Visual merchandising in the fruits and vegetables department. Vegetable business: how to open a vegetable store. Business plan for a vegetable kiosk from A to Z

If you have a pressing need to earn much more than what the labor market offers, and you don’t have much money to start your own business, then don’t be upset. There is one very simple and affordable opportunity to earn from $50,000 to $100,000 a year with a starting capital of $20,000 - opening your own grocery store. This business idea may, at first glance, not seem ideal. Certain associations may arise: healthy, red-cheeked women behind market stalls, dirt, an unpleasant smell from spoiled fruit, drunken movers swearing for every gram of grandma.

But you can start a business that completely eliminates such inconveniences. This does not mean a point on the market, but a specialized store near a metro or transport stop with good staff, equipment, and storage. Just imagine: you will have regular customers from nearby homes, and a business that generates daily income.

Advantages of the vegetable business: a minimum package of documents, quick payback (depending on the season from 2 to 6 months), small retail space (which means small rent), inexpensive equipment, few hired workers, constant sales and cash ( crisis or no crisis, people will not stop eating).

Let’s immediately anticipate the next question: after all, there are supermarkets where the fruit and vegetable assortment simply amazes the imagination, how can you compete with them? It’s very simple - in hypermarkets, 80% of the fruits are brought from abroad still unripe (so that their presentation is not lost). And you will be able to supply customers with domestic fresh, ripe vegetables, fruits and herbs every day.

Quick start or where to start

First you need to prepare documents, this will take 2-3 months. First open IP. Then find a suitable premises and sign a lease agreement. The rental price greatly depends on the city, region and area of ​​the premises (need from 30 to 50 sq.m.). Be sure to clarify what is included in your payments - only payment for square meters or also utilities, heating, garbage removal.

Try to ensure that the future store has space for a warehouse, access to water, and a toilet. If rent is very expensive in your city, try to consider the option of subletting and locate in a grocery store, taking 10-15 meters of retail space and 15 sq. m. m for a warehouse – that’s enough for a start. In total, rent costs from $500 to $2.5. Then write a statement to the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire department, state trade inspectorate. After verification, you will receive the necessary documents (this will cost approximately 5 thousand rubles). Next, you will need to purchase equipment: refrigerators, racks, shelves (from $1 thousand to $4 thousand) and enter into an agreement for the maintenance of scales and cash registers (from 2 thousand rubles per month).

How to select staff

When everything is ready, do not forget to select good staff. Give preference not so much to girls with a model appearance, but to neat and charming people who can communicate kindly with customers and monitor the beautiful design of the window.

To begin with, you will only need 2 sellers and 2 loaders so that they can replace each other, because people need days off. To ensure that your employees don’t forget to smile at customers, you can incentivize them with payment. Ideally, this will be a rate + % of revenue. It will cost approximately $1000 – 1500 per month.

What may be in stock

It’s better to start with a simple assortment: potatoes, onions, cabbage, carrots, beets. And also peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs. In the future, you need to gradually expand it: add frozen vegetables, pickled or canned foods, dried fruits, berries, mushrooms, exotic fruits, and herbs.

Don't forget to bring in fresh goods every day! It will cost 10-15 thousand rubles. depending on the turnover, which you calculate after working for 2-3 months. Be sure to pay attention to the selection of suppliers.

If you take a separate room, you can earn extra money by opening a processing workshop. For example, fresh cucumbers wither on the 3rd day, losing their presentation. And despite the fact that they are still “edible”, they will not want to buy them.
There are three ways out:
1st: reduce the price and return the money invested;
2nd: pickle them immediately, as soon as the first signs of wilting appear, and save extra money, because lightly salted cucumbers cost 3-4 times more;
3rd (not desirable): wait until they completely deteriorate, throw them away and lose some of the money.

You can also do this with tomatoes, apples, eggplants, and cabbage. You can make wonderful Korean salads from carrots, beets and mushrooms. And make jam or juice from berries and fruits. Who would refuse to save time on preservation if your store sells high-quality and tasty home-made goods?

Moreover, according to statistics, sometimes up to 20% of the goods in a grocery store are lost. Instead of letting food rot, why not turn that interest into additional profit? One or two cooks (depending on the amount of work) will earn more than their minimum wage. After all, the profit from salads reaches 500%! Example: 1 kg of carrots costs 30 rubles, and 200 g of carrot salad costs the same 30 rubles.

True, you will have to take care of additional equipment. You will need: a table, a vegetable cutter, a gas stove, knives, dishes, containers. And SES inspections will be carried out regularly once a month.
Let's summarize: your investment is about $20 thousand, the markup on vegetables is from 30 to 500%. On holidays, revenue increases 5 times. Losses can be minimized or eliminated altogether. The annual income is about $100,000. If you are thinking about how to earn a lot of money, that is, more than $100 thousand, then pay attention to the next option - a chain of vegetable stores.
Why not? In general, that's about it. Good luck in your business!

We hasten to please those who are already thinking about how to open a grocery store. In the warm season, the profit from such a business will be approximately 4-5 thousand dollars.

In winter, this amount can double. Moreover, even a small store can compete with a hypermarket in terms of assortment. Large supermarkets buy mainly products that can be stored for a long time, and therefore you can often see unripe vegetables and fruits on the shelves.

Small stores do not have such difficulties, since products can be purchased in small quantities. Where to start and what difficulties may arise? We'll figure it out.

Starting capital

Experts say that in a small town you will need to allocate a couple of thousand dollars to open such a store. For a metropolis, this amount will increase to 10 thousand dollars or more.

Those planning to open a grocery store can save some money by purchasing goods themselves and purchasing used equipment. If you take out a loan, then with a trade margin of 30-40%, the store will begin to pay for itself in about 1-1.5 years.

Business plan for a vegetable kiosk

To install a kiosk, you will need to obtain the appropriate permit from the municipality. In small towns this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties, but in a metropolis some difficulties may arise. Installation of kiosks in large cities is carried out through tenders. This procedure is carried out when two or more entrepreneurs apply for one place. In principle, you can bypass the tender if you submit an application from yourself and, for example, from your friend.

The businessman will also have to obtain permission from the local building and architecture department. In addition, you will need to obtain permission from the sanitary station and fire department.

In general, to start you will need about 200-350 thousand rubles:

  • it will cost 50-100 thousand rubles to buy a kiosk;
  • scales cost about 3 thousand rubles;
  • paperwork – 10 thousand rubles;
  • cash register – 7 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerated display case – 10 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary – 120 thousand rubles.

To reduce costs, rent a ready-made kiosk.

Vegetable tent

Alternatively, you can open not a kiosk, but a vegetable stall. How to open a vegetable tent? The most important thing you need is to find a place to place it. To do this, you should contact the property committee of your locality. There they will tell you where there is free land. It is quite possible that the proposed area will not be in the place where you planned to pitch your tent.

For the space received, you will be required to pay rent, the amount may vary depending on the region, distance from the center, transport interchanges, and so on. On average the cost of 1 sq. meter will be approximately 8 thousand rubles per month.

To install the light, you need to contact the energy supply, where they will install the required power and calculate the cost of the monthly fee. The entrepreneur and his employees must have health records.

Tents and stalls have a very big advantage - they are mobile. You can move to a new place at any time. The cost of renting retail space for kiosks and stalls will be several times lower than the same area for shops.

However, remember that small points of sale are very attractive to unscrupulous sellers. To avoid huge losses, such a business (preferably) should be family-owned. Many experts also recommend opening several tents at the same time. After all, if sales do not occur in one place, this may be compensated by excess profits in another.

Preparation of documents for opening a vegetable store

Before opening a grocery store, you will have to visit all the necessary authorities, which may take 1-2 months. First you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. After this, you need to obtain permits from the following authorities:

Fire Service;

Sanitation station;

State Trade Inspectorate.

After you receive a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection staff about the suitability of the commercial premises, you will need to pay about 4 thousand rubles. In addition, for the smooth functioning of the store you need good equipment. To conclude an agreement for this service, you will have to pay approximately 2 thousand rubles.

Purchase of commercial equipment

To organize sales, you will need the following products:

Scales (costs about $500);

Cash registers (cost at least 15 thousand dollars);

Refrigerators (you will have to pay about $400 for them).

In addition, you will need to purchase counters (at least 1 thousand dollars), display cases for vegetable stores, slides, refrigerated display cases (up to 2 thousand dollars), freezers (about 400 dollars). Roughly speaking, everything you need will cost about 4 thousand dollars.

Choosing a room

For those who have already thought about how to open a grocery store, in addition to filling out paperwork and purchasing equipment, they also need to find suitable premises. To obtain a permanent income, it is best to find premises for a store near public transport stops or in a residential area.

The first option can attract customers from nearby houses, and the second will provide a huge flow of buyers. Don't forget that the store should be well ventilated and free of damp smell. After all, unpleasant odors will scare away buyers.

The sales area must be no less than 40 square meters in size. meters, 10-20 additional sq. meters will also be required for a utility room and warehouse. The cost of renting a building, of course, depends on the location, and averages $10,000.

Supply of goods

When you first start a vegetable business, you will have to work with a large number of suppliers. Before paying for the delivery of a consignment of goods, find out where the products were brought from, in what conditions they grew, and, if possible, personally take a sample. This way, over time, you will choose the most conscientious and responsible suppliers.

To open a vegetable store and purchase goods, you will need to spend at least 10 thousand rubles, and then you need to purchase products worth 2-2.5 thousand dollars per month. Of course, special attention must be paid to the quality of the goods, because only vigilance will eliminate losses and preserve your reputation.

Take note right away that at least 15% of vegetables and fruits will spoil. But there is a way out here too: slightly spoiled products can be sold at a 50-70% discount. The trade margin on vegetables and fruits can range from 30% to 250%.


Marketers advise offering customers not only vegetables and fruits grown in mid-latitudes, but also exotic fruits. The greater their choice, the greater the profit will be.

To create the illusion of a rich selection of vegetables and fruits, place exotic goods on the top shelves. If you also plan to sell related products, then it is better to choose juices, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables, and dried fruits.

Service staff

Before opening a grocery store, you will need to find more or less qualified workers. Patience and politeness are the main strengths in this area. In total, you will need to hire loaders and sellers. Labor costs will be at least $800.

What is important to consider?

No matter how sad it may sound, when planning a business, you need to take into account the fact that another competitive store may appear near you at any moment. In this regard, you need to think about the likelihood that you will have to change focus.

In addition, it is also important to think about the organization of the store. This can be a traditional scheme - the seller gives the buyer the product he asked for, or you can work according to the minimarket system. It is the second option, which allows people to choose a product on their own and not have to wait, that is more acceptable.

Businessmen who are thinking about how to open a grocery store need to take care of one more important thing. A significant role is played by the pleasant aromas of vegetables and fruits (in addition, you can use flavoring agents), as well as the friendliness and politeness of the staff. It is also necessary to take care of good lighting. An excellent addition to all this can be soft, light music.

As you can imagine, starting a vegetable business is not that difficult. You now know where to start, what documents you need to prepare and what is important to remember. By following all the above recommendations, you will definitely achieve success.

The vegetable business, despite the crisis in the country, has been and remains a profitable way to make money. Fresh vegetables and fruits are in great demand among the population at any time of the year. It is especially profitable to trade produce from the garden in winter. The cost of fresh vegetables and fruits increases significantly in cold weather, and competition decreases, which is also a big plus for you as an entrepreneur.

In this article, we will discuss how to open a vegetable stall. Where to start and how to make a profit in a short time.

Starting capital

First of all, you must find funds to start a vegetable business. Where can I get money? There are several options. Firstly, you can take out a loan from a bank, but you should think carefully about this. Secondly, you can borrow the required amount from acquaintances or friends; it is also quite possible to find companions and open a grocery store together. Thirdly, you can receive a certain amount of money from the state.

In order to receive money to develop your business, you must be registered with the employment service as unemployed, present salary certificates from previous jobs, and also provide the commission with a detailed business plan.

Business plan for a vegetable store

The profitability of an idea is the ratio of investments and timing of profit. You must determine the competition in this area of ​​entrepreneurship and draw conclusions about the profitability of the project.

Business payback period. Everything will depend on the implementation of the idea. Perhaps you will start growing vegetables and fruits for sale yourself, and thus reduce the cost of purchasing goods. Or you will find profitable suppliers. In any case, the payback period will depend on the intensity of sales and the profitability of purchasing goods.


Opening a business requires the preparation of all documents and legal registration of its activities. First of all, you need to get permission from the municipality to set up a kiosk. In a small town this is easy to do, but in a big city some problems may arise. In large cities, installation of kiosks is carried out on the basis of a tender, take this nuance into account.

You must also obtain the appropriate permit from the local building and architectural authority.

In addition to permits, you will need to complete other documents. First, you need to decide on the material and legal form of the activity. You can register as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. After this, it is necessary to obtain permits for activities from the sanitary and fire services.

Having completed the package of necessary documents, you can proceed to organizational issues.

Renting premises

In order to start selling vegetables and fruits, you need to rent a room for a future kiosk. The cost of monthly rent will depend on the location of the kiosk. It is advisable to choose places with high traffic volumes. As an option, you can rent a tent at the market or in the residential sector near high-rise buildings.

Stalls and tents have one important advantage - mobility. That is, you can move your point to another location at any time. With a store, it’s a little more complicated; you need to immediately assess the profitability of its location.

Purchase of commercial equipment

What do you need to open a stall? First of all, you need to equip your kiosk with everything necessary to sell vegetables.

Required equipment:

  • Scales for weighing products;
  • Cash register;
  • Refrigerators for food storage;
  • Counters and display cases;

To save money, you can purchase used equipment. Finding it will not be difficult; look for advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet.

Assortment and supply of goods

Selling vegetables as a business is quite profitable, but requires wise implementation. Your task is to purchase goods at a low wholesale price and sell them at many times higher prices to consumers. But there are also some nuances here. As a rule, a cheap product is not of high quality, so you should set your priorities wisely. In order to adequately survive in the market, you must always sell fresh goods. Remember that reputation comes first, every client counts, because competition in this area of ​​business is quite strong. Work only with trusted, regular suppliers. Do not purchase a lot of goods; it is better to agree on the supply of products several times a week, because vegetables are a perishable product that requires quick sale. Thus, you will always have fresh, undamaged goods, satisfied customers and good, stable profits.


The main products at your kiosk will be fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition to seasonal products, you can also trade exotic fruits. You can also sell related products in the vegetable stall, for example, fresh herbs are in great demand among buyers: green onions, dill, parsley, lettuce.


To sell vegetables, you need to hire a staff of workers. For a small vegetable stall, it is enough to hire one seller and a loader. If possible, a cleaner is also required, but these functions can also be performed by a salesperson. At the initial stage, you can sell in your own vegetable shop, so you can save money and spend it on purchasing goods.

Don't forget to be polite. Sellers should be courteous to every buyer, not be rude or argue with them.

Selling vegetables and fruits as a business - the price of the issue

How much does it cost to open a vegetable stall? Let's calculate the costs together.

With proper organization, a business based on the sale of vegetables and fruits will be stable. The demand for food is always constant because people need to replenish their vitality through nutrition. Even in times of crisis, everyone finds money for food and strives not to skimp on vitamins, since it is on these factors that a person’s health and the availability of energy, so necessary to ensure a normal level of life, depend. The advantage of this type of business is that opening a small store does not involve the complexity of obtaining permits, obtaining expensive leases and large-scale financial investments.

Vegetable and fruit business

When planning entrepreneurial activity in the vegetable and fruit direction, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its nuances, which may have an impact on the effectiveness of the functioning of the outlet. When opening it, you need to strive to earn a positive reputation in the eyes of potential clients. To attract them, you should first think through and correctly formulate the assortment range. You won’t be able to earn much by offering several items of domestic products. Its range needs to be expanded to include greens, mushrooms, dried fruits and exotic imported fruits.

The productivity of a business directly depends on the location of the retail outlet and the design of the storefront. It is best to locate a store or stall close to residential areas, in areas with high traffic, but at a distance from competitors.

Seasonal demand and formation of assortment range

The business of selling fruits and vegetables is seasonal.

During the holidays, people buy imported fruits such as bananas, tangerines, oranges and kiwis. In winter, apples and the entire pre-holiday assortment are popular. In the summer, seasonal fruits and berries should be placed on display, not forgetting to arrange them in an appetizing way using trays and plastic forms. Strawberries, grapes, currants, raspberries, watermelons and melons will be popular. Vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beets, onions and garlic are in demand at any time of the year, so the entrepreneur needs to make sure that they are constantly present in the product range.

Business planning

In spring, the cost of goods always increases by 60 percent. At this time, consumers prefer to buy fruits, juices, dried fruits, herbs and the first vegetables necessary to provide the body with vitamins. In the fall, you can count on customers making wholesale purchases for storage in the cellar, so you should include an option such as wholesale in your trading style.

What knowledge will be needed

An entrepreneur must have information about the harvest time of each vegetable and fruit in order to purchase them at a low cost.

When dealing with the question of how to open a vegetable store from scratch, you should study the characteristics of the products, their varieties and storage rules. Such knowledge will allow you to give recommendations to buyers who doubt their choice. Additional information to consumers will help increase the rating of the outlet, since it is always pleasant to communicate with a sociable and competent person who is ready to help with advice.


When drawing up a business plan for a vegetable store, you should include a section on finding a supplier. You should not plan to cooperate with farms, since they offer a limited range of products, the price of which, most likely, will not be loyal, due to the purchase of an insufficient batch of goods, in their opinion. It is recommended to purchase products at wholesale stores, because there you can purchase a wide range at a favorable price, since wholesale prices begin to apply after purchasing several tens of kilograms.


What is the best way to start a vegetable business? To begin with, you can open a small tent. This type of activity is quite popular, since vegetables have always been in demand. Before opening your own vegetable tent or stall from scratch, you need to take the first steps:

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur, obtain permits from the SES, consumer supervision, fire safety services, obtain permission to use a cash register. It will take approximately several months to complete all the documents and obtain permission from the relevant authorities.
  • Find a place for a sales tent, you can find a ready-made stall. It must have at least 50 squares.
  • Next, you need to purchase the necessary equipment: refrigerators, scales, etc.
  • Find and conclude agreements with product suppliers. It is better to work with several wholesale organizations at once.
  • It is necessary to carefully analyze the range of products that are best sold in a specific area, that is, where it is planned to set up a retail store. It is equally important to familiarize yourself with the assortment of competitors so that you can assess your own opportunities to compete with them: is it possible to offer a better product at a lower cost.
  • Of course, you need to hire a couple of sellers (at first, you can trade on your own), and determine a working schedule for them.
  • Make a markup on all goods. For fruits and vegetables it ranges from 50 to 70 percent. But here you need to take into account the fact that such a product quickly deteriorates, some goods will have to be written off.

Where can I get finance to open a retail outlet?

How to open a vegetable stall? Where can I get the money for this? The main question for a novice entrepreneur.

The business of selling vegetables at the initial stage requires certain investments. What to do if you don’t have enough personal funds to open a business? Exit:

  • Borrow from relatives and good friends.
  • Find a business partner.
  • Apply for a bank loan.
  • Receive a certain amount for business development from the state.

The last option involves fulfilling the following obligations:

  • You must be considered unemployed and registered with the employment service.
  • Provide income certificates from your former place of employment.
  • Draw up a business plan and submit it to the commission for consideration.

Start-up capital required to open a vegetable outlet

Before opening your own kiosk with vegetables, you will need to purchase:

  • Libra – 8,000 rub.
  • Refrigerated display case – 60,000 rub.
  • Cash register – 12,000 rub.
  • Freezer (possibly several) – 18,000 rub. per unit.
  • Counter (or several) – 3,000 rub. one.
  • Showcase (maybe several) – 4,000 rub. per piece.

In general, the equipment of such a point will require at least 100,000 rubles, that is, this amount can be much more. Every month you will need to spend about 2,000 rubles on equipment maintenance.

Premises for a retail outlet

  • It is recommended to look for premises for selling vegetables near residential complexes. For example, in new multi-apartment buildings, the first floors are specifically intended for renting out for office space and retail outlets. This is the most optimal solution.
  • It would also be a good idea to put up a sales tent near public transport stops. Potential clients are people returning from work who do not have the time or desire to run around the markets. They will definitely go to the store to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

The area of ​​the room primarily depends on the intended range of products, but it should not be less than 50 square meters.

Product placement in a store can be organized in two ways:

  • Option one: the client contacts the seller directly to receive the product.
  • Option two: the minimarket principle. Products are placed on the sales floor, where customers independently select the necessary fruits, vegetables, how much they need, and then go with the goods to be weighed and paid at the checkout. This scheme of work allows you to serve a larger number of customers in a shorter period of time than in the first option. This is a big advantage, since due to a long queue, the buyer may go to another store.


Where to start selling vegetables, what is needed for this, besides the product itself? If the sale of products will be carried out through a sales tent on the market, just with a car on the street, then bags for products and corresponding scales will be enough.

If this is a vegetable department in a store, then you will need special equipment for trading:

  • Scales.
  • Showcases, counters, racks for displaying goods.
  • Refrigerator, display case for frozen fruits and vegetables.


To work in a vegetable store, it will be necessary to hire several cashiers-sellers, and necessarily several male loaders-packers, since the goods in the boxes will be quite heavy, not every woman will be able to cope with unloading the products.

Regarding salespeople, you can hire both women and men. When recruiting personnel for your own store, you need to remember that a polite, pleasant-looking salesman who knows the product being sold is the key to the success of a trading business.


One of the important points when starting your own vegetable business is the availability of transport for transporting goods. Fruits and vegetables are classified as perishable products, so purchases should be made in small quantities.

Different products may be on different vegetable bases.

When over time the business begins to expand, several retail outlets appear in different areas of the city, you will have to travel a lot, and fuel costs will increase accordingly. Therefore, this issue should be studied in advance, analyze the demand for specific products, thoroughly think through the range of goods, and determine travel routes.

Profit, losses

How to open a grocery store? Is selling vegetables and fruits profitable?

The potential profit of the vegetable business is quite tempting:

  • The minimum markup on vegetables is 30%.
  • The maximum markup can be up to 250%.

But there are certain risks here:

  • Fruits and vegetables are highly perishable goods. Up to 20% of the product may not be sold in a timely manner (it begins to deteriorate).

Way out of the situation:

  • It is necessary to reduce the price of an expired product by half, then there is a chance not to throw away the spoiled product at all. And these are losses.

The best advertisement for your own grocery store is always fresh, high-quality vegetables and fruits. This should be the case not only at the initial stage of business formation, but also throughout further work. Then, a buyer who has bought a high-quality fresh product from you several times will become a regular customer.