How to choose a change strategy. How to create a profitable trading system (strategy)? Scalping strategies for short-term and intraday trading

The financial market is crowded with professionals and beginners who try their luck in binary options trading. However, there is a certain difference between them: a professional will never rely only on inspiration and luck, unlike a new player. A high-class specialist always has clear principles and trading techniques to obtain effective results. Collectively, these rules and regulations constitute trading systems, that is, trading strategies for binary options.

Trading system functions

In fact, a full-fledged trading system should regulate every step of the trader and record the following points:

  • a set of signals to predetermine the period of a transaction;
  • the cost of the lot, that is, the trading option;
  • asset selection;
  • regulations on the introduction and withdrawal of financial resources.

Because only stability and discipline are the key to real success and income.

Advantages of the trading system:

  • protection from gambling, which turned many traders bankrupt;
  • clear analysis of the market and signals;
  • the opportunity to train and draw conclusions from your losses and mistakes;
  • consistency of deposits and frequency of victories.

How to choose the right strategy?

If we talk about the need for a trading system, then you should decide on your choice in advance.
For example, traders first choose a simple strategy based on indicators or chart candles. At the same time, professionals complement and improve their systems through various conditions, that is, confirmation from other indicators.
Thus, special strategies are drawn up based on indicators, charts, lines, and various schemes. However, if you want to use ready-made offers, follow these recommendations:

  • checking the guarantee that the strategy sells and is not a random set of schemes;
  • checking the completeness of the system (notification about time, lot and main assets);
  • understand the principle of operation;
  • test the system on a demo account;
  • you should independently supplement and make changes to the system.

Your own binary options trading strategy is a long and difficult process that will bear fruit over time.

Today we’re talking about which strategy is best to choose in Yandex Direct: let’s see what the contextual advertising system offers us, where to use each option and how to make the campaign effective. A correctly selected strategy will help optimize advertising both in search and in YAN: reduce the cost of transition, increase the flow of converting visitors, cut off non-targeted visits and get the right one. The main thing is to understand your goals, and only then select a specific tool.

Why do you need an impression strategy in Yandex Direct?

It determines who, when, where and on what terms your ads will be shown and helps optimize your campaign. Different strategies help solve different problems: reach a maximum audience, bring more targeted visitors, improve return on investment. At the same time, they have one goal - to save maximum money with maximum efficiency. And if you do everything correctly, then there will be no problems with this. But if the tool does not meet the task, and bids are not adjusted on time, advertising in Yandex Direct will not be as effective. All other things being equal, you will get clicks and conversions in any case, but you will miss out on some of the benefits. That’s why it’s so important to think through everything in advance: analyze the future campaign and choose a strategy in Direct. Let's look at this in more detail.

Which strategy should you choose in Yandex Direct?

Depends on the goals of the campaign, your experience in setting up the context and a bunch of other things. In a global sense, there are two options: do everything manually or trust a soulless robot. Let's look at the second case first.

Automatic strategies in Yandex Direct

These are great if you're a beginner or simply too busy to manage the bets yourself. There is plenty to choose from – there are as many as 5 automatic strategies. You can set the average cost per click or conversion, average return on investment, budget for the week, or the desired number of clicks for the same period.

The system’s operating principle is quite simple: the search engine’s algorithm calculates the estimated probability of a click on an ad and, if everything is OK, displays the ad. At the same time, the system also takes into account transitions in search, the Yandex advertising network and user behavior. If an ad has a high CTR, the search engine will show it more often.

The forecast for transitions is built for each time of day and day of the week separately - this takes into account the natural ups and downs of traffic. At the same time, Yandex is not like Vanga - it regularly recalculates indicators based on the effectiveness of your specific campaign, and does not refer to general statistics and some kind of higher knowledge.

What's good about a robot?

The main advantage of automatic strategies in Yandex Direct is frequent bid updates. Current information is loaded into the interface every 15 minutes, but in reality the data can change much more often. In this sense, manual mode is not so convenient - no one will be able to monitor the situation 24/7.

Now let's talk about each strategy separately.

Average cost per click

Everything is simple here - you tell Yandex how much on average you are willing to spend on the transition, set the weekly rate, lean back and sit like a gentleman. The robot does the rest itself: it predicts the probability of transition and decides what, to whom, when, where and at what rates to show it.

You can specify priority key phrases yourself or delegate these powers to the algorithm. In the latter case, the robot adapts in about a week. The system will fight for priority ads to the last minute and will turn them off only when there is no budget left at all. Additionally, you can specify weekly spending limits. In this case, the system will spend no more than 35% of the budget per day, and the marginal rate will not rise above 10% of the total amount. The robot applies the same rules in other strategies.

This placement strategy in “ ” is suitable for those who already know the approximate cost of a click and conversion. For example, if you have a good and old online store for which you have been running campaigns since its opening. Analyze the effectiveness of the latter and, if nothing has changed radically since its end, set approximately the same cost per click plus or minus 15-30%.

Average conversion cost

Almost the same thing, only you indicate the costs for the target action. For everything to work, you need to correctly set up goals in Yandex Metrica and specify them in Direct. Additionally, the maximum cost per click is indicated so that the robot does not waste the budget on potentially conversion, but unreasonably expensive transitions. Otherwise, everything here is the same as in the previous paragraph, only “click” is changed to “conversion”.

If you know how much a target action on a website costs and you don’t want it to exceed a certain threshold value, choose this strategy. This way, you can pay only those visitors who convert and are interested in purchasing.

Average ROI

If your eyes light up when you hear “ROI,” then this Yandex Direct strategy is for you. It helps optimize conversions and bring your return on investment closer to the desired value: if you need ROI = 2, enter it when setting up your campaign and Yandex will do everything to achieve it.

Here you also need to connect Metrics and set up goals. The latter must be specified in the campaign settings. Additionally, you can limit the weekly budget and the maximum cost per click and indicate the cost of goods and services as a percentage of income. This will help optimize your campaign strategy and spend money on advertising in Yandex Direct effectively.

If the algorithm goes overboard and produces a higher-than-expected profitability, the money saved can be spent on advertising again - this way you will get additional clicks.

The strategy is suitable for those who do not have many goods and services and those who want to monitor the effectiveness of advertising in the “I want to know how much I got from this” format. For example, you provide some service that always costs the same. Or you produce 3 models of transformers. In any case, you will find out how much money Direct directly brought you and easily decide what to do next with the campaign.

Weekly budget

With this strategy, everything is simple: you tell Yandex Direct how much money you are willing to spend in seven days, choose a goal and wait to see what happens. You can get maximum clicks or maximum conversion. In the first case, the algorithm will try to reduce the transition price in order to use the budget as efficiently as possible. In the second case, the emphasis will be on conversions for one or more goals.

The strategy is suitable if you need a lot of transitions. For example, you are launching a promotion and you need to tell everyone about it without spending a lot of money on it. The logic is simple: if the offer is profitable, it will interest even those who have not thought about buying. In the case of conversions, you increase the number of targeted visits.

Weekly package of clicks

It’s even simpler here - you tell Yandex “I wish you so many clicks,” and it replies “I listen and obey.” The algorithm will try to get the required number of transitions at the minimum cost. Too expensive clicks can be eliminated by specifying the maximum cost in the strategy settings. This scheme is useful if you need to sell a strictly defined amount of goods or services. For example, you will not be able to ship more than 10 units of goods in a week. If the average conversion on the site is 10%, then there is no point in attracting more than 100 visitors.

  • Be sure to customize everything you can. Regardless of what strategy you choose in Yandex Direct, set limits on the weekly budget and the maximum cost per click, where possible. If you are working on a model with ROI, indicate the cost of the product.
  • Set phrase priorities. The system will do this itself, but only after a couple of weeks. If you know which ads people click on more readily, inform Yandex in advance. This way you will spend your advertising budget in Direct more efficiently.
  • Don't expect quick results. The system takes time to develop an effective operating pattern, so the results will not be so good at first. But over time, Yandex will understand what to do and will be able to correct the situation.
  • Get your targeting right. This will further increase your return on advertising. Set up a campaign for impressions at “hot” times, remove ineffective ads and monitor the dynamics of keyword popularity.

Strategy for manual bid management in Yandex Direct

If you are confident in yourself and your experience, you can choose manual betting management. In this case, you yourself determine the conditions and rates for displaying ads. You can enable separate display on search and YAN - in this case, the rates will be different for each site. Other options: daily budget limit with a choice of standard or distributed display type.

By default, all ads move up to the first place. The exact position depends on the bet you choose. If you offer the most, you end up at the top. But if you can’t spend a lot of money, but you really want to be in the block under the search bar, you can cheat.

When you select the “minimum possible position in special placement” item, you indicate the maximum cost per click and tell Yandex that you want to get into the top block of context at the lowest possible price. If your bid turns out to be high enough to make it into the special placement, your ad will move to the third position in the block above the search results. If the bid is not enough, then the advertisement will be included in guaranteed impressions, in >90% of cases in the first position.

If you select “minimum possible position in special placement and guarantee,” the strategy changes slightly. If the maximum cost per click is not enough to get into the special placement, the ad will be shown in the lowest position and in the bottom block. This will help you save on everything and spend the minimum amount of money. If you make it to the top block, then pay the best price for it. If you get into “guaranteed impressions”, then don’t spend extra money on placements that aren’t the most converting.

The strategy is suitable for those who have repeatedly launched effective contextual advertising in Yandex Direct. If you set up your targeting correctly, you can save a lot in manual mode.

What determines the choice of advertising strategy in Yandex Direct?

From your tasks and experience. If you are not confident in your abilities and at the same time want to achieve good campaign optimization, leave everything to the search engine algorithm. Yes, it will take time to adapt, but in the end you will get a strategy tailored to your goals and objectives: inexpensive clicks, a good ROI ratio or maximum audience reach. If you know everything yourself and can do it, manage your rates manually. This way the results will appear faster, but you also need to carefully monitor the progress of the campaign. If the situation suddenly changes, you will be left without clients and without money.

Business dynamics require active goal setting from management. Making specific tactical decisions at any given moment depends on a number of conditions and circumstances. One of the most important of which is the compliance of these decisions (or at least non-contradiction) with long-term, top-level business goals. Given vectors of its development. Which, taken together, can be called the company’s strategy. Thus, the chosen enterprise strategy determines the essence of the decisions made and the setting of tasks over a long period of time. In fact, strategy means for a business a vital choice of the meaning and way of its existence. Let's talk about how this choice is made. What to choose from.

Let's remember the classic strategies

Resource strategy

One of the main goals of strategic management at an enterprise is to ensure the rational distribution of resources between areas of activity and their effective use for the best achievement of the set strategic goals.

Organizational resources are the productive assets that an organization has at its disposal. The coordinated interaction of resources creates Organizational Competencies - the company's ability to carry out certain productive actions. Those areas of an organization's activities that are most important to it, in which it has achieved relative excellence, and that create fundamental value for customers are called “core competencies of the organization.”

The main goal of the strategy (according to the resource-based view) is for the company to obtain sustainable competitive advantage. A company has a sustainable competitive advantage when its core competencies coincide with the key success factors of the industry/markets in which the company competes, the key drivers that determine the success of doing business in these markets (see figure).

Accordingly, the main tasks within the planning and implementation of the resource strategy include:

  • Industry/market analysis to identify key success factors doing business in a given industry/market
  • Analysis of the company's existing resources and the organizational competencies that they form. Determination of composition key competencies organizations.
  • Selection of markets for which there is a maximum intersection of company competencies and key success factors industry (market). Resource Allocation companies in these markets.
  • Determining the organization's missing resources/competencies that are strategically important and necessary to achieve success in the markets in which the organization competes. Acquisition of strategically important resources/competencies.

Basic strategies according to Porter (competitive positioning strategies)

When planning how a company is going to compete in the market, it is necessary to decide how the company will position itself in the market, and which of the basic strategies will form the basis of the strategy being developed.

According to Michael Porter 1, there are three basic strategies:

  • Price Leadership Strategy
  • Differentiation Strategy
  • Focus strategy

1 Porter Michael. American economist, professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, a recognized expert in the study of economic competition.

Price Leadership Strategy

The Price Leadership strategy allows you to gain a competitive advantage due to the lowest price on the market. In other words, the company strives to produce goods (services) that are the same as those of its competitors, but sell them cheaper than its competitors.

The essence of this strategy can be demonstrated using a “value chain” model. The first value chain is averaged over the market, and, accordingly, consists of average costs of activities and average profits.

The second value chain belongs to the company implementing the price leadership strategy. This company reduced the costs of its activities and, thus, increased its profit margin and was able to set the price of its product below the market average.

Differentiation Strategy

The Differentiation Strategy allows you to gain a competitive advantage through the production of unique goods (services), such that competitors do not produce. Here we can talk about absolutely unique goods (there are no analogues on the market), or only about some unique characteristics of goods (services). For example: the highest quality, user-friendly interface, customer-oriented service, prestigious brand, etc.

The essence of this strategy can also be demonstrated using the “value chain” model (see figure).

The first value chain is averaged over the market and, accordingly, consists of average costs of activities and average profits.

The second value chain is typical for a company implementing a differentiation strategy. This company has increased costs for certain activities in order to obtain a product (service) with unique characteristics. Due to this uniqueness, the company can afford to charge a premium by setting the price for a given product (service) above the market average.

Focus Strategy

The third basic strategy is Focus. If the first two strategies assume that the companies that choose them operate across the entire spectrum of the market (industry), then the focal strategy implies the choice of a company to serve a narrow target niche. By knowing the needs of the target customer and their price preferences, optimizing its operations and creating personalized products that meet the specific needs of the target customer, the company gains a competitive advantage over “global” competitors serving the entire market with less personalized products.

(Porter's) Summary - "Don't get stuck in the middle!"

The three basic strategies described above are mutually exclusive strategic alternatives. Companies that fail to develop a strategy in one of these three areas are, according to Michael Porter, "stuck in the middle."

Porter argues that cost leadership and differentiation strategies are so fundamentally different, requiring fundamentally different sets of resources and competencies, that any firm attempting to combine them will be “stuck in the middle” and unable to achieve outstanding results. According to him, such companies are almost guaranteed to be unprofitable and doomed to disappear.

Why classic strategies don't work

In practice, classical strategies, for all their elegance and logic, do not always work. Firms pursuing similar strategies show very different results. And companies that do not have a clear positioning (those that, in Porter’s words, are “stuck in the middle” and should, in his opinion, die) succeed! What's the secret?

Reasons for strategy failure

Most often, the failure of a strategy is explained by the ineffectiveness of its implementation. Any strategy is only as good as its execution. A separate full-fledged material can be devoted to this. However, there are other, earlier causes of failure stemming from the error of choosing the most relevant type of strategy for a given market.

Classic strategies (Resource strategy and Competitive positioning strategies) are not always applicable and/or effective in practice. As we remember, classical strategies are aimed at acquiring a sustainable competitive advantage for a company by mastering strategic resources (competencies) that are important for a given market. Moreover, such resources (competencies) should, in theory, be valuable, rare, and difficult to copy and imitate. However, thanks to modern financial, information and management technologies, most resources today are relatively easily accessible and imitable.

In addition, not all markets have important strategic resources that determine success in a given market.

This begs the question: is there any factor(s) missing from the analysis that also fundamentally influence the success of the implementation of a particular strategy? Or is the list of possible strategies incomplete?

Answering the last question, let’s add another strategy to our list - the “X-factors” strategy and consider it further in more detail.

X-Factors Strategy

The X Factors strategy can be summed up in a nutshell as “focus on what is urgent and important.”

A company implementing the “X-Factors” Strategy focuses its activities primarily on the following four activities:

  • Determining the strategic capital of the organization;
  • Definition of the problem field;
  • Definition of strategic works (projects);
  • Leveling out failures (“holes”) in strategy execution.

Strategic capital

Strategic capital is the total fund of an organization's competitive assets. These include:

  • Strengths and weaknesses of the organization, external opportunities and threats. To determine them, you can resort to SWOT analysis. On the basis of which templates for making strategic decisions are given, based on the strengths of the organization and leveling out the weaknesses, helping to take into account and avoid external threats and take advantage of potential opportunities.
  • Material resources available: financial (cash and credit capacity of the organization) and physical (buildings and structures, production facilities, inventories and semi-finished products, finished products, etc.).
  • Intangible resources: competencies, connections, technologies, intellectual property, reputation, brand, corporate culture. etc.
  • Human resources: human capital (knowledge, skills and know-how that cannot be formalized and which are thus inseparable from their carriers) and social capital (resources potentially available to the company that stem from the relationships of company employees with other people (including outside the organization) and their connections)
  • Market resources (customers, partners, market share). For example, the presence of strategic clients, partnerships with large manufacturers, etc.
  • Organizational resources (its structure, systems, management technologies, processes).

After determining the composition of the company's strategic capital, it becomes clear what the organization can primarily rely on in its strategic decisions. What can one count on when planning a long-term and medium-term strategy. And what assets require development and acquisition if they are absent or underdeveloped.

Problem field

The problem field is a set of the most significant problems and aspects of activity for the selected market.

The figure shows examples of problem fields for the gasoline retail market and the non-state pension market.

The point of forming a company’s problem field is to identify the areas and the most important aspects of a particular business on which it is necessary to focus the company’s attention and activities.

Strategic work (projects)

Strategic work (projects) is the distribution of investments in the organization’s strategic capital in the current period. In other words, these are the works that are currently given the highest priority, are given the greatest attention by the company's top officials, and in which the lion's share of the organization's strategic capital is invested.

Determination of the composition and planning of strategic work is carried out after clarifying the Strategic Capital and Problem Field of the company. The decisions and goals developed at these stages are prioritized and organized into the structure of either a strategic plan or a tree of company goals.

Performing failures (“holes”)

As I wrote at the very beginning, most strategies fail due to ineffective implementation.

Execution failures (“holes”) are the most typical mistakes in strategy implementation. These include:

  • incorrect definition of resources: time, capital, people, projects;
  • neglect or lack of immersion in important problems;
  • inability or unwillingness to solve solved problems.

If you do not pay due attention to this issue, then, according to the law of entropy, executive failures will certainly occur: any system, if it is not supported and developed, tends to self-destruction. Everything tends to move along the path of least resistance: don’t strain, don’t immerse yourself, don’t focus, etc. And strategic mistakes are the most costly for a company.

Each of the strategic works (strategic decisions made, strategic goals developed) needs appropriate control and adjustment during execution. This is the only way to systematically and reliably level out possible performance failures.

Choosing the optimal strategy

After we have looked at several types of strategies, I offer a framework for choosing the optimal one. The figure illustrates the principle of determining an effective strategy depending on the strategic importance of resources and the ability to exclusively control these resources in the selected market.

So, to make a decision we have four lines of reasoning:

  • If for the selected market any resource is of strategic importance and at the same time there is a high possibility of exclusive possession (or possession by a limited number of organizations) - the most preferable is resource strategy.
  • If for the selected market the strategic importance of any resources is not high and, at the same time, there are opportunities for exclusive control over any resources, the most preferable strategy is competitive positioning.
  • For those markets in which there are no strategically important resources, and there is no opportunity to obtain exclusive control of any resources, the determining factor is influence of external factors.
  • And finally, for those markets in which the strategic importance of any resources is high, but, at the same time, there is no opportunity to acquire exclusive control over such resources, the most effective is “X-factors” strategy.

Resume. Classic strategies or X-factors

The success of the company is undoubtedly determined by the right choice and clear implementation of the strategy. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the right type of strategy that is most suitable for the market in which the company operates. Here, the most significant factors determining the choice of a specific type of strategy are factors of the external environment (market), namely the existence of valuable strategic resources on the market and the availability of opportunities to obtain exclusive control over these resources.

For markets where strategically important resources exist, but they are NOT unique and available to most participants, the most effective strategy may be “X-factors,” which involves a clear organization of work to create strategically important resources and competencies, and their effective application to the most important problem areas of this market.

An organization implementing an “X-factors” strategy is not looking for ways to create a unique competitive advantage (through the possession of a rare, important resource, or a unique competitive position in the market). The success of this organization is based on the correct identification of the problem area of ​​its market, on a clear and objective assessment of its strategic capital, on the ability to organize strategic work and avoid falling into execution failures.

Friends, hello everyone. The Gamebizclub team is on air, and today we will continue to introduce you to the genres of the world of computer games. At the end of May, we dove in and revealed the 12 best games in the genre. And in this article we will tell you in detail about the best strategies on PC over the past few years and compile our top best games in this genre.

It would seem that making ratings is a simple matter. It’s worth taking a list of the games you like, choosing the best ones and putting them in order. We would have done so, if not for one nuance - the Gamebizclub team included people who had experienced Warcraft 1 and Heroes of Might and Magic.

Since then, many games have been released, one way or another, we managed to play most of them and form our own opinion. Therefore, we made a plausible rating taking into account all opinions - we retested old games and new ones, refreshed our memory. And this is what happened.

From this article you will learn:


The last place in our ranking goes to DEFCON, a game about nuclear strike tactics released in 2006. The name translates as “defense readiness” - this is a real-life scale of the US Army’s readiness for possible combat operations.

DEFCON is based on the plot of the American film “War Games”, which shows the global nuclear conflict between the USA and the USSR. Not only the events of the game, but also its style echo the film, as evidenced by the motto “Everybody dies” (translated as “Everybody Dies”).

In DEFCON you will not be able to create combat units, collect resources and develop technologies. But you can choose the location of forces on the territory of North or South America, Europe, Russia, Africa or Asia. The game starts when the DEFCON scale shows alarm level 5. Then you move to the following levels sequentially. All this time, the conflict is developing, tension is growing. When the level reaches 1, a nuclear attack can be launched.

The main goal is to inflict damage on the enemy while avoiding your own losses. There are no moral restrictions, so you should follow only your thoughts, desires and emotions. Up to 6 people can participate in the game. Nuclear missiles of various types, fighters, bombers, submarines, aircraft carriers, cruisers, airfields, and radars are used as combat units.

DEFCON is similar to a real command post, where the president of the country sits and plans military operations. There is nothing superfluous - just a map, marks of friendly and enemy troops, the most important targets and cities. And you can do whatever comes to your mind: take on the role of the main villain, save peoples and countries, destroy cities and entire regions with one click.

The only negative that outweighs all the advantages is that DEFCON does not have a graphics engine. Despite the interesting gameplay, after a while the process of exchanging nuclear warheads gets boring - it becomes boring to move warheads and combat vehicles around the map, destroy secondary countries, and so on.

And all because there are no special effects or any accompaniment. Therefore, it is suitable instead of Minesweeper or any other game with low requirements - it takes up only 60 MB on your hard drive and will run on any PC.

13. Dune

In thirteenth place is the Dune series of games about the world of Arrakis, which became one of the first real-time strategies. Dune was released in 1992 on the Sega console, and after a while it became available on PC. At that time it was a breakthrough that could be repeated only three years later.

Interesting fact: on behalf of the publishing company Virgin Interactive, two independent developers worked simultaneously to create the game. The French company Cryo Interactive released the game first. American Westwood Studios - a little later. That's why the title of the game from Westwood Studios contains the number "2".

The plot is based on the science fiction novel Dune by Frank Herbert. During the passage you will meet the main characters, take the role of the leader of one of the great houses and conquer the planet Arrakis.

The only negative is that the events of the book and the game are loosely connected; the gameplay is based on missions to clear the territory of the enemy and extract useful resources.

In the struggle for dominance on the planet, three great houses collided - the Atreides, the Harkonnens and the Ordos. Each home has its own pros and cons, unique technologies and powerful leaders.

You can choose any house, but you cannot change it later. After choosing, you will find yourself on the battlefield, command an army, build a base, extract resources and destroy the enemy. Important - to win, you need to destroy all enemies on the map.

For example, if you have destroyed the enemy base, but one soldier is hiding in the corner of the map and is constantly moving, you will not win until you destroy him.

Dune pioneered the approach that would become the basis of the RTS genre. This is a global map, an economic model, a command panel and a mini-map in the user interface, the “fog of war” and various capabilities of the warring parties.

In 1998, a remake called Dune 2000 was released, and in 2001, the developers continued the series by releasing Emperor: Battle for Dune. Unfortunately, after that, no more games about Dune appeared. 15 years have passed, but the series remains only in the memory of the most devoted fans - that’s why only the penultimate place.

12. Age of Empires

We give twelfth place to Age of Empires, which became the basis for many RTS that came out after it. The first part was released in 1997, and since then Microsoft Game Studios has released 8 games and 4 additions to them. The series also includes Age of Empires Online (MMORTS).

In Age of Empires, you will find yourself as the leader of one of 16 civilizations, reflecting a specific architectural style: Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Asian and Roman. By completing missions and developing, you will move from era to era - from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

Civilization develops through the construction of buildings, technology research and war, where would we be without it. Besides you, there will be several more civilizations on the map competing for resources. Therefore, you will constantly be at war - defending behind walls or attacking the enemy.

The game contains campaigns, including educational ones. The educational process is built on 12 scenarios that explain the gameplay. This will help you quickly master the basics of control, work effectively with units and fully use the camera. Other campaigns consist of different missions in which you will defend in a fortified fort, attack castle walls and much more.

Multiplayer is available for a maximum of eight people. To play online, you can choose who to fight with - bots or other people. If you choose a mode with other users, you will have the opportunity to form an alliance, declare war on the selected enemy, or take a neutral position.

Age of Empires doesn't require a powerful computer. Even with the most modest configuration, the game looks realistic, and the image is pleasing to the eye at maximum zoom.

For many people, Age of Empires has become a guide to the world of strategy. But the series gradually faded away and lost popularity - the third part was released back in 2005, and there is still no full-fledged fourth part, if you do not take into account AoE Online. Therefore, we recommend the game to those who want to see the beginning of the RTS era.

11. Star Wars: Empire at War

In eleventh place is Star Wars: Empire at War, a game released in 2006 based on the setting of the world-famous Star Wars saga. The plot is based on Star Wars episodes 4, 5 and 6, namely the civil war between the Rebels and the Imperials.

You will find yourself in the role of a commander of one of the sides, you will control the fleet, command in battles with opponents, destroy bases and much more. The storyline consists of missions in which you will meet famous heroes - Darth Vader, Palpatine, Firmus Piett, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Chewbacca and other characters.

Each character provides certain bonuses, and if necessary, you can hire additional supporting characters - agents, smugglers and others.

Star Wars: Empire at War consists of two parts:

  • Conquest of the Galaxy - a global strategy on the galaxy map. In this mode, you will manage controlled planets, study (or steal) technologies, seize strategic resources, attack and defend.
  • Tactical mode - consists of space and ground operations. You will spend a lot of time in this mode, because a lot will depend on the outcome of the battle. It is here that you will see the main combat vehicles, infantry and ships of both sides, and you will be able to demonstrate your team skills and win.

The main thing is to choose the right side. The Imperials have more opportunities to master new technologies, improve weapons and ships. And the rebels cannot do science, but they know how to steal the technological achievements of the Empire.

Become the ruler of the galaxy with Darth Vader or free the planets from the tyranny of the Empire with Luke and his friends. Choose a side and go into battle. You will definitely like it.

Star Wars is a super popular project by George Lucas. Therefore, it is not surprising that many interesting games have been released based on the film, but we still haven’t seen a sequel to Empire at War, which is a pity. Only eleventh place in our ranking, let's move on.

10. World in Conflict: Soviet Assault

Rounding out the top ten is World in Conflict: Soviet Assault, a real-time strategy game released in 2009 that continued the events that happened in World in Conflict. In other words, the developers took World in Conflict and added 6 new missions - the game became one and a half times longer.

Gamebizclub's opinion: in our opinion, this is the best strategy about the beginning of the Third World War. Events begin with the fall of the Berlin Wall, which is destroyed by Russian tanks. USSR troops begin an offensive along the entire front and create a meat grinder for NATO forces.

You will find yourself in the role of a Soviet paratrooper and unit commander, standing at the forefront of the attack, destroying enemy soldiers and equipment. Indescribable sensations!

Combat operations take place either in Berlin or in rural areas, where they have to fight with NATO troops. You will also be able to command an artillery battery and provide air escort for the convoy.

Each mission has a specific plot, but the main thing is that there is no need to build a base. You have a limited number of troops at your disposal, but you can request reinforcements.

The developers could not avoid stereotypes about Russians - the ideas of Americans, British, Germans and other peoples are very noticeable and often hurt the eyes. Therefore, in the dialogues there is sometimes a feeling of unreality of what is happening until the fighting begins.

You can also choose the side of NATO - in this case, the plot will begin on the territory of the United States, where you will defend cities and the coast. Gradually you will push back the USSR troops and move to Europe. Let us add that both storylines are inextricably linked, so the side you choose will win.

The game attracts with its sharp plot, large-scale battles that take place not only nearby, but throughout the map - you get the feeling that you are participating in a large-scale military operation. It all looks very realistic, as if we were really in the center of a battle.

World in Conflict: Soviet Assault is in tenth place only because we did not see the continuation of this series. The game should be on the shelf of every fan of the genre - this is 100%.


In ninth place is the Stronghold series of games - a strategy about the Middle Ages, the Crusades, knights and kings. The first part of Stronghold was released in 2001, and the last Stronghold 3 in 2011. Let us add that in 2010 the developers released the first MMORTS - Stronghold Kingdoms, where online play against other people became available.

The action takes place during the early Middle Ages, so you will take on the role of a baron or count - you will build a castle, develop production, establish settlements and fight the enemy. Depending on the chosen part, you will be taken to the territory of Europe or Palestine.

In Strongold Crusader the action takes place in the hot lands of Palestine. As a crusader, you will build and defend a castle, establish production, and attack the impregnable fortifications of desert warriors.

Stronghold 3 takes place in Europe. The plot begins seven years after the end of the events of the first part.

The series became successful due to the combination of economic strategy and medieval surroundings. You can build your own castle, besiege your neighbor’s castle, pour boiling oil and tar on the attackers - all the medieval romance is present. But before the start of hostilities, it will be necessary to provide the rear with food and develop production so that everything is enough for the duration of the war.

Computer opponents are controlled by artificial intelligence - like you, they extract resources, build castles, form their own army and start a war. And in multiplayer you will be opposed by those people whom you invite to the game - friends, acquaintances or family members.

8. Heroes of Might and Magic III

In eighth place is one of the best turn-based strategies, Heroes of Might and Magic III. Despite the fact that the game was released back in 1999, it still remains the most revered in the turn-based strategy genre. And the following parts of “Heroes”, released after it, were never able to surpass the third part.

The game takes place in a fantasy world where there are dragons, elves, goblins, gnomes and many other mythical creatures. You will lead one of the factions, command a squad, capture and manage cities, and explore the world.

The adventure map is difficult to navigate in places. Movement in the game world is not always predictable - there are areas where it is very difficult to get to and you have to follow an unobvious path.

One of the main tasks is to develop cities in such a way that they generate income, provide combat power and give power to magical spells. If a city is well developed, it brings in enough gold and allows you to hire a strong army to capture adjacent territories and destroy the enemy.

As it should be in a turn-based strategy, time in the game flows discretely. The main unit of time is the move, which is also called a day. During a turn, you can perform a certain number of actions - make a move with heroes, plan the construction of a building, and so on.

And in battle, actions take place one by one and resemble a chess game. Each unit has a certain number of action points, attack type and amount of health. The stronger the unit, the harder it hits and the harder it is to kill. The troops are led by a hero who, upon victory, receives experience and artifacts from defeated enemies.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is available in single and multiplayer. Although multi-user is a strong word. The first mode is called “Hot Seat” and is translated as a hot seat - two people at one computer take turns making moves and finding out who is stronger.

The second mode is network. You need to create a separate “room” and give the address of this room to friends and acquaintances. Then you don’t have to sit in one chair, but really surf the net.

In 2015, the version of Heroes of Might and Magic III HD was released - a remake of the popular game, made for a PC with average characteristics. We advise everyone - HoMM should be on the shelf of every turn-based strategy fan. And we move on.

7.Command & Conquer

In seventh place is the famous Command & Conquer - a real-time strategy about the confrontation between the NoD brotherhood and the World Defense Initiative (if translated into modern realities - Terrorists and the Security Service).

The first part was released back in 1995, and the last one was released in 2013. Note that the first part, along with Dune, became the basis for the RTS genre. But compared to the world of Arrakis, the Command and Conquer saga lasted much longer. The two games have the same developer - Westwood Studios, so it is quite possible that they decided to sacrifice Dune in favor of the more popular C&C.

The Command & Conquer universe includes 3 story subseries: Tiberium, Red Alert and Generals. This is a total of 15 games.

The plot of C&C is built on the conflict surrounding Tiberium, an alien substance sent by aliens to Earth in a meteorite shower. This substance extracts minerals, it can be used as an energy source, and in general Tiberium is a valuable element.

World governments consolidate and begin to mine Tiberium. At the same time, terrorists also begin to mine it, as a result they quickly gain strength and receive financial injections from countries where there is no Tiberium.

After some time, IVZ decides to put an end to NoD, but that was not the case - the Brotherhood strikes back and a long and exhausting confrontation begins.

You can become a member of the terrorist brotherhood NoD, which seeks to take over the world. But if high ideals are closer, you should choose IVZ. Although the main emphasis is not on the side of the conflict, but on how you will command in battle.

Each game has missions that you need to complete and achieve your goals. In principle, everything is simple - build a base, mine Tiberium, recruit troops and build military equipment. And then you send an army to attack and command how, where and who to destroy. Easy?

But the enemy does not sleep, so it is never easy. They will constantly attack you and try to destroy your base, attack from unexpected directions and deprive you of the opportunity to earn money. Therefore, you need to constantly be prepared for sudden attacks by the enemy, which suddenly appears in the most vulnerable places. The main factor of victory is not superiority in combat power, but the absence of mistakes.

It is unknown what will happen to the C&C series next. Four years have passed, but there is still no clear news or comments. Although there are still many fans of the game who continue to hone their skills in online battles. Therefore, so far only seventh place.

6. Civilization

We decided to give sixth place to Civilization, a step-by-step strategy about the development of humanity on Earth. The game, created by Sid Meier back in 1991, and its subsequent remakes were and remain the flagship of the turn-based strategy genre.

Now 6 parts with modifications and additions have already been released. Civilization has received a number of awards and has been inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame. More than 9 million copies have been sold in different countries - a great success, confirmed by numerous critics from all over the world.

The main task is to develop the chosen civilization, from primitive society to modernity. Become Stalin and rule Russia, or take the place of Napoleon, Ramses, George Washington and lead your people on the path to prosperity.

To achieve power and prosperity, you need to build cities, engage in economics and science, create technologies and wonders of the world, build up military power, establish diplomatic relations with other civilizations and fight with competitors.

In general, everything is like in real life - put yourself in the place of the president or dictator. Events take place on a given world map, chosen randomly or exactly replicating the Earth.

Settlers, military men, diplomats and other characters (units) participate in the development of civilization. You can change the political regime by choosing despotism, monarchy, democracy, communism, republic. The higher the selected difficulty level, the better you need to plan your actions.

The easiest way is to be a leader - opponents hardly interfere. And the hardest thing is to be a deity, in which case the whole world will take up arms against you and will constantly put a spoke in your wheels - declare war, suddenly attack, plunder and destroy cities, and so on.

The score is determined based on the outcome of the game. When calculating points, the number of population, the number of created wonders of the world and other criteria are taken into account.

Editor's opinion: There were some funny moments in early versions of Civilization. If one nation was significantly ahead of others in development and began to fight, then its tanks and infantry clashed with knights, swordsmen, crossbowmen and other units of the Middle Ages, and sometimes even antiquity. And often tanks lost when simultaneously attacked by several units of earlier eras. In Civilization VI, the developers have improved the balance, but problems still arise - with a coordinated attack, crossbowmen and catapults can destroy a tank.

The main feature of the game is the opportunity to see the development of civilization, participate in this process and rewrite history. Imagine the Aztecs launching the first satellite into space, the Egyptians building the Pentagon in Cairo, the Romans launching the Stealth bomber.

Within the framework of game mechanics, everything is possible. The latest part of the game was released in 2016, and the continuation should be expected in 2019-2020.

5. Total War

We decided to give fifth place to Total War, a series of historical games where tactics and strategy are organically combined. The series itself contains 10 parts and 7 additions. The first part was created in 2000, and the last one was currently released in 2016 under the name Total War: WARHAMMER.

The main feature of Total War is the transfer in time to a specific era of human development. The plot takes you to Japan during the Warring States era, to Europe during the Napoleonic era, to the Middle Ages and earlier times. In the role of Attila you will conquer the European continent, in the role of Charlemagne you will create an invincible empire, in the role of Peter the Great you will bring Russia to the level of the leading world powers.

If we describe Total War in a nutshell, then the most suitable ones are large battles. In addition to capturing cities, establishing economic ties and production cycles, you will fight. War consists of many battles of different sizes, and you will command an army in each of them. Castle sieges, city defense, ambushes and wall-to-wall battles - there is everything that fans of the genre need.

In strategic mode, battles are fought on a global turn-based map, where cities, armies, territorial boundaries, valuable resources and roads are indicated. And in tactical mode, you are transported to the battlefield, to a real terrain with hills, trees, buildings and other landscape details.

If you get tired of constant battles, click “automatic calculation of results.” If your army is greatly superior, the enemy will be defeated without your participation.

But if the forces are equal or the enemy is superior in numbers, then you cannot do without your participation. In the “automatic calculation of the results” you will most likely lose, but in the manual mode there is a chance to win. Moreover, it often happens that a smaller army first defends itself, and then successfully advances and cuts out the fleeing enemy troops - but only if you command the army.

Defeats also happen, where would we be without them. But after each defeat, you will learn to think and make innovative decisions, manage your troops more effectively and skillfully use the features of the landscape.

Let's give an example - if you are defending a city, then you need to sit behind the walls and not make forays. But if the enemy let the army down too quickly, and the siege equipment is only on the way and is slowly moving along the walls, feel free to bring the commander and cavalry units into the attack, try to destroy the siege towers and ram first. Without them, the enemy will not fight much.

In major battles, armies of several thousand people clash. Considering that most armies have a maximum number of units (15-20 depending on the version of the game), the largest battles involve several units of the maximum size - this is enough to litter half the map with the bodies of fallen warriors.

We could write a lot about Total War, but we will say this - do you want to become King Leonidas and lead the Spartans? So do it. You can take more people into battle than 300 elite fighters. And in the end, kick Xerxes in one place, completely changing the course of history. That's why Total War is in the top five.

4. Halo Wars 2

Fourth place goes to Halo Wars 2, the continuation of the saga about the war between people and alien invaders. The series developed by Microsoft has been trending for more than 15 years. Several dozen books and one film have already been released based on the plot of the game, and this is not the end yet. The series is developing, and after a while we will see a continuation in the form of a shooter, and maybe another film.

And now the background: in the distant future, people populated many planets and controlled a large area of ​​space until they encountered the Covenant empire. The collision took place on the outskirts of “human space” and ended with the destruction of several patrol corvettes and a planet with a population of ten million people.

From that moment on, events developed badly for the people - dozens of lost systems, hundreds of millions of lives lost and the loss of half the fleet. In this situation, K.K.O.N decides to send the colony ship "Spirit of Fire" into an unexplored sector of space for colonization.

Halo Wars 2 begins with people waking up from cryosleep at The Ark, a space structure created by a mysterious ancient race. When landing on a space facility, the soldiers encounter an army of Covenants - the war overtakes the colonists.

Battles break out throughout the “Arch”, both sides lose fighters and equipment. The conflict is developing rapidly, and only you can defeat the enemy.

The gameplay in Halo Wars 2 is not much different from other strategies - building a base, collecting energy and supplies (they can be collected by ordinary soldiers), forming an army and fighting. That said, Halo Wars 2 is a story-driven game where you participate.

The missions have many additional tasks that need to be completed. For example, in one mission you will destroy the enemy with one Spartan with a machine gun, push through power shields and free prisoners - every mission is in this spirit.

Microsoft made not just an RTS, but a strategy with a high budget. The graphics and image quality look amazing - the soldiers, equipment, buildings and other details are made at a very high level. And you will remember the local beauty for a long time. This is a proprietary Halo feature that Microsoft is actively developing.

Halo Wars 2 is a stunningly beautiful strategy game that you can play for hours without stopping. It will be available on Xbox One and PC. However, there is one small drawback. PC owners may feel that tasks end too quickly. I would like to put it in the top three, but in terms of “legendary” it is inferior to more successful strategies. Let's move on to them.

3. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III

We decided to give bronze to Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III, an epic strategy about the war between a human empire and other races in space. Since its release in 2004, 3 parts of the game have already appeared, and the last one was released on April 27, 2017.

The world of War Hammer is very large. Everything in it is tied to a fierce confrontation between several races - people, orcs, elves, chaosites, necromancers and other factions. Moreover, each faction has its own policies, troops, development path and other features that make it different from the rest.

The events of the plot unfold on the surface of planets, where representatives of different races collide in a bloody battle. As a result, only one winner remains, and the rest are mercilessly destroyed.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3 was included in the top three, and this is justified - the game is new, made at a very high level, and the plot continues the established traditions of the Warhammer series. The graphics and design of locations and nature, combat vehicles and infantry, buildings and heroes are pleasing to the eye - if you have a widescreen monitor, you will seem to be transported to the distant future. But little has changed in the gameplay - it is still a strategy made in the classic style.

On the battlefield, you will build a base, recruit infantry and build combat vehicles, form units and throw them into battle with the enemy. Try to take into account the vulnerabilities of each soldier or combat vehicle: light armored vehicles lose to heavy ones, anti-tank squads will quickly multiply the coolest tank by zero, but are vulnerable to infantry, and infantry are afraid of snipers and light equipment. Familiar scheme, right?

There is also an interesting feature - for the first time, unique super-heavy warriors have appeared, which turn the battle on its head. The Wraith Knight for the Eldar, the Imperial Knight for the Humans, and the Orc Stomp for the Orcs. But they appear closer to the end of the plot, so you won’t be able to control them for a long time.

Multiplayer - in the classic format 1 on 1, 2 on 2 and so on. It's simple - choose a race, build a base and try to quickly take out your opponents. Well, or they take you out, it all depends on the skill.

Overall, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III is pure excitement. The plot and battles are captivating and literally do not allow you to tear yourself away from the monitor screen. In the heat of battle, you don’t even have time to pay attention to mistakes in the voice acting and phrases of the heroes. For example, imagine orcs speaking normal Russian - a fantastic sight. Bronze is well-deserved, let's move on.

2. StarCraft II

Second place goes to StarCraft II, a popular real-time strategy game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The first part of the game, called Wings of Liberty, was released in 2010, and in 2013 and 2015 the second and third additions Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void were released.

StarCraft 2 is the main representative of strategy games in eSports. StarCraft championships are held regularly, and the winners receive valuable prizes. Note that the game is inferior in popularity to other representatives of e-sports - CS: GO, Dota 2, League of Legends.

But still, she has millions of fans from different countries, and the first day after the release of Legacy of the Void, sales amounted to more than 1 million. Simply put, StarCraft II remains very popular.

Time and place of action: a distant part of the Milky Way, 26th century. The plot is based on a war between three races - protoss, zerg, terrans. Terrans are the descendants of exiled criminals who have severed all ties with their home planet. Zerg are mutated creatures from various planets controlled by the Overmind and the Queen of Blades. Protoss are representatives of a high-tech civilization with psionic abilities.

StarCraft 2 is a classic strategy game. By choosing one of the races, you will build a base and combat units, extract resources, develop technologies, form armies and participate in battles. To win, you must destroy buildings, the main base and destroy all enemies.

For example, if at least one builder survives, then after five or ten minutes of the game you risk running into the second base of the enemy, who will have time to prepare for defense.

In single-player mode, you will follow the storyline, go through 26 missions, meet the main characters and get used to the gameplay. In addition to the plot, you can pass tests that require special ingenuity. If you pass successfully, you will receive a medal. After everything has been completed, you can move on to multiplayer.

Players from the CIS, USA, Asia and Europe can take part in the network game. Here you can make friends, organize a clan (online community), take part in tournaments and get to the big championship. The better your skill, the greater your chances of winning something. If you want to achieve good results, train on different maps, communicate with people and see what professional players are doing.

Starcraft II should be on every fan's list of games. It will remain trendy for a few more years, and then Blizzard will outdo themselves and release the third part. The neighbors have already done this - the example of Diablo is before our eyes. Now let's move on to the winner of our rating.

1. Warcraft III

Gold goes to the legendary game Warcraft III - a real-time strategy and RPG made in the fantasy genre. Blizzard Entertainment developed and released the game in 2002, with sales exceeding 2 million copies in its first month. We put Warcraft III in first place for just one reason, the name of which is that it is the best game in every sense.

Let's be clear: Warcraft established for a long time those principles of RTS and RPG that remain relevant 15 years later. All modern open-world RPGs and MMORPGs use the progression system established by Warcraft 3 in one way or another.

Fantasy races, an interesting plot, combat and magic mechanics - all this is organically combined and makes you return to the game again and again. And it’s no coincidence that World of Warcraft and Dota 2 remain at the top - they continue the genre established in the third Warcraft.

Let us add that the plot of the game was filmed, released in 2016. Box office receipts for several months of release worldwide collected more than $300 million - this is a great success that few can repeat.

We've sorted out the popularity, now let's talk about the gameplay and fundamental differences from other strategies.

Warcraft III is a classic strategy game with RPG elements. Everything is here from strategy: from building a base and recruiting an army, to tactics of battles on the map. You have a small army at your disposal, limited by the number of farms that produce food for it.

Workers mine gold in mines, cut down forests and build structures - barracks, farms, workshops and other buildings. And the RPG component is about leveling up the heroes.

According to the plot, in each task you control a hero who increases the level by destroying the enemy, uses artifacts, and applies powerful abilities and spells. The higher the hero's level, the stronger he is and the more powerful the damage from his abilities.

The plot is based on a bloody confrontation between two races - humans and orcs. There are also night elves, gnomes, undead and other races that influence the balance of power in battle. Someone will be your ally, someone will put up fierce resistance and will be destroyed - it all depends on the chosen side.

Combat actions take place on maps - in locations with forests, rivers, lakes, mines and neutral characters. Picture quality may seem a little dated, but it's 2002, when PC requirements were much different. But W3 will work on any computer, plus you can chat online with other people from different countries. There are still enough fans of the game.

Warcraft 3 should be in every strategy fan's favorites. Best of the Best – just like that and no other way. And we are waiting for news about Warcraft 4, rumors have been circulating for two years, but the Bliz remain silent.

Let's sum it up

Despite the fact that the strategy genre is gradually losing ground, worthy strategies like Halo Wars 2 or Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3 still appear. And we see a new trend - developers are trying to make games interesting. The new games feature an exciting plot, well-developed unit models and beautiful location design.

Let's see what happens in two or three years - perhaps we will see a really interesting and exciting strategy and we will definitely write about it. Good luck everyone, bye bye.

FX Review

The goal of creating or choosing a trading strategy is always the same - to receive the desired signal that will lead to profit on the account. You can take the strategy you like, apply it and wait for the result. But for some reason everything is not as good as in the original: either there is simply no profit, or immediately - a complete waste. To find out the reasons for such strange behavior of trading systems and strategies, let’s do a little research on creating and choosing your strategy.

What are the trading strategies?

1) Strategies that are based on fundamental analysis: news

2) Strategies based on price charts—graphs of price behavior: technical analysis

3) Systems using statistical data: indicator

In trading, novice traders most often use the third type. Let's study it in more detail.

What is an indicator?

Indicator– an automated set of rules for market analysis that displays signals on a price chart. The indicator is usually created with the purpose of predicting further price movement. Depending on the principle of operation of the indicator, such a prediction can be short-term, medium-term or long-term.

Today, thousands of different indicators are offered, the authors of which promise profit.

The technique for creating or selecting a strategy by a trader is generally as follows:

1. Finds a freshly baked indicator on the Internet and connects it.

2. Sees that the indicator, in principle, shows good signals and correctly catches the movement trend.

3. Tests it in the current market to study its characteristics in more detail.

4. Makes sure that you have found a truly worthy indicator.

5. Compares the new indicator with indicators already available to the trader.

6. Make sure that, thanks to the indicator, trading results periodically improve.

7. After trading his strategy for a certain time, the trader decides that he has managed to create something completely new.

8. The trader rushes into trading, trying to earn as much as possible and as quickly as possible.

9. Very often after a couple of days everything is quite sad - the system does not work!

What's the problem? It’s simple - any strategy, especially a new one, first needs to be thoroughly and carefully studied:

  • Who is the author of the strategy? We study discussions, tests on a real account, screenshots of trading, video reviews (if available).
  • We set up a strategy and, if possible, test it in the strategy tester.
  • Having repeatedly verified its performance, we conduct additional tests on history and select the optimal time for closing transactions.
  • Having tried all the testing options, and provided that you are already confident enough in the performance of the strategy, you can enter the real market.

You can use the following tips as additional tips when choosing your trading strategy:

  • Try to consider strategies that have a profit to loss ratio of at least 1 to 1 or better.
  • Always note strong support and resistance levels to avoid entering such levels and to identify a possible exit point.
  • Keep an eye on important news and try to avoid trading during this time.

We hope that these simple rules will help you avoid many negative trades.

Good luck with your trading!

Magazine FX Review