Big safe in the game thief. Thief Master Thief Edition codes for safes

There are twelve safes. Each such safe contains a particularly valuable reward. In this article you will learn how to find and, of course, open them.

First safe

You can find it in the very first chapter - “Blockade”. This safe is located in the basement of a jeweler. You will definitely get there during the passage of the main storyline. The jeweler needs to be knocked out or distracted. Once you do this, you need to take the letter that lies on his desk. The safe is in the corner, which is located in the southwestern room. You can find it in the room right behind the painting. The code for the safe is 7-3-9.

Second safe

This safe can be found in an additional task called "The Beauty Within". The safe will be in Mrs. Scarlett's house. You need to look immediately on the first floor, not far from the southern wall. The safe code is 8-2-4. By the way, you can read it on the chair that stands near the northern wall.

Third safe

You can find the third safe when you go through the second chapter, called “Ashes to Ashes”. The safe itself will be located inside the workshop, and you can find the password for the safe on the mannequin. The safe code is 3-1-4.

Fourth safe

The fourth safe is not included in the game's storyline or even side quests. Head towards Baron Avenue, which is located in the Southern Quarter. WITH right side there will be a house from the tavern. There will be an open window in it, on the top floor. You can only get to this window in two ways. The first is a jump from the deck on the opposite side of the window. The second is to use the ladder, but to use it you need to shoot with a well-aimed shot. Next, just climb through this window and there will be a safe in the room. You can find the combination on one newspaper. Code - 8-4-2.

Fifth safe

This safe will be located in the third chapter, which is called "Dirty Secrets". The location of the safe is in lady Xiao-Xiao's apartment. The combination for it must be collected absolutely throughout the brothel. The safe code is 5-7-3.

Sixth safe

It is found in the fourth chapter - "A Friend in Need". This safe is different in that it is mandatory for completing the storyline, so you can’t miss it. The safe is quite complex and can only be opened with two combinations at the same time. You can find all combinations in the architect's research. The first combination refers to the left mechanism - 3-1-9, the second to the right mechanism - 0-1-8. But do not forget that you will need to reset the locks while quickly pressing the left and right sides at the same time.

Seventh safe

This safe belongs to the fifth chapter - "Les Miserables". You need to find room 3E. The safe is located near the wall. You can see the combination on a piece of paper that you could find a little earlier - 7-3-1.

Eighth safe

You can find this safe in the additional task called “Checkmate”. You need to find Archie Maxwell's house. You can climb into the house using the boxes. Next, open the window and find the safe. It is located near one wall. The correct combination will be 7-7-6. Always remember about traps, so be careful here.

Ninth safe

This safe is present in the sixth chapter called "The Baron's House". It is located somewhere in the eastern part of the hall. You should look for it in the rooms that are on the first floor. You will need to get the combination for the safe from one of the guards who patrols the library. You can also not use violence, but simply peek and see - 8-8-9.

Tenth safe

This safe is also located in the sixth chapter, like the previous one. But this one has a completely different location. It is located in the western part of the building - in the hall. The room with the safe will be guarded by a security guard. You just need to eliminate it and then simply enter the required combination - 0-1-7.

Eleventh safe

You can find the safe in the seventh chapter, which is called “The Secret City”. Ride the elevator and then follow the local guard who will lead you through the tunnel. When you move through the tunnel, look around very carefully, you will have to find a safe here. You can find the combination from it by going a little further in the quest. Although you don’t have to bother yourself and just enter 6-7-3.

Twelfth safe

He is in additional task"The Collector's House" The safe is located in wine cellar of this house, behind one of the paintings. The combination can be found in documents that, by the way, you will come across during the task - 8-1-2.

And that's probably all. Happy gaming everyone.

It is not without reason that Garrett is known as a master thief, for there is no thief specialty in which he is not an extra-class professional. A pickpocket, a burglar and, of course, a safecracker... They have not yet created such a safe that our hero could not take, be it a simple fireproof locker of an ordinary citizen or the Big Safe of the Baron himself. Most of them are opened simply, with the help of master keys and a certain sleight of hand. Neither Garrett nor anyone playing for him will have any problems with them. However, in city apartments, mansions and basements there are much more intricate examples that require knowledge of the code to open their treasured doors. These are the safes we'll talk about. I will tell you not only the secret of the lucky number combination for each of them, but also tell you how and where to find out this very combination. There are a total of 14 safes in the game. Most of them (9 pieces) are located in the locations of the chapters of the main storyline, a smaller part (4 pieces) - in the locations of side missions and one - in a city apartment. So, let's go!

Chapter 1. Blockade

Safe No. 1
Location: basement of Laigrove's jewelry store

Code: 739

How to get: The safe is located behind the painting in the basement of the jeweler's house. The cipher from it is in Lygrove's letter, which lies right there, side by side, on the desk. We read the letter and find out the lucky set of numbers. The safe contains one of the unique trophies - Laygroove Jewel Mask.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Chapter 2. Ashes to ashes

Safe No. 2
Location: secret room in the production workshop of the Foundry

Code: 314

How to get: in one of the corridors production workshop Garrett will accidentally witness a conversation between two guards. One will grumble that service at the slaughterhouse is better than here, and the second will invite a friend with him, because he has found something really interesting. Then the guards will go somewhere along the corridor, and the master thief will be able to follow them. The soldiers will lead him to a boarded-up door, behind which another room is hidden. It is in that room that both the safe and the code to it are located. And another unique trophy is hidden in the safe - soul of mechanical man.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

It is impossible to enter through the door; it is boarded up. So, let's look for workarounds. Let's go up the stairs to the left of the door and jump over the railing down. Landmark: a red emergency light above a technical manhole, which we will use.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Once in the new room, let's take a look around. To the left of the exit from the manhole there is a chair by the window, with something oval and dark lying on it. Let's get closer and take a look. This is the head of a humanoid automaton, and on the back of his head there is a half-erased code written - ? 1 ?. Let's remember this. At the far end of the room, another automaton with a half-erased code on the back of his neck sits at a table - 3 ??.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Directly behind the sitting robot, on the opposite wall there is a safe. We already know most of the code combination for it - 31 ?. We find the last digit by simple search.

Safe No. 3
Location: General's office at the Foundry

Code: coat of arms of Baron Northcrest

How to get: this safe, or rather a fireproof cabinet, is a quest safe, and Garrett will be faced with the need to open it at the very end of the chapter. None special effort You don't have to do anything to find it. Just follow the checkpoint marker and it will take you where you need to go. To get to the contents of this safe, you will need to solve a puzzle and put together the coat of arms of Baron Northcrest. If you suddenly forgot what it is like, look at the wall to the right of the safe, or at the bottom of the safe itself. This coat of arms is everywhere. It's in the safe Cornelius ring- quest item (client trophy), and three handfuls of coins on total amount 45 G.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Chapter 3. Dirty secrets

Safe No. 4
Location: private quarters of the brothel-maman Xiao-Xiao

Code: 573

How to get: Madame's chambers are a quest location, you won't pass by it. The safe is built into the wall opposite the entrance to the room. It's protected by a trap, but if Garrett has it with him wire cutters, then disabling it will not be difficult: access to the security system is located to the right of the safe. But we find out the correct code combination from the documents " Coyle combination", "List of constellations" And " Finding a combination". The first of them will indicate the constellation Mr. Coyle ( Crown), in the second - the code corresponding to this constellation - 573, and the third will hint to us how to use the first two documents to get necessary information. The safe contains necklace(50 G) and pocket watch(20 G).

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

1. Note " Coyle combination" lies on the chest of drawers near the bust of the Baron in one of the rooms of the left wing of the upper floor of the brothel.

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Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

2. "List of constellations"is also located on the second floor of the establishment, not far from the exit from the room with the first document. It lies opposite the stairs on a round table, above which hangs a cage with a bird and near which a guard is stomping.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

3. "Finding a combination"will be found in the room in front of Madame Xiao-Xiao's chambers, on a table with a brightly burning lamp and a typewriter. The document will hint that in Madame's chambers there is a safe with the property of a certain gentleman named Coyle.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Chapter 4. A Friend in Need

Safe No. 5: Large Safe
Location: Fortress

Code: first (left) combination - 319, second (right) combination - 018

How to get: don’t worry, you yourself Large safe, and you will definitely receive its contents, since it will be impossible to complete Chapter 4 without clearing the main vault of the main city stronghold. Garrett will deal with him closely as soon as he frees Basso. By this point, he will already have the code for the mega-safe, which he will receive automatically according to the plot along with the plan Fortresses. Inside our thief will find Primali stone fragment and a series of hallucinations.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

The code for the Big Safe will be automatically added to the section Documents character menu after the master thief hastily leaves Eastwick Mansion - 11/30/98.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

But it's not that simple. Before you start entering the code, you still need to gain access to the panel with rotary dials of numbers, and for this you will need to press two buttons on the sides of the safe sequentially, but as quickly as possible. We find the buttons using concentrations. We press the button on the left side of the safe and immediately run as fast as we can to press the button on the right side. Time is working against us, the clock is ticking, those who don’t have time are doomed to start the game with buttons all over again.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

On the opened panel with digital disks there are six disks: two times three. If you don't remember the code, look at Hero's Journal --> Documents --> Chapter 4 --> Big Safe Code. First we will rotate the left group of disks. The correct combination is 319 (first digits in each pair). Then we take on the right combination, but a big bummer awaits us with it (for the time being, of course). Having received an arrow in the knee in the hand and somehow dealt with the guards who had appeared from nowhere, we finish what we started - enter the second combination of three numbers on the right side of the panel with disks - 018 . Once the code is entered, the safe will open and Garrett will have access to its contents.

Chapter 5. Les Miserables

Safe No. 6
Location: Treatment center, operating room 3E

Code: 731

How to get: After Garrett gets to Treatment center Moira's shelter, turn on the local power generator, visit office 3F, where they experimented on the unfortunate Erin, and catches another hallucination, he will finally gain access to all the premises of the local hospital and, consequently, to the safe. The safe is located to the left of the entrance to operating room 3E, literally right next to the door, and it itself is adjacent to the quest area on the right office 3F. Finding the safe itself is not difficult, it is more difficult to understand what code combination opens it. Waiting for us inside the safe: wedding ring Serendi with ivory, and also microscope(30 G), guardian seal(20 G) and one explosive arrow.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

There are two clues with the safe code. One lies in the note" Knocking in the pipes"You don't have to go far to find this note. It lies in the drawer of the locker next to the safe. And the problematic pipes themselves are right there, in the operating room.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Have you read Dr. Huntfield's note? Now listen to the rhythmic clanging sound in the room. It's not chaotic at all. Count the clangs and you will find out the code combination that unlocks the safe - 731.

While this guide was being written, an annoying bug was discovered with this very knocking sound in the pipes. If you wander around a location for a long time from room to room, the quest-significant knocking noise disappears. Instead, you hear just a uniform, mournful hum and nothing more. Therefore, just in case, so as not to be unfounded, I wrote down short video, indicating that knocking in the pipes still exists.

Second clue carved on the table that stands at the far end of the operating room - 7-III-I. Apparently, it serves as a backup option for those who have caught a bug with clanging pipes.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Chapter 6. Loner

Safe No. 7
Location: Rec room on the first floor of the Northcrest mansion

Code: 889

How to get: once in the baron's mansion and looking for a meeting with the owner, Garrett will be able to explore the home of the city ruler far and wide and grab everything that is lying around. The safe will be no exception. However, before attempting to open it, the master thief will have to steal a note with a code combination from one of the guards patrolling the first floor libraries, and only after that go to rest room. The easiest way to get into this room is through the ventilation grille adjacent to it. storage rooms, and it’s best to make your way to the safe behind the backs of the sofa and armchair, trying to stay in the shadows, because the guard at the door is not asleep. Stored in the safe Serendi engagement ring with sapphires And bust of the Baron(60 G).

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

The guard we are interested in is one of those two officers in library who do not leave the table. At the same time, the non-writing we need does not stand still, but moves. The table area is illuminated, but it is still possible to steal a document. You just need to seize the moment when the guy with the scroll stops at the end of the table, turning his back to the long shadow that reaches almost to the table. If, in addition, another guard patrolling the shadow zone moves further away, then you know that the moment to act has come. And don’t hesitate, time is running out. I advise you to wait for the right moment while sitting on a bookcase: good review and stealth in one bottle. And after the theft it is better to retreat there.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief
Safe No. 8
Location: on the second floor of the illuminated mansion, in the room leading to the ceremonial hall

Code: 017

How to get: After a short audience with the Baron, Garrett will again find himself on the second floor Northcrest mansion. Now the illumined ones are in charge there, and our hero is faced with the task of getting into the destroyed Ceremonial hall, where a year ago the Baron tried to summon Primal. In the room adjacent to the hall, Garrett will meet a fanatic unsuccessfully trying to crack the safe. The Illuminated One is a fool, this is already clear, but Garrett will not break into a closed door and will look for a piece of paper with the code. And, lo and behold, it will certainly be found in one of the nearest branches of the air duct. They are in the safe guardian seal(20 G), vessel(35 G) and two sureties(at 20 G each). Well, not that bad, I must say.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

In the room with the safe, we climb up to the ceiling using wooden structures and then along the cornices and ventilation ducts we get out into the nearest corridor. We cross it under the ceiling, then climb into the air duct and turn right.

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Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

There will be a note at the dead end " List of works", and it will indicate the code for the safe.

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Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief
Safe No. 9
Location: loading docks

Code: 673

How to get: The safe is located in a nook in one of the drifts inside the loading docks, and the clue to the code combination to open it is in a nearby shaft. In the safe itself there are 5 guarantees at 20 G each. Total: 100 gold. Not bad, however.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Having passed the not-so-long tunnels of the loading docks (the first after descending by elevator from Cathedral), we again find ourselves in the main shaft, but now one tier higher. Very close by is the wall on which the master thief climbed, pretending to be Spider-Man. We lift our heads and understand that we need to get to that level, directly above which there is some kind of air route. From whatever side we get to the desired level, we go straight, and then turn left, into the drift and, at the first opportunity, left again, into the nook with the safe. That's it, we've come, but we don't know the combination, we'll have to move on.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

We leave the nook with the safe and move straight along the drift.

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Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Coming out of it, in front and to the left we will see a place where we will need to jump down (landmark: blue round grate).

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

If you look down from the place from where we will descend, the desired note will be found lower and to the left, not far from the luminous poppy-like plants.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

From the note it will become clear that its author was unable to open the safe, having tried all combinations from 000 to 672. Needless to say, he was only one step short of success. The correct combination is 673. All that remains is to return to the safe and open it.

So, Garrett cleaned out all the safes in the main storyline chapters. This means it’s time to think about the contents of the safes in a number of side missions and in the City. A separate post is devoted to the nuances of completing the actual side missions. Here I will only talk about where to look for safes and digital combinations for them.

Basso's order "Beauty is within"

Safe No. 10
Location: living room in Miss Scarlett's house

Code: 824

How to get: Miss Scarlett lives in Clock Tower Square. Moreover, her house is adjacent to this very tower. As soon as Garrett agrees to carry out Basso's order" Beauty is inside chapter 1 main storyline), the young lady's residence will appear on his map. Garrett learns where the code to the safe is written from the young lady’s diary. It turns out that the girl scribbled it on the inside wall of the closet opposite the safe. Great! We go down to the living room, go into the closet (at the same time the game will auto-save) and find out the code. The safe itself is hidden behind the painting. The further procedure is clear as a tree: we activate the buttons behind the painting frame, gain access to the digital disks, enter the code and take away everything valuable that lies inside: wallet with 20 gold and hand mirror Miss Scarlett.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Miss Scarlett's diary lies on her bedside table, and the nightstand stands right next to the window through which we enter the apartment.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

The cabinet sits opposite the painting hiding the safe, and the code is scrawled on its right inner wall.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Order Vittori "Gourmet"

Safe No. 11
Location: basement in the Collector's house

Code: 812

How to get: The collector lives in Southern Quarter, near the gate leading to Stonemarket. As soon as Garrett agrees to carry out Vittori's order" Gourmet"(will become available after completing chapter 4 main storyline), the residence of this gentleman will be displayed on his map. The safe, not even a safe, but a whole storage room, is located in the semi-basement next to the house, which can only be accessed from the street. The safe digital discs are hidden behind a picture hanging opposite the entrance to the room, and they themselves, if the combination is entered correctly, move the nearby wine cabinet to the side, opening access to the door to the vault. The code for this storage is calculated on the basis of two documents that we will meet in the house: " Servant's Diary" And " Last will and testament". A quest trophy awaits us in the vault Octocat and all sorts of other trinkets.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

On the second floor of the house in the bedroom (room adjacent to the bathroom), on the bedside table lies Servant's Diary, from which we learn not only that the vault is located in the basement, but also that it is somehow connected with the date of birth of the owner of the house.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

On the ground floor in the living room, on the chest of drawers we will find " Last Will and Testament"the father of the current owner of the house. It will tell us the year of his birth: 838 - 26 = 812 .

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Comparing this information with what we learned from Servant's Diary, we get the code from the repository.

Basso's order "Move the board"

Safe No. 12
Location: Archie Maxwell's basement

Code: 776

How to get: Archie Maxwell lives in Morningside. As soon as Garrett agrees to carry out Basso's order" Knight's move"(will become available after completing chapter 5 main storyline), Mr. Maxwell's location will appear on his map. Once in the basement, the master thief can easily find the safe, since candles are burning near it. However, there is no need to rush to open it. First you need to deactivate the trap. Junction box The security system is located above the shelving, to the right of the entrance to the room with the safe. The code for the safe is written in Archie Maxwell's diary. I hope you didn't forget to take it with you when you left the room on the second floor? Yes, yes, the same one that was entered through the window and with which your journey through Archie’s house began. Of the two combinations mentioned in the diary, the correct one is 776. There is not a lot of good in the safe: necklace(15 G), Notes from Archie Maxwell And chess knight Basso, for which, in fact, we ended up in this very house. jar . The checkpoint marker will lead you to it. Find a huge one round door leading into it is not a problem. It is more difficult to choose the correct code combination for it. So before breaking into the holy of holies of the bank, it’s worth looking for documents with clues. This will make Garrett's life a lot easier. From Main storage he will be able to carry away two valuable trophies - Oldale Star necklace And gold watch the former bank manager - as well as a lot of other loot.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

So, to find out the code for the door Main storage, we need to look at two documents: " Storage repair report" And " By letter to Maunders". The first document is on the ground floor of the bank, in a box desk, near which a lady employee is stomping around. From it we learn that the second of the three dials was recently repaired and replaced 8 with 3. So, this means that the second digit in the combination is 3 . It remains to find out the first number and the third.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

"Letter to Maunders" lies on a bookshelf in a side room on the second floor. From it it will become clear that before the repair of the second dialing disk, the code for the vault was 682.

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Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Having added two and two, we draw the only possible conclusion: the correct code combination for the door to Main storage - 632.

There is, however, another way to find out the code from Main storage- open cell 7 in external storage. There will lie note with code: "68...(the last digit is not readable)." However, it is worth recognizing that this method is not as convenient and successful as the first.

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Southern Quarter, Baron Avenue

Safe No. 14
Location: house on Baron Avenue near the docks

Code: 842

How to get: with one façade the house we are interested in faces Baron Avenue, and others - to the river and Customs Bridge. It will not be difficult to find it (see map), and getting into it through the second floor window will not be difficult either. It is enough to climb onto the ledge of the house opposite and, taking a running start, jump across the street. The safe itself is located in the back of the apartment behind the closet. But where, excuse me, is the code? There is not a single clue nearby, not a single document, not a single number scratched on the wall. Congratulations, gentlemen, you have seen the most confusing safe in the entire game in terms of finding the correct code for it. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to find out the code for this safe from in-game documents. The main thing is to know where to look for them. So, I'm revealing my cards. The apartment you just entered is Sick Willie's home. In addition to these, ahem, apartments, he has another hut - in Heather Row V Stonemarket. This is where you should look for the treasured combination. To visit Willy in Stonemarket, you’ll have to agree to fulfill Basso’s “Sick Willy” order. As soon as Garrett takes the order (will become available after completing chapter 1 main storyline), the “client’s” place of residence will immediately appear on his map. From the note taken from Willie's corpse (our patient died after all), and the newspaper, the code to the safe will become clear. In the safe you will find the last thing that the owner had not yet had time to spend before his death: necklace(50 G) and earrings(25 G).

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Guide to cracking safes in Thief

Cunning Willie, who seems to be in debt to everyone in this City, has two apartments. One is by the river in Southern Quarter

Oh yes Garrett, oh yes master thief!!! After his adventures, there was not a single intact, unbroken safe left in the City. Everything that the townspeople put aside for a rainy day was stolen and plundered. This is understandable; the return of the legend of the urban underworld could not remain without consequences.

Prologue: Fall

On the eve of the summer festival, professional thief Garrett receives a tip on a major loot from his informant Basso. The task is complicated by the fact that he will not have to work alone. Garrett, accustomed to acting quickly and quietly, will be paired with a daring and uncompromising young girl named Erin. Before the main task, Garrett did not miss the opportunity to look at the townsman and clean out his modest home. We collect everything that is in plain sight and everything that is hidden from view on the shelves behind cabinet doors and inside drawers. Having finished, we get out through the open window and move along the beam to the building opposite. We open the window, quickly and often pressing one button, and enter the attic. Crouching or walking slowly while standing, we walk past cages with birds. Birds react especially sharply to tugs, so using them will instantly arouse suspicion among nearby enemies. We interact with the picture and slowly move our hand under the frame on each side until we find a secret switch, which will be indicated by a filled-in icon. We activate the switch and start hacking the safe. By rotating the master key, we find the correct position for it and by pressing the corresponding button we fix the lock pin. The complexity of the lock is determined by the number of pins (maximum 5). And, therefore, the more pins, the smaller the fixation radius of each of them. Having completed the hack, we take the shiny necklace from the safe and hear someone rushing across the roof.

We go outside, turn right and go around the corner. We take out the rope arrow from the box. We look up, open the equipment menu and select the only available type of arrow. We pull the bowstring and shoot at the beam wrapped in rope. We grab the rope and climb up. Erin turned out to be the bird's troublemaker. She offers to check which of us runs faster. We quickly rush after our partner, overcoming simple obstacles. The well-deserved victory goes to the lady.

Stone of light located in the left bottom corner, shows whether the shadow is hiding us or not. The light circle means we are easy to notice, the dark circle means we are practically invisible. Continuing to follow Erin, we press ourselves against the corner of the building and, without fear of being discovered, we safely look out from behind it by pressing the appropriate button. Having advanced behind the guards, Erin will use her own development - a claw that allows her to cling to bars and easily climb walls. We'll have to do things the old fashioned way. We use an instant dash to jump through the illuminated area. Then we turn left and go up the stairs. After the conversation, crouching we pass under the pipe. We move to the control point, break the winch and climb the stairs. Having penetrated inside through the window, we break the door lock, go into the room and take the document “Diary of a Viewer” (1/1) from the table. We exit through the window and go to the next building. We walk slowly to the stairs so as not to scare the bird, and go up to the next floor.

The Primali Stone is located in the ceremonial hall of Baron Northcrest's mansion. Having made our way into enemy territory, we follow Erin and use the dash to instantly overcome the illuminated path. We climb a little higher, approach the guard from behind and rob him. We jump over the fence, crouch down very slowly, walk through the water and make a dash through the illuminated area. We take out a water arrow from the box and hit the torch with it. We walk through the water, climb the stairs and watch as Erin kills a young and inexperienced guard. We stun the second guard and after talking with our partner, we break the door lock.

We pick up the bottle, hide around the corner in front of the illuminated area on the right side and throw the bottle in the place from where we came. The guard will be distracted, and we will be able to freely get to the boxes to the right of the gate. We climb up, move to the scaffolding and climb the rope. Below, behind the motionless guard, there is a locker, which is not only an excellent shelter, but also serves as an autosave point, and a box with a water arrow. Also on the other side we will find a chest with valuable items. Erin kills another guard and Garrett decides to temper her ardor by stealing a claw. Baron, Aldus and Cornelius perform a ritual using the Primali Stone to summon Primali. Garrett suggests leaving this place, and Erin insists on continuing the mission. As a result, Erin, trying to get her claw back, falls down and finds herself right in the center of the ritual. Trying to save her, Garrett also rushes down.

Chapter 1: Blockade

Exactly a year has passed since the last events. The city was gripped by a disease called “Darkness”, which has already killed many people. The Baron's power is growing stronger every day. The guards began to look like watchdogs, ready to tear anyone to pieces for criticizing the authorities and minor offenses. Having miraculously avoided meeting them, we hide in the alley.

Valuable trophy “Ring with amethysts”.

Each chapter has unique tasks, the completion of which promises a monetary reward. The “Phantom” style involves the complete or partial exclusion of other styles. Stunning and killing enemies belongs to the Predator style, while extinguishing candles or torches, suspicion and detection belong to the Opportunist style. The chapter is considered completed in the style for which the most actions were performed.

Concentration allows you to slow down time and highlight everything active points. The concentration reserve is limited by the scale, but you can highlight active points without it. We go all the way forward, turn left and pick up the newspaper “About the curfew” (1/19), lying near the door. Turning around, we run forward, jump over the fence and use the claw to climb the wall. We select a bag of food that restores health, and climb even higher.

In the distance you can see the clock tower - Garrett's hideout. We jump down and sit in the shadows. One of the guards has a document “Siege Rules” (1/2) - we rob him. If we didn’t have time to do this right away, then we wait until the guard returns to the gate alone. We move to the nook on the other side and, turning left, go through to the end. We jump over the wall and find ourselves on the street again. We jerkily get to the lamppost after the guards disperse. We quickly pick up the “Ring with Amethysts” trophy (1/4), lying near the barrel on the left side and return back to the nook. We cling to the grate with our claw, climb up the wall and jump down on the other side.

We break the door lock, squeeze between the boxes and get out into the Stonemarket stonemasons' yard. We jump off the right side and go into the backyard. There we will find a staircase - we go down to the basement. We get to a small room, pick up the newspaper “The clock on the tower has risen again!” from the pallet. (2/19) and make our way through the tunnel behind the shelves.

There are three ways to get into the shop. A master works in the basement, constantly moving from one table to another. On the left table there is a document “Lygrove’s Letter” (2/2) - take it. In it, before the beginning of each paragraph, the numbers 7, 3, 9 are indicated, which are the code for the safe. The safe itself is hidden behind a picture in the corner next to the shelf. The area is lit, so we act quickly, but don’t get carried away. It is easy to understand from the subtitles when the master moves to another table. Let's find the switch under the frame, activate it, set the required numbers in the combination lock and take away the valuable trophy “Mask with Lygrove's Jewels” (2/4).

We go up to the first floor and go into a small room with a sleeping guard. We slowly walk to the wall safe, crack the rather complex lock and take away the valuable trophy “Blackened Bracelet” (3/4). There should be no mistakes, otherwise the guard will wake up. Before this, it is best to save in the closet or through the main menu. You should not save if the safe door is open, since after loading this save the guard will miraculously wake up and discover a break-in (hacked doors, safes and chests left open alert enemies). We go to the exhibition room, wait for the guard and follow him into left side. When the guard starts to go back, we break open the display case in the middle and take away the valuable trophy “Mask with Jewels” (4/4). We go up to the second floor, go into the bedroom on the right side and pick up from the bed the newspaper “Who is watching watchdogs? (3/19). Slowly and without jerking we get to open window at the other end of the corridor and get out.

We select the newspaper “Blockade!” (4/19) lying on the bench on the right side. We open the window, enter the building and go out through the door at the other end of the room. We use the dash to slip past the guards. Moving forward, we will soon stumble upon another couple of guards. We follow them to the corner, and then cling to the grate on the pipe on the left side with our claw and, climbing up, we get to the control point.

clock tower

On the left on the table is the newspaper “Necklace “Star of Oldale” (5/19) - take it. You can store unnecessary supplies in the chest. We go up the stairs and receive a message from Basso, delivered by Jeniver the crow.


We leave the tower and go to the Lame Burrick tavern, avoiding clashes with the guards. Things are bad for Basso, but he always has work for us. Cornelius Graves, who recently passed away, always wore a ring on his finger. This ring is of interest not only to Basso, but also to the Baron’s people, who have taken control of the old factory where the corpses are delivered.

Returning back to Basso’s shop, we take the “Treason!” newspaper from the table. (6/19). Opposite the entrance of the tavern is a merchant. First of all, we buy a wrench from him. Rope arrows will also come in handy. You can earn money by selling unnecessary supplies, searching for useful items in the city, or completing orders from Basso and other characters. We go into the tavern and pick up the newspaper “Northcrest is indestructible” (7/19) from the counter.

We get to the cemetery and meet the Queen of the Beggars. A representative of the lower stratum of the population hints that a dangerous force lurks in the city. Having received a concentration point, we acquire an improvement for the “Intuition” skill. For every donation to the Queen of Beggars, we receive one concentration point. Each subsequent tip will be 150 coins more expensive than the previous one. We pick up the newspaper “Old gods in the new city?” (8/19), lying on the table near the old woman.

Chapter 2: Ashes to Ashes

The main gate of the foundry is heavily guarded. We go down the rope and jump even lower. If you go all the way to the right, you will find a shortcut. Availability required wrench for removing bolts from gratings. Long way– in the area in front of the gate. We climb the stairs to the left of the bridge and dash between the shadows to reach the door to the right of the gate. One of the guards will fall asleep, and the other will walk in a circle.

We jump over the wall and run to the factory building. For a second, the image of Erin appears before my eyes. We climb onto the structure located on the left side, and from it we jump to the roof of the building. We go all the way to the right, go down the stairs and from the desk drawer we take out the valuable trophy “In Memory of Mercy” (1/5). We take the document “Coal Mine” (1/9) from the table. We get out of the building and grab the pipe adjacent to the factory building. We go up, move to the left along the ledges and penetrate the ventilation system.

Path to the roof.

We go through the ventilation and jump onto the staircase when the guard leaves. We go all the way down, open the door and move to the illuminated door on the other side. The guards will disperse very soon. One of them will remain in the illuminated area, so we take the document “Transportation of Cadavers” (2/9) from the wall to the right of the door only when the guard is on the left side. On the right is a shortcut to the hook through the ventilation. If there is no wrench, we climb onto the box in front of the door and climb to the top floor when the guard is on the right side. We go all the way to the right and take the document from the wall “ Broken glass"(3/9). Having jumped down, we stand at the edge and cling to the hook.

Having moved to the production workshop, we jump down before we find ourselves in the guard’s field of view. We go all the way forward, pick up the document “Free Place” (4/9) from the table and break open the door on the left side. We slowly walk along the glass between the cabinets, pick up the document “Repair Notice” (5/9) from the table and go out into the corridor. Following the guard, we go down the stairs and immediately look up. We shoot a rope arrow at the beam, climb onto the cabinet and, grabbing the rope, climb up. We jump to the last bridge and pick up the valuable trophy “Brooch: Daisy” (2/5). We continue to move along the corridor until we reach a small room, from where we continue past the guard(s) and go up the stairs. We jump over the railing and ventilation system We make our way to the workshop. On the stack of books a little further from the door there is the document “Mysterious Letter” (6/9) - we select it. To the left of the shelving is a wall safe. We set combination 314 and take away the valuable trophy “Soul of a Mechanical Man” (3/5). We leave the workshop through the ventilation shaft on the right side.

We return to the stairs and get out into the corridor. Avoiding a collision with the guard, we get to the blocked door and pick up the document “Forbidden Zone” (7/9). In front of the sleeping guard is a chest lined on all sides broken glass. We walk slowly through a noisy area or simply jump over the railing. We break open the chest, take out the key to the engine room and do not forget to close the lid. We go into the next room, climb up the wall with the help of a claw and wait in a dark area for the right moment to pick up the document “List of Corpses” (8/9) from the pathologist’s table. We return to the locked door, open it with the key and, climbing up, grab the hook.

Once in the next part of the plant, we jump down and follow forward. We watch as General “Thief Catcher” removes the ring from Cornelisus’ body. We go further and get up. We take the document “Search Instructions” (9/9) from the wall column. We go to the room behind us, where under the grate above the conveyor belt lies the valuable trophy “Diamond Ring” (4/5) - we take it. Returning back, we jerk from tabletop to tabletop to the other side. We make a breakthrough at the moment when the furnace door of the furnace closes. Next, we climb up the wall on the right side and through the ventilation we get to the workshop foreman’s office. We hack the wall safe by arranging the elements according to the image. We take away the valuable trophy “Cornelius’ Ring” (5/5). We neutralize the unexpectedly appeared General and block the door.

Solved puzzle.

We break open the door and go outside. When the guards finish speaking and go to their places, we move to the right side along the dark area between them. Continuing to move along the right side, we carefully approach the gate and climb up it using the claw. We go up the pipe, move to the right and get out. We go to the right, jump onto the roof of the building and fall down. We hide behind the rack and wait until the guard checks what happened here. Then we follow him and quickly climb onto the structure on the right side when the guards leave. We jump from surface to surface, from beam to beam and thus get to the building. We get inside through the window and crouch down into the next room.


The merchant has new tools - a razor and wire cutters - we purchase them. We meet with Basso in Black Lane. He will introduce us to the customer of the ring, Orion, who opposes the Baron's regime. We agree to get him a unique book located in the House of Flowers brothel. The House of Flowers is a rather secret place and not everyone is allowed there. Erin had once worked in a brothel and naturally knew how to get there.

What Easter eggs and secrets did the developers from Eidos Montrea stuff into their game? Thief? In this article, we tried to collect everything that was discovered or found by players during their journey as a first-class thief.

I would like to warn you right away that if you do not like to find out everything ahead of time or have not yet completed the game, then perhaps you should not read the following text. If you have already passed Thief and are wondering whether to do it again, then this information can push you to action!

Easter eggs and references


In the basement of the brothel you can find small holes that will allow you to spy on what is happening in the rooms where prostitutes serve clients. The developers made several scenes with sex and BDSM, so to speak, to the taste of the audience.

In addition to this, you can find another erotic scene, although it is quite difficult. First you need to find a secret passage in the brothel. Then walk along it and look into all the holes. One of them will contain the code for the secret door. After that, go right all the way, you will find a peephole through which you can see the erotic scene in all its glory.

Codes for safes

There are twelve safes in total, information and codes for them can be found below:

Thank you for your attention!

IN game The Long Dark, in addition to simple boxes with supplies, you may come across a safe. Many players immediately begin to wonder How to open a safe in The Long Dark? The most main feature safe - it may contain gun cartridges. By the way, you can read where to find a gun in this game on our website. Naturally, the safe may contain not only popular cartridges, but many other interesting things. Mostly the safe will be located in hunting lodges, possibly in a bunker (where to find a bunker in The Long Dark).

How to open a safe in The Long Dark

So, to open a safe, you need master keys. Turn left until one of the locks opens, then right until the second lock opens, and then left again until the third lock opens. You need to twist it very carefully while listening. To record the found number, the pen must be turned in reverse side. The handle is turned using buttons A and D. We hope that now you can figure out the question how to open a safe in The Long Dark. Good luck to you in this icy world! And finally, a video for those who still don’t understand what needs to be done and how to act.

Watch the video on how to open a safe in The Long Dark