How to tame a cat: simple tips. Teaching a British cat to sit in your arms: basic ways, what not to do

Many of us are familiar with the feeling of pity for stray cats. Many people bring street animals into their homes. After the first feeding and unsuccessful washing, the question arises about taming this wild beast. How to tame a street cat and make it an affectionate pet? That's what it's about we'll talk in today's article.

First, take a closer look at your new pet. If an animal has just recently been outside, it will quickly adapt to a home environment. If the cat was born and raised on the street, then you will have to be extremely patient, especially if you brought home an adult animal. You won’t even have to think about any “purring hands” yet. Such a cat will have to be tamed gradually, like a wild lion. After all, a feral animal has almost the same temper as its wild “brothers”.

So, a found stray kitten (or adult cat) is carefully brought into the house, where should you start?

The very first step is, of course, a full lunch. But, I would like to warn you - do not overfeed an animal that is accustomed to being malnourished. It is better to divide the meal into 2-3 parts with an hour interval.

The third step is to push anti-inflammatory drugs into the wild creature. Ideally, the very first step should be a trip to the veterinarian. The doctor can determine what condition the pet is in, what diseases he has contracted while living on the street, and will advise what to treat and with what, including medications for fleas and worms. And it will definitely have to be treated. If you are not ready for this, then a stray animal is not your option, despite the great pity for it.

After hygienic and preventive procedures, the question of taming arises. wild beast. Prepare for the animal's mistrust and fear. More often street cats are afraid of people because they had negative experience communication with them. Here you can experience for yourself what it is.

If you pick up a kitten under 10 weeks of age, the taming process will take place in just a week. If you come across an adult, then getting used to the person can take a very long time. There were times when the moment of unity never came. The animal lived in the house, but every time it was horrified by too loud sounds, strangers or animals. Get ready for this turn of events.

Outdoor cats almost always retain their wild habits. They have a more developed hunting instinct, they rush outside more often than others and their reproductive instinct is more pronounced. They are almost always aggressive towards strangers and other animals and do not get along well with small children. When bringing such an animal into your home, you need to carefully consider how to make its life not only comfortable, but also safe. And not only for the animal itself.

Be very patient. After all, even a person can experience enormous discomfort when changing places, and there’s no need to talk about animals.

I would like to recommend a few rules that will help you tame a stray animal without harming it:

  1. Considering that a wild animal will never approach you in the first days, show your affection and tenderness with your voice and do not try to stroke the cat by force;
  2. act gradually, it is impossible to teach a wild cat careful feeding, toileting and good manners in one day (patience and work - everything will grind down);
  3. do not limit the freedom of movement around the house for a new pet, because closed door they may mistake it for a slammed trap, leave only the front door closed;
  4. do not react negatively to the animal’s aggression, because it has very little time with you and cannot yet trust you completely.

How to tame a cat?

Domestication is the most complex of all stages of domestication. This may never happen, especially in the case of an adult cat. It is impossible to give any specific advice here: you need to act based on the situation and following your intuition. Some former strays do not want to be picked up, but are happy to sleep at the feet of their owners, some can jump up and lie on their laps, but only so as not to be petted... Everything is individual.

The best way is to play. Try to play non-aggressive games with your pet. Invite him to try petting him after feeding. But not during food and not against the will of the animal. Just extend your hand towards it and wait: sooner or later the animal will try to sniff it. You can then make a few gentle movements.

Many cat owners complain that their pets are unkind and wild. Don't pick it up or caress it. They don’t know how to accustom a cat to being handled, and they suffer greatly from this. After all, sometimes you just want to stroke pet. And this is a good antidepressant, a rhythmically rumbling warm miracle in your arms.

How to hand train a kitten

If a baby comes into the house under eight months, it is quite easy to accustom him to holding hands. Regardless of the breed, and some are very independent and wild, kittens are very friendly and playful. It is enough to hold the toy in your hands and move it so that the kitten becomes interested and jumps onto your lap to play. Don't pick it up right away. Let him sniff and get used to it. Even if he runs away right away, it doesn’t matter. The first step has been taken. And curiosity will continue what it started. Moreover, once he understands that no one is hurting him or encroaching on his freedom, the baby will begin to climb into his arms, even if no one dreams of it.

How to accustom a cat to your hands

WITH adult cat the situation is more complicated. She may no longer be accustomed to affection. Some adults categorically reject contact with human hands. All that can be expected from them is sitting somewhere in close proximity to the owner. Often the previous way of life takes its toll, causing distrust of people and rejection of them in one’s surroundings. But it's still worth a try.

The method of attracting adult animals to your hands is the same as with kittens. Only a treat will be more effective in attracting the cat's attention than a toy. Under no circumstances should you show the slightest attempt at violence against the animal - somehow push it, rush it, try to hold it back when it climbs up in your arms to sniff the treat. The cat must feel that even in close proximity to the owner’s hands he is free to do as he pleases. Only after arousing trust in the animal can you proceed to the next stage.

If a cat, having climbed onto your knees for a treat, is no longer in a hurry to jump off, but calmly licks it from your palm, you can lightly stroke it with your other hand. It should be remembered that stroking may be regarded by the animal as an encroachment on its freedom. And therefore the most expected result is that the pet again leaves the owner’s lap.

Taming process pet to hand is very labor-intensive and often quite lengthy, requiring a lot of patience from the owners. The main thing is that after successfully solving the question of how to accustom a cat to being handled, a new one does not arise - how to get rid of its persistence.

How to properly pet a kitten - video

Adopting a kitten from the street means committing good deed. Outbred animals are no less affectionate than their “well-born” counterparts, and moreover, they often demonstrate real gratitude for salvation. Let's find out how to tame a wild kitten.

If a cat was a domestic cat, but got lost or was abandoned by irresponsible owners, it may reach out to people, beg for food, and allow itself to be petted. However, if such an animal is harmed by a person, it will become intimidated or aggressive.

Cats born on the street try to run away from people; if they are driven into a corner, they hiss, arch their backs, and can attack first. This is especially true in cases where stones were thrown at the animal, beaten, etc.

Typically, “savages” are much more cunning than their domestic counterparts: naive and weak animals will not be able to find or protect food from competitors, or escape from dogs and evil people.

Kittens usually make contact more easily. If a cat gave birth not far from the people who fed her and her babies, the grown kittens will treat people calmly and it will be relatively easy to tame them.

Video “How to raise a street kitten”

The video contains tips on caring for and raising street kittens.

Trapping rules

If a trusting kitten reaches out to a person, just pick him up and take him home. A shy wild animal can be caught using a fishing net, an old blanket or other piece thick fabric. Be sure to wear gloves. While defending itself, a cat can scratch, bite and in the process cause a dangerous infection.

You can make a trap out of a cage or carrier. Place bait (dry food, fish, etc.) inside and right moment close the door, for example with a string. A ready-made trap can be purchased at a pet store. You should not pick up blind kittens if their mother has not abandoned them: it will be difficult for such a baby to be released. Better come back for the animal later.

Establishing contact and adaptation

If the kitten makes contact easily, let him walk around the apartment, look around and sniff things. Show the bed, feeder and tray. If an animal had to be caught, it will be afraid of people for some time and will not immediately begin to be handled. This must be approached with patience and understanding: many street animals have had to deal with cruel treatment more than once.

In this case, put the cat in a spacious cage, put a feeder, a drinking bowl, a bed and a tray there. Cover the cage with a blanket to create partial shade. The room should be as quiet as possible. Regularly approach the cage, talk quietly and affectionately to the cat, but do not look him in the eyes - for animals this means a threat.

Bring treats every time and be sure to give them from your hand through the bars - the cat should get used to the fact that he receives all the good things from you. If it sizzles, walk away and try again in an hour or two. If the animal has taken food and is relatively calm, allow it to leave the cage, look around and sniff everything thoroughly (this can happen a few hours after capture or a few days later).

Later, try to gently pick up the animal and pet it. Everything needs to be done slowly and smoothly. If there is no cage, the kitten may hide in a secluded place, for example, under a closet. Place food and water near the shelter. Gradually move them closer to the center of the room so that the pet is forced to come out into the light. Offer him treats by hand from time to time. Do not prevent the animal from sitting in its favorite place and do not force it out of it - this will scare it even more.

Further domestication

First of all, a new pet needs to be trained to use the tray. According to a number of reviews, many adult animals master this science very quickly. They just need to show the litter tray - it's natural for them to do their business where they can dig.

If you have adopted a kitten or an “untrained” adult animal, put it in the tray as soon as it begins to characteristically sniff the floor and paddle. You can additionally spray the cat's litter box with a pheromone spray (available in pet stores) or place a rag there that you used to wipe up urine in the “wrong” place. When the animal goes into the tray, praise and treat it.

Do not scold or punish your pet under any circumstances until it is completely comfortable. “Captivity” for him is already severe stress, and the aggressive attitude of the owners will cause even greater rejection. Play with the animal more often using a candy wrapper or other toys - this will help you establish contact faster.

If your kitten bites, distract him with a toy. You can carefully insert your finger deeper into the mouth to create unpleasant associations with the bite. You can also wean your baby from biting using a ratchet: keep it with you and shake it over the animal at the moment of the bite. If the kitten gets scared, pick him up.

Do not provoke the animal by using your palm in play (for example, by slowly moving it near the kitten and offering to “hunt”). Your hands should be associated with affection and treats, but not with prey.

Please note that a pet who has suffered bullying or beatings in the past may forever remain distrustful and fearful of strangers.

Visit to the veterinarian

Almost all street animals suffer from fleas, and often worms and ticks. In addition, the cat may have other diseases: heart or digestive problems, exhaustion, inflammation, lichen contagious to humans, etc.

Ideally, the animal should be seen by a veterinarian as early as possible. He will help identify diseases, if any, and advise on feeding.

You need to arrange a visit especially quickly if the animal has discharge from the eyes or nose, is coughing, etc. The specialist will determine why this is happening and prescribe treatment.

Be kind, caring, patient, and your efforts will almost certainly pay off with the love and devotion of the rescued creature.

Of course, it may happen that the foundling grew up in the house, and ended up on the street or in the entrance by chance. Then you and the kitten are very lucky. But this doesn't happen often.

The first and most authoritative teacher of a kitten is the cat mother. She teaches kittens neatness and cleanliness, and sets an example of communication with people and other animals. If a kitten is trained to be afraid of people, to relieve itself in the farthest secluded corner and to sharpen its claws on all protruding solid objects, then there is a lot of work ahead.

First of all, we must remember that violence and punishment will not solve similar problems. The kitten, not accustomed to trusting people, tries to settle down on its own, to find its place in the house.

So, our tasks:

  • Do not cause fear in the kitten
    It, alas, has been familiar to him since childhood. On the contrary, to give a feeling of stability and security.
  • Don't show your kitten too much attention
    Let the initiative pass to him. The cat is a social creature. The kitten will sooner or later begin to seek communication with others.
  • Do not pick up, do not play catch-up
    Any grasping or chasing will trigger a visceral sense of danger.
  • Avoiding large groups and loud arguments at home will also cause stress.
The adaptation period lasts from 8 days and ends when you understand that the kitten has settled into the house and feels calm

What is needed:

1. Fresh water should always be freely available. Feed should be given hourly, in small portions. This creates a feeling of stability and calms the kitten.

2. In “secluded” places that the kitten himself has chosen, trays with fresh filling should be installed. Preferably not clumping. A kitten accustomed to hiding and burying its excrement will quickly appreciate such a tray.

3. At home, nail posts should be installed to cover the corners of sofas and armchairs.

4. We must try to spend as much time as possible with the kitten, in games giving preference to those in which the kitten will become a pursuer. This will give him a feeling of confidence. Try to always speak to him in a quiet, even voice. He will quickly get used to the voice and begin to perceive you as part of his pride.

5. If the kitten approaches you, pet it lightly. It is better if at first he remains a little “under-caressed” than to face your obsession.

All these simple techniques will allow the kitten to quickly adapt to the home, learn not to be afraid of humans and feel like a member of the home pride. This will make the education process easier in the future.

Wild cats live in many yards, hiding in bushes and basements. Most of these animals are wild, meaning they have never lived with people, but a wild kitten or adult cat can be tamed with some effort and patience.


How to catch a cat

    Decide which cat you will catch. If you have long noticed a friendly cat who is not afraid of people, you may be able to tame him. The process will be slow (up to several months) and complex. It is possible that your wild cat will never behave like a domestic cat, but you can make him a pet and housetrain him.

    Catch the cat. You can approach the animal and take it bare hands, but remember that wild cats must be handled very carefully. The best way to catch a cat is with a trap.

    • Wild animals can hiss, bite and scratch, so it will be easier to use a special device.
    • Use a special cat trap. Traps are not suitable for other animals.
    • You can buy a trap at veterinary stores and hospitals.
    • Set the trap in the place where the cat is most often.
    • You will need to lure him with tuna or other food.
  1. Take the cat to the vet. Place the trap on a towel or blanket in the car and take the cat to the doctor. Feral cats carry diseases and often have fleas and other health problems. Treat your cat before taking him home.

    • Don't touch the animal yet. Perhaps the cat doesn't want you to touch him.
    • Seek immediate medical attention if you are scratched or bitten by a wild cat.
    • Bites and scratches can lead to infection.
    • Cover the trap with a towel to make the cat feel calmer.
  2. Move the cat to a special place in the house after the doctor has examined him and allows him to be taken home. The animal will need to spend a few days in a small space in a carrier so that it can get used to the new place.

    • The carrier should fit a toilet, bedding and bowls for food and water.
    • Place the carrier in a room where other animals and people do not enter.
    • Do not touch the animal for two days.
    • Give him water and food regularly.
    • Place a toilet with litter in the carrier.
    • Make sure that the cat does not run away, as it can harm people, animals and damage things in the house.
    • During these few days, the cat may behave very restlessly.

How to socialize a cat

  1. Gradually give the cat more space. Sit next to the carrier and speak in a calm voice so that the cat stops being afraid of you. When he gets used to you and does not behave like a wild animal, try letting him out into other rooms where he will be safe.

    • To socialize a cat, you need to give him the opportunity to approach you at will.
    • Create a secluded corner for your cat where he can hide to calm down. You must have access to this location.
    • Make sure that the cat does not escape through a door, window or crack.
    • It is best to use a small room.
    • Warn family members that there is a cat living in this room so that they do not accidentally let it out.
  2. Go into the cat's room with treats. Spend a few hours helping your cat get used to your presence. You can lure him towards you by laying out a trail of treats from him to you. Sit on the floor so you are level with the cat and wait.

    • To ensure that your cat begins to allow himself to be picked up or stroked, do this every day. This may take several weeks.
    • Don't look the cat in the eye. Animals consider direct gaze a threat.
    • Try lying on the floor to make it easier for the cat to approach you - this will make you appear smaller.
  3. Try to manipulate the feeling of hunger. If the animal refuses to come near you even after several days, allow the cat to eat only in your presence. You shouldn’t leave the food and leave - it’s better to bring food and sit next to it the whole time the cat eats.

    Walk up to the cat and pick him up. After a few days, the cat will begin to calmly approach you for food and treats. Now you need to show the cat that you will not harm him if you pick him up or pet him. When the cat approaches you, wrap it in a towel and take it to you.

    Stroke the cat's head from behind. If you manage to pick up the cat, start stroking his head light movements. Talk to him in a calm voice. Continue stroking his head and back for several minutes.

    • If the cat starts to resist, let him go.
    • Continue to do this daily until the cat begins to allow you to pick him up and pet him.
    • Don't reach for wild cat in front - it will scare him.
    • Reward your animal for good behavior with a treat.
  4. Play with your cat every day. The final part of taming a cat often takes more than a month. Continue to work with the cat until he is no longer afraid of touching and caressing. Over time, the cat will get used to it.

    • Change the water and put out food every day.
    • Take your cat into your arms, pet him and talk to him at least once a day.
    • A cat can avoid people for a very long time.
    • Invite your friends to interact with the cat so that it gets used to a large number people.
    • Over time, the cat will begin to allow you to take him without treats.
  5. Keep the cat or find him a new home. Having tamed an animal, you can place it in a house with people. Keep him or take him to a shelter so they can find him a new home.

    • If you decide to keep your male cat, have the animal spayed or neutered.
    • Introduce your cat to your pets gradually.

How to spay or neuter an animal and release it

  1. Find out how you can catch an animal, sterilize it and release it into the wild. This will significantly reduce the number of stray animals. This system helps control the population of wild animals without resorting to euthanization. If this is not done, both animals and people will suffer.

    • Cats that need to be sterilized do not need to be tamed.
    • Sterilized animals will continue to live outside, but they will have a much better chance of staying healthy.
    • Find out if this system works in your area.
    • Discuss such a program with your local shelter or veterinarians.
  2. Place the trap where feral cats frequent. Use a special trap. Install it near basements, trash cans, and anywhere you commonly see stray animals.

    • You will need to catch the cats one at a time, sterilize them and release them outside.
    • Do not catch cats with traps not designed for these animals, as this can cause injury.
    • Do not try to grab the cat with your hands.
    • See a doctor if you are bitten or scratched by a wild cat.
  3. Take the caught cat to the veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal for diseases, fleas and other health problems. More importantly, he will be able to spay or neuter the animal so that it can no longer bear offspring. When the cat comes to his senses, the veterinarian will give him to you.

  4. Release the cat into the wild. Take it back to the same place where you picked it up and release it. If you have been feeding the animal, continue to do so and do not drive it away.

    • Don't try to force your cat to communicate with you.