Red dots on the skin: causes, treatment. Why does a rash on the hands in the form of small red dots appear and how to treat it? Red dots on the wrist

The human body is entirely covered with skin. The condition of the skin reflects what is happening in the internal organs and how metabolic processes occur. Pathology of any system can be reflected on the skin. If this is a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, a rash often appears on the forehead. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, cyanosis may appear - that is, blue discoloration of some areas of the skin. If the immune system malfunctions, a rash in the form of red dots may appear on the hands. It is also called urticaria. Skin problems can cause a lot of inconvenience, ranging from itching to cosmetic defects, so they need to be diagnosed and treated promptly. This is done by a dermatologist or cosmetologist with a medical education. This will depend on the nature of the lesion.

There are very severe skin lesions that can be fatal. These include Lyell's syndrome, when skin peeling occurs as a result of a toxic allergic reaction. Outwardly, it resembles severe burns. This disease can result in death. Most often, this syndrome occurs in children.

Weak immunity is one of the reasons for the appearance of a rash on the hands in the form of red dots

What is leather made of?

The human skin is represented by several layers. Firstly, it is divided into epidermis and dermis. The epidermis consists of six layers. Depending on which layers are affected, many primary elements are distinguished. They can be cavitary - these are vesicles and bullae. Or simply bubbles of large and small sizes. Or there may be no cavity - tubercles, papules. Just raised areas on the skin. There are rashes in the form of redness. They can appear as a result of vasodilation, then they disappear if you press. Or they may be a consequence of increased bleeding. Then they will be called hemorrhages or hemorrhages. These often appear with liver diseases and blood clotting disorders. This is a serious symptom that requires consultation with a specialist.

The skin performs several functions:

  • protective;
  • thermoregulation;
  • excretion of metabolic products with sweat and secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Skin structure diagram

With skin diseases, these functions are disrupted. This has an adverse effect on the entire body.

Where does the rash come from?

Contact dermatitis occurs as a result of our immune system overreacting to non-specific irritants.

This disease occurs as a result of our immune system overreacting to non-specific stimuli. Anything can act as such an irritant. Some household substances: washing powder, dishwashing detergent. There may be cosmetics, creams, balms and even. Sometimes this reaction even happens to medical gloves, some types of metals and jewelry. In the place where the skin came into contact with the irritant, small bubbles appear against a background of redness. They can open and get wet. Severe itching and soreness appears in this area. This is usually a rash on the hands. It is with our hands that we come into contact with most surrounding objects. If the rash is localized in other areas, you need to think about whether it is contact dermatitis. And a rash on the hands in the form of such morphological elements can occur for other reasons.

Before self-medicating, consult a doctor, let him accurately determine the cause and prescribe treatment. Usually, during the soaking period, zinc powder is prescribed, which has a drying and antiseptic effect. If the blisters do not open or are not present at all, use ointments or creams containing corticosteroids. They suppress the pathological reaction of the immune system, but are quickly absorbed from the surface of the skin, so they have quite a lot of side effects and contraindications. Before using them, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. In addition, the price of such ointments remains quite high.

In this situation, dermatitis is caused by general, not local. It occurs when allergens are ingested, inhaled with air, or administered intravenously or intramuscularly with various medications. In this case, antigen-antibody complexes are also formed that circulate in the body. They attack blood vessels, including skin vessels. This is how a red rash appears on the arms, legs, elbows, and stomach. Anywhere. It does not have a clear localization. It also itches and causes considerable discomfort. A rash on the arms and legs of a child often has this exact etiology. In children, the intestines are underdeveloped. Enzymes are not working as actively as they should be. They do not sufficiently break down food into components, and absorption occurs inadequately. Allergens enter the bloodstream. In response to this, antibodies are formed, which cause a rash on the child’s hands. Such rashes are treated with oral or intramuscular antihistamines.

There are several generations of such drugs. Older ones cause severe drowsiness, they cannot be used by people whose work is related to the speed of reaction: drivers, train drivers, pilots, etc. But they belong to a more affordable price category. New drugs are more expensive, but have significantly fewer unpleasant side effects. In case of this disease, you will need to consult an allergist-immunologist. He will conduct allergy tests and determine what exactly you are hypersensitive to. In the future, it will be enough to avoid these things, and if contact is inevitable, take antihistamines. A rash on the arms and legs of a child can be successfully treated with a drug such as. It is available in the form of drops and gel, which quickly relieves itching and soothes the affected areas of the skin. It also has a mild hypnotic effect, helping the child calm down and fall asleep, despite the discomfort. Before using any drug on your child, consult your pediatrician.

Scheme of atopic dermatitis


When a tick bites, erythema may occur - this is a red spot that can reach half a meter in size. And there are also very small sizes. This disease is called borreliosis, at first it does not manifest itself in anything other than erythema and requires immediate consultation with an infectious disease specialist. But it will not be a small red rash, but a solid spot. In response to mosquito and midge bites, a child often develops a rash on his arms and legs. The rest of the body is covered with clothing, and the limbs are constantly attacked by insects, especially in summer. A rash on the hands after bites responds well to treatment with the same Fenistil. If you are bitten by a tick, you can remove it and take it to the SES for examination. If you encounter this for the first time, you need to go to the emergency room or emergency room in the city. There the tick will be removed and further recommendations will be given.

Rash or redness may result from an insect bite

Infectious diseases

There are a huge number of infectious diseases accompanied by rashes. From widespread to extremely rare. This can be a rash on the hands of an adult or a child, and can also spread throughout the body. A small-spotted rash is characteristic of scarlet fever, paratyphoid fever, measles, rubella, etc. But in addition to the rash on the hands and other parts of the body, symptoms of intoxication appear. These are weakness, fever, confusion and other manifestations of the appearance of an infectious agent in the blood. This rash usually does not itch, and other symptoms of the disease become the main problem. The rash can appear with some sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis. But it will be localized throughout the body, and not just a rash on the hands.

Syphilis is one of the causes of rashes all over the body.

Blood diseases

We have already talked about such rashes; they are called hemorrhagic. Due to increased vascular permeability or platelet instability, hemorrhages occur. Sometimes they are very small and are called petechiae. If a rash appears on the hands in the form of petechiae, this is not a very favorable prognostic sign. They are usually located in folds and areas of friction with folds of clothing. But if the rash on your hands itches, then it is clearly not hemorrhagic in nature. Such rashes are not accompanied by inflammation and do not cause any itching or discomfort. You may not notice them until someone close to you pays attention to it.

If you have a red rash on your hands that itches and interferes with your life, consult a doctor. It may be possible to completely eliminate the cause of the problem and make your life much more enjoyable. Unbearable itching interferes with work, study and household chores, making it impossible to concentrate on anything. A dermatologist or allergist will consult you and prescribe the necessary examination and treatment. To understand who is best to contact, look on the Internet by typing in a search engine “rash on hands itches photo.” Compare it with what you have and contact the right specialist.

Petechiae are located in folds and places of friction with folds of clothing

Do not self-medicate. You can also go to a therapist at a clinic, who will give you a referral to a specialist. But it will take longer and be much more expensive in terms of the health of the nervous system. If the rash appears periodically, as a reaction to cold winds and chilly weather, use hand cream and do not walk without gloves. If the reaction is severe, you can use special ointments. This problem worries most of the population of our country. This does not always require consultation with a specialist, but it always requires proper care.

Where do red dots on hands come from? was last modified: April 21st, 2016 by Ekaterina

The most complete answers to questions on the topic: “red spots on the joints of the fingers.”

Skin is an indicator of health. If red spots appear on your fingers, this may indicate allergies and diseases of the internal organs. Superficial treatment of the skin will have a temporary effect. If the problem does not return in the future, then you can limit yourself to symptomatic treatment.

1 First aid

Take a broad-spectrum antihistamine tablet. Harmless medical products for allergy symptoms are the drugs Loratadine and Diazolin. The first is prescribed even to children after vaccinations or to reduce the body's reaction to an insect bite. Before use, carefully read the instructions, in particular the “Contraindications” section. At the first manifestation of an allergy, contact your doctor and have him refer you for examination.

If the spots do not go away and are accompanied by a burning sensation or severe itching, go to an emergency room. A specialist will examine you. In case of urgent need, tests will be performed on site to determine the diagnosis and preventive treatment will be prescribed.

2 Causes of red spots on fingers

About 60% of irritations on the skin of the hands appear after prolonged contact with aggressive household chemicals. In 35% of cases, spots appear due to allergies to food or cosmetics. And only 5% indicate the presence of a serious illness.

Possible reasons for the appearance of red spots on the fingers:

  • hypothermia in the winter season;
  • allergy;
  • nervous tension - excessive excitability and excitement can cause severe rashes on the hands;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • scleroderma - inflammation of connective tissues as a result of weak immune defense;
  • untimely and unbalanced nutrition;
  • reaction to household chemicals.

3 Treatment and prevention

A few tips will help localize the rash and subsequently get rid of the problem at the root:

  1. Eliminate foods that may cause an allergic reaction from your diet.
  2. Wash dishes and peel vegetables using rubber gloves.
  3. Diversify the menu with seafood and meat, fermented milk dishes and herbs.
  4. Avoid coffee, strong tea, alcohol and energy drinks.
  5. In the winter season, moisturize your hand skin with a nourishing cream.
  6. Use liquid soap with chamomile or thyme extract for daily hand skin care.
  7. In winter, hide your hands in gloves or mittens to prevent freezing.
  8. Do oil wraps. To prepare the composition, take 1 teaspoon each of peach kernel oil and cocoa. Mix the oils until smooth and heat in a steam bath to a temperature of 40°C. Soak a gauze pad in the mixture and apply to the affected area of ​​skin. Wrap your palms in glossy cling film, then with a towel. Apply compresses daily, before going to bed. If the spots have not gone away after 7-10 days, contact your doctor.

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The above advice is advisory in nature and cannot be regarded as a medical opinion or prescription. If your body sounds the alarm and tells you about problems inside with rashes on your fingers, consult a doctor for qualified medical advice.

Red spots on the hands are a nonspecific symptom of a certain pathological process in the body. In addition, red spots on the skin of the hands can form as a result of severe stress or nervous strain. In any case, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. Unauthorized use of medications can only temporarily relieve symptoms, but is not a guarantee of eliminating the root cause.


A red spot similar to a burn is present in the symptoms of many infectious, dermatological and inflammatory diseases. In some cases, the occurrence of such a symptom may be a consequence of a psychological disorder. In general, the following etiological factors can be identified:

It should be noted that this is not the entire list of etiological factors under which this symptom can be observed. Assuming the etiology, the localization of the rashes should also be taken into account - on the hands, fingers, elbows or scattered throughout the body.

Quite often, a red spot on a child’s arm may indicate an allergic reaction or lichen. Since children often come into contact with street animals, such a disease is quite likely. However, only a doctor can make a diagnosis, just like prescribe treatment.


In this case, it is difficult to identify the overall clinical picture, since red spots on the hands or locally can be a manifestation of both an allergic reaction and a systemic autoimmune disease.

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Red spots on hands

Red spots on the fingers may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • peeling;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • irritation;
  • the formation of crusts or bubbles with white liquid on the surface.

If red spots appear on the entire surface of the hands, the clinical picture may be supplemented by the following signs:

  • dry skin;
  • severe itching, burning;
  • over time, the spots begin to peel off;
  • local temperature increase.

The appearance of red spots without any additional irritant symptoms (like a burn) may indicate an allergic reaction or severe nervous tension. In this case, the clinical picture may have the following additional signs:

  • headache;
  • irritability, sudden mood swings;
  • malaise, drowsiness;
  • nausea, sometimes with vomiting;
  • deterioration or complete loss of appetite.

Red, scaly spots can be a symptom of the clinical picture of more than a hundred diseases. Therefore, taking any medications on your own, without examining a doctor and establishing an accurate diagnosis, is strongly not recommended. This can lead not only to the development of complications, but also to a blurred clinical picture, which complicates diagnosis.


If you have such a symptom, you should initially consult a dermatovenerologist. First of all, the doctor conducts a detailed physical examination and finds out the general medical history, the patient’s lifestyle over the past few days - how he ate, what medications he took. After this, a laboratory and instrumental examination is carried out:

Ultrasound procedure

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • immunological studies;
  • blood test for the presence of an allergen;
  • STD test;
  • scraping from the affected area of ​​skin;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

Additional methods for diagnosing the disease depend on the clinical picture and general condition of the patient.

The doctor prescribes treatment only after identifying the etiology and making a diagnosis. If before the examination the patient used any medications to relieve symptoms, the doctor should be notified about this before starting the diagnosis.


Treatment will depend on the diagnosis. If the red spots on the arms and legs are itchy, the doctor may prescribe topical medications that will relieve the inflammatory process. In general, therapy is aimed at reducing symptoms, since this can significantly complicate a person’s life, and eliminating the root cause. The treatment regimen in this case will be combined.

Drug therapy may include the following drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamines;
  • antifungal.

Therapy with pharmaceutical drugs can be supplemented with substances of various effects, depending on the cause of the appearance of red spots on the skin of the hands.

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The duration, dosage and regimen of taking the medication is determined only by the attending physician, based on the diagnosis and current clinical picture.

Treatment with folk remedies is also possible, but only after consultation with a doctor and as an addition to the main course of therapy. In this case, you can use baths with a decoction of herbs that have an antiseptic and sedative effect.


There are no specific methods of prevention. In general, you can prevent the formation of red spots on your hands if you follow these rules:

  • use only high-quality skin care products;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • promptly and correctly treat all ailments, especially those of an infectious and fungal nature;
  • eliminate stress and frequent nervous tension.

In addition, you need to systematically undergo preventive medical examination and not self-medicate. Following these simple rules will help minimize the risk of developing ailments whose clinical picture includes a symptom such as redness in the hands.

It turns out that hands can not only predict the past and future. But also to identify sores, reports the Versiya newspaper. Russians are now willing to study their hands! And they actively copy the article to their blogs. So, the story about the hands was included in the Runet hit parade. " Red palms indicate toxic damage to the liver: hepatitis or hepatosis is possible. A marble pattern on the palms indicates problems in the autonomic nervous system. If the skin of the palms acquires a yellowish tint, then there are probably changes in the liver or gall bladder (hepatitis, cholelithiasis, disorders of the biliary tract, cholangitis, cholecystitis). Brown spots on the back of the hand speak not only about age (disturbances in the pigment color of the skin, characteristic mainly of older people), but also mean that you have problems with the gallbladder. If the skin on the hand, and especially on the palm, peels small plates, this may be a true indication of a lack of vitamins A and D. If your palms peel off in large plates, you need to consult a dermatologist: a fungus has settled on your hands. Hand temperature - condition barometer Cold hands– a sign of impaired peripheral circulation, the body lacks nicotinic acid. Therefore, you need to take care to replenish its supply with the help of vitamin preparations or add to your diet foods that contain this acid in abundance: dairy products, meat, fish, mushrooms, buckwheat, beans, cabbage. If your palms, on the contrary, are burning, This means that the liver cannot cope with intoxication caused by poisoning with drugs, alcohol, or chemicals. Doctors call them hepatic. The syndrome of “pins and needles” crawling across the palm indicates that a person has problems with the endocrine system. Wet hands also indicate endocrine problems - possibly hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. And dry and pale skin on the palms is a sign of hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism). Spots on fingertips may indicate health problems If a person often has little fingers go numb, he should contact a cardiologist - these problems are related to the cardiovascular system. A numbness of thumbs indicates weakness of the respiratory system. If deep longitudinal folds similar to wrinkles appear on the skin of the terminal phalanges of the fingers, you should pay attention to the endocrine system - you may have hypothyroidism or diabetes. If fingertips turned purple, we need to take care of the digestive system. Dark red or even purple - you should pay attention to the kidneys and liver. Spots on the mounds of Venus (as palmists call the elevated bases of the thumbs) are a possible sign that not everything is in order with the genitals. Itching on the side of the index finger of the right hand indicates problems in the functioning of the colon. Roughness of the skin on the back of the index finger often indicates problems with the gallbladder. Crunching in the joints is a sign of calcium deficiency Many interesting conclusions can be drawn by paying attention to the condition of the joints. Overly flexible joints(as well as, conversely, those that do not bend at all) with a general decreased tone of the muscles of the fingers mean problems in the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. Crunching in the joints of the hands indicates a lack of calcium in the body. Irregularly shaped, painful finger joints are a sign of arthrosis. Most often, such changes occur in people suffering from gout. If with the charters began to swell and swell painfully, redness appears, you need to urgently consult a doctor - this is a clear manifestation of polyarthritis. And pain between the second and third phalanges of the ring and index fingers warns of the imminent manifestation of a serious illness in the knee joints. Future ailments can be predicted by the shape of your hand It has long been noted: The wider the palm, the better the health. However, people with wide palms and short fingers are prone to disorders in the circulatory system, especially increased blood pressure. Narrow palms with thin long fingers and pale skin usually occur in people with a delicate nervous system, sensitive to sudden changes in temperature or atmospheric pressure, time zone changes, sharp sounds, and emotional overload. Those with small hands have an overly sensitive autonomic nervous system: their “signature” diseases are bronchial asthma, inflammation of the rectum, and hypotension. People with fleshy palms most often have problems with blood circulation: they have a reduced metabolism, hypofunction of the thyroid gland is possible. The point of pain indicates a problem in a specific organ According to Chinese medicine, the point in the very center of the palm is considered the energy center of the entire body. If, when sharply pressing on it with the thumb of the other hand, a piercing pain is felt, this means the presence of serious health problems and indicates the need to seriously take care of your well-being. Soreness that appears when the thumb of one hand squeezes the place at the base of the thumb of the other on the back of the hand, and with the index finger on the side of the palm, indicates problems with the heart: most likely, this is the beginning of coronary artery disease. Pathology in the genitourinary system will be indicated by severe pain when squeezing the tubercle between the middle and ring fingers. If you draw an imaginary line from the point between the little and ring fingers to the wrist, then the lower third of this line on the palm (from the wrist) corresponds to the area of ​​the liver and gall bladder: the pain that appears here when pressed means that there are disturbances in the functioning of these organs. All of the above only indicates possible problems in your body, and such “man-made” diagnostics should not be given absolute significance - it is only a reason to see a doctor and take care of your health.”

Dots, spots, pimples are a change in the condition of the epidermis as a result of disease or aggressive environmental influences. Abundant rashes on the hands have different names: “pimples”, “goose bumps”, “chicken skin”. Doctors call the pathology dermatitis. Most red bumps go away without medical intervention, such as irritation. Children's sensitive skin, unpredictable body reactions in a pregnant woman, can respond to stress or changes in weather - red dots or spots appear.

Why do they appear on hands?

  • Allergy. In modern conditions of nervousness and polluted ecology, the list of allergens includes water, air, fabrics, and paper money.
  • Damage to blood vessels due to lack of vitamin C and K. Vascular formations - angiomas and hemangiomas. If you are concerned about swelling and pain in the joints, dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, then small dots signal rheumatic inflammation.
  • Contagious diseases: subcutaneous mites, rubella, syphilis, scabies, measles, fungi, bacterial infections (streptoderma).
  • Non-communicable internal diseases. The release of red spots on the hands after an attack of hepatitis or pancreatitis. Dots on the skin of the hands appear in people with diabetes.
  • Autoimmune. A functional immune disorder in which the body destroys itself.
  • Avitaminosis. In this case, you need to normalize your diet and take a course of multivitamins.

To find out why red dots appeared on your hands, you need to use a general blood test to find out whether the number of platelets is reduced. To check their performance, examine platelet adhesion and aggregation. Take tests for infections, check the liver for hepatitis, and perform an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. When red spots appear on the hands, self-medication and lack of diagnosis ends tragically.

Rash on hands photo

Red spots on hands photo

Rash on hands in the form of red dots

The description of cutaneous vasculitis includes purpura, petechiae, and nodules. The disease affects the walls of blood vessels, as a result, organs do not receive the necessary blood supply, and their tissues die. Treatment is aimed at eradicating the causes of vasculitis. The rheumatologist prescribes antihistamines and immunomodulators, and in advanced cases, hormonal steroid therapy.

After using detergents and cosmetics, my wrists became covered with contact dermatitis in the form of eczema or urticaria. Analyze the composition of soap, shower gel and other cosmetics, look at the skin reaction after using different products. Women at the end of pregnancy suffer from a rash on their hands in the form of red dots. In this case, the skin may dry, itch, peel, and return to normal after childbirth. Doctors call this late toxicosis and recommend excluding possible irritants.

Red dots on fingers

In transport or when shaking hands with a patient, it is easy to pick up scabies. High risk of infection in hot weather. The skin sweats and accumulates germs. The scabies mite makes noticeable subcutaneous passages, laying eggs there. Red dots on the fingers are visible between the phalanges, on the folds, palms and wrists. Itching worsens at night when mites are active. Scratching the red spots can lead to infection and fester. Treatment comes down to stopping the allergic reaction to the activity of the scabies pathogen and disinfection.

Red dots on a child's hand

The baby's developing digestive tract frightens parents with a skin reaction in the form of red spots. Moving and climate change, instability of the child’s nervous system, insect bites and contact with animals are factors not associated with diseases to which the body reacts with red dots on the child’s arm. They soon pass. Their origin in children is determined by the same thing as in adults, but even experienced parents are better off not “guessing” by the palm of their baby, but contact a pediatrician.

Red dots on hands

Blood clotting disorders and overdose of anticoagulants lead to the appearance of red spots on the hands and wrists, spontaneous hematomas and small pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin on the backs of the hands are formed. Some points become benign formations - hemangiomas. Their damage is dangerous due to high blood loss. Such defects on the hands are not dangerous and do not require surgical intervention if they do not cause serious discomfort.

Red dots on the arms above the elbow

Vessels that burst as a result of physical activity look like small, prick-sized, red dots on the arms above the elbow. Excessively dry skin on the forearm may develop white or red bumps called keratosis pilaris. The affected areas are smeared with emollients. These diseases are not dangerous and are not inflammatory in nature.


Spots on the body appear for various reasons: allergic reaction, infectious and autoimmune diseases, stress and much more. Red dots on the hands may turn out to be a benign skin formation, so consultation with a specialist is necessary. In some cases, it is impossible to cure the pathology, but it is still necessary to find out the causes of its occurrence. You will have to contact a dermatologist, surgeon or therapist who will tell you what to do about the problem.

Any change in the dermis, be it spots, spots and small pimples, appears due to internal disorders and environmental influences. The disease is popularly called pimples, goose bumps or chicken skin. In fact, medicine has many more possible causes and terms: dermatitis, allergies on the hands in the form of red spots, blood vessel disorders, infectious diseases, contagious and autoimmune pathologies. Most often, the rash goes away on its own after a few days, but sometimes medical attention is required. The most common causes of red bumps:

  1. Allergic reaction. The list of allergens includes almost everything that surrounds a person: water, air, food, cosmetics, household products, clothing, jewelry, money, animals. Finding out what exactly is causing the irritation is not always possible without allergy tests.
  2. Damage to blood vessels. The disease appears for various reasons - a lack of vitamins, diseases of the circulatory system, changes in hormonal levels. Sometimes small red dots are angioma or hemangioma on the skin, that is, a benign formation. Dried blood under the skin does not hurt, but it causes psychological discomfort to a person.
  3. Contagious diseases. This group includes spots caused by subcutaneous mites, rubella, scabies, bark, and various bacterial infections.
  4. Non-infectious pathologies. Red rashes often appear on the skin due to disease of the pancreas and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. You can notice spots with diabetes or autoimmune diseases.
  5. Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins in the body provokes a number of disorders, due to which red spots subsequently appear throughout the body.

Rashes often form after severe stress. They often spread quickly and become itchy. They go away on their own after a few days, but sometimes sedatives are required. At risk are pregnant women, young children and older people who have a weak immune system or unstable hormonal levels.

Sometimes small spots that look like droplets of blood are moles. They can be distinguished from diseases by their appearance. A mole always has a semicircular shape and clear edges, a smooth structure, and a uniform color. Black moles exist and they are not dangerous if they appeared on the arm a long time ago and are no different from ordinary ones. If the red dots itch, grow, change shape, color, hurt, or secrete fluid, you should consult an oncologist or surgeon.

Localization of the rash on the hands

Based on the location of the rash, one can understand the provoking factors. For example, a large red spot on the hand appears more often after contact with aggressive substances. Some household chemicals cause dermatitis, eczema or hives. Allergic rashes to food, medications, pollen, or animal dander manifest differently. As a rule, redness covers large areas of the body, and is not just localized on the wrists.

However, rashes on the hands in the form of red dots also appear due to impaired blood circulation or problems with blood vessels. Hemorrhage can be seen on the backs of the hands and on the forearm. They often appear in these same places. The dermis above the elbow is more often subjected to mechanical stress, which often causes keratosis. The epidermis becomes dry, covered with white scales and pink spots.

Fingers and nails are more susceptible to infections and injuries, which is why some diseases begin in the hands. Fungal infections and scabies are often transmitted through a handshake. It is necessary to exclude all contagious pathologies by identifying spots on your hands or your child’s. If red ulcers appear on the body and spread quickly, most likely they are infectious in nature (scabies mite, chicken pox, rubella, scarlet fever, measles and much more).

Associated symptoms

Some red spots on the hands do not itch and are not accompanied by additional symptoms, that is, they do not bother a person in any way. For this reason, the patient consults a doctor when the pathology has already become chronic. Among such ailments are skin hemangioma, vitamin deficiency, impaired functionality of blood vessels, and syphilis. The latter disease does not cause inflammation of the epidermis for a long time, but there are ulcers and fever.

Infections can almost always be recognized by characteristic symptoms, which are divided into local and general. The first group easily includes rashes of various types, itching and burning, peeling, the appearance of crusts on the surface or weeping wounds. The second group includes fever, the appearance of weakness and apathy, sore throat and head, loss of appetite or sleep disturbance. In addition, it is possible to enlarge the lymph nodes, which are located closer to the red spots on the body.

Should I see a doctor?

It is recommended to visit a doctor in any case, even if there is a red spot that does not itch or hurt. The dermatologist will conduct an examination and questioning, prescribe additional examination if necessary and tell you how to get rid of red dots on the body. Most often, you need to take a general blood test and a scraping from the affected area; a little less often, tissue is taken for a biopsy. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult; self-medication is extremely undesirable, so as not to harm your health.

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Possible treatments

Therapy directly depends on the cause of red dots on the hands or body. It is impossible to say exactly what a dermatologist or surgeon will prescribe. There are a number of treatment procedures that are used for this problem:

  1. Therapy with pharmacological drugs. Includes taking hormonal, antifungal, antiviral, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory drugs, depending on the cause of the disease.
  2. Surgical or cosmetic treatment of hemangioma on the arm in adults and children. Surgery, cryodestruction, laser therapy, and electrocoagulation are now used.

Expert opinion

Meshcherinka Diana

Dermatologist of the first qualification category

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To begin with, it is recommended to eliminate all possible allergens by changing hand cream, soap, detergents and everything else. You will have to give up citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, nuts, honey, spicy, salty and sour foods. Antihistamines will help remove the symptoms of an allergic reaction: Tavegil, Claritin, Loratadine. At the same time, red spots on the fingertips can be treated with healing ointments based on vitamins A, D and E.

As a rule, angiomas are not removed if they are small and do not cause discomfort. If you want to get rid of them, then you should choose gentle methods. Surgical intervention has not been used for a long time; it has now been replaced by cosmetic procedures: laser, liquid nitrogen and current pulses. They allow you to remove the red rash on the hands in 1–2 sessions, leaving no traces behind the defect. In addition, special nutrition with foods rich in vitamins will help against burst capillaries. It is recommended to include rose hips, currants, spinach, eggs, nuts, carrots, legumes and citrus fruits in your diet. It is worth noting that such food often provokes allergies on the hands in the form of red spots, so first you need to make sure that it is absent.

In case of pathologies of internal organs, infectious or fungal diseases, it is impossible to get rid of the tubercles without undergoing a course of treatment for the underlying ailment. Gastrointestinal diseases are treated with analgesics, immunosuppressants and enzyme inhibitors. It is also necessary to monitor the menu, excluding prohibited foods. Antimycotics, available in the form of ointments, solutions and tablets, will help against fungal infections.

Nervous red spots on the crook of the arm or the whole body can be cured by calming the nervous system. Of course, for this it is recommended to avoid stressful situations and not be nervous. If necessary, use sedative medications: Persen or Novo-Passit.

Preventive measures

After successful therapy, simple rules should be followed. They will help maintain remission for a long time, as well as prevent other pathologies. Recommendations to remember if you have sores on your body:

  • sunbathe only in the morning or evening, when ultraviolet rays are not so active;
  • do not forget to use sunscreen;
  • regularly moisturize the skin (especially in summer and winter), using suitable care products;
  • Drink enough fluids per day to avoid dehydration;
  • arrange fasting days, cleansing the intestines and liver of toxins;
  • visit doctors in a timely manner, identifying health problems;
  • monitor moles, angiomas and hemangiomas of the skin, paying attention to their size and color.

Red dots can signal an allergy or a serious problem in the body, and can also be a reaction to stress. If painful spots on the body spread and itch, it is better to immediately consult a specialist. Often, pimples are not something serious and disappear on their own.

Ask a free question to a doctor

Tell me, I noticed that on the body (arms, legs, mainly on the thighs) there are these very tiny red dots. What could it be?

  • #81104961
  • 18.06.13 10:23
  • Anonymous

10.07.2010, 16:25

I have a catastrophe, some red dots began to appear on my hands, as if they were pricked with needles and they do not go away.... What should I do, can anyone tell me? :(
I searched the Internet, but didn’t find anything suitable.

10.07.2010, 22:32

The most common problem is red dots appear at the site of skin damage. You've probably noticed that after epilation or shaving, such dots appear at the site of the removed hairs. These are microtraumas of the skin. Usually they go away quickly, but when the procedure is repeated, they appear again.

Red dots appeared on the body: hemangioma

Small red dots may be a hemangioma (also called an angioma) - this is benign vascular tumors ranging in diameter from a few millimeters to a centimeter. Do not be alarmed by such a terrible medical term; these moles have nothing to do with “cancer” and do not pose any danger to life.

The following types of angiomas are distinguished:


Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis when examining a patient.

Red dots themselves are not a disease; most often it is one of the symptoms. The reasons for their appearance can be very different, both in the nature of origin and in the severity of the disease, so it is highly not recommended to take any action to eliminate them and treat them yourself before you are examined by a doctor. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

This, of course, does not mean that you need to go to the hospital every time you have a red dot on your nose (most likely, it is a regular pimple). If a rash appears on large areas of the body, accompanied by other symptoms, you should sound the alarm.

Red dots on the body. How to treat?


If the cause is an allergic reaction, then treatment consists of eliminating contact with allergens and taking antihistamines. Drug therapy allows you to stop the manifestation of allergies for a long time and get rid of the red rash on the affected areas of the skin of the hands. It is worth removing from your diet foods that cause allergic reactions: honey, nuts, strawberries, citrus fruits, chocolate and some types of fish.

Problems with internal organs

Oral problems

Red dots on the tongue, first of all, can be observed with gingivitis and stomatitis, as well as other diseases of the oral cavity. Also, red dots in the mouth can be symptoms of some internal ailments, for example, with disturbances in the function of the gastrointestinal tract. It is possible that red dots on the tongue may just be signs of food allergies. However, very often redness on the tongue can also signal scarlet fever. For redness on the tongue that is caused by bacterial infections, medications that have an antibacterial effect are prescribed. And in case of violations of the body’s protective function, a course of immunomodulatory drugs is prescribed.

Other reasons

Don’t forget about the possible reasons for the appearance of red dots on the body in the summer – a period of high activity of mosquitoes and midges. It is the bites of these annoying insects that can provoke minor allergic reactions on the skin. Very often, the culprits for the appearance of red dots can be bedbugs, which generally begin their hunt when a person is sleeping, and therefore it is not always possible to meet the enemy in person and independently understand the reasons for the redness. Usually, irritation occurs on the skin in the form of red dots on the face after shaving, so you should also remember this so as not to cause panic ahead of time.

If your child has red spots

As a rule, in children, the appearance of small red dots on the body is observed from birth. They only indicate the presence of benign vascular formations.

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Most often, small red dots appear on the arms, upper half of the body, and face. They can be triggered by completely harmless and temporary circumstances, but sometimes the signals indicate very serious and health-threatening diseases.

Causes of red dots

To understand how dangerous the symptoms are, it is necessary to identify the causes of the rash. Knowing the provoking factor, you can choose effective measures to help. If your chest, face or arms are covered, you need to figure out the source of the phenomenon as quickly as possible and consult a dermatologist.

Probable reasons:

  • allergic reaction;
  • microtrauma;
  • chemical exposure;
  • settlement of subcutaneous mites in the epidermis;
  • cold or heat exposure;
  • seborrhea;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • scabies;
  • hemangiomas;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • type diabetes;
  • syphilis;
  • lack of some microelements, mainly vitamins K and C;
  • liver diseases;
  • rheumatic ailments;
  • other infections and damage to internal organs.

The list of possible causes is quite extensive for self-analysis, so if the rashes on the body were not preceded by anything unusual, you should immediately seek the help of a dermatologist.

Rash on hands in the form of red dots

Clusters of small red dots on the surface of the hands most often indicate an allergic reaction caused by skin contact with an irritant.

This could be fabric, a chemical sprayed into the air, or other things or objects that came into direct contact with the affected area.

Red dots on the hand often occur due to contact with a variety of detergents, washing powder, and garden chemicals. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the harmful substance by washing your hands under running water. For severe itching, you can use local antihistamine gels or ointments.

Itchy red dots on hands

A painful desire to scratch well, and not only in the area of ​​the upper extremities, can be triggered by the colonization of special mites in the upper layers of the skin. This disease is called demodicosis and is diagnosed not only by external manifestations, but also by microscopic examination of skin scrapings.

Treatment for this disease includes sulfur preparations, moisturizers and other medications necessary for an integrated approach. Red spots on the arms above the elbow, spreading to the shoulders, may be due to a bacterial or fungal infection. In this case, antibacterial therapy is required.

Diseases such as psoriasis, various eczemas, and lichens also cause redness and itching. Therapy is selected individually and may include a number of drugs for symptomatic relief and maintaining the water balance of the skin.

If there are many red dots on the hand, collected in a rough plaque with a dry or weeping surface, most likely it is atopic dermatitis, the relapses of which occur in the off-season and winter.

The main principle of help is moisturizing dry areas and drying wet ones. Hormonal drugs, emollients, and in the case of weeping formations, zinc ointments and powders are used.

Small red dots on hands

A common phenomenon, especially in tender childhood, is hemangiomas. If a single red dot appears on your hand, similar to a microscopic hemorrhage, in most cases this is it, a hemangioma. There are several forms of this disease, each of which differs in appearance and prefers its own favorite “spots”.

Thus, the capillary type appears in places of greatest accumulation of small vessels. Red dots under the skin on the hands and face are cavernous hemangioma, which can also form on internal organs. Another option is a “spider,” a branched formation that sometimes pulsates. A characteristic sign of such elements of the rash is that they disappear when pressed. If the spot does not change color, you urgently need a doctor, as this may indicate very dangerous diseases, for example, meningitis.

Treatment is not carried out in all cases, since over time the vast majority of hemangiomas resolve on their own. But if they are located on the mucous membranes or in dangerous proximity to them and vital organs (eyes, for example), removal is required. For this purpose, laser exposure and carbon dioxide treatment are used, and in case of threatening conditions, radical surgery is used.

Red dots on fingers

Some systemic diseases, such as lupus erythematosus or diabetes mellitus, appear as skin rashes. Especially often red dots form on the fingers under the skin . In the same way, most often on the pads, rheumatoid arthritis manifests itself.

As a rule, symptoms are not limited to minor skin rashes; larger blisters or nodules appear, indicating the seriousness of the situation. With a slow response to such signs, there is a real chance of being left without fingers, since the blood supply in them is disrupted under the influence of the formation of papules.

In any situation when rashes appear on the body, be it red dots on the bend of the arm or spots on the face, you need an in-person examination by a doctor. Perhaps nothing terrible is happening, and the rash has become a common allergic reaction to food or a new fabric softener. But it’s worth being on the safe side: sometimes the examination results reveal hidden and very dangerous diseases, the treatment of which fundamentally depends on the speed of diagnosis.

The key to successful treatment of any disease is early diagnosis and timely measures taken. But many do not go to the doctor immediately for “trifles” and subsequently very much regret the missed moment.

But seemingly insignificant symptoms can signal a hidden pathology. Even small red dots on the hands.

Small red dots on the hands - 5 main reasons for their appearance:

  • Skin microtraumas;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Pathologies of the digestive system;
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Microscopic injuries to the epidermis when shaving - a miniature wound in the form of a point appears at the site of the removed hair. A fresh wound surface is instantly covered with a crust, which after some time falls off on its own. Such damage does not leave marks on the skin and does not cause discomfort.

A lack of vitamins C and K in the body leads to disruption of the structure of the walls of small blood vessels. The vascular wall becomes brittle, and the capillaries themselves lose their elasticity. Therefore, at the slightest external influence, the vessels break at the site of damage, and subcutaneous microhemorrhage forms. With “double” vitamin deficiency, red dots can form for no apparent reason. Proper and balanced nutrition, rich in vitamins, eliminates such problems and prevents their occurrence in the future.

Many believe that red dots on the hands are directly related to cancer. This opinion is wrong. A red dot on the skin itself may be a neoplasm, but benign. Angioma (hemangioma) is a vascular tumor that has nothing to do with cancer. The diameter of such “red moles” varies from a millimeter to several centimeters. Usually there are single formations that never affect large areas of the skin. The surface of the hemangioma rises slightly above the surrounding skin. “Red moles” cannot be injured, since they are, in fact, an expanded blood vessel, which can bleed if mechanically damaged. If such a pathology brings discomfort to a person, then in modern medicine there are safe methods of treatment: surgical excision, cryodestruction, laser.

Red dots on the hands may appear as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs - the liver and pancreas.

In common parlance they are also called liver stars or ruby ​​moles. They have the shape of a circle, an oval, or look like a spider (a point with rays of capillaries). The color of the formations is deep red or burgundy, with a diameter of up to two millimeters. Liver points are localized in groups, most often on the arms and in the upper half of the body. With each exacerbation of the underlying disease, the dots increase in size and number. Local conservative and surgical treatment of hepatic stars is ineffective: the spots will appear again and again. It is necessary to eliminate the main cause - liver or pancreas disease. After this, the red dots will either remain in their original form or decrease in size and turn pale.

Due to various genetic factors, a person’s immune system begins to produce antibodies to the cells of his own body and “fight” them. This mechanism underlies the development of systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis and other autoimmune diseases. In these pathological conditions, the rashes are not limited only to red dots, but are accompanied by extensive hematomas, papules, and blisters. With rheumatoid arthritis, red dots may appear on the fingers, more precisely, on the pads of the fingers, which indicates poor circulation in these areas. And if you don’t pay attention to these symptoms in time, you can easily lose your fingers.

In all of the above cases, rashes on the hands in the form of single or entire groups of red dots do not cause any concern other than psychological discomfort. But in the event that a red spot suddenly begins to increase in size or itch, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice and, possibly, urgent medical help.

If the red dots are itchy

Rashes that constantly remind you of themselves with itching of varying intensity can be the result of a bacterial infection, allergy, fungal infection and a number of other reasons. A pinpoint continuous red rash on the hands due to a fungal infection is complemented by cracks in the spaces between the fingers, blisters and unbearable itching. In such a situation, only a qualified dermatologist can help, who will prescribe a course of treatment with antifungal and antibacterial drugs.

The rashes are also very itchy due to an allergic reaction to an external irritant that has come into direct contact with the skin of the hands (household chemicals, cosmetic care products, medications in the form of ointments and gels, and many other substances).

After using antihistamines, the red dots turn pale and disappear completely, along with annoying itching. Subsequently, the victim is recommended to consult an allergist.

In addition, red specks on the hands can appear as a result of infection with a subcutaneous mite, the waste products of which are the strongest allergen for humans. Endocrine disorders and hormonal imbalances can also manifest themselves as similar rashes. Insect bites remain on the skin in the form of small reddish dots. Overstrain of the nervous system after suffering stress is also a prerequisite for the appearance of small red itchy dots on the hands.

Contacting a specialist if red dots appear on your hands will not be superfluous. Based on the results of a diagnostic examination, the doctor can detect a hidden disease, which is the cause of the rash. After treatment and elimination of the cause, the patient disappears all clinical symptoms, including small red dots.

(5 Votes)

Small red dots on the body are single benign formations, or multiple rashes caused by exposure to negative internal and external factors. Red dots on the body are formed under the influence of pathogenic environmental conditions in which a person works or lives, as well as as a result of allergic reactions, metabolic disorders and malfunction of certain vital organs and systems. Until now, dermatologists cannot give an affirmative answer to the question of why small red spots suddenly begin to appear on the body of a healthy person. It is especially difficult to diagnose the original cause of benign formations if clinical test parameters are completely normal.

Where do they appear and what are the reasons?

Scientists continue research aimed at establishing the most precise factors that provoke the appearance of small red dots on the skin. So far, the following possible reasons have been identified, which are directly or indirectly, but still related to the nature of the appearance of these neoplasms, namely:

Also, the appearance of similar red dots on the body was observed in people who for a long period of time lived or are currently living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions, where cases of radiation or chemical contamination of the environment have been recorded. These pathogenic factors can provoke the degeneration of epithelial cells with their further transformation into full-fledged benign tumors.

Such red dots on the body must be monitored and controlled very closely so that they do not begin to change color or suddenly increase in size.

These processes always indicate that the neoplasm has started an uncontrolled process of dividing cellular material, which has every chance of becoming a cancerous tumor.

How to remove or cure small red dots on the body, chest, stomach and arms?

In order for the treatment of red dots on all parts of the body to be truly effective and long-lasting without the risk of relapse of the dermatological disease, it is necessary to establish the primary cause that provoked the appearance of a single or multiple red rash on the skin. Only then does the stage of eliminating extraneous formations begin.

Treatment of red spots on the arms, chest, abdomen and other parts of the body is always a complex process and consists of the following therapeutic measures:

Before starting treatment, the patient must donate blood from a vein for analysis to detect the hepatitis virus in the body, regardless of its genotype. This is necessary in order to eliminate the possibility of severe liver disease, which gradually destroys the cells of this digestive organ and brings forward cirrhosis.

Are complications possible if left untreated?

In the absence of proper examination, prevention, observation by a dermatologist and treatment of small red dots on the body, their degeneration from benign neoplasms into real cancerous tumors cannot be ruled out. These formations already pose a real threat not only to the health of all organs and systems of the body, but also to life in general. Therefore, if multiple red dots or single formations appear, you should immediately contact a specialist so that he can conduct an examination and select an individual course of treatment. In most cases, getting rid of red dots on the body does not take more than 20-30 minutes. Moreover, all procedures are completely painless. It is much easier to do nothing, but such careless inaction can lead to skin cancer.

What to do if you damage or scratch a dot?

In case of mechanical damage to the red dot in everyday life, it is necessary to treat the wound with a solution of brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide. After this, a piece of sterile gauze is applied to the wound surface, which is fixed with a medical plaster. Every morning and evening it is necessary to change the gauze and treat the damaged area with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. After the wound has completely healed, it is very important to ensure that the red dot does not provoke an even larger appearance of multiple rashes, and also does not begin to change color to darker shades.

If the skin becomes covered with small red dots, it is necessary to check for the presence of the disease. It is important to establish in time why the rash occurs and why it itches a lot. It is much more difficult to fight an advanced disease. Doctors say that itchy rashes are often a sign of allergies, contact dermatitis, herpes infections and many other pathologies that need to be treated immediately.

If a person has red dots and itches, he will certainly wonder what caused this phenomenon. After all, itchy little red dots will not just appear on the body, arms or legs. Sometimes the manifestation in the form of a rash disappears quickly and without any intervention. You should pay attention to red dots that appear regularly and itch.

Why did small red dots appear? Most often the reason

lies in:

  • allergic reaction;
  • infectious diseases;
  • problems with internal organs (liver, thyroid, adrenal glands);
  • pathologies of a rheumatic nature;
  • ignoring hygiene rules;
  • wearing synthetic clothing.

In some cases, skin rashes can be eliminated by changing your lifestyle. Treatment of various diseases that cause small red dots on the body should only be handled by a specialist.


When red dots appear and itch on the body, perhaps this is how the body reacts to:

  • food;
  • medicinal product;

Due to food allergies, red, itchy dots cover the face. Rashes on the body may be accompanied by the consumption of, for example, nuts, citrus fruits, and dairy products. The photo shows what happens after a person eats a product that is harmful to him.

Before using a particular drug for medicinal purposes, you must carefully read the instructions. Many medications have the side effect of small red dots that are very itchy.

When itchy spots suddenly appear on the body or face, the culprit may be lotion, cream or milk. Any cosmetic product must be selected taking into account your skin type.


A rash spreads throughout the body as a result of infectious diseases:

  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • scarlet fever.

Despite the fact that children often suffer from these diseases, adults

age they also often occur. Common signs include itchy pimples, redness, headaches, and increased temperature.

With measles, the rash is initially localized on the face and neck. From the second and third days it is found on the upper and lower extremities, as well as on the torso. On day 4, the color of the rashes changes and they peel off. After about 2 weeks, nothing remains of the pimples.

Initially, the dots do not peel off even when scarlet fever appears. The main location of the rash is the lower abdomen, groin and buttocks.

Herpetic infection (chickenpox, shingles) also manifests itself as itchy pimples that turn into blisters with liquid.

Diseases of internal organs and autoimmune pathologies

If small red and itchy dots appear on the skin, this may indicate disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. For example, problems with the pancreas manifest themselves in the form of rashes on the back, chest and abdomen. When chronic pancreatitis worsens, small red pimples almost always appear on the skin.

The liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract often have to take on excessive load, resulting in an itchy rash throughout the body.

Rashes are one of the signs of rheumatic disorders:

  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.

Lack of hygiene

People who do not maintain hygiene find red pimples on their body, which are localized in places where sweat is produced the most (this is also called prickly heat). Synthetic clothing contributes to increased sweating. You can verify this by refusing to wear such things.

Pimples on the lower extremities

Itchy red dots on the legs of those who have recently been in contact with a person suffering from scabies. The resulting rashes on the legs itch most at night.

In childhood, a small rash covers the buttocks due to developing meningitis. Gradually, the pimples become larger and change from red to bluish. The disease is life-threatening and requires immediate hospitalization!

A fungal infection is often found on the leg - mycosis, which causes unbearably itchy red rashes. The sooner the patient takes action, the easier it will be to eliminate the unpleasant disease on the legs.

People suffering from vasculitis (vascular disease) often turn to doctors. The disease is characterized by the presence of a pinpoint rash on the leg, which is very itchy, as well as joint pain.

Many people have itchy red dots on their hands, in particular on the palm. A variety of factors can provoke such a violation. The formations that appear on the hand are caused by:

  • allergies;
  • fungal infection;
  • hormonal changes;
  • infections;
  • stressful situations;
  • insect bites;
  • infections caused by a tick bite.

Red dots that itch appear on the hand due to all kinds of irritants. Characteristic manifestations are often accompanied by taking certain medications. An itchy rash on the crook of the arm indicates dermatitis of an allergic nature, which can be seen in the photo.

With infectious pathologies (chickenpox, rubella), rashes appear on one and the other hand, which itch and peel.

A rash forms on the skin of the hand due to diabetes or hepatitis.

As practice shows, a rash rarely appears on the palms. However, if your palms are covered with pimples, you need to undergo an urgent examination. Without medical help, it will not be possible to determine the exact reason why the small red dots itch.

It is difficult to feel confident when there are small formations on the palms that itch unbearably. They result from:

  • contact dermatitis;
  • scabies;
  • allergic reaction;
  • eczema;
  • influence of high temperatures;
  • colds;
  • insect bite;
  • malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Itchy pimples are accompanied by other symptoms depending on the pathology.

For whatever reason, small formations appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. Self-medication can lead to serious complications.