Prices in Mexico for food, hotels, public transport, attractions. Budget for an independent trip to Mexico. Prices in Cancun: forewarned is forearmed

Prices in new pesos are also denoted NP$.

IN major cities In addition to pesos, US dollars are accepted for payment.

How much money to take to Mexico - To answer this question, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with approximate prices.

Approximate prices in Mexico

  • 1 liter of gasoline - 80 cents
  • Average lunch - $30
  • Fast food - 10-15 $
  • Bottle of water - 1 $
  • Bottle of wine - $10
  • Entrance to attractions - about $40

BY THE WAY. The 10 Peso coin is considered the most beautiful coin in the world and has the Mayan calendar on one side.

10 pesos - the most beautiful coin in the world

Currency exchange in Mexico

You can exchange money in Mexico at the airport, hotel, bank or at special exchange offices “casas de cambio”. As in many countries, the exchange rate at the airport is not the best.

Bank operating hours: Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00, Sat 09:00-14:00, Sun - closed.

It is most profitable to exchange US dollars for pesos.

Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere in Mexico.

Tipping in Mexico

In Mexico, it is customary to tip 10% of the amount. You should also leave a tip for the porter and maid at the hotel - approximately $1. Leaving a tip in a taxi is at the discretion of the passenger.

Largest banks in Mexico

  • Bank of Mexico - central bank Mexico.
  • Banamex is Mexico's second largest bank.
  • BBVA Bancomer is Mexico's largest financial institution and is a division of the Spanish banking group BBVA.
  • BanRegio is a Mexican bank founded in 1994 with approximately 100 branches and 165 ATMs in Mexico.
  • Banorte is one of the oldest and largest banks in Mexico, founded in 1899.
  • HSBC Mexico is one of the four largest banks in Mexico. British division financial group HSBC.

What are the prices in Cancun? How much money should you take with you? How to calculate your budget? Interesting and current issues for people planning to visit the famous Mexican resort. Therefore, let's figure out what it costs.

I’ll say right away that there will be no lyrics in this article, only facts, only numbers. Let's get started.

Important point: Basically, all prices in the note will be indicated in pesos, get used to it. The cost of excursions, tours and entertainment is in dollars.

Housing prices

Housing in Cancun is divided into several categories:

  • Luxury hotels in the Hoteliera Zone (on the Caribbean Sea): you can find a list of them in the articles about Cancun beaches without waves and beaches with waves;
  • Expensive hotels in the city of Cancun: I haven’t written anything about them separately, they can easily be found on sites such as HotelLook or, you can also book individual apartments or a whole house for more favorable price on the Airbnb website (look for details and our reviews of the resource).
  • Cheap hotel rooms and private accommodation in Cancun City: read about all this in the article about budget accommodation options (prices up to about 400 pesos).

Prices for food and drinks

Food, just like housing, is represented in several categories. I won’t write anything about cool restaurants with astronomical bills, we don’t go to such places, and I don’t think those people who are interested in such places are too worried about the budget.

Prices for public transport in Cancun (buses, taxis, ferries)

Type of transport


City buses R (they are the ones you can use to get to the beaches from downtown, for example, R-1 or R-2)*9.50 pesos(regardless of distance)
City buses are simpler (they only run within the city)7 pesos
Taxi around the city*on average 25-60 pesos(need to bargain)
Taxi to the airport*150-250 pesos
Bus from ADO bus station to the airport62 pesos(24 hours a day)
Bus to Playa del Carmen30 pesos(Mayab company) 58 pesos(ADO company)
Ferry to Isla Mujeres (Island of Women) from Puerto Juarez (Puerto Juarez), aka Gran Puerto

UltraMar 78 pesos one way 146 pesos round trip (about $14)
Magna 70 pesos one way 136 pesos round trip

Ferry to Isla Mujeres from beaches 1-9 km$19

Taxi prices on the Island of Women (Isla Mujeres)

The starting point is Garrafon beach.

Several photos with prices for 2nd class intercity buses from Cancun

Prices for activities, tours and excursions from Cancun




Private boat trip100 dollars 1 hour
Excursion to Isla Mujeres60 dollars all inclusive
Excursion to Cozumel Island$85 all inclusive
Ferry to Cozumel$55
Excursion to Kontoy Island$92 all inclusive
Park Xcaret Plus$159
Xel-Ha Park (Tulum)$149 all inclusive
Tour to Chichen Itza (Classic)60 dollars visiting the ruins
Chichen Itza Tour (Deluxe)$109 visit to the ruins and Valladolid
Chichen Itza (light and music show)$66
Tour to Coba/Tulum$65
Coba cenotes70 dollars
Xplor entertainment program$159
Cenotes-ATVs-Zipline70 dollars
Jungle tour60 dollars
Fishing$125 4 hours
Scuba diving80 dollars
Jet ski (wave runner)60-75 dollars half an hour
Flight with a parachute tied to a boat60 dollars walk 2 miles, in the air 15 minutes, price is per person
Rent a short surfboard130 pesos 1 hour
Meeting with dolphins$99
Caribbean carnival$79
Captain Hook$89

Attention! In a separate note you can find detailed description and cost

I'm flying to New Year to Mexico, 10 days around the country and then 2 days I will be in Cancun, this is the end of December - beginning of January. Is it possible to swim? Is the water warm? is it safe (there are all sorts of underwater currents, like in Thailand), is it possible to snorkel or is there nothing to see there? i.e. should I take a mask with me?

Are there any 1-day tours from Cancun? what do they offer? Or is it just sitting on the beach?

How are things going with recharging in Mexico? Can you charge your phone and camera? what's the voltage there? and what sockets?

Should I take money in dollars or euros? Is only local currency accepted or can you pay in dollars, for example?

Should I bring summer clothes or a jacket-sweater?

How much does it cost on average to have a meal in an inexpensive eatery in Mexico? I have little interest in restaurants.

If you only have 2 days in Cancun, is there any point in spending them on day tours?
(there are some tours, but it’s easier to go to the same place where the tours are offered)
Tulum, Chichen Itza, Isla Mujeres, etc.

Recharging is ok. 110v american outlets

Pay in pesos. there are many exchangers

A snack from 60 pesos for a set lunch and ad infinitum (in Cancun in the city center you can find this, in the hotel area - not)

Compared to Egypt, there is nothing to see there.

That's a lot. Find out from your guide (host)

The sockets are “flat”, you can buy an adapter for $1. But some hotels have Euro sockets (it depends on the orientation of the hotel)
Voltage 110 volts. The camera and phone charge, but it just takes longer. It's more difficult with a laptop. If you charge the batteries, it will work, but if from the mains, then it is better to buy an adapter with a transformer (110 - 220) costs about 5 to 10 $.

Only dollars... it is not necessary to change, because... and in stores they take bucks, and at a rate higher than in exchange offices.
Euros are exchanged at exchange offices.

T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. You don't need it there anymore.
But from the airport home you need something warmer... it’s winter after all :)

At the beginning of December this year. in most shops in Cancun they took euros without question. Moreover, in terms of pesos, the rate was often even more favorable than that of the dollar.
But at Walmart (one of the largest 24-hour supermarkets in Cancun), euros really weren’t accepted. But despite the assurances of the guides that you can ALWAYS pay there at the rate of 1 dollar equals 12.5 pesos, in fact the ratio was 1-12.27.

Hello, dear blog readers! Today about the financial side of the issue, or mine monthly travel budget for Mexico. I wrote this post while living in, but I’m posting it only now, so the story is in the present tense.

I would like to note right away that I usually live in the city center in not the cheapest and not the most expensive hotels, at least with my own shower in the room, hot water and Wi-Fi.

I eat in mid-price restaurants once a day, travel around the country by bus, drink only beer as an alcoholic beverage, don’t smoke, and almost never buy souvenirs or clothes. I visit attractions and museums and pay entrance fees. I buy vegetables, fruits and water in huge quantities. I can’t say that I’m denying myself anything.

In this mode of travel, I spend about 900-1000$ . Total per day somewhere 25-30$ , sometimes the cost per day increases to 40-50$ when there is no cheap housing or there is a long journey.

Although in the third month in Mexico it turns out cheaper, because I know where, what, how much and how to bring down housing prices. Now I live in an apartment with my own refrigerator, so I spend around $20-23 a day, I eat at home.

What are the costs per person:

Hotel prices in Mexico

1. Housing costs, hotels in Mexico— $10-17 per day: in small towns $10-12, on the coast $15-17 per person for double occupancy. As a rule, hotels owned by Mexicans are cheaper than those owned by foreigners.

How to reduce costs:
- live in cheaper rooms - $19-25 per night for two
— renting apartments/apartments/rooms through AirBnB—it turns out cheaper than a hotel, especially if long term.
— live in hostels (dorm prices are 7-9 dollars)
— ride night buses, saving on hotels.
— rent an apartment/room/house for a long period (from six months) for $200-500 per month
- search hard, search, look for an apartment for a short period of time - a month or two. It depends on your luck and also depends on the city.
— stay with couchsurfers (this option is not suitable for me, since I constantly need the Internet, and you can’t do much work while visiting)
— live in a tent/car/hammock/add your options

Food prices in Mexico

2. Food prices in Mexico— $10-15 per day. I usually eat in cafes and restaurants once a day, fruit in the evening, a bun with coffee in the morning or something like that. There’s no way I can eat less, even if I eat at local eateries and markets, because I eat meat, and it’s more expensive than rice and pasta.

How to reduce costs:
— cook yourself, buying food in the store (question: where to cook?)
- switch to a raw food diet (fruits and vegetables are cheap here)
- other options

Water prices in Mexico

3. Water— 1-2$ per day. If I live in one place longer, I buy 5-liter bottles; their price is almost the same as one and a half liter bottles. Save from $1 per day

Prices for public transport in Mexico

How to reduce costs:
- ride a bicycle
- hitchhiking
- other options

Prices for visiting attractions in Mexico

5. Entrance fees— on average, tickets to museums/pyramids/cenotes cost $4.

How you can reduce costs:
- do not go to museums, do not climb ruins
- smile at the guards and ask to be let through. It might give you a ride if you arrive an hour before closing, but that’s not a fact.

6. Clothes/suncream/lens solution/other things - the most expensive purchase is face cream for $30, dresses for $9, T-shirts for $2-3, shorts for $4.

*All prices in this post are in US dollars.

The travelers I met spend approximately the same. This, of course, is not Southeast Asia, where you can eat for $3, but even in Southeast Asia it took me almost the same amount (I’m lying, it was less), only there the rhythm of travel was much more intense.