Guys may like girls with pimples. How girls react to guys' acne

Acne appears just as often in men as in women. Despite the fact that the fair sex thinks that skin rashes don’t bother us, let’s talk about how

What is this

Everyone is familiar with these unpleasant bumps on the skin. Often red and inflamed. Some have a white, purulent head, others are internal and painful. It is precisely the latter that, after trying to squeeze them out, only become inflamed from the bacteria that have gotten inside. And after healing they form like chickenpox, or burgundy spots. When you see a guy with such skin, you get the impression that he has been to hot spot, and his face was damaged by shell fragments.


Acne in men can be completely different. Starting with poor hygiene (yes, there are real men who use sparingly water resources), and ending with diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Pimply teenagers try for a long time and painfully to get rid of acne, rubbing and lubricating their faces with everything they can get their hands on. Meanwhile, nothing helps. And it’s all about the raging hormones of a still immature baby. Testosterone begins to be rapidly produced during this period, as evidenced by the first tufts of mustaches and interest in large-breasted models.

This hormone makes sebaceous oils work two or even three times faster. That’s probably why teenagers smell so bad, scaring away others. Sebum clogs pores and excretory ducts. Bacteria multiply in cavities without air, everything becomes inflamed, and pimples become more and more numerous.

By the way, “elders” who have crossed the forty-year age barrier should not relax. The last hormonal storms will also await you in 10-15 years. So you are not guaranteed to be protected from acne, sad as it may be.

How to treat

About the treatment briefly, but to the point:

  1. Forget about sausage, margarine and your favorite mayonnaise. As well as about milk, sweet buns (now we're talking about about baking). All these products contain trans fats, gluten, and milk sugar, which cause sebaceous glands produce even more fat.
  2. Drink water, the most common mineral water.
  3. Take a shower every day (you will have to sacrifice the world's water supply).
  4. Wash your face not with soap, but with a special foam or gel for problem skin. And don’t let anyone be confused by the fact that cosmetics are for women. Blush, mascara, lipstick and all sorts of other means of decorating - yes, but care cosmetics - for everyone.
  5. Wipe the rashes with propolis tincture, Chlorhexidine.
  6. While no one is watching, you can peep recipes for facial care on women's websites. For example, here, or here By the way, you can find a lot there useful information not just about acne. For example, about the dangers of tobacco smoke.
  7. Last and most important. Don't squeeze pimples! Especially red, painful and those that are under the skin. Before smothering a pimple, you need to wait until its white muck from the inside comes out almost to the outside. The rod should be located at the very exit of the duct, and the pimple itself should dry out a little. If that's what you have, then it's time to finish them off. Don't forget to clean your hands and treat the pimple with an antiseptic before and after squeezing. Do not touch the remaining pimples, wipe them and wait until they ripen, no matter how itchy your hands are.

What to do to stop them from appearing again

Of course, you can’t argue with hormones. And you won’t be able to do anything with them, just wait for them to calm down. But you need to do something about your lifestyle. Stop drinking, smoking and go skiing or cycling. Or boxing, rocking, swimming. In short, no matter how trivial it may be, but sports and fresh air do wonders not only for the body, but also for the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol are nothing more than toxins. They are also excreted by the skin and, together with sebum, get stuck in the pores. And hygiene, men, read “Moidodyr”. It says in detail why you need a bath, or at worst a trough, a tub, an ocean. Or watch a cartoon.

“Yes, uncle,” the youngsters who have just entered the path of puberty will answer me, “something you got carried away with smoking and alcohol. We just started trying it, and I even kind of liked it.” Well, if a scorched low-alcohol drink is sweeter than the kiss of a lovely beauty, then your right. But with acne, you are unlikely to gain the experience of real male communication with a woman under 25 years old. Pimply guys will never arouse the interest of a pretty girl with big... eyes and long eyelashes. It is then that the eels will slowly stop jumping up here and there. So, have a nice time!

The sandwich always falls butter side down, and a pimple always pops up on the eve of a date. These Murphy's laws are probably familiar to everyone young man from 12 to 19 years old. IN adolescence about 80% of guys have skin problems to one degree or another.

In short, acne (adolescent acne, pimples) is a disease of the sebaceous glands of the skin and pores. From the glands, through the pores, sebum reaches the surface of the skin. Then, connecting with the horny scales of the epidermis, the secretions of the sebaceous glands form so-called comedones. They clog the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, causing inflammatory reaction with the appearance of reddish tubercles (papules).

Severe acne occurs mainly in young men. In such cases, inflammation penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and covers the lower parts of the follicle and sebaceous gland. In this case, a stagnant dark red swelling forms, which then becomes inflamed. Girls often experience this disease in a mild form, but take it more seriously.

Until recently, it was believed that the main cause of acne and acne was poor nutrition. But gradually it became clear that balanced diet is not a panacea for all ills. For example, dermatological scientists from the University of Pennsylvania have destroyed the persistent myth that chocolate has an effect on the spread of acne. 65 teenagers prone to acne ate a pound of dark chocolate every day for a month, but the increase skin rashes they were not found.

According to other studies by American scientists, if you are prone to acne, you should first of all be wary of such a harmless product as iodine. Too much iodine irritates pores, leading to breakouts, says James Fulton, director of the California Acne Institute. Their Swedish colleagues found that people suffering from acne often have a zinc deficiency, which must be replenished by eating seafood.

To date, it has been established that main reason Acne is considered to be a hormonal imbalance in the human body. The rapid processes of puberty cause a change in the ratio of androgens, estrogens and progesterone in the blood, which leads to skin inflammation. In girls, skin rashes often appear a few days before menstruation. And juvenile acne in many cases is directly related to heredity. In case the parents have ever suffered acne, the chances of their children encountering such a problem increase significantly.

Stress can also be a factor that increases the frequency of skin rashes. According to British dermatologists, students with difficult skin during the session dramatically increase the likelihood of acne. Moreover, French experts recently found that teenagers who are fond of heavy music are more likely to have skin problems than their peers who are indifferent to this musical trend.

But no matter how all the scientists on the planet explain the causes of acne, their appearance continues to spoil the mood of young people and girls. These feelings are understandable. However, there is no need to be upset, if only because acne really loves an unhealthy psychological environment. Better act!

With acne mild degree It is usually easy to treat with external treatments such as lotions and ointments. When choosing a product for yourself, be sure to consult a cosmetologist or consultant at a pharmacy. With moderate and severe forms acne requires consultation with a dermatologist. It is recommended to take a blood test for hormones. In some cases, you may need to be tested by an allergist. Specialists will certainly select for you suitable remedy, and you will no longer have to refuse a date just because an extra pimple popped up.

Many girls and boys are concerned about this issue. Let's first define what love is?

Love is the feeling you have for the object of your love. Feelings are warm and tender, those feelings that give a feeling of peace, joy, a certain euphoria, because of this we more often want to see the object of love, communicate with him, rejoice with them, love him...

Even if you have it on your face or body, this is not a reason to be indifferent to you and not experience feelings of love. Appearance attracts, beautiful appearance allows us to quickly take the first step, and if beautiful appearance there is nothing else, then naive love will immediately pass. Therefore, acne on the face is not a reason to give up on yourself, because the main thing in a person is his soul, character, hobbies, what a person lives and breathes.

Have you ever noticed that people who do not have external beauty become famous and are loved and appreciated by everyone? And why all? Because people have inner beauty that attracts what they want to love and possess.

If you find it difficult to fight acne, and you are desperate, or perhaps you still have traces of inflammation (post-acne) that have wounded your soul. Be stronger than it all. Appearance is a shell that only wears out over the years, but inner beauty always remains and only improves.

We buy more often beautiful picture, beautiful object, as something majestic and unattainable, and when we get to know a person better, we understand that there is nothing behind beauty. This doesn't always happen, but it happens most of the time.

Don’t focus on appearance, it’s not everything, it’s not the main thing in life. You can't build a life on beauty!!! Life is built on understanding, prudence and the desire to live, and then everyone decides for themselves.

If you have acne, there is only one barrier, how not to alienate a person with your appearance.

Let me be primitive, but what is stopping you from using concealers?
- Everything is convex! What if you don't like moles? Anything can be on your face if a person is scared by your appearance, even with foundation, then is it worth communicating with such a person? It's up to you to decide.

If you cannot cope with the feeling that you are a leper, then other people will think the same and perceive you as an outcast. Do you need it? I think not. Live like this if you weren’t pimply!!!

Sometimes it seems to me that people are already developing the “pimple” syndrome, if we attribute this to psychology. When a person withdraws into himself and is afraid to go out and come into contact with people. You start asking them why? In response, sharply, “I have acne, don’t you see it???!” I'm a freak!!!

Sometimes I want to object: We are who we think we are, no more and no less. We build our lives ourselves, and no one else.

There is no point in arguing. There are two sides:

  • First, a person with pimples will remain with this syndrome, will feel eternally sick, “pimply”, perhaps will try to be treated, but social phobia in its various manifestations will remain with him forever. Such a person needs a psychologist. I think the problem here is further complicated by an inferiority complex not only because of acne.
  • Second, a person will clench all his will into a fist and forget that he has acne. Or at least he will understand that 80% of people suffer from acne, and he is not alone, which means he is normal and not sick. And he will live and enjoy this life.

Is it possible to love someone with pimples?

When I first saw my husband, I first noticed huge acne on him, and when I got to know him better, I no longer noticed the flaws of his skin, but saw his inner beauty, which captivated me. I saw the best in him. And you can do this and others will be able to treat you the same way if you have something interesting and attractive about you.

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Start improving yourself, it's better than suffering from the unknown!!!
And someone, one day, will find commonality in you, share interests with you and...