Left ovarian cyst: types, why it is dangerous, causes of formation, symptoms and treatment. Types, symptoms and treatment of ovarian cysts in women, preventive measures

A cyst is a neoplasm that is a thin vesicular object filled with fluid of various etiologies. Cysts form at the site of follicle degeneration and most often do not reach more than fifteen centimeters in size.

Cyst is a common reason for visiting a gynecologist

Causes of ovarian cyst formation

Every month, a healthy woman of reproductive age menstruates and ovulates. During ovulation, a follicle swells in the right or left ovary, which subsequently must produce progesterone, which is necessary for the movement of the egg from the ovary into the uterine space.

If the follicle becomes overripe and does not have time to burst, it degenerates into a cyst filled with follicular fluid. How dangerous an ovarian cyst is and how to treat this disease can only be determined by a doctor. The therapy program will be drawn up individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Unexploded follicles degenerate into cysts

Types of neoplasms

Ovarian cysts can have different etiologies and are divided into:

  • Follicular, formed during the maturation of a follicle on the body of the right or left ovary during the period of ovulation. The cyst enlarges and can create an obstacle to the release of the egg, but it can also spontaneously resolve during the next menstruation.
  • Functional cyst. If we are talking about a functional cyst, then everything is much more complicated. A functional cyst is formed according to the same principle as a follicular one, but as it develops, the follicle enlarges and the corpus luteum grows. In this case, the cyst is already called the “corpus luteum.”
  • Hemorrhagic cyst. This new formation speaks about its contents in its name. When the follicle matures and a yellow body forms, the vessels inside the vesicular formation rupture. This leads to the appearance of blood in the cyst, and the neoplasm itself looks like a red or brown bubble. Symptoms of the appearance of such a cyst in a woman are characterized by sharp pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.
  • Dysontogenetic neoplasm. This type of cyst forms during the period when the ovaries are most active—puberty.
  • A neoplasm that has developed into a tumor. Such a cyst leads to the formation of cancer cells and the subsequent development of ovarian cancer.

Functional cyst is also called corpus luteum cyst

Causes of formation of cysts on the surface of the ovaries

Scientists agree that one of the main reasons influencing the formation of cysts on the surface of the ovaries in women is hormonal changes. Hormonal imbalance can provoke a large number of diseases, and most often these diseases relate to the woman’s reproductive system.

Another reason for the appearance of cysts is cell death programmed by the body (apoptosis).

Most often, the occurrence of an ovarian cyst (right or left) is associated with menstruation, and therefore is observed in women of reproductive age. But despite this, it is possible for neoplasms to appear during menopause.

Therefore, several reasons for the appearance of neoplasms in a woman’s body should be highlighted:

  1. Stress. It can not only destroy a woman’s nervous system, but also provoke the occurrence of complex gynecological diseases.
  2. Menstrual irregularities. Irregular periods can cause the development of the disease and indicate problems with the reproductive system.
  3. Hormonal imbalances. Any disturbances in the production of sex hormones cause an immediate response from the body. The appearance of neoplasms is evidence of this.
  4. The neoplasm is in the relapse stage.
  5. The use of estrogen antagonist drugs to treat breast cancer or other reproductive diseases in women.
  6. Inability to get pregnant for a long period.
  7. Smoking and excessive use of toxic substances.
  8. Obesity of any stage.
  9. Inflammatory diseases.

Obesity and overeating provoke the development of cysts

Causes of left and right ovarian cysts

In addition to the known causes of ovarian cysts, their localization in the area of ​​the left or right ovary depends on certain conditions.

A cyst of the left ovary in women of reproductive age and during menopause can be caused by inflammation of the intestine completely or its individual segments; the cause of the inflammation may be unclear. Colitis can provoke a neoplasm on the left ovary, due to its close location to the pelvic organs, they have a histological influence on each other. The spread of pathology is possible in both directions, so this factor should be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of the left or right ovary.

If we study in more detail the mechanisms of the occurrence of neoplasms of the right ovary, they can arise as a result of surgical intervention. Appendectomy is one of the main contributing factors in the formation of a right ovarian cyst.

Colitis can cause ovarian cysts

Symptoms and signs of neoplasms

The reasons for the appearance of ovarian tumors can be different; in most cases, if tumors appear, they are asymptomatic. But if these bubbles cause discomfort to a woman, then the symptoms may be as follows:

  • Acute pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can be either acute or very severe, disrupting the normal course of a woman’s life.
  • Strong heaviness and squeezing sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • Irregular periods.
  • During bowel movements, a woman may feel severe pain.
  • Pain in the vagina during sexual intercourse and spotting between periods.

There are symptoms that indicate you should see a doctor immediately:

  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation and uterine bleeding.
  • Fatigue and dizziness. General weakness.
  • High body temperature.

It should be remembered that if a woman exhibits any symptoms of the presence of tumors in the body, she should immediately consult a doctor. After all, any neoplasm, the symptoms of which you try to relieve locally, can lead to serious consequences. In this case, turning to professionals may be the only right way out.

High fever and loss of energy may be caused by a cyst


Treatment of the tumor is performed in several ways, the most effective of which is laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy in combination with drug treatment can completely relieve the symptoms of the disease and help the woman feel good again.

Drug treatment involves the use of drugs aimed at restoring hormonal levels, which will allow follicular neoplasms to resolve naturally in several cycles.

Laparoscopy is used both in case of emergency and planned intervention. If a sac of fluid ruptures, the use of laparoscopy can help prevent the development of peritonitis and further complications.

Surgical treatment is required if the neoplasms are multiple in nature and threaten the woman’s ability to become pregnant.

If you have symptoms of an ovarian cyst, you should immediately contact a specialist. The doctor, having examined you initially, will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment. Sometimes, the use of medication is sufficient. If surgical treatment is required, the patient may be prescribed preoperative hormonal medications.

Without the help of qualified specialists, the treatment that you prescribe for yourself will only bring you harm. Remember this and do not delay your visit to the doctor.

A cyst is considered a benign tumor in the form of a sac that contains fluid. The size of this formation can vary from several mm to 15 cm. It can also have different localization, both inside and outside the organ. The tumor affects the ovary, kidneys, liver, urethra, pancreas, thyroid and mammary glands, and can be detected on the tailbone and some other organs.

A woman most often has no signs of a cyst. This pathology manifests itself clinically only with a significant increase in the cyst and compression of nearby organs.

A cystic formation can be diagnosed in a woman of any age. Often it disappears spontaneously and then appears again. You can read about why cysts form in.

In women, cysts come in several varieties. The reasons for the occurrence of one or another cystic formation are different. There are several general factors that contribute to their occurrence.

Among the reasons for the formation of cysts are:

  • Disturbed menstrual cycle. A woman may complain of a prolonged absence of menstruation or, conversely, of a longer duration. Any irregularities in menstruation are caused by hormonal imbalance, which can lead to the formation of a cystic cavity.
  • Changed hormonal levels. This can provoke the appearance of a cyst and also negatively affect the process of its treatment.
  • Surgical interventions. Any surgical procedure can provoke the formation of cysts in the future. Women who have undergone a caesarean section, abortion or any other surgical intervention are at risk.
  • Frequent stress. In people whose lives are full of experiences, metabolic processes are often disrupted, and pathology of the endocrine glands also occurs. These changes can provoke the formation of cystic neoplasms.
  • Long-term use of hormones. These medications must be taken under the strict supervision of a physician. The drug should also be replaced in a timely manner, which will prevent the development of adverse effects in the future.
  • Infectious processes in the body. Absolutely any infection can provoke the formation of a cyst, so you should promptly treat all emerging diseases. Cysts in the ovary also form with frequent changes of sexual partners.

To make a correct diagnosis and subsequent effective treatment, you need to understand in detail the type of tumor, as well as the features of its treatment.

There are many types of cystic formations. Cysts are most often classified depending on the cause of their appearance and the nature of their contents.

There are cysts:

  1. . This cyst can be luteal (the functioning of the corpus luteum is disrupted) and follicular (the cause of which is an unruptured graafian vesicle). In menopausal women, this pathology cannot be diagnosed.
  2. Endometriotic in nature. This cyst appears as a result of excessive proliferation of endometrioid cells. The size of the formation can be huge, reaching 20 cm. Women complain of constant pain and disrupted menstrual cycle. Often it ruptures, which forces the woman to urgently go to the hospital.
  3. . Usually this is a congenital formation containing bones, hair, and cartilage. Its formation occurs in embryogenesis. Characteristically, there are no obvious symptoms. This type of cyst requires prompt removal.
  4. Formation. This formation is also called a serous cyst; it is multi-chambered and highly prone to spontaneous rupture.

Serous cysts

This group of cysts is characterized by formation inside the ovary (papillary tumor) or directly on the fallopian tube (paraturbar tumor).

Paraturbar tumors are diagnosed quite often. Their size is usually no more than 2 cm, they are filled with serous fluid and may contain several chambers. A distinctive feature of these cystic formations is their inability to transform into an oncological process.

Papillary cysts are located near the uterus. They are single-chamber, filled with transparent contents. During the growth process, they can cause discomfort in a woman. These formations will be deleted without fail.

Fibrous tumors

Another type of cyst is fibrous. It is represented by dense connective tissue and is much more difficult to treat than other cystic formations. In case of hormonal imbalances, there is a high probability of rapid tumor growth. This type of cyst includes dermoid, cystic adenoma, as well as pseudomucinous cyst, which can transform into a cancerous tumor.

Often fibrous tumors are diagnosed on the chest. In the first stages, the tumor does not manifest itself in any way, but subsequently the woman may complain of discomfort in the mammary gland. The pain is characterized by a cyclical nature, in which it intensifies before and after menstruation.

Among the reasons for the formation of fibrous growths is an increase in the mammary gland duct as a result of secretion accumulated in it, followed by the formation of a capsule. The size of the cyst ranges from a few mm to 5 cm.

Atypical formations

This formation is similar to a fibrous cyst. Its difference is the proliferation of cells inside the atypical formation.

The development of an inflammatory process in the cyst cavity is possible. As a result, the woman’s temperature rises, breast tenderness occurs, and regional lymph nodes become enlarged.

Cyst symptoms in a woman

The symptoms of cystic formations of various types have a certain similarity. All of them do not manifest themselves in any way at the initial stages, and only after a significant increase in their size do certain symptoms appear, which include:

  • Lack of pregnancy for a long time;
  • Disturbed menstrual cycle. This is explained by the intensive production of hormones by cysts;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • A large cystic formation can be palpated through the anterior abdominal wall;
  • Complaints of lower back pain radiating to the leg;
  • Disturbed urination process, characterized by pain and frequent urge. Often such manifestations are caused by the presence of a paraurethral cyst.

Depending on the location of the cyst, the formation can be palpated if it is actively growing.

Dangers and Consequences

If the pathology is not treated in a timely manner, the following dangerous consequences may occur:

  • Torsion of the cyst stalk. At the same time, the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, which requires immediate hospitalization.
  • Apoplexy cyst. More often, this condition accompanies tumors of the corpus luteum and is characterized by the formation of hemorrhage. This situation also requires emergency assistance.
  • Adhesive process. In addition to severe pain in the lower abdomen, infertility is diagnosed. Such complications occur more often with endometrioid cysts.
  • Malignancy of the process. The provoking factors in this case are hormonal disorders, improper treatment, and poor environmental conditions.
  • Development of infertility. This terrible complication can be diagnosed even after removal of the cystic formation.

The question often arises whether tumor formation is dangerous during pregnancy. The cyst must be identified and removed during pregnancy planning. If the diagnosis is made while the baby is expecting, the doctor gives his recommendations on treatment or removal of the tumor in each specific case. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can provoke a sharp growth of the cyst and a high probability of its rupture.

Regular visits to the doctor will help avoid complications.

Treatment of cysts in women

Therapeutic tactics when a cystic formation is detected is determined by the location, size, and nature of the cyst.

You should definitely contact a qualified specialist to select the optimal treatment method, since in each situation the treatment is individual.

If the size of the cyst does not exceed 5 cm, they try to treat it with medication. In this case, you should be regularly monitored by a specialist and undergo the necessary examinations to monitor the therapy process. In addition to the main treatment, physiotherapy is usually prescribed. The most commonly used are balneotherapy, electrophoresis and some other methods.

If conservative methods are ineffective, laparoscopic removal of the cyst is performed. This method allows the patient to recover in a short time after surgery. Often there is a need to remove part of the organ along with the tumor.

If you contact a medical facility in a timely manner and follow all medical recommendations, treatment of the cyst will be successful and result in a complete recovery.

Irregular painful periods, pain in the lower abdomen - These are all the first symptoms of an ovarian cyst. However, very often this disease is asymptomatic.

Ovarian cyst It is a small hollow formation filled with liquid inside. As a rule, cysts develop from a follicle maturing in the ovary. It is worth noting that most cysts are not dangerous to a woman’s health and often go away on their own without any treatment; such cysts are called functional or temporary.

Such cysts usually appear as a result of ovulation disorders. In this case, the follicle continues to grow, and fluid begins to accumulate in the corpus luteum. Functional cysts go away on their own and do not require treatment. However, complications cannot be ruled out, such as cyst rupture, torsion, and, as a consequence, internal bleeding.

More serious pathologies requiring treatment are abnormal cysts. The main reason for the appearance of these cysts is a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. Abnormal cysts are those that do not go away within 3 months. Treatment of such cysts can be either medicinal or surgical.

What is an ovarian cyst?

Ovarian cyst- this is a benign formation of the ovary, which refers to a tumor-like process and occurs as a result of the accumulation of secretions in the ovarian tissue.

It is a cavity filled with liquid. The wall of an ovarian cyst is formed by a thin layer of cells that produce this fluid. If the cyst does not put pressure on other organs, then it is not touched and treated with medication, but if there is a danger of the cyst affecting neighboring organs, then a puncture is performed or surgical removal is prescribed.

An ovarian cyst can be small or can reach enormous sizes, growing in diameter up to 10-12 cm.

Types of ovarian cysts:

Dermoind cyst inside it often contains various appendages: hair, cartilage, fat cells, tissues of bones and teeth, etc., enclosed in a mucus-like mass and covered with a dense thick-walled capsule. In diameter dermoid cyst can reach 15 cm.

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst

The first symptoms indicating the presence of a cyst in the ovary are a dull pain in the lower abdomen, as well as pressure from the inside, a feeling of fullness. Irregular, painful periods that occur later than usual are the most common symptoms of ovarian cyst. An increase in size or bloating in the abdomen may also indicate the presence of a cyst in the ovaries.

The following clinical manifestations of ovarian cysts are also possible:

  • intense, sudden pain in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse or as a result of physical exertion
  • frequent urination
  • in some cases - weight gain
  • nausea, vomiting
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39C
  • anterior abdominal wall tension
  • rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)

As statistics show, ovarian cysts are diagnosed in 30% of women with a regular and 50% with an irregular menstrual cycle. Typically, the incidence of ovarian cysts after menopause decreases to 6%.

However, an ovarian cyst can develop asymptomatically. Therefore, it is impossible to identify it on your own, so most often, cysts are discovered accidentally during ultrasound diagnostics. In this regard, it is extremely important to regularly visit a gynecologist and do an ultrasound of the pelvis.


To diagnose and detect ovarian cysts, the RAMI clinic uses the following methods:

  • Gynecological examination, during which the gynecologist determines pain in the lower abdomen or diagnoses enlarged appendages.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics is the most informative method for identifying ovarian cysts, especially when a transvaginal sensor is used in the study.
  • Puncture of the posterior vaginal fornix. A puncture can determine the presence of blood or fluid in the abdominal cavity. Most often, this method is used for complicated cysts.
  • Laparoscopy of ovarian cyst The operation is performed under general anesthesia without incisions. It is prescribed for suspected cyst rupture or cyst pedicle torsion. This method allows the doctor not only to diagnose, but also, if necessary, to immediately perform surgical treatment.
  • Computed tomography can also help distinguish a cyst from other ovarian neoplasms.
  • General blood and urine analysis prescribed to detect blood loss and inflammation.
  • Determination of tumor markers-antigens (antigen-125).
  • Pregnancy test carried out to exclude ectopic pregnancy

Treatment of a cyst depends on the complexity of the disease and its form and can be conservative (medicinal) or surgical.

Conservative treatment of cysts

For the treatment of uncomplicated cysts, monophasic and 2-phase oral contraceptives are most often used. In addition, the patient with an ovarian cyst is prescribed vitamins A, E, B1, B6, K and ascorbic acid. For increased body weight, diet therapy, physical therapy and balneotherapy are recommended. If conservative (drug) treatment of an ovarian cyst is ineffective, then surgical intervention is necessary.

Surgical treatment of ovarian cysts

indicated for dermoid, endometrioid, mucinous ovarian cysts. Such operations are performed either conventionally with a full incision or endoscopically (laparoscopy).

If you have a cyst on the ovary or you find signs of its occurrence, then do not delay contacting our clinic. The most experienced gynecologists at the RAMI clinic will help you - they will conduct a complete diagnosis to make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. Don’t delay treatment for ovarian cysts; make an appointment with a gynecologist right now!

This site is dedicated to such a very common disease as a cyst. A cyst can occur on almost any organ in both humans and animals. We will consider in detail the types of cysts and features of the manifestation of the disease in various organs.

By its nature, a cyst (from the Greek “bubble”) is a benign formation, a cavity of pathological origin, located in tissues or organs. A cyst has a certain structure: a wall and contents. The size of cysts and their contents vary depending on where they are formed, how long ago they formed, and the mechanism of origin.

Types of cysts

Let's consider cysts according to the mechanism of formation:

The size of the cyst, contents and structure of the wall vary depending on the mechanism and age of formation, localization
Cystic formations are benign processes.

The causes of cysts include infections, chronic inflammation, organ injuries, disorders of the metabolism of fluids in tissues and genetic predisposition

Cyst symptoms

A cyst in the human body makes itself felt mainly when it “grows” to a certain size or in the event of complications arising from it.
Large cysts put pressure on the organ in which they are located, on the vessels, nerves and tissues.
Signs of a cyst in this case include pain, dysfunction of the organ in which the cyst is located. In this case, pain and signs of dysfunction of the organ affected by the cyst may be felt.

If a cyst is formed in a vital organ, then it begins to manifest itself even if it is small in size (several millimeters).
Complications of the cyst include: torsion of the leg, rupture and suppuration. Such processes appear accompanied by sharp pain in the area of ​​the cyst (for example, with an ovarian cyst). When the cyst suppurates, the body temperature rises and throbbing pain occurs in the organ. If the cyst is located on the surface of the skin, this area turns red and a local increase in temperature occurs.

Diagnosis of a cyst

Depending on the location of the cyst, it can be detected independently. For example, cysts of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are usually visible to the naked eye. Mammary gland (breast) cysts can be felt by palpation.
Cysts on internal organs are much more difficult to detect because they may not cause any symptoms.

Cysts often remain hidden and are first discovered through studies related to other diseases (X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging).
The most common way to diagnose a cyst is ultrasound. Ultrasound is the study of organs and tissues using ultrasound “waves”. During ultrasound diagnostics, the sensor records all changes in tissues, translating them into a graphic image. The ultrasound method is simple and accessible and has no contraindications.

To diagnose a cyst, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used. Analysis of tomograms with high accuracy shows the connection of neoplasms in the tissues of an organ with certain organs and structures, and also allows one to distinguish the contents of the cyst by density.
Endoscopic methods in the diagnosis of cysts are considered as a way to obtain pathological material for morphological studies.

A biopsy is an invasive, informative study of a cyst in which pieces of tissue for examination are obtained using special methods. Cytological examination of a tissue sample obtained by this method provides morphological diagnosis of formations and cysts. Puncture confirms the diagnosis of cysts immediately

Cyst treatment

Depending on the location and size of the cyst, there are different treatment methods. Large cysts with severe symptoms are removed surgically. There is also a puncture method, in which a puncture is made in the cyst and the fluid inside is removed.

Some types of cysts can resolve without medical intervention. But for this it is necessary to accurately diagnose the nature of the cyst.
It is very important to see a doctor for examination and further diagnosis as soon as you know or suspect that you have a cyst. It is also recommended to conduct preventive medical examinations to identify “asymptomatic” cystic formations.

Update: December 2018

An ovarian cyst is a benign neoplasm, which is a tumor on a stalk, with liquid content inside and prone to growth with the accumulation of secretions. There are several types of them, and often there are no symptoms of such a disease.

But with prolonged development and increase in size, signs of a tumor can manifest as menstrual irregularities, problems with urination, and pain in the lower abdomen. In the absence of adequate treatment for an ovarian cyst, the disease can be complicated by its rupture, torsion of the pedicle, which is dangerous by the development of peritonitis and acute abdomen. In this article we will dwell in detail on the description of the types of ovarian cysts, symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Types of ovarian cysts

The term cyst refers to a number of different neoplasms, which differ not only in location - kidney, thyroid and pancreas cysts, etc., but also in the reasons for their appearance and structure.

Ovarian cysts can appear both in girls during puberty, and in women of childbearing age, and in women during menopause (see). 30% of women with this diagnosis have a normal menstrual cycle, and 50% have various cycle disorders; during menopause, 6% of women have them. What types of cysts are there?

  • Corpus luteum cyst
  • Follicular cyst
  • Endometrioid cysts
  • Paraovarian - supraovarian epididymis
  • Mucinous

What are the symptoms of an ovarian cyst?

In most women, their detection occurs by chance, after a routine examination or diagnosis for other diseases or complaints. This is explained by the fact that with ovarian cysts in women, in most cases they do not feel symptoms at all. Only in cases of their large size, long-term existence of the neoplasm, with polycystic ovary syndrome, the following symptoms may occur:

If the cyst is small, the woman does not experience any pain, but as the tumor grows, dull pain in the lower abdomen may appear, which intensifies during sexual intercourse (see), during physical activity. In this case, the pain is most often localized on one side, where the tumor is located. It may not even be pain, but a feeling of heaviness and compression in the pelvis. If a complication occurs, such as torsion or rupture of a cyst, then the pain becomes very intense, radiates to the rectum, body temperature rises, vomiting, nausea appear, the symptoms of ovarian cyst rupture resemble “acute abdomen” syndrome. Dermoid tumors are characterized by torsion, luteal tumors are characterized by rupture, and when a follicular cyst ruptures, there may be short-term pain that is not dangerous to health.

  • , frequent urination, symptoms of compression of blood vessels and organs

Frequent urination, and pain may be caused by the pressure of the cyst on the bladder. Also, a growing ovarian cyst can put pressure on the lower intestines, this is manifested by constipation (see all), a false urge to defecate. When venous vascular bundles are compressed, varicose veins of the lower extremities may develop (see).

Hormonally active neoplasms are manifested by amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), heavy menstruation, as well as cycle disorders - delays, rare menstruation, irregular menstruation.

  • Growth of facial hair, deepening of voice

Hirsutism - when male-type hair appears on the body and face, a rough voice, enlargement of the clitoris, this occurs due to the increased production of male sex hormones, that is, hyperandrogenization of the body.

  • Asymmetry and enlargement of the abdomen with large cysts

Such a phenomenon as an increase in abdominal circumference, as well as asymmetry, occurs either due to ascites, when fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, or from the large size of the cyst.

Symptoms of torsion and rupture of a cyst

WITH Excessive physical activity (turning, bending, sudden movements, jumping, etc.), lifting heavy objects and overly active sexual intercourse can provoke cyst rupture or torsion of the cyst leg. When torsion or rupture of an ovarian cyst occurs, the symptoms so clearly indicate a serious complication that the woman in any case should call an ambulance.

Ovarian rupture

  • the rupture is characterized primarily by signs of intra-abdominal bleeding (provided that a sufficiently large vessel in the cyst is damaged when it ruptures)
  • severe pain in the abdomen, radiating to the leg, to the rectum, while the pain is greater on the side in which the cyst was, if in the right ovary, then on the right side and the pain radiates to the right leg.
  • if a cyst on the ovary bursts, the symptoms are also manifested by a decrease in blood pressure, as bleeding occurs in the abdominal cavity, signs of general intoxication occur, dizziness, cold sweat, stool retention, acute vascular insufficiency, that is, fainting
  • symptoms of peritoneal irritation, which indicates acute abdomen syndrome

Ovarian torsion

If torsion occurs, the clinic depends on the degree of torsion (90, 180 or 360 degrees). The more the leg is twisted, the more intense the pain. The patient takes a forced position (on her side, with her legs bent towards her stomach). In this case, intoxication syndrome develops quickly. The temperature rises, dyspeptic disorders appear (nausea, vomiting), and in the absence of treatment, peritonitis develops (signs of peritoneal irritation also appear). A gradual increase in symptoms is characteristic of incomplete torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst (90 degrees).

When a cyst is twisted, the symptoms are usually also obvious; when the cyst turns around itself, the pedicle on which the tumor is located twists, this leads to disruption of blood flow, leading to nausea, abdominal pain, and the pain is localized more in the direction of the damaged tumor. Moreover, such symptoms of cyst torsion may increase gradually and the woman may not understand the cause of the malaise. Therefore, it is very important, when a neoplasm is detected and even minor discomfort occurs, to consult a doctor in a timely manner and be regularly examined until the cyst resolves or there is an indication for its removal.

Why do ovarian cysts occur?

Since the exact reasons for the growth of tumors in women are not known, many experts find only general patterns that combine several factors that occur with ovarian cysts in women. And often there are several such reasons at the same time, both hormonal and inflammatory:

  • Frequent surgical interventions - mini-abortions (35% of cases of cyst growth after an abortion, since both the inflammatory process and hormonal imbalance occur)
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs - STIs, adnexitis (salpingoophoritis, see), endometriosis, etc.
  • Hormonal imbalance, early menstruation (before 11 years), lack of ovulation and impaired follicle maturation
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, most often with decreased function of the thyroid gland, as well as other endocrine disorders.
  • Obesity and diabetes mellitus lead to disruption of hormone production.
  • Often, a previously cured cyst leads to relapses, so even after removal or resorption, you should regularly visit a gynecologist, follow all recommendations and carry out supportive treatment.

Also, each type is characterized by a certain common cause:

  • Follicular and corpus luteum cysts - occur against the background of hormonal imbalance
  • Dermoid is a congenital type of cyst that exists in girls from birth.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, endometrioid cysts - occur against the background of other diseases of the woman
  • Cystadenoma is a benign tumor that reaches large sizes.
  • Ovarian carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm, like other cancers, there are many causes and theories of cancer formation

Risk factors for cyst development

  • age up to 50 years
  • smoking
  • history of abortion (in 45% of cases in nulliparous women under 35 years of age), cesarean section, cholecystectomy, appendectomy
  • in 10% of cases, the main risk factor is hyperpolymenorrhea - menstrual irregularities with prolonged uterine bleeding, painful periods - dysmenorrhea

Some sources indicate the following risk factors:

  • use of intrauterine contraception - 8% of cases
  • — 16%
  • somatic diseases - 16%
  • obesity - 15%
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland 12%
  • urinary system 21%
  • digestive organs 21%
  • benign diseases of the cervix - in 50.9% of cases
  • chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages, the uterus itself - 49.1%

Among them:

  • uterine fibroids in 30% of cases
  • dyshormonal changes in the mammary glands in 18% of cases
  • endometrial hyperplasia 6%
  • endometriosis of the uterus 39%,

Corpus luteum cyst - what is it?

After ovulation has occurred, the release of the egg and the rupture of the follicle, the corpus luteum is formed in the ovary, in which production for pregnancy occurs. But in the case when pregnancy does not occur, with the genital organs in normal condition, the corpus luteum resolves. In case of any violations, the corpus luteum does not disappear, but is filled with blood and fluid, thus forming a neoplasm. How to treat a corpus luteum cyst? It does not require any treatment and should resolve within 2 months; in some cases, the gynecologist may prescribe contraceptive medications that help it resolve more quickly.

However, very rarely, there are cases when a corpus luteum cyst grows to a diameter of 7 cm, and also ruptures or twists, this can happen after sexual intercourse or after strong physical activity. Then the woman needs urgent surgical intervention, since such a situation can be life-threatening - the body temperature rises, abdominal pain appears, and acute abdomen syndrome occurs. Read more about it in our article.

Follicular ovarian cyst

Follicular, as well as corpus luteum cysts, are neoplasms of a functional nature, only the follicular one is formed in place of an unruptured follicle. The basis of such disorders is hormonal imbalance. They are not large in size and disappear on their own after the secretion is reabsorbed and the cystic cavity subsides.

How to treat follicular ovarian cyst? If such a cyst persists for more than 2 months, and it is 5-7 cm in size, therapy consists of taking oral contraceptives, birth control pills. In the case when the use of such treatment does not bring effect and the cyst increases or does not resolve, reaches more than 10 cm, is accompanied by pain, in order to avoid complications such as rupture or torsion, the issue of its surgical removal is considered.

Other dangerous types of ovarian cysts in women

All types of cysts listed below require only surgical treatment.

  • Paraovarian

These cysts can be gigantic in size; they originate from the supraovarian appendages, so the ovaries themselves do not participate in the process of growth of the formation.

  • Endometrioid ovarian and mucinous cysts

These are the most dangerous types of ovarian cysts, which require immediate surgical intervention, since these neoplasms have a high tendency to become malignant. Endometrioid cysts consist of endometrial particles containing old blood. Mucinous ones are usually multi-chambered, inside of which there is thick mucus.

  • Ovarian dermoid cyst

This is a congenital pathology in the ovary. From the remaining stem cells, due to a violation of ontogenesis, a dermoid cyst may develop (but not necessarily develop), which contains hair, cartilage, bones, teeth, fat. That is, the secretion of the cyst is fat, which contains skin derivatives. It is laid in the prenatal period of development, at a time when it contained stem cells that give rise to the formation of any tissue. The growth of such a benign formation is observed during the girl’s puberty, therefore, with a dermoid ovarian cyst, treatment can only be surgical; no folk remedies or medications will help it self-destruct.


When choosing treatment for an ovarian cyst, doctors are guided by the diagnosed nature of the formation, the intensity of the clinical symptoms, the risk of malignancy of the tumor, the age of the patient, as well as the fact how important it is for the woman to preserve reproductive function in a particular case.

For follicular and corpus luteum cysts, a wait-and-see approach is indicated, as well as for uncomplicated functional cysts - drug therapy, which consists of homeopathic treatment, vitamin therapy (B6, B1, K, A, C), taking 2-3 menstrual cycles of biphasic or monophasic oral contraceptives. To speed up the resorption of tumors, you can use. Also, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, diet, and treatment with mineral waters have a positive effect. If no positive dynamics are observed after treatment, then removal of the tumor with histological examination is indicated.

Methods of treatment and removal:

  • Nowadays, such a method of surgical intervention as laparoscopy of ovarian cysts is used very widely. Only in cases where it is reliably known that a malignant process is occurring in the ovaries, such an operation is excluded. In this case, only strip surgery is indicated - extended laparotomy with urgent histological examination.
  • An oophorectomy is the complete removal of the entire ovary. which is often combined with tubectomy, and together it is called adnexectomy. Adnexectomy is the removal of the appendages, that is, the tube and ovary.
  • A cystectomy is the removal of a cyst while preserving as much healthy ovarian tissue as possible. The operation consists of removing the cyst capsule from its bed, after which the ovarian tissue is preserved and it then continues to function normally.
  • Wedge resection of the ovary - removal of the cyst along with nearby tissues.
  • A biopsy of ovarian tissue is carried out if oncology is suspected; the material is taken for histological examination.

Not only dangerous cysts, such as endometrioid, dermoid and mucinous, are subject to mandatory removal, but also those that form in a young woman who wants to become pregnant, since during pregnancy the risk of torsion or tumor growth increases. With timely treatment and detection of an ovarian cyst, a planned operation to remove the formation helps in most cases to avoid complications. So, for example, in young women, operations preserve reproductive function, and in women during premenopause (see) and in the menopausal period, removal of appendages is a prevention of oncology. After surgery, the attending physician prescribes a restorative course of therapy, possibly postoperative.