Beauty contest for men. Male beauty pageant in Niger photo

IN modern world Beauty contests among women are a common occurrence. In almost all countries of the world, the most charming beauties compete at local or international competitions for the right to become the best among the best. But the beauty contest among men is quite rare occurrence. Male beauty contests are practically unknown and have no popularity, therefore such a competition, which takes place in Africa, is very curious because of its originality.

Tribal representatives Wodaabe, who live in one part of Niger, constantly organize a competition for the most handsome man of their tribe. The competition, held every September (end of the monsoon season), is judged by the women of the tribe. If they wish, they can not only announce winners and losers, but also take those they like as husbands.

The competition in an African tribe looks very unusual. Men wear traditional clothes and jewelry, and also apply makeup. The first thing that catches your eye is the thick yellow makeup, which is created using ocher. The competition opens with a fun parade. Participants dance and sing, and also demonstrate their advantages - facial beauty, height, grace, whiteness of teeth, and so on. The name of the male beauty contest is Gerewol. In addition to beauty and dancing competitions, camel racing is also held here. According to the rules of this holiday, female judges can choose their husband from among the contestants, so the competition is more like a grooms fair.

Competition among the most handsome men The tribe passes for several days. Keeping fit under the scorching desert sun is quite difficult. To cope with the heat and look irresistible throughout the event, participants, and ordinary spectators, drink a special infusion of tree bark, which not only helps not to suffer from the scorching rays of the sun, but also causes a hallucinogenic effect.

Male beauty pageant in Niger

Scenario of the holiday for adults “Beauty contest among men”

    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Today is a special day, and here's why: - I intend to hold a beauty contest among men right here and right now among those present. Are there any men in the audience? Wonderful. If you ask me what kind of competition this is, then I will answer you: unlike trivial beauty contests among representatives of the fair half of humanity, in our case men will not have to try on swimsuits, shining on stage with their biceps, triceps and other parts of the body - no! Men are most often loved and appreciated not only for the charms of their appearance, but just the opposite! It doesn't matter if a man has a hairstyle or, say, a belly. A real man should be elegantly dressed, should be able to count and earn money, value time, and just be damn sexy (although hardly anyone knows exactly what that is).

    But, be that as it may, they still greet you based on your clothes. Remember how the great Pushkin described the handsome Onegin: “He’s dressed like a London dandy, his hair is cut in the latest fashion...” and so on. Please tell me, does anyone know what exactly a real dandy, a real socialite should wear? (The audience names items of clothing, someone always says: “Tie”) That’s right! Of course, a tie! Enough, I ask you to come out here to the playground! (If the lady says the treasured word: she is given the right to choose the first participant). Please introduce yourself! Wait here, I'll bring the others to you now!

    As I already mentioned, a real man must be able to count money. Attention, men, which of you now, without reaching into your pocket, can say exactly how much money he has in his pocket? (Someone says: “Zero!”). Here he is - the most thrifty man, all the money in the bank, zero in his pocket. I ask you to come to the court and - applause for the second player! What's your name? Thank you.

    Now remember the proverbs and tell me what is valued in our time more expensive than money? (Someone certainly says: “Time!”). Exactly! Of course it's time! And the clock has always been considered a time counter! On mine - ... who has the same result? Whose clock is fast? At yours? So you're just in a hurry to become the third contestant! And he’s in a hurry to live, and he’s in a hurry to feel! Applause to the third participant in the program!

    Meet the rivals! Three heroes, three handsome men to choose from. Tell me, dear viewers, who else in history were there three? (There is an auction, on the count of “three” someone wins). Here he is - the fourth handsome man! Applause! Introduce yourself. According to the terms of the game, you are given the right to choose a fifth player! Choose from the audience! Eat! And the name of the fifth contestant is…. Great! Applause to the beauty contest participants!

    1 competition
    So, we are starting a competition! It is known that a real man should be elegantly dressed. Nothing, perhaps, adorns a man more than a fashionable, correctly tied collar... uh, excuse me, a tie! Here are five self-knitting ties, one for each. Attention, players! The game system is as follows: after each stage, one of you will leave the site with a consolation prize, the rest will continue the battle until victory, but for now - ties at arm's length! Task: tie a tie with any of the twelve knots available to humanity, and as soon as it is tied on your neck, raise your hand up as a sign of readiness! Clear? But the team “started!” knit a tie around your neck, and - hand up! The one who raises last loses. Get ready! Let's start! (Players knit ties with ANY knot, some - the last one). There is a loser! Oh, what a pity, some seconds weren’t enough for you, but alas, that’s how it is. Here is your consolation prize, you can return to the hall, and the rest will now continue the fight.

    2 competition
    Well, you've mastered the ties, let's move on. Please stand on the same line. I have already said that a real man must be able to earn money. But a real man should also be able to squander money beautifully! Here's the money for you - a thousand rubles each, fold it into a “house”, and the wind is under your nose. At the command “start!” you need to blow on the bill, letting it go into the wind. The one whose will be closer loses. Clear? Let's get ready. Let's start! (The players blow on the bills, someone’s is closer). Oh, how unlucky you are! Well, it doesn’t matter, you’re just a little more economical than the rest, here’s a consolation prize for you, thanks and applause from the public! Meanwhile, there were three fighters left.

    3 competition
    And we continue! (Assistants bring out three chairs and place them behind the players). It has already been said that the time counter is a clock. “Seven do not wait for one” is also about time. In the next competition the task is simple: on the command “start!” you will rush into the hall and gather from the spectators - and they, I am sure, will help you - seven wristwatch every! Ours are considered. The one who comes to his chair last is the loser! So, fans, help! Let's start! (Players run into the hall, collect watches, someone is the last one). Stop the game! Yes, yes, it’s a pity, you didn’t have enough time either!... But this is not grief - happy people simply don’t watch the clock! Your prize, and - applause from the public!

    4 competition
    Dear time counter owners! In a few minutes your watch will return to you, because the last stage of the game is ahead! Attention, competitors! Are you real men? Are you ready to win? You won't give up the last round and run away from the battlefield? Great! The last stage is a competition for the most sexy man! Calm down, I'll explain everything now! To inspire a loved one to reciprocate, any bird or animal, including humans, performs a kind of erotic dance in front of her! This is exactly what you have to do, and these simple props will help you! (Two ropes are carried out one meter each, at the ends - a potato and a clothespin). The task is simple - having attached a potato on a string to a belt buckle, you, performing erotic movements with your body back and forth, with the help of a potato, must push this box of matches (a box of matches is placed at each person’s feet) to this line (at a distance of three or four meters) . You cannot help yourself with your legs, arms and other organs! So, bring the instrument to a calm position! No, I assure you, nothing depends on the length! We don’t help with our hands and feet - it’s unhygienic! On command you will begin to act. The one whose box crosses the finish line first will receive the main prize. Attention, let's start! (Game, someone turned out to be faster). There is victory! Here he is - the superhero of the evening, a local sex symbol and just a handsome man! And you - yes, it’s a pity, it’s a pity - you almost didn’t have time. Well, never mind, haste does not make a man look good. Here's a consolation prize for you. And for you, dear winner, this is champagne! I am sure that the first toast you raise will be to those in whose name men earn money, write songs and poems, do the most extravagant and wonderful things - for you, dear ladies! Thanks for playing!

    Props: 5 self-knitting ties, 4 1000 rubles bills, 3 chairs, 2 boxes of matches, 2 potatoes, 2 ropes, 2 clothespins. Prizes: 4 chocolates, a bottle of champagne.

"Beauty contest among men"

- Holiday scenarios for adults

Scenario of the “Beauty Contest among Men”


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Today is a significant day, do you know why? – I’m going to hold a beauty contest among the men present right here and now. Are there any men? Great. What kind of competition is this, you ask me, and I will answer you that, unlike traditional beauty contests among the fairer sex, you will not have to walk around in swimsuits, showing off your biceps and torsos - not at all!

A real man is valued first of all for his ability to look elegant, his ability to earn and count money, to value time, and, ultimately, to be simply sexy (although can someone explain what this is).

But, as the famous proverb says, you meet someone by their clothes. Remember Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin”: “He’s dressed like a London dandy, his hair is cut in the latest fashion...” and so on. Tell me, please, does anyone know what exactly a real dandy should wear? (The audience names items of clothing, someone always says: “Tie”) That’s right!

Of course, a tie!

Enough, I ask you to come out here on stage! (If the lady says the treasured word: she is given the right to choose the first participant). Please introduce yourself! Wait here, the others will join you now!

As we found out at the beginning, a real man must be able to count money. Dear men, how many of you now, without looking in your pocket, can say exactly how much money he has? (Someone says: “Zero!”). Here he is

The most frugal man, all the money in the bank, zero in his pocket. I ask you to go on stage and

Give a round of applause to the second player! What's your name? Thank you.

Now let’s remember another proverb, answer, what is valued more than money in our time? (Someone certainly says: “Time!”). Certainly! Of course it's time! What counts as a time counter? Absolutely right!

Watch! On mine

- ...who has the same result? Is anyone in a hurry? At yours? So you're just in a hurry to become the third contestant! Applause to the third participant in the program!

Let me introduce you - rivals! Three attractive men. Tell me, dear viewers, who else in history were there three? (There is an auction, on the count of “three” someone wins). Here he is

The fourth handsome man! Applause! Introduce yourself.

According to the terms of the game, you are entrusted with the mission of choosing the fifth player! Choose from the audience! Eat! And the name of the fifth contestant... Great!

Applause to the participants of our competition!

holiday scenarios for adults- 1 competition

So, let's start the competition! It is common knowledge that best decoration men, fashionable, properly tied collars... uh, excuse me, a tie! In front of you are five self-tying ties, one for each.

Attention! The game system is as follows: after each round, the loser will leave the stage with a consolation prize, the rest will continue the competition, but for now

Ties for outstretched arms!

Task: tie a tie with any of the known knots, and as soon as it is tied on your neck, raise your hand up as a sign of readiness! At the command “start!” knit a tie around your neck, and

Hands up! The last one to raise his hand

Lost. Get ready! Let's start! (Players knit ties with ANY knot, some

Last). Here comes the first loser! It's a pity there weren't enough seconds, but you lost. Please, your consolation prize, you can return to the hall, and we will continue.

holiday scenarios for adults- 2nd competition

But I think you will agree with me that a real man should be able to squander his money beautifully! Here are banknotes with a face value of a thousand rubles, fold them in a “house”, and the wind

Under your nose.

At the command “start!” you will need to blow on the bill, letting it go into the wind. The one whose bill is closest

Lost. Clear? Let's get ready. Let's start! (The players blow on the bills, someone’s is closer). Oh, what a shame! Well, no problem

You’re just more economical than the rest, your consolation prize, thanks and applause from the public! Well, now there are only three of you.

holiday scenarios for adults- 3 competition

And we continue! (Assistants bring out three chairs and place them behind the players). It has already been said that the time counter is a clock. "Seven do not wait for one"

It's also about time. The task of the next competition: on the command “start!” you will rush into the hall and gather the audience,

I'm sure they will help you,

Seven watches each! Our own people count too.

The one who comes last to his chair is considered the loser! So, viewers, help! Let's start! (Players run into the hall, collect watches, someone is the last one). Stop! Time! Yes, yes,

It's a shame, you didn't have enough time either!... Well, it's okay, because happy people don't watch the clock! Accept the prize and

Public applause!

holiday scenarios for adults- 4 competition

Dear watch owners! In a few minutes the clock will return to you, because there is

Last stage of the competition! Please pay attention, competitors! I hope that you are real men, since you managed to reach the finals, and feel free to take part in the latest competition for the title of the sexiest man!

Don't worry, I'll explain everything now!

To achieve mutual feelings from your beloved, any living creature on earth, including a person, performing in front of her something reminiscent of an erotic dance! This is exactly what you will do now, and these fun props will help you! (Two ropes one meter long are carried out, at the ends

For potatoes and clothespins). The task is simple

Having secured the potato on a string to the belt buckle, you, performing erotic movements of the body back and forth, with the help of the potato, must move this box of matches (a box of matches is placed at each person’s feet) to this line (at a distance of three or four meters).

You can’t help yourself with your feet or hands - it’s unhygienic! So, bring the instrument to a calm position! No, length is not the main thing in this matter, I assure you! On my command you will begin to act.

The contestant whose box reaches the finish line first will be declared the winner. Attention, let's start! (Game, someone turned out to be faster). There is victory! Here he is

The winner, the sex symbol of tonight and just a handsome man! Well, you, my friend, almost didn’t have time. Don’t be upset, haste does not suit a man. Here's a consolation prize for you.

And for you, dear winner, our main prize is champagne! I am sure that the first toast you will give will be to those in whose name men compose songs, compose poems, and do the craziest and most beautiful things.

Here's to you, dear ladies! Thanks for playing!

Props: 5 self-knitting ties, 4 1000 rubles bills, 3 chairs, 2 boxes of matches, 2 potatoes, 2 ropes, 2 clothespins. Prizes: 4 chocolates, a bottle of champagne.

Games and competitions ScriptsToastsSongs Holiday scripts for adults Holiday scenarios for adults Scenario for a “Beauty Contest among Men”, scenario for a corporate event Humorous scenario corporate performance. - Humorous script for a corporate performance. New Year's scenario for a large company - Scenarios corporate holidays- Scenarios for corporate events Scenario corporate party- Scenario for a corporate party Scenario for a corporate party - Scenario for a corporate party


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Today is a special day, and here's why: - I intend to hold a beauty contest among men right here and right now among those present. Are there any men? Wonderful. If you ask me what kind of competition this is, then I will answer you: unlike trivial beauty contests among representatives of the fair half of humanity, in our case men will not have to try on swimsuits, shining on stage with their biceps, triceps and other parts of the body - no! Men are most often loved and appreciated not only for the charms of their appearance, but just the opposite! It doesn't matter if a man has a hairstyle or, say, a belly. A real man should be elegantly dressed, should be able to count and earn money, value time, and just be damn sexy (although hardly anyone knows exactly what that is).

But, be that as it may, they still greet you based on your clothes. Remember how the great Pushkin described the handsome Onegin: “He’s dressed like a London dandy, his hair is cut in the latest fashion...” and so on. Please tell me, does anyone know what exactly a real dandy, a real socialite should wear? (The audience names items of clothing, someone always says: “Tie”) That’s right! Of course, a tie! Enough, I ask you to come out here to the playground! (If the lady says the treasured word: she is given the right to choose the first participant). Please introduce yourself! Wait here, I'll bring the others to you now!

As I already mentioned, a real man should be able to count money. Attention, men, which of you now, without reaching into your pocket, can say exactly how much money he has in his pocket? (Someone says: “Zero!”). Here he is - the most thrifty man, all the money in the bank, zero in his pocket. I ask you to come to the court and - applause for the second player! What's your name? Thank you.

Now remember the proverbs and tell me what is valued more than money in our time? (Someone certainly says: “Time!”). Exactly! Of course it's time! And the clock has always been considered a time counter! On mine - ... who has the same result? Whose clock is fast? At yours? So you're just in a hurry to become the third contestant! And he’s in a hurry to live, and he’s in a hurry to feel! Applause to the third participant in the program!

Meet the rivals! Three heroes, three handsome men to choose from. Tell me, dear viewers, who else in history were there three? (There is an auction, on the count of “three” someone wins). Here he is - the fourth handsome man! Applause! Introduce yourself.

According to the terms of the game, you are given the right to choose a fifth player! Choose from the audience! Eat! And the name of the fifth contestant is…. Great! Applause to the beauty contest participants!

1 competition
So, we are starting a competition! It is known that a real man should be elegantly dressed. Nothing, perhaps, adorns a man more than a fashionable, correctly tied collar... uh, excuse me, a tie! Here are five self-knitting ties, one for each. Attention, players! The game system is as follows: after each stage, one of you will leave the site with a consolation prize, the rest will continue the battle until victory, but for now - ties at arm's length!

Task: tie a tie with any of the twelve knots available to humanity, and as soon as it is tied on your neck, raise your hand up as a sign of readiness! Clear? But the team “started!” knit a tie around your neck, and - hand up! The one who raises last loses. Get ready! Let's start! (Players knit ties with ANY knot, some - the last one). There is a loser! Oh, what a pity, some seconds weren’t enough for you, but alas, that’s how it is. Here is your consolation prize, you can return to the hall, and the rest will now continue the fight.

2 competition
Well, you've mastered the ties, let's move on. Please stand on the same line. I have already said that a real man must be able to earn money. But a real man should also be able to squander money beautifully! Here's the money for you - a thousand rubles each, fold it into a “house”, and the wind is under your nose.

At the command “start!” you need to blow on the bill, letting it go into the wind. The one whose will be closer loses. Clear? Let's get ready. Let's start! (The players blow on the bills, someone’s is closer). Oh, how unlucky you are! Well, it doesn’t matter, you’re just a little more economical than the rest, here’s a consolation prize for you, thanks and applause from the public! Meanwhile, there were three fighters left.

3 competition
And we continue! (Assistants bring out three chairs and place them behind the players). It has already been said that the time counter is a clock. “Seven do not wait for one” is also about time. In the next competition the task is simple: on the command “start!” you will rush into the hall and collect from the audience - and they, I am sure, will help you - seven wristwatches each! Ours are considered.

The one who comes to his chair last is the loser! So, fans, help! Let's start! (Players run into the hall, collect watches, someone is the last one). Stop the game! Yes, yes, it’s a pity, you didn’t have enough time either!... But this is not grief - happy people simply don’t watch the clock! Your prize, and - applause from the public!

4 competition
Dear time counter owners! In a few minutes your watch will return to you, because the last stage of the game is ahead! Attention, competitors! Are you real men? Are you ready to win? You won't give up the last round and run away from the battlefield? Great! The last stage is a competition for the sexiest man! Calm down, I'll explain everything now!

To inspire a loved one to reciprocate, any bird or animal, including humans, performs a kind of erotic dance in front of her! This is exactly what you have to do, and these simple props will help you! (Two ropes are carried out one meter each, at the ends - a potato and a clothespin). The task is simple - having attached a potato on a string to a belt buckle, you, performing erotic body movements back and forth, with the help of a potato, must push this box of matches (a box of matches is placed at each person’s feet) to this line (at a distance of three or four meters) .

You cannot help yourself with your legs, arms and other organs! So, bring the instrument to a calm position! No, I assure you, nothing depends on the length! We don’t help with our hands and feet - it’s unhygienic! On command you will begin to act. The one whose box crosses the finish line first will receive the main prize. Attention, let's start! (Game, someone turned out to be faster). There is victory! Here he is - the superhero of the evening, a local sex symbol and just a handsome man! And you - yes, it’s a pity, it’s a pity - you almost didn’t have time. Well, never mind, haste does not make a man look good. Here's a consolation prize for you. And for you, dear winner, this is champagne! I am sure that the first toast you raise will be to those in whose name men earn money, write songs and poems, do the most extravagant and wonderful things - for you, dear ladies! Thanks for playing!

Props: 5 self-knitting ties, 4 1000 rubles bills, 3 chairs, 2 boxes of matches, 2 potatoes, 2 ropes, 2 clothespins.

Prizes: 4 chocolates, a bottle of champagne.