Why can't you breathe through your mouth for a long time? Why is it easier to breathe through your nose than through your mouth? Why is it harmful to breathe through your mouth? Reasons you haven't thought about before. The child breathes through his mouth

Some people are used to breathing through their mouths rather than their noses. Not only is mouth breathing physiologically incorrect, it also causes serious harm to health. This article will discuss the possible consequences that may arise if you constantly breathe through your mouth.

What are the consequences of breathing through your mouth?

Development of malocclusion

Parents need to pay attention to how their child breathes. If he has mouth breathing, then an abnormal bite may form. The fact is that normally, with the jaw closed, the tongue should be adjacent to the upper palate. And if a child breathes through his mouth, then his tongue always lies below.

As a result, the jaw develops incorrectly. The lower jaw moves forward, but the upper remains underdeveloped. In addition, because of this, tooth growth is disrupted. You can correct your bite up to ten years of age.

Frequent sore throat

When you breathe correctly through your nose, the air is cleared of bacteria, warmed, and only then enters the lungs. If a person breathes incorrectly, pathogenic microorganisms and cold air enter the mouth, which does not have time to warm up. If a person’s immunity is weakened, this can lead to the appearance of a sore throat, and this disease is very dangerous due to its complications.

Our nose has 4 the filtration threshold of inhaled air, which allows it to be delivered to the lungs in a purified and heated form. If a person breathes through his nose, then the air bypasses these thresholds, and this in turn can systematically lead to diseases of the ENT organs (sore throat, tonsillitis, ear infections, etc.).

Incorrect posture

It turns out that improper breathing can cause slouching. If a person breathes through his nose, then from a physiological point of view this is correct breathing, his chest is straightened. And if a person has been breathing through his mouth for a long time, then over time his neck stretches and his head moves forward, as a result of which he begins to slouch, this does not have the best effect on his posture.

On average, a person makes approximately 1000 inhalations/exhalations per hour, about 25000 per day or so 9000000 for the whole year. Women are approximately 12% take more inhalations/exhalations than men.

What to do if you are used to breathing through your mouth?

People begin to breathe through their mouths after contracting a chronic disease that was accompanied by a runny nose. The following exercise will help you learn to breathe correctly:

  • First you need to clear your nose of secretions.
  • Then you need to clasp your hands at the back of your head and point your elbows forward.
  • After this, take a slow breath through your nose and spread your elbows.
  • And then exhale through your nose and return to the starting position.

This exercise should be performed regularly 10 once in the morning and in the evening. Constantly monitor your breathing, try to breathe through your nose and over time you will wean yourself from mouth breathing.

Any disruption of the human respiratory system can cause health problems. Even improper breathing affects your health and appearance. The human nose performs several functions: it cleans the incoming air from small particles and pathogenic organisms, humidifies it and produces heat. Due to any violations of nasal breathing, a person has to breathe through the mouth.

Why do some people breathe through their mouths?

This type of breathing can develop at any age. There are several reasons why we start breathing through our mouths. The first is associated with the presence of obstacles caused by a runny nose, a deviated nasal septum, foreign bodies, inflammatory processes, and genetically determined narrow channels. The second is with an incorrect bite, which makes the nasal passages difficult. The third reason is damaged or poorly developed orbicularis oris muscles.

One of the most common reasons is improper breathing technique. It is typical for people who suffered from infectious respiratory diseases in childhood. It is difficult for them to get rid of the habit of breathing through the mouth, even if there are no longer any obstacles to normal breathing.

What are the dangers of mouth breathing?

Scientists have found that mouth breathing affects the development of human bone and muscle tissue. In addition, the tone of the tongue decreases, which in a relaxed state (during sleep) sinks into the pharynx and complicates breathing. During wakefulness, the tongue is located between the teeth, having a negative impact on the bite.

If you have to breathe frequently through your mouth, you may experience a feeling of pressure in your head and face. As a result, sleep is disturbed, and a feeling of fatigue and weakness quickly arises.

The hearing organs are also negatively affected by non-nasal breathing. This influence is indirect and is associated with negative processes that occur during mouth breathing. In addition, in people with breathing problems, their posture deteriorates, the shape of their face changes, and their back muscles are in constant tension, causing rapid fatigue.

Deterioration of dental condition

A recent experiment conducted by researchers at the University of Otago (New Zealand) showed that mouth breathing leads to the development of dental caries. The reason is an increase in the acidity of saliva. Low pH negatively affects the composition of tooth enamel.

As part of the experiment, scientists installed a special clip on subjects before going to bed, allowing them to breathe only through their mouths. In just a few days, the pH level of saliva dropped sharply and settled at a value that was 1.9 units less than the permissible limit. This caused active demineralization of the enamel and contributed to the development of caries.

According to scientists, those people who constantly breathe through their mouths are more susceptible to negative influences.

The human respiratory system consists of many sections that closely communicate with each other. Any disruption in its activities has a negative impact on health. Even such a small thing as changing proper breathing can cause serious problems, and simply worsen a person’s appearance and well-being. Let's discuss how possible it is to breathe through the mouth and nose? What are the known causes of mouth breathing, is it harmful? Let's talk about this on the www.site, and also consider the possible consequences of mouth breathing.

As you know, the human nose performs several functions at once. It perfectly purifies the air, heats it and humidifies it. Such capabilities of the nose are due to its anatomical structure. If a runny nose or other obstruction to nasal breathing interferes with the passage of air through the nose, a person tries to compensate for this problem by mixed or completely mouth breathing. Many people who constantly experience nasal breathing problems eventually begin to breathe through their mouths all the time.

Causes of mouth breathing

Mouth breathing can develop for a variety of reasons and at different ages. Studies have shown that in children this problem is most often explained by the development of allergic rhinitis, as well as enlarged adenoids.

In general, mouth breathing can develop due to obstacles to nasal breathing, malocclusions, inadequate functioning of the orbicularis oris muscle, as well as acquired incorrect breathing techniques.

If a patient has an obstruction to nasal breathing, his nasal passages or nasopharynx may be completely or partially obstructed for a long time or even permanently. This obstacle can be explained by a number of factors: an allergic runny nose, a deviated nasal septum, an enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil or adenoids. In addition, the role of an obstacle can be played by hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates, the formation of polyps, and the development of coanal artresia. Sometimes nasal breathing is interfered with by foreign bodies, too narrow airways (due to genetic predisposition), the presence of vasomotor runny nose, inflammatory rhinosinusitis and medicinal rhinitis.

Sometimes mouth breathing is provoked by malocclusions, however, a malocclusion can, on the contrary, cause the habit of breathing through the mouth.

As for the functional deficiency of the orbicularis oris muscles, it can be caused by premature birth, birth complications, serious somatic ailments at an early age, as well as the presence of an abnormality of the frenulum of the upper lip, etc.

Incorrect breathing technique quite often becomes a problem for people who regularly suffered from acute viral infections of the respiratory tract in childhood. Such patients continue to breathe through their nose even after the obstruction to nasal breathing has been eliminated. Habit is “second nature”, as people say...

Why is mouth breathing dangerous, and what are the consequences?

With the habit of breathing through the mouth, a person gradually faces a serious problem: the beginning of changes in the development of muscles, as well as bones, which in turn become the cause of other health problems.

Mouth breathing causes improper positioning of the tongue and leads to a decrease in its tone (the so-called “flaccid tongue” problem). With this pathology, the tongue constantly drops into the throat at night, causing breathing problems. During the daytime, the tongue is usually between the teeth, as a result of which the bite develops incorrectly.

Constant mouth breathing often causes a feeling of pressure in the face and pain in the head and face. Patients with this disorder constantly complain of sleep disturbances, and their overall quality of life decreases by an order of magnitude.

The effects of mouth breathing can affect your hearing. Of course, it is not itself, but pathological processes during oral breathing that can cause dysfunction of the auditory tube. Chronic breathing disorders lead to speech disorders over time. In patients with this problem, the shape of the face is disrupted, posture deteriorates, and the teeth become incorrectly positioned. Poor posture causes muscle tension, causing patients to complain of pain and fatigue.

It's clear that mouth breathing is harmful!

Mouth breathing: treatment or how to cope with the problem

If mouth breathing develops, it is worth starting therapy as early as possible to avoid the above problems. The patient should definitely seek help from an otolaryngologist (ENT). A complete diagnosis helps doctors choose effective treatments for this disorder. Establishing the correct breathing technique is possible only after removing the obstacle to nasal breathing.

Specialists such as an ENT specialist, speech therapist, physiotherapist, orthodontist, as well as an allergist, surgeon and family doctor will help you cope with nasal breathing problems.

ENT determines the causes of mouth breathing and selects adequate methods for its correction. Physiotherapists take measures to correct posture, eliminate muscle tension, and also teach the patient proper breathing skills.

A speech therapist treats speech disorders and also selects special exercises that instill proper breathing skills.

An orthodontist is a doctor who eliminates malocclusions, and it is best to treat such a problem in childhood.

It is necessary to develop nasal breathing in early childhood. Therefore, it is extremely important to promptly treat a runny nose and pay attention to the appearance of the first signs of mouth or mixed breathing.

Why is it harmful to breathe through your mouth? The human body is a rather complex system. For its proper functioning, many factors must be observed.

It is pointless to argue with the fact that breathing is one of the most important of them. How to breathe correctly and why is mouth breathing so harmful? This is what we will talk about...

First of all, it is worth noting that correct reflexes are formed in the body from birth. Therefore, if the baby constantly breathes through the mouth after birth, it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor for advice.

After all, he should do this in a normal state exclusively with his nose. And all because the nose is the best filter harmful bacteria that are found in the atmosphere around us.

The main respiratory organ also contains special lymphatic tissues - adenoids. They are especially strongly developed in childhood, but eliminate themselves through atrophy closer to adulthood. Adenoids serve as the best indicator of the condition of the nasopharynx.

If they are inflamed, it means there are serious health problems that can only be solved by a professional doctor. In case of inflammation of the adenoids, you need to start breathing through your mouth - there is simply no other choice. And this is fraught.

There are several important reasons to avoid mouth breathing.

1) First of all, when we breathe through our mouths, much less oxygen reaches the lungs. This happens due to the fact that only the upper lobe of the chest works, while the rest of the lung space is not used.

2) The second important aspect is the already mentioned functionality of the nose, which lies in its filtration qualities.

The mouth will never give such a result and therefore a lot of bacteria will enter your body. First of all, this will lead to an inevitable sore throat, and only then to other unpleasant and painful health problems.

3) It must be remembered that when breathing through the nose, all the features of the climatic characteristics of the air are smoothed out quite easily. If the air is too cold - his nose heats him up.

If you breathe dry air, you can use your nose to further moisten it. Roth does not have such an opportunity.

4) With frequent mouth breathing, a gradual complication of the hearing process is observed. There are serious problems in the auditory canal, which is directly connected to the nasopharynx. In particular, the pharyngeal opening of the auditory canals closes.

5) Problems with adenoids should not be neglected. Firstly, their proliferation can provoke an increase in the concentration of bacteria from the lymphatic tissue itself.

Secondly, problems with adenoids in an advanced form can even promote enuresis and deterioration of brain activity.

6) Periodic mouth breathing leads to an off taste over time. It’s just that in a normal position the tongue presses on the upper jaw.

When the mouth is constantly open for breathing, the tongue rests more on the lower half of the jaw. Over time, this leads to the lower part moving forward.

7) Improper breathing can even cause serious physiological changes in the structure of the body. In particular, posture may seriously change, and not for the better.

During this process, the chest is compressed and the body involuntarily leans forward. As a result, a bend appears in the area of ​​the cervical vertebra, which leads to stooping.

As you can see, improper breathing and the habit of breathing through the mouth can cause serious problems and changes in the structure of our body. It is for this reason that from the very beginning of life the child was taught to correctly use his nose for breathing and not to abuse his mouth for this purpose.

You can even do it preventive exercises, which will help you get used to breathing through your nose and improve its quality, getting rid of problems in the nasopharynx. The exercise is quite simple.

First of all, you need to lock your hands, placing them on the back of your head. Then you need to lean forward with your elbows without lifting your hands. After this, your elbows need to be spread to the sides, combining this with a slow inhalation. As you exhale, which should also be slow, we return to the starting position.

Don’t get sick and correctly put into practice the recommendations presented and then you won’t have problems with proper breathing!

Any disruption of the human respiratory system can cause health problems. Even improper breathing affects your health and appearance. The human nose performs several functions: it cleans the incoming air from small particles and pathogenic organisms, humidifies it and produces heat. Due to any violations of nasal breathing, a person has to breathe through the mouth.

Why do some people breathe through their mouths?

This type of breathing can develop at any age. There are several reasons why we start breathing through our mouths. The first is associated with the presence of obstacles caused by a runny nose, a deviated nasal septum, foreign bodies, inflammatory processes, and genetically determined narrow channels. The second is with an incorrect bite, which makes the nasal passages difficult. The third reason is damaged or poorly developed orbicularis oris muscles.

One of the most common reasons is improper breathing technique. It is typical for people who suffered from infectious respiratory diseases in childhood. It is difficult for them to get rid of the habit of breathing through the mouth, even if there are no longer any obstacles to normal breathing.

What are the dangers of mouth breathing?

Scientists have found that mouth breathing affects the development of human bone and muscle tissue. In addition, the tone of the tongue decreases, which in a relaxed state (during sleep) sinks into the pharynx and complicates breathing. During wakefulness, the tongue is located between the teeth, having a negative impact on the bite.

If you have to breathe frequently through your mouth, you may experience a feeling of pressure in your head and face. As a result, sleep is disturbed, and a feeling of fatigue and weakness quickly arises.

The hearing organs are also negatively affected by non-nasal breathing. This influence is indirect and is associated with negative processes that occur during mouth breathing. In addition, in people with breathing problems, their posture deteriorates, the shape of their face changes, and their back muscles are in constant tension, causing rapid fatigue.

Deterioration of dental condition

A recent experiment conducted by researchers at the University of Otago (New Zealand) showed that mouth breathing leads to the development of dental caries. The reason is an increase in the acidity of saliva. Low pH negatively affects the composition of tooth enamel.

As part of the experiment, scientists installed a special clip on subjects before going to bed, allowing them to breathe only through their mouths. In just a few days, the pH level of saliva dropped sharply and settled at a value that was 1.9 units less than the permissible limit. This caused active demineralization of the enamel and contributed to the development of caries.

According to scientists, those people who constantly breathe through their mouths are more susceptible to negative influences.