How a cat with an extra chromosome became an Instagram star. A cat with an extra chromosome has conquered Instagram

A cat named Maya is no ordinary cat. She has 20 chromosomes instead of the normal 19. This means that the cat has a disease similar to Down syndrome in humans. They wanted to euthanize her at the shelter, but there were owners who took her in.

Maya was found near a Chinese restaurant in Boston. Soon after she arrived at the shelter, they began preparing her for lethal injection. Animals (in particular sick ones) that cannot be found new home, in American shelters this is exactly the fate that awaits.

Maya's fate took a turn when employees noticed her charitable organization The Odd Cat Sanctuary(from English - Abode of Strange Cats). They took the cat and published its photo on Facebook. So they tried to find her new owners. As a result, so many people responded that the foundation staff had to spend about six weeks interviewing to choose a better owner.

Now Maya is an Instagram star. She was taken in by Harrison and Lauren, the couple who started account especially for her cat and posts her photos there. In them, Maya is surrounded by affection and care, lies and purrs - in general, enjoys life.

Due to her illness, Maya constantly sneezes and also experiences shortness of breath. But this does not stop her from constantly jumping and playing.

And also watch Guardians of the Galaxy on TV.

Maya is a special cat. She has 20 chromosomes instead of the required 19, which means she suffers from genetic disease, similar to Down syndrome in humans. The owners saved her from being euthanized in the shelter where Maya ended up from the street, and now they dote on her. And she really is charming, despite her unusual appearance.

Maya recently turned one year old. For such a special cat like her to live for a year is already a great success. The fact is that Maya has a disease that people call Down syndrome: she has an extra chromosome. Usually cruel owners kill or simply throw such kittens into the street, where they quickly die. But Maya was lucky.

Some man spotted her near the back door of a Chinese restaurant in Boston, picked her up and took her to the shelter. Here she was fed and put in a cage, but soon Maya was to be given a lethal injection. After all, those homeless cats that no one takes in, especially sick ones, face death in urban American shelters.

But charity workers "Residence of Strange Cats" We accidentally noticed her at the shelter, took her in and published a photo on Facebook. Thousands of people responded! And for six whole weeks, fund employees conducted interviews to choose the best family.

As a result, Maya got a good human female named Lauren. The owner takes care of the cat and even started an Instagram account for her, where she now shows off.

Maya not only has an unusual appearance. Because of the extra chromosome, she doesn’t hear well, which is, of course, quite inconvenient for a cat. And because of her flat nose, Maya constantly sneezes. It's funny to you, but try to live like that!

But like all other ordinary cats, Maya enjoys watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

She purrs and squints on the sofa when she is petted.

He looks with great curiosity at what the so-called owners are planning there.

And she fiercely claws the toy, showing that she is a real predator.

Although Maya’s hearing is weak, she will probably still like the music that a musician from Istanbul composes for cats. His melodies make these animals fall into bliss. And one blind pussy from another corner of the planet, who was given the opportunity to listen to a pianist through a smartphone, will make it difficult for you not to be moved.

Maya is a special cat. So special that you can survive without help good people I simply couldn't. Fate gives virtually no chance to animals with this disease - they are doomed to die on the street or be euthanized in a shelter. But Maya is so lucky that she not only lives in the house, but also has her own Instagram account.

Maya the cat was born with a rare genetic disorder similar to Down syndrome in humans. Due to the extra chromosome, the animal sees poorly, practically cannot hear, and continuously sneezes.

When such a kitten is born domestic cat, he is killed or thrown out into the street, which is practically the same thing - without human intervention, he is still doomed.

But we can only call this luck conditionally - Maya was put in a cage in order to be put to sleep after a while. Unclaimed, let alone sick, animals are not kept in US shelters for long.

But then a real miracle happened - employees of the organization entered the shelter with unusual name « Strange Cats Haven", who took Maya from the cage and made sure that the unusual kitten found owners.

Thousands of kind Americans responded to an ad on Facebook with an offer to take the poor fellow home and, having chosen the best applicant from among them, in their opinion, the organization’s employees gave the animal.

The owner of the incredibly lucky Maya was Lauren, who sincerely fell in love with unusual cat and even opened a personal account for her on Instagram, where she publishes photos and videos on behalf of Maya.

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Maya's life has become more eventful than that of many healthy cats.

The cat loves to pose for Instagram.

Enjoys watching TV.

Poses for artists and photographers.

They even published a children's book about her.

This unusual cat loves holidays and gifts, and is ready to celebrate all special dates in a row.

In Lauren's family, Maya is not the only pet - the black cat Dragon also lives in the house, with whom Maya has excellent friendly relations.

In general, we can confidently say that Maya is happy cat, whose life was completely successful!

Maya is a special cat. She has 20 chromosomes instead of the normal 19, meaning she suffers from a genetic disorder similar to Down syndrome in humans. The owners saved her from being euthanized in the shelter where Maya ended up from the street, and now they dote on her. And she really is charming, despite her unusual appearance.

Maya recently turned one year old. For such a special cat like her to live for a year is already a great success. The fact is that Maya has a disease that people call Down syndrome: she has an extra chromosome. Usually cruel owners kill or simply throw such kittens into the street, where they quickly die. But Maya was lucky.

Some man spotted her near the back door of a Chinese restaurant in Boston, picked her up and took her to the shelter. Here she was fed and put in a cage, but soon Maya was to be given a lethal injection. After all, those homeless cats that no one takes in, especially sick ones, face death in urban American shelters.

But employees of the charity organization “Abode” weird cats“We accidentally noticed her at the shelter, took her in and published a photo on Facebook. Thousands of people responded! And for six whole weeks, fund employees conducted interviews to choose the best family.

As a result, Maya got a good human female named Lauren. The owner takes care of the cat and even started an Instagram account for her, where she now shows off.

Maya not only has an unusual appearance. Because of the extra chromosome, she doesn’t hear well, which is, of course, quite inconvenient for a cat. And because of her flat nose, Maya constantly sneezes. It's funny to you, but try to live like that!

But like all other ordinary cats, Maya enjoys watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

She purrs and squints on the sofa when she is petted.