Parsing VKontakte products. Free VK group parser

What are parsers for users from VKontakte groups? These are programs that collect various information according to a given algorithm. There are various parsing services that help gather the right audience for displaying advertising on social networks, in particular in social network VKontakte.

Parsers can also be used to select an audience or . For this, the basic functions of a social network are not enough.

Don't know which service to use? In today's article, we have collected a dozen programs for parsing data on the VKontakte social network, considering their advantages and prices.All you have to do is make a choice in favor of one of them.

How parsing works and how it is used

Before you start scraping, you need:

  • understand where your target audience might live.

The parser will help you easily collect a database of people who may be interested in your offer.

The service collects an audience based on the parameters you specify. Today, parsers offer audience collection based on more than a hundred different parameters.

Usually, audiences are parsed from VK groups according to the following parameters:

  • groups are gathered that may include the people you need (for example, by keywords);
  • subscribers of competitor groups are collected;
  • an active audience that likes and comments;
  • administrators and community leaders;
  • users who have just joined thematic or competitor groups;
  • by age, gender, name, whose birthday is coming soon, with the number of children you need, etc.;
  • filtering bots and deleted accounts so that you end up with a real live audience.

As a result, you will receive a finished file with the database target audience. The collected database can be used for it, or added to the service for promotion.

10 programs for parsing in VK

Let's look at what services for VK parsing are on the market today.

1. Cerebro Target.

Website: cerebro.rf.

Price: from 1225 rub/month.

Test period: No.

One of the most popular parsers for VK. Offers more than a hundred ways to find your target audience. It will help you parse the communities where your target audience is, find a similar audience, and collect clients from photo albums of competing communities. You can create a combination of audiences, for example, select those who joined the community and left a comment.

Brief conclusion:a powerful tool with a huge number of functions, but it is more suitable for experienced targetologists. It's bad that there is no test period. But a huge plus is the knowledge base and a developed VK community with a lot of useful material and practical cases.


Price:from 100 rubles (for 2 days).

Test period: You can try the basic features of the service for free. The free plan includes 24 tools and 1 task stream.

Personally, I like this parser the most. The perfect combination of price and features that you can try for free. If you need to quickly launch a small advertisement, you just need to connect access for 2 days for only 100 rubles.

Knows how to gather groups, group members, and find the right users based on their contacts. There is a function to clear the list of bots.

Among the new ones, ready-made databases are available for purchase (and many for free). Your work has already been done for you.

Brief conclusion:An excellent service for gathering a VKontakte audience, understandable for beginners and affordable for everyone. If you don’t work as an SMM specialist and you need to collect databases from time to time, this is just what you need.

3. Pepper.Ninja


Price:from 490 rubles per month.

Test period: There is a free basic account, but with it you can only search for communities.

This parser works not only with VKontakte. It will help you find the right audience on other popular social networks: Instagram, Facebook and Odnoklassniki.

You can set periodic tasks that will run themselves after a certain period of time.

Brief conclusion:a good tool for those who work with several social networks at once. Large set of functions for optimal price. The service has a developed VK community and a blog with many useful materials for beginners and more.

4. Flashlight.


Price: free.

This is a fairly simple tool with an “ancient” interface that will help make your advertising on VKontakte more effective. Gathers a retargeting audience, the most available basic tools. Another interesting thing is that you will receive notifications about activities in groups.

Brief conclusion:not bad for those who just want to “get a feel” for what retargeting is and learn how to gather an audience without paying a penny for it.

5. "".


Price:basic limited functionality is free; You can purchase access to all scripts for 1 day for 149 rubles.

With basic free access, you can gather an audience based on basic parameters, parse communities, active and new subscribers (only with a limitation on the volume of calculations).

The service will help you find even people with an open wall and an open personal message, and collect phone numbers. There is a function to clear lists of banned and deleted users.

Brief conclusion:This service is perfect for beginners who are just getting into the intricacies of targeted advertising.


Price:from 60 rubles per day to 1500 rubles per month.

Test period: 7 days.

This parser works not only with VKontakte, but also with Instagram and Odnoklassniki. Allows you to collect phone numbers, survey participants, promotional posts, Skype and Twitter accounts. There are tools for analytics and audience filtering.

Brief conclusion:excellent combination of price and feature set. Suitable for those who want to promote themselves on several social networks at once.

Price: 900 rubles.

Test period: No.

This is not an online service, but a desktop program. That is, you need to download and install it on your computer. Collects data about subscribers - country, city, age, etc., but also catches whether the user receives messages, what phone number and Skype accounts, Instagram.

Brief conclusion: simple program, but the functionality is a little limited. And it’s inconvenient because you need to install it on your PC - it’s easier to use online services.



Price: for free.

This service can find keywords on the walls of VKontakte users. Moreover, he understands them in direct occurrence (in quotes) and indirectly. As a result, you can collect a database of people who care about some common problem, and offer them your product.

Brief conclusion: only one function, but it’s free. May be useful if you have a single product or are looking for partners.

9. Pubbler.


Price:from 300 rubles per day to 20,000 rubles per year.

Test period: There is a free demo mode with limitations.

This is a multifunctional service for monitoring social networks and teaser networks. For yourself, you can use two cool functions: search for intersections between groups (take two groups of competitors and find subscribers who are there and there). You can also analyze engagement.

Brief conclusion:this service is more suitable for arbitrage traders and those who make money from affiliate marketing.

10. Turbo.Parser.


Price: from 60 rubles.

Test period: you can try it for free.

This is a parser for those who trade through social networks, especially those who engage in joint purchases. The main function is to parse goods from a specified site for uploading them to VK or Odnoklassniki. There's another one interesting feature– parsing of VKontakte product albums.

Brief conclusion:This parser is not suitable for setting up advertising. However, it will make life easier for those who trade through this social network.


As you can see, today the market offers a variety of tools for parsing data on VKontakte. Some of them are suitable for those who are professional in setting up advertising, while others can be handled by a beginner.

Save the selection so you don’t lose it!

And again, I found good and, most importantly, working software for you. Namely, a free group parser for VKontakte, which you can also download absolutely free from the link at the end of the post. In the meantime, let's take a closer look at the capabilities of the parser, who needs it, and what a parser is in general.

Free VK group parser – what is it and why?

Parser is a program for a specific website or social network, in this case it is VK, that sorts groups and communities according to your criteria. In short, if you need a list of groups or public pages with an open wall, a specific topic and a good number of subscribers, then you can find them in a few seconds using this parser. At that time, manually selecting communities based on these criteria will take you several hours.

So who will benefit from the VKontakte groups parser? And it will be useful to many people, especially those who do business on social networks, develop their own groups and pages, and spammers, since without similar software they simply will not be able to work. So the software will be useful to everyone, those who need to find many groups according to certain criteria and, most importantly, quickly and for free.

Parser functionality

Honestly, for free software, it has very rich functionality and I’m impressed. After all, now it’s generally difficult to find useful software for free, but here is such an interesting program. True, I don’t need it, since I use it when necessary. It just has functions for promotion in social networks 100 times larger, and the parser is naturally built into it. But for many who do not want to pay for unnecessary features with their own money, I found a free program.

VK parser functionality:

  • Parses an indefinite number of requests simultaneously.
  • Can parse groups, public pages, meetings.
  • Fast parsing.
  • Ability to filter communities by number of subscribers.
  • Country/city filtering.
  • Filter communities with open walls, messages, videos.
  • You can choose to parse links to communities or their ids.
  • Copying and saving parsing results.
  • Saves the specified settings even after exiting the program.
  • Can be used proxy .

You can see the performance of the parser in the video that I filmed myself:

There are, of course, some subtleties of the program. As far as I have noticed, the parser searches exactly according to your queries and criteria. For example, in the filter I indicated one of the cities and it searched in it, and if you do not select the city of the community, then it seemed to me that it was looking for communities not tied to specific cities. Here's a remark. Of course, maybe I did something wrong, but at least there were more search results for the city than without specifying it. No more clues were found. Download the bot from the link below absolutely free.

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Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today I want to introduce you to a unique thing for SEO promotion of your website. This VK parser! I hope you know about such a thing?! And if not, then you should definitely find out!!!

I tell and show a video demonstrating the work VK parser!

You can also download parser for free VK, which I offer you only today and only here!!!

Let's hurry while there's a freebie...

What is VK parser?

Maybe some people don’t know what a VK parser is. Then I will tell you a little about this one-of-a-kind product.

VK parser— This is a program that is simply necessary for a user who has decided to get involved in SEO promotion and promotion of their website. With the help of this program it becomes possible to download everything VK groups And VK pages, which you need for your key queries for further use in SEO promotion and promotion of your website or blog on the most popular social network - VK.

This is what this unique and at first glance inconspicuous program looks like, which you can download free VK parser:

How does VK parser work?

It's quite simple. You can see in the picture above that you first need to log in to VK. Enter your details to log into your VK account and click “Login”, half the job is done.

Now you need to enter your keyword by which you will search for VK groups or VK pages. Then check the “Parse groups with open walls” checkbox. This is so that you can then add your posts there.

AND last action, which needs to be done so that we can start parsing VK groups. Just click the "Start" button.

And you will see in the “List of found VK groups” field on the right, the addresses of your searched VK groups will begin to appear.