How to find yourself and personal story, why I myself am no longer looking for.... How to find yourself in life psychology

There is an opinion that it is impossible to find yourself, you can only create yourself. But if you look at this issue with different eyes, then it is still possible to find your true self. But for this you will have to sweat a little. In this article we will reveal some secrets on how to find yourself.

Why is it so important to find yourself?

We all come into this life only once. And, if you are not happy with your job, your relationship has exhausted itself, you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning and you don’t want to do anything, then this is the first bell signaling that it’s time to change something in this life. And you need to start with yourself. Have you ever thought about who you really are, what is your purpose? If not, then your “I” is hiding somewhere deep inside you. It must be found and fully opened.

If you live by someone else's rules, listen to the opinions of other people and do things that do not bring true pleasure, you can remain a slave and only watch the world from your cell. Free yourself, open up to the whole world. And then you will be filled with love for everything that surrounds you and for life in general.

Discovering your true self is the most valuable thing in this world. Nothing compares to the feeling of contentment and a sense of importance. First of all, know yourself. After all, this is the first step towards finding your essence. Knowledge gives you a lot: you gain invaluable experience that helps you become a self-sufficient person. In addition to this, the desire to truly live awakens in you. This state cannot be described in words; it must be felt. And if you don’t know who you really are, you need to do something about it, and the sooner the better. After all, life is fleeting. Below are some tips to help you find your true self.

Revitalizing your consciousness

First, try to awaken your consciousness. To do this you need to retire. This could be your own room or a place where there is no one but you. Imagine that the whole world around you has stopped and you are left alone with your thoughts. Look back and analyze what has irrevocably left you, look around, look into the future, do you see yourself as a successful and happy person there? It is this kind of analysis that will allow you to know yourself, and you will move in the right direction.

Record your life chronology. Take a few pieces of paper and a pen. Write down all the goals that have played and are playing a critical role in your life. First remember what you have already achieved, then what you are striving for. Don't forget to also put down on paper all your problems and failures that made you who you are today. It is falls that make us look at the world with different eyes. Through pain and experiences we become real, without masks and falsehood.

It is not at all necessary to dive deeply into your thoughts and analyze every little detail. It is more important to find out what problems are dragging you down, preventing you from opening up to your true potential, developing and feeling truly alive.

It takes very little time to describe your past in chronological order. But the result will be colossal. Chronology is an amazing method that allows you to objectively analyze your past. And this is very important in order to move on. If past events are represented as bricks, life experiences can be built from them, on the basis of which a happy future is created. When you write down your past moments, imagine that you are pouring everything into a journal. Write only the truth and as simply as possible.

When analyzing your past, pay special attention to negative experiences, because this is an important life lesson that has taught you a lot. You shouldn’t dwell on mistakes and failures, because they happen to everyone. It is negative experiences that change us.

Learn to separate your own thoughts from the thoughts of other people. We are all different: some people think this way, some people think differently. But among the crowd of people, a group stands out where everyone seems to be going with the flow. School, college, work, marriage - many people choose this life scenario, without even thinking that, in addition to this, they can also realize their “I” that lives deep inside. So if you are wondering how to find yourself in life, then devote some space on paper to a few beliefs of other people. You probably have them. These could be beliefs regarding political and religious views, career, some standard of beauty, and the like.

If you do not agree with some existing norms, then you are already on the right path. What matters is how you see the world around you, not how others see it. If you notice that you are living according to someone else's scenario, it is never too late to stop and turn where your intuition tells you. Be prepared to unlearn and learn to live again, only in a completely different way.

Believe in yourself. Self-confidence is the main key with which you can open your “I”. Those who are not endowed with self-esteem constantly listen to the opinions of other people, which leads to a complete loss of the sense of their personality. This is why it is very important to learn to believe in yourself and trust your own feelings. Yes, it's not easy. Therefore, have patience and confidence in your capabilities. And after some time you will finally come to your real self.

Of course, you can't do without mistakes here. But it’s not scary, because everyone goes through them. Mistakes will allow you to grow and learn about yourself. If you had a conflict in the past and you still haven’t resolved it, you need to resolve it quickly, since it is a stumbling block that prevents you from creating your life.

It is very important to learn to believe in yourself, live according to your judgment and make all important decisions yourself. Many people float on the waves of fate, facing one or another problem that spoils the quality of life. Take full responsibility for your life. Create your budget, schedule your daily expenses and plan your future. In this way, you will not only feel certainty, but also feel your inner strengths, which will no longer allow you to move with the flow.

Life from scratch. In order to move forward, you need to get rid of everything that slows you down and distracts you from more important things. Here's what you should remove from your life:

  • bad habits (smoking, love of alcohol, overeating, computer addiction);
  • contacts with whom you should not connect your life. These could be friends who hide envy behind their mask, an unsuccessful love, thoughts about which are still spinning in their heads, etc.

It is imperative to develop your own value system and live according to it. Starting life from scratch is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because by giving up everything that has been associated with you for so long, you lose a part of yourself. So it may take some time to fill the void and heal. Always remember that in place of everything old, something new will definitely come, which is a hundred times better.

Organizing the world around you. On the path to finding your “I,” you often encounter obstacles that hinder you. Therefore, it is imperative to get rid of them. If it’s a mess in the room, clean it up, if there’s a task to do, do it right away, and if you have a brewing conflict with your boss or close friend, resolve it without putting it off. Only then will you understand yourself better.

Many people will probably have excuses for why they don’t develop and reach heights. This could be a lack of money, studying, failure at work, or personal life. It is very important to allocate at least a drop of time in the day and carefully organize your life.

Welcome to your world!

And now that your consciousness has awakened, you can safely conquer the horizons of your inner world.

Lose yourself in solitude. From time to time, each of us needs to stop and be alone with ourselves. Set aside at least a few minutes a day to relax and give free rein to your thoughts. Find a place where there is no noise, noise, information and people who put moral pressure on you. This could be your own room or a park. It is better, of course, to go for a long walk and as far as possible from what prevents you from thinking and living correctly.

Every person needs privacy, regardless of whether he is an introvert or an extrovert, a student or a working person, lonely or with a significant other. By being in company with yourself, you renew yourself, acquire inner peace and understanding, thereby becoming an independent and self-sufficient person. And such a pastime not only inspires a creative person, but also pushes him to develop his skills. Of course, it’s good to work with people who can tell you what and how. But if you are constantly surrounded by people, you can lose inspiration. Sometimes you need to stop and take a step back to where you can find inspiration.

Finding your passion. Every person should do what he loves, and not what he needs to do. Therefore, it is important to strive for something in your life, find something you like and give a piece of yourself to it. It doesn’t matter what it is, music, drawing or travel, the opinions of others should not bother you. There are many envious people and ill-wishers in the world who are ready to put a spoke in our wheels. Don't listen to anyone but yourself.

When you find something for which you don’t mind wasting your precious time and energy, you will truly become happy. It is the passion for any business that awakens the desire to develop, which will ultimately lead to filling oneself and truly revealing one’s essence.

Finding a mentor. Although self-discovery is the job of only one person, a mentor is still needed. After all, it is this person who will support you in all your endeavors, tell you what not to do, and guide you on the right path. The mentor should be the person who has already found the path to himself, which means he can be trusted. Take a close look at your surroundings. It is quite possible that there is such a person among your friends or acquaintances. Approach this person and ask him how he came to this, what he did for this. And be sure to tell us where you are heading.

Decide on a career. Most people ask the question: “How to find yourself in the profession?” Moreover, this question may concern not only yesterday’s schoolchildren, but also older people. If you notice that you are still wandering from one workplace to another, not knowing who is better to be, it’s time to stop and think about where you can still realize your potential.

In order to find yourself, you need to do what you love. Think carefully about what you would do if you didn't have to work for a living. And is it possible to make a profit from this activity?

There is a very effective exercise called “free association”. Its essence is this: you take a piece of paper and write down everything that comes to your mind. You need to write down not only what you like, but also those things that are completely unacceptable to you.

When you have written everything down, put the piece of paper aside for a while, relax and rest a little, then return to this list again. Just now don’t write anything, but take a closer look at what you wrote. Find out what type of activity is associated with this or that association that interested you, gave you a boost of energy and motivated you to action.

It is worth noting that it is not at all necessary to work “by calling”. And not everyone succeeds in this. It is very important to find a balance between life and work. Then everything will work itself out.

Changing your own perspective

“We are not cats to please everyone.” People are all different. In your environment, there are probably those who respect and support you in every possible way, and there are people who are not impressed by you, even if you do good deeds and do not commit bad deeds. This is absolutely normal, since we simply cannot please everyone. You should not pay more attention to such people than yourself, and try to please them in every possible way in order to please them. Otherwise, you risk living someone else’s life without knowing your true self. The phrase of Raymond Hull fits well here: “He who limits himself to satisfy others will soon lose himself.”

It is worth noting that after you change, become wiser and begin to respect yourself, many simply will not understand your decision, someone will feel fear, and someone may feel envy inside. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the attitude towards you may change: someone will become closer, and someone will move away. You need to understand other people and let them go, no matter how much it hurts you. After all, this is life.

Don't let negativity come into your life. Many people think that this is difficult to do. But in reality, everything is in your hands! You just need to get rid of negative thoughts about certain people, things and yourself. This will allow you:

  • fill yourself with positivity, which will reveal the feeling of happiness that has been hiding inside you for a long time;
  • open your mind to everything new. It could be sensations, people, a wonderful world where you yourself paint your life with all the colors of the rainbow.

Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Do something you haven't done before just because you thought it was unreasonable and something scary. By going beyond certain limits, you will only benefit, because you will get to know yourself better and see what your potential is, what you are capable of and what you were missing in life.

Don't forget to ask questions to yourself. If you want to understand yourself, you need to ask questions not only of your mentor, but also of yourself. This is a very important step towards finding your “I”.

Asking easy questions is uninteresting and completely pointless. The more complex they are, the better for you. It is difficult questions that will allow you to look at some things with different eyes.

Find a place where you can be alone, take a notebook and write down questions there and answer them immediately. Review your notes from time to time. This is very useful, because you will see what stage you are at now, and you will even be able to take a few steps forward.

What questions should you ask yourself? Here are some of them.

  • "Who am I?" This question needs to be asked many times throughout your life. All people change. And if you constantly ask yourself this question, you will be able to slightly change the way you think about yourself. But don't think about who you should be. Focus more on who you are at this moment.
  • “I would like to go back in time and do what I would like to do?” Each of us at least once in our lives regretted a lost chance or an unfulfilled dream. Haven't met the person you like? Didn't go on vacation when there were last-minute tours? Did you spend little time with your loved one who is no longer alive? There are plenty of options.
  • “If I were the richest person in the world and I didn’t have to go to work, what would my life be like?” Painting, photography, traveling around the world, parachute jumping - the flight of dreams is limitless.
  • “I was given the three words needed to describe the person I wanted to become. What are these words? These can be words not only with a positive, but also with a negative connotation. There are no people in life who have only positive character traits. Each of us has flaws that need to be recognized. But with a smart approach, they can be turned into advantages. For example, if you don't like washing clothes and have a constantly messy home, why not take up hiking, where cleanliness is not as important as connecting with nature.

Open yourself up to all the good things

In order to truly find yourself, you need to fill your inner world only with everything good; there is no place for negativity here.

Act as soon as new knowledge is revealed to you. There are people who have narrow thinking. They are not interested in anything, do not learn new and interesting information, perform the same actions day after day, not even suspecting that there are so many interesting things in the world, you just have to open your eyes and see.

Do only what brings you true pleasure. And it doesn’t matter whether you know how to do it or not. Having acquired new knowledge, immediately begin to act. A real discovery for you could be painting with watercolors, making hand-made crafts, figure skating, traveling, singing, playing the guitar, or whatever! You shouldn’t hide under excuses like “no time”, “no money”. After all, this way you will only bury your dreams. It is very important to listen to yourself and take action. Then you will certainly have both a free minute and funds.

Don't be afraid of failure. Nothing in life comes so easily, you have to pay for everything. Trial and error is the price you have to pay to feel inner harmony and satisfaction.

Along the way, you can see a lot - both ups and downs. And you may even fall face first into the dirt many times. But you need to come to terms with this, because without this it is impossible to find yourself. Therefore, when another failure comes your way, pull yourself together, clench your fists and start all over again.

You need to immediately prepare yourself for the fact that the path will not be easy. But having passed it with dignity, you will fulfill your cherished dream. Any difficulty is another step towards our plans.

What else do you need to remember?

In order for your search for yourself to be successful, pay attention to the following.

  • Leaving your comfort zone is always scary. But no one will change your life except you. Therefore, you need to try to stay outside your boundaries for as much time as possible, and you will learn those facets of your personality that you didn’t even know about before.
  • Finding yourself is a process that can last several months, years or even a lifetime. Be patient.
  • When searching for yourself, it is very important to protect yourself from the influence of other people who strive to get in your way. Of course, you can listen to the advice of other people and learn from their experience. But you have the right to decide what to do. If you succumb to negative influences and accept other people's opinions, it will be extremely difficult to find yourself. This is due to the influence of other people on your self-awareness.
  • Along the way, sometimes you will want to cry. This is absolutely normal, because along with the tears your soul is released, which is very beneficial. Don't hold back. Lock yourself in a room and let your feelings come out.
  • Don't think that all this is happening only to you. You are not the only one in this world. Absolutely everyone who wants to find themselves experiences failures and disappointments.
  • Don't rush to make a decision when you're not in the mood or tired. Calm down, have a good rest and only then make a decision. This time it will probably be true.
  • You definitely need to forgive, because if you accumulate resentment in your soul, then what kind of development can we talk about?
  • There are no such concepts as “right” and “wrong”. Everything in life cannot be perfect.
  • The inner voice will never let you down or deceive you. So be sure to listen and trust him.
  • It is impossible to know right away that you have found yourself. But it is still possible to determine that you are just a couple of steps away from your cherished dream. It can be described as relaxation or complete immersion in something. Sometimes this state is simply breathtaking.
  • Being yourself, without masks, is the best gift you can give to yourself.

Important to know

In order to achieve success, there are certain things you shouldn't do. We will look at them below.

  • There is no need to deceive yourself and be someone you really are not. Be only yourself and no one else. Do not give the right to control your life to relatives, friends, or a loved one. Also, don't let society and advertising pressure you.
  • Never let other people make decisions for you. Their interests may be completely different, opposite to yours. And some people, by making a decision for you, can even ruin your life.
  • Don't gossip or say nasty things about other people. Otherwise, you will not know yourself, and people will begin to belittle and dislike you.
  • Don't delve into yourself too much. If you have already taken the first step and are starting to make attempts, then success is just around the corner.

When you find yourself, you become an individual person. People will be drawn to you and treat you with more respect. In addition, you will always be satisfied with yourself, which will not go unnoticed.

Each of us has our own innate desires, which are necessarily provided with talents and abilities, that is, properties for implementation. The problem is that we are not aware of them. It turns out that I “want and can,” but I don’t know what exactly I want. What exactly can I do?

Do you want to know how to find yourself in life? How to realize yourself? The answer is simple: you need to get to know yourself. You don't know yourself at all!

Ask someone, the first person you meet, to tell him about himself. The most you will hear are facts from the biography.

What can you tell us about yourself? Who are you? How are you different from others? What do you want? What do you know about how to find your place in life?

We don't know anything about ourselves. Nothing! We live our lives “by touch.” Some were lucky to find their way and take exactly their place in human society, working with pleasure, receiving excellent results and recognition from society. And some people continue to search for themselves even at 50 years old. True, the older you are, the sadder and more hopeless your search looks.

Fortunately, scientific progress does not stand still. New discoveries in psychology eliminate the need to search for yourself through scientific research, try yourself in different specialties, changing jobs one after another. After all, you can spend your whole life searching for yourself and your path!

You can find yourself in incredibly short lines by getting to know your real self, realizing what your unconscious is hiding. So, the path to self-realization - where to start?

In this article you will learn:

    How to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

    How to find your calling, clearly understand what it means to find yourself, your abilities and talents, the implementation of which will bring real satisfaction.;

    How to recognize false targets and abandon them.

    How to determine your place in society.

    Why exactly are you trying to find your place in life, while others are not? Why can't you live like everyone else and be content with little?

So, how to find yourself in this life?

The modern world is filled with opportunities, goals and desires... of other people. We live among this abundance and draw our guidelines from there. Some make great films, some create beautiful clothes, some develop software, and some play the guitar beautifully. And you think: I would like that too! How to find yourself in all this?

Someone nearby wants something so badly that you begin to want it too, not realizing that this is not your desire. And even if you spend years of your life on this goal, you will inevitably be disappointed with the result. Because nature is perfect - at birth we receive all the necessary inclinations for what we need, everything for self-realization. I wish I knew where to start!

Each of us has our own innate desires, which are necessarily provided with talents and abilities, that is, properties for implementation. The problem is that we are not aware of them. It turns out that I “want and can,” but I don’t know how to find what exactly I want. What exactly can I do?

In System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, these sets of desires and properties are called vectors. It is the set of vectors and their state that determines the prism through which a person sees and feels life, as well as his desires, opportunities and ways of realization.

Absolute understanding of the full depth of one’s mental nature, awareness of the causes of one’s states, desires, needs - this is self-knowledge.

How can an emotional person find himself?

For example, if a person has special, sensitive vision that distinguishes a greater number of colors and shades, good artistic taste, and his keyword is “beautiful” - this means that he has. His life is filled with emotions - he is sensual, funny, kind, fearful, and his eyes are wet.

If you have a visual vector, you can find yourself in intellectual and creative professions. Culture and art, design, photography, fashion - the viewer will feel good where he can enjoy beauty, create it, expressing emotions, experiencing emotions, conveying emotions to others. Emotions for him are life.

We receive all the kindest and most beautiful things created by people from spectators who realize to the maximum what nature has given them.

Now let’s imagine a viewer who works as an accountant, marketer or salesperson. How to realize yourself here? Where are the emotions here? Where is the beauty? Unfulfilled emotions burst out in the form of hysterical breakdowns, from which loved ones suffer, or he constantly falls in love with someone.

What if nothing is interesting? How to find yourself in the profession?

There are eight vectors, and every modern person has several of them. In different circumstances of life we ​​can use our different abilities, properties and talents. , for example, gives a person a rational mind and pragmatism, dexterity and entrepreneurial spirit. The anal vector allows you to become a professional in any industry, gaining experience and knowledge in your field.

But there is one vector that makes its owner different from everyone else.

It is this vector that makes you think more than others about how to find yourself in life. This - . It is thanks to him that you think about things that mean nothing to others. For example, about the meaning of life, space, some energies, a state of altered consciousness, about self-knowledge.

If you have a sound vector, it is the most important in your psyche. His desires are very voluminous, and if they are not realized, your condition becomes grave. You withdraw into yourself, and the desires of other vectors seem to be blocked. Other people become uninteresting, stupid, annoying.

And then, no matter what you do in life, you feel that it is not yours. Life turns into a search for yourself and your path. Everything is empty, uninteresting, painful, everything is not worth doing. Working as an executive assistant, for example, you hate your skinny boss and secretly despise his huckstering streak. Office life with its bustle and gossip seems unbearably disgusting.

How can you be so down to earth? Surely your dream job is remote work. Locking yourself at home and being alone with yourself is your constant desire. But there is no realization in this, no fulfillment of the innate desire for sound - self-knowledge.

How to find your calling if you are not like everyone else?

Realization in the life of a sound artist is always associated with cognition. Inanimate nature: the laws of physics and mathematics, the mastery of which gave the world incredible IT technologies and the Internet. Plant and living nature: scientists have developed food technologies unique in the history of mankind, and medicine has reached the highest level. Human nature: it is the sound people who strive for psychotherapy and psychiatry, trying to unravel the secrets of the human soul and protect themselves from their native fear - going crazy.

How to find yourself in the profession? The range of professions in which a sound engineer can succeed is quite wide: programming, exact sciences, foreign languages, creative writing, music, psychology, psychotherapy, and there are others.

The names of realized sound artists, whose lives are a shining example of the great value they brought to society, are Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein.

But it is not at all necessary to be born a genius in order to succeed and be happy, because everyone is born with their own amount of desire, which must be realized. And this will be quite enough to feel for sure that life is a success.

Incredible changes occur when you fill the fundamental desires of sound to understand yourself, humanity, the meaning of everything that exists, the cause-and-effect relationships of what is happening around you in particular and in the world in general. When you get to know not only yourself, but also learn to focus on people and understand each person as yourself. And a boss with a huckstering streak, and superficial office colleagues, even the most notorious gossip lovers. Yes, like yourself - completely without irritation and condemnation.

This is possible, and they talk about how to find their place in life in their results, who completed the System-Vector Psychology training by Yuri Burlan.

What happens after this?

All your desires are freed from the yoke of the sound vector, and your whole being literally explodes with interest in life and desires - the most unexpected and different. Suddenly, a new reality will appear in front of you - multifaceted and filled with meaning. And you will no longer wonder what it means to find yourself, because you will find both yourself and a new reality.

Well, after getting to know yourself and applying yourself will be very easy. Convince yourself of this - don’t miss the free introductory online lectures on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register in form below.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

429 0 Hello! Many people have at least once wondered how to find themselves in life. Some mean by it the search for the meaning of life, others – their calling, others are looking for harmony in the soul. One way or another, this question is connected with awareness of inner values, self-realization and the desire to become happy. When we are happy, life is filled with wonderful moments. We are happy to wake up in the morning to meet a new day and the events it will bring. The food seems delicious, the music sounds wonderful, the people around you are interesting, your loved one’s family. But there are moments in life when the situation changes dramatically. The person feels that he has lost himself. There is a feeling that nothing pleases or brings satisfaction. Routine clouds consciousness, and people often do not know how to find a way out of the current situation and solve the problem.

What does it mean to find yourself in life?

Finding yourself in life means learning to enjoy your existence, learning to enjoy your life, experiencing joy from what is happening around you. This means having favorite hobbies, hobbies, satisfying work, and being in a psychologically comfortable state. Be able to quickly and productively cope with all difficulties and not get hung up on them.

For example, when a woman becomes a mother, she acquires the person most dear to her and every day, looking at him, she wishes that her baby would always be happy.

Each person is responsible for his own happiness to himself and to his loved ones.

If you haven’t experienced happiness for a long time or see that your loved ones are unhappy, then it’s time to urgently change something in your life. How to do this will be discussed below.

How to understand that a person has lost himself

This important question exists in order to be able to help yourself and a loved one cope in a crisis situation.

Most people find it extremely difficult to ask someone for help when it comes to internal experiences. Especially if we are talking about the strong half of humanity. After all, from a very early age they are taught to cope with all difficulties on their own and not to complain. How can you recognize in time that your loved one needs help and how can you help your dear man find himself?

You can determine that a person has lost himself by certain signs:

  1. A lost person is always unsatisfied. If you have known him for a long time, you will quickly notice that those things and events that previously gave him pleasure have become uninteresting.
  2. Very often lost people are angry or aggressive. This is especially evident in choleric people. They quickly get irritated, any little things make them angry. Even if something interesting and joyful appears, the positive feeling from what is happening quickly fades away. Work causes them indignation, and they often lose interest in friends.
  3. Another option is possible – apathy. Complete lack of interest in what is happening. In such a situation, a person constantly feels tired. He doesn’t want to put himself in order, the food doesn’t seem tasty, and the affairs of his family become a burden. A person may say that he sees no point in doing something, striving for something. Does not realize possible future prospects.

In such a situation, you need to try to pull yourself together, take all your negative emotions about the unstuck state of your loved one into your hands, make an effort on yourself and, by all means, help your loved one find himself again.

This requires patience, love and affection, understanding and support. Unobtrusive recommendations from relevant literature on “how to quickly find yourself” are possible. If a person has no desire to read at all, you need to help him remember all his old hobbies and offer to take up them again. Use modern techniques to determine interests and priorities. And determine a future action plan to overcome the crisis.

How to find harmony and find purpose in life

To answer the question of how to find harmony within yourself, you need to decide for yourself the goals and life priorities that form the inner core of every person.

Situations in which our core activities contradict our internal value system always cause internal imbalance.

For example, mothers (for whom their children are the first priority), forced to work many hours a day, perceive separation from their beloved child acutely and are constantly in a state of stress. It is extremely difficult for them to break out of the routine circle of life, look around and find a way out of a difficult situation.

In order to be able to solve such a problem, to find the right path in life, you need to create your own value system. Reconsider your life in accordance with it. Add everything you need to yourself into your daily routine, and exclude what is unacceptable.

The purpose of life is not an abstract concept, but a concrete plan of action. And in order to come to it and form it in your head, you must first clearly define your values, desires and beliefs.

By deciding on your own purpose in life and starting to follow it, you can find harmony. Whatever your goals are, be it to build a career, be a family man, succeed in sports or help others, realize them!

In order to be able to bring your plans to life and find inner harmony, follow the points suggested below:

  • Get rid of fear.

It is always very difficult for everyone to move. It is difficult to overcome your laziness, find resources to implement a plan, and overcome your prejudices and fears. It may be scary to start changing for the first time. But no one starts the second time.

  • Be consistent.

Don't quit what you started! Don't retreat! Don't rely on anyone. Make exactly as many attempts as necessary to get what you want. Be stubborn and stubborn. Make what is important to you an indispensable part of your life.

  • Get rid of bad habits.

Smoking, drinking alcohol and gluttony take a lot of physical and mental strength. People who smoke and drink are much weaker than healthy people. They sleep worse and have many health problems. It will be more difficult and difficult for them to find the inner strength to fulfill their dreams and desires.

  • Don't get hung up on the opinions of others.

Only the opinions of loved ones and authoritative people can be important. What everyone else thinks is their business. You shouldn't be interested. You don't need to wait for approval from everyone. You must clearly understand that you started to change your life for yourself, this is your personal life. You should not waste it on the opinions of third parties. And it’s better not to tell anyone about your plans and hobbies, so that no one can stop you from carrying out your plans.

  • Learn to avoid negativity.

Identify the sources of your anxiety and try to get rid of them. Everything that irritates, infuriates, takes away energy and time, should be reduced in your life in every possible way as much as possible. If you can’t eliminate unpleasant moments, learn to ignore them and push them out of your own head.

  • Add positivity to your life.

Your favorite hobby should become an integral part of your life. Every day, devote at least a small part of your time to it and get joy and pleasure from it. Be sure to celebrate all your achievements and feel the positive emotions they bring.

  • Do good.

Good deeds fill every person with light and joy. Keep a calendar of good deeds. At least to a minimum. For example, once a week help your parents or the elderly. Or call your mom every other day. Or do one thing a day that is beneficial for your family (one that is not part of your daily responsibilities). It won't take much time, but it will add satisfaction to yourself.

  • Reflect.

Be sure to think through and evaluate the changes taking place and your own feelings about it. This will help determine the correctness of the chosen direction, take into account mistakes and look for additional ways to solve the plan.

  • Take time for yourself.

The daily grind is endless. It is impossible to list them all, much less redo them. Select something just for yourself. Let everything else disappear from your consciousness for this period. Concentrate in these moments only on your own joyful feelings from what is happening, and do not pay attention to everything else.

Start loving and respecting yourself and your life. Appreciate yourself for all your successes, love yourself for your efforts, accept yourself for the fact that your loved ones love you. Pamper yourself with pleasant moments every day and spare no time or money for your joys.

  • Discover something new every day.

Be sure to develop and read. Make “learning new things” a must in your daily schedule. Read articles on the Internet, books, watch videos on topics that interest you and in which you would like to become a pro. By following this path, within a week you will be surprised at how much you have learned.

  • Set yourself up for success.

Believe in yourself. You will definitely succeed. Maybe not the first or the fifth, but the hundredth time. It's not going anywhere. If you do the same thing over and over again, you will simply practice and master a new skill.

  • Don't get discouraged after your first failure.

There is no productive meaning in frustration and negative experiences and there never will be. Don't waste your time on suffering and regret. Spend all your energy on new attempts until it turns out exactly the way you need it.

Follow these tips and you will definitely succeed!

How to find your calling

The ideal image of a modern successful person is one who is financially secure, has a successful family life, and has an exciting, interesting, profitable business. In fact, everyone knows that such people are few out of millions. But still this prototype of a “happy life” stands before everyone’s eyes. And everyone compares themselves with him every day.

There are several ways to find your calling:

  1. Remember what you wanted to become as a child, what you dreamed about. Answer yourself the question: what prevented you from realizing yourself in this role? Think, maybe now is the time to make your old dream come true?
  2. Analyze your strengths: what you can do, what you could do, what kind of work would be suitable for implementing your skills. Also think about what you would like to learn, what new skills to acquire. Learning a new profession and gaining knowledge always contribute to personal development, help you find yourself and acquire useful contacts.
  3. Listen to your feelings: what do you want? What do you like to do? What do you get true pleasure and joy from? Or maybe some activity resonates with you that you have not yet performed, but feel a strong desire to do? This can be an impetus to action.

But the job may not be your calling. For most people on the planet, it is only a source of existence. In order not to lose yourself in such a situation, it is enough to simply balance work and personal life. That is, spend time free from work on hobbies and enjoyable activities.

If business doesn’t work out, and you still haven’t discovered your financial creativity, you’ll breathe out. Step away from this terrorizing thought and look for calling in other areas of your life.

How to find yourself: methods, techniques, exercises

Today, there are many psychological techniques that help a person decide on the type of activity that suits him.

Career guidance tests and questionnaires to identify a suitable type of activity

These methods allow, based on individual psychological characteristics, to identify those types of activities in which a person will feel comfortable and be successful. As a rule, the key concepts are such concepts as type of temperament, features of thinking, development of logic, etc.

Similar tests can be taken online on the Internet. They will help you choose the direction in which you want to start moving.

Methods of self-analysis

The principle of their work is that a person must answer for himself a number of questions related to his life. All answers must be recorded, periodically ranked in order of importance, and unnecessary ones excluded from the lists. Thus, it is possible to independently determine guidelines in life.

For example, how to find a hobby for yourself:

  1. List of preferences.

Identifying your favorite activities will help you choose the most suitable and interesting for yourself.

  • Step 1. You need to take a sheet of paper and a pen. Then list everything you like to do (singing, cooking, eating, watching TV series, running, riding a bike, drawing, playing football and whatever else comes to mind). The length of the list is different for everyone. Some will get five points, while others will get fifty. This will not characterize you either positively or negatively. It's just a list. You can write it in five minutes or in a day, or even two.
  • Step 2. After the list is completed, you need to switch to other activities for a while and stop thinking about it.
  • Step 3. Then you should go back to the list and read it carefully. If the list is large, you should try to reduce it to 10 items. The most interesting and entertaining for you.
  • Step 4. Then take a short break again and return to work again. Now you will need to rank all the points in order of importance (first the highest priority, then the least).

As a result, you will receive an individual list of the most important and interesting activities for you, those things that make you happy and bring pleasure.

In order for this list not to remain just on paper, but to find its application in life, it is necessary to formulate a plan for further action.

Decide on your capabilities (financial and time). Take the first most interesting activity for you from the list and decide how much time and money you need in order to be able to do it. If funds allow, start now. Do at least a little on this point to make things move forward.

Let's look at an example. Your fitness turned out to be the most interesting. This is really what you want to do. So, decide now where you will train (at home or in the gym). If in a sports club, decide on the place, schedule, form and type of activity. And go ahead! On to the first lesson!

To begin with, engage in only one activity from your list, no need to get excited. The modern rhythm of life allocates little time for hobbies. If you do not have time to implement all your ideas, even greater dissatisfaction and frustration will appear.

You dealt with the first item on your list and began to successfully implement it, add the second, etc.

Pay attention!The success of these methods lies in the obligatory honesty when answering questions. There is no need to list what is fashionable now, or what your friends are doing and advise you with good intentions. Life is yours, the answers should also be exclusively yours.

  1. Analysis of the environment and identification of what is desired.

The point is to determine for yourself who you enjoy communicating with and who you don’t. The people around us have a huge influence on our lives. If you are not satisfied with life, you need to adjust the society in which you live and, if possible, stop interacting with people who are unpleasant to you.

  1. Identifying your own value system, establishing life goals and priorities.

To do this, you should also create a list of your values, that is, use a technique similar to that described in paragraph 1 (“List of Preferences”).

  1. Analyzing other things you would like to change.

For example, your ideal day, ideal job, ideal life, etc. The actions will be similar.

Of course, you won’t be able to completely change your life right away and you won’t be able to achieve real success in one day or a single incident. But! It is possible to decide for yourself your place in life and start working on yourself every day. Get rid of unnecessary things that waste your precious time, and bring in what makes you happy and enjoyable.

Books on how to find yourself

To date, a huge number of psychological, social and artistic works have been written on the topic of self-development and finding inner harmony. It’s definitely worth taking a closer look at them and highlighting the information that may be useful to you, taking from all the variety of important advice what is effective for yourself and starting to change!

  1. “What will you choose?”- Harvard Tal Ben-Shahar's book will help you make the right choice, overcome fear and take action.
  2. "Important Years"- Mag Jay's book about why you shouldn't.
  3. "Be the best version of yourself"- a book by Dan Waldschmidt, who went from suicidal thoughts to the pinnacle of success, becoming a strong personality.
  4. "From urgent to important" Steve McCletchy. A book for those who are tired of running from themselves and want to find their way.
  5. "Rice Storm" by Michael Mikalko. A book about the most interesting ways of thinking outside the box leading to success.
  6. “Building business models. Handbook for strategist and innovator", the authors of which are Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur. The book helps you find ways to develop yourself and your business.
  7. “Between need and want. Find your path and follow it" El Luna. The book helps you find yourself and your calling.
  8. “Don't be afraid to take action. Woman, work and the will to lead" Sheryl Sandberg. The book helps you learn to become sincere, alive and emotional.
  9. “Hygge. The secret of Danish happiness" Mike Viking. The book talks about how to find yourself and increase satisfaction with your own life.
  10. “What are you doing with your life?” essay by Elizabeth Gilbert. The book helps you accept your not so favorite work and find an alternative solution to your expression.
  1. “What to dream about. How to understand what you really want and how to achieve it" Barbara Sher. An interesting, educational and instructive book about how a person can find himself.

Appreciate every minute of your precious life, enjoy your loved ones and what is happening around you. Leave despondency behind. Don't waste your time! Change and rejoice! Find your goal and follow it!

Useful articles:

Most mature adults ask questions about their purpose. The prerequisites for this are unrealized ideas and a person “crushed” by his parents in childhood. What to do with your life? Any child will easily answer this question that he, for example, wants to become an astronaut or a military man, and an adult, in turn, will be confused and will not be able to give an affirmative answer. This is due to the fact that children have a more clear idea of ​​what they want from life.

Factors that prevent a person from deciding what to do in life

"Who do I want to be? What do I want out of life? Why can't I understand what my main purpose is?" There are a lot of questions, and they are all related to the fact that a person is unable, for some reason, to fully understand himself and his feelings and desires. This may be due to a number of social and psychological factors in the individual's daily life, personality traits, habits and social circle.


Constant barriers that stand between a person and his goal in the form of doubts and uncertainty provoke suppression of the desire to realize his unrealized potential. “Will I be able to? What if I don’t succeed?” Sometimes the cultivation of insecurity occurs at the stage of growing up, where the individual first encounters failures, misunderstandings and lack of support from loved ones. Doubts about one’s own abilities significantly impede not only the implementation of plans, but also a person’s personal growth.

Features of the educational process

All our successes and failures, addictions, fears and dreams come from childhood. Most parents, not listening to the wishes of their children, instill skills and abilities that are completely unusual for them. For example, a child, when asked “What do you want to do in life?” answers that he wants to be an artist. His answer is perceived by his parents as something unrealistic, something that will not bring any material wealth or career growth. As a result, the child encounters complete misunderstanding on the part of adults, and his potential becomes unrealized.

However, there are also cases when parents try to organize their child’s leisure time as much as possible, forcing him to develop comprehensively. Of course, an adult who has knowledge about various fields of activity will be able to achieve a lot, but in most cases the person still does not know what to do because he forgets his original desires and aspirations.


Stewardship, a kind of herd instinct, sometimes blinds a person to his true capabilities and abilities. For example, several people from close circles enter the same college/institute/university and pull the person along with them. With certain personal qualities, he will not be able to resist. The result of studying without any special desire, but “for the company”, is the choice of the wrong profession, the wrong job. As a result, an acute lack of positive emotions develops, work becomes routine, and a person, living a boring, gray life, begins to ask the question: “What should I do in life in order to regain satisfaction from my own activities?” But he does not find an answer, because his “I” has already deeply hidden the capabilities and talents of a person, so as not to resist his choice.


Each person has his own opinion about what happiness should be. But some agree on one thing: a happy person is one who has achieved everything in life, who lives without denying himself anything. People’s stereotypes have so developed that without material wealth, no one can consider themselves successful and accomplished. In this regard, a person, in his desire to understand what to do in life, more often strives to get rich, to become someone whose material possibilities are practically limitless, rather than to develop spiritually. No, this is not bad at all, but it is worth considering that money cannot bring full release of potential, since each of us is individual. For example, a person who is more inclined to creativity (drawing, singing, playing musical instruments, and so on) is often not endowed with a certain commercial spirit, which nullifies all his attempts to achieve material well-being.

"What do I want to do with my life?" The problem with this issue is that not everyone is able to sort out their own desires and dreams. Most people lack specificity in defining purpose. Most often this is due to urgent needs, the satisfaction of which comes first. Here, an adult can be compared with a teenager, guided by the desires and preferences of parents, relatives and friends. What is the best thing to do in life - the answer lies in the subconscious of each individual; for this you need to ask yourself motivational questions:

  • What values ​​are prerogative in your life (no more than three)?
  • Achieving what goals is important to you at the moment (no more than three)?
  • What do you like to do?
  • What would you like to do if you found out that you have six months to live?
  • What is your most cherished dream that was not realized due to fear of failure?
  • Where would you spend a large amount of money won from the lottery/lotto/poker?
  • What dream would you pursue if you were 100% sure of success?

Development of intuition

By developing intuitive abilities, in the future you will be able to listen to your own subconscious, which gives us hints and the right answers. Then, understanding what to do in life will not be a problem for you - you can easily determine your calling and begin direct activities.


Reading is something that people do in their lives in almost every social class. Books are a great way to understand yourself. Read as much as possible, but not everything. Be selective in your choice of literature, take into account your preferences. There is no need to force yourself to master complex works - this way you will develop a dislike for reading books.


Making lists will help you decide what to do in life. For example: shopping list, planning the day. Systematize desires, attitudes towards people and things, work and hobbies. A list of your positive and negative qualities, as well as skills and abilities, will allow you to figure out what occupation is best for you to do, in what field to work.


Know how to take responsibility for your actions without blaming loved ones, the government and society as a whole for your failures. Responsibility allows you to realize that life and the choices you make depend only on you, which means that only you can know how to act correctly in a particular matter. What is worth doing in life? First of all, learn to organize yourself and your activities.

The right choice

In any situation, rely on your own subconscious. Do you want to understand whether the right choice was made? Close your eyes and mentally imagine that the person who is now next to you is not there. Did you feel good or bad? This will be the correct answer. Visualize the consequences of your choice - this will help you avoid irreparable mistakes.


Pausing before making a life-changing decision allows you to think things through more carefully. You should not act based only on emotions and momentary impulses - this is fraught with a negative outcome, regrets and uncertainty about future achievements. Do you want to change your job? Weigh the pros and cons, consider the outcome of your actions.

Exercises to Reveal Hidden Potential

Thanks to classes, you can easily determine your true purpose. Various psychological techniques are often difficult to use, so it is easier to use visualization of plans, desires and future actions. This does not require additional skills or knowledge - everything is very simple, you just need a blank sheet of paper, a pen or pencil and a little patience.

Extract and analysis of hobbies, favorite activities

Relax and think about what activities you know that you enjoy the most. Write down at least 20 known hobbies or professions. For example: floriculture, playing the piano, writing articles, dancing, sports, cooking, etc. Analyze the finished list, write next to each item the time you devote (are ready to devote) to this or that type of activity during each day, as well as your preferences in the form of advantages.

Take a close look at your list. Near one (several) points you can see the largest number of advantages and time - this is your unrealized destiny.

Visualization of material well-being

Imagine that your life has changed dramatically, and now, in order to provide for yourself or your family, you no longer need to sit all day in an office, stand at a machine in a factory, run around with a courier bag - in general, you don’t need to work. A bank account has been opened in your name with a round sum, which is enough for a long, comfortable existence, and your children study at a prestigious academy. Introduced? Now think about what you would do if you had a lot of free time and material wealth. Record all possible options on paper and analyze. Your further actions are the beginning of working on yourself in this particular type of activity.

Since ancient times, people have been asking themselves the question, how to find themselves in life? After all, his life depends on how early a person realizes his purpose. This article provides seven simple ways to find yourself and at the same time save time, which is better spent on realizing your main life goal.

Remember your childhood dreams

Trying to find themselves in the gray whirlpool of everyday life, people very often slide into a depressive abyss, completely forgetting about the bright colors of life. But, after all, there was a period of carelessness, dreams and fairy tales. Childhood! And each of us during these years wanted to become someone when we grew up. I imagined myself as a specific hero while playing with my peers.

Perhaps children's dreams contain a hint that will help everyone find themselves in life. In those years, we still didn’t know a lot about it, and, dreaming of becoming an astronaut, we didn’t even imagine the existence of an otolaryngologist or merchandiser, but our main interests were laid precisely then. This means that there is a rational grain in trying to remember your childhood dreams, talking with your parents or those people who took the main part in your upbringing. Perhaps this conversation will make key adjustments and tell you how to find your true and authentic self.

Analyze your skills and abilities

Instead of constant sadness and philosophizing, like “I can’t find myself in life,” it’s better to spend significantly less time just trying to get to know yourself. Set aside at least one evening or any other time of day for introspection. Take a walk in the park, go fishing, or stock up on cookies and wrap your head in a blanket. The main thing is that it helps you relax and tune into a dialogue with yourself.

Ask yourself a question about your calling in life and try to hear the answer of your subconscious, which, quite likely, contains information that can help a person find himself. What kind of work interests you? What's nice to do? What to do? Analyze representatives of which professions most often appear in your favorite films and television shows. Who is interesting to read about and learn something new? And most importantly, at such a moment a person must be honest with himself! It is important to answer the question, what can he do? After all, any of us is sure to be able to do something better than others.

Understand what environment it is comfortable to be in

It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “tell me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are.” After all, all the space around us, every person with whom we communicate, shapes us as a person. Therefore, when trying to find yourself, it is advisable to use not only introspection, but also look at those people who are nearby. First of all, this concerns friends, because relatives and work colleagues are not chosen, but those with whom to be friends are a conscious decision. It is easier to analyze others emotionally than to analyze yourself, so it is worth looking for yourself in life through the knowledge of others.

Think about what you like to do in your free time

Work, study, and household responsibilities are not always chosen by us voluntarily. Sometimes people are forced to do something not by their own will, but by coincidence. But, sooner or later, free time appears and how a person spends it depends on him personally. At such moments, you should listen to your desires. Where do you want to go, where do you want to be? In a noisy campaign at a party, or in a secluded place with a cup of tea. Read a book or ride your bike like the wind along a country road?

Perhaps understanding your interests and hobbies will help you better know and find yourself. By the way, most truly wealthy people achieved success when they did what they loved, turning their hobby into work. This is how the world came to know many great writers, artists, performers and representatives of other creative professions.

Educate yourself and expand your worldview

New knowledge is one of the best ways to find yourself and your place in life. For example, how can a person determine that he wants to become a marketer if he has never even heard such a word? Or perhaps, on the contrary, having heard about a village in the Himalayas, someone will decide to sell their entire business and go there in search of universal harmony and peace. And there he will find true happiness, far from the bustle of the city, imperfect laws and daily responsibilities.

To come to such decisions, you need to know that they exist at all. And without constant self-education this is not possible. And sometimes “I can’t find myself,” say people who simply don’t know enough about all the opportunities open to them in this world.

Understand what makes you feel happy

Another reliable way to find yourself is to understand what exactly in this life gives you a feeling of joy and helps you become happy. After all, you cannot deceive your inner microcosm. By the way, there is a term called “procrastination syndrome”, simply laziness! This concept is a kind of evolutionary adaptation that prevents us from wasting time on unnecessary things.

It is worth thinking about why a person takes on some tasks with joy and pleasure, while he is too lazy to even think about others. ? Perhaps it makes sense to exclude from your daily to-do list those that bring negative emotions. Or, just try to change your attitude towards such work.

Draw your own world

An original way to find yourself is to draw your own world in which you would like to live. Think about your desired environment, work, friends, hobbies, and generally your ideal self! Feel free to let your imagination fly in any direction, without any restrictions or rules. It is advisable to fulfill only one condition - a person needs to feel happy in an imaginary world! Then you should compare your fantasy with reality. See what is missing in real life to make your dreams come true.

Perhaps not so much? Determine the main guidelines that a person not only would like, but could also improve. As a result, instead of fantasies and dreams, a rough action plan will appear. Next, all that remains is to review it again, leaving the most important things and start putting it into practice. It is important to remember that the real world is also created by ourselves, by our thoughts, words, and actions. And no one else has the right to prevent a person from finding himself in life, just as no one else is obliged to help him in this! This is a personal task for everyone and therefore a person must cope with it himself, first in his head, and then in reality.

This article discusses seven ways to find yourself, understand your purpose and the meaning of life. The main thing in this search is to rely on your heart and mind, as well as your intuition. Listen to your inner voice, take a closer look at the people around you, realize what exactly causes a feeling of joy and happiness. If someone does all this, then finding himself in this world will not be difficult for him. And having gained this understanding, everything else will be much easier to put into place.