Quotes about night and love. Beautiful aphorisms and short quotes about the night Quotes about night life

The friendship between a guy and a girl catastrophically weakens when night falls. 9

Summer nights are made for living, not sleeping. 12

Night gives shine to stars and women. By morning both of them fade away. 14

Night is the time when life comes to a standstill. But often it starts at night real life. 17

During the day we ordinary people. And at night we have our own crazy life. 9

At night the words become sincere... 12 - Statuses about the night

The best thoughts come at night. And the lamest ones too. 13

Night hides shyness and gives courage. 8

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What keeps you awake at night is the main thing. 12

Night is an opportunity to rest and gain strength. But at night the law of meanness also comes into force, especially when you need to sleep. 10

The night makes it possible to talk about what everyone is silent about during the day. 9

Night is the time of love. It is not necessary to fall asleep with your loved one in the same bed. It’s important to just hear your own voice or wish at night Good night. 6

Doing something at night is either too late or too early. The best thing to do at night is to sleep soundly. 7

Nobody gives money to those who get up early at night. 9

Night is a time for love, not for friendship. 7

For the morning to be good, the night must be passionate. 8

On the Internet, night is like one hour. 9

As soon as you close your eyes, it’s already morning, and you’re already late for work. 11

The night smells like stars. 11

Good night to the kids, to the rest of you - wild adventures! 11

The best sleeping pill is a “good night” from someone whose thoughts keep you from falling asleep. 12

A night with your loved one is the key to a successful day. 9

For a student, a night is an attempt to learn everything that others have been studying for six months. 9

If you are woken up at night, it means someone really needs you! 9

The night comes so that everyone can be themselves. 7

Even those who are not going to sleep are waiting for the night. 9

At night we take off the masks of the day. 11

Horror! Not a day goes by without night falling! 10

Night is a time of sincerity, love and reflection. 11

She went to frame the mattress, hug the pillow and stick to the blanket. 12

If you don't sleep at night, you can see something that many have never even dreamed of. 9

I want to sleep everywhere and always... Just not at night. 11

Without your “good night” every night becomes more and more restless. 8

At night, people take off their masks and allow themselves to be who they are. 9

Either the nights are short, or I sleep so quickly... 10

Oh, these young people - you won’t wake them up in the morning, you won’t find them at night. 11

The most amazing idea that comes at night seems like complete nonsense during the day. 11

You need to sleep eight hours a day, and another 8 hours at night. 11

If there were no darkness of night, would we rejoice in the light of day?

Night turns any affair into a love affair.

The most unpleasant thing is when you find a spider somewhere in the bedroom before going to bed. Even after slamming him down, you wonder for a long time where he came from and whether he was alone.

The night is like a fairy-tale kingdom, where everything is more beautiful and kinder, everything is brighter and more interesting. And you are trying to hide there from the grayness of the past day.

Best status:
The parents were worried, they probably forgot that they once spent all nights walking. And until dawn they upset their parents in the same way. They fell in love, broke up and didn’t notice anyone around them.

Once again we part. Absolutely different people, we have nothing in common. And the night proves the opposite. And we are intertwined again in a fit of passion.

Why do we preen ourselves more in the morning? This should be done at night, because our husband is waiting for us in bed. Isn't this a romantic date?

I am afraid of the onset of darkness. Because you are no longer in my bed.

Conflicts, misunderstandings, omissions come to life in the night. And these are already bizarre monsters that are milling around in your head. They pull the invisible threads, not allowing the eyelids to close, and knock on the temples.

The right night is always short.

I dream that my first time would be on my wedding night...

It's better to feel awkward in the morning than to spend the night alone!

After all, if there were no day, we would never know how beautiful the night is.

Summer nights are not made for sleeping

Night without end and horror without beginning - A face without a face, a soul without a veil...

Didn't miss a day to prepare for the night.

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens when night falls.

...as a child I was amazed that the letters in a closed book did not get mixed up and were not lost overnight... (“Aleph”)

This night, such a night that morning would come soon

The lightest time of day for him was night.

food at night always tastes better))

and I also want to eat at night and not gain weight

lan let's everyone without a troublesome night!!) don't get fat overnight!

A night when you can retire and just cry about the fact that you are not with him...

Every night, before I fall asleep, I remember for a long time what I most want to forget...

Coffee at night - prolongs your online contact =)

Night. I'm waiting in vain for an SMS from you again. After all, it's all over. No one else will write: “Marmalade dreams, my Little Fox:*.”..(

You are day and night, you are darkness and light, you are the one who goes to the toilet at night))

People have chosen the nights for love and theft for a reason.

Why, during the day, show your tears while crying, because there is night for that...

Thank you for the day, thank you for the night Thank you for your son and daughter Thank you for saving our small little world in the midst of pain and evil

On that full moon night of Friday the 13th, when he stumbled onto left leg There was no sign of trouble about the black cat that crossed the street...

Have you ever noticed the very moment when winter turns into spring, night into morning, the moment when sugar dissolves in tea or how the polish dries on your nails? Just as imperceptibly, we let go of those for whom for a long time We are holding on with all our might.

Night walks along the streets of broken lamps are fraught with problems.

At night all pussies are bold.

And it was Night! And it was morning...

The last night before battle, before death or before a wedding, there is nothing worse, nothing longer.

People have reserved the night for love, as well as for theft and murder.

And the night lasts longer than a century when the daughter is at the disco...

he comes to me in my dreams every night))) aaaa I want it in real life too*

Night also exists to make day easier to recognize.

A terrible time at night - too late for yesterday, too early for today.

You can reach the dawn only by following the path of the night.

Guys, eat crackers at night, because it’s always nice when you have two or three crumbs in your bed!

Morning. Work. Night. Life will pass unnoticed!…

You can't change your life overnight. But in one night you can change thoughts that will change your life forever!

How good it is to stay awake at night. Then it’s easier to talk.

The night and two furry hoods hid our secret from prying eyes.

Car, speed, night, night city, favorite music... cool...

What are you doing? - I’m thinking about what to eat, what about you? - I want it too, but I won’t do it for the night. -oh, if only I had such willpower - I don’t have willpower. I’m just too lazy to get up: DD

One night, I was out of breath (runny nose), smoked, went to the mirror, my tongue was black. Me: Damn, is your tongue rotten?

The earth is round, the night is dark, the entrance is long! Be afraid!

Without your “good night” every night becomes more and more restless.

I love the night...

Sometimes you notice how long a sleepless night can be, and you wonder how you can let so many thoughts pass through you in such a time!

Summer nights are not made for sleeping.

Do you want to spend an unforgettable night with a few babes? Eat a cracker in bed...

Every night I fall asleep hugging my phone.. in the hope that you will write..

There are five billion trees in the world. And under every tree there is a shadow, right? So where does night come from? And here's where it comes from: five billion trees - and from under each tree a shadow creeps out. Can you imagine?

Night fell over the city. I only felt the cool breeze on my skin and the arms of a loved one hugging me. And it seemed that everything was as it should be. But not in my world.

He's what I need for tonight - single, straight and smokes.

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.

I want to go where there is only night and him, I want to go to him!...

And all night long, with headphones on, Guf and Basta give concerts for me personally))

White night is when ladies are invited for the night?

Everyone in the world eats 3 times a day, but we eat 3 times a day and 2 times a night)

The night is darkest before dawn.

Night and again I think about you... all sorts of nasty things =))

Night is when you can retire and just cry about the fact that you are not with him.....

Night. It's definitely time for sleep. As Carlson said, let's play pranks?

Eating at night is harmful, but very tasty!

A girl should not be for one night, but for one life.

In general, now, for all the messages in a personal message like “like me” or “suck it up there” or “comment on something/somewhere” I will probably delete 40-70 messages from friends per night, no offense!

Night gives shine to stars and women.

You are for him for the night, and I am for eternity.

The morning is always good if the night is passionate.

Life is a night spent in deep sleep, often turning into a nightmare.

At night, everyone is what he should be, and not what he has become.

There must be a night in life that will be remembered forever. She comes to everyone. And if you feel that this night is already close, is about to come, catch it without further ado, and when it passes, keep your mouth shut. If you miss it, she may not come again. But many missed her, many even saw her floating away, never to return, because they could not hold on the tip of a trembling finger the fragile balance of spring and light, the moon and twilight, a night hill and warm grass, and a departing train, both the city and distant places.

The fact that one day is separate from the next is probably one of the most remarkable features of life on our planet. This can be seen as true mercy. We are not doomed to continuously climb the steps of existence - small breaks constantly allow us to reinforce our strength and take a break from ourselves.

The day has words, but the night only has moods.

It happens that thoughts that are unconditional at night in half sleep turn out to be untenable in the light of the morning.

Judge your day not by the harvest you reaped, but by the seeds you sowed that day.

At night all cats are gray. And in the morning the world will seem completely different again.

The last night before battle, before death or before a wedding, there is nothing worse, nothing longer.

It is terribly easy to be insensitive during the day, but at night it is a completely different matter.

Every night should have its own menu.

If it weren't for the nights, the days would be half as bright.

Everything has its decline. Only the night ends with dawn.

There are some tears that you absolutely have to cry, at any time of the day or night, to cry so that everything inside burns out.

How many are unworthy of light, and yet the day begins.

At night the city is an overturned sky.

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.

Every day there is a student of yesterday.

One should look at the day as a small life.

Purple and golden nights set their milestones in the lives of spouses and secretly determine their fate, sometimes with greater force than the noisy events of the day.

Day and night are inextricably linked; they do not exist without each other, but they will never be able to meet. I wonder what it’s like to be together all the time and yet apart?

The night is comfortable. She hides faces and allows true feelings to be hidden from prying eyes, wrapping them in a reliable blanket of darkness.

If you are asked, what is healthier, the sun or the month? - answer: month. For the sun shines during the day, when it is already light; and the month is at night.

Think in the morning. Take action during the day. Eat in the evening. Sleep at night.

Blackness is whole, even if it boils with horror. The world has many faces. The night is scary with smells and volatile, elusive sounds. Dimensions disintegrate in the night, everything becomes exaggerated - the thorns are more prickly, the leaves are sharper. But the horror of the day could be much worse.

Don’t close your eyes when you want to sleep without analyzing all your actions over the past day.

Today is just one of many, many days that are yet to come. But maybe all those future days depend on what you do today.

If you are looking for something wise, then think about it at night.

Night secretly opens flowers and allows the day to receive gratitude.

To be a caterpillar by day and a butterfly by night...

Night is a time of waiting, an opportunity to say to someone: “Come back!” - but there was no one to say it.

It is not the night that gives rise to fears; rather, they, like stars, are always there, but the radiance of the day hides them from view.

Every day you live is a step into the future.

No one. Only night and freedom. There's just an eerie silence.

A day is a small life, and you have to live it as if you were supposed to die now, and you were unexpectedly given another day.

The day in winter is short because, like all other objects, visible and invisible, it shrinks from the cold and because the sun sets early, and the night, from the lighting of lamps and lanterns, expands, because it warms up.

Evenings can be incredible, nights can be unforgettable, and still after them comes the most ordinary morning.

Decisions come to the wise at night.

Insomnia is a mockery of the night on a person.

Enjoy today, have little hope for tomorrow.

The night reveals our problems, rather than hiding them.

Night is not easy dark time days when life comes to a standstill. Very often it happens quite the opposite; it is at night that real life begins. At night, people take off their masks and allow themselves to be who they are. Night is a time of sincerity, love and reflection. We offer you a selection of quotes, sayings and statuses about the night. Share them on social networks, let them help you find out what night means and to whom.

Night is an opportunity to rest and gain strength. But at night the law of meanness also comes into force, especially when you need to get enough sleep before a big day. Then, as luck would have it, thousands of thoughts come into your head, and insomnia sets in. But for young people, life is just beginning at night; clubs, night parks and loved ones await them. Students see a special meaning in the night, especially during the session. For them, the night is an attempt to learn everything that others have been learning for six months. This is probably where the expression comes from: sometimes you can learn a hundred times more in one night than in a whole year.

Night is the time of love. To do this, it is not at all necessary to fall asleep with your loved one in the same bed. In order to fall asleep, it is important to simply hear your own voice at night or read a sincere wish for good night.

Quotes and aphorisms

For the morning to be good, the night must be passionate.

A night spent with your loved one is the key to a successful day.

The best thoughts come at night.

It’s strange, why then only crazy people come to me?!

During the day we are all ordinary people. At night we have our own crazy life behind a closed door.

At night, someone becomes a star, someone a millionaire, someone an astronaut... And so on until the morning.

For one sleepless night you will learn more than in a year of sleep.

Especially when it's the night before an exam.

The night was tormented by aching darkness,
I was frightened by the inaccessibility of knowledge.
I just saw: grandeur and peace,
Harmony and mystery of the Universe.

The night is filled with mystery and the magic of darkness.

If you don't sleep at night, you can see something that many have never even dreamed of.

A sleepless night is the key to a nightmare day.

At night people take off their masks of the day.

The night comes so that everyone can be themselves.

Summer nights are the wildest, the most restless.

Summer nights are a time for new life.

The night exists to say what you cannot repeat in the morning.

Night hides shyness and gives courage.

Every night needs its own menu. (Honoré de Balzac)

It just seems to us that all nights are the same, but in fact, every night, like every day, is special.

A person is always different at night than during the day. (Erich Maria Remarque)

This is because at night he becomes himself, and during the day he plays different roles.

At night, thoughts have a way of breaking free and roaming free. (Stephen King)

Those who think a lot are unlikely to sleep at night.

Night, street, lantern, pharmacy,
Pointless and dim light.
Live for at least another quarter of a century -
Everything will be like this. There is no outcome. (A. Blok)

At night life stops in order to continue during the day.

Doing anything at three in the morning is either too late or too early. (J.P. Sartre)

The best thing to do at three in the morning is to sleep soundly.

How good it is to stay awake at night. Then it’s easier to talk. (E.M. Remarque)

Night gives you courage and makes it possible to talk about what everyone is silent about during the day.


There is no better sleeping pill than a “good night” message from someone whose thoughts keep you awake...

A good night will happen when someone wishes it to you...

White night is when ladies are invited for the night?

No, it’s when you get up and you can’t figure out if it’s still night and you can sleep, or it’s already morning and you’re late for work...)

Night gives shine to stars and women.

By morning both of them fade away...

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens when night falls.

Night is a time for love, not friendship.

People can live without sleep, but not without night.

Even those who are not going to sleep await the night.

The night is a world of only sweet dreams,
A world without sadness and without tears,
A world where no extra words are needed
I wish you tender, sweet dreams!

At night, words are really unnecessary.

Coffee at night - extends your online time in VKontakte.

But in the morning after a night online, even coffee seems to act as a sleeping pill...)

Summer nights are not made for sleeping.

Summer nights are made for living.

Without your “good night” every night becomes more and more restless.

The night is restless not when your loved one is not around, but when he does not wish you good dreams.

And the night lasts longer than a century when the daughter is at the disco...

Do you want to know what eternity is? Let your child go to the disco...)

Good night! May your dreams be so soft and fluffy that they make you purr in the morning!

The main thing is that the wool does not start to fall off...)

Good night everyone. I went to frame the mattress, hug the pillow and stick to the blanket.

Yes, it turns out that you are a little naughty...)

When they say good night in ICQ, something is wrong, and when you receive an SMS on your phone, it’s a thrill!

In ICQ they wish good night to friends, and via SMS to loved ones.

Love is when you call him in the evening to wish him good night, and you cover the conversation with the phrase: “Damn... it’s already eight in the morning, I’m late for work...!”

This is not love, this is talkativeness...))

At night the city looks mysterious and dreamy, you want to dream and relax with it.

True love is when passionate lovers at night in the morning turn into good friends and partners who respect the interests and desires of the other.

The last night is always washed with pure and salty tears of love, it is simply overflowing with emotions and passions. Sometimes you yourself are surprised at what feelings you are capable of!

Night is the time to love. The smell of forest, freshness and... tenderness is in the air. Everything sleeps except two loving hearts.

Men's logic is perfect. Phone calls in the middle of the night, declarations of love and an invitation to visit right now are very thoughtful and logical actions. I sometimes think, what kind of place do men like?

Remember the night scent. Our cool sunrise and hot sunset. Remember our happiness now. Please do this for us!

I want an unforgettable summer: with good friends, fun picnics, warm sea, hot dancing, night walks and kisses until the morning.

I remember the view from your house, apartment and telephone number. I remember rainy nights when we didn't sleep. Remember them and everything that happened in the bedroom.

If the morning is good, it means it was a passionate night.

Continuation famous aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Anyone who gets up early eats watermelons at night: D

Everything has its decline. Only the night ends with dawn. – Wladyslaw Grzegorczyk

Sooner or later night comes and you understand that he doesn’t need you anymore. I want one thing - to completely dissolve in the music. She heals. She will help. Like no one else.

At night I can’t sleep. In the morning I can’t get up.

Mom, I don’t sleep until dawn every night.

Nights are like people: they don’t become interesting right away. Around midnight they reach maturity, at two - adulthood; from two to half past three - them finest hour, but already at half past three they begin to wilt, and by four o’clock in the morning only a pale shadow remains of them. Their death is terrible... Indeed, what could be more terrible than dawn, when the bottles are empty and the guests look like drowned... - Aldous Huxley

Night. Bed. He, She. The storm wind hits the window. Him: Scary? She: Yeah. He: Don't be afraid. You have me! Big and strong. She:... He: But I'm scared. I don’t have anyone big and strong... She: You shouldn’t be scared. You're a man! Him: Yep!!! Man!!! not an idiot!

Lord, if we are together, I will stop going to bed late, staying up late at night at the computer, drinking strong, undiluted coffee, and even correcting physics! I promise!

Question on the women's forum: -All night I cried today. Please advise why?

The night is darkest before dawn.

xxx: I watched erotica on RenTV in the kitchen at night. My wife came in - I quickly switched to wherever... xxx: Now she thinks that I lock myself in the kitchen at night and watch Dom-2.

sleepless nights... fell in love again...

Night is just part of the day. – Paulo Coelho

At 11-13 years old we go to the city at 12.,13.... At 14-15 years old at 16.,17.... At 16-17 at 19.,21. and after 18 there are no restrictions and also an hour or two only in the night.

Why do I walk normally during the day, but at night Hulk gets angry and Hulk destroys?!

One day, one night, I hope that I will find her alone who dares to wash my socks...

The husband wakes up after a brutal drinking session, looks, the laundry is washed, hung on the chair, there is a bottle of beer on the breakfast table. He goes to his son: son, what happened yesterday? Dad, you came home drunk at two in the morning, fell on the bed. And when mom tried to undress you, you said: Don’t touch me, bitch, I’m MARRIED!

Last night there was an attempt to steal high-voltage wires. Signs of the criminal: ashes, burnt rubber soles.

I went on a diet, sat for half a day, and got drunk at night!!!)))))

Today people learned how the one who fucked up the whole country cries at night.

Night also exists to make day easier to recognize.

girl, would you like to give yourself to me for one night? -Should I wrap it for you? -What to wrap? - Lip!!!

People have chosen the nights for love and theft for a reason.

Are you confident in your girlfriend??... Well... then good night guys...)))

Well, life is over... a semblance of House 2 has appeared... Good night guys show on DTV...

You can't change your life overnight. But in one night you can change thoughts that will change your life forever!

Women's proverbs: If you've done the job, go for a walk with your child! Take out the trash - don't remember for a month! Drank with friends, you spend the night with them. Caught with a hickey, weekend with a vacuum cleaner. If you don’t eat enough for dinner, you’ll finish it for breakfast. Prepare a man in the summer so that he has a fur coat in the winter. Spotted in a restaurant - 2 weeks in Milan.

When I woke up, you were no longer there, I looked for you, but in vain. You left irrefutable evidence on my body of what happened between us that night. When you appear again, I will pull you close to me with all my strength. I will kill you! Do you understand, MOSQUITO?!

Today, 1.1.211, half the country will not sleep at night! Fact! This happens every year)

Night and again I think about you... all sorts of nasty things =))

The right night is always short.

this summer was fun... -3 o'clock in the morning, lousy pizza, souvlaki, cola, and a channel about multimedia:DDDD

How good it is to stay awake at night. Then it’s easier to talk.

Mom, this is the hardest summer.

And I count the days, and I count the nights. There have been no tears for a long time, but it still hurts a lot.

Every night should have its own menu. – Honore Balzac

Making my way to the refrigerator at night, I panicked...

And I don’t even close the door at home at night. No one comes to me anyway...

You can reach the dawn only by following the path of the night.

At night, everyone is what he should be, and not what he has become.

Memories... The car, it’s dark, Me, you’re lying tired on my lap... And also 3 o’clock in the morning, kisses... We love each other and thought that we would love forever. Do you remember this? City Day. Rain, knee-deep puddles. And we don't care. We are happy and thought we would stay that way...

Do you know how I realized that I had best friends in the world? Late at night, some nonentity and his comrades touched my mother... I called a friend and said that I needed help... After 15 minutes, 5 people stood at my entrance with bats and with the question Who needs to be fucked?...

Night gives shine to stars and women. – George Byron

Smile at me, comrade. I forgot how you smiled, sorry. I am now much older than you, I have a lot to do, I have a lot of troubles. like a ship with shells. At night, more and more often I hear the sobs of my own heart: it is exhausted. Tired of being sick.

Do you know how an unwashed spoon at night attracts a mountain of dishes in the morning? :))

White night is when ladies are invited for the night?

It's good when your birthday falls on December 31st. Your holiday, gifts, a lot of friends and relatives, and the whole day is yours. And as night falls, your birthday not only continues, it becomes even better))

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.

The cat managed to climb onto the table at night, steal cookies and drag them to my sofa. I wonder if I should scold him? Still got on the table! Or should I also teach them how to fetch water?

It's not love that keeps you up at night...