The labia are inflamed. Inflammation of the labia minora treatment with folk remedies

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Questions and answers on: diseases of the labia minora

2015-03-29 07:45:18

Hope asks:

Good afternoon I am 35 years old and have had a burning sensation in my labia majora and minora for the last 5 years. Periodically, an abscess appears on the labia majora! It bakes strongly, symptoms of cystitis are present! I was tested for chlamydia and was treated positively for a long time by more than one doctor; I was at the Department of Infectious Diseases and they said that they had enough treatment in their chronic form! Condylomas appeared, I passed a papilloma virus infection, they did not detect an oncogenic one. The condylomas were removed and it still stings! two months ago I had surgery and my urethra was moved! and still bakes! ureplasma negative. The discharge is colorless and odorless! I'm already tormented, maybe you can recommend something.

Answers Oganesyan Karine Eduardovna:

Hello, Nadezhda! Our question is difficult to answer without examination. My guess: The pustule on the lip is a herpetic rash. You did not write anything about what methods you were examined. Chronic chlamydia will not give such a burning sensation. If you have not been tested for Trichomonas by culture, be sure to test it (on the last day of the menstrual cycle) from the vagina and urine. Moreover, you have condylomas. If Trichomonas is not detected in you, let your sexual partner donate, but only sperm and after provocation. And also, bacterial seeding for other types of microbes, incl. and candida infection.

2015-03-13 12:38:29

Irina asks:

Good day! I am forced to ask you for help, since I cannot get to a specialist in the near future.
I have the following symptoms of the disease: pain and burning when urinating, as well as the labia minora, and there is a curd-like discharge with a sour smell.
I understand that this is not a solution to the problem, but maybe you can tell me to at least somehow relieve the pain before visiting a doctor. I will be very grateful!

2014-03-05 13:03:59

Maria asks:

Hello, please give me some advice. I became infected with HPV35 from a young man, I assume that I became infected orally, since we protect ourselves with condoms, and oral sex without them. I'm ashamed to tell the gynecologist about this. There are rashes on the labia minora, and, it seems to me, in the mouth. The doctor prescribed Epigen Intim spray, Groprinosin, rectal suppositories 1 million greptirone. She said there is no need to remove because the condylomas are very small. The question is, if I became infected orally, then accordingly I am at risk of laryngeal cancer, and not l/m? Provided that three years ago I had stage 1 papillary thyroid cancer surgery. How can HPV affect my disease? And what tests should I take? Thanks for the answer

2013-12-31 13:48:04

Alina asks:

Hello. Please tell me, I have been diagnosed with HPV type 3. They said that everything inside the vagina was very inflamed and papillomas were clearly visible on the labia minora. I was prescribed treatment: antibiotics, pills to boost immunity and suppositories. The doctor did not detect any disease in his partner, although he did not take any tests. And he doesn’t complain about his health. Permanent partner. Tell me, is it possible to have sex with a condom after finishing treatment or is it better to give it up now? Thank you

Answers Chernenko Evgenia Yurievna:

Dear Alina!
Using a condom reduces the risk of transmitting HPV to a sexual partner, but does not eliminate it (since contact of the skin and mucous membrane in the perineal area is maintained).
However, if we are really talking about an inflammatory process, especially a more pronounced one, then it is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse for some time.
Your doctor will tell you the exact timing.

2013-06-08 09:07:12

Sveta asks:

Hello. I'm 17 years old and a virgin. More than six months ago, doctors discovered diffuse cystic mastopathy. I took the pills for six months, but nothing changed. Doctors canceled all treatments. A month ago they found a Bartholin gland cyst, as well as a tumor on the labia minora (they said it was Bartholinitis), but how is this possible? I constantly maintain hygiene and lead a healthy lifestyle. And also, are all these diseases dangerous? Will I be able to have children in the future?

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

Don't worry. Diffuse cystic mastopathy is associated with unbalanced hormonal levels. Do you have a regular menstrual cycle, that's what matters? If yes, then I don’t see a problem; after you begin to have regular sex life, the problem should resolve itself. Bartholinitis, if it does not bother you, cannot be treated and is not related to the issue of hygiene. You can have children, you don’t have anything critical.

2013-01-26 11:43:09

Olga asks:

Hello, doctor! Please help me clarify the situation. I’ll say in advance that I visited a gynecologist at home in Lithuania, but now I’m in a completely different country. Therefore, you have to think for yourself how to proceed. I was bothered by severe itching, discharge, dry mucous membranes, cracks in the external vaginal mucosa, and once I even had some “abrasions” near the anus. The cracks disappeared after Bepanten. There are no sexually transmitted diseases, but a tank culture showed fecal enterococcus (or staphylococcus, no test results). I cannot say in what exact quantity, but the gynecologist said that she would not prescribe me antibiotics, but only Ecovag vaginal capsules, which I recently finished using (10 days) and I cannot say that all the symptoms have gone away. The itching appears and disappears; a slight redness is visible inside the labia minora. Please tell me, prescribing antibiotics is not always necessary for this infection, does it depend on the number? Or will this only make things worse? And is this infection transmitted sexually, i.e. can I infect my partner? And how effective is the use of products to restore vaginal microflora in the presence of such an infection? I mean various gels for oral administration with lactobacilli. What else would you recommend getting tested by a gynecologist? I also have chronic “cystitis”, a very long-standing one, but without any pain, from the very beginning of the disease. Just a frequent urge to urinate, no pathologies of the bladder were found. Put it down to nervousness. I also have chronic pyelonephritis. It seems to me that the causative agent of these diseases was simply not found in me. But now I would like to get rid of bacterial vaginosis first of all. Thanks in advance.

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

It is very bad that you do not indicate your age and the presence of menstruation. Fecal enterococcus is a group of streptococci, belongs to the intestinal microflora and does not normally live in the vagina. You need to take a bacterial culture of secretions and a bacterial culture of urine for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics. If you use the method of restoring microflora in treatment, then you need immunostimulants so that the body accepts lacto and bifidobacteria. It is necessary to drink lactobacilli and place it in the vagina for a long course of up to 1 month. If you have pyelonephritis and cystitis, then the first course still requires antibacterial therapy (antibiotics), after which you can start what I wrote about - a course of microflora restoration

2012-05-25 10:17:47

Lena asks:

In July 2011, I had a Caesarean section at 34 weeks (fetal indications). The child died at 4 months. Throughout the pregnancy and after the cesarean section there was extreme stress. A few days before the cesarean section, slight swelling of the legs appeared. I'm still swelling. In the morning, swollen face (the whole face is puffy, as if swollen, swollen eyelids). After 20 minutes, the swelling in the face subsides and the legs (foot and lower leg) begin to swell. Periodically, the labia minora swell). Maximum swelling of the legs by the end of the day. If you lie down for an hour during the day, there is no swelling in your legs. But it appears again after 20 minutes. Among the chronic diseases, I have osteochondrosis of the lumbar and cervical regions, periodontitis (appeared during my first pregnancy). In the first trimester of the second pregnancy, a pair of varicose veins appeared - one under the left knee, the other on the inner surface of the left thigh and perineum (during pregnancy the entire perineum swelled). After the cesarean section, the varicose veins subsided and are now not visible.
Conducted the following studies: blood biochemistry is normal, general urine test and Rehberg test are normal, ultrasound of the liver and kidneys are normal. ECG, ultrasound of the heart, ultrasound of the lower extremities, Doppler of the neck vessels are normal. Sex hormones, lipid profile are normal. Anemia was detected (hemoglobin 107), I took sorbifer-durules for 2 months - it rose to 144. During the second pregnancy it was 147. I visited a shark doctor - the shark doctor said there was nothing to complain about. I saw a nephrologist; kidney pathology was ruled out for me. The nephrologist recommended consulting a hematologist, since hemoglobin was high and all clinical blood tests showed low platelets (120-140). I haven't seen a hematologist yet. Next, I tested thyroid hormones - TSH-4.08 (normal 0.24-3.5), TT4-71 (normal 53-158), ATTPO-167 (normal 0-30), ATTG-120 (normal 0-66 ). I have been taking Eutirox at a dosage of 25 for 3 weeks. There is no dynamics with edema - as it swells, it continues to swell. Constant depressive states appeared (as I understand, this is the body’s reaction to the drug). Please tell me, is it possible to say that the cause of edema is not hypothyroidism or is it too early to draw conclusions? And do I need to have my adrenal glands examined? After all, if I understand correctly, it is the adrenal glands that respond to stress, and the stress was prolonged? And do I need to rule out lymphostasis? According to gynecology, everything is calm; ultrasound shows no parametrium varicose veins. Or maybe there is something else that needs to be checked? Thank you very much for your attention and for your answer!

Answers Volobaeva Lyudmila Yurievna:

Good health! Your complaints of swelling of the extremities are not related to the thyroid gland. In such a situation, a face-to-face consultation with a good therapist is necessary, who will lead the search for the cause of the edematous syndrome. You are also recommended to consult a vascular surgeon to rule out diseases of the veins and lymphatic vessels.

2011-07-22 23:20:58

Lera asks:

Hello, I am 24 years old, I have irritation in the vaginal area (on the labia minora on the inside, at the entrance to the vagina). It itches, burns, and it’s unpleasant to go to the toilet. The roughnesses are located on both sides and look like small bubbles, and are located very close to each other, even slightly overlapping each other. There is also irritation at the entrance to the vagina. There is also white mucus like plaque. There is no smell. There is no discharge on the underwear. There is no visible swelling of the labia. It only appeared today, in one day. I have not had sexual relations for about a week, I have one partner and does not change (we are each other’s first, so I have no suspicion of a sexually transmitted disease).
Waiting for an answer, thanks in advance.

Answers Velichko Tatyana Ivanovna:

Dear Lera! From the description of your problems, this sounds very similar to genital herpes or could also be yeast vaginitis. Both of these infections are not sexually transmitted diseases. Most often, they are in a dormant state in the body and become aggravated under certain conditions: for example, hypothermia, malnutrition, nervous stress. But, to determine the exact pathogen and prescribe treatment, an examination is necessary and smears must be taken.

2010-08-21 18:32:25

Natalya asks:

Hello, for 8 months I have been suffering from pain and burning in the labia minora area. There is no itching, ulcers, rash, pus, or swelling. The pain intensifies when I sit. The mucous membrane has become “grainy”, similar to “goose bumps”. There are no condylomas (I had a colposcopy). There are no rashes like herpes. The dermatologist said that the mucous membrane is “restless”, there are irritations and microcracks. I have repeatedly contacted gynecologists and dermatovenerologists. They diagnosed endometritis (treatment - Utrozhestan); bilateral chronic oophoritis, without treatment; I treated cervicitis based on the results of flora and sensory cultures. to antibiotics. Gynae smear. now normal, Chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, HPV, herpes (PCR) done 5 times, all negative. HIV, RW, hepatitis B, C - negative. They prescribe local treatment "at random" (Klion-D, Livarol, Neo-Penotran, Terzhinan, Genferon, Pimafucin, Pimafukort, Akriderm), but nothing helps. I was examined by an endogrinologist - the norm, incl. sugar. The nephrologist also found nothing, all tests were normal. The general blood test is also “good”. All this time the subfebrile temperature remains at 36.9-37.4. A diagnosis of thermoneurosis was made. On my own initiative, I took tests for antibodies to Toxoplasma lgG 63.5 (reference value 0.0-7.2), antibodies to Cytomegalovirus lgG 7.8 (reference value 0.00-0.40), the infectious disease specialist said that this means nothing and cannot be the cause of my condition. I’m very tired of fruitless visits to doctors and debilitating discomfort, please advise which doctor to see, what infections or diseases can give such a “picture”, maybe take some other tests. Please help, thanks in advance.

Women of all ages have to deal with such a problem as inflammation of the genital organs. Unpleasant symptoms are quite pronounced and constantly bother the woman. If the inflammatory process drags on, you should immediately consult a doctor, because the disease can worsen and lead to many problems. What causes inflammation of the labia? How to prevent the inflammatory process?

Symptoms of inflammation of the labia

A woman quite often complains of unbearable itching and increased swelling of the labia. Over time, pain occurs when urinating, and a large amount of copious discharge appears. Sometimes a woman with inflammation may be bothered by the following additional symptoms:

  • The labia minora become rough
  • A white coating appears on the lips, as well as plaques that resemble psoriasis.
  • The woman becomes weaker and her body temperature rises sharply.

Causes of inflammation of the labia

To find out the exact cause, it is important to pay attention to whether the disease has developed primarily or secondary. Primary inflammation occurs for the following reasons: :

  • A woman refuses to follow the basic rules of intimate hygiene - she washes herself irregularly, rarely changes pads during her period, constantly wears tight synthetic underwear, and forgets to change it in a timely manner.
  • Overheating of the body and sudden hypothermia.
  • Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the lips during sexual intercourse, as well as when wearing rough, tight clothes.
  • Epilation or depilation in the bikini area.
  • Chemical effects of certain drugs.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Disorders in the metabolic process - diabetes, obesity, lack of minerals, vitamins.
  • Allergy.

Primary inflammation is most often characteristic of girls who suffer from diathesis and have helminthiasis. But women are more likely to have secondary inflammation. It is dangerous when the inflammatory process in girls is complicated by adhesions in which the labia are connected.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the labia

An experienced obstetrician will see changes in the labia during the examination. Additionally, the woman will have to undergo cytological, bacteriological and bacterioscopic examination. Tests will not only indicate the inflammatory process, but will also provide an opportunity to promptly learn about infectious pathogens and malignant formation. Additionally, the doctor prescribes a stool test to detect helminthiasis.

Video: Women's diseases. Inflammation of the Bartholin glands

Also, the doctor asks the patient in detail everything about the symptoms, this makes it easier to diagnose the disease and identify the infection in a timely manner. Itching during inflammation is dangerous because it leads to severe scratching. Itching can be caused by lichen, pediculosis, and dermatitis.

Treatment methods for inflammation of the labia

The goal of the course of therapy is to eliminate the main cause of inflammation, begin timely treatment of gonorrhea, diabetes mellitus, helminthiasis, and diphtheria. Most often, the inflammatory process is treated with antibiotics. They are prescribed by a doctor after a smear and sensitivity test to an infectious pathogen. Additionally, suppositories, gels and ointments are used to treat inflammation. Vitamins A, C, and E are also required; with their help, the epithelial layer can be effectively protected.

Video: Elena Malysheva. Symptoms and treatment of trichomoniasis

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms you need to take:

  • Antihistamines , with which you can get rid of itching.
  • Hormonal drugs , which must be used during postmenopause during atrophic processes.
  • Anesthetics, with which you can get rid of pain.

Additionally, it is necessary to take warm baths with the addition of herbal infusions. The best anti-inflammatory agents are string, calendula, and comfrey. With the help of baths you can get rid of burning, itching and pain.

Prevention of inflammation of the labia

To prevent inflammation, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of intimate hygiene. It is recommended to use special intimate gels; they are designed for the microflora of the female genital organs. These products do not dry out the mucous membrane and do not lead to disturbances in the acid-base balance.

Video: Inflammation of the female genital organs. Recipes for treatment

It is also necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • It is good to dry the genitals after hygiene procedures. You need to wipe them carefully with a napkin or towel.
  • Select underwear with extreme caution. It is better to prefer soft and natural fabrics.
  • Constantly strengthen the immune system, so the body can actively fight infectious diseases and various pathogens.

Traditional methods of treating inflammation of the labia

  • Decoction of alder and birch bark It is recommended to drink 100 ml as tea in the morning and evening after meals.
  • Viburnum decoction is the best anti-inflammatory agent. You need to take viburnum flowers - a tablespoon, 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink 2 tablespoons morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Infusion of St. John's wort. Take the herb - a tablespoon, 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 50 ml three times a day.
  • Decoction of Datura leaves. You need to take a bucket of water, add 25 grams of leaves. Use the decoction for douching and sitz baths. The plant must be used with extreme caution, it is poisonous.
  • Laurel decoction Suitable for sitz baths, relieves inflammation of the labia, relieves symptoms. You need to add 30 grams of laurel to a bucket of water.

Thus, inflammation of the labia is dangerous. A woman must take the necessary measures in a timely manner so that the disease does not worsen. Medications can help alleviate the condition; you can use folk, time-tested remedies.

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An unpleasant symptom that causes a lot of inconvenience is irritation on the labia. Usually it is not associated with serious diseases, but to know exactly the cause of its appearance, it is worth visiting a gynecologist. This will exclude or confirm the presence of a disease of the female reproductive system, which is often accompanied by other signs: discharge of a different color, different consistency, unpleasant odor, burning or swelling.

Causes of irritation on the labia

Red labia in a woman are the first sign of a problem. If such a symptom occurs, you do not need to postpone your visit to the doctor. Itching is an individual unpleasant feeling, due to which there is a desire to comb and rub the skin in the area of ​​the labia due to the influence of some irritant.

Pain and a burning sensation are usually caused by locally irritating substances, dysbacteriosis, infections or menopause. In the latter case, there is a decrease in estrogen production, which is observed at the end of female reproductive age, causing dryness and thinning of the skin. This is the cause of itching and irritation.

Irritation of the labia minora:

  • Bacterial vaginosis. It is normal for a woman to have a healthy community of bacteria in her vagina. But if one type predominates over the other, then an infection begins to develop. A feeling of burning, itching, discomfort in the area of ​​external organs, grayish, whitish discharge indicates the development of this disease. But it is worth remembering that the appearance of one symptom does not indicate its occurrence. To cure this, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora using special tablets and suppositories.
  • Acute vaginitis. The vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed when infected with pathogenic microorganisms. The first sign of this disease is strong discharge, after a while the labia minora turn red. They itch and swelling appears.
  • Every second woman experiences a yeast infection (candidiasis). Urogenital candidiasis often manifests itself in the form of vulvovaginitis (thrush). Itching, burning and redness of the outer lips may be signs of this disease, along with a curd-like vaginal discharge. It turns red inside, and whitish spots form on the labia. Symptoms intensify during sleep, after long walks and during menstrual periods.
  • Producing more of certain hormones can also lead to redness and itching.

If the cause of vaginitis is syphilis or gonorrhea and there is no adequate treatment, infertility can result.

Irritation of the labia majora:

  • Frequent hair removal and excessive exposure of the cream when removing excess hair with its help threaten unpleasant manifestations. The procedure site becomes red, itching and burning appear.
  • Genital herpes or a relapse of this disease is manifested by itching, the formation of blisters, crusts, after which peeling begins.
  • Diabetes mellitus sometimes affects the appearance of itching and flaking in the external genital area.
  • Chemical irritants. Intimate cream, gel, condom, soap, washing powders, scented toilet paper can lead to serious irritation of the labia majora. They can provoke an allergic reaction. Unusual discharge is not added to the feeling of discomfort, but the usual mucus from the vagina sometimes increases.
  • The cause of irritation may be a psychological factor that manifests itself in a physical aspect. Regular stress, nervous disorder, prolonged depression - all this leads to increased sensitivity of the skin, which provokes irritation and itching.

Peeling develops only on the skin of external organs. The labia minora consist of such epithelium that when inflamed, it does not produce scales.

Redness of the labia due to candidiasis

What to do about this?

If the labia are red, then to determine the true factor that provoked the itching and irritation, and then to select the correct treatment in the woman’s intimate area, a diagnosis is necessary, which includes:

  • consultation with a gynecologist, if necessary, examination using mirrors;
  • tests in the laboratory: general analysis of urine and blood, etc.;
  • examination of a smear taken from the vagina.

The diagnostic results will help the doctor decide on treatment or, if necessary, prescribe other additional procedures to investigate the source of the disease.

You can relieve the feeling of itching using the following methods:

  • Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. You need to wash yourself at least 2-3 times a day with warm water. It is worth adding a few drops of furatsilin or chamomile to it. Do not use toilet soap on the intimate area.
  • You need to constantly moisturize this area. For this purpose, pharmacies sell special gels and lubricants based on natural ingredients.
  • Until the irritation, itching, and burning goes away, you should avoid intimacy, which can cause more itching and irritation of the genitals.
  • Stick to the diet prescribed by the doctor. Eliminate from your diet sweets, spicy, fatty foods, seasonings with a rich taste, alcoholic drinks, grapes, blue cheese.


Treatment for redness depends on the cause that caused it:

  • If the problem is caused by an infection, local or systemic therapy with antibiotics is necessary.
  • Antifungal drugs are prescribed if the disease (for example, thrush) was caused by a fungus.
  • An allergic reaction can be relieved with antihistamines and sedatives.
  • In case of endocrine system disorders (improper production of hormones), hormonal therapy is used. In this situation, you cannot do without visiting an endocrinologist.
  • If the source of the itching is a psychological factor, a course of treatment from a psychologist and the use of sedatives are required.

A gynecologist can prescribe suppositories, tablets, and ointments to eliminate itching and relieve inflammation.

The female reproductive system consists of a large number of organs. The external organs include the labia minora and labia majora. Each type performs its own functions. Swollen labia not only bring discomfort to a woman, but can also be a symptom of a disease. Some changes, such as swelling, may indicate pathology. Why do the labia minora swell?

Labia minora: functions

Anatomically, the labia minora in the structure of the external female genitalia look like two thin folds of the vulvar mucosa that cover the vagina and urethra, and the upper junction forms the skin around the clitoris. They are located inside the labia majora.

What functions do the labia minora perform in the female reproductive system?:

  • Regulating the direction of urine;
  • Provides a tighter girth of the male penis;
  • Protecting the vagina from the external environment.

The external parameters of the genital organs are individual and look different for each woman. Standards of beauty also exist for the female genital organs.

It is very important for a woman to maintain sexual attractiveness for her spouse or sexual partner, so there are a number of genital surgeries that are aimed at correcting the appearance of the labia minora.

The normal length is considered to be 5 cm, with the lips slightly retracted and the measurement taken from the side. Measurements on each side may vary. It is impossible to find a reference skin color, since this is a specific feature of the body.

Classification and types of labia minora

The appearance of the labia in women changes throughout life.

They are classified according to size and shape characteristics:

  1. Elongation– tensile characteristics. The most comfortable length for a woman is 1 cm, a length of 2 cm or more is considered normal and is most common. The third degree of elongation is a length of up to 6 cm.
  2. Protuncia– a characteristic indicating the degree of loss of the labia minora while the labia minora are closed.
  3. scalloping edges - a feature of the edges of the skin, which can have different color characteristics.
  4. True hypertrophy– increased size, increased pigmentation, more folds.
  5. Complete absence of lips– observed in girls at a young age, and also characteristic of women with hormonal abnormalities.

The appearance of the labia minora in a woman depends on the individual characteristics of the body; they can be affected by injury, hormonal imbalance, sudden changes in weight, and they also change after childbirth.

Inflammation of the labia

Diseases of the labia minora can have different causes and symptoms, however, most often women suffer from vulvitis, which is an inflammation of the tissues and mucous membranes.

Many factors simultaneously influence the development of the disease:

  • Reduced immunity of women;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene;
  • Infectious lesions of the genitourinary system of various etiologies;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • The presence of an underlying disease that affects metabolic reactions;
  • Taking oral hormonal drugs, for example, Utrozhestan, etc.

An infection of any origin can affect the female genitourinary system, for example, fungus, yeast, coccus, which in most cases appear after unprotected sexual intercourse. Inflammation manifests itself in patients individually, depending on the direct cause of the disease, however, the general symptoms are as follows. Swelling, swelling, dryness of the tissues due to which the labia quickly enlarge, redness of the tissues, the appearance of purulent foci, burning sensation upon any contact with the inflamed skin or vaginal mucosa (during sexual intercourse, washing, douching, etc.), which can progress into a painful sensation.

Very often there is itching, which is very difficult to relieve. The skin itches for a long time so much that it becomes noticeable that it is not just swollen or swollen, but that blood appears from the scratched areas.

In addition, there is peeling of the skin, irritation of the mucous membrane, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor and purulent color (more often with complications), pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back, and absence of menstrual bleeding. Symptoms appear only in the area of ​​the external genital organs and only in severely advanced cases, when the lips are very swollen, the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule is swollen, and treatment is not carried out for a long time, the inflammation is complicated by the addition of another disease with more pronounced manifestations of abnormalities in the functioning of the internal genitourinary system.

Causes: swollen labia

Any change in the condition of the genital organs should alert a woman, especially if there is swelling, pain and reddening of the skin. During pregnancy, regular self-examination will detect the disease before it affects the fetus. It is imperative to seek help from a doctor if a woman feels pain, there is itching in the perineum, as well as tissue swelling.

There are a number of reasons that can cause swollen lips.:

  1. Incorrectly selected underwear. Coarse fibers in panties, as well as thick lace, can rub, injure and irritate the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Frequent masturbation, which is typical for girls in adolescence.
  3. Violation of intimate hygiene rules.
  4. Allergic reaction.
  5. Vaginal dysbiosis. It can be provoked by Candida, Gardnell, etc. fungi. In addition to the tumor, pathological vaginal discharge, swelling, unbearable swelling and other symptoms of the underlying disease should appear.
  6. Vulvodynia is a disease in which the tumor is accompanied by severe pain, purulent discharge with a pungent odor. This disease is dangerous because not treated in a timely manner can lead to complications in the internal reproductive system.
  7. Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the glands at the entrance to the vagina; however, one of the common symptoms is swelling of the labia minora.

If the labia are swollen, inflamed, enlarged and itchy, this may be evidence of a serious illness, as well as simple rubbing of tissues or frequent use of sanitary pads and other less harmful reasons. However, doctors should not be neglected; even slightly swollen lips should alert a woman. It is advisable to visit a gynecologist to rule out the development of pathology.

Inflammation of the clitoris: provoking factors

The clitoris has very delicate skin, and a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated here. It is located in the upper part of the commissure of the labia minora. The area of ​​the labia minora and clitoris is constantly moisturized, and the temperature in this place is slightly higher. These factors increase the rate of development of the disease.

The inflammatory process of clitoral tissue can be triggered by several factors.:

  • Infection with an infectious pathogen of various origins (for example, chlamydia, Escherichia coli, coccal fungi, etc.).
  • Oral sex carries the risk of tissue injury, as well as infection with various infections, since the partner’s oral cavity contains pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Dysbacteriosis, which occurs while taking drugs that negatively affect the microflora of the intestines and vagina, for example, antibiotics.
  • Diseases of a systemic nature, oncological pathologies in the body, leukemia.
  • Oncological diseases of the genital organs themselves, which are at an extreme stage of development and are accompanied by tissue death.
  • Inflammation of any other organ of the genitourinary system. In this case, inflammation of the clitoris can be considered a complication of the underlying inflammation.
  • Fistulas of the genitourinary system.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Allergy to chemical compositions of products used in daily hygiene or washing clothes.
  • Prolonged exposure to high temperatures, for example, being in a bathhouse or sauna.
  • Excessively frequent masturbation.
  • Blockage of the sebaceous gland.

The cause of clitoral swelling is determined based on external factors, as well as taking into account the symptoms that may be present along with clitoral swelling. What should be done if the organs in the intimate area are swollen?

Swelling of the labia: treatment

It is strictly forbidden to treat swelling of the labia on your own. The female reproductive system is extremely sensitive to negative influences, so you can not only not cure the underlying disease, but also get complications of a more serious nature that can affect the patient’s reproductive health.


  1. Based on the study, the gynecologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary medications.
  2. So, in case of a fungal infection, for example, thrush, antifungal therapy is prescribed.
  3. In this case, the drug is selected taking into account the type of fungus.
  4. The disease will go away with the right medication.

It is important to exclude the allergic factor at the first signs of swelling; it is necessary to remove all intimate hygiene products (shower gels, soaps, etc.). with the chemical composition from the skin cleansing ritual and wait until the swelling subsides. It is also necessary to wear underwear made from natural fabrics, when washing which do not use powders or conditioners.

If the swelling goes away on its own soon, chemical elements must be eliminated on an ongoing basis.

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to temporarily abstain from sex, as it can cause injury to the inflamed mucous membrane and also cause pain. Both labia lips swell at the same time, or the left and right ones become inflamed differently.

If the lump is inflated and swollen with signs of dropsy, and then fluid comes out, genital herpes is diagnosed; antiviral ointment or cream with acyclovir is used to treat the skin of the genitals at home. This treatment will reduce the risk of developing a groin abscess.

Enlarged labia and other symptoms

It is important for every woman to know the list of symptoms that, once they appear, must immediately seek help from a doctor.

Swelling is one of them, and also if:

  1. Vaginal discharge has a strong, repulsive odor, the consistency differs from normal, and the color of the discharge also changes.
  2. Unpleasant sensations in the perineum, pain, itching, burning.
  3. On palpation, thickening of the skin is observed.

A new growth has appeared and continues to grow in size. Even the smallest lump should be examined by a doctor to rule out malignancy.

Labia majora: function

The labia minora protect the internal reproductive organs of a woman, which is very important during the growth and development of a girl into a woman.

However, the labia majora are no less important:

  1. The lower part forms a connection near the perineum, and the upper part near the pubis.
  2. In terms of external principle, both types of lips are visually similar to each other.
  3. The labia majora are so called because the folds of skin from which they are formed are much thicker than the labia minora.
  4. The skin is also somewhat rougher.

Unlike the labia minora, the labia majora have fatty tissue under the skin. In addition, a significant number of plexuses of blood vessels and veins are located under the skin. For young girls, teenagers, and women who have not given birth, the inner parts of the labia come into closer contact and hide the genital cleft of women. In women who gave birth naturally through the birth canal, the genital opening is open to varying degrees.

Inflammation of the labia minora, like the labia majora, is a problem of the external female genitalia. This is how vulvitis most often manifests itself. Usually the labia minora become inflamed in combination with the vagina or urethra. Inflammation of the Bartholin glands, which are located in the area of ​​the minor lips, occurs less frequently.

The first symptoms of such inflammation are pain, itching, not only during sexual intercourse, urination, walking, but also in a calm state. In addition, inflammation may appear along with redness, swelling, or thickening of the skin.

Inflammation of the labia minora - causes

Experts say the most common cause is infections caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. The pathogens rapidly begin to multiply due to the patient’s failure to comply with genital hygiene.

Fungal infections are usually associated with the use of hormonal contraceptives or regular use of a swimming pool. Illness during menstruation or immediately before it can be caused by activation of the simplex virus.

Inflammation of the labia minora can also be the result of an allergic reaction to aerosols or products used when washing underwear. In addition, among the reasons may be a general disease of the woman’s body, which is closely related to certain metabolic disorders.

To prevent the appearance of vulvitis, you should remember simple rules:

  • panties should be loose and absorb moisture well;
  • daily hygiene of the external genitalia is necessary;
  • It is advisable to have sexual intercourse using condoms.

Mechanism of disease development

If an infection enters the excretory flow of a large gland, inflammation develops and a purulent mucous secretion is released. If the inflammatory process is chronic, the walls of the excretory stream become denser.

Treatment of inflammation of the labia minora with traditional remedies

Treatment of the disease is prescribed only by a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the reason that led to the inflammation of the labia minora (whether it is an infection or a mechanical effect).

First of all, you need to observe basic rules of personal hygiene. You need to change your underwear every day. Avoid clothes that are too tight and tight, wearing which can aggravate the inflammatory process. It is worth noting that if the labia minora are inflamed, it is better to avoid sexual intercourse (as a last resort, you should use a condom).

To relieve the unpleasant phenomena that accompany inflammation, regularly take sitz baths with the addition of chamomile or bran. Cold compresses are also very effective.

It is very important to keep your external genitalia dry during treatment. Remember that if the symptoms of inflammation do not go away for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. Otherwise, serious complications may occur. The specialist will examine the labia minora and determine the causative agent of the infection. If the inflammatory process is caused by bacteria, antibiotics are usually prescribed.

As for fungal diseases, vaginal suppositories and special ointments are used in their treatment. If the inflammation is viral in nature, the doctor prescribes a certain ointment or removes growths caused by the virus (that is, condylomas).

Treatment with traditional medicine

There are also folk remedies that will help get rid of inflammation of the labia minora. You should wash your genitals with carbolic soap several times a day. It is recommended to add a little potassium carbonate to the water for washing.

There is another method, according to which it is necessary to apply compresses made of lead water or a cloth soaked with boric vaseline to the site of inflammation. Regular washing with silver water also has a good effect. Remember that all these methods should not replace traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Possible complications

If treatment is not started in time, inflammation of the Bartholin gland tissue may occur. Such an abscess occurs in an acute form with an increase in body temperature. You can observe painful sensations in the labia minora area even at rest.

As for hyperemia, they become diffuse in nature, that is, not only the genital organs themselves are affected, but also the inguinal folds. In some cases, the inflammation spreads to the inner thighs. At the same time, the inguinal lymph nodes enlarge.

Thus, timely contact with a specialist will help get rid of inflammation of the labia minora and prevent the development of complications. You can prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process by observing the rules of intimate hygiene.