But to obtain it, he will have to overcome serious and difficult obstacles, it is even possible that the person will lose or give away part of the profit.

If a girl or woman is pregnant and dreams that she is expecting twins, then in reality this may mean that she will have twins or may even have an involuntary miscarriage, which is why you need to be careful.

If a young woman dreams that she is pregnant with twins, then this promises her pleasant troubles.

If a young girl dreams that while pregnant she is giving birth to twins, then this means that disappointments and big losses await her soon, which she must beware of and try to prevent.

For a lonely girl, if she dreams that she is pregnant with twins, such a dream can threaten disrepute, being deceived, and even to the point that she will be left alone with the child in reality, that is, raising him alone without a father.

If a man dreamed that he was lying in bed with a woman pregnant with twins, this means that soon big changes will occur in his life on the personal front and he may become a father.

If a poor man dreams of a woman who is pregnant with twins, then this promises him to get rich in the near future and pay off all his debts. Why would a rich man dream about being pregnant with twins? And besides, he will go broke and may become poor. That is why it is recommended not to conduct any negotiations and make important decisions; it is worth waiting as much time as possible.

If you have a dream in which a person sees an unknown woman pregnant with twins, this may portend family prosperity.

If you dreamed about a pregnant friend or acquaintance, this foretells that everything will be fine with her and even a new addition to the family is possible.

If a woman walked pregnant in a dream and soon gave birth, this means that she will achieve success in absolutely all upcoming matters.

Taking delivery of a woman who is pregnant with twins foretells that an important event will soon occur that will play a big role in a person’s life.

It is a bad sign if an unmarried girl dreams of pregnancy, as this may portend an unsuccessful marriage. That is why it is necessary to behave extremely carefully, and the best option would be not to meet the opposite sex, at least for a while, and not to start a relationship.

The above article provides many options for interpreting sleep, which will certainly help you understand why you dreamed about pregnancy and what it portends in a given situation. The most important thing is not to take sleep too seriously.

Being pregnant according to the dream book

Pregnancy in a dream is interpreted in different ways by dream books. The meaning of such a dream depends on many factors. Firstly, are you currently carrying a child in reality. Secondly, perhaps your desire to be pregnant forced your subconscious to show this. Thirdly, a harbinger of events not related to this phenomenon - that’s what this is about in a dream.

Not only women of childbearing age can carry a baby while sleeping. In general, in dreams pregnancy has no gender. You need to interpret what you dreamed about in dream books depending on what stage of life you are at now.

The meaning of the dream - to be pregnant - is as follows: dream books promise a young girl mutual love, but it will soon be overshadowed by minor disagreements. If the woman is older, this may mean that she has health problems that are not known. After such a prompt from the brain, you should definitely visit a doctor.

A good profit, which can only be achieved by working hard - this is what a beautiful lady in labor dreams about. On the contrary, if she is ugly, then you should expect trouble and excitement. The man who dreamed about this doubts that he can have children. Sometimes this dream promises a lucrative contract.

An unhappy marriage, unattractive children - this is the interpretation of dreams - being pregnant, according to Miller’s dream book. Shame awaits the virgin who sees this dream. For a woman in this position, this predicts an easy birth with a successful outcome.

In a dream, being pregnant and giving birth predicts creative success, positive changes, and financial stability. If you yourself give birth, you will soon participate in events that will radically affect your affairs. Getting rid of problems in reality is what dreams of having an easy birth mean.

Prosperity, profit - this is how the dream book interprets the dream - to be pregnant with a belly. For a pregnant woman, this promises easy relief from the burden. Business people need to pay attention to financial issues. You may be being misled. The size of the deception can be determined by the size of the imaginary belly.

Pregnancy with a boy, girl, twins

Surprises and excellent news await you if you were pregnant with a girl in a dream. You will be given a present that you have been expecting for a long time - that’s another reason for dreaming about it. Businessmen and students will experience great success in their planned endeavors. For married people, this dream symbolizes receiving an inheritance and the support of sponsors. The birth of a daughter, according to the dream book, is interpreted as material well-being and a romantic adventure.

Being pregnant with a boy in a dream - for women who are pregnant, this promises the birth of a girl. For non-pregnant people, the dream promises that dreams will come true and things will go uphill. According to other dream books, a born boy predicts troubles, problems, and litigation. For males, this means enrichment.

Being pregnant with twins in a dream means that your plans will come true. You will have new perspectives, great ideas, and your luck will double. However, often such foresight symbolizes, as dream books say, your reluctance to have twins.

For a young girl, being pregnant or giving birth in a dream means preparing for her own marriage or serious relationship. This is a good sign that predicts family well-being and joy. Readiness for procreation is what dreams of the birth of a child mean.

Did you dream today that you gave birth to twins? What is this for?


Karina Fisher

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why do you dream of Gemini - If you dream of a twin brother or sister, and there are many other twins around you, then perhaps you will become pregnant and give birth to twins.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Why do you dream of Gemini - Seeing twins in a dream for rural residents means a rich harvest in the field and in the garden, as well as a good litter of animals.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Gemini - the birth of children.

Dream book for the whole family

Dream Interpretation Gemini - If you dream of twins, this means that anxiety will leave you and you will be confident in what you are doing. It is possible that your income will double. In addition, peace and harmony will come to your family. BROTHER If you dreamed about your brother, expect news from afar. If in real life you do not have a brother, but you dreamed of him in a dream, get ready for the surprise that your relatives will present to you. A dream in which you saw your deceased brother promises you longevity, good health and a successful career. Seeing your dead brother in a dream and talking to him means that you will soon have to carry out an assignment that will greatly tire you, and you will need a long rest.

Ukrainian dream book

Gemini - If you see twins, you will have children (and if you have children, you will have grandchildren); Having twins is a big family celebration.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Gemini - The idea of ​​unification, balancing good and evil, corresponding to the binary mandala. Creation and destruction. Two-headed images are close.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation Gemini - A dream in which you see twins is very controversial. It can be a symbol of confidence and success in business or a harbinger of your indecision, slowness, hesitation, and the painful need to make a choice. Therefore, you need to reconsider your life principles, attitude to business and make the right decision. Twins in a dream are a harbinger of strong friendship and harmony in the family; for single people, a quick marriage for love. Sick twins can warn of upcoming complications, conjoined twins can warn of upcoming success and happiness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Why do you dream of Gemini - Seeing twins in a dream means a dual state of mind; it will be very difficult for you to make the right decision. If a person who is himself a twin sees twins in a dream, then this person will have a long and happy life.

Grandmother's dream book 1918

Interpretation of dreams Gemini - Siamese is a very good sign, marriage for love for unmarried people, many children for married people.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why do you dream about Gemini - This image shows that the problem has two sides. You have to make a choice in a difficult situation.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - interpretation of dreams

Dream Interpretation Gemini - Seeing - you will wait for your own offspring; to have is a big family celebration.

Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Gemini - Giving birth is stunning news. See - your curiosity will be satisfied. Having your own twin means it’s time to pay attention to yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Gemini - Seeing - waiting for your own offspring - having - a big family celebration

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of Gemini, doubles - Seeing - confusion of events, affairs; painful choice.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream of Gemini, twins - Gemini in a dream foreshadows confidence in business, peace and harmony in the family.

Gave birth to twins in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Gave birth to twins. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of giving birth to twins mean, or what it means to see giving birth to twins in a dream.

Childbirth in a dream

I had this rather vivid dream...

I gave birth. The birth was not difficult. Moreover, I have already had one childbirth in my life. And in the dream, I realized that this was my second birth. I gave birth to twins. The first boy was born. Then a little time passed and the second child was born (I don’t know if it was a boy or a girl, I woke up).

Gave birth to a son in a dream

I very rarely see dreams, no more than once every three to four months... And, as a rule, I don’t remember them. Today's dream was not only strange, but also unexpected for me. I woke up several times during the night, fell asleep, and the dream... I continued to dream. It was as if I paused the movie, and after a while pressed the "play" button again...

I dreamed that I was in a maternity hospital and I knew that my son was born. I didn’t see the birth itself, but I clearly saw the very beautiful and smiling face of the baby that the nanny brought to me. And I know for sure that I called him Nikita. At that moment, when I began to get ready to go home, my ex-husband suddenly appeared in the room. With some aggression and, at the same time, in confusion, he asked the question: “Who?” I answered just as briefly: “My son.” Next is his phrase: “Our son!” I kept silent, it seems...

But I know that when we lived together, my husband did not want a child. He was not able to provide for us all: due to poor health, in order for me to bear a child, I needed to spend all 9 months in the “star position,” as the doctor said. And this automatically implied that I would have to leave work, which my husband could not allow. In the dream, he seemed even glad to have a child and a son, but I no longer wanted to raise him together. The next “picture”: I go out into the street, Nikita is in my arms, we smile at each other, I say something affectionate to him, my ex is not around.

But then he runs up out of breath and, making excuses, says that I forgot to give the key with the number to my cubicle, and so he ran into the room, found it in the drawer of the bedside table and returned it. And at this moment, my feeling of happiness that I had a son was unexpectedly suppressed by a picture that clearly appeared before my eyes: I see this small key to which a plastic circle is attached, and in it I clearly see the number 21. For some reason the sight of this figure has an incredibly heavy, even depressing effect on me... And that’s all. At this point I finally woke up.

Tell me, please, what could such a dream mean? She gave birth to a son? Sorry for describing it at such length, it’s just... I really rarely see dreams in general, but here... Everything is so clear, clear, and nothing has been forgotten... Thank you in advance.

Gave birth to a 4 month old boy in a dream

I saw how my child was born, but I didn’t see the birth process itself, I just saw that I was standing at the table and somewhere in the area of ​​​​my stomach a small bundle appeared, it was a boy the size of a grown kitten, he was wrapped in something, no face , no body is visible.

As if in the placenta (I thought so in a dream), in a dream it seemed natural. And I also thought, “Wow, how easily and quickly everything happened,” without the slightest pain. In the dream, I knew that he was 4 months old. It was not clear whether this was the age of my pregnancy or whether he was already 4?? And I didn’t have a belly.

And the same children were still lying on the table. I knew that I had given birth to 6 of them, but I saw them very vaguely and my attention was not focused on them. She simply separated this child from her stomach and gave it to some man in the hands, she also saw him vaguely, and he put him on the table. (In reality, the job I’m currently working at is my sixth and I’ve been working at it for three months.)

Gave birth to two children in a dream

I dream that I gave birth to 2 children, it seems both are boys. One is about half a year old, I gave birth to him as if from my mother’s new husband. (she has been a widow for many years) There are three beds in the room. There is one bed on one side, we are lying in it (me and my mother’s husband). He is a handsome, tall, slender Englishman, my age or a little younger. On the other side of the room there are two more beds and in each of them lie a couple of a man and a woman. They lie quietly.

The man lying next to me begins to reproach me that I have lost interest in him, that we don’t have sex, and I say what kind of sex? There are still people in this room. And then I notice to him that he does not love our child, does not show any interest in him. I tell him to take the child in his arms, he needs affection and care. But I myself think that at least my adult daughter came into the room, so that I would have a reason to get up and leave.

The second son, he is a baby. I gave birth as if in marriage, normally. But I also sarcastically say who gave birth to the first one. (in fact, I have 1 children. The eldest son and the youngest daughter. But I dream that I have only a daughter and gave birth to 2 little sons and there is no difference of 9 months between them. Maximum 6.

I also saw my husband in a dream, he was sitting surrounded by other people, trying to break something on his knee (something), but he didn’t succeed..

Childbirth and pregnancy in a dream

This is the 4th time I have dreamed that I am pregnant or giving birth. The first dream was the simplest. I became pregnant at the age of 14 (I am now 14 years old) and my mother and grandmother and I solved this problem. Of course, we left the child. The 2nd dream was very strange. I was also pregnant at 14 years old. Everyone around me was running around in the hospital. I gave birth to a girl, but this girl looked very strange, her head was large, her body was small, she was a child who was already 4-5 years old. 3rd dream.

In this dream, I gave birth to 6 children, two sets of twins and just two children. I gave birth not in a hospital, but at home. My husband and I even went to the midwife, I even remember how he himself offered to give birth to me as a joke. The last pair of twins was something special, I remember everything about them. Boys were born, I named the first Seryozha and the second Innocent, and what’s most interesting is that I didn’t breastfeed my previous children, but I did breastfeed these ones, and I fell in love with them very much.

4th dream: I was pregnant but my belly was not visible, we were going down to a building in Khorol, but then a car of some scary murderers passed by, along the way they put one of their women on the road and told her to shoot her me, since the rest of my company, including my beloved, hid, and I run to some dilapidated hut and hide there, but this girl still finds me, I ask her not to kill me, and she tells me that I’m pregnant, I look at my belly, I can just see how it protrudes a little, she lets me go, we continue walking with our company, and then we are taken hostage by those same terrible people, my belly is already big, you can see it, but they accept it like this as if I was just a fat woman, they put me and my friend in a cell, the girls of these people are friendly, they understand the situation I am in, but they don’t threaten me, they bring us food, etc. but they don’t let us go free.

And then I find my phone in my jacket, I write to my mother that we were captured, she writes some nonsense in response, and then I am transported to some house, safe and sound, and I see a baby - this is my first son, he is about a year old, and I talk to my mother, I tell the child that dad will arrive soon, and I myself think: when will I give birth to a second child, the one I was pregnant with, but I know for sure that it will be a girl... And then I wake up...

In my life I have big problems with the reproductive system, and the question of whether I will give birth is still lingering.

Childbirth, dead children in a dream

I dreamed that I gave birth to children, but there were a lot of them, 7-8 of them, the size of a kitten. I put them in 2 basins and waited for something, minded my own business, then when it dawned on me that they needed my help, it was too late, they all died, mostly choked on the water in the basin.

Childbirth in a dream

Help me interpret the dream: I dreamed that I gave birth to a cat (I also dreamed about the birth itself, blood), and in the dream it seemed like it was in the order of things. No one was surprised, I was glad that I would now have a pet. The cat was white, only her head looked like it belonged to another cat's body - it was motley.

Childbirth in a dream

Today I dreamed that I was pregnant, and at night, when everyone was sleeping, I gave birth. And quite easily, one by one, three babies came out (I vaguely remember that they were all boys), and I accepted them myself - no one was around. Then I went into my mother’s bedroom, woke her up and, joyful, smiled and showed her my completely flat stomach and said - Mom, I gave birth to triplets! Now I have six children! (I have three grown sons).

I remember that there was a feeling of surprise and joy... When I woke up, I immediately called my mother and she, looking in her dream book, said that the dream was very good and meant happiness and prosperity!.. But when I looked at the “Interpretation of Dreams” on this site, I saw OTHER! It turns out that the dream is very good only for married women (and I have been divorced for a long time and raised three sons alone), and if a woman is single, then this dream foreshadows some kind of trouble, including the loss of her good name! I felt so uncomfortable, everything was falling out of my hands!

Please help me interpret my dream of childbirth! Is it really that bad?!..... IRINA

Childbirth in a dream

I dreamed that I was pregnant, and somehow my stomach immediately formed. I came home, and my late grandmother was there. It turned out that she gave birth, and everything was very painless except for cutting the umbilical cord. Dad came to hold the baby and brought a big pink bear.

The child is a copy of me as a child, only for some reason with fur like my cat, white and red. When I approached my mother and said that I had given birth, she said that grandmothers are not supposed to see their granddaughters for a month, to which I objected, saying that my great-grandmother generally delivered babies, but in the end my mother still came.

Gave birth to triplets in a dream

I was delivered, 3 children were born - all identical. The midwife showed me a photo of a baby boy. It was not painful to give birth, I felt a feeling of joy!

Give birth in a dream

I dreamed, from Wednesday to Thursday, that I gave birth to a child (I don’t remember the gender) standing on the stairs of the entrance, no sensations, the head just came out and I pulled out the baby (clean and large), and then suddenly I thought that doctors should deliver the baby and stuck it in him back. There was a continuation of the dream, but I don’t remember the end

Gave birth to a boy in a dream

Hello, please tell me what the dream I saw means. I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy, I didn’t see the birth or pregnancy itself, I already saw a child 4-5 months old (I don’t know the age very well, the child was already sitting in a carrier that is attached to the front of the body), but I knew that this was my child and that I gave birth to him. I was incredibly happy for him, cared for him and cherished him, went everywhere with him, cared for him head-on. We even swam in the river with him.

In the dream, the father of the child was not there, and this did not bother me or those around me (family), there was not even an assumption from anyone (in real life I am not married and have no passion). I clearly remember that I called him Artyom, repeated this name several times in a dream, that’s my nephew’s name (in real life my nephew has a birthday at the end of the week), and I also said in a dream that my nephew Tema and my Artyom are different names))) (funny, of course) although I am indifferent to this name and would not name my son that in real life.

I read somewhere that seeing a boy means trouble, is that true? Does this have anything to do with my niece??

Give birth to a son in a dream

Why dream about giving birth to a son from your ex-husband who recently died?

A very strange dream, we have been divorced for 11 years, we have a daughter! During his lifetime, he reproached me more than once for not giving birth to a son! So in a dream I see that I have a little son from him, a baby who is smiling in my arms and my ex-husband comes into our room!

Childbirth in a dream

I dreamed of my own birth, which went easily and quickly, my boyfriend was standing next to me, I asked him: “What name should we give? Maybe Lera?” He readily agreed. We were so happy. A couple of days later, he and I were going for a walk, I became curious what name he would like to give, because Lera, it was my decision.

He said that he really liked the name Regina, on the same day I made an appointment with my friend, Regina, and when we met, I was very angry with her, probably jealousy. Why is not clear.

In reality, my boyfriend and I broke up a long time ago, but I’m still trying in every possible way to get him back.

I gave birth to a child and he got lost in his sleep

I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy, and very easily and quickly. True, for some reason I gave birth not in a ward, but in a dimly lit room, lying on my side on a table, and my aunt helped me. When they gave me the baby in my arms, for some reason he was covered in blood, and the blood was thick and sticky, but I wasn’t scared, I just washed him in the kitchen sink, and that’s it. I held him in my arms, and all the time I made sure that his head did not throw back too much, but at some point it happened, and bluish foam appeared on his lips, and his eyes became dark blue, even where there must be protein. But I quickly took it the right way, and everything went away.

And then I remembered that I already have a son, he is four years old, and this is the second one - just like the fortune teller once told me (about five years ago they told me three sons).

The next shot is that my baby is already a month old, but he is already running. And he and his eldest son went for a walk, and they got lost in the city. Then I, my boyfriend and several friends divided into groups of two or three and went to look for them. I found them behind the neighboring house, next to thick and tall thickets of grass. And then I woke up.



In a dream, I gave birth to twin girls (I became a mother 4 months ago, a girl), and the birth was very easy. as if neither I nor the doctors knew that it was twins and everyone was surprised. I cried. And she gave birth to the same person in life (we are not together)


I dreamed that I gave birth to 2 girls. I didn’t see them, but in the dream I still couldn’t find names for them. I gave birth by Caesarean section (I can’t do it any other way in real life) At the same time, I was proud that I was a “three-time mother” (I have a son growing up - I took this into account in the dream). I felt calm, I thought that I now have experience, I raised my son and I can handle it


Hello Tatyana. In a dream, I saw myself pregnant and gave birth to twins (girls). What could this mean? I'm not a married girl yet.


I gave birth to one boy, and half an hour later a second, and I did not expect either one. I gave birth at home, with my mother, a friend helped, but my husband was also somewhere nearby. The boys are cute, one bigger and one smaller. The thought flashed through whether the second one was more developed, because, like later and even more unexpectedly, she looked at everything in order, ears, nose, arms, legs, everything was in place. Then I sat and thought about how to name them, they decided on one Bogdan, and the second they thought Boris, but I don’t particularly like this name, I was just thinking about combining it with my eldest son, his name is Gleb. I even know that I gave birth to them on June 28th. I decided to call and make my grandfather happy, and his birthday is June 29th.


I gave birth to a boy and a girl without any pain, even without contractions! They were born in a “shirt” and then I removed this film from them myself! but for some reason they are very small, slightly larger than my palm! I’m pregnant now and am due to give birth in a few days!


I was pregnant in a dream, I was looking for a doctor, I was worried about having a caesarean procedure (my belly was small), twins were born, I definitely saw a very small boy with long black hair and his legs were sticking out from behind the diaper... I saw my husband - he was sad


I don’t remember the birth process itself, everything went very quickly. Then they put 2 babies on my chest and they slept quietly, and I kissed their tiny hands


Hello! Today I had a dream that I gave birth to twins, boys. But it turns out I didn’t even care about pregnancy.


I dreamed that I gave birth to two little girls (twins) and took turns breastfeeding them, I gave birth at home, my grandmother helped me


big belly I'm in pain, I'm giving birth to a girl, my second child remains in my stomach, please cut it, no one helps, I wake up


Hello. I dreamed that I gave birth to 2 twin boys. The children were calm, sleeping) I remember feeding them, I liked it. I was happy in my dream


Hello! I had a dream that I gave birth to twins from my first boyfriend. And before that, a few days ago, I married him in a dream.


good afternoon, this night I dreamed that I had twins - a girl and a boy, I didn’t dream about the birth process itself. Right away they seemed to be small in a stroller, but a minute later I went outside to tell my husband to go buy formula for feeding, otherwise I have there is no milk. The boy comes out from behind on his own with his legs and is already trying to talk as if he is 1.6 years old, a little later the girl comes out. They hug me and call me mom. (I already have a 3-year-old daughter soon). Why is this dream, please tell me???


I dreamed that my boyfriend and I had twins, a boy and a girl. The whole dream we argued about who should take them away from somewhere, with whom the children should stay, where should we go with them.


My wife gave birth to twins, girls, the birth was without complications. But then there was a strong earthquake, the girls survived, but my wife did not.


I had a dream about how mom and dad walked down the aisle in church, and mom didn’t have a belly. but from somewhere twins appeared, the mother was doing something with the children, then another twin. and the dream ended........


in a dream I was pregnant. I was walking down the street with a big belly and knew that I was having a boy. My husband was busy next to me. and then in the hospital I gave birth to dark twins without pain. I just didn’t see what gender the children were, the doctors were rude.


Hello, I dreamed today that I delivered babies and gave birth to two girls.


I didn’t see how I gave birth, but I know that they were my children (twins), I saw cute babies in the crib and was breastfeeding, it was not comfortable because I felt like I had just given birth and I was on my period.


I had twins, but I wasn’t happy about them, but I wasn’t worried either. But it was strange for me that the children were infants and could speak. And when I was going to breastfeed them, I fed not a child, but a kitten.


Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed that I knew that I had twins - girls. But I don't see them...I'm worried how I will cope with such a load. I also see myself breastfeeding a little girl. At first it is difficult for her to suck, then she adapts and sucks hard, I have a lot of milk, it even pours out of the nipples. The breasts are large, full...


I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, but I was not pregnant, I just started giving birth at home and in a second two boys appeared, I named them Arseny and Artem, I remember that in the dream I said that they were not very beautiful, another one was bigger the other is smaller. I changed clothes for one of the kids, or rather just undressed him and took him to wash, I saw him naked and this plot ends further and further.


I'm pregnant and I dreamed that I gave birth to twins - boys. And a little later, my own older sister also gives birth to twin girls. And her girls grow faster than my boys. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. That is, from 06/12/15. as of 06/13/15. I told my mother about the dream. She said that she saw in a dream that I gave birth to twins. My mother-in-law has twins in her family. Maybe I will have twins. I went for an ultrasound when I registered, but they didn’t say a word about twins.


I dreamed that, unexpectedly for myself and everyone around me, I gave birth to two girls. For some reason they were blondes, although we don’t have such blondes in our family. As I understand it, they appeared ahead of schedule, although I allegedly did not know about their existence throughout my pregnancy. In general, after giving birth, my husband wanted to get rid of them, or I don’t remember myself. I thought they wouldn't survive. And then I decided that I should try feeding them. I fed them and they supposedly started to get better. But I didn’t know how to tell my colleagues at work that I had given birth. That, in my opinion, is where I woke up.


Hello! I had a dream that I gave birth to twin boys and a girl, there was a lot of blood, it felt like it was not a dream, but as if in reality I was happy.


in a dream I gave birth to twins - a boy and a girl! for some reason I constantly breastfed them in turn and was worried that there would be enough milk for both of them)))) but it’s strange that in a dream I decided that I had given birth to my ex-husband and didn’t want them to be like him! Thanks for the answer!


I’m at home in the bathtub, I’m in the bathroom, I notice blood on my face, fear, screaming, crying. So I’m in the doctor’s office, I’m in labor, the labor is starting, the people’s girl, the man for me, the doctor, everything is going fine, then it seems like the boy needs to be wined again. Am I feeding yak? They hope everything will be fine. Then I start to feel hysterical, crying, and crying. I'm breaking out in a cold sweat.


I dreamed that I gave birth to twin girls. but she gave birth somehow strangely: first she gave birth to one, then she was in a coma for 4 weeks, came out of the coma and gave birth to a second one


I gave birth to twins…….they were taken away and I looked for them, fought for them, told all the doctors that if something was wrong there would be a TV show…..and so on


Good afternoon, I dreamed that I was pregnant and I went into labor, first I gave birth to one child, the doctor said that I had twins, but the second one was not born yet, I need to wait, and I’ve been waiting for pushing for so long, but they still don’t come, but then they appeared and I gave birth to another child, I remember exactly that one is a boy and the other is a girl


Hello, today I dreamed that I gave birth to twins (I already have a son). Then I kept running around pharmacies buying pacifiers and bottles, it was raining outside, it was cold, I kept scolding my husband for something, then I got out of the car and for some reason one child fell into a puddle, I picked him up, kissed him, we came home, I fed him. chest, but for some reason it was dark


in a dream I gave birth to twins by Caesarean section, but I did not see the birth itself. I feel like everyone is happy at home, they babysit, then I feed them, they are so beautiful


Hello. On Saturday night I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, boys. Healthy, strong, she gave birth easily, as if she had spat it out. But I didn’t know that there would be a second one, I was surprised to see the second child. I was cheerful, joyful in my sleep, did not feel any pain.


My mother had a dream: she said that my daughter gave birth to twins. One lies nearby, and I feed the second


I dreamed that I was pregnant, then I began to worry very much and I went into labor. First one child, and after a while the second. It was unexpected


I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, first a girl and a few minutes later a boy, it all happened in someone else’s unfamiliar house, there was a husband, a mother and someone else I didn’t know, and for some reason no one called an ambulance, there was also a friend, but she didn’t give birth, and I was pregnant at that moment. Thank you, I hope the answer won’t take long!!!


I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. but the boy died, what's the point?


I gave birth to two boys... I really felt it all. it wasn't painful. and the kids were very calm


I dreamed that I gave birth to three girls - twins. I remember how at first I was afraid that it would be very difficult, but then I was happy. The father of the children was my boyfriend, whom I want and am going to marry. I remember all three girls were lying in red strollers. They were calm and slept all the time. Occasionally they cried. I bottle fed them. They were very similar to each other. And one more thing. In the dream, I didn’t even imagine that I was pregnant. And when she gave birth to three twin girls, she was shocked.


I dreamed that I gave birth to two girls. One is seasick, the other is always somewhere with other people, I see her briefly. Then a policeman comes and starts asking why I flew to another city. I answer that I went into labor. So, they say, my husband will come back from his shift and find out that we are having twins. And we ourselves are standing near the school (me and a policeman), then I go into the school, it seems like I work there, and there my late grandmother is fussing about something, and I I'm starting to help her. I go into the director's office, trying to figure out when to go home. I look at my watch, it’s 6:30 pm, they say I can go.


boy and girl, how I dressed them, I remember my relatives, I remember how the children were named Alisa and Misha, I remember children’s hats, especially blue


I gave birth to twins in a dream. boy and girl. She named the children Ivan and Marya.


In a dream I was pregnant, the birth started somehow unusually, without any pain and immediately a caesarean section and twins. Then I left home somewhere, and everyone felt like I had done something, they didn’t allow me to see the children, betrayed my relatives and my boyfriend (they didn’t recognize me, as if I wasn’t me),



I dreamed that my husband had a twin (in fact, he didn’t) and he was also in love with me.
He asks me to stay with him, and I tell him - if I had met you earlier, then everything would probably have been different.
And they both stand in front of me, only one (mine) is called Oleg, and his twin is called Igor.
Thank you.



I dreamed that I had more than one head, but there was also another of my Siamese twin. I spent the whole day with a doctor, who first cut off my neck part from the other head, and then I felt that the rest of his head was under my scalp. And she asked the doctor to remove the entire head of the conjoined twin.


Today I dreamed that I had newborn twins, boys, I was breastfeeding one, and the second fell asleep at that time, when I fed I put him in the stroller where the second twin was sleeping. I didn’t wake up the second one, but decided to express the milk, when I started expressing from my breast, grain (wheat) fell onto the table, a whole mound of grain turned out, then I took the stroller with the twins and went outside with them, all this time, in a dream, next to The twins' dad was with me. Please tell me why I dreamed about this? I'm not married, but I have a loved one.


Every night I dream about my beloved person Dima. Today I dreamed that he had a twin brother, Alexey. And in the dream, it was as if I had to choose who I should date: Dima or Alexey. I seemed to like Alexey more, although in the dream they both did not speak. I woke up without knowing who I chose. I didn’t know that I could exchange Dima for someone even in a dream, especially for his twin brother))
And in the afternoon I remembered that recently my boyfriend Lyosha began paying attention to me, but I don’t like him. Could a dream be a sign that I will have to choose one of them in real life?


Good morning! My name is Irina, I was born on October 17, 1972 in Kazakhstan (Temirtau). Last night I dreamed about twins. Two pairs of twins... first I gave birth to one pair of beautiful boys and they grew up a little... and then the second - I saw them clearly... beautiful and calm... but I breastfed only one, because he cried, he didn’t even cry, he groaned... I was incredibly happy. But it was as if I had an older son... I didn’t see him, but I knew that he was there... I was happy that I had 5 children....
I really wanted to ask you, could you interpret my dream... it’s just that not everything is so good in my life... lack of money and not everything is good with my husband... and to be honest, I’m a little tired... I will be very grateful to you if you help me interpret my dream.. Thank you very much in advance...


I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, breastfed them, there was a lot of milk, the children were healthy, a boy and a girl, I was very happy in the dream.


I dreamed that I went to the store alone, talked to the seller and she said that my son ran away, I turned around, one was standing next to me, the other ran down and I ran after him, caught up with him, took him in my arms, kissed him and went back, then we went home, I met my husband and I woke up! I have no children in my life)


I dreamed that my ex-beloved girl had a twin sister, who was also dressed like the other, and I sat down in the middle between them and took them by the hands and said, well, who am I talking to? One was silent, and the second said that this is what something didn’t suit her about me and so on... something like that.


I really like a man, but we don’t communicate, in a dream he had a double who pesters me, then I find out about this and choose my real man, his twin is next to us throughout the dream, but this does not bother us be happy with my man


Good evening. I dreamed of my beloved girl that she was sitting at the table and with her was her twin (she doesn’t have a twin), also a girl. They were talking to each other And then I realized that I had only one girl. and I felt kind of scared


good morning. Today I dreamed of 6 (!) pairs of twins. These were twins of different ages, of different age categories, but they were all children. that is, I’m walking down the street, I see a couple of little twin girls, nearby, for example, twin boys are walking, also children, on the other side there are girls of school age, someone else is being led by their parents... in general, I counted 6 pairs of them in my dream... to mine. what could this mean? The meanings of online dream books on Internet portals contradict each other, as usual. As for reality, in reality I love twins very much, since childhood I have always been attracted by their nature, I have always admired them. thanks in advance.


I dreamed that I was traveling in a transport with two pairs of twin brunette girls, and then at the bus stop two more pairs of twin blonde girls in white fur coats entered the transport. They were all very beautiful, as if they were going to a celebration; in the dream there was a feeling of surprise and admiration.


Hello! I am 23 years old, not married, have a boyfriend.
I dreamed that I had 2 wonderful twin girls, only about 3-4 months old. And throughout the entire dream I put them to bed, changed their diapers, and fed them. Mom helped me


I dreamed of twin infants, alive and healthy, like boys, and then wheat fell on them. It felt like they were mine, but I didn’t give birth to them. I saw everything clearly and clearly


I was pregnant, I dreamed of a friend of mine who I haven’t seen for a long time, she was pregnant with a big belly, I was so happy, I said Marinka, how glad I am, I’m also pregnant, and what will you ask? I ask her, she says twins and smiles, and for the second day in a row I’ve been dreaming about eating white, fresh, warm bread and enjoy it.




Today I dreamed of my twin friends, but as if they were little (they are now 30 years old). My mother and I came to visit them and I spent the whole dream fiddling with them, and their mother was also present in the dream. I had a dream already in the morning, the emotions were positive. I don't remember anything else.


I dreamed that I was offered to adopt twin girls. And I already had my first child and was pregnant with twin girls. In the end I agreed.


I dreamed that I was walking along an empty carriage of a moving train, the light was dim. A young woman stands near two seats and looks down somewhere, when I approached I saw beautiful little twin boys, a year and a half old. The woman said that their parents had forgotten, the boys sat quietly at first, and when I approached they started hooting and pulling their hands towards me.
Please help me explain the dream.


My son in the dream is a year old and he is a Siamese twin, then he grew up and is already 13 or 14 and he is separated from his brother by 2 points of blood. I couldn't believe that he was actually a Siamese twin.


several different blocks mixed together. at first there was some kind of friendly atmosphere, where I noticed several times that I was without pants or panties, but no one except me paid attention to it. then in a store with one of my ex-boyfriends, who gently presses me from behind, says how dear I am to him, he misses me, everything is very good with him, a lot of money... I understand that I am standing naked from waist to knee, only a top and shoes. My friend and I agree that we will resume our business relationship, although this is apparently only a metaphor; while in line, I pull out and put on knee-length denim shorts (I once had these).
then I don’t remember what and how, but I find myself either with a freak or with an abandoned teenager, but these are Siamese twin girls who are connected not by their back and stomach, but by a man’s hairy arm. they show me something, either a dance or a song, then I offer to just chat, ask some question expecting any reaction - I get a sincere, kind answer... that’s what I remember


I dreamed that I had twins, and one of them ate a third child in the womb, but the twins were already born and now I need to somehow extract the third


I remember I just gave birth to twins, there was a strong feeling of fear and it was very difficult, but I refused the turnover and gave birth, cried a lot, and then it let me go, there were no feelings at all


Hello! I dreamed that my husband had a twin brother, like two peas in a pod, but only he was tanned, and the husband was pale; over the course of the dream, the twin turned out to be thin, and the husband was athletic, pumped up in reality. At the same time, certain feelings arose towards the twin, but the choice remained with the husband. Nothing more. The dream left some kind of incomprehensible strange feeling.


I dreamed that I was pregnant, and they told me that I had twins, then the birth was painless, easy and surprisingly fast, I gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, but I vaguely remember that one child was missing a leg.


I dreamed that I had three children and four twins (in the end there were seven of them), it seems that I was breastfeeding one of the twins. And in the same dream I dreamed of twins again, but different ones


In a dream, I came to a village that seems to be where I was born... but some places are completely foreign... and I go into my house, and there is a man lying there, and his wife is helping next to him.. I see small, about 10 month old children.. I ask if it’s difficult with triplets, they smile and say that there are six of them. 5 boys and one girl. I take the girl and start playing and at that time I ask my parents if the state helps, they answer that they receive nothing except child benefits... Then I and The girl in my arms went somewhere and I want to give her some kind of toy... I barely found a soft toy, and she fell asleep in my arms...


in a dream I saw a guy I like, but in the dream he had a twin, but in real life he doesn’t have a twin


I dreamed that I had a twin sister, but we didn’t look like me in reality. I perform on stage and there is also an unknown guy - a fan of my work, who constantly sends me bouquets of white roses, but often my sister receives roses instead of me. dream in dark blue tones, with the exception of white roses. a large number of people are also present.


It all started when my friend and I decided to go somewhere, I don’t remember the process of the trip itself, but as soon as we arrived we separated from her. I went to my friends and relatives, then I took the bus and there I met my friend again (with whom we arrived), but she was not alone with her there was a girl exactly like her (her twin) I was scared and started asking questions, but she calmly She said: I told you, but you forgot again. When we got off the bus, I realized that her twin was disabled (this girl had a very similar face to my friend, but she was very small in height, up to my waist)


I saw photographs where my parents were me and some girl who was a copy of me. I asked my parents who she was, they didn’t tell me anything. The picture was black and white but the dream was not. In my dream it seemed to me that she was my sister, although I didn’t have a sister. There were other photos and she was there too.


I dreamed of several twins, there were 5 of them, well, we were talking about something, then they invited me somewhere and I agreed, I somehow ended up in the car as one of them and we started having an affair and I woke up


Some kind of showdown, and a bandit group wants to kill me, we were constantly waiting for a minibus, and then we settled in my grandmother’s house and the twins came - she was in a bandit group and I killed them


nothing special, it was just a maternity hospital, the birth went very quickly and painlessly and then we ended up at home where the whole family nicely watched them throughout the day)))


I dreamed about pregnancy, then the question was how to tell my parents. there was no birth, but then they immediately brought twins, they were little, my mother said to feed them, but I immediately began to worry that there was no milk, but after feeling the breast on the left, milk still came out, one baby began to eat. at this time I experienced some strange sensations, like satisfaction, which made my whole body tremble from the inside. Then there was some kind of turmoil and after that I was feeding two children.


I dreamed that I was a girl of about 10 years old, and my twin sister and I were taken from the shelter and put to sleep in different rooms, I was afraid of sleeping for some reason and ended up running into my sister’s room, we sat and were both afraid, then something came out of the door crawling on the floor bleeding, we ran into another room, but it was tearing through the door, I hugged it and woke up. In my life I had a sister 16 years ago; he died at the age of 13 at my birth from a heart defect. I've had this dream about 11 times already.


I dream that I am on a bus with a lot of people (children and adults). I turn around to look at the people and there they are all twins, two identical people. What would that mean?


in a dream I met a boss whom I had not seen for a long time, she was now 37 and she was just pregnant with her first child, so I dreamed of her with Siamese twins in her arms, but they had deformities, and then an unfamiliar girl also came up with an infant child who also had a repulsive appearance ...tell me what this means? Siamese twins, I read, have a good interpretation, but they were ugly (thanks


I was talking with the twins, they were smiling, I don’t remember what they were talking about, and one twin kissed me and I woke up


I dreamed that I gave birth to twin boys, I was so happy that I decided to notify my family myself, I decided to start with my mother, the dream was colorful, the process of childbirth and I did not see myself pregnant in the dream.


as if I was not me at all, as if in another body, then I dreamed that I was walking on water, then suddenly fell and wet paper money


Well, first I woke up, my mother and sister were getting dressed for kindergarten, and my mother was going to work, when I fell asleep, we were in some clearing, well, there were coffee shops and all that stuff, I didn’t have a belly, but maybe I was pregnant, and my mother Before that, I said that you won’t give birth until you’re 25 years old, I was very patient, but then somehow contractions started in my sleep and there was a medical center nearby, they took me there and literally in 5 minutes I gave birth to 2 healthy twin girls (I dreamed of how they pulled them out and they cut everything for me there), so they were born, but it looked like they were already 4 or 5 years old, my grandmother didn’t notice anything strange, there was a square where everyone went to glorify me, a lot of people gathered there, and my ex-boyfriend Andrei, he was in it I didn’t believe it...... Then I woke up and started making the bed, etc.


In a dream today I saw two twin children; it turns out that I gave birth to them and breastfed them. They were very beautiful, just like a picture. I was surprised by their beauty. And she took turns feeding one breast and giving the other the other. Two fair-haired boys.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that they brought me two boys, and I understand that they are not my own, but I breastfeed them, they are both very beautiful, but one of them is larger, and the other is smaller, but I prefer the thin one. And then I understand that these children will remain with me forever and I decided to give them names, the one I named more fully George, in honor of St. George the Victorious, and the second Sergius, in honor of Sergius of Radonezh.


I dreamed of twins, two beautiful boys, I gave birth to them, but then I saw that there was something wrong with their legs, then I immediately saw them big.


I had a dream that I had twins. I almost didn’t see them, but I remembered that one of the cheeks was a little bigger. I wanted to name one Vladislav, and the second I didn’t even know what. This name only occurred to me at that moment. And I asked dad to name the second one.


I dreamed that I had healthy, beautiful children, I didn’t see the birth itself, but I felt that the children were mine, a boy and a girl, and that my loved one, whom I was dating now, gave me one child in my arms so that I could breastfeed him, we were happy in a dream


I dreamed of a man who is no longer alive (I had a close relationship with him during my lifetime). He came to me and suddenly, from somewhere, two twin babies (boys) appeared in my arms and as if from him


I saw my school and my cousin in a dream. She had a twin. They sat together on a bench. I approached them and said, “You look alike.” The cousin said, “We are twins. Grandma told us so.” And the cousin's twin was mischievous and she said something sarcastically. The dream ended and I woke up.


I am 40 years old. I dreamed that I gave birth painlessly to 2 boys (healthy and fair), I breastfed them, but they didn’t have enough. There was only milk in one breast and I decided to feed them with formula (I even remember the name). I also remember what I named the children.


I dreamed of two twin girls, 2-3 years old, they were cheerful, running, frolicking, the girls were beautiful, clean, I just watched them - these were not my children


I dreamed that I hugged a person like my lad, but this person was not the same in size, but the height and skin were not the same as in the same guise as in the same one, and at the same time I saw my real lad on the street


I dream that two horses are running out of the circus tent.
The first one, the little one, is a foal, and she drags the big one behind her, and they are tied by one bridle. and then this small one barely shuffles, while the big one pushes, and vice versa. The big one shuffles, and the small one is playful. and then I see two twin girls, about 20 years old, and they have thick, black curls, they looked at each other and spoke tender words. I don’t remember which ones. they were in nighties. and then one of them ends up in the house and starts playing the piano, she was beautifully dressed and had a braid. and there some kind of ball began to rise, as if for ping-pong. and in this house there was a man and a woman, a husband and a wife. and this man stood on a chair and wanted to adjust his watch. Then I woke up.


I dreamed about my godmother’s son, whom I have known since childhood, but we haven’t seen each other for about 10 years. He looks so much like his twin brother that I didn’t even recognize him at first. He grumbled at me, we were walking somewhere, but on the whole he was silent. I tried to cheer him up, but he just pushed me away. And as soon as we arrived at the place, he noticeably relaxed. And went to the shower. I was waiting for him and, as soon as he came out, I took him somewhere. He no longer resisted. I kissed him, he kissed back. And then everything is like a fog.




We photographed two fair girls, twins with bright blue eyes, blond hair below the shoulder and about 18 years old... with open smiles and we walk with them.... at the same time I feel ease of communication and confidence


I dreamed of small breasted cute twins. in a dream I realized that these were my newborn children. although I don’t have a child. they smiled at me. it was so nice.


a few days ago I dreamed that I was playing with twins, they were girls aged 5-6 years....they both had long and blond hair.....there was also one little boy, probably their brother....and we had a lot of fun together, it was a colorful dream. Thank you)


Hello! I looked through binoculars at two twin boys, someone standing nearby (who did not see) said that these were my twin sons, and even seemed to call them Nikolai and Alexander.


I dreamed that my friend gave birth to 5 or four children in one body, that is, Siamese twins, she was happy but I cried, I felt sorry for her and the children


I dreamed of twin babies, boys and one girl, I was breastfeeding and carrying the girl in my arms, knowing at the same time that she was a stranger, her parents were standing nearby


Hello! my name is Natalya
I dreamed that I gave birth to twins: a boy and a girl
but I was very afraid of anesthesia: I cried. and the babies were born healthy, everything is fine
In my life I have had two births under anesthesia and before the operation I cried a lot.
my mail [email protected]
Thank you


hello, I dreamed about how I was sailing on a ferry and on this ferry I saw a man (in life we ​​communicate with him) hugging his family (he is married) then everyone gets off the ferry and walks, I lag behind everyone and in order to catch up with my people, I look back and see twins or triplets they showed me the way


I was with my family in nature (mom, dad, brother) and I dreamed that I had two children, twins (girls), it was summer, the twins were about a year old


I saw my own birth and saw how first one daughter was born, a minute later the second one was born, and I didn’t feel any pain or contractions. Then the midwife dressed them and put them on my bed


I dream of two twin girls, I look after them and I’m surprised, two very pretty girls, I feed them, I admire them..


I dreamed that my husband was sitting in a room with dim lighting; when I went to see him, I saw 4 very tiny boys and realized that they were ours!


I dreamed that I met my twin - in appearance she was a copy of me, but she changed her appearance. It seemed to me that she was more beautiful than me - I had curly, dark hair, and hers was light and straight. This was our first meeting, but I wanted to continue communicating with her. After talking with her, I talked to my mother and she explained that she had to give it away.


Today I had a dream that I gave birth to twins, a son and a daughter, at home, and saw them naked. She put her in the crib, but after a while she looked and saw that her son was not in the crib, but her daughter had already become big


Today I had a dream in which I gave birth at home to two twins, a daughter and a son. I saw the children naked. I put them separately in cribs or cradles, I don’t remember. After a while I looked and saw that my son was not in the cradle, but my daughter was already big.


The dream was that I met a sister who is a copy of me, she is related to me only by my father, I was very surprised and did not know how to react to this situation.


I’m going to go for a walk with my infant twin boys, who are not there, I gathered them up and my husband and my mother went outside for a walk, and I later went out and found them, but my husband wasn’t there, a lot of people were walking with strangers’ strollers and they were lying in 2 different strollers my children, and my mother walked next to me, as if we didn’t have a stroller, I got them, screamed at my mother, and got ready to leave, and right there there was a table and those who were walking with strollers, some of whom I know, start drinking champagne, I shouted again and they are drinking here and left alone with the children, walking on high heels for some reason


I saw in a dream the twin brother of the young man I loved (in reality he has no brother). In the dream they were very similar even in behavior and interests. It’s as if the entire time we’ve known each other, I’ve been dating one thing or another, and without even knowing it. When everything was revealed, I began to remember that I didn’t know, but I felt that something was wrong with the young man. He's different.
Something like that. What is all this for? How to interpret my dream?


I dreamed of twin brothers, fiery red-haired, whom I had never seen before, about 20 years old, with whom I was in love in a dream. I'm 21.


I dreamed about two twin girls. They were playing on the playground. The dream was good and warm. What does this mean?


I think I gave birth and the doctor says we’ll do a caesarean procedure and I see how they cut the stomach and it doesn’t hurt at all, but on the contrary, it’s so pleasant and I’m glad that it doesn’t hurt and twins are born, a boy and a girl, she even named them by their names.


Hello! I dreamed of twin girls, about 8-10 years old. They looked me straight in the face and turned around and walked away. As I remember, they were dressed in white dresses, they had their hair in pigtails. What could this mean? I'm very interested in this, thanks in advance!


My husband and I met what seemed like a familiar married couple. They had 2 twins in the stroller. I picked one up and asked if I was holding it correctly, they corrected me on how to hold it correctly. The twins were sweet, calm, and did not cry. I also dreamed about my period, somehow unexpectedly it started, some things got dirty with it, I urgently washed them.


I dreamed that my brother (or sister) had twins. But the brother (or sister) disappeared somewhere (I don’t remember exactly), and the kids were taken into care. I looked for them for a long time so that I could take them for myself, since in a dream I was their aunt. I found them, registered them as my children. In the dream I was happy. Twins - boy and girl, infants


Hello! Last night I had a dream about two twin girls, one and a half years old, the whole dream was bright and very pleasant. The girls were playing and having fun, and I had the feeling that these were my children. Thank you.


Hello! I had a dream that I was pregnant and I had twins, but I was pregnant not about my husband but from some doctor, I came to give birth to the hospital and that person didn’t want to see me, then I went to look for another doctor and my water had already broken they had a bad smell, but I didn’t hear the smell, that’s what they told me in the hospital, but I never gave birth, I woke up. Why this dream, please tell me!


First, I washed the stairs and went out into some garden. And for some reason I walked around naked. My friend came up to me and asked why I was walking like that, I replied that everything was fine, I’d get dressed soon, and moved on. I felt a little awkward, but tried to reassure myself that no one would see anyway.


It all started simply: I was relaxing with my friends, we drank a glass of wine... and I already wake up in the morning not remembering anything. Some time has passed, it’s as if my mother comes to me and says... that I’m pregnant, I look at my belly in shock and see that it’s already quite big. I understand that I got pregnant, although I don’t remember the circumstances and I stubbornly want to prove to everyone that I’m still a virgin, how could I get pregnant like that?!? I understand that this happened after that party with my friends and someone gave me sleeping pills, so I don’t remember anything, and then, taking advantage of my condition, he raped me. In a dream, I feel shame, cry and decide to find the father of my child, through questioning I find out who he is and understand that this man betrayed me. I can easily force him to marry me, but I don’t do this, because I understand that he doesn’t love me and there is no point in forcing him. Without telling him, I start a new life. The baby's due date is approaching, and my mother is delivering the baby. The birth is successful and even painless. My mother tells me that I have twins, a boy and a girl, but... I manage to give birth to a girl, and the boy still seems to need to stay in my belly for a little while. One day has passed, my belly has become smaller, and I am expecting another birth. At first the baby inside didn’t move, and I thought he was dead, then I decided to touch my belly and he started moving. As a result, I gave birth to a boy. They were beautiful. The girl is so plump and rosy that I remember her. And then after some time I see they are already a big boy with dark curls and the girl also has curls but is blonde. And I realize that I am happy, even if it wasn’t like that at first.


I saw twins in a dream; it looked like I was playing underwater and I had pearls in my hands. And I'm like a dolphin myself


In my dream I need to choose two girls who came to our class, they are twins and I can’t choose, although the dream repeats itself many times!(


I am carrying my older sister's 5 twins. The birth was easy. The children were large and healthy. I was shocked that I was a surrogate mother for these children.


I dreamed that our neighbor gave birth to Siamese twins (ugly) and she also had an older son with whom my husband and I played.


Hello, I dreamed that I had beautiful twin boys. At the moment I am pregnant. But the impression from the dream remained strange. And the feeling in the dream also seemed somehow strange, as if I was happy, but was expecting the birth of a daughter.

Anastasia Rudenko:

I get off the bus and through the window I see my twin at the bus stop (he’s a boy). In the dream, the streets were black and white. Getting off the bus I went my own way, walking through a gray maze and noticing that my twin was following me. I really liked him and he liked me. My and his facial features were clearly drawn in my head. We were always together and never left each other, as if we were one. Everything was fine until some spirit told us that we shouldn’t kiss and sent us to another world, we ended up in school (the places were colored), everything changed for the two of us, our faces and hair, even our clothes. After leaving school we went somewhere and started talking. At the end of the dream there was a beautiful blue river, around it there were many green trees and plants, just like in a fairy tale. His parents were there, all of our friends whom we met in the dream. It was something like a party and for some reason we were the main ones there. There was a feeling that we saved the world... From time to time in the gray theme we met zombies and non-existent creatures and always defeated them. What could this mean? Just my imagination or some kind of prophetic dream?


I dreamed that I was with some friends, and I saw that they had 4 twin boys, whom the parents could not cope with, and then I found out and saw, as it seemed to me, that they had two more girls who had twins, and some kind of fuss was going on about this , and I somehow watched and saw all this.


I had a dream that I gave birth to 4 twins, 2 girls and 2 boys. I looked after them, I liked them, I rejoiced with them.


hello, I dreamed that a year later, when my daughter was born, another twin child of the same age appeared, why do I have such a dream? Thanks in advance


good afternoon, yesterday I dreamed: there was a large body of water, like a lake in an iron vat, and there were a huge number of feathers on the water in the light of the moon and there were birds in the sky.
Today I dreamed of twins, little sweet boys, they were in green rompers, I was relatives in a dream


Hello! The dream was very warm and cozy. I dreamed that I gave birth to two twins, white, beautiful boys, I was breastfeeding them, and the milk was sweet and sweet through the top of my chest. They seem to be a week old, but they can already walk, and then they woke up and felt so good. And in the meantime, I saw my grandmother, she was going to get the keys to her house from her neighbors.


in the room in the crib I see infant twins, inside I know that they are mine, I take them in my arms, I take care of them, then my husband comes home with them in a stroller for twins from a party


I found myself in a strange communal apartment in a room that belonged to a friend of mine, although in real life such a communal apartment does not exist. While I was waiting for my friend, I went out into the hallway and saw three pairs of women's high-heeled shoes on the floor. After that I returned to the room. Later I heard the voice of an old neighbor (I knew that she was a neighbor) that you can ask your neighbor for music, i.e. here in this room. A beautiful girl appeared at the door of the room, a conversation began, and music was turned on. Later a second girl appeared. Looking at her face, I realized that they were twins, although they themselves did not say anything about it. I wanted to see the third girl, but that’s where I woke up.


a dream without beginning or end...the plot arose like a piece torn out of some movie. At the same time, the characters in the film were twin men and me. We were talking about something, then one of the twins offered to take a car ride to their dacha, I doubted it, said that I needed to tell my mother, otherwise she wouldn’t find a place for herself and would worry that I wouldn’t be home for a long time. I asked if the dacha was far away. It turned out that it was directly outside the roundabout - not far. I asked if there was a shower at the dacha, in response the twin who suggested going to the dacha somehow laughed it off... I was surprised and said that I had a shower at my dacha, even though we bought it as an empty plot just a year ago. In general, we didn’t tell our mother and went to the twins’ dacha, and there we found a whole mansion with all the amenities of a city apartment. The second twin went into the room, turned on the TV and lay down on the big bed to watch it (by the way, this second twin was very fat, he was sick with something and still wanted to lose weight, he used diets that unfortunately did not help him and he told his brother that he would no longer he will stick to the diet he’s on now and will eat whatever he wants, but the food will be healthy, to which the fat twin who suggested going to the dacha responded strictly - if you don’t follow this diet, you’ll become a blur. In general, they almost had a fight. on this basis. Then I lay down on the edge of the bed, and the twin who initiated the trip sat down next to me and began to show me unambiguous signs of attention - stroking me, etc. I dodged because I felt that I needed to go to the shower first, taking advantage of the temporary one. lack of attention to my person, I secretly went into the shower, and for some reason in the shower I suddenly found a simple door knocked together from old half-rotten boards with a broken lock. I tried to fix this lock, or rather, I just somehow turned out nails and wires, hooks, in order to somehow close myself from the inside in the shower and then two girls come into the room, arguing about something and apparently about something super secret and criminal, because one of them, noticing me, decided to remove me as a witness, poured out some kind of then the stinging liquid was applied to my head and was about to set it on fire. Then I prayed that I didn’t see anything and I won’t look at them anymore and I won’t listen to anything, saying I don’t need it. I managed to convince her, the girls then went about their business, and I began to wash myself in the shower. I washed my hair with shampoo, then, after the shower, I looked in the mirror and dried my hair, and I really liked my reflection in the mirror - my hair was the color of ripe wheat (in fact, I’m a dyed brunette) and my bangs arranged themselves very beautifully. Then there was some kind of failure and we were already driving to the city in a car with the twins... on the way, I think that everything was over very quickly, the trip was short and my mother did not have time to worry. At this point the dream ended.


I dated a guy who had a twin brother, I confused them all the time! We sailed on a big ship and I was happy, but I cried at night because I knew that soon we would have to part!


I dreamed about my father who died, he actually started to appear in my dreams often, and two 9-year-old twins, they were very drawn to me, I put them to bed, I also dreamed about cats, it seems like 2 fluffy and spotted ones


a simple ward, I lie and wait for the doctors to come so that I can push, with me next to me. probably my husband, doctors, three young women come, look at me and leave on urgent matters, but I already need to push, but they are not there, and I’m scared that I can’t give birth. I'm asking someone to come. A dear grandmother comes in, manipulates her hands, placing them on my stomach, says that I have twins, and turns them like this. to make it easier for them, I worry about them, since no one is helping me give birth, a man passes by, I call him, thinking that he is a doctor, but he is just an employee, he walks by, the old woman has left. I’m scared for the children, then it turns out that they are so close to the skin, and it’s so thin that they can happen, I’m scared at first, then I’m happy and take them out, I’m not sick, I’m glad for them, my husband helps wipe them, they a little strange, but cute, that old lady comes and helps too. and mom too, before that she was not in the dream, the umbilical cord was not cut, the doctors came. dressed like for a striptease and cutting the umbilical cord, I'm mad at them. the dream ends


At first I dreamed of two kittens lying on the chest of my friend, whom I really like but he doesn’t want to be with me. Then these kittens became twin children, 2 girls and 2 boys, again on the couch with the same guy


I dreamed that two boys were catching up with me (very similar, dressed identically, the same height, both black-haired, most likely twins), I’m 6-8 years old. I run away from them because they are not very pleasant to me, but I am not afraid of them. I know that I can stop and stop them (to hit them, for example), but for some reason I don’t want to, it’s easier to run away from them. But then one of them got me, and I put him in a pile of animal feces that was on the road (sorry). After that, I understand that everything is no matter how real, that this is a dream, and I can make the other one simply get lost. And I closed my eyes and thought that I wanted to be near the house already, and for them to stay there. And so it happened. A strange dream about two guys. What is it for?


Hello. I dreamed that I had two wonderful children, a boy and a girl, and they were twins, and I was breastfeeding them (for some reason there was milk).


I dreamed that I was holding a baby girl in my hands, very tiny, dark, beautiful, smiling, like me, but in this dream there was also her twin, almost an exact copy, only a little larger in weight. But I very rarely saw her I saw in this dream, mostly I was holding the first girl in my arms


I had a dream in which I bathe, breastfeed and put twin boys to bed. In the dream these were my sons. Pretty, smiling babies, about 3-4 months old.


On a fine clear day, walking along the alley, I met 2 pairs of twins with strollers with children, one pair was young girls about 18 years old, and the other was a woman about 40 years old. The women wished me good luck, success, happiness. They parted to let me through, and I moved on.


Hello! In general, the gist is this: in a dream, 2 twins are locked in captivity, in a bathhouse at my dacha. In the dream, I am sure that my grandmother initially locked them there with good intentions. The girls are very beautiful, blondes in white night clothes. I feel sorry for them, I want to let them out, but at this time I play poker with the imp for fun right next to them. The dream meme ends with me leaving the bathhouse, locking it, not allowing the girls to leave, it’s gray autumn outside and I’m leaving, standing in a depressed state.


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was giving birth to 2 girls, twins. It's spring outside, slightly cool. I started giving birth to one girl at home, my brother delivered the first baby, and the second was already in the maternity hospital. There was no fear before childbirth, I felt confident and comfortable in my sleep. the sun was shining and there was very little snow.




S nachalo ya uvidel bliznecov drugix lyudei, a potom ya sam stal otcom bliznecov, blinzneci vo obix sulchiax byli ka budto odnovremneo i v chero belom plane i cvetnom..:)


I dreamed that I had a twin sister and we were saying something to each other. Perhaps it wasn’t even a twin sister, but two of me. Also in this dream was my friend, we were flirting with him, and I was asking for various information. The dream was dark and dim.


Two pairs of twins, starting with girls about 1 year old, beautiful, sweet, cheerful, then two more twin girls came in from the door in a dream. I was delighted with what was happening and still didn’t understand who they were to the little girls’ mothers or sisters. I remember that in a dream I asked how this could be. Another thing I remember from the dream was that their nationality was some kind of Caucasian or Turkish or something like that.


I was in the maternity hospital
Five people in the ward brought another woman to us, but she had her husband with her. when I began to have discharge, I asked the man to leave. he shouted at me and said that I was not alone in the room, I covered myself with a towel, after that there were two of us. the woman and this man switched to another pastel, they began to hug and kiss and I saw a child lying on her bed, he was without blood but just born and with an umbilical cord. I called them so that they could see that there was a child lying on the bed, they took the child and left. then I gave birth to children and, oddly enough, also a girl and a boy (twins). I gave birth to them without pain and blood.


I dreamed that my son Roman, 9 years old, has a twin brother and his name is Sajar, for some reason in English and I even saw how this name is written, in reality he does not have a twin brother. And I see two snow-white sweaters for boys, which differ only in the design, and my son Roma wants the sweater that Sajar has already worn. And I ask this twin of my son to give the sweater to his real son, and take the one weighing on the hanger for himself, and he agrees, because he is kinder than my real son, although I say that Roma is also kind, but when the evil one can even kill, that’s all me I'm talking for Sajara. Can you tell me what this means, I know I had a lot of prophetic dreams that came true.


At first, in a dream, I was looking for my husband, then I ended up at his parents’ house and his twin was there (who doesn’t exist in reality) and on the one hand I was glad to see him, but on the other hand I realized that this was not my husband. Then in a dream it was as if there was a vision and I saw a picture of a house that stood very shaky. And subconsciously I realized that I should look for my husband there, so I headed there.


Hello, Tatyana. I had a dream, 2 twin boys were very small (about 2 months old). They were in blue suits, my young man nursed them and called them by their names Artem and Dima, but for some reason I never took them in my arms, but I felt that they were my sons and I was even very happy with them.

I'm 19 years old, no children. There is a young man.


I dreamed of twins, one was called Denis and the other was sitting on the side and a conflict arose with Denis, then I told him to them but I didn’t even know him


A man I know gave birth to twins, they first lay on the bed, then they picked up one of them and he smiled at me!


I dream about twins very often. But as is customary, twins are two, but I dream of 4 or 6 or. Today I dreamed about 6th. I was in the maternity hospital. The birth was quick and painless. I didn't know what to do with them. After all, 6 is a lot. I wanted to keep one for myself and leave the rest in the hospital. But I was haunted by the thought that it was mine. My blood. I cried the whole dream. but I understood that I couldn’t cope with them. (By kinship I should have twins)


My aunt (my dad’s younger sister) has three children, the youngest, Andreyka, is 4 years old, and she dreams that she came to visit us, and I ask her where Seryozha is? (Dad had a brother Seryozha, he is now deceased), but I clearly remember that I didn’t mean him, and then a boy ran out, an exact copy of Andreika, as if he had a twin. Could this be a sign of Pregnancy?


I am a Gemini guy according to the horoscope, today I dreamed of two twin girls (blondes), judging by the circumstances, I had just met them and while the scene of the dream was changing: be it a street or a specific building, one of the girls was constantly flirting or sending signs of attention the other somehow treated me loyally as a friend.


I dreamed that I gave birth to 2 twins. And she already has 2 children. In the dream I got confused and didn’t know who’s name was. Breastfed one child


I dreamed that a family friend brought us pink, healthy twins, I cried, saying that since I brought them, I can’t refuse, I have no choice, I’m thinking at the same time about work, what about earning money now. But overall I cried more as if from happiness


Hello, Tatyana! My child has two twins in his class - Andrey and Maxim. I dreamed that I was praising both of them to their mother, telling them how wonderful they were, but I couldn’t determine which one was Andrey and which one was Maxim. I’m trying to say that he’s the one who’s good at something, but I can’t figure out which name to say. All! Thanks in advance!


there was some kind of holiday then suddenly I have twin babies and I breastfeed them but then I have to give them to my cousin but I don’t want to do that


in real life I have twin sons, but in a dream I seemed to meet twin girls, they were about 7-8 years old, and the woman told me that these were my children! in this dream there was also a boy, the girls’ older brother. Why this dream?


Good day.
I dreamed about Siamese twins. Boys. Fused. We seemed to be friends, I felt happy and relaxed. At some point, something tore one of them from the other and they became, as it were, no longer a single whole, but two individuals, and then the one who separated was pulled into the abyss. We (me and the second twin) tried our best to pull him out, grabbed his hands and everything, but nothing helped and we lost him. I woke up feeling restless.


I dreamed that I had twins from such and such a man. At first I refused them. And then she returned them back.


I dreamed of the birth of two twin girls. everyone around said they were beautiful. It was true. They grew up somehow quickly - for 20 years, now for 30 years. They grew up somehow without my participation - I was busy with work and somehow they grew up quickly. Why is this? Sergey Kuzmich.


Hello, last night I dreamed that I was expecting a boy, then in a dream they tell me that you also have a girl, and it turns out that they are twins, I had very warm feelings for these children. Since I don't have children! What could this mean?


I dreamed that four blond twin girls came to visit me so that I could choose one of them as a bride, but there wasn’t enough room in the house to sleep, so I settled them in the house and went to bed for work.


I walked along the corridor of the hospital, at first I saw various old women, one was even without a head, I don’t remember exactly, then I saw some kind of relative, she had twins, a boy and a girl, I looked at them and was happy, then the boy was next to me and this boy did not want me let go, he clung to me and I also didn’t want to let him go from my embrace.


Hello, today I dreamed of twin boys for the first time in their entire lives, they had to be fed and I was looking for milk


Hello Tatyana! please help me with the interpretation of the dream!!!
Today I had a dream as if I had arrived in another city in the dream, it was Krasnodar, I was sitting at a table with some unknown men and drinking (although in reality I don’t drink at all)... We were sitting and sitting, suddenly the windows began to break, I only heard glass breaking ( I didn’t see them) we continued talking about some apartments to give as a gift to buy, I abruptly stood up, went to the door, opened the lock and went to the neighbors, went to some grandmother and told her what time the train from Krasnodar, please tell me, she comes out of the apartment and approaches to my door (where I was leaving) she takes the phone it was hanging on the wall in the entrance and rings. She turned out to be calling the church and asking for the schedule for a person’s cleansing…. She said something to me, but I didn’t hear her, she turned her head towards the stairs that led up, there was a woman in a headscarf coming down, and on her headscarf she had a drawing from the Icons!!! I hear my grandmother, she says that she allegedly gave birth to 5 twins... and the funniest thing about this dream! then the melody started playing... whoever I want, I give it to him as if they sang it! (in reality, there was not a single betrayal that this song would remind me of anything!) oh, this is the first time I had such a dream... for some reason I woke up in horror, explain this dream to me. .should I really go to church? Thank you so much in advance))))


At the beginning of the dream, I took tests to find out if I was pregnant...then the dream ended...my sister had a dream with her niece...and then again, all at once, twin boys were born...their dad walks around joyful and at the same time thoughtful and immediately gave them names Azamat and Maxim... .


I dreamed of four boys under the age of one year, they were supposedly my brothers, and with them in the dream were my mother and my older brother, I wonder why this is a dream. I remembered that the boys were dressed in blue clothes. A few days before, I dreamed of two twin girls, all the children were very beautiful, the girls were wearing pink clothes, and it was as if they were my children in the dream.


I already have a child, a boy, and we live in a small family, my husband works. Therefore, I remember when I had this dream, I was worried that we would not be able to feed three children, twin babies, I remember that they were blue-eyed and fair-haired, they it was about 10 months each. That's why I decided to kill one of them, when I felt that he was almost cold, I stopped, and started to shake him, and he woke up. I would be happy, I would never do this in my life, I still don’t understand why there.


Twins, but for some reason in the dream it sometimes seemed to me that they were different ages, and at the end of the dream they were the same. I fed them and they were beautiful. At the beginning of the dream, I thought that I had adopted them, but at the end of the dream I knew that they were mine. In one part of the dream, I left them with the nanny and they almost drowned in the bathtub, but I pumped them out; although when I pumped them out, they seemed like rubber baby dolls.

Victoria Zaykinski:

I had a dream about conjoined twins. Both were boys, and the place where they grew together was on the cheeks. I learned that I had twins from the boss’s speeches. After that, I went to the maternity hospital, where, I assume, my children were being kept. The children were healthy and I accepted them. This was the dream on the night from Thursday to Friday.


A white rat with blue eyes was crawling over me, I couldn’t move, I just looked at this abomination….
Then I dreamed of two twins, how I dressed them and went for a walk with them, laid a blanket on the grass for them and laid them down to feed them milk. but the children were not mine, I clearly knew this in a dream


I dreamed of a woman with Siamese twins on her chest. And this woman was like the mother of my unknown fiancé. The woman was of a different race; in the dream I thought she was Muslim. In the same dream, there was another woman ironing many towels.


I don’t remember exactly, I know that in my dream twins, a boy and a girl, were born, but why was she in the store, my husband called on the phone and said that the children in the intensive care unit had become ill, and I don’t remember why, I saw blood in myself, I remember it. This is the dream I had.


I dreamed of twin boys... there was something there, I don’t remember what.. and someone, in such a soulful voice, in such a voice as if from a waking dream, I don’t know how to explain.. this voice said that if you want it badly, then you will there will be such happiness too... I woke up after a dream and for a long time I didn’t understand what happened... as if I was in reality, but it seemed like a dream.


I dreamed that my late mother fed me soup and two twins were sitting next to me, then my late grandmother poured tea and one of them was no longer there


I dreamed about my twin sister. The sleep was very short. We had a good time together, we laughed. BUT! In life, I am an only child, it does not exist.


2 little twins, one in a pink suit, the other in a blue one. The one who was in blue was playing with him the whole dream


I have twin boys, and my friend has a boy, but my children turned to dust, but I don’t even remember how I gave birth to them, are they my children,


in a dream I lived in a different house than the one I live in now. It’s as if I recently gave birth to two babies, but I don’t know their gender for sure, presumably boys. they slept in different beds. and milk just flowed from my left breast, pouring over my chest like a quiet fountain. I first fed one baby. then my mother brought me a second baby. and next to me there was also a woman with a baby. only mine in the dream were absolutely identical, and she has a child with very plump red cheeks. I thought, if only they wouldn’t replace my child. and seeing that mine were like two peas in a pod, I calmed down and began breastfeeding the second one.


Hello! I'm pregnant, expecting a boy. I had a dream that I gave birth to two twin boys, seemingly very quickly and easily, at night. I dreamed about their names. But for me it was a surprise, because... I was expecting one boy.


Hello! I dreamed that my wife gave birth to 4 twin boys. Newborns, but can already crawl. I was lying on the sofa, they were crawling on me. Then one of the boys felt bad, he turned blue, as if something had happened to his neck. I put him on the sofa, he twitched a little, and after a while everything became normal. Then I was again surrounded by these children.


it was in my apartment. The dream began unexpectedly. I went into the living room, there was a handsome, tall, red-haired guy standing there, talking about something with my father. Then I went into the kitchen and there was exactly the same guy there (maybe the same guy, but it seemed to me that he was different ) then I woke up.


I dreamed that I was pregnant and gave birth to twins via Caesarean section. I was discharged from the hospital, but the kids were still in the hospital, it seems. I showed their photos to my relatives. Moreover, they were born on my birthday!


I dream that I’m on my way to marriage and it seems to me that I’ll have twins, and then I push two twin boys in a carriage.


My boyfriend has a kobuta, these are ours. That I have twin children, we all went to a family birthday party and there was a big one, so laid out and there were also a lot of guests on the table, sweets, so much food. The two sisters were also there, whose sisters I saw for a year. Ana Tokaya, beautiful and pregnant, died ago


Hello! I dreamed of a man whom I love, but we no longer have anything. In his dream there was a twin (in fact there is no twin), they were exactly the same, but dressed differently! One talked to me, asked questions, and the other one didn’t even look! Then I followed him (who was talking) But for some reason through the phone (he was on the screen and walking towards his house, with some guy).


Hello! Today I had a dream that I had 2 twin girls, in the dream we named them Anna and Anastasia. Very beautiful, clean and naked, one had a very beautiful eye color, unusual green. As if in a dream I was asking my husband why I gave birth to twins, since no one in my family gave birth to twins, and I asked him in a dream a question, so most likely you have twins in your family? Interesting on the maternal or paternal side? But I never heard an answer, I woke up. And even in the dream, the husband was so strange, he could not verify his happiness that he had become a father. Please help me solve my dream, this is very important to me. In real life, we want a doll, but we can’t do it.


I gave birth to two twin boys in a dream, I breastfed them, I saw my milk, the dream was in real colors and when I fed it it was very ticklish


I dreamed that I had a twin. And this same twin is dating my ex-boyfriend. The three of us went for a walk (me, my ex-boyfriend and my twin) and during the walk the guy confuses us and we start kissing (i.e. he considers me his girlfriend, not my twin)


I dreamed that I had twins in my arms, they were healthy and they were sleeping in a baby bag, one was in a beige bag, and the girl had pink stripes. I go outside with them and don’t know how to put them in the car, then I I put it down, and I get into the car, I talk “With God” and I drive, but since I don’t know how to drive in life, I manage well in my sleep. I get home and stop at the gate, I go home and see the guy I was with once communicated and he acted meanly towards me, I kissed him on the lips and he was really waiting for me (in reality we parted with him very badly, he threatened me), next to him lies a small girl, like his sister, very capricious and she me afraid and whining. Then my relatives, and another guy, but I don’t know him.....Then they give me a child, a little girl (she’s 1-2) I take her in my arms, and they give me a newborn boy, I don’t I can hold them and give the girl to someone. I go outside to give him a bath, I bathe him and I can’t get off some high tabletop, some guy I don’t know helps me, he doesn’t know how to help me, and together with the child picks me up in her arms, then I have a feeling that the child has died, it turns out he just fell asleep. I go outside, we are going somewhere to go with my friend (in life she sees very poorly, but in a dream she saw very well) she sits down behind the wheel (my twins are behind me and they are already grown up), and we drive, but at a turn she bumps into some kind of Kamaz, but there are no scratches on the cars, either on the Kamaz or on ours. We change, I get behind the wheel myself and drive out of there , then home again, and I have this child in my arms. The guy I liked (different in general) I see him at my house, he stands and chops wood, when he raises his head, he has strange freckles on his face, and he’s somehow noticeable I got scared and very sad. And the guy who treated me badly in real life went to my neighbors to find out something about me, and I’m very worried that he might find out something he doesn’t need to know.


I dreamed about my classmate (I don’t communicate with her). I dream that I meet her on the street. We walk with her and talk (but her name is different)... After a while I meet Lera (my classmate) I am shocked because I see identical (in appearance) girls! After a while it starts to rain and we decide to go home. I start looking for my home and realize that I am lost. but I don't have a phone


I dreamed that my husband and I had twins, if I’m not mistaken, a boy and a girl. And I was always afraid of holding the children in the wrong way, then I asked my brother’s wife for help (they already have two children), and she told me what and how. I wanted to breastfeed them, at first I took them on the left, but my sister said that I needed them on the right. I fed her and somehow the fear disappeared. And then I looked - the children had grown a little, and there were already black hairs on their heads. Something like this...


two twins or twins, they were dressed identically, they looked about 10-11 months old. and in this dream I don’t know who they are, I remember that they pooped in their panties and I changed them for them


I myself am pregnant, I had a dream that a woman nearby gave birth to two twin boys, I took one in my arms to hold and the child looked at me and smiled


I saw in a dream that my sister gave birth to twin girls, but she is not yet married, but she is getting married soon. What does it mean?


I had a dream that my classmate and I, with whom we hardly communicate (we graduated from school 8 years ago), had children, she seems to have a boy, I have two twin girls, sooo cute and pretty


In a dream I saw my wife from the side with two children; the children are not infants, their age ranges from 2.5 to 5 years old; it is impossible to determine exactly, although I clearly saw them. The wife is dressed in dark clothes in a dark room, but not dark. the children also wear dark clothes.


Hello! I dreamed of twins, a boy and a girl, lying on the sofa and smiling at me. I'm single. I took the boy in my arms and he smiled at me. Why did I dream about it?


I dreamed of twin boys who were still very small, as if they had just come from the maternity hospital, I just can’t hide them from the ants, no matter where I put them, there are a lot of goosebumps.


I saw a lot of dreams. And all this worries me. I saw such a picture that at first my friend and I (in life he is my friend and in my dreams as a husband) were looking for an apartment, found it, bought it, then I see myself on maternity leave with 3, I didn’t see my first daughter, but I knew that she was there, so I saw twins, I don’t remember the gender, and I remember that I was waiting for my husband to come home from work.


I don't have children. I dreamed that I was holding two newborn twin girls in my hands, then spoon-feeding them and at the same time I was very happy. I am in my parents’ apartment, in my former room (I don’t live there now).


I have a dream since childhood to give birth to twins, so I dream about them, then I dress them, then I play, then I just admire them


I'm Leah And today I dreamed of One Person, but there was not one in the dream, but two, and they changed in you in different clothes, maybe he was playing me like that, but we were kissing and hugging with one of them Tell me how to deal with this and what to do with him in reality.


Hello! I dreamed that I was holding two twins, I don’t remember exactly, about 8 months old, they were healthy and naked, and I call one Kostya


Please tell me the interpretation of my dream: I dreamed that I had a baby daughter and then I gave birth to another one and they were very similar, the children were healthy, I never dreamed of giving birth in a dream. Why such a dream?

I'm buzzing:

I saw that I gave birth to two twin boys from my former common-law husband. But in my dreams he was my husband. the babies were beautiful and for some reason in pink pants and white lace caps. They were newborns but they were no less able to crawl and hold their heads. I gave them the name Mehmet and Ahmed... I don’t know why these names... my husband was lying on the bed cross-legged and I was happy about the children... and for some reason we were at my mother’s house. Mom was there too, she played with them.. but one of them, Mehmet, always crawled further away from us. I put them next to me and the dream was interrupted.


A two-room apartment, I’ve never been in it. It’s evening, the lights are dim, I’m walking around the apartment. I know that my family is in it, my husband and children (in fact, I’m 25 years old and don’t have children yet, and I don’t want them yet). I entered the room and approached the bed, a teenage girl was lying on it, feeling as if my daughter or someone close to me was not clear. I turn off the lamp in her room that is on the nightstand by her bed. Then I opened the door to the bathroom and looked, and the floor there was lower in level, as if I had to go down a step. The thought comes that such a bath is too big for my large family, I turn off the light. I enter the hall, the lights are off, it’s twilight. The husband is lying on the folding sofa, not sleeping. Next to the sofa there is a single bed parallel to the window, on which I place my two blond twin sons (in real life I have light brown hair, my husband is brown), they are about 4.5 years old. I lie down next to them, cover them with a blanket, and feel a sense of caring for them. I fall asleep... AND WAKE UP to reality.


My husband had a dream, from Sat to Sun, he felt good after sleep!!! He just said that one was calm, not very nimble, and the second was the complete opposite and always helped and dragged along the weaker one.


New Year's Eve evening. I'm leaving my parents' house. I meet my old friend and we go together, it is absolutely clear where mentally, but not geographically. On the way we meet two twin girls, one of whom runs away, I catch up with her and she is mine. Then a change of personnel and we are all together in pairs, rejoicing, probably celebrating, warm, clear, kind feelings prevail.


Hello. I dreamed about my girlfriend as if she had a twin sister.... I dated both of them and they knew it. At the end of the dream I was left with my real girl and not with her twin


I dreamed that my aunt was pregnant with twins again. And after some time she called and said that she had given birth. I was very happy in the dream.


I dreamed of Siamese twins, they had two heads and one body for two. The colors were dull and dark, the atmosphere was not pleasant. One of the twins looked unhappy and seemed to even be crying, but he seemed to be shining, unlike the second, who was completely corpse, his skin was covered with black hematomas, like a non-resident, and suddenly he opens his eyes and begins to tell the second in a creepy voice that he will listen to him, do everything he tells and all this was accompanied by terrible laughs, the speech was of an irresistible person and crazy eyes, he continued to whisper everything of a similar kind, after which I woke up.


I dreamed that my friend suddenly had a twin, well, that is, the friend herself was surprised because she did not know that she had a twin. But before that, as if in a dream, I dreamed that I had a dream about two of my friends and they were sitting on a swing talking.


I’m walking along the road and I see a woman pushing a stroller with two twin boys, about a year old. Then I saw a stroller with 4 twins, 2 boys and 2 girls.


Hello! My common-law husband dreamed of two girls about five years old! They were like two peas in a pod! They sat on the floor and played! They were beautiful and funny! The hair was light and medium length. Why this dream? I had the dream from Tuesday to Wednesday


I’m pregnant and I had a dream that I gave birth to two girls, but they are already three years old, and I chose names for them; one I knew what to name, and I said to the other that don’t worry, and you will have a beautiful name, and I hold her on my lap.


I, Veronica, and my friend Vika were playing in the hospital, and I treated my twin, who was looking at us with an evil look


Today, from Wednesday to Thursday, I saw a favorable dream, allegedly I gave birth to a girl first, and after a while a boy. The girl was supposedly taken by her dad, and the boy went to me and I was very indignant, why her dad took my girl from me, why is this , write, thanks in advance.


I dreamed that I had a twin sister, on some holiday there were a lot of people, and I saw that something was wrong with her, she was sitting and looked pale and began to choke, I dragged her from one corner of the room to another on a chair, calling people and they don’t care at all, I don’t even know who they are, and my grandmother comes up and she’s also kind of out of this world, I tell her that she’s suffocating, and she stands, “Well, what the heck,” and in short, my sister dies on the chair, but it only bothered me, I I’m worried, I’m holding her so that she doesn’t fall, I’m already screaming for someone to help, but everyone’s party is dancing


my name is Angela, I’m 21 years old, I was married at the age of 17, I had one miscarriage, after that I sometimes started dreaming about children. Today I dreamed about two beautiful babies, it was cute, but for some reason I was hanging out with one and I saw the second one at the end of the dream, and I saw them It’s like I took it from an orphanage, what are these, I think about them all day.


I dreamed that my 12 year old son suddenly had a double and he is also my son, but younger


In a dream there is a wedding of unfamiliar twins, then I run somewhere I don’t know where and on the way I find money, first 10,000 and 2 thousand, just what I needed, then there are also 5,000 and 1,000, and then my sister-in-law snatched 1,000 and 200 from my hands, she’s somewhere disappeared and returned without hair, her hair fell out, then I woke up.


Tatiana! Hello! I had a dream in which there were 4 brothers aged 11-12 years old; they were twins. All four! They were well dressed, they were happy, my friend in reality. who has one son, turned out to be their mother in a dream. I saw many rooms, 4 identical beds. what could this mean?


They seem to know a couple and they are holding twins. I am happy and say that my husband left me


Hello...I had a dream where I see myself from the outside and my current boyfriend. In reality, he and I have been together for 2 years. And in reality, we often quarrel, he insults me, in general, there is nothing good... although the first year was ideal. This digression may help interpret the dream. So: we are in a dream, as in life... he yells at me, we swear... it’s dark... then the picture changes and I enter another house, where a guy opens the door for me - a copy of my boyfriend... I have a gift speech disappeared... and there was light... he is cheerful, kind, his energy is amazing... I didn’t know what to say... this twin says that he loves me and that I should stay with him. I tell him that I already have a guy who is a copy of him... only he is evil and I feel bad with him... the twin smiled at me and said... aaaaaah, him?... yes, we are twins.. only we are different and not saw him for about 10 years....I know him, he says....yes, he says, he is like that, that’s why I don’t want to communicate with him. In the end, I made a choice and stayed with the good twin, but left the real guy. And when I woke up, I cried and really missed that guy from the dream..


I dreamed of 2 beautiful twin girls, my daughter was born 5 months ago. And in a dream it turned out that I was deceived and supposedly I gave birth to 2 twins. Although in reality I have 1 child))) the dream was very beautiful and warm, but at the same time I cried a lot in it.


I dreamed of Siamese twins, a boy and a girl, fused together, but these are not my children


Hello. Today I had a dream that hasn’t left my head all day. In a dream, I gave birth to twins, boys. I remember very well that I gave birth to two. But they soon tell me that one of them has died. The second healthy one was given to me. Tell me what this dream is for. I have a child, a 6-month-old girl. Thank you very much in advance.


Good afternoon I saw in a dream two pairs of twins - a man and a woman. I remember my surprise, I can’t remember anything else.


I dreamed of a refugee in our house with 4 pairs of Siamese twins, all of them had black skin color


I met my beloved (he just arrived) is studying in the military, we see each other once every six months, and two sweet twins, a boy and a girl (our children), are running around us, I feel such great joy, my beloved has a smile on his face, in a dream I was very happy


Write your dream here for interpretation... My friend had twins or twins, but most of the time I was telling the truth with them


I saw myself pushing a stroller with twins. the time of year is summer, because I was adjusting the pillows in the stroller and noticed that one of them had a bruised back, I began to hide them from the sun. All this happened in my city, in my yard. I saw myself in an apartment, only it was more like the European standard , then I found myself again on the street, only in another part of the city, and for some reason we were in a hurry home and waited for the tram (we don’t have trams) and three arrived from No. 13.


I dreamed that I was changing my clothes to feed the carova and saw myself naked and at that time my son apologized and asked why I was changing my clothes, I answered that I needed to milk the carova, he replied that his wife had already given the milk, I looked out into the yard and there my daughter-in-law was standing with two twinklings about 3 year old white-haired girls in white dresses and a bucket of milk on the floor and a joyful daughter-in-law with bright makeup and my son was indignant at me, I reprimanded him


I dreamed of the birth of twins, a very beautiful boy and a girl. But their father found out and left him, saying that he loved someone else, she was very worried in a dream, why would it be


I dreamed that I was being taken to the maternity hospital, where I was going into labor! I gave birth to 2 twin girls, but they turned out to be dead?! Why can I have this dream????


I dreamed that I had a twin sister. We were warned about the danger, but we went for a walk late in the evening, we wandered behind some building where there was a forest, there was another friend of ours. Something scared the three of us and we ran, I ran first, and my sister and friend were behind, but when I turned around, I didn’t see them, but only heard my friend calling her, looking for her.


I dreamed about my son and that he had a twin brother. They are lying on the bed, they need to be put to bed and I am at a loss what to do? Previously, I could handle one thing myself, but now I need to call my daughter for help. Confusion - where did the second son come from? But I know for sure that he is mine.


Hello! I dreamed about newborn twins and quadruplets. They were in blue clothes, beautiful, healthy, but very small, the size of a palm. Thanks in advance!


I myself don’t have children until I’m 18 years old, but in a dream I saw twins and breastfed them, maybe they gave them to me, or maybe they were my children, I don’t understand.


Hello! My name is Irina, I dreamed of three adult twins, they pestered me, I screamed loudly and called for help, but then I got into a fight with them, but I began to win and woke up.


I dreamed of a large two-story house and I climbed the stairs to the second floor and went into the children's room and there were three strollers in them, children of about 6-7 months were sitting in them, in the bottom there were triplets then twins, I was looking for that I don’t know myself but I didn’t find it but downstairs on the first on the floor at a large table sat May’s mother and mother’s sisters and I left, but the dream was very bright somewhere in the morning I had a dream


I breastfeed my child (twin girl) outside in the evening on a bench in cold weather and constantly cover the girl with a blanket so that she doesn’t freeze, her breasts are not full of milk, but she suckles, I’m worried about having enough milk, and she’s lying in the back seat of the car the second one, my mother wraps her up. I woke up. (P.S. I have two daughters (not twins) and I breastfed a little, there was no milk)


Hello. I was breastfeeding two girls with curly, blond hair. Smiling….


I dreamed that I was giving birth and twins were born, I was bathing them


Hello, I don’t remember the whole dream specifically, but I was in something like a hotel, but it was like just a few rooms and one bathroom for everyone. I was sorting out my clothes and suddenly two people came in, but as it turned out, it was one person with two heads (Siamese twins). They looked very happy, two pretty blondes, nothing special except a fused body. They talked to me, talked to each other, joked, laughed. Later, they went to the bathroom and sat there. I went in and just started watching them, with the desire to ask what it was like.
That's all, thanks in advance



Hello, I dreamed that my adult twin sons (very close and loving in life) fought very hard with each other, and the younger one almost strangled the older one. I barely managed to tear his hand away from my brother’s neck. What could this dream mean?


Hello, my name is Sergey.
I dreamed about how I was washing naked in some summer shower and then a beautiful, young girl came in, followed by 4 more beautiful, identical twins, and that’s where the dream ended)


I dreamed that I had two younger cousins. One of them did not like me, but the other, on the contrary, loved me. Their hair was light. Only one had yellow hair, and the other was closer to white. Their father didn't like me either, so I had to hide from him. What does this dream mean?


twin boys + esheo odin malichik po starshe (vse svoi) grudnoe drink milk


hello, today I dreamed that my seed was walking all the twin daughters 2 son 2 wife vaapshe 3, acquaintances were walking around the house, also walking in groups of 2-3 people, what does this mean, please tell me, thank you.


In my dream I had a twin sister, although in reality I am the only one in the family. In general, in the dream this sister was the strong one and I was rather weak, she had more perfection, we ran on the water and sang songs, I hit high notes and she hit low notes. In fact, I sing in a low voice and rarely have to hit high notes.


2 twin girls were born, as I understand they are my nephews, but I gave them names - Zoryana and Ulyana. Then they grew very quickly and became very beautiful, I was very happy and kissed them.


I dreamed that I had a twin sister, although in reality I didn’t have one. That she was already married and I live in her house with her and her husband, my husband also has a twin, and they wanted me to be with him, but I didn’t want it. In addition, in a dream I met twin guys on a bicycle, one of whom I liked, but we quarreled. Afterwards, I decided not to bother my sister and her husband and went for a walk, which I told her and met that guy in the hall, he tried to please me, but I rejected him and went to the rally. At work I had a rush and not a very pleasant incident. Journalists came to ask my colleague and me about the store where we work. The girl who knew about the incident wanted to complain and the guy took her away. when he returned there was a somewhat vulgar hint to which I did not react. I woke up.


I dreamed of a young man to whom my soul lies. But he appeared in a dream with his twin. Moreover, in reality it does not exist. One of them bought something for his girlfriend, and the other awkwardly asked about meeting in a cafe.


I dreamed of 2 twin girls, but not mine, we were walking, I carried them in my arms, it was raining... I was protecting them from someone, in a dream they told me to take them away and hide them.....


I have a twin brother in the real world. And so, I have a dream about how
we were sitting talking, and then suddenly the 3rd twin came in, that is, I was looking at my 2 twins


Hello. The dream went something like this: I met my ex-wife and took her six-year-old twin daughters to live with me.


I dreamed that I gave birth to two twin boys. I didn’t see the birth itself. In the large hall, many people greeted and congratulated me and my ex-husband (in the dream, children from him). I was happy and clapped my hands along with everyone.

Sasha Marukovich:

Well, I saw twins in a dream, their names were Tonya Tanya, and I said how can you tell them apart? they said one was a twin, then they changed her name, I don’t remember exactly what it was, all I remember is


My mother dreamed that in her dream I made her daughter a grandmother, gave birth to 4 twins, and all the girls weighed 4-5 kg. then my mother saw her recently deceased grandmother who was coming out of the bathhouse all steamed and then sat on the bed with these little girls, their eyes were big and beautiful


I dreamed of two guys, twins. one was brunette and the other was blond. both looked after me


I dreamed that I had two twin children, I attached them to my sides and went into the garden to pick apples, but the apples were not ordinary, like peeled pomegranates in appearance.


This is the number of times I dream about twins. Usually they are angry and try to harm me, but not always. The first twins tried to kill me. Take it. They disappeared immediately after everything around them began to collapse. Second, sisters are twins. Girls with their own story, who attacked me, but then they were divided in opinion. One also smelled of negativity and anger, but from the second there was a certain...understanding or something...she wanted to protect and the feeling arose with no clear reason. She protected from the second sister, but in such a way that she did not understand who was protecting. Third dream. I dreamed about my double. I have never met my double in my life. He was a little strange. She was sitting in the hall of our house. Someone in a white coat was treating her collarbone. The world in the dream was high-tech, highly developed. He treated me with some kind of laser, which regenerated the skin. A significant piece of her body and bone had been torn off, but she was absolutely unshakable. When she saw me, she looked at me intently. I came close, tilted my head to the side, she did almost simultaneously with me. I left. Fourth dream. I see the twin of a girl who doesn’t have a twin in her life. She looks at me with ulcer and anger, the others are quite happy with me and look at me. Can you handle the interpretation of my schizoid dreams? This is important to me. Thanks in advance.


I gave birth to twin boys, but one was immediately taken away from me, I didn’t feel sorry for him, I calmly gave him away, but I took the second one and went into the house to introduce him to the dog. The dog received him well and began to lick and protect him. Thanks for the answer


I saw my twin girls in a dream, supposedly I gave birth to them, but I don’t remember how. In reality I don't have them.


Hello! I dreamed about my mother-in-law. stands on the porch of her house and in front of her are two twin women, dark and terribly ugly. They scolded my mother, shouted, and threatened. They are like my mother-in-law's protectors. I have never seen them in my life, never heard of their existence. Later, turning to my mother-in-law, I hissed like a snake with the words Die! Die! And before that, I was inside the house and I was bleeding profusely (menstruation, I’m sorry). My sister-in-law tried to wipe the floor after me, but I didn’t allow it, being shy. I was going to do it myself but didn't. I haven’t lived with my husband for a year because of my mother-in-law, and I haven’t seen my mother-in-law for the same amount of time. For the first time in a year I am going to send my son to them. I had a dream on Friday morning.

[email protected]:

I dreamed about my girlfriend, and with her her 2 sisters are exactly the same


Little twins came to me and said that they were my children, they gave their first and middle names.


Hello! How are you doing? I saw small newborn babies in my dreams! In a dream I gave birth to boys from my loved one! In reality, the person I like and for whom I have tender feelings, we communicate with him but do not meet! I would like to know what this dream is about


Hello Tatyana! In my dream I was looking for twin girls, why is this?


I dreamed about my twin brother, he was still alive, but I dreamed that he died from a minor wound on his arm


I dreamed of my dead dad, he was alive but in a very serious condition and was dying, and at the moment when he died, it was as if something was holding me and wouldn’t let go of him, and at the same moment his suit on the hanger seemed to shake with the wind, as if my dad’s soul had left…. Tell me what this could mean...


Hello. I don’t remember the whole dream, but I clearly saw mothers standing with their children (the children were 2-3 years old), and two or three mothers standing with twins. Calmly held mothers' hands


Good morning, I first dreamed that I was pregnant, and then a few minutes later that I already had twins, I didn’t understand it. I want to know what this is for?

Svetlana Stepanovna:

I can’t go into great detail. It seems like one of my own children. Not a daughter. Not a daughter-in-law. It’s not clear they gave birth to two twin girls. I was happy in my dream and surprised by it. But I was excited and pleased. I tried for Take care of them. Swap them. Change diapers. Very pretty. In life, in our family, some close relatives gave birth to twins. This fact is present. It was a very exciting dream




the twins were the size of my palm, and I held them in my hands, but they were not mine. several girls gave birth and all had twins.


Hello! I dreamed of little twins and then their mother started feeding them!

[email protected]:

I have a daughter 2 years ago, I often dream about it, for example, I dream that she pooped, then for sure within two days no more money will come to the card
Ala recently dreamed that she was alive here far away from me and I woke up to something rotten.
A week ago I dreamed that there was a little vase with me in the kitchen, and then it seemed that the girl herself was an exact copy of the same little vase, and I started playing with it, I believed that my daughter had never seen And yet I am amazed at my and I'm sorry and I miss you... and that's it...
1-2 days ago I dreamed that my three children were in that very place, but I was dreaming in the fog, and at one moment I was already with my child on the balcony, and then a three-year-old little wolf daughter appeared and began to squeal, I show her that Vana is not scary, I am sitting on the balcony with With my small hand and one hand I stroke that little sheep and the eyes in her that are already familiar and I’m definitely in love with why she’s brown and so many little things………….. and we also go for a walk and the child points to someone else’s house and it seems like her mother is there many days in a row


it was a young woman with a daughter of about 8-10 years old. Also in the group were children of the same age: a boy and a girl of oriental appearance, twin black girls with long hair braided in many braids, and two or three more children (I don’t remember their appearance). All the children and the woman were beautiful, dressed beautifully, cheerful, dancing and laughing. They organized funny music competitions in the lobby of our department with prizes (toys, trinkets, souvenirs). I took part in a dance competition. After the performance, I talked to a woman surrounded by children, she told me that they give performances and was interested in where else in our city we could go for this purpose. She said that they travel by car, and the boy named the city in which they live, but I don’t remember the name (something oriental), while the girl with oriental appearance asked him not to talk about it. I got the impression that the woman liked me and the children, they surrounded me and everyone tried to communicate with me, but under the woman’s control. The dream is colorful and bright. When they suddenly disappeared, I discovered that they had forgotten the prize box. E-mail: [email protected]


I dreamed that I had a twin sister and she wanted to kill me. The dream was rather scary. Because she was waiting for me everywhere, hiding, watching me, getting lost and appearing somehow mystically. I was terribly afraid of her and hid from her; I didn’t go alone for fear of meeting her.


I saw 5 baby boys, all of them look alike, but these are not my children or relatives. The 5th baby was smaller than the others and had a problem with his belly button. It was too tight. I said that he was apparently the last born


I dreamed that I was expecting twins, a boy and a girl. I am against it and don’t want to give birth to them for several reasons. But I have two boys, one large and the other small, I give the large one a name and already love him, but the little one is not there somewhere and I don’t even I remember him


saw in a dream that she gave birth to twin children, breastfed one and put them both to bed
kissed one of the children on the cheek and was happy


somewhere at a party they give me 4 little babies wrapped in pink diapers, I can’t hold them, but I try, I dropped one, but the child was not hurt, I quickly picked him up


Hello! I often dreamed that I was giving birth to children. I dreamed twice that I was giving birth to triplets. The first time I dreamed that I gave birth to three boys, the second time I gave birth to 2 boys and a girl. One day I dreamed that I gave birth to a son, his blond hair was long. I often see children in my dreams, probably because I don’t have them in real life. And today I saw in a dream two girls with twins, but they were not my children


I went to the gynecologist and he told me that you are having twins but you need to save them. Twin one girl looks like my boyfriend and the other looks like my ex... in order to save the children you need to go to save them


many twin children. It’s a holiday and friends came with twin children, and we also have two girls - twins, and it’s very easy for me with them, although I only have a son.

Why do you dream of giving birth to a kitten in a dream?

Every night, plunging into the arms of Morpheus, we keep a certain thought in our heads, and, of course, it is reflected in our dreams. Today we’ll talk about their interpretation and some of the images that especially worry us that came to us in a dream.

How to correctly interpret a dream?

In order to find out the correct interpretation of what you saw in a dream, it is necessary to highlight key objects, events and actions, remember and analyze the ongoing actions, events and moments. A prerequisite is the vividness of the dream, the impression left by it, how deeply it is etched into the memory and sunk into the soul. Only fragments that are colored by feeling, that amazed you, captured your attention, frightened you, or, on the contrary, brought you joy, have meaning. Don't forget that you can look at a situation from different angles. Therefore, try to formulate the item you are looking for as clearly as possible.

A sign of what kind of message a dream carries (whether it brings joy or grief) is, for the most part, its emotional coloring, the feeling that you experienced in it. For example, seeing a sunny, bright and light landscape, your subconscious signals you about the successful completion of your affairs. Even if it is not possible to decipher each symbol separately, perhaps the emotion itself will already tell you what you want to know.

A great way to find out what the coming day has in store for you is to look into your dream book. That's what we'll do! I propose to consider the option of not only being pregnant with twins, but also the situation as a whole.

Pregnancy according to Miller's dream book

For virgins, this does not bode well; they may expect shame or trouble. For pregnant women, this is a harbinger of a successful outcome of childbirth and speedy rehabilitation in the future. For everyone else, this probably means an unsuccessful marriage and children deprived of beauty.

  • Vanga's dream book

A married woman who dreams of this can expect a new addition to the family and possibly even the birth of twins. For young girls, the dream promises deception of a loved one, dishonesty of his thoughts and goals.

  • Freud's dream book

The woman thus receives a message that she is about to find herself in this position. Another interpretation of the dream is a signal of a joyful event - in reality, a man will soon appear, a relationship with whom will bring more joy than with the previous partner. If your man dreamed about this, be careful, an unpleasant development of events awaits a real union.

  • dream book of Nostradamus

In a dream, your pregnancy means impending losses, and another person's pregnancy means a request for a favor.

  • Loff's dream book

Both men and women can dream of this, and marital status does not play a role in this case. For the most part, this is the personification of abundance and prosperity. But there are situations that require individual consideration.

A young woman thinking about pregnancy, not in the near future, but in the distant future, is thus informed that a new stage of introspection is beginning.

In women who are sexually active but do not currently desire it, this condition is a normal effect of the menstrual cycle. There is a possibility that a feeling of anxiety will arise.

Pregnant women dream of a kaleidoscope of events, because... their condition itself is an inexhaustible source of emotions and experiences.

  • Tsvetkov's dream book

A girl in reality can face deception, and a woman can feel such feelings as pride and joy. Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream means trouble.

  • Hasse's dream book

The pregnancy of a young woman means happiness and success in love affairs, while the pregnancy of an old woman means quick death.

  • Meneghetti's dream book

Reports the subtle influence or pressure of something foreign on a person; illness is possible.

  • Longo's dream book

You can expect replenishment if a woman had a dream. A young girl may have the feeling that she has been stuck in girls and the time has come to realize her maternal instinct.

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The birth of a child is always associated with joy, so in most cases a dream about pregnancy has a good meaning; it portends profit, creative growth, and a transition to a new stage in life. Why dream of being pregnant in a dream? Dream books interpret this dream differently, taking into account different nuances.

Why does a girl dream about pregnancy?

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means that a young girl is ready to start a family; it’s time for her to get married, become a wife and mother. It is a symbol of the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Perhaps this promises her a new man who will look after her beautifully and the relationship will be long-lasting. Often such a dream tells a girl about problems with her significant other. It's time for her to look at her partner from a different perspective and think about possible changes.

Why does an unmarried girl dream about pregnancy? If a girl is sexually active, then a dream about pregnancy symbolizes her worries about an unwanted child. She'd better find out everything with a test from the pharmacy. If a girl has already become pregnant and is about to give birth, then a dream about pregnancy portends pleasant troubles and worries for her. According to the esoteric dream book, the main meaning is losses, losses, and books compiled “according to Vanga’s recommendations” warn the girl against betrayal and lies on the part of her chosen one.


Why does a married girl dream about pregnancy? Often this is filmed by adults, married women. If you dream of pregnancy, then your dreams will come true or you will soon become a mother. For a pregnant woman, Vanga’s dream book promises the appearance of twins. If you dream of a woman in a position with a big belly, then this means success in business and prosperity. For those who have a husband, the dream has the opposite meaning according to Miller’s dream book: he warns against failures in marriage, quarrels with the husband, and disobedient children. An elderly woman will face a serious illness, and a very sick woman will face a quick death.

Why do you dream about pregnancy with a girl?

Sleep is the fruit of our subconscious, which is formed by our numerous thoughts. Why do you dream about your own pregnancy with a girl? If a woman in an “interesting situation” dreams of being pregnant with a girl, then so it will be, and soon she will have a daughter. And if a girl is not pregnant, but feels a baby in her stomach, then the dream foreshadows her unexpected joy, which she will soon experience in reality. Our grandmothers believed that if you dream of a child, expect a miracle, a miracle, joy.

As a boy

People's advice is simple: seeing a boy in a dream is good news; successful completion of projects and transactions awaits you. Why does a woman dream about her own pregnancy with a boy:

  1. Seeing this in a dream means a possible car accident.
  2. According to other dream books, the birth of a boy portends important changes. Wait for an event that will change your life.
  3. A boy - a future man - is a symbol of strength, determination, rage. Perhaps the girl will have a situation that she can solve only with a lot of effort.


For an unmarried girl to see such a dream means upcoming grief, loss, deception. For a married woman, twins are a harbinger of pleasant troubles. The dream promises family happiness. A lonely girl who dreams of twins needs to be extremely prudent - in real life she may face slander and disrepute. Why does a man dream about being pregnant with twins? If a husband dreams of a woman expecting twins, he is “threatened” with a big profit - twice as much as what he expects.

Why does a virgin dream of pregnancy?

Find out why a virgin dreams of pregnancy. Such a dream is symbolic and indicates that the young girl is ripe for sexual relations, her feminine strength, physical attraction to men, and readiness to become a mother are awakening. The dream has a bad meaning for a sick girl - her condition may worsen. If events are accompanied by negative emotions and experiences, then the young lady will face difficulties in her personal life. A girl may be judged by other people for having promiscuous relationships with the opposite sex.

Why do you dream about pregnancy and the birth of a child?

Success, wealth, successful completion of a business transaction - this is what a girl dreams of about pregnancy and childbirth. Young people, if they see their big belly in a dream or give birth, will get married soon. For women with a family - happiness in the home, the possible birth of a child, pride in their children. For an elderly woman, this does not bode well - the collections predict illness for her. If the sleeper is a man, then his own childbirth is a sign of success and prosperity, but for this, according to the esoteric dream book, he will need to make a lot of effort.


Find out why a pregnant woman dreams. The dream is associated with worries about the upcoming birth. An expectant mother sees her belly during an ultrasound procedure, which means she is worried about the baby’s health. Don't worry, childbirth will be easy! If you are not pregnant, then the dream foretells prosperity, success at work and business. And sick people who have seen an ultrasound examination will expect an improvement in their condition and a quick recovery.


In dream books you can find different interpretations of this dream. Some warn against rash actions, which may result in the loss of a good reputation. Others portend happy changes, and the more painful the birth was, the more significant the changes in life will be. Why do men dream about pregnancy and contractions? This indicates that in reality he paid little attention to some matter, he is tormented by a feeling of incompleteness. A man needs to give more strength, then everything will be successful.

According to Miller's dream book, being pregnant in a dream and feeling it promises unexpected good changes in life, pleasure, and new acquaintances. Analysis of the dream according to Freud could reveal that in reality the sleeper is worried about the upcoming fateful meeting with his life partner. A psychological dream book foretells a solution to a problem that has been tormenting you for a long time. Vanga advises you to rethink your life position and start a new life.


Symbolizes a missed opportunity. Some situation or proposal could solve your problem or change your life. Why do you dream about pregnancy and abortion? Perhaps you have an important event coming up, you are worried about an upcoming important meeting or deal that may fall through. In this case, you need to be more attentive and calm, then everything will go well. Don't do things that could make your life or the lives of others worse.

Frozen pregnancy

Be prepared to solve problems at home or at work. Why do you dream? Subconsciously, you are afraid of something, you are worried, you don’t know how to get out of a difficult situation. Perhaps you had a chance to change your life, get a new job, change your place of residence, but because of fears you did not take advantage of this opportunity. Understand your psychological limitations, get rid of anxiety and fear. If you cannot cope with your feelings yourself, ask a psychologist for help. The main thing is not to suppress your emotions.

Ectopic pregnancy

A very unpleasant dream that can mean minor problems and quarrels. Why does a woman or man dream? This is almost straightforward advice: everything can be solved if you are patient and behave with restraint. It’s better to remain silent, even if your interlocutor is wrong, otherwise the situation will worsen. For your patience, you will soon receive a reward, good news, the opportunity to change your life, start a new business.

Why do you dream about pregnancy with a dead child?

Do not rush to be upset, this does not portend any trouble. A child is a symbol of life, and a dead child is a farewell to the past, a welcome to a new life. A dead baby portends dramatic changes, changes in your real life. Why dream of pregnancy with a dead child if the girl is really “pregnant”? There is nothing to fear, the birth will go well, and the woman in labor will be able to rely on the support of close relatives. If you already have children, then this dream means that you control your children too much, they need to be given more freedom.


Among the unusual dreams, one can separately highlight dreams of being pregnant with twins. They are very rare and unusual. Let's see what they can predict. So, why do you dream about pregnancy and childbirth with twins?

I dreamed that you were pregnant with twins

The general interpretation of the dream is favorable: dream books claim that good luck awaits the dreamer, and it will come in the near future. Why do you dream about girls being pregnant with twins? You will receive some extremely good message. Whatever area of ​​life it relates to:

  • to work;
  • to family;
  • to hobbies;
  • to the financial situation, -
  • it will certainly turn out to be positive.

With boys, everything is simpler: if a woman “knows” in a dream that she should have 2 heirs, this means that luck will affect mainly the sphere of finance.

Why does a young girl who is not yet married and is not yet planning to get married dream about pregnancy and the birth of twins? The picture is somewhat less rosy: perhaps disappointment awaits her. However, they should not be perceived as a tragedy, but as a life lesson from which one can benefit for the future.

Is it possible to say that a woman dreams of twins to indicate pregnancy? This is not always the case. Other interpretations are possible:

  • making a profit;
  • material gift;
  • troubles and problems (for unmarried people);
  • an opportunity to get rich (for example, getting a new job).

Did a man dream that he was lying next to a woman who was expecting twins? This means that both morally and financially he is ready to become a father.

Signs and dreams for twin pregnancy

Sometimes fate gives signs to a woman that she will soon become a “mother squared away.” Only these signs often go unnoticed in the whirlwind of everyday affairs and worries.

Remember if you recently came across an egg with two yolks? Or maybe the seller mistakenly put 2 belts instead of one when you bought a new dress?

Sometimes fate sends its signals in a dream. Usually these are dreams similar to those that foreshadow a “single” pregnancy, only in them the expectant mother sees everything in double quantity. For example, she admires 2 identical fish, swims with two dolphins. While picking mushrooms in a clearing, he finds a pair of white ones standing next to each other. Holds 2 oranges or 2 apples in his hands. Some people dream that they are buying paired items in a store:

  • mitts;
  • mittens;
  • shoes.

If a woman is already “pregnant”, but the period is still short, she herself may feel that she will give birth to two children - even before the first ultrasound. Such expectant mothers see prophetic dreams - in them fate “acts directly”: a woman feels two babies in her womb or gives birth to two.

Carrying two children is not easy. But women are most often happy to hear about a pair of heirs at once. It is much more interesting for children to grow up together, and they will become each other’s support for life. If your dream about twins turned out to be prophetic, you will find twice as much joy, children's laughter and cheerful excitement in the coming years. Double happiness now and double support in the years when you approach old age and your children reach maturity.