Nutrition to enhance male strength. Diet for potency in men - several options to choose from. How to increase and decrease potency with nutrition: tips and reviews

Stress, overwork, sedentary work, nicotine and alcohol - all this negatively affects potency and libido. Therefore, many men already at the age of 30 begin to think about how to improve their erection quickly, effectively and safely. Proper nutrition, gymnastics, medications and alternative medicine can cope with the problem.

Don't worry, there are many means to improve potency

Products to improve erection

In order for the penis to stand, the erection to last, and sex to be unforgettable, sometimes it’s enough just to reconsider your diet. Many products can increase potency in boys and men and help avoid the development of erectile dysfunction, but they need to be consumed regularly.

A man's diet should contain more foods that contain zinc, magnesium, selenium, potassium, calcium and iron; vitamins A, B, E help to avoid impotence. These substances are necessary for the production of testosterone, the normal functioning of the reproductive system, and have a beneficial effect on sperm quality , eliminate the manifestations of stress.

What can you eat to increase potency - a list of the best foods:

  1. Cocoa, dark chocolate - these products quickly reduce systolic blood pressure, which has a beneficial effect on the strength and duration of an erection. The composition also contains flanovols - antioxidants that improve vascular tone several times.
  2. Garlic is a vegetable with a pungent smell and taste that helps increase testosterone levels, accelerates blood circulation, and reduces blood pressure.
  3. Natural pomegranate juice improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, promotes the synthesis of testosterone, cleanses the body of free radicals, its effect is similar to Viagra. When drinking juice, it should be washed down with water to avoid the development of ulcerative processes in the stomach.
  4. Spinach is the best remedy for a strong and maximum erection; it is considered a natural steroid and contains almost all the vitamins and microelements necessary for men's health.
  5. Raw walnuts - contain arginine, improve the condition of blood vessels, the penis becomes strong.
  6. Oysters are a powerful aphrodisiac; they contain amino acids and trace elements that improve sperm quality and quantity, and increase sexual desire. But you shouldn’t use them often - this is fraught with the accumulation of mercury in the body and the development of gastroenteritis.
  7. Lean meats - this product is necessary for the synthesis of the hormone thyroxine, which is responsible for libido.
  8. Nutmeg is an stimulating spice that can be added to prepared dishes or dissolved in water. Daily dose – 1/3 tsp.

Nutmeg is good for potency

All products can be consumed fresh, boiled, baked, steamed, stewed, you need to eat regularly and in small portions, portions should not be large. The last meal is 2 hours before bedtime.

What foods negatively affect potency?

In addition to creating a diet of healthy foods, it is necessary to exclude all unhealthy foods from the menu.

List of prohibited products:

  • fast food, canned food, chips;
  • pasta – only products made from durum wheat can be consumed in small quantities;
  • potatoes in large quantities - only baked tubers are beneficial for the male body;
  • sausages, sausages, lard;
  • You can eat brown or unpolished rice several times a week; other varieties have a bad effect on male power;
  • intoxicating, carbonated drinks;
  • soy products – contain female sex hormones;
  • bakery products made from yeast dough.

Fast food has a detrimental effect on men's health

Coffee remains the most controversial product. Caffeine enhances heart function, promotes vasodilation, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and fills with energy. But if you abuse strong tea and coffee, sudden changes in pressure occur, and the penis quickly becomes flaccid. Therefore, only moderate consumption of these drinks helps strengthen erection.

Regular consumption of ginger tea, pumpkin juice with celery, and kumiss will help increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Drugs to improve erectile function

The fastest way to get your erection back and prolong sexual intercourse is to take a medicine that enhances erections. But you should not abuse medications, as they are addictive and have certain contraindications and side effects.


If problems with erection occur rarely, there are no chronic diseases, you can take stimulants in the form of tablets - they act quickly, the therapeutic effect lasts for several hours. To avoid counterfeits, you can first look at the photo to see what the medicines look like.

List of effective drugs:

Impaza - a Russian remedy for impotence

Potency pills should not be taken if you have problems with the heart, blood vessels, liver, ulcers, or hypotension. The medicine is not recommended to be combined with alcohol and fatty foods.


External products are safer than tablets, but their effect is shorter, so they should be applied 5-15 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Creams and gels for potency:

  1. Maxoderm - contains herbal extracts, grapefruit seed extract, vitamins, zinc. After application, a persistent and long-lasting erection occurs, the corpora cavernosa are filled with blood, which helps to increase the size of the penis, the cream increases the sensitivity of the erogenous zones. It must be used regularly, for at least 3 months.
  2. Med 2002 - ointment has an antibacterial, analgesic, and stimulating effect. It should be applied immediately before sexual intercourse; it can be used instead of a lubricant. Disadvantages - the composition contains many synthetic ingredients.
  3. Himcolin is a gel, ointment or cream based on natural ingredients. The drug stimulates erection, increases arousal, and aggravates sensations. It must be applied daily for at least 2 weeks, even if there is no coitus, it will help get rid of sexual impotence.

Himcolin - ointment to increase erection

A short, but powerful and persistent erection can be obtained after applying regular nitroglycerin or heparin ointment to the penis. They quickly dilate blood vessels, activate blood circulation, and are low cost and safe.

Drops and dietary supplements

The drops are distinguished by their natural composition, cumulative effect, and ease of use.

Drops Thor's Hammer - the composition contains many vitamins and microelements, the drug helps get rid of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, enhances libido, improves the quality of seminal fluid, promotes testosterone synthesis. You need to take 3-5 drops once a day for 15-30 days. Dietary supplement is not a medicine.

Thor's Hammer drops consist of natural ingredients

Tornado drops – have a stimulating, tonic, and general strengthening effect; the dietary supplement contains guarana extract, arginine, glycine, and magnesium. The drug stimulates erection, helps prolong sexual intercourse, improves blood circulation in the penis, and is safe for prostate pathologies. You need to take 5 drops daily for 2 weeks.

Folk remedies to enhance erection

Among the methods of alternative medicine, there are many effective recipes for enhancing potency; preparing them at home is not at all difficult.

Simple recipes:

  1. Mix 100 ml of honey and chopped walnuts, eat 5 g of medicine three times a day, wash down with green tea.
  2. St. John's wort will help improve potency even in old age - pour 100 g of crushed raw materials with 300 ml of water, leave in a closed container for half an hour, strain. Drink 30 ml 4 times a day. In the same way you can prepare an infusion of thyme.
  3. Grind 50 g of propolis, pour in 100 ml of vodka, stir, put in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Three times a day, add 35 drops of the medicine to warm milk and drink before meals.
  4. To restore male strength and enhance sexual desire, you need to pour 120 g of crushed aspen bark into 600 ml of boiling water and leave in a sealed container for an hour. Drink 100 ml three times a day.
  5. Mix 15 g of finely chopped ginseng root, 350 ml of liquid honey and 30 ml of vodka, leave the mixture for 10 days. Take 0.5 tsp three times a day. for 6–8 weeks.
  6. Essential oils of patchouli, sandalwood, juniper, and ylang-ylang have a good stimulating and stimulating effect. They can be applied drop by drop to the wrist or added to the bath.

To avoid problems with potency and improve sperm quality, you need to eat 20–30 g of raw pumpkin seeds daily.

Walnuts and honey are good for men's health

Exercises for the “stone riser”

Effective exercises:

  1. In the morning after waking up, use your muscles to raise and lower the penis.
  2. Tighten and relax the muscles of the perineum - this exercise can be done several times a day anywhere.
  3. Raise your knees high - move up while inhaling, and return to the starting position as you exhale.
  4. Squats help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which reduces the risk of developing hemorrhoids and impotence. You need to squat with a straight back, do not lift your heels off the floor, and linger at the lowest point for several seconds.
  5. Rotational movements of the pelvis in a semi-squat position, while the gluteal muscles should be strained as much as possible.
  6. “Birch” – hold straight legs vertical to the floor for at least 1 minute, keep the abdominal and buttock muscles tense.
  7. For 1 minute, perform the “bicycle” exercise - keep your legs at right angles to the floor, clasp your hands behind your head.
  8. Arch – lie on your back, bend your knees, place your heels and palms on the floor. Lift your hips and lower back from the surface, squeeze your gluteal muscles, hold at the top point for 30 seconds.

You need to start with 10 repetitions of each exercise, gradually increase the number to 25. They can be performed at any pace, special attention should be paid to quality, and everything should be done with maximum amplitude. If all the rules are followed, noticeable improvements will occur within 1–2 weeks.

Every man is able to improve erectile function and prevent the development of impotence; it is only necessary to slightly reconsider the daily routine, nutrition and lifestyle.

  1. Control your weight - every extra kilogram negatively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which causes erectile dysfunction.
  2. Regularly give the body moderate physical activity - training makes the heart work harder, congestion disappears, and vitality increases. The best sports for men are running, swimming, cycling, and strength training.
  3. Regularly visit the bathhouse and sauna - under the influence of high temperatures, the pores expand, the body is cleansed of toxic and poisonous substances.
  4. Take a contrast shower every morning to improve the condition of blood vessels and immunity.
  5. Regular sex life is the key to the absence of erection problems.
  6. Get enough sleep, avoid stress, eat right.
  7. Give up bad habits.

The bath will cleanse the body of harmful substances

Walk barefoot on grass, sand, small pebbles more often - there are many energy points on the feet, massage of which improves potency.

For every man, a good erection is the key to strength and self-confidence; any failures in sex worsen the psycho-emotional state, which further aggravates the problem. It is enough to start eating right, regularly doing simple exercises to always be in shape; in emergency cases, you can resort to medications.

Do you know what is included in dietary supplements designed specifically for men? Did you know that all these substances can be found in ordinary foods? How to increase male power with food? Let's take a closer look at products that are beneficial for men.

Since ancient times, dishes have been known that increase male strength. Modern medicine makes it possible to study the substances that are part of such dishes, give a scientific explanation for this, and include them in dietary supplements, which, by the way, cost a lot of money. What is their secret? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

It turns out that all these substances necessary for men's health can be found in ordinary products. What are these products?

The main hormone responsible for male sexual function is testosterone. This is a fat-soluble hormone, the synthesis of which requires healthy and proper fats and fat-soluble vitamins.

Products that promote testosterone synthesis:

  • unrefined vegetable oil
  • olive oil
  • flaxseed oil (it is included in many drugs designed to increase male strength)
  • fatty fish (salmon, mackerel)
  • fish oil (it contains such a unique substance as omega-3 fatty acid, which is also included in dietary supplements)
  • nuts (they are present in many ancient recipes for male enhancement)
  • olive
  • tomatoes

You should also include foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins A and E in your diet. Vitamin E comes from plants. Most of it is found in broccoli, spinach, green peas, sorrel and nuts. In addition, this vitamin is found in unrefined grains, among which wheat is in first place. It’s not for nothing that wheat germ is included in popular men’s preparations.

Sources of vitamin A are liver, butter, and dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream and feta cheese.

Do you remember such a character as Casanova, famous for his love affairs? They say that he ate oysters for breakfast to increase his male power. And it really makes sense. The fact is that seafood is very rich in microelements necessary for potency. And one of the most important of them is zinc.

What foods contain zinc:

  • Oysters, seaweed and other seafood.
  • cocoa
  • chicken, beef and lamb
  • white pumpkin seeds (their consumption was even recommended by Sigmund Freud, a doctor who studied sexual behavior)
  • pine nuts and peanuts
  • beans and peas
  • buckwheat

Spices and herbs have long been considered another ancient love potion. Onions and garlic are considered powerful potency enhancing agents, on the basis of which many ancient recipes were created. They contain the substance allicin, which increases testosterone levels. And in addition, they help improve blood circulation and microcirculation, improving potency. Mint, cumin, dill and St. John's wort are also considered beneficial for male strength.

What should you not eat?

If you want to maintain male strength, you need to avoid products containing estrogen-like substances, that is, those that in their structure resemble female sex hormones. They can lead to hormonal imbalance in the body. And in first place in terms of harmfulness is beer, which contains a large amount of phytoestrogens. It can not only reduce potency, but also, under the influence of female hormones, female-type obesity can begin, and a so-called “beer belly” appears.

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We have long learned what aphrodisiac foods are. But what about food, which not only evokes desire, but also serves as a definite preventative against the decline of male power?

Driven by this idea, a scientist at the Health Center in Britain began researching food products that increase potency. Dr. Malcolm Carruthers knows that testosterone is the source of male strength and confidence. He is also aware that after thirty, most guys begin to have problems with potency. You can practice relaxation techniques and sports. But there is another panacea-savior for sex life. This is the right food. The online men's magazine MPORT names all the food products that, according to a British scientist, will help you feel more confident in bed.


Eat red grapes. This berry increases sperm motility. Malcolm discovered that the skins of red grapes contain resveratrol, a substance responsible for the activity of the reproductive protein. In support of the scientist, researchers from China found that 10 grams of the skin of such grapes has a positive effect on the ability of certain organs to produce sperm.


The healthiest fish for your male activity is tuna. The vitamin D it contains increases testosterone levels in the blood by 90%. After such food in bed you will be unsurpassed. Moreover, scientists at the University of Health in Austria concluded that tuna also has a positive effect on DNA molecules in sperm. All that remains is to figure out how to remove the smell of fish from your mouth before meeting your friend.


Our modern diet is far from the healthiest. The cholesterol you often consume clogs your blood vessels. This also applies to the vessel of the organ that you use during sex. Try changing your diet to foods that contain more vegetable fats. For example, avocado. This exotic product contains not only vitamins, but healthy fats that will cleanse the blood vessels of the whole body. Including the reproductive organ.


The International Center for Impotence Research conducted experiments. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that pomegranate improves potency. 47% of men who constantly drank pomegranate juice significantly improved their male strength. You can buy this drink in any supermarket.



Vegetarianism is a healthy diet that will help you lose weight quickly. But eating fruits and vegetables won't get you very far. This is especially true for bed. A man needs protein to produce sperm. It's not news that meat is one of the richest sources of protein. There can be no question of any fruit here. But with meat you also need to know when to stop. It is often too fatty and contains many other elements that can harm your male health. Researchers at the University of Utah reported that the most rational amount of proteins and nutrients is in venison.


Garlic contains cortisol. This element is responsible for preserving the body’s energy resources. What energy do you think powers sperm to actively and purposefully move toward the eggs? That's right: cortisol is another important source of reproductive protein motility. Eat raw garlic.

Honey contains nitric oxide and boron. Such chemical elements increase blood flow by 50%. Eat a teaspoon of honey once a day and you will not be bothered by erection problems.

What is the best food for male potency? This question is asked, perhaps, by every representative of the stronger sex. Doctors believe that to preserve male strength, you need to include foods high in zinc and iron in your diet.

What is harmful to an erection?

Experts believe that some foods contain enzymes that reduce testosterone production and impair erection.

The following products are believed to reduce potency:

  1. Smoked meats and sausages. They contain toxins that adversely affect the functioning of the testicles. As a result, hormonal imbalance may occur in the body. In addition, abuse of this food can lead to the development of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Alcoholic drinks. Doctors believe that drinking alcohol in any quantity is harmful. This is due to the fact that even small doses of alcohol contain toxins that dull testosterone production. In addition, beer contains female hormones that negatively affect erection.
  3. Carbonated drinks. They contain a lot of sugar and caffeine. These substances lead to dehydration of the body and reduce sperm motility.
  4. Full fat milk. This drink contains a large amount of estrogen, which negatively affects male libido.
  5. Fast food. Regular consumption of fast food has a negative effect on erection. In addition, the toxins contained in these products impair testosterone production.
  6. Mayonnaise and ketchup. These dietary supplements contain cholesterol, which impairs blood circulation. In addition, mayonnaise and ketchup contain harmful fats that negatively affect reproductive function.
  7. Products high in caffeine. As is known, this substance destroys free testosterone and leads to impotence.

Changing the diet

Doctors have a saying: to cure something, first of all, change your eating habits. To increase potency, you need to include the following products in the menu:

  1. Oysters. This product is a storehouse of useful microelements. Oysters also contain beneficial amino acids and zinc. Doctors believe that these substances can increase potency by 2-3 times. It is best to eat oysters raw, since heat treatment evaporates all the beneficial substances. For a better effect, you can add a little lemon juice to the oysters.
  2. Flounder. This fish is a powerful aphrodisiac. It has long been believed that to increase potency you need to consume large amounts of vitamins A, E and B. All of them are contained in flounder. In addition, this product contains high-quality protein. Please note that flounder should not be consumed by people prone to allergic reactions.
  3. Mackerel. As you know, a man needs fatty acids to increase potency. The best source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids is mackerel. In addition, regular consumption of this product has a positive effect on sperm activity. Mackerel also contains a lot of iodine, which, in turn, is a powerful aphrodisiac.
  4. Turnip. It has long been believed that to increase potency you need to eat a lot of turnips. Doctors explain this by the fact that this product contains a large amount of fiber and other microelements that have a beneficial effect on potency. Note that turnips also contain minerals that stimulate testosterone production.
  5. Fish. Fish contains a lot of iodine and phosphorus. Doctors note that these microelements help increase potency better than special medications.
  6. Nuts. This product contains large amounts of vitamin E, zinc and magnesium. It is these substances that are best able to increase potency. Doctors believe that eating 40-50 grams of walnuts daily is beneficial. Alternatively, you can eat hazelnuts or peanuts. Nuts also contain a large amount of fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on potency.

Meat and chicken eggs

Experts believe that eating meat is beneficial for potency. This product contains a large amount of healthy protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, when meat enters the human body, thyroxine begins to be produced. This hormone has a beneficial effect on maintaining hormonal excitability of the nerve centers. It is believed that the healthiest meats are beef, turkey, chicken and lamb. It is advisable to steam these products, as when fried they lose all their beneficial properties.

You should also eat dark chocolate to increase your sex drive. This product contains theobromine and phenylethylamine. These substances significantly increase libido and have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Doctors believe that it is best to eat dark chocolate with a cocoa percentage of 65-70%. Please note that this product should not be consumed by people who have liver disease or high blood pressure.

Another product that increases potency is chicken and quail eggs. British scientists have found that people who eat at least 2 quail eggs daily are less prone to impotence. This product contains many amino acids that improve sperm production. In addition, quail eggs contain beneficial enzymes such as iron and phosphorus. It is best to consume the product raw.


Doctors believe that regular consumption of certain drinks can have a beneficial effect on male libido. It is believed that fresh juices significantly increase potency. They contain a large amount of antioxidants and microelements that increase testosterone production.

The best drink to increase sexual desire is watermelon juice. It contains a large amount of citrulline, which, when ingested, is converted into arginine. This substance improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on erection.

To increase potency, you can also drink mare's milk. This product has long been famous for its rejuvenating effect on the body. Doctors believe that regular consumption of mare's milk improves metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. As a result, kumiss has a beneficial effect on a man’s sexual activity. Experts believe that you can drink no more than 1 glass of this drink per day. Please note that kumiss is prohibited for consumption by people who have lactose intolerance or gastrointestinal diseases.

Another good remedy for potency is ginger tea. This drink contains a large amount of minerals and amino acids. In addition, ginger tea contains vitamin A. These substances remove toxins and stimulate erection. Ginger tea is quite easy to prepare at home. First of all, take the ginger root and peel it. After this, finely chop it and pour boiling water over it. Add a little honey and lemon to the drink. Ginger tea should not be drunk by people who suffer from colitis, gastritis and enteritis.

Potency is an important component of a man’s full life. There are several effective ways to strengthen potency using food.

Products that can influence male potency have long been called aphrodisiacs. The name “aphrodisiac” originated in Ancient Greece from the goddess Aphrodite. They influence male strength and endurance.

These are important and necessary substances for the male body. Aphrodisiac products should include vitamins A, E and B. It is believed that A and E are the real multiplication vitamins, and B is a vitamin that helps conduct impulses along nerve endings.

Vitamins are an important component of men's health

Important: Only a fully balanced diet can make a man sexually active. Excessive consumption of food reduces potency, while a hungry person may not have it at all.

Men's food should contain a sufficient amount of proteins and plant components to significantly increase potency. Minerals are an important component, since “male strength” is affected by a sufficient amount in the body:

  • magnesium
  • zinc
  • calcium

Erection improves from regular consumption of unsaturated fats and carbohydrates. It’s safe to say that if you adjust a man’s diet, you can achieve not only health, but also strength and endurance in sexual relationships.

a properly adjusted diet for men improves the quality of sex

If we specifically name certain products, then plant-based ones can be put in first place:

  • nuts
  • citrus
  • fruits
  • garlic
  • mushrooms
  • pumpkin seeds

Important: Bread, especially rye, is no less important for potency.

Dairy products, fish and meat can affect sperm quality and potency, as they are the main sources of protein.

Video: “Aphrodisiacs”

Meat for male potency. How does meat affect the potency of men?

We can safely say that meat is a vital product for men. This product helps regulate the level of an important hormone in the body - testosterone. Meat is also an irreplaceable source of animal protein.

meat is a source of protein and a testosterone regulator

Important: In addition to the fact that the protein contained in meat increases potency, it also improves immunity and metabolism in humans.

Meat in its natural form (boiled, fried or baked), and not in burgers and sausages, is a source of important vitamins and minerals. Giving a man fullness and energy, meat products take care of his health.

Important: It is best to eat meat boiled, baked or steamed. During frying, carcinogens are still released, and there is more cholesterol in fried meat.

The best effect on male potency is:

  • beef
  • chicken
  • rabbit

Of course, lean, non-fatty meat has a more effective effect on the body, since excessive consumption of fatty meats leads to problems of the cardiovascular system.

The amount of meat consumed per day by a man should depend on his lifestyle. So, a quiet pastime requires eating no more than 50 grams of meat per day, and heavy physical activity - 200-300 grams. The more a man loses strength, the more he needs protein.

Eating too much reduces sexual activity

Every man should keep in mind that excessive consumption of food, in particular meat, inevitably leads to obesity and loss of libido. Doctors say that it is normal for a man to eat meat at least three times a week.

Video: “Sex hormone (testosterone) and male potency”

Goat milk for male potency

Of course, all dairy products are good for men's health. But the strongest qualities are worth highlighting in goat milk. Goat milk is a product familiar from childhood.

It perfectly regulates metabolism in the body and can even improve immunity, as it contains a lot of vitamins and beneficial microelements. In addition, goat milk is a real aphrodisiac for men.

Important: An interesting historical fact tells us that Casanova himself replaced alcoholic drinks with regular goat milk. It has long been believed that it has a beneficial effect on male potency.

goat milk - a remedy for male potency

Goat milk gives not only satiety to a man after a hard day at work, but also the opportunity to prolong sexual intercourse, regardless of his state of fatigue. Sexologists recommend drinking a glass of this milk before dinner and in the evening, foreshadowing sexual relations.

Important: The success of this product is that it contains the most important minerals: calcium and zinc. They are responsible for the amount of testosterone in the blood and improve the quality of erection.

Milk contains sufficient amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E, which have a beneficial effect on health and libido. Regular consumption of goat's milk can normalize sexual dysfunction, increase erection, and avoid impotence.

Video: “Milk for potency”

Nuts for increasing potency and their benefits

Everyone knows about the benefits of nuts for the human body. They are champions in the content of useful microelements, in particular for men. There are several popular nuts in our country that have incredible nutritional properties:

  • Walnut - It's safe to say that this is the healthiest nut that exists. It contains an incredible amount of vitamins A, B, C, E, K and important minerals. A large amount of zinc can increase testosterone levels, and this hormone improves potency. The most reliable recipe is nuts with honey. Honey enhances the effect of the components, supplementing them with its own. Doctors recommend that men eat nuts every day, at least ten pieces
  • Almond- is also incredibly necessary for a man to maintain health. It contains a lot of vitamin B and important components such as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium. The uniqueness of almonds is in arginine - a special amino acid that improves blood circulation, which has a great effect on potency
  • Pistachios— it’s not for nothing that these oriental nuts are so popular and have the status of an aphrodisiac. The fact is that they include four essential components for men's health: zinc, folic acid, arginine and unsaturated fats. Folic acid significantly improves the quality of sperm itself, and unsaturated fats “kill” cholesterol. The recommended serving of pistachios per day is up to 100 grams.
  • Pine nuts- This is not a common product, but very useful. Its content of vitamins and minerals exceeds all expectations. Regular consumption of pine nuts in food guarantees increased potency and high-quality prevention of impotence

Daily inclusion of nuts in the diet can increase potency

Video: “Folk remedy for restoring male power, walnut”

Fish for potency. Beneficial components contained in fish

Fish is a nutritious and healthy product, containing many microelements and vitamins. For good men's health, doctors recommend regularly including fish dishes in the diet.

Lean fish contains:

  • vitamins A, D and E
  • fatty acids
  • selenium
  • iron
  • calcium
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium

Important: Fish contains the maximum amount of amino acids and protein that are beneficial for the male body.

fish and fish dishes are an important component of the male diet

Of all the varieties, the following can be distinguished:

  • Mackerel- it has protein that is very easily absorbed by the body. It contains important minerals such as iodine, magnesium, calcium and fluorine. Regular inclusion of mackerel in the diet guarantees an increase in libido (sexual desire) and improves erectile function
  • Pink salmon- this fish is rich in zinc, sodium and chromium. Eating pink salmon can replenish the missing amount of vitamins in the body.
  • Tuna- incredibly rich in vitamins. It contains the entire group of vitamins B, vitamin A and PP. High-quality tuna meat is saturated with omega-3 fats - these are regulators of metabolism in the body. Tuna can not only increase potency, but also relieve inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system when consumed regularly
  • Pollock- rich in microelements necessary for “male strength.” It contains a lot of iodine, cobalt, potassium and phosphorus. If you regularly consume pollock, you can increase your sex drive and get rid of impotence problems.
  • Cod- This is a rare product, but it has many useful substances. It contains vitamin B12, C and A. The zinc content is very high
  • Men who consume cod regularly notice that their sexual self-esteem becomes significantly higher, sexual desire is always present, and the act itself lasts longer

Video: “Fish for potency”

Fruits and vegetables that increase sweating

Products of plant origin play a significant role in improving the sexual qualities of men. The vitamin E they contain has a beneficial effect on potency. The presence of vitamin A, as well as other useful components, is also important:

  • Carrot - contains a huge amount of vitamin A. This vitamin increases the “strength” of a man and enhances sexual desire
  • Citrus fruits: lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit - contain a lot of vitamin C, a known potency regulator. If necessary, you can replace citrus fruits with spinach, currants or pepper- they also contain a sufficient amount of this vitamin
  • Onions and garlic - have beneficial properties and strengthen “male strength” significantly
  • Green- has a stimulating effect
  • Celery and ginger- they can even be used for preventive purposes against inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. They contain all the important and necessary microelements specifically for the male body. Celery is rich in minerals that are so important for potency
  • Seeds (pumpkin and sunflower)- have nucleic acids, protein, phosphorus, zinc - important components of a healthy body

daily consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits has a beneficial effect on “men’s health”

Important: Be careful, excessive consumption of citrus fruits can provoke an allergic reaction.

Video: “How to improve potency? Products for potency”

Oysters for potency. What is the effectiveness?

An unusually strong stimulating property is inherent in such an unusual product as oysters. They have a beneficial effect on the health of the male reproductive organ because they contain a huge amount of organic zinc.

Zinc is known to stimulate the production of male hormone in the right amount. Moreover, this component can improve sperm count. And their unique component, dopamine, improves attraction to the opposite sex and increases libido.

oysters are rich in zinc

Important: Researchers noted that in the spring, when mollusks are actively mating, the concentration of amino acids and zinc is significantly higher. To qualitatively increase potency, it is recommended to consume oysters during this period.

Oysters should be eaten raw because heat treatment can cause the shellfish to lose half of its beneficial properties. To improve the taste, you can use lemon juice.

You should not eat oysters too often, as it is quite possible to get indigestion and even poisoning. This is because shellfish are often carriers of bacteria, and their mercury content is high.

How do raw chicken eggs affect potency?

Chicken and quail eggs have a strong influence on the sexual desire of men. It has been noticed that men who consume eggs regularly feel much stronger desire and are even able to experience several orgasms in a row.

Eggs are useful because they contain:

  • amino acids
  • phosphorus
  • iron

Regular consumption of eggs increases libido

Eggs, of course, can be consumed in any cooked form, but some studies reveal the enormous benefits of raw eggs. If you follow all hygiene standards (wash egg shells and eat only fresh eggs), you can avoid infectious diseases.

Important: Raw eggs contain a much higher concentration of beneficial components than cooked ones.

You should only consume raw eggs in compliance with all hygiene standards.

Since ancient times, a raw chicken egg has been considered a strong aphrodisiac and was combined with onions and nuts. Those who experience problems with potency and erection drink eggs.

Products that reduce potency and harm men's health

Doctors highlight a list of products that negatively affect male potency:

  • Salt- this is sodium, and its excess has a detrimental effect on “male strength”. Food should be seasoned with a little salt to add flavor, but not too much salt.
  • Sugar - This is not always glucose, which is needed to provide the body with energy. Sugar found in modern fast food reduces libido
  • Fast food - has no beneficial substances and is saturated with fats, carbohydrates, and sugar. Frequent consumption of fast food provokes a concentration of the female hormone estrogen in the male body, and as a result, a decrease in desire
  • Sodas and drinks - Excess sugar is bad for your health
  • Soybeans- contains too much female hormone that the male body does not need
  • Caffeine - this substance is capable of killing testosterone molecules
  • Alcohol - suppresses sperm attraction and activity

How to increase and decrease potency with nutrition: tips and reviews

A healthy lifestyle for a man is the key to “male strength” and activity. The diet should include a large amount of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and grains.

Only a balanced menu will give a man the opportunity to be confident in his superiority. At the same time, modern food products: fast food, sweets, coffee and carbonated drinks are poison for the testosterone hormone.

Important: Only a complete adjustment of a man’s diet, adequate sleep and moderate physical activity during the day can dramatically increase potency.

Video: “10 ways to quickly strengthen potency”