Preparation of complex cold appetizers and poultry dishes. Design of cold appetizers and poultry dishes taking into account the safety requirements of the finished product. Feeding and storage. Technology for preparing canapés, light and complex cold appetizers, complex cold dishes

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Budgetary educational institution of the Omsk region

secondary vocational education

"Omsk College of Trade, Economics and Service"

Interdisciplinary course

“Technology for preparing complex cold culinary products”


Studying the range, technology of preparation and presentation of cold dishes and appetizers from poultry and game in restaurants in Omsk

Completed by: student gr. 282T

specialty: 260807 Technology

catering products

Zaderiy Alexander Andreevich

Head: teacher

Gritsenko Maria Andreevna

1. Introduction

2.1 Comparative table of the range of cold dishes and snacks in restaurants in Omsk

Conclusion appetizer bird dish

4.1 Processes occurring during heat treatment of poultry and game

6. Development of technical and technological maps

6.1 Technical and technological map No. 1

6.2 Technical and technological map No. 2




Nutrition is one of the basic conditions for human existence. The quantity, quality, range of food products consumed, and the regularity of food intake have a decisive influence on human life in all its manifestations. Proper nutrition is the most important factor in health; it has a positive effect on a person’s performance and largely determines life expectancy.

Rational and nutritious nutrition in schools, universities and other educational institutions influences the formation of the health of the nation. High-quality nutrition in hospitals and other medical institutions contributes to the recovery of patients. Organizing food for the population outside of working hours, carried out both through the sale of ready-made meals at catering establishments and semi-finished products through supermarket chains, reduces the time spent on food preparation and helps ease women’s household work. Thus, we can say that public catering as an industry performs a number of functions that are inherent in other sectors of the economy.

Production is one of the main functions of catering and consists of preparing culinary products.

Preparing cold dishes and snacks is extremely important in human nutrition. They are rich in valuable nutrients, stimulate appetite, improve food digestibility, and have a certain calorie content.

Cold dishes are prepared from various vegetables, fruits, cheese, meat products, poultry, game, eggs and mushrooms.

The calorie content of cold dishes can vary widely, it depends on their composition and the norms of food input. The lowest calorie content (50-100 calories) are dishes made from green salads; meat and fish salads seasoned with sour cream and mayonnaise are higher in calories; The calorie content of one serving reaches 250-350 calories, depending on the rate of input of raw materials.

The nutritional value of cold dishes should be taken into account when planning a menu for a full daily diet or individual meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner.

The variety of assortment and nutritional value of cold dishes make it possible to use them as main courses for breakfast, dinner, or supplement the lunch menu. Cold dishes such as meat and fish can make up breakfast and dinner if they are supplemented with some kind of baked goods and drink.

Poultry and rabbit dishes are nutritious and easily digested by the body. The content of complete proteins in poultry meat is slightly higher than in beef. Poultry fats have a low melting point due to their higher content of unsaturated fatty acids. Poultry dishes have a specific taste and smell, which is due to (1.5-2.5%). Poultry meat contains significant quantities of minerals (especially calcium and phosphorus), as well as vitamins (A, D, group B). That is why some types of poultry meat are considered dietary.

Game meat, unlike poultry meat, contains more proteins and extractives, but less fat. It is less tender, characterized by a darker color, and has a specific taste and aroma. The slight bitterness and resinous smell are especially appreciated.

Cold dishes have found wide application in our lives. They are included in breakfasts, dinners, and are served as snacks for lunch. Cold dishes offer a wide variety of taste and design; many chefs have achieved high artistic skill in giving them a beautiful shape, brightness and originality of design.

Purpose of the course work:

Expanding the range of cold dishes and snacks from poultry and game, through the creation of new types of competitive products.

Conduct a comparative analysis of the assortment of cold dishes and appetizers from poultry and game in restaurants in Omsk;

Highlight the basic rules for preparing cold dishes and snacks, taking into account the flow of technological processes;

Develop branded cold dishes and snacks to be introduced into the enterprise menu.

Prepare a package of technological documentation for cold dishes and snacks from poultry and game.

2. Compiling an assortment of cold dishes and snacks

2.1 Comparative table of the range of cold dishes and snacks in Omsk restaurants

Table No. 1








"House of Actor"





Cold poultry and game dishes

"Snack from the Chef"

"Meat platter"

Snack "Nice"

Chicken galantine with pistachios

Chicken roll

Chicken fillet with vegetables

Plate of Italian gastronomy

Meat delicacies

Duck twisted with garlic

Duck jamon

Chicken roll

Caesar salad"

Salad "Quail's nest"

Salad "Olivier"

Salad "Calibria"

Chef's Salad

Caesar salad with chicken

Chicken Salad "Hawaii"

Salad from Olivier

Chicken and pineapple salad

Caesar salad with chicken fillet

Cobb salad

Grilled turkey salad

Waldorf salad

Austrian salad

Salad cocktails

As a result of analyzing the menus of restaurants in Omsk and filling out a comparative table of assortments for a given group of cold dishes and snacks, the most popular and frequently occurring cold dishes were discovered, such as: “Chicken roll”; Caesar salad"; Salad "Olivier". If we consider these dishes to be traditionally the most popular, then this is not surprising. After all, “Olivier” and “Caesar” are names that are well-known to everyone; they are known to gourmets and ordinary people who do not have high demands on the variety of dishes.

The widest range of cold poultry and game dishes is presented in the Barracuda and Pelican restaurants. We can conclude that these restaurants are the most concerned about the image of the enterprise, satisfying every taste.

The studied catering establishments completely lack such types of culinary products as cocktail salads and pates. For a city with a million people, this is an omission. In the modern world, pate is very popular among consumers. This is due, first of all, to the distinctive taste and consumer qualities of the product. And a cocktail salad, for example, with its unique way of serving - laid in layers in a transparent wine glass or bowl, will decorate any table, not to mention the fact that it will increase the variety of cold dishes and snacks.

Statisticians claim, and not without reason, that one way or another, half of the population of our planet is familiar with Georgian cuisine. This is despite the fact that there are enough exotic, spicy cuisines in the world. In any case, in our area, when listing the five best and favorite cuisines, almost everyone will include Georgian. Suffice it to recall kharcho soup, tobacco chicken, chakhokhbili, shashlik, Adjika and Tkemali sauces. It is impossible to imagine modern cuisine without tasty, nutritious and aromatic dishes of Georgian cuisine! Thus, we should recommend such a traditional cold Georgian dish as Satsivi.

A little about the traditions of cooking Satsivi.

Translated from Georgian, the word “tsivi” means “cold”, and satsivi is a dish that is eaten chilled. Since ancient times, the classic recipe for satsivi in ​​Georgia was prepared not from chicken, but from turkey.

Historically, satsivi originally referred to only a thick, fatty sauce made from walnuts, which were selected specifically for the spicy seasoning. This is one of the main ingredients of the dish. Only selected nut kernels are used, fresh, oily, but without bitterness. The type of nuts is very important; they should be light in color so that there is no blackness in the middle of the kernel. Another trick is to squeeze the oil out of the nuts. They are pressed with your hands, already ground, you need to press well - and oil appears. It is collected in a cup, then, when everything is ready, it is dripped on top of the dish; this feature preserves a unique flavor and brings handicraft to the national Georgian dish. In a given recipe, the remaining ingredients can be varied at the request of the cook.

The introduction of such dishes will add piquancy and chic to the menu, add a unique flavor of national cuisine, make the choice of dishes more attractive and, accordingly, increase restaurant traffic.

3. Characteristics and features of technological processing techniques for raw materials, products for preparing cold dishes and snacks from poultry and game

3.1 Processing of poultry and game, preparation of semi-finished products and use of food waste

Farm poultry is supplied to catering establishments without feathers, chilled or frozen, semi-gutted or gutted. Depending on the fatness of the bird, it can be category 1 or 2.

The culinary use of poultry depends on its type, age, and fatness. Thus, strong, aromatic broths are obtained from adult, well-fed chickens and turkeys. Broiler broths are less tasty because they are poorer in extractive substances. Broths made from old poultry are cloudy and flavorless. Broths from geese and ducks have a specific smell, so they are used to prepare pickles, solyanka and sauerkraut cabbage soup.

It is recommended to use young chickens, chickens, broiler chickens, and turkeys for preparing fried, boiled and poached main courses, and for preparing salads.

Geese and ducks are used to prepare fried and stewed dishes.

The meat of chickens, chickens, and turkeys is widely used in baby and medical nutrition.

Rabbits are used in the same way as poultry (mostly chickens).

Processing poultry consists of defrosting (if frozen); scorching; removal of the head, neck, legs; gutting; washing; drying; semi-finished product preparation and waste treatment.

Defrosting. Poultry carcasses are defrosted in air at a temperature of 8-10 C and a relative humidity of 85-95% for 10-12 hours. Carcasses are placed on racks, tables or hung on hangers so that they do not touch each other.

Searing. Before singeing, the carcasses are dried with a clean cloth and rubbed with flour to lift the hairs and fluff. Then they are singed using a gas burner or a special singe furnace.

Removal of head, neck, legs, wings. Heads are cut off between the second and third cervical vertebrae. Before removal, a vertical skin incision is made on the neck from the back, the skin is pulled back, the neck is released and then removed at the level of the shoulder joints, while the skin of the neck (1/3) is left on the carcass so that it covers the cut site. The legs are separated at the tarsal joint. Wings - up to the elbow joint (except for chickens).

Evisceration. In poultry arriving in semi-gutted form, the internal fat, liver with gall bladder, esophagus, trachea, stomach, heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen, testes, and ovaries are removed. In gutted poultry, internal fat, lungs, and kidneys are removed. Sections of the carcass soaked in bile are cut off. The bird is gutted through a longitudinal incision in the abdominal cavity from the end of the sternum (keel) to the anus. The fat gland is cut out on the top of the back near the tailbone.

Washing. The bird is washed with cold running water at a temperature no higher than 15 C. When washing, dirt, blood clots, and remaining entrails are removed.

Drying. The washed poultry is dried. To do this, place it on baking sheets, racks with the cut side down to drain the water.

Game processing consists of the following operations: defrosting; plucking; scorching; removal of wings, neck, legs; gutting and washing.

Defrost game in the same way as poultry.

Plucking begins from the neck, while feathers are pulled out against the direction of their growth. The feathers and down of hazel grouse, woodcock and marsh game are very easy to remove.

Only large game (grouse, black grouse, wild ducks and geese) are singed. The game's wings and neck are completely removed, and its legs are cut off. Small game is skinned from the head and neck, and the eyes are removed; the head and beak are left.

Large game is gutted like a bird. In small game, an incision is made on the neck from the back, the crop, esophagus, and then the entrails are removed. Gutted game carcasses are washed well.

Rabbit processing.

The brands of rabbit carcasses are cut off, the neck, the last cervical vertebra, lungs, liver, kidneys (if they were not removed earlier) are removed, the ends of the legs are cut off, washed and used as a whole or cut into pieces. The carcass is cut into two or four parts. When cut into two parts - anterior and posterior - the dividing line runs along the last lumbar vertebra. When cut into four parts, the shoulders, legs, front and back parts are separated. The legs are separated along the protrusion of the pelvic bone, the shoulder blades are cut off, and the brisket is cut off. After this, the front part is cut off from the back to the 5th or 6th rib. The legs and shoulders are completely deboned.

Use of food waste

Poultry food waste includes: heads, legs, necks, wings, scallops, hearts, livers, stomachs. Some of them are characterized by high nutritional value. Thus, the stomach, heart, and liver contain 19-26% proteins. Proteins from internal organs are absorbed in almost the same way as proteins from meat. There are significantly more vitamins (A, PP, group B) in these products than in meat. The listed products can be used to prepare cold dishes.

After cutting the gallbladder, the liver is thoroughly washed. The heart is freed from the pericardial sac and blood clots and washed. The stomachs are cut to the middle, turned inside out, the contents are removed, the cuticle is peeled off, and washed. These by-products are recommended for use in meat salads, pates, and sandwiches.

4. Technological processes affecting the quality of finished products

4.1 Processes occurring during heat treatment of poultry and game

The purpose of thermal cooking of poultry meat, game birds and rabbits is to bring the product to a state of culinary readiness (temperature in the muscle mass of at least 850C). At the same time, the product’s resistance to microbiological spoilage increases, the meat acquires new taste and aromatic properties, a dense consistency and is usually better absorbed by the body.

Changes caused by heating are caused by changes in the components, which depend on the conditions of the process (temperature, time, presence of water, pH of the environment and other factors). In this regard, the properties of raw and finished products differ significantly.

During heat treatment, the most characteristic change in the proteins of all tissues is thermal denaturation. At the same time, the characteristic properties of proteins change - their solubility and hydration decrease. Proteins denatured by heating easily aggregate, coagulate and compact with the release of water and water-soluble solids (mass loss occurs). Under the influence of heating, complex physical and chemical processes occur in poultry meat, with changes in proteins, fats, extractives, and vitamins.

The choice of heat treatment method depends on the type of bird, its age, fatness and other factors. So, chickens and turkeys are boiled, fried, stewed; Geese and ducks are often fried or stewed. The meat of old poultry is boiled or stewed. Game is usually fried.

The decrease in the weight of poultry carcasses during cooking is mainly due to the squeezing out of water, and during frying - due to the rendering of fat. Weight loss associated with fat rendering is especially significant for fatty birds. So ducks and geese lose 25% of their weight when boiling, and 35% and 40%, respectively, when frying. In lean chickens, the difference in weight loss during frying and boiling is insignificant (28% and 31%, respectively).

The release of water-soluble substances (proteins, extractive and mineral substances, vitamins), rendering of fat leads to a decrease in the nutritional value of the finished product. When cooking proteins, 7% - 12% of their total content is lost, when frying - 4% - 8%. The amount of fat rendered during cooking is 30% - 35%, and during frying - 40% - 50%. The loss of minerals during cooking is 13% - 30%.

With all methods of heat treatment, vitamin B1 and vitamin A are destroyed to the greatest extent. The loss of vitamins is due, on the one hand, to their destruction during heat treatment, and on the other, to the transition to the cooking medium with released water and melted fat. The softening of poultry and game meat is associated with the destruction of collagen, its transition to glutin. The rate of softening depends on the type of bird and its age. So young chickens are boiled for 50-60 minutes, old carcasses for 3-4 hours.

The formation of the taste and aroma of poultry meat during heat treatment involves extractive substances, reaction products of melanoid formation, as well as some volatile compounds formed as a result of changes in fats.

4.2 General rules for preparing cold dishes and snacks

When making cold dishes, the final stage is manual or mechanical processing of products - cutting, mixing, but not heat treatment, as is the case in the production of other types of dishes. As a result, ready-made cold dishes are more contaminated with microorganisms and are less stable during storage than dishes the last stage of preparation of which is heat treatment. Such dishes can cause intestinal diseases.

The possibility of food poisoning when eating cold dishes is further aggravated by the fact that even with very high contamination with microorganisms, they do not inspire any suspicion among consumers, since their organoleptic characteristics - appearance, smell, taste - do not always change. Therefore, when preparing cold dishes, cooks must be as careful as possible and strictly follow hygiene rules. If possible, it is necessary to reduce the time for manual processing of products and prevent the product from heating above 15°C.

Deterioration of the sanitary condition of cold dishes can include the following: peeling and cutting boiled vegetables and other products, as well as insufficiently thorough washing of fresh herbs - onions, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

For the preparation of cold dishes, a separate room must be allocated, farthest from the hot shop and equipped with a refrigerator. It is unacceptable to install any heating devices in a cold workshop. Cooking of meat products must be done in a hot shop. All equipment must be kept perfectly clean - utensils, utensils, tools. To do this, they must be washed daily after work with hot water and soda, then scalded with boiling water and dried.

In the cold shop, just like in the procurement shop, there should be separate wooden boards for cutting meat, fish, herring and vegetables with the corresponding letter designations. For vegetables you should have three boards:

for boiled vegetables - potatoes, beets, carrots;

for pickled and pickled vegetables;

for fresh vegetables and herbs.

Particular attention should be paid to the processing of fresh, boiled, pickled and pickled vegetables on separate boards when preparing them in the form of semi-finished products, which are supposed to be stored for some time.

These conditions should be observed even if they are stored in the cold, since microorganisms, especially those transferred from pickled vegetables to boiled ones, multiply very quickly even at low temperatures.

If possible, you should avoid cutting food by hand, which increases contamination. There are special machines for slicing raw vegetables, meat and fish products. In their absence, in some cases it is advisable to use a device such as an egg slicer or a vegetable slicer with strings to cut boiled vegetables. Machine slicing improves the sanitary condition of products and increases labor productivity several times.

When chopping by hand, 30-40 kg of boiled vegetables can be cut in one hour, and when using the specified devices - 100-120 kg, i.e. labor productivity increases 3-5 times.

It is recommended to pre-clean and chop raw carrots and beets, and then simmer them in a small amount of water with the addition of 2% vegetable oil. To improve the color of the stewed beets, add 2% 3% table vinegar. Potatoes are also boiled peeled. To prevent it from boiling and the tubers losing their shape, it is recommended to cook it until half cooked in water, and then drain the water and steam it. When checking the sanitary condition of carrots and beets prepared in this way, it was shown that after cooling they are almost sterile and when stored even for 48 hours at 6-10°C, the number of microorganisms in them increases slightly.

Potatoes boiled in this way and cut in the usual way contain tens of times fewer microorganisms than potatoes boiled in the skin and peeled by hand.

The proposed technology has other advantages. By poaching vegetables, the loss of water-soluble nutrients is minimized. A small amount of the resulting decoction is used to season dishes. Labor productivity also increases several times, since machines can be used to peel and cut raw vegetables (there are no machines for peeling boiled vegetables and potatoes). It is recommended to rinse the greens in running water for 5 minutes.

The temperature of the products used in the preparation of cold dishes is very important. All products must be pre-cooled to a temperature of 8--10°. Mixing chilled foods with warm foods should not be allowed. At a temperature of 8--10°, the development of microorganisms occurs much slower (sometimes several tens of times) than at a temperature of 15--20°.

It is recommended to boil poultry and game for preparing cold dishes and snacks, but in some cases, fried poultry or meat cooked in infrared ovens, grill ovens, ovens, etc. is used. To prepare poultry and game meat, the carcass must be processed and washed thoroughly , then place in water or oven, according to the proposed cooking method. After cooking, cool the meat, first at room temperature, then in the refrigerator, then chop or cut into portions.

Compliance with the established temperature conditions and shelf life of ready-made dishes and semi-finished products is also an important measure to improve their sanitary condition.

5. Preliminary development of new culinary products

ACT of developing recipes and technology for new and signature dishes (products)

Date of testing: 02/19/2014

Name of dish (product): Chicken Satsivi

Table No. 2

Product name

Net weight of products, kg

Processing data on batches, kg

Average data, kg

Accepted recipe, kg

Chicken breast






Wheat flour

Chicken broth

Product set weight 230g

Weight of semi-finished products 230g

Production losses 13%

Weight of the finished dish 200g

Heat loss 15%

Description of the technological process

Wash the chicken, place in a saucepan, add cold water and bring to a boil. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Then remove from the broth, cut into portions and fry in butter until cooked. Save the broth. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until slightly yellowed, cool. Grind walnuts, garlic and cilantro through a meat grinder, add pepper and salt.

Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in butter until light golden brown, pour in a quarter cup of broth and cook for 10 minutes, then pour in the flour mixed in the broth, stir and bring to a boil. Add the prepared nut mixture and cook for another 10 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add wine vinegar, ground cinnamon, cloves and suneli hops.

Place the fried chicken pieces on a serving plate, pour the prepared sauce on top, garnish with pomegranate seeds and a sprig of cilantro, and cool.

We can safely say that such a flavorful and nutritious dish has undeservedly remained without due attention among Omsk restaurants. As a cold dish, Satsivi, due to its theme (national cuisine of Georgia), is ideally suited to such restaurants as “Senkevich”, “Barracuda”, “House of Actor”, etc. The rich smell of Satsivi will whet the appetite of any restaurant visitor. The dish is not seasonal - the ingredients can be easily found all year round. It contains quite a lot of proteins, including vegetable ones, is rich in microelements, vitamins, high in calories, poultry fats are well absorbed.

Thus, in our sharply continental climate, all these qualities make it very appropriate.

Photos of the raw materials used to prepare the dish and its design options - see Appendix 2; 3.

Calculation of nutritional value for the cold dish “Chicken Satsivi”

Name of raw materials.

Net weight for 1 serving


Chicken breast






Wine vinegar

Wheat flour

Chicken broth

Calories = 33.49*4 + 39.10*9 + 19.61*4 = 523.3

Developer: Zaderiy Alexander Last name, initials: Zaderiy A.A

6. Development of technical and technological maps


Director _____________

Date _____________

6.1 Technical and technological map No. 1

Cold chicken satsivi dish

Scope of application

This technical and technological map applies to the cold appetizer “Chicken Satsivi”

List of raw materials

Raw materials used to prepare the dish

Requirements for the quality of raw materials

The greens should be fresh, the consistency of the vegetables should be elastic; taste, color and smell must correspond to the products used.



Name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)

Chicken breast






Wine vinegar

Wheat flour

Chicken broth


Place the prepared chicken carcass in a saucepan, add cold water and cook until the water boils. Then remove from the broth, add salt and fry in the oven until cooked. Drain some of the broth and use it to sauté finely chopped onions. Grind walnuts, garlic and cilantro, dilute with broth, add pepper, salt, pour into a saucepan with onions and cook for 15-20 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add wine vinegar, ground cinnamon, cloves and suneli hops. Cut the hot chicken into pieces, pour hot sauce over it and cool.

Place the fried chicken pieces on a serving plate, pour the prepared sauce on top, garnish with pomegranate seeds and a sprig of herbs.

The serving temperature should be 10-14C

The shelf life of dishes is no more than 15 minutes from the end of the technological process.

Appearance: The sauce is evenly distributed on the chicken. The chicken pieces are the same size, evenly fried, not dry. Fresh cilantro leaves.

Consistency: the sauce is homogeneous, without large pieces of nuts. The chicken is soft, juicy and retains its shape.

Color: The sauce is brown with a slightly greenish tint of cilantro.

Taste: moderately salty, corresponding to the ingredients included in the composition - walnuts, spices, garlic.

The smell of spices and fresh cilantro.

Microbiological indicators must comply with the requirements of San PiN, index

Nutritional and energy value of “Chicken Satsivi”

Name of raw materials


Energy value/kcal

Chicken breast






Wine vinegar

Wheat flour

Chicken broth

6.2 Technical and technological map No. 2

Cold appetizer chicken salad with pineapple

Scope of application

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the signature dish Chicken Salad with Pineapple.

List of raw materials

Raw materials used to prepare the dish

Requirements for the quality of raw materials

Food raw materials, food products used for preparing snacks must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificates of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate).

All products used must be processed in strict accordance with established sanitary standards and rules.



Name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)

Chicken breast

Canned pineapple

Walnuts (shelled)

Lemon juice


Yield: 174 g.


Primary processing of raw materials and products is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials

Chilled chicken fillet, boiled in salted water, cut into cubes, pineapples into slices.

For the sauce, mix sour cream, mayonnaise and lemon juice. Prepared chicken fillet and pineapples, alternately, are placed on lettuce leaves, poured over with sauce, sprinkled with chopped walnuts and chopped herbs.

Registration, submission, sale and storage

Prepared chicken fillet and pineapples, alternately, are placed on lettuce leaves, poured over with sauce, sprinkled with chopped walnuts and chopped herbs.

According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish when serving should be no higher than 14°C.

The salad is prepared as needed and sold in portioned containers immediately after preparation. The shelf life of dishes is no more than 15 minutes from the end of the technological process.

Quality and safety indicators

Organoleptic characteristics of the dish

The organoleptic characteristics of the Chicken Salad with Pineapple dish must meet the following requirements:

Appearance - all products are evenly cut, mixed, seasoned. The dressing is evenly distributed among the salad components. Products without signs of weathering.

The color is characteristic of the components included in the dish.

The consistency of the vegetables in the salad is quite dense and crispy, while the rest of the ingredients are characteristic of the type.

The taste and smell are pleasant, with the aroma of the ingredients included in the dish, moderately spicy, salty, without foreign impurities or discreditable features.

Microbiological indicators of the Chicken Salad with Pineapple dish must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, index

Nutritional and energy value of Chicken Salad with Pineapples

Name of raw materials


Energy value/kcal

Chicken breast

Canned pineapple


Lemon juice


Sour cream 20%

Mayonnaise 67%

Responsible developer: Zaderiy Alexander


During the course work, the characteristics of cold poultry and game dishes, quality requirements, storage conditions and periods were studied; nutritional value assessment was carried out. Also, technical and technological maps for cold poultry dishes have been developed.

The menu of enterprises (restaurants) was studied, such as: “Gzhel”, “Barracuda”, “House of Actor”, “Helios”, “Pelican”. I have identified the most popular and frequently occurring cold dishes and snacks. Among them, poultry and game dishes are rare or absent altogether. Accordingly, we can recommend that the listed catering establishments include the following dishes in their diet: game pates, cocktail salads with poultry, sandwiches (canapés) and, in particular, “Chicken Satsivi”, which I worked on. We can recommend that some Omsk restaurants include other cold dishes from national cuisines of the world in their menus, because... The current offer is far from diverse. Based on the name and surroundings of some restaurants (“Sienkevich”, “Wild Life”, “Barracuda”), exotic national dishes from different nations of the world would be very welcome and would arouse the interest of gourmets.

Poultry and rabbit dishes are nutritious and easily digested by the body. The content of complete proteins in poultry meat is slightly higher than in beef. Poultry fats have a low melting point due to their higher content of unsaturated fatty acids. The specific taste and smell inherent in poultry dishes are due to the relatively high content of extractive substances (1.5...2.5%). Poultry meat contains significant quantities of minerals (especially calcium and phosphorus), as well as vitamins (A, group B)

Feathered game meat, unlike poultry meat, contains more proteins and extractives, but less fat. It is less tender, characterized by a darker color, and has a specific taste and aroma. The slight bitterness and resinous smell are especially appreciated.

Dishes made from lean poultry and rabbit are widely used in children's and medical nutrition.

Side dishes of cereals and potatoes enrich poultry, game and rabbit dishes with carbohydrates, and vegetable dishes with vitamins and minerals.

In connection with the above, a wider variety of such dishes will improve diets and make meals in restaurants more nutritious.

List of sources used

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the quality and safety of food products” Approved. 01/02/2000 Federal Law-29.

2. GOST R 50647 - 2010 Catering services. Terms and definitions.

3. GOST 50764 - 2009 Catering services. General requirements.

4. GOST R 50763 - 2007 Catering services. Catering products sold to the public.

5. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products from the cuisines of the peoples of Russia (1992 edition);

6. GOST R 50647-94 "Public catering. Terms and definitions"

7. Sanitary norms and rules in public catering and food trade. - M.: KNORUS, 2011. - 112 p.

8. Bogusheva V.I. Cooking technology: educational manual / V.I. Bogusheva. - ed. 3, erased - Rostov n / D Phoenix, 2012. - 347 p.

9. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: For public catering establishments / Author. - comp. A.I. Zlobnov, V.A. Tsyganenko. - Kyiv; M.: “Ariy”, “Lada”, 2010. - 680 p.

10. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments / Author. - comp.: A.I. Zlobnov, V.A. Tsyganenko. - K.: Ariy Publishing House LLC, M.: IKTC "Lada", 2010. - 680 pp.: ill.

11. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments: Part 1, 2. - M.: Khlebprodinform, 1997. - 560 p.

12. Tutelyan V.A. Chemical composition and calorie content of Russian food products: Directory. - M.: DeLi plus, 2012. - 284 p.

13. N.I. Kovalev, M.N. Kutkina, V.A. Kravtsova. “Cooking technology” / Moscow, 2003 p. 77, p. 333.

14. GOST R 50764-95 "Catering services. General requirements"

15.GOST R 53105-2008 “Catering services. Technological documents for public catering products. General requirements for design, construction and content.”

16. Requirements for the quality of semi-finished products, ready-made dishes and products. M., “Economics”, 1969 - 87s (p. 13).

Appendix 1

Photos of the raw materials used to prepare the dish "Chicken Satsivi"

Appendix 2

Design option "Chicken Satsivi"

Appendix 3

Gzhel restaurant menu

Cold appetizers

Assorted "Supplies from Grandma's Cellar"

pickled cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pickled onions and crispy cabbage

Proteins-0.97g; fats - 4.65g; carbohydrates-2.41g; 56 kcal.

Assorted Mushroom Basket

milk mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms marinated with onions and sour cream

Proteins-0.58g; fats - 2.74 g; carbohydrates - 1.39g; 32 kcal.

Assorted Vegetable Bouquet

fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, radishes, olives, green onions, greens

Proteins-1.12g; fats - 0.51g; carbohydrates - 3.68g; 24 kcal.

Assorted Fish Delicacies

home-salted salmon, cold smoked trout, smoked eel, lemon, olives, dill

Proteins - 17.67g; fats - 6.51g; carbohydrates-7.31g; 158 kcal.

Sea Snack

Stroganina of lightly salted salmon with lemon

Proteins - 18.94g; fats - 10.44g; carbohydrates-9.57g; 175 kcal.

Red salmon caviar

salmon caviar, butter

Proteins-31.20g; fats - 11.70g; carbohydrates-0.00g; 251 kcal.

Assorted meat store

beef roast, boiled pork, chicken roll, boiled tongue, pickled gherkins, cherry tomatoes, greens

Proteins-7.34g; fats - 16.16g; carbohydrates-0.84g; 178 kcal.

Cheese plate "Gourmet"

assorted elite cheeses: Grana Padano, Camembert, Dor-blue, accompanied by accompaniment

Proteins - 3.39g; fats - 3.73g; carbohydrates-2.49g; 58 kcal.

Cheese plate

seven types of cheese, olives, grapes, almonds, honey

Proteins-13.62g; fats - 5.84g; carbohydrates - 1.95g; 81 kcal.

Greek salad

classic combination of fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, olives, red onions, Fetax cheese, olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Proteins-3.56; fats - 11.28; carbohydrates - 2.63; 127 kcal.

Salad "Goat in the garden"

salad of raw vegetables - beets, carrots, radishes, radishes, potato pie, fried pork, with a spicy mayonnaise sauce with horseradish

Proteins-3.92; fats - 24.03; carbohydrates-6.11; 254 kcal.

Viking salad

shrimp, pieces of lightly salted salmon, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, garlic croutons with mustard-oil dressing

Proteins-8.18; fats - 16.06; carbohydrates - 2.59; 187 kcal.

Salad "Typhoon"

seafood cocktail: lightly salted salmon, squid, shrimp, octopus, orange, fresh cucumber, green salad, in a basket of Parmesan cheese with 1000 Islands sauce

Proteins-11.84; fats - 4.97; carbohydrates-1.10; 96 kcal.

Proteins-11.22; fats - 21.06; carbohydrates - 2.42; 243 kcal.

Caesar salad"

green salad, garlic croutons, Parmesan cheese, Caesar dressing

of your choice: with grilled chicken breast

Proteins - 5.38; fats-9.85; carbohydrates - 5.87; 136 kcal.

with fried salmon

Proteins-7.99; fats - 10.63; carbohydrates - 10.61; 171 kcal.

with king prawns

Proteins-6.39; fats - 11.76; carbohydrates - 7.39; 161 kcal.

Salad "Quail's nest"

grilled chicken breast, fried pork, champignons, potato pie, lettuce, cheese, mayonnaise, quail egg

Proteins-7.36; fats - 17.37; carbohydrates-0.86; 190 kcal.

Salad "Olivier"

according to an ancient recipe from the famous Frenchman Lucien Olivier in a modern interpretation by the chef. Grilled chicken breast, potatoes, fresh cucumber, pickled cucumber, egg, king shrimp, green salad, mayonnaise, parsley. Cooking time 30 min.

Proteins - 7.77; fats - 19.34; carbohydrates - 4.54; 234 kcal.

Salad "Homemade"

in the chef's modern interpretation, beef tongue, porcini mushrooms, fresh cucumber, potatoes, pickled cucumber, quail egg, green salad.

Cooking time 30 min.

Proteins-6.03; fats - 17.30; carbohydrates - 3.71; 200 kcal.

Appendix 4

Barracuda restaurant menu

Cold dishes and snacks

"Snack from the Chef"

(prosciutto, carbonate, beef, brisket, chicken breast, olives, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, cheese, champignons, mayonnaise)

Yield: 500 gr.

"Beef Prushta"

(prosciutto, olives, lettuce, tomatoes, greens)

Yield: 270 gr.

"Meat platter"

(smoked pork and beef carbonate, chicken roll, beef roll, boiled tongue,)

Yield: 215 g.

Beef carpaccio

(beef tenderloin, champignons, spices. Served with croutons and butter)

Yield: 250 gr.


(beef tenderloin, spices. Served with croutons and butter)

Yield: 330 gr.

Homemade jellied meat

(Served with mustard.)

Yield: 450 gr.

Appetizer "Caprese"

(Tomato, mozzarella, parmesan, oregano, olive oil, lettuce, parsley.)

Yield: 370 gr.

Snack "Nice"

(Chicken fillet, canned pineapple, ginger, mayonnaise, lettuce, parsley.)

Yield: 300 gr.

Cheese platter

(mimolette, dor blue, feta cheese, lambert, maasdam, grapes, walnut.)

Yield: 350 gr.

"Baked pepper"

(baked peppers in a marinade of garlic, vinegar, olive oil)

Yield: 300 gr.

"Homemade pickles"

(pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut)

Yield: 450 gr.

Lightly salted salmon

(lightly salted salmon, lettuce, tomatoes, lemon)

Yield: 300 gr.

Fish "Beer plate"

(fresh frozen yellowtail, smoked eel, fresh frozen salmon, smoked trout)

Yield: 250 gr.

Herring with boiled potatoes

(herring fillet, boiled potatoes, lettuce, onion)

Yield: 500 gr.

Appetizer "Smoked eel"

(smoked eel, lemon dressing)

Yield: 185 gr.

Salmon appetizer

(salmon stroganina)

Yield: 220 gr.

"Assorted seafood"

(octopus, squid, medium shrimp, tiger shrimp, green mussels, smoked trout, parmesan, garlic, parsley.)

Yield: 360 gr.

Cuttlefish stuffed with Tar-Tar sauce

(cuttlefish fillet, smoked trout, small shrimp, Tar-Tar sauce)

Yield: 260 gr.

Appendix 5

Menu of the restaurant "House of Actor"

Cold appetizers

Marinated mushrooms

White forest mushrooms

Snack for vodka

Lard pureed with garlic

Snack for cognac

Lightly salted herring

With boiled potatoes

Lightly salted salmon

Garden pickle 350/10g

Tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, pickled garlic, herbs


Prepared according to the original recipe

Vegetable platter

Boiled beef tongue

Cheese fantasy

Cold cuts

Assorted fish "Poseidon" 200/30/30/10g

Cold smoked trout, lightly salted salmon, butterfish, smoked halibut, lemon, greens

Appendix 6

Meat delicacies (300/100/2 gr.)

Plate of Italian gastronomy (150 gr.)

Assorted fish (200/50/20g.)

Cheese plate (150/100/50g.)

Salmon carpaccio with scallop (120/30g.)

Tuna Tar-Tar (160/20 gr.)

Siberian tongue with horseradish (100/30/100g.)

Milks with sour cream (150/30 gr.)

Salmon caviar (50/20g.)

Salted milk mushrooms with sour cream (100/50/30 gr.)

Trout appetizer (140/50/10g.)

Parma ham with pear (70/80/15g.)

Homemade herring (150/100g.)

Caesar salad with chicken fillet (200g.)

Cobb salad (230/50 gr.)

Grilled turkey salad (210g.)

Waldorf salad (230g.)

Austrian salad (200g.) 220-00

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Cold and heat processing of cold dishes and snacks included in the recipe is basically the same as for hot dishes.

Poultry for preparing cold dishes is processed in the same way as for hot dishes: the frozen bird is thawed, dried and seared with a gas burner, after which the neck with head and legs (above the shin joint) are cut off. The crop and entrails are removed from the singed bird, washed, and, having given the carcass a look convenient for further processing, using a chef's needle and thread or tucking the legs and wings into a pocket, fry and then cool. Small poultry is pre-fried until a crispy crust is formed and then cooked in the oven. Large poultry (turkey, goose) is salted, sprinkled with fat and fried in an oven, periodically pouring over it the juice released during frying. An old bird with tough meat is placed in a deep bowl, filled with the fat in which it was fried, a little water is added, covered with a lid and simmered until the bird meat becomes soft.

The readiness of poultry meat is determined using a chef's needle or fork: if the needle enters easily into the soft part of the leg and clear juice is released, then the poultry meat is ready; if the juice is reddish, the poultry meat is not ready yet.

Poultry, as a cold appetizer, is sold boiled and fried, with or without a side dish, aspic, with mayonnaise and in the form of complexly prepared products.

Poultry is cut into two pieces (fillet and a piece of leg), and game - half a carcass or also two pieces.

Garnish includes cucumbers, fresh and pickled tomatoes, and green salad. In addition, pickled fruits and berries can be served with game. The side dish is placed to one side of the dish without covering the main product; The sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

Once completely cooled, cut the fried poultry in the same way as hot poultry. The finished bird should first be cut lengthwise into 2 parts, then each part in turn should be cut into several pieces, depending on the size of the bird. Hazel grouse and partridges need to be cut into 2 or 4 parts. Cut slices only from the breast of large birds; Pieces with bones should not be served as an appetizer.

Most cold poultry dishes are topped with jelly, which is prepared in advance. Pour the boneless bird onto baking sheets and into molds.

Chicken and turkey are boiled in light jelly, and duck is stewed in dark jelly.

Poultry fillet is served with mayonnaise. The sliced ​​fillet is placed on a potato salad dressed with mayonnaise, poured with mayonnaise on top and garnished with bouquets of vegetables and finely chopped jelly.

When on vacation, cold dishes and snacks are beautifully decorated, using the main products included in the product to decorate them, but selecting the most suitable ones in shape and color, cutting them beautifully and arranging them.

Products for their design are selected from those included in the recipe and matched in shape and color. Additionally, greens are used. Place them so that they do not cover the sides of the dishes.

When serving, decorate with sprigs of parsley, lettuce or other greens, beautifully chopped fresh cucumbers and gherkins, etc.

The most suitable for this purpose are branches of parsley, green salad, colored vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas, carrots, fruits - grapes, oranges, lemons, plums and compote or pickled pears.

Hard-boiled eggs, cut into circles, slices or chopped, are often used to decorate dishes. Decorations should not come to the fore; they should complete the design of the dish, complement it, but not obscure the contents. Therefore, you should decorate in moderation, never overloading the dishes.

After decorating, clean the edges of the dish from crumbs and remaining fat.

Keep snack dishes in the refrigerator or in a cold room at a temperature of +2 to +4 ° C, covering them with a slightly moistened napkin or gauze. The best way to keep cold meats from drying out is to cover them entirely, including decorations, with a thin layer of jelly.

The transparent layer of jelly gives the dish a very beautiful look at the same time. Jelly can be colored with caramel or tomato. Pour in two or three batches, using a spoon, in a thin layer, cooling each time.

Jelly frozen on a shallow plate, chopped or squeezed out with a syringe (syringed), can be used for decoration.

To serve cold dishes and snacks, special porcelain, crystal, glass, cupronickel dishes are used: round and oval dishes, salad bowls, vases, herring bowls, caviar bowls, rosettes, bowls (for lemon, caviar, herbs), snack plates, etc.

When a group of consumers (at one table) simultaneously orders several identical dishes, they are usually served in multi-serving dishes (in two-, three-, five-serving dishes or salad bowls).

When leaving, cold dishes should have a temperature of 10-12°C.

Preparation of complex cold sauces.

Cold sauces are served with cold dishes of fish, crayfish, game and vegetables. Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins and herbs is also served with hot fried fish dishes. Cold sauces also include vegetable marinades, salad dressings and herring.

A variety of raw materials are used for sauces: premium and 1st grade wheat flour, vegetables - carrots, white parsley root, onions, tomatoes, tomato paste, bones, pickled and pickled cucumbers, cooking fats, butter and margarine, vegetable oil, spices , vinegar, wine, etc. When using natural grape wine (red and white, dry and semi-dry), it must be prepared before use. To do this, the wine is poured into a container and slightly evaporated, while the wine alcohol evaporates, and the remaining components give the sauces a special aroma and taste. It is better to use wine or fruit vinegar. It can be replaced with citric acid or lemon juice. The spices and seasonings used diversify the taste and aroma of the sauces: peppercorns (allspice), ground pepper (black, red, white), cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, bay leaf, cloves, ginger, ready-made mustard, vanilla and vanilla sugar. Most spices are added to the sauce 10-15 minutes before readiness, bay leaf - 5 minutes, ground pepper - to the finished sauce. During storage, a film forms on the surface of the sauce, which is undesirable. To do this, sauces are sealed with butter or margarine, that is, pieces of fat are placed on the surface of the sauce. The fat melts and spreads over the surface of the sauce, which prevents the formation of a film. Store prepared sauces on a steam table under a lid at a temperature of 75-80 °C.

Horseradish sauce with vinegar.

Ingredients: horseradish root 150g, vinegar 9% 125ml, water 225ml, sugar 10g, salt 10g.

Peeled horseradish root, frozen in the freezer, grind on a grater, put in a bowl and pour boiling water over it, close the bowl with a lid. When the horseradish has cooled, add vinegar, salt, sugar and mix thoroughly.

This sauce is served with cold and hot meat and fish dishes.

Horseradish with sour cream.

Ingredients: horseradish root 150g, sour cream 350g, sugar 78g, salt 7g. Grind frozen horseradish root, mix with sour cream, add salt and sugar, mix.

This sauce is served with cold boiled pig and meat jelly.

Sour cream sauce for fruit salads.

Ingredients: sour cream 400g, berries (raspberries or strawberries) 50g, oranges 1 piece, small lemon 1 piece, liqueur 20ml, sugar 40g, cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

Rinse the berries through a colander, let the water drain, and rub through a sieve. Peel the lemon and orange zest and squeeze the juice. Finely chop the zest, scald with boiling water and cool.

Combine the resulting juice (berry, lemon and orange) and zest with sour cream, add sugar, ground cinnamon, liqueur and mix well.

This sauce is used only on chilled foods.

Sour cream sauce is served with salads of oranges, tangerines, melons, watermelon and fruits.

Sour cream sauce for vegetable salads.

Ingredients: sour cream 200g, vinegar 3% 40ml, sugar 20g, ground pepper on the tip of a knife, salt to taste.

Pour vinegar into the bowl, add sugar, salt, ground pepper and stir well. Before serving, combine this mixture with sour cream.

This sauce is served with salads of vegetables, fruits, cauliflower, mushrooms and vegetables, and the like.

Mayonnaise sauce with jelly.

Ingredients: mayonnaise sauce 150g, broth 350ml, gelatin 13g.

Add gelatin soaked in cold water to hot meat, chicken or fish broth. When the gelatin dissolves, strain the broth. Add the prepared mayonnaise sauce to the unfrozen jelly broth and beat with a whisk.

This sauce is used to pour cold fish, poultry fillets or wild poultry.




Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism


on the course “technology of public catering products”

on the topic:

« Assortment and features of preparing poultry dishes ».


1. Characteristics of poultry dishes…………………………………….6

1.1 Characteristics of the raw materials used……………………………6

1.2 Methods of cooking poultry……………………………...8

2. Assortment and features of preparing poultry dishes……….17

2.1 Poultry processing, preparation of semi-finished products and use of food waste………………………………………………………………………………17

2.2 Physico-chemical processes occurring during heat treatment…………………………………………………………………………………..24

2.3 Dishes from boiled and poached poultry………………………….33

2.4. Fried and stewed poultry dishes……………………………35

2.5. Dishes from chopped poultry………………………………………………………38

2.6. Requirements for the quality of poultry dishes……………………………...40

3. Technological documentation for public catering products…………………………………………………………………………………...43


Terms and definitions……………………………………………………………..54

List of sources used………………………………………………………..59

Appendix A……………………………………………………………..60

Appendix B……………………………………………………………...61

Appendix B……………………………………………………………...62

Appendix D………………………………………………………………………………....63

Appendix D……………………………………………………………...64

Appendix E……………………………………………………………….……………..65

Appendix G……………………………………………………………...……………...67

Appendix 3……………………………………………………………69

Appendix I……………………………………………………………...71

Appendix K………………………………………………………...72


We have already become accustomed to associating taste with a certain type of product - so poultry, for example, has its own unique smell and taste. But practice has shown something else: the product can remain the same, but its taste will change depending on the cooking.

Tender and tasty poultry meat has always been considered a delicacy. But now poultry farming has developed so much that poultry meat, especially chicken, is available to the majority of the population. Chickens have long become a familiar food for us. We usually cook duck, goose, and turkey on holidays.

Stores often sell not adult birds, but chickens raised in an accelerated way - broilers.

The most valuable nutritional component of poultry meat is, of course, protein. Chicken meat, including broilers, depending on the category, contains 18-21%, geese meat - 15-17%, duck meat - 16-17%, turkey meat - 19-21%, quail 18% protein . The amino acid composition of poultry meat is favorable; there is no shortage of essential amino acids.

As a rule, there is much more fat in the meat of waterfowl. For comparison: the fat content of broilers ranges from 11-16%, of similar-aged goslings - 14-28%, ducklings - 20-27%. Accordingly, the fat content of chickens is 8-17%, turkeys - 12-22%, while geese - 28-39%, and ducks - 24-27%.

Chicken meat contains a lot of highly valuable essential polyunsaturated fatty acids - more than beef and lamb. The predominant vitamins in poultry meat are B vitamins. Mineral elements include phosphorus and iron.

Like any other meat, poultry meat is boiled, fried and stewed, cutlets and other minced products are prepared from it. At the same time, poultry meat (especially broilers) quickly becomes soft and tender, since it contains little connective tissue. The pectoral muscles contain the least amount of them, which is why the most delicious dishes are prepared from poultry breasts.

When cooked, 40 to 60% of vitamins are lost, so side dishes for chicken, ducks, geese and turkeys, as well as other meat dishes, should include vitamin-rich fresh vegetables or sauerkraut.

Poultry meat contains more complete proteins than meat from domestic animals. Chicken and turkey meat is considered a dietary product; it is better and faster absorbed. Poultry dishes are recommended not only for the healthy, but also for the sick, convalescents, and those in need of increased nutrition; they are very useful for children. Poultry meat contains a lot of vitamins. Poultry by-products (heart, liver, kidneys, stomachs, scallops, necks, wings) are also rich in nutrients. Poultry dishes are quick, easy and simple to prepare.

Poultry dishes are an important source of proteins. Poultry meat has less connective tissue and therefore 2-3 times less incomplete proteins than beef.

Poultry fillet dishes are especially appreciated, as they contain more nitrogenous substances and have a delicate texture. Culinary products from lean poultry are widely used in medical nutrition. Side dishes of cereals and potatoes complement poultry dishes with carbohydrates, and vegetables enrich their vitamin and mineral composition.

Therefore, consideration of the range and features of preparing poultry dishes will be a relevant topic for writing a term paper.

The topic of this course project is very relevant while various public catering enterprises appear on the market of goods and services, fighting for consumer attention to their products, which, in fact, is the basis of their success, growth and prosperity. As an interconnected phenomenon, growing, strong enterprises become providers of higher quality, better goods and services, while distinguishing their work with a high level of service and attention to the wants and needs of customers.

The purpose of writing a course work is to acquire theoretical knowledge about the technological processes of poultry processing, preparation, presentation and distribution of ready-made dishes, assessing its quality and safety.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to study a number of the following questions:

    The importance of poultry dishes in nutrition

    Methods for cooking poultry

    Processes that shape product quality

    Poultry processing

    Poultry dishes

The basis for the research is information from the Internet, study of textbooks, teaching aids, catalogs, articles from magazines and newspapers.

    Characteristics of poultry dishes

1.1 Characteristics of the raw materials used

Poultry includes chickens, geese, ducks, and turkeys.

Poultry meat is healthy and easily digestible (93%). It contains proteins (15-22%), fats (5-39%), mineral salts, extractives, as well as vitamins A, D, PP, group B. Poultry fat melts at a low temperature (23-39 ° C), it contains a lot of unsaturated acids. When cooked, it melts and penetrates the muscle tissue, making the meat juicy and improving its taste. Complete proteins predominate in poultry meat. Among mineral substances, meat contains salts of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and copper. Poultry meat contains a lot of extractive substances, so broths, especially from chicken, are aromatic, causing increased secretion of digestive juices, and this contributes to better absorption of food.

Compared to slaughtered livestock, poultry muscle tissue is denser and finer-fibered. There is less connective tissue, it is more delicate and soft. Fat deposits are located under the skin, on the intestines and stomach. Thanks to the uniform distribution of fat between the muscle bundles, poultry meat has a delicate texture, pleasant taste and aroma. The skin is thin, pink to yellow, depending on the breed.

Poultry meat is classified by type, age, processing method, thermal state, fattening, and quality of finishing.

The young bird has a non-ossified, cartilaginous keel of the sternum and a non-keratinized beak. Chickens have delicate, elastic scales on their legs, roosters have soft, movable spurs in the form of a tubercle, and goslings and ducklings have delicate skin.

The adult bird has a hard, ossified sternum keel and a horny beak. Chickens and turkeys have hard scales on their legs, roosters and turkeys have hard, keratinized spurs, and geese and ducks have tough skin.

Poultry is delivered to food establishments without feathers, chilled or frozen, semi-gutted (carcasses without intestines) or gutted (carcasses in which internal organs have been removed, except kidneys, lungs, omentum; head - to the 2nd cervical vertebra, legs - to the tarsal joint , neck - without skin at the base). Depending on the fatness of the bird, it can be of the first or second category.

The bird must be well processed, clean, and free of bruises.

The quality of poultry meat is assessed by the appearance of the carcass, the color of the meat, its consistency 1, the state of the fat, and the smell.

Poultry carcasses that do not meet the requirements of category II are not used for cooking.

In the production of culinary products from poultry, the most common heat treatment methods are boiling, frying, stewing, poaching and baking.

Depending on the method of cooking, poultry dishes are divided into boiled, fried, stewed and baked.

      1.2. Methods for cooking poultry

The variety of raw materials and products used in culinary practice, the wide range of culinary products determine the variety of processing methods 2.

The method of culinary processing of raw materials and semi-finished products depends on:

    amount of waste;

    amount of nutrient loss;

    weight loss;

    taste of the dish;

    digestibility of finished products.

Methods for processing raw materials and products are classified:

    by stages of the technological process of production of culinary products;

    by the nature of the active principle.

Methods are distinguished according to the stages of the technological process:

    used in processing raw materials to obtain semi-finished products;

    used at the stage of thermal culinary processing of semi-finished products in order to obtain finished products;

    used at the stage of sales of finished products.

According to the nature of the active principle, they are divided into:



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    dish bird restaurant

    There is no clear distinction between a cold dish and a cold appetizer. The same culinary product can be both, with the only difference being the serving size; as a rule, the snack is smaller in volume and weight. Served at the beginning of a meal, they complement the composition of the main dishes, decorate the table, satisfy hunger, stimulate appetite and complement the nutritional value of diets.

    Poultry dishes are varied and can be found in any cuisine in the world. They are, first of all, dietary food, much easier and better absorbed by the human body, and, moreover, universal in their preparation. The peculiarity of cold poultry dishes is that they can be served as main courses for breakfast or dinner, or they can be included as additional dishes on the lunch menu.

    The relevance of my work lies in the fact that the results obtained can be used to develop recipes for complex branded cold dishes and snacks made from poultry meat and to determine technological standards for the laying of raw materials. It has practical significance for catering establishments, since a diverse range of tasty, nutritious, easily digestible poultry meat dishes are used not only in rational, but also in medical and baby nutrition.

    The object of the study is the technological process of preparing complex signature cold dishes and snacks from meat and poultry.

    The subject of the study is to improve the organization of the process of preparing complex signature cold dishes and appetizers from meat and poultry in a restaurant.

    In this work, the main goal is to study the technology for preparing complex branded cold dishes and snacks from poultry meat, the commodity characteristics of raw materials for developing an assortment of dishes.

    To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    – study the organization of the production process in the cold shop of a restaurant;

    – study the physiological significance of raw materials and poultry meat dishes for the human body;

    – find out the requirements for the quality and safety of raw materials supplied to restaurants and ready-made complex branded cold dishes and snacks made from poultry meat;

    – get acquainted with the organization of the process of preparing raw materials for the preparation of complex cold culinary products from poultry meat in a restaurant and consider in detail the classification and assortment of these dishes;

    – master the features of preparing poultry dishes and become familiar with their design and decoration;

    – develop technical and technological maps for complex cold culinary products from poultry meat;

    – justify the calculation of the nutritional value of the developed recipes;

    – draw up technological diagrams for these dishes.

    The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that since the range of complex cold poultry dishes is not well represented in catering establishments, then the development of new recipes in this area is of great importance for attracting customers to restaurants.


    A restaurant is a catering establishment that provides the consumer with catering and leisure or non-leisure services, with a wide range of complexly prepared dishes, including specialty dishes and products, alcoholic, soft, hot and other types of drinks, confectionery and bakery products, purchased goods, etc. incl. tobacco products.

    There is no single classification of restaurants accepted throughout the world. In the UK, for example, there are 5 levels, and instead of stars they use the sign: “crossed knife and fork”. According to the established requirements, comfort, convenience, cuisine, service and atmosphere are assessed. In other countries, approaches differ, however, most experts are of the opinion that the vast majority of restaurants fall into one of two categories: full-service and specialized. The first includes those that offer a wide selection of dishes that fall into the category of haute cuiine - haute cuisine. And almost everything that is served to the table, even fresh herbs, is grown at the restaurant itself. An important aspect for a restaurant owner is the relationship with the state, because a restaurant is a catering establishment and, therefore, it must fully comply with GOSTs (Fig. 1).

    Rice. 1 classification of restaurants according to GOST 30389-2013

    Restaurants are assessed based on a variety of characteristics - from concept to popularity. And each restaurant relies on one of many criteria. This could be the interior, the concept of the establishment itself, the relationship to a particular cuisine or culture, or the target audience. One of the most frequently assessed criteria is price. Restaurants are most often divided into three price groups: economy class, business class and premium class.

    Economy class restaurants most often include restaurants in the “Fast food” and “Free flow” formats. They have a standard menu and no rare products or dishes. Their most popular service can be called “business lunches” and home delivery of lunches.

    Business class restaurants are already characterized by the presence of a well-thought-out concept of presenting themselves to visitors. This concept includes the interior, surroundings of the restaurant, and, of course, its cuisine. The pricing policy of these restaurants is as follows: the cost of main courses is within normal limits, and the price of delicacies and elite alcohol is overpriced. The bill for one person in such an establishment will be around 500 rubles. These include restaurants in the “Quick Service Restaurant”, “Fast Casual” and “Casual Dining” formats.

    The last class of establishments is elite restaurants. Dinner at such a restaurant can cost up to $1,300, and sometimes even more. Such establishments are located in elite areas of megalopolises. World-class chefs work there, only the freshest and highest quality products are used, often focusing on environmental friendliness or the authenticity of products that are brought from the country whose dishes are prepared in this restaurant. The wine list is very wide, including collection wines. The service is at the highest level, and the staff is ready to fulfill any client’s whim. This also includes club restaurants, where you can only get in by recommendation, and membership will cost several thousand dollars.


    2.1 Organizationproduction process in the cold shop of a restaurant

    A restaurant is a catering enterprise with a workshop production structure and a wide range of complexly prepared dishes, therefore the main condition for its activities is the correct organization of technical premises and the correct selection of technological equipment. The quality of the prepared food directly depends on this, which is a direct indicator of the level of the restaurant.

    In the cold shop of the restaurant, food is cut, prepared, portioned, and prepared cold dishes are presented. The operating mode of the workshop depends on the operating mode of the hall of the enterprise and its branches. The start of work of the cold shop occurs 2-3 hours before the opening of the trading floor and ends simultaneously with the closing of the hall.

    The production program of the cold shop is drawn up based on the menu plan and requests for culinary products. The cold shop is located adjacent to the hot shop and has a direct connection with the restaurant's serving area. When placing it, a convenient connection must be provided with the procurement shops, from where products are received, which are then sold without heat treatment. Cold shop products are sold to consumers in tableware, so the washing room should be located in close proximity to the cold shop.

    The products of the cold workshop are not subject to heat treatment immediately before portioning, so the cooks of this workshop must strictly observe sanitary standards and personal hygiene rules when conducting the technological process. Based on the fact that the workshop prepares dishes and cold snacks not only from semi-finished products that have undergone heat treatment, but also from raw products, it is important to distinguish between jobs for the manufacture of products from different types of raw materials. In the workshop there must be a clear delineation of work places, excluding the intersection of production flows of dishes from fresh vegetables, fruits and berries and boiled products and gastronomy (Fig. 2).

    1 - Refrigerated cabinets with glass doors for storing food and semi-finished products; 2 - table for waste with a working surface for cleaning products; 3 - washing bath; 4 - wall shelves for storing equipment and bulk products; 5 - cooling table for storing sauces, side dishes, toppings, processed or prepared foods; 6 - rack for storing large equipment; 7 - rack for storing removable attachments for the universal drive; 8 - universal drive.

    Rice. 2 placement of equipment in the cold workshop

    Workplace for preparing meals and snacks from fresh raw vegetables, fruits and berries. This workplace is equipped with a production table with a built-in washing tub, a production table with small mechanization for slicing vegetables and other equipment, as well as a refrigerated cabinet for separate storage of boiled food preparations and gastronomy.

    Workplace for preparing cold dishes and snacks from boiled products and gastronomy. Equipped with a table with a cooled surface and a cabinet. For slicing products, a slicer with a mechanical feed and other small-scale mechanization tools are used. This workplace is equipped with a separate refrigerated cabinet with a glass door, the visibility through which allows the cook to quickly find the necessary products from a wide range. Sandwiches can be made at this place, as well as products for cold soups (okroshka, botvinya, etc.) can be cut.

    In medium- and large-capacity restaurants, an additional workplace is allocated for the preparation of cold sweet dishes (cream, sambuca, jelly) and drinks. It is equipped with a production table with small-scale mechanization equipment (blender, mixer, beater, juicer, etc.).

    All workplaces in the workshop are located along the technological process, equipped with appropriately marked cutting boards, table scales, knives for picking and cutting vegetables, recesses of various shapes, can openers, salad cutlery, trays for aspic dishes, devices for cutting cheese, apples, tongs for laying out portioned dishes, butter scrapers, ice cream spoons, egg cutters.

    The workshop's products are mostly perishable, so refrigeration equipment is required - cabinets of sufficient capacity and refrigeration chambers with additional grid shelves for short-term storage of prepared products, a low-temperature counter and an ice maker. Store ingredients for preparing salads and vinaigrettes in a mound. Cheeses, sausages, aspic, etc. are stored in a refrigerator for a short time. There should also be cutting boards and scales on the table. To process raw vegetables, separate boards with markings are used. Cold dishes must be prepared in quantities that can be sold within the time limits established by sanitary norms and rules, and individual snacks (salads, vinaigrettes, sandwiches) are prepared as they are ordered and, when filled, do not have a sales deadline.

    When releasing, the cold shop products must have a temperature of 10-14 0 C, and some products may be frozen, so the workshop is provided with the required amount of refrigeration equipment, including low-temperature ones.

    2.2 Organization of quality and safety control during the preparation and sale of complex cold dishes and snacks from poultry meat

    If we are guided by the standard definition and taking into account the specifics of public catering products, product quality should be understood as the totality of product properties that determine its suitability to ensure the normal functioning of the human body, that is, to satisfy a person’s physiological needs for food and energy, taking into account the rules of rational nutrition.

    Product quality control is a means and an integral part of the quality management process. The quality control system must be prompt and effective. The need to create a system of operational quality control is caused by the fact that raw materials and finished products are mostly perishable. The results of product quality assessment must be constantly analyzed and used to regulate the most significant factors that shape the quality of public catering products.

    In public catering, there is a developed system of product quality control, in which state and public bodies participate. There are the following types of control at public catering establishments: entrance, operational and acceptance.

    The incoming control service is responsible for the quality of incoming raw materials. Untimely return of low-quality products, incorrect registration, untimely provision of materials for filing a claim with suppliers, failure to comply with product rules, violation of sanitary standards and product sales deadlines. Poultry meat of all types supplied to public catering establishments must comply with GOST 31467-2012 and TR CU 021/2011 (Appendix 1). In all types, categories, varieties, in accordance with special conditions and permissible deviations from the standard, poultry meat must be:

    – whole, undamaged;

    – fresh in appearance;

    – healthy;

    – clean, practically free of visible foreign matter;

    – without excess moisture on the surface;

    – without foreign smell and/or taste;

    Poultry meat must be sold without contamination, fringes, bruises, bruises, blood clots and remains of internal organs, except in cases where semi-gutted or ungutted poultry is supplied. Fresh meat is whitish-yellow in color with a pink tint, in lean carcasses it is yellowish-gray in color with a reddish tint, in skinny ones it is gray in color with a bluish tint. The color of adipose tissue is pale yellow or yellow. The serous membranes of the chest and abdominal cavity are moist, shiny, without mucus and mold. The muscles when cut are slightly moist, do not leave a wet spot on the filter paper, pale pink in chickens and turkeys, red in geese and ducks. The consistency of the muscles is dense, elastic, and when pressed with a finger, the resulting hole quickly levels out. The smell is specific, characteristic of this type of bird. Frozen meat has no smell. When thawed, a smell characteristic of this species appears, but without the aroma of ripened meat. Meat of questionable freshness and not fresh is not allowed for sale.

    Operational control is carried out by organoleptic assessment, checking the compliance of the raw material set with the technological maps, compliance with technological regimes and product yield by weight. Control over the strict implementation of technological operations and their sequence, compliance with heat treatment regimes, recipes, rules for the design and dispensing of dishes and products is carried out by the cook-foreman (head of the workshop, head of production). Conducting operational control helps to promptly eliminate violations identified at individual stages of culinary production. All detected violations are recorded by persons responsible for process control.

    To prepare complex cold dishes and snacks, boiled or fried poultry meat is used. The boiled raw materials entering the cold shop should have a color ranging from gray-white to light cream. Consistency - soft, juicy. The taste is moderately salty, without bitterness, with the aroma characteristic of this type of bird.

    Poultry and game used for preparing complex cold dishes and snacks are fried until cooked, cooled, and cut into portions. Fried poultry should have a golden brown crust. The color of chicken and turkey fillets is white, the legs are gray or light brown, and the color of goose and duck is light or dark brown. Consistency - soft, juicy. The skin is clean, without feather residue or bruises.

    The preparation of raw materials is carried out using technologies that ensure guaranteed product safety. The recipe is developed taking into account the optimal use of food additives and other potentially hazardous ingredients to ensure the safety of the manufactured products. Manufacturers ensure dosing of curing mixtures, food additives and other potentially hazardous ingredients in formulating in the established sequence until their uniform distribution throughout the mass of raw materials is achieved. It is prohibited to carry out technological processing of poultry meat products using unauthorized ultraviolet or ionizing and other physical and chemical influences.

    When preparing cold dishes and snacks, mechanical processing of products (cutting, peeling) is often carried out after heat treatment; this requires strict compliance with sanitary requirements for the preparation and storage of ready-made dishes. It is especially important to reduce the shelf life of semi-finished products and strictly adhere to the established temperature conditions for processing raw materials and finished products.

    We should never forget that extreme care must be taken when cooking poultry. In addition, it is necessary to very carefully follow all the instructions in the recipe of a particular dish. Heat treatment should last exactly as long as indicated in the recipe - otherwise, it may turn out overdried and devoid of its amazing aroma.

    Quality control of manufactured products (acceptance control) is organized depending on the type of enterprise. In the cold shop, control is carried out as each batch of products is manufactured according to organoleptic indicators, as well as the yield of products by weight. Control of physical and chemical parameters is carried out by a technological laboratory. A quality certificate must be filled out for all products produced during a shift; Finished products are released only when available.

    Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Public catering organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and departmental affiliation, must comply with sanitary rules when preparing food and drinks, storing them and selling them to the public. A prerequisite for the successful operation of a restaurant is the daily rejection of ready-made dishes with the entry of information into a rejection journal, the maintenance of which is ensured by the head of the organization. For the absence of a reject log, administrative liability is provided under Art. 6.6 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

    If food preparation technology is violated, the commission is obliged to remove the products from sale, send them for modification or processing, and, if necessary, for research in a food and sanitary laboratory. The quality of dishes and finished culinary products is assessed based on organoleptic indicators: taste, smell, appearance, color, consistency. Depending on these indicators, products are rated - “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory” (defective).

    The “excellent” rating is given to dishes that correspond in taste, color and smell, appearance and consistency, approved recipe and other indicators provided for by the requirements.

    A “good” rating is given to dishes that have one minor defect (under-salted, not brought to the desired color, etc.).

    A “satisfactory” rating is given to dishes that have deviations from culinary requirements, but are suitable for sale without processing.

    A rating of “unsatisfactory” (defective) is given to products that have the following defects: foreign, unusual taste and smell, sharply over-salted, sharply sour, bitter, undercooked, undercooked, burnt, lost their shape, having an unusual consistency or other signs, discrediting dishes and products. Persons guilty of unsatisfactory preparation of dishes and culinary products are held liable financially and in other ways.


    3.1 Physiological significance of raw materials and complex cold dishes and snacks from poultry meat in nutrition

    Poultry meat is an important component in human nutrition. It contains many valuable proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids (Fig. 3). It contains large quantities of vitamin B 2, B 6, B 9, B 12, and minerals - phosphorus, sulfur, selenium, calcium, magnesium and copper.

    Cold appetizers from poultry are one of the types of cold appetizers, notable for the fact that they turn out to be very interesting, healthy, tasty, unusual and piquant. Poultry meat is much healthier than pork, lamb and beef. The main advantage is that it is lower in calories (Fig. 4).

    Rice. 4 calories per 100 g of poultry meat

    Poultry fillet dishes are especially appreciated, as they contain more nitrogenous substances and have a delicate texture. Culinary products from lean poultry are widely used in medical nutrition.

    Chicken meat is most popular among the population. In the modern world, it has been elevated to a kind of cult as cheap, low-calorie and easily digestible. Therefore, it becomes the basis of a lot of different dishes, and a useful addition to the daily menu. Chicken meat contains a lot of protein and amino acids. It is also rich in iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium and vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, PP. Chicken meat can be considered dietary due to its low fat content, and it also contains virtually no carbohydrates. The set of useful vitamins and microelements contained in it ensures the normal functioning of nerve cells. Chicken is especially useful for those who suffer from insomnia, stress, and depression. Another reason for the benefits of chicken meat is the presence of glutamine in it. This is an amino acid that helps build muscle mass. Chicken meat normalizes metabolism, maintains normal sugar levels and blood pressure. It also lowers bad cholesterol levels and activates kidney function.

    Surprisingly tasty, healthy, easily digestible turkey meat is loved by most people. In many respects, it undoubtedly corresponds to chicken meat, but in some it is superior. The meat of this bird is especially useful for physically active people; it is well digested, better than pork and beef, and replenishes energy resources. Turkey meat has a high content of phosphorus (in this substance, turkey meat is equal to fish), sodium (exceeds even veal in this indicator), iron (contained several times more than in chicken and 2 times more than in beef). Among other things, magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, iodine, and manganese were found in the meat. The amount of amino acids included in its composition is in optimal proportion. These are leucine, isoleucine, lysine, tryptophan, tyrosine, etc. The benefit and advantage of turkey breast, in comparison with other types of meat, is that it does not accumulate any harmful substances and is absolutely hypoallergenic, which is why it is included in baby food.

    Few people can boast that they are familiar with duck meat, although it is quite a tasty and satisfying product, and there are many options for preparing a variety of dishes from this bird. Broiler varieties of this waterfowl are considered the most useful and nutritious. Thus, duck contains a large amount of minerals such as sodium, potassium, iron and copper. In addition, we can say that its meat is well balanced and nutritious. Among other things, duck also contains vital vitamins, among which are folic acid, riboflavin, vitamins B and A. The great benefits of duck meat come from the omega-3s it contains, which improve brain activity and the appearance of the skin.

    Quail meat has been valued in Rus' for a long time, and dishes made from it have always been considered an exquisite treat on the tables of the nobility. It belongs to the most valuable dietary and health products, but unfortunately, it is quite exotic for the average consumer. The meat of this bird contains a considerable amount of easily digestible proteins, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, so the benefits of quail for humans lie primarily in its composition. Quail meat contains quite a large amount of potassium, which is important for the brain and heart, as well as phosphorus, which helps improve metabolism and remove toxins from the body. In addition, it contains a substance that can suppress allergies. Compared to domestic poultry, quail is recognized as a more useful product, and therefore its meat is successfully used in medicinal and dietary nutrition.

    3.2 Features of preparing complex cold dishes and snacks from poultry meat

    Poultry meat has a wonderful taste, softness and tenderness. This product is an excellent raw material for preparing a variety of cold dishes and snacks. Their preparation will require some culinary skills, because preparing poultry meat correctly and tasty is not very easy. Cold and heat processing of products included in the recipe is basically the same as for hot dishes, however, in relation to cold dishes, even more careful compliance with sanitary requirements during their preparation, storage and sale is necessary, especially products introduced into dishes without heat treatment. Poultry for preparing cold dishes is processed in the same way as for hot dishes. Frozen poultry is thawed at room temperature, never immersed in water, and subsequently dried. When gutting the bird, be careful not to crush the gallbladder; if it does rupture and yellow spots appear on the meat, you should thoroughly rinse the area with cold water and rub with salt, otherwise the boiled meat will be bitter.

    Chicken meat will become white and tender if before cooking it is rubbed inside with lemon or boiled in water to which 1 teaspoon of lemon juice is first added. To prepare boiled poultry only for complex cold dishes and snacks, it can be placed in hot water, in this case the broth will be worse, and the bird will be juicier and tastier. Young poultry with tender white meat are not heavily seasoned to preserve the flavor of the meat. A whole chicken is cooked for 45-55 minutes, and individual parts - 30 minutes. Salt the chicken after 15 minutes of cooking. You can also add spices: ground black pepper, basil, rosemary, and at the very end of cooking - 3-4 bay leaves.

    Before frying poultry used to prepare complex cold dishes and snacks, it should be salted so that the juice is retained. To ensure that the bird carcass is well browned during frying, it is dried with a towel before frying, and to protect the skin of a fat goose from burning, it is moistened with cold water. When frying meat from young birds, you should carefully monitor the cooking time, since moist and tender meat quickly dries out, becomes tough and tasteless. Also, you should not fry different birds at the same time, because they have different tastes and different cooking times. When preparing cold poultry dishes and appetizers, it is very important to properly cut the finished cold roast. The finished bird should be allowed to rest before cutting. Remove it from the baking dish, place it on a plate, and wrap it loosely in foil. During this time, the released juice will be absorbed into the meat, and the bird will be easier to cut. The knife should be thin, with a sharp blade, and the meat itself should be held on the board using a sharp fork with two teeth. You just need to hold the meat with a fork and under no circumstances pierce it to avoid losing such tasty and valuable juice.

    Any poultry dish that is served cold should be well cooled after cooking. This makes it possible to cut meat correctly and beautifully. If you cut the meat without cooling it enough, the slices will turn out uneven, with tears; when frozen, they change shape, color and taste, which is explained by drying too quickly. Cold meat slices should be thinner than meat slices served hot. When preparing poultry pates, special attention is paid to proper grinding of the products. It should always be homogeneous, elastic, and have the consistency of a paste. It is recommended to salt them after you have mixed all the ingredients before grinding, this way the pate will have a uniform taste. Chicken liver pate is the easiest to prepare, since the main ingredient does not require preliminary preparation.

    3.3 Assortment and technological process for preparing complex cold dishes and poultry snacks in a restaurant

    The range of cold poultry dishes and snacks in restaurants is very diverse: sandwiches, salads, jellied dishes, pates, jellies, fried and boiled cold poultry with hot seasonings and sauces (Table 1).

    Boiled poultry for preparing cold dishes and snacks is prepared as follows. The processed carcasses are placed in hot water (1-1.6 liters of water per 1 kg), brought to a boil, skim off the foam, add a small amount of white roots and onions and continue cooking almost without boiling at a temperature of 90-95 ° C. Cooking time ( from 30 minutes to 3 hours) depends on the age, bird and heating intensity. Salt is added at the end of cooking. Readiness is determined by piercing the legs with a chef's needle and looking at the clear juice that comes out.

    In order for pates, cold roasts and other dishes that include poultry filling to turn out successfully, it is necessary to take into account the basic subtleties of the process of preparing roasts for appetizers. Poultry is fried whole carcasses and portioned pieces on the stove and in ovens with fat or in deep fat. The seasoned carcasses are placed back down on baking sheets or frying pans with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 0 C and fried until an even golden brown crust forms over the entire surface of the carcass. The fried carcasses are placed in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes to finish cooking. Readiness is determined by piercing the leg with a chef's needle, and it should freely enter the thickness of the pulp, and clear juice should flow out of the puncture. For frying in an oven, the prepared carcasses are placed on a baking sheet with their back down. The initial temperature in the oven should be 200 - 250 0 C, after 10 minutes the temperature is reduced to 160 0 C and the bird is cooked until cooked.

    Soufflé can be a dessert, or it can be a hearty, independent dish if prepared from poultry meat. All recipes have one thing in common - the whites are whipped into a strong foam and this gives the dish lightness and airiness. Then the proteins are carefully combined with the total mass in two stages - first a small amount of proteins, then the remaining ones, thereby better preserving the airiness of the mass. Proteins are introduced from top to bottom so as not to extinguish the foam. Place the meat paste in a baking dish and place it in a water bath in an oven preheated to 180 0 C for 15 minutes.

    The concept of “aspic” appeared in our country at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Until this time, Russian cuisine was famous for its ability to dump all the remnants of yesterday's feast, crumbled almost into porridge, into jellies. This dish did not look very nice, and it was mainly the servants who ate it. When a craze for French cuisine began in Russia and more chefs were ordered from Paris, the cunning French immediately took note of the “icy” principle. But they started pouring broth into neat pieces instead of shapeless porridge. The technology for preparing this dish consists of a certain sequence of actions. Gut the bird, wash it, cut it into medium-sized pieces and boil in salted water until cooked. Remove, separate the meat from the bones and cut it into thin slices. Strain the broth. Pour gelatin with cold water. When it swells, combine with 500-600 ml of broth, put on low heat and, stirring, dissolve the gelatin. Pour enough jelly into the mold so that it hardens on the walls in a layer 1-1.5 cm thick. When the jelly hardens, line the bottom and sides of the mold with vegetables, filling each layer of vegetables with jelly and letting it harden. Then put the poultry slices and pour jelly over them too. Place in the refrigerator and cool.

    Table 1. Assortment of complex cold dishes and snacks made from poultry meat

    Name of the dish and cooking technology


    Caesar lavash rolls with chicken.

    Place the chicken breast in a dish or bowl and pour olive oil on both sides. Then sprinkle the chicken with pepper, oregano, and salt. Then place the breast on a baking sheet or in a shallow pan and bake in the oven until cooked (about 30 minutes at 180 0 C). Let cool for about 10 minutes and cut the chicken into slices. In a large bowl, combine chopped lettuce, chopped olives, pepperoni pieces, and grated Parmesan cheese. Add about 3 tablespoons of Caesar dressing to the salad mixture and stir. Place the salad in the middle of the flatbread. Then add the chicken slices and the remaining Caesar dressing on top. Fold the right and left sides of the tortilla together and roll the tortilla like a burrito. Then cut in half and serve.

    Chicken roll with omelette

    Grind the cheese on a grater. Place in one bowl: this cheese, eggs, mayonnaise, semolina, and simply mix until smooth. Leave for a while until the semolina “swells”. Chop the onion and fry until transparent. Then put everything in a blender and grind. Take minced meat, onion, a little salt and pepper, mix. Grease a baking tray with oil, having previously covered it with “paper”. Pour the mixture into it and put it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, cook until a slight blush appears. Remove the paper and spread the minced meat throughout the omelette. Roll into a roll. Wrap it in foil and bake for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool before serving.

    Chicken galantine with green salad

    Carefully remove the skin from the breast without damaging it, then separate the flesh from the bones and divide into two halves, cut one into small cubes. From the second part of the breast fillet, make minced meat in a meat grinder, add salt, black pepper, seasonings to taste, chopped garlic. Mix everything well and add previously defrosted beans and green peas, mix again. Place the skin on the table and place the breast fillet slices on it. Then place the minced meat in the center, giving it the shape of a sausage. Roll up a tight roll, wrap in film, folding the edges inward, and tie the roll with kitchen twine or thread. Boil water in a large saucepan, you can add a couple of bay leaves, carefully lower the roll into boiling water and cook for 30 minutes. Then take it out and put it under a press until it cools completely.

    Poultry aspic with vegetables

    Cut the poultry flesh into small pieces. Boil diced carrots and parsley along with cauliflower inflorescences, pour in 1 cup of broth. Strain the broth, season the vegetables with lemon juice and pepper to taste. Soak the gelatin in cold boiled water. When the grains become transparent, combine with the remaining warm broth, add to a boil and dissolve the gelatin. Pour the jelly into the mold and cool until it hardens. When the jelly hardens, place the eggs, cut into circles, on it, place the chicken pulp in the center, and vegetables around it. Carefully add the rest of the jelly and place it in the refrigerator. Before serving, dip the pan in hot water for a minute and place on a plate.

    Turkey balls with mushrooms

    Soak the loaf in water. Finely chop the onion and mushrooms and fry in melted butter while stirring. Refrigerate. Pass turkey fillet, mushrooms with onions and squeezed loaf through a meat grinder. Add egg, salt, pepper and herbs, beat the mixture. Form balls the size of a walnut. Roll the balls in sesame seeds and deep fry. Dry on a paper napkin. Cut the cucumbers into circles, place balls on top, stick an almond kernel into each and secure with a skewer.

    Chicken jellied meat

    Boil chicken legs and cool. Tear the meat with your hands and place in the pan. Add jellied mixture, gelatin, chopped garlic, salt and pepper to the chicken broth - mix and pour into molds. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen. To serve, remove from the pan onto a parchment-lined tray and garnish with a radish slice and a leaf of romaine lettuce. Place mustard and horseradish in separate sauce boats.

    Korean chicken hye

    Rinse the chicken fillet in running water, dry with paper towels and cut into thin strips. Wash the carrots, peel and coarsely grate on a special grater for Korean carrots. Peel the onions and cut into thin half rings. Heat oil in a frying pan, add pepper and carrot seasoning and fry for 2 minutes. Now add the chopped chicken fillet, carrots and onions. Stir and simmer for 5 minutes. Add vinegar and salt. Switch the stove to medium mode and hold the dish for another 5 minutes. Transfer the chicken heh to a plate, when the dish has cooled, place the heh in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

    Poultry satsivi

    Rinse the chicken carcass and boil until half cooked, then remove from the broth, add salt, place in a frying pan belly down, add a little broth and fry until cooked, pouring the juices over it from time to time and turning so that the bird is browned on all sides. Fry finely chopped onion in half the chicken fat. Using the remaining fat, slate the flour until pale yellow, dilute it with chilled broth, and boil. Crush walnuts with garlic, pepper, coriander and salt, pour in the broth and combine with the prepared onion, simmer together for 15-20 minutes. Then add cloves, cinnamon, suneli hops, add vinegar or pomegranate juice and heat over low heat for 5-8 minutes. Cut the finished hot chicken into pieces, pour hot satsivi sauce over it, and cool.

    Turkey soufflé with plums

    Cut the turkey and pork pulp into large cubes. Marinate in a mixture of cognac, salt, pepper and nutmeg for 4 hours. Remove the pit from the plums and cut them into slices. Using a blender, puree the marinated turkey and pork pieces, chicken liver and shallots. Add eggs and part of the marinade to the crushed mass. Stir. Place layers of minced meat and plums in greased portion molds. Prepare in a double boiler for 15 minutes. Afterwards, allow to cool and when serving, place the soufflé on a plate and decorate with herbs. You can serve soy sauce with the soufflé.

    Chicken pate with cherries

    After removing the pits, pour cognac over the cherries and marinate for 30 minutes. Cut the chicken, remove the skin, separate the flesh from the bones. Cut the fillet into wide strips, 1-2 cm thick, pass the remaining pulp and offal through a meat grinder. Mix the minced pork and chicken, add finely chopped onion, egg yolk, cognac in which the cherries were pickled, salt and pepper. Cut the zucchini into thin slices. Grease the bottom and sides of the pan with oil, line with zucchini slices so that the ends hang over the edge of the pan. Place a third of the minced meat in the mold, place the olives on it, then some of the chicken slices, then some of the cherries. Place a third of the minced meat, chicken slices and cherries again, cover with the remaining minced meat. Place a bay leaf and a sprig of thyme on top. Cover the top of the mixture with the free ends of the zucchini. Steam the mixture for 1 hour. Cool the pate and remove from the mold. When serving, cut the pate into slices.

    Tartlets stuffed with chicken and pineapple

    Pour a glass of cold boiled water over the gelatin, leave until the grains swell, then drain the water. Dissolve gelatin in a water bath. Combine mayonnaise with dissolved gelatin, pour into tartlets, cool until gelled. For the filling, cut the chicken and pineapple into cubes. Grate the cheese and garlic. Combine the prepared ingredients, add sour cream, herbs, salt, pepper and mix. When serving, put the filling into tartlets, decorate them with herbs, slices of chicken and pineapple.

    Chicken terrine

    Cut up the chicken carcasses, pour in 2 liters of cold water, bring it to a boil, skim off the foam, reduce the heat, cook for 35 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped and baked onions and carrots. Cut the liver into pieces, marinate in soy sauce and cognac, then fry in oil until golden brown. Pass the chicken pulp through a meat grinder twice. Place the resulting minced meat in the freezer for 10 minutes. Cut the zucchini and carrots into cubes, simmer in salted water for several minutes, then transfer to cold water and soak for 2-3 minutes. Beat frozen minced meat in a blender with the addition of chilled cream, combine with stewed vegetables, paprika, salt and pepper. Cut the bacon into slices 1 mm thick. Line the terrine mold with slices of bacon so that the ends hang 2 cm from the edge of the mold. Place half the minced meat with vegetables in the mold, then the liver and the remaining minced meat. Cover the mince with the overhanging ends of the bacon slices; if there are any gaps, cover them with slices of bacon. Place bay leaves on top. Bake the terrine covered for 1 hour at 150°C. Drain the resulting juice and cool the terrine. Soak the gelatin in cold water until the grains swell; drain the water. Mix gelatin with 1 cup hot chicken broth and wine. Pour the prepared jelly over the terrine and refrigerate for 4 hours.

    Chicken pudding

    Rinse a piece of chicken and pass through a meat grinder twice; skip the meat a second time along with stale wheat bread, previously soaked in milk (15 g). Rub the resulting mass through a hair sieve, mix with the rest of the milk, add raw egg yolk and white beaten into a strong foam, salt solution, transfer to a greased form and cook in the same way as rice pudding.


    4.1 Development and analysis of the technological process for preparing complex cold dishes and snacks from poultry meat

    To better satisfy consumer demand and prepare more varied and exotic dishes, highly qualified chefs can develop new recipes for dishes. They must be reviewed by the culinary council and approved by a higher authority. Signature dishes include dishes prepared according to a specially developed recipe and technology, taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise that sells them. When developing new dishes, they often use old forgotten recipes from national or foreign cuisines, as well as their own work experience. Dishes are developed from any types of raw materials used in public catering establishments, and if any component included in the recipe is missing, it is not prepared.

    When drafting recipes for dishes, their novelty, culinary merits, combination of products, and presentation of the dish during vacation are taken into account. They are exploring the possibility of using new methods of culinary processing of raw materials and products, using new types of raw materials, various additives and spices, fillers, etc. Recipes are developed using quality raw materials that meet the requirements of current standards (GOST, OST, TU). A draft recipe for the dish is drawn up, on the basis of which, during practical preparation, an act of working out the recipe for the signature dish is drawn up (Appendix 2).

    The formulation is developed in compliance with current sanitary and technological requirements and processing regimes.

    In the process of developing a recipe for a dish, the following is determined:

    – rates of input of raw materials by net weight;

    – mass of the prepared semi-finished product;

    – volume of liquid (if provided by the technology);

    – production losses;

    – duration of heat treatment;

    – losses during heat treatment;

    – losses during portioning;

    – output of the finished dish.

    Development of the draft recipe and technology is carried out in small batches, in 5-fold repetition. If the yield of the dish deviates by more than 3%, the development of the recipe is repeated.

    Based on the specified net mass, the amount of raw material with gross mass is calculated using formula 1.

    where B is the gross mass of raw materials, kg;

    N - net mass of raw materials, kg;

    X - waste from mechanical processing of raw materials, %.

    Production losses of raw materials during the manufacture of a dish (product) are determined by formula 2.

    where P production - production losses, %;

    N - total mass of raw materials (9net) included in the semi-finished product, kg;

    P f - mass of the resulting semi-finished product, kg;

    The data obtained during processing of the gross mass of raw materials and production losses are compared with the calculated ones.

    Losses during heat treatment of a dish are calculated as a percentage of the weight of the semi-finished product using formula 3.

    where, P t.o. - losses during heat treatment, %;

    N - net mass of raw materials or semi-finished products, kg;

    G - mass of the finished dish (product) after heat treatment, kg.

    To determine the yield of the finished dish, sold cold, it is weighed at a temperature of 14 0 C.

    Losses during portioning are calculated based on the mass of the finished dish (product) using formula 4.

    Where, P portions - losses during portioning, %;

    G - mass of the finished dish before portioning, kg;

    MP is the mass of the finished dish after portioning, kg.

    The standards for adding vanillin, citric acid, pepper, bay leaves, cheese, honey, nuts, caviar and other expensive products to the recipe are indicated with an accuracy of one or two decimal places.

    4.2 Drawing up technical and technological maps for complex cold dishes and poultry snacks

    Even in the recent past, public catering existed strictly according to regulatory rules. And no matter what establishment we went to, the range of products offered was absolutely practically the same. Everything that was included in the menu was contained in one collection of recipes and those dishes that are included in it. Nowadays, as a rule, the vast majority of restaurants develop complex signature cold dishes and poultry appetizers. A signature dish is a dish prepared according to an original recipe and technology and reflecting the specifics of the food establishment. A signature dish, as a rule, differs in organoleptic characteristics from the dishes provided for in the current officially published collections of dish recipes. The specifics of the enterprise include national, regional and other features. A new dish is a dish prepared from a new type of raw material and using a new, improved technology. For such dishes, enterprises must develop Technical and Technological Maps (TTK). The form and content of the TTK from January 1, 2015 is regulated by GOST 31987-2012 and the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021-2011.

    The technical and technological map is a normative document. The thesis presents technical specifications for complex specialty cold dishes and snacks made from meat and poultry. Such as: “Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provençal herbs”, “Italian poultry roll”, “Chicken pate with pumpkin”, “Chicken fillet aspic with apricots”, “Boiled chicken rolls with spicy omelet”. All technical and technological maps are developed for dishes manufactured and sold only at a specific catering enterprise, and these maps are not valid for products supplied to other enterprises. Along with the technology for preparing products and standards for storing products, it includes requirements for the safety of the raw materials used and the technological process, as well as the results of laboratory tests of products on safety indicators.

    Each technical and technological map is assigned a serial number. The card is signed by the process engineer, the responsible developer, and approved by the head of the enterprise or his deputy. The validity period of technical and technological cards is determined by the enterprise.

    "I affirm"

    Head of the enterprise


    Technical and technological map No. 1.

    “Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provençal herbs”

    1. Scope of application

    This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the signature dish “Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provencal herbs”, produced and sold in the restaurant ______________.

    2. Requirements for raw materials

    Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the dish “Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provencal herbs” must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, certificate safety and quality, etc.).

    All products used must be processed in strict accordance with established sanitary standards and rules.

    3. Recipe

    Name of raw materials and products

    Bookmark norm for 1 serving

    Net booking rate for 10 servings, kg

    Gross weight, g

    Net weight, g

    Boiled chicken fillet

    Wheat flour 1st grade



    Mascarpone cheese

    Parmesan cheese


    5.Technological process

    Preparation of raw materials for the production of dishes is carried out in accordance with the “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments (2009)”.

    Pass the pulp of the boiled poultry through a meat grinder with a fine grid 2 times, then gradually add milk sauce to the minced meat. To prepare it, heat the butter in a frying pan and add flour there and fry it a little. After this, add cream and simmer for five minutes, stirring constantly. In a blender, beat the grated Parmesan, marscarpone and yolks until smooth. Beat the egg white into a thick foam and carefully fold it into the mixture, kneading from bottom to top. Place the mixture in a baking tray in a 3 cm layer and bake at a temperature of 180-200°C for 15-20 minutes.

    Requirements for registration, sale and storage

    Before releasing, lower the soufflé mold for a few seconds into warm water by 2/3 of the volume, then remove the mold from the water, shake and place the soufflé on a serving plate. According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish when serving should be no higher than 14°C. The permissible shelf life of the dish “Chicken soufflé with cheese and Provençal herbs” before sale, according to SanPiN, is 2-3 hours.

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    Cheese based canapes.

    It is better to use bread that is dense, not spongy, and slightly stale. Soft bread is dried in the oven or fried in oil until golden brown on top, but the inside should remain soft. It is more convenient to cut the bread along the entire length of the loaf into slices 0.5-0.8 cm thick. If necessary, fry them, cool, spread with butter or oil mixtures, lay down the products, then cut into the desired shape and decorate. The canapés are pierced with a skewer, which makes them easy to eat. 50 g of black or white bread makes 4-8 sandwiches.

    Various canapés - with and without skewers.

    Snack sandwiches are served on low or high (on a leg) dishes, where they are laid out in one layer, sandwiches of the same color are placed in rows or groups so that they decorate the table with their arrangement. Sandwiches are served with a spatula, fork or wide knife. If the sandwiches are pierced with a fork or skewer, they can be picked up with their help. The smallest sandwiches are eaten with a fork, and the larger ones are eaten with the hands. They usually serve 4-5 different types of canapés at the rate of 8-10 sandwiches per person.

    For canapés, you can also bake various figures, cut out of thinly rolled puff pastry using a notch or a knife.

    Salads are usually served in large salad bowls or on dishes from which everyone takes the salad with a salad spoon or salad set (spoon and fork) and puts it on their plate. The more exotic the salad, the smaller the container is filled with it.

    Salads can be served in small portions on a piece of lettuce, a slice of white bread, or a slice of ham or sausage. You can stuff the salad with peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggs, or fill baskets or vol-au-vents.

    The portions prepared in this way are placed on a large dish.

    Meat snacks

    Sausage, especially dry sausage, is cut as thin as possible and slightly obliquely, placed on a dish or plate in rows or in the form of a panic. If there is not enough space on the table, you can put different types of sausage on one dish, but without mixing. You can also put thinly sliced ​​ham on THIS same dish.

    Boiled meat and sausage are cut into thicker slices so that they do not crumble. Before serving, skim off the fat from the jelly and place it upside down on a plate, don’t forget to garnish with herbs.

    Fish snacks

    Dishes prepared from herring are served in special herring bowls. If there are none, then you can serve it on a plate, but placing the pieces so that the silhouette of the fish spread along the spine is preserved.

    The fish is served on narrow oval dishes. Smoked eel is cut into pieces and covered with lemon slices. Smoked or salted red fish is cut into thin slices and decorated with lemon and herbs. Small smoked fish is not suitable for the holiday table. Canned fish is also not usually served on special occasions. If canned food is served, then they need to be carefully placed on a plate or dish, and you can decorate it with a little herbs.

    The cheese is placed on an oval shallow dish or on a marble plate in a whole piece, cutting off several thin slices. Don't forget to put a knife and a knife-fork nearby.


    Oysters, whether cooked as a pate or on toast, are eaten with a typical diner's fork and knife. If oysters are served in their natural form, then a portion (6 pieces) is placed on ice and garnished with lemon. The oyster fork is placed on the right side at an acute angle to the bottom. You can serve oysters with butter, toast, and brown bread. Boiled lobster is served on a platter. It is served with a fish knife and fork and a special lobster needle, which is placed at an acute angle to the fish knife. In addition, a bowl is provided for rinsing your fingers.

    Radishes are placed on snack plates. Salt and butter are served separately. The radishes can be served whole, cutting off the root and lobes, or cut into circles or slices. Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into slices and served in oval dishes or plates. They are sprinkled with finely chopped onion or dill. Small cucumbers can be served whole; they are eaten with your hands, touching only the skin with your fingers. Tomatoes can be served whole; they are taken by hand. Large ones are eaten with a knife and fork. Pickled cucumbers are cut into oblong slices and served on a platter or plate. Pickled cucumbers can be served with sauerkraut. The cabbage is placed in a heap in the middle of the plate, and cucumbers cut lengthwise are placed around it.

    Practicing the skills of designing and finishing complex cold dishes from fish, meat and poultry.

    For a cold dish, you should choose lean meat, preferably loin or back. For roast beef, you need to take a thin edge or tenderloin (fillet). You need to cut veal, lamb and other meat across the grain slightly obliquely, into wide thin slices and place them on a dish in even rows. If a whole leg of lamb or veal is fried, then the meat is cut off the bone, the bone is placed on a dish, and the meat cut into slices is placed in the shape of a leg.

    As a side dish for fried cold meat, you can give gherkins, pickles, tomatoes; Some salads (green, potato, tomato, various vegetables, etc.), as well as cucumbers, red or white cabbage, are also a good side dish. For seasonings, serve ketchup sauce, chili sauce, soy-kabul, mayonnaise or tartar sauce (the latter for roast beef).

    Cold poultry and game dishes

    Fry chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, hazel grouse, partridges, and pheasants in the same way as for roast and cool. Finished poultry and pheasant should first be cut into four parts, then each part in turn should be cut into several pieces depending on the size of the bird. Hazel grouse and partridges need to be cut into two or four parts; When cutting into four parts, it is necessary to add part of the fillet to the legs, since there is little meat on the legs of this game. Pieces of poultry and game placed on a dish should be decorated with branches of parsley or lettuce leaves, garnished with pickled plums, grapes, cherries, lingonberries, pickled apples, red or white cabbage, which can be served separately in a salad bowl. For game and poultry, you can also give green salads made from vegetables and fruits or from fruits alone. Serve mayonnaise sauce separately for poultry, and fruit and berry sauce for game.

    Practicing skills in decorating dishes with complex cold sauces.

    Sauces have such different and subtle flavors that when using them, you need to know at least the basic rules of what goes with what, so as not to spoil the taste of the main dish.

    • · Sauces with bright seasonings are great for meat dishes. Tangy, tomatoy, creamy with a rich spicy flavor.
    • · Fish dishes love dairy products and softer sauces, which seem to envelop the taste of the fish and gently highlight it. The taste of fish is especially emphasized by lemon juice, which is generously added to fish sauces.
    • · Mushroom and sweet and sour sauces are neutral and suitable for both meat and fish dishes.
    • · Sweet sauces are served with dessert dishes and are very varied. From whipped cream with strawberries to complex custard for cakes.

    How to serve the sauce correctly

    Hot sauces and gravies are served along with the main dish on one plate; they are used to “draw” patterns on the surface of the dish or pour a little on the side. And if we are talking about fish or meat, then these seasonings are often added to the dish during cooking.

    If you decide to serve the sauce separately, gravy boats with a special narrow spout are designed for this purpose, with which it is convenient to pour over individual areas of food or distribute over its entire surface. If you need to save space on the table, or for convenience, you can put a small saucer for each guest.