Famous aphorisms and quotes of Fidel Castro. Castro Fidel - quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was born on August 13, 1926, and died on November 25, 2016, having lived a long and fruitful life. Many catchphrases, said by this great man, and quotes from Fidel Castro became famous all over the world.

Brief biography

Fidel Castro is primarily known as the leader of the Cuban Republic and the people's ruler. He became the head of state in 1959, when he and a group of associates managed to overthrow the dictatorial regime of General Batista.

In the early 60s. Cuba, under the leadership of Castro, began to build socialism, and Fidel remained the unchangeable ruler of the republic. He led the country for more than 57 years, until his death in 2016.

Due to the sharp rapprochement between Cuba and the USSR in the years cold war The island republic's relations with the United States government deteriorated greatly and remain quite tense to this day.

During the more than half-century rule of Fidel Castro, attempts were made on his life several times, rumors were spread about his death, and the commandant was repeatedly censured. Moreover, he was excommunicated catholic church for almost 50 years. However, all the negativity that was directed at him did not break the spirit of the head of Cuba. In response to all the negative assessments, he said this: “You can judge me. It doesn’t matter - history will justify me.”

Quotes from Fidel Castro

It is not surprising that such an outstanding political figure, revolutionary and man, who was in power in the state of Cuba for almost 60 years, left a huge number of statements that were instantly picked up by the media and the people.

The catchphrases that Fidel Castro uttered, the quotes and aphorisms that came from his lips quickly spread throughout the world and became truly legendary. He was a wise and purposeful man who gave his whole life for the good of his Motherland.

Quotes from Fidel Castro are largely politicized, but this is not surprising, because he was a political figure. He often spoke quite negatively about the capitalist way of life and negative impact USA to the world.

Famous quotes by Fidel Castro

There are a huge number of quotes uttered by the leader of Cuba, but within the framework of this article we will present only a small part of his catchphrases.

One of his most famous phrases, characterizing the general attitude of the great Cuban towards the capitalist system, sounds like this: “Capitalism is disgusting. It brings only war, hypocrisy and competition.”

No less interesting is his statement about the realities of this world: “The reality of the world, it seems, was designed to instill selfishness, individualism and the dehumanization of man.” This philosophical and deep statement demonstrates the whole essence of Castro’s attitude towards the foundations that have developed in the world, and points to that part human life, which he zealously wanted to correct through his policies and personal example.

In addition to statements related to politics or condemnation of capitalism, Fidel Castro’s quotes often had a very deep, motivating, sometimes even hidden meaning, and from a philosophical point of view they encouraged reflection. This is, for example, the phrase: “Life without goals is worth nothing. There is no greater happiness than fighting for them.” This phrase not only generates a lot of thoughts in the head, but also motivates a person to active actions, the desire to achieve one's own goals.


Fidel Castro is a strong personality and truly great man, who was respected not only in Cuba, but throughout the world. For many decades, he attracted attention with his policies, actions and strong, powerful statements. Quotes from Fidel Castro are varied in nature, but always emphasize his position in life and a clear understanding of his own goals. Thanks to strong personality hidden behind these phrases, they became popular and continue to be quoted even after his death.


“I started the revolution with 82 people behind me. If I had to do it again, fifteen or even ten would be enough. Ten people and absolute faith. It doesn't matter how many of you there are. It is important to have faith and it is important to have a clear plan. Victory is perseverance."

“Capitalism is disgusting. It brings only war, hypocrisy and rivalry.”

“Let your homeland look at you with pride. Don't be afraid of a glorious death. To die for one’s homeland means to live.”

"Our country is a paradise in spiritual sense this word. And as I have said many times, we would rather die in heaven than survive in hell.”

“I had the opportunity to become acquainted with imperialism somewhat more concretely than from Lenin’s book; I learned about this phenomenon while in Cuba, only ninety miles away. I had the opportunity to become acquainted with the worst and most aggressive imperialism of all."

“Ideas are born from knowledge and from ethical values. One important part of the problem can be solved with the help of technology, but the other must be tirelessly cultivated, otherwise the most primitive instincts will take over.”

"The main responsibility for the terrible destruction environment lies with the consumer society. It was born of the former colonial metropolises and is the result of imperial policies, which in turn gave rise to backwardness and poverty, which are today the scourge of the vast majority of the human race. Covering only twenty percent of the population globe, this society consumes two-thirds of the metals and three-quarters of the energy produced in the world. It poisoned the seas and rivers, polluted the air, depleted and destroyed the ozone layer, and brought to the limit the content of gases in the atmosphere that violate climatic conditions, which leads to catastrophic consequences from which we are already beginning to suffer.”

“Revolution is not a bed of roses. This is a life-and-death struggle between the past and the future.”

“It is amazing what an abomination the capitalist system is, which cannot provide its own people with either employment or decent health care and education; which cannot prevent the corruption of youth by drugs, gambling and other vices."

“There is no worse payment than to capitulate in the face of an enemy who attacks you without reason and without the right to do so.”

“They talk about the failure of socialism, but where is the success of capitalism in Asia, Africa and Latin America?”

"Third World countries have nothing to expect from New York or Washington."

“The capitalist economy does not guarantee future development for humanity, since it does not take into account the damage, in cultural and human terms, from its own expansion. I continue this thought: not only does it not guarantee long-term development, but as a system it threatens the very existence of humanity.”

“Imperialism and its allies - or rather, imperialism and those who support it, even against their own interests - launched a colossal struggle against the principle of sovereignty, launched a powerful attack on it.”

"Until now, the engine godfather, the great teacher and supporter of those who committed massive human rights violations was the United States; mass destruction of a country's infrastructure and economy, as in Serbia, genocide using bombs to leave millions of people without funds and vital services; wars of extermination, like in Vietnam - they were their authors.”

“Every day they provoke us, come up with all sorts of tricks against Cuba, trying to create conflict in the country; are making enormous efforts to create an internal conflict that would justify a heinous crime like the one they committed against the Serbian people.”

“Before we give up even one atom of our sovereignty, we, the leaders of our people in war, in peace and in any task, will prefer death to surrender. We have given our whole lives to our cause, and because we feel it deeply, because we come from convictions and sacred values, we are able to stand under bombs, but not give up.”

“Our ambassador to the UN has calculated that the gross domestic product of NATO member countries is 1,113 times greater than the gross domestic product of Serbia, and the number of regular troops of the countries included in this military alliance is 43 times greater. But regular troops play no role in an air war like the one that took place there, the ratio here is zero to infinity. Bombers flying from the United States could throw bombs over long distances without the slightest risk. Look, during the 80 days of the war, 23,000 bombs were dropped on the country, and the aggressors suffered no losses in battle at all, this is the first time in history. About this war, which no one can be proud of, it must be said that this is a vile war, the most vile in the entire history of wars, this imaginary victory is a Pyrrhic victory from a moral point of view, and the war itself is a real genocide.”

“We must not underestimate the imperialist enemy. The imperialist enemy made a mistake by underestimating us!”

“Technology displaces a person from his workplace, and capitalism does not teach any morality, it does not contain any ethics, everything is connected with trade. This is no way to educate people; people often turn into egoists, ambitious people, even bandits.”

“Many people are amazed when listening to the statements of some European NATO representatives, delivered in the style of the Nazi SS men and with the same facial expression. Sometimes they even wear dark suits in the heat of summer.”

“Cynicism has become the symbol of imperialist policy.”

“Either the ideas of justice will triumph, or disaster will occur.”

Yesterday I listened to statements by the new Secretary General of NATO, the former Prime Minister of Norway, who took office just six days ago. So much hatred on your face! What an incredible desire to promote a war of extermination against Russian Federation! Who are more extreme extremists than even the Islamic State fanatics? What religion do they profess? Can I enjoy it after this? eternal life right hand of the Lord?

“Every day we can learn something new. Help others and help yourself as much as possible.”

"27 million Soviet people who died in the Great Patriotic War, did it for the sake of humanity, and for the sake of the right to think and be socialists, to be Marxist-Leninists, to be communists and to emerge from the prehistoric period.”

“Today a strong alliance of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the state with the fastest economic development in the world - Chinese People's Republic. Both countries, through their close cooperation, advanced science, their powerful armed forces and the courage of their soldiers, will form a powerful shield of peace and world security that can protect the life of the human race. The spirit of solidarity and physical and mental health must be the prevailing norms, otherwise the destiny of man as we know it will be lost forever.”

“The struggle for peace is the sacred duty of all people, regardless of their religion, the country in which they were born, the color of their skin or their age.”

“In Obama’s mind there is no concept of “indigenous people” at all.

"Religious principles contain more positive aspects than in purely political ones, despite the fact that the latter formulate life ideals of the physical and material plane. Moreover, many of the most inspired works of art are created by the hands of religious people, and this phenomenon is universal.”

Sob. corr. FSK

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The most striking quotes from the Cuban revolutionary and political figure about life, politics and power.
A woman in a man's heart is a source of sacred and inviolable reverence.
None of the modern world problems can be solved by force; there is no global power, technological power, or military power that could guarantee complete security.
Life without ideas is worth nothing. There is no greater happiness than fighting for them.
What we did should have taught us that nothing is impossible. After all, what seemed impossible yesterday has become possible today. And therefore nothing will seem impossible to us tomorrow.
The best president for the United States could be a robot
The reality of the world seems to have been designed to promote selfishness, individualism and the dehumanization of man.
The struggle of interests and huge profits of weapons manufacturers led them to create even more cruel and destructive types of weapons.
Revolution is not a bed of roses. Revolution is a battle between the future and the past.

Capitalism has no moral or ethical values: everything is for sale. It is impossible to properly educate the people under such conditions: people turn into egoists, and sometimes even into bandits.
I don't waste my time shaving, which is almost fifteen minutes every day. This way I save a few days a year for important things.
You can judge me. It doesn't matter - history will vindicate me.
I am a Marxist-Leninist and I will be one until the end of my days
If surviving an assassination attempt were an Olympic sport, I would be a champion.
Yankee assertions that a European nuclear shield is necessary, among other things, to protect Russia from Iran and North Korea, cause laughter.

Our country is a paradise in the spiritual sense of the word. And as I have said many times, we would rather die in heaven than survive in hell.
Capitalism is disgusting. It brings only war, hypocrisy and rivalry.
To die for your homeland means to live
I started the revolution with 82 people behind me. If I had to do it again, fifteen or even ten would be enough. Ten people and absolute faith. It doesn't matter how many of you there are. It is important to have faith and it is important to have a clear plan. Victory is perseverance.

This man has a Spanish surname; here Castro is the father's surname, and Rus is the mother's surname.

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz is a Cuban revolutionary, statesman, political and party leader who led Cuba from 1959 to 2006.

At the state level, he held the posts of Prime Minister and Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Chairman of the State Council of Cuba. He was the leader of the 26th of July Movement, the main force of the Cuban revolution. In 1961, after the unification of the July 26 Movement with two other parties, he headed the United Revolutionary Organizations, which in 1962 were transformed into A single party socialist revolution of Cuba, and in 1965 - in Communist Party Cubes. He served as the first secretary of the CPC until 2011. Under his leadership, Cuba was transformed into a one-party socialist state, industry and private property were nationalized, and large-scale reforms were carried out. On international level he was the Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1979-1983 and 2006-2009.

The son of a large landowner, Castro acquired left-wing, anti-imperialist views while studying law at the University of Havana. After participating in revolts against the right-wing governments of the Dominican Republic and Colombia, he attempted to overthrow the military junta of President Fulgencio Batista with a failed attack on the military town of Moncada in 1953. A year later, after his release, he headed to Mexico, where, together with Ernesto Che Guevara and his brother Raul, he organized the revolutionary July 26 Movement. Returning to Cuba, he headed guerrilla warfare against the Batista regime, which began with a landing on the coast and a move into the Sierra Maestra mountains. As Batista's position worsened, Castro gradually gained the authority of the leader of the Cuban revolution, which in 1959 led to the overthrow of Batista and the revolutionaries coming to power.

The US administration, alarmed by Castro's friendly relations with the USSR, organized a number of unsuccessful attempts on his life and imposed an economic embargo against Cuba. The peak of the confrontation was the unsuccessful military operation organized by the CIA to overthrow him in 1961. In an effort to counter these threats, Castro entered into a military and economic alliance with the USSR, allowing the latter to host nuclear missiles in Cuba, which contributed to the development of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

In 1961, Castro proclaimed the socialist nature of the Cuban revolution. Cuba became a one-party state under the leadership of the Communist Party, the first in the Western Hemisphere. The Marxist-Leninist model of development was adopted, socialist reforms were carried out, the economy was placed under centralized control, measures were taken to develop education and health care, which, at the same time, were accompanied by the establishment of state control over the media and the suppression of dissent. Hoping to overthrow global capitalism, Castro supported foreign revolutionary organizations and leftist governments in Chile, Nicaragua and Grenada, sending Cuban troops to support leftist allies in the Yom Kippur War, the Ethiopian-Somali War and civil war in Angola. These measures, combined with the activities of the Non-Aligned Movement, led to Cuba gaining prestige among developing countries. After the collapse of the USSR and CMEA, the Cuban economy found itself in a serious crisis and the so-called “special period” was introduced, accompanied by limited implementation market mechanisms in the economy, and on the international stage, strong relations have been established with a number of leftist Latin American leaders, such as Hugo Chavez. Cuba, along with Venezuela, became a co-founding country of ALBA.

On July 31, 2006, due to health reasons, Castro transferred all of his key positions to his brother Raul. On February 24, 2008, he left everything government positions, and on April 19, 2011, he resigned from the post of head of the ruling party.

Castro is a controversial figure. His supporters praised his socialist, anti-imperialist and humanist policies, commitment to environmental protection and Cuba's independence from American influence. At the same time, he is viewed by critics as a dictator whose regime violated human rights and whose policies led to the exodus of more than a million people from Cuba and the impoverishment of the country's population. Through his actions and works he significantly influenced various organizations and politicians around the world.

Today, November 26, it became known about the death of Cuban opposition leader Fidel Castro. He died at the age of 91. The last dinosaur of the outgoing communist era, a mesmerizing speaker, the ideological inspirer of all communists on the planet - that’s all he, Fidel Castro. There are many legends about him, which often contradict each other. It is impossible to give him an unambiguous description, since one part of the world community considers him a national hero, the other – the most cruel dictator. Dni.Ru remembered the most striking quotes of the legendary revolutionary.

1. “Let your homeland look at you with pride. Do not be afraid of a glorious death. To die for your homeland means to live.”

2. “History will vindicate me. You can judge me. It doesn’t matter - history will vindicate me.”

3. "Life without ideas is worth nothing. There is no greater happiness than fighting for them"

4. “Let your homeland look at you with pride. Do not be afraid of a glorious death. To die for your homeland means to live.”

5. "Revolution is not a bed of roses. Revolution is a battle between the future and the past"

6. “The United States will negotiate with us when it has a black president and a Latino becomes the Pope.”

7. “Tell me what sport you play and I’ll tell you who colonized you.”

8. “A woman in a man’s heart is a source of sacred and inviolable veneration”

9. “He who is unable to fight for others will never be able to fight for himself.”

10. “My name is Fidel Castro, and I have come to liberate Cuba.”