Presentation - the history of Soviet New Year's toys. Presentation “Christmas tree toys

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Completed by an 11th grade student of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 in Pechora, Maria Kaneva
History of Soviet New Year's toys.

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A little from the history of the New Year in the USSR...
At the dawn of the formation of the Soviet Union (in 1927), as part of an anti-religious campaign, the Bolsheviks banned the Christmas tree and Christmas tree decorations. “Only he who is a friend of the priests is ready to celebrate the Christmas tree.” (Propaganda slogan of the 1920s) “The guys are being deceived that Santa Claus brought them gifts. The religiosity of the children begins with the Christmas tree. The ruling exploiting classes also use the “cute” Christmas tree and the “kind” Santa Claus in order to make obedient and patient servants of capital out of the working people.” (“Materials for anti-religious propaganda during Christmas”, 1927)

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New Year traditions returned only in 1935. From a letter from candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Pavel Postyshev, published by the Pravda newspaper on December 28, 1935: “In pre-revolutionary times, the bourgeoisie and bourgeoisie officials always arranged a Christmas tree for their children for the New Year. The children of the workers looked through the window with envy at the Christmas tree sparkling with multi-colored lights and the children of the rich having fun around it. Why do our schools, orphanages, nurseries, children's clubs, palaces of pioneers deprive the working children of the Soviet country of this wonderful pleasure? Some, no less than “leftist” killers, denounced this children’s entertainment as a bourgeois undertaking. This wrongful condemnation of the Christmas tree, which is a wonderful entertainment for children, must come to an end. Let’s organize a fun New Year’s Eve for children, let’s arrange a good Soviet Christmas tree in all cities and collective farms.”

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That same year in November, Stalin, at the first congress of Stakhanovites, said his famous phrase: “Life has become better, life has become more fun, comrades!” In general, the Christmas tree, which was so unexpectedly allowed, became a confirmation of the happy life of the proletariat, a joyful childhood, as well as school uniforms (girls began to wear white aprons and brown dresses to school, and boys - blue suits) and many other seemingly insignificant details .

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Soviet New Year's toys.
In the 1930s and 1940s, New Year trees were decorated with homemade or handicraft toys purchased at the market. In schools and kindergartens, children learned to make New Year's decorations from cotton wool, cardboard, papier-mâché, cut out paper garlands, and assemble structures from tubes and bugles on wire.

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Factory-made jewelry at that time was a luxury item and a great rarity, but their mass production was gradually being established. The Moskabel plant was one of the first to establish serial production of New Year's toys made of wire.

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Using New Year's toys from the times of the USSR, you can literally study the history of our country. Figures of children, fairy-tale characters, clowns, ballerinas, strange birds and animals, fruits and vegetables, of course, remain from pre-revolutionary times.
But the angels were replaced by bright symbols of the Soviet era: balls with a hammer and sickle, “ruby” stars, athletes and pioneers with red flags, Budenovites, Red Army soldiers, women in padded jackets and scarlet headscarves.

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In addition to patriotic propaganda symbols, “classic stories” from the school curriculum were very popular: Ivan Tsarevich, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox, Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Crocodile with Totosha and Kokosha, Doctor Aibolit.

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With the release of the film “The Circus” (in 1936), circus-themed figures became popular: clowns, tigers, trained dogs, other animals, illusionists, fakirs and entertainers.

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The development of the North was marked by the appearance of figures of polar explorers.
A separate theme in the history of the Soviet New Year's toy is the theme of the war in Spain. In 1938, a glass ball was released containing two planes, one of which was diving the other.

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The era of aeronautics also found its worthy reflection in Christmas tree decorations in the form of airships, airplanes, parachutes and parachutists with the inscription “USSR”.

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During Soviet times, the “image” of the Soviet Father Frost was also developed. Our Father Frost began to resemble the bourgeois Santa Claus only with a gray beard, fur clothes and a red bag of gifts. Otherwise, the Soviet Father Frost does not look like a plump gnome, he is a tall, mature hero. Father Frost's fur coat, unlike Santa Claus's, goes down to his heels and is girded not with a belt, but with a sash. On his head, Santa Claus has a hat with an even edge without any tassels or pompoms. The hands are in huge mittens, and the feet are wearing either red boots or “patriotic” felt boots.
And Father Frost arrives not on reindeer, but on a Russian troika... And not alone, but with a charming young lady - Snegurochka, who has no analogues in any country.

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During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), decorating the New Year tree was mandatory - it reminded the soldiers of peaceful life, gave strength and hope for a quick victory. At the same time, at the fronts, the Christmas trees were decorated with figurines made from shoulder straps, bandages, and socks. Factories also continued to produce New Year's toys, albeit in limited editions. “Military” Christmas trees were decorated with “soldiers”, “tanks”, “Stalin’s armored cars”, “pistols”, “orderlies”, and on New Year’s greeting cards from the Second World War, Santa Claus beat the Nazis...

In the 1960s, “cobs of corn” and “sheaves of wheat” were hung on Christmas trees.

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Since nothing “monumental” has happened in the history of the Soviet Union since Brezhnev times, there are significantly fewer themed toys. New Year's decorations gradually became more abstract. In addition, with the advent of fashion for minimalism and avant-garde, Christmas tree decorations have become simpler. The figures became more and more rounded, and the paintings became simpler.

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Abstract for the presentation

Presentation work prepared by a primary school teacher based on the results of an excursion to a factory for the production of Christmas tree decorations. Illustrating his story with photographs from the scene, the teacher talks about the production and history of Christmas tree decorations.


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    Abarkina E. V.






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

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Christmas tree decorations at the Iney factory are made by hand. This is very time-consuming and hard work, but at the same time extremely exciting. Even creating a simple New Year's ball or figurine requires a lot of effort. But first things first.

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Let's walk through the workshops of the Christmas tree toys factory and observe how ordinary glass tubes...

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...turns into colorful toys - an indispensable attribute of the New Year's holiday.

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Glassblowers have the hardest job. They sit near the burner all day, melt glass tubes, and blow balls out of them. The workshop is very hot and the noise from the working hood is unbearable.

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The glass tube must be melted as best as possible on the flame of the burner. It’s strange, but for some reason glassblowers don’t use gloves. Although the glass gets very hot

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Then you need to quickly blow out the balloon.

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Then evaluate the resulting specimen by eye. If it turns out crooked, go back into the fire and blow again. If everything is fine, put the ball in the box.

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To make a figurine, a hot ball is placed in pincers and inflated directly into them.

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As a result of the work of glass blowers, transparent Christmas tree figures are obtained, which are funny called golyos.

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And we move on to the next workshop, where the toys acquire a metallic sheen.

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Glass blanks are inserted with “tails” into special tubes.

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Then these tubes are placed in a machine for metallization.

Why do you think there are cups in the car?

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These cups are needed so that the Christmas tree balls acquire a metallic sheen only halfway, and remain transparent on the other side. From such blanks you can make, for example, an aquarium ball: inside the ball there are algae from green rain and shiny fish.

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The metallization machine is very ancient, but it is protected in every possible way, since it is the only one left at the enterprise. The second one broke.

And new equipment is very expensive.

How does it work?

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Aluminum springs are attached to the top of the car. Inside the temperature reaches 700 degrees. Steam is generated. Aluminum springs melt and aluminum vapors settle on Christmas tree decorations. The machine is closed for an hour and a half and the drum rotates for the entire hour and a half so that the toys are evenly covered with a mirror-like metallic sheen.

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In this workshop, workers dip already metalized Christmas tree decorations into buckets of paint. And this is what happens:

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If the ball should remain transparent on one side, then it is not completely dipped into the bucket of paint, but only on the opaque side.

Then the balls dry for some time.

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Then take a stencil with a design.

A ball is placed there and, using a can of spray paint, the stencil is transferred to the Christmas tree decoration. The ball does not produce a finished drawing, but only a mock-up, which the artists then paint.

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That is why, after walking through the factory in the toy store, customers spent so long and meticulously choosing their balls and figures. And one kid shouted: “Mom, I chose, I want this Santa Claus.” “What’s there to choose, they’re all the same,” the mother got angry. “No, look, he winks at me, but the others don’t.”

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The artists' hall is somewhat similar to a modern office. But instead of computers there are boxes of toys, and instead of stationery there are paints and brushes.

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On the tables there is gouache, acrylic paints, small beads, silver and gold powder.

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The end result is such beauty.

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    Toys from the 60s - 70s

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    70s toys

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    80s toys

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    Modern toy

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    Modern toy with rural landscape

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    Secrets of making Christmas tree toys

    Every year the assortment is updated by 80%. And number 5 always comes with a toy with the symbol of the year. All this year a ball was produced with the symbol of the next year 2009 - a bull. Despite the fact that the year of the ox is just beginning, its reign is ending at the Christmas tree decorations factory. Immediately after the New Year - in January - a ball with a tiger will be put into production, since 2010 is the year of the tiger. And the factory for making Christmas tree decorations works all year long just for one holiday.

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    GLASS – Handmade

    Such an inscription with a hologram is on every toy that is produced at the Pavlo-Posad Christmas tree toys factory “Iney”. But even without an inscription, any toy made here can be easily distinguished from the plastic Chinese balls with which all our stores are littered. It’s strange, judging by how people are frantically sweeping Chinese consumer goods off store shelves, there is still a demand for New Year’s toys. It’s only a pity that large stores offer us what costs them less and have little interest in quality.

    A handmade glass toy is different. She is very beautiful and original.

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    "New Year's toy"

    A story about how a Christmas tree toy appeared.

    An ancient production - a Christmas tree decorations factory is located in the village of Danilovo, south of Pavlovsky Posad on the road to Kurovskoye. Once upon a time the village belonged to the Novozagarsk landowners Samarins, who, however, came here only in the summer. All affairs were managed by a manager. The peasants lived on their own farms, and also collected cranberries in the surrounding swamps, and mushrooms in huge baskets in the forests. They carried it all on carts to sell it at the markets in Pavlovo and Zagarye.

    The artistic skills of the local population contributed to the fact that from the middle of the 19th century, a craft began to develop in the village - making and painting Christmas tree decorations. The Christmas tree was put up for Christmas, which preceded the New Year. For the majority of the Russian population, the New Year was a time of cheerful winter holidays and children's holidays, so the Christmas tree decoration had a “Yuletide” character. Christmas tree decorations were decorated picturesquely, brightly and decoratively. Decorating the Christmas tree itself became a family tradition, in which both children and adults participated. Gifts were collected for the Christmas tree; Christmas decorations were the desired gift. Glass Christmas tree decorations have come into fashion since the middle of the 11th century. The peasants worked at home and used simple burners for blowing, into which the wick was tightly packed. Kerosene was supplied through it from the lower container. To create a high-temperature flame from homemade leather bellows, compressed air was pumped using the legs. The toys were blown from glass dart tubes of different lengths and diameters. Before work, the dart was sorted and cut manually using a knife or stone by the glassblower himself.

    Often the whole family was involved in making glass Christmas tree decorations, and the art of glass blowing and painting was passed on through generations. Growing demand increased the number of single artisans making glass Christmas tree decorations. Owners appeared who set up small production facilities in their homes, employing hired workers who blew and painted glass Christmas tree decorations.

    Glassblowers and painters began to unite into artels and small factories. Artel workers copied pre-revolutionary toys and created new ones. In the 60s and 70s, toys, in addition to the usual subjects, depicted the Moscow Kremlin, spaceships, and Kremlin stars.

    The current enterprise “Iney” is a specialized production facility for the production of Christmas tree decorations. The enterprise preserves and develops unique fishing traditions that developed in pre-revolutionary times; The tradition of hand-made Christmas tree decorations by blowing and hand-painting is preserved here.

    The glassblowing profession is unique, training takes place only at the enterprise, mastering this work requires time and certain abilities. The work of a glass blower behind a burner is a wonderful transformation of a glass tube into a ball, figures, top, bell, etc. Currently, the plant employs more than a dozen glassblowers. Over the years, entire dynasties have formed in this profession: the Knyazevs, Buzins, Zhuravlevs, Frolovs and others.

    About thirty painters are engaged in artistic painting of toys. The Kuzmins, Rumyantsevs, Demidkins and others work for generations. When painting glass Christmas balls and various figures, multi-color brush stroke painting is used, with decorative finishing using various materials. Snowflakes, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are now depicted on the balls as before; Rural landscapes are very popular - trees, churches, houses, smoke above a chimney. Many toys are also produced with symbols of the year according to the eastern horoscope: depending on the year, funny goats, roosters, monkeys, pigs, and bulls are depicted on the balls.

    The company keeps samples of products produced in past years; these samples serve as a teaching tool for young painters. Ancient scenes, traditional ornaments, and sculptures of figurines are used by the factory’s craftsmen when creating new products. Master artists pay great attention to the natural possibilities of glass and the various ways of decorating it. The reflections play brightly on the smooth shiny surface of glass products; with the help of toys, the fabulousness and mystery of the New Year's holiday are created.

    The message was prepared based on materials from E.V. Zhukova

    "New Year's toy"

    . (Folk craft of the village of Danilovo)

    Tatiana Petrenko
    Presentation “Christmas tree toys”

    Project "Christmas toys»

    for 2nd junior group.

    Relevance of the project:

    The project is aimed at expanding children's knowledge about the objective world. Also relevant is the problem of interaction between preschool teachers and parents of pupils, their involvement in the life of the kindergarten and group.

    Only by joining forces will we provide excellent conditions for the education of morality, feelings of love and affection for our culture, our people through the reasonable, rational use of national holidays based on folklore, creativity, traditions and customs.

    Project goal: Introducing to the culture of the New Year holiday, its traditions; development of an artistic and aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality, enrichment of children's impressions.


    1. Introduce the variety of New Year's toys and the tradition of decorating the New Year tree.

    2. Development of artistic and aesthetic abilities, skills and abilities of productive activities.

    3. Promote interaction between children and parents in making and collecting New Year’s items toys.

    From the history of the Christmas tree toys.

    (information for children of a cognitive nature)

    How and where they first appeared Christmas decorations- history is silent. We only know that at first they were very, very simple, but gradually became more complex and interesting.

    Previously, the Christmas tree was decorated "edible decorations"- apples, waffles, nuts in gold pieces, other fruits and sweets, honey gingerbread. And only then the first ones appear "inedible" Christmas decorations.

    The first Christmas trees in Rus' toys were not made of glass, as, presumably, in other countries, and from scrap materials - rags, straw, colored ribbons, and later from paper and foil. There were even special workshops that did this.

    Also in our country, cotton wool was produced toys. The basis for the figurine of the cotton man was a wire frame wrapped in cotton wool. Eyes, eyebrows and nose were painted with a brush, and cheeks were painted with a cotton swab. The suit was cut out of white or pre-dyed cotton wool. The finished figurine was covered with glue. Large figures, usually depicting Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, were placed under the Christmas tree.

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    "From history

    New Year's toys"

    Everything has its own history. Even New Year's toys. The New Year began to be celebrated only in 1700 by decree of Peter 1. In Rus', the New Year's tree was decorated with edible toys. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree with factory-made New Year's products appeared in Russia only in 1817. The most popular at that time were cardboard toys and products. But in 1918, the winter holiday was erased from the life of the country. Everything returned to normal only in 1935, the New Year was rehabilitated. After the New Year was rehabilitated in Russia, New Year's tree decorations also changed. Figures of children, clowns, ballerinas, birds, animals, fruits and vegetables remain. But figures of pioneers and Red Army soldiers appeared. Star-shaped pendant toys with a hammer and sickle and balls with stars appeared. That's how the New Year came to us, with Christmas tree decorations, lights and fireworks, winter children's fun - sleds, skis, ice skates, Santa Claus and gifts...




    The presentation for children of senior preschool age "The History of New Year's Christmas Tree Decorations" contains material about the emergence and preservation in Russia of the tradition of creating Christmas tree decorations and decorating green beauties with them



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    Slide captions:

    History of New Year's Christmas tree decorations History of New Year's tree decorations

    New Year's beauty

    The first Christmas trees appeared in Russia a long time ago, but they were not decorated, but began to do so a little later, repeating the European fashion. There were no Russian-made Christmas decorations at that time; they were ordered from Europe. Even then, Christmas tree decorations were clearly divided into decorations for the wealthy and for those who were poorer. Buying a glass toy for a resident of Russia at that time was the same as buying a car for a modern Russian today. Christmas balls were heavy, since they learned to make thin glass only at the beginning of the 20th century

    What kind of toys used to decorate the Christmas tree? Glass Cardboard

    Cotton Porcelain

    The first glass toys in Russia began to be made in Klin before the First World War. There, artel craftsmen blew glass products for pharmacies and other needs. But during the war years, captured Germans taught them how to blow balls and beads. The Klin factory “Yolochka”, by the way, to this day remains the only factory in Russia that makes beads for Christmas trees.

    In addition to glass, toys were made from cardboard. Toys glued together from two halves of convex tinted cardboard made wonderful toys.

    There were also toys made of cotton wool wound onto a wire frame: this is how figures of children, angels, clowns, and sailors were decorated. Fake fruits made of papier-mâché and velvet were hung on the Christmas trees.

    Christmas tree decorations reflected the history of our country. If it was wartime, then Christmas tree decorations were made like this - airplanes, various military vehicles. They even painted military battles on balloons.

    When peacetime came, the toys immediately turned into magical fakirs, fairy-tale characters

    To houses and Christmas trees To animals

    To the stars To fruits and vegetables

    And, of course, lots of colorful balloons!

    Christmas tree of your fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers

    Nowadays, the Christmas tree is most often decorated with balls

    And handmade toys

    And now there are unusual Christmas trees made from balloons

    Christmas tree growing from the ceiling

    The Christmas tree is covered in lanterns

    Christmas tree made from ties Christmas tree made from pencils

    But the most beautiful Christmas tree is the one decorated with different toys!

    Guys, love, store, appreciate and take care of toys! It’s so wonderful when we are all surrounded by BEAUTY!

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