Statements about labor and work. Socialist slogans

In the USSR, they perfectly understood the need to properly motivate people, as a result of which numerous propaganda slogans took place. Some of them are given below:

The USSR is a great railway power!

Great and powerful is the stride of the USSR, the great railway power!

Don't talk on the phone, a chatterbox is a godsend for a spy!

Pioneer is an example to all the guys!

Octobers are friendly guys!

The party is the mind, honor and conscience of our era

"Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live

"The decisions of the XX... Congress of the CPSU are brought to life!"

"Lenin's ideas live and conquer"

Take bread in moderation for lunch! Bread is a treasure, don’t waste it!


Five-year plan for quality - our labor victories!

If you want to gain strength, you need to eat right.

There are no worries from the moment you bought a subscription.

Forward to the victory of communism!

All work in the field is under the Quality Mark!

"Bread is our wealth."

“Motherland, know how to stand up for her!”

"Drunkenness - fight!"

"Smoking is harmful to health"

“Nothing is given to us so cheaply, and nothing is valued so dearly as POLITENESS.”

The hammer and sickle union - we will not destroy it!

"Workers of all countries, unite!"

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his work!”

"No NATO!"

"Long live the Soviet people's intelligentsia!"

"Art belongs to the people!"

"We are for peace!"

Don't waste your working minutes

Night is not a hindrance to work

Yours best performance- satisfied customers

"Count your money without leaving the cash register!"

"Keep your money in the Savings Bank!"

"Fly with Aeroflot planes!"

"Bread is our wealth! Use it carefully!"

"Pioneer! You are responsible for everything!"

Youth! Persistently acquire knowledge!

"The best controller is the passenger's conscience!"


The USSR is a stronghold of peace!

After the foam disappears, ask for topping up!

The Soviet seller is a model of politeness!

"The economy should be economical"

"The people and the party are united!"

“We will fulfill Lenin’s commandments!” (Option: “Loyal to Lenin’s precepts!”)

"Long live such and such an anniversary of the Great October Revolution!" and "Glory to the Great October!", and on the eve of May 1 - "Peace! Labor! May!"

"Pioneers - replacement for the Komsomol!" and "Octobers - future pioneers!" It seems that there: “Pioneer! You live in the 21st century!”

Change is coming!

Respect the work of cleaners!

Keep your hands clean! Destroy the flies!

“Keep the forest safe from fire”, “Don’t litter the forest”, “The forest is our green friend”

"Our law is simple!
If you haven't put away the dishes - STOP!"

Long live the Communist Party!

Lenin and the Party are twin brothers!

Learn to study (at school)

The Party is our helmsman!
Party decisions - put into practice!

Use the summer to study!

Don't put your fingers or eggs in the salt!

Take care of bread, bread is the head of everything

Every crumb is in the palm of your hand!

Tourist, you are a guest everywhere!

The book is a source of knowledge

Increase your productivity!

The banner of peace is the banner of socialism!

Glory to Soviet youth!

The party is a school of communism!


"Work better today than yesterday, tomorrow - better than today!" L.I. Brezhnev

Anyone who drinks milk will jump high!

“Let's say thank you to the chefs - they cook delicious food for us!

At the maternity hospital:

Happy birthday to you, Soviet man!

The USSR is a stronghold of peace.

Matches are not a toy for children!

You've done the job - go for a walk!

Time for business is time for fun.

Sobriety is the norm

The Party is the mind, honor and conscience of our era.

Long live the unity of the party and the people!

Praise be to the hands that smell of bread

Land reclamation is a nationwide matter

"Our goal is communism

Feel free to criticize shortcomings in your work!

A liberated woman - build socialism!

We serve the people!

Our friendship is unbreakable!

Down with kitchen slavery! Give me a new life!

Work like a communist!

The party said “MUST!” Kossomol replied “YES!

I saved up and bought a car,

Long live the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!






Thanks to the Motherland for our happy childhood!


Communism will win!

Strengthen the world with your work!

True to Lenin's precepts!

Five-year plan in three years!

: Without effort, talent is like fireworks: it blinds for a moment, and then there is nothing left.

Benjamin Franklin:
Labor is the father of happiness.
The best cure for idleness is constant and honest work.
The gods sell all goods to us only for our labors.
Baurzhan Toyshibekov:
Only hellish work deserves heavenly rest.
Adam Smith:
Every man is rich or poor according to the amount of labor he can command or buy.
Adam Smith:
Labor is the real measure of the exchange value of all goods.
Jean de La Bruyère:
He who loves work does not need entertainment.
If it’s work, then work is such that there is benefit and honor.
Life is truly darkness when there is no aspiration. Every aspiration is blind when there is no knowledge. All knowledge is in vain when there is no work. All work is fruitless when there is no love.
Labor is love made visible.
DI. Mendeleev:
Everything comes only through work. Everything is due to human labor, this is the slogan of history.
M.V. Lomonosov:
Constant work overcomes obstacles.
From all work there is profit, but from idle talk there is only damage.

Quotes about work

Nothing in life comes without a lot of hard work. Quintus Horace Flaccus

If you have built castles in the air, this does not mean that your work was in vain: this is exactly what real castles should look like. All that remains is to lay a foundation for them. Henry David Thoreau

They look for a friend for a long time, find it difficult, and find it difficult to keep him. Publilius Syrus

It is difficult to be smart and sincere at the same time, especially in feeling. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov

Time is long enough for him who uses it; whoever works and thinks expands its boundaries. Voltaire (Marie Francois Arouet)

Children make work joyful, but they make failures seem more distressing; Children make life seem more pleasant and death less scary. Francis Bacon

Two people worked fruitlessly and tried to no avail: the one who accumulated wealth and did not use it, and the one who studied the sciences, but did not apply them. Saadi (Muslihiddin Abu Muhammad Abdallah ibn Mushrifaddin)

Happiness brings more joy the more you work before you achieve it. After all, work is the spice of happiness. Xenophon

One should seek the pleasures that come after the work, and not before the work. Antisthenes

Retraining is incomparably more difficult than teaching. Therefore, Timothy, the famous flute player, demanded double payment from those who came to him from other teachers. Marcus Fabius Quintilian

A word thrown out thoughtlessly is as difficult to contain as a thrown stone. Menander

With great difficulty we lift a stone up a mountain, but it falls down instantly - in the same way virtues drag us up and vices down. Ancient India, unknown author

Think how difficult it is to change yourself, and you will understand how insignificant your ability to change others is. Voltaire (Marie Francois Arouet)

There is no work without rest; know how to do it - know how to have fun. Abu Abdallah Jafar Rudaki

Man is born to work; labor constitutes his earthly happiness, labor is the best guardian of human morality, and labor should be a person’s educator. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

If children were not forced to work, they would not learn literacy, music, gymnastics, or that which most strengthens virtue, shame. For it is primarily from these activities that shame is usually born. Democritus

Being natural is a very difficult pose - you won’t be able to stand it for long! Oscar Wilde

Virtue is a kind of middle ground between opposing passions. That's why it's hard to be worthy person, because in any business it is difficult to stay in the middle. Aristotle

It is difficult to say what indecision deserves more - pity or contempt, and it is not known what is more dangerous - making an erroneous decision or not making any one. Jean de La Bruyère

A person who is diligent in work, firm in adversity and demanding of himself is condescending to people only because his mind forces him to do so. Jean de La Bruyère

It is not very easy to find a job for which you will not hear reproaches; It is very difficult to do anything without making mistakes. Socrates

Exercise yourself with voluntary labor so that, if necessary, you will be able to endure forced labor. Isocrates

It’s surprising: every person can easily say how many sheep he has, but not everyone can say how many friends he has - they are so not valuable. Socrates

Temperance and work are two true doctors of a person: work sharpens his appetite, and abstinence prevents him from abusing it. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Beautiful things are produced by teaching through work, but bad things are produced without work, by themselves. Democritus

Those who are accustomed to carrying out ordinary labor, even if they are weak or old people, endure this labor more easily than strong and young people, but unaccustomed to it. Hippocrates

How the best good, the more difficult it was to dig in, like a ditch. He who does not endure labor will not come to goodness. Grigory Savvich Skovoroda

The hardest thing in friendship is to be equal to someone who is lower than you. Marcus Tullius Cicero

A leader should differ from his subordinates not in his luxurious lifestyle, but in his hard work and ability to foresee events. Xenophon

Admitting to poverty is not a shame, but it is shameful not to strive to get rid of it through work. Thucydides

Constant and prolific evil must be countered by slow and persistent work: not in order to destroy it, but so that it does not overcome us. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

It is difficult to say who is more stupid - the one who tells the whole truth to the end, or the one from whom you never hear the truth at all. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Learn first good morals, and then wisdom, for without the former it is difficult to learn the latter. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

In life as well as in speech, nothing is more difficult than seeing what is appropriate. Marcus Tullius Cicero

When a person in this world is impatient to say something, the difficulty is not to force him to speak, but to prevent him from repeating it more often than necessary. George Bernard Shaw

A person should do those things that, although they require hard physical labor, calm his mind. Xun Tzu

Finding a vain person who considers himself sufficiently happy is as difficult as finding a modest person who considers himself too unhappy. Jean de La Bruyère

Ignorance is a free state and does not require any labor from a person; therefore the ignorant number in the thousands. Jean de La Bruyère

It is difficult for a person who talks about himself for a long time to avoid vanity. David Hume

Wealth mainly depends on two things: hard work and moderation, in other words - do not waste either time or money, and use both in the best possible way. Benjamin Franklin

God and the devil have achieved impressive results thanks to specialization and division of labor. Samuel Butler

The most difficult profession is to be a human. Jose Julian Marti

Good done by an enemy is as difficult to forget as it is difficult to remember good done by a friend. For good we pay good only to the enemy; For evil we take revenge on both the enemy and the friend. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Quotes about work and working people, aphorisms about the thread, as you know, work made a man out of an animal.

Who works only for himself, is likened to cattle filling their bellies. The worthy one works for humanity.


Ease comes from hard work.

I.K. Aivazovsky

Constant labor is the law of both art and life.

O. Balzac

Only work can make a person happy, bringing his soul into clarity, harmony and self-satisfaction.

V. G. Belinsky

Work ennobles a person.

V, G. Belinsky

Work adds oil to the lamp of life.

D. Bellers

In everyday life In everyday affairs, hard work is capable of doing everything that a genius is capable of, and in addition, there are many things that a genius cannot do.

G. Beecher

Work- this is written on the red banner of the revolution. Labor is sacred labor that gives people life, that educates the mind, the will, and the heart.

A. Blok

Hardworking The bee knows how to collect honey from bitter flowers.

Maxim Bogdanovich

That, whoever works is always young. And sometimes it seems to me that maybe work produces some special hormones that increase the vital impulse.

N. N. Burdenko

They're getting tired and they are exhausted not so much because they work hard, but because they work poorly.

N. E: Vvedensky

Work and pleasure are two essential conditions of human life - personal and social.

V. Veitling

Anyone who knows from childhood that work is the law of life, “then from a young age understood that bread is earned only by the sweat of the brow, he is capable of feat, because on the right day and hour he will have the will to fulfill it and the strength to do it.” this.

Jules Verne

Today's positive collection contains quotes about the need for child labor to grow above oneself and succeed in one's endeavors.

Labor - best medicine, moral and aesthetic. Anatole France

No invention can become perfect immediately. Cicero

People who invest in the future are realists.

You can't win a battle with past glory.

If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney

We enjoy the beauty of a butterfly, but rarely acknowledge the changes it went through to achieve that beauty. Maya Angelou

The higher the culture, the higher the value of work. Wilhelm Roscher

There are more important things to do in life than just increasing the pace. Mahatma Gandhi

To be just one step away from the goal or not to get closer to it at all is, in essence, the same thing. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Work hard! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live as lazy people. Hans Sachs

Ask the right questions! Others saw what was there and asked why. I saw what could be and asked why not. Pablo Picasso

The road to glory is paved with hard work. Publilius Syrus

Always look on the bright side of life. Monty Python

He who loves work does not need entertainment. Jean de La Bruyère

After a fight they don’t wave their fists.

Only the inner, spiritual, life-giving power of labor serves as a source of human dignity, and at the same time morality and happiness. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

All my life I have loved and love mental and physical work, and, perhaps, even more than the second. And he felt especially satisfied when he added some good guess to the latter, that is, he connected his head with his hands. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

Let our highest goal be one thing: to speak as we feel, and to live as we speak. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. Andre Gide

We make money the old-fashioned way - we earn it. Slogan of the American company Smith Barney

The first damn thing is lumpy.

Old people always advise young people to save money. This bad advice. Don't save nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty. Henry Ford

You will become the hundredth in this life as soon as you throw away everything that makes you want to be the first. Woody Allen Allen Stewart Koenigsberg

The road to success is crowded with women who push their husbands in front of them. Thomas Dewar

No matter what anyone undertakes, he succeeds.

If you don't like what you get, change what you give. Carlos Castaneda

A real job is a job you hate. Bill Watterson

I want to warn you that there is only one mistake you can make. You can begin to interpret what is happening. If you start doing this, everything is lost. You will be caught in an intellectual, Freudian game. You will begin to catalog the most interesting insights into an intellectual box, and rest assured, nothing real will happen. Fritz Perls

Remember that throughout history the path of truth and love has always prevailed. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seemed invincible, but in the end they always fall - always think about it. Mahatma Gandhi

We must call for, rather than wait for, inspiration to get things started. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration rarely breeds action. Frank Tibolt

When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together. Confucius (Kun Tzu)

The success of a task accomplished by the common efforts of many people is always attributed to one thing: neither the crowd nor History likes collective and anonymous works. Etienne Rey

It’s a disaster if a shoemaker starts baking pies, and a pie maker starts making boots. Krylov I. A.

If it’s work, then it’s such work that there will be benefit and honor. Lucilius Guy

Hard work is the soul of every business and the key to prosperity. Charles Dickens

Let's mark our successes with a minute of silence. Mikhail Mamchich

Success requires only two things: 1. you need to know exactly what you want; 2. you need to determine what price you are willing to pay to achieve your goal.

There is no hard work that love does not make not only easy, but even enjoyable. Giordano Bruno

There are no failures - only experience and your reaction to them. Tom Krause

There's only one kind of work that doesn't cause depression, and that's work you don't have to do. Georges Elgozy

The work and strength of those who lived before us live in us. May future generations, in turn, be able to live thanks to our work, thanks to the strength of our hands and our minds. Only in this case will we adequately fulfill our purpose. Jean Henri Fabre

Success in business does not in itself guarantee success outside of business. Peter Drucker

Decide. Change. Strive forward. Think. Take on challenges. Get up and take action. Refuse stereotypes. Achieve. Dream. Open. Believe. Stop. Listen to yourself. Grow. Win. Look at life with open eyes. Paulo Coelho

The worker's position cannot be improved by making the employer's position worse. William Boatker

A writer in the highest moments of inspiration feels as if someone is dictating a manuscript to him. Fazil Iskander

Right is always on the side of the victorious army.

Difficulties increase as you approach your goal. But let everyone make their own way

Problems are not solved at the problem level. Analyzing the problem itself in order to find its solution is like trying to restore the freshness of a leaf by tackling the leaf itself, while the solution lies in watering the root.

Theme of the issue: quotes about the need for child labor with illustrations and a thematic video from YouTube.