Monastic tea (tea) of Father George - where to buy in a pharmacy? Monastic collection of Father George - real customer reviews

Father George's collection is a herbal collection of 16 of the most beneficial herbs, which was selected over the years by a man who believes in the laws of nature and spent his life in prayer in a monastery. His recipe has survived to this day, which was kept by monks for years and used to heal sick people. Of course, this is a completely natural, environmentally friendly product, safe, but effective and healing. It can be treated either separately or in combination with other drugs at home. Manufacturers confirm the effectiveness of the monastery collection of Father George through clinical trials, in addition, leading Russian doctors left positive reviews about the collection. So, more details...

Cost of monastery fees and where to buy?

Our blog site does not sell anything, please do not write to us on the site in the comments with questions about the purchase and delivery of goods. The monastery’s healing fee can be purchased in the online store by clicking on the banner:

Price of tea (collection of Father George):

  • in Russia - 990 rubles
  • in Ukraine - 359 UAH.
  • in Kazakhstan - 5600 tenge
  • in Belarus - 30 Belarusian rubles.
  • in Moldova - 380 lei

Useful properties of the monastery collection of Father George

It is no secret that the monks resorted to prayer and herbal remedies to rid themselves of ailments. It is likely that this method was effective, which is why it has survived to this day. The first positive property of this treatment is simplicity. At minimal cost, you can restore the human body and cure a wide range of diseases, for example:
  • circulatory system (atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, various anomalies, headaches);
  • respiratory organs (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.);
  • digestive organs (poisoning, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, metabolic disorders, gastritis, ulcers, sudden weight loss, etc.);
  • diseases of the nerves (depression, insomnia, phobias, exhaustion, etc.);
  • diseases of the pelvic organs, both female (infertility) and male;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, injuries, etc.);
  • oncology;
  • postoperative treatment.
Although treatment with herbal infusions (can be both primary and secondary), the procedure is lengthy and has a cumulative effect, but still, there are no side effects from this treatment.

The herbs from the monastery collection of Father George (and let me remind you that there are 16 of them) were selected in such a way that they could complement and enhance each other’s actions. For example, when treating bronchitis, the heart muscle and immunity are strengthened, digestion and blood circulation are improved.

Finally, the last property is the pleasantness of the procedure. You take the collection as tea, and you receive not only an energy boost, but also support in the form of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, health improvement, and weight normalization. A cup of this herbal mixture is much healthier than a cup of morning coffee!

Composition of the monastery collection of Father George

The rich herbal content of the monastery collection makes it safe and environmentally friendly, and not just useful. Even if you do not have serious illnesses, you can always diversify your diet with infusion and get all the healing substances of natural products. The components of Father George include:
  1. Young nettle. Relieves intoxication, removes toxins, increases hemoglobin and improves blood composition, makes the process of hematopoiesis faster, relieves inflammation, improves digestion.
  2. Thyme. It also stops inflammatory processes, stops the development of tumors, and is used in the treatment of cancer.
  3. Immortelle. A very useful herb for digestion: it has a choleretic effect, lowers cholesterol levels, and smoothes out hepatotoxicity during chemotherapy.
  4. Sage. A natural antibiotic containing chromium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, nickel and many other trace elements. Strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal system.
  5. Buckthorn. In the monastery collection, this herb is used to support the functioning of the thyroid gland (it contains a lot of iodine), it affects the synthesis of hormones, helps renew blood plasma cells, and improves the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.
  6. Birch buds. For a weakened body, they contain almost everything: aluminum, manganese, nickel, boron, etc. Birch buds in Father George’s herbal collection increase the body’s resistance to infections, tumors that have already appeared, and inhibit the development of cancer cells.
  7. Linden flowers. Contains copper, which is necessary for hematopoiesis, helps the production of insulin and pituitary hormones. Improves metabolism at the cellular level.
  8. Motherwort. Known to calm nerve endings. In addition to the fact that it has a calming effect on the central nervous system, it relieves severe pain (for example, with renal colic). Reduces blood pressure and prevents tumors from developing.
  9. Marsh dry grass. Many components of Father George's collection resist the development of oncology; cudweed is also known for similar properties. Its abilities also include helping the kidneys restore cells and build them, restore compensated blood circulation, and reduce blood pressure.
  10. Bearberry. It contains a lot of antioxidants, flavonoids and some elements that resist the development of mutations, incl. tumor growth. Diuretic.
  11. A series. Positively affects the processes of hematopoiesis and blood clotting. Stimulates the functioning of the adrenal glands, resists the growth of tumors.
  12. Yarrow. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties, restores the functioning of many body systems, and enhances choleretic processes.
  13. Cat's paw or dried flower. It is taken for spasms of muscles and blood vessels. Like many herbs in the monastery composition of Father George, it stops the growth of cancer cells and harmful microorganisms. Cat's paw grass helps the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.
  14. Sagebrush. It enhances the properties of immortelle, has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and also works as an analgesic. Wormwood is known as a choleretic agent and helps the stomach function.
  15. Chamomile. Helps the stability of the immune system, is known as a calmer of allergic reactions, inhibits the growth of tumors, and in general, contains a sea of ​​useful microelements.
When you re-read all this, it seems that there is no disease in the world that the monks could not cure. Unfortunately, if this were true, we would live forever. Therefore, always carefully read the composition of all kinds of preparations, find out the contraindications and monitor the expiration date.

Method of using Father George's herbal collection

The manufacturer always indicates on the packaging of their product how to use it correctly. And if you follow the instructions, the effectiveness of the product will be maximum. Therefore, read each point carefully, especially regarding herbs.
  • First: Father George’s herbal collection requires additional grinding. That is, before you want to brew it, put it in a teapot, cut it into smaller pieces with a knife;
  • Second: for 1 tablespoon you will need half a liter of boiling water. Place the crushed monastery collection in a teapot and fill it with water according to this calculation;
  • Third: 30 minutes is the time during which Father George’s healing drink is infused;
  • Fourth: as for the drinking procedure, 100–200 ml 3 or 4 times a day will be just right. The course should last no less than a month and no more than 3 months. Then a break for two months.


You shouldn’t expect an immediate effect from herbs; they “work” for sure, but cumulatively. In order for the improvement in well-being to become noticeable, you need to drink the monastery collection for several days (without a break). This time is enough for:

  • normalization of digestion;
  • improvement of condition after illness;
  • activate enzyme systems;
  • improve sleep and mental state.
It will take several weeks to get rid of the disease. By the way, for old and chronic diseases, including, the manufacturers of the collection according to the recipe of Monk George indicate the cure of female infertility, hypertension, diabetes, and oncological tumors. Weeks of consumption of herbal drink:
  • restore immunity and resistance to infections;
  • remove toxins and cleanse the blood;
  • will restore the proper functioning of the liver, gall bladder and other organs;
  • strengthen the heart muscle;
  • slow down the development of tumors.

Although medical science is constantly developing and moving forward by leaps and bounds, the popularity of alternative treatment is not falling. The most popular direction is herbal medicine. Many patients believe that medicinal plants have fewer side effects than pharmaceutical drugs, so they prefer herbal decoctions and infusions.

One of the most popular and widely advertised is the Monastery Collection of Father George. It is often credited with truly miraculous properties, but is it as effective as the advertisement says?

Composition of Father George's Monastery Tea from 16 herbs

To evaluate the effectiveness of an herbal collection, it is necessary to understand what plants are used in it and how they affect the human body. Father George's Monastic Tea contains 16 medicinal herbs. Each of them has a fairly wide spectrum of action:

According to legend, the recipe for the collection was created by the rector of the Holy Spiritual Monastery of Timashevsky, Father George. He did not indicate the exact proportions of herbs, so the indicated composition is very approximate.

At first glance, a collection with such a rich and useful composition should be a universal cure for all diseases. Is this really true?

How does the Monastic herbal collection of Father George work?

Before purchasing Father George’s Monastic Tea and entrusting their health to him, patients must understand that this is not a medicine. The collection has not undergone clinical trials and its effectiveness has not been proven. Therefore, doctors consider it nothing more than a dietary supplement or a pleasant herbal drink.

Many unscrupulous sellers of the Monastic Collection (real or fake) claim that it can cure even such complex diseases as diabetes and cancer. This is not true. Under no circumstances should you cancel the standard treatment prescribed by doctors and rely on the miraculous power of tea. It can only be drunk in parallel with traditional therapy as an adjuvant.

The original Monastery Collection of Father George is a pleasant and aromatic herbal drink. Also he:

  1. Has a general strengthening effect.
  2. Saturates the body with useful substances.
  3. It has a gentle effect on all systems and organs of the body, positively affecting their functioning.

Any foods we eat affect our body. Medicinal herbs do this more intensively and targetedly, but you shouldn’t expect a lightning-fast effect from tea. This is not a medicine and its effectiveness is highly questionable.

Sellers of the collection often claim that it has no contraindications and does not cause side effects. This is wrong. Any product is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to it and can adversely affect human health if abused or misused. Therefore, before you start taking it regularly, you need to study the characteristics of all its components. It is so easy to discover that each of the herbs collected by Father George has its own contraindications, which means the collection is not so safe.

How to properly prepare a medicinal drink?

One of the advantages of the Monastic Collection is its ease of use. You just need to take about a teaspoon of herbs, pour boiling water and wait 10 minutes. It is advisable to do this in a special teapot or cup with a lid. But you can do it in a regular mug, you just need to cover it with a saucer.

You can also brew tea in a water bath, gradually heating the water, but not letting it boil.

Another option is infusion in a thermos. The raw materials are simply poured with hot water (about 85 degrees) and left for an hour.

Is it possible to buy the Monastic Collection of Father George in a pharmacy?

Monastic fees are not sold in pharmacies. If you wish, you can purchase all the components of this drink there and prepare it yourself. But this will not be easy, since the exact composition of the tea is not known. In addition, the herbs from the monastery are collected by the monks and processed with prayers, which, according to religious people, gives them special powers. Therefore, it is better to buy the collection directly from the Holy Spiritual Timashevsky Monastery or church shops. It is also important for believers to add holy water to it when brewing a drink.

Gathering of Father George – official website

On the Internet you can often come across advice to buy the Monastery Collection only on the official website. But how to find it? The search engine results for such a request offer many sites, and each of them claims that this is where real tea is officially sold. In fact, the Holy Spiritual Monastery in Timashevsk does not have an official website. Therefore, when buying tea online, you will have to rely solely on the seller’s honesty.

Father George's Monastery Tea - reviews

Anatoly, 31 years old. The most ordinary herbal tea is not even particularly tasty. It’s better to buy any herbal mixture at a pharmacy - it will be ten times cheaper and safer, at least they test the herbs there.

Victoria, 29 years old. I buy the Monastery Collection from Father George every year during my pilgrimage to the Timashevsky Monastery. This is an excellent medicine for all occasions - it strengthens the body and helps to survive the cold season.

Elena, 48 years old. A very good herbal mixture - tasty and aromatic. Our whole family really likes it, but of course we won’t use it for treatment.

Father George's monastery tea: a doctor's review


The monastic collection of Father Gregory includes 16 medicinal herbs, each of which has a fairly wide spectrum of action. It is believed that they complement each other well, but there is no evidence of this.

If you are not allergic to any of the components of the collection, you can safely use it as a general tonic. But you shouldn't rely on it as a medicine. In case of serious health problems, you should consult a doctor.

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Since time immemorial, people have been cured of diseases with the help of products of plant and animal origin.

Today, despite the development of medicine and the abundance of all kinds of medicines, many people prefer alternative medicine.

In some cases, folk remedies turn out to be more effective and safe than pharmaceutical drugs. This is not surprising. Many generations have tried their recipes. One of these miraculous remedies is the monastery collection of Father George.

From the history of the creation of the product

Father George, archimandrite, church minister and healer lived in a monastery in the mid-20th century and studied medicine with a famous schema-monk.

The archimandrite became interested in the recipe for a collection of 16 herbs, which was invented in Ancient Rus', and restored it. Many people have tried this remedy.

People came to Father George from all over the country for help. With the help of his collection, the Archimandrite helped thousands of people get rid of serious illnesses and rediscover the joy of life.

The results of treatment with the herbal mixture were so stunning that doctors decided to study this remedy and its effect on the body. Contrary to the opinion of those who believe that tea works only due to self-hypnosis, it has been proven that the effectiveness of the product is many times greater than the effect of placebo.

When to use the herbal mixture of Father George

The herbal collection of Father George has shown its effectiveness in the fight against the following ailments:

  • Headaches;
  • Pneumonia (lung inflammation)
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the spine and joints;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Gynecological diseases, in particular fibroids and infertility;
  • Cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Chronic respiratory diseases;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Insomnia, anxiety, depression;
  • Poisoning;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Herpes and other skin rashes.

Tea made from 16 herbs is also used as a prophylactic. It boosts immunity and improves well-being. The collection is used as maintenance therapy for oncology.

How does the herbal tea work?

The composition of Father George's collection is unique in that it contains effective components that complement and enhance each other's effects.

The tea consists of 16 herbs:

  1. Nettle. Contains a lot of vitamins C and A. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system, cleanses the body of intoxication, and increases hemoglobin.
  2. Sage. A good natural antibiotic, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps cope with many diseases. For dry coughs, it helps to liquefy and remove mucus.
  3. Immortelle . Diuretic, analgesic and expectorant. Normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. In oncology, it softens the effect of chemotherapy.
  4. Rose hip. Improves heart function. Contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is why it is used for colds.
  5. Series. Improves blood composition, has an anti-inflammatory effect, slows down the growth of tumors in cancer.
  6. Bearberry. Contains antioxidants, is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and liver, and helps improve the condition of cystitis. Improves physical endurance. Yarrow. Has proven itself well for depressive disorders. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes blood pressure.
  7. Thyme. An indispensable remedy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It has a pleasant taste.
  8. Sagebrush. Works especially well in tandem with immortelle. Has antimicrobial and analgesic properties
  9. Chamomile– has a calming effect, relieves inflammation. It also works as an antihistamine.
  10. Buckthorn– improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, as it contains iodine. Helps absorb calcium and phosphorus.
  11. Motherwort– has sedative properties, used to treat kidney diseases.
  12. cat's paw . Suppresses the growth of tumors, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and vascular walls.
  13. Birch buds . Contains many vitamins, restores the body's defenses, helps in the fight against cancer.
  14. Linden flowers. Improves metabolism, relieves coughing, and is used for diabetes.
  15. Marsh dry grass . Normalizes high blood pressure, helps fight acne, prevents the growth of cancer cells
  16. Yarrow . A universal remedy used for diseases of the throat, gall bladder and stomach.

All the herbs that make up the tea can be purchased at the pharmacy. However, you cannot make a healing remedy yourself. The exact recipe and proportions are kept secret.

The effect of Father George's herbal collection

The herbal collection of Father George has cumulative effects. This is typical of most homeopathic remedies. Therefore, results the very next day after taking it are not worth it. Significant improvement occurs within a week.

Patients who take tea from 16 herbs normalize blood pressure, eliminate pain, feel better and improve immunity.

Tea has a cleansing effect and removes toxins. The functioning of internal organs: liver, kidneys, heart is significantly improved. The collection is useful during physical and mental stress.

How to take Father George's collection

A collection of 16 herbs is a great alternative to a cup of coffee in the morning. It is recommended to drink 150 ml of tea 3-4 times a day per day. To obtain the effect, the collection must be prepared correctly.

There are two cooking recipes.

  • In the first option, 1 tablespoon of the collection is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, left for about half an hour under the lid, and then drunk.
  • The second version of the recipe is more complex. 3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with 2 liters of water. The composition is kept on low heat for three hours. During this time, part of the volume should evaporate.

The course of tea treatment is 21-30 days, after which you should take a break. It is better to drink the product before meals.

The collection has no contraindications. Only pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who have an allergic reaction to one of the components of the tea, will have to refuse it.

Benefits of Father George's medicinal collection

The collection is considered one of the best folk remedies for treating and restoring the body.

He has earned the trust of millions of people thanks to a number of advantages:

  • It consists of natural ingredients, is absolutely safe and has no side effects.
  • Eco-friendly, herbs for tea are collected by hand in the mountains and foothills of the Caucasus.
  • It has a universal effect - it treats many diseases, supplies the body with vitamins, and improves the psychological state.
  • It is recommended by representatives of traditional medicine. Clinical trials have shown its effectiveness.

Monastic Father George's collection- this is a collection of 16 medicinal herbs. The use of such an infusion has a beneficial effect on the entire body; it is widely used even in treatment oncology.

The ingredients are selected in such a way that when combined they act according to the rules of synergy, which means that the action of one component enhances the action of the other.

What is included in the monastery collection of Father George

The monastery collection includes the following: 16 herbs:

Proportions of 16 herbs in grams

IN monastery meeting of Father George, each of the herbs is present in the following quantities:

  • sage - 35 grams;
  • string, rosehip, bearberry and immortelle 20 grams each;
  • nettle - 25 grams;
  • wormwood - 15 grams;
  • chamomile, yarrow, dried flowers, thyme, buckthorn, motherwort, birch buds, linden and dried grass - 10 grams each.

Photo 1. Ready-made collections are available for sale, manufacturer - LLC Trading House "Leto", weight 100 g.

You should not expect an immediate effect from the product, because the collection is designed for a course of treatment.

What diseases does the collection help with?

The herbs present in the composition are necessary to relieve people from a number of ailments:

The collection of herbs is also useful in restoring the body in the postoperative period.

Despite all the direct indications for the use of the cathedral, it can also be taken in the form preventive, a general strengthening agent.

Cases of allergic reaction

Despite the fact that during the entire period of use of the collection, not a single case of an allergic reaction to its components was identified, it is necessary to carefully see the exact composition.

Attention! In case of individual intolerance or at the first signs of an allergic reaction, immediately stop applying the fee.

Useful video

Check out the video, which tells about one of the options for the composition of the monastery collection of Father George.

Is monastery tea effective?

You can use the monastery tea. Its composition is not so rich, and includes only 5 herbs. But the set herbs depends directly on the indications for use. Therefore, if necessary, everyone can choose their own set of herbs.

The monastic collection of Father George, a composition of 16 herbs, is a universal remedy used to treat various diseases and increase vitality. The drug is recommended for women, men of any age, and children. It has a pleasant taste and can be drunk like regular tea with the addition of sugar and honey.

The basis of Father George’s monastic collection is medicinal plants with various healing properties. The recipe was selected for a long time by a priest from Kuban, who calls himself Father George. Herbs are familiar to everyone; they grow in our area. But their correct combination made it possible to obtain a unique result. The decoction helps cleanse the body, strengthens strength, adds energy, and helps cope with chronic fatigue and malaise.

There is another belief that the priest’s monastic decoction also works due to the fact that it is prepared on the territory of the sacred temple, absorbs healing energy, and is pre-programmed for a person’s recovery. For example, a similar collection collected from pharmaceutical flowers will not give such a solid result as the decoction of Father George.


The monastic collection of Father George is used for the prevention of diseases, the treatment of various ailments, and also simply to increase energy potential.


The natural remedy is recommended for women, men of all ages, as well as children over 12 years of age. It has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components. Allergies manifest themselves as skin rashes and deterioration in general well-being. It is extremely rare. An overdose is impossible if the instructions are followed; there are no side effects as such. However, it should be taken with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is advisable to first consult with specialists.

Indications for use

The monastic collection of Father George is used for any diseases of internal organs and systems, as well as to strengthen the immune system and increase energy potential.

  • Colds, viral diseases;
  • Headache;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, gall bladder;
  • Disruption of the nervous system;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Climax;
  • Premenstrual syndrome;
  • Bleeding;
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Violation of the monthly cycle;
  • Dizziness, weakness;
  • Decreased protective functions of the body;
  • Oncology;
  • Benign tumor;
  • Women's diseases;
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Cystitis and much more.

How to properly brew the Monastery Collection of Father George

The instructions for use are extremely simple, but require strict adherence. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture, cover with a lid, and leave to steep for half an hour. The dishes must be glass or clay. You should not cook herbs on the stove, as their beneficial properties are lost. It is advisable to place the decoction for infusion away from direct sunlight. The use of a thermos is allowed. Preparation begins in the evening. In the morning you will be able to drink the finished medicine.

The decoction turns out to be saturated, so it can be diluted with boiled water. If you drink a glass, add boiling water to 1/3 of it. If you don’t have time for long cooking, the process can be speeded up. Pour boiling water over the grass and leave for 5 minutes. in this case, only 200 ml is prepared and is not further diluted.

How to drink

The Monastic Collection of Father George should be consumed warm after meals. 500 ml of product is divided into 3-4 doses. Every day you need to brew a fresh decoction, so it will be more beneficial. The course of therapy depends on the complexity of the disease, but not less than 14 days. The maximum term is 3 months with a short break every 10 days for 2 days. To enhance the effect, the priest recommends initially reading the Lord’s Prayer or another.

How to cook it yourself

There is nothing complicated about it. All herbs are sold in pharmacies. Mix in approximately equal proportions. For the best effect, the herbal collection needs to be further crushed. The cost of each individual tea is on average 70 rubles. To collect the full composition of Father George’s collection, you will have to pay 1120 rubles. At the same time, a package of the finished product 50 mg costs from 700 rubles. up to 1000 rub. If you wish, you can prepare a healing remedy yourself.

However, product distributors emphasize that the collection collected on the territory of the monastery has special healing properties. That is, in this case, energy is also important. Of course, you can do this - make tea, read prayers over it, or go to church to bless it. To make or buy is an individual decision.

Can children drink it?

The official instructions for the Monastery Collection of Father George state that the age limit is up to 12 years. In this case, manufacturers are once again playing it safe. Since individual intolerance to one of the components may occur. Moreover, in childhood there is not a large number of chronic diseases that need to be dealt with; everything is fine with energy potential. However, in case of frequent respiratory diseases, pathologically weak immunity, the use of a natural remedy is allowed, but not more than 200 ml per day. The maximum course of therapy is a month.


A 5-year-old child began to get sick very often. At first it was an anal cold with a runny nose, cough, and no fever. Then everything developed into bronchitis, then purulent otitis media. We were treated for about two months. We went to kindergarten, a week later the cough, throat, and snot came back. Before we had time to recover from this, we contracted the flu. As a complication - purulent otitis media. All this lasted for about a year. I no longer had any strength. I bought Father George’s monastery collection for myself and my child. We drank with him in parallel for a whole month, only I gave him 1 glass per day. As a result, my son stopped getting sick and his immunity strengthened. I also felt better, chronic fatigue went away, my nerves calmed down, my digestion improved.

Irina, Moscow

Can it be used by pregnant women?

After conception, hormonal changes are observed, which lead to weakened immunity. In the first months of pregnancy, a woman experiences symptoms of intoxication, and in the last months she suffers from heartburn, constipation, and digestive problems begin. The herbs included in the collection affect the circulatory system and can help increase the tone of the uterus and change blood pressure. Therefore, the product must be used with extreme caution and under control. If after 200 ml of decoction your health worsens, further treatment should not be continued. There is no need to drink the Monastic Collection if the pregnancy is progressing well and the woman’s health is satisfactory.


While pregnant, I began to get sick often. First, cold symptoms appeared at the end of summer, then I was sick all autumn. My nose was so blocked that I couldn’t breathe. I was not really allowed to take medications. They insisted on safe means and traditional treatments. I chose the Monastery Collection for myself. I liked the name. I started drinking. The product tastes good and is drunk like regular tea. 500 ml per day, according to the instructions. I noticed that I began to feel much better, until the end of pregnancy - 6 months, I did not get sick. In the last trimester I suffered from heartburn and tried to drink again, but this time the potion did not help.

Tatiana, St. Petersburg

Efficiency according to reviews


“Stomach problems started when I was 20 years old. By the age of 30, I already had several chronic diseases - gastritis, sinusitis, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Periodically, my blood pressure dropped, I had a headache, suffered from heartburn, increased acidity, and abnormal bowel movements. Plus, I started to get colds often, and after them my sinusitis got worse. Some kind of vicious circle. I didn’t have time to cure one thing, something else appeared. Then they discovered inflammation of the uterus. I was treated as expected, with a bunch of medications, antibiotics, to no avail. They advised me to strengthen my immune system, and everything else would follow. I bought Father George’s monastery collection to get rid of all my ailments at once. As a result, I began to feel better, the inflammation went away, I did not get sinusitis in the fall, and gastritis did not make itself felt for six months. My head stopped spinning and didn’t hurt as often. I took the product for a month, but every day.”


“I decided to strengthen my immune system, improve my health, and cleanse my body in the spring. I spent a long time choosing what to buy and decided on Father George’s collection. The tea smells nice and is prepared quickly. You don’t have to keep it for half an hour, brewing for 5 minutes is enough. I immediately felt some kind of lightness, my stomach stopped pressing, my appetite improved, my stomach stopped rumbling. A week later, my head cleared, I had more energy, and my ability to work increased. I drank heavily for 14 days, then began to take short breaks, but did not give up treatment completely. As a result, in 2 months I felt much lighter, better, calmer, and chronic fatigue went away.”



“I began to feel better about herbs after I treated gastritis with medications, but they did not help. Then I took a course of antibiotics for sinusitis, a month later I got sick again, and this time Chlorophyllipt helped me. After these cases, I began to carefully study the effects and properties of herbs. At one time I bought a collection for the treatment of the stomach and intestines. It became easier in just a couple of days. Gradually I came to the purchase of the Monastery Collection of Father George. She treated everything with it - stomach, head, back, genitals, weak immunity. The result becomes noticeable afterwards. When you notice that your head has stopped hurting, there is no chronic fatigue, and you are not bothered by a runny nose or other troubles.”



“The decoction helped me normalize my hormonal levels. The cycle was disrupted, I felt unwell, problems with digestion appeared, my stomach was rumbling, my lower abdomen was aching, my discharge was yellowish. I went to the gynecologist, in principle, everything was fine, no special treatment was prescribed. I decided to drink weed and bought the Monastery Collection. My condition improved after a week, and in the next cycle my periods came as expected. Increased sexual desire and sensations during sex. And the painful sensations went away.”