How to open a liquor store. Vodka production as a profitable business

If you are interested in how to open a liquor store from scratch, the following information will be useful. True, a novice entrepreneur may find the procedure for organizing a business too complicated, but once you understand all the nuances, you can overcome the difficulties and make a solid profit.

Drinking alcohol is considered a harmful and unhealthy habit. But this rarely stopped our compatriots. According to statistics, every year the volume of alcohol per capita is growing rapidly. And times of crisis and economic difficulties only aggravate the situation. But an enterprising businessman can make money from this.

Pros and cons

According to encyclopedic data, a store selling alcohol is a retail outlet that mainly sells various alcohol-containing drinks (vodka, liqueurs, wines, cognacs, etc.). Strict requirements are imposed on such an establishment and its owner, and every year this business acquires many rules, without adhering to which you can face high fines and lose the store.

Nevertheless, this type of activity has clear advantages:

  1. Good profitability indicators and quick payback of the project - due to the high markup on goods and constant demand, even large investments are returned within the first year of operation of the establishment. Selling alcohol is very profitable.
  2. The pre-holiday period is characterized by increased sales and brings substantial profits to the owner.
  3. Political and economic difficulties occurring in the country and the world only help to develop business, since during a crisis people drink even more.
  4. Cases of bankruptcy of alcohol markets are almost never encountered in practice.
  5. The popularity of various alcoholic drinks among the population is constantly growing.
  6. Thanks to modern marketing strategies and a wide range of products, you can easily use competitive advantages and attract more customers.

But you need to understand that this business is associated with various difficulties:

  • It is unlikely that any of your friends will approve of your new project. Usually society condemns the owners of such stores and shifts responsibility for the bad habits of citizens onto them.
  • The procedure for registration and obtaining the necessary documents is associated with many difficulties, takes several months and involves large expenses for licensing.
  • Due to this, organizational issues are significantly extended over time. You won’t be able to open a liquor store right away, but at least six months after drawing up a business plan.
  • The level of competition in this industry in almost all cities today is very high. After all, alcoholic drinks are sold not only in such specialized stores, but also in most supermarkets, grocery stores, etc.
  • Among the clients will be not only reputable and serious entrepreneurs, but also those who consume large amounts of alcohol daily. And this is not the most pleasant contingent. If you try to get rid of them by having only expensive and elite drinks in your assortment, you can lose significant daily profits.

Whether it’s worth tackling such a complex project or whether it’s better to turn your attention to other business ideas is up to you to decide.

Where to start?

Opening a liquor store from scratch involves a number of preparatory activities:

  1. Decide on the idea itself - in what format the outlet will operate, for example, is it a 24-hour specialized market or not. What exactly are you going to offer your customers, what range of products will you put on the shelves?
  2. Analyze the market, clarify the main demand of the population and study competitors. Alcohol sales today take place on every corner and you will have to compete for clients with famous companies.
  3. The state has a particularly strong influence on this type of business. Every year, new laws, rules, and requirements are created according to which trade in alcoholic beverages must be conducted. Therefore, you will have to constantly comply with these standards and monitor their changes.
  4. Be sure to take into account the size of the locality where you are going to open your store. Start-up investments and organizational aspects differ significantly in a large metropolis and a small provincial town.
  5. It would be a good idea to consult with certain specialists - lawyers and accountants, who will not only help you prepare documents and obtain a license in a short time, but will also tell you about the main aspects of the legal and tax side of the issue.


The official process of organizing a business begins with paperwork. Create an LLC, prepare constituent papers and decide on the authorized capital. It is worth noting that an individual entrepreneur is not suitable in this case, since a license to sell alcohol is issued only to legal entities.

The minimum authorized capital is determined in accordance with the expected range of goods sold. So, if you plan to sell alcohol that does not exceed 15% ethyl alcohol in content, then 10 thousand rubles is enough. For stronger drinks, you will have to contribute at least 300,000, and if the company is not present in the register of small enterprises, then about 1 million rubles will be required.

It is mandatory to connect the store to the EGAIS system. To do this, you will have to purchase a crypto key, an electronic signature and a two-dimensional scanner. Also, the sale of alcohol is unthinkable without a special license. It is issued not only for a limited period at a high price, but also imposes a number of requirements on the business owner. You can wait up to two months for the commission's decision.

The premises for the store are also prepared in advance. To do this, it is better to first contact the local SES and fire inspection authorities and get from them a list of all the standards that such an institution must comply with. After completing checks from each of the services, you are given permission to conduct activities.

Since stores of this type have different location requirements, it is also worth asking where you can open it and which areas are prohibited. Coordinate your actions with the city administration.

The taxation system can only be general. And when hiring employees, you will definitely have to register with the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund as an employer in order to pay various social contributions from employees’ salaries.

Retail trade necessarily requires the presence of a cash register. It must be registered and executed in accordance with all the rules. If these actions seem too complicated and confusing to you, then it is easier to contact a law firm, where specialists will take care of registration issues for a fee.

In addition to the above documents, you will also need others:

  • A drawn up rental agreement for the premises (it is better to conclude immediately for a long term).
  • Similar papers for the provision of security and accounting services from the relevant companies.
  • Regularly check the quality certificates of purchased products from suppliers; it is advisable to have all the necessary copies with you.
  • Open a bank account in the name of the company to make non-cash payments.
  • Make a seal.

Each employee must have valid health certificates. As the owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your staff undergo regular medical examinations.

Selecting a room

As already mentioned, certain requirements are imposed on the building itself. Let's list what you need to pay attention to first:

  1. A specialized retail outlet for the sale of alcohol should be located away from children's, educational and health care institutions.
  2. But it is advisable to choose a crowded place so that the store is noticeable to others and attracts a large number of customers. In this case, it is desirable that there are no direct competitors in the form of the same specialized point or supermarket nearby.
  3. The area of ​​the room is not less than 50 square meters. m.
  4. Availability of fire and security systems.
  5. It is enough to make simple decorative repairs, without any special frills. But all surfaces are covered with non-flammable materials.
  6. It is necessary to have good lighting, ventilation, a bathroom for employees and a separate warehouse for storing goods.

Trade equipment

The sale of alcoholic beverages involves the convenient placement of all products on shelves, racks and display cases. It is better to place certain items, for example, beer, in special refrigerators with a glass door. The amount of purchased equipment and furniture depends on the size of the store and the range of goods.

In addition to retail shelves, it is advisable to install a special desk for a consultant. When selling related products, separate display windows are required. Don’t forget to include equipment for the service bathroom in the cost estimate.

What to trade?

It is very important to choose the right product range. To do this, first study your competitors, analyze their products, what they have in stock, at what cost, what brands are represented. Focus on statistical data as well. For example, in recent years in our country there has been a high consumption of drinks such as beer, cognac, vodka and whiskey. These positions should occupy about 70% of the assortment.

Keep in mind that the more diverse the popular brands are represented and the wider the price range of the product, the greater the likelihood of attracting potential customers. Satisfy the demand for elite alcohol, gift packaging, etc.

When placing each order, take into account seasonality and upcoming holidays and events in the city. For example, in the summer, beer and wine are especially popular, and before the New Year, people buy champagne and liqueurs in large quantities. Always keep an eye on the calendar!

Pay attention to cooperation with suppliers. First, they must be reliable and authoritative. Secondly, always check for certificates for each product you purchase. After all, you will have to answer to the state for counterfeit alcohol. Thirdly, enter into long-term contracts and specify delivery times. It is better to cooperate with several companies at once in order to trade without downtime.


To work in a liquor store, two salespeople who work in shifts are enough. The schedule can be agreed directly with them to accommodate everyone's preferences. In addition, a security guard and a cleaning lady will be required. But the functions of an accountant can be performed by the owner himself or use the services of an outsourcing company.

Some specialty stores sometimes hire sommeliers as well. Such a person is able to provide high-quality advice to clients on which wine is best suited for a certain event, for holiday dishes, as a gift, etc.

What schedule do you work on?

If you want to sell alcoholic beverages 24 hours a day, then this is quite difficult to implement. After all, since 2013, strict restrictions have been established in this regard. Depending on the region, selling alcohol during certain hours (mostly at night) is strictly prohibited. If you violate this rule, you can not only pay a huge fine, but also lose your license.

Check to see what sales hours are available in your city. In some, the ban applies only to the period from 23.00 to 6.00 am, while in others it applies to 22.00-10.00. According to this, the main operating schedule of the store is formed. In order to increase profits, it is advisable to trade on weekends and holidays.

Sometimes entrepreneurs find workarounds to make overnight sales. Thus, there is permission to sell alcohol on tap in those establishments where it is consumed. Therefore, when opening a bottle within a retail outlet, such activity in some cases is not punishable by law. It is also not prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages around the clock using an online store.

You can use another trick - sell related products, and give alcohol as a gift. True, the cost of such products may be too high for buyers.

Since there is a lot of competition in this business segment, and the state imposes bans on the dissemination of information about such stores in the media and other popular sources, you have to come up with various marketing strategies to win your client.

Try the following methods:

  • Create a website or even an online store where you can inform people about ongoing promotions, discounts and bonuses.
  • Create a club of regular visitors, who are given discount cards and sent messages about events taking place at the outlet.
  • Organize sommelier training courses, tastings, competitions, etc.
  • A bright sign will also help attract the attention of people passing by.
  • Take advantage of available printed advertising products - business cards, flyers, leaflets.

Experienced entrepreneurs pay attention to the following important points when trading alcoholic beverages:

  1. By law, it is strictly prohibited to sell alcohol to children under 18 years of age. Therefore, if you have any doubts, feel free to ask for your passport. If you violate this clause, you may face high fines, angry parents, and even be left without a license.
  2. Try to form a product range mostly focusing on the most popular and common items - beer, wine, vodka, cognac. But make sure you have a wide variety of brands available.
  3. Please remain aware of the laws affecting such trade at all times and strictly adhere to all regulations. Remember that regulatory authorities will visit your establishment quite often for inspections.
  4. Please note that a license is issued for a certain period, and waiting for the commission’s decision may take a long period. Therefore, always do the paperwork in advance.
  5. Submit product sales returns and other tax reports quarterly. Fortunately, today this is done electronically.
  6. Take a creative approach to growing your business and attracting clients. The brighter and more original the idea, the greater the chance of getting ahead of the competition.

You can download it here for free to use as a sample.

Financial aspects

The most important question is how much money is needed to open such a store? This point is influenced by many factors - from the breadth of assortment to the size of the city. But in any case it will be a large amount.

These are approximate figures for how much it costs to open a liquor store. But you should also remember the monthly costs of its maintenance.

With such a turnover of products sold and a minimum markup on goods of 50-60%, you can achieve a monthly net profit of about 400 thousand rubles. The profitability of such a business is quite high and within six months you can fully recoup your investment. However, keep in mind that it will not be possible to reach such indicators from the first days of the store’s operation.

Video: how to open a liquor store?

If a person decides to start his own business, then opening a liquor store should bring him good profits. However, it is very important not to make many mistakes in this business, otherwise the business will definitely not take off and the person will simply waste his time, as well as money. But if you do everything correctly and persistently move towards your goal, then everything will definitely work out, the main thing is not to waste time on your business, since you will need quite a lot of it.

Where to start opening a liquor store?

First of all, you should choose a special, suitable-sized room, since the size determines how much goods can be sold in your own store. And all the profit will depend on the quantity of goods, so it’s better not to make a mistake with the size of the premises. It should also be taken into account that it is necessary to open a store in a crowded place, otherwise it is unlikely that a good profit will be achieved. A person must also understand that there is quite a lot of competition in the alcohol business, so you should not open an alcohol store in a place where there are already so many such stores.

After choosing a suitable premises for the store, you should start decorating the premises and purchasing everything necessary for work, that is, various equipment. Every store must have air conditioning, otherwise sellers will feel uncomfortable working in the cold or hot season. Also, customers will feel uncomfortable making purchases in such a store, so you should definitely think about installing such equipment. Also, a liquor store should have refrigerators, because people always want to drink cold beer in hot weather, and if the store does not have cold drinks, then customers will shop at another store.

Next, you will need to hire a good salesperson who knows how to trade, you must hire a polite, smiling employee, and he must be able to communicate correctly with customers. If the owner hires a salesperson who is rude to customers, then the businessman is unlikely to make a good profit from trade. To work in your store, it is better to find a person with good experience, although you will have to pay him a little more, this should be taken into account. A person with good trading experience will not agree to work for too low a salary.

At first, you will have to keep prices in your liquor store lower than those of your competitors, because if you immediately set high prices, then customers will probably start to avoid such a store. In addition, the owner of the alcohol store still has to come up with profitable promotions for himself, as well as for his customers, in order to attract their attention. For example, if a buyer decides to make purchases for a certain amount, then he can be given a package of juice, a beer snack, cigarettes or something else as a gift. Such interesting and profitable promotions, as a rule, always attract good customers. In order for many people to know about such a promotion, you need to hang a large banner near the store or a beautiful poster.

If a person wants to make more profit from his store, then he should open it somewhere in the center, then he will have the opportunity to sell elite alcohol and make a good profit. However, despite the fact that the store will be located in the city center, it will still take time to promote it, so you will have to be patient and learn to wait for success. In general, if you are not very mistaken in your actions, such a business should take off within a couple of months.

Rules and license for opening a liquor store

It is important to understand that opening a specialized store selling alcohol in the Russian Federation is regulated by many local municipal and federal laws.

The circulation of alcohol in the Russian Federation is regulated by Federal Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995 (as amended on July 29, 2017, at the time of writing) “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting consumption (drinking) alcoholic products."

The main regulatory body on the territory of the Russian Federation is “ Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market" The main task of the Federal Service is to prevent the production and sale of counterfeit alcohol products, thereby protecting consumers from counterfeits, which can cause harm to health.

So, having understood what services and laws regulate the sale of alcoholic products on the territory of the Russian Federation, you can understand when this activity requires licensing and on what principle it is carried out.

When do you need a license to open a liquor store?

The law clearly states that a license is not required if the ethyl alcohol content in the product does not exceed 15%. Such a product can be sold on a general basis. You should also know that Federal Law No. 171-FZ identifies a group of products containing more than 15% alcohol without the need for licensing. Such products can be either food or non-food. Food products include wine materials, must, emulsions and other semi-finished products; non-food products include perfumes and paints and varnishes. Or, point by point:

  • retail sale of alcohol-containing products for non-food purposes,
  • production, purchase and distribution of beer and beer drinks,
  • purchase and transportation of alcohol-containing liquid for technical needs or as raw materials, no more than 2000 liters per year.

In other cases, entrepreneurial activity related to the production and sale of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (more than 15% alcohol) requires obtaining a state license.

Cost, types and terms of an alcohol license

The license can be of two types - wholesale and retail.

  • Wholesale— a license is issued to wholesalers, but they are subject to a number of additional requirements regarding technical equipment and organization of warehouse premises.
  • Retail— issued to shops and catering establishments: cafes, restaurants, bars.

A retail license applies to any alcoholic product with an alcohol content of more than 15%, is issued for a period of 1 year or five years, the cost of the license is 65 thousand rubles/year (2017). Any entrepreneur can start a retail sale of alcohol by purchasing a retail license and fulfilling a number of necessary conditions.

Conditions for opening a liquor store

To open a liquor store, a legal form of organization other than an individual entrepreneur is required, for example, LLC, OJSC, and the like. The authorized capital of an alcohol retail company must be at least 10 thousand rubles (for Moscow - 1 million rubles).

The premises must meet all the necessary requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, SES, and also fulfill the requirements described in regional decrees. The minimum store area is 50 m².

A letter of clarification from the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market No. 8977/03-04 dated April 30, 2013 states that the sale of alcohol can only be carried out in stationary retail facilities connected to the ground with a foundation. Equipped specifically for these purposes. Availability of utilities (water supply, electricity, drainage, heating) is mandatory.

The minimum distance from the place of sale of alcohol to sports, educational and medical institutions is 100 meters.

From July 1, 2016, all retail outlets for alcoholic beverages that require licensing must be connected to the EGAIS system.

EGAIS(Unified State Automated Information System) is an automated system designed for state control over the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

Benefits and secrets of retail sales of alcoholic beverages

It is no secret that, thanks to stable demand, alcohol, like food, is highly profitable. The tips and secrets below will make this trading more stable and reach a wider audience.

The minimum retail area of ​​50 square meters does not have to be completely filled with alcoholic products; these can be groceries, food products, and related products. That is, the store can be made universal.

Alcoholic drinks are popular in all countries of the world. They are welcomed at holidays, lift your spirits, relax after a difficult day, or, unfortunately, are consumed without any particular reason. The demand for products is huge, which means that the business of selling them should generate considerable income.

Market analysis

Research in the field of sales of alcoholic products has shown that this product occupies a leading position among other sectors of the food industry. Trade in alcohol of any price category has always been profitable and profitable: there are many competitors, but the demand is also great.

It should also be noted that the alcohol store has:

Registration and organization of business

To operate a business legally, you must obtain a number of permits and meet certain requirements. Opening a liquor store is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

You will need:

  • considerable authorized capital;
  • various permits for activities;
  • necessarily a premises for sale.

Please remember that online sales of alcoholic beverages are prohibited by law.

Required Documentation

Alcohol is a specific product that requires certain permits and licenses. To receive it, you must:

A license for the sale of alcoholic beverages is issued for a period of one to five years, the fee for its issuance is 40,000 rubles annually during the validity period.

The cost of the license itself is usually individual in each case, and you can get it in your hands within two months. At the end of the validity period, the document must be renewed, and again by presenting all the documents and acts mentioned above.

Violations during retail outlet inspections will result in license suspension for up to six months. Trade without this document is illegal and faces criminal and administrative liability.

Location and premises

Premises for a store must be sought at the stage of collecting documentation. If it is most profitable for an entrepreneur to locate in crowded places, then there is a strict restriction: no closer than 100 meters from educational, medical and sports institutions.

A small room will fit well in a residential area or in a market, a large store with a rich assortment will fit well on the main street, in a prestigious area.


The equipment includes various types of racks and shelves, the prices and sizes of which vary from 20,000 to 150,000 rubles. These could be:

  • corner and island cabinets with glass doors/shelves;
  • open or closed display cases;
  • counters;
  • stands, racks;
  • refrigerators and so on.

The most common are wall-mounted racks/display displays of various configurations. They are easy to use, affordable, and allow you to present your product favorably.

The choice of furniture directly depends on the class of alcoholic products: elite drinks require appropriate equipment, in which cheap products will look ridiculous.


When selecting a store’s assortment, you should first understand such indicators as:

  1. Drink class (premium, factory brands or economy).
  2. Product type:
    • by ethyl alcohol content (strong, medium, weak);
    • by presence and exposure (without exposure, with short and long exposure);

According to statistics, the most popular alcoholic drinks are:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • beer;
  • whiskey;

They should be given preference when choosing an assortment. Cheaper and more expensive brands should be presented by several manufacturers, thus you will expand the circle of potential consumers. This way you can form 70% of the total volume of production, and the remaining 30% should add wines, liqueurs and champagne.

It’s a good idea to provide a stand with draft beer, which has been especially popular lately, and to better satisfy customers, offer related products:

  • candies;
  • cakes;
  • assorted meat, fish and cheese products to go with beer.


The number of employees directly depends on the size and status of the store. A large business will require personnel units such as:

  1. General Director and founders.
  2. Accountant for reporting.
  3. Hall administrator and sellers.
  4. Cleaners, storekeeper and security guards.

In a small retail outlet, you can limit yourself to a director, two salespeople and a visiting cleaner. You can invite an accountant as needed or handle things on your own. Activities and reporting must be carried out strictly within the framework of the law; stable inspections by higher authorities are another side of the coin of running an alcohol business.


Considering the large number of competitors in the field of sales of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to focus on high-quality advertising and resort to other marketing tricks, which will help:

  1. Advertising stands and banners.
  2. Bonuses and promotions.
  3. Seasonal discounts.
  4. Conducting tastings of new products.
  5. Issue of discount coupons.

Financial component of business

As mentioned earlier, the alcohol business is a profitable and profitable enterprise, which, moreover, requires significant financial investments. Proper management of business will allow you to quickly return capital, increase it and provide the opportunity to expand and receive an even more decent income.

Cost of opening and maintaining

Cost items for a small liquor store:

  1. SES certificate – 45,000 rubles.
  2. Firefighter certificate – 65,000 rubles.
  3. License – 65,000 rubles per year.
  4. State duty – 40,000 rubles.

And also other expenses:

Total initial costs are: 913,000 rubles. Of these, monthly 243,000 rubles, without taking into account the need to update the range of goods. If you open a large business selling alcoholic beverages, the initial costs can reach 3,000,000 rubles.

Amount of future income

Even according to the most conservative estimates, we can confidently say that the store will bring good profit every month. So let’s say with an average check of 1,000 rubles and 20 customers per day:

  • daily revenue will be 20,000 rubles;
  • monthly – 600,000 rubles;

Considering the monthly costs of maintaining the store, the minimum profit will be about 350,000 rubles, which is a very decent result.

Payback period

Typically, the alcohol business pays off fairly quickly; this process takes from 8 to 12 months. Considering the financial investment in the business, this is a very high rate of return.

Having assessed all aspects, we can confidently say that from the point of view of income and profitability, the business of selling alcoholic beverages is a very profitable business for an entrepreneur. Impressive financial investments, willingness to work with clients of various social classes and the sale of high-quality alcohol on a legal basis are a guarantee of successful, long-term and, most importantly, profitable activity.

The sale of alcoholic products as a business is in the sphere of interests of quite a large number of Russian entrepreneurs, since it makes it possible to receive excess profits. However, not everyone decides to engage in this type of activity, because they have no idea how to obtain a license to sell alcohol, or they assume that this is an extremely complicated and expensive procedure. Is this really so? Let’s try to figure it out and find out what an entrepreneur needs to do to become the owner of this permit, and how to open his own store selling alcohol.

How to obtain a license to sell alcohol - first steps

Since 2008, in Russia, all issues regarding control, supervision and provision of services in the field of production and circulation of alcoholic products have been authorized to deal with the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market, or, as it is also called, Rosalkogolregulirovanie, created for these purposes.

On the pages of the official website of the service there are currently valid regulatory documents containing information on how to obtain a license to sell alcohol.

Important! If you are planning to open a point of sale of beer and beer drinks, in this case you do not need a license to carry out such activities.

According to legislative acts in the established field of activity, obtaining a license to sell alcohol must be preceded by several preparatory stages, which follows from the requirements for the licensee.

To become the holder of a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, a businessman must first of all undergo state registration of a legal entity. faces. By the way, it has now become available.

In addition to obtaining organizational status, you also need to:

  • confirm the size of the authorized capital, which at the time of contacting the licensing authority must be fully paid and range from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles. Its value depends on what kind of alcohol you plan to sell (ethanol content plays a role) and in what region, as well as on whether the organization is included in the Register of Small Business Entities;
  • pay the state fee. How much does a liquor license cost? The state duty is 65 thousand rubles. – for 1 year or 325 thousand rubles. – for 5 years;
  • find a suitable premises for placing a store that meets the requirements of Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ, which regulates the circulation of alcoholic products, which we will discuss in more detail later in the article;
  • purchase and register cash register equipment;
  • provide the ability to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS), created to control the turnover of alcoholic beverages in the country;
  • collect a certain package of documents and submit them to the licensing authority, which is the regional executive authority.

Some of the above steps require additional explanation. Let's look at them in more detail.

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How to open a liquor store - requirements for premises and equipment

When choosing a location for a store, you should take into account that selling alcohol on the territory of children's, educational, and medical institutions, as well as in the immediate vicinity of these facilities, is prohibited. You cannot sell alcoholic beverages at airports, train stations, markets, buildings of cultural organizations, etc.

The following requirements are established regarding the area and design data of premises for the sale of alcohol:

  • if you plan to launch in the city, then the retail outlet must be stationary, have a warehouse and retail space with a total area of ​​50 sq. m. m;
  • if the sale will be carried out in rural areas, then the warehouse and retail premises of a stationary retail facility must have an area of ​​at least 25 square meters. m.

In this case, the premises can be either owned by the business owner or rented. The latter option is only possible if the lease agreement is drawn up for a period of at least 1 year.

Before opening a liquor store, you also need to purchase cash register equipment and, as already noted, ensure the ability to work with EGAIS. What will it take? You will need to buy a computer, install special software on it, which you can request from Rosalkogolregulirovanie (it is provided free of charge), make an enhanced digital signature using a special USB drive and purchase a scanner so that you can read the two-dimensional code from the product. Often such a scanner is included in the kit and is sold along with the cash register.

Important! If you ignore connecting to EGAIS, this will entail a fine of 150-200 thousand rubles.

About innovations in legislation in force since 2016, see the following video:

When all organizational issues have been settled, you can prepare documents for submission to the licensing authority.

Documents for obtaining a license

So, we have come to the final part of preparing the enterprise for licensing. The decision to issue a license or refuse largely depends on how correctly the documents are drawn up.

The documents that you should provide to the authorized authority include:

  • application for a license;
  • copies of the organization’s constituent documents, which should be certified in advance by a notary (if you do not do this, you will have to transfer copies of the documents along with the originals);
  • - copy;
  • copy of TIN Certificate;
  • a copy of the payment document confirming that you paid the state fee;
  • original document confirming the presence of authorized capital in a certain amount;
  • documents confirming that the applicant has the necessary premises for trading, owned or leased.

The list is quite extensive, but most of it consists of documents that a businessman needs to prepare to register a legal entity. persons, that is, at the time of contacting the licensing authority, you only need to fill out an application, pay a fee and attach a check, as well as notarize the necessary copies.

Consideration of the application takes no more than 30 days. If you do everything correctly, then based on its results you will be issued a license for the retail sale of alcohol.

About the rules for selling alcohol

Do not forget that activities in the sale of alcoholic beverages are strictly controlled, and if you violate legal requirements in the process of work, your license may be revoked. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to follow the rules for selling alcoholic beverages.

Thus, all alcoholic products that you will sell must be accompanied by information in Russian about the manufacturer, name, certification, composition of the main ingredients, etc.

You cannot sell alcoholic beverages to minors.

Prices for products cannot be lower than the prices established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Business owners are required to record and declare sales volumes.

An important feature is that alcohol cannot be advertised. That is, when opening a store, you must understand that 95% of success depends on how good its location is, since you will not be able to use any advertising, and if the place is not passable, then most likely you will suffer losses.

In addition, it is not allowed to sell alcohol from 23.00 to 8.00. Moreover, regional government bodies are authorized to introduce additional restrictions on time and location of retail outlets. Therefore, before opening a liquor store from scratch, it is recommended to seek detailed advice from the authorities of the subject.

Having considered the main organizational issues, let's try to calculate how much money will be needed to open a store and how much you can earn from it.

Calculations for a business plan

When drawing up a business plan for an alcohol business for a retail store, it is necessary to take into account the amount of initial costs, the amount of monthly expenses and make a forecast of possible revenue in order to determine how profitable it is to maintain such an object.

Capital expenditures are presented in table form:


Amount, rub.

State fee for obtaining a license

Costs for collecting and processing all kinds of documentation, obtaining conclusions from SES and fire inspection, concluding contracts, opening a current account, making a seal, etc.

Purchase of retail, warehouse and office equipment, as well as cash register equipment and special software

Formation of inventory

Therefore, to open a liquor store, you will need about 2 million rubles, and this does not take into account the amount of the authorized capital. What will be the monthly expenses of the outlet? Approximate data is summarized in the table:


Amount, rub.


Salary for four employees

Cleaning and security costs

Utility payments

Excise duties and taxes

Replenishment of inventory

depending on the volume of products sold

It turns out that without taking into account the costs of purchasing goods and mandatory budget payments, running a store will cost at least 230,000 rubles per month.

Regarding the taxation of enterprises engaged in the retail trade of alcohol, it is worth adding that the exact amount of payments cannot be calculated, since it all depends on how many units of goods and what goods you will sell. Alcohol products are excisable goods, and the tax rate is determined depending on the type of alcohol and the content of anhydrous ethyl alcohol in it. To understand tax issues, we recommend that you visit the official website of the tax service

Now let's talk about possible income.

As already noted, the Government of the Russian Federation has established minimum retail prices (MRP) for strong alcohol, below which it is unacceptable to sell it. For example, the MRP for 0.5 liters of vodka with a strength of 40%, including VAT and excise tax, is 194 rubles. On average, the retail chain's markup on alcohol is about 40%, for premium drinks - from 50% and above.

If you make a rough calculation, for every 1 million rubles invested in a product, you can earn from 1.4 million rubles, of which 0.4 million will be your profit. At the same time, excise taxes and VAT are indirect taxes, that is, in fact, your customers will pay them, and you will include them in the price of the goods. Consequently, the profit will go to cover corporate income taxes, pay salaries and pay off other monthly expenses. As a result, you will have about 100 thousand rubles left. net profit.

This is just an approximate calculation that will help you imagine the scheme for receiving and distributing income from a liquor store and make a forecast for your own enterprise.

Franchising in the retail alcohol business

It is obvious that the business in the field of alcohol sales is very difficult to organize and manage and may be beyond the capabilities of an inexperienced entrepreneur. If you don’t want to open a retail outlet from scratch yourself, then perhaps a liquor store franchise is the best solution for you.

In this material:

When you come up with the idea of ​​opening your own alcohol market, you should immediately take into account the serious level of competition in this area. Specialty stores are now being opened everywhere by large retail chains and it is difficult to compete with them. From a legislative point of view, opening a liquor store is a risk, since the state is taking active measures against the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the name of a healthy lifestyle. Small businesses are the ones who suffer the most from these measures.

The population continues to drink after a ban on the sale of alcohol closer than 100 m from social establishments, after a time limit on the sale of alcoholic beverages, and even after a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages in retail premises with an area of ​​less than 50 m2. As a result, numerous small commercial enterprises suffered significantly, or even closed altogether, but the trend towards alcohol consumption among the population did not decrease. In the near future, more and more restrictions will most likely be introduced, and this is a serious risk when starting your own business. If you are not convinced by the above arguments and you still strive to open a liquor store, pay attention to the following prospects.


Opening a franchise liquor store is a smart decision if you are not confident in your own experience, knowledge and future profitability. Many companies offer to open alcohol markets under their own brand. Examples include the companies Fanagoria and Gradus. An alcohol store franchise has the following advantages:

  • Well-established logistics of goods.
  • Well-formed assortment.
  • Availability of a turnkey store, taking into account documentation, equipment and design.
  • Using a recognizable brand.

An entrepreneur can only purchase the appropriate franchise and find premises to open a store. Organizing such a business will cost approximately 30-50 thousand dollars. If this prospect interests you, the following information will be helpful.

Alcohol store franchise catalog

Investments: Investments 600,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

Retail stores selling caviar, fish and seafood. TM "Rybset" was founded on the basis of its own production and fishing complex in the Khabarovsk Territory. The retail division opened in late 2014, and the franchise division opened in mid-2015. During the year of the franchise’s existence, more than 20 franchisee branded outlets were opened throughout Russia: Belgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow and...

Investments: Investments 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 rubles.

Piv&Co stores are the brightest, most sincere, cozy draft beer stores. We invite you to open your own chain of draft beer stores on a partnership basis in your city. We implement technologies, train and support the launch: from the design project to the purchase of goods. Minimum budget from 1.5 million rubles. The Pivzavoz Group company has existed for more than 6 years, and…

Investments: 2,500,000 - 2,600,000 rubles.

The Seven Fridays group of companies offers a unique franchising product of the same name for entrepreneurs on the Russian market. The official opening of the corporation took place in 1992, and already in 2010 the alcohol sector became the leader according to the results of an analysis of the wholesale sales market in the Sverdlovsk region. Two years later, the first branch of the alcohol market was opened in this area, where tasting was available, and in…

Investments: 2,000,000 - 4,000,000 rubles.

"Aromatic World" is Russia's largest specialized chain of wine supermarkets. The Aromatny Mir brand was born in October 1998 and over its history has grown from one Cash&Carry store to the largest chain of specialized wine supermarkets in Russia. Today “Aromatic World” is more than 150 stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Tver, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg,…

Investments: from RUB 3,000,000.

The Alta Vina retail network was historically formed by one of the leading importers of wines and spirits, OKV Firm LLC. More than 10 years have passed since the opening of the first Alta Vina boutique. During this time, the Company has gained the trust of a large number of connoisseurs of quality wines and spirits. Alta-Vina stores offer a wide range of products - more than 2000 items...

Store premises

Finding a suitable property to rent for a store is a top priority. Among the restrictions at this stage, a ban on apartment buildings should be highlighted, since dissatisfied residents can hinder the active development of the business. You should also take into account the ban on the sale of alcohol at a distance of 200 m from social institutions. The ideal option would be a separate building with transport interchanges, access roads and next to the road.

Next, you should pay attention to the area - at least 100 m2, otherwise placing a full range and organizing self-service will be impossible. Take care of the availability of fire protection, air conditioning, ventilation systems and compliance with other requirements of fire supervision and SES.


Activities selling alcoholic beverages must be registered, for which a package of documents is collected and an LLC is opened. As of 2014, the cost of a license was 40 thousand rubles per year and it was issued by the regional Ministry of Economy within 2 months on average. The entrepreneur is required to provide a certificate of authorized capital in the amount of at least 500 thousand rubles, as well as registration data and a package of documents:

  • Confirmation of payment of the license fee.
  • Agreement with a security company.
  • Contract for solid waste and waste removal.
  • Documents from BTI.

Organization of assortment

Competent formation of the assortment and selection of key product suppliers is an important stage. The assortment should consist of at least 1000 products, which are represented by middle and low-class drinks, as well as elite alcohol. These should be tinctures and liqueurs, vodka and cognac, champagne and wines, tequila and whiskey, different types of beer, including draft beer. Wines, Scotch whiskeys and cognacs are in greatest demand in such stores.

Recruitment and training of personnel

A team of employees is recruited after the first stages of the project launch have been completed. Among the specialists there must be:

  • Several loaders and security guards.
  • Sales cashiers.
  • Accountant.
  • Store manager.

The presence of a consultant will significantly increase the authority of the store; he must have an excellent understanding of the types and varieties of alcohol, as well as an ideal knowledge of the store’s assortment. Such an employee is needed when people come to the store for a specific purchase and it is difficult for the buyer to navigate such a wide assortment, or when the buyer does not understand alcohol at all.

Store opening season

Seasonality should be taken into account when starting an alcohol business, since strong alcohol is in demand in the winter, and low-alcohol drinks in the summer. The assortment should be focused specifically on these product groups, and you can open at any time of the year. December is traditionally the most successful and profitable month for opening a liquor store. This period will allow you to significantly recoup the capital spent on starting the store and form your first customer base.

To independently select and compare businesses, we suggest using a simple search form: you can enter any name or amount of money that you are willing to invest in your own business.