A remedy for eliminating itching, swelling, redness in allergic diseases Psilo - balm: instructions for use, rules for treating the skin. Indications for use. Description of Fenistil Gel

Summer is the time for vacations and walks. And it’s so good when, after spending time outdoors with your child, only pleasant memories remain. But sometimes the walk ends with blisters and redness from mosquito bites and contact with plants and the sun.

Children's skin is especially sensitive and reacts sharply to adverse factors. Psilo-balm, a drug from German pharmacists, helps remove unpleasant and painful symptoms from the skin.

Psilo-balm is an antihistamine for topical use. The medicine is packaged in tubes of 20 g. Inside the tube is a light, transparent gel.


For every gram of ointment there are 10 mg of the active substance - diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Excipients: cetylpyridinium chloride, polyethylene glycol glyceryl caprylocaprate, tromethamine, carbomers and purified water.

Operating principle

The effect of the drug is due to the properties of diphenhydramine, a first-generation histamine receptor blocker. Diphenhydramine, due to its molecular structure, easily penetrates the skin, providing a local anesthetic effect, reducing tissue swelling, redness and itching.

Indications for children

Psilo balm, according to the instructions, is prescribed for skin lesions of various origins:

  • sun and thermal burns;
  • insect bites;
  • dermatoses accompanied by itching;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • skin irritations due to contact with plants.

Psilobalm– a good remedy for children against mosquito bites, as it quickly removes itching, hardening and other unpleasant sensations.

At what age is treatment allowed?

The instructions for use indicate that the minimum age for using the drug is 2 years. That is, children under two years old cannot apply Psilo balm. Although in some cases, on the recommendation of a doctor, the product can be used for children 1.5-2 years old.

Contraindications and side effects

There are few contraindications in the instructions:

  • hypersensitivity to the constituent ingredients;
  • simultaneous use with other drugs containing diphenhydramine;
  • the patient's age is under two years.

Forbidden Apply the gel to large areas of the body, with caution near damaged skin and mucous membranes. If after three to four times of use there is no improvement, then treatment should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted regarding further use.

Side effects may occur on the skin and subcutaneous tissue:

  • the occurrence of eczema;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • the appearance of allergic reactions to sunlight.

If a side effect occurs, treatment is stopped until medical consultation.

Instructions for use and dosage

Psilo balm is used externally only. It is squeezed out of the tube and distributed in a thin layer over the affected area with light smoothing movements. The instructions recommend applying the ointment 3-4 times daily, regardless of age.

Important! For 1.5-2 hours after applying the ointment, you should not stay in the sun for a long time. This precaution is necessary to avoid the development of sun allergies (photodermatosis).

The duration of the course depends on the severity of the lesion and the effectiveness of therapy, therefore it is determined individually in each case.


The instructions indicate that in case of an overdose, an increase or appearance of redness and swelling of the area to which the drug was applied is possible. In this case, the child’s skin should be washed with water and stop using the gel.

With prolonged use of large doses, excessive amounts of diphenhydramine are absorbed into the blood. As a result, systemic hypersensitivity reactions may develop, dry mouth, and urinary disorders may appear.

Children may develop an unreasonable feeling of fear and spasms.

Interaction with other drugs

Psilo balm enhances the effect of drugs that depress the nervous system. If the patient is taking any psychostimulants, Psilo balm will act as an antagonist to these drugs.


One of the well-known and inexpensive substitutes with a similar active ingredient is Diphenhydramine. In addition to solutions for intravenous administration and tablets, Diphenhydramine is produced in the form of a gel for external use and special pencils. The Austrian ointment Dermadrin was also created on the basis of diphenhydramine.

Analogues included in the same treatment group will be:

  • permitted by instructions for children under two years of age;
  • antihistamine ointment Ketocin, which according to the instructions can be used from the age of one.

Antiallergic drugs for the treatment of skin lesions are produced not only in the form of ointments, but also in the form of drops. For example, Zodak children's drops received positive reviews from parents. The instructions for them say that the drops are used for chronic urticaria. We should not forget about time-tested means, such as.

The medicine in this form helps prevent the development of complications due to an allergic reaction. For older people, you can take the drug in its usual form -. They are prescribed for allergic reactions to insect bites, skin itching, eczema, dermatitis.

To combat skin diseases, the pharmaceutical market offers many different drugs. It is often difficult not to get confused in numerous analogues, to choose the right medicine, and not to overpay.

Exacerbations of chronic skin diseases, itching and redness at the sites of insect bites, and manifestations of allergies are perfectly eliminated with the help of topical medications that have antiallergic properties. What is better - Fenistil Gel or Psilo-balm?

The drug in gel form is used for skin allergies in adults and children. Its mechanism of action is based on the properties dimethindene, which acts as an active substance here. Dimetindene maleate is present in the drug in low concentration (only 1 mg per 1 g of gel). This substance reduces the excessive capacity of capillaries and blocks H1-histamine receptors.

This reduces itching, pain and swelling at the application site. The drug begins to act almost immediately, as it has good penetrating ability. The duration of action reaches 4 hours, and the maximum bioavailability is equal to 10% .

The gel has a wide spectrum of action and is used for many skin problems. Among his testimony:

  • Hives.
  • Food allergies.
  • Eczema.
  • Pruritic dermatosis.
  • Traces of insect bites.

The drug does not relieve itching caused by diseases of the biliary tract, and is also not prescribed for use in chickenpox.

When large areas of skin are affected, combined use with oral medications is allowed. The auxiliary components of the gel can cause contact dermatitis and irritate the mucous membranes.

The use of the drug must be approached with reasonable caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For children under two years of age, it is prescribed only after consultation with their attending physician, only on small areas of the skin.

This drug also comes in the form of a gel, the active ingredient of which is diphenhydramine. This component is popularly known as diphenhydramine. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride prevents the release of new portions of histamine type H1. Reduces capillary permeability, eliminates unbearable itching, excessive filling of blood vessels, relieves swelling and pain.

The drug is used for the following skin diseases:

  • Sunburn.
  • First degree burns.
  • Hives.
  • Insect bites.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Contact dermatitis (caused by plants)
  • Chicken pox.

Not used to relieve itching caused by bile stagnation.

Use with caution during pregnancy. If there is a need for use during breastfeeding, then it should be suspended for a while.

During treatment with the gel, alcohol consumption is prohibited. The drug affects psychomotor reactions, so you need to be careful with activities that require increased attention.

What do these drugs have in common?

Both products have the same mechanism of action on skin diseases - block the release of histamine.

Eliminate allergic symptoms, relieve pain, relieve itching and cool the skin. Apply up to 4 times a day. Sold without a doctor's prescription.

The drugs are non-hormonal; their active ingredients belong to the first generation of antihistamines (sedative in their properties). The body quickly gets used to substances of this generation; after 7-10 days it may be necessary to change the medicine to another. The period of symptom relief is short, lasting a maximum of 8 hours.

Contraindications for the active substances of the drugs also do not differ significantly.

Gels can enhance the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, so after applying the products to the skin, exposure to the sun is not recommended.

Use during the first trimester of pregnancy is prohibited; use in childhood is limited.

Comparisons and differences

To choose the most suitable antihistamine, you first need to consider the main characteristics of these drugs:

  1. Active ingredient - both medications have same dosage form, but different active ingredients (dimetindene in Fenistil and diphenhydramine in Psilo-Balm).
  2. Concentration - the balm is more concentrated, it contains 1 mg of active ingredient per 100 g of substance. Thanks to this, the drug lasts a little longer, which is preferable for night time. If the treatment period is more than 10 days, it is more advisable to purchase Fenistil due to its reduced concentration, in order to avoid possible harm to health and addiction.
  3. The list of indications - for the balm it is more extensive and contains more diseases.
  4. Country of origin: Fenistil is produced in Switzerland, Psilo-Balm in Germany.
  5. Age for starting use - the gel can be used when the child reaches 1 month of age (after consultation with a specialist). The balm is not prescribed to children under two years of age.
  6. Contraindications – the gel has more of them than the balm.
  7. Dosage form - Fenistil is produced in three forms - gel, drops for oral administration, emulsion. The latter form has a special applicator for application, in order to avoid contact with the surface of the skin, it additionally moisturizes and softens the skin. The balm is available in a single gel form.
  8. Cost – the gel will cost approximately one and a half times more than the balm.

What and in what cases is it better to choose

Everyone's sensitivity to different components is different. For some, one substance is more suitable, while others will not notice the slightest effect from its use. Both drugs relieve symptoms but do not treat the actual cause of the allergy. But still, there are a number of recommendations that should be followed when choosing a medication.

For the treatment of diseases in children, gel is preferable. Firstly, childhood is not a contraindication for its use. Secondly, the concentration of the active substance in it is lower, which means it will cause less harm to the child’s body.

During lactation, careful use of the gel in small quantities is still possible. But when using the balm, feeding is temporarily interrupted.

Long-term illnesses are best treated with gel; due to its reduced concentration, addiction will not develop as quickly as with a balm. A product with a low dosage will cause less possible harm to the body than a balm.

The consequences of insect bites can be treated quickly, and here the use of balm will be more effective.

For use with chickenpox, a balm is used; the gel is not used in this case.

In terms of economy, Psilo-Balm will cost less. It also has a higher rating according to consumers.

Itching that accompanies insect bites, exacerbations of chronic skin pathologies, and a number of allergic reactions can be successfully stopped with special local remedies, the mechanism of action of which is based on the blockade of skin receptors. Fenistil gel or Psilo balm will equally help to quickly eliminate itching and alleviate skin dermatoses by temporarily eliminating certain types of sensitivity.

What's the difference?

Antipruritic local remedies Psilo balm and Fenistil are compared in terms of effectiveness, cost and manufacturer. Both drugs belong to the same pharmacological group of H1 histamine receptor blockers with antiallergic properties. The constituent components are somewhat different from each other, maintaining the same pharmacodynamics.

External remedies for itching differ in the following:

  1. based on substance dimethindene, is produced in the form of a gel of 30 or 50 g or an emulsion of 8 ml. Country of origin: Switzerland or Germany.
  2. Psilo balm consists of diphenhydramine, is produced in one release form - in the form of a gel of 20 or 50 g in a tube. Country of origin: Germany or Russia.
  3. The concentration of the active substance is the main difference between antipruritics. One gram of Psilo balm contains 10 times more active ingredient.

Both medications also contain antiseptic components to prevent suppuration of wounds, which often happens when scratching.

How it works and benefits

It is known that the mediator histamine is responsible for the occurrence of some types of itchy skin. It is actively produced during allergic reactions that are provoked by insect bites, exposure to skin allergens, viruses, bacteria and other irritants. That is why Psilo balm or Fenistil are called antihistamines, since they reversibly block receptors and prevent histamine from causing itching.

The effect of the gels begins quickly due to instant penetration into the thickness of the skin and lasts for several hours (depending on the size of the affected area and the severity of itching). The advantage of the drugs is that they have no effect on the immune system compared to hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. drugs based on glucocorticoids, which are also used for skin diseases. This allows you to treat dermatosis without interfering with the body’s resistance, which is important for allergic dermatoses and infectious lesions.

50 g tube

The antihistamines included in the gels belong to the 1st generation. This means that they act not only on skin receptors, but also on the structures of the entire body. This phenomenon explains the effect of the active components on the central nervous system, as well as on other organs.

In the annotation for Psilo balm, manufacturers do not indicate pharmacokinetic data, however, it is known that diphenhydramine, whose trade name is Diphenhydramine, is contraindicated for the same diseases as dimetindene. The substances are absorbed to a small extent from the surface of the skin (no more than 10%), but if there are a number of pathologies, gels should not be used.

Action of gels:

  • reversibly eliminate pain sensitivity;
  • temporarily reduce the feeling of itching;
  • by blocking the action of histamine, tissue swelling is eliminated;
  • “cools” the skin.

Care must be taken when applying products to large areas of the skin; side effects are possible.

Features of application

It is worth counting on the suppression of itching when using local antihistamines only when its pathogenesis is initiated by histamine. Indications:

  • 1st degree burns;
  • insect bites;
  • allergic urticaria;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • chickenpox;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • allergic contact dermatitis.

During pregnancy in the first trimester, the drugs are completely contraindicated. In 2 and 3, use in small areas is allowed. Children under 1 month of age are also considered a contraindication for the use of gels. In older children, it is recommended to use the products only as prescribed by a doctor.

Fenistil gel or Psilo balm can provoke sunburn. This phenomenon is called photosensitization - an increase in the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin due to the accumulation of drugs. After applying the gel to the skin, it is not recommended to stay in the open sun.

Use the products 3-4 times a day, applying the medications in a thin layer.

For itching caused by diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, medications are not effective.

What's best for insect bites?

Insect bites are described by severe, sometimes unbearable itching, swelling and redness of the skin. To quickly relieve itching, a product with the maximum concentration of the active substance is better. Psilo balm for bites is the leader in effectiveness due to the higher content of antihistamine in 1 gram of gel. This feature of the drug allows it to be used less frequently, and the duration of action remains the same, which is important at night.

What to choose?

When choosing antiallergic external preparations for itching Fenistil or Psilo balm, it is better to proceed from the purpose of their use and the price difference. First of all, you should pay attention to the cost of external antihistamines. Fenistil will cost 1.5 times more than its analogue.

If the need to purchase an antipruritic gel arises due to eczema, dermatitis, when the duration of the disease is more than 7-10 days, then Fenistil will be a safer option due to its reduced concentration. Insect bites require 3-4 days of treatment, so Psilo balm will become more effective and will not cause harm in a short time.

In addition to the gel, Fenistil is available in the form of an emulsion with an applicator (a little more expensive), which eliminates contact of fingers with the affected skin and prevents scratching from suppuration.

For extensive skin lesions, in addition to gels, products in the form of tablets and drops should be used to potentiate the effect.

Psilo balm is an antihistamine. The main active ingredient is diphenhydramine, thanks to the activity of which Psilo balm anesthetizes, eliminates itching, relieves swelling of the skin and significantly reduces the permeability of blood vessels and capillaries.

The drug also exhibits antipruritic, local anesthetic and cooling effects in the body. Its pharmacokinetics have not been studied.

Psilo balm is available in the form of a transparent gel for topical use.

Analogues of Psilo balm are Zincteral, Chlorophyllipt, Panthenol, Balsamic liniment, Ichthyol ointment and Clobaza.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Psilo balm

This medication is indicated for various types of allergic skin reactions, for example, itching of various natures and urticaria, and damage to the soft tissue of the epithelium, in particular for sunburn, first-degree burns, insect bites, eczema and chicken pox.

Contraindications include increased sensitivity of the body to the active ingredients of Psilo balm, as well as age under 6 years.

Prescribe Psilo balm with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects and overdose of Psilo balm

The drug is well tolerated by the body, and among the side effects, isolated cases of exacerbation of allergic reactions of varying degrees of intensity have been recorded, but such anomalies are most likely due to the reaction of the sick body to the active components of Psilo balm. Here you need to immediately change the medication, choosing a more “harmless” analogue of this pharmacological group.

Symptoms of overdose include dry mouth, confusion and difficulty breathing. Intoxication can only occur when the drug is used on large areas of the skin. Treatment is symptomatic. Monitor your blood pressure.

Instructions for use of Psilo balm

The drug is used topically. Adult patients are advised to apply a thin layer of Psilo balm gel to damaged areas of the epithelium several times a day (up to 4 times), and for children, accordingly, up to 2 times a day.

Features of using Psilo balm

Psilo balm gel is quickly absorbed and does not leave stains on clothes.

During pregnancy and lactation, such a prescription should be carried out exclusively by a knowledgeable specialist, based on the ratio “benefit of the mother - harm to the fetus (baby).” During treatment, it is prescribed to temporarily stop breastfeeding.

Store in the refrigerator for no more than three years from the date of manufacture.

The use of Psilo balm does not affect the ability to drive a car. It is also allowed to engage in work activities that require speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration.

In pediatrics, Psilo balm is used only from the age of six.

No drug interactions were detected.

Reviews of Psilo balm, price

The effectiveness of Psilo balm is often discussed on medical forums. In general, this drug really “works,” but many patients still select other medications from this pharmacological group. This is easy to explain, since the effect of this gel is rather selective, which is why it does not help in 100% of clinical situations, as we would like.

So, reviews of Psilo balm are divided.

Some patients save themselves with Psilo balm from seasonal mosquito bites, here is one of the comments: “Every summer I stock up on Psilo balm in anticipation of a mosquito attack. After the bites, I immediately apply it to the damaged skin, and after a few minutes the redness disappears, and there is also no itching sensation.” Many people support this opinion.

However, there are also polar reviews about the inaction of Psilo balm. Thus, one patient writes: “The drug did not help. I applied it to the skin after a minor burn, but neither the inflammation, nor the swelling, nor the itching went away. The most surprising thing is that there was also no feeling of coldness on the skin, although the instructions say that Psilo balm has a cooling effect. I had to look for a more effective medicine, Panthenol was a great choice, which contributed to the rapid regeneration of the damaged area of ​​​​the skin.”

There were also those patients who did not feel the effect, but experienced first-hand, so to speak, what side effects are, since Psilo balm provoked even greater redness of the skin, as well as increased itching sensations. In such cases, treatment had to be urgently discontinued and a more gentle antihistamine was selected.

In general, the clinical outcome is favorable, if, of course, the treatment was prescribed by a knowledgeable specialist and was not applied through superficial self-medication.

Price for Psilo balm gel 20g. - 180 rubles.

01:43 Psilo balm: instructions, use, reviews -

Insect bites are often accompanied by itching and redness of the skin. This is an unpleasant phenomenon that brings a lot of inconvenience and increases the emotional level of the potential patient. In such cases, many are simply saved by the medical remedy Psilo balm. General description of Psilo balm Psilo balm is an antihistamine. The main active ingredient is diphenhydramine, thanks to the activity of which Psilo balm anesthetizes, eliminates itching, [...]

Antihistamines have different forms of release. To eliminate allergic symptoms expressed on the surface of the skin, spot application products are used. One of these products is the Psilo-Balm gel, which is highly effective. This remedy can be used to treat allergies by both adults and children.. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this medication and learn about all the nuances associated with its use.

Psilo-balm is an antiallergic drug for topical use.

This medication is a potent antihistamine, which is made on the basis of diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Psilo-balm is made in the form of a gel for treating the surface of the skin. Using the drug eliminates pain, itching and swelling. In addition, the active component of the medicinal gel reduces the permeability of capillaries and vascular walls. Also, the composition of this drug has a calming effect, which helps relieve irritation and redness of the skin.

Chemical composition

This drug has only one release form, namely a colorless gel. The gel is bottled at the factory into aluminum tubes of twenty and fifty grams. Instructions for using the composition are included with the medicine. The active ingredient in this product is diphenhydramine hydrochloride. For one gram of gel, ten milligrams of this component are useful. Psilo-balm also contains the following additional ingredients:

  • cetylpyridinium chloride;
  • trometamol;
  • glyceryl caprylocaprate macrogol;
  • distilled water and polyacrylic acid.

Is the gel considered hormonal drugs?

All antihistamines for external use are divided into two categories: with and without hormones. The question whether Psilo-Balm is hormonal or not is quite popular, since many hormonal drugs have their drawbacks. Psilo-balm does not belong to this category of medicines, which avoids the negative impact of the composition on the functioning of internal organs.

This drug has a cumulative effect. This means that the composition of the drug accumulates in certain tissues, which makes it possible to increase the duration of the therapeutic effect. Despite the fact that non-hormonal formulations act much more slowly, this category of drugs is well tolerated by most patients.

The pharmaceutical product in question can be used for a long period of time without fear of the negative effects of the medication on the body.

The drug contains an active component - diphenhydramine - a medicinal substance that blocks H1-histamine receptors

When is Psilo-balm used?

Psilo-balm, the instructions for use of which contain indications for use, is used in the treatment of the following diseases and pathologies:

  • urticaria and eczema;
  • insect bites;
  • sunburn and thermal burn injuries of the first degree of severity;
  • chicken pox.

Therapy for various diseases

Allergy treatment

The main area of ​​application of Psilo-Balm gel is the treatment of allergic diseases. If you are prone to allergies, any contact with an allergen can lead to various rashes on the body. The most common allergy symptoms are itching, redness and swelling. The use of the drug allows you to block the work of certain receptors, which allows you to eliminate all the symptoms characteristic of the disease within a short time.

Chickenpox therapy

Chickenpox is an infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. This disease most often occurs in young children. Psilo-balm gel for chickenpox is used to treat affected areas of the skin. Regular use of the medication eliminates itching. This action reduces skin irritability and prevents scratching of rashes. Thanks to this, the risk of secondary infection is significantly reduced.

Treatment of eczema

Eczema is an inflammatory disease that has two forms of severity: acute and chronic. Yu. The initial stages of the disease are characterized by the appearance of a rash, itching and swelling of the skin. In most cases, this disease is associated with allergies.

Psilo-balm in the treatment of eczema is used as an additional remedy to reduce the severity of most symptoms. Thanks to its cooling effect, the gel soothes irritated skin and eliminates itching and swelling.

Insect bites

The gel can be used to eliminate symptoms that cause discomfort after an insect bite. This antihistamine eliminates redness, itching and swelling. Timely use of the gel helps prevent the development of inflammation.

Due to its antihistamine effect, the drug has a pronounced antipruritic effect.

Operating principle

Diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which acts as an active component in this drug, blocks the functioning of receptors responsible for allergic reactions. It is thanks to this property of the active component that the drug has a pronounced antiallergic effect. A single use of the composition is enough to reduce swelling of irritated skin.

Additional components contained in the composition enhance the penetrating effect and fight symptoms such as rash, itching and hyperemia. Unfortunately, information on the pharmacokinetic properties of this drug does not exist today.

Terms of use

The gel is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a translucent layer. The recommended single dose is two grams. The medication must be used two to five times a day, depending on the disease. If a weekly course of therapy does not produce the desired effect, treatment should be stopped completely. In such a situation, it is necessary to contact your doctor to confirm the diagnosis and adjust the prescription.

Psilo balm is used as an application. The composition of the drug should be evenly distributed over the affected area of ​​the body, in a thin layer. After the medicine is evenly distributed, it should be rubbed into the skin with gentle massaging movements. The composition of the medication is completely absorbed into the skin within five minutes after application.

At the end of the procedure for treating inflammation, it is recommended to thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic. Throughout the course of treatment, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and sources of ultraviolet radiation should be avoided.

Duration of therapy

The duration of therapy with Psilo-Balm is determined by a specialist, based on the individual characteristics of the body, the age of the patient, the nature of the disease and the severity of the clinical picture. The effectiveness of therapy is determined by the dynamics of reducing the severity of allergy symptoms. If possible complications arise while using the medication, it is necessary to stop the course of treatment and use analogues.

Instructions for use of Psilo-balm for children

In the treatment of allergic diseases in young patients, only those medications are used that do not cause a sedative effect. Gel "Psilo-balm" is prescribed to children to relieve acute allergic reactions and prevent the development of possible complications. This remedy can only be used after reaching the age of two.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed individually. In most cases, Psilo-balm is prescribed to children one gram, three times a day. The average duration of therapy is about one week. In advanced forms of the disease, the medication can be used for two or three months.

The drug has some local anesthetic and cooling effects

Contraindications and possible complications

In order to avoid the negative effects of the drug on the body, you must carefully read the instructions for use of the drug. The use of this product is prohibited if you are highly sensitive to the composition of the medication. In addition, Psilo-Balm should not be used to treat large areas of skin.

One of the main contraindications of this pharmaceutical product is age under two years.. Before using the medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should consult a specialist.

Important! When Psilo-Balm is used simultaneously with drugs based on diphenhydramine, unexpected negative reactions from internal organs are possible.

Illiterate use and overdose of medication can lead to side effects. To eliminate such consequences, you should consult a specialist for symptomatic treatment. Side effects of Psilo-Balm manifest themselves in the form of increased severity of allergic reactions, dry mouth, breathing problems and confusion.

What you need to know before use

Despite the positive reviews about Psilo-Balm from experts, it is recommended that you carefully read this drug. The instructions for using this product contain a detailed description of many of the nuances associated with the use of the gel. This information will allow you to avoid the negative effects of the composition of the medication.

The use of the gel should be approached with caution in patients over sixty years of age. At this age, the risk of developing a sedative reaction increases significantly. Patients in this age category may experience severe dizziness and headaches when using the medication as a result of a decrease in blood pressure.

The drug should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Before starting a course of treatment, you should consult a dermatologist and learn about all the nuances associated with the use of Psilo-Balm. In most cases, many experts recommend using safer analogues of the product. If it is necessary to use the gel during breastfeeding, you should temporarily transfer the child to feeding with artificial formulas. After completing your treatment, you should wait a few weeks before returning to breastfeeding. The need for this measure is explained by the fact that the gel composition accumulates in the tissues.

During the entire course of treatment, you should avoid driving and other activities that require increased concentration.

The drug is intended for local therapy in patients with itching, burning and skin hyperemia

Analogues and cost

You can purchase the antihistamine Psilo-balm at most pharmacies. This drug is available without a prescription from a specialist. The average cost of this gel varies from two hundred to two hundred and fifty rubles per twenty-gram tube. The cost of a fifty gram tube varies from three hundred seventy to five hundred rubles.

This drug has no structural analogues. However, there are a number of medications that have similar therapeutic effects. Each of the drugs listed below has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Considering cheap analogues of Psilo-balm, we should highlight:

  1. Panthenol ointment - the cost varies from fifty to two hundred rubles.
  2. Fenistil gel - the approximate price is three hundred rubles.
  3. Dermadrin - the average cost is two hundred rubles.
  4. Solcoseryl - average cost from sixty to one and a half thousand rubles (depending on the country of origin).

Before using these medications, you should consult with a specialist about the advisability of their use. Each of the listed drugs has its own unique properties, indications for use and side effects. Before purchasing these medications, carefully read the instructions for use.